#I’m just convincing myself at this point
musicalmoritz · 1 day
What are your thoughts on the chapter 118? MitsuKou fans are eating GOOD I can say that much
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My thoughts on the best chapter thus far of the current arc? I’m glad you asked
I must say this chapter launched me into a full blown Mitsukou/Soukou brainrot. I have like a million fic ideas for both of them now and there’s no way I can possibly write all of them AND complete my requests so I just have to be sad. But omg, what a chapter!! I’m still stuck on the “smothered him with attention” line, that sounds like some shit I’d write. And ofc Kou being “captivated by that loser.” Ugh they’re so in love. I am now fully convinced that Sousuke had a crush on Kou in the former timeline when he was alive, you literally cannot convince me otherwise
The fact that if Kou’s mother hadn’t died and his father wasn’t neglectful, he would’ve used his free time to befriend Sousuke…and him being the one to save Sousuke’s life in the new timeline…oh I’m ill. The finger scene. Kou’s little blush. MITSUBA TEACHING KOU HOW TO USE A CAMERA BY STANDING BEHIND HIM AND GUIDING HIS HANDS. This was their cheesy romcom moment. The dead wife montage in an action movie
I love how their former selves are trying to reach out to them. No.3 was so unhappy with his existence to the point of wanting to die, and he wanted Sousuke’s life so badly but now that he’s lost it all he wants it back. Kou learned during the Red House arc that it’s okay if life is complicated, it’s okay if he’s stressed and doesn’t have everything he wants, and now he has to see a version of himself live in blissful ignorance. I don’t understand how people can say this timeline is better unless they’re fluff addicts, them staying in this timeline would do nothing for their character arcs and the overall narrative themes of growing up and facing reality. This life may be easier, but it robs each of them of their natural growth. I understand people are gonna have different preferences but the conflict of the old timeline MADE the story, do ppl rly want all of that to be thrown away for some “and then it never happened” ending?? Do you genuinely think it would be better writing if we never saw No.3 Mitsuba again and his arc ended with another shock value death???
Sorry for the rant lol, I couldn’t help myself. Absolutely no offense to anyone who prefers this timeline, it’s not like the fans are writing the story anyways so these opinions are harmless
I love how every version of Mitsuba wants to be someone else, they each perceive themselves as the “fake one” (excluding OG Sousuke) and feel disconnected from their existence. When I get around to writing my character analyses for TBHK I WILL talk abt all the queer allegories that go along with Mitsuba’s character but for now I’ll hold my tongue. All ik is this chapter made me love Sousuke sm more
Oh, and adult Amane…jump scare of the century. I can’t wait to see what his role is in this new timeline, I have a feeling it may be similar to Baby Tsukasa in the previous one. I love whenever the Yugi twins interact with Mitsuba (yes even the angst with Tsukasa) so that scene made me cheer. Also Kou saved his boyfriend!! Yippee!!
Sousuke and Kou wanting to run away together gave me major Picture Perfect Amanene vibes. Also HKOTO vibes, pls bring back the yaoi kidnapping🙏🏻
I think that’s all I have to say, Mitsukou fans were well fed this chapter. I’m eager to see the next one, still manifesting that Kou villain arc
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luna-lovegreat · 1 day
Hi! I just wanted to drop by and say how much I love and appreciate your analyses. Even though you may call them ramblings, your excitement shines through every word and they always bring a smile to my face. I very much look forward to them 😊
I consider myself a visual person but there’s still a lot I miss, even on a second or third read (My Zelda knowledge isn’t that deep but I’m learning!) So your connections about the little details help me to enjoy the comic even more!
In the comic itself, which character relationships are you hoping will get explored more in the current arc (especially since we know they’ll be splitting up soon)?
— Alexanna
Hi! Thank you! Yes I do get very happy making them it brings me joy :)) I'm so glad that you enjoy my posts- my goal is always to make others happy so thank you for telling me :D
Time and four time and four time and four-
I reallyyyyyy want Time and Four to go together in the dungeon even though the chances are iffy. Maybe if I want it hard enough it'll happen XP
Even if they don't go together, I really want Time and Four's relationship to develop more in the comic. Here's why-
First of all, Time and Four fight really well together. Time is also just really good at fighting with the shoter ones overall
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THEN THERE'S this part in Doodles part 3 that has me convinced Time knows Four's secret with the Four sword
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I'm pretty sure it's Time's voice saying 'you never cease to impress me little one', and Jojo (I think? need to check) said all these older sketches are considered canon so yeah. I'm impatient because I want clarification and to know if Time knows about the four sword or not
Four is also insanely emotionally mature and intuitive, and at this point I think he is the best person to be there for Time when he's so upset after Twilight's injury. Time has never underestimated Four so they make a great team
I'm not sure if you wanted on full on analysis response, but there you are. I really want Time and Four's relationship to get explored more because it matters to me hehe
Art is by Jojo @/linkeduniverse au :D
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rystiel · 9 days
i feel like poolverine easily could’ve been one of those “they’re flirty but it’s mostly unserious” situations, and for most of the movie yeah they were extremely gay, but wade’s been like that with other guys and it was never treated as a serious type of relationship before. they’re willing to die for each other, but even then the romantic aspect of their relationship could be glossed over because it’s a superhero movie, that’s just what they do, and they’re working together to save a whole timeline—it’s not just about them. but then the movie doesn’t end with them saving the day and moving on. i think this’s really the part that sells poolverine as a genuine relationship to me… logan’s leaving, and wade calls for him. he can’t stand to let him go. then he introduces him to his family, and logan stays. he doesn’t really need to stay, but they’ve both decided they’re better off with one another than without
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in some timeline out there, cellbit and pepito found out about doied and figured out where roier was and found him and managed to get him back into his own body. there is a universe out there where this happened and then he and roier renewed their vows on their anniversary. trust
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sunnnfish · 10 months
Maybe I’m okay with it if Hirano never traditionally “loves” Kagi. Or anyone. Maybe it never will turn into the same kind of love Kagi feels. Kagi is nevertheless such a source of inspiration and strength and comfort to Hirano. Even if he never feels a desire to touch or get married or whatever. Maybe he does it because Kagi asks and he loves making Kagi happy most of all. He wouldn’t seek it if not asked. But Kagi is always asking. And he knows it makes Kagi happy. Does anyone see the vision. Do you understand. Maybe kagi will be okay with it if Hirano never “loves” him the same way Kagi loves him. Because he knows how Hirano works and he knows how Hirano cares. And he knows he is unique to Hirano. He knows Hirano wouldn’t do these things with anyone else. And that’s still love in its own way.
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snzluv3r · 1 month
welp, my hours got cut in half and we’re gonna see how i do with part time hours for a month. i know it’s what’s best for my physical health but i genuinely can’t afford my rent now and i don’t know what im going to do but it’s better than getting fired completely i guess
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disengaged · 7 months
okkkkkkk . time to get back into weightlifting 🫠
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ajxrn-archive · 2 months
I’m going to. rip my fucking hair out.
#Why why why can’t I enjoy anything ever like it’s so draining I can’t even explain it#Everything makes me anxious and I really REALLY don’t think thats normal nor do I think it’s just general anxiety#I want. answers genuinely but no I can’t see help because of my mom. I probably won’t be able to find out what my fucking problem is until#I’m like. 18 or older#Well into my 20s even#Fuck. it’s like. would I even be able to afford a therapist.#especially if I got disowned/kicked out#I keep trying to convince my mom to get me help/try to get me a diagnosis#and she just doesn’t want to fucking. help me. it’s not even a money thing it’s the fact she DOESNT GIVE A FUCK about her child’s mental#problems and health. Besides if I got diagnosed with like. adhd like everyone says I have (I think it could be that or something deeper) it#would literally end in her getting MORE FUCKING MONEY like our homeschool funds thing would give us more money for like#disability or whatever. if it were adhd. I forget.#I’m trying to use that to convince her and she just doesn’t listen#but honestly it’s like. what’s the point. I know I would feel better if I had a diagnosis because I would know the actual cause of my issue#and would easily find ways to combat it and help myself instead of listening to everyone say I have adhd without a diagnosis and go by that#Because everything I do to try and help with adhd doesn’t fucking work with my deeper mental issues.#And to be really honest I think it’s a personality disorder and I’ve done my own research and I show majority of BPD symptoms#And it’s commonly mistook for adhd. But I would NEVER express that to my mom because she would twist it into me being abusive and awful#again like. fuck even if I can’t get medicated I know I would feel so. so much better about myself knowing WHY I’m like this#Instead of living my life questioning what the fuck is wrong with me#I’m so sick of being different#if you read this. why would u put urself through that.
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gregmarriage · 5 months
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Do these bitches remember they still have Pierce???? Like even rn writing this I’m like.. do they????? Just bc it hasn’t been mentioned in a minute. But like they still have Pierce, the three of them. It’s why it was a bad idea to block the deal in the first place. Like c’mon the Roy sibs back at it again?????😅😅😅😅
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mthevlamister · 4 months
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tolkpopfan · 5 months
When I was evaluated for autism a few years ago, the doctor who evaluated me concluded that I didn’t make sufficient eye contact and that my ability to read faces was severely below average.
If I don’t make eye contact then why could I tell that Yongsoo looked me in the eyes???? And if I can’t read faces, then how was I able to interpret that when I told him “because im so nervous, I can’t speak Korean well right now” (in Korean) his expression said he understood where I was coming from and thought my attempt was sweet.
Huh? HUH?????
If I can’t do those things then explain that!
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sirenscriptures · 5 months
this semester cooked me so hard i’m not even gonna lie
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baileyboo2016 · 5 months
I did the “your month your curse” on tiktok and this one hit a little too close to home holy shit
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why are these so accurate what 😭😭
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No one should text me ever. You will get ghosted. I will not reply. Bc I will spend too long trying to formulate a reply and then decide the length of time has been too awkward. I only thrive in in person conversations. I need the immediate decisiveness of verbal conversation with the ability to read body language.
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shiftinginferno · 6 months
rewatched mean girls w my dad bc i recently turned my meangirls dr into a meangirls-heathers(musical)[nodeath100%run] crossover 🙌👍❕ so good
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