#I’m in the band Disney xd
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internetaddict104 · 1 year ago
Guys I’m about to finally finish I’m In The Band after 13 fucking years 😭
I missed the finale when it premiered and Disney erased the show from existence almost immediately after so I haven’t been able to find it anywhere (and I’m not paying for it on iTunes).
But then I accidentally stumbled across a site that had the entire show for free so I’ve been rewatching it slowly over the last 2 weeks and I’m finally at the finale I’m gonna cry I’ve spent the majority of my life (I’m 25) trying to find this show to finish it and now I’m finally able to, though I am lowkey sad I’m finally finishing it too.
But since it got canceled abruptly the finale isn’t technically the finale since it doesn’t wrap anything up and the show itself sort of existed in a vacuum (like SpongeBob) where you could watch it in any order (barring the pilot) and you wouldn’t be lost or lose any story arcs (although I guess it’s a little more episodic in s2 since they get the record deal in ep4 but it’s not that bad) so I can just put on an older episode and it’s like nothing happened 😂
I know like literally no one on here even knows what I’m talking about or what the fuck this show is but just know I am still obsessed with it and have been since 2009 and I’m sure but I needed to get this out bc no one I actually know irl cares but at least on here I can pretend 😂
But also like if there is actually someone here who knows about this show/likes this show and wants to talk about it my dms and inbox are wide open plz talk to me about it idc I am here I am ready I am willing 👍
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mgarmagedon · 11 months ago
Childhood TV shows? (cartoons, disney/nick sitcoms, etc.)
Long story short, I didn't have any friends in my childhood and usually I was bullied physically and mentally at elementary school so yeee- That is why I spend 50% of the time in my home looking non stop at the TV screen and watching whatever i found (rest of the time i was playing with my littlest pet shops and monster high dolls making cults, apocalypse, and cities. I LOVED making city for my pet shops and rule them all >:D)
So I will tell about the most important ones for me, because this post would never end if I start talking about EVERYTHING (and won't talk about movies, because it's about what children channels was showing.)
In my kindergarten era my favorite cartoons was mainly on one channel BBC for kids. It was my gold, everything i needed after long day in kindergarten where children were beating shit out of me. And lately I rewatched Numberjacks, Charlie and Lola (funfact my 20y/o dog is named after her older bro XDD), Big coock and Little cook, Teletubbies, The Koala Brothers, etc. (i watched everything what was showned at that time on BBC) This shithead from Numberjack still makes me scared.
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He is a demon from my past.
But my parents because they doesn't gave a shit what i was watching my top 1 kindergarden cartoon was original Ben 10 and Lady Gaga music videos (And I'm not even fucking kidding, my family has videos that i could sit for an hours and just watch poker face over and over again.)
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And i also rewatched it lately and found out that most of the talking roles are shared between Ratchet and Optimus polish VAs (Jarosław Boberek and Dariusz Odija)
Later we got more channels on our old TV so I started watching channels like Nick, Disney channel and Disney XD (we had cartoon network, etc. before so yeah). And for that time Hannah Montana was perfect for me i truly love it. I loved this show. The same with ICarly (fuck Dan Schneider, fuck paramount and nick that was hiding him and other p3does for years, they are acting like disney but worse) BUT there were also sitcoms for boys, and if you know me I LOVE MEDIA FOR TEEN BOYS. After Hannah Montana stopped showing up, I really felt in love in I’m in the Band, Zeke and Luther, Kickin’ It, ESPACIALLY Crash & Bernstein, because it was mupped show but cooler for me at the time XD
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More ppl should know about it XD
And after it my golden era begin, because we got even more channels and I could watch for first time show that will change my life forever, thanks to this show I'm with you guys rn and start to draw:
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My first ever episode of lego ninjago was the episode where 1ep of 3 season, and it got me so hard XDD and at the time I cried me when I was 10 I cried like little baby when Zane died and was this show-don't-tell ending with Pixal. It was everything I needed... and it made me nerd also XDDD At the time i start to watching Teletoon+ like crazy!!! I watched MLP there and LPS too! And I'm so pissed of on myself, because TFP was shown there to but I didin't want to watched, because since i was youngling I hated Bayverse and was scared of their faces, so fuck you Micheal Bay, I almost missed the best TF show ever because of you :))
But also worth to talk about is The Amazing world of Gumball, oh boy I love it the same as Lego Ninjago and Nexo Knights!!! It was spiderman universum for me, when i was young, I watched since it premiered to the very end and even as a young teen I appreciated the animation and creativity that Gumball was showing us. Since today I think that animation and ideas are just pure genius and I can not even tell one thing bad about it like about Total Drama (1-3 season lives rent free in my head still, that is why I'm danganronpa fan) XDD
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And now we are getting to second most necessary canon even in my life. The March 16th of 2015 first episode of polish Transformers robots in disguise was showed and it was fun for me! Fun enough that I recommended it to my friend that I created this au with, and she told me that it was cool too! And then years has passed and in 2022 she rewatched because she was bored and discovered Transformers Prime, she was so amazed of it that she begged me for MOUNTH to watch it! And guess how she convinced me to watch it??? XD she showed me that one ep that Starscream was running with KO, because zombie Silas was hunting them XDD (I'm spoiler proof, so I wasn't angry that she showed me ep from 3 season). AAAAnd that is how it started and that is why I'm with you rn and drawing transformers stuff for more than 2 years
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So Rid15 literally get me into this awesome fandom!!!
And then I started using internet to the state, that I stopped watching TV at all so yeah... (i mean i was using internet since 2010 when I was 6, and using school computer to play dress up games, but yk what i mean) AND ofc there was much much much more cartoons and shows i watched BUT like I told you there is too much of it XDD
As a funfact my sister forced me to watch naruto and sailor moon in very young age, so I never watched fully and to the age of 13, because of her I HATED anime XDDD
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lanistas · 11 months ago
8, 25, 44 and 48 for the song ask:)
Thank you for asking ♥
8. A song you loved when you were a little kid
I loved (and still love) Colours of the Wind from Disney's Pocahontas. I used to sing it in the shower all the time!
25. A song that you listened to ironically, but now you genuinely love
Severely by F.T. Island. It all started as a joke... but y'all... I don't think it's a joke anymore ahaha.
44. A song from your favorite musical
Oooooh, this is just cruel, because how am I supposed to pick only ONE favourite musical when I adore so many musicals?? xD I’m going to cheat here, I’m sorry, because I have to pick two songs at least – one from my favourite European musical, and one from an American one. So:
Wenn ich dein Spiegel wär from Elisabeth (do I cry every single time that I listen to this song, because the music, and the lyrics, and aaaah… yes. Yes, I do).
Something Different from The Band’s Visit (this song makes me feel so many things at once).
48. A song that you can’t help but sing along
We Don't Talk About Bruno from Encanto. My friends and I sing it all the time :D
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sidecharactersdomatter · 1 year ago
Thoughts I had during TGCF S1 Ep 7
-Previously on TGCF…
-Xie Lian: I didn’t mean San Lang. Ruoye: Really? Ok! *lets go of him* (Sorry I just love coming up with dialogue for Ruoye, and you’ll see more of this later in Season 2!)
-Oooh the sudden chirping during the Sandstorm music, sounded similar to the noise Gale makes in Frozen 2
-He got him!
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is shorter than San Lang people! 
-It’s like they’re fondly embracing each other…
-Don’t be sorry Xie Lian, you’re doing amazing sweetie
-Hi Fu Yao and Nan Feng!  XD
-Xie Lian: Listen better!  You’re a bad band!  Ruoye: Sorry…
-Time to wrap up this rescue!  Pun count: 7
-There’s that wind chirping noise again
-I’ve heard of a close knit unit but this is just insane!  Eyyy (I’ve been waiting to use this one in another of my fave S1 episodes). Pun count: 8
-He doesn’t have any other options Nan Feng
-A cliff!
-Well it’s good to keep everyone together
-Is that Rock Plateau also similar to the Si Won Rock the Gaang found in the same desert episode? (Another good reference, and I hope there aren’t any buzzard wasps/circle birds and weird gross cave honey)
-I wonder who’s watching out for them anyway?
-Oooh a light spell from The Owl House (It’s official, TGCF has been helping me cope with the end of The Owl House people)
-I love NF and FY’s banter so much
-Aw he was concerned for Xie Lian
-Yeah how does he know so much about the perceptors?
-Oh really…
-It is really dark
-Well that ain’t great
-There’s so many people
-There’s pissed off Nan Feng
-I almost the uncle’s name was Jeong (like Jeong Jeong from the avatar) but it’s actually Jiang
-Diplomacy wins again
-Oooh now San Lang’s skeptic
-Why does the Guide Zhao also have red eyeliner?
-Man the only kid in the caravan
-The Sandstorm hasn’t let up
-He sat on a tombstone!
-The writings in Hanzi and not Arabic
-So savage Fu Yao
-I’m learning Mandarin and even I don’t know what it says
-They’re reading together folks
-And now Tian Sheng’s curious too
-The soldiers look similar to the army in Disney’s Mulan
-Yes that is so complicated right now
-Ooooohhh That poor poor general
-Fu Yao has experience of being on the battlefield
-Aww Tian Sheng
-Tripping on your shoe laces is not how anyone would want to go out oooohhh
-Yep it’s just comical picturing that final moment
-And then they all bow to it to respect the general it’s both funny and endearing!
Yep still can’t read it
-San Lang totally said that to trick them
-Oh and the way Xie Lian called San Lang a ‘Prankster’ *Fangirls like crazy!*
-He caught the tail fwoo!
-That’s an animal that would totally fit in the Last Airbender world (I wasn’t kidding when I said this is for the Adult Last Airbender fans)
-San Lang using the cobra as a jump rope has added at least 10 years or more to my lifespan!  XD
-Thank you Fu Yao and Nan Feng
-The Sandstorm is over
-No the kind merchant uncle!!!
-He got stung!
-Oooh that’s how you stop the venom from spreading
-Oh no and 4’s an unlucky number in China
-That’s good reason alright
-No telepathic communication out in the desert
-Oh no another cobra!
-He saved San Lang!
-Oh no now Xie Lian got stung!
-Oooh San Lang ordered Ruoye to become a bandage
-(Another spell that inspires my TOH AU, including the venom sucking for healing magic!)
-He is sucking the venom out like a G!  Get yourself a man like San Lang people!
-This moment between XL and SL is so freaking sincere
-I could do an essay on why Hualian is the superior ship than Stolitz is right now, but I might end up pissing off fans that watch and defend HB’s problems, so it’ll never happen
-Xie Lian’s so brave during the venom sucking
-You know we’re all thinking what Xie Lian’s thinking about how he’s going to clean San Lang’s bloodied lips (I’ll let you share your answers in the comment section)
-And San Lang makes the snake explode like a boss
-Aw Tian Sheng’s concerned
-He’s so selfless
-And Fu Yao’s stuck with merchant sitting
-Oooh a travel montage
-Really lovely desert travel music!
-And then Fu Yao gets pissed off while the merchants sneak away!  XD
-They made it to the ruins
-Yeah he does know an awful lot
-It’s those women again
-Oooh foreshadowing with that banter
-Uh oh the woman in the black cloak spotted them
-Another cliffhanger people
I know episode 6 in Season 2 came out today, but I’m finishing my reaction compilation of Season 1 before I get to the next season ok?
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spacewarriorsam · 5 months ago
I’m in the Band from Disney XD’s old days was something else.
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baptaincarnacles · 3 years ago
Music Headcanons
Barnacles: It’s canon he listens to Nicki Minaj (imagining someone like Barnacles listening to songs like “Anaconda” is so strange XD), but I feel he also listens to Fin Argus, and at times, Poor Man’s Poison. Oh, and he probably listens to Megan Thee Stallion songs, just saying. He also enjoys the musical Little Shop of Horrors (the song “Feed Me (Git it!)”) Kwazzi: Sea Shanties, and maybe some of the songs made by Miracleofsound (on YouTube). I also feel like he’d listen to vocal covers of most viking songs, more specifically, covers and songs by Peyton Parrish. But, when they’re not listening to that, it’s likely songs by Disturbed and Starkid musicals.
Peso: Mainly Spanish songs that he had grown up with (listened to Despacito once and died inside). I would also say he listens to generic pop songs, maybe older Justin Bieber songs- not for the lyrics, just to listen to the background music. And he probably likes songs that have xylophone solos.
Shellington: The Crane Wives all the way (loves the instrumentals and their voices), he also enjoys bands like Gang of Youths, and creators like J. Maya, and Gareth Fernandez. But, he also enjoys songs from some musicals (including 1776; The New Musical [his favorite being “He Plays the Violin”]).
Dashi: Also listens to Nicki Minaj (mainly with Barnacles). She also listens to Lizzo (Truth Hurts and About Damn Time is some of her favorites), Adelle (solely because of the memes), and Cody Fry (she enjoys the orchestra compositions of most their songs). But they also enjoy songs from Adventure Time and Steven Universe.
Inkling: Classical all the way. He is a very novelty person, so I can see him being fond of Mozart, Beethoven, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (composer of Swan Lake), Bach, and Chopin.
Tweak: She loves heavy metal bands. She prefers Five Finger Death Punch, Korn, and Pantera. And maybe some other rock bands like AC/DC (Hell’s Bells, Back in Black, and Thunderstruck), Disturbed, and Skillet. She also likes older country songs (probably Josh Turner and Luke Bryan). Oh! And Taylor Swift.
Vegimals: They don’t have preferred bands, they like A cappella.
Calico Jack: Sea Shanties that he made up and sang to himself (literally forgets now that he can’t look them up because he made them).
Ranger Marsh: Country. Like along the lines of old country classics, but he also listens to Pantera, Guns N’ Roses, Metallica, and AC/DC (and he had introduced Tweak to the bands when she was little). He enjoys Poor Man’s Poison (after Barnacles introduced the band to him).
Paani: He loves Minecraft Music (in the game and fan-made parodies/original songs). His favorite disc in-game is Otherside, his favorite Minecraft song artist is Captain Sparkles (though a close second would be SlamACow), his favorite song by Captain Sparkles is Take Back the Night. Oh- and he likes Animaniacs songs.
Ryla: Not a huge music fan, prefers to listen to natural ambience (rain, birds, and wind). 
Min: Cavetown songs are some of her favorites, as well as mxmtoon. Softer songs with nice background music. She may also like The Crane Wives (she’ll listen to them when hanging out with Shellington). 
Natquik: Classical. Songs that have vocal points distract him a lot, and he can’t really get much done. He enjoys songs from Beethoven, Debussy, and Vivaldi.
Tracker: Whatever is playing on the radio. They have no music taste whatsoever, but they have memorized various generic pop songs that are played on the radio.
Pearl: She likes songs from Disney Movies, and songs like: “Tamino” by Persephone. “Touch The Sky” from Disney’s Merida is her favorite (she relates to it a lot).
-Junior Agents-
Pinto: Cocomelon songs, Justin Bieber, and One Direction.
Koshi: She likes songs from PIxar and Disney (she prefers songs from Frozen). She also enjoys detective medleys (Detective Sisters and Shellington).
I know a lot of random bands/composers and I’m only now realizing it.
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shadowsong26x · 2 years ago
So, back...like...10-12 years ago, I put together a fanmix (do we still call them that lol) for S3 of BSG. I had plans to do similar mixes for the other seasons (one song per episode, plus an overall/summary/opening song), but never got around to it.
Anyway, I was reloading my iPod for the first time in like...four years lol...and Days Upon Our Knees (the mix in question) was one of the things I added, and I was listening to it in the car.
And I was Pleasantly Surprised to see how well it holds up??? Even without tracking down my notes/rationale, almost every song at least Makes Sense (even if there are probably better choices I could have made/could make now). A couple of them are just ::chefskiss: perfect (As Long As You’re Mine for Unfinished Business; I legit do not think I could pick a better song for that episode lol). The only ones that I’m like “...where was I going with this” were Torn and A Measure of Salvation frankly I’m not 100% sure where the writers were going with that either but maybe I’ll figure it out when I rewatch those episodes this weekend
Full track list is behind the cut because I’m pleased with myself and feel like sharing XD (with links to the songs on YouTube because Why Not)
1/overall/summary: Days Upon Our Knees (International Victim)
2/occupation: Trommeln in der Stadt (Der Glockner von Notre Dame) [yes, this is in fact a full broadway-style adaptation of disney’s hunchback of notre dame, in german; it was the first version, premiered in 1999 in berlin. i like it much better than when it was translated back into english and got Weird. title translates to ‘drums in the city’; the english version was i think ‘city under siege’?]
3/precipice: March of Cambreadth (Alexander James Adams) [i don’t really have any complaints about my choices for the new caprica arc lol]
4/exodus 1: What Have You Done Now (Within Temptation) [i’m 95% sure i was mostly thinking of saul and ellen when i picked this one]
5/exodus 2: Into the Fire (The Scarlet Pimpernel) [see note on march of cambreadth]
6/collaborators: Sweet Sacrifice (Evanescence) [i think i could do better here, probably, but it does work]
7/torn: The Show Must Go On (Moulin Rouge!) [...yeah i got nothing]
8/a measure of salvation: His Hymn (Drew Sarich) [i try not to repeat artists on these things, and teeeeeechnically i did; since international victim was drew sarich’s band for a while. also, i’ve developed much stronger associations with a different fandom for this song (which i adore) which might be contributing to the ‘...huh?’ befuddlement i’m feeling now lol ETA: i feel like i might have considered this for collaborators if only because it does work as a gaeta song for the second half of the series, particularly post-demetrius...i think if i was doing these now, i’d replace this and try to work it into the s4 mix for that reason.]
9/hero: I Can’t Decide (Scissor Sisters) [this is kind of a weird episode, and i don’t super remember it? but i don’t remember this song not fitting...guess i’ll find out when i get here in my rewatch!]
10/unfinished business: As Long As You’re Mine (Wicked) [IT’S PERFECT OKAY I REGRET NOTHING]
11/passage: The Prayer (Quest for Camelot) [i think i know what i was going for here, and i can’t say it doesn’t fit, but i think i could do better]
12/the eye of jupiter: Confutatis (Mozart Requiem) [this was partly vibes, partly i thought the translation worked; i still like it even if maybe there were better choices]
13/rapture: O Magnum Mysterium (Tomas Luis Victoria) [this is 1000000000% vibes, lol. it’s technically a christmas song, but it just Sounds Right]
14/taking a break from all your worries: Break Me Shake Me (Savage Garden) [so i think this would’ve worked better on a baltar/six mix rather than here, but it Does fit. and i’m not sure what would work better, unless i picked something more aligned with the Quadrangle of Why half of the episode which. no. why the hell would i do that.]
15/the woman king: Man of La Mancha (Man of La Mancha/Linda Eder cover) [so, basically, the goal here was to pick a helo song. and i think ‘impossible dream’ is a better fit for him, but i think this one fits the episode a little better and also i really love this cover. almost as much as i hate this episode lol]
16/a day in the life: I’ll Be Seeing You (Frank Sinatra) [i’m pretty sure i hesitated on this one because i also used (a different version/cover of) it on a baltar/six mix (because Come On), but also...i’m not sure i could find a better fit for this weird, weird episode. (i don’t dislike it, exactly, but it feels...out of place? tonally, i mean. and not in a Relevant Way like TMUTMD does, but i suppose i’ll get into that when i get to the back half of this season in my rewatch notes lol)]
17/dirty hands: Do You Hear the People Sing (Les Mis) [i think this is a good fit for this episode. there’s probably a better (or at least more specifically relevant) one out there, but i think i’d have to Actively Look, if that makes sense? also, apparently a not-insignificant part of the fanbase actively dislikes this episode??? which...i don’t really...get? like...do people dislike chief? i know it’s not one of bill’s shining moments but at the same time...]
18/maelstrom: Storm Front (Billy Joel) [okay this one i took way too literally lol. i could probably do better here but this one doesn’t not fit]
19/the son also rises: Razzle Dazzle (Chicago) [again. perfect. no regrets. XD]
20/crossroads 1: Comfort and Joy (Bat Boy: The Musical) [i could have taken this one more seriously, lol. but i like this song and it does work so i stand by my decision XD]
21/crossroads 2: All Along the Watchtower (Bear McCreary) [yeah i had to]
((i also transferred the baltar/six mix (apart from one song that i know i’d replace; i even know what i’d replace it with lol) and a cylon pairing mix, both made around the same time; i might do the same thing with them after i play through them properly XD))
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thatonechickkaratekid · 3 years ago
This might only make sense to a niche group of people, but Gareth Emerson gives me very much Tripp Campbell from Disney XD’s I’m In The Band vibes
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ongakurubydisc · 2 years ago
Alright, everybody!! 
I think I’ve figured out who Mabel and Dippers’ parents are!!!
And yes, I’m talking about Gravity Falls.
I beat MatPat to this one! 
So, I believe that it’s Star and Marco from Star vs the Forces of Evil.
And there are a lot of things you guys know are blocking this theory, but cast all of them aside for now, and lets look at the facts.
As we all know from the many crossovers, Disney XD animated shows are all connected. I call this the “XD” theory.
And, It’s obvious magic still exists as you can see at the finale of Star vs the Forces of Evil, when Star and Marco accidentally open a giant wormhole that combines all the dimensions together, which would explain the monsters and magic we see in Gravity Falls.
There is also a VERRRRYY distinct thing we see in that scene.
Marco gets some moon markings on his cheeks, similar to Star’s.
AND similar to the little BLUSHES on Mabel’s CHEEKS!
And Mabel being Boy-Crazy?? That’s her Mewberty. And, similarly, she traps the Boy Band just like Star traps all the boys in the school.
And there’s also Dipper’s “Birth mark.” I think it’s actually a symbol of extreme power.
“But Ongaku,” you say, “wouldn’t that mean they are the heirs to the Mewman throne??”
That’s why Bill wants to see into their minds and/or kill them. They aren’t just the only ones who can stop him, they may know where the wand is, and he doesn’t want them getting it.
This would also fit the reoccurring theme of, “People from another universe trying to gain power.”
But, as a new theory boils from the depths of hell, it must end someday!
Thx for reading!!
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internetaddict104 · 1 year ago
Guys I found a website that actually has the entire series of I’m In The Band I’ve been bingeing it for the last week over and over I almost cried when I found it I’ve been looking for this lost gem of a show for years I’m so happy I finally found it 😭😂
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torisprlng · 3 years ago
Question tag game 🌼
I was tagged by @becauseofthebowties! Thank u so much! 🥰
Name: pris
Star Sign: virgo
Height: 5 ft. 😵‍💫
Time: around 9:00 pm
Birthday: sept 10
Favorite bands/artists: bts 💜
Last Movie: just watched captain marvel on tnt 😅
Last Show: gravity falls (it’s on disney xd right now)
When did I create this blog: i think sept 2015
What I post: multifandom & whatever interests me
Last Thing I Googled: a6 softcover journal (i’m trying to get more organized lolz)
Other blogs: sideblogs related to spn
Do I get asks: rarely but that’s ok 😄
Following: 271 (i’ve been slowly following more blogs cuz it seems ppl are leaving)
Average hours of sleep: around 4-5 hrs 😴
Instruments: used to play the clarinet & took piano lessons but i was terrible 🙈
What I’m wearing: pjs (captain america tee & boxers)
Dream job: i wish i could be a paid professional tourist so i could travel!
Dream trip: japan is on my bucket list
Nationality: korean-american
Favorite songs: right now it’s left & right
Last book I’ve read: i don’t have time to read except for fanfics before bed but i did finally read vol 1 & 2 of heartstopper
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: the ones i can think of seems scary cuz there’s no way in hell i’d survive (stranger things, marvel/mcu, spn).
I’d like to tag but of course feel free to ignore: @ta0xu @ortegaserica @daenerys-targaryen @petersparkerr @anpanmann
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duncans-idahoe · 2 years ago
Things I’ve said in Real life that keep me up at night and context because I need to get it off my chest and (hopefully) get some rest
Fellow student: “You have really pretty eyes”
Me: “Thanks it’s a mutation”
- I was 13, it was band practice, and I had recently learned that blue and green eyes are mutations 😭😭 why the fuck would I say that to someone ��
(This next one deals me more psychic damage than imaginable)
Me: Hey Luther, where’s Zeke!
-I was 11 or 12, I wanted to make friends with the new skater kid, and I had been watching the Disney XD show Zeke and Luther… please send help I’m withering away WHY WOULD I THINK THATS OKAY
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mikauzoran · 3 years ago
Mikau Doodles Teapots
So, for those of you who care about (or don’t mind reading about) my art journey, I accidentally signed up for a drawing class at my college. ^.^; I start next week. Wish me luck!
In the meantime, I’m doing still life drawings...mostly of teapots. XD Below are my sketches from the past week.
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On Friday, I did the watermelon. It was harder than expected. ^.^; I don’t know why I always thought that the stripes on watermelons were horizonal bands of even thickness. Looking at an actual watermelon, the lines are all irregular and kind of look like an audio file. Like, when you’re doing a sound recording and it suddenly gets loud, so the soundwave lines get all thick and jagged. That’s what a real watermelon looks like. I think I did a decent job. I had fun using different pencils for shading.
On Sunday, I did three copies of my Chinese painting teapot (the tiny doodle at the bottom left, the bigger drawing directly above that, and the sketch at the top left). I think the tiny one that I did first was the best. ^.^; For the one directly above it that I did second, I tried using construction shapes to form the body of the teapot before I went in and rounded the edges and filled in the details. I ran out of room on the edge of the page, and it just didn’t turn out well. The one at the top left I did freehand, and it’s so-so.
I also did another teapot on Sunday. (Bottom center.) It turned out okay. It’s my see-through teapot that I’ve posted about before. (In late 2019, I think?) I like that teapot because it’s cool to see the tea brewing. My art museum did a small exhibit about Bauhaus art, and there was a glass teapot in the exhibit, and I thought, “I must have this in my life”.
I feel like I had a breakthrough on Tuesday. I drew the teapot in the center of the page, and I am insanely proud of it. Like, I magically gained the ability to draw teapots. I am so, so happy with it! (As you can probably tell from the Mickey Mouse ears on the lid, it’s a Disney teapot. It’s my mum’s, and it’s purely for decoration. She’d flip if I tried to make tea in it because I would stain it. My mum is really into having objects purely for looks. I’m the kind of person who wants to be able to sit on the couch, use the hand towels on the rack in the bathroom, and make tea in the teapot. Apparently, I’m the crazy one because those are the “nice” things and not for everyday use.)
Last night (Wednesday), I drew my Alice teapot (top right). I didn’t get it quite right, but I’m really happy with it because it was hard. The shapes were hard, and the handle was hard, and those crenelated edges on the rim and the bottom were...you guessed it...hard. The spout is off, but I’m exceedingly pleased with the rim.
I think I’ve made some real progress this week! I’m really proud of my improvements. I’m planning on continuing to practice single object still lifes until they get a little easier and I feel more confident doing them. Then, I’m going to move on to doing still lifes with multiple objects.
I can’t wait until I can start drawing people and scenes. What I really want to be able to do is illustrations for my stories. I think that would be really cool.
As a bonus for having read all this, here’s a picture of the four teapots I drew. Yes, I know that that’s a lot of teapots. No, I will not be taking questions about how many teapots we of the Zoran household currently have at the moment. (The answer is a few more, but not a lot. We’re not crazy. XD)
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avionvadion · 4 years ago
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I finally got around to coloring the Overblot picture. XD It’s about darn time, lol. I also fixed up the girls’ character sheet... thingy. 
Previous Posts Summary: Mae and Iliana if they Overblot. Crowley performed the curse, so it’s his magic that blotted, so it only makes sense that the monster would resemble him, right? The girls end up vomiting ink every now and then to try and expel the blot from their bodies, seeing as they have no way to actually get rid of it as they’re magicless. With each death, they vomit more ink. Iliana suffers the most from this as she dies more frequently. 
Credit to @twsty-lav for having come up with the re zero au and the idea that Overblot MC would be “caged” in a sense. (I think they wrote it as an hourglass? But I’m using lanterns instead) The way I’m drawing and writing it isn’t exactly the same as their version, but it was heavily inspired by theirs.
Fingers, eyelids, and nails are all shades of blue/purple to symbolize Mae and Iliana having died in their original world, and while they can be painted over they can not be removed. The white lilies/discoloration on their skin represent what illnesses/scars they had in their previous life that was healed/fixed when pulled through the mirror when they got revived, as lilies show that the souls of the departed have received restored “innocence” after death.  
They’re literally souls given physical form in Twisted Wonderland. So while their bodies ARE warm, like normal humans, their hands are cold to the touch. They can also touch the ghosts normally without them making themselves solid.  Mae can sew, so she basically just took the boys uniforms, took over the art room and sewing machine, and made them uniforms. Their Ramshackle dorm band is obsidian and pearl. Mae is class 1-B with Jack/Epel and Iliana is 1-A with Adeuce. I imagine it’s only after the Overblot that the “Return By Death” curse is broken and the girls are actually HUMAN human again. Because... disney and friendship magic. Yayyyyyy. 
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justkeeponsimming · 4 years ago
Get to Know Me Tag
Thank you so much to @starterflowers, @bloomful-ccfinds, @gingerbeardmansim, @ashubii for tagging me in this!
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better 🎨 Favorite color: British Racing Green (hex code #004225 if we’re being specific ;) ) 📚 Currently reading: I am not currently reading anything, but plan to purchase more of the Star Wars: High Republic novels (no one is surprised! XD) 🎵 Last song you listened to: According to Spotify - Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen From Mars - Bon Jovi (great song and one of my fave bands!) 📺 Last series you watched: Star Wars: The Bad Batch on Disney Plus. Again, no one is surprised! (Hunter is my favourite, for those who weren’t wondering!)  🍬/🌶️/🧂 Sweet, spicy or savory: Savoury! I’m okay with spice, and don’t eat a lot of sweet things! :) 😋 Craving: Not to be too British, but a cheeky Nandos? ☕ Tea or coffee: I love both, but I’m not human until I’ve had coffee first thing in the morning and then tea throughout the rest of the day! ✍️ Currently working on: The Quick Legacy! I’ve tried to branch out and do other things, but let’s be real, nothing sticks as much as this legacy challenge does. Maybe one day I will try to branch out again into other challenges, but for now, I’m happy with the content I’m putting out! 
(And must get better at proofreading my posts - thank you to those who send asks about my errors and typos! 😂)
I will tag the following 9 people from my latest notifications, but please feel free to ignore if you have already done this! :) @simdertalia, @sassie-sims, @1o8percent, @xiapxls, @monets-pixels, @fataleromeo, @susen70, @sweetpyxels and @swaileeeen
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aod1098 · 2 years ago
Bring my favorite childhood show back! People must know! Remember my love!
I may be getting overdramatic.
If Disney weren’t such cowards they’d put I’m In The Band on Disney Plus
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