#i know the whole point is so o can pace myself better but
snzluv3r · 1 month
welp, my hours got cut in half and we’re gonna see how i do with part time hours for a month. i know it’s what’s best for my physical health but i genuinely can’t afford my rent now and i don’t know what im going to do but it’s better than getting fired completely i guess
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kumerish · 2 months
What happened to Kaye’s sister and why doesn’t she remember her?
Maybe I’m misinterpreting things but Sweetpea seems to have gotten more cynical as the comic as gone on, is that intentional? Is Pod surpassing her in whatever ability they share?
Is Ten a nickname or his full name?
Where does Blind Alley take place? City/State? Or are they like in some weird purgatory?
How much time has elapsed in-universe from the start of the comic to now?
These are some juicy questions. I'll answer these vaguely as some of this is better left unsaid! Sometimes it's more fun for readers to stew on and come to their own conclusions imo.
Speaking for myself, I don't have very many memories from when I was under five. I think the same goes for Kaye. What she has are foggy impressions at best.
I agree. :o)
I don't know! What would it be short for?
In my mind, because I can't resist doing so, it takes place in a suburb outside of Vancouver. When - who can say?
I used to have pretensions to have the characters age in real time but I simply do not publish the strip often enough for that to feel like a satisfying pace. The reality is that, as with everything Blind Alley, I don't want to be too rigid or clear. Your interpretation matters! Time is passing, at the very least, and I do wonder if once I hit strip 365 if I'll feel comfortable stating that a whole year has passed. I love these kids as they are now and blowing past this age feels disappointing at this point in time. It's fiction and I don't mind it existing in a bit of a murky area. My intention with this strip was for it to have a memory and for things to change over time; it's inevitable they'll age at some point.
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deserteye · 2 years
CHAPTER THREE ;; Tall & Blonde
After I shook Bill's hand, I could feel myself being pulled awake as my body lifted up and I gasped for air. The triangle seemed to fly out of the dream and float in mid-air for a moment before Bill's form grew muscle over the triangle, and it changed from a triangle to more of a human form.
His body grew a torso, hips, and a head, and he slowly floated to the ground, now a tall, around 6'0, golden blonde male with a yellow vest, white button up with a black bowtie and pants, accompanied by a matching yellow jacket with a long tail. He smiled, an upside-down black triangle eyepatch forming over his right eye.
"That's better! If I'm gonna be in the human realm, I might as well blend in!"
He smirked and laughed, swinging his cane in his right hand. I picked myself up and wiped the dirt off my pants and sweater.
"Yeah.. I guess that makes sense."
I mumbled, avoiding looking at him.
"Hey! It's rude not to look at the person you're talking to!"
He scolded, tapping my shoulder with his cane, causing me to jump.
"S-Sorry! I'm not the best at eye contact.."
I mumbled again, making eye contact with him. He laughs and smiles.
"Well common, back to your cabin."
He hums, walking in the direction of my cabin.
"Wh- Hey! How do you know I live in a cabin?"
I asked, jumping to keep up with the taller male.
"Haha, I know everything about everyone, kid!"
He laughed, throwing his cane up as it disappeared and he walked with his hands behind his back, his chest out.
"Oh- Okay.. What do you know about, Dipper and Mabel Pines..?"
I asked, deciding to test his knowledge and just picking the first names that came to my head, being Mabel and Dipper.
"Ugh.. Don't even mention Pinetree and Shooting Star around me. It's their fault I even needed a second chance, if it weren't for them, Point Dexter, and Shriner I would be ruling this dimension with an iron fist!"
Bill growled and rambled, my eyebrow raised, looking at him with confusion, causing his eyes to roll.
"It's a whole thing, I'll explain the Zodiac to you later."
I mumbled, looking back down at the ground, feeling the awkward silence settle in. Even after I looked at the ground, I could feel Bill staring at me, studying me.
"D-Do you need something-?"
I asked after gaining enough courage to ask him.
"No. I'm just trying to figure out how I never found you until now."
He responded, moving to look in front of us.
"What's that supposed to mean-?"
I asked, looking up at him.
"Well, you should know that your entire family is cursed because of Miss Sphinx's and mine battle back, maybe 5000 years ago or so?"
He mumbled, calculating in his head.
"Curse- 5000 years?!"
I asked in surprise.
"Yes, yes. That birthmark of yours is a curse I gave your family so I could easily find you. Plenty of humans have some sort of secret godly power they're gifted from their ancestors that they can never harness, but none have that birthmark. Besides your family."
He hummed, explaining everything but the 5000 years bit.
"I- Oh.. That's probably because my parents kinda, self-isolated me from the rest of the world. It's why I can't really make eye contact-?"
I laughed nervously, feeling like I was trauma-dumping onto this guy. And 5000 years?? God, how old was this guy??
"Ah, that would make sense!"
He hummed, twirling his hand and summoning his cane, as he started walking faster as we neared closer to my cabin.
We were abruptly woken up at around 3 AM by Great Uncle Ford slamming our door open. I flew up from the sound, while Mabel tiredly lifted herself up, rubbing her eyes. Ford was breathing heavily, fear in his eyes.
"He's back."
Mabel and I were up and dressed, standing in the kitchen with Ford and Stan, Stan sitting at the dining while Ford was pacing.
"What do you mean he's back?"
I asked, sounding angry when really I was terrified.
"But, we defeated him. With Stan, and the memory gun-"
Mabel defended, gesturing to Stan with a stuffed unicorn in her one of her arms.
"Yes, but when Stan regained his memory, the possibility of Bill returning came as well. With the statue, we were sure it wasn't possible-"
Ford explained stammering and gesturing his words with his hands.
"Wait, what statue?"
I asked, Mabel and I were both confused.
"I thought you said you'd tell them, Stan."
Ford asked in a more confused and tired tone than the serious and angered tone he was intending.
"You really were going to rely on my memory when I just recovered from amnesia?"
Stan defended, throwing his hand in defense while the other held his forehead.
"Before Stan and I went to go on our ocean hunt, we stopped by the place where Bill's castle came from, and, his body was a stone statue, his hand still out to take Stan's."
Ford explained, stopping to stand in front of us. Mabel and I looked at each other before looking at Ford.
"How do we even know Bill's back? What told you-"
Mabel asked before Stan cut her off.
"I had a dream. Or, more like a nightmare. All of my memories from the Weirdmagedon came back, and then Bill rose from his statue and, turned into a human."
Stan explained, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.
"He can do that-?"
"He can do anything, Mabel. Turning into a human doesn't sound like him though. Someone must have made a deal with him. But what kind of deal would prompt him to make a human form?"
Stan explained, before asking himself, he sighed and pushed the hair out of his forehead.
"We should get some rest, and then gather the rest of the Zodiacs for a meeting tomorrow."
"Shouldn't we check the statue first-? Just to make sure it wasn't a nightmare."
I mentioned, and Ford nodded.
"Yes, good idea Dipper. Is everyone still in town?"
"I think Pacifica moved to California, and Robbie and Gideon moved out of town."
I added.
"We'll call them tomorrow if the statue is gone, hopefully, they aren't too far out of town."
Ford sighed, holding his head and placing his hand on the table.
"Go back to bed kids, we're gonna be up for a minute."
Stan ordered, earning a nod from Mabel and I, as we walked back upstairs to the attic, tucking ourselves back in bed.
"Do you think.. That Y/N Sphinx has anything to do with this?"
Mabel asked, holding his unicorn plush close to her chest, Waddles curled up next to her.
"What makes you think that?"
I ask, staring at the ceiling before turning my head to look at her.
"Well, during Weirdmagedon, we didn't see them at all. Even though it was like, almost a week long. Everyone else doesn't even talk about Bill Cipher.. Maybe they made a deal not knowing what he did.."
She explained her theory, and I looked back up at the ceiling.
"That's.. Actually a good point."
I hummed.
"So, maybe?"
She asked.
"Maybe. Let's bring it up to Stan and Ford tomorrow, okay?"
I added, turning to face her.
"Hm, good plan."
She agreed, turning to look at me as well.
"Goodnight Mabel."
"Night Dipping Sauce."
· · ─────── ·⃤ ─────── · ·
Next Chapter | CHAPTER TWO ;; That Old Statue
Last Chapter | CHAPTER FOUR ;; Knowledge from a Demon
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spaceacealex · 2 years
Hello @grimaussiewitch!! I have some Pearlescent Moon goodies for you for @mcyt-valentines!!
I have a Playlist.
A painting (its traditional art with minor adjustments for lighting)
Tumblr media
And below the cut, a fic.
I hope you have a wonderful day! Happy Valentines!!
The sound of rockets interrupting her cleaning was unexpected, but not unwelcome. Pearl expected Scar, checking in on her progress, or maybe even adding more to the mess. Instead, a very recently dethroned and tomato-covered monarch kicked up dirt with his landing.
Ears pinned back, Ren smiled. “Hey there, dude– Pearl! Miss Pearlescent Moon! How’s it hangin’?”
And Pearl would never have accused the man of being proficient in subtlety, but this was a completely new level of blatant anxiety. “Ren? What’s up, buddy?” She sidestepped, moving between shulkers to continue her sorting, but glancing at Ren as she worked. “If you’re looking for Scar I think he’s avoiding working around his base, and me, by making another fancy bow.”
The dogman’s tail thrashed as he chuckled. “He, uh, actually was the one who told me where you were. Which it great, because I think your base would have eaten me if I tried to walk around without you there.”
“Ah, well.” She shrugged, dropping another stack of diorite in a chest. “It hasn’t eaten anyone, yet. You’d probably be okay.” Pearl leaned over, dropping  an elbow on top of a shulker and plopping her head in her hand. “Now what’s bugging you?”
Now he looked downright embarrassed. “Nothin– okay well, lying won’t help.” His nervous chuckle was a sad sound.
“True! Come on, you can tell ol’ Pearl-o anything at all.” Her antennae perked up, a move she knew from experience triggered Ren’s ears to do the same.
It worked. As soon as his ears were no longer glued to his head, Ren looked much more relaxed. His shoulders slumped. “Pearl, I owe you an apology.”
Her head tilted, but she waited to speak.
“I really lost my head with the whole, ‘King’ business.” He smiled thinly at his own word choice. “I hurt everyone, and I don't rightly know how to make it better. And specifically,” his ears drifted down again, though more gently then they had been pinned before, “I know I really hurt you.”
Pearl blinked, wide-eyed. “Ren, do you think I’m angry with you?”
His barked laugh was more strained than it ever should be. “How could you not be? I was stealing your resources! Claiming your hard work for myself!” Ren started pacing, hands moving as he talked. “I made petty laws just to spite you, and I was so angry–” He scoffed, still pacing. “I wanted you dead, Pearl! You and the rest of Soup Group. I was so ready to hurt you and for what? Some pranks? Light teasing? My head was full of hideous plans and awful things I was going to do to you, all over just the threat of a bruise to my ego.”
“Hey now.” Pearl tried not to sound too offended. “We did some mischief that must have done some actual ego-bruising.” Her antennae lifted again, but Ren wasn’t paying enough attention for it to work a second time. “We were very proud of our vandalism.”
He froze and turned to her. “Pearl, ‘vandallism’ is no excuse for me carrying around the head of your basemate as a comfort item.” 
She winced, and stood up straight. “Okay, good point.” Pearl started taking careful steps towards Ren, not wanting to spook him. “But we did try to blow you up in your own throne room.”
“A throne built on empty promises and corruptly-gotten-gains!” The roll in his words was more in line with the theatrics one should expect from their beloved Rendog.
Pearl took it as a good sign. “And we swapped the diamonds for emeralds in the Crastle?” She was just a couple meters away now, hands held out to show her intention was good.
Ren huffed. “You were right though, by the rules I established, that was a perfectly reasonable exchange of currency. So I shouldn’t have lost my mind about it.”
“But you did.” She shrugged. “Okay. Apology accepted.” Pearl was within arms reach of her friend.
“And I sent out that hit order on– Wait, what?” His ears stood straight up. "Sorry, I could have sworn you just said–"
"Apology accepted." Pearl smirked. "Did you expect this to go some other way?"
A small sound, almost a whine, escaped Ren. "Well, no. Yes? Maybe!" He dropped his head into his hands and stumbled forward, into Pearl's waiting arms. "Aren't you furious with me?" He bemoaned, the words muffled in his friend's shoulder.
"I was." Pearl sighed and began rubbing Ren's back. "But then I did some minor terrorism about it and I'm okay now. You're not the king anymore, there's no more ridiculous laws, and you've apologized. I think we're all set."
Ren squeezed her around the ribs. "I was prepared to grovel. I'm– well I'm not sure I feel right about dropping it at that."
"Oh, don't be mistaken, my fine, fuzzy, friend. You're not off the hook entirely." She pulled back and fixed a disciplinary gaze on his face. "I'm not mad at you. I forgive you. But you still have things to make right."
“Yes, yes, of course!” Ren’s tail wagged, his sincerity was written all over his face. “I’m cleaning up all my nonsensicals in the shopping district. And I forfeit any ownership of the Crastle or the contents therein. Any diamonds left in there are not mine to touch, but yours– I mean all of yours. The people’s.”
Pearl giggled. “And I’m sure ‘the people’ will appreciate all that. But if I’m totally honest with you?” She reached for his hand and began tugging him towards the disaster that was Scar’s shulker monster. “What we need is our friend back. You say our Rendog is back with us? Come and prove it, starting now.” She pointed to a half-emptied shulker.
“Are you sure you don’t just want me doing your chores?” She had missed his easy, warm chuckle. “I am back with you. I missed you dudes. And I would be delighted and most honored to spend some time with my bestest of buds, doing…” He faltered, peeking into the shulker. “What, exactly, are we doing?”
“Cleaning!” Pearl scooped a stack of fenceposts from the container and shoved them into Ren’s arms. “I suggest you familiarize yourself with my excellent chest system over there.” She nodded to the wall of double chests on the other side of the shulker monster. “I’m gonna make you gossip and chat with me while we get this all under control.” At Ren’s slack-jawed, disbelieving look, Pearl grinned and reached to pat him on the cheek.  “It’s not so bad. I’ve done most of the hard part already. Now we just need to put things in their lovely, labeled chests.”
Ren blinked away the shock and shook his head. “Whatever you say, dude. Ren the dog, at your service.” He took the first steps towards the sorting system, eyeing the seemingly endless sea of shulkers before them. “Might even be kind of fun, poking through all of Scar’s things!”
“That’s the spirit! You’ll make an excellent intern to the cleaning lady.” Pearl resumed her rummaging, sorting the remainder of the chest’s contents in her inventory. “Now, tell me, Ren: where the heck are you gonna live if you’re giving up the Crastle?”
Having Ren’s ‘assistance’ really didn’t make the business of sorting go any faster. But it was worth every extra second spent. When Ren hugged her in farewell, Pearl felt warm, overjoyed to have her friend back. Not that she wouldn’t plant explosives in his base in the future. Or that he wouldn’t overperform a role as a tyrannical ruler ever again. But knowing that they were still friends, still able to come together at the end of it all and make amends, was the only thing that mattered.
They’re a dysfunctional family, but a loyal one.
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muselin · 1 year
Yeah, sorry for all the spam stuff. I just realised you've sent me some stuff I haven't responded b/c I haven't been active on here and so here I am.
I was going to send this through a DM but I feel like this may help someone so I'm going to send it through an ask.
I re-read your advice on @xiuminswifeforever ask about how they felt some sort of distress about whether to have a hoe phase or wait for an emotional connection.
And the bit that stuck out to me was when you mentioned about being 'good' in bed and having enthusiasm in the bedroom.
Now obviously, our views and opinions towards sex are quite different and it's why I like having these conversations with you.
But I do agree in that I think it's so important to at least gain experience with yourself if you're waiting for the right partner.
I have a high drive myself (I'm an Aries too, I get it) and so for the past 10+ years, I've been on my own journey of 'sensual exploration'.
And I can honestly say with a lot of confidence that I pretty know much know what my dynamics are (I'm a switch) and what my likes and dislikes are with having a thumbtack worth of experience with others b/c of things like reading smut, having toys, listening to nsfw bf asmr audios etc.
Like, I know I'm into scent play and corruption w/o experiencing it in person.
I know degradation and breeding is a turn-off for me w/o ever experiencing it in person.
I'm very insecure with my lack of sexual experience, it's obvious, I get that, I can't even deny it.
I am confident and believe enough in myself to say that I think I'm going to be 'good' in my performance the first time.
In that I'm going to be enthusiastic, kind of know what I'm doing and not starfish b/c I know what I like and have taken A LOT of time in figuring that out.
Plus, I know extra things like having a pillow under my hips, taking extra time in prep, choosing a gentle pace is going to ensure that both me and my partner have a great experience.
And so while I think that yes, solo activity can only help you to a certain point.
I do believe your performance and 'game' is tremendously improved when you figure out what it is that you personally enjoy and get pleasure from ❤️
Yeah, their whole question was about how to be "good" in bed and actually there are quite a lot of rather specific things that contribute to that. It's not just down to it being "the right" person. They may not be the most "right" person at the start even if the emotional connection is there and to expect that is setting some people up to fail. Good communication skills across the board go far, but not everyone is equally good at all types of communication. A lot of what makes sex good is verbal AND non-verbal communication. And both are a skill that can be improved. The better you are at it, the more "right" you can be for more people because it makes you adaptable and able to connect to more people. It literally widens your pool of potential people to really click sexually with as well as emotionally.
And what you said aligns with the view I was conveying as well. If you don't know what you like, it places a lot of pressure on the other person to get it right and they don't even know what they're aiming for, it's like making them take a test without ever delivering the lessons it's on. And thinking about and exploring in your head different things you may be interested in is a great way to get "practice" without ever getting naked in a bed with another person. I can get nerdy about it but it is scientifically observable that people can get better at certain physical skills by just visualising and practicing them in their head, it lights up many of the same areas in the brain which light up when you're actually physically doing the action. It's called mental practice (cognitive rehearsal of physical skill without actual movement) if anyone wants to Google the studies.
I may not be demisexual like your OP mentioned they were I think, but if anything I do feel it's even MORE important for a demisexual to get in tune with themselves and work out their limits and boundaries with sex. What are they willing to do that stops short of sex? Hugging? Kissing? Groping over clothes? Being naked from the waist up? Showering together? Sleeping in the same bed? If it's difficult you can literally go down a checklist and think "I like the idea of this and this, but not that". That can really help communicate your boundaries and set expectations fairly when you do get into a relationship as a demisexual, regardless of whether the other person has a more typical sex drive, is asexual or demisexual like OP.
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dravidssideblog · 1 month
"Ayy, hey there darling."
"Don't call me that."
"I was looking for you. You seemed like you're in a bad mood today."
"Oh gee. How could you tell."
"Because you're my favorite, of course! You're grumpier than usual. I was thinking some touchy affection might be just the thing to make you feel better~"
"How selfless of you."
"Aw, thanks, I'm glad you think so! I'm even letting you choose what kind of affection you'd like!"
"Oh really? Is 'none' an option?"
"Yes! If by 'none' you mean 'I choose for you like usual'."
He rolls his eyes, then goes silent for a while, his gaze drifting down. He stands like that for a long time. I don't want to race him along, or he might just blurt out something bland and boring, but I think he might just be seeing how long he can stall-
"This way." He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me down the hall.
"O-ho, you're giving orders to me now? *tsk* A bit hypocritical, don't you think?"
I expect him to point out how I just told him to tell me what to do, but he ignores me, focused on speed-walking to our destination: My bedroom. He pulls me inside and shuts the door behind us, then climbs onto the bed and lies on his back, arms spread out. I follow him over to the bed, and he turns his head away. "... Come on, just... do it already."
"Do... what?"
His voice is a whisper. "Don't make me say it, you asshole..."
"Okay, while normally I'd love to force you to say something embarrassing, I genuinely don't know what you're getting at. This doesn't seem like anything I've done to you before."
"...... rub my belly."
It takes all my strength to restrain myself from laughing and teasing until he's red in the face, but I manage it. Partially because he's already red in the face.
I take a seat on the bed and, gently, run a hand over his belly. He's tensed up as hard as a rock, but with each stroke up, down, up, down, he loosens up bit by bit. Before long, he's soft and relaxed, my fingers sinking into him a bit. I switch to a circular motion, dragging my hand along with a bit more pressure, and I hear a noise from him for just a moment before he cuts it off. That's good, very good; his complaints are much louder than that.
I pick up speed, eager to draw more cute noises from him, but I hold myself back; he's been so reluctant to admit he likes this, if I push too hard too soon he'll jump right back into that thorny shell of his. I give him some time to adjust to the pace, then add in my other hand rubbing circles the opposite way. And just like that, another mumbled noise that he cuts short~
I fall into a nice rhythm of rubbing, giving me time to think. My touches with him are usually limited to headpats or petting down his back, an arm around his shoulder, the occasional hold or hug. But this... He's so vulnerable like this! His whole body at my fingertips, presented willingly~
As much as I want to exploit the situation, I'd be a fool to ruin this... But I'd be a sucker to just pass up the opportunity! I start circling one of my hands just a bit wider, reaching his chest at the top of its path. He tenses up, but it's mostly in surprise; he soon relaxes again, letting my hand feel over his chest with each loop across his body.
I want to push my luck further, but oh how high the risk is. I always act like I know exactly how he's feeling, but the truth is he hides it pretty well! I obviously can't just ASK him if he likes it, that would ruin both the mood and my image, and he probably wouldn't tell me anyway; he only speaks up when... Aha!
"Just tell me if I do anything you don't enjoy~" I say, brushing my fingertips along his side as my other hand circles around.
"Sh... shut up," he mutters.
Perfect; he can still talk, and he can still complain. I'll know if he dislikes it. Which means when I rub my other hand over his side with each loop, I should hear...
... Nothing~
Time to see just how much of my favorite plaything's body I can explore~
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volleychumps · 3 years
Heyy! Can you do one where Osamu, kuroo, akaashi and Tsukishima, say something mean to their s/o and their s/o avoids them for days? When they finally get ahold of their s/o, their s/o just sorta cries because it hit their insecure spot? Fluff in the end🥺
Listen, I can’t not write this. 
Irrevocable Words. 
- the one in which they accidentally make you give them the silent treatment because of their lashing out. -
~ Osamu Miya, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, and Tsukishima Kei~ 
TW: Cursing, angst to fluff, timeskip! for Osamu, 
Osamu Miya
“Those are important files, ya know?” 
“Samu, I’m sorry. You should’ve told me you needed last month’s earnings and I would’ve looked for them before we came this morning.” The hand you tried to settle onto Osamu’s bicep was shaken off as your movements faltered. 
Your voice wobbled at the sight of your stoic fiance, an annoyed glint in his eye as he rummages through his files. Osamu felt a flare in his stomach, a lack of sleep contributing to his impatient state. The day had been a busy one, Osamu deciding that he needed this particular file for his business call tomorrow before the two of you headed home for the night. 
“I told ya not to move anything back to the place.”
“I didn’t.” You bit the inside of your cheek. “Here, just let me help-” 
“Don’t touch a goddamn thing, I’ll do it myself.” There it was. The lashing out that was bound to happen occurred with a pointed tongue as he refused to look at you, rummaging through his file cabinets. “As I do everything else.” 
He closes the cabinet sharply. “The least ya could do is try your best not to be a nuisance-” 
Osamu flinches at the slam of one of the office desk drawers, chest sinking when he sees the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. The paper he needed is thrown on the desk carelessly as you shove your jacket on, wetness slipping down your cheeks.
“And I’m not your goddamn secretary. I’m heading home first.” 
“And don’t worry, I promise I’ll manage to do this by myself somehow.” Your voice cracks bitterly, the bell by the door jingling mockingly in Osamu’s ears as you exit, the chef hanging his head with a sigh and regret tinging his chest.
He was wrong to pray this would blow over, not expecting to wake without your warmth by his side. You avoided him on the way to the restaurant, cleaning quietly while giving vague answers to his questions, shifting out of his attempts to embrace you with apologies. 
Deciding to give you space, he softly tells you to take the next few days off, unprepared for the tired look you had given him, simply nodding in response as you slipped into your side of the bed with your back turned to him.
“Where’s your pretty girlfriend?” 
“Fiance.” Osamu forces a smile at his two elderly regulars two days later, the wife’s smile widening at his correction. 
“Oho! Cherish each other while you youths still can, she really does brighten this place up, doesn’t she?” 
You do.
Osamu’s eyes feel hot as he does a messy job of cleaning up the restaurant, closing up shop early and stopping by your favorite bakery to pick up the ridiculously expensive cake he only ever buys for your birthday. 
Throwing the door open to your shared apartment hastily, you gasp at the gray-haired man’s sudden entry, dropping the spoon you were about to use to taste the dish you were making on the stove.
“Samu, y-you’re home early-” 
“What’s all this?” He tries to steady his breaths at the sight of a nicely prepared table, something you hardly ever got to share ever since the night shifts overtook your lives and caused a rift between the two of you. 
You’re silent for a second, looking away from his warm stare as you shift under his gaze. 
“...I miss you.” Dark eyes widen when you begin to hiccup over your words, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. “But I didn’t wanna be a nusciance-”
“Oh god, darlin’ no.” You’re pulled tightly into his chest as you cry, whole body shaking with tremors as Osamu’s inner turmoil merely increases.
If Osamu could go back in time and punch himself he would, unknowing of the torment he caused you over the past few days, thinking you just needed space. 
“I want to marry ya Y/N, I’m so sorry.” 
“I love you so much Samu.” You sniffle into his chest, causing him to smile softly, a hand sifting through your hair to hold you tighter to him. 
“I brought cake.” 
You laugh through the onslaught of tears. 
“And I made dinner.” 
“Then what are we waitin’ for?” 
“Just hold me like this for awhile?”
“Y/N.” He kisses the top of your head, finally feeling at ease with your figure in his arms. Osamu whispers a confession he hardly shared with you, wanting those words in particular to be special as he bridged the gap between the two of you.
“I love ya so much more, don’t you go forgettin’ it.”
Kuroo Tetsurou
“I said I was sorry!” 
“Is sorry supposed to just fix everything, Tetsurou?” 
“Tetsurou? Are you seriously withholding me from my nickname privileges?” 
You cross your arms at his attempt to make you laugh, thoroughly angry with the mess your boyfriend made of things as his smile fades at your peeved stare. 
“Look, what was I supposed to do?” 
“How about not leaving my parents waiting for you at the restaurant that you invited them to for another one of your spontaneous volleyball practices?” 
“I texted you I had to cancel!” 
“That was a half hour before we were supposed to meet, Kuroo! They were so excited to meet you they got there early. God, why can’t you ever take things seriously?” 
“You’re right.” A bitter chuckle slips Kuroo’s lips as you falter at the sudden tone change, the volleyball gym seeming bigger than ever as his next sentence makes your lips tremble.
“Since I can’t ever take things seriously, then I must not need my serious girlfriend then, right?” Your eyes widen. “I can just find somebody else who won’t fucking hound me all the time.”
His cat-like eyes widen as the words slip his tongue, unintentionally coming out crueler than he intended. To make it worse, you simply stayed silent, your body physically backing down and away from him as you turned on your heel. 
“Wait, I didn’t-” 
“Do it then.” His chest just about shatters as your shoulders tremble, refusing to turn back around as your voice takes on an uncharasterically defeated tone. “I hope they make you fucking happy.” 
Kuroo runs a hand through his raven hair frustratedly at the way you rushed out of the gym, throwing a stray ball so hard at the wall before his vision becomes skewed with heat. 
He should have expected the next week to be utter hell. You left class before he could catch you by escaping to the bathroom with all your things, leaving school another way instead of the exit you always took together before he had to start club activities. 
“Kenma, what are you doing?” 
“You can’t come in here.” 
“I’m missing class for this. Let me through.” 
“She doesn’t want to see you.” Kenma shrugged, eyes on his handheld. “I told her I’d watch the door so you can’t surprise her during our breaktime.” 
“I’m her boyfriend. And you’re not her guarddog.” 
“No, I’m her friend.” Kenma’s eyes narrow at his childhood friend. “And last time I checked, you’re on the search for someone who isn’t her.” 
“So she told you.” 
“Dick move, by the way.” 
Kuroo’s calls go straight to voicemail, his emotions affecting his playing with each passing day. He leaves little notes in your shoe locker to meet him, heart sinking more and more with every time you stood him up. 
And it wasn’t until he saw you smiling again at a joke Yaku made that he truly felt like he was losing you. 
“Go home.” 
The sight wasn’t one you were expecting to see, Kuroo sitting on the steps to your house with his hands shoved deep in his jacket pockets, the dark bags under his eyes sparking worry within you. 
“It’s probably better if my parents don’t see you-” 
“I’m sorry.” His eyes seem to have lost a little of their glint, regret swimming in the tall boy’s pupils as your guard softens. “I’m so goddamn sorry I ran my mouth and said shit I didn’t even mean-” 
“And I hurt you in the process. I hurt the one thing that matters to me the most, and I’m sitting here playing the creepy ex that stalks the girl he loves-” 
“You love me?”
“Doesn’t matter, does it? You’re done with me, and I deserve it-” 
He’s cut off with the sight of tears hitting the wood in front of him, lifting his head to see tears streaking down your cheeks. On instinct, he reaches out softly, rising to his feet to cup your cheek, astonished when you curl into his touch. 
“I’m so fucking mad at you right now.” 
“Noted.” Kuroo laughs somberly, a wave of emotion hitting him as you do something you hadn’t done in days. 
You look him in the eye, tugging him closer by the sides of his jacket. 
“But I love you too, you absolute idiot.” 
Kuroo grins into the kiss you press onto his lips, heart lifting in weight as he pulls you closer. 
“Does this mean we can go back to Tetsu?” 
“I’m going back to ignoring you-” 
“No.” Kuroo’s tone turns serious as he holds you a little tighter. “I can’t do that again.” 
You smile as he presses a kiss to your temple lovingly. 
“Being away from you was complete and utter hell, sweetheart.” 
Akaashi Keiji
“Tell me how to make this right.”
“Right, Y/N.” Akaashi refused to meet your eyes as he loosens his school tie, not slowing his pace for you to catch up with as he throws the doors open to the volleyball club. The usually put-together setter had an angry glint in his eye that silenced his awaiting teammates. “Let’s just go back in time before you agreed to be his partner.”
“Hey hey, what’s going on you two?” Bokuto jogs up, his worried tone making your lips tremble even more at the sight of Akaashi’s turned back.
“I came to you as soon as he made a move! I didn’t let him-”
“There shouldn’t have been an opportunity for him to make a move in the first place.” Akaashi’s jaw clenched as you shuffle in place.
“I didn’t do anything wrong, you think I wanted him to try to kiss me?!” You fight the waver in your voice, standing your ground. “It was a project for class. I didn’t know his intentions-“
“I told you what his intentions were, but you never listen.” Akaashi turns hastily, startling you and causing you to stumble slightly backwards into Bokuto.
“Stop defending her. She never listens to me, and then comes crying to me when it turns out I’m right.” Akaashi snips at his best friend, ignoring the silent stares from his quiet teammates. “Why can’t you get it through your head, Y/N? I’m not your goddamn babysitter-“
“You’re right.” You interrupt, fingernails biting into your palms as you choke back a sob. “You’re not, you’re my boyfriend. I just wanted to respect you by coming to you with something like this, but it turns out I’m just a hinderance.”
Akaashi falters for a second, blue eyes widening a fraction at the angry heat that fills your eyes as regret begins to bubble in his stomach at his harsh words.
“Give me some space, Keiji.” You say softly, patting Bokuto’s arm to let you through as your shoulders sink in a defeated manner. “I promise I won’t come crying to you about anything else.”
Your steps echo as you walk out of the gym, Konoha breaking the silence first when the door shuts behind you.
“Hate to say it, but that was well-deserved, man.”
Akaashi closes his eyes, head falling back towards the ceiling as he tries to steady his breathing, pretending like he wasn’t scared of you slipping through his fingers. He willed himself to not allow himself to chase after you, his anger directed towards you fading as he forces himself to respect your wishes. 
It was obvious you were avoiding him. Akaashi had blinked when Bokuto had self-proclaimed that he needed you as his “study buddy” during breaks when you weren’t even in the same year as the owlish boy. It got worse when you seemed to panic when Akaashi willed you to talk to him, eyes refusing to meet his watery blue ones as you pushed him further away.
So he gave you your space, wilting with each passing day. It wasn’t until he accidentally bumped into you a week later, the setter turning hastily on his heel to walk in the opposite direction before a soft tug on the back of his school shirt wills him to stop. 
“Keiji.” Your wobbly voice makes him turn back around immediately, a soft palm already cupping your cheek gently. “I’m s-” 
“I’m sorry for being cruel.” The words are whispered against your forehead, Akaashi’s heartstrings tugging in the worst way possible. “I was angry at the situation, my love. And that sorry excuse you call a classmate. Please,” 
His grip tightens just a little more as he feels wet warmth drip into the palm that was cupping your face.
“Forgive me.” 
“I told you I wouldn’t come crying to you-” 
“I want it all, Y/N.” Akaashi pulls back slightly, voice cracking slightly as blue stares intensely into your irises. “I want all of you. Tears included.”
You swat his chest playfully as Akaashi manages a soft smile, hand threaded through your hair as he presses you against his chest.
“Do you still need space?” He murmurs, and you smile at the sound of his hearbeat picking up as he awaited your answer fearfully. 
“Nope. The exact opposite, please hold me?” 
His embrace relaxes immediately, and your heart skips a beat at the sound of his relieved sigh, his slight nod making the weight lift off your chest. 
“Good, now I can take care of your classmate-” 
“Nope, my love.” He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, Akaashi’s eyes swirling with devotion. 
“No one gets to try anything with you so long as you’re safe with me.” 
Tsukishima Kei 
“So I’m the bad guy again.” 
“Do you want the honest answer, Kei?” You exhaustedly run a hand through your hair as Tsukishima’s scowl deepens, his long legs easily catching up with you in stride as he tugs on your wrist as the rambunctious court gets further and further away. 
“It’s not my fault you’re insecure.” 
You flinch. “Well maybe you shouldn’t let the girls in the stands cling to you after your matches. They were all over you, Tsukki! And you didn’t seem to mind it one bit.” 
“What?” Annoyance brims the blonde’s voice as he takes another step forward, clenching his jaw when he sees the quiver in your lip, distrust filling the atmosphere between the two of you. 
“Afraid that they’re prettier or better than you’ll ever be?” 
You feel as if the wind was knocked out of your lungs, breath catching in your throat at his insinuation. His guard slackens almost immediately, clicking his tongue before turning away, too proud to apologize for the words he regretted as soon as they slipped his tongue like venom. 
“Yeah.” You laugh humorlessly, making brown eyes dart over to your expression immediately. “You’re 100% correct. I am afraid you’ll find someone better than me in all aspects. Because I love you, you absolute asshole. Is that what you wanted to hear?” 
The silence that befalls the two of you in the deserted hall is broken when you flinch away when Tsukishima tries to take a step towards you. 
“I didn’t-” 
“You never mean to do anything, Kei.” You say in a hushed tone, turning your back on him in an attempt to shield the hot tears slipping down your cheeks. “But you somehow always manage to.” 
The win for Karasuno didn’t mean much to the blonde that night, hoping that this would just go away and things would be back to normal. However, it was anything but. You didn’t look his way once in class, disappearing when it was over. Your voice trembled as you had avoided his seemingly stoic eyes through his frames, simply stating that you wished for some time away from him. 
He was fine. Or at least pretending to be on the outside. In truth, he would never find better, because you were it for him, words that you would never catch slipping his mouth. So he put on a front, pretending that your absence had zero effect on him whatsoever. Pretending the brush of your body against him in the hall as you pass each other didn’t make the blonde want to cave. 
It was the smile you shot at Hinata during one of your breaks that caused him to. The first glint in your eye in awhile, and it had been caused by him of all people, prompting the tall middle blocker to tug you by the forearm into the corridor.
“I hate this.” 
You falter for a second, guard back up in a flash as your back touches the wall. “What did I do?” 
“You didn’t do anything, and it’s pissing me off.” 
“I don’t follow-” 
“I was wrong.” His forehead touches your shoulder as you stiffen before relaxing against his familiar touch. “I don’t care how many times I have to apologize. You win, okay? I’m sorry.” 
“This is a rather aggressive apology-” 
“Y/N.” Tsukishima lifts his head so it’s level with your height, unprepared for the way tears brimmed your eyes at the proximity, your guard diminishing. 
“What if you do find someone better one day, Tsukki?” Your voice cracks, inner fears trickling to the surface. “Do I need to prepare myself to lose you-?” 
You gasp as Tsukishima’s jaw ticks before kissing you intensely, his hand touching your lower back to pull you closer. 
“No. You don’t need to do something stupid like that.” His eyes were slightly glaring at you, a flush across both his cheeks. “Because there is no one better than you, okay?” 
It was your turn for heat to flood your cheeks as your eyes widen a fraction, his breath tickling your ear as you stutter. “Kei-” 
“I love you too. I said it, are you satisfied now?”  
General works: @takemetovalhalla  @faesbae  @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046   @let-me-have-my-own-name  @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite   @curiouslilbeast  @aprettyfruit   @wisepandaslimeland   @h0ngh0ngh0ng   @lmkjimin   @orangegiraffe7   @dai-tsukki-desu   @kac-chowsballs   @spikertrash   @yamaguwuchi   @lord-suneater-explosion   @holaaaf  @babyybokutoakaashi   @lexysclubhouse   @disneyloving-muggle   @kuuuuroo   @theonep1ece  @that-chick212  @mjoork
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weaselbrownie · 3 years
Can I request a draco smut with overstim and possibly squirting?? I'm a whore for that LOL. Thxx 💞💞
warning : smut
a/n : should i host a sleepover lol?
"You’ve got somethin to say?"
Draco hissed as he ruts into your overused cunt. Tonight he's a bit frustrated, having to lose to Gryffindor once again, he's taking his anger out on you– not that you mind. He's gotten you to cum three times already and you could already feel yourself slipping.
Your muscles ached as he gripped your calf– hoisting it up to his shoulder to get a better angle. You opened your mouth to speak but your body betrayed you, a whine falls out of you as your back arched– your high just around the corner.
"Yeah, I thought so... Enjoying yourself hm?" Draco proceeded to pound into you as his mouth lingers on the side of your jugular, sucking colorful hues into you that will unquestionably show tomorrow. His lips continued to travel down your body, stopping on your chest to catch your left breast in his mouth, sucking and slightly biting the hard bud– jolting electricity within your body.
"Drac– O-Oh fuck yes" You threw your head back– eyes shut as you found it hard to speak with the amount of pleasure you are receiving. Without having to see what's happening you could feel Draco's wet lips letting go of your nipple followed by the rough pad of his palm grabbing onto your jaw, shifting your attention to him.
"Watch that mouth or I'll stuff my cock down your throat again" His movement stops, your eyes jolting open to meet his eyes piercing into yours to make up his point,  "Do I make myself clear?" He asked again through gritted teeth, the grip he had on your jaw tightens, slightly squishing your cheeks upwards. You gradually nod your head not wanting to upset him. "Good" His voice sharp before moving his hips again, his pelvic bone hitting you just right, rocking your whole body again.
It didn't take long for the euphoric feeling stacked at the bottom of your stomach to come back, your toes curling, and your muscles tightening. Your body is numb yet you can feel Draco's hand slithering down the side of your body, the sensation lightly ticking you before his hand rests upon your clit, bringing his thumb to rub circles over the sensitive nub, dragging one loud whine out of you.
"C'mon angel you're right there" He encouraged as he started pounding into you again, the feeling of the veins on his cock rubbing against your tight walls and his rough thumb circling your clit was simply too much. Your hand found its way home to Draco's shoulder, sinking your nails onto him– leaving your marks as your high approaches you. "Let it go... I'm right behind you" His breath raspy as he dips his head down to the nip of your neck, his lips lingering on your clammy skin.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your mouth formed an o yet no sound came out, arching your back as you hooked your arm around Draco's neck to keep him in place– his thrusts starting to become uneven. Draco's fingers didn't stop moving, helping you ride out your high until you eventually become too sensitive. He gave you one last powerful thrust before staying still, emptying himself into you.
You could feel it as thick ropes of cum started to fill you up. The sensation of his fingers on your overstimulated clit and his member twitching every once in a while made you whimper his name. Draco started to leave small nips of kisses down the side of your face, drawing himself up before pulling out of you.
Your chest heaved up and down as the feeling of his warm cum slowly leaked out of your overused cunt and onto the emerald sheets below. You started to get dizzy from the lack of oxygen– closing your eyes to take a breath as you saw stars gliding across the closed lids of your eyes.
Just as you thought you were finished you felt his lingering touch on the inside of your thigh, guiding you to open your legs again as he settles in between them. "Dray n-no" You muttered as your hand roamed the sheets in search of his.
"C'mon, why don't we try to pull one more out of you... you wanna be my good girl, no?" He murmured into your thigh, leaving kisses up until he was met with your cunt. "Look at this... so beautiful hm?" His fingers tracing around the outer lips of your cunt, gathering all the leaking juices and shoving them back into your warm hole.
"N-Nooo I wanna shower... " A whine slipped past your swollen lips, your fingers wrapping around his hand to stop him. You could see Draco's head lift up from the space between your open legs– delivering soft kisses on the inside of your thigh.
"You wanna use the safeword?" His head resting on your thigh, waiting for an answer. You bit your lip and tightened the grip you have on his hand before slowly opening your mouth to speak.
"I mean– N-No it's jus–"
"Then don't interrupt me" Draco dives back into you before delivering a harsh slap on your clit. Your body jolted up as you slightly closed your legs just for him to open them again. "That's what you get, hm" He hums as he entered his middle finger into you– slipping in so easily as the juices leaked out of you, making you squirm under his touch.
Draco lets you hold his left hand as his right started thrusting into you at a rapid speed. Since he didn't give you time to cool down another orgasm was fast approaching, stronger than the last one– you squirmed under him, lifting your hips to try to get away from his strong grip. "Stay still, won't you," He slipped another finger, in which your cunt gladly accepted with ease, swallowing his fingers greedily.
The once silent room is now filled with the sounds of his fingers driving itself into you and the soft mumbles of his name escaping your lips. You knew it wouldn't be long before you reach your high again– the fifth one of the night.
"You like my fingers?... Hm, tell me how you feel angel" His soft voice luring in the air as you gathered yourself to answer a simple question he asked. You nod your head and squeezed his hand but he didn't take it. "No, none of that c'mon... use your voice" He tuts, purposely slowing down his fingers just when it felt good.
"G-Good... So g-good Draco– I like y-your fingers" Your voice slurring– feeling his cold tongue on your clit, tracing shapes as his fingers thrust at a much faster pace. Your free hand went to roam his scalp, gripping his blond locks as you grinded yourself onto him which you know he loves.
"So close aren't you..." He mumbled as his tongue began lapping at your sopping cunt. He didn't need an answer to know that you were, the grip you had on both his hand and hair is tight, your back arched off the mattress and your toes curling– whining his name as you shut your eyes. "...there we go, so good f'me yeah?" His voice vibrated through your body, adding an insane amount of pressure on your oversensitive cunt. “Cum for me angel,”
For a moment everything went dark, all you felt was the adrenaline rushing through your veins and Draco's voice– far far away. The ringing in your ear surfaces for a split second before everything came rushing down. You felt him again, his tongue and his fingers helping you ride out your high. Your breath started to become heavy again as you felt Draco slowed down his movements, coming to a stop and giving your sensitive clit a kiss before getting up.
You didn't notice it at first as your vision was still blurry but Draco's face was wet, wetter than it should've been– then it hits you "Shit!... I'm so sorry did I do that?" Panic lacing in your voice as you tried to get up just to be pushed down by Draco again.
"Hey hey hey, slow down... Why are you sorry?" He asked as he leaned to the side to grab a towel, wiping his face before placing the towel on your cunt. Your face heats up as the embarrassment starts to take over you, letting go of his hand to hide your face in your own. You could hear him chuckle from the other side before he gently removed the hand covering your face.
"Angel, I really don't know what to tell you, but that was the hottest thing I've ever witnessed... don't start apologizing cause this is definitely not the last time I'm gonna make you do that," He said, affirming you before bringing your palm to his lips, leaving a kiss on each.
"Y-You're not mad?" You asked, unsure and scared for his answer.
"No of course not...You did so good, always so good f'me" His hand taking yours to place them on the back of his neck. Your fingers trembling as you played with the hair on his neck.
"Now let's get you that shower you wanted, yeah?"
TAGLIST : @microwavedhampster @whenuwereyoung @o-rion-sta-r @willowmores @youreso-golden @mzmalice3 @desiredmalfoy @hyuckiesgf @yiamalfoy @acciodignity
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thesacredtwink · 3 years
Hey! I was wondering if you don’t mind, if you had any more hc for gerudo!twilight? I myself have headcannoned that since twi is a good dancer now, and both he and Malon are gerudo, would they dance together or like have dance battles? Thanks so much and sorry for any spelling errors!
Anon, it's kinda °o° that you bring up dance battles, because I have a whole thing about dance battles in Gerudo culture and like how did you know???
Dance battles: HECK YEAH
So dance as a form of story telling is a thing in Gerudo culture, and it's also the basis and foundation of the cultural fighting style. Which mean Gerudo Dance Battles are sometimes quite literally dance battles. Imagine if slam poetry competitions required the use of armed combat and judged you on not just how much they liked your poem (which is the only thing slam poetry competitions are judged on btw) but on your rhyme scheme, overall story coherency, technical execution, foot work, and hits landed on your opponent, and how well the story you are telling is able to work with the story your opponent is telling.
See, the point of a Gerudo Dance Battle isnt to out do your opponent, it's to work with them while still doing your own thing. It began as a test of sorts for warriors to see how well they could be independent on the battlefield while still working as a part of a larger whole. And dance as a form of story telling 100% predates the loss of the written Gerudo language from Twilights era, but it takes on a new importance and vocabulary once the people are exiled from the desert.
For safety reasons, swords are usually not permitted to be used in any actual dance battles. Historically, they were used but uh...one or two accidental stabbings (and a few not so accidental stabbings) put a stop to that WELL before Ganondorfs era. So special padded sticks get used.
Now as for Twilight and Malon having dance battles :3 eheheheheh
Malon would have been raised with a mixed cultural outlook, her mother being Gerudo and Talon being Hylian, and she didn't have a lot of years with her mom either. But, you can be darned sure that every now and then when the occasional Gerudo carivan would come to Castle Town, Talon and Malon would house a few of her cousins for a while and they absolutely made sure the young Malon learned the things her mom didn't have the chance to teach her.
And Malon is a KILLER dancer, and it's hilarious for me to think that by age 7 she was a better swordsman than Link was, but this was probably the case.
When Twilight and Malon meet, their first Dance Battle is EPIC. There aren't any padded sticks, so swords are used (against better judgement). It starts off slow, each getting the feel for the other and the way the dance styles are different. But it picks up pace rather quickly. Of everyone present, only the two of them really understand that it's story telling, and not just dancing, and they are the only ones who understand the language of the movements.
So not only is the dance battle epic, it's this really private bonding moment for the two of them as they tell eachother their life stories.
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motivatedtocry · 3 years
Obey me! Leviathan x GN! MC
Want Another Kiss?
Just MC trying to give Levi lots of kisses and love. Gets a little spicy at the end, though. 👀
Word Count: 1.8k
᯽ Part Two
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Levi was probably the most adorable out of all of the brothers.
At least in your eyes.
You can't say that you liked him from the beginning, though. He was sort of a jackass when you first met. Well, all of the brothers were, simply put. Calling you a normie? You were nothing but a normie!
If only he would've known then.
You shake your head, realizing that you will get nothing from going back to unpleasant memories. Instead, you look up. Leviathan was in his natural state; with his headphones well placed, sitting comfortably in his chair playing videogames on his computer. You, on the other hand, were sitting on the ground not too far behind him. You asked him if you could borrow his console to play for a bit and he agreed. It was just like the Nintendo Switch you had back at home.
You have gotten used to spending time in his room. After getting to know each other, Leviathan came soon to realize that you have a lot of things in common. From reading manga to staying up late playing videogames or watching anime. You smiled and giggled quietly. By default, it made you happy that the person you liked enjoyed the same things you did.
"Did you say something, MC?" Leviathan's voice surprises you. You were so deep in thought that you didn't notice his match was already over. He was holding part of his headset behind one of his ears, slightly turned in your direction still sitting on his chair. You shake your head and respond.
"No. I was talking to myself." you excused.
He shrugged. "Okay. I'm gonna play another match. If you're hungry, you know where the snacks are." He slightly smiles at you, turning around once again to face his computer."
And just before he could start, you called on him.
"Actually, Levi..." he answered with a little 'mhm?', giving you the cue to proceed. "Could you come here for a second?"
You didn't see it, but he frowned just before getting up from his seat. You moved back a bit to give him space to sit on the ground along with you. He ended up sitting in front of you, looking at you curiously.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I want to try something out with you." You murmured, getting closer to Leviathan. Close to the point where your knees touched his. You both were sitting with your legs crossed, so there was still a decent distance between the two of you.
The tone of your voice plus the distance that Leviathan now had you, had him slowly becoming a nervous wreck. A bright pink spread across his face, his imagination getting the best of him as he thought of what you might mean. It was no secret that you liked each other, you both had already confessed some time ago. He still couldn't quite believe it, but he accepted it.
"T-Try something out?"
You nod, smiling sweetly at him as you reached for his hands. You knew he was nervous. Hell, you were a bit nervous yourself. For that reason, you took the time to hold his hands, rubbing your thumbs over the base of these in an attempt to calm him down.
Which, in your mind, it worked completely. Leviathan looked at his hands between yours and he could swear he can hear the fast beating of his heart ringing in his ears. He worried that you could hear it, too, and that's why he wanted to let go of your hands. He was still not very used to physical touch from other people. But he was more worried that he will make you feel bad. So, he stayed in his position and waited for you to talk.
"Do you want me to let go of your hands?" you softly asked.
Leviathan started to panic. "N-No! I mean, yes, b-but not because of what you think! I-I like your touch, y-you can touch me anywhere! Wait! T-That s-s-sounds so...!"
"Levi." You called before he could even finish. "Breathe." You reminded him, holding back a laugh because of how cute you thought he was acting.
He did as told. As you started to become closer, you both started working on ways for Leviathan to properly communicate when he got flustered. You found it cute, but it must be very frustrating for him. He has a hard time expressing how he feels.
"I know what you're trying to say. I'm just holding your hands to make you feel calm." He let out a small 'oh' in response. If he was already embarrassed, he was now even more embarrassed. He intended to apologize, but froze after he heard you talk.
"Would you like me to kiss you?"
"K-K-Kiss?!" His voice trembled.
Leviathan has stopped working.
"K-Kiss me?! T-That's such... normie behavior! I-I don't know if I can-" he stopped himself. Too flustered to even continue what he was saying. He was so red that he could feel it. Was it always this hot in his room?
"If you don't want to, that's oka-"
"I want to!" He responds louder than he had planned, almost jumping on you while he tightened the grip around your hands. This scared you a little, and he noticed sooner than later. These are not hours to be screaming. "I-I want to," he says now more quietly as he lets go of your hands; placing his between his legs.
You smiled at him once again, changing your sitting position to a more suitable one to get closer to Leviathan. "I'm going to give you different types of kisses, and you're gonna tell me if you're comfortable with it or not. Okay?"
"Come closer, then."
He, again, does what he is told, leaning closer to you. He was really tensed, his lips were a thin line and his eyes were close shut so tightly that it was almost concerning. You chuckled, proceeding to plant a small kiss on the tip of his nose.
"Eh?" You heard him say as he opened his eyes.
Smiling, you ask, "what did you think of that one?"
"E-Eh? l-I liked it. I just thought...."
You just barely lean your head to the side, faking innocence and confusion. "You thought...?"
"N-Nothing!" He answers and you let out a soft laugh.
"Are you ready for the next kiss?" You ask.
He nods, closing his eyes again; awaiting. You both lean in, and that's when you leave a kiss on his cheek.
"Well?" You look at him.
"That one... felt nice."
"Do you want another one?"
He nodded childishly and you smiled. You leave another kiss on his other cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin and getting an up-close view of his still red face. Your heart feels full the more you look at him. Your love seems to grow stronger as the days pass. You wanted to give everything and anything to this demon.
"I really like them." He says calmly.
"The ones on your cheeks?"
"Well, I like giving them to you."
He smiles at you, his eyelids almost closing because of how big his smile was. He was happy. He has felt so appreciated ever since he has spent more time with you. He didn't know how to thank you enough. He wanted to keep you all to himself. Have you to be the only one he cherishes. Deep in his heart, he knows he doesn't deserve you, or your love, but doesn't want to let you go.
You seemed to have noticed that his smile formed into a face full of sadness since you were looking at him with a serious expression.
"You better not be having any negative thoughts."
Leviathan didn't respond, telling you that your assumption was correct.
You sigh. "I guess I don't have a choice."
And before Leviathan could react, you were already tickling him.
"MC, no! Wait!" He attempted to say as he was squirming on the floor while you were on top, tickling him to your heart's content.
"I said only happy thoughts allowed!" You said, laughing along with him.
"I'm... sorry!" He said, out of breath and still in between laughs. "S-Stop!"
Once you decided that it was enough, you stop. You go back to the sitting position you were in and so does Leviathan.  You both tried to catch your breath. Neither of you were very active people. Going up the stairs was a whole workout session.
"That was not a kiss." You hear him say. You chuckled and shrugged.
"It's on you for having negative thoughts."
Now it was his turn to chuckle. "I won't do it again."
There was a short pause that, for some reason, felt like ages. A pause where the two of you looked at each other. It made your heart flutter. He leaned closer to you and swallowed, doing everything in his power to not let his nervousness eat him alive.
"Do you mind... kissing me more?"
The question took you by surprise.
Now, who was the flustered one?
As a pink color grew to fill your cheeks, you nodded and leaned to reach Leviathan. He had already had his eyes closed, and compared to the beginning, he was far more relaxed, waiting patiently. The blush in his face persisted, but it wasn't as noticeable as before.
He was comfortable.
Without hesitating, you press your lips against his in a soft kiss. You didn't move your lips, nor did he. It was short and sweet. You separated from him but kept a really short distance between the two of you.
"Did you like that one?" You murmured over his lips, gazing at them and then his eyes. 
"Yes," he answered. His eyes dropping to your lips when you talked.
"Then, what about this one?"
You leaned to kiss him again but before your lips touched, the tip of your tongue slid over his lips; winning a soft gasp from him that was cut short when you finally kissed him.
"Mh..." You heard him moan, and you felt your whole body burn.
You moved your lips every so often as you waited for Leviathan to follow along. His kisses were sloppy, but that, strangely, made his kissing even better. Once he caught up, your kissing picked up the pace.
Quiet gasps and moans were shared among you two. Soon after, you felt shaking hands hold your waist, fingers embedding into your skin over your clothes. Leviathan lift you up and placed you onto his lap. A groan coming from the bottom of his throat when it was you rubbed against his now hard crotch.
"I see you become bolder when you're excited." You tease, smirking at him.
"S-Shut up."
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amane-by-together · 3 years
Okay idea!!
How about a Hanako x tsundere reader oneshot where Yashiro tells Hanako that the reader likes him and he likes her too. He confronts her about it and she is a blushing mess but denies it. Hanako knows that she likes him so he pins her and kisses her until she says she loves him.
Like *kiss* “say you love me~”
“No meanie..!”
Heehee, I hoped I explained that well enough… a little fluffy and spicy plzzz
Blushing Mess || Hanako-kun
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genre: fluff
pairing: hanako-kun x tsundere! female! reader
warning: lots of kisses (◍•ᴗ•◍)
summary: in which hanako tries to break [name]'s tsundere persona to make her confess her love for him by kissing her.
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Hanako notices [Name]’s strange behavior whenever he’s around her. When he tries to check her out, [Name] will blush and scoot away from him as she points at him and says. “W-What the hell do you think you’re doing you perv?!” Followed by a punch on his face. One time Hanako tried to tease her, the same blush would appear on her cheeks, and [Name] would call him an idiot for messing with her.
[Name] was minding her own business, mopping the bathroom floor, cleaning the toilets, spraying the mirrors with water, and then wiping them up. Hanako walks up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder and pointing a finger at a foggy spot on one of the mirrors. “You missed a spot.” he chuckled.
“I-I know that I was about to wipe it, stupid.” [Name] scoffed, wiping the spot with the cloth she was holding. Hanako puts his hand on his mouth, his pointer finger touching his nose, then silently chuckles at her response. [Name] pouted slightly, realizing that Hanako was only doing that to catch her off guard.
The [hair color] haired girl finishes up her cleaning, wiping off the sweat rolling down from her forehead. “Man, that took longer than I thought.” [Name] says in an unamused tone as she squeezes out the stored water from the cloth. She turns her head towards Hanako’s direction, a stoic expression written on her pretty visuals. “Oi, I’m finished.”
“Good work, [Name]~” Hanako floated over to his assistant and patted her on the head. [Name]’s eyes were twitching in annoyance, but deep down she’s loving the praise that Hanako was giving her, especially when he’s patting her head like that. She lowered her head, twiddling her fingers as her whole face was heating up. “Your ears were turning red by the way~” He said, touching her ears gently.
“H-Hey!” [Name] stammered out, grabbing Hanako’s hand and yanking it away. She enclosed her reddened ears using her hands, turning away from the teasing male who's now snickering nearby. "J-Jeez, Hanako-kun…"
"Hehe, cutie…" Hanako smirked.
"I-I'm not a cutie, excuse you!" [Name] retorted, crossing her arms and flipped her hair to the side. Her flustered gaze averted from the apparition boy. "And stop teasing me you slimy perverted brat or else," she murmured under her breath. At that moment she looks so done with Hanako’s mischievous antics she could smack the hell out of him.
“Or else what~?” Hanako took her hand on top of his and pulled [Name] closer to him, enveloping an arm around her waist, and grinned at their current position. “Hmm~” he hummed, leaning in a little bit as the tip of their noses were touching.
[Name] was malfunctioning and her poor heart was beating so fast. Without saying anything, she gently shoved Hanako away from her and hugged herself. Hanako obviously enjoyed seeing [Name] all red and flustered because of him. “Why hug yourself?” He asked, embracing her from behind as she squeaked. “If you can be in my arms all day~?” Hanako whispered, gently blowing her ear to tease and his lips slightly grazing to her earlobe.
“You really are a stubborn idiot...” [Name] balled her fist and gave Hanako an uppercut as he was launched backward, hitting him on the back of his head.
“O-Ow…” Hanako rubbed the back of his head in pain, even though he’s a ghost and cannot feel pain. “You don’t have to be so rough with me, you know.” He said, standing up from the floor and laughed sheepishly. [Name] patted her cheeks to ease down her blush, then finally composed herself and faced Hanako.
“I thought ghosts don’t feel pain?”
“Well, our souls are linked together, remember?”
[Name] marched over to Hanako as he was rubbing his head to soothe the pain. She felt bad for punching him, if only he has a sense of personal space. “Here, let me...” [Name] swatted his hand away and removed his hat, her free hand ruffling his soft hair.
Hanako is a bit surprised by the sudden change of behavior. He noticed her cheeks turning red up close, knowing that [Name] is not used to do this kind of kind of thing. He slightly blushed when their eyes met. “D-Don't get the wrong idea.” [Name] murmured. “I'm not doing this because I like you or anything—”
“M-Mhmm...” Hanako hummed in reply.
“Honestly, Hanako-kun...” [Name] sighed, placing his hat back on his head properly. “You should watch your actions, I don't want to assume anything.”
[Name] picks up her bag and slung it over to her back. “I'll see you tomorrow.” She announced, walking out of the bathroom with a bitter tone.
Yashiro enters the bathroom just as [Name] left completely. “Hanako-kun, did you do something to [Name]?” She asked with concern, hoping that the ghost didn't do harsh things with her.
“I was just being clingy with her until she just said to watch my actions—” Hanako explained, trying to reason with Yashiro with his side of the story. The choppy haired male is utterly confused with [Name] lately, is she just being mean with Hanako or she's just being a tsundere?
Yashiro nodded, finally understanding the situation. “There's something between the lines Yashiro,” Hanako started venting with matching movements with his hands as he paced back and forth. “I found [Name]'s denial funny, saying that she hates it yet the blush on her face was obvious that she likes it. Then there's her physically hitting me as I try to flirt with her—”
“She likes you.” Yashiro said.
“And then [Name] starts to stutter when I compliment her—I'm sorry what?” Hanako stopped when he heard Yashiro say something about [Name] liking him.
“I said [Name] likes you.”
Hanako smiled ear to ear, trying to contain his giddiness. He was in love with [Name] ever since and hearing this good news made his day better. “You're not joking, right?”
“Come on Hanako-kun, [Name]-chan is literally blushing at your actions and you didn't get the hint of her having a crush on you! Think Hanako-kun, think about it!” Yashiro puts her hands on the sides of her head to prove that she's not joking. “Why do you think she's a tsundere around you?”
“I guess I'll confirm it myself tomorrow~” Hanako grinned, adjusting his hat.
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Hanako plans to confront [Name] about his feelings for him to confirm whether Yashiro was just joking around or it is indeed true.
“[Name]~?” Hanako called in a sing-song voice. The tsundere gripped on her mop and let out a scowl, turning her head towards the ghost's direction.
“What?” She asked.
Hanako smirked slyly on her way, placing his cheek on top of his palm and said. “I heard from a reliable source that you like me~”
[Name] flinched, dropping the mop on the floor and blushed furiously. “W-What?!” She exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger to the teasing ghost. “Who the hell told you that?!”
“So it's true then~?” Hanako grinned.
“W-Wha?” [Name] swatted her hands, turning into a blushing mess. “O-Of course not! Why the hell would I like you?!” Her voice was shaking a bit, trying to make him change his mind. Hanako chuckled deeply, hopping off from the window seat and walked towards her.
“Why are you blushing then~?” [Name] nervously stepped back when Hanako got closer and closer to her. There's no point of denying things anymore, [Name]'s blushing reaction was already a proof that she likes Hanako. “You love me, don't you~?”
[Name] remained silent, her eyes avoiding Hanako's gaze and her signature blush on her visuals. Hanako places his forearm above her head as if to trap her in a kabedon. He grabs her chin using his thumb and pointer finger, tilting it slightly to make [Name] look at him. “My eyes are over here, sweetheart~”
“You really are enjoying this, huh?” [Name] mumbled, her eyes turning soft whilst looking at Hanako, her headstrong facade slowly breaks as she is facing him with her true self. Usually, [Name] would kick him out but for now she isn't doing anything.
“Yeah, actually.” Hanako responded, gently caressing her bottom lip using his thumb. “I wonder how long would it take for you to admit that you love me~?”
[Name]'s [eye color] eyes widened in shock when she felt Hanako's lips connect with hers. The feeling was sweet and soft as butterflies in her stomach fluttered gently in a euphoric manner. Hanako pulls away with a smile. “C'mon~ say you love me~” He urged.
“Shut up, as if...” [Name] grumbled. Hanako kisses her again, this time it was a little longer than before. [Name] moved his hat away from his head and placed it on the ground while he was kissing her.
“I like you too, you know...” Hanako says in between kisses. [Name] pulls away slightly, catching her breath from their intimacy.
“Fine, I l-love you...” [Name] confessed, feeling sour now that Hanako was winning over her.
“I love you too~”
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a/n: here's your request anon-san~ sorry if its late though, i hope you enjoy this oneshot, this goes for everyone too (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Ethan Torchio
words // 2383
warnings // smut, clearly its nsfw headcannons
pairing // Ethan Torchio x GN!Reader (might be mentions that seem like they are for f reamer but comeon theres lingerie for every body 👁️👄👁️)
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. an apology to the people on my tag list i think i accidentally have not been tagging you this whole time i am so so so sorry omg
request // yes, it was a reblog i cant find it right now
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Regarding you, Ethan is the king of after care. As rough as he can be in bed, that’s just how sweet he can be once you're done with it. Goes full on dad mode (don’t know how else to explain this). He will have water, painkillers if you’re now in pain, a washcloth to clean you up, new clothes, and of course the cuddles.
“I’m alright, Ethan. I can do it on my own,” you say as Ethan walks to you with the wet cloth ready to clean the mess he made on your body.
“I know you can, amore. I just want to take care of you,” he says as he leaves a kiss on your lips.
I can also see him being the one to make a big fat breakfast the morning after, or at least get up early to pick something up.
Now I also feel that he is in need of some aftercare. It depends on the day really, if he’s had a pretty rough day and all I feel like he’d ask for some backrubs after. In this case he’d fall asleep so quickly like omg. But on the biggest part I see him feeling the need to reassure you that the things he said (i think we already established that this man would call you a slut) are not how he feels about you and will be asking if you feel the same.
“Do you love me?”
“Wha- of course I do, Ethan! Where is this coming from?”
“I don’t know… I guess - I guess I am worried that you don’t after what I said.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
When it comes to himself I feel like he really likes his chest and arms. Like I don’t know but I see him really getting off with you pretty much mastubating on his chest. Ya know what I mean? (i think you do you little sluts). He pretty much enjoys anything you do on his chest. I can imagine him looking at the mirror after you two had sex, seeing the cum on his chest along with the marks you have left and just smiling.
“What are you looking at, love?” You ask, seeing as the man is standing in front of the bathroom mirror from your spot on the hotel bed.
“Nothing, just the mess you made.”
“Mhm, and I bet you like it, huh?”
“You have no idea… Hey, are you sure you got tired? Cause I think I can do another round.”
As for his arms, as I said, he simply really enjoys that he can man handle you anytime, get you in any position he likes and feel you scratching them from the pleasure.
When it comes to you, Ethan is an ass guy. Say what you want but the man is an ass guy, end of discussion. He loves anything that involves your but. It does not explicitly have to be something like anal. He simply enjoys seeing your butt and holding it in his hand. It does not matter if it’s big or not, if it has stretch marks or whatever. Wear lingerie that he likes or that itty bitty teeny weeny bikini if you wear them or even some tight pants that make your butt just poìp and he can not contain himself.
I think I have said that to someone here (i think I had sent an ask to zodi @ icouldbeyourputtet) before but I feel like this man is very into spanking, like not even the rough malicious way. but this very wholesome chill way.
You had been talking about it all day, not having had a minute alone with each other for days, you could only dream what you could do that night after everyone left.
A playlist was playing in the background and a cigarette was burning on the ashtray next to your legs, you assuming a similar position, as said cigarette, bent over Ethan’s lap as he caressed your ass cheeks and back, playing around with the lingerie set he had gifted you a while back. (Did I just go to search my fave porn vid, lol exposing myself, and get disappointed because I can’t find it and translate it into fanfiction? yes yes i did, so bare with what i can remember)
“It’s okay, baby, you can take a little more, come on,” he praised, leaving a spank and yet another soft rub on the very red cheek.
He continued, going with the music, a very nice pattern, not very rough spanks but just enough to cause pain, pleasure and redness all over. Accidentally the man landed a few very rough ones causing a gasp and a series of giggles as you practically fell off his lap.
“Ethan, what the hell?” You laughed getting up from the floor and this time sitting on the man’s lap, sharing kisses with him.
“What,” he copied your action and laughed, “it was not intentional. I got carried away by how nice your butt is.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He is and is not messy. He will not want the cum to be in every surface possible you know, he will be careful but at the same time this man just loves to see his cum on you, whether it’s your back or your stomach, or in you if you’re ok with it. I bet he has a teeny weeny breeding kink but not necessarily because of the idea of breeding you but rather because he looooves seeing his cum run out of you… I'm not sure if this falls in the breeding kink category but alright
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to fuck you while watching porn.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he is pretty experienced. From what they band has said in interviews and stuff, he seems to be getting some pretty often (no one, NO ONE, is surprised at that). He is not acting arrogant tho (not unless that’s the dynamic of the night), he is willing to learn what works for you and you specifically
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
As I said this man is an ass guy so I’d say anything that involves having the view of your ass. Humor me but i think he’d really like 69 with a female/afab partner (don’t know if this works very well with two dick-baring people lol). It has it all, eating you out,
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think it can be both with him. He will not exactly try to make jokes but if something like the previously mentioned spanking incident happens it’s def welcome.
Now as a general rule I see him being pretty serious. I will be honest, I’m getting brat tamer vibes from this man so it’s all pretty serious when you really get into it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Considering he’s an Italian man and if you look at a lot of photos of him he def fit the ‘mediterenean’ man type. I see him just barely grooming. I don’t see him really shaving or whatever but he also wouldn’t want you to choke on pupic hair, he much rathers you choke on his dick
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It all depends, really. He can be quite intimate with you but it all depends on the moment. There are different occasions for everything. For example, and this is a paradox that I hope I’m explaining well enough to understand, he is not very rough (will not be very aggressive and stuff, like to the extreme those tik tok boys want to pretend they are with their * growling * ew) but he will be rough. intimidating looks, spanking just enough to make you feel pain and redden up your ass cheeks. He’s like that mostly when you are being bratty.
Most of the times, like we’re talkin kind of lazy sex moments, it more wholesome ig, like very intimate and just comfortable and almost comforting. Ok, but like why do i see him having sex and having casual conversation (not the most common, i see this as like lazy day off, having nothing else to do and not being like super horny but being more like h o r n y … am i making sense?)
Setting the scene, you two are at home, both have a day off but it’s kind of raining so any of your plans are ruined. At this point it’s at around 10 am, not early, not late. You have missed each other and both have made it obvious but you are both in a very tired state so you opt for something not too much.
Plain and simple missionary is what goes around this time, Ethan on top just holding your legs around his waist,, going at a pretty medium pace.
“It’s a pity the weather is bad today,” says Ethan staring out the window.
“I know, we were going to go to the beach… I’m bummed about it,” you say, short of breath as the man continues his pace fucking you.
“Mhm, true. But this is better, amore, no? I’ve missed you so much,” he breaths out the last part, moans interrupting his words.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does that pretty often, especially if you are not around to help. Sometimes it’s because of you that he needs to. I would def see him exchanging naked pics with you and at first he does that to tease you but he ends up teased when he sees a video you sent of you masturbating.
Bets that he’d be taking photos and vids of you fucking on occasion so he goes to these when he misses you on tour.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As I mentioned previously I see Ethan to be a brat tamer. That I see to be the main kink that kind of works around everything else.
“Can you stop this, slut? It has gotten exhausting. I told you no noise but here you are,” he ordered, looking down at you trembling below his finger tips.
His face was quite stoic, voice never wavering from the strict and cold tone he tended to have when scolding you on the daily. Most times it was leaving a cup out of the sink but this time the scolding came from misbehaving. As if it was not enough that he was punishing you for being a brat and riling him up all morning, now you had to disobey orders. It was getting to him for sure.
“I’m sorry daddy,” you whisper, Ethan seeming satisfied with the response.
“Aw, why so tame puppy, now you decide to be nice?” His tone stayed the same, his words imitating a joke but the whole ordeal was not even close to it.
Now as for other kinks (did I open a site because I could not think? yes, shut up), as a result of being a brat tamer dom there are some few more kinks accompanying specifically that. He is def into bondage, both tying you up but also being tied up on occasion.
“Puppy, I have told you that is not a way to treat me. Untie me,” he says calmly, wrists tied on the headboard of the bed, eyes fixated to you.
“Well, why not? You do it all the time,” you whine, placed on all fours, facing Ethan as you lean towards him on your hands, “I want in on the fun.”
If only he was not tied… Ethan’s mind was already going places, figuring out exactly how he would punish you after you untie him -or after he escapes the restrains, whatever comes first. You knew that, very well - in all honestly that was the plan, that is always the plan.
“Amore, let me go. Let me go and your punishment will be tame,” he voiced looking at you, now positioned on top of his lap, touching yourself right then and there.
“I sense you want to be punished puppy, don't you?” You simply nod your head, eyes closed in pleasure.
“You see, the problem is you will not enjoy what I am thinking.”
“Well, get yourself off now that you can, cause after I get my hands on you… You’re not getting to cum for days, amore.”
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, anywhere. I can see him having a preference to the luxury of either of your houses or a hotel room but if you push his buttons just right, some restaurant’s bathroom it is.
why can i imagine him having sex at a weeding venue’s bathroom….. omg…..
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Honestly, both. I feel like he would be extremely good at giving it, but would never opposed to receiving
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s ok with them but he doesn’t love them, ya know?
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
Is surely try to do new things but it will always depends on what it is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Come on. This goes without saying. He is a drummer for a living. He can surely go on for long…
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I def feel like he has a fair amount of toys. Some for himself, some for you… He looooves using them to punish you.
(small mention to my last fic little puppet)
“Beautiful, puppy! You have been doing so good for us, taking your punishment so well, but we are not done yet.” A buzz sound is what concerned the girl, eyes widening at the toy.
It was a small remote virator, imitating sucking on the clit. The drummer placed the girl over his knees, stuffing the toy between his leg and her clit, shocking the sensitive bud. “I think you can take a few more spanks,” said the man, landing one at the expanse of her thigh, the skin giggling at the contact.
“Damiano, count,” ordered the assertive man, seeing his friend kneel in front of Y/N, kissing her and then doing as he was told.
“I think we were left on twenty-three. Twenty four,” he began, counting all the way to forty before the ordeal was over.
The whole time Y/N was shaking, just about to fall off the edge, asking for permission to cum but her wishes were not granted just yet. She was exhausted, overstimulated, frustrated, and now unable to move on her own. But, oh man did she need more. The two men were more than willing to assist her.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A ton! It’s his specialty. Maybe one of his most common punishments is edging and teasing. He can drag it on for days
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is not very loud but is surely encouraging you to be.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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heecyon · 3 years
Enhypen Little Angels Series: When they find out their s/o is pregnant
warnings: cursing, mentions of miscarriage and hospitals, collapsing, vomiting and couvade syndrome (for Sunghoon and Sunoo)
this happens before the og enha little angels
taglist: @skyaura-koo @serendipityclick @en-sun @envirae @exulansis-eun @gamezzzz
Pls tell me if I forgot anyone from the taglist and I'll fix it immediately.
I'll try to fix any grammar mistakes. Sorry for the delay
word count: 1,523 words
Lee Heeseung:
“Heeseung... What if i'm really pregnant?” Mina said bouncing on her feet.
Being nervous wasn't the words that she would use to describe how she feeling at the moment.
“If you are pregnant, then that means that our child will have the most amazing mother and the most amazing father.” He set his hands around Mina's waist, then accommodated his head on her shoulder.
“I'm not talking about that.” She sighed, looking at the ring on her finger.
“You mean... the loss?” Mina nodded, her gaze was sad and her eyes were glossy.
“It wasn't your fault jagi, and I know that you fear that the same thing will happen again, but I promise you that everything will turn out for good.” Heeseung placed a soft kiss on his wife's lips, then unified his forehead with hers.
“I think... I'll go check the test.” Mina said before placing a kiss in Heeseung's cheek and going to the bathroom to see the results.
He waited a few seconds and then...
“Heeseung, I'm actually pregnant!”
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Park Jongseong
“How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine?” Bella said looking at IV hooked on her hand.
Jay kept walking around the hospital room, he was a little bit mad, he thought that Bella hadn't taken care of herself as he told her to.
“As many times as you want, because it's not gonna work for me, or make me feel better.” He kept pacing around back and forth, trying to keep himself calm.
“If you keep rambling nothing will be solved.” Jay huffed, as he pinched the skin of his left arm.
“And if you keep dismissing your health nothing will get solved!”
Bella groaned, sometimes Jay could be way to stubborn.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I've been taking care of myself.” She pouted.
“It doesn't seem like that to me.”
Just in time the doctor appeared on the room.
“What is it doctor? Is she healthy?” She smiled at Jay and then at Bella.
“Well, there isn't any problem... Except that you have high levels of HCG.”
They both looked at the doctor completely confused.
“This high level of HCG only appears on pregnancy. Congratulations, you are pregnant.”
If they were confused before then, I don't know how to describe how they felt by the moment.
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Shim Jaeyun
“Do you think is something bad?”
Jake shook his head, while looking around the doctor's office. He was way more anxious than what he showed, but he tried his best to stay calm for Teagan.
It had been days since Teagan started vomiting and having nausea, to the point that she spent most days locked in the bathroom and nearly fell down the stairs because of how dizzy she felt.
“I'm done! I'm taking you to the doctors!”
Teagan looked at him dumbfounded. Why did he wanted to take her to the doctors so suddenly.
“But I feel fine.”
“Being fine is not nearly falling down the stairs because of dizziness.”
Teagan hated hospitals with all her might, and always tried everything to avoid them, but guess who still drag her to the hospital? Jake!
The doctor finally entered the office, making the couple turn their gaze to him.
He gave them a small smile, before saying:
“I already have your lab results...”
Jake grabbed his wife's hand, trying to calm himself down a little and also reassuring her that everything will be okay.
In the best case he thought you had a stomach bug. In the worst case you could some kind of terminal illness.
... But gladly those weren't the cases.
“It seems like you have high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin.” Teagan looked at the doctor with a dumbfounded gaze.
“What those that mean?” Teagan looked at the doctor and then looked at Jake who was in shock, but then spoke.
“It means... that you are pregnant.”
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Park Sunghoon
... It started when Sunghoon started having symptoms. Hyeyoung noticed how tired Sunghoon was does days and how he started having cravings... A lot of cravings.
“And can you please add an extra order of fries please?” “Thank you.”
He hanged up on the call while Hyeyoung looked at him weirded out.
“You sure you are okay?” She walked up to him, seating beside him on the sofa.
“Yeah, why wouldn't I be?”
“Well... because you are acting like a pregnant woman.”
Sunghoon giggled a little, before he realised that...
“Hyeyoung? When was the last time that you had your period?” The girl looked down for moment, and then she finally realised what was going on.
Now they were both looking at the positive pregnancy on their hands.
“Oh shit!”
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Kim Sunoo
Another case of couvade syndrome...
“Ah! Noona! Sunoo-Hyung just fainted!” Aera ran to the studio and saw the boys fanning Sunoo to make him feel better.
Sunno saw Aera's worried expression and then smiled at her to ease her up.
“I'm fine jagiya. I'm just tired.” He stood up with the help of his oldest members.
He walked up to Aera, who changed her expression suddenly, she started feeling way to dizzy and all off the sudden she lost her balance and collapse on Sunoo's.
The rest of the members started shouting worriedly and asked the staff to call medical help.
“I guess we have the same condition or something.” Sunoo spoke when they where both in the doctors office waiting for both of their results.
“It's probably the flu, or a cold is kicking our butts.” Aera chucked and Sunoo giggled a little.
The doctor entered the room, with the results on his hands.
“Well it seems like Sunoo is pretty healthy and there is no reason for your collapse, except that you have couvade syndrome.” He frowned at the doctors words wanting a clear explanation.
“It's when a partner presents the same symptoms as their pregnant partner.” Aera was the one frowning at that moment. Was the doctor saying what she thought he was saying?
“I'm sorry, but my wife is not...”
“The fuck?! She's pregnant?!”
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Yang Jungwon
This boy rushed to the hospital the moment that he got a call from her mom, saying that Mirae had fallen down the stairs.
He freaked out, but when he got there Mirae explained him that she had blacked out and that made her fall down three steps of stairs.
“Are you sure you don't feel pain or anything?” Jungwon played with her hair, while he sat on her hospital bed.
“Wonie, I'm fine, it's just a small bruise”
“And a concussion.” Mirae's mother blurted that out of nowhere. Which made the girl murmured a "Mom" angrily.
“Ah! I guess I'll stay up with you all night.” He said rubbing her shoulders.
“I also have something else to tell you...” She grabbed a strand of hair and started playing with it.
“Hmm?” Jungwon payed all his attention ontu her.
“The doctor did a few tests... Everything's okay, but...” She passed and stayed quiet for while.
“What's wrong Rae, you can tell me anything, remember?” Jungwon smiled showing his cute dimples.
Mirae sighed, inhaled... Then exhaled.
“I'm pregnant.”
Jungwon seemed in shock by what she had just blurted out, but then started laughing immediately.
He was happy, obviously he was... But then he paused.
“When did I made you a baby?”
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Nishimura Riki
They where both visiting Niki's parents in Japan, they where on vacations so they used that to pay a visit to them.
Mei Lin wasn't feeling that good throughout the whole way to her in laws house, she felt like throwing up the ride in the plane, but she thought it was just motion sickness.
“You sure you are okay? If you don't feel well enough, we can stay at the hotel and go tomorrow.” Niki wasn't that sure of what to do at the moment, but he thought it would pass in a few hours.
“No, I think I still feel bad because of the flight, but it'll pass in a few minutes, I promise.” She said patting Niki's head before calling over a taxi.
They got home pretty fast and had dinner. They were both enjoying their time, but something about the food just made Mei feel nauseated. So she covered her mouth and nose with her left hand.
The family noticed pretty fast and Niki's sister was already looking for a pill to calm Mei's stomach down.
While Niki was rubbing her back, his mother commented.
“You know, this reminds me of the symptoms I had when I had a few weeks of pregnancy with Riki.” She laughed it off, but something about just made the rest of the family including Mei freeze.
“I think... I'll just go get a pregnancy test.”
Everybody's eyes widened and the thought of their daughter in law being pregnant was kinda shocking.
An hour later, a positive pregnacy test was on the couple's hands.
Niki and Mei were both in complete shock, they were happy of course... But still shocked.
“I wasn't expecting you guys to take me seriously when I said «I want grandchildren as soon as possible.»”
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mcyt-imagines · 4 years
hello! i am here to request a tommyinnit x reader! where the reader is a smaller streamer who accidentally befriends tommy while having no idea who he is??? they only find out when they see him streaming one day and lose their fucking marbles over how many people are watching him, and proceed to blow up his phone like??? hello what the fuck???? also, they/them pronouns please!
I love this request, mainly because I can totally see Tommy doing this to someone. Befriending them and just accidentally forgetting about his online popularity just to laugh as they freak out over it. I’ve used they/them pronouns as per requested as well, hope you enjoy! :D
Hidden In Plain Sight
You were worried you weren’t going to actually make any friends in your new classes, moving to a whole new school partway through the year wasn’t exactly common practice. So, you had braced yourself for the worst, mentally prepared to eat your lunch alone in the bathrooms even if it was gross, it was better than being eyeballed by your new peers. Approaching the common area with your food now in hand, you felt your stomach start to sink deeper and deeper, yet you kept up your pace determined to not look as downtrodden as you felt.
“Hey, new girl!” You turned quickly, giving yourself a bad case of whiplash that the boy who had called your name definitely noticed. “Uh, yeah?” You raised a singular eyebrow at him, the empty seats around him beckoning you closer. “Nice twitch patch. You stream?” He asked, gesturing to the small purple and white patch you had badly sewn onto your backpack. 
You stood dumbly ahead of him, your food held tightly in your hands. “Uh, yeah. I do, I only started a few months ago though.” You grow sheepish wondering if admitting to that could just lead to you getting bullied quicker. The boy’s face suddenly lights up, “Me too! I’ve been streaming for a few years now though.” He boasts a little, obviously taking pride in his hobby. You nod along, “Cool.” A few moments of silence pass, “Are you gonna sit or what?”
The smile that graces your face leaves Tommy a little stunned, “Oh! Thanks.” You quickly sit, shoulders relaxing almost instantly. “I-It’s nothing, I’m Tommy by the way.” He holds out his hand, you warmly shake it giving him your own name with a soft blush. Partly from the embarrassment of your pointlessly spiralling thoughts and partly from how cute this boy next to you is. Tommy happily carries the conversation, cheeks a soft pink as you watch him with intrigue and interest drinking in his words with an attentiveness he wasn’t used to. Tommy listens eagerly when he asks you about your twitch channel, you shyly tell him a little about it.
You give him your channel name and he follows you, you follow back instantly Tommy speaking through the exchange partly to distract you from his profile. It works and you close the app without a second glance, happily listening to the rest of Tommy’s story without a care in the world. Tommy feels relief rush through him, he didn’t want to overwhelm you and he knew that his popularity was likely to have an impact on your friendship. He didn’t want that. He wanted someone to want to get to know him because they found him interesting not because of his following and the ‘clout’ they may receive from being his friend. You didn’t seem like the type to do that but he knew better than to assume, he’d learnt that lesson a few too many times before.
“You normally sit alone?” You breach the subject with little tact, knowing that surely, he’s a popular guy. He’s loud, extroverted and funny, there’s no way he was as much of a social outcast to be forced to sit alone. He sighs loudly, huffing air through his nose. “No! But my lame-o friends decided to join clubs this year and they meet during lunch for extra club time.” He grumbles, arms now gesturing widely around him as he articulates exaggeratedly. “But I know that they’re really just trying to suck up to the girls in the drama club.” He makes a loud gagging noise.
“So, I stay out here and study, that way I have more time to stream when I get home,” Tommy explains with a soft shrug, motioning to his binder nearby, notes scribbled in an illegible chicken scratch. “I might have to start doing that, the workload here is so much more than at my old school.” You groan, gesturing to your own binder chock-a-block with notes, textbooks and spiralled notebooks.
That’s when the two of you hear a distant ringing of bells, “Where’re you headed? I can lead you there, this place is a maze sometimes.” Tommy offers the smile soft on his face. You pull at your folder and point to your next class, “Uh, it’s-“ You begin, only for Tommy to exclaim. “We have the same class! C’mon, Miss will beat our asses if we’re late!” “Miss who!?” You look at him quizzically as Tommy quickly stands grabbing his things and motioning for you to follow. When you stand slowly and grab your things Tommy grabs your wrist, “She might excuse you for being late, but I’ve been late one too many times dude, you don’t even know.” His pace is faster than yours but his hold on your wrist is firm, forcing you to keep up with him.
Days of chatting and befriending Tommy turns to weeks and soon it’s been a few months. You had been happily keeping to yourself mid-stream, your regular viewers making light conversation with you through chat. “Oh woah, we got a raid!” You cry watching your chat, “Aw it’s from Tommy! Hey big man, thanks for the raid of- HOLY SHIT! 300,000!?” Your eyes grow to the size of saucers as you reread the notification several times before finally looking into your webcam looking like a deer in headlights. “U-Uh welcome guys! If you’re planning on sticking around please be polite in chat!” You try your best to gain control over your racing mind, heart beating rapidly against your chest.
A large number of Tommy’s viewers leave, but you try your best to entertain those that stay for another hour or so before you end stream with a significantly larger number of subs than what you started with. Your speed dialling Tommy’s number is unrivalled as you lay back in your chair, eyeing your stream set up across from you. He picks up, “Hey-“ You cut him off immediately.
“Um, so when were you going to tell me you’re some big twitch hot shot!? Or was I just supposed to find that one out for myself champ?” You hold back the urge to screech down the phone line as he laughs at you. “Hey! It just slipped my mind, okay!? A big man’s gotta lotta big things on his mind at the one time!” He cries out in futile defence, knowing you had every right to be at least a little bit furious at him for keeping this a secret.
“Wasn’t the raid fun though!?” He squawks after a couple of moments of silence, “It was… fun, but it was also the most stressed I think I’ve ever been Tommy. That’s a lot of people to just throw at someone.” You huff a little, “Sorry, I uh, I didn’t really think before doing it. I was just super excited to send them over to you, I just knew they would love you as much as I do.” He mumbles the last part of his sentence, but you hear it just fine. “Aw, I love you too Tommy.” A smile finds it’s way onto your face, “I can’t believe I’m actually considering forgiving you.” You throw a hand over your eyes, groaning. “Would a midnight trip to get some fast food accelerate the forgiveness process?”
You hum for a few moments, “Are you trying to bribe me, Tommy?” The blond stammers adorably before huffing, “Uhhh, no?” He offers, “Oh well if that’s the case, then yes.” You grin as his screeches of laughter reach your ears, your own laughter joining his within moments. “Talk later big man, got a midnight meal to plan for.” Tommy groans, “Oh no! You’re gonna spend all my money!” You scoff, “I’m sorry mister millionaire! You’re my walking talking money bags now, get used to it!” You giggle along with Tommy’s chuckles, his voice relaxed. Tommy knew his assumption was right, even on the first day he met you. He knew you were a good person, a good person for him. There’s no one he would rather spend his time and money on.
~Requests are currently open!~
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Tales From Bingo Night
AFAB!Reader x Jeon Wonwoo
Word Count: 1917
Contents: handjob, outdoor sex, cum eating
It was quiet as the docks and canoe shed came into view through the dark. You weren’t sure what to say to Wonwoo. The act itself you were fine with but Wonwoo and you had fallen into a comfy friendship and this felt weird. Did he think it was weird too? He was usually pretty awkward when the topic of your sexual exploits came up. You didn’t think he’d want to be stuck doing this.
“You know, we don’t actually have to do this,” you started, not looking at him. Wonwoo didn’t respond so you continued. “Like it’s just a stupid thing on a scavenger hunt. And I can probably get Yanan to do it later anyway, we still have about an hour and a half. So if you don’t want to, I’m okay with that.”
“Are you okay with it?” He finally said.
“I- y-yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?”
You saw his shoulders shrug out of the corner of your eye. “You seem kinda stressed about it. It’s not something you have to do. You know that sentiment goes for you too, right?”
“I- Yeah I know,” you mumbled. “I mean it feels a little strange but I just didn’t expect us to end up in this situation at all this summer.”
Wonwoo slowed as you rounded the shed, looking at the woods between the shed and the edge of the lake. “Yeah I- that makes sense. But, I don’t know, it’s kind of weird but it’s alright. I mean unless you’re terrible at giving handjobs.”
You let out a little laugh, releasing some of your nervous energy. “Okay, hey, I’m good at them. You’ll be satisfied so no need to worry about that.”
“If not I’ll just tell the team you suck and Yanan and Yoohyeon will tell everyone else,” you could see his grin through the darkness.
“Alright, I take it you’re game then,” you snorted. “Do you know how you want to prove it?”
“Hongseok said be appropriate so he’s just going to have to take my word for it.”
“Good to know my reputation rests on a hand job in the woods.”
Wonwoo chuckled as he plopped down in the grass, resting back on his elbows. “You have been talking yourself up to me so…”
“Bragging really isn’t becoming,” you muttered as you kneeled next to him. Your fingers played with the hem of your shorts for a moment while you looked down at his body. “Are you alright if I just start? Do you want me to like, kiss you or something?”
Wonwoo seemed to think about his answer for a moment. “Either is okay. Do you wanna make out?”
“I- uh, maybe? I don’t know, I feel like I usually don’t think this hard about it.” You brought your hands to the waist of his shorts. Your fingers fumbled with the button and zipper.
“Having trouble?” He chuckled.
“Shut up, it’s dark,” you whined, though knowing there was a slight laugh in your voice. You started to shift his shorts down his hips.
“Do you always do it with the lights on?” He questioned.
“Are you going to ask annoying questions the whole time?” You shot back.
“Only if I’m bored,” he chuckled. You stuck your tongue out at him which drew a laugh from him. Your fingers curled around the hem of his boxers and you dropped your gaze down, away from his face, taking in the sight of his cock instead and trying to swallow back your awkward feelings. If anything his joking was keeping you calm. You started to wrap your hand around his cock.
“You’re not just going in dry, are you!?” He cried, a little too loud for your liking.
“Shhhh, shut up,” you hissed. “And… no, I wasn’t.” You pulled your hand away to spit on it.
“And you told me you were good at this,” he muttered.
“I am,” you said. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I’m not convinced.”
You rolled your eyes before taking his cock into your hand again. Slick with your spit it slid easily. You pumped him in slow movements, listening and checking around you for anyone coming closer. The only sound around you was the small waves crashing along the shore and owls hooting in the distance. Any din of people was too far away for anyone to see you.
He grew harder in your hand as the seconds ticked past. Your fingers teasing the underside of his head, the tip, not moving too fast though you knew your time was limited. You kept your movements slow and even.
Wonwoo let out a quiet sigh and you finally ventured to look at him properly again. His body was relaxing more into the ground, sinking into his shoulders. His eyes had fallen closed and the soft breeze ruffled the hair across his forehead.
“See,” you murmured. “I’m not bad at this.”
“You’re alright,” he hummed.
“I’m still getting you warmed up,” you scoffed. “It gets better.”
“Oh does it?” He asked nonchalantly.
“I have half a mind to work you up and not make you cum,” you grumbled, still loud enough for him to hear and laugh.
“Do we get less points if I don’t cum?”
“I-” your hand slowed as you thought. “I don’t know how they’re grading this.”
“Wait, go back to what you were doing,” he said.
You brought your focus back to the task at hand but the ghost of a smirk was curling your lips. “So you do like it.”
Wonwoo opened one eye to look at you. “Well it doesn’t feel bad.”
You shifted yourself, straddling one of his thighs before leaning down and letting more spit drool onto his cock. Even more slick, your fingers moved more easily and you gripped him a little tighter while taking up a steady pace.
When you sat up to look at him he was staring at you, lips parted and letting out the smallest of huffs.
“Did you think I was going to start using my mouth,” you teased.
“I-I- no that’s not-”
“Do you want me to?”
“Shut up,” he mumbled. “I have permission to not use my brain right now.”
“Not really permission if you do it all the time,” you chuckled. 
“I-” Wonwoo let out a moan instead as you squeezed his cock tighter in your hand, twisting your wrist as you stroked him.
“I didn’t peg you as a noisy one,” you teased.
“I- just- let me enjoy myself,” he said, a breathiness entering his tone. You leaned towards him a bit, now watching as pleasure started to show on his features. Your free hand trailed over the top of his thigh before you moved up his body, pushing his shirt up.
“Wh-What are you doing?” he asked.
“Just relax, will you?” you said. “I am doing a good job is what I’m doing.”
“You’re doing j-” you dragged your nails slightly down his stomach as your thumb played with the most sensitive part of his head again. “O-Okay, yeah you’re d-doing good.”
You smiled to yourself smugly as you went back to pumping his cock, a little more quickly and roughly. Your nails trailed over his skin and the night breeze that blew past your drew goosebumps up along his skin. Wonwoo let out more huffs and quiet moans and you felt his hips starting to press up into your hand.
You pulled back just a bit, slowing your movements and catching him eyeing you. “Come on,” he groaned.
“You want me to go faster?” you asked innocently.
“We’re- We don’t have time-”
You chuckled, leaning a little closer to him. “You would be fun to edge, you know that?”
Wonwoo started to sputter. And even in what little light you had you could see the colour on his cheeks at your comment. You still obliged him though, moving your hand now much faster than he was expecting and wrapping your hand around his cock tighter. You added a twist to your movement and Wonwoo let out a moan that was way too loud.
You slammed a hand over Wonwoo’s mouth, hovering over him and meeting his eyes. “Shhhhh, being that loud is going to get us caught,” you hissed.
Wonwoo answered you with a muffled moan and you took in his expression as he did. His eye lids had grown heavy and his gaze was a little hazy, though now focused on you with you being so close. You kept a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet as your other hand kept it’s quick pace and he started to press and rock his hips up to meet your hand.
“Are you close?” you hummed, this time with no teasing. Wonwoo nodded, trying to keep his gaze locked with yours.
“Are you going to be quiet?” you asked. He shook his head and as much as you wanted to sigh, a smirk tugged at your lips instead.
“If I knew you were this loud I would have brought a gag,” you hummed. Wonwoo let his eyes flutter shut but his moaning continued as you leaned in to whisper in his ear.
“I didn’t know you would be this much fun. I’ll have to take you way out in the woods where no one can hear us. And now we have those condoms. I can ride you and you can be as loud as you like.”
Wonwoo let out a moan, loud even with you muffling him, and his hips bucked up as he came. You felt the hot cum running over your hand as you kept pumping his cock, feeling more pour out with each pulse of his cock until one of his hands grabbed your wrist shakily.
“Okay,” he said breathlessly as you took your hand away, “Okay I’m good.”
“Well, almost,” you said, pulling your hand away and looking for somewhere to wipe it. But you didn’t want cum on your clothes and you didn’t want your hand wiping through the dirt so you did the only thing you could think of and stuck your fingers in your mouth.
When you met Wonwoo’s gaze you found him frozen, blushing hard, and watching you as you sucked his cum off your hand.
“Y-You- u-uh-” 
You rolled your eyes as you pulled your fingers out and licked some of the cum off the back of your hand. “It’s the easiest way to clean up.”
“I-I yeah th-that makes sense.”
You looked down at his cock, still coated in his own cum before looking up at him. “Be quiet.”
“Why? What are y- oh,” He let out a shaky, quiet moan as you dragged your tongue along his cock, catching the cum on your tongue. His hips twitched from sensitivity and you moved as gently as you could, finishing by sucking the tip into your mouth before you brought your face up to meet his, fingers grabbing the hem of his boxers.
You were met with Wonwoo’s hands grabbing your cheeks and pulling you in for a kiss that was much sweeter and needier than you could have expected. You froze as you processed what he was doing and as quickly as he had pulled you in he let you go, staring back at you wide eyed.
“I-I’m sorry,” he said faintly. “I didn’t- I-I shoul-”
“We should go find the group,” you said quickly, jumping to your feet.
“Y-Yeah we should,” Wonwoo mumbled shakily, tugging his shorts up.
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seijohsbabe · 4 years
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Ship: Oikawa, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Iwaizumi x Reader
Wordcount: 2,9 k
Tw: smut, pet names, overstimulation, abuse/rape (Reader kinda likes it ??), noncon
a/n: im so dumb ive deleted the old post so I have to repost it sorry guys :( If you have ideas for a next story, my inbox is open!
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Nervously you looked to the ground. The mood was bad. More than logical, because the team you have been with for a long time has just lost to Seijoh.
 But not only that made you look to the ground, there were four glances that made you tremble, and you knew exactly from who they were coming from and why. Your bet with you, which you had not really agreed but refusing with the four was no possibility. After your transfer to Karasuno, you were hoping to finally have some rest from the four. You were Oikawa's girlfriend, but his three friends also had a say. After you gathered your courage and broke up with him, it was far from over. They chased you, humiliated you, reached for you like you were a simple doll to them. Your move to Karasuno was like a glimmer of hope for you.
But only after 5 days they found you again, and drummed into you their bet to destroy Karasuno and take you as a prize. And here you were, on the bench, stunned, staring at the ball that practically meant your death. Shimizu, who was sitting next to you, noticed your trembling and held your hands with downcast eyes. But she didn't know a bit whatyou will expect now. You quickly tried to pack all your things and get back on the bus as quickly as possible. And you almost thought you had made it when you ran down the hall to get to the exit, but a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a room that you actually wanted to walk past. The room turned out to be a locker room. The door slammed behind you and you got pushed right against it.The four pairs of eyes that you actually no longer wanted to see were now right in front of you. 
Oikawa who was still pressing you against the door let you go slowly to take a step back, to your surprise. With an all too familiar grin, he looked down at you, just like the other three who were just a few steps behind Oikawa. Only now do you really realize how big they were again, how much stronger they were. You can just grab yourself so easily without you doing anything. "Lil cutieee." Oikawa said first. His voice made you tremble and crouch. You know exactly why they dragged you in here, but you couldn't have it that real. Iwaizumi, who so far has only been against one without comment Was leaning against the wall, with crossed arms, now pushed off to slowly approach you. "Can you still remember? Our little agreement? We want our price." What can you do It was hopeless, you were trapped in the wolves' den as a little rabbit. But you still had one option. Your gaze slid briefly next to you, where the door handle was. Oikawa hadn't locked it. You quickly grabbed the door handle and tear open the door to get out of this cave. But Iwaizumi must have noticed your gaze and no sooner had you opened the door than he reached for you and slammed the door with his foot. Your back was now pressed against his chest, and your hands were tied tightly to your body, his hands completely encircling you. "I would give myself up." He whispered in your ear. And with that your last hope was gone.
Matsukawa was now in front of you, to put his big hand around your cheek without comment. "Come on, you will surely like it bunny. "
His hand went deeper and deeper until he came to the edge of your t-shirt, which he pulled over your head after Iwaizumi slowly let go of you. They all stood around you like a hunter who had just caught his prey. Somebody loosened your bra from behind, and you were completely free of the upper body. Matsukawa quickly followed, pulling his turquoise white jersey with the number two over his head to show his well-toned upper body. But your hands were still shaking. Suddenly you were pulled along from behind. That someone turned out to be Oikawa, who sat down on a bench and positioned you with your back against his chest.
Hanamaki, who now crouched down in front of you, slowly took off your shoes and training pants, while Oikawa attacked your neck from behind. Unnoticed, you tilted your neck to give it more space. a slight giggle came from his mouth because he knew he had you. Your legs have now been spread apart after your underpants were also taken off. "Oh, already that wet arent you kitten?" Makki grinned with a knowing grin. The other two men had completely undressed in the meantime and were watching this happen while they lazily stroked their cocks up and down.
Makki's finger crossed your lips, which you feel a slight gasp. But Oikawa noticed it and raised his voice. "Oh our lil cutie, so excited for our cocks aren't you?" Your head shook, but the grip on your chest gave you a jerk. Makki lifted your legs to put them on his shoulders. THAT he was with his face right in front of you. You felt his hot breath against your core. And even though you were totally against this one, your hands ran through Makki's strawberry cake colored hair to get him to finally do something. and he knew what you wanted and started to work your cunt. His tongue wandered everywhere. He practically ate you up. But it was a wonderful feeling as Oikawa's hands wandered over your whole body. Little whimpering could no longer be suppressed. Oikawa's hand wandered until he put it around your neck to squeeze lightly, until he then slipped two of his fingers into your mouth and whispered softly in your ear, "Suck" and as obdiently as you were, you did it, which gave you a simple "Good Girl", but those simple words wandered down into your core, where Makki was just still eating until he looked up at some point, chin smeared, and an amused grin on his face. Oikawa's fingers now slid down to play with your cock lips until they sank into you with a jerk. To your despair you had to groan. It was useless, you should enjoy it. And this change probably all noticed, because your grin grew now. Oikawa's pace grew faster and more hectic until you were just a groaning bunch. And just as your walls spasmed uncontrollably around his fingers and your climax was approaching, until his fingers stopped and slipped out of you.
"O-Oi-Oikawa please" you whimpered. But he just giggled. "Its Tooru my lil bunny. But be a good girl and suck my fingers clean." And so you did. Your tongue swirled around his digits, until all was nice and clean. He got up slowly to get you on your feet, but the only shivering. As soon as you were on your feet you threatened to fall over, but Matsukawa caught you directly to lead you two to the ground. He leaned against a wall while positioning you on his thigh with his hands on your hips. The pressure against your cunt was so good that you couldn't stop grind slowly against his thigh. But you couldn't do it for long, because he held you tight with his iron grip. ,,issei! Please"
" I have something much better, kitten "With that he lifted you to slide you on his not exactly small penis in one go. Damn, not only its length was too much, from the middle it got thicker and thicker, and you didn't think you could manage everything, your hands were already pressing against his chest until you finally got to the base of his cocks. A loud sigh escaped you. But before you could even open your eyes again, he lifted you up again to lead you back down in a train.
And with that this knot of pleasure tore and your climax came with a jolt. Your eyes rolled backwards, a scream left your mouth, your body ran out of strength, and your head rested on Matssun's shoulder. But he was just getting started. He took your buttocks and now moved his hips with incredible speed. "I-Issei- I can't take it anymore please" you whined. "Oh come on, one more baby." And suddenly you felt a second figure appear behind you. Your head turned wearily to look at Makki's face. He positioned himself under your second hole. "Please no more no-" "Aw come on, bunny your gonna feel amazing, just relax alright?" And very slowly you felt how he was advancing, slower than Matssun, but the pain was there anyway. To be completely filled was a strange feeling, but it was still exciting in a way. This time at a slow pace they moved the two in and out. You felt the two next to each other, separated from just one wall. The knot grew again. Completely blown away in ecstasy, you did not notice how someone was standing next to you three until your hand, which until then was still on Issei's shoulder, was placed around a cock. It was the brown-haired wing spiker iwaizumi with a small grin around the corner of his mouth. "Don't mind helping me a little my dear?" Your senses were completely gone, but you tried to drive up and down with slow movements. Swear words and moans escaped him again and again. You looked at him, his lust contorted face, until your face was turned with one hand to the other side. Oikawa looked down at you, and you knew exactly what he wanted. In one go you took him up to your throat. But it wasn't enough, it was still a few centimeters You wanted to take your head back again and start a new attempt, but your head was held tight by Oikawa. While Matssun and Makki kept going out and in, and their thrusts became more and more targeted, you had to choke Oikawa's length. He tried to push the last few centimeters in.
"Come on baby, you can do it. Yeah just like that, FUCK!" his head leaned back while his hands were still in your - now - totally confused hair. ,, Youre doing so fine bunny, next time we will destroy Karasuno a second time, a-and fuck, and next time you should come on time. Alright? "The question was hypothetical because your mouth was still around his cock. Another hard nudge from Makki tightened your throat and Oikawa howled loudly.
" Fuck do that again. " And so you did, because you didnt want to make him angry, not in that position that your in right now. Your head was finally let go. The spit ran from your mouth down to your chin to your bust. "You look so beautiful, our lil cumslut." Matssun growled, while he used a harder and faster pace with Makki. They came closer and closer to their climax, because you felt them twitching inside you. And you too came closer and closer The pressure that Matssun now put on your clit almost bursts your knot. Only a small piece was missing. "Plea-Please, I-Issei, Makki, I wanna cum please!" Did you cry now? You will regret it in retrospect, but you didn't care about anything at the moment, because the climax was within reach. Makki came first, and sank his seeds in a hard thrust in you, and waited a while until he was sure that every mililiter was in you. Now Matssun could lift you up slightly to hammer into you. The knot burst, the tears just ran from your eyes. "Too much, too much" you mumbled, due to the overstimulation. After a short time Issei came deep inside you and also made sure not to waste a mililiter. After Issei pulled herself out of you, you felt so empty. It was embarrassing, what would Dachi Kyooko or even suga say? They would cast you out. You are sleeping here with four of their arch enemies. Especially one of them, they probably all hated. You had never told them what you and Oikawa were too embarrassed about you the whole thing. And now see where you have landed. While you were not only crying from the overstimulation on the cold floor of the locker room and the cum of the two men just ran out of you, two strong arms lifted you up. But he just picked you up while he whispered in your ear: "Oh one round baby, you cant let us two all high and dry hmm?" And with that you were put on Oikawa who looked at you with a big grin. " Please, I cant tak it anymore guys.
But the two ignored your protests and penetrated you at the same time.
"Oh you can, and you will." Oikawa said while he slipped into you. Your whimper could be heard outside but there was definitely nobody there, the games are over and everyone is gone.
Your hands pressed against Oikawa's chest as you continued to protest. "Oika-" But you didn't get far because he muted you with a hard thrust.
"Call me right princess."
"Tooru, please."
,, Good girl, your so brave. come on we make it fast hmm? "
And that's where real hell began. The two went in and out alternately. Building the third orgasm was bad. You felt everything. Every vein of its length penetrating your walls. While you were wondering where they got all their power from, Oikawa pulled you down to share a lovely, almost beautiful kiss with you, but you knew what was behind this facade. The devil himself, with three helpers by his side. his tongue rammed into your mouth and quickly got the more dominant one.
When Iwaizumi also marked your neck, you had to groan again. The grip of iwaizumi on your hip got tighter, and you are sure that it would leave its mark tomorrow. After they both broke up, their pace picked up again. However, when Oikawa briefly repositioned himself a little, he hit exactly this point with the next hit, the point that got you around every time, and made you see stars. Of course, Oikawa noticed this immediately and rammed into it with all his strength.
a loud fuck escaped you while you felt the two getting closer and closer. Their lengths twitched in you. Your climax was probably not far away either, but you weren't really excited about it. He will rob your last strength that was left to you. "Fuck your so tight-" Oikawa hissed now, until you felt the final snap and the load he send inside of you.
And right after Iwas fast snap of his hips your knot of lust loosened and pelted down on you twisted, your strength that somehow left you on top went from you and with that you hit oikawa's shoulder. Your arms and legs were shaking, and you only felt Iwa pulling out of you. He must have come too. Your senses are like Blown away, you only felt the cold ground below you after Oikawa got up. You should also walk slowly, you didn't want to be around this monster any more, but your legs were shaking, so you read yourself on the bench fall, cum slowely dripping out of you. ,, Princess get these on, you don't want our gift to be lost. " He threw your underpants at you, but you'd rather wash yourself. He noticed your reluctance and raised his voice. ,,Now" With trembling hands you put on all your clothes, but Oikawa didn't throw you your top but his white turquoise jersey with the number 1.
,, uhm, Tooru, you gave me your top. "
He just laughed. ,, Of course honey, everybody should see who you belong to. Since you knew that there would be no point in protesting, you put on the slightly too large jersey.
"Oh you look adoreable!" But you just felt how all the cum flowed out of you. He put an arm around you to leave the lockeroom with you. The others are probably already before. But when you got closer to your team , they looked angrily at the one standing next to you, then at the all-too-familiar top what you were wearing.
,,Sorry people i spilled water on my top and then slipped. Luckily Oi- "you noticed the slight pressure on your hip, a sign." Tooru there. " you looked up at him with your eyes until he spoke.
"Oh yeah, your little manager chan is very clumsy, better take care of her." As he turned to leave, he whispered in your ear without anyone seeing, "Next time, you will come twice as much princess . We will not lose. " And with that he disappeared, leaving you alone with the team, while thousands of thoughts buzzed through your head about how you could escape him.
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