#I’m R&L trash
kaluwa-del-conte · 4 months
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Finally finished it!!!✨🫠❤️
Rhett and Link cyberpunk/sci-fi outfits!!!!✨🔥
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haredjarris · 8 months
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ordinary normal ebay basket
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fortunateisle · 4 months
is it so hard to find somewhere where i can be l o v e d? 🖤
someone to take my hand and actually mean it when they smile at me. like someone who wouldn’t rather be anywhere else in that moment and something about the way their eyes crease as they smile makes me so sure of that like it’s some kind of truth buried in the dirt stuck in the soles of my converse.
i promise i’ll care about you that same way in return. or i’ll try my best.
maybe what i need is r e b i r t h. maybe i’m not the life destined for a blissful eternity. like maybe if i hadn’t come in here i’d be giving another version of myself a better shot at heaven.
it’s not like i’ve done anything to deserve it HERE. 💒
i guess i just thought with all the bad happening to me something g o o d had to be at the end of the tunnel, you know?
but i don’t think so.
baby birds fall out of their nests and get eaten and run over and stuff all the time. and i don’t think they deserve that, if they’ve only been alive for a few days or something. sometimes the world is just s h i t 💔
or maybe there’s just something about me something wrong like, i’m not stupid. i know i wasn’t, like, popular in school. but it was fine. i wasn’t bullied either. just kinda ignored, i guess.
but i had friends online. even if they were, like, a bit inconsistent. they got tired of me too, after a while. but by the time they did, i would’ve already found the next one.
you don’t really run out of people when you’re online. and you control what they see, from the moment you meet them. 🖤
like i don’t really know what my classmates in real life saw like maybe i had really bad b.o. or never closed my mouth when i chewed or talked way too loud in class or something
but i don’t know. i’ll never know.
i guess i do know i was annoying in other ways to my online friends annoying in ways that were harder to hide like when you fill up something glass with something too hot too fast and it just shatters
but online you can always try to change, right? you can always try to improve yourself for the next person. you can always mold your reality. and if you heard that kind of h e a v e n could be your f o r e v e r, wouldn’t you come in too?
spoilers: it’s not all that. and you can’t change yourself from the trash you are.
l m a o.
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call-sign-shark · 11 months
Hi Shark. I was wondering if I could be cheeky and request something from you. I was wondering if you could release a headcanon for Heaven with a list of fun facts about her (i.e. fave food, color, animal, vacation spot, book, song, drink...if she went to university what d'you think she'd study that kind of thing). She's just so interesting that I'd like to know more about her. Also, I read a fic she was mentioned in the other day and I thought you'd be interested. It was just a mention but I thought it was cool. Also, I can't wait for The woods whisper part 2. I'm on edge.
Hi sweet anon, thank you so much for your wonderful ask! As for the fic, please do send me the link. I probably have it in my reading list if the mutual has tagged me but I reckon I need to catch up with a lot of things. I've been feeling quite tired lately and I’m starting a new job as a bartender so it's quite tiring. I’m delighted you find the murderous angel interesting so here we go. 🖤
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𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝐿𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓎 𝒮𝒽𝑒𝓁𝒷𝓎 headcanons
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𝒫𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 𝐵𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈
♢ Her favorite animals are hyenas. She dreams about owning one?? She’s weird asf I know.
♢ I personally imagine her voice like the singer of Sohodolls (by the way, this song from the group is her main theme song)
♢ Surprisingly enough her favorite color is not white, but red and gold.
♢ She's multilingual and speaks: French, Russian, German, and English all fluently.
♢ She's 25 at the beginning of HYE, even if throughout her life people struggle to give her an age since she has this very woman-child aspect.
♢ Her style is quite modern for the era. When she doesn’t wear elegant and revealing dresses with gold jewels, capes or fur coats, she loves stealing one of Arthur’s shirts and tuck it in her skirt. Similarly, he had to buy a second coat ‘cause she had stolen his. Most of the time she either dresses like a goddess or a forest nymph.
♢ She loves fun fairs and circuses! When they started flirting together and meeting at church every night, Arthur sometimes brought her candied apples.
♢ She might be an enchanting singer and she might love music but she's awful at playing an instrument. She tried piano, guitar, harp, and violin but she was terrible at all of them.
♢ She has empathy issues she hides quite well. Now, I’m not saying she has 0 Empathy but she lacks of it most of the time except with Arthur or on a few occasions. It leads her to be cold and sardonic with people outside of her private circle when she doesn’t “mask”.
♢ Did someone said “lemon pie”? She’d kill for lemon pies. It’s her favorite dessert of all time.
♢ Her Birthday is the 22 January.
♢ She's fond of myths, legends, and fairy tales. If she had to pick one tale and one myth she would go for the Red Little Riding Hood and the Beast of Gevaudan. But her favorite story is Alice’s Adventures.
♢ She's a "mama bear", which means she doesn't lose her temper easily despite being gifted with an ability for extreme violence but touch her husband, kids or family and she'll go f e r a l.
♢ She talked several times with Linda at church, unknowing Heaven was already fucking her husband (and she enjoyed it). I know, that's a dick move.
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𝑀𝑜𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓃 𝒜𝒰
*most of the hc above still works for her modern!self
♢ Her favorite book is The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris.
♢ She works as an exotic pole dancer and aerial performer. Considering this, she also masters aerial hoop, silks, and Chinese pole.
♢ She is currently applying to study forensic medicine after several years of gaps.
♢ She has spent years locked up in a mental institute, in the dangerous patients ward.
♢ Her favorite food is Japanese Udon soup with gyoza and Nikuman as side dishes.
♢ She loves listening to brutal music, such as metal, hard rock, or alternative trash/bimbo music even if her playlist is actually quite varied. You can go from Rammstein and Angerfist to Britney Spears and Lana Del Rey.
♢ She smokes weed.
♢ If she had to choose a drink it would be red wine for alcohol and pumpkin spice latte for sweet. But in truth, she’s that annoying gym girl so she mostly drinks water and homemade protein smoothies. She also loves boba milk teas.
♢ She's a huge fan of horror movies and games (especially FNAF), with a fascination for cannibalism. With that being said, she organizes the best girl nights ever, especially during Halloween.
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Heaven is reader in the Arthur Shelby x you series Heaven in Your Eyes. Why don't you join the ride? We have drama, sex and gore.
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König HCs
Because why not lads. These are some of my personal ones regarding the lore I’ve put together for him. TW: untreated mental illness, childhood neglect, burn injuries, surgical trauma. Uh, some other shit, too, probably. Idfk reader beweader you’re in for a sceader.
Bro has BPD. It covers a lot of the beloved fanon interpretation of him being clingy and hot/cold and scared of being left. He’s got Fear Of Abandonment Syndrome, and he’s like 10% more likely to make a fucky wucky on himself and end up sleeping in the forever box.
Source: I have it and my baby girl only gets the best of the worst from me.
H a t e s d o c t o r s. And hospitals, and surgical procedures, and anything of the like. He’s probably already got more health issues than a blue blood racehorse just from his sheer size alone - prone to heart issues and musculoskeletal strain - but there’s no way on god’s green earth that he hasn’t been through a handful of major procedures because he’s diagnosed with human knife block and bullet sponge disorders respectively.
Sub-point A: born with a cleft palette and lip. Palette was corrected, has a turned second incisor as a result. Lip was botched. Pulled a pot of boiling sugar off a stove and burnt a big-ass portion of his face, neck, chest, and stomach. Multiple painful reconstructive and corrective surgeries to deal with keloid scarring.
Sub-point B: psychology might help OTHER people, but HE is built DIFFERENT. He’s not crazy, you see, and if you suggest otherwise you’ll suddenly develop a case of Backpfeifengesicht and he’ll provide the violence. DBT? That’s Dick and Ball Torture, babey.
Despite this, he lies through his teeth at psych evals. He knows the “right” answers, and he is not going to get his livelihood taken away from him, even if it’s not exactly what he wanted. If he’s answering for his own actions, he can swerve and intuit what thing will calm things down the most and get him the smallest punishment.
Developed most of his wheedling skills as a kid, parents were neglectful as shit. Mostly disregarded him during his upbringing. Youngest of three, an eldest sister and a brother. Not in contact with any of them.
He’s 34. I don’t know if I’ve accepted him being a Colonel into my heart as my lord and savior, I’m still figuring that one out until there’s more concrete canon material besides a loading screen.
Grew up in a hoarder house of apathy, alcoholism, and depression and it was DISGUSTING. Black mold, water damage, trash everywhere, travel lanes carved through the most useless fucking junk. His parents bred Doberman dogs to sell as guard/security dogs, and some lived in the house, adding to the filth and destruction. He can’t stand a dirty house, and as an adult has an insane cleaning routine. Often stress cleans. You could eat off his bathroom floors.
He Does Not Like Dogs. Period. He especially hates Dobermans. He doesn’t like dog breeders worth a fuck either, good or bad.
Did not have any sort of media or anything as a kid. Parents didn’t spend money on tech or pop culture stuff, they were kind of stuck 30 years behind everyone else. His parents were older when he was born, he was very unplanned and not particularly warmly welcomed. Kept himself entertained out in the boonies, did a lot of reading, learned to juggle, learned to juggle knives. Had a big brokedown half-draft horse to take the kennel dogs on longer walks in the country, horsebacked a lot.
Soon as he was in the army, away from his family home, and living on his own, he got his first cell phone and computer and pretty much started living on the internet. He’s self taught in a couple of programming languages, very tech literate, halfway kind of lives on Reddit (narrowly swerved getting redpilled, thank fuck) on his personal time, and built his own PC set up. Built one for Horangi, too, and gives Stiletto advice on her own build when she asks for it.
Bc I said so, everyone I love hates Klaus. All my homies fuckin hate Klaus.
König was raised secular Jewish, really doesn’t know all that much about it and didn’t get a bris or bar mitzvah, it’s just like Yeah That’s What I Put On Papers to him. Klaus is always getting in his shit about Austria and WW2. König’s grandparents made it out of the camps and went on to become: a microbiologist, a professor at the Austrian University of Veterinary Medicine, a multi term mayor of a small village/candy maker, and a beloved homemaker. The brilliance of the family seemed to leech out with each passing generation, and König sees himself as the dead end of it all.
König has rocked Klaus’s shit about the shitty jokes before and will do it again.
Favorite rugby club is South Africa, and he has an intense crush on Faf de Klerk even though he’s been traded to Japan. He’s kind of hot for all scrum halves tho lbr here.
Lunch break is over and this is ridiculous, will probably do more later.
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thatsrightice · 11 months
You know that audio trending a while back going “Huey, Dewey, and Louie? Nononono, their names were supposed to be Jet, Turbo, and Rebel!” And then then one of them is like “I could have been Turbo???? I coULD HAVE BEEN TURBO??!?”
That’s me. Right now. Like literally just right now when I found out we could have had a
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The US CONGRESS literally went “hey, you should totally do that like we just made that Naval Advanced Tactical Fighter (NAFT) program for you in 1988 so you should def do it.” And in order to make it more appealing, they told the Air Force to evaluate the carrier-based stealth bomber as a potential replacement for their F-111, basically saying the Navy and Air Force would share development costs in theory as both branches could employ both variants or some shit because having an aircraft be multi-role is super appealing.
So thus the NATF-22 was created and very shortly thereafter crumbled up and thrown into the trash by an Admiral Richard Dunleavy as if it were nothing because it was (and I’m using a mocking tone of voice here) too expensive.
And for the record, I see no difference in how the rest of fighter jet history played out, we ended up with a multi-role fighter just as expensive. Like don’t get me wrong, I love the F-35 and it’s quirks like it’s not its fault it was brought up in a society with so much attention on it. The media outreach and coverage in todays world is unprecedented, like no aircraft has been scrutinized or so intensely studied and watched before her.
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I imagine this program would have been Iceman’s BABY. He may not have been nearly high enough up in the chain at the time to have any knowledge of it let alone say in the matter, but you just know that when he found out what they could have had he was DEVASTATED. Full on, “WE COULD HAVE HAD A TOMCAT?!?!” moment right there. He mourned. He was inconsolable he straight up mourned his Rapcat. Or is it Tomtor?
And when the F-35 program rolled around you know he ain’t letting that happen again, with or without swept wings. He’s getting his F-35C.
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amirealanyways · 1 month
Are you sorry?
Just a random short story I made, don’t know if I should finish it! Please tell me what you guys think.
TW: PTSD, break in, implied death/murder, idk what else !
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“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” My mother asks in her strong Latino accent, looking at me through the kitchen as I eat my breakfast.
“Yes mom, I’ll be fine.” I reassure her though I don’t know if I truly will be fine.
“Okay then, but if anything happens. Call me alright?”
“Yeah, yeah; I’ll call you.”
“I don’t need ese stupid niño viniendo acá a hacerte algo! / don’t need that stupid boy coming here and doing something to you!” She rolls her eyes at the thought as she walks towards the dining room where I am.
I would chuckle if it wouldn’t get me smacked in the head.
“I’ll be fine, okay?” I reassure her again, getting up from the dining table.
“Segura? / you sure?”
“Yes. Now go on, vas a llegar tarde. / you’re going to get there late.” I grab her work bag and shove her in her arms as I hurry her towards the door.
“Te amo hija, con cuidado! / I love you daughter, be careful!”
“You too. Love you.” I say before i close the door and watch her get inside the car by the window.
I sigh in relief. Wondering if she bought the fact I’m okay. I’m not.
My head hurts and eating breakfast almost made me throw up too many times, not because the food is bad— no never would I say that. The thing is I feel full, I feel like if I eat a little more it’ll throw up, I’ll explode.
So I walk towards my breakfast, barely eaten. I threw it out without hesitation, knowing I would have to throw away the trash later anyways.
My phone buzzes and I smile as I see my best friend, Layla, text me.
L>{’how r u feeling Evie?’}
I like knowing that Lay cares about me, but this ‘are you okay’ thing that’s been happening over and over again is tiring me.
Yes I’m okay!
>{better, thanks for checking in <3’}
L>{‘Of course!! I hope you can come to school quickly, it’s getting boring w/o u! :((‘}
>{‘maybe I’ll go next week. I’ll ask my mom, I miss you too bby! :/‘}
L>{‘okie! Text me what your mom tells you, love you!’}
>{‘Love you too!’}
I stare at our texts. Will my mom really let me come back to school? Especially after all that happened? Maybe not but let’s hope she does. For lay’s and mine’s sake and friendship especially.
I walk to my room, falling down on my bed with a groan.
“God, I’m not ready to go back to school. Especially if he’s there.” I whisper to myself.
I start to doze off, I focus on the things around me. My room was cold, not as cold as that night though. I can hear the sound of my AC like background music.
I feel myself start to dream…
It's my house. I can see the bright pink tulips In Front of the big living room window, and that awful pale yellow color of the outside walls that we all hated. I glanced around just to find a white void, as our house was the only one in the neighborhood.
I walk towards my door unwillingly , I can’t feel the ground as I walk though. As I walk I realize how numb I feel. My body feels robotic, like if someone else is controlling it.
I get to the front of my house, I open the glass door just to find the bigger one behind it, I open the wood door too. Everything is as it always was, when I walk in I can finally feel my feet again, I can feel the cold feeling of the ground then the soft feeling of the carpet of my living room.
I glance towards the back wall to see the big couch that —sadly for my younger sister, Kairy, covers the big glass window to see outside; way too big T.V. We got that doesn’t let anything else fit is there too.
My feet drag me towards the hallway, even though I can feel the ground and I probably could walk away, my body still feels controlled. I pass by my middle sister’s room, and then by my bathroom.
I know the hallway is a small one, I know that. But my acknowledgment of that doesn’t change the fact I feel the hallway to last almost forever, I can’t see the end of it.
I’m finally at the end of the hallway, there’s two doors at both of my sides. To my right, it’s my parents' room; and to my left is my own room.
I wish I would’ve chosen to walk on my free will while I was in the living room. I could’ve explored my kitchen, my back yard, but I didn’t so now my feet are dragging me inside. Though the rest of my house looks the same as before, even feels the same.
My bedroom is different, I can feel the rush of cold wind hit my face as I enter through my door. Even though my floor is carpet, I can't help but feel cold and hard. My bed is still on the bed, and I can almost feel my fuzzy old pink blankets I had. My plushies are all on my bed, I remember I had to sleep with all of them or throw them on the floor just to sleep. My mother hadn’t been able to get me some kind of shelf yet.
I feel my body tense when I hear the sound of a window breaking.
When my eyes focus again, and I gain my consciousness again I feel how cold my room has gotten. The sky outside my window is unusually dark too.
“Yo nerd. You here?”
The voice brings me unusual discomfort. I look at my parents room to run towards it.
In minutes I’m already there, locking myself since it’s the only room in the house with a lock on the door. I curse under my breath as I remember I didn’t get my phone, but there’s no time for that as I hear him sing outside, searching around the house.
It’s my favorite song:
‘Dog days are over.’
“ The dog days are over. The dog days are done. The horses are running.”
My breath hitches as I hide in my parents room. His voice gets somehow louder, even though it should get quieter. It’s like he’s singing right in my head.
His tone is sweet but I know his intentions aren’t.
“… so you better run.” He continues. He starts banging on my parents door, I’m glad I locked it.
“Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father.” He sings and it's making me sick.
“Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers. Leave all your love and belonging behind. You can’t carry it with you…”
“If you want to survive.”
I can hear the door get broken by something. I’m getting sick just by thinking of what he could do to me.
“The dog days are over. The dog's days are done. Can you hear the horses?”
I move closer to one side of my parent’s small closet hoping the clothes make it harder for him to find me.
“‘Cause they’re here for you.”
With that the closet door opens, and I can’t help but close my eyes.
“Little bitch, think you can hide from me? You have a big ego to think that.”
No. No, no, no, no. I’m hidden. He can’t find me. I’m not here.
My mind is spinning but before I can think properly I can feel him picking me up and throwing me to the ground where I fall next to a hatchet, I glance up to the door.
He broke through the door with a hatchet.
“You fucking bitch. Telling the principal about me? What? That I torment you? I’m going to show your ass torment.” He threatens me and I feel frozen.
My mind is screaming for me to run, to get up and run outside.
I can hear my mind but the fear I feel as I see him pick up the hatchet next to me is far enough to make me stay frozen.
He races the hatchet up with both of his hands and all I can think about is my sisters, my mother, my father, my friends.
I can still hear that voice in the back, telling me to run. To get up and run.
‘Run. Run. Fucking run! He’s going to kill you! Why did you tell the principal! You need to run now. Run. Run, run. Run!’
But I stay still as I close my eyes.
I gasp awake, sitting up in my bed.
“Holy shit.” I murmur.
Another nightmare
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Again, please tell me what I can do to improve !!
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
Ok my beautiful people! I have a bit of a treat for you today (we’ll idk if it’s a ‘treat’ like a good thing/ like something y’all want but.. anyway).
Since I’ve been feeling incredibly guilty over not posting regularly lately (soz..life/mental health/my love of sleep) I’ve got a new kind of post for you today that I’ve kinda wanted to do for a while but didn’t really have the balls to/not sure if it’s what people want/turn out good.
So. I FINALLY found a working link to Prince at 2017 nationals! Its not on yt or vimeo or any other standard video site and i just randomly stumbled across it in this master post (i will be spending some time working my way through all of this). So THANK YOU OP.
So i thought it would be fun to do a little live commentary/first reaction video since i cant do this on any other comp skate bc i think ive seen them all! (Other than bby/junior vm comps).
I apologise for the voice reveal in advance and if the quality is trash.. its my first time doing this:
So here it is with my commentary below. And here is a link to the actual video with TSN commentary
*writing this next part after recording it:
•I’m sorry I didn’t realised I said ‘like’ so much but I didn’t say ‘um’ as much as I thought. so I’ll work on that.
•apologies for the scratchy sound the whole way through I was playing with my earphone mic
•Things I didn’t say watching it that I’d wish I had:
-FUCK, Tessa just looks so damn good in that costume. Like her L E G S. the quality of her leg extensions and toe point- like she doesn’t have the longest legs in the world but in this they do look so long.
-Scootie is precious AF in this whole thing- esp the K+C when the score comes up he was so excited and happy bc he thought maybe it wasn’t good with the music being wrong/twizzles sloppy
-Hip hop isnt my thing (knowledge wise) so there wasn’t a lot of technical/dance analysis that I would maybe do in more balletic/contemporary programs
-I know WP and CP were still to skate so the gap would shrink but can we just take a moment for the 22 point gap between them and the next team!
- I say in it it’s great how R+T don’t talk through the program but I wish they’d shut up when VM are in the k+c so we can hear them.
SO, if y’all found that interesting/bearable I’d love to do more but won’t bombard you with them if it’s not what people want- I love writing detailed posts and still plan to do that bc I don’t speak anywhere near as eloquently/comprehensively as I write, but these are quicker (but more expensive) to make and I guess I naturally would say things out loud that I don’t think to write and vis versa, so it could be good for that reason (for myself as well seeing what I pick up on in the moment). So even though all the others won’t be ‘first reaction’ videos I think it still might be fun. I would also be SUPER KEEN to do a group commentary with some of you fine people, after I watched this one, getting others takes live I think would be really cool.. but we can get to that later/work it out if anyone is interested.
Let me know what y’all think of this please. Again, soz for the voice reveal, the ‘shits’ (yes, I swear). Hopefully I can do some more nuanced ones in the future with more practice.
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harrowharr0w · 2 months
hi hello im just gonna throw down (milgram pun haha) a bunch of music here that i like. um. yeah it’s
artist - favs
noa aburasoba - honey trap, any angle
aimi - help, meritocracy
shunichi toki - science, envy
satsuki - mesmerizer, juvenile
yorushika/n-buna - just a sunny day for you, thats why i gave up on music, tale of the deep sea lily
visty - endless dream, for my stella
gokuluck - catharsis, stronger
deco*27 - vampire, literally all of milgram, covers included
yoshino - vampire cover
miho okasaki - mirror
vane lily - butcher vanity, paparazzi murder party
ghost and pals - honey i’m home, happy days
yuu miyashita - deus ex machina, grain, kirin ga shinu made, kuruoze, parasite piano, coquetterie dancer, kilmer cover, yuuka (i love yuu miyashita so much) (go listen to doctrine doctrine too!!!)
mafumafu - keitairenwa (also all of soramafuurasaka’s songs)
eve - fightsong, insomnia
hya - snake, mad mermaid
raise a suilen - twin tale, vip monster, bring it on cover
azari - wink, black out, casino (really all of azari but ykyk)
more more jump - the peachy key, milk crown on sonnechka (or however u spell it) cover
vivid bad squad - rad dogs, flyer
kankan - fiction, all fool, nightless city, boost anima
the alien stage soundtrack
nightcord at 25:00 - idsmile, bug, jackpot sad girl
rondo - 雨音 (forgot what it’s called in english so i js typed it in chinese)
roselia - flashlight, r, charles cover
wadatakeaki kuragep - my r, trash&trash (shoutout to lollia’s english my r cover thought because that azula animatic changed little me’s life)
did i say all of milgram already
leo/need - needLe, ikanaide cover, teratera, stage of sekai (live laugh love l/n)
hifumi - i am too lazy to find out what the songs are called in english
mili - world.execute(me);, summoning 101, rtrt
96neko - buriki no dance cover
afterglow - sensenfukoku, mental chainsaw cover
mygo!!!!! - silhouette dance, non breath oblige cover
ho-kago tea time - no, thank you!, cageyake girls, fuwa fuwa time, rice is a side dish, tenshi ni fureta yo (makes me cry literally)
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kaluwa-del-conte · 5 months
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volleyball-crow · 7 months
Rules!! Aoba Johsai Volleyball Team
Rejected titles, written above and crossed out: Resistance is Futile, Oikawa-san’s Rules, OIKAWA-SAN RULES, Seijoh Commandments, Aoba Johsai Laws, Shittykawa can’t come up with decent titles to save his life, Vice-captain please stop antagonizing him
Rule #1: Oikawa-san is the master commander in this ship and you shall obey him in all matters.
lol l o l lol lol Mutiny! Mutiny, I say!
Rule #2: First-years must rotate setting up duties, as well as cleaning up duties.
Oikawa, if you’re going to do this, then at least do it decently why must you suck the fun out of everything, Iwa-chan? interesting choice of words there Oikawa-kun! Matsukawa. Laps. Yes, sir. On it, sir.
Rule #2.1. if Kunimi pretends to forget his turn again, he’ll get a life sentence
why is there a rule just for me, Hanamaki-san, that’s so unfair i n s t e a d   o f   a   r u l e,   w e   c o u l d   a s k   t h e    v i c e-c a p t a i n   t o   t h i n k    u p   s o m e   k i n d   o f    s p e c i a l   p u n i s h m e n t    f o r   y o u actually, you know what, Kindaichi, I’m fine with this
Rule #3: You bleed on it, you wash it
how do I get blood out of fabric, again? hydrogen peroxide, Mattsun. or you could just put that ugly yellow shirt in the trash where it belongs don’t even, Oikawa, I know the nasty stuff you have hidden in that wardrobe
Rule #4: Mandatory yearly field trip to look at the stars for team bonding purposes!
Is this just an excuse to spend an entire night looking for UFOs and discussing the possibility of alien life? Y e s. Y e s. Yeeep. What say you, Dr. Expert-in-Oikawa-Matters I say he probably needs his Star Trek collection confiscated to calm down a little YOU’RE NOT CUTE! YOU’RE NOT CUTE AT ALL! THIS IS WHY YOU CAN’T GET A GIRLFRIEND, IWA-CHAN! lol no it’s not
Rule #5: If you bring a water bottle to practice, then take it home with you
The club room is small enough, don’t waste space on stupid stuff, we already have Oikawa that hurt even me UNCALLED FOR IWA-CHAN!
Rule #6: Occasionally the vice-captain will fuck up and end up petting the captain’s hair in apology. Pretend you don’t see this.
I’d like to know who had the balls to write this because he deserves a medal h a p p y   p e o p l e   s h o u l d   a l l   e x p l o d e
Rule #6: For fuck’s sake, no fangirls.
someone explain to me how come Oikawa-san’s presence makes us all invisible? l o l   m i s d i r e c t i o n
Rule #7: Iwa-chan needs some loving every now and then~ Oikawa needs a kick in the ass every now and then
N o   t h a n k s,   I   e n j o y   l i v i n g I also happen to be quite attached to my life r e l a x,   l i t t l e   f i r s t   y e a r s,   I w a i z u m i    m e a n t   t h i s   r u l e   j u s t   f o r   h i m s e l f,   h e’ d   k i l l   y o u   i f   y o u   t r i e d   i t o h    g o d not to worry, Kindaichi, Oikawa-senpai would kill us himself first s o m e h o w    I’ m    n o t   c o m f o r t e d Iwa-chan, how dare you talk about the great Oikawa-san like this! that’s exactly why why does no one respect me in this house. I guess we should show our respect for you more, shouldn’t we, Captain Mattsun~ you’re my favourite♥
Rule #8: We must greet Oikawa’s greatness every morning with a salute and 2 yoga exercises done on the spot.
Downward dog is preferred. I w a i z u m i - s a n,   n o o o o   X D D D Mattsun, you’re no longer my favourite. lol disowned it was all worth it HANAMAKI-SAN DID IT HANAMAKI-SAN DID IT OH MY GOD HAHAHAHAHA M A T S U K A W A - S A N  T O O!   O M G this is why everyone thinks the volleyball team is not normal well, they’re not wrong
Rule #9: Funny guys who think they’re funnier than they actually are will run laps until they puke♥
Sorry =(   Sorry        S O R R Y       s o r r y ! !       oops We’re really sorry, please don’t kill us Whoever said Captain is not a hardass, my thousand bruises and missing tooth would like to have a word he just wanted to see if your eyebrows get thinner when you’re tired Iwaizumi-san. Not helping. [you’re all so strange - Sawamura] Z I P    I T    K A R A S U N O !
Rule #10: If we’re playing poker, Oikawa-senpai is not allowed in the room
just -how- does he know everyone’s tells? it’s not that bad, is it? m a y b e    i f    y o u    c o u l d   r e s i s t   t h e    u r g e   t o   d o   a   l i v e  a u d i o   c o m m e n t a r y   a n d   d i d n ’t   o u t   e v e r y   s i n g l e   b l u f f   g o i n g  o n I’d also appreciate my eyebrows not being the topic of a 5-minute monologue for once
Rule #11: Monopoly is BANNED.
L e t   i t    b e   n o t e d   h e r e    t h a t    I   o w n e d   a l l   y o u r   a s s e s. Makki, dude, let it go.
Rule #12: No dog jokes, practical or otherwise. Kyotani is enough of a pain in the ass already.
personally I thought the leash was a very nice touch because he didn’t get the joke? because he didn’t get the joke. y o u ’ r e   s o   l u c k y    h e   r e a d   t h e   w o r d   “R u l e s”   a n d   s t a r t e d   p r e t e n d i n g   t h i s   b o a r d   d o e s n’ t   e x i s t
Rule #13: Liberos are precious creatures that must be protected at all costs.
I need to know who wrote this, so I can figure out if I should be feeling the love or the sarcasm Watari, dear, it’s probably both O i k a w a - s a n   o n   p o i n t   a s    a l w a y s
Rule #14: Iwa-chan is a beautiful cinnamon roll, too perfect for this world, too pure
d i d   O i k a w a - s a n   s u r v i v e   w r i t i n g   t h i s ? he’s been missing for three days O H    M Y   G O D    W H A T Kindaichi you saw him less than an hour ago o h.   o h   y e a h.
Rule #15: If you’re drunk, we don’t know you.
But I hear he still carried Captain’s ass home [but did he cop a feel, tho] NEKOMA WHEN I FIND YOU I’M GONNA KILL YOU [that was not a no] please don’t kill another team’s captain, Iwaizumi-san
Rule #16: If you don’t know me, I can do whatever I want
a h.   t h e y ’r e   s t i l l    f i g h t i n g,   a r e n ’t    t h e y ? how observant of you. Does nothing escape your all-seeing eye, Kindaichi?
Rule #17: Team dinners after every match. No exceptions.
good to hear they made up
Rule #18: The next person to start an underwear-stealing chain will be hung up from the school’s flag mast in their socks. And only their socks.
is this actually physically possible? wanna find out?
Rule #19: Iwaizumi-san is always serious, and must always be taken at his word, please don’t ever think he’s kidding because he’ll really do it oh god
and they said high school wouldn’t be a traumatic experience
this day will go down in Aoba Johsai history as the smelliest there ever was i t    l o o k s    l i k e    a   d i r t y    l a u n d r y    b o m b   f r o m   h e l l   w e n t    o f f    i n    t h e r e.   w h a t    t h e   h e l l   h a p p e n e d I   n e e d    t o   kn o w:   w h o    d o   t h e   s p a r k l y    a l i e n   b o x e r s   b e l o n g   t o ? lolololol Oikawa-san, Kindaichi found your underwear w h a t ? nooooo, Kin-chan, don’t believe his lies! I know for a fact you have three more pairs in different colours STOP MESSING IN MY UNDERWEAR DRAWER HAJIME stop hiding the TV remote in there when you’re sulking C a p t a i n… ah, Captain just broke Kindaichi’s little hero-worshipping heart. he should buy him dinner as compensation. and me too. oh no. I feel so disillusioned. only free food can heal the wound in my soul. in fact, he should buy all of us dinner, after all this hard work, isn’t that right, Hanamaki-san? I   w o u l d n’ t    s a y   n o    t o    t h a t,    M a t s u k a w a - s a n. you’re all horrible, horrible people, I should just go to Shiratorizawa you’d be back in three days, tops. you’re so uncute, Iwa-chan. no wonder you can’t get a girlfriend. lolololol that’s not why
Rule #21: don’t underestimate other teams, no matter how weak they seem.
d a m n.   d a m n    d a m n    d a m n   d a m n. next time, man. we’ll only get better from here. stay focused.
Rule #22: Karasuno and Shiratorizawa are going down first - and then we’re going for the Champions Cup. First place will be ours.
Scribbled several times all over the remaining space below rule #22 in different handwritings: Yes, Captain.
(tiny drawing of an adorable, but somehow incredibly menacing chibi!Oikawa, with a cheerful smile full of teeth. The speech bubble next to him reads: “…. or else.”)
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tkblythofficial · 5 months
T is indeed such psychology case study cause why you're always caught thirsting over taken women when yourself is a TAKEN MAN as well 😭💀 shit needs to be studied in a lab, no wonder tarot readers be saying he's gonna marry a messy divorcee with kids... he gonna the affair 😭
I didn't even remember Jasmine, girl is very pretty and seems very happy in her relationship, she must have experiences with fuckbois before, no wonder she paying T DUST 🤭
The only reason T stopped liking R's thirst traps is cause his ass got caught by fans (and BB) since R is more famous he got scared of the optics of it all, cause a lotta people were saying how much chemistry both T and R had on/off the screen all while R's irl bf sat besides them ON the film AND the press tour lol
T is messy 👀 I always laugh at people swearing up and down he would be so turned off by R's theathrics, man craves that shit, he's just offline so people don't know how he gets down lol it also explains why he's so indifferent towards Ashley L, she doesn't bring the thrill T craves 🤫🤫🤫 Poor BB (genuinely) she's up for some ride with T, her man is in no shape of form ready for commitment, it's clear BB's aiming for the long run and tries to appear nonchalant about what T does but with his rising fame I think it's going to become harder and harder to look the other way when people write articles of your man flirting with other girls while he's away from home and filming something or have people sending you screenshots of your man's fave ig thots or his likes on IG 😕 I hope BB is mentally strong to deal with a LOT of BS cause this is only the beginning
It would be so funny if Tarot Red is right about T’s future spouse being a mess and it turns out it’s R lol. I know certain things don’t align but it would be hilarious. We’re talking trash about T’s future wife and then he marries R. Win-win I guess 🤭 Zeglyth toxic era!
Yeah, T definitely loves someone crazy. And taken 💀
I’m curious to see where both relationships are in a year.
Side note: my tumblr kept crashing every time I tried to answer this. Do you put a curse on my blog lol?
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lichtecht · 6 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
Narrator (audiobook): The next morning the Externs amuse themselves with our friends' film in the classroom.
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They are especially laughing at Uli and his costume. („Oh my god!“ „Look at the hair!“)
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Uli sits at his table and stares into the air.
Uli (whispers): "12 days left until Sylt."
Musti: „But can we talk about how… sexy he looks?“ Externs: (loud laughter) Eggi: „She wouldn’t be my type!“
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Narrator (audiobook): Uli has noticed the laughter and walks up to the group of Externs.
The laughter dies.
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Uli: „Uh, what have you got there?“ Ruda: „Nothing. Just a very funny clip.“ Uli: „Is that Jo's phone?“ Ruda, in a sing-song voice: „No, that’s mine now!“ Uli: „Hey, give it back!“
Narrator (audiobook): Uli tries to snatch the phone from Ruda's hand, but she escapes from him.
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Matze also jumps up and chases after to help Uli. Eggi grabs him.
Eggi: „You stand still!“ Ruda: „I’m posting that now!“ Uli: „Leave it! Just give back the phone...!"
Narrator (audiobook): Ruda is merciless and goes one step further.
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Ruda: „I’m posting it now.“ Uli: „Please don’t! Come on, leave it, please.“
Narrator (audiobook): The Externs have snatched Uli and stuck him in a big trash can.
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Matze: „Leave Uli alone! He’s far too weak!“
Narrator (audiobook): Matze wants to help his friend, but a few Externs put him in a headlock.
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Ruda: „Guys, take him up!“ Uli: „No, nononono, no! Please don’t!“
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Narrator (audiobook): The Externs know no pity. They hoist the trash can, in which the little Uli is stuck helplessly, onto the big closet that is standing right next to the blackboard. Then Frau Kreuzkamm enters the classroom.
Uli: „Please let me down! Please!“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „What is going on here?!“
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Narrator (audiobook): So far, Frau Kreuzkamm hasn’t noticed Uli.
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Quiet, please! Sit down!“
The kids scamper to their seats and sit down.
Martina and Jo arrive.
Matze, whispering to the girls: „Hey guys! Uli!“
Martina turns around and sees Uli.
Martina: "Oh God."
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Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Good Morning!“ The class, in unison: „Good Morning, Frau Kreuzkamm!“ Uli, quietly, on the top of his shelf: „Good Morning, Frau Kreuzkamm…“
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Narrator (audiobook): Ruda provocatively waves Jo's phone in her direction. Our friend is fed up. She jumps up from her seat, snatches her phone from Ruda’s table and sits back down.
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Ruda, whispering: „Hey, are you crazy?“
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Jo! Stay seated!“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Cell phones are not permitted in class. We’ll start striking a different tone in here now. Sebi? Spell the word 'libretto'.“ Sebi: „L… I-B-R-E-T-T-O.“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Uli, spell the word… 'ensemble'.“ (quiet laughter from some of the students) Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Herr von Simmern?!“
Narrator (audiobook): Frau Kreuzkamm still hasn’t noticed where Uli is. He starts spelling.
Uli: „E… N… S…“
Narrator (audiobook): Only now does she spot our poor friend in the garbage can.
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Uli: „E…“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „What is going on here?!“ Uli: „M…“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „You guys must be nuts! Matze, why didn’t you stop this?!“ Uli: „B…“ Matze: „They were just too many!“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Get him down from there immediately!“
Matze, Martina and Jo jump up to help, but it's Sebi and some of the others who put Uli up there that get him back down.
Uli: „Careful!“ Random kid: „Sorry, Uli.“ Uli: „Please be careful…“
Narrator (audiobook): Finally, Uli has solid ground under his feet again and is freed from the garbage can. But the head master’s good mood has noticeably vanished.
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Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Notebooks out. We’re writing a surprise dictation.“
(Complaints from the class („Ugh!“ „What!?“ „Whyyy??“))
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „All of the nonsense that happens is not only the fault of those who do it, but also those who do not prevent it.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Uli wasn’t listening. He didn’t notice how difficult the punctuation, the capitalization and the foreign terms were this time. To him, Frau Kreuzkamm's dictation, in which the best grade was a 3 and that was still talked about for years after, didn’t matter. He was only thinking about the few days left until the summer break and made a decision.
The school bell rings. The kids stand up and pack their things.
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whencallstheheart · 1 year
kvanbooven: I really enjoyed this episode. Fiona being a handy business woman was great. The Faith plot just reminded me of DQMW where michaela had to deal with the prejudice every episode and we know WCTH will just have it as a one and done which made me kinda disappointed. Hickam being the doctor was hilarious. I was also shocked about Faith and Nathan but based on how much they are pushing them, I’m not totally convinced it’s over. I hope it is, but considering we don’t know what happened between seasons between them, I feel like something else might happen. I loved rosaleens plot and how it interconnects with Henry’s. It’s such a good story for him. The only thing is that I don’t think Rosaleen would know Opal unless they want us to believe R was there during s3 just not in screen 😂 I did not see the Madeline twist coming either. Like I knew something was up but wasn’t expecting her to be engaged. Also the E and N look during the dance? And L being called out about surprises is so funny to me. You can just tell by Elizabeth’s and rosemarys reactions when they are talking about it. I hope in future episodes we get to know where rosaleens been all this time since she was a little girl when she “left”
Yes, it was very Dr. Quinn with that plot. And you're so right. Faith gets it from 1 singular patient and will probably never have to deal with it again but Dr. Mike had it constantly for like the entire show with people doubting her abilities as a doctor which was very realistic for the time period.
I think there is still a chance that they could circle around to Nathan and Faith again but they've really been pushing Mike's crush on her. They've been forcing Nathan and Faith but Mike's always been there in the background too. He obviously cares for her so I'm hoping that's the direction they go in moving forward.
Ideally it'd be great if we could get Nathan and Mei together again. She stepped aside for Faith's sake so without her in the picture there's nothing standing in the way of that connection they were building for the entirety of last season. Maybe the writers didn't completely throw that in the trash and are only letting us think they did. Who knows.
The Rosaleen timeline is really weird. She was really young the last time we saw her. She's still young. There do seem to be some missing years between when we stopped seeing her and when she was old enough to be a live-in nanny for some random couple in another town. It's strange. It's so nice to see her again but there's a lot of questions for sure. I don't remember if Molly ever gave any details.
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saintkeaton · 11 months
L u n a t i c H e r o 💀
we really are just one big organism 
my kids & me & the cats & the trees
there’s very few rules to follow
it only looks like a million paths 
but it’s one big road man 
& there’s no yesterday & there’s no tomorrow 
in the present moment with Alan Watts 
what a lunatic hero 
read a few Kerouac books & now I think I’m a scholar
thank Christ for another lazy Sunday 
I’m nervous & have the typewriter blues 
can you run out of things to say? 
I’m thinking maybe you can’t 
now there’s splinters in my feet 
& I’m looking through the neighbors window 
borderline copyright infringement 
daydreams of a bear in a 10 gallon hat 
my mind goes to goofy places 
looking through old vacation photos 
that early 90s brown filter 
feeling mortal & aged in my skin 
placing sentence over sentence 
in an attempt to clean house 
in an attempt to stay alive 
the cars drive too fast on this road 
nightmare thoughts of Pet Sematary 
I remember every movie I’ve ever seen 
wrote them all down in a list 
you don’t need a rhyme or reason 
freedom is the key component here 
could go on for days in the same fashion
as my mind turns like a wheel 
a broken splintery wheel mind you 
my sons plastic sword lay in the yard 
& 100 cans of cat food 
& the homemade wreath my mother made 
how do you stop thinking about death? 
how do you pretend life is normal? 
there’s nothing here but the ticking clock 
a few game shows to watch 
the beer & weed always run out 
& you’re secretly mad at me
as I dump my thoughts on Tumblr like a therapist 
a blind injection of no love 
maybe this will get a few likes & keep me hanging on 
I’m thinking of a new poem 
& she promised to make breakfast this morning 
I smell no bacon cooking 
& there’s nothing wrong with how I feel 
I got too stoned______early in the day 
now it’s the motor mind salsa 
& I probably don’t need this hoodie anymore 
& I feel like jerking off 
all the trash is piled up in the spare room 
& the cats ate some raw chicken 
people keep recommending that I read Dostoyevsky 
man, I’m reading the Goosebumps books 
I’m reading the backs of cereal boxes 
my brain has stopped developing 
my brain is set in concrete 
just one big organism really 
time time time time 
glorious feelings
knowing there’s nothing to do today
I crave boredom 
I crave numbness 
so sick of the ultra meta-thinking 
folding the universe into a cube 
don’t be so depressing dude 
there’ll always be forest fires and mud floods & bullshit to watch on TV 
having entertainment is not the problem 
overstimulation to the fucking max 
so I return to my throne of shame
poisoning my soul through my eyes
my heart beating out my chest
my god! I can’t even make it one day
most of what I feel happens on accident
tired of the human race  
tired of the rat race 
but I really shouldn’t be complaining 
there’s breath in my lungs 
(choked out cigarette lungs)
it doesn’t matter what medium I have to use
I’ll get my point across one way or the other 
my own little psychological torment 
alpha beta delta gamma sigma omega 
what hides outside the spectrum for us? 
what curses have we not uncovered? 
I bet your mommy still gives you milk money 
I bet your mommy still tells you “good night”
I bet your mommy still loves your daddy
fuck all the rules that you think are rules 
& lay out the mind dump 
in an orderly fashion of course 
I bet your mommy follows the rules
for most of my life, I didn’t apply myself. the kid sitting in the back of the classroom, trying not to fall asleep. I couldn’t comprehend math, but I could fill a sketchbook up in a couple of days.
I never drink water
I only drink Mountain Dew 
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I’m going to write a bunch of poems & bury them under the house 
I’m gonna turn myself into a lunatic hero for nobody 
eyelids keep closing
losing my consciousness 
in full bloom of 10,000 onlookers
& a bathtub full of nickels & dimes
I’m burnt out
I’m landing the plane
still, just one organism sitting here, waiting on breakfast 
10/29/2023 1:29 pm
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touyubesposts · 2 years
Holy shit, The mind electric by Chonny Jash makes my Sander Sides hyperfixation hit DIFFERENT-
Especially if you look at the heart segment as Patton and Janus, The mind section as Logan and Virgil, and the soul segment as Roman and Remus.
To further my point, here are some actual lyrics from the song ((with notes by me)):
The Heart segment:
But as complacency settles, anxieties will rise
And part this Soul as Jekyll parted Hyde
Now I’m but half of a hollow man’s lies:
The love, the hate, the еmotional side
((LIKE BROO???? Janus and Patton talking about doing nothing will just make Virgil be anxious and talking about how Thomas has them seperated))
“I know I’m weak. I know that I’m vile
But sometimes that is needed to survive.”
That’s what I’ll say to rationalize
“I’m needed if we’re to stay alive.”
((Janus trying to convince himself he is needed))
And yet, here I lie with black, sunken eyes
My Mind’s consigned our sighs to a leaden void
The Soul remains tempered. I remain plied
Condemned ‘til we are both all but destroyed
((Patton sad that Logan and Virgil are convinced that emotion is not needed, convinced that this will do more bad than good.))
But I know that one plus one can’t equal two
If happiness is both our truths
Our total sum must equal one if we’re to find that golden hue
((Basically like ‘Hey, guys! We need to be apart of this whether you like it or not!’ Also trying to convince the others that happiness is the ultimate goal.))
See how The Mind tricks The Soul
Into being something sickly, dead and cold
As you feel it start to tire and fester so, so slowly
Up until the point where it will finally die
Just in time to see what could have been
((Talking about Virgil and Logan trying to convince Roman and Remus to be on their side?? Also talking about how this is a bad idea because they could pass opportunities. God, I need an animatic and I need it now-))
Do what you want, you automaton freak
No, I can no longer bring myself to care
This hollowed out vessel’s beginning to creak
So take control, let’s see how you fare
((Janus being sassy before the Parts change? Iconic.))
The mind segment:
Resident Heart is feeble and frail
A scourge to purge; due diligence is all
Silent, sad outbursts, inaudible wails
Dictate he never does as he’s told
((Logan and Virgil talking about Patton? Mad he’s doing his job and has emotion, talk about projection.)
Fathers of fathers, brothers of sons
Deterred from being what they know they can
All because Heart refuses to run
This creature hardly resembles a man
((Once again, these boys trash-talking Patton, but now also bringing the ‘sons’ into this (R&R)))
My logic is the absolute
His pity parties simply harm these chances at an apt repute:
Esteemed regard in place of mockery
((Logan talking about the others and how he needs to be listened to more))
I’m sure it seems from his point of view
That I’m a simple, cynical machine
But is it so hard to see the whole truth?
I merely seek a Soul that’s pristine
((Virgil talking about Janus and how he only wants the best for Thomas))
See how The Heart plays profound
(See how he lies.)
But the depth is insincere
A pathetic, thin veneer
All the pain, regret and fear still resound
((Just more L and V talking shit, but more specifically critiquing on how Patton and Janus both think they know best when they don’t))
Though I seem harsh in all my assessments
We each seek a life lived in the light
Yet, there lies our Heart, engulfed in resentment
Stubborn, pale akaryocyte
((Logan being like ‘yeah, I was a little harsh, but I’m not gonna fucking apologize because something needs to be done.’ Also equated ‘having emotions’ as having a ‘virus’ because that's what akaryocyte means))
The soul segment:
Call me The Soul or call me my name
Oh, label me whatever you would like
Call me your host or call me insane
If that will help you stay in line
((Basically an introduction, but also why I put Remus as the soul because he would be like ‘Yeah, I’m insane, sure, but it works, doesn’t it?’))
Fathers of fathers, I know that I’m vile
Let’s see how long it takes to murder me
Neither is wrong, yet neither is right
Condemn him to the infirmary
((Remus basically knowing his job is to be terrible and telling Patton “hey, I’m the exact opposite of you. And if you hate it so much, kill me.” While Roman is like “both sides have points, but I don’t know who to choose”))
I. Am. Me.
((You can’t tell me this isn’t all of them shouting this at the same time. They a frustrated bunch.))
See how the brain plays around
And it splits what once was whole down into three
And you fall inside a hole, inside a
Someone help me
Understand what’s going on behind my eyes
Doctor, I can’t tell if I’m not me
((The creativity twins both mad at Logan and Virgil for digging deeper into the psyche, trying to make sense of things.))
See how they fight all day
The other half won’t hear what’s had to say
It’s just the game they play here in this labyrinth maze
((Do I... Do I need to over-analyze this line? I feel like this one does the job for me))
Tridential regicide
I won’t hesitate to kill my Heart and Mind
I will abdicate these deviants sat inside
I’ll take you down in tandem when this rope is tied
((Basically both of them saying ‘this fighting is gonna kill me and, in turn, us.))
And this was a lot longer than I intended. And there are parts I didn’t even get to! Please listen! God, it's so good.
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