#does anyone feel like cowriting with me?
lunarsolar1 · 2 months
Sometimes I want to write ff for dead boy detectives but then I remember I suck at writing and I’m horrible at it so that urge quickly goes away 😔😞
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bananasfosterparent · 9 months
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Moving to a text post because it's more comfortable. But hold on...
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I mean no offense, but no one needs permission or guidelines (especially from another fan) for how they're "allowed" to enjoy AA and to get berated for "not understanding the character" when they understand him perfectly fine. Just differently.
Is it truly that hard to fathom that some people enjoy the actual character and the dynamic that happens between him and Tav/Durge and not (just) the sexy stuff?
Is it truly that hard to imagine that there are people who enjoy AA outside of the (very mild) sexual content?
Do you only see the ascended ending as some sexy fantasy with nothing else to offer?
Larian themselves did not call it his "bad" ending. The only person who said that was a certain cowriter. Said cowriter was not saying it in an official capacity and was sharing their opinions.
Want to know something? The spawn ending felt more like failing him to me. And that's simply just how it felt. Can't change that as there's no reason to.
Anyone can claim how Tav is "supposed" to feel during a certain scene or event. Even some one shiny and "official". But that does not make it canon information if it isn't actually stated in the game. It really doesn't mean anything in relation to roleplay, except that it's just one way out of many to interpret that game event.
No writer, cowriter, or fellow fan can actually tell someone how that person's Tav feels because only that person can say. That's what roleplaying is.
Regardless of the co-writer's intentions for a specific message or agenda in the story, unfortunately, due to the nature of the game and individual experience, every person is going to interpret the same information differently. As they are supposed to. That's the point of the game.
Yes, there are people who ascend him just because it's sexy. I have seen people admit things, like how they'd never ascend him or could never do "that" to him for roleplay, but they still ascend him just to see the romance scene. I've seen people admit they'd never ascend him for roleplay reasons or dislike AA overall, but are glad to find clips of the romance scene online so they can still enjoy it. Honestly if that's how they enjoy the character and game, that's their choice.
But the people who usually do that are not the people who call themselves AA fans. Because the people who do that don't typically enjoy that version of him, only parts of it. And that's fine! But you cannot lump us all together.
I don't know a single AA fan who prefers the ending SOLELY for the sexual content or the "sexy Vampire" fantasy. I don't know a single AA fan's Tav who ascended him solely because they wanted to be with the "sexy vampire". There's always a roleplay reason well beyond that. Unfortunately, no matter what any cowriter says, personal interpretation and roleplay comes first, thanks to the nature of this game.
And, while I appreciate the way you and the cowriter and many others interpret his story, I cannot and do not interpret it that way, based on my own trauma experiences, my own biases, my own individual understanding, AND my own desire for the kind of narrative I want to tell. And that isn't just me. That goes for every single person as an individual who plays the game.
Like it or not, this is a roleplaying game. Heavy on the roleplay. With this game specifically, the individual player's interpretation of canon information comes first before any writer's intent. That does not render the cowriter's agenda null and void, as many people (like yourself) see it the same way, but it does mean that there is more than one way to interpret this story, and ignoring or berating others for simply connecting to his story in a different way, saying it's "provocative and untrue", is quite honestly inconsiderate and condescending. And wrong.
Yes, posting anything to the internet is going to warrant a response from people who disagree. Everyone who posts anything online knows that. However, there's zero reason to actively be the one saying the negative things. Especially when it's about something innocent and fun.
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cornus27florida · 10 months
Personal Review GwenDerick/FredDolyn Time-Travelling AU - Canon Divergences
I like to compiling everything to help me going forward...
Basically I make CPC fanfic about time-travelling AU (to the past) and thus making it Canon Divergences AU (means it will changes over plot points in the canon source) - my two favorite troupe AUs as it could explore so many possibilities of "what-ifs" in the original source material of the story...
There's an ongoing project by myself that I am not sure when it'll end but I know how the details it goes.. Thanksfully for the addition of my cowriters @ Queen_Allu (same name as in AO3) and @ Jazzyluvs008 (sunflower8) at the middle early part of the journey to not making me feeltoo lonely. The project is hopefully not that (too) ambitious for myself that could strains my own heart and body (espc the eyes) and my own mental and minds (there's some chapters that even on introduction arc already made my heart's bleeding and head's dizzy) - as I am on 1/7 path of the journey there based on ch
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GwenDerick/FredDolyn is make me built such a special place in my heart as hardcore shipper, I really adores their journey of relationship from a complete stranger (which the male scared shirtless over the female with such unorthodox look) to such a trustworthy friend (with the help of the CPC and how the story progress, the male opens up to the female) to likely now as to be a lover (there's definetely romantic note between them, as basically they are already say love to each other - even with such 'tragic' situation as the current story)
So, Troupe "Stranger to Friend to Lover" AU canonically? Hell yeah it is! I feel this another reason why GwenDerick is so special in my book of shipper - because it's so natural and could happen to anyone, so relatable in real life. Gwendolyn is not perfect (I am not talking about her look that basically the main plot turner in the story, I am talking about her lack of skill in communication that make the whole CPC story to be happen) and so does Frederick isn't Prince Charming (I won't talk further about it, as I know there's so many people that still hates him and could utters so many hate speech over him - feel free to do so, it won't change my love over him as I think that Frederick is the best boy in the CPC that has the best character development ever possible).
There's actually several others AU troupes that happened to GwenXFrederick canonically, but I won't talk about those as I like to focus on promoting my own fanfic which featuring them as the main couple while using my top two AU troupes as the gears for the series to moving them to go...
I really wish for more people to read it, I really do.. And could give me feedback over it. That fic is basically the retelling of 'retelling' which is the CPC | Cursed Princess Club [webtoon]
[Hahahah, such an UNO reverse card ain't it? :3 ] WIKI :
The creator, LambCat, describes Cursed Princess Club as a chance given to her to take all the things they loved from fairy tales and stories of their childhood and combine them with all the messages they wished they got to hear back then. -> Here the list of ALL tales and stories that I could recognize in the overall of CPC until now which one thing that I notice? Every stories come from Western with slight non-direct nods of Eastern references. I like to be proud about my own origin as citizen from Eastern country so I'm putting them inside the fanfic story as well.
While thinking of fairy tales and brainstorming, LambCat's thoughts included "What if the spells didn't break and there wasn't a happily ever after? What would that scenario be like?", that got cross-pollinated with with the idea of insecurity and shame in general. -> the spells didn't break means the 'permanent' cursed condition, which all the CPC members are inflicted with it and overall I say - I am truly adore how each of them accepting their condition as being cursed in healhtly way BUT as the CPC story hinting of things that possibly could lifting them from their curse that not come from typical cure it all "True Love's Kiss" such as: Abbi's 24 hours curse reversal potion, the Cure-Curing Crystal (+ the period pauser for Prez' condition by Whitney) and informations from the Omniscient Clam... That make me thinking as generally all the CPC members already accepting their cursed condition (the first important step of grieving one's trauma), WHY not making the chance for them to could get cured from their curse WHAT IF the journey to lifting the curse is so painful BUT really worth it? I really want to explore it, that's why I am making Frederick cursed 'literally' as the driving point of the fanfic story that I am making... He need to deal with his curse, along with resolving the initial metaphorical curse that already in there as Plaid Prince Royalty...
In the beginning, the story was a simpler one about looks not being everything. It has expanded to being about the idea that society has a lot of things they want from us. Cursed Princess Club was about how many of us have two parts of ourselves. One that we want to present to others based on what they want, and one that's just us. What if there were a clash between them? What emotions would come from that? -> there's so many examples about it in various characters, such as : Blaine (his true self that he shown in bare to Maria after the piano duel VS the mask that he keep shows in the public as 'the perfect Plaid Prince Charming'), Frederick (his distant "icy"-shallow-judgmental 'Plaid Prince' persona VS his true self that really just wants to read books as doing nerdy stuffs etc by having true friends that could understand him), Gwendolyn (her 'polite' selfless sweety princess VS her selfish persona that just wants to skip forward to her imagination of 'happily-ever-after' with Frederick which wants to skip the hurtful feeling over confrontation about her shattered perspective) ...and the CPC as entirety, why the logo (insignia) is a rose depict half pink and half black/brown? Because even thou never confirmed it yet the meaning of it, I say it's related about accepting the previous non cursed form-persona (pink) and current cursed form-persona (black/brown).
So my fanfic, Returning Back to Make Amends wants (and really hopes) to could explore the things that the CPC tells but WON'T shy over the mature themes that hinted in the story as it's being put down on some notches, and to doing so I like to use Frederick as the main character of that fiction RaS (Reversus ad Satisfaciendum) by establishing unique personalities that depicted about him - and as I relate to him the most, I feel I could do it imagining the fanfiction story that make him swapped role with Gwen which now he's the Protagonist of the story while Gwen is the deuteragonist
It could really work and without making other characters to changes dramatically (as to not making an OOC/ Out of the character), Prez still the tritagonist of the story and the CPC as the best support system over the 'cursed' royalties. Aside from Frederick being the character that most relatable to me, I love to explore the possible interactions of him (but with more knowledges already, as he already get and learn stuffs until the episode 145 plot points) with everyone. What will he do to his own family? What will he do when meeting the CPC as the much needed support system for him...with so many things to consider first? What will he do when interacting with Gwen as he could get chance to return to the past, to make amends.. but his greatest mistake already done?
I've read so many stories be it from various webtoons, fairy tales, novels, games, fanfictions... My greatest inspiration, and the motivation that making sure that I could reach to that end is a SniLy time travelling fic (A Peace Not Promised)
But let's end the general description of the fanfic, as we jump onto the story itself. Let's begin from the prequel of the story
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The Prequel of the Story (MEPHISTO) https://www.tumblr.com/cornus27florida/733053034090921984/cpc-fandom-need-more-love?source=share
From that fic's comment, I am really glad to could make in character's depiction especially to the Plaid Royal Family
As a prequel, one could read it before reading my fic series 'RaS' for better enjoyment but not necessarily need to read it either. In nutshell, the prequel fic really help me to establish the possible scenario that happened to the Plaid Royalties - as overall the punishment scenes gives too much shock to everyone that make the digestion of what really happened is difficult to happen. Also the title inspired by the [Oshi no Ko] ED song - is to giving the hint of time travelling scenario
Mephisto = power to manipulate events throughout time
Does that means the whole cause of the time travelling AU is related to a demon? Eh, huge spoiler for my fanfic - a highly classified content that I won't deny or confirm 'till the end
Now let's go to the RaS! We're start with the summary description!!! (most finds it's so scary, WHY ;-;)
"What-If" at the episode 145 where Frederick canonically supposed to break free from the prison - unfortunately passed away instead?
-> PNP starts with the main character, Severus Snape, passed away as like canon Harry Potter where he bitten by the snake (Nagini, Voldie's Pet).. There's so many time travel AU stories that making the main character(s) to die first too
Follow the difficult, cursed journey of Frederick that becomes the protagonist of his story as given another chance to make amends by the angel of the fortune Gwen by returning to the past - few months ago before his death day as imprisoned by Leland alone in the hole Given knowledge from the memories of what might happen but inability to tell them to the ordinary, non-cursed people as blazing rusted chains of 'non-divulgence' will accompany Frederick to prevents him to telling the truths; about him that come from the future, about his kingdom's vile plan to the Pastel Princesses, about the details of the events that'll lead to the doomed future...
-> I am not a good writer by any means, this project RaS is literally the first time I am making a huge multi chapters series which make me so anxious... But I know I am not the only one that making fanfiction with that 'skeleton' like that, 2 huge fandoms (Harry Potter and NARUTO) in the fanfictions has many examples of that, but I admit that in the CPC fandom my project gonna be the very first to exist. It's gonna be the very last? Hmm I don't know honestly, I've seen some CPC fanfic with time travel element with potentials...
In the 'magical' world of the CPC series, "time travelling" is something unheard off and considered to completely fictional even for the club that consisting of cursed members. It's out of the world, and all those Fairy Tales books have no match for this particular "curse". Could Frederick makes differences for a happy ending, or he'll die again trying?
-> Time travel. Wao. Such a huge interesting plot driver that so strong and powerful, but could become very messy if not handled right espc if disregarding the canon original stories and rationale thinkings of the story (even if the origin material is a fantasy genre). There's a special character trope identity for time traveller that making FIX-IT the story (another troupe of mine that I really like, usually part of the subplot of "Canon Divergence) which is "Peggy Sue". Frederick is Peggy Sue, but I try my possible best to not making him as Gary Sue with the canon Frederick's skill - Administrative Support = he knows that he can't do everything alone, he needs the help from others that as the story progress we see the friends that he finds along the way as becomes "The Alliances" that'll progress along the way BUT before he could do anything, reaching his goal to saves Gwen - he desperately need to help himself first as in canon analogy, he need to climbing the hole first before even thinking to saves anyone yet...
Most people are scared over the honest summary that I did huhuu T^T But, that's simply the truth? I really hate fanfic that not being honest about the summary of their story, so to not making myself as a hypocrite.. I tell things like that as to not scaring anyone but well... Example: [I am really sorry, didn't mean to scare anyone!] my jaw droped after reading just the description
I am cut to the WARNINGS then for well deserved wariness
This fic decided to be rated M (mature) for reasons as following: (domestic) abuse in form of what Leland could do to his own family, character death (Frederick's reason to reviving the past - is death), (graphic depiction of) violences including cursed attacks (acid damage, were-spider transformation), drugs overdose, also mention (as including ideation) and depiction of suicide.
Most CPC fanfic are on teenager category, and honestly I am in dilemma if RaS should in M or T because PNP as main reference is T rated - even with the character death, subtle hints of mental issue including suicide by jumping from the astronomy tower etc.. I even changed for T at some moment, but then I decide to change back to M so I could be more free to put much needed warning plot points, it's not just death to establish the time travelling condition.. it's for taking complete dark turn over the dark truths that hinted all along in the CPC, like for example eating poisoned apple = suicide
Ch 1 My Deepest Regret
The shortest chapter indeed but I am not sure if anyone aware of my deliberately quote from Jamie. Jamie is the first character in the CPC that truly ships gwenderick after all
Jamie of the CPC ofc not the one that giving quote, but his IRL paralel did. It's such a heartwarming enpowering quote
“Don’t give up. Don’t give up on your story. Don’t give up on the people you love. Hope is real. Love is real. It’s all worth fighting for.
— Jamie Tworkowski
Ch 2 The Angel of the Fortune at the Afterlife
I know there's so many religions and beliefs, but personally I believe that the afterlife (world) is exist and there's angel(s)
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Ch 3 Returning back to make amends
One of the most important moment in the story is when title drop happen, right! So does this fic, with one sentence that I like to pointing out regarding the whole story as following:
Also your death too, why did you forget? Probably with you returning to the past, there's gonna be canon divergences that even make people not as what you know in the past.. Who knows? -> there's so many examples of time-fix fic, but for much needed plot points that involve huge spoilers - some characters aren't like what they're depicted in the canon (espc as reviving the past, the 'introduction' meetings bound to be different) but doesn't make them OOC dw
Ch 4 Breakfast Affair at the Plaid Palace
I am really sorry for the ping but I want to credit you again for helping me making divergence of Frederick's confrontation at the Breakfast of Episode 16 @alexandersimpleton!
Ch 4 is the first huge dread of me to officially making canon divergence but overall I feel I am doing pretty job over it!
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Ch 5 How does it feel to be cursed?
Ch 5 basically make full interpretation that Frederick read ALL of Fairy Tales possible including the ones that come from Eastern - whole new side of the world that not really ever mentioned in the CPC that making major kingdoms as whole in continent, while we know the existence of the Braided Island that unknow exactly = other side's world
So far he's handling the curse pretty well in my book- Since he's reading the tales that he knows to know if his curse is in one of them
That's HC scenario that I really love to happen if Frederick is literally cursed, what he'll do for the first time? Read books
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Ch 6 Long Road Journey
hmm not so much to say as honestly that chapter is 'ugh, I need to write that no matter what for sake of the future' BUT the scene where Lance dragging Frederick out is like this;
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Ch 8 Midnight Snacks
The perks of Canon Divergences Time Travelling AU is we could explore characters early, even for the characters that in canon not yet introduced (example in that ch, Renée) if see the canon timeline - and in the fanfic you could fleshing out their character as well, Renee being an artist that keen on details IMHO not that far fetched because we've seen how she could draws a frog with stitched mouth well for Aurelia
Ch 9 Blondies’ Wariness
My inspiration of that chapter is from CPC meme of this:
https://www.tumblr.com/the-neighbors-kid/707946794118692864/a-jokey-cpc-blonde-people-alignment-chart-i-have?source=share i
@the-neighbors-kidsorry for ping but really appreciate the meme as it's even give me reference for the story!!
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Ch 10 Fairy Tale Ingredients
Based on my own CPC theory analysis as following : https://www.tumblr.com/cornus27florida/712232201376432128/curses-and-cures-magics-and-science?source=share
Ch 11 My Curse and Tales that Related to It
Ch 12 Green Eyed Ezzy
Credit again for Isaac @the-giggling-guava that helps me a lot to fleshing out the Princels as the whole, I really love how it's done but I am surprised myself over that ch is 8k hahaha
Basically that ch is the one that hurting me so far in term of heart, mental and overall self - and I am channeling my own hurts to make that much needed Princels intro as reality
Chokehold inspirations for making that chapter :
IHF's (@cpcposting) fanart of Frederick with black hair dye
IHF's fanfic that making Isolde has a brother, and a band - but instead 'uncle' for Plaid Princes has blue hair and grey eyes, I want to make him a symbol of 'union of Plaid Princes but GOOD (as the evil is OFC Leland)' by making him has great talent over music (Blaine), grey hair (Lance) and green eyes (Frederick, still mystery where he got 'em)
"Please, don't ever like me.. If you like me, there's only heartbreak in the future as the true nature of my curse is unknown - never mind how to break it. You should hate me instead, I am the sole reason your perspective is shattered. I am indeed the monster. You shouldn't in near proximity to a dangerous monster, it will rips you apart as already done with your self-worth..." - Frederick, chapter 11th
Personal shout outs to @meritre24601that reinforcing me that speech very in character of Frederick.. and I remember @saemi-the-dreamertheory about the symbolisms !!
https://vxtwitter.com/risdelusions/status/1729762922547540196?s=20 + https://fxtwitter.com/marinaapbch/status/1730323802175779016 Fred's mind : And all alone again - it will fine, as long as the loved ones (Gwen) will be safe, she has CPC now
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+ I love Checkov's guns, which the books that the Princels gifting to their guests... might become important later on ;)
Overall I am making up all the titles, EXCEPT Syrah's one
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I will do reblogs from this point forward for the incoming chapters, is also to help me get better in organizing ^^
C'mon me from the future self, YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IT
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
I also feel obligated to say that I would like to take all of them to a hockey game, purely to see how they react to a good fight and how much stadium food they would consume before they inevitably feel sick
BANGTAN + HOCKEY = A RARE OVERLAP OF TWO OF MY FAVORITE THINGS omg. ngl i got inspired to write some headcanons so let's goooo (ty to @sailoryooons for helping me cowrite hehe) ��
namjoon: he gets a little lost trying to find his way back to the seats on his own, and when his arm gets grabbed by some important looking dude in a polo, he just goes with it - which is how he ends up in the locker room, sitting quietly through the entire opening pep talk before anyone notices him. the height, the muscles, the general look of confusion on his face: the new assistant coach saw him bumbling around and just assumed he was a healthy scratch - oops!
seokjin: is here exclusively for the shit-talk. bullies the opposing team mercilessly even though he's not actually 100% positive what's going on in the game - it doesn't matter. these clowns need to be TOLD and he's gonna be the one to do it. let's face it, he could play hockey better with his TOES than these losers can! he's also very supportive of any and all fights that break out, and think it's ridiculous that people get penalized for the most interesting part of the game!!
yoongi: possibly the only one actually focused on the game. somehow has all the team standings as well as every single player's name and stats memorized, and can provide them off the top of his head when asked (okay, nobody asked, but he's providing them anyway!!!!!!) (this does actually end up coming in handy when jimin wants to know the names of the cutest players) - he also complains LOUDLY when the refs make terrible calls, and jin immediately joins in despite not knowing or caring what hooking even means.
hoseok: doesn't even know who's winning, all he knows is that he wants to be on the jumbotron so bad - he's wiggling in his seat every time the music comes on, and once the cameraperson finds him, his pure joy meltdown of seeing himself on the screen is so endearing, it becomes a recurring theme the rest of the game to cut to hobi at least once during any given moment of downtime. they even pan over to him during the kiss cam, just for laughs, but jimin is READY and proceeds to lean over and plant the smooch of a lifetime on him.
jimin: jungkook notices it first, and everyone thinks he's mostly joking and/or projecting when he mentions it, but then yoongi corroborates: the players...... can't stop looking at him. two dudes literally skate into each other because neither of them can take their eyes off jimin. guys sitting on the bench are turning around to look at him. he just cards a hand through his hair and tries to keep his knowing smirk to himself.
taehyung: the mysterious enigma that he is, our boy disappears midway through the period, mumbling an excuse about wanting to stretch his long-ass legs which, yeah, fair. but just as seokjin is starting to complain that he's going to miss the start of the period if he doesn't make it back soon, hobi is swatting at his arm and pointing towards the ice because, yep, there taehyung is: sitting prim and proper on the back of the zamboni, princess-waving as he circles the ice. to this day, nobody knows how he talked his way into it.
jungkook: as far as he's concerned, this is an all-you-can-eat buffet with a side of sports. hot dogs, burgers, nachos, pretzels, chicken tenders, popcorn, churros - he's eating til he's nauseous and washing it down with as many beers as he can get away with before jin cuts him off. he's here for a good time, not a long time!!!! .....and yes he will complain the entire ride home that his stomach hurts 🥺
whrguekhgjldf thank u and sorry this is so niche but i had fun lmao
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soft hours!! 🌸 if you could do one (sfw!) activity with one member (or subunit!) of bangtan: who are you with & what are you doing?
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rollerskatinglizard · 5 months
20 questions for fan creators
Thanks for tagging me, @rhea314!
How many works do you have on ao3? 112 fics!
What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,360,000, holy smokes.
What fandoms do you create for? Motorcity and Homestuck!
Top 5 Works by Kudos: Top fic is Diamonds for Princes, then comes Heredity and Blackmail (even though I didn't finish it), What it takes to satisfy a Turk, shadows spreading where you stand, and Chilton 2.0.
Do you respond to comments? All except for cowritten fics sometimes! All the rest, I may answer two years late but I WILL RESPOND!!
What is the work you’ve made with the angstiest ending? Probably the first of my whump shortfics! Here's to major character death, babyyyy
What’s the work you’ve made with the happiest ending? I try to write most of my fics with happy endings, but honestly I have no idea which one is the happy-EST. Maybe Shadows spreading where you stand? Or In the Lost Age Where the Jewels Hide!
Do you get hate on your works? Nope!
Do you create smut? Hell yes I do! Happy pornographer here.
Craziest crossover? I'm pretty sure the only crossover that might be termed "crazy" is Taking the Helm, with Motorcity characters in a Homestuck setting (as trolls).
Have you ever had a work stolen? Not that I'm aware of, fortunately.
Have you ever had a work inspired by your works? Yes!! A number of awesome people have drawn art from my fics or made podfics of them, and there've been one or two inspired fics. <3
Have you co-recorded/co-written/co-vidded before? I have three wonderful cowriters who I click very well with! Cowriting is a very different process from writing alone, and I enjoy it a lot.
All time favorite ship? Right now, Mike Chilton/Chuck.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Honestly I'm beset with doubt about many of my wips at all times... ToT Maybe my (non)soulmates fic.
What are your podficcing/writing/vidding strengths? I'm getting better at humor! My action scenes are fairly gripping, when I bother to write one, and my porn is hot or cute or both.
What are your podficcing/writing/vidding weaknesses? I almost never describe settings, I don't vary my sentence structure or paragraph beginnings enough, my fics tend to be light on plot, and my writing is neither lyrical nor vivid and visceral. It's, like... workmanlike. It gets the job done, that's it.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Depends! If it's just a brief bit in a fic, totally, go for it, but if there are long chunks written in a different language (one I undoubtedly don't speak), that irritates me for multiple reasons. (I found Lolita's narrator incredibly irritating and full of himself for his habit of constantly dropping in long quotes in other languages.) If you're doing it because that's the language they'd be speaking, but your POV character doesn't understand, you can convey the annoyance of that just as well with skillful writing, and if the POV does understand... just translate.
First fandom you podficced/wrote in/vidded? Oh man, an age ago I started and didn't finish a number of Slayers fics, and then Gundam Wing.
Favorite work you’ve made? I... I can't pick just one! I still adore my naga fic hold you down until you're amazed, and Ace Up the Sleeve, and my (second) werewolf gangbang fic A Gregarious Species, and then there's my king/knight fic All Manner of Indignities...
No, wait. My fav fic of all is the short one where the Burners end up messing with the Duke: Spite, that great motivator. XD Even now, it makes me giggle.
Uhhh I tag @aishitara and @aspenonthecoast, and anyone else if you're around and feel like it!
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swaps55 · 11 months
20 Fanfic Questions
Tagged by @cchickki. Thank you!
Tagging @urrone @westernlarch @bioticbooty @commander-krios and anyone else who feels so inclined!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
I haven’t checked to see if Mezzo’s current word count will put me into 7 figures, but if it doesn’t, it’s close.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mass Effect. One trick pony right here.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sonata – Sam and Kaidan fake dating.
Cantata – The Making of Commander Shepard, aka, a group of misfits find a home in each other. Also it’s an epically slow burn friends to idiots to soulmates.
Celestial Navigation – One of the rare times I wrote smut. The entire time I worked on it I was the equivalent of a hissing cat stuck in a tree.
Pieces Form the Whole – A collection of mshenko shorts, prompts, etc., featuring more or less a proto-Sam Shepard who isn’t Sam Shepard but eventually became him.
Fugue – Alchera and the 2 year gap. A story about finding hope in grief.  
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Sometimes I go through a low spoons period where they sit for a bit, but I have a rule that I cannot post anything new until I have responded to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts on a thing I wrote. Community is the best part of fandom. Having others to yell and flail with about the fictional people in my head is fucking incredible.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A short in Pieces Form the Whole called Faraway, So Close, which is the only Angst Without a Happy Ending thing I have ever written. It is the fic that kicks puppies. It is less than 1,000 words and I will never write anything like it again.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Not sure I have ever written about two happier people than Sam and Kaidan at the end of Sonata.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. The occasional odd comment, but I haven’t gotten any hate, thankfully.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
When a story calls for it, I write it, though I’m too ace to write much smut for the sake of smut. I don’t have anything against it; smut just doesn’t interest me much unless the conditions are right. Couldn’t tell you what the conditions are. I just know them when I see them.  
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Crossovers and AUs aren’t usually my thing, but I have to admit I have been mildly tempted to write a Mass Effect/Stargate AU, because I sure wouldn’t have to work hard to set it up, and Sam Carter and Sam Shepard breaking physics would be tons of fun.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not translated, though I’ve had a couple of stories podficced, which is insanely cool!!!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Once, and it taught me rather painfully that cowriting is not something I am cut out for.  
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Shepard and Kaidan, to the surprise of no one.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
It’s pretty rare I start something I don’t finish. My head explodes if I try to work on more than one project at a time, so if I get invested in something it generally gets finished. I have a story called Cadenza that isn’t currently doing anything – because I can’t work on 2 things at once – that I really want to finish; I just don’t know when I’ll get there. But I really hope I will.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and combat are two things I have a very good time with.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I suck at setting. If reading that surprises you in any way, and hopefully it does, it is because I have worked very hard to suck less at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have long envied the ability of others to write in other languages, and write dialect. I would love to be able to do it, but I suck at it. So add that to #17, lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically, it was The Black Stallion. I was probably eight. I sent The Black and Alec Ramsey to space.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Aww, don’t make me choose between my children. I love my stories. But gun to my head, long fic is probably Cantata. It was such a joy to write, and watching other people fall in love with OC characters I figured no one would care about was proof magic is real.
My favorite one shot is probably The Words That Change Us, an N7 day story that became the catalyst for all the Sam and Kaidan First Kiss AUs. Writing that story was an insane experience – I couldn’t write it fast enough. At one point I had two completely different conversations unspooling in my head at the same time. It’s so much fun to go back and read.
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electricrogue · 5 months
@tinknevertalks tagged me in this game and I finally got my ass around doing it yaaaay :D
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
74 :D
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sanctuary mostly though I did dable in other stuff as well.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Mysterious Ways(Fleabag)– 100
Confessions(La casa de papel) – 97
Five Times Randall Came Up With Vermish Theories And One Time It Got Confirmed (The Order) -90
Reunion (La casa de papel) – 89
Meeting Someone Big (The Order) – 82
I am with Tink on this one Sanctuary is not a big fandom what can I say xD
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yep :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t do angst xD. I tried doing angst once, fully intending of doing like a main character death and yeah… Never finished it xD. So can’t really say :P. Maybe Stay? But that’s more bad century than bad ending :P
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them, really xD. Depending on whether happy ending means happy ending in the fairy tale way or in the porn way probably 😊). But yeah they’re happy alright :P.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Never did and I hope I never will xD
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Is there more than one kind lol 😊). Straight, surprisingly – let’s start with that. And probably a bit bloody because I have some kinks ok 😊).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've done a few crossovers. Probably The Temptation Within is the craziest one because for some reason there’s like 4 or 5 people who are both Within Temptation and Sanctuary fans (whyyyyyyyyy it fits like a glove) and I know all of them so yeah xD. Not exactly an audience. But I did start my ao3 account because of that (ff.net is iffy about RPFs because well. RPFs have bad reputation basically, though I was nice… but yeah).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, this one in Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I had an account on ff.net which I used to cowrite porn basically. There’s no putting this in a nicer way but if anyone is interested here xD
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Helen/Nikola hands down
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am a cryptic bitch, does that count? xD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions I hate them with a passion xD.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I don’t know languages other than English that would make sense for the fandoms I write unfortunately, so the only times I did it I went with Google translate big time on that. I know a few things in Serbian but a whole dialogue? Nope.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Tom and Jerry crossover with Chip and Dale but that one was never published I was like 7 😊). So yeah.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Don’t make me choose between my babies damn it ☹. But I am going to go with The Admins Know Better because that’s two fandoms I like but it’s not that much in your face that you need both of them to make it work so yeah xD.
If any of the following didn't do this and they want to feel free to do it :) (I haven't been on Tumblr much lately so sorry if I missed it): @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter, @lanistas @ladyelysandra
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Thanks for the tag @joestarling 💖
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? 85, including none Mat fics.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 203,323
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mainly Mat fandoms but in the past, I wrote some DC (mainly Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, etc.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Cats and Birds Never Did Play Well Together - DC - Jay/Tim - 770 kudos The Carnality of Twist-It - BBC Ghosts - The Captain/Thomas - 349 kudos On Loan - DC - Dick/Slade, Dick/Jason - 314 kudos Catching Up With My Eyes Wide Shut - BBC Ghosts - The Captain/Julian/Thomas - 214 kudos Don't Knock It Until You've Tried It - BBC Ghosts - Julian/Thomas - 140 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? It depends on the comment and the commentor. I know I can get away with not replying to every comment from some people, they know I love and appreciate everything they say but if it's someone I don't know, I will tend to reply in the hopes that they'll read more of my things!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Possibly Ariel's Parting Gift, simply because it ends in pretty much the same way that YMATA does with some added angst.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't know, maybe Fanny Five Ways, it ends pretty well for Fanny?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not directly, though I know that there's some hate on the previously mentioned fic on Twitter 🙃
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep, it's all I write, usually at least elements at BDSM or kink, very rarely soft.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I do write crossovers but mainly Mat characters with Mat characters from different universes. I guess the craziest ones that I write are when I have Mat himself with Thomas and Julian and I guess that's a tad far fetched but it was fun to write and hopefully fun to read!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of but myself and @joestarling seem to readily influence each other with fic ideas and universes and it's wonderful &lt;3
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? I did when I was much younger but my "cowriting", I wrote one chapter and they wrote another and we didn't really input into each others chapters because I don't like criticism 🤣
13. What's your all time favourite ship? Ariel/Chris
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will? To be honest, I always end up coming up with ideas for further chapters of most of the fics that I write but there's no way that I'll finish them or even start them in some cases.
15. What are your writing strengths? Honestly, I don't know really. I can tell you what I like in my own fics and it's my own style of writing? I know I like this because I read a writer whose writing felt very similar to mine and I found it so easy and so enjoyable to read.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Self-doubt, needing very precise conditions to be able to write, laziness when it comes to editing, and much, much more.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? What I'd normally do is just write the dialogue in English, in Italics and make it clear that it's a different language, that's what I did for writing Russian in an unpublished fic.
18. First fandom you wrote for? Back to the Future, it's still out there, just not on my AO3 account.
19. Favourite fic you've written? My personal favourite is my recent Ariel/Tentacle fic because I've wanted to write it for a while and I could write it in the exact way that it existed in my brain?
(Not tagging because I don't really know anyone else that writes fic - but if you see this and you want to do it, feel free to and tag me in your answers!)
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dreamcrow · 11 months
20 questions
i was tagged by several people (thank you @niemalsetwas, @babblish, and @creativenicocorner), who in doing so have conveniently eliminated many of the people i would have thought to tag myself, haha. let's see... @falling-hand-in-unlovable-hand, @eri-223, @sidhewrites, if you like? plus anyone else who would like to steal.
1.) how many works do you have on ao3?
41 posted; 0 drafts.
2.) what's your total ao3 word count?
189,246. (?!)
3.) what fandoms do you write for?
oh, ask not for whom the hyperfixation tolls. (toa, obviously.) i do have a few fics i've deleted, though, in fandoms i don't currently have any fics for. maybe i should republish them on anon? 🤔
4.) what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in my sleep i dreamed of waking
all that dazzling dawn has put asunder
it's a lovely day in stricklake month
misc. trollhunters prompts
oh...they're (almost) all str/icklake, lol. and so old! is it strange that i feel so disaffected by this? well, probably not. a good lesson in kudos being merely a measurement of "how many times people pushed the kudos button," i suppose.
5.) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to! part of my general attitude of "fandom is a conversation." i worry i don't always have all the spoons to make my replies what i feel they "should" be, but i do always want to convey my gratitude for people taking the time to leave a comment at all.
6.) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, that's easy: notstantinoplefic! unfortunately it's not yet approached something even remotely publishable, so that probably means very little. ¯\_( ᐛ )_/¯
other than that...probably the first or second parts of minor arcana. probably the first, more than the second. skrael's chapter ends on something awful but he's about to enjoy a good bit of (however fleeting) catharis; bellroc however doesn't get any closure for what happens in their chapter until they meet nari, a couple centuries later.
7.) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...do i have a fic that doesn't have an ultimately happy ending? 😂 oh, i am too soft. even the horrible vicious ancient wizard gods tend to go out with full stomachs, warm beds, and someone on their side.
8.) do you get hate on fics?
i'll not lie: i have glimpsed the occasional drama from over my meticulously-curated rose hedge. but most of it seems to be from children, and for all my various weaknesses, i think i can survive being vagueblogged by people who aren't old enough to vote. if not: my anon is on ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
9.) do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i am ATTEMPTING. most of the smut i've ever read has left me generally ??? baffled, glazing over, skipping through (without animus) to the next part. again, this is not the fault of the author; it's true even of things i can tell objectively are well-written, titillating, otherwise universally acclaimed. but i enjoy thinking about character exercises, and i am not completely untemptable, so this year i've been trying to make some progress on my longtime agenda of "get the horrible bird wizard railed."
...none of which is terribly apparent given that none of it is published, ofc! but. hopefully. that may change in the not-too-distant future.
10.) do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
tbh i am very picky about crossovers. but i must admit... skraelroc necro/cav au... a man is Considering
11.) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i've had people repost my art, which (as someone who does not think of himself as an even remotely skilled artist) was very surprising. but never fic.
12.) have you ever had a fic translated?
none that i know of.
13.) have you ever co-written a fic before?
the closest i've ever come is probably blue wizard boyfriends, which is inspired by some rp shenanigans between a friend and me. but even so, my take on douxie in that series has diverged quite a bit from hers! so it doesn't really feel like "cowriting."
14.) what's your all-time favorite ship?
as your #1 friendly neighborhood degenerate not-even-actually-incest pornographer, i simply must say: nothing quite hits like a ship you literally invented
15.) what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
to be completely honest, i do still feel the occasional pang of nostalgia for my gr/avity f/4lls fic. i had a lot of world built for it, a whole sequence/interaction arc for the characters (and not just the couple). unfortunately, even this many years later—even if i never got directly harassed—the nastiness of that fandom has still left a very strong impression on me. it was the first time i think i ever saw a/ntis in action, and i don't think i have any desire to pick that story up again.
16.) what are your writing strengths?
...worldbuilding? present tense, apparently. 😂 i've also been told i have a knack for—ah, how did he put it. understated emotional closeup shots? i think of such kind comments often, haha.
17.) what are your writing weaknesses?
discipline. not using too many semicolons. recently: not using paired adjectives. mainstream fanon. not going back over published work and finding a billion small things to fix (though i'm getting better at this).
18.) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
...mainly: "you're lucky i didn't make myself learn actual ancient egyptian for all those dumb little skraelroc shmoop fics i keep setting in ancient egypt"
otherwise? i err on the side of under-doing it, but i love doing this. i love seeing this in fic, even if it's not a language i know. it's like a little easter egg!!
19.) first fandom you wrote for?
a very old anime fandom which i will not be revealing on main. probably twenty years ago, at this point. almost certainly on ff.net.
20.) favorite fic you've ever written?
oh, i'm not sorry. i am thinking of minor arcana so often these days, but i really am pretty proud of it. even now, more than a year later! once i have the time to go through and fine-tune everything, i'm going to bind it. it's a very weird fic, probably, but one that is nevertheless (or perhaps because of this?) very dear to my heart.
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hbyrde36 · 11 months
@griefabyss69 really keeping me busy with the tag games AND I LOVE IT 💜💜💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20! A few are short drabbles and one also one series that prob should have just been a multi-chaptered fic, so it sounds like a bit more than it is, but i'm super proud of my body of work so far
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
219,683 😱- which sounds absolutely insane to me considering i just started writing/posting in February of this year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Stranger Things for now, but I could see myself doing this with future hyperfixations as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Times Like These
Shelter In Place
Caught in the Undertow
Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I don't always manage to respond to 100% of comments, but I really try because they do mean SO much to me and i want ppl to know that and to thank them for reading!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I have any, at least right now, with an angsty ending. Happy endings always and forever over here 💜 Angstiest fic, in general, would be (i think) Caught in the Undertow.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a tough one because, of course, happy endings always, but I like the hopeful and open ending to Times Like These. It's nice after all the rigamarole of the time loop.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
*knocks on wood SO hard* I have yet to get a negative comment on anything and I feel so lucky for that because I just know how dicouraging it would be. That said, it does make me wonder if I play it too safe sometimes, and so i'm considering pushing myself a bit more out of my comfort zone in the future.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, though usually as a small part to a larger fic. I have yet to write smut for the sake of itself. (though I do worship those authors that do. You are all wonderful and i'm not worthy!!) I'm still very self conscious of my spicy scenes, but i've been working hard at it and i'd like to think i've improved quite a bit since my first time.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! My fic - Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter is the love child of Steddie and the long running Anita Blake vampire hunter novel series. It has been so much fun to write and I love every comment i get from a reader who has never even heard of Anita Blake but loved the fic anyway! From the moment I imagined Steve as Anita and Eddie as Jean-Claude, i just knew i had to do somethign with it. It's been an absolute blast and i can't believe it's almost complete.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No - but that would be amazing!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I havn't, but would definetely be open to the idea with the right person. (assuming i had the time to commit to it) I am doing the reverse big bang, which is not cowriting of course but is a collaboration and i'm super excited for it.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie got me into this whole fandom/fanfic mess and they are without a doubt my favorite but i'll read just about any ST pairing if it's written well.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I plan to finish every project i've started, even those i'm not yet posting. For my own sanity i don't think I could leave anything unfinished (no judgement whatsoever to anyone who had left a fic unfinished though, this shit (and life) is hard sometimes!)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know really, um, I think I do pretty good dialog? I know that's the part of writing I tend to enjoy the most, and the part i usually write first for any scene. I can hear my characters voices very clearly in my head so conversation comes easily and naturally most of the time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting too caught up in the little details (and stressing about them) and letting it slow me down
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I havn't done it myself but i do love it in other fics ❤
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger Things/Steddie! I'm a fanfic late bloomer and only started reading it a year ago, and writing it 9 months ago.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
You can't make me choose! I love all my children equally!
Ok, fine. I'll say - Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy) is my current favorite because it is probably the most insane and creative project i've undertaken so far. It was a long time coming too. I had the idea for it way back in March, but I doubted my ability to take it on for a long time and only starting writing and posting it in july. It still feels intimidating to think about, but I love the way I've twisted canon to fit my weird idea.
No pressure tags! @penny00dreadful @thisapplepielife @manda-panda-monium @steddiecameraroll @chaosgremlinmunson @spoookysix @steventhusiast
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Writer Asks!
Tagged by @stellarspecter! thanks for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
153! 142 of those are JatP, and I'm working on one that would be a really cool number 150... so maybe I gotta write 7 short ones first...
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
651,798. Since 2021. Yes I have a problem.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Julie and the Phantoms and The Bright Sessions almost exclusively at this point, but I also have Percy Jackson and Supernatural fics on Ao3. Back in the day, I wrote a ton of PJO on fanfiction.net and then a handful of fics in like 8 other fandoms.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
far from hurt is where healing occurs -- JatP, Rayvor Reconciliation, 276 kudos
a crack in the ceiling (trace it back to my heart) -- JatP, juke sickfic, 237 kudos
i was fine until it was time to feel -- JatP, alex sickfic, 230 kudos
as long as i am here (no one can hurt you) -- JatP, reggie sickfic (anyone seeing a trend here?), cowrite with someone iii no longer speak toooo, 203 kudos
say what you want (but it's hard when you're young)-- JatP, other alex sickfic, 187 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Often several months after I received them, but I always catch up eventually!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My latest! In which I give Mark Bryant a Better Life and Different Trauma!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
My JatP Big Bang fic from last year! A lot of shit happens before we get to the happy part but it actually does end really nicely for everyone :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I feel like I did... once... I do not remember what it was for or about and i'm pretty sure I deleted the comment. which is probably good in the long run that it happens rarely enough that i forget the details.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I occasionally write smut. I do not consider myself good at it. So I often don't post any. Closest I've got is the above linked mark bryant's different trauma fic and its like. five paragraphs in one scene.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I do! Haven't posted a ton, I don't think I have any on ao3, and a lot of what I call a crossover in my head and google docs is just a fandom crossed with ocs @joyandthephantoms and I made up and like to put places.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and thank god, I think that would destroy me.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be really cool if anyone ever wants to!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Quite a few. Gonna shout out time travel with @a-tomb-with-a-view and toxic besties with @weneedglitter
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
this is an impossible question to answer. Whichever one i'm currently thinking about at any given moment :)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
this is a trick question. there are WIPs i want to finish and i probably will because i'm stubborn, and there are WIPs i doubt i will finish but mostly because i don't want to.
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue, character, Concepts and Images
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description, exposition, action, setting. basically all the things you don't need in good fanfic which is why i like writing fanfic :)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
fine if the translation is really obvious from context, fine if in small doses where it wouldn't be suuuper annoying to google the translation. whole conversations i will inevitably skip, although i did read a really cool Captain America fic once where there was some German dialogue and on ao3 the paragraphs were hyperlinked so that you hovered over them and saw the translation.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson! my fanfiction.net accounts are still up, but don't look at them, they're not good /lh.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
not sure there's an easy answer to this! sometimes i write things just to write them and post them just to get them out of my google docs, and sometimes i write things cause the idea won't let me go, and i post them cause i'm really proud and want some validation from strangers (and friends!) on the internet. my favorite one is whichever one I'm most proud of in the moment, which is usually the one I just finished, but even the ones I feel don't hold up as well or that i could've written better, i'm still really proud of, cause i made a hat! This was fun! i haven't been active on this account for a while, but i liked getting back into the swing of things, so if anyone still looks at this blog and actually read this, feel free to send me an ask with more questions/comments about my fics! i always like talking about them :)
no-pressure tagging: @joyandthephantoms
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actually y'know what on the topic of my darling beloved @queerfictionwriter
i did fully intend to make a very gay post about her on our anniversary, but i was already in the trenches of migraine hell time by then and so all i managed was this, in case anyone missed it:
Tumblr media
entangled really is the best description we've got for it, and we don't have time to really unpack all of the intricacies of all of that, but what i am here for is to wax extremely fucking gay about how much i love and appreciate twist
read more specifically so this is not a huge wall of text
look, i could go on for days about how much i adore twist. she's funny and she's sweet and she's petty and she's vicious and she's smart and she's loving and just -- i could go on, i really could. everything she is, even the "bad" things, i just. i love her so much. i've said similar before, but i lured her home a little over two years ago expecting i would get a new fandom friend, and i did! i absolutely got that!
but i also got a twin. a partner, my illegal wife. a cowriter and developmental editor. genuinely, i accidentally came across some kind of soulmate -- someone who has felt, from the beginning, like a home.
and the thing is, none of that has changed, it's only gotten more and more. and right now -- god, right now.
i mentioned in my last post, but i've suddenly developed chronic migraine. 60 out of the last 66 days have either been active migraine attack, or somewhere inside the symptoms. i haven't been a person, i've been a shambling pile of depressive episodes, emotional flashbacks, a whole lot of physical and emotional pain and ongoing crisis. my brain has been trying to self-cannibalize, and also eat anything and anyone i love in the process, and twist has not in any fashion been spared from that. during my worst moments, i have said some incredibly awful shit, implied even worse about her, and it's never been about her, it's always been my brain lashing out at the safest part of my life because i'm in crisis, but it doesn't remove the fact that it's happened. it's happened, and i feel incredibly bad about it, but the thing is that twist has gone nowhere.
there's been new boundaries, and limits, and changes, of course there has; she cannot be the only person dealing with me, when i'm like this, and when i have clarity (rare, for the last 66 days, but getting less so, in the world's tiniest increments) i know that. when i don't know that, well -- spiralling me is a lying whore and we're not trusting them on fuck all.
but twist has stuck around. she's had hard conversations with me, and she's helped me process a lot of what's happening, and she's encouraged me through the worst of the hopelessness about my health and situation. she's assured me again and again that being sick is not a crime, that she's not going anywhere no matter what my abandonment trauma thinks. she's helped me set up ways to cope -- a playlist of songs she's picked that are meant to remind me that she loves me (its title is literally Twist Loves You), pinned messages in discords, willingness to reassure me, tagging in our other loved ones, writing up a document so that they understand how best to care for me when i'm in this crisis. she's encouraged me to go to the ER, encouraged me to get therapy, let me whine very, very loudly and very, very much about everything.
she's been fucking incredible, the entire time, even when it's felt like everything is falling apart -- every time, she's there when i come back to the surface. and i don't genuinely think i can put into words how precious that is, how much it means to me, how much i love and adore her not just for what she does for me but everything she is -- someone who doesn't love in moderation, who is willing to love me like this, who is willing to love me even when the scared-animal part of me is convinced i don't deserve it. someone who loves like that at all, not just me but everyone she loves.
so yeah. idk how coherent this is, and i don't think it matters. i just. i love her so much, and i need to shout it from the goddamn rooftops because she deserves to hear it and everyone else should know how amazing, fantastic, perfect and wonderful she is. fantastic friend, fantastic partner, fantastic writer, fantastic editor, fantastic person overall and across the board.
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nona-gay-simus · 6 months
Re the ask suggesting Benjanun Sriduangkaew, they probably did so because that author (who is a woman, just clarifying since you said 'him' -- the first name does get mistaken for 'Benjamin' a lot but nope author is a lesbian writing for lesbians) writes a lot of butch4butch science fiction with like, weird body stuff with both sf and fantasy elements (often as intimacy proxy), sort of like TLT, and also has really pleasing prose like Muir. There's a lot of variety and gender complexity to her lesbian characters which is really refreshing. Unfortunately I don't know that there are audiobooks, all her books are small press so this may not be funded to exist. However, they usually are on the shorter side or even novella length and are not big bricks like so much sff. She also cowrites a series as 'Maria Ying'.
Oh sorry, it's good to know they are a woman!
And I love the idea of butch4butch, but something about fem4fem is just not doing it for me esp because most of the times these characters feel extremely straight-washed. There are exceptions like I Kissed Shara Wheeler where the main relationship is fem4fem, but the emotions are very intense and both characters have very unique and different queer experience that feel real.
(Also, Im personally not inherently against men writing lesbians, though certainly wouldn't prioritize them - also, re: lesbians writing for lesbians, I'm also very much pro bi/pan and otherwise sapphic people writing sapphic people. I just don't want them to all be thin, white and conventionally attentive women. Like make them hot, sure, but make them hot in a gay way, pls!)
I have definitely put them on my tbr, it's just that rn between my degree and my full time job I don't have the spoons to read with my eyes. 🥲 I can't even make myself read the tlt shorts or a graphic novel which was rec to me as "modern au Griddlehark" (it's Belle of the Ball if anyone is curious.)
Honestly if I hadn't discovered audiobooks in late 2022 I never would have read TLT!
Also, if anyone is interested I'm writing several SFF projects that (I hope) capture the humor, prose (?? That part is the most difficult), gender and character dynamics like Taz Muir though I don't have anything reader ready, besides one ya romcom, which I'm currently querying lit agents with.
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luzzeagain · 10 months
Fandom ask game
(@thebansacredbanned tagged me)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
31 (what, really? How?)
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
Gotta love the 8.
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Nirvana in Fire, at the moment, plus occasionally nonsense for whatever show I am currently watching (see Mysterious Lotus Casebook). Most of what I write never gets anywhere near AO3: it’s all in comments or email or, these days, group chat.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The first two are co-written, and the third is not actually by me – and in all three cases, the writer/cowriter was someone with a much bigger fandom following than me, so claiming them feels rather like cheating. Which leaves
The Sorceror and the Demon ( NiF) – Fei Liu origin story The Appleby File (Yes Minister/Sherlock)  - Mycroft meets his Civil Service match Fledging (Crash Landing on You) – How does anybody survive the appalling standards of kdrama first aid?
Tactics in the field (NiF) Jingyan/MCS h/c. I’m not sure the likes are purely for the writing, here
Yalta (Cabin Pressure) The one with the otters.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, unless it’s an anonymous exchange – not that I do exchanges, but I write treats. People have taken the trouble to comment! It’s polite to respond!
6) What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t really do heavy-duty angst. Ask a tricky question is probably the angstiest overall, despite also being one of the shortest. A Meeting of Minds has a spectacularly angsty end-note, despite being mostly fluff. On the other hand, I once spent ages writing a scene that I thought was really edgy and angsty and was congratulated in comments on how funny it was. Not my forte, is what I'm saying here.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I tend to write humour, so… most of them? A long-expected party is the only one I’ve ever done that set out with the MCS lives! premise, though, and ends that way, too.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Not hate, as such, I’ve had a couple of comments where the discussion didn’t go in the direction I was expecting it to.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. The fade to black is a very very useful device. If I did, I’d spend all my time worrying about whether people accidentally had three hands and it would not be sexy at all. In veneno veritas is probably as close at it gets.
10) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
All the characters in all the things I have ever read or seen live in a continuous extended universe where they are always running into each other. I like using fic to explore the absurd, and crossovers are a great way of doing that. The ‘Paddington in Jin Ling’ one is *probably* the craziest, though I’m also fond of ‘Lin Chen vs Vogon Poetry’. Neither of them are ever coming to AO3, though.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so, and I can’t think why anyone would.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
There’s a Russian translation of The Appleby File. Is Yes Prime Minister popular in Russia?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
It is no coincidence that the only fics over about 3k are co-written. I write mostly to make my friends laugh (or occasionally scream),  and tend to run out of steam on my own.
14) What's your all-time favorite ship?
HMS Surprise, if Scarab is too small to count (Oh, all *right*, then) Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin, though I don’t write it, or even read much in the way of fic. It’s complicated and spiky and soft and there’s so much trust there, and it continues to change and grow over the entire series. I don’t really read for ships though. Your favourite ship’s unusual? Convince me. I can be convinced of most things.
15) What's a wip that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The Cabin Pressure/Crash Landing on You ostrich heist one. There’s some good stuff in there. And a lot of ostriches.
16) What are your writing strengths? Editing – I’ve just corrected the spelling in the question. More seriously, in English language fandoms, I have a good ear for voice, but it’s a long time since I’ve written in any. I like to think I can do a killer closing line.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Starting anything. I am a world-class procrastinator. And I hate tag-wrangling, but who doesn't?
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I wouldn’t, personally.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
There was a very bad James Bond serial I wrote for my brother when he was doing his GCSEs. I don't think I know anyone to tag, but feel free if you're interested!
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bellascarousel · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by faves @harnitbee and @stars-of-kyber ❤️❤️❤️
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
54 all total
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
611,647 Wow!
3- What fandoms do you write for?
Bridgerton currently. I used to write for The Originals, but Kate and Anthony have taken over my entire brain.
4- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1.) Let's Run Away Together - 1442
2.) Ruined - 1061
3.) Closure - 448
4.) Don't Leave - 396
5.) Kathony Advent Calendar 2022 - 379
5- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I generally do. I love when people have nice things to say about my writing, and I want to acknowledge them and thank them. Yes, my responses can feel repetitive to me - it feels so weird and insincere to write "thank you for reading and commenting" at the end of every reply, but I want to thank them, even if I am bad at it. LOL That said, sometimes comments get lost in the shuffle. So, if I don't reply to your comment, it's not that I don't appreciate it. It's most likely because I originally read it in my email when I wasn't in a position to be able to go to reply to it and then my ADD brain promptly forgot either that it exists at all, or that I didn't reply to it.
6- What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
While I do write angst, everything I write has a happy ending. That said, the planned ending to In This Life Or The Next would probably have been the angstiest if I hadn't switched fandoms before I could finish it. While everyone DOES end up together and happy - they do so in the afterlife. It was literally going to end on a "rocks fall, everyone dies" scenario that would include things like a guy being forced to kill his little sister, and one guy that they weren't even sure COULD die and were kind of worried would spend Eternity completely alone in a fucking void where the planet used to be.
7- What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Like I said, everything I write has a happy ending. But, I think my happiest ending might actually be Measuring Time. It ends with little Mary's wedding and then an epilogue-like paragraph about Anthony watching his grandchildren grow up and start giving him great-grandchildren. I really liked getting to see even a small glimpse of the long, happy life him and Kate enjoy together - and how hopelessly in love they still are even at the end.
8- Do you get hate on fics?
I had one reader go on diatribes and get into arguments with other readers about my characterization of Edwina in the first two chapters of Let's Run Away Together. Which was hilarious, because she wasn't even IN the first two chapters. Dude was complaining about things Kate and Anthony said. It was a whole big thing. The comments are still there, so go read them if you want. The whole thing is actually kind of funny, really.
9- Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Umm... not sure what you mean by "what kind"? I've done pretty much everything from pretty explicit to fade to black. It always depends on the situation and how much the sex serves the plot and/or characterizations.
10- Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I started one crossover. Between The Originals and The Black Jewels Trilogy. I only wrote one chapter, but had a whole lot planned out. Writing The Sadiablos interacting with the Mikaelsons was oddly fun.
11- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12- Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I am aware of 🙂.
13- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Not really something I'm interested in, either. My hat's off to anyone that CAN work with a cowriter. I can barely get my brain to cooperate with ITSELF, much less someone else.
14- What's your all-time favourite ship?
Kathony, obviously. Though, also obviously, Haylijah are a close second.
15- What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I still have plans to finish all of my Kathony fics. My The Originals fics, though... I would LOVE to finish those but I just don't see it happening. (Love Heals and High School Confidential are the top of my list of fics I wish I could get myself to concentrate on, but doubt I ever will.)
16- What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization
17- What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Everything from the characters, to the settings, to actions. I am just bad at descriptions. And consistency. I want to try to get into a writing habit, but my ADD brain hates me.
18- Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I would do it if I trusted myself to do it right. But, unfortunately, I do NOT trust myself to write in Kate's native language. Maybe I'll have Hyacinth spout something off in Italian at some point, LOL. (I DO write occasional dialogue in Italian in my novel, because of Catie being a native Italian, and Eli also speaking the language.)
19- First fandom you wrote for?
Actually physically wrote down? The Originals.
Created in my head, never saw paper, but could probably be recreated if I ever felt the urge to? The Incarnation Of Immortality
20- Favorite fic you've written?
This is like asking me to choose my favorite child. I can't do it.
I suck at tagging games. So, just tagging anyone who hasn't done it and wants to.
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spiderlilac · 11 months
thank u for tagging me @offdutym0del !!! good to know you’re a fellow spanish speaker 🥰
How many works do you have on AO3?
nine ! hoping to post another halloween one today though lol
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
only hotd at the moment
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
born from delicate violence
ornery, scandalous & evil
the tides talk to me
life is a willow
take you to promised lands
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do and i always will, even if it takes me a year to answer lmao. i highly appreciate anyone who takes the time off their day to comment on my silly stuff, and there’s just something deeply adorable in them saying what their favorite part was, what part made them feel this way, that way, etc. i wish i could kiss everyone who comments because they deserve it !
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think it’s the third entry of the tides series, ornery, scandalous & evil. ngl pretty much all i had in mind was that i wanted it to be angsty and cram together as much characters as possible. i think it worked lmao. it also helped to set background on said characters too — like helaena and her kids, daeron and daemon. and the arrival of the very expected lucemond baby which was kinda ruined by luke. oopsie
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
weirdly enough, i think the grace of a rotting corpse is the happiest one. of course circumstances aren’t looking good, but both luke and aemond are tucked away in their happy little moments (which are kind of gross), and as long as alicent doesn’t know, they’ll be fine.
Do you get hate on fics?
lol the first time i posted omega aemond i got flooded with weird comments that suggested i was somehow disrespecting omega luke (??? 💀) but after that, everything was fiiiiiine.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do, the freaky kind— mostly because i like building up ‘intense’ scenes that end up in smut one way or another lol. the smut itself is just smut, but i enjoy the gymnastics around it.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nope. if i ever did i don’t remember. i haven’t found two ‘fandoms’ or universes i’d like to mix personally
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! someone once requested to translate one of my oneshots into portuguese for another fandom and i said yes. i felt so honored
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no and honestly, i feel like that’s just not for me. i’ve got a very disorganized writing ‘process’ that is organized FOR ME so if i tried cowriting with someone who does it differently it would not work lol.
What's your all-time favourite ship
i feel like this changes every few months tbh. lucemond is my current fave, although there are other asoiaf ships i read about too like rheanicent
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oof. born from delicate violence maybe? listen, that fic was my baby. i loved it and i loved writing it last year, but as weeks went by i got into some bad thoughts and realized that this fic was written at an specific time of my life that i didn’t necessarily want to remember, and between the things to remember, was the inspiration for this fic. i still like it and i do think i still have the original doc for the finale, so perhaps i’ll post it one day, but i feel like posting an ending that’s not even properly edited just for closure will not make me feel right. i also don’t want to post anything that i consider lackluster, since i know a lot of people followed the story last year.
besides that, i had this lucemond thingy in the docs that was very angsty, during the dance era and all. i wrote an entire summary and started the first chapter. i finished and then i just didn’t like the idea anymore, so i left it there.
What are your writing strengths?
not sure about this one. i’d like to think dialogue, or maybe to set a scene. i’m very passionate about setting scenes lmao
What are your writing weaknesses?
definitely typos. also, i finish writing something, i read it a couple of times more to ‘edit’ then post it, so i feel like i don’t spend much time actually editing it ?? hopefully that makes sense. i don’t know how to write fluff without making myself cringe either, so it’s a constant battle
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
in fics that are not mine? i love it. for example, in hotd fics we see a lot of high valyrian stuff and i love when other authors use it as a creative resource. if translations are not available on the fic itself, sometimes i look up the word, sometimes just go with the context of the fic instead. the same with other languages; i don’t have a problem with it. now, writing it for my own fic is a whole different story. i don’t have the patience to add high valyrian in my fics, i prefer to dodge it or just refer to it instead lol. besides english i speak spanish, and if i feel a fic needs dialogue in another language, i’d choose spanish right away instead of trying to use a translator and butchering the poor language.
First fandom you wrote for?
omg i have no idea. i’m pretty sure it’s between marvel and some creepypasta fanbase.
Favourite fic you've ever written?
so far, my absolute favorite is mean bad dog. i love aemond’s clinginess and instability. i love luke’s moral dilemmas and how he tries to fix it all in his head. yum
i’m not tagging anyone but if u want to do it go ahead!!!! reading and making this thing were veeery entretaining.
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