#I’m not very attached to her but I thought the fight was great
mareastrorum · 5 months
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atlabeth · 6 months
everything happens for a reason part 22 - zuko x fem!reader
I've been waiting on you
part 21 | masterlist | part 23
a/n: UHHH happy one year anniversary of me not updating!! i missed it by a day but honestly that's very in character. i kind of have no excuse for taking a year long break from this. lol. all i can really say is i lost all my avatar inspo and got really into a bunch of other things and poor little ehfar got left in the corner abandoned!!! but i could never abandon this it's my baby and even if it takes me 1000 years to finish it i will finish it. it's kind of embarrassing that it took so long for this to come out and it's a short filler chapter like who do i think i am.... but everyone is happy and on the beach and yn finally gets some clothes of her own after spending like 7 chapters in prison clothes. anyways enjoy (three more chapters left what?? will it take me 3 years who knows)
wc: 4.8k
warning(s): yn and zuko talk about their pasts and what theyve been through but overall this is a very fluffy chapter
chapter title from seasons (waiting on you) by future islands
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The days after their arrival back to the island passed by with relative ease. 
Y/N practiced waterbending with Katara and Aang so she could work on getting the hang of it again. She’d been close to mastery before Ba Sing Se, and her muscle memory was stronger than she realized, but prison and the months without her bending had weakened her. Zuko continued working with Aang on his firebending under the looming deadline of the comet.
Sokka and Suki trained with each other too, working on their hand to hand and sword fighting, and Y/N would occasionally join in to stay sharp on what Suki had taught her back in prison. Her time without her bending made her realize how much she relied solely on it, and she never wanted to feel defenseless again. 
They continued to share stories every night over a campfire. They all had plenty to talk about after everything they’d been through, especially when Zuko had been against them for half the time, Suki was leading the Kyoshi Warriors, and Y/N was stuck behind bars. 
And of course, Zuko and Y/N spent as much time together as they possibly could. They were practically attached at the hip—sitting together at meals, watching one another bend on their breaks, training against each other the way they used to, exploring the island together, just being with each other. After everything they’d been through, Y/N thought they deserved it. 
Eventually though, it was decided that they had to leave. Being in Fire Nation territory, even in the middle of nowhere, was risky. They were running out of food and supplies in general, and the possibility that Fire Nation ships would still somehow discover them weighed on their minds. They couldn’t afford to get caught so far into their mission, especially with the traitor prince of the Fire Nation on their side. 
Zuko’s idea, however, was possibly even riskier. 
“Ember Island?” Y/N asked hesitantly. “That’s… bold.” 
“We’re already being bold by staying in Fire Nation territory,” Zuko said. “We’re safe from Azula for now, but it’s only a matter of time before she somehow finds us again.” He shrugged. “My family’s vacation home is the last spot anyone will think to look.” 
“I think it’s a great idea,” Sokka said. “It’ll be nice to not fight for our lives for a minute before we make the final push.” 
Aang adjusted his hold on the reins—they’d already packed up Appa and started flying before Zuko proposed his idea—and shrugged. “I’m okay with it. Zuko and I will be able to keep training, and you all can relax in an actual house.”
“And we’ll be able to go to the beach!” Toph exclaimed. “I’ve been meaning to work on my sandbending. And,” she grinned, “I’m betting none of you have heard of sandball fights.”
“We’re really getting ourselves into something,” Katara said dryly. 
Y/N smiled and she leaned into Zuko’s side. He wrapped his arm around her immediately and pulled her closer.
“I’ve always wondered what Ember Island was like,” Y/N mused. “I was always so jealous when you and Azula got to go there on vacation every summer and I was stuck at the palace.” 
“You weren’t missing much,” Zuko said wryly. “Yeah, there’s beaches, but mostly it was just unbearably hot.” He frowned. “My father still made me do work even when we were supposed to be on vacation. I’ve done a lot of swordfighting here.” 
“I missed you,” she said, and she knew that she would never get tired of seeing Zuko’s cheeks flush red. 
“Really?” he asked. “Even then?” 
“Especially then,” she clarified. “It wasn’t like I had much going on for me there. The palace was extremely boring without you.” 
“Spirits, you guys are gross,” Sokka groaned as he looked out at the sky. “Suki and I haven’t been like this, have we?” 
Katara chuckled. “You definitely have. You could barely stay off of each other when you got back from the Boiling Rock.” 
“Just imagine what they were like when they first got back together,” Zuko said with a frown. 
“Neither of you can say anything,” Toph asserted. “I can hear both of your heartbeats shoot up every time you’re around Y/N and Suki.” 
Zuko scowled, Sokka’s face flushed, and Suki and Y/N just smiled at each other. 
“So Ember Island is a yes?” Aang asked. When everyone nodded in agreement, he looked at Zuko. “I’m in need of your navigation skills, Sifu Hotman.” 
He groaned. “I told you to stop calling me that.” 
“I know,” Aang said cheerfully. 
Zuko just sighed, and he kissed Y/N on the cheek before he moved to sit next to Aang. She smiled, and she let her hand hang over the side of the saddle. 
“...I guess it is nice not seeing you two argue all the time,” Sokka said after a moment. 
“It’s nice that you two aren’t moping around all the time either,” Toph added. “That was kind of annoying.” 
“Imagine how I felt,” Y/N said, though it was absent minded as her gaze stayed on Zuko. 
“I don’t have to imagine it,” Toph said. “You were very clearly mopey.” 
“And when you weren’t mopey, you were angry,” Suki contributed. “You said you were imagining Zuko’s face whenever I taught you new moves at the Boiling Rock. You beat him up a lot there.” 
Sokka and Toph laughed, but it was a moment before she said anything. It took Katara saying her name for her to turn back around, and when Y/N did, she blinked for a moment. “What?” 
Katara chuckled, glancing at Zuko before she looked back at her. “We’re just glad you’re back.” 
Her expression instantly brightened as she smiled. “I’m glad to be back.” 
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at Ember Island—and if it did, Y/N was far too busy conversing with her friends and watching Zuko for it to matter. She grimaced as she slid off of Appa, one hand taking Zuko’s and the other wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. 
“Spirits,” she mumbled, “I thought I was used to Fire Nation heat by now.” 
“Me too,” Sokka groaned. “But this is already worse than all the other places we’ve been to.” 
“Ember Island’s always been like this,” Zuko said. “The good news is that it’s Ember Island. There’s plenty of beaches—we’ve even got our own private one.” 
“Good for practicing waterbending,” Katara said with a glance at Aang. 
“Good for practicing all kinds of bending,” Zuko said. “You’re gonna need to practice your firebending every day if you want to stand a chance against my father. We’re running out of time and you’re nowhere close to being a master.” 
Aang frowned. “Way to bring down the mood, Zuko.” 
“I’m being realistic!” he defended. “You can’t just end one hundred years of war with some good luck and an optimistic mindset!” 
Sokka shrugged. “It’s worked for us so far.” 
Zuko opened his mouth to say something that would definitely cause an argument. Before he could, Y/N laughed, looping her arm through his and tugging him along. 
“Come on,” she said. “Show us around.” 
Zuko sighed, though his show of annoyance was negated as he pulled Y/N closer. “Fine. It is about time I’ve brought you here.” 
“Ugh.” Toph kicked at the sand with her foot. “I think Zuko’s just brought us along on his couples vacation.” 
“Oh, quiet,” she joked. “We’ve earned it.” 
Toph stuck her tongue out. “Doesn’t mean we can’t complain about it.” 
Y/N chuckled as they walked together, the rest of the group trailing behind them. 
“Spirits, Zuko,” Sokka marveled when they stepped inside the house. “This is huge.” 
“It is the summer home of the royal family,” he said dryly. “My father never settles for anything less than perfection. It also gave us more room to avoid each other when he was causing arguments.” 
“I can’t imagine that happened a lot,” Katara said sarcastically. 
“Never,” Zuko agreed with the same tone. “He almost burned down the place a few times.” 
Aang frowned. “Sounds like a great guy.” 
“I know you’re not a violence guy, but if there’s anyone you’d enjoy fighting, it’s my dad,” Zuko muttered. 
“I’ll do it for the good of the world,” Aang said. “Not because I’ll enjoy it.” 
Zuko grimaced and opened his mouth to say something, but Y/N interrupted once more before they could devolve into this conversation again. 
“Like Sokka said, this place is huge.” She placed a hand on Zuko’s arm. “Will we have our own rooms?” 
Zuko’s brows creased a bit, but he nodded after a moment. “Yeah. There should be enough for all of us.” 
“Suki and I can share,” Sokka said, stretching his arms out casually to reach one around Suki. She laughed and leaned her head against his chest, and he looked far too pleased with himself. “Tryna make up for lost time, y’know?” 
“Gross,” Toph scoffed. “I’ll take my own room, please.” 
Aang glanced at Katara for a moment before he cleared his throat and nodded at Zuko. “Yeah. Me too.” 
Katara was too busy looking at a mask sitting on a mantle. She picked it up and glanced back at Zuko. “What is this from?” 
“One of my mother’s favorite plays,” he said. “She was an actress before she married my father, and every time we came here, we’d always go see some shows. They gave her the mask of the lead character after the end of one production a few years ago, as thanks for her patronage.” 
“Oh, we should definitely go see a play while we’re here!” Y/N exclaimed. “I got my hands on some old play scripts when I was still working in the palace, and the other servants and I would spend hours reenacting our favorite parts.” She chuckled. “It would be nice to see actual actors do it.” 
“We should be able to carve out some time for that,” Zuko said. “Between all the training, of course.” 
“You are such a downer,” Aang groaned. 
“I’m seeing the full picture!” he defended. “We’ve still got a lot of work to do—just because we’re at our vacation home doesn’t mean we’re on vacation.”
“After all this is over, we definitely deserve a vacation,” Sokka muttered. “Before all the rebuilding and restructuring and relegislating starts…” The smile fell from his face. “Wow. We’re never gonna get a vacation.” 
“Oh, perk up, ponytail,” Toph said. “We’re going to end the endless war and defeat the undefeatable Fire Lord. If we want to take a vacation, no one can really stop us.” 
The smile reappeared with surprising quickness. “That’s true!” 
Zuko laughed softly. “Your rooms should be on the first floor. You can explore and divide the rooms yourselves. I,” he looked at Y/N, “want to show you something.”
She smiled as Zuko pulled her closer with an arm around her shoulder and made for the stairs, leaving a rapidly growing argument over room selection in their wake. 
“Do you think they’ll have decided by the time we get back down?” Zuko asked. 
Y/N shrugged. “This is the first time they’re sleeping in rooms instead of camping on the ground in… Spirits. Since Ba Sing Se, I think. I wouldn’t be surprised if they go at it all night.” 
He chuckled as they stopped in front of a room, and Zuko pushed open the door so they could walk in together. 
“This was my room whenever we came here,” he said. “I figured we could share it.” 
“This is the height of luxury,” Y/N commented, stepping out of Zuko’s embrace to run her hand over the sheets. Her lips quirked into a smile. “I can’t believe you slept on a bed like this every night.” 
“You’re telling me they don’t have this kind of stuff in the North?” Zuko asked wryly. 
“No,” she chuckled, “definitely not. We were more focused on not freezing.” 
“Well, we’re more focused on pointless displays of luxury,” he said, “so you’re not too far off.” 
Zuko ignited the tip of his finger and began lighting candles around the room, and Y/N glanced at him with amusement as she sat down on the bed. 
“Mood lighting,” he explained with the sliver of a smile. “I think we deserve some time alone after the past few days.” 
She pressed a hand to her chest. “You know the way straight to my heart.” 
Once he was done he sat down next to her, and Y/N intertwined their hands together and pulled him down so they were laying on their backs. She rested her head on Zuko’s chest and he moved his arm around her to keep her close, tracing lazy circles on her shoulder. 
“Wonderful mattress,” she sighed. “So this was what you were up to while I was sewing clothes and doing endless loads of laundry.” 
“I thought about you a lot more than you probably think,” Zuko said. She turned her head a bit to look at him, slightly surprised, and he shrugged. “Honestly? When we were kids, I thought about you pretty much constantly. My father always told me not to talk to servants, but I didn’t see you as anything other than my friend. You were… kind of my only normal friend.” 
“Well, you were kind of my only friend, period. All the other servants were way older—they just felt like a different version of my mom.” Y/N’s gaze rose to the ceiling. “I wonder how they’re all doing.” 
“They should be okay,” Zuko said. “No one really caused as much trouble as we did.” 
Y/N laughed as her gaze flitted around the room, taking in all the details. A portrait of the royal family hung on the wall, while a much smaller, lone portrait of Zuko sat on a desk in the corner. He didn’t look very happy, but she couldn’t imagine sitting for that many paintings as a child was fun. What looked to be a half-finished message sat on the desk, the ends of the scroll rolling up and obscuring most of the inked letters. A neat stack of towels and blankets were on top of a clothing chest in the other corner, and she chuckled a bit. In her experience of doing his laundry in their youth, it seemed to be something he still hadn’t grown out of. 
“I can practically see little Zuko running in here after a day at the beach,” she mused. “The ends of his clothes singed from fighting with Azula, his hair drenched from swimming, getting sand all over the sheets.” 
“I wasn’t that messy of a child,” he complained. “I… I did come home with my clothes singed a couple times, though.” 
She chuckled. “I know. My mother had to fix a lot of your outfits because of it.” 
“It’s not my fault that ‘hide and blast’ was her idea of fun!” he defended. 
“Hide and blast?” 
“One person hides, the other person searches. By… blasting fire everywhere.” Zuko shook his head. “I don’t know all kids around the Fire Nation were as crazy as us or if Azula invented it herself.” 
“...Yeah,” Y/N said with a slight laugh. “We definitely didn’t play that in my village.” 
“Of course you didn’t,” he said. “None of you were firebenders.” 
“I was the only waterbender in the village though,” she said. “There were a couple other earthbender kids, but it made me feel so special. We would always play together and try to mix our bending together.” A small yet wistful smile tugged at her lips. “That feels like forever ago, though.” 
“I know what you mean,” Zuko murmured. “I was banished three years ago, but a lifetime has changed since then.” 
“For the better?” Y/N murmured. 
She could feel Zuko nod. “Definitely.” 
Their door was then pushed open more, and Suki poked her head in through the gap. A grin appeared on her face at their closeness. 
“I see the lovebirds are making themselves at home,” she mused. 
Y/N laughed as she sat up, pulling Zuko with her. She smiled at the sight of his flushed cheeks. “We’re trying.” 
“We believe in knocking here in the Fire Nation,” Zuko grumbled. 
“The door was open,” Suki said cheerfully. “And I’d like to steal your girl for an afternoon outing.” 
Her eyebrows shot up. “What for?” 
“Well, I’d like to explore the island some, and I figure we’re the lowest profile out of our whole group,” she said. “We’ve also missed out on some shopping while we were stuck in prison—we’ve gotta get our hands on some Fire Nation clothes.” 
Y/N’s eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea! Leya’s dress is beautiful, but Earth Kingdom clothing sticks out a bit more than I want.” 
“And I’m in literal prison clothes,” Suki said. “The sooner we’re in red, the better.” 
“That’s… probably smart,” Zuko amended. “There’s some gold pieces in my bag. It should be more than enough for both of you.” 
“Are you sure?” Y/N frowned. “You don’t have to—” 
“You think I didn’t take a bunch of money from the palace before I left?” Zuko asked wryly. “Don’t worry about it.” 
Suki’s smile grew. “Just call it reparations.” 
Zuko huffed a laugh, but Y/N cut him off as she pulled him in for a kiss. 
“You’ll be alright while we’re gone?” 
“Of course,” he said. “This is my home, after all. If anything, I should be asking you that.” 
“I’ve got the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors with me,” Y/N said. “If anyone decides to mess with us, it’s going to be their problem—not ours.” 
Suki laughed and gestured with her head, and Y/N stood up and started walking backwards. “I’ll see you later—try to have some fun here.” 
“I don’t have fun,” he called out as she was walking out, and she just shook her head with a smile. 
“You’re really dating a ball of sunshine there, aren’t you?” Suki joked. 
Y/N bit back her growing smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
The rest of the day went by in a breeze. 
Y/N and Suki spent a few hours in town, chatting and shopping and even doing some reconnaissance at the end, just to make sure they were truly undercover at the vacation home. Doing rookie spy work with a Kyoshi Warrior was surprisingly just as fun as the shopping part—and after what she and Zuko did to free her village, it was surprisingly easy. 
The sun was still high in the sky when they got back, dressed head to toe in Fire Nation finery. Zuko and Aang were in the midst of training when the two of them went around back to find their friends, and when he saw Y/N, his fire died out and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. 
(“Yeah,” Zuko had stammered when she asked his opinion, “You look really good.”
“Thanks,” she said, and she felt the heat rush to her cheeks. “I feel pretty good.”
“Fire Nation clothes suit you,” he said, and he pulled her into a kiss. “It’s about time you’ve gotten some.”
“Technically, I wore them for a few months,” she said wryly. “Prison clothes and all.”
Zuko scoffed. “That doesn’t count.”
“And I wore them for most of my childhood,” she mused. “Servant clothes and all.” 
“That counts even less!” he insisted. 
“But thank you,” Y/N finally said with a smile. “I was hoping you would like them.” 
It was an effort to bite back her joy every time Zuko would sneak a look at her while they continued their training.) 
The rest of the day was just mostly spent getting used to everything. The last time the vacation home had been occupied was when Zuko, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee visited, so a lot of adjustments needed to be made. 
Katara insisted on washing all the sheets, and Y/N decided to join in because of her waterbending—Aang wanted to talk with Katara, Zuko wanted to be with Y/N, Toph wanted to ask him a bunch of questions about Ember Island, and Sokka didn’t want to be left out, so soon enough, the seven of them were all sitting on the steps of the house doing laundry and telling stories. 
Soon enough, the sun had set and the house had been cleaned what felt like ten times over. Everyone had retired to their own devices except for Y/N and Zuko, who were walking along the shore arm in arm. 
“I think I like beaches,” she mused. “The nearest ocean had no beach back home, and all we had in the North was ice. You Fire Nation folk are lucky.” 
Zuko chuckled. “I don’t know if it’s luck. We’re just one big island with a lot of humidity.” 
“Still,” she leaned her head on his shoulder, “it’s nice. We should visit here together once all this is over.” 
“Of course,” he nodded. “I know I’m going to be the Fire Lord if all goes well, but there’s going to be a lot of diplomacy trips.” She felt his eyes on her. “You can join me on all of them.” 
“Of course,” she repeated. “The Fire Lord’s Earth Kingdom-born, waterbending girlfriend will be so welcome.” 
“If you’ve learned one thing through all of this, it should be that I don’t care what anyone thinks when it comes to you,” Zuko said. “I want you there with me. You want to be there with me. That’s reason enough.” 
Y/N chuckled, and she ran her thumb over Zuko’s knuckles. His hands housed callouses, borne from hundreds of hours of explosive firebending and sword-fighting and years of life on the road. She always wondered how hands that treated her so softly, that revered her, were so capable of violence. 
“I know there’s going to be a lot of expectations for us,” she said. “Especially once you take the throne. But I— I’d like to take things as slow as we can.” 
“Of course.” Zuko squeezed her hand, his brows creasing. “I don’t care what anyone says or wants or expects. I love you, Y/N—we’ll go at our own pace.” 
“It’s just because we’ve spent the past year trying to kill each other,” Y/N said with a nervous laugh. “If we could spend this next year being in love with each other, that would be really great.” 
That actually got a laugh out of Zuko, and he gestured with his head towards the sand. When they sat down, he pulled her into his side. They fit perfectly together. 
“Don’t worry,” he murmured. “I think we’ve already gotten a headstart on that.”
“Good,” she said. 
Y/N sighed as she moved closer into Zuko’s embrace, his warmth a shield from the cool night breeze. She’d always run cold, and having a personal hearth made things much easier. 
“I wish we didn’t have to go through so much to end up with each other,” she murmured. 
“Believe me,” Zuko sighed, “I know.” 
“But my mother always told me that everything happens for a reason,” Y/N said. “And… I guess she’s right. Because I don’t think we would be here if all this hadn’t happened.” Something inside of her twisted, and though she tried to suppress it, the words came out before she could really think about it. “And sometimes I— I wonder why I’m still here.” 
He frowned slightly, allowing a short glance down at her. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean… you know what I’ve had to go through to get here. My village, the palace, the North, this journey with Aang, the capital prison, the Boiling Rock…” she shook her head. “Countless others have died or gotten hurt trying to protect me or save me. Our group— we were the first ones ever to escape from the Boiling Rock. So why do I get to be here? Why is my father gone, but I’m still here? I don’t deserve it more than he did. I certainly don’t deserve it more than Yue. So… I don’t know. Sometimes I just can’t understand why I’m the one that got to make it when so many others haven’t.” 
“Don’t say that,” Zuko urged. 
“It’s not the way you think,” Y/N said honestly. “It just feels like we’ve beaten every single odd.” 
“Maybe we have,” he said, “but it’s certainly not out of luck, or chance.” Zuko took her hand and intertwined their fingers together, giving her hand a squeeze. “You fought every step of the way to get here—a lot of the time, you were fighting against me. You’ve earned every good thing you’ve gotten, Y/N, and I think I might spend the rest of my life trying to be someone worthy of you.” 
“Zuko,” she lamented, “you already are.” 
“It’s not the way you think,” he echoed wryly. “I’ve loved you since the beginning, and despite everything, you still love me too. You kept giving me chances because you believed in me for some stupid reason. I wouldn’t be where I am without that—without you. I want to be the best version of myself every day so you know you made the right choice.” 
Y/N felt the heat rush to her cheeks as she smiled, squeezing his hand back. Nowadays, they were almost always touching in some way. Tonight reminded her why—she never felt more comforted, more at peace, then when she was with Zuko. 
“You… kind of just hit my next point,” she said with a nervous chuckle, curling into his side further. 
“Don’t tell me it’s more self-doubt,” Zuko said. 
“I can’t help it!” she defended. “I— I just have to make sure.” 
“Of what?” 
“That…” Y/N paused, her mouth suddenly dry. “That I’m still the one you want. Even after all that’s happened. After all that’s going to happen.” 
Zuko frowned, and he took her other hand, lacing their fingers together.  “Of course. Y/N, it’s always been you. It’s been true forever, even if I haven’t always known it.” 
“It’s not going to be easy,” she said softly. “I’m Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom. Your people aren’t just going to accept that, especially with you as their leader.” 
Zuko actually laughed at that, and he gave her a sideways smile. Months ago, staring into his hardened eyes used to bring her close to tears. Seeing him smile now, reassuring doubts that seemed so pointless in the face of his love—even after everything, Y/N considered herself the luckiest girl in the world. 
“Y/N, we’ve gone across the whole world doing things no one ever has,” Zuko said. “The seven of us are going to end a war that’s been going on for a century. Aang is going to defeat my father, and he shouldn’t even be alive. We’ve beat every single odd against us. I think getting my people to like you will be the easiest thing we have to handle.” 
“You think so?” she asked. The tension had dissolved some from her shoulders, her worries dissuading with each honeyed word. 
“I know so,” Zuko assured. “I’m gonna have to change the Fire Nation from the ground up. There’s no one else I’d want by my side while I do it. My people will see you the way I do, and they’ll love you just as much.” 
Y/N leaned closer and pressed a kiss to his lips. Sometimes she still couldn’t get over the fact that she could just… do that. Just kiss him, just smile with him, just be happy with him. Yue shone down on them as she pulled away, Zuko’s features glowing in the moonlight, and Y/N hoped her friend knew she was so much of the reason she’d gotten here. 
Happiness seemed out of reach, out of her cards entirely, for such a long time, and when she had it, it always felt like such a precarious thing. Sometimes she still remembered those days in the tea shop, the night in the catacombs. 
But with Zuko finally by her side, it was a tangible thing. Something she deserved. Something she already had. 
“We’ll do it all together,” she murmured. 
“Together,” Zuko agreed. 
And she laid back down on the sand, bringing Zuko with her. He pulled her closer, tucked into his side as he wrapped his arm around her. They laid there in silence, Zuko’s warmth heating her from the inside out, staring up at the starry night sky and reveling in the feeling of just being with each other. 
i'll tag ppl here because it's been uhhhhhh fucking YEAR and everyone's prob forgotten it exists and i also did tag lists while this was coming out but please do not ask to be added bc i dont do them anymore!!
ehfar tags: @chandies-sideblog @zacatecanaaaa @anzanity @randomthingssssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @whats-my-question @selfship-mishaps @ilistentotayswifttocope @i-make-questionable-choices @3leni @thatobsessedreader @lostgreekgod @oriontingz @zerode-unhinged @badpvn @mimi-sanisanidiot @adhdhufflepuff @aquaamethyst96 @hollyismentallyillhelp @holypoetrygarden @islandgayneery @pitrii-petra @jinxed-jk @veras-fanfic-reblogs @cloud-9ine @lucifersidepiece @kiskzawagnerwhore @froggi-00 @eajalova @mrsyixingunicorn10 @xxxxxxdelenaxxxxxx @cafesho @the-natureofme @whoevenfrickinknows @a-bit-late @zukowantshishonourback @settlebackeasy @jemssafespace @wildwallflower24 @calmoistorm @mich1551-blog @inutheangel @sagemastah @avrilh
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Forgotten Demon Twin 9/?
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Danny came face-to-face with green eyes.
Damian was here.
“Hey Val, can we have that order to go?”
Tucker and Sam looked toward where Danny’s attention was and immediately understood. They looked at each other before turning toward the half-ghost, worried.
“Sure thing,” Valerie said while looking a bit confused. Curiosity swam in her eyes. Sam paid for the food, and they stood to the side, silent.
“Hey Fenturd!”
Danny sighed. He really didn’t want to deal with Dash right now, especially with Damian watching.
“What do you want, Dash?”
“Because of you, I got thrown earlier. It’s time for me to return the favor,” he said while hitting his left hand with his right fist.
From the corner of his eyes, Danny saw the man, Dick, hold Damian down. His twin brother looked livid.
“Can we do this later,” he asked, “I’m not in the mood, Dash. I’ve had a pretty shitty day.”
“And it’s about to get worse.”
Danny didn’t even try to dodge the fist. He had to keep his cover, after all. It’s not as if Dash’s hit hurt anyway. His grandfather, hell, Damian has hit him harder than Dash ever could. Danny instinctively closed his eyes.
The hit never came.
When he opened his eyes, Dick held Dash’s fist.
“I think that’s enough, don’t you?”
Dick was glaring at Dash, and holy shit did he look scary. Well, he was a vigilante.
Dash flinched a bit and then backed off. But not before giving Danny a murderous look. Great, something else he would have to deal with at school. Why did these people have to show up and mess with his life? He had been doing fine until they decided to meddle.
“Here’s your order,” Valerie said. She stared at Dick and then toward Danny.
“Danyal, how could you let trash like that bother you? We taught you better than that.”
Danny scowled and ignored his twin, “Thanks, Val.”
He got the order and walked out of the diner with Sam and Tucker following behind him. It didn’t deter Damian.
“Dami,” the man, Dick, said his brother’s name in a warning tone. Who would’ve thought the precious heir would ever allow anyone to talk to him that way?
Danny felt a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He didn’t think. He took the hand and flipped the person attached to it. Unfortunately, Damian didn’t land on his ass but did a flip in the air before landing on his feet in a crouch.
People were staring at him. His classmates were pointing and whispering to each other. Fuck! So much for keeping a low profile. He could imagine the gossip being born.
“What do you want,” Danny asked, “You’re just ruining the life I’ve made here.”
“I want you to come home, Danyal. You belong with father and me.”
Damian saw Danyal’s face darken with anger.
“It’s Danny. And I already have a dad. His name is Jack Fenton. Leave me alone, Damian Wayne.”
“Did he just say ‘Wayne’?” People were muttering and looking through their phones. Some were even taking pictures.
“Tt,” so much for a low profile.
“Not so fun to have your cover blown, is it akhi?”
Danyal left with his two friends, leaving Damian behind.
John Constantine, Hellblazer, occult detective, the Laughing Magician, was not having a good time before the Bat called. Batman told John about the Anti-Ecto Acts, and he could feel himself getting an aneurism.
Who the fuck decided that putting a hit out on the denizens of the Infinite Realms was a good idea? He knew it was against them because only creatures from the Infinite Realms produced and used ectoplasm. He didn’t know much about Infinite Realms, so he sat down with as many books as he could find.
John took a swig of scotch straight from the bottle. Then, he started researching.
Contrary to what most people thought, John spent more time in books and doing research than fighting monsters and demons. He had told Bats to give him a few hours to learn more.
What he found worried him. There were very few weaknesses that these so-called ghosts had. Some of them had never been human, to begin with, and were personifications of concepts. Dreams, time, nature. They were more akin to gods.
And the bloody US government had basically declared war on these beings.
John sighed as he turned the page to the book he was reading. It was going to be a long day.
Hmm, maybe he should call for some help. Deadman might know more about the ghosts of the Infinite Realms.
Making up his mind, John started the ritual to summon the other members of Justice League Dark. Besides, what’s the point of being part of a team if you don’t get help occasionally?
Danny had decided to leave his friends behind. He just wanted to be alone. After what happened in Nasty Burger, Danny felt tired.
He opened the door to his house and was met with Vlad’s smirking face.
“Hello, Dann-o! Vlad decided to come visit us,” his dad said with feigned enthusiasm. That was a first.
His mom came from the kitchen holding cups of hot tea.
“I can see that,” Danny said, “to what do we owe this?”
“Oh, you know, I’ve found out some interesting things and wanted to make sure secrets weren’t being spilled. Yowch!”
Danny suppressed a giggle. His mom ‘accidentally’ dropped some of the tea on Vlad’s crotch.
“Oh, I am so sorry about that. Let me go get a clean towel for you.”
“I’ll be in my room,” Danny said as the chaos unfolded. Besides, he wanted to know why Plasmius was here. He knew the moment he locked himself in his room, a duplicate of the older halfa would be there.
Lo and behold, he had been right.
“So, Daniel, or should I say Danyal? It’s time we talked, hmm?”
Danny tensed. Vlad knew.
@itsberrydreemurstuff @youracearocroatneighbour @imsotiredfanficlovertm @nek0mancer
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cookii-moon · 6 months
Introducing… the Perfectly Neurotypical Ninja!!!
(I had an idea and thought it’d be funny)
our first incredibly neurotypical ninja is…
✨ JAY! ✨
Has zero volume control whatsoever
He can NOT be quiet for the life of him
There is no way he doesn’t have some form of anxiety disorder
Like his entire panic and fear definitely seem like anxiety to me
Has a plushie he still sleeps with for comfort and is emotionally attached to (which is super real of him honestly)
Panic attacks
He DEFINITELY has hyperfixations
Have you just seen him in general
That one short where he just starts running around on the roof
Also that one time he and Kai were supposed to train and got distracted by competition (Actually this could probably apply to all the ninja because they do this type of thing all the time)
Got so hyperfixated on dancing games that he learnt how to dance
I don’t think he can sit still it just doesn’t seem possible to me
(I’m not a Jay fan so I can’t point to much else off the top of my head but we’re all in agreement there’s no way he’s neurotypical right?)
Okay never mind, our FIRSt neurotypical ninja is…
✨ COLE! ✨
Talks to himself. A lot.
No seriously he talks to himself so much
Professional school dropout
Gets along great with animals and people who don’t fit in
Probably has owned a pet. Or five. (Probably a cat or a reptile) (he came around to them eventually and now he loves them) (dogs are too energetic and loud)
Most likely has depression
Definitely has sensory issues there’s no way he doesn’t
That one time he nearly had a breakdown from being overwhelmed. (Points to core shorts)
Dislikes metaphors (canon)
Wears the exact same hoodie without fail in every single episode where he has to wear civilian clothing (I think it’s a comfort thing at this point)
Probably taught himself several different ninja things he had no need to learn (why can he fight with a sword and nunchucks when he never uses either of them outside of a single special) (this also applies to shields and staffs and throwing stars but those are at least practical)
He says it’s to prepare but really he did it for fun
Has somehow not discovered his ninja special interest yet
(he physically can’t do anything else it’s too boring) (even when he’s not ninjaing he needs to practice once a day minimum or else he explodes)
Dances when happy/excited (definitely not a stim)
Immediately starts telling Jay about dancing when he enters the contest in a very excited manner (definitely not infodumping)
Has caused several misunderstandings due to bad social skills (he can NOT read the room for the life of him)
His best friend is Jay.
(even if he’s not autistic there’s no way this guy is neurotypical.)
(these are not the actions of a neurotypical person we’re all in agreement of that right)
Whoops… uh…never mind…our FIRST!!!! Neurotypical ninja…
✨ NYA! ✨
Terrified of failure
Like it haunts her she does NOT want to fail she has an entire arc devoted to it
Has a hard time letting go of things (she holds grudges A LOT)
This also includes things of sentimental value like Samurai X
Change is difficult for her just in general
SUPER stubborn
Definitely has a schedule that she envisions in her head but forgets to tell everyone else
(that short where she planned to spend time with Jay but he was going to the arcade)
Short temper especially on bad days
The more I write this the more I realize how little characterization she actually gets for most of the series
Justice for Nya honestly
(I’m assigning her neurodivergence I don’t care how short this is)
(I think autistic. But spicy.)
(probably also anxiety or OCD)
(do you see the vision)
….Okay so maybe not that one either- Uh… our FIRST!!! Neurotypical !!! Ninja!!!
✨ KAI! ✨
Has anger issues. Probably.
Super impulsive
No like incredibly impulsive. Ultra impulsive.
Craves attention but has really bad self worth issues
Hinges his worth on his powers (not healthy)
Wanted to be useful so badly that he convinced himself he’d get powers if he drop kicked Garmadon (it did not work)
Did I mention anger issues
Wants to be useful so he can protect!!!
That one time he and Jay were supposed to be training and-
Has zero patience
(I don’t know what flavor of neurodivergent he is but he’s neurodivergent somehow)
(once again I don’t pay attention to Kai there’s definitely more)
…Okay so this time for sure. Introducing FOR SURE our FIRST neurotypical ninja….
✨ ZANE! ✨
Do I even need to say anything
The entire episode “Home”
Social skills
Taking things literal
That one canon (?) book where he apparently has flashbacks to the ice emperor (im calling OCD or PTSD on that one Zane)
Also that one time he locked away bad memories in decoded (decoded is canon to me and the reason for that is mainly because it actually references ghost Cole (iirc) which is a miracle)
Yeah I think he has PTSD
that one time he hyperfixated on and roleplayed as a detective and then a pirate
probably more. Maybe.
That one’s a robot he’s disqualified. The FIRST, FOR SURE, NO MISTAKES, neurotypical ninja is…
✨ LLOYD! ✨
The fact he apparently has so much of starfarer memorized that he can nearly win a quiz contest thingy and the only thing that stopped him from doing that was that he hadn’t read a brand new limited edition issue
starfarer in general he is not normal about starfarer
Way too trusting for his own good
I would be more surprised if he didn’t have some sort of disorder considering everything he’s gone through
hes got to have at least something related to his trauma right
(This one is way shorter because. Again. Not a Lloyd fan. but. I think the starfarer thing is enough to push him into probably not neurotypical territory.)
(most kids do not know the entire plot and all the fun facts to a long running comic book series by heart)
Are you kidding me none of them are neurotypical?
Okay ne- what do you mean the last one
there’s those ones over there!!!! *points to Arin, Sora and wyldfyre*
Oh wait they’re also neurodivergent?
…..uuuuugh shows canceled then…. Sigh… Guess I’ll start up the Incredibly Neurodivergent Ninja show instead.
(disclaimer this is a joke)
(but they are all neurodivergent that part isn’t)
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mrs-snape5984 · 7 months
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“I will love you unconditionally…”
“Come just as you are to me, don't need apologies. Know that you are worthy!” (“Unconditionally” by Katy Perry)
Feathers. Feathers everywhere. The teenagers were panting heavily from their previous childish pillow-fight, staring at each other with red, sweaty faces. But something about the whole mood seemed to change…shifting into something else…something unfamiliar. The sudden tension between Severus and Julia became palpable, wavering in thick air. His voice cut the awkward silence between them. “What is this all about, Jules?” Brushing the cheeky strand of hair - which seemed to have a life on its own…always falling over his left eye - out of his face, Severus glanced at her, narrowing his eyes. He didn’t know, what to think about her latest antics. Would she be the next person, who would abandon him? He knew it…he shouldn’t have gotten too attached to her….he shouldn’t have allowed her to break through his walls. “You’re pathetic, Severus!”, he scolded himself internally, coursing his heart for this feeling of hope, that he had given permission to grow in his chest. “You should have known better than that.”
“Sevy, I…”, her voice broke mid sentence, when she recognised the familiar expressions of annoyance and disappointment in his face. No…this was not supposed to happen! This was the moment, when Julia knew, that she couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She couldn’t lose him! Her friend! Her companion through thick and thin! Taking a deep breath, Julia took his hand in hers and revealed her deepest feelings for him. It was now or never!
“Sevy, from the very first moment, when I've seen you in the Great Hall...this way too skinny, raven haired boy with his adorably crooked nose and those beautiful - and yet so sad - obsidian eyes...l've been fallen head over heels for you!”, she blurted out…feeling her heart beating up to her throat. There was no way back for her now, that was for sure.
“Jules…what…”, but before Severus could react to her blunt confession, Julia stopped him from talking, shaking her head vigorously. “Listen to me, Sevy! Let me explain this to you. It’s…it’s your soul!”, she stuttered nervously, stumbling over her own words.
“Your soul has always seemed to be surrounded by some kind of magnetic field, Sevy. And my poor soul is constantly lingering on it…desperately trying to get attached to yours.” Julia’s cheeks went scarlet, but it was too late…she couldn’t stop herself from confessing her feelings to her best friend anymore.
“I’m like a goddamn moth…”, she uttered nervously, “and you…you’re the light! I…I can’t help myself…you…you’re all, I can think about!”
„I am…the light?“ Severus was speechless. Never would he have considered himself as a light…and especially not as a light to someone! But he couldn’t say anything further to his best friend‘s confession…not since Julia just didn’t stop talking!
„I don't expect anything from you, Severus. My love for you is…unconditionally…and…undeniably.“, she continued with her flow of words. This wasnt new to Severus, he knew Julia’s habit of losing herself in an endless stream of rhapsody over the most random things. But he had never expected to become the subject of her rambling speech…and she still didn’t come to an end!
„I will find you inside your own darkness, Severus...no matter, where you are…no matter, where you’re hiding yourself from the world! I want to be the light, that leads you home. I will break through the cage, you've built around yourself. And I won't ever let you go!“, declared Julia boldly before she interrupted herself, holding her breath. Suddenly, there was only one thought left in her mind: “Oh no…what have I done?!”
This was a little snippet from one of my more innocent stories, which I’m writing in my sleepless nights in order to cope with my own situation…and gosh, I’m so fucking nervous to share this with you all for the very first time.
Even though I’m someone, who always seemed to be quite self-confident towards others, I’m only a very insecure and overly sensitive person on the inside. My whole life, there was always one thought in the back of my head: What if I’m not good enough? What if I’m nothing but a failure?
And since I’m struggling with this cruel disease ME/CFS, which completely cuts me off from the life, I’ve used to known…my insecurities and vulnerabilities are growing even deeper. So, this is a sign of trust, you wonderful people of Snapedom! I’m trusting you with a tiny piece of my heart…a tiny piece of my true self.
My friend, the wonderfully talented artist @snake-queen7, drew this beautiful artwork of Sevy and Jules in the middle of their pillow-fight….and you did a fantastic job, my dear! Thank you for letting my fantasies come to life…for allowing me to feel alive again through your excellent art!
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
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Empty Spaces || Lando Norris x ex!Reader
Summary: Lando and Y/N broke up a few months ago but can’t seem to stay away from each other. 
Song: affection - BETWEEN FRIENDS 
Warnings: Implied smut and mentions of sex. Swearing and a lil’ bit of angst. 
Word Count: 3.2k
a/n: I told y’all I’m in my Lando era! please listen to the above song if you have a minute; it really describes how I imagined the characters to feel during this oneshot. enjoy! 
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"I love you." 
“No, you don’t.”  
Those three fateful words rolled off of Lando's tongue too easily. The flick of the L, the rounding of the O, teeth meeting at the V, it was like muscle memory for him. It was easy to say he loved her when she was lying naked in his bed, her chest rising and falling slowly, hair splayed across the pillow. It was like Groundhog Day for them. They’d fuck, followed by an awkward silence, followed by Y/N rushing to the bathroom then returning with her eyes glued to the floor. She’d lie on the very edge of the bed as far away from him as possible and try to catch her breath whilst she thought about every reason why she shouldn’t have let it happen again. 
The thing about sleeping with an ex is that it’s just too easy. It’s not simple, but so. damn. easy. You eliminate the trouble of meeting someone new and pretending to care about their family dog, or their little niece who just took her first steps. Instead, you’re able to climb on top of, or lie beneath probably one of the only people in the world who know exactly what you want and exactly how you want it. And in those few moments when it’s just two bodies messily colliding, the people within those bodies don’t need to think about the terrible decision they’re making. Lando had certainly never regretted a thing with Y/N’s legs wrapped around his waist. 
She liked to call their little liaisons ‘accidents’. In her mind, showing up to his door with a bottle of wine in less than acceptable clothing was nothing more than a mishap. The temporary fun and the need for familiarity completely clouded her judgement, at least until the deed was done. Being beneath Lando delayed the agonising process of getting over him. Regrettable sex was somehow less painful than facing their reality and accepting that they were no longer meant for each other. How were the two supposed to let go of the person they’d once considered to be their soulmate? 
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“You’re hogging the bottle again.” Y/N groaned, reaching over to snatch the wine from Lando’s grasp. 
“That just proves I need it more.” 
Drinking had become a great distraction for them. The sex was a distraction from the breakup, and the booze was a distraction from the sex, and they couldn’t have one without the other. 
Y/N laid on the floor whilst Lando sat propped against the wardrobe with one elbow resting on his knee. He plucked at the carpet absentmindedly, the friction reddening the tips of his fingers. His eyes wandered around the room and Y/N watched on, wondering what was going through his head. Was he overthinking everything just as much as she was? 
After four months of back and forth fighting, they’d fallen out of sync. No amount of love or history shared could protect them from the inevitable. They made each other miserable, and as much as they tried to fix and talk through it, it wasn’t enough. It was when Y/N failed to show up for the Spanish Grand Prix that Lando realised it was really over. Every time their schedules aligned, he’d bought her a plane ticket and tracked her flight until the very second she landed. Spain was no different, despite the condition their relationship was in. She’d gotten the email as usual, the PDF attached and a little ‘can’t wait to see you’ message from Lando. It was the first time the message had felt like a lie. He couldn’t possibly be excited to see her, and she knew seeing him would crush her completely. She had to change her phone wallpaper to one of the default landscapes to avoid staring at his face every time she got a text. 
Y/N grimaced as she sipped the wine, pulling the bottle back to read the label. After polishing off the petrol station’s finest Malbec, the best Lando could offer was a bottle of Pinot Grigio he found in the back of the cabinet, which was evidently not her favourite. Despite her distaste, she went back for another swig, swallowing hard so the liquid would barely graze her tongue. 
Silence fell between them, not awkward but filled with uncertainty. Lando’s head was littered with questions, but he found it almost impossible to focus with her sprawled out on his floor, legs bare and his t-shirt hardly covering her. He wanted to climb on top of her, crawl all over her and devour every inch until she was crying and begging him to take her back and love her all over again. Realistically, he knew it wouldn’t work and they’d never go back to how they used to be, but he didn’t know how to let go. A selfish part of him wanted to hold on and keep her around, despite just how much it was hurting them both. Every time he let those words slip out, they left a sour taste in his mouth, and a bruise on Y/N’s heart. She couldn’t stand hearing those words uttered when they had no weight behind them, but she’d much rather take those over no words at all.
The first time she’d showed up to his apartment after hours, it felt like he’d somehow wished her into existence. It had been a particularly hard weekend following tons of media appearances and unwelcome questions. Sometimes it felt like he couldn’t do anything right by the media; even an improved performance in Austria wasn’t enough to get them off his back. Having a thousand people congratulate him felt great, but there were always people whispering in the background - it was a one-off. It was a fluke! McLaren can’t keep giving this kid so many chances. 
Arriving back in the UK ready for Silverstone was bittersweet, as his excitement was clouded by the pressure and prying eyes of fans, reporters, and everyone in between. He didn’t know who he could turn to as his feelings felt so trivial, and it crossed his mind just how easy it once was to talk to Y/N and offload everything that had been weighing him down. It was strange for her not to be there, so when the notification pinged on his phone that there had been movement detected by the Ring camera, he was surprised to see her standing on his doorstep. The image was blurry but it was unmistakably Y/N, as she rocked back and forth on her heels, one hand clutching a bottle, the other tucked into the pocket of her - Lando’s - hoodie. 
“I uh, saw the result from Austria.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“You did great. Really uh… Fuck, I don’t know what I’m doing here.” 
“Neither do I.” 
Unsure what to say, she thrust the bottle into Lando’s chest and he felt forced to take it. “Thank you… I guess.” 
“Yeah.” She hesitated for a second, hands coming up as if she was ready to speak, but instead she turned and started to walk away. 
“Yeah?” She spun quickly, looking back at the doors that once led into her home; looking back at the man she’d once considered to be her home. 
“What are you doing here?” 
He wasn’t sure he wanted the answer. She wasn’t sure she really had one. Something in her told her that she needed to see him, and before she could think it through, she was already halfway down the motorway with the bottle of Rosé she’d been given on her last birthday rolling across the backseats. 
That night, he made the mistake of inviting her inside and popping open the bottle to pour them both a larger than average glass. He made the mistake of confiding in her, telling her everything about the Austrian Grand Prix and how it still welcomed unpleasant press despite his P4 result. He made the mistake of hugging her, sinking into her chest and inhaling the scent that once grounded him and reminded him he was safe. He didn’t mean to kiss her, and she didn’t mean to run her hands through his curls as she kissed him back. She wasn’t supposed to push his shorts down and climb on top of him on the sofa, and he never should have whispered how much he’d missed her as he came inside her.  
After his podium at Silverstone, Y/N had frequented his apartment a lot in the two weeks before he left for Hungary. The first time was to ‘congratulate’ him and he was more than happy to celebrate with her on her knees before him. They couldn’t stay away from each other after that. As long as they had alcohol in their systems, they couldn’t seem to control their urges. It was when the effects wore off that the regret started to seep in. 
They didn’t miss each other outside of the intimacy and affection. There was nothing left to mourn about their tumultuous relationship; the constant fights and distance keeping them apart. Y/N tried to attend as many races as possible, but a race weekend wasn’t exactly ideal for spending time with her boyfriend. He was far too busy on the track, and she was often left to mingle with strangers or keep herself occupied at the hospitality unit. The most quality time she got with him was being there when he passed out in their hotel room, leaving her to order room service and eat it quietly in the corner alone. 
“Can you come here?” 
Gently taking the bottle from her hand, Lando placed it on the drawers before lying down beside her on the ground. The carpet rubbed harshly against his back as he wriggled to get comfortable. The two laid flat, staring up at the ceiling where a light bulb had recently gone out that Lando had meant to change. Y/N had joked about it creating mood lighting a couple weeks ago, and that one little remark had stopped him from taking the new bulb out of its box. 
Hesitantly, she walked her fingers along the carpet until they met his. The slight touch made heat rush through Lando’s hand and up his arm, and his chest tightened as she linked her little finger with his. She didn’t have it in her to hold his hand properly. She thought if she did, all the hurt and sadness would flood to the surface and she’d be a sobbing mess on the floor. As much as they craved each other’s touch, joining hands felt too intimate compared to having sex. The smaller, softer touches terrified them.  
“I think we should stop this.” Y/N thought out loud. 
“You think we should?”
“I think we need to.” She turned her head, Lando turning his at the same time. He tightened his grip on her finger, dreading the feeling of her letting go. This wasn’t the first time they’d tried to have this conversation, but the very same sick feeling still swirled around in his stomach. If they stopped this, they’d have to promise never to see one another again, and neither were sure they could do that.
“Okay? Is that all you’re going to say? Okay?” She propped herself up on her elbows and he followed, mirroring her. 
“What else do you want me to say? I can’t beg you to keep doing this.” 
But that was exactly what she wanted. She hated how disassociated they’d become, and how having sex had moulded into some fucked up routine they couldn’t get out of. She wanted to feel something, for it all to mean something but it didn’t. It really was just sex. Just seriously messed up sex between two exes that couldn’t face the facts and let the breakup be final. All the times he’d accidentally said he missed her or loved her had been exactly that - accidents. 
“I just… I don’t know what this is, what it means.” Her voice got stuck in her throat as if something was telling her to keep her feelings to herself. 
“I thought we agreed it meant nothing.” 
“Did we? Or did we just say that to make ourselves feel better?” 
She sat up, scooting to sit against the bed frame. Bringing her knees to her chest, she hugged herself tightly, begging herself not to get upset in front of Lando. He shuffled over, sitting opposite with his feet almost overlapping hers. “I can’t pretend this doesn’t hurt, because it does.”
“…I know.” He agreed quietly, looking down to fidget with his fingers. She stared at the top of his head, the mound of curls unruly from her touch.
It made her sad just to look at him. The memories would come flooding back like a tidal wave, and she didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or scream at the top of her lungs. She wanted to hit him, scream at him for breaking her heart and ruining what they had. She wished she could turn back time and never meet him or develop some kind of magic power to erase her own memory and make him disappear. At the same time, she longed to hold him, to tangle her body with his and never let go. Imagining her life without him in it made no sense. He had been a constant for two years, so how could she completely cut him off and forget about him?
“Nothing good can come of this.” She spoke, mostly to convince herself.
“I know.”
Y/N sighed in frustration, throwing her arms down to the ground. “You know? That’s all you can say?”
Lando didn’t know how to respond. Did she expect him to offer her advice? How could he comfort her when he was in the exact same position?
“Tell me what to do Lando, just tell me.” Tears began to well in her eyes, threatening to fall as she bit the inside of her cheeks. “I… I don’t think I can keep doing this, but I can’t… Fuck.” The first tear slid down her cheek, and she pawed at her face to wipe it away before he saw.
“Y/N…” He reached out to touch her, but she pulled her arm away. “Y/N, come on.”
“Don’t do that. Please don’t.” She closed her eyes, concentrating on her breathing to try and stop the tears from flowing. “You broke my heart, Lando.” She whispered, saying the words aloud for the first time.
“And you broke mine.”
She looked up, meeting his gaze. Her eyes stung as she looked at him, studying the anguish in his brow and the tightening of his lips. “I… I’m sorry.”
“Are you? Are you? Because you’re the one who showed up at my door and didn’t give me the chance to get over you.” Lando hissed, his tone far more aggressive than he intended. He saw how this upset her and immediately rose to his knees to inch closer to her. “Y/N, I didn’t – “
“No, you’re right. I should never have showed up and practically begged you to fuck me. This is all my fault, that’s what you’re saying, isn’t it?” She seethed, anger mixing with her sadness to create a truly messed up cocktail of emotions.
“That’s not what I said.”
“But it’s what you meant, right? If I’d never shown up here after Austria, none of this would’ve happened, we wouldn’t be in this mess, and you would have moved on.”
“How do you know that?” He asked, sinking back down to sit cross-legged. “Go on, tell me. How could you possibly know that? Do you really think I could move on that easily?”
“But you just - “ 
“Yes, I know what I said.” He sighed, holding his head in his hands and running his fingers through his hair. “I’m not blaming you. This is just as much my doing as yours.” 
Silence fell between them again, Y/N’s tears drying and Lando’s pounding heart slowing to its regular pace. How many times were they going to have the same conversation? What two people spent more time discussing their breakup than actually going through it? 
He moved towards her, seeking consent in her eyes before sitting down. She nodded, tucking her elbows in so he could comfortably sit next to her. Laying her hand on the ground, Lando placed his on top and slotted his fingers between hers. 
“This is shit.” She declared.
“This is shit.” He agreed. 
Once again, they turned their heads to look at each other simultaneously. The redness in her water line and the tears trapped in her eyelashes made Lando’s chest ache. He wished there was something he could do to take the pain away and make this easier for the both of them. He was yet to cry over the breakup as he mostly felt numb inside, but he knew it would come eventually. He feared it. He didn’t want to cry, especially not over something he could’ve prevented if he’d tried hard enough. 
Y/N analysed Lando’s blank expression, the dark bags beneath his eyes making his entire face appear duller. She hated seeing him like this, as he’d always been so unbelievably full of life and constantly smiling. She wondered how much sleep he’d been getting. Was he cradling his pillow to fill the empty space in his arms at night? Or was she the only one who needed the comfort of something to hold in order to drift off? 
With their faces so close, they could feel each other breathing. Instinctively, Y/N’s eyes fluttered closed, her breaths becoming more shallow as Lando tilted his face closer. Curling his finger under her chin, he guided her towards him. “If we do this, it has to be the last time.” He whispered, his bottom lip grazing hers, eliciting a gasp from deep within her chest. 
“The last time.” She breathed, desperate for him to kiss her. He closed the gap between them, softly pressing his lips against hers. Quietly, she moaned into his mouth as he opened it just enough for her to slide her tongue past his lips. Tasting traces of the white wine on each other’s tongues, they laid back down on the carpet, Lando keeping a hand beneath her head for support.
She hooked her legs around his hips to pull him closer as she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. He groaned, reaching down to push his shorts past his knees. Y/N balanced on her back, lifting her ass in the air so he could undress her with ease.
Their night ended how it always did. They held each other close as Lando fucked her slowly, trying to delay the moment for as long as possible. Over and over they told each other it would be the last time, knowing that they were lying to themselves.
It wouldn’t be the last time. 
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madhatterbri · 3 months
Feelings | W.O.
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Summary: I’m not sure if your requests are open or not, but when they are could you write about being Swerve Strickland’s sister and dating Will Ospreay (either in real life or storyline completely up to you) and how everyone felt especially during Forbidden Door. Thank you and have a great day 😊
Requested by: Anon
Author's Note: I tend to just keep them open. ❤️ Thank you, and I hope you have a great day as well.
Bored? AEW Escape Room 1 and 2
Will Ospreay Masterlist
Taglist: @plentyoffandoms @hotgirlgraps
Pure Fiction
"You should be with your brother, not me," Will sighed as he finished the last few touches of his ring gear. Y/N pursed her lips and looked down. She knew one day this would happen. Her brother, Swerve Strickland, would go against the hottest professional wrestler in the world.
"Do you want me to leave you?" She asked. Her feelings felt hurt. He paused his movements and looked down. The very thought of her leaving him alone crushed him.
"No," he answered. "Stay with me until they call me out,"
Y/N stood by his side. She wrapped her arms around his waist. He wrapped an arm around her. They stared at their reflection in the mirror for a while. Basking in each other's presence before the carnage that was to come.
"I love you," she whispered softly. His arm tightened around her. Will told her he loved her.
"Will, you are up," a stage hand called through the door.
He took a deep breath. The couple let the other go slowly. As if this was the last time they would see each other alive. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Show time,"
The match felt like it lasted an eternity. Y/N's eyes watched as her boyfriend and brother went toe to toe. Fans in the audience cheered loudly for the main event and booed when Don Callis appeared. They cheered again when Will didn't accept the screwdriver. Meanwhile, her stomach was tied in knots. No matter the outcome, she would mourn the fact that one of them had to lose.
Swerve ended up winning and retaining the AEW World Championship. While she was proud of her brother, her heart ached for Will. He sat in the corner crying. Very few times had he ever showed his sorrow in public.
His friend, Kyle Fletcher, was on hand to lift him up. They managed to make their way to the back as the audience took their leave. Will told Y/N to wait for him in the locker room. She did.
Time stood still as she waited. She nervously paced around. Her thoughts jumped to the worst about him. Maybe Swerve really injured him. The door finally opened, revealing her boyfriend. He had several ice packs attached to him. Will closed the door behind him.
The room was tense. Long gone was the happy go lucky boyfriend. Now he was an empty shell. He felt like a failure. In front of everyone, he lost AEW's top title.
"I'm sorry," he whispered and wrapped his arms around her. "I wanted to come back as the champion, your champion,"
"You both wrestled your hearts out, and that's all that matters. You put up such an amazing fight. You are still my champion," she assured him. Will smiled sadly. Y/N reached out and gently massaged some of the ache away. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead to hers.
"I love you,"
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blues824 · 2 years
Hi! I have another request if you don’t mind doing! Could you do a dorm wardens + Jamil/Lilia with a reader who is like Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender???
Like, she doesn’t act like Zuko aka his rudeness. But instead is kind and smiles even though she’s hiding her pain with a smile. She has bangs or something that covers the eye that is scared. She is shown to have great leadership and strength in battle that causes them to be drawn to her. They got closer to her and later become her lover. Where they later saw her scar and find out what happened. To only be horrified that her father did it. While later comforting her while saying how they would never leave her or something.
I would love to read something like this. But only if you want to write it. If you could, could you have Malleus in it as well. Again, only if you want to!
A lot of you are surprised at how many requests I have, and I’m surprised too. Imma be writing well into the summer.
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Riddle Rosehearts
He first found you intimidating because of the scar you have, but when he found out that you were super friendly he grew attached. No hair was going to hide the scarred skin of your eye, but he would make sure that no one ever pointed it out… unless they wished to be beheaded.
When he overblotted, he noticed how coordinated you were in battle. You have done this before, and this puts him at a great disadvantage. Plus, your firebending really did a large number on him and he was defeated in a very short amount of time.
It was in the infirmary room, where he woke up and finally had the courage to ask about how you got the scar. He thought that he had a tough childhood until he heard what your father had done to you. You just argued against that general because he was about to sacrifice a whole legion of soldiers, and your father burned you as a punishment.
Tears started falling from your eyes as you remembered the Agni Kai against your father, and Riddle pulled you into a hug (albeit a very stiff hug). When he overblotted, he was doing his best to redirect the monster away from you, which already said a lot. Now, as he held you in his arms, you were sure that he would never leave you.
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Leona Kingscholar
He thought you were a total badass with the scar, and even more so when he found out that you were actually pretty friendly and social. It meant that you were strong because whatever you did only ended up with your eye being scarred.
When he overblotted, your fighting style (aside from the firebending) reminded him of the women from his homeland. I think the ink in Twisted Wonderland is oil-based, so it’s highly flammable. That means that he was very easily defeated. Mans was kind of embarrassed.
In the infirmary, he woke up to you crying. He asked what was wrong and you told him that you were worried that he was going to die like so many soldiers you knew. He asked if you got your scar in battle, and that’s when you told him that it was your father who did it because you spoke out against a renowned general of the Fire Nation because he had proposed sacrificing an entire legion because of their patriotism.
He was angry that someone as great as you had to go through so much pain and torment, so he pulled you into the infirmary bed with him. It wasn’t nearly large enough, but he put you on top of him so that he could hold you close as a way to comfort you a bit, and it made you laugh. As aloof as he is, you were his mate for life. You saw him as #1, and so he was going to make sure you knew that he saw you the same way.
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Azul Ashengrotto
To be honest, he also found you quite intimidating until he saw how friendly you were. Now, you were by his side as the person he could go to whenever he felt especially stressed out due to balancing schoolwork and managing the Lounge.
When he overblotted, your firebending was rendered useless due to being underwater. However, you were still able to fight exceedingly well, which surprised Azul. Sure, water was his element, but fighting was yours… so you obviously won.
In the infirmary, he saw you sitting by his bedside looking kind of battered and bruised, and he felt so bad. You laughed it off, saying it wasn’t the worst thing you’ve suffered. You even pointed at your eye to emphasize your point. That’s when he decided to open up Pandora’s box and ask about it.
The cecaelia was absolutely horrified that your father, a person that a child is supposed to be able to trust, would do that to you after speaking out against that unjust general in the meeting. It was devastating to hear, so he couldn’t imagine the pain it must have inflicted upon you. So, he gently held your face in his hands, wiping some stray tears away. Then he summoned the courage and leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss upon your scar.
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Kalim Al-Asim
He honestly didn’t even notice your scar at first, he’s just happy that he found someone as cheerful and kind as he was. If only he knew that you were just hoping to give people the joy that was stripped from you as a young child.
When Jamil overblotted, it was Kalim’s first time witnessing you in battle, and it looked as though you had been trained for it. Either that, or you were a natural. Either way, you were able to defeat Jamil with your firebending and your martial arts skills.
You were sent to the infirmary because you were still hurt, and Kalim went with you. He went on a rant about how great you were in the fight and how you made it look like art, but you were just quiet. He could see that tears were flowing from your beautiful eyes, and that’s when he noticed the scar.
You broke down, telling him about how you got the scar. The Housewarden was shocked at the misfortunes of your life, but he was kind of glad because this all brought you to him. And now here you were, in his arms and asking him to never leave you. He would never dream of it, and hugged you even tighter while saying so.
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Jamil Viper
He definitely noticed your scar, but paid no mind to it. For all he knew, you were born with it and you might be uncomfortable about it as it is. He just cared that you were kind and friendly, and now you have a little snake (Jamil himself) subconsciously following you around everywhere.
When he overblotted, he already knew that you could firebend at this point because he has seen you in battle, especially the one against Leona. What he didn’t know was that you were also trained in martial arts and sword wielding, so he never stood a chance.
While he was in the infirmary, you were there helping out with his recovery. At this point, he felt as though you were far enough in your relationship for him to know what happened to your eye. You let out a long sigh, before starting at the very beginning. 
You ended your telling with being scared that those you love will leave you after finding out the truth, and Jamil pulled you into his arms, quietly promising that he would never abandon you. You meant too much to him, after all. You were the only constant in his life, the only thing he could truly call his… Why would he ever give you up?
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Vil Schoenheit
He also saw your scar, but I don’t think he views scars as revolting. Every scar tells a story, yours is just a tad more prominent. Those stories often resemble strength, so he commends you for what you have been through, whatever that may be.
When he overblotted, he had little to no battle experience and he was fueled by rage. That left you a wide opening to lead with logic and experience, so you were able to bring him down in the short span of a few minutes. It was almost offensive to be that good.
He woke up in the infirmary as the nurse was treating your bruises and cuts, and you were telling them how you got the scar on your eye to distract you from the temporary pain. Vil listened in, and he was shocked that your father was the one who burned you. It was crazy to think that your father was offended at you speaking against a general for the soldiers that would have gone into battle and died.
The Housewarden of Pomefiore got out of the bed as quietly as he could, slowly making his way to you. He cautiously wrapped his arms around your torso, which you melted into because you were familiar with his hugs. This was a tad out of character for your boyfriend, but it was his way of promising you that he didn’t think of you any differently.
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Idia Shroud
You reminded him of the character from the show I am the Last Airbender and the Avatar, and I am Being Hunted by the Fire Nation. He was a total fanboy whenever he saw you, and so it was hard for him to even talk to you. You reached out first with a kind smile, and he just melted. Mans was in love.
When he overblotted, you couldn’t fight him with your firebending because it would be fighting fire with fire. He was also very strategic due to hours of playing video games, so you had officially met your match. However, thanks to Ace, you had the gift of spontaneity on your side.
He was surprised to see you by his bedside in the infirmary, and he most definitely wasn’t expecting the passionate kiss you gave him upon discovering that he was awake. Mans felt like he won the shut-in hermit lottery, and he felt kind of lightheaded.
Idia hesitantly placed his hand onto the left side of your face, thumb delicately running over the scar upon your eye. It was an unspoken question, and you answered. He felt horrible, and even more so when you were crying as you remembered how you had ended up with the burn. The eldest Shroud brother grabbed your hand and squeezed it, reassuring the fact that he still loved you.
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Malleus Draconia
He noticed your scar, but never made a comment about it because he’s used to seeing wounded soldiers. Like a lot of the others, he cares more about your personality, and he grew attached when you showed him an ounce of human kindness.
When Leona had overblotted, he was there on the sidelines. He saw how magnificent you were in battle, with your knowledge about both firebending and martial arts, and he was very impressed. Sure, you were hurt a few times, but Leona had the worst of it.
Malleus accompanied you to the infirmary, and it was there that he got a full view of the scar. He took over in cleaning up the bruises and cuts, and he asked about the scar so that you would be distracted from the minor pain of the cleaning of your wounds.
You let out a sigh, and started telling the oh-so-lovely story of your childhood. The dragon fae was appalled at how you were mistreated as just a young child. He made a vow to never hurt you as those in your past have, and to make sure you knew that you were cherished and loved as his significant other (and eventual fiance).
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Lilia Vanrouge
You reminded him of a soldier who has been in a war, and from the looks of it, you have. He could tell that you’ve seen some shit in your day, and you both held a mutual respect for each other because you both were old souls (Lilia was actually old, in this case).
When Leona had overblotted, he was there witnessing the entire battle. It reminded him of the war in Briar Valley, and your strategy for the fight was commendable. He also never met someone who could bend fire via martial arts, so he thought it was very interesting.
Lilia decided that it was only fair that he accompany you to the infirmary, since you both were warriors of some variant. He most definitely wanted to know who taught you the firebending technique that you just displayed. However, he knew that it wasn’t a joke when he saw the pain in your eyes.
His heart broke when you started telling your sad, long story. No one should have to go through that, especially not someone as great and kind as you. He hoped that you knew that he would never toss you away like your father did to you, especially since he wiped your tears away as he kissed your cheeks.
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marytunno · 1 month
-read below-
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They had made camp quite early in the day, Arya had asked why but no one had cared enough to answer, only Harwin had smiled and told her to enjoy the moment, to rest when they could, but Arya didn’t want to rest, she wanted to reach Riverrun and her mother and brother.
Now she laid with her back on the grass, the late sunlight painted the leaves golden, the air smelling of change, autumn and whatever Greenbeard had been roasting on the fire, probably some rabbit to eat with Lady Smallwood's supplies. She could hear the men laughing and talking, scaring away the birds from their nests, for a moment she thought of Winterfell and its people, her father’s men and the way they looked at him, the same way the brotherhood looked at Lord Dondarrion and his lighting.  
The people they met on the road seemed to like the brotherhood way more than her brother’s man, the Northmen, her own people. They always welcomed the brotherhood in their houses treating them as friends while they moved around the Riverlands between a battle and a song.
A bug climbed its way on Arya’s hand and she smiled as she looked at it move between her fingers, she had eaten bugs like that one before when she had been so hungry... but now she didn’t need to hurt the creature, Sansa would have screamed at the sight of it, well it was quite ugly but Arya didn’t care, there was a wild grace in the way the poor creature moved: so small in a world ready to crush it.
Gendry had looked for Arya for quite a while when he had found her almost hidden between the grass, she was playing with some bug making it walk from one hand to the other, in Gendry's opinion better company than the lord’s annoying little squire. He sat quite loudly on her left, his legs aching from the horseriding. As a city boy he had never learned how to ride properly, not like Arya... sometimes she looked like she had been born on a horse, born to lead, born to do something great.
He had never stopped to think about what had possessed him to follow that wild little lady but he was still alive because of it, she was like one of those great people, those people that you could see were great not because of their power or title, they just had something. It would have been nice to follow her, fight for her, for a moment he had allowed himself to believe that that was exactly going to be his future.
Gendry had never really doubted Arya, she could be wrong sometimes but in the end, they had survived the road, escaped from Harrenal, kept their heads attached to their shoulders… it had felt right: knowing his place had been on her side, surviving together, even if she was a lady or a princess or whatever it hadn’t really mattered on the road, that had been nice.
Now everything was different, he wasn’t dumb, he could see it very clearly, Riverrun, Arya had told him about Riverrun so many times, the last time she had even looked the part of the lady she really was, he had been sure: in her home she had thousand of those dresses even prettier than the green one.
He had felt useful before, at his master’s shop, following Yoren’s orders, even at Harrenhal smithing for cruel men, he could be useful in Riverrun too but he wasn’t sure that was the right place for him, serving another lord, waiting for the next bad thing to happen, his life not even in his own hands.
- Your new friend?- asked Gendry after a while breaking the silence
- I like it, doesn’t seem scared even if I’m so much bigger…- she answered, her eyes still captivated by the small creature
- What? You like being the big one for once?- he laughed
- Shut up…- she complained
They stayed silent for a few moments more, some cold wind making the trees sing above them and the clouds run like white mares through the sky. A lone leaf fell from its home dancing on its way down, soon all her sisters would have fallen too, it was sad but it was the way things were supposed to happen. 
The leaf fell graciously in Arya’s hair, it was still green in some places, Gendry moved closer and took it away looking at it, pensive. 
- It’s getting colder…- he said noticing the stains of gold and orange where once had been only green
- Winter is coming…- Arya almost felt closer to home pronouncing those solemn words the same way she had heard her father do so many times
- I know that… m’lady… -   
- Stop it… do I even look like one? No one would think I’m a lady…- 
He scowled 
- But you are one …- 
Arya ignored him and kept playing with her bug friend, she wondered how old it was, if it had a bug family somewhere in the weeds… 
- It’s sad… when the cold comes he won’t survive…- she said 
- It’s probably going to be dead way before winter… something is going to eat it or crush it… - 
-Why you say that?- 
Gendry closed his eyes just for a moment, the green of the grass against the black of his hair 
- It’s just the way it is, bugs are born bugs and die soon… Not everyone is lucky to be born with a fancy name in a castle… ladies are ladies… bastards are bastards… bugs are bugs…- 
Arya rose from the ground sitting straight, she looked down at him.
- I don’t think it’s fair…- she bit her lip
Her brother Jon was a bastard but he was so much more than that, everyone was more than what they were born like… everyone she had ever met in her life had proved to be more than their role painted them as… beautiful queen could be evil and princes in shining armour could be monsters… giants could be kind, bastards could be her pack, outlaws could be loved by the people and ladies could be more than just that.
- I could be a knight or a septon as good as any man could… I could have my people and lead them in battle… I know I could do it…- she said. 
Gendry smiled, it wasn’t as hard as he thought: imagining Arya leading a huge army… she had been braver than most knights... probably even better at riding than most of them… and yet she was born for pretty dresses and castles… maybe she was right, it wasn’t fair… maybe the world was all wrong… upside down… but who was him to change unchangeable things?
A loud noise came from the camp, a horse had been spooked by something and made quite a mess. They both rose alarmed just to hear Lem curse the horse while he and other men calmed it down. 
- Look!- Arya’s voice made Gendry look in her direction.
Something unexpected had happened, the small creature, Arya’s little friend, scared by the commotion had revealed a pair of small wings, thin like paper and beautiful like dew on a spider web and in a second it had flown away from her hand. 
- It can fly!- smiled Arya searching with her eyes the creature, the sunlight making her squint.
The small insect soared above the camp, above the nice girl and the loud outlaws, over the trees and the lands over once had soared dragons, born a bug, its shadow not even nearly as scary but the view as beautiful as it had always been.
I am lateeee, I was supposed to post yesterday but whatever... time is just a construct I guess <3<3 I swear on my honour that Arya's little bug friend is going to have a happy life full of sweet flowers and safe meadows where no one is going to eat it or crush it<3<3
As always I'm not sure if I did a good job but I hope you'll enjoy it... 
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
thoughts on unsullied
i think the reason it takes so long for dany to realize “slavery bad” as well as her continued weirdness surrounding slavery is because dany “learns” through her emotional attachments and then doesn’t really dig in anymore after the “lesson.”
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she identifies with the unsullied despite never having been a slave so she sees their slavery as the same as her mistreatment. i think the dissonance between how she sees the dothraki (mostly as same faced servants) and how she sees the unsullied and meereenese (as her loving and useful children) is because she can relate to the unsullied emotionally in a way she can’t to the dothraki. her bloodriders were never slaves so while she’s fond of them for their loyalty to her she doesn’t love or relate to them the way she does Jorah, Barristan, Missandei, or Grey Worm. Irri & Jhiqui were slaves but they accept their fate without a fight; Irri & Jhiqui are mentioned to be the daughters of Khals that Drogo defeated. They are very dothraki in that they don’t try to break free from their enslavement; Dany associates strength with violence so often that I think she looks down on them for not having her same thirst for freedom, nor Doreah’s interest in stories, nor Jorah’s Westerosi heritage. The Unsullied are different; like Dany, they experience terrible violence through no fault of their own and like Dany, their worth is tied to their name (Unsullied vs Targaryen) and their ability to do great violence.
Therefore, unraveling the institution of slavery should be as easy as her own freedom - standing up to Drogo, killing Viserys, and gaining her dragons saved her so surely killing the masters of astapor with her dragons will save the Unsullied. of course, it’s so much more complex than that! Not everyone is given gifts of food and clothes just for being who they are. as queen she has the job of ruling but that’s not really a paid position and she doesn’t even think of how to pay the Unsullied or anyone in Meereen.
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this wine of courage…it seems that while Unsullied who have already been cut have been on this for a long time and likely don’t feel pain, but the unsullied from astapor aren’t just the fully trained ones - dany explicitly buys and takes the young boys with her as well. i’m wondering if it’s going to come up once she leaves Meereen or if it was just another “look how dehumanizing the Unsullied training is” thing.
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it’s this passage that i think convinces Dany to do something riskier than just buy them but sack Astapor. I don’t think it’s something that occurred to her before she talks to Missandei partially because she’s been so surrounded by slavery for so many years that it clearly doesn’t occur to her that slavery is awful. Dany is impressed with Missandei’s ability to translate on the fly & work under pressure so when Missandei opens up quickly it makes Dany question her decision to buy the Unsullied even more.
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Then Quaithe makes her worry about getting to Westeros fast enough with the worst advice in the world. I think - just me guessing - that Quaithe chooses now to message her because Dany is weighing her options. Kraznys suggests they sack smaller cities and send the captives back to him to train into more Unsullied. While I think it’s unlikely Dany would have sent the Unsullied back, I do think there’s evidence that Dany is weighing the idea of sacking several towns with her Dothraki anyway.
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Whether she means to attack more slaver cities to conscript the slave soldiers into her army or whether she’s thinking of other cities, to me it seems the idea is already there to sack a city. It’s only Missandei mentioning her brothers that makes Dany realize she doesn’t like the deal she’s made because there’s a human face and emotional connection there, then Quaithe makes her nervous about the long road ahead of her.
but the sack…that’s the dragon in her. she might have left by killing the unsullied masters, using her dragons as a threat to allow anyone who wants to be freed and come with her. instead she leaves astapor a ruin. again, it’s because of her emotional reactions. she’s not actually breaking any wheels or ending slavery; it’s the same as when she takes the lhazareen women into her personal slave khalasar. Better to serve Dany than serve an evil person, no matter if they don’t want to serve anyone at all.
they are the dragon’s now. bought and paid for.
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dazai-fan-page · 7 months
I’m so glad someone else agrees on Mori picking Tanizaki in the trade. Mori learned all too well that he functions on logic differently than dazai. Of course both of them are ruthless but Mori’s is much more impersonal. Picking tanizaki strategically makes the most sense. Not only because of his ability but his sister. It would be a very beast-like situation where Mori holds one of the siblings as motivation for the other, similar to Dazai with the Akutagawas. Holding Naomi’s life as motivation for Tanizaki, as well as his loyalty to the agency, makes perfect sense for someone like Mori who hopefully learned his lesson on projecting priorities after dazai left.
The other option was Yosano as it was hinted at through Mori’s thoughts of “fukuzawa doesn’t need to know” as well as her past with him. There are countless things that Mori could hold against yosano as manipulation but the agency is more likely to fight to get her back and that defeats the point of an alliance. Everyone, especially those in the agency who know Mori’s treatment firsthand, would lose it. (Not that they wouldn’t be upset with Tanizaki being traded but yosano would be significantly worse)
If Dazai was accepted it would be great potential for all the fanfic writers! But at this point deeply invested fans know that’s not Asagiri’s style to hand it to us straight. It would be painful and much more emotionally based in terms of Mori’s tactics than logical. That empty executive seat may be filled but there’s just as much of a chance Dazai will intentionally cause more inconvenience in return than leaving him in the agency where Dazai has more freedom to be a menace to society. Mori would also lose Chuuya’s trust and would have to rely much more on acquiescence than he should. For Dazai himself it would be disastrous for his character arc in more ways than I would elaborate in one ask. Taking Yosano or Tanizaki makes more sense for Mori even though neither are good options. Taking Dazai would require a moment of silence.
tl;dr- I agree with you on the trade
Sorry for the long ramble you didn’t have to read it all! But it’s nice knowing someone else’s opinions on the trade. Please stay safe and drink water lovely stranger!
Yes. To all of that.
Also personally I love Mori, he's one of my favorites, and people thinking he's just obsessed with Dazai is. Not accurate?? He just cares about him, of course Mori wants Dazai to come back he spent so long keeping that little shit alive he got attached. It happens.
Anyways also from a literary standpoint it'd be. Weird to backtrack a character's development so much. Which is also why it didn't make sense to kill him off.
Now personally I hope Dazai and Chuuya end up in a safehouse for most of the next arc but realistically we'll probably get a corruption scene at best.
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rpmemesbyarat · 1 year
I think there tends to be a perception that any work of fiction more than a few decades old is going to be riddled with cliches as well as full of horrifically outdated societal ideals. And I’m not going to say that’s completely incorrect, but it’s also not the case for many works either, including some of the most famous and formative ones.
For instance, let’s take fantasy.
The film “Willow” came out in 1988. It looks like it’s just going to be a straight Chosen One story. The evil queen is killing all the baby girls in the land looking for the one with the super special birthmark who is destined to defeat her, but the fated baby is smuggled away from her clutches just in time, and is found floating down a riverbank. I thought I was going to watch her grow up, discover her destiny and probably some special powers or swordfighting abilities she beats two-dimensional sexist boys with, and journey to heroically slay the queen in an epic showdown. But nope. She’s not named Willow, and she’s not the protagonist, and none of that happens.
The lead, Willow, is the father of the children who find her. They’re little people, and all played by actual little people. So right off the bat, we’ve got a disabled protagonist played by a disabled actor, and he encounters a lot of prejudice for it outside his village. He’s also unusual in that he’s a married father with kids, not some young attached swashbuckler/prince/pirate/etc. He very much WANTS to be a great sorcerer, but shows no actual magic talent. However, he is good at sleight of hand, such as his “diseappearing pig” trick. . . which ends up being his trump card at the climax with which he tricks the evil queen. But that’s just a distraction; the person who has a super badass magical fight with the evil queen isn’t him OR the baby, it’s an elderly sorceress he meets along the way who has beef with her. So the two absolute powerhouses of the movie who go head to head are two WOMEN, and not sexualized ones either. Granted, it’s hard to get more cliche than “evil sorceress queen” but her throwing down with the old crone was VERY unexpected for me! And the other lead female character is the queen’s badass daughter, a powerful fighter who begins on her side but sides with the heroes by the end.
But it’s not the old lady who defeats the queen either; she defeats herself when she tries to kill the baby, setting up a ritual to do so. When Willow tricks her into thinking he made the baby disappear and she moves towards him, she accidentally completes said ritual, causing it to destroy her as the target instead. At not one point in all of this did that baby ever show ANY magical powers or inclination of a special destiny; none of this would have happened if the queen hadn’t believed in this prophecy, for which there really was no proof, and acted accordingly. . . which is a piece of advice I’ve seen many a writer give for how to do the “Chosen One” trope well. And again, this movie was in 1988, predating all these writing blogs and advice channels. And what’s more, Willow doesn’t get real magic in the nick of time, there’s no Deus Ex Machina, he uses his own cleverness and the stage tricks he WORKED for. I really loved that. Again, it’s like something a modern writing blog would say they would totally love to see happen sometime!
The Last Unicorn film came out in 1982, but the novel was written in 1968. And yet, it averts a great many cliches about fantasy and gender in fantasy. The lead is female, and her motive has nothing to do with men. She has agency and takes action, and is very strong while not needing to make a big deal out of being “not like other girls” to do it (though she is definitely NOT like other girls, as she’s a unicorn in human form!) for this strength. We see her fend off a harpy, fight back against the Red Bull, and it’s mentioned she’s killed dragons before as well. Plus, she comes back in the sequel “Two Hearts” to finish off a griffin. Yet at no point is she an obnoxious edgy girlboss who shits on feminity; she’s in fact very feminine if she’s anything. And she does fall in love with a man, and this does have a big impact on her, but he’s not what her quest is about, and she in fact has to choose to give up being with him to complete that quest, and leaves him entirely at the end.
She also passes the Bechdel test; she talks with the witchy Mommy Fortuna who kidnaps her, trying to persuade her to free another female monster, the aforementioned harpy. And while she talk to her woman friend Molly about her love interest, their most iconic conversation is their first, and very feminist one, in which Molly angrily sobs demanding to know why the unicorn only came to her now, when she is no longer the innocent young maiden that unicorns are SUPPOSED to come to, but instead a haggard middle-aged woman who has been living with the leader of a bunch of bandits in the woods. Definitely not a demure virgin like the mythos say unicorns love. And yet, implicitly, the unicorn does not care.
And, of course, the unicorn saves herself at the end, and all the other unicorns in the world. It never presents itself as a feminist story, and I don’t think it was intended as such, but it sure qualifies in a number of categories.
For the final example, there’s The Lord of the Rings, written in the mid-50s. I actually haven’t read this series. But what I can comment on is something that was pointed out by someone on Tumblr (alas, I cannot remember the URL) that what so many of Tolkien’s imitators get wrong is they think that Aragorn is the protagonist, and make their Aragorn rip-off be so, but that actually the protagonist was Frodo, the literal little guy, the humblest of creatures, with no magic or fighting skills, and that this was the point. And I think that’s really interesting, that the father of modern fantasy and all its cliches, actually averted this cliche; it was only his many copycats that made it one.
These works were not, of course, perfect in other ways. There’s nary a scrap of POC or LGBT rep to be found in them that I know of. But they’re also far from cliche-storms in which every character is a cardboard cutout stock type and which every plot point is easily predicted either.
So, what is my point to this post?
It’s that older works are worth reading, or watching. Especially the genre-defining ones. These are some of the most famous, most far-reaching works of the fantasy genre in modern times, and that’s because they were GOOD. It’s not even about the box-checking aspect either; The Last Unicorn is heart-breakingly beautiful writing with a story and lines that make me more emotional than any other work ever has, book and film. Willow is a jolly good watch. The Lord of the Rings…ok, I’ll level with you, I just couldn’t get into it, that’s why I didn’t read it, but its significance to the fantasy genre is undeniable, and just because it wasn’t for me doesn’t mean it isn’t worth YOU giving it a shot. But so many people are just so sure that anything from before 2000 must be unoriginal, problematic garbage, and that’s reductive as well.
Besides the fact you’re missing out on things you might enjoy, reading within your genre is especially essential if you plan to WRITE in it, in my opinion. Whether this is fantasy, romance, sci-fi, horror, or something else, it is WORTH reading the masters. It is also worth familiarizing yourself with what’s ACTUALLY cliche, and what’s a DEAD UNICORN TROPE—I’ve read waaaay too many people who wrote what they clearly THOUGHT were very clever satires, but the things they were making fun of were never actually that prevalent in the genre to begin with, people just THOUGHT they were (ex: How many stories out there are there REALLY of princesses being rescued by dragons? Actually very few. But everyone lampshades it and references it and so on!) So it’s also worth reading what’s been done before if your plan is to parody, or satire, or deconstruct, or just do something new—that way, what you write will actually BE something new, instead of the eleven millionth author who thinks their protagonist is SO UNIQUE because they are a GIRL who FIGHTS omg!!
A lot of writers, both professional and aspiring, fear consuming work within their own genre, worried that they will be subconsciously influenced by it. They want their work to be wholly original, from their own imagination entirely. While I respect their choice, I also disagree that being inspired from other works is a bad thing. Inspiration doesn’t mean a direct copy. Indeed, I think people should in general stop stressing whether their work is a perfect unique snowflake untouched by any outside influence. All of us are influenced by something or other. And that’s fine. Every great work that you love was influenced by something else, consciously or subconsciously. Can you imagine if Neil Gaiman had decided NOT to write American Gods, and his own depictions of Odin and Loki, because he was a fan of Thor comics as a child (it’s what got him into actual Norse mythology!) and was worried that Jack Kirby’s version of the gods would influence his own? Ridiculous! Heck, I think it’s good to be inspired! To get ideas from other things! You just have to make them your own! And if there’s one thing that humans are goshdarn good at, it’s putting our own new spin on something we heard! That’s been how storytelling has worked since it begun!
And heck, why stop at reading the greats? Read the obscures and the flops! Read the worst shit in the genre! See what NOT to do, and think how you could do it better, and get the grain of a story from that! Get ideas from works in the genre that are forgotten or under-known! Use ideas from these that so many others have slept on, and expand them! For instance, look at the vampires of Paul Feval rather than Stoker or Le Fanu, for instance—if THEY had been the major media influences for Hollywood’s vampires, what would our modern depictions of these creatures be like? Use that as a jumping point for YOUR take on them!
Anyway, that’s all. I’m going to go watch The Dark Crystal now.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 days
Oooh okay, I have (what is hopefully) a good question: what would have happened if Ganondorf's original strike had worked? If he'd taken the triforce and it hadn't split?
-Sky Floor
Ahh, this is such a fun question! I can’t answer it all that great, but here’s the thoughts I’ve had about it.
The original plan was to steal the Triforce, though the motivations are separate between Ganondorf and Nabooru. Gan obviously wants the power the Triforce holds, but Ru is just keen on eliminating Hyrule’s greatest weapon so that it can’t be used against the Gerudo. She doesn’t mind utilizing it either, to help her people, but her main goal honestly is just to keep her people safe.
So if Ganondorf actually got it, Nabooru would be like “fine whatever take over Hyrule with it if you please but we’re not starting any fighting with this. Use it to prevent that.” And Gan’s like “say no more fam” and Ru is IMMEDIATELY trying to reel in her insane husband from just straight up eliminating any threat.
So for a while, instead, the Triforce is used to basically control the military, and Merovar and Nabooru convince the common folk that if the goddesses gave this power to Ganondorf then he should rule. Very few genuinely believe that, but most are too terrified to argue. It’s a… very shaky foundation, but it prevents them from killing everyone. For now.
The Sheikah flee with the royal family, but Link stays behind. He does this partly because he doesn’t want to fight them, but also because he’s being utilized as a double agent since Impa knows he’s close to Hemisi. So he’s got a million conflicting feelings going on in his head.
I feel like eventually the power would get to Ganon’s head and inevitably he’d have to be eliminated anyway, and his family would try to do so (Nabooru and Hemisi at least). How long it would take to get to that point, I’m not sure. And whether Link finally completely caves and joins them or not, I’m also not sure. But I imagine if Ganondorf gets a whiff of Link trying to play double agent, he’d probably use the Triforce to reset the kid’s memories, because by this point he’d be too attached to just kill him off. He’d try to control him.
It would be quite the mess, I think.
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strawberryjamsara · 3 months
was wondering what your thoughts are on the women of persona 3? I've seen you talk about yukari a lot but what do you think of mitsuru, fuuka, aigis and chidori?
I sort of had a big review of Persona 3 a while back where I talked about my feelings on reload and loving it after seeing a let’s play of the original and hating it. But to reiterate:
Mitsuru: She has a lot of shortcomings in the narrative, but I still think she’s pretty solidly written. I can at least see why she cares about her dad, in opposition to Haru’s cartoonishly evil father, though I wish the story spent a little more time having her grapple with the implications of inheriting the big evil coorporation that started this mess. Like, I know I’m biased because I hate capitalism, but I think she should have denounced the Kirijo name and did her own thing, and also punched that cop in the face too. I enjoy her arc about learning to open up and enjoy being a teen though. I will say, her social link is rubbish. Clearly written with shipping first and exploring her character waaaaaay last. So yeah, good character, could have been better.
Fuuka: I think too much of Fuukas arc was fromtloaded. When she shows up she’s seemingly weak willed, shown through how she can only sit back and scan enemies, but powerful in how she can get her bully to respect her through her kindness, and her scanning ability wins you the fight. But for most of the game, her dialogue is mostly just her finding the full moon enemies which is a shame. I think her final awakening might be the best in the game however, though it’s in stiff competition with Junpei. I think her bond with Natsuki is legit great. I got emotional when Natsuki was like ‘the biggest bitch in the school is leaving and you’re sad’ like noooooo Fuuka cares so much about you and that’s her strength! I will say, again, her social link is really bad. It’s not shippy bad like Mitsuru, but could they not think of a better story for this main character than learning how to cook?
Aigis: I said before that in my first watch of P3 I hated the game, and I REALLY didn’t like Aigis. Having this robot who buries her face in your bare chest and watches you sleep made me feel like I was witnessing somebodies fetish put into this jrpg. On a playthrough of reload however, I grew way more attached to her. The whole ‘robot learns to feel’ trope is very standard, but it’s one I love all the same, and there were a lot of moments I appreciated like Aigis getting excited over ladybugs, or imitating Junpei. I also think that SEES felt way more like actual friends when playing reload, which made me far more convinced that Aigis would come to see them as a found family rather than in the original where the mc would only interact with the other characters if they were romancable, and also cheating is mandatory. I also watched the movies after beating reload and this isn’t really relevant but: I sorta see Yukari as the main love interest in the game version and Aigis as the main love interest in the movies. But yes, it took me till reload but I really like Aigis. Oh yeah and her social link is 10/10. Just hanging around with her and letting her enjoy life. It’s always cuter, and more romantic when they do this with the social links instead of GET YOUR WAIFU GO FETCH.
Chidori: Chidori is so good. It makes me wish that the Persona series would have more ‘canon’ romances instead of making every woman that moves a romance option for the player because the romance between Chidori and Junpei is so fucking good. I think she’s a real embodiment of the themes the game has, of loving life and living to the fullest because it will end someday, instead of moping around waiting for it to happen. I think her existence also shows off how horrid Stregas mindset is, because they’re readily willing to dispose of her because of their belief that nothing in life matters. I love that she has a full character arc learning to appreciate life through the people around her, as her art begins to reflect this new state with her drawing of Junpei, and I LOVE if you engage with her and Junpeis love story and help encourage Junpei that it’s worth trying for this relationship you get to save her in the end! It’s a nice little ‘Okay, did you understand the themes we’re trying to put forward here? If so, you get a reward!’ moment. My one nitpick is, I wish that in the route you save her, she showed up during the ending. Maybe in the segment where you’re walking around, you see Junpei talking to her and when you question it he’s like ‘What are you talking about, Chidori’s been in this class for a while.’ I think it’d be cute. But yeah, 10/10
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mannatea · 7 months
Random thoughts about DBZ because I’m rewatching starting at the Great Saiyaman Arc.
Gohan is just so wholesome and good. Even after all these years I still stan with my whole heart. When he finds out that Mr. Satan has been taking credit for (more or less) his and his friends’ work during the Cell Games, and all he does is just have a giggle about it? I love him your honor.
These episodes start off so goofy after the more serious tone of the Cell Games arc, but even though they’re not very serious there’s enough realism in there for the silliness to feel grounded I guess? Like yeah, “Gohan goes to high school” sounds so dull off the cuff, but there’s something seriously charming about him trying to “fit in” and “be normal”—and to a degree it’s a relatable issue, too. He really is just trying to make friends and keep them (after a lifetime so far of not really having friends his own age)(I think Dende sort of counts for this but they don’t see each other as often as, say, a school friend group does).
Videl doesn’t half-ass anything and frankly that’s one of the reasons I will always love her.
Seriously, I love her so much. I wish they’d had more time to develop her character and go into a bit more about why she acts the way she does, but a lot of that can just be inferred. It’s not really surprising that she’s out there like a bloodhound sniffing out bullshit from Day 1 considering her father’s fame and what that has probably meant for her for the last 7ish years.
Also she’s a Fashion Icon actually. Spandex shorts and a t-shirt? Same, girl.
She does attach herself to Gohan awfully quickly, which ties back into wishing we got more character development, buttttt it seems pretty clear early on that part of the reason she wants to know who he is is because he’s “just like her for real”: she definitely seems to understand she’s found someone worth her time.
I think there’s probably something to be said here about her father’s bullshit too, and filling her head with ideas about how she can only date someone as strong as he is (when she believes nobody like that exists, especially not someone her age) but really I feel like that connection forms so quickly because Gohan is not a simp or a fan of hers; he just has a similar idea of justice, and she really vibes with that. It feels like a genuine connection to another person, which she probably hasn't experienced often.
Anyway I just love how earnest and hard-working she is.
And I’m sorry because the shipping goggles are permanently affixed to my dumb face at this point in my life with these characters, but it’s still pretty cute (and funny tbh) that Videl and Gohan have this constant back and forth of her doing something and him being genuinely impressed by her, even though her accomplishments are like, absolutely nothing compared to what he and his friends can do. It just kind of sets up Gohan as a “look at my awesome wife” kind of guy, which he definitely is. LOL.
I also really like how he manages to recognize that she has limitations (as she is just a human being) without ever really coming across like he’s disrespecting her as a person. Above all, Gohan does try to be respectful. Or when he’s worried about potentially coming up against her father in the tournament because he’s concerned beating her father in a match might hurt her feelings? He’s such a good kid.
He’s also dumb as shit re: the hair comment, but there’s something about that stupid 5 second scene that I love too… Like Gohan was just spitting facts about short hair being harder to use against her in a fight, but she totally misunderstood his meaning and then gets mad about it. LOL. It feels very…teenagery to me (as it should). But when she comes back with short hair anyway, it’s nice because even though she was upset for having misunderstood him, she obviously recognizes the truth in his words. It was good advice—so she takes it.
I also feel kind of bad for Gohan for all the teasing he gets at the start of the tournament for his “friend” being a “girl” like pleaaase give him a break. The poor kid barely has friends. Let’s not pigeonhole him into a romantic relationship too.
Honestly Videl needs time to build up a good friendship too. She kind of sucks at making and keeping friends and doesn’t need the pressure of romance on her plate (even though she’s obviously sorta interested HAHAHA).
I mean I like that they do get together in the end (obviously, I was the biggest G/V shipper in the old days lol) but that their friendship felt highlighted first and foremost was always meaningful to me personally lol.
Also to backtrack, it’s still hilarious that ChiChi was suspicious of Videl until she found out she was rich. ICONIQUE.
 Goten is the cutest little kid ARGHHHH. I love him so much.
One thing about watching the series in Japanese is that I miss out on the dub’s terrible rapping attempts by Gohan and frankly that is PEAK COMEDY.
Videl sounds 10x cuter in the original, too, now that I think about it. And Hercule sounds much more serious (despite his comedic relief character) which is a great contrast actually.
Announcer man is a fave too btw. I love him.
Backtracking again but Vegeta at the beginning of this arc was actually not as much of an asshole as I remember him being in the dub. But also why is his voice so smooth?? LOL.
Currently on the Trunks vs. Goten fight episode where Videl is like “WTF” about everything. I kinda feel bad for her, but I like that while her not knowing what’s going on is part of the comedy aspect of the episodes, she’s never treated like she’s stupid for it. For all of DBZ’s faults I will say some characters were done surprisingly well.
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callsign-magnolia · 1 year
I Hope You Dance // Chapter 53
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 6.2k
Chapter 52 | Masterlist
I sat on Bradley’s bed the rest of the night, my fingers running through his curls and occasionally I placed kisses on his head. I took a picture and sent it to Mav, telling him he was awake and not to come till the morning. I would text and call everyone tomorrow, I don’t want too many people in here at once. That night I slept the best I had since he’d been in here. His arm stayed around my waist and my fingers in his hair as his head rested on my chest. The next morning I woke up to voices and turned to see Mav standing on the other side of the bed as Penny sat in the chair. “Oh, hey.” I said and sat up. “I guess you got a little more sleep than last night.” Penny said and I nodded. “I definitely did.” I said as I looked down at Bradley, kissing his head. “I’m starving.” He said, his head falling back on his pillow. “I’ll go see if you can have breakfast.” I said before getting up and making my way out to the nurses station. His day nurse, Ella, had been kind but quiet. “Hi.” I said and she looked over at me from her screen. “Good morning.” She said, “Um, Bradley was wondering if he could eat?” I asked and she looked back at the screen. “It says he can after some blood work and a CT scan. He was talking and I didn’t want to interrupt.” she said and I smiled. “Want me to ask?” I asked her and she nodded. I peeked my head in and he looked at me. “You can eat after blood work and a CT scan. Want her to go ahead and draw your blood?” I could see him pale slightly but he nodded. “He said yes.” She nodded and stood. “I’ll get everything ready.”
Within a few minutes she came back with a few tubes and a needle. “I have an IV in, can’t you get blood from that?” He asked and she shook her head. “There’s no blood return.” She said quietly as she got set up. “I really don’t wanna be stuck again.” He whispered to me. “I already have a tube sticking out of my chest and I’m scared to move.” He said and I felt for him. “One quick stick and then you're done.” I said and he turned his head into my chest and I squeezed his hand. “You’re still afraid of needles?” Mav laughed out. “Yes! I am okay!” He snapped and Mav just grinned. Ella got his blood drawn and removed the tube. “Now time for your CT.” She said. “I’ll be right here when you get back.” I said as I stood from the bed. He grabbed my hand, kissing it as Ella pushed the bed out of the room, his hand holding mine till the very last second. “I think he’ll make a great recovery.” Penny said, her hand rubbing Mav’s arm as he stood next to her. “Me too.” I said. He already seemed to be doing pretty good.
Bradley was gone for about an hour and just as he came in he was brought his food. “Eggs, bacon, french toast? Am I drooling?” He asked, looking up at me as I ran my fingers through his hair. “A little. Eat up.” I said and he did. “It can’t be that good. It’s hospital food.” Mav said and Bradley shook his head. “It’s actually really good.” He said, food still in his mouth. “Okay, no one's gonna take it from you and don’t talk with your mouth full.” I said and he swallowed. “Yes, mom.” He said. Soon Mav and Penny left and I took a shower in the bathroom attached to his room. “Oh I feel so much better.” I said as I came out, I looked at Bradley and smiled. He had Mr. Snuffles up on the bed with him, tucked into his left side and he read the card attached to the flowers mom sent. “Your mom send these?” He asked and I nodded. “She did. Her and dad were gonna fly out but there was nothing they could do so I managed to talk them into staying put.” He chuckled. “Should we call them?” He asked and I realized I never text anyone but Mav to say he was awake. “Sure. Let’s surprise them.” I said. I facetimed moms phone and it rang so long I thought she would never answer.
“Hell-OH!” Mom yelled when she saw Bradley grinning at her through the phone. “Oh thank god! DAVID!” She yelled and she rushed through the house. “What?! Something happen to Bradley?” He asked and my heart swelled knowing my parents care about him so much. Mom turned the phone towards him and it took dad a minute to register what he was seeing. “Wha- YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Dad yelled with a smile on his face. “Good to see ya, son!” He said, making us laugh. “When did you wake up?” Dad asked. “Yesterday evening.” He said. “We hadn’t told anyone but Mav till now.” I said. “What about the team?” Dad asked. “I’ll text them once I get off the phone with you. Bradley wants them to come in a few at a time. He doesn’t want them crowding.” I said and I turned to him. His eyes were drifting closed and I could tell he was exhausted still. “Well, we’ll let you go. Text us with updates, we can talk later.” Mom said and I nodded, letting her go. “Get some sleep, honey.” I said, kissing his head. His arm went around my waist and I smiled, knowing I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere any time soon.
Throughout the week the team came in to visit, all cheering and crying tears of joy to see Bradley awake. Cyclone even came in to speak with him. Bradley had been worried that he wouldn’t be able to fly again, but his doctor and Cyclone reassured him that he would be back in the skies but only after ten to twelve weeks. He was bummed about it, but it was all worth it if he made a full recovery. Come Saturday we were getting ready to go home. I packed all of our stuff, Bradley was dressed and ready, the only thing left is for the doctor to remove his chest tube. “You may have some slight discomfort as I remove this.” Rooster squeezed my hand and buried his face in my shoulder. The doctor cut the stitches and slowly pulled the tube out, a hiss escaping Bradley as he did so. “All done.” I could immediately tell a shift in Bradley, he seemed more relaxed, relieved. “Macy will be in with your discharge paperwork and care instructions in just a few minutes.” We nodded and he left. Roo sat up and swung his legs off the bed. He’s only been up a handful of times this week and he’s a little unsteady so I immediately reach for him. “Need help?” I asked and he shook his head. “No, I just need off this bed.”
He stood and stepped away, slowly wandering around the room. “Feels good to just use my legs.” He said, stretching his legs as he did so. I just watched him. There was a moment where I never thought I’d see him alive again, let alone up and moving. “What?” He asked, noticing that I was watching him. “I’m just glad you're okay.” I said, leaning back on my hands as I leaned against a table in the room. He smiled, walking over to me, his hands falling to my waist. “I told you, I’m not going anywhere.” He said before leaning down and kissing me. There was so much passion behind it, something we’ve been missing since he’s been in here. “I love you, Mags.” He whispered as he pulled away. “I love you too, Roo.” I wrapped my hand around his neck and kissed him one more time before Macy came in. “Alright. These are your care instructions.” She handed the packet to Rooster, he couldn’t get incisions wet for three more days, no physical exercise for six weeks. “The physical exercise also includes sex.” “WHAT?!” He asked loudly and I slapped my hand over his mouth. Macy tried not to giggle but one escaped. “Yes. No sex. It could increase your heart rate and your stitches could pop. If they pop, you’ll bleed out in minutes, before anyone can get there to help you.”
I turned to him and he looked at me with pleading eyes but I shook my head. “No sex.” I said sternly and he huffed. We went over the rest of the instructions before we signed the paperwork. “Thank you so much.” I said before pulling Macy into a hug. She seemed shocked but hugged me back. “You’re welcome.” She said before forcing Bradley into a wheelchair. “I can walk.” He said and she chuckled. “Hospital policy, I’m just doing my job.” She said and he pouted the entire walk to the front doors. Macy stood with him while I pulled the jeep up to the doors. Macy helped him in and soon we were off and headed home. “It’s weird being the passenger.” Roo said, reaching over and taking my hand. “Thank you.” He said, lifting my hand and kissing the back of it softly. “For what?” I asked, squeezing his hand slightly. “Staying. Not leaving me alone in there.” There was something in his voice. I couldn’t read it and that bothered me. We stayed quiet the entire ride home, the only noise being the road and the radio. Once we pulled into the driveway I put the car in park and turned to him. “You know I’d never leave you, right?” I asked and he nodded. “I do. But you easily could’ve sat here at home, waiting for a phone call instead of sitting in that uncomfortable chair.” I just smiled at him, sitting up and running my fingers through his hair. “I wanted my face to be the first thing you saw when you woke up. So I wasn’t going anywhere. Plus if anything happened I wanted to know immediately, not twenty minutes after the fact.” He just smiled at me, his hand gently gripping the hand in his hair and holding it. “I’m glad you were the first thing I saw. It sounds weird, but god I missed you.” I smiled, leaning down and kissing him. “I missed you too.”
I pulled away and slid out of the jeep. “Now, let’s get you inside. I’m hungry and I’m sure you are too.” I said as I opened his door. Thankfully the jeep doesn’t sit too high off the ground so he could easily slide out. “Your cooking sounds amazing.” He said before reaching into the back. “EH! You’re not allowed to lift anything over ten pounds!” I stopped him. “I got the bags, you just take your ass inside and sit down.” He huffed but didn’t argue. He did reach inside and grab my purse and the flowers, neither weighing more than ten. Pick your battles. He likes helping out, so I’ll let him do little things here and there. He’ll go crazy if I make him lay in bed all day. We got inside and the dogs lost their minds. “Sit.” Bradley said and both dogs immediately sat, tails going a mile a minute. Rooster set my purse by the door with the flowers before sitting on the floor. I put all of our dirty clothes in the washer and put everything else away before I went into the kitchen. Amelia ate a good bit of the food, mostly stuff that would go bad like sandwich stuff. I pulled out some chicken to put in the airfryer and some pasta. I seasoned the chicken lightly before tossing it in then prepped everything else.
As that cooked I walked back into the living room to find Rooster had moved to the couch, Dahlia’s head in his lap and Sadie curled up next to him. “How does chicken pesto pasta sound?” I asked as I leaned over the back of the couch. He turned his head to look at me, smiling widely. “It sounds so good.” I smiled and kissed him before coming around and sitting next to him. I grabbed his hand and leaned my head on his shoulder. “It’s good to be home with you.” I muttered, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “I agree, pretty girl.” Once dinner was done we sat down and ate just enjoying the time together. There was a moment that I thought I would never have time like this again. After dinner I got him settled upstairs in the bed and went to take my shower. “I wish I could take a fucking shower. Those sponge baths did shit to make me feel clean.” I felt bad for him. The man showers religiously and after a week, he probably does feel like shit. “Are you sure I can’t take a shower?” He asked and I sighed. “You heard Macy. You can’t get your incisions wet for three more days.” He huffed and leaned his head back. I could tell he was frustrated and I hated it. I turned and took notice of the giant jetted tub that we have yet to use.
“You know. If we’re really careful, you could take a bath.” He sat up immediately. “You think?” He asked and I nodded. “I’ll have to help you to make sure you keep your incisions dry.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me. “So you’ll get in with me?” He asked. “No. I will sit on the edge of the tub and help you, but I will not be getting in the water with you.” He pouted but slowly stood. No matter what he says, he knows he’s weak and he knows he has to be careful. “Why not?” He asked as he slowly walked by me. “Because, I know how you get when I’m naked and I will not have you dying in our bathtub.” I said, referring to the stitches in his aorta. “Fine.” He huffed. “At least help me get undressed? It hurts if I lift my arm too high.” I gave him a small smile and nodded. I helped him carefully pull his shirt off and helped him with his pants before starting the water. I didn’t let it get too high, not wanting the water to reach the incision on his left side where his chest tube was.
Once I turned off the water I helped him in and he sat down. “Just being in the water feels nice.” I smiled, brushing his hair back. “I love you.” He said as he looked up at me with those big brown cow eyes. “I love you too.” I leaned down and kissed him gently before I carefully helped him wash his body and his hair. Once we were done I could see he felt better, more relaxed. “My turn. Go lay down and I’ll crawl in bed with you once I’ve had my shower.” He smiled and leaned down, kissing me softly. “Okay.” He whispered and walked into the bedroom while I cut the shower on. I washed away all the stress of the last few days. It was nice to be home, in my own shower, knowing my fiance was peacefully laying in bed waiting for me. Once I was done I dried off and slid into one of Bradley’s t-shirts before walking into the bedroom.
There, lying on the bed was Bradley. He was on his back, arms outstretched as his chest slowly rose and fell. I smiled and made my way over to the bed. I pulled the covers back, moving his arm before I slid in. “Mm, honey?” I couldn’t help but grin as I curled into him, my hand resting on his chest, right next to his incision. “I’m right here.” I whispered. His arm curled around my shoulder, pulling me close before he drifted back off to sleep. I just laid there, taking in everything. This was real. He would live. We would get to sleep next to each other, have meals together… we still get to have our wedding. Losing Rooster was a hard concept to grasp, but never being able to marry him made my chest ache. It felt as if someone took their hands and pulled my rib cage apart before reaching in and ripping out my heart. Part of me wanted to stay awake, soak in every moment of this, to know it was real. But his even breathing made me sleepy and soon, I was drifting off to sleep right next to him.
The next day we were lazy. Roo got up and walked around the house, we took a short walk on the beach to get him up and moving, but other than that we laid on the couch and cuddled. Of course Mav called to check on him. That would become a daily thing for a while. I know Mav was terrified of losing him, and he has every right to be, but I think Rooster is already annoyed after the third call today. “I’m fine.” He said after he hung up with Mav. “I know.” I said as I rubbed his back. “But you aren’t acting like that.” I pursed my lips and nodded. “But I get to see you all day, touch you, talk to you. All these things that solidify that you’re really here. Mav was… really scared. I think he’s still scared, scared that he’s going to call and you will never pick up.” I said and he sighed. “Maybe you call him tomorrow, or send him a meme every now and again. Something to help solidify that you’re still here and I’m sure he’ll calm down soon.” I said as my phone dinged. “Is it Mav?” He asked and I shook my head. “Penny. She’s apologizing for Mav calling so many times. She said she’s hiding his phone from him now.” Rooster chuckled. “He may just drive over here.” I nodded in agreement. “He really might.”
The rest of Sunday was spent in the kitchen. I was prepping stuff so Bradley could have easy and healthy lunches. Lots of protein and foods that would be good for his heart. He helped a little, getting tired easily so he would occasionally go nap or just rest. Going to bed Sunday night was easy. It was getting up Monday morning that was hard. It was storming outside, a very uncommon sight for San Diego. “You think you’ll be in the air much?” Roo asked as I pulled my hair back into a bun. “Knowing Mav? He’ll use this as an excuse for severe weather training.” Roo gave a light chuckle from the bed. “Probably.” He laid on his back, arm tossed over his eyes to shield them from the bathroom light. Once I was done I grabbed my flight suit and slid it on. “You gonna be okay today?” I asked and he nodded. “I’ll miss you.” I couldn’t help but grin and walk towards the bed, leaning over him as I got close. “I’ll miss you too.” He moved his arm and I kissed him gently. “But I will be fine. If I need you, I’ll call.” I nodded as I laced my boots up.
I went downstairs to get my coffee ready, Bradley and the dogs close behind. We silently went about our routine. Bradley let the dogs out and fed them while I got my coffee ready. “Okay. I love you, I will be home soon.” I said as I turned to him. He smiled down at me before leaning down and kissing me. “I love you too.” He followed me to the door, his own mug of coffee in hand before I opened the door. I turned for my bag, yelling as I saw him bend down to grab it. “You cannot lift anything heavy yet.” I scolded as I hoisted my bag over my shoulder. “Yes ma’am.” He sassed. “I’ll check in around lunch time.” I said before he kissed me one more time. “Okay, honey.” With that I walked out the door, pulling the hood of my rain jacket over my head. I quickly tossed everything in the jeep before practically diving in myself. Bradley stood on the porch waving as I backed out of the driveway. I waved back before heading off to work.
“Today you will be doing some severe weather training.” Mav announced in our morning briefing. “I told Bradley we’d be doing weather training.” I leaned over to Coyote as I whispered. “I want you in groups of threes. We’ll be practicing flight maneuvers.” We all nodded. “Dismissed.” With that we stood and made our way out to the hangar. First up was Phoenix and Bob, Fritz, and Coyote. I checked over my jet as they went up before Mav walked over. “How is he?” I just smiled at him before I sat in a chair. “Doing surprisingly well.” I answered. “No pain or anything?” He asked. “He’s on a lot of medication for pain and infections and everything in between. His incisions still look fresh and he’s dying for an actual shower.” Mav nodded and sat next to me. “I’m worried about psychological effects.” I nodded in agreement. “So far he sleeps like a baby. No nightmares, but I keep waking up intermittently to check on him.” He just nodded and smiled at me.
“I’m glad he has you.” Mav said, tossing his arm around my shoulder. “He wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for me.” “Don’t start that.” Mav snapped. “Stop blaming yourself for every little thing that goes wrong in your relationship. I’m tired of hearing it and so is Bradley.” I was stunned by his response. Mav has usually been level headed with a few exceptions. He sighed and it was silent for a moment. “Caila, I’m sorry.” I shook my head and stood. “No. You’re right.” With that I walked away. I couldn’t really be mad at Mav, he was right. But so was I. Soon it was my turn to get in the air with Hangman and Omaha and Halo. We were doing so good. “Get him off me, Magnolia!” Omaha called out. “Hang in there! I’m coming!” Just as I almost had Hangman in my sights, lightning struck way too close for comfort. We had multiple other lightning strikes that followed. “Should we land?” I asked through the comms. The rain was splattering against my canopy, making visibility next to nothing. “You’re team leader Magnolia. That’s your call.” Another lightning strike and I made my decision. “Everyone bring it in.” We all landed one by one, my landing last as I wanted everyone else to land before me. As soon as I got my jet onto the tarmac, I was out and rushing inside. “I’m already sick of this rain.” I said as I stormed past Mav and Phoenix, soaked to the bone.
I didn’t shower on base, deciding it wasn’t worth it. The rain hasn’t let up all day and after work was no different. I hit a stupid amount of traffic on the way home and by the time I actually got there, I just wanted to curl up with Rooster. I made it inside, bringing in just a little water and not a whole damn puddle and as I set my bag down I saw Rooster napping on the couch. He looked so peaceful. He was lying on his back, one arm tossed back behind his head, the other resting on his belly. As I stepped closer I was startled by Sadie who poked her head out from under the blanket. “Keeping daddy company?” I asked, reaching down and petting her before she laid her head on his leg. I left Bradley asleep as I went upstairs and showered. He needed his sleep. Sleep would help him heal and a lot of the medications he’s taking right now make him sleepy. Once I was done, I found he was still asleep as I came downstairs. I needed to figure out dinner so I went into the kitchen and started rummaging around. I decided to just grill some chicken, brown rice and lots of fresh veggies. Most of it is good for his heart and I wanted him to feel as good as possible as quickly as possible.
When dinner was almost done I went to wake him. I sat next to him on the couch, smiling at how peaceful he looked. I brushed some of his curls back gently and he inhaled deeply. I kissed his forehead, his cheeks, his chin and as I kissed his eyebrow his eyes opened. “Mm, hi honey.” He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. “Careful, Roo.” I said, pulling away slightly. “I just wanna hold my fiance, is that too much to ask?” He groaned and I chuckled. “No, but I don’t wanna hurt you.” He smiled up at me as his hand threaded through my hair. “You never could.” He pulled me down into a kiss and I couldn’t help but relax into it. After a minute I pulled away. "Dinners almost ready." I told him and he inhaled deeply. "Okay, I'll be in the kitchen in a minute." I stood and held out my hands, helping him up gently. His face scrunched as if he was in pain as he stood. “When was the last time you had any medicine?” I asked and he looked at his watch. “Five hours ago.” I pursed my lips. “I’ll set out your medicine with dinner.” I said before standing on my toes and kissing his cheek.
I plated everything and set all his medications out on the island and he came in just as I put all my food on my own plate. He was rubbing his chest just around his scar. “Here.” I slid some water to him as he sat down. “Thanks.” He muttered before taking the handful of pills and swallowing them with the water. I smiled before sitting next to him with my own food. “How was your day?” He asked as he cut into the chicken. “Long. The rain never stopped and we had to end our exercise early because of all the lightning. I was soaked all day.” He chuckled. “Kind of glad I wasn’t there to endure that.” He said and I glared at him. “I love you but you get cranky if you get soaked from the rain.” He said, grinning before he leaned over and kissed my cheek. “You’re not wrong.” I replied. We talked and ate and once we were done poor Bradley looked like he would fall asleep. “C’mon. Let’s get you in bed.” I said quietly as I cut off the kitchen light. He slowly got up and I wrapped my arm around his waist. “I really want another bath.” He muttered and I sighed. Bradley is a man that showers every day and I can’t really tell him no. “Okay. We’ll get you a bath and then bed.”
We made it up the stairs and he sat on the toilet as I pulled out some towels for him and cut on the water. “Will you get in with me?” He asked as I leaned over. His hands rested on my hips and pulled me back till I stood between his legs and he rested his forehead on my back. “I’ve already showered.” I answered. “Please.” I let out a slow breath. I wanted to tell him no, but then I remembered how close I came to losing him. “Okay.” I could feel him smile against me. We both stripped and I helped him in before getting in and sitting on the opposite side, facing him. He gave me a small smile as I tossed my legs over his. “We should make use of this bathtub more often.” He said, leaning his head back and winking at me. “Mhm, I know what you want to use it for.” I said with a smile. “You can’t tell me that you don’t want to use it for the same thing!” He said as he leaned forward, gripping my thighs and hauling me into his lap. I gasped loudly. I knew he wouldn’t let me go so I helped slide myself into his lap, not wanting him to overexert himself. “You shouldn’t do that.” I scolded him.
“I didn’t hurt myself, so don’t worry.” I huffed, shaking my head. “I’ll always worry about you.” He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me as close as he could get me, my forehead resting on his. I smiled at him, my thumb running across the scars on his jawline. “I love you.” I whispered and he grinned. “I love you too, pretty girl.” I kissed his lips gently before I sat up. “We should probably get you washed up before the water gets cold.” He nodded and I leaned back, grabbing the soap and a rag. His arms stayed around me as I lathered the soap across his body. “I did something today.” He blurted out. I raised a brow at him. “What’d you do?” I asked, carefully cleaning around his incision. “I made some changes to my life insurance policy.” I stilled. “What?” I asked, my eyes moving to his. “When I met Nat and we became friends, she was the beneficiary. I knew she’d use it to pay off any funeral debts if it came to that. When we got together I never really thought about it. But after what happened, I didn’t want you to have to worry about anything.” I stared at him for a moment. I dropped the rag and my hands drifted up to the sides of his neck. “Bradley. I don’t want your money.” I said and he nodded, one hand coming up and lightly holding my wrist. “I know, honey. I know. But if something does happen to me I just want the peace of mind knowing that you’re taken care of. Just to know that finances is one thing you won’t have to worry about makes me feel better.”
I sighed, tears coming to my eyes. “Financial ruin doesn’t matter. Because if you’re not here I don’t know how I’d go on living.” He furrowed his brows, his handscoming up to my own cheeks. “Hey, don’t say that.” I shook my head. “It’s true though. When you were in the hospital I had this god awful dream.” I took a deep breath, willing the tears away. “You died. You didn’t make it. Mom was helping me get ready for your funeral.” My breath caught in my throat and he shushed me. “Hey, I’m here.” I shook my head. “Seeing you in a casket Bradley, even in my dream I just wanted to die.” I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held him tightly. “It’s okay. I’m here and I don’t plan on going anywhere for a long, long time.” He said as he pressed a kiss to my neck. His words sat heavy on my chest and only one thought crossed my mind, and I’m sure it crossed his. Goose didn’t plan on going anywhere for a long, long time either. I didn’t dare say it out loud, but we both knew it. Anything can happen in our jobs, even outside of it. Once I calmed myself, I sat back and wiped my cheeks.
“Come on. Let’s finish up and get in bed.” He said and I nodded. We finished in the bath and finally got out. Rooster slid into some boxers and I slid on some panties and one of his old Phillie’s shirts. With that, we climbed into bed, his arm going around my waist and pulling me into his side. “You’re gonna have to stop pulling me, I definitely weigh more than ten pounds.” I said and he chuckled. “I’d pop a stitch for you anyday.” He said, turning on his side and nuzzling his nose into my cheek. “Well let’s not do that. Remember what Macy said?” I asked, closing my eyes and resting my hand on his chest. “Yes, honey. I remember.” He huffed and then it went quiet. Within minutes Rooster was out like a light and I wasn’t far behind him.
The next morning I got up and left early, deciding I needed to hit the gym. I left Rooster a note just so he didn’t worry. I walked into the gym, immediately heading for the weights and saw Hangman on the leg press. “Mornin’.” He grunted out. “Mornin’.” I replied quietly. Hangman finished as I headed for the leg curl machine. I got set up and started. “You okay?” Hangman asked as he finished his set and stood up. “Hm? Oh, yeah. I’m just tired.” I replied. “How’s Rooster?” He asked. “He’s okay. Sleeping a lot. He can finally get his stitches wet today so I know as soon as I walk through the door he’ll be begging for a shower.” Hangman scrunched his face. “Has he not bathed since he came home?” I giggled. “Yes, he has. But it’s been baths and the man showers daily. He’s begged me every night since he came home for a shower.” He nodded. “Why can’t he just take one when he gets up?”
I shook my head. “If the shower gets too hot, which is likely because he loves steaming showers, he can pass out. I’d rather be home so if anything happens I can get to him.” He nodded. “He hasn’t… hasn’t had any nightmares has he?” I shook my head. “No. I hope he never does, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. It was all so traumatic. I’ve been waking up at least twice a night to check on him.” He gave me a small smile. “Worried?” He asked and I nodded. “Worried something will happen in the middle of the night and when I wake up he’ll be dead.” I finished my reps and sat up. “He told me last night that he changed the beneficiary to his life insurance policy. He changed it to me because after what happened he was worried I wouldn’t be taken care of.” I chuckled. “As if that would happen.” Hangman chuckled and agreed. “Well what matters is he’s still here and on the mend.” I nodded as he pulled me into a side hug.
We finished working out and I showered before getting ready in my flight suit. We went through the motions of the day, sitting in lectures, going through simulations and flight training. Finally when the end of the day came, I didn’t bother showering in the locker room and just made my way home. Like I predicted, Rooster was standing in the living room in only his boxers when I got home. “Hi honey.” He seemed tired but happy to see me. “Hi, why are you up?” I asked. “I was waiting on you to get home so I could shower.” He had a large grin on his face. “I figured you would be. Just didn’t expect you to be standing in the living room waiting on me.” I said as I set my bag on the floor. “Have you had a shower yet?” He asked, coming closer and resting his hands on my waist. “I knew you’d ask so I purposefully drove home without one.” He grinned and laced his fingers through mine. “C’mon honey. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He grinned at me as he pulled me upstairs towards our room. He slowly unzipped my flight suit, his lips attached to mine. “Don’t get worked up now.” I told him. “You’re only telling me that because you’re getting worked up.” He said before attaching his lips to the skin just below my ear. “You’re right, I am.” I said as I stepped out of my flight suit. We finished stripping and Rooster got into the shower. The water was warm, but not too hot. Bradley carefully washed his incision and I helped him wash everywhere else. “I never thought a shower could feel so amazing.” He said, standing under the shower head. I smiled, running my hands through his hair, washing out the shampoo. “I’m just glad you feel so good today.” He nodded. “I feel better today than I have since it happened.” I gave him a tight smile. “That’s good.” Bradley lathered my body with soap before helping me wash my own hair. It was quiet, sweet even. When we got out he helped me make dinner and we ate, curled up on the couch. “Bradley?” I asked after we were done eating. I was laying down on the couch, him between my legs with his head on my stomach. “Yeah, pretty girl?” He asked. “I love you, so much.” I said, running my fingers through his curl. He buried his face in my stomach, his mustache tickling my skin as he smiled. “I love you too, pretty girl. So much more than you could imagine.” He said before placing a kiss to my stomach.
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @fanboyswhore9 @kmc1989 @sunderland-6 @mygyn @halstead-severide-fan
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