#I’m not done with Mario and Luigi just yet
jelly-fish-wishes · 7 months
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It was fun while it lasted 🫡🫡🫡
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Time to hyperfixiate on the ORIGINAL bros, Mickey and Oswald!
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pianokantzart · 6 months
The Super Mario Bros. Redux (Pt. 6)
What would happen if, in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, after Mario and Luigi are separated, Mario was the one who ended up in the clutches of Luigi’s eventual arch nemesis, while Luigi teamed up with some of his own close allies to go rescue him? (This part of the story is in one shot format. Most other parts are written in bullet points.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 ________
A short summary of the things Luigi had done in the past twenty four hours that he had never expected to do in his entire life:
Fall into an interdimensional wormhole. Fight a warrior princess in a crowded arena. Become a royally acclaimed ghost hunter. Enlist in an army assembled to ambush the territory ruled by The King of Ghosts in order to rescue hostages and bring balance to the afterlife. Adopt a dog.
... Though it was more accurate to say the dog adopted him. Normally Luigi had trouble with animals– he could never read their body language, and his clumsiness made for bad first impressions. The few animals he got along with in the past were old and quiet, wanting nothing more than a warm lap on which to lay their head. Polterpup was different; playful and energetic, mischievous yet patient. Luigi couldn’t help but wonder what was the reason behind the attachment– if he himself resembled an old master or friend from the dog’s past life before it became a ghost. It still wore a collar, though the little golden loop on the front had no tag. The collar was bright red, almost a perfect match to Mario’s favorite color. "Heh, you’re just as good at getting into trouble as Mario, too,” Luigi added with a somber smile, kneeling down to oblige the ghost dog’s less-than-subtle plea for belly rubs until it disappeared again, as was its habit. Polterpup tended to suddenly poof in and out of thin air with little warning, and though it seemed to be at random at first, Luigi began to realize the dog mostly came to him when he was feeling alone, which was more often than not as of late. Every new experience, every strange encounter, every unexpected victory made Luigi wish more and more that his brother was around to take part. Hardly a second passed without him wondering what he was doing at that moment, and if he was okay.
Unfortunately, his occupied mind made him a less-than-helpful assistant to E. Gadd. The professor had warned earlier that he had always preferred working alone. The result was a very low tolerance level for “tomfoolery,” as he described it, and it wasn’t long before Luigi’s shaky attempts to help attach upgrades to The Poltergust caused the scientist to lose his patience. One shoddy wire-soldering job later, Luigi found himself being forcibly pushed toward the exit by the surprisingly strong old man. “Go. Shoo. Distract yourself with something else.”
“Like what?” Luigi asked, digging his heels. “What do I do? Where do I go?”
“How about you see the princess?”
“Princess Daisy?”
Luigi lingered in the doorway. The professor adjusted his glasses, and pointed down one of the castle hallways. “Yep! She’s in the greenhouse. I’m sure she could use the company. You two seem to get along well enough.”
“We do?” Luigi placed his hand against his cheek, thinking over their last interactions. They had exchanged blows, but worked together in the end to defeat Boolossus. She had held his hand up as the victor, but she had also toyed with him in a way that made it clear that she knew how weak he truly was. He liked her, that much he knew, but that didn’t mean she wanted anything more to do with him, and furthermore she had a power and confidence to her that intimidated him beyond her status as the daughter of four kings. “I don’t know. I mean, we did make a pretty good team, but she’s royalty! I don’t know anything about how to approach royalty. Do I bow? Or–”
“You’ll be fine,” The Professor assured, only half paying attention as he returned to his work, burying himself back into the open hatch of a large machine.
In the end, Luigi did as he was told. The greenhouse was easy enough to find. As large as the Birabuto Palace was, its corridors were open and easy to navigate, and the guards were surprisingly helpful in giving directions despite their shaky first-encounters.
Finding the large doors to the greenhouse, marked by limestone imitations of crawling vines carved into the archway, Luigi gathered his determination and pushed them open. The first thing that struck him was a wall of glacial cold– a shocking surprise, and the opposite of what he expected from a greenhouse, but this discomfort was immediately undercut by the beauty of the surrounding foliage. The flowers, sparkling with a brilliant, incandescent blue, sprouted from planter boxes and large pots all around in blooms and buds. He thought for a moment that surely they were beautifully-crafted plastic or silicon, but pinching a large leaf between the fingers of his gloves he found they felt as real as any common dandelion. The second thing that struck him was the night sky, clearly visible through the glass walls and ceiling. He had never in his life seen so many stars, and for all his love of science and space he could not recognize a single constellation, which served as an unsettling, but ultimately breathtaking reminder of how far from home truly he was.
“Oh! Hey!”
Luigi jumped and let out a surprised squeak when Daisy emerged from behind a stack of pots to greet him. Her cheeks were tinted pink from the cold, and in her right arm she held a large sack of powdery-white fertilizer that she was distributing between the plants. She laughed at his reaction, but it carried no hint of condescension, just friendly amusement. “I was hoping I’d see you again before we invaded Evershade Valley!” she called, waving him over. “Luigi, was it?”
Luigi approached while holding his hat to his chest, shuddering a bit as the chill bit at the edges of his ears. “Yes, Your Highness.” Daisy once more laughed her friendly, good-natured laugh. “None of that. Just Daisy. No ‘Miss’ or ‘Ma’am’ either. If you’ve gotta be formal, call me Princess Daisy.” Luigi, feeling a little more at ease, put his hat back on his head. “Yes, Princess Daisy.” She gave a nod of approval, then went back to work fertilizing the long rows of plants. “So,” she asked, “What can I help you with, big guy?” “I, er…” Luigi suddenly realized he had failed to come up with a proper reason before arriving here. He couldn’t very well say the professor kicked him out of the lab for being inept, but before he could think of an excuse his attention was re-seized by the plants. Curiosity overcame him to the point that he forgot his worries, and he once more brushed his hand against the leaf of the nearest flower. “Are these where your ice powers came from? In The Battle Stadium?” “Of course! I’m pretty good with a powerup, huh?” Daisy said proudly, “Normally I favor the elephant fruit, but today I decided to switch things up.” “Elephant fruit? There’s other magical plants?” The princess stiffened. Luigi was worried for a moment that he had accidentally said something offensive, but she retained her genuine smile as she set the sack of fertilizer down and placed her hands on her hips. “Wow, you’re really not from around here, are you.” Before Luigi could answer, she walked up and wrapped a friendly arm around his shoulder. “Suppose I should’ve known. Humans aren’t native to this world. The professor is one of, like, two other humans I know. Do you know E. Gadd? Is he your uncle or something?” “I– uh, no. We just met yesterday.” “Let me guess: you're lost." "Well... yes..." "And he said he'd only get you home if you help him.” “What!?” “He’s the kind of guy to pull a stunt like that if he thinks it’s for the greater good.” Daisy explained, holding Luigi a bit closer in a show of sympathy. “You don’t have to do this, you know, you could go home anytime you like. I’ll vouch for you!” Despite the friendly intention behind these words, Luigi felt a lump form in his throat. He slipped out from under The Princess’ side-hug, and stared up at her with a troubled look. “Do you… want me to leave?” Daisy bristled. Her cheeks reddened as she shook her head and waved her hands in dismay. “No! No no no of course not! I think you’re great! It’s just…” She trailed off, rubbing the back of her neck.
Luigi, surprised by this rare show of nervousness, patiently waited with bated breath for her to gather her thoughts, and after a few seconds she continued, quieter than before. “It’s just that I keep thinking about what you said in the arena. You seemed like a guy who had a lot to lose. You weren’t in it for glory or the fun of the fight, you were just scared and… I don’t know… I felt bad for you. Still do.” At this, Luigi gained a slight smile, shyly burying his hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels. “Heh, don’t worry. I gotta learn how to not be scared all the time, y'know?” It didn’t take long before he realized what he said– whose words he was echoing. The gravity of the situation quickly crashed back down on him, robbing him of that small moment of comfort. It was evident by the look on Daisy’s face that she had seen the change in his expression, so Luigi went ahead and explained his predicament before she could ask: “It’s my brother, Mario. We both fell through a warp pipe. I ended up in your kingdom but he ended up in Evershade Valley.”
Daisy cocked her head, the gears turning behind her eyes as everything she had witnessed about the plumber's manner up until now came together in her mind. “Oh. I see.”
“It was my fault. I fell into the warp pipe, and he jumped in after me, and– I… I can’t just leave him.” Luigi heard his own voice crack and felt tears beginning to form in his eyes. Despite this he kept going, the pent up emotions of the past twenty four hours running rampant, unable to be reigned in. “It’s not that I don’t trust anyone else to save him, but I gotta make sure he’s okay! We’ve never been apart this long… and I-... I miss him.” Tears began streaming freely, the cold air burning them into long lines down Luigi’s cheeks. He turned away, struggling to wipe his eyes with the back of his glove. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be.”
Luigi saw a glimmer of white fabric in the corner of his vision. Turning, he saw the princess holding a flower-embroidered handkerchief out to him. He accepted, and dried his eyes. He tried to hand it back, but she was already returning to the flowers, plucking up a set of pruning shears as she went. “I’ve never known a good fighter that didn’t have big emotions brewing under the surface,” she assured. “But don’t you worry, after the way we saved my dads, saving you brother should be no sweat!...” Luigi, hearing a light snip of closing shears, saw Princess Daisy remove one of the ice flowers at its base between where the leaves connected to the soil. Despite being cut off from its roots the plant remained as lively as ever. It almost looked to be dancing happily in her hands as she delivered it back to Luigi.
“...and when you do save him, give him this.” She said, holding out the offering. “If Mario’s anything like you, he’s not going to want to be defenseless, and ice magic is the one of the few things that can combat boos besides your Poltergust.” Luigi smiled. He reached out and took the flower into his hands. He was surprised to find it wasn’t particularly chilly to the touch– clearly the coldness of the room was for the sake of cultivating the plants, not the effect of the flowers themselves. “You seem to really know a lot.” He mused aloud, pressing the gift to his chest. “But… you said humans aren’t native to this world. Where did you come from, then?” He stopped suddenly, realizing the personal nature of what he asked. He searched Daisy’s face for some sign of disapproval, but was relieved to see her smiling just as brightly as before. “Ha! I wish I had an answer to your question!” She laughed, “Dragonzamasu says I hatched from an orange egg that appeared suddenly in a field of flowers. Biokinton says he found me curled up in a bassinet hitched to a shooting star. Hiyoihoi says he found me locked in a gemstone at the center of the oldest mountain in Sarasaland. But I’m more inclined to buy Totomesu’s story.”
“What’s Totomesu’s story?” Daisy’s smile wavered. Luigi wondered once again if he misstepped, but this time easily brushed the thought aside, trusting by now that the princess would let him know if he had done something wrong. She turned away, staring up at the stars through the glass wall of the greenhouse, and Luigi placed himself at the her side, watching the stars in tandem until Daisy finally broke the silence and answered his question: “He found me at the mouth of a warp pipe, barely old enough to crawl and completely terrified. Sometimes I think I still remember that day… as much as I prefer to believe that I hatched from an egg.”
There was such an odd sadness to her voice that Luigi felt an impulse to reach out and reassuringly take her hand, though he had enough common sense to refrain from such an intimate gesture. All the same, he wanted to say something comforting. “I don’t mind that you didn’t hatch from an egg.” He heard himself blurt out.
Daisy shot him a confused look, and Luigi nervously scrambled to explain himself. “What I mean is… hey, you were a baby, y’know? Ain’t nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re already so cool, you can’t be cool every moment of your life, and most babies aren’t cool! And… uh…” Daisy started to laugh. Luigi turned red, but felt a little better now that she was smiling again, even more so when he felt the princess affectionately nudging his shoulder. “Haha! I get it big guy, I get what you're saying!”
Luigi laughed too, in spite of himself.
“Speaking of ‘cool,’” Daisy went on, “I'm freezing!” She rubbed at her arms in a display of discomfort. Luigi, too, was suddenly reminded of just how cold he was. By now the low temperature had seeped all the way through his clothes and skin, triggering a powerful shiver that ran through his core, which was soon soothed as the princess wrapped an arm around him, and pressed him close. “Tell me, Luigi, do you have hot chocolate in your world?”
“I love hot chocolate!”
“Perfect!” With her arm still tightly wrapped around the plumber, Daisy eagerly led him to the egress of the greenhouse. “Let’s get us some good old-fashioned creature comforts before we fight some ghosts!”
"Heh. Yeah. Let's-a-go!" Luigi said, forcing enthusiasm, thankful that he had the cold as an excuse for his uncontrollable shivering.
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xotication · 3 months
can u do gamer!kaneki and reader doing a stream where it’s just them goofing off and doing random stuff? like reader does his makeup on stream, smash or pass w anime characters, etc. ofc if you’d like !! thank u ♡
of course! sorry this took so long :(
as you know, kaneki has been streaming for a while now. his viewers love him, but they also love you! he’s starting to think he can’t have one stream where they’re not begging him to bring you in.
eventually you become a reoccurring guest, no matter what is is you two are doing.
his viewers eventually give you guys ideas of some silly things to do.
like one time you guys had to remake peoples instagram stories. you guys would just scroll thru your mutuals stories & randomly click on one.
it left you guys posting some corny couple photos, random fit checks, your attempts at some of the fancy dinners they were eating, or even random videos between them & their friends.
another time, the viewers begged & BEGGED the two of you to play smash or pass & it was the funniest thing ever.
“okok. uhm, smash or pass satoru gojo”
“what- i can’t smash gojo but you can?? he’s my glorious blue eyed king!”
“YOUR?! ken baby, he doesn’t even know who you ARE!”
“just shhh..”
“ok wtv. smash or pass eren jaeger”
“excuse me? didn’t he commit like every war crime.. ever?”
“ok & he was sexy while doing it all.”
“is that what i have to do for you..?”
“you were supposed to say no….”
this continued with a plethora of people & by the end of it, you guys were questioning each other so hard.
some of your guys’ other friends got wrapped into the content. one night you called up hide to test his loyalty.
“uhm- hey hide. is kaneki there with you? he said he’d be hanging out with you, but i haven’t heard from him in hours.”
hide literally requests to facetime you & walks you throughout his whole house to show no signs of kaneki. manz was playing NO games. & kaneki was so heartbroken.
“bro how’re you gonna expose me like that?!”
“bc if you’re cheating on your girl, i’m not gonna help you cover that shit up. be a man, moron”
“ok chill. i didn’t even cheat”
“yeah +10k aura for hide..”
“ok i’m hanging up wtf”
you ended up asking ken if you guys could do a cooking and/or baking stream. but without a recipe, he agrees & this makes for the most viral stream yet.
you have hide and ayato there to let you guys know how much time there is left, to referee the whole situation, & ofc to judge the food
you’re instructed to make pasta, FROM SCRATCH.
things start off well, but when you take a bathroom break, kaneki ends up sabotaging your dish.
he’s adding in a lil bit too much salt to your pasta sauce, & tasting it makes his whole face scrunch up.
when you come back, hide looks so guilty. like he had seen something he wasn’t supposed to see. which was of course, the underlying truth. all the while ayato was there, pokerfaced.
noticing this, you immediately assume ken is suspicious, “kaneki what’d you do.”
“what?? nothing.”
“hide is he lying.”
“i dunno”
“you were here the whole time?! ‘wdym i dunno’ you do know!”
“no i don’t?!”
you decide to let it go.
the whole process is chaotic, but fun. by the time it’s ready for judging, you & kaneki were both stressed out.
making noodles from SCRATCH without a recipe isn’t an easy task.
ken’s plate looked like mario & luigi threw it up, while yours looked like a penguin just regurgitated it to its baby.
you guys place the plates on the dinner table & you sit across from ayato & hide.
“alright chat. the foods done, looking rather.. interesting. i’m a little hesitant & scared to consume this but, we move”
“shall we?” ayato hands hide a fork & they both take a bite from ken’s dish first.
“uh- okay. i mean it’s definitely food. definitely a plate of food, i think” hide speaks first.
& ayato follows up with, “this is awful, ken”
kaneki gasps, almost as if hurt by the words, “okay then try y/n’s!”
& when they do, they’re pleasantly surprised. hide was expecting it to be salty as FUCK. but of course you peeped the chat saying how much salt ken had added. so you just added a shit ton of tomato sauce to even it all out. & it made for a yummy dish!
“this is decent! it’s not the greatest ever, but it’s also not the worst. definitely better than kaneki’s. the noodles are bit easier to chew & the sauce is almost normal”
“so did i win” you asked & ken looked so defeated in his seat..
“uhm. no you didn’t win. rightfully so, anyway.” ayato informs him & you jump for joy!
“you shouldn’t have tried to sabotage me, ken”
“how’d you even know?!”
lastly, one day you were super bored. you didn’t even plan on getting in stream with ken. you kinda just wanted to chill that day. but you chilled too hard. now you were literally doing nothing.
you put your phone down & wiped your eyes after scrolling through tiktok for what felt like hours.
“what to do, what to do” you said to yourself.
an idea clicks & you quickly jumped from your bed to make way to your closet.
you're putting on a cute dress & getting ready for, well, nothing at all. but it's all part of the plan. ken is so wrapped up in his gaming that he takes no notice of you at all. you're at your vanity pulling together the last pieces of your look.
even chat notices before your own boyfriend does, they're thinking ken has to leave soon because you guys are going somewhere but that's not at all the case.
you're stood by the bedroom door, all dolled up & pretty. "okay ken, i'm gonna go to target!" he looks back at you for a quick second & then back at his monitor.
"okay, see you later, love you!"
you walk out the room & ken is reading his chat. "target.. in that outfit?" "bro is not going to target" "bro didn't even see what his girl was wearing" "ken.. she said target, not the red carpet"
finally ken takes a second to picture what it was you were wearing again, & he gets up so fast he almost falls.
mans literally sprints out the room, out the house, & finds you sitting in your car. when you saw him, the last thing you had expected him to do was remove you from the car, & throw you over his shoulder but that's exactly what he does.
ken carries you all the way to the bedroom & throws you on the bed. stream STILL going btw.
is all he says before he's sat back in his chair, queuing into another game.
most of the girls in the chat are going crazy, rightfully so tbh.
ken looked back at you to see if you had listened, & when he saw you on the bed, still just laying there.. he wasted no time ending the stream.
he began to undress you himself. took off his own shirt, pulled it over your head, & then he took you to the bathroom to help wash your makeup off.
"going to target my fucken ass."
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auroraknux · 3 months
Hello! If it hasn't been done yet, I was thinking, how about 72 "We'll figure this out" for Mario and Luigi? 🥰
For this one, I decided on an alternate take of that Mario movie scene where they're talking in their bedroom (after the dinner scene). It's influenced by that deleted version of the sewer scene, where Mario seemed more depressed.
“I’m just sick and tired of feeling so small.”
“Hey.” Luigi gave Mario a reassuring smile. “We'll figure this out. We always do.”
“Yeah.” Mario smiled back at him. There was a tired, sad look in his eyes. “Like we always do.”
Luigi's heart sank. He could tell that, while Mario wasn't throwing in the towel yet, his hope was burning out. He was the most stubborn and determined person Luigi had ever known, but even he had his limits. Luigi hoped the universe would throw them a bone before he reached that point. He wanted the old Mario back.
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blamin8r · 1 year
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These are my personal designs/references for SMG4 because of how much I draw fan art for it. You can tell which ones are my absolute favorites to draw based on how much I’ve changed them basically. It’s organized by Recolors, The Girls, Non-Human, and Excess (sorry Kaizo)
Mario: I gave him stitches on his outfit because of how often he explodes and gets hurt (Luigi fixes his clothes since that’s less expensive than constantly replacing them), and those dark marks on his face from when Zero grabbed him and did that weird crap during the 10 year anniversary video. I also gave him a star pin on his overalls too.
SMG4: There’s so much. I made him shorter, changed his body type, gave him darker skin, scars from when he was possessed by the TV Adware dude (and other various scars), eyebags, a jacket, IV on his gloves, and the arrow from the USBs. He also has the arrow on the back of his jacket, but I haven’t drawn his back view before with this design so that’s never been visible in my art yet.
SMG3: I made him even shorter than SMG4, gave him longer hair, matching scars to SMG4, darker skin, a cape, black gloves, platformer boots, the USB arrow, and I changed his body type. The back of his cape has the same skull design that’s on his hat and boots too.
Luigi: I didn’t change too much to him, just his shirt, a flower pin, and some scars. Also he’s round like Mario but not the “skinny brother” because I don’t personally believe in that. (Though whenever he takes off his shirt he immediately becomes a buff man because SMG4 logic)
X: This one was fun. He already has dark skin on his recolor self, so I also went ahead and gave him curly hair, a beard, eye bags, a beanie, hoodie, changed his height, and gave him a cool weird eye thing because why not. He and FM also have similar eye colorings to 3 and 4
FM: He’s the only recolor I decided to make not chubby but instead kinda fit since he’s a police officer. I also gave him a police styled hat, badge, different shirt and gloves, longer hair, a bunch of scars, piercings, and steel toed boots. He looks pretty cool :D
Minion: Parts of her design I did out of pure spite. Her body type matches SMG4’s but she’s a bit shorter, an overalls skirt thing, matching hat, pink gloves, some long socks, and I kept her mustache but just made it smaller. Why? Well, I haven’t headcanoned SMG4 as trans (unlike what a lot of my friends and mutual have done), but I did do that for Minion, because in my mind, she basically has SMG4’s exact body type, including the reproductive organs. But she’s still a woman. And I also believe that women (cis and trans) shouldn’t have to feel shame for having facial hair or body hair, so I kept that there, again, out of spite for people who really feminize her body in a stereotypical way in their personal designs for her.
Meggy: I’m not an extremist for Inkling Meggy or anything, I do like her as a human, but I’m still not sure why they chose to make her a human and not just a squid that’s not Nintendo styled. So instead I just gave her some other squid attributes, like the typical tentacle hair thing, but also some fins on her arms and legs. Her skin is a little darker and she has freckles now. I made her outfit more black and orange themed because I personally hate the dull whites and browns on her outfit. To reference two of her other outfits, I had her keep her college jacket tied around her waist, and her glasses on her shirt since I feel she probably needs them for reading still. I also gave her more sports styled clothes like her shorts and the knee pads. And I removed her goggles because I despise drawing them, she has too much accessories on her head and that one section is so annoying to draw. Lastly, I made her a bit muscular because there’s no way every single one of the girls has the exact same body type.
Tari: Her design just got updated when I was in the middle of working on this, and it’s really good so I only changed her body type by making her chubby and added a gradient to her hair.
Saiko: Her outfit is cool minus the colors, so I gave her a more pink and black theme for her outfit colors. I also made her more muscular and gave her some scars since she’s known as the more violent one in SMG4 who carries that massive ass hammer just casually.
Melony: I looked up where watermelons came from, and they came from Africa apparently, so I made her black (also because all the human characters are white/light skinned so I changed that) and I think it makes sense with her hair too because of the thingies that come down over her ears. It also makes the pointy things behind her hood make sense too. I changed her body to have more body fat and gave her some stretch marks and cellulite to go with it. I like her hoodie, but you can’t tell me that’s all she has on, so I also gave her some shorts, since she gets sexualized so much.. She also has shoes too, those socks would be so nasty otherwise. Her diety form is gonna have actual armour because that makes more sense than just a different colored hoodie.
Belle: I changed nothing about her, not because I don’t like her or think her design is perfect or anything, (she’s great and I miss her ;-;), but I actually chose to keep her as is just because people who look like her and have her body type still exist, they’re just not the only one or the main one. Humans vary a lot.
Karen: I didn’t change much, but since she’s a single mother, I made her body look a little more like a middle aged woman, and gave her a sweater her kids made for her too that she wears proudly.
Shroomy: I know there are multiple characters that are technically naked, but I felt that Shroomy should at least have a Boy Scouts outfit on, he lives in a world with Toads which do have clothes so it didn’t feel right to have just the badge thing over him
Bob, Rob, Boopkins, and Jub Jub: I kept them as is because there’s not much to their appearances anyway, minus a few rips and tears for Bob’s outfit.
SMG2: I made his body a little more proportional so that his head was at least not larger than the rest of his whole fucking body, and I gave him some excess scars since he and SMG1 have been around for the longest, and have probably been through a lot together. I also gave him sleeves, shoes, glasses, and matching gloves that all the SMGs now have. His antenna thing is also thicker because I don’t wanna make it too thin.
SMG1: His body is also more proportional, but that’s mainly because I didn’t like making his torso long. I also gave him clothes to match 2 a little more but darker. He’s got excess scars as well, and his gloves are opposite to 2’s similar to how I made 3 and 4’s gloves opposite of each other. He’s also got glasses like 2, and they match their head shapes.
Kaizo: I fucking love Kaizo, he looks so damn cool to me, so I kept his outfit the same, just changed up his body. He’s more muscular and has more demonic features (pointed pupils and ears, tail, more sharp teeth, forked tongue, claw-like nails), as well as a bunch of scars everywhere on his body. Plus more body hair, and based on a Kaizo design I saw elsewhere (I forgot who made it) but I made the ends of his hair dyed red because it looks cool. And piercings.
Swag and Chris: I love these two, but I couldn’t think of how to change Swag and Chris besides making them a buff and old. (To me, they’re at least in their 30’s or 40’s). I do believe in dilf Chris tho, so make whatever assumptions you want from that.
Whimpu: I actually really don’t like Whimpu, mainly for his personality, but also because of the Waifu Factory episode, it just really made me uncomfortable with how objectified and dehumanized the anime girls were in it, and he was a big part of that. Still, I wanted to change him a bit since his design is a little plain. He’s still plain, but a bit less. I added acne, buttons on the tie, and a shirt pocket with a pen in it.
Steve: I hate how I end up drawing Steve, but I didn’t want him to look too human in a normal way, because a part of his charm is being this weird block dude. So he just looks like a more blocky human with dirty clothes, a lot of scars, and a beard.
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Whimpu: I have decided I’m going to learn Sspanish!
Juliano: Oh! ¡Excelente!
Whimpu: I- I haven’t started yet.
Bob: This morning, I found a glass of water with a note on it that said “for hangover me”.
Bob: So I drank it. Turns out it was vodka and drunk me is an asshole.
Mario: I don’t always make the best decisions.
Luigi: What is that?
Mario: An alpaca! I got the last one!
SMG3: I love you.
SMG4: You literally just told me I was the bane of your existence yesterday.
SMG3: That’s an unrelated fact.
Phobos: If the Abyss doesn't appear out of nowhere to stop me, then it can't be that bad.
Abyssal: If our creator is approving of this, then it can't be THAT GOOD.
Ash: Did I get so tired that I declared myself the King of all Pokémon?
Miku: If I said no, I'd be lying to the King of all Pokémon.
Cody: Aw man.. I really wanted to head into the zoo. Too bad it's closed.
Lil Coding: You know what they say.
Cody: Please don’t-
Lil Coding: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Phobos: They say if you seek revenge, you should dig two graves.
The Abyss: That's a stupid quote.
The Abyss: I'm going to kill way more than two people.
Sora: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Tulip: Yeah-
Laharl: *kicks in the door*
Jayin: I love being right. It’s one of my favorite personality traits.
Juliano: You know, I think my life has value.
Phobos: Who are you and what have you done with Juliano?
Tama, holding out a cookie for Nimbus: Look! This one's a heart, that’s how I feel about you!
Nimbus: *quietly crying*
Ambrosia, affectionately: You’re an idiot.
Nimbus: That’s the charm!
Irene: I hate you with every inch of my body right now.
Nightmare King: That’s not a lot of inches.
Shantae: Can we talk about that text you sent?
Laharl: Why? It was important.
Shantae: It just says, "I'm back on my shit".
Laharl, shrugging: The people need to know.
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A Different Type of Loss
It was a mildly pleasant evening as the sun steadily dipped through the trees and giant mushrooms of the kingdom’s valleys. The day was winding down, and Luigi decided to retire to his room for the evening. He should be feeling excited, and yet here he was with a somber expression on his face.
Luigi sat down at his bed and picked up a picture frame of him and Mario. It was the day they had graduated high school, their faces grinning, holding up their diplomas and holding onto each other. He set that one down and picked up another. This one was their first day at Spike’s Wrecking Crew. Luigi continued looking through the other pictures he had on his phone, in his photo albums, and so on, until he got to one of the more recent ones.
This one was different. Instead of just him and Mario, Princess Peach was in the photograph too, her smile every so slightly different than the grins of the brothers. She was wearing a pink and gold ring on her finger, having just accepted Mario’s proposal. Luigi felt upset at himself for feeling down.
He had helped Mario come up with the plan to propose to her, just like they had done everything together. He had grown quite close to Peach, to Luigi she was already a sister to him. He should feel nothing but joy at the fact that his bro was finally getting married in two days’ time to a woman that he dearly loved and who loved him dearly in return. Luigi was going to be the best man at the wedding for goodness sake! He shouldn’t have any right to feel sad.
Looking away from the photos, Luigi started up at the ceiling, and then at the walls of his bedroom. Almost everything of Mario’s was gone, and what was remaining were just a few pieces of furniture that were going to be removed while Mario and Peach left for their honeymoon. Luigi, of course, had volunteered to do it, but Peach and also asked Toad and Toadette to help him.
Speaking of which, Luigi heard a knock on his door. He answered it, and there he was, the little mushroom man who was Mario’s self-proclaimed best friend.
“Heya!” said Toad.
“Oh. Hi, sorry, I wasn’t expecting company, well aside from Mario,” admitted Luigi. “Uh, come in, I’ll make you some tea!”
Toad happily sat down at the table. The house wasn’t very large so there wasn’t much room for extraneous furniture. Still, it was cozy enough for Mario and Luigi to sit down for meals together as well as have the occasional guest.
As Luigi heated up the water, he asked “Hey have you seen my brother lately?” Mario was usually home right around now, and while they had split up to run some last minute errands separately, Luigi had been under the impression that his brother wouldn’t be too long.
“Actually, yes,” said Toad. “Mario actually sent me over to let you know that he was not going to get back until late this evening. Seems like it was a last minute date night with the princess.”
“Oh.” Luigi’s expression changed to be less politely hesitant and a bit more wistful. He quietly poured two cups of tea, handed one to Toad, and then put both his hands around his mug. Instead of drinking it, Luigi just stared into it.
“But hey, I’m totally down to hang out!” Toad suggested, hoping it would improve his friend’s mood.
Luigi continued to stare at his tea, barely acknowledging Toad but still trying his best to be polite. “Oh. Yeah, yeah you can stay…” he trailed off.
“Can’t believe the wedding’s the day after to tommorow already,” grinned Toad. “Princess Peach is so lucky to have your brother, and I’m so relieved to be part of a wedding that isn’t some coercive sham. Time flies so fast! Seems like only yesterday that we dodged THAT Bullet Bill, quite literally, eh Luigi?”
Luigi shuddered. Perhaps enough time had passed that Toad felt comfortable joking about it, but a lot of things from his experience were things he tried to block out of his memory. He refused to do so completely, as he’d made good ones too, like the sheer relief at Mario saving his life, finally getting the chance to give Bowser the pummeling that he deserved, and being recognized as a hero. But he could never quite move past the fact that he had been mere inches away from death on several occasions.
“I’m so sorry,” said Toad, regretting that he had brought the subject up. “I only wish that you and Mario had arrived here under better circumstances… To be honest, I was shocked when the two of you had decided to move to the Mushroom Kingdom. After all that happened, I’d figured that you probably didn’t want to have anything to do with us…”
“It’s not your fault and never was,” Luigi reassured him. “In fact I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you and Peach, and for that I’m eternally grateful.” He finally took a sip of his tea. “Besides, while living here has taken some getting used to, the Mushroom Kingdom is quite beautiful and the neighbors are lovely. Even if we have had to deal with Bowser’s shenanigans on more than one occasion.”
Toad decided to change the subject. “So, do we have any last minute wedding prep that needs to happen? I just can’t shake the feeling that we’re forgetting something. I thought about helping you move the rest of Mario’s furniture but when I checked in with him he just said to leave it until after the wedding.”
“No, I don’t think so. The rehearsal went fairly well yesterday,” said Luigi. “I suppose I could workshop my best man’s speech a little bit more though… It can be hard to know the right thing to say when your bro…”
“That’s right!” exclaimed Toad. “Oh Luigi, you are so lucky to be the best man at the royal wedding! Do you want me to look it over for you?”
Luigi started to feel a lump in his throat. Tears were already welling up in his eyes. “Toad, I- I’m-“ he started, but not knowing how to get it out. He gulped down another sip of his tea, then blurted out “I’m scared! I feel so horrible for saying this, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to do this!”
Toad’s eyes widened in alarm. “WHAT!? Why? I thought you looking forward to this!”
Luigi rubbed his head with his hand. “I know, and I love and support my brother one hundred percent! I love Peach like a sister already, and I can’t think of a better woman for him to marry! I should feel so good about this, have nothing but pride and joy, but I’m scared that- that-“
“That what?”
“That I’m losing him!”
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darkwingsnark · 2 years
DR. Mario Universe Bowuigi AU
Random because of another night of being up from pain, but I wish there was more fan content centered around Dr. Mario Au shenanigans. With it being a more work-based medical drama, with maybe the idea that Luigi isn't a fellow doctor and just happens to be the brother of a world renown infectious disease specialist. Mario still has his rivalry with Bowser, just as co-workers with a competitive streak. Luigi visits the hospital often to have lunch with his brother at the hospital food court, more so as he can make sure his older bro is actually making time for it. He's known for being so into his work that he'll skip meals. So of course Luigi has heard his brother come home and complain about that no-good orthopedic doctor keeps dismissing his help when patients tend to have conditions that overlap-- like infections post operations. Or stuff like hearing about fights going down in the hospital during meetings.  So when Luigi breaks his leg, of course he's nervous when that means he'll be sent to the guy his brother hates. That he is told is very demanding and confrontational. Only for Bowser to be an amazing doctor, if blunt and sassy. And he recognizes Luigi as being the guy Mario has lunch with, putting pieces together when he sees his chart. Luigi expects Dr. Bowser to start treating him cruelly. To take out his aggression from Mario out on HIM. Only for Bowser to actually open up more and get chattier-- cracking jokes rather than keeping it strictly business. Well well well, after all that big talk from the guy, looks like there's something Mario CAN'T do: treat his brother. WELP, looks like I'm gonna have t'rub it in that jerk's face n' show 'im how it's done! Cue Luigi and Bowser seeing each other a lot more as Bowser-- from his own sense of pride and wanting to make Mario feel like utter shit-- taking on a lot more of the treatment than he would usually do. Usually he'd pass thing off to Resident Docs or physical therapists. But oooh no, not with THE Dr. Mario's brother! Gotta show that guy up! Luigi's gonna go home and have to constantly tell that clown how wonderfully he's being treated. Mario, of course, is frustrated on some level. But he can't complain when the koopa gets results. Seeing his brother heal and get better is all he really cares about.... Even if he doesn't like the fact he has to hear his baby bro talk about his obvious crush on Dr. Bowser, that he himself doesn't realize yet.
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peaches2217 · 9 months
After seeing your reblog of Mario building a nursery for his child, it’s honestly both funny and sad how he would be SO caring and attentive to Peach during her pregnancy (getting her what she needs, comforting her when she’s in pain or having a hormone episode, generally being the best husband and future father ever, and now building a complete nursery!), and yet he still feels insecure and worried that he’s somehow not doing enough and will be a bad father despite everything that proves otherwise being right in front of him. I imagine every other day, Peach, Luigi, or someone else would have to reassure him he’s doing more than enough and that he should give himself more credit.
Exactly this!! He does everything perfectly, BEYOND perfectly, out of love and excitement and willful obligation… but in his own head, it’s never enough. There’s this nagging voice in the back of his head telling him that everything he’s doing is just niceties, cute little detail work that ultimately amounts to nothing that matters at the end of the day. It’s easy to shrug off at first, but as time passes, it gets louder and louder until it consumes him, and he runs himself to absolute exhaustion trying to appease it and prove to himself that he IS doing enough! But the truth is, nothing will appease that voice short of him becoming omnipotent and gaining absolute control over everything, which, of course, isn’t happening.
He’s not normally one to fall victim to his insecurities; he suffers from plenty of them, sure, but he’s good at putting them aside and acknowledging that he’s doing his best and carrying on with a cheerful smile. He’s not used to being unable to shut his uncertainties away. He’s not used to saying “I’m doing what I can” and then feeling so viscerally that it’s not true. That’s why he’s so eager to work towards perfection until he keels over: because that voice is only being so loud because he’s not working hard enough, and it will eventually shut up once he really is. Right?
It’s painful to watch, especially once gentle reminders and reassurances are no longer enough to satiate him. And it never really goes away, but it becomes a lot easier to manage once he’s holding a little bundle of blankets in his arms, because that’s the first time he’s given concrete proof that he HAS done enough, and now everything is going to be okay.
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s-creations · 14 days
Excavation - Chapter 1
Now that everything's calmed down slightly, Daisy explains why she's there. Mainly looking for the heroes' help in solving a problem that's coming from deep in one of her Kingdom's temples.
The group divides into two parts: One to solve the temple issue while the other tries to convince the Desert King to join forces against Bowser.
To everyone's surprise, it doesn't quite go according to plan.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario & Luigi & Wario & Waluigi Additional Tags: Pretty Much Everyone's Here, Named OCs - Freeform, world building, lore building, sometimes in the most painful way, Treasure Hunting, another mural to worry about, Mentions of Blood, we have a lot of people opening up in this one, cursing, heavy cursing, like I haven't used this heavy of cursing for this story for quite a while.
Taking a slow, deep breath, Daisy gave a nod to encourage herself and started. 
“One of our oldest temples has started to crumble. We’re unsure as to why, but there are some warning signs pointing to something powerful currently trapped inside. And that it’s trying to get out. Quickly. Causing quakes to happen more often. While we’re worried, we also don’t have anyone who can go in to figure out what’s going on. No one’s ever been trained to ever traverse such dangerous areas, and there’s a fearful thought that we don’t have time to train them before something goes wrong.”
“My father refuses to try and reach out for help, from any kingdom. But I know that my home is in danger yet I’ve been held back from trying to figure things out. That’s why I’m here. My kingdom, my home, needs your help. If whatever is trapped inside is released, I’m terrified of what could happen.”
The room was quiet after this. Peach sharing a worried look with Mario. Who gave a short nod back with a smile that caused the princess to relax. 
“Of course we will help.” Peach offered, beaming as Daisy’s shoulders dropped in her own relief. “We’ll pack up and leave as soon as we can.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Wario waves his hands. Leaning on the table to stare the princess in yellow down. “If you’re not training anyone, then what has your father been doing? And how dangerous are we talking about?”
Daisy frowned softly at the question, “In order to figure out what’s really going on, he would need to send some citizens in to start digging down to where we think this problem is located. So we don’t really know how dangerous it is. As far as your first question…basically nothing? I mean, planning on figuring out ways to get in there. But, basically nothing.”
Slowly nodding, Wario eventually slammed his hand down onto the table. “I’ll go get my stuff.”
“What?” The room collectively called out. The eldest brother let out a small groan before continuing. “Need I remind you all that I have gone treasure hunting before.”
“Yeah, a century ago.” Waluigi added. 
Wario glared his eyes at his younger brother before continuing. “Bottom line is that I have the skills and the knowledge to get the job done!”
“I mean…I did just come here for the heroes.” said Daisy, waving a hand over to where the twins sat. 
Only for Luigi to whisper out, “I don’t want to go back underground again.”
He shrank back slightly as all eyes turned to him. 
“So, Wario and I will go,” Mario quickly answered. “With his skills and my…fire ability, we’ll be fine. Figure out the issue and either report back or solve it ourselves.”
Letting out a huff, Waluigi leaned on his hand in clear boredom. “Why do I feel like this is the blind leading the blind kind of situation.”
Peach clapped her hand as she stood up from her chair. “We’ll make the best out of this situation, shall we? While Wario and Mario handle the temple, Waluigi and Luigi will help me with rebuilding the relation between the two kingdoms. Simple solution.”
Daisy bit her bottom lip, “I don’t know if a crowd arriving at the castle would be the best idea… I just came for these two.”
“If you want the heroes, you’re dealing with all of us.” Wario argued back. To which the princess in yellow just pouted as a reply. 
“Happy that’s decided,” said Peach, “I would advise that we separate for now and prepare as we need to. We’ll leave tomorrow as early as possible.”
There was a slightly silent scuffle as Wario was piled onto by the remaining three brothers in an attempt to keep him quiet. 
Peach pointedly ignored this and continued with, “6am it is! The castle will be open for anyone if they want to sleep here tonight. To save on travel time. Make it as easy as possible.” 
“Thank you, princess,” Mario replied with a smile. Which slipped away when he toppled over as Wario finally broke free. 
Being the only ones who needed to leave, the brothers shuffled out of the castle and their designated homesteads. Wario and Waluigi were practically ready in no time. The younger more than used to packing part of his life away quickly. Suitcase in hand as he watched, brows raised in disbelief, as Wario just shoved whatever he could reach into a stained duffle bag. Slinging it over his shoulder once it was jammed full and giving a confidence filled wink to his brother. Who merely rolled his eyes. 
“Really, you’re going like that?”
Wario snorted and shook his head, “Of course not! I have to get my tools also.”
“Oh, right.” Waluigi shifted back to allow Wario out of his room before following, “You sure you’re going to be okay? I wasn't joking when I said you haven’t done this in a while.”
“Eh, it’s like riding a green pipe! You never really forget how it goes.”
“One, that saying is for a bicycle. Two, being swooped from one end to the other is not even close to treasure hunting. Let alone treasure hunting abandoned temples!” 
Placing his bag down, Wario gave a pointed look to his brother. “You’re being overly weird… Feeling nervous? Or sick?” 
“Well, forgive me for realizing how bad of an idea this all was.”
“Look, this is just a part of what we do now. I guess. Daisy said no one was skilled in this sort of thing. Well, I have the knowledge and tools, while Mario is the hero.”
Waluigi gave a weak thumbs up. “What great points you make.”
“The point I’m trying to get to is that this will all be okay. Unless it literally crumbles while we’re inside it or we possibly run into someone else… But we’ll be fine! Besides, you will have the hard part. Having to please daddy and mommy dearest.”
“Meh, it’s just using colorful words to sway people. Not really the main issue of this whole story.”
“We’re just playing to our strengths. Try and keep calm, it’ll all work out.”
“Sure…calm.” Waluigi gave a small smile when Wario offered a cry of triumph as he pulled out a dusty and very old looking satchel bag. One that had clearly not seen the light of day for a long time. 
Calm was not what they walked into when arriving at the twin’s household. The first floor was left unscathed, but the upper floor looked as if a bomb went off. Mainly, a clothing bomb. Outfits and articles scattered everywhere, pouring out from the open doorways leading to the bedrooms. Wario and Waluigi took tentative steps moving forward as if waiting for something else to go flying out. Only to find the twins sitting on the floor at the end of Luigi’s bed. Both leaned against each other as they stared at the wall. Clearly showing some kind of defeat. 
Polterpup, who had been resting at Luigi’s feet, perked up as the other brother’s walked in. Letting out a happy bark as they trotted over to the other two.
“Alright then,” Waluigi muttered, “this is interesting. What exactly did we walk into?”
“We don’t know how to pack.” Mario replied back.
“...What do you mean?”
“We’ve never packed before,” Luigi answered weakly, “We’ve never had a reason to.”
“Never moved. Never went on a vacation. What do we bring? What are essentials?” Mario finished.
Letting out a low groan, Waluigi practically slammed his belongings into Wario. Who doubled over for a moment while the tallest of the brothers said, “Okay. Wario, you wait downstairs. I have my work cut out for me, apparently.”
“I could help.” Wario frowned.
“Absolutely not. Stay downstairs. Keep Polterpup entertained. You two, get up, we need to start packing. I would like to get back to the castle before nightfall.” 
The next day started early with a quick and sleepy breakfast while the carriages were packed up during that time. Mario bore the brunt of holding up the rest of the brothers as they slept, waiting on the sidelines for when they could finally board. Polterpup, seeming to burst with so much energy, was rushing around. Either weaving in between the empty spaces or just phased through everything. Trying to take it all in.
Eventually, after rolling Wario into their marked transport (literally), three carriages moved out from the Mushroom Kingdom before the sun even began to rise. 
It was as they passed the kingdom’s border, the sky painted a pastel pink that Mario felt Luigi shift slightly. The older twin assumed the other was starting to wake up again. He didn’t say anything as he just focused on the scenes passing the large window. Doing his best to ignore Wario and Waluigi snoring softly as they slept. 
Luigi, on his part, gave a small groan as he began to wake. Sitting up to slowly work out his sore muscles while letting out a wide yawn. Resting across his lap was Polterpup. Who had apparently worn themselves out from that excited early morning. Undisturbed as their owner stretched. Eventually, Luigi slumped against the seat and looked over to Mario. 
“‘Ello…” Luigi gumbled softly. 
“Hey,” Mario reached over to ruffle Luigi’s hair, “extra sleep help?”
“Little sore, but yeah.” There was a nervous twitch when Waluigi gave a heavy snore. “Geez, have you been listening to that this whole time?”
“Afraid so, and now you get to join me.”
“Joy.” The unwanted noise was quickly forgotten as Luigi’s attention went to the window. Mario more than happy to let the other leaned over him to get a better look, while Polterpup let out a huff. Who was now annoyed with the constant movement. Floating over to Waluigi to rest on his lap instead while the twins took in the sights. 
The large rolling meadows of the Mushroom Kingdom were replaced with mountains and heavy forests. Creatures not seen by either of the brothers scuttled along the trees or flew above the foliage. The vibrant colors of their homes were replaced with warmer ones. Arrays of reds, oranges, and yellows out weighing the brown and tan, making the twins think of autumn. 
“We should move here.” Luigi teased. 
Mario laughed softly, shuffling to lean against his brother, “Think they celebrate Halloween here?”
“Oh goodness, I hope not. They have actual ghosts here. Could you imagine what else we would have to face down that would relate to Halloween monsters?”
“Funny how you mention ghosts but not the giant, fire-breathing turtle.”
“Well, then, don’t remind me.”
They shared a chuckle at that.
“How about we just talk Peach into a vacation here? A chance to explore more.” Mario continued.
“Maybe? I’m sure she wouldn’t be against it. But I would love to make sure we went somewhere we wouldn’t face some kind of danger.”
“With how this place is built? Good luck.”
“If you had to pick, where would you want to go? Beach or mountains?”
“That wasn’t even an option!”
“I’m selecting a luxury hotel and you can’t convince me otherwise.” Luigi held back a screech as he pulled away from Mario, trying to avoid the fingers digging into his side.
There was a brief but silent scuffle as Luigi tried to keep Mario at bay. Both pausing when Waluigi let out a large snort before shifting to lay across Wario. The twin letting out small snorts at the action, deciding to settled down to allow the other brother’s to sleep peacefully. Both content to just watch the strange world go by.
The autumn themed forest eventually gave way to dry, grassy plains, the rolling hills of golden sand. The carriages only able to traverse by remaining on the pathways of what appeared to be tightly compressed sand. The twins needing to lower the brims of their caps to the sun wouldn’t blind them as they tried to take in all they could see. 
Which wasn’t much, as it was just a lot of sand. But having never seen a desert on Earth, this was still a new experience. 
Waluigi began to wake at this point. Cracking his neck as he sat up, pushing away from Wario while holding Polterpup closer, quickly turning his attention to the twins. Letting out a snort seeing their squinting faces. “Enjoying yourselves?”
“Don’t mock,” Mario said, “We’re just curious.”
“So, sightseeing trumps keeping your eyes from cooking inside your skull?”
“Okay wise guy, what genius idea do you have in mind?”
Reaching forward, Wario pulled the tinted shade down over the window. Snorting when the twins looked at said item in shock.
“Oh,” Luigi said, “...To be fair, we didn’t know about that.”
“Sure, we’ll go with that.”
Mario turned to sit back down properly, focused on Waluigi as the younger twin brought down the shade for the other window. “Do you think we’re close?”
“Don’t know, it’s all just sand. No landmarks. It’s all the same to me.” Waluigi casually commented back while running a hand along Polterpup’s back.
“Haven’t you been to this kingdom before?”
“Pfft, no, what gave you that idea? New Donk was the first time out of the Mushroom Kingdom for me. All I know about this place is that it’s stupid hot. So, I hope you like the heat.”
Luigi gave a small groan in defeat, but nothing more was said.
“So, you haven’t even met the king and queen from this place?” Mario continued. 
With a small hum, Waluigi settled back into his seat a little more. “I mean, King Olivine visited the Mushroom Kingdom from time to time. Guess you could say I’ve seen him. But I’ve never met the queen. And even with Olivine, it’s always been from a distance…”
“You dated Daisy, but never visited or met her parents?” Luigi frowned.
“Do you really think any of those royal bloods would be happy to hear that their only heir to the throne was dating a commoner? Even more so, dating a well known criminal?” Waluigi grumbled, “We kept our relationship as best of a secret we could. Letters were easy to hide and cheaper than trying to find passage to and from here.”
“Has anyone in this carriage been to the Desert Kingdom before?” Mario asked. 
“Think that through again and look at the two of us. What do you think?”
“...Good point.”
“We’re all getting a first look at this kingdom. This’ll be interesting.”
The carriage jostled slightly as the pavement beneath suddenly changed. Tightly packed sand changed to rather bumpy cobblestone, Polterpup slightly annoyed to be woken up again. Those who were awake leaned over to see all they could out of the window. Just catching a glimpse of wide doors before stepping onto the large castle’s entrance grounds. A large pool of water greeted them first. One that stretched back towards the towering structure of the castle itself. Occupants inside the carriage noticed small pathways of water breaking away from the larger source. All flowing past the castle and into a tightly packed town that laid past the royal structure. 
The carriages continued their way in approaching the castle. Only stopping when they were right in front of the grand steps leading up. 
“...Anyone notice how quiet it is?” Waluigi mumbled out. 
“I was about to say the same thing.” Mario replied.
Turning away from the window, Luigi looked at the other two, “Where are the guards?”
As if waiting for that cue, there was a sudden flood of cactus-like beings dressed in silver armor and carrying spears rushing towards the carriages. All becoming surrounded very quickly as said weapons were brandished towards them. Mario instantly pulled Luigi away from the window, the younger twin letting out a small yelp from the sudden change. Polterpup’s hackles raising as they let out a low growl, moving to the floor and focusing on the carriage door.
“This is really not the welcoming I was expecting,” said Waluigi with a frown, “I mean, I wasn’t waiting for a warm reception but- Would you wake up!”
As Waluigi shoved his brother off, Wario hit the wall of the carriage. Waking with a harsh snort and grunt. Looking around frantically as he searched for his ‘attacker’. “What happened?”
“We’re here.” Waluigi replied back.
“You couldn’t have woken me up normally!”
The argument was cut off when the carriage door was forcefully opened. With numerous calls of ‘Get out!’ pointed at the brothers. Mario took the lead while having a hold of Luigi’s arm and keeping the younger twin behind him. Polterpup barked as they floated between the four brothers, doing their best to keep the guards away. The twins on edge as they were led towards the castle’s front steps. Wario and Waluigi follow at a more easy pace. Keeping an eye on everything, just in case, but trying not to get too worked up over it.
When they found Peach and Toadsworth being led further on, Luigi had to grab onto Mario’s arm to keep the other from rushing forward. Daisy soon joined them, not held at spear point, but still caged in from every side. Arms crossed with a look of clear disgust on her face. 
“Daisy! Oh, my dear Daisy.”
Attention was pulled to the grand golden steps. Where a slim woman, seeming to sparkle and shine in the sunlight, quickly descended. Long golden hair seemed to merge with her flowing veil when both billowed from behind her. Even her tan skin appeared to merge into her dusty golden gown. Her clear green eyes stood out further from her complexion, which were directed at Daisy. She waved her hands as a silent command for the guards to step away. Allowing her to pull Daisy into a tight hug.
“Mom,” Daisy let out a low groan, “stop. You’re embarrassing me.”
“Well, pardon me for being concerned about my daughter who just left us in the middle of the night! What were you thinking? You don’t even leave us a message?”
“I was on a rescue mission! Look! Look who I brought back.” Daisy pulled away to stand next to Peach. Who looked a little nervous when the desert Queen turned her focus. 
“Oh…is that Peach?” the queen breathed out, eyes wide.
Peach offered a low bow as she quietly said, “Hello, Queen Monazite. It’s been…many years.”
Toadsworth offered a small bow of his own, “Madam, it’s good to see you again.”
Letting out a small coo, Monazite lifted Peach to stand back up. “Look at you. You’ve grown into a wonderful young woman. What a horrible greeting this is! Put those weapons away, we have guests. Goodness, we know better than to act in such a way.”
All were able to relax as the spears were lowered. Monazite gave the guards a hardened glare before her face softened to greet her guests. “Even with how sudden this visit is, we happily welcome all of you. And I believe I see some new faces among the crowd.” 
The four brothers stood a little taller as the queen approached them, Polterpup hunkering down in front. Just in case. Guards parted the way quickly as their queen walked forward while Monazite offered each a warm smile.
“I welcome you all to the Desert Kingdom, and to the Sarasaland castle. Despite the rather rough opening, we are happy to have you here.”
“Mom,” Daisy stepped in, “This is Wario and Waluigi, old childhood friends.”
“I do believe those names are familiar. Your father may have had a few stories about two young rebels that interrupted some meetings. All in good fun, I would hope,” Monazite gave a small laugh, “Wonderful to finally put a face to the names. And what of-”
The smile that held strong slipped away as her attention turned to the twins. Appearing to be in stunned silence before whispering out, “Humans.”
“These are the heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom, and the main reason why I just…left. I figured they could help us! You know, with the recent issue we’ve been having?”
The surprise fell away as Monazite fixed her daughter with a pointed frown. “Daisy-”
“That temple is causing too much trouble and you know it! Dad’s being an ass for not asking for help and we can’t just keep sending random people in! So, I decided to go get the help we need. I brought the heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom here to help us.” Daisy beamed as she placed her hands on her hips. 
Monazite, however, did not seem to share this optimistic.
The queen turned to the small group once more, her smile a bit wary now. “While I’m happy to have you here and that you would willingly arrive with the intention to help… Our king will have the final say in this. Which will be hard to do at this moment.”
“Because he’s a stubborn ass.” Daisy mumbled. 
“Don’t say such things, Daisy.” 
“But-” The retort fell silent when Monazite held up her hand. 
“They will not be allowed entrance unless the king grants it. Your father has the final say.”
“We’ll talk to him,” Peach said, “I’m sure if we state our caste, we’ll be able to convince him.”
“...Very well, if you believe this. Please follow me.”
The guards followed close as Monazite led the way into the large castle. Unlike the solid walls with tall windows as found in the Mushroom Castle, this building was as open as they could be. No glass covering the wide arches to allow a breeze through, the windows decorated to distinguish against the doorways. Even with the openness, the interior was in shadows that paired well with the comforting breeze. 
Monazite waved her hand to one of the large rooms, one that held numerous maps and papers. Both hanging on the walls and littering the long, narrow table that stretched from one end of the room to the other. Opposite from where the group entered was Kind Olivine, surrounded by bi-pedal mouse creatures wearing robes of yellow and red. Small spectacles resting on their pointed noises as they peered over as many pieces of parchment they could grab onto.
Olivine’s gruff and very stressed demeanor that had been focused on the table melted away when he saw Daisy. Gently pushing past the group of scholars to pull his daughter closer. “Daisy! My darling flower, where did you go? What were you thinking disappearing on us like this? Are you hurt?”
“Dad, I’m fine.” Daisy’s voice was muffled by the king’s golden robes.
“I’m so happy to hear this… I suppose you’ll also be fine with being confined to your room for at least a week for this action.”
That got Daisy to push away, looking absolutely indignant with what had just been said, “You can’t be serious!”
“I should be saying that to you. Do you even know the panic you put us into? I had my top men shift focus from the ruins to trying to figure out where you could have gone.”
Daisy looked a little uneasy at that. “You haven’t sent anyone else in, have you?”
“No…but the situation has grown worse. I’m fearful of the weakened structure our excavating has done.”
At that, Peach stepped forward. Doing her best of royal control. “How much worse?”
Olivine faltered once more, a soft whisper of ‘Dahlia’ escaping him. Only to quickly push past that with a stern face and a sharp, “Princess Peach, I was not aware you were…”
“Clearly. Daisy arrived at my kingdom saying that you needed help. To which I’ve arrived with, um, our heroes.” She gestured a hand over to where Mario and Luigi stood.
Sharp eyes turned to the two humans, both faltering slightly under the cold gaze. The desert king seeming to fully take everything in. Instead of being impressed by the heroes or relieved that some kind of help had arrived, Olivine appeared furious. 
“While the offer is appreciated, it won’t be needed. Thank you for bringing my daughter home. I will request that you return to your home at this time.”
“What- Dad!” Pulling away from her mother’s hold, Daisy blocked Olivine’s path as he made his way back to the group of advisors. Narrowing her eyes as she started him down. “If the situation is becoming worse, then this already stupid plan is now painfully classified as a suicide mission. It was bad enough before! But now I really have to question if you really care about our people.”
Olivine puffed out his chest, clearly angry. “Daisy, I will not be talk to as-”
“Too bad! You pulled me out of Peach’s life before with a stupid reason of having me focus on our kingdom. The very one that you’re clearly tossing aside! For what reason? Pride? I think with how the world is going, it would be best to forget about all of that. Can you please start being a decent king for our people? Can you do that?”
Taking a deep breath, Olivine lowered his raised shoulders before addressing his father once more. “I…understand where your concerns arise from. However, with the target on the Mushroom Kingdom-”
Daisy let out a noise of disgust, rolling her eyes. “I’m calling on my status to allow the heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom to help us. They have my full permission to do what they need and go where they need to keep our kingdom safe.”
“Very well, if you’re so sure. I’ll allow you this overruling.”
“Oh trust me, I don’t need your ‘allowance’.”
With that, Daisy turned and made for the door. Making sure to grab Mario and Luigi’s wrists to pull them along. Peach, Wario, and Waluigi quickly followed after. Leaving Toadsworth in the room with a clearly angry Olivine and silently amused Monazite. The elder Toad tapped his cane to pull attention. 
“I’m unsure where your head is at the moment, your highness. But I would advise you remove it from where it’s lodged.” With that, Toadsworth turned to Monazite. “I don’t suppose you could find accommodations for us?”
“Of course, follow me.”
Olivine was left to feel gobsmacked, the room filled with nervous tension. The advisors flinching slightly as their king turned sharply to face them. Not a word shared as they shuffled the paperwork once more.
A few hallways away, the twins were still being dragged along by a clearly furious princess. Daisy seemed to not have a plan on where to go. Just stomping around, hissing and mumbling with heated words that the brothers couldn’t really make out. 
“Daisy, y-you’re going to pull o-our arms out.” Luigi whispered frantically as they stalked the hallways. Only to wince when Daisy practically threw their arms down. Both rubbing their shoulders once free.
“I can’t believe him!” Daisy let out a noise of rage as she began to pace. “What a stupid, stupid man-”
“You can’t worry about…all of that right now. You’re calling the shots at the moment, and it seems like we’re on borrowed time. We need to get to that temple. Now.” Mario said in a hopefully calm demeanor. 
It did calm Daisy down enough to stop pacing. Looking past the twins as the rest of the party joined them. Luigi let out a sigh of relief as Polterpup pressed against his sore shoulder. The chill giving comfort as the heavy conversation began again.
“I can’t believe you pulled something like that.” Peach hissed, looking more than a little worried.
Daisy waved her hand, “It’s been a long time coming, to be honest.”
“Well, it’s not going to make the conversation about re-establishing our kingdoms again easier.”
“You know it was never going to be easy.”
“You didn’t exactly help.” Waluigi mumbled out. 
“Pardon me for putting my foot down,” Daisy crossed her arms. “I hope you know we wouldn’t be able to have this conversation if I hadn't done anything!”
“Joy. Now this already stressful situation is 10 times worse.”
“Listen here you-”
“Okay,” Wario quickly stepped in. Actually holding onto Daisy’s arm to keep her from hitting Waluigi. “Let’s try and keep a cool head. We need a plan on how to handle each part.”
“Do you have the tools we need for this?” Mario’s question points to Wario.
Luigi held out a bag with a few golden bones to his brother. “Just in case you get separated from Polterpup.”
“You sure?”
“You’ll need someone good with searching, and with going through walls.”
“That is a good bonus.” Waluigi added. 
“Then we’re about as prepared as we can be without actually being there,” Wario nodded, “What about the rest of you?”
“Queen Monazite may be our best first goal.” Peach stated with Luigi nodding.
Waluigi, however, looked unsure. “She’s not very vocal.”
“Mom’s not a fighter,” Daisy weakly agreed. “But if we can get her on our side, we might have a better time convincing dad.”
“Let me try and talk with her. Maybe I’ll be able to find some even ground.” Luigi offered.
“Do you think a queen will open up to a new commoner?” Waluigi frowned.
“Would you like to talk with her?”
“...Not really. But I’ll be nearby for emotional support.”
Peach nodded with a smile, “Same.”
“Couldn’t ask for more.” Luigi beamed. 
“And while you’re dealing with that,” Daisy faced Mario and Wario with a wide smile, “I’ll be with you two.”
“You’re not going to-” Mario’s worry was paused when Daisy shook her head.
“I’ll be waiting for you two outside. But I need to be there to grant you authority to enter these areas. Plue, it’ll also be nice to have someone to greet you once you get out.”
Wario slowly nodded, “That…sounds reasonable. I like that idea. I’m expecting some good food when we get this problem fixed.”
“You got it.”
Mario shook his head with a small laugh. Twitching slightly when Polterpup jumped onto his shoulder, a small chill fell over him. He looked over as Luigi drew closer. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Luigi whispered softly.
“Of course,” Mario pulled his brother close with a smile. “We’ll be back by nightfall, no doubt. You just focus on what you can while you’re here, yeah?”
“Yeah…” Luigi pulled Mario into a tight hug, who returned it. Both taking a few seconds to relax into the embrace before pulling away, their names being called. 
Mario gave a small nod with a smile, turning to join Wario and Daisy. Polterpup happily resting on his shoulder. The younger twin remained rooted to the spot as he watched the other three disappear around the corner. Only turning away when Waluigi placed a hand on his shoulder. 
“They’ll be okay.” The taller brother said easily.
“...I hope so.” Luigi replied back. 
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jqmon · 1 month
My friend @river-tides tagged me in so let’sa go!
Favorite color: Red and Blue. Dark red is also very cool
Last song i listened to: Adventure’s End from Mario & Luigi dream team(which i haven’t played yet😅)
Currently Reading: A webcomic called Down to earth on webtoon(it’s really nice). And i just finished the 4th chapter of Amf Studio’s Ykw au fanfic, Mind Body & Soul, there’s only 4 chapters right now but it’s great! Also the sonic idw comics, made me like sonic way more.
Currently watching/rewatching: Pokémon horizons for the first time. pretty good so far.
Want to watch/rewatch: Yo-kai watch, The MCU(what i didn’t see at least), the owl house(not bothering to do so tho😅), and Sonic prime.
Currently craving: Ice cream X3
Coffee or Tea: Eh either. i’ll drink both as long as it’s good.
Hobbies in Mind: Art/Drawing, Gaming, maybe animating in the future.
Current AU: Some of you might not be too interested in mine but Yo-kai watch: Respirited. I had this for awhile now and i’m finally getting stuff done with it since like may or smth. Not too much has been done but enough to where i can get to making comics soon. Something for it will be posted soon so watch out for that!
People who I wanna get to know better: @amf-studios @puffballwarrior-blog @vikidat @whispence @residentialsinyomakai @cherry-blossom-qf @thedorkyidiot @welcome-to-octo-space @sketchnyan @floorxseasaltxice
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Quick one-shot based on the body-swap concept by @elitadream because you guys know I had to write something. It was inevitable.
Also available on Ao3: X
____________ “Psst. Princess.” Princess Peach was deep in thought when she heard someone call out to her from the nearby window. Despite the distinct familiarity of the voice, she couldn’t help but let out a little gasp, nearly dropping her tea as she turned to see Luigi clinging to the branches of the tree outside of her bedroom. That tree, “The Mario Tree” she had taken to calling it, was tucked behind an old vine-covered wall in the inner courtyard, out of the way of anyone who wasn’t thoroughly familiar with the garden. Mario had climbed it to reach her window a number of times at her beckoning, so that they could speak for a moment in perfect privacy. Strangely enough, she always felt safer with that window open and that tree in view.
But now, it was Luigi dangling from the branches, his arms and legs wrapped awkwardly around a drooping limb like his life depended on it. When he realized the Princess saw him he shuffled closer, and flung himself from the tree to the window sill like an unsteady kitten.
He seemed unusually clumsy tonight, weary and exhausted as Peach grabbed his shoulders to ensure gravity didn’t send him tumbling to the ground below. When Luigi's feet touched the floor of the bedroom he hunched over, clutching his knees as he breathed heavily. “Thank you.” Peach smiled, but felt little amusement. Luigi was trembling terribly, like something horrible had chased him up that tree. 
Mario's little brother was not a particularly spontaneous individual. He knew he was welcome to use the front door, and would have done so gladly unless the situation prevented it. Princess Peach glanced around, looking for some hint as to what to blame for Luigi's current state, but seeing nothing she took him by the hand and made an effort to lead him to the small tea table near the bed. “Come, sit down.” But Luigi pulled away, opting instead to spin around and shut the curtains behind him. “I can’t. I can’t be seen here… he…” he stuttered, “It’s Mario, but it’s not Mario… he’s not Mario.” It was a message he needed to relay quickly– but he couldn't quite figure out how to explain it. What proof could he give to elevate his word above that of the most trusted man in The Mushroom Kingdom? What evidence could he provide that the doppelganger couldn't effectively explain away? That he hadn't explained away? He stammered for a moment, getting out nothing but fragments of sentences, when he felt Peach's hand on his shoulder. “…I know.” Luigi froze, caught off guard by this reply. “You know?” “Well... I suspected." Peach corrected herself in a whisper, adopting Luigi’s hushed tone. "I’ve only seen him at a distance as of late, but he has been acting strange. I could sense something was wrong, but I couldn’t put a finger on what, and I could never get ahold of him to inquire about it.” Indeed, Mario had been more ever-present, yet more avoidant than ever before. He seemed to drift in and out of locations like a ghost, wearing an expression that mimicked his old kindness like an ill-fitting mask. Then, there had been strange goings-on in her castle; troops being shuffled about without her command, frequent miscommunications between guards, strange little incidents were never properly investigated, doors left open when they should’ve been shut…
Princess Peach was about to explain this, when she suddenly felt herself wrapped up in a hug, Luigi’s face pressing against shoulder. Surprised as she was, her heart ached at the sensation, the desperation in the gesture speaking volumes about what Luigi had been experiencing for the past few days. Peach was on the verge of returning the hug, when Luigi backed away as suddenly as he had embraced her, red with embarrassment, hands tucked to his chest. “S-sorry. I’m sorry. That was out of line. It’s just, I… I thought nobody would believe me.” His gaze drifted to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck. This was a common tic of his, but as Peach took in the shy gesture her eyes widened. There were dark bruises on his throat. She had glimpsed them when he had first climbed through her window, but at that time she had assumed it was merely the shadow of the tree leaves in the light of sunset. Now, with the curtains shut and the lamps lit, there was no mistaking it. She gingerly lifted a hand up and brushed her fingers against the injury. Luigi winced, but made no motion to stop her, tilting his chin a little as he felt the light tingle of healing magic, The Princess slowly fading the marks to nothing. “He hurt you.” “No more than I’ve been hurt before. It’s Mario I’m worried about. The real one.” Luigi shrugged. “He said he’d kill him if I tried anything, but if Not-Mario is who I think he is… I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.” Peach nodded. Luigi did not need to elaborate, they were both thinking the same thing: if not The King of The Koopas himself, the imposter was no doubt someone working under his command. At last, Luigi was calm enough to allow himself to be ushered to a nearby chair, where Princess Peach sat him down and searched him over for further injuries. She found nothing life threatening, mostly bruising, the worst of it being a large, swollen lump on the back of his head. In most situations, she would have opted to mend the wounds traditionally rather than use healing magic, but there was more that needed to be healed here than simple physical injuries, and as Princess Peach gingerly undid every wound Luigi's shivering slowed, and his breath gained a gentle, steady rhythm. “I’m going to go to The Darklands.” He said after a time, “If I don’t find Mario there, then maybe I’ll at least find answers.” “When do you leave?” “Tonight.” “Good.” Peach brushed off her skirt and rose to her feet, her hands cupped determinedly in front of her. “I’ll join you after I inform Toadsworth about what is happening. Wait for me at The Grasslands Outpost.”
Luigi stood up, appearing surprised and concerned in equal measure. “Your Highness?” “Toadsworth is clever, he should be able to cover for me and keep things in order until we get the real Mario back. Besides…” She reached out and gave Luigi's hand a reassuring squeeze, “… I’ll be a lot safer with you.” Luigi was startled by the affirmation, looking down at the hand that gripped his like a lifeline. He nodded, lifting his free hand to give the brim of his hat a sharp, confident tug. “Thanks. I… I won’t let you down!” Princess Peach gestured for him to lower his voice, and Luigi let go of the hand to clamp his palms over his mouth. They both stood perfectly still for a few seconds, examining the surrounding darkness, ears pricked for evidence of eavesdroppers. When they were both content that they were truly alone, Luigi crept back to the window and leapt to one of the branches. He climbed down as quietly as he could manage, not taking his eyes off the princess the entire way to the ground. “Please be careful,” he called up in a whisper. “You too, Luigi.” Peach called back quietly, and once she saw him disappear into surrounding garden she took hold of the shutters, looked around one more time for anything amiss, and cautiously clicked her bedroom window closed.
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jelly-fish-wishes · 1 year
I just want to say that I’m LOVING the Luigi’s Escape comic! The artwork and animation is adorable, the balance between comedy and angst is amazing, and the writing for the characters and story is SPOT ON. I especially like how you expanded Luigi into having his own arc of being brave and not ashamed of who he is, as well as Lumalee and KP actually having a major part of the story and being their own characters instead of being just one thing and having it define their personality (for example Lumalee is hilariously obsessed with death, but he is still a child as we saw in the recent pages). In addition, just as I thought I knew where the story was going, it takes an unexpected twist. (Like Luigi’s backstory when is in the hospital.)
Overall, very well done! I know it isn’t done, but I this comic is 10/10 and I’m excited for the rest of the comic and how the Mario brothers reunite. Keep up the great work and excited for the next page (and sacred too hahaha 🤣 😰) P.S sorry for long comment
Listen listen, the longer the asks, the better. And thanks for enjoying it! Some of the main plot points are actually taken from some original stories I have yet to animate in the distant future (and i hope anyone who has survived my Luigi phase stays around to see them).
Its funny tho...this originally wasn't going to be an angsty story. It was initially going to be lighthearted humour like the film itself. I guess i sorta lost myself in the story and added my own traumas into it like any other story anyone creates. A for effort I suppose xD. I can't wait to show you all of the deleted scenes at the end of ACT 2. KP was also originally a VERY different character. Lumalee was also going to stay a little pessimistic, but KP being rude and Lumalee being a little menace gabe Luigi no reason to want to stay in the Mushroom Kingdom, so I HAD to change them. Stay tuned!
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munchonbrows · 1 year
It begins
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Rough draft right now but I’m SPIRALING AAAAA!!
With the “say no to this trend” I keep seeing they all have the similar theme of Luigi wanting Bowser to stay because he likes him. And don’t get me wrong I LOVE IT! But I feel like it could be interpreted differently in the kidnapping scenario.
How I see it:
Luigi isn’t begging him to stay with him because he’s in love with Bowser (not yet anyways) he’s begging him to stay because he’s afraid what Bowser will do to his friends and brother!
Bowser has kidnapped what he believes to be Peach. Little does he know this was all apart of the Mushroom Kingdoms plan to keep Peach safe, by using someone as a decoy. A very reluctant Luigi is volunteered as the body double. Once ‘Peach’ is in Bowsers grasp, he has them magically bound together. In the heat of the moment, with Bowser celebrating his victory, the disguise is ruined. Luigi is taken to a cell before Bowser notices but once in the cell, one of his minions (maybe Kamek??) sees who he really is. The wig falls off, the mask comes down, and now they can see who Bowser is actually now bound to. THE BROTHER OF HIS NEMESIS!! (I know this trope is pretty common but bare with me!! The song bit is coming up.) Once Bowser here’s news of this he’s ENRAGED! He rushes down to the dungeon where Luigi is being kept, and the bits of the song ensue-
(“How could you?!” In her face-)
Bowser bursts in through the large doors leading to Luigi’s cell, his eyes immediately locking with his captive “YOU!” He makes his way to Luigi, fire burning in his eyes. Luigi had never felt so afraid, “How COULD YOU?! HOW DARE YOU!!” He shouts, smoke rising from his nose and surrounding Luigi, who pushes himself closer to the wall of his cell.
(She said “No sir”)
“You’ll be sorry for this, you and your little friends!” Bowser fumes, but before he’s able to storm his way out he’s paused by a sudden pull on his arm, “NO, SIR,” Luigi cried out. Bowser looked down to see the mess of a man stopping him. The dress had fallen, tattered and dirtied from the journey and struggle to the dungeon. His face was a mess, a pleading look in his eye and an apologetic tone to his scared, shaking voice. ‘He looks pathetic’ was the only thought to cross Bowsers mind before another came from his prisoner, “Please don’t go, sir!”
Bowser quickly took his arm from the man’s grasp, causing him to crumble to the floor, “Was this whole thing a set up!?” Bowser questioned, fire in his every word. “I don’t know about an-.” He was then yanked back up by the force of Bowsers grasp. “Stop crying, goddammit, GET UP!” Bowser roared, dangling Luigi in the air and he continued to whimper and cry.
“I didn’t know any better,” he cried. This had not been Luigi’s idea. He hadn’t wanted to be the decoy, but how could he have said no? Mario seemed so sure this plan would work and the Princess had placed so much confidence in the plan. And now look at where he was, captured and helpless at the hands of the enemy. The thought of what Bowser would do to Luigi only worsened his trembling limbs as he was help above the ground. He was suddenly released, and fell to the floor with a loud thud. “I am ruined,” the defeat in Bowsers voice shocked Luigi, he had never heard it so quiet. But as soon as it had happened it was gone, “THEY’LL PAY FOR THIS!” And as he stormed out again, a new rush of energy filled Luigi. He couldn’t let Bowser leave. He couldn’t let him get to his brother or to Peach. Right now, in this moment, both of theirs safety was in his hands, he had to find a way to keep Bowser here. So despite his fears, with his new found energy he did something he never in a million years would have done.
He ran after Bowser.
“Please,don’t leave,” he called, falling to his knees, begging Bowser not to hurt his brother. ‘Just give him what he wants.’ Thought Luigi and in his sputtering he froze for a moment as he heard himself blurt out, “you can have me!”
For a moment all was silent, as Bowser stood there staring down at the helpless mess on the floor beneath. Luigi trembled in that silence, regretting what he had just said and everything it could imply, but he just couldn’t let Bowser leave. He had to protect his friends-his family. No matter the cost.
Wow I love writing, sorry if it’s trash :)
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
It’s my blog and I’ll post what I want to even if what I want to post is a Post Mario Movie Mario X Luigi mini fic because it’s my blog and I’ll post what I want to
So far away, and still together.
In which Mario and Luigi move in
“Last box!” Mario called, the loud thud of said cardboard box hitting the floor causing Luigi to flinch. “We’re officially moved in.”
Moved in... Moved in to Toad town, in a world so far away yet just a single pipe from Brooklyn. So far from that apartment they’d grown up in, from their food thief uncles, and mama’s fresh pasta. So far..
Mario’s hand brushed Luigi’s, and the younger flinched, pulling his hand quickly away on reflex.
They’d always been together, Mario and Luigi, as more than just brothers, as long as they could remember. When they were kids it was fine, no one batted an eye. Why was Luigi in Mario’s bed? He’s scared of the dark, and they shared a room anyway. Why does Mario kiss Luigi on the forehead so much? He’s affectionate, let the boy be affectionate.
It wasn’t until Middle school, when their father clonked their heads together, when they’d almost had their first real kiss, when their mother sat them down and talked in her worried, loving voice. She’d explained it like they didn’t know what they were doing, like they were confused, like she’d done wrong by not splitting them sooner.
They got separate rooms after that.
Sense then it got harder. They remained ever the same, but quieter. Secretive. Careful. They didn’t want to disappoint their mother, or get whacked over the head again by their father. They were lucky they were Italian, and affection was the normal between their family. Though somehow it never felt like enough.
“Lu. Luigi. Look at me.” Mario’s hand laced in Luigi’s, there in the living room. Their living room. Their home. Luigi turned to his brother, face red and eyes wet. Here in this house so far away from everything they’d ever know, in a locked house all their own, Mario laid a gentle hand on Luigi’s cheek and pressed his lips over his brother’s.
It wasn’t their first kiss, they’d snuck in a few, and it wasn’t like it’d been forever sense they’d kissed, just earlier today in fact while packing up Luigi’s room they’d exchanged a peck, yet this one. This one. It made Luigi’s leg’s shake.
Luigi wrapped his finger’s around Mario’s overall straps and pressed closer, closer, closer, never close enough. Mario held onto Luigi’s cheeks, bending back into the desk from his bedroom now propped here in their living room, it was all he could do to stop himself from toppling over.
Here in their home Luigi thought this kiss could go on forever and he wouldn’t care. He could run out of breath and keep going. He could starve and still stand there, his lips pressed against his brother’s.
When Mario moved his hands to Luigi’s shoulders and pushed him back, the younger resisted, using Mario’s overalls to pull himself back, pressing back into his lips harder, closer, deeper.
“Lu-” Mario spoke into his brother’s lips, pushing him back again. The older gasped for breath, practically sitting on his old wooden desk.
Luigi found himself snapped out of his trance, immediately retreating three large steps back and he spilled apologizes, wringing his hands together in front of his chest. His cheeks flushed, his eyes stung with tears. He’d gone overboard, he’d always gone overboard. He’s the reason they’d gotten caught in the first place, and nearly gotten caught so many times after. And now here he was, putting Mario at risk again in their brand new home. Why’s he gotta be such a screw up-
Mario’s lips once again pressed to Luigi’s, soft and quick and enough to shut him up. “Deep breath, bro.” He said gently, placing his hand on his brother’s waist, “In and out, nice and slow.”
Luigi took a few steadying breaths before laying his forehead on his brothers shoulder, “I’m sorry..” He shook softly, gripping onto the front of Mario’s overalls.
“For what? Kissin’ the love of you life openly and passionately for the first time in your life? Taking my breath away? Pinnin’ me to my desk like a horn dog?”
“I-I did not PIN you!” Luigi shot up, face deep red as he pushed away from his brother.
Mario chuckled, pulling Luigi back, “You didn’t bend me over the desk kissing at me like you’d never see me again?”
“Shut up!! Shut Up!!!” Luigi slapped his hand over Mario’s face, pushing at him again, “I did not bend you over!!!”
Mario continued to laugh, kissing at Luigi’s hand before scooping him up and spinning them both and toppling onto the couch with Luigi on his lap. The younger buried himself into his brother’s shoulder, ears burning red.
There were boxes to unpack, cleaning and sorting and probably some paper work to be done, but it all could wait.
For now, Mario and Luigi laid comfortably together on their little beat up loveseat they’d bought off some guy in Kings for $250, in their living room, their house, so far away from the little apartment they’d grown up in. So far away, and still together.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Short People Problems
Mario and Donkey Kong are doing obstacle courses and casually teasing the hell out of each other. But one joke about being short ends up making Mario discover something about Donkey Kong he NEVER would've expected. But...Being short means you gotta be extra careful messing with a large gorilla.
Thanks to @theybibsxi for helping me with this fanfic! And this fanfic was based on some headcanons I made a while back. I hope you all enjoy!
Also, I will be spending the next week on vacation with family. Though I will likely continue writing during this time, I won't be uploading any more fanfics until next Saturday. So...I'm hopping off for the week. Try not to die while I'm gone! <3
Mario and Donkey Kong were walking around the Mushroom kingdom, just chilling out and smashing whatever bricks they found and using whatever power ups they could come across. Though they weren’t really best buds quite yet, they were still getting to know each other a lot better now. Though, that didn’t mean they didn’t taunt each other now and again…
Mario had pulled himself up onto a group of floating bricks and sprinted across them. 
“Move it, shorty.” Donkey Kong jumped up and hit the brick right below Mario’s feet, making Mario fall through the hole. Mario yelped as he felt his stomach ascend into his chest as he fell to the ground.
Though Donkey Kong was a funnyman, he wasn’t a jerk who was gonna let Mario fall on his face. So he caught Mario with his hand as he ran. 
But Mario clearly didn’t approve of such heroism. “I’m not a baby.” Mario muttered. 
“Prove it, then!” Donkey Kong declared as he gave him a good throw into the air to reach the next platform. 
Mario soared through the air and landed on his feet onto the platform before taking off running again. Mario sprinted up the stairs and headed to the elevator. He went up the elevator before heading to the two walls. Now, Mario had done his fair share of wall-jumps. So this part was gonna be easy for him. Mario jumped up once towards the left wall. When he landed, he jumped off the left wall to get to the right wall. When he got to the right wall, he jumped off it to get to the left wall again. Repeat this a few times, and you successfully wall-jump a wall. 
When Mario reached the top of the wall, Donkey Kong ran by him. “Not bad, Red.” Donkey Kong reacted. 
“Thanks.” Mario replied. 
“For an amateur, anyway.” Donkey Kong added with a laugh. 
Mario rolled his eyes and followed him. “Did you really need to add that last part?” Mario asked. 
“Well I didn’t want you thinking I’m complimenting you or something.” Donkey Kong replied. 
“You worried about being seen as a softy?” Mario asked. 
“No. Are you?” Donkey Kong asked. 
“Sometimes.” Mario admitted. 
Donkey Kong chuckled and hopped down the platform onto the ground below. “Maybe it’s because you are.” Donkey Kong joked. 
Mario hopped down next. “And you’re not, I’m guessing?” Mario asked. 
“Me?! No way!” Donkey Kong replied. 
“Uh huh…” Mario hummed, not believing him. “I’ve seen the way you act around Diddy Kong.” Mario added. 
Donkey Kong raised an eyebrow at him before smirking and leaning on Mario’s head. “Oh yeah? And I’ve seen the way you act around Luigi.” Donkey Kong added. 
Mario frowned and crossed his arms when he felt the gorilla’s arm on his head. “...Dude.” Mario said. 
“Mhm?” He replied, casually looking at his nails. 
“Get off me.” Mario ordered. 
“Whaddaya mean?” He asked with a smirk. “I’m not even touching you.” He added. 
“Get off!” Mario yelled.
Donkey Kong’s smirk grew into a toothy smile as he poked Mario’s cheek playfully. “Or what? You’ll beat me up?” He teased. 
Mario growled and poked Donkey’s ribs and armpit. “GET OFF ME!” Mario yelled. 
Donkey Kong wheezed and instinctively pulled his arm back against his side. “WoHO- HEhey!” Donkey Kong laughed. “Wohow! I feel bad for your bro.” Donkey Kong reacted. 
Mario narrowed his eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Mario asked. 
“You can’t even take a joke!” Donkey Kong told him. 
Mario glared at him. “There’s a difference between joking around, and being a pain in the neck.” Mario let him know as he poked his side. 
Donkey Kong yelped and curled away from the touch for a moment. “Q-Quit that!” He reacted. 
Mario’s frown softened when he saw Donkey Kong’s reaction. He looked at the area he had poked, before looking up at Donkey Kong. “Wait…” Mario attempted to poke his side again, but yelped as his hand was slapped away by Donkey Kong’s larger hand. “Ow!” Mario reacted. 
“Don’t touch me!” Donkey Kong yelled. 
“Why?” Mario asked, smirking slightly. “Ticklish?” He asked. 
Donkey Kong blinked, and looked down to the side slightly. “I-” He muttered. 
Mario’s facial expression only grew when he heard Donkey Kong stutter. “...Wait, seriously?!” Mario asked, not fully believing it at first.
“Shut up.” Donkey Kong ordered. 
“I will, but…” Mario looked at him. “I’m surprised.” He admitted, pointing to him. 
“Don’t. Try it.” Donkey Kong ordered. 
Mario looked at Donkey Kong…then at his stomach…Mario reached his finger out and started to bring it closer to his belly. “Juuuust-” Mario widened his eyes the moment his hand was grabbed by a fluffy, large, brown hand. Mario yelped and screeched as he was lifted up off the ground by his wrist. “WaitwaiT- AAH!” Mario shouted. 
“You think you can tickle me and get away with it?!” He asked before poking Mario’s side, earning him a surprisingly high-pitched squeak. “Just try me. I DARE you.” He added with a smirk as he skittered three of his fingers on Mario’s side. 
Mario widened his eyes and covered his mouth, refusing to let Donkey Kong hear his laugh. Though Mario really liked his own laugh, he knew that if he let it out…then Donkey Kong was gonna keep tickling him just to tease him about it! And why in the world would Mario give him that satisfaction?! 
Mario shot him the best glare he could considering the circumstances. But it didn’t look threatening like he wanted…because Donkey Kong only laughed at him. “Was that supposed to scare me?!” Donkey Kong asked. 
Mario soon removed his hand from his face, showing off his wobbly smile in the process, so he could cover up his side as best he could with one hand. “Yohoucan’tbreakme.” Mario spat through his pent-up laughter. 
“Oh I’m not trying to break you.” Donkey Kong told him. “I’m just trying to tickle you. Make you laugh.” He told him. “And you’re holding out on me!” He added, moving his finger up to his armpit. “And I don’t like it.” Donkey Kong added, poking his armpit with an evil, toothy smirk. 
Mario screeched and looked visibly scared as he tried to wave his hand away from his armpit. “NO! Not there! Anywhere but there!” Mario begged. 
He removed his finger and wiggled it. “Ohooo! Does that mean it’s…” His finger touched down right in the dip of his armpit. “Ticklish?” He teased in the most evil voice he could muster. 
Mario gripped Donkey Kong’s finger as best he could, and attempted to remove it. “NOo, no it’s not.” Mario shot back. 
Donkey Kong flexed his finger, making it wiggle and tickle his armpit one single time. Just this alone, made Mario titter and squeeze his eyes shut. “If your armpit isn’t sensitive…” He flexed his finger again to tickle Mario just once more. “Then why are you smiling so much?” Donkey Kong asked with fake curiosity, referring to the wobbly smile on Mario’s face that had just grown to show off his teeth. 
“DonkeyKongIswearto-” Mario gasped as he felt Donkey Kong’s finger wiggle again…only for it to wiggle continuously in his armpit. “GohohoHOHOHOD!” Mario finished his threat before throwing his head back as he felt the dam break right open. 
Donkey Kong’s face brightened as he heard the man break open with laughter. “Wow! There you go!” He reacted. “Took you long enough.” He added with a chuckle. 
Mario immediately let go of Donkey Kong’s finger and flapped his free arm around as he laughed full-force this time. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha!” Mario laughed, pulling his arm in and keeping it tense against his side. 
“Not gonna lie, you’ve got a pretty good laugh. I can see why the princess likes you.” Donkey Kong told him. 
Mario could feel a slight blush showing up on his face from that compliment alone. “SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!” Mario yelled at him. 
“Nah. I rather like teasing you, Red.” Donkey Kong admitted. “Maybe if I tease you enough, your cheeks will match your shirt.” He added. 
Mario lowered his head down and held his stomach as he kept laughing. By this point, Mario had given up trying to stop Donkey Kong from tickling him. Mario couldn’t do any damage to Donkey Kong without a power up, thanks to how big and strong Donkey Kong was. So the man had to just take it. 
And right as Mario was starting to get used to the tickles, Donkey Kong started dragging his finger down to the ribs. “Coochy coochy coo~” He teased evilly. 
Mario’s laughter seemed to stay about the same, only this time, his feet started kicking a bit more wildly. “YOHOHOHOU’RE SOHOHOHO MEHEHEHEAN!” Mario complained. 
“Says the one who continuously heeded my warning and tried to tickle me anyway, despite me saying ‘Don’t try it’ at least once.” Donkey Kong added. 
Donkey Kong shrugged his shoulders and stopped tickling his ribs. “Okay.” He replied. 
Mario’s laughter lessened super quickly. The man breathed in gulps of air and let out long breaths of relief. “Gohohosh…” Mario muttered. 
“What did you wanna say?” Donkey Kong asked. 
Mario looked up at Donkey Kong, and let out another breath. “You…technically didn’t say ‘Don’t try it’.” Mario told him. 
Donkey Kong narrowed his eyes. “Oh really?” He leaned in. “Then what did I say?” He asked. 
“You actually said ‘Don’t’ with a pause…and then ‘try it’.” Mario replied with a growing little innocent smile. 
Donkey Kong looked at him with the most unamused face he could possibly show him. 
This look made Mario burst out laughing despite still clearly being overpowered. “Yohohou look so done with me.” Mario added, giggling into his own hand. 
Donkey Kong rolled his eyes and let go of Mario, making him drop to the ground. When Mario sat himself up, Donkey Kong pushed Mario down onto his back and held the man’s wrists by the sleeves just above his chest. “You done talking yet?” He asked with a smirk before moving his fingers towards Mario’s belly. “If not, then you might as well laugh instead.” Donkey Kong concluded, skittering his fingers on his little, jean-covered belly. 
Mario’s laughter seemed to erupt from his lips almost right away this time, surprising them both. “aaAAHAhahahahaha! Ohohohokahahay! Ihihi’m dohone tahahalkihing, I promihihihise!” Mario replied. 
“Well that’s a relief.” He teased. “But laughing doesn’t really count as talking, does it?” He asked, wiggling his fingers near his vulnerable sides. 
Mario’s body language, as well as his laughter, noticeably doubled when his right side was merely stroked by the gorilla’s fingers. “Ihihihi dohohoHOHON’T KNOHOHOhohohow!” Mario admitted, his voice moving up and down in volume. 
Donkey Kong’s smirk widened the moment his laughter got stronger. He quickly looked up at Mario’s face. “Ticklish sides?” He asked before poking his right side a bit harder this time. 
“HeheHEHAHAHA- NoHO!” Mario attempted to turn himself onto his right to cover up his ticklish side. “N-No, no way. They’re not. Honest.” Mario argued, pulling on his sleeves rough enough to try and get out, but gentle enough as to not rip his sleeves. 
Donkey Kong chuckled and shook his head. “You are the worst liar I have ever met.” Donkey Kong admitted with a laugh before giving Mario’s sides a few squeezes. “Like, a toddler would be able to lie better than you!” Donkey Kong teased. Mario threw his head back and let out a long, strong cackle. “SOHOHOHO WHAHAT?!” Mario yelled back. 
Mario’s laughter only continued in long bouts when Donkey Kong squeezed his side a bit faster. “Wow! I’m glad you found that as funny as I did!” Donkey Kong reacted. 
Mario shook his head as he kicked his feet somewhat wildly. “NOHOHOT FUNNYHEEHEEHEE!” Mario shouted at him. 
“Another lie! You seriously think lying about my humor is going to work when you’re clearly laughing?!” Donkey Kong joked. 
“Ohoho, you’d better not be swearing that you’re not laughing…because that would be yet ANOTHER lie!” Donkey Kong reacted. “Speaking of which: why are you laughing so much, Jumpman?” Donkey Kong asked. 
Donkey Kong shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. I can’t read your mind, Mario.” Donkey Kong teased. “You’re the only one who can tell me why you’re laughing.” 
Mario whined through his laughter. “BEHEHECAUSE YOHOU’RE TIHIHICKLIHIHING MEHEHEHEHE!” Mario yelled back. 
“What?!” Donkey Kong stopped his fingers and let go of Mario’s sleeves before moving them up into arrest position. “No I’m not!” Donkey Kong reacted. “Look! My hands are free!” He insisted.
Mario held his stomach as he curled up into a ball, giggling and laughing from the leftover phantom tickles. Even though Donkey Kong was obviously not tickling him, Mario was still laughing almost as hard as he was when DK’s hand was squeezing his unbelievably ticklish side. 
“See? I’m not even touching you, and you’re laughing yourself absolutely bananas! What is so funny?!” Donkey Kong reacted, acting all innocent. 
Mario’s laughter slowly began to die down. Keyword: slowly. Though they were less than before, Mario’s cackles were still strong enough to keep Mario’s face a little bit red. Normally a person would start snorting by now. But here’s the thing: Mario is not a snorter. 
But don’t let this discourage you…because there’s something else I need to tell you:
Mario may not snort…but he most certainly hiccups when he laughs for too long. 
And that’s exactly what Mario started to do. Mario had only let out one single hiccup, which made Mario impulsively cover up his mouth with his palm. But even with his mouth covered, you could still hear the recurring hiccups through his hand. “Hahahaha- *hic* -Hehehe *hic* Hehe sohohorry- *hic* Hehehehe-” Mario muttered. 
Donkey Kong widened his eyes and stared at Mario. “Are you…hiccuping?!” Donkey Kong asked. 
Mario’s blush only seemed to deepen when Donkey Kong simply mentioned his hiccups. He sat himself up and tried to calm himself down. “Ihihihi *hic* Hihihihi- *hic* Hihihehehehe- *hic* Yeheheah…” Mario muttered. 
Donkey Kong chuckled. “Does anyone else know about your hiccup laughs?” Donkey Kong asked. 
Mario groaned and covered his face, clearly embarrassed. “Shhhhutup.” Mario muttered. 
Donkey Kong laughed and offered him a hand. “Want help up, overalls?” 
Mario bit his lip and uncovered his face. “S-Sure.” Mario muttered. When he felt ready, Mario took his hand (or rather, his index finger) and got up onto his feet. “Now…please don’t tell anyone.” Mario told him. “I don’t want rumors to spread about this.” Mario admitted. 
Donkey Kong nodded. “Wouldn’t want such adorable information to get into the wrong hands.” Donkey Kong added. 
“Yeah, pretty-” Mario froze. “Wha- HEY!” Mario punched Donkey Kong’s arm, earning him a laugh from Donkey Kong. “I’m not adorable.” Mario warned. 
“I’d beg to differ…Have you seen yourself in the catsuit?” Donkey Kong teased, wiggling his fingers like a cat paw. 
Mario rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Sh-shut up.” Mario muttered. 
This made Donkey Kong laugh even more. “Fine, fine.” He said. “But in return…you can’t tell people I’m ticklish either.” Donkey Kong ordered. “That stays zipped up in your head. Got it?” Donkey Kong ordered. 
Mario nodded. “Fair enough. I can do that. Truce?” Mario asked, offering his hand. 
“Truce.” Donkey Kong replied, shaking his hand with his finger while his other hand moved behind his back.  
Mario nodded his head before letting go of Donkey Kong’s finger and looking over at the obstacle course. “So…..” Mario looked over to the main toad village. “You…you wanna visit the toad shops?” Mario asked, pointing to the town.  
Donkey Kong narrowed his eyes. “Shops?” He asked. “I could not think of a more boring activity.” Donkey Kong teased. 
“I dunno…I heard they have some interesting antiques over there…” Mario mentioned. “Haven’t been able to check them out myself though…” He admitted. 
“Hm…” He looked at the town. “Do you think there’s anything I haven’t seen before?” Donkey Kong asked. 
Mario chuckled. “Only one way to find out…” Mario mentioned. 
Donkey Kong chuckled and poked his side. “Fine.” He replied before taking off running. “Race ya!” 
Mario yelped and jumped back, before taking off after him. “WAIT! YOU CHEATER!” Mario shouted. 
“JUST CATCH UP, SLOW POKE!” Donkey Kong shouted back. 
“WATCH ME, SMASH MONKEY!” Mario shouted back as he sprinted after him. 
It didn't take long for the boys to make it to the village. And to Donkey Kong’s surprise, there were actually lots of antique items that he had never seen before. And Mario ended up purchasing a couple new power ups that he hadn’t tried before. Despite the one-sided tickle fight that had just transpired, the boys seemed to keep things civil between each other. Later on, Mario would end up getting tickled all over again. Why? Because Donkey Kong may or may not have been crossing his fingers when he shook Mario’s hand earlier…Go figure…
But let’s face it: Mario would’ve done the same thing. They both have that competitive brotherly energy to them. It’s what seemed to help them cooperate when it was needed. 
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