#I’ll write a fanfic someday
Surprise. Pt. 3 Post Azkaban!Sirius x Mom!Reader
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You and Sirius have a chat.
Part One. Part Two.
Taglist: @box-of-kinderjoy @projectdreamwalker @goldenharrysworld @navs-bhat @sagestack
You aren’t sure what you expected Sirius to look like after more than a decade in Azkaban, but this is much worse than you pictured. The dirty, malnourished, manic-looking man standing in front of you is a far cry from the healthy, handsome Sirius you once knew. The sight of him in this horrid state is enough to grow a lump in your throat.
You always had complex feelings about Sirius after he was sent to Azkaban. It was easy to be angry at him for betraying everyone and causing the death of James and Lily, but you were more than angry. You were devastated, to say the least. It’s impossible to say how many nights you cried yourself to sleep. Even knowing what he’d done, it was hard to imagine the one you loved rotting away in Azkaban.
The first few years without him were hell on earth. It wasn’t long after he was incarcerated you found out you were pregnant, and whilst everyone in the wizarding world was partying and celebrating the downfall of You-Know-Who, you were curled up in a ball sobbing and wondering how in the world you were going to do this all on your own.
It was difficult, but you managed. As the years went by and Estelle grew bigger, things got easier. You were able to push Sirius out of your mind and go on without him, but not without continuous effort. With every life change and new milestone reached, you couldn’t help but wonder how differently things would be if Sirius were there too.
For Estelle, you tried your very best to make sure she never wanted for anything, but your heart ached at the thought of her never knowing the love of a father. Estelle used to ask about him (“Why don’t I have a dad?” “Where is he?” “Is he dead?”), and you were never sure what to tell her.
You aren’t proud of it, but as her questions persisted, you lied to her. You lied and told Estelle you don’t know who her father is. She stopped asking about him after that.
You don’t know why you lied. It would’ve been much simpler to tell the truth, but maybe a small part of you wanted Estelle to blame you rather than blame Sirius for her lack of a father. It felt a little stupid, but you didn’t want Estelle to hate the idea of her father. You supposed it would be easier for her to accept her father doesn’t know she exists, rather than to accept her father is a mass murderer in prison for life.
Then you got an owl from Remus Lupin—someone you hadn’t heard from in over a decade—asking to have lunch and talk. You were surprised but receptive. You assumed he met Estelle at Hogwarts and he wanted to know of her lineage under the guise of catching up, and you were half right.
After having Estelle in class and putting two and two together, Remus decided to get in touch with you to tell you the truth about Sirius.
After taking in all of the new information, you felt numb. It’s a lot to take in—learning that Sirius is innocent, and Peter Pettigrew of all people was the one to cause all of this pain.
You came home, politely asked Estelle how her day was, and barely heard her as she told you about the stray dog she found today. Too lost in your thoughts, you ‘listened’ to Estelle’s rambling for about ten minutes before realizing she was talking about Sirius’s animagus.
It had to be Sirius. Why else would there be a giant, wolf-like black dog hanging around your house?
You pretended to Estelle that you’d never seen the dog before, and maybe he belongs to some of the muggles that live further up the road. You carry on your evening as normal, quickly changing the subject anytime she began to talk about the dog, and had her go to bed at a reasonable time.
Only when you were sure Estelle was asleep did you come outside.
You suppose you’ve been staring too long as Sirius speaks up first. It’s hard to read his expression, and his voice is deeper than you remember. “I’d ask how have you been, but clearly you’ve been busy.”
You try to swallow the lump in your throat, urging yourself not to cry. After meeting with Remus and immediately coming home to Estelle, you haven’t had any time to process the information you’ve been given.
There were so many times you’d asked yourself “What if Sirius were still here?” and then immediately pushed the thought away, reminding yourself he’s a horrible man. A traitor and a murderer.
Only he’s not. He’s none of those things.
He’s suffered terrible consequences that he’s done nothing to deserve, and that’s heartbreaking. The last thirteen years of his life were ripped away from him and he was sent to live in horrid conditions, just because he and James chose to trust Peter with something they shouldn’t have.
A heavy weight of guilt drops into your stomach. Sirius had done nothing wrong and yet everyone—including yourself—thought he got what he deserved by being locked away. You hardly even thought to question whether he was truly guilty or not.
Your throat tightens and your lip quivers, and you step forward to wrap your arms around his waist. You can feel the bones underneath his skin, and you sniffle, feeling a couple of tears escape from your eyes.
Sirius takes a moment to respond, a little shocked by your sudden hug and crying. He supposes it’s not unwarranted though.
He reciprocates your hug, one dirty hand cradling the back of your head and the other wrapped around your torso. It’s almost strange how natural it feels. He rests his chin on the top of your head and faintly smiles. You smell good, and it’s wonderful to get such an unexpectedly warm welcome.
Although he has Remus to thank for that. If Remus hadn’t reached out to you first, Sirius imagines this meeting would be going a lot differently.
After a few moments of letting yourself cry into his chest, you finally speak, your voice cracking a bit as you do so. “You smell like shit.”
Sirius gives you a tight squeeze and chuckles quietly, “You live in a cave for a year and we’ll see how you fare.”
You purse your lips and feel more tears forming. He’s been living in a cave? Your throat feels tight as you breathe, “I’m so sorry, Sirius… For everything.”
“There’s nothing you could’ve done.” He responds immediately. There was no way for you to know the truth, and even if you did, it probably wouldn’t have changed anything. “…Did you know you were expecting when it happened?”
You shake your head. “No. Didn’t figure it out until a few weeks after you’d been gone.”
“I-… I can’t find the words to tell you how sorry I am.” Sirius whispers. His adam’s apple bobs. “I can’t say when, but I promise I’ll come back to the both of you.”
“I know you will.” You say quietly, nodding. You knew from the beginning he wouldn’t be able to stay, but it still hurts nonetheless. New tears fall onto your cheeks and Sirius’s prisoner robes.
You cry less for yourself and more for him. Even though he’s successfully crawled his way out of Hell, he still can’t rest. Sirius hasn’t known peace in over a decade, and there’s no telling if he ever will again.
Sirius is the first to pull away. Trying to remain strong for your sake, he clenches his jaw as he looks down at your tearful face. He uses his thumbs to wipe the tears off your cheeks, then he pulls your face forward for a kiss. You waste no time reciprocating, your hands moving to the back of his head and tangling in his greasy hair.
Once again Sirius is the first to pull away, ending the kiss too soon for his liking, but knowing he needs to go. He’s been here far too long. He kisses your forehead. “I love you, and I love Estelle.”
“I love you, Sirius.” You reply, looking into his eyes. They’re the same eyes you see every time you look at your daughter.
“This isn’t goodbye.” He says kissing your forehead once more. He steps off your property and out of the confines of the anti-apparation wards. He gives you one last look, then winks. “You look absolutely stunning, by the way.”
You scoff, a stupid grin forming on your face as he disapperates.
You stare at the spot he left from, wiping your tears away.
Realistically, you don’t know if Sirius will be able to keep his promise. You may never see him again. There’s no telling if his name will ever be cleared, but you hold onto hope, and you will wait for him.
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musicalmoritz · 21 days
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I was skimming through my old Soukoku fics and LMAO Chuuya chill out
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theoreticallybread · 1 month
*rolls down my car window at a mcdonald’s*
hi yes i like to order a clownzy fic where kab wingmans while clown attempts to rizz up branzy please and thank you
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imaginationfanstar · 1 year
Inspired by a TV Show
Ok so this idea was originally inspired by @glendybluebird and her Encanto Empire AU. I just loved her character designs and the idea of a Royalty AU with the cast of Encanto when it hit me! What if it was a Regency AU instead? And what if it was based on Bridgerton?! 🤯
Ok so in this AU the Madrigals aren’t quite royalty but they are prominent members of the ton. Very close with the crown. Maybe a Dukedom, I’m not sure yet.
Anyway, the story is a mix between conflicts in the movie and the drama from the show. Isabela plays a part similar to Edwina and Daphne, Dolores plays Penelope, Mirabel and Camilo are Eloise and Benedict, Luisa is Kate, and Abuela is basically Lady Danbury with a hint of Violet Bridgerton. Mariano is the Prince, with a role similar to Colin and his Grandmother is Queen Charlotte. (See where I’m going with this?)
Alma and Queen Carlotta Guzman are old friends and determined to see their families united. So, when the three eldest granddaughters of the Madrigal household, finally come of age, Queen Carlotta has her pick of the perfect suitor for her son and declares Isabela, the Diamond of the Season. With the two of them being long term friends, everything appears to be going perfectly. But nothing is as it seems.
Ever since Dolores was young, she new that her best friend Prince Mariano Guzman was the man of her dreams. Unfortunately, he seems smitten with her cousin and their abuela’s are determined to see them together. Despite being a wise and lovely young woman with a talent for writing and music, Dolores is often overlooked in favor of her older cousin. Compared to Isabela’s popularity with the ton, her perfect poise, and beautiful flowers, Dolores fears that she will always be in her cousin’s shadow. However, being a wall flower does have its advantages and Dolores is keeping a powerful secret.
Isabela Madrigal has always done her best to be the perfect young lady and to please her Abuela. However, she longs for far more freedom than marriage to the crown could give her. She’d much rather explore and travel the world, go horseback riding and cultivate new and exotic plants than reside in the palace, throwing balls, making pretty flower arrangements and popping out babies left and right.
Although she is the younger sibling Luisa is very protective of her family and feels it is her duty to ensure their safety, security, and security within the community. She is strong, smart, intimidating and well read, often emulating their fierce and equally protective Abuela. She will do anything for her family often at her own expense and she can usually be found helping people either within the family or on their vast estate. She does not have many friends amongst the ton nor suitors so she focuses all her energy on vetting the people trying to get close to them. However, under the surface, she longs to finally let down her walls someday, to share her burdens and interests, and finally truly relax.
Meanwhile, Camilo and Mirabel, as the younger spectators of this spectacle, contemplate what they desire out of life, outside of romance, and try to solve the mystery of the ton’s unknown gossip writer. Much like Benedict and Eloise, Camilo and Mirabel are more interested in broader pursuits. Camilo would like to be a performer and work in a theater. While, Mirabel would like to start her own Modiste Shop. I’m also thinking of aging Antonio up about 5 years because I want to give him plot relevance but I’m not sure what that will be yet. 🤔
I’d for a story like this to come to life someday but this is all for now.
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lunarsolar1 · 2 months
Sometimes I want to write ff for dead boy detectives but then I remember I suck at writing and I’m horrible at it so that urge quickly goes away 😔😞
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chronically-peach · 1 year
Okay hear me out, a Champagne Problems fic where Kevin proposes to Jean as a last ditch effort to save what they have. Jean knows deep down he can’t do it, that he’s not the person that Kevin is supposed to spend the rest of his life with so despite everything saying he should say yes, he says no. This ends their relationship and Jean moves in with Jeremy, over time the two of them start falling for each other and Jeremy shows Jean that he’s capable of being someone’s forever, even if Jean can’t see it himself at that moment.
Would anyone read this? I was listening to the song and I got so inspired to write this fic.
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aceredshirt13 · 1 year
reading Ukridge. I just have the mental image of one of Ukridge’s schemes inevitably going wrong, except this time there’s somehow a dead body and Ukridge gets falsely accused of murder. And now a very frustrated, very fed-up, very worried Corky is visiting him in his cell before the trial, and Ukridge is like “well, Corky old horse, I don’t think I can mansplain manipulate manwhore my way out of this one”
and James “Corky” Corcoran sends a telegram to his American cousin Bruce “Corky” Corcoran to ask if has any ideas, only for Bruce to send a telegram to his buddy Bertie Wooster, who then proceeds to get Jeeves in on it, and now the least experienced people in solving crime (and Jeeves, who probably somehow has crime-solving experience) have to figure out how to solve a murder
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lauratheghost · 5 months
Ooh, I just had a good idea maybe.
Pick a random song you like, and write a short story / one-shot fic based on that song.
Like, when I listen to a song, I kind've make up a story/narrative in my head for it. So create a story from this.
I'm gonna do this soon 😊
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📃 Chapter 13
❗️please read the cw❗️
tagging my fans: @across-thestars @magentamee @daydreams-in-the-moonlight @layneelmer @rebellius @booksandpaperss
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yourtamaki · 1 year
genuine question my loml have you ever considered writing a book bc i would quite literally be your first customer ,,, i could read 1000 pages of whatever you write in one sitting
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liv45no · 2 years
‘Richie giggled in a squeaky tone only to slap his palm against his mouth right after. Damn, no DNA test needed, he thought, that was definitely my mom laughing.’
Excerpt from Piece Of Love on Wattpad
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void-tiger · 2 years
…I really need a [Someone] Saves Dream And They Had Time To Fully Plan fic where they actually pack the poor guy some damn clothes. INCLUDING underwear. (I’ve read a handful now where they see Dream in the snowglobe completely naked and have to return and they NEVER give the poor guy some damn clothes from their Rescue Kit. Ever.)
…followed by…
C’MON. You have the guy at your apartment or stop by a motel or convenience store…and you can’t just pick up a pack of boxers?! Give the guy a clean pair from your sock drawer along with the random tshirt and sweatpants? Bathrobe?
(No I’m not letting this go.)
#dream rescue fanfic#dream of the endless#morpheus sandman#…I REFUSE to believe that going commando is confortable#give the poor guy some underwear already!!#[adds to list of what I’ll just write myself…someday. maybe.]#…look if I do write it it’s gonna be with an OC Guard who’s WAY over her head and just wanted to pay rent and college tuition#but once she’s there she can’t just LEAVE him#but can’t. y’know. figure out a way to get him out either#so she plans. and plans. spends Alex’s Money#(hates herself the entire time. feels dirty even taking the money. takes vindictive pleasure in spending it. shoves it at charity.)#she has a stockpile of food and clothes and first aid and blankets in the boot of her car at this point#but can’t work out a sensible plan to take on guards and Get Out#and. idk. reads anything she has aloud. claims it’s to pass time and get better at voiceover work#(it’s actually to Enrich the Enclosure while she waits)#and…let’s say Hob notices one of his students stops attending his class.#or is attending but the submitted work is spotty#something is Clearly WRONG.#student breaks down (either after class/office hours or via email to Discuss Her Grade)#(or at The New In )#it all comes tumbling out disjointedly#’there’s a naked man trapped in a glass globe but idk how to get him out. he’s not human or he’d be dead by now’#not sure which is spicier: hob realizing That’s His Stranger#or NOT Knowing but His Student Is Distressed and Some Entity Is Being Tortured#and…let’s have Hob track down Johanna. because Definite Magical Crimes going on here#[handwaves Dramatic Rescue]#they get Dream out#Dream gets some damn clothes (and underwear) from Student’s backpack#and they all head back to The New Inn to check Dream over more thoroughly#aside from shoving gentle liquids like clear gatorade and bone broth at him + bandaging the scrapes and imbedded glass
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angst era revival
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priestfrommidnightmass · 11 months
sometimes i just have to give a long moment of silence to all of the fanfics i’ve started writing and abandoned
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caravanlurker · 1 year
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graphic design is my passion
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valentinafoxr · 2 months
Man I wish I had motivation to work on my fanfics but I’m so Olympics-pilled. Sorry I can’t write I need to watch obscure sports every free second
Maybe someday when I got the brain juice for it I’ll write an Olympics AU in which Adrien moved to England to live with his aunt and cousin after his mom’s ‘disappearance’ (idk maybe Felix swipes the amok earlier, Gabriel is still Hawkmoth but Adrien went no-contact. I haven’t figured this out yet) but a few years later he goes to the Paris Olympics as part of the UK fencing team.
Obviously there’s an Akuma during his team’s competition and Adrien needs to be saved by Ladybug and her partner (Alya? Nino? Different random Black Cat wielder?) and SURE HE FALLS HEAD OVER HEELS FOR LADYBUG. But he’s also already started crushing on the girl who works the bakery stand in the Olympic village. You see where I’m going with this right
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