#I would just also like to be seen as the unsettling and uncanny other
vampiric-angel-mutt · 2 years
I don’t know if anyone knows what I mean when I describe my gender as a statue of a woman or an angel but I’ll explain. Yes, firstly it’s just simply funny to me and no one else. But also, I think of it like this, a statue looks a lot like a woman. It has the shape of a woman, you can call it a woman, it functions as a woman in certain spaces, she can be beautiful. But at the end of the day, she’s stone. She’s not made of the stuff that makes a woman, it’s the context that makes her a woman. When you compare her to other statues she is a woman, when you compare her to other women she is a statue. Sure when you look at me you say woman, but I am flesh and bone and blood.
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homunculus-argument · 2 years
"Maybe magic, maybe mundane" is one of my favourite tropes, especially when it's featured in something where magic could plausibly exist.
One book idea that I had that is currently only a pile of haphazard notes features a character only known as The Queen's Mute - or simply "the mute" for short - who is exactly what it says on the tin: the queen's personal jester, who does not speak. He is also ambiguously human. An eerie, elfin creature who seems to find it funny when people are puzzled by him.
Besides being completely silent, he has an uncanny skill in copying how people hold themselves and move. Gait, posture, the expressions they make, he could just be standing completely still doing nothing, and it's still obvious whether he's standing like the king or the head cook. If you've seen the subject once, you'll know who he's impersonating. He's quick to spot every opportunity to insult someone by doing so - like spotting a nobleman who isn't faithful to his wife and following after him across the room in the exact same gait that his mistress walks in. The king once remarks that he can't understand how the hell someone who can't speak can have so many rude things to say.
The protagonist was sent to spy on the queen, and the mute is almost always with her - making no sound, not even footsteps, but making himself seen, and seeing and hearing everything. One never hears him come or go, he is just suddenly there, sitting on the floor, waiting to see who's the first person to glance down and get startled out of their mind because people don't just pop out of nowhere like that. Being fond of climbing furniture as well, he might also be sitting on top of a shelf.
Though the protagonist first assumes that he is somewhere close to her own age - somewhere in his late teens - and the narration refers to him as "boy" more often than "man", the queen corrects her. He is just as grown now as he was when she first brought him with her, and though she doesn't know his exact age, she knows he is older than she is herself.
The king - despite of being the mute's favourite subject of vicious mockery - tolerates him for some reason. Despite of being aware that the relationship between the queen and the jester is romantic as well as sexual in nature. Their marriage is as loveless as political arranged marriages get, so he finds it preferable to let the queen keep her mute if his taunting antics and his unsettling way of just appearing into places at least keep other men away.
The queen occasionally mentions things that she wasn't supposed to know - and couldn't have known - just to let the protagonist know that she knows more about what's going on than what she lets on. When the protagonist fails to hide her shock and asks the queen how she knew, the queen explains that the mute told it to her. The protagonist assumes this to be a joke, her way of saying "none of your business", since obviously the mute doesn't talk.
But he does talk. Only to the queen, only when absolutely no other soul is there to hear it. And as a plot twist on the last third of the book, it turns out that besides knowing how to move like other people, the mute is a frighteningly good vocal mimic. He can copy the queen's voice perfectly, which they have often used for her advantage. Looking back to every scene where the queen was heard but not seen - behind a curtain or a dressing screen, talking through a door, or just overheard singing to herself in the garden - there is no telling whether the protagonist was actually talking with the queen, or if she had that whole conversation with the mute. This would explain at least one incident where the queen was supposed to be in one place but somehow shows up somewhere else.
The protagonist never figures out what the mute's whole deal is. She never finds a satisfying answer despite of the queen clearly telling her that he is just as much a human of flesh and blood as either of them. The queen often sounds like she's lying when she's telling the truth, as she is now. The mute is completely, entirely human, just somewhat autistic and trans.
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Would you consider a request for teenage Suguru and Reader having meet-cutes when he attends missions? She's an amateur photographer who can see Curses, and is desperately trying to catch one on camera. He keeps finding her in dangerous places, but she's really persistent with it, even when he's telling her off 💀😶‍🌫️
Snapshots and Sorcery
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A/N: Hi anon! Sorry this took so long. Thank you for such a cute and unique idea! I had fun writing this fic. Also I know that in JJK, Nanami specifically says cursed spirits don't show up in photos but let's ignore that and have this be minorly au-ish. Pairing: Teen! Suguru x Fem!Reader Warnings: None! Cute and fluffy. Word Count: 3.8k
Geto Masterlist | JJK Masterlist | Taglist
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The first time Suguru laid eyes on you, it was at a run-down museum that had shuttered closed years ago. The museum was already doing poorly long before it closed, unable to bring in enough revenue, until the bank had seized its assets, and the poor curator had hung himself from the neck of the apatosaurus model in the dinosaur wing.
It was rumored the apatosaurus was haunted, roaring and coming to life at night, thrashing around, and reducing the other exhibits to pieces. Sometimes, the occasional high school student would drop by and peek in through the windows on a dare, then hearing the eerie noises coming from inside the building, make a break for it. The ones that stayed too long were never seen again. 
This is why Geto is here now, creeping stealthily through the museum, the eerie look of the shattered exhibits casting distorted shadows across the length of the corridors as he surveyed for the cause. Although he had been told the curse would most likely be haunting the dinosaur wing, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of another presence nearby, emanating a tinge of cursed energy, but not enough for him to believe it could cause him harm. Just as he’d entered the museum, he’d seen a quick flash of silver making a dash towards the back of the atrium towards the birds exhibit. 
The displays looked uncanny, the taxidermied birds all out of place inside the glass displays, the ones that remained intact staring at him with unseeing, glassy eyes. It was unsettling, then as he rounded a corner, he saw another flash and breaks into a run. The sound of frantic footsteps fills his ears. Worried about losing his quarry, he quickly summons one of his curses, the manta ray one, and lets it loose, the creature quickly flying down the corridor. A shriek followed by muffled shouting fills the narrow space as Geto hurries to catch up.
Whatever it was got caught under the curse, wriggling like a mouse beneath a carpet. Cautiously, Geto calls off the curse and is surprised to see a human underneath. Defiantly, you lift your face to him, ready to fight to the death. For a second, your appearance throws Geto off—a beautiful face, followed by a lovely, feminine body. 
“You’re not a curse.” 
You scoff, fixing sharp eyes on him. “Well aren’t you a genius?” you ask sourly, sizing him up. Despite your irritation, you can’t help but notice the appeal of your assailant, the tall, broad youth with his hair up in a bun. Amethyst eyes focus on you and he seems temporarily at a loss of what to do next. 
“What are you doing here?” Geto demands, acutely aware of how this could throw off his mission. No one had mentioned a civilian being present. You scowl and cross your arms over your chest, and that’s when he notices a strap dangling from your arm, and hanging from it, the source of the flashes of silver he’d been seeing; a fancy-looking point-and-shoot camera. 
“None of your business,” you say stubbornly and Geto scoffs. 
“It is my business if you’re going to cause trouble for me. What’re you carrying that around for anyway?” He gestures to the camera.
“Creepy, allegedly-haunted museum. Thought it would make for a good art study.” Your words were too crafted and came too easily, an evasive quality to them.
“Oh, right, and I’m just supposed to take your word for it?” Geto carefully studies you. Just enough cursed energy, but not enough to be a sorcerer. 
“Well, why are you here?” You shoot his question back to him. “And what kinda uniform is that? I’ve never seen a student wearing that uniform around here before.”
Geto is about to reply, but he’s cut off as he senses a rapid movement of energy coming from the opposite side of the building. Whatever the curse was, it appeared to have scented him, and he had no time to waste chit-chatting.
“Look, I have something to take care of,” he says, urgency creeping into his voice. “If you know what’s good for you, please get out of the museum.”
“Why? It’s a free country. I can-” You stop as an unnatural, hair-raising shriek is heard, echoing from the opposite end of the bird exhibit. You shoot a look at Geto and both of you go tearing off in the opposite direction. 
“I’m Geto Suguru,” he says as you both run, hearing heavy footsteps chasing after them. You manage to give him your name as both of you hurtle out of the birds wing and turn into the entomology section. The curse, thrown temporarily off track, pauses and goes in another direction.
“Look,” Geto says in a whisper, “You need to get out of here. It’s dangerous. I-”
“Then why are you staying? Isn’t it dangerous for you too?” Geto looks at you curiously and something in his brain clicks. 
“You can see them, can’t you?” He asks, and for a moment, you’re startled, looking at him with wide eyes. 
“Yes,” you admit after a beat. “Oh, God! Finally! Someone who can see them too!”
“What’s with the camera?”
“No one believes me when I tell them there are…things. So I was trying to catch one on film.”
Geto looks disbelievingly at you, then shakes his head. “Trust me, it’s not worth your life trying to get a picture of a curse. Now please get out of here so that I can exorcise it.”
“Exorcise? What are you, some sort of priest?”
“A sorcerer,” he admits.
“But this might be my only chance, I-”
“Trust me, it won’t be. There are curses everywhere. But this one is particularly powerful and nasty. Better luck with something less vicious.”
“But I-” You gasp as the curse suddenly makes an appearance, crashing through another entrance at the far end of the exhibit. It was truly grotesque, like a decaying dinosaur carcass come to life, with no skin on its body, eyes red and wild. 
Geto immediately springs into action, calling forth another curse from his arsenal. You can’t tear your eyes away from the scene, your heart hammering in your chest as the handsome youth you had known for all of five minutes goes charging into the fray. The most strange and curious creatures came forth as he summoned them, a small agile human compared to the monstrous dinosaur he was fighting. You attempted to take a picture but with all the movement, each shot was blurred.
You’re praying nothing happens to Geto, then finally, 2 of his curses distract the dinosaur long enough for him to begin the exorcism. With a roar that shook the whole museum, Geto begins to suck the curse into his palm. You watch in wide-eyed fascination, the camera forgotten in your hands as the behemoth swirls into black mist, then becomes encapsulated into a black sphere contained neatly in Geto’s palm. Silence falls through the room, and with a shaky breath, you approach Geto. 
“That was pretty neat,” you say, trying not to tremble. Geto looks at you, then at the orb sitting in his palm like a huge black pearl. 
“Look,” he says sympathetically. “I can understand why you want to photograph a curse. But I’m also telling you it’s dangerous and you could get hurt. You could even die. Haven’t the reports of the missing high school students scared you enough to not want to see one ever?”
You shake your head no. “That’s not going to stop me. I need to prove I’m not crazy. Everyone thinks I’m a freak.”
“I know you’re not crazy. Isn’t that enough?” When you remain silent, he huffs in frustration. “Look, I know it sounds bleak, but trust me. It’s better to live knowing there’s someone who believes you, than dying trying to prove to everyone else that doesn’t.”  
He pats your shoulder, a friendly gesture no doubt, but it sends a current of heat through your body, making you blush. You hoped the lack of lighting in the museum would hide your reaction to him.
The both of you walk together towards the entrance in silence, your heart hammering as you get outside and you see his face in the light. A handsome face, clearly on the brink of manhood, looks down at you with a stern expression.
“Well. Take care of yourself. And no more chasing curses. I hope we don’t meet again. At least, not under such grim circumstances.”
Before you could respond, he was walking away, vanishing into the night.
The days that follow are spent combing through the camera, but all photos of the curse were a waste, too blurry to be salvaged. However, there were several of Geto, and you can’t stop from poring over his face, remembering the way he’d moved and quickly contained the curse, effectively saving your life in the process. You hated to admit it, but you were smitten with him.
He had called himself a sorcerer. You wished you had asked for his phone number before he’d vanished. Partly because you wanted to ask him more questions, but also because you’d never had someone in your life who you could talk to about curses, as he’d called them. He knew you weren’t crazy. That thought gave you so much hope, that there was someone who believed you, who saw the terrible things you saw.
It had taken months for you to work out the curse’s location in the museum. You wondered if you managed to find another one…would he be there?
With that, you start an internet search, looking up haunted locale and areas reporting missing people within Tokyo. 
»•» 📷 «•« “Not you again!”
Geto lets out an exasperated sigh as he sees you lingering near the entrance of an old, ruined temple, tucked away in an isolated, mountainous region outside of the city. 
You grin, trying not to let on how eager you are to see him, almost skipping over to him as he rolls his eyes. Admittedly, it had been a chance to go to this location, but you couldn’t be more pleased that your guess was correct. 
“You have a death wish, don’t you?” 
“So do you if you work as a sorcerer,” you bite back, now next to him. Your trusted camera hangs from your arm and he groans at the sight.
“You still haven’t given up the idea of catching one of these things on camera?” he asks, irritated.
“Nope! And I figured, with a sorcerer by my side, I might actually capture a picture, and leave the place alive.”
Geto rolls his eyes at your persistence. “You are not following me in there.” 
“Oh please. Like that’ll stop me.”
“This curse is too dangerous.”
“Do you just say that for all the curses you handle?” you ask in a bored tone. 
“No. You just happen to be at places where the really dangerous ones nest. Are you like a magnet or something? Just…pulled in even against better judgment?”
“Then what does that make you?”
The defiant way you say it makes him snort. “I’m not here out of morbid fascination. I’m here because this is my job.”
He says the words with a touch of finality and turns to walk into the temple, then yells out in dismay as you run past him. He catches up to you quickly, grabbing hold of your wrist and making your heart pound in your chest which had nothing to do with the exertion from running.
“Don’t make me drag you out of here. I’ll place one of my curses near the entrance to watch you so that you can’t get in.”
When you continue to pout he sighs. “You really want a picture huh?”
You nod enthusiastically. “I really do.”
And I want to see you again. 
The words form in your mind, unbidden. “Isn’t there any way you can tell me if a curse is dangerous or not? All I want is the one picture.”
“And you’d stop putting yourself in danger?”
“Yes! Promise!”
Geto tsks impatiently, wanting to finish his mission as quickly as possible, then relents as you continue looking at him like a puppy.
“Fine,” he says indignantly pulling his mobile phone from his pocket. “What’s your number?”
You blink. “You’re asking for my number?” You try not to sound breathless.
“Yes.” There’s a bite of impatience in his voice. “C’mon, hurry up I haven’t got all day.”
You quickly recite your number, and he saves it, sending you a text to confirm. Your face is a little too pink when you get his text, but you look at him neutrally as he heads inside.
“Please don’t follow me,” he says and there is a tinge of concern in his voice.
“Scout’s honor,” you say, striking the gesture with your fingers, and he throws you a glance over his shoulder that could’ve suggested amusement before being swallowed by the temple entrance. 
Almost a month passes by before you see him again.
Geto was always busy and away on some mission or another. The last few curses had all been classified as a grade 2 or higher, so you hadn’t had an opportunity to take a picture just yet.
However, of late, he’d been texting you after getting back to his dorm room from missions, asking about your day and how you were doing. Used to being the weird girl, isolated, misunderstood, because you could see cursed spirits, you had never experienced this kind of amity before. You’d text him late into the night, waiting up for him sometimes until he texted first.
One night, you were restless. It had been weeks since you last saw him, and when he texted you, confirming he was back in the city, you boldly asked if he wanted to go into the shopping district with you. You didn’t need anything, but there was a weird emptiness inside you, a need to see him again, to convince yourself he was real, this person who finally understood the frustration you’d experienced your whole life. He was sympathetic to you, telling you that this was a classic age-old problem between sorcerers and regular humans. 
“We’re kind of like the trash cans of society,” he says jokingly, sipping his milk tea as the both of you wandered through the streets, waiting at the signal light to cross. “We get rid of all the garbage that festers from normal humans, yet people always turn up their noses at us.”
You listen to him in fascination, quietly sipping your own tea. “I wish I could be a student at your high school,” you murmur. Geto’s expression changes slightly, as though he’s weighing what he should say next. The bright lights of the shopping district float around you as wait for his next words. 
“I understand why you’d feel that way. But trust me you don’t.”
“Trust me I do. At least no one will think I’m the weird girl. No one will doubt me if I say I see something, because you can see it too.”
“Yes, but it’s also mission after mission. Death. Risking your life. You saw what happened at the museum.”
“But your life is so cool! You said you can control the curses you absorb right?” You falter at the look on his face, displeasure falling over it like a veil.
“Do you know how I absorb those curses?” he asks quietly, all traces of geniality disappearing from his voice. The unexpected harshness catches you off guard. Swallowing, you venture a guess.
“You put them into those spheres right?”
“That’s to contain them. Do you know what happens after that?” Geto looks like his milk tea was suddenly replaced by sludge. You meekly shake your head no, his demeanor starting to frighten you a little bit. “I swallow them. I literally eat them. Do you know what it’s like, eating a cursed spirit?” He pushes on, not bothered to hear your response. 
“It tastes like a rag that’s been used to wipe up shit and vomit. And I do this over and over again because it’s what’s expected of me. I’ve never been allowed to make a choice that doesn’t surround jujutsu. I can’t leave, because what would happen to humanity, the non-jujutsu humans?” All the bitter feelings he’s been bottling up come spilling out. He couldn’t believe that you wanted his life, especially not after seeing the kinds of situations he’s put into regularly.
No one understood him, not even at school, because curse absorption was such a rare ability. Even if he tried to put it into words, he knew how everyone would react; like it was his duty to continue to do it even if he hated it, treated like some sort of heroic martyr for protecting the human race. For once, he’d love to be you, able to see cursed spirits, but having zero obligation to do anything about it. The appeal of the milk tea dissipates, and he throws it into a trash can, disgust lining his face as his feelings about sorcery start bubbling up.
“I can never think of having a normal life. Going into something other than sorcery, or to just have a selfish moment where if I don’t want to take on a cursed spirit, I can say no and walk away.” He starts walking faster and you’re almost sprinting to keep up with him.
“You don’t understand how lucky you are! I’d pick being the class weirdo any day over having to absorb a cursed spirit.”
You hurry behind him, trailing in his wake, worrying you have ruined everything. “Geto please- I didn’t mean-”
“I’d love to be normal! To go on a date, maybe hold hands, maybe even kiss a girl if I get lucky! Where’s the time for that? If I’m absorbing cursed spirits all the time? I know what it tastes like! Who would want to be with me? Who would want to kiss me?” 
You’ve both walked a reasonable distance from the main shops onto a waterfront shopping strip. It was quieter here, a pleasant breeze flowing through the night air as Geto heatedly walked towards the railing, you scurrying behind him. You manage to catch hold of his hand and to your relief, he doesn’t pull away.
“Geto.” Your heart aches for him. “I’m sorry I brought it up,” you mumble, wishing he’d turn around and look at you. He peers over the railing at the water, watching little lily pads float on the surface.
The silence between you both is deafening. Treading carefully, you try to talk to him again, keeping your voice gentle. “Geto, before I met you, do you know what my life was like? With everyone thinking I was a liar? Or that I was making up things to get attention?” 
When he doesn’t say anything, you continue. 
“I had no one. Everything changed when I met you. I felt like…someone finally gets it. And it’s not just me who can see those awful things. They really exist, and there are lots of people who can see them. It made me feel…a little less alone.” 
He turns to look at you, his expression doubtful and your heart skips a beat as you realize you're still holding his hand, the tension between you both blossoming like springtime wildflowers. 
“You said you wanted…to hold hands. To kiss someone.” You draw closer. “What would you do…If I said…I want to do those things with you?”
His eyes widen as you get closer but he doesn’t push away. “I’d ask you if you were sure because you might be making a mistake.”
You shake your head. “I’m positive I’m not making a mistake.”
His hand, the one you’re holding onto tightens around your smaller one and pulls you against him. You inhale, his skin smelling wonderful and his chest so big and broad and warm. 
“Geto…” Your voice is lost amidst the tangle of nerves and rush of excitement, both hearts hammering in their chests. Shy inexperience made both of you blush before you raised your head, and Geto’s tips downwards, and your lips met gently, a subtle brush against the other before breaking away. You giggle awkwardly, unable to stop and Geto also grins sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. 
“Um…that was nice,” he murmurs, not looking at you and chuckling, unsure what to say. 
“Was that a good first kiss?” 
“Oh!” Geto now laughs too but still doesn’t pull away, instead, maintains proximity with you, and brushes some loose hair away from your face. “Uh, yeah. It was…like how I imagined it.”
Silence falls between you both, not an uncomfortable one, but the kind where both kissers are considering if they should change topics or kiss again to make sure the first one wasn’t imagined. 
Geto’s eyes suddenly widen as he sees something floating near your head. He pulls you close to him, then huffs as he sees a harmless flyhead, then with a jolt of realization, he taps your shoulder.
“Flyhead curse! It’s harmless! Take your picture now!”
“What?” you look over your shoulder and see the creepy-looking gremlin of a creature then gasp. “I don’t have my camera!”
“Phone! Quick!” Without hesitating, Geto reaches out and grabs the flyhead which struggles and buzzes angrily but is too weak to try escaping. It squirms and tries to sink its little teeth into Geto’s fist and he shakes it angrily. 
“Hurry up!”
With hands trembling in excitement, you pull out your phone and quickly snap a crystal-clear picture the the ugly critter. It makes a low grumbling noise and Geto throws it away into the air. It mutters angrily at him before zooming away.
“Shouldn’t you have exorcized that?” you ask, looking in awe at the photo on your phone. 
“Nah. It’s pretty harmless. Chances are it’ll get squished by a lower-rank sorcerer by daybreak.”
Your cheeks are red with happiness, triumph glittering in your eyes. “I can’t believe it, I actually got a picture of it…” You rake a hand through your hair.
Geto silently watches your outburst of enthusiasm, a smile tugging his lips. “So what’s more exciting - you finally catching a curse on camera, or the fact that you just had your first kiss and it was with me?” His voice is soft and teasing and you roll your eyes but fail to control the dusting of pink in your face.
“I think I need to experience it again before I can decide.”
“Is that right?” Suguru smirks before pulling you closer to him. “Let’s see if we can help you make a decision.”
You grin widely before your lips touch again, and you knew it had never been a question from the start. 
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@estarlias @daswanj @actuallysaiyan @whatshernameis
@byul9158 @mirrors-musings @Mangiswig
@that-goth-bisexual @connorsui @jadedjane @darkstarlight82
@soft--cherry @galactict3a @hunnie-lily
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What WOULD'VE happen if its the jofoes who saw a kid up skirting reader aka their darling?
I know they're villains and is very much cruel, but they wouldn't kill a child...right? (1-8, since the jofoes in P-9 haven't been revealed yet.)
Hmmm I could see a couple of instances of that happening, sadly (but I mean they are villains, but some are more restrained than others, perhaps more for image than anything)
Yandere! Part 1 (Pre Vampire) Dio - I could see this going with him yanking the brats hair and shoving them to the ground. It’s fairly easy for him to maintain his positive status to outsiders, so he could have something happen to them later (but I’d consider this the best outcome for that kid).
Yandere! Post Vampire Dio
Big chance this kid may die by being manipulated by Dio himself, he might decide to turn them/zombify them by apologizing and groveling (chance they could attack their own family). There’s also a chance the kid could just flat out be devoured by the other zombies, the blond wouldn’t even flinch at that. If he’s sorely out of patience he might kill/maim them himself, but it never would come to that. Keep in mind Dio was the type to turn a mother into a vampire and she ended up eating her own child.
Yandere! Kars
Absolutely no cares given about slaughtering a child, not even joking here. He only cares about you, not some slimy brat that decided to pull some nonsense on you. He’d probably lick you clean of the blood afterwards as well. No matter how mad or upset you got, would not make him anymore remorseful for the dead body strewn on the ground.
Yandere! Part 3 DIO
You’d more than likely be held captive in the mansion he’s in, within Egypt so this happening is unlikely. But in the unlikely event something like this happens, he’ll state how brazenly stupid such a move was. Unless he can use the kid in someway, he really doesn’t care what happens to them. So he might “punish” the kid as he sees it fit or have a stand user take care of them.
Yandere! Yoshikage Kira
As long as this kid didn’t see his rather “unusual” indulgences in the past, he doesn’t see a need to murder them right there, though I could see him consider it internally, where the kid wouldn’t be seen. He’s absolutely miffed however, and does grab their hand in a painful way though. Gives them the nastiest glare and reprimand there is, and the kid probably runs off heavily unsettled.
Yandere! Diavolo
Doppio is likely the one to take care of this of course, not that Diavolo he himself isn’t miffed. This probably just makes him consider to keep you locked away somewhere permanently. (This probably happens shortly after this little thing). Doppio makes sure to get it through this kids head, with the harshest grip known to man, that you don’t go doing that to anyone. Let alone anyone he or his boss likes.
Yandere! Enrico Pucci
His reaction is interesting, he is irritated perhaps even a bit visibly by this child’s behavior. He can’t let this kid get away with deciding to upskirt his darling either. He also is a priest image wise, so he has that to consider when punishing this adolescent person. He still has a firm grip on them and decides to take them aside and talk. He’ll face away from you while doing so, and moments later the kid is suddenly apologizing. You can’t tell if Pucci has an uncanny knack for speaking with people or if it’s something else. (It’s likely both).
Yandere! Funny Valentine
He’ll stop this kid almost immediately and there’s a sound of a smack to the back of the head. A stern look and a small speech about respect, Funny Valentine somehow manages to make the kid shame with those words. He wouldn’t let the kid run either and would personally escort them back home to their parents. As busy as he is as a president something childish like that won’t be overlooked by him. There’s a brief dark look in his eye, he can pull the strings to make things happen, he just doesn’t feel the need to expend them here. He does ask you to follow him closer for now on, (maybe an extra guard but he finds it more efficient to be the one to protect you)
Yandere! Toru
He certainly doesn’t appreciate it, and somehow they end up tripping or have some little mishap happen. Yet there’s a bit of a hum in his voice when he tells them he shouldn’t be doing such a thing to people. Any anger or frustration that gets thrown off at Toru, he nonchalantly brushes off. Suggesting the kid apologize, and nothing more will come of it. But there is a stern veiled threat in there somewhere that makes the kid decide to walk off.
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Hi I speak for everyone that if you have the time, energy, and love…. Could you please give us a part two of Bunny. Yeah we’re gonna need that in order to function properly. I am begging at this point.
P.S. you are a beautiful person!
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I love you babes! 💚 again, I cannot believe an amazing author like YOU, wanted a part two from ME! This absolutely means the work to me. Thank you :)
Bunny (Part 2) - Health Ledger!Joker x Fem!Reader
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Pairing: Joker x Fem!Reader Joker x Reader with Anxiety
Word Count: 11,941
Warnings: violence, Joker, manipulation, minor age gap, implied stalking, technically breaking and entering Summary: This new-found relationship- if it could even be labelled as such, has been wearing on Y/n. Being with a wanted criminal generally does that to a person, she finds. Now, when she encounters a potential new friend during her lecture, how will this dynamic fit into her already tumultuous existence?
(Part 1)
A/N: Thank you everyone in fact for all the support on this fic that I've gotten and a lot of requests for a part two so I hope I can deliver! I love this man so much (maybe not as much as our girl Chaos, but you get me). In this one, I definitely wanted to make him more manipulative and just overall aggressive so ✨ slay ✨ So I hope you all enjoy this part two :) 💚
To describe her newfound "relationship" with the Joker as unconventional would be a massive understatement. If Y/n wasn't anxious before, she most certainly was now. The Joker's presence in her life was a constant source of unease, his unpredictable nature and the shadow of his criminality casting a dark cloud over her thoughts.
The fear of discovery gnawed at her mind like a relentless beast. What if someone saw him entering her dorm? What if word got out and she became a target? Despite the Joker's assurances of protection, Y/n couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the depths of her mind.
And then there were the surprise visits, each one a jolt to her already frazzled nerves. With no means of contacting him or determining when they would meet, Y/n found herself at the mercy of the Joker's whims, her schedule and peace of mind constantly disrupted.
What truly unsettled her, however, was the realization that the Joker seemed to have an uncanny ability to keep tabs on her, lurking in the shadows without her knowledge. She was trapped in a game she didn't fully understand, a pawn in the Joker's twisted world, with no escape in sight.
But it wasn’t all too bad, for one thing, he was surprising very generous, in his own way. He’d show up, showering her with gifts and other offers that kept her on her toes. He’s also offered to buy Y/n a high end apartment, but knowing him, it would be paid with dirty money, which is something she’d think about everytime she stepped into the apartment. 
Despite his unpredictable nature, she couldn't deny the feelings she harbored for him. In his presence, she experienced emotions she had never known before, a strange mixture of fear and exhilaration that left her breathless. Strangely, amidst the chaos and danger that surrounded him, he had a way of making her feel oddly calm and grounded.
Nights like these were the ones she cherished most. Lying on her single bed, Joker enveloped her in his embrace, his warmth providing a sense of solace that she found nowhere else. They remained in silence, finding comfort in each other's presence.
Y/n felt his lips press against the side of her head, eliciting a slight groan as she instinctively reached to wipe away the residue of his makeup. She hadn't yet seen him without it, respecting his choice to keep his identity concealed, but sometimes wished she could see the man behind the mask.
"You don't like my kisses?" Joker quirked an eyebrow, teasingly.
"It's not your kisses I mind, it's the greasy mess you leave behind," Y/n replied with a playful grin.
“Greasy mess? Like this?” Joker responded by nuzzling his face against hers, prompting a laugh from Y/n as she attempted to push him away.
Y/n playfully pushed Joker away, laughing as she saw his face paint smudged from their playful exchange. It wasn't until she caught her own reflection in the small mirror across the room that she realized her own face was adorned with similar streaks of color.
"Oh yay! Now I have to go out and clean my face," she remarked, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Joker glanced at his reflection in the mirror, a grin spreading across his face as he observed the colorful mess they had created together.
"It's a masterpiece," he declared with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh, feeling a sense of freedom and happiness in these moments with Joker, despite the uncertainty that lingered in the background.
Y/n rose from the bed, intending to clean the smeared face paint from her skin, but Joker's voice halted her in her tracks.
"Where do you think you're going?" he inquired, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
"Just to wash my face," Y/n replied, her voice gentle.
Joker's response was immediate. "Later," he insisted, his arms beckoning her back to the warmth of their shared space.
Reluctantly, Y/n made her way back to him, sinking back into the comfort of Joker's embrace as they resumed their quiet companionship.
As they lay together in silence, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in her mind. Joker's presence, though comforting in its own way, was a constant reminder of the unpredictable nature of their relationship.
Lost in her thoughts, Y/n felt Joker's hand gently stroking her hair, a gesture that contrasted sharply with his usual erratic demeanor. She turned to look at him, meeting his intense gaze.
"Now tell me… What’s going on inside that little mind of yours, Bunny?" Joker asked softly, his eyes searching hers for answers.
Y/n hesitated, unsure how to articulate the swirling emotions inside her. "Just... wondering about us," she admitted quietly.
Joker caressed her cheek, "You worry too much, Doll," he murmured, pulling her closer to him.
But despite his reassurance, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her insides. She knew that navigating a relationship with the Joker would never be easy, but for now, all she could do was hold onto him and hope for the best.
As Y/n stirred from her slumber from her sudden alarm ringing, the absence of Joker's warmth beside her sent a pang of loneliness through her. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up in bed and glanced around the room, the morning light casting a soft glow over the empty space.
With a heavy sigh, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and reached for her phone to silence the persistent alarm. The familiar routine of the morning only served to highlight the absence of Joker's presence, leaving Y/n feeling a sense of gloom that lingered like a shadow.
Despite knowing that their time together was fleeting and unpredictable, Y/n couldn't help but yearn for the comfort of Joker's embrace. But as she resigned herself to another day without him by her side, she knew that the loneliness was a small price to pay for the moments of connection they shared.
Navigating the familiar corridors of Gotham University, Y/n followed her well-worn path to her lecture hall. As she walked down the steps, she suddenly stopped. Someone was sitting in her spot. Well- it technically wasn’t her seat, but it had become her unofficial spot through habit.
Her heart quickened with uncertainty as Y/n scanned the room, searching for an alternative seat. Sighing in relief, she found herself an empty row along the side, a makeshift refuge from the disruption to her routine.
As she took her seat, she couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. It was unsettling to deviate from her routine, even in such a small way. But she reminded herself that change was inevitable, and sometimes it was necessary to step out of her comfort zone.
Just as she started to relax into her new surroundings, a voice startled her from behind.
"Hey, mind if I sit here?" the voice asked, and Y/n turned to see a guy standing beside her, a friendly smile on his face.
"Uhh.. No, you can sit," Y/n replied hesitantly.
He smiled warmly, settling into the seat beside her. "I’m Max, by the way," he introduced himself.
"I’m Y/n," she responded quickly, feeling a flutter of nerves at his friendly demeanor.
"He really piled on the homework this week, didn't he?" Max said with a chuckle, referring to the professor's latest reading.
Y/n nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. "Tell me about it. I feel like I'm drowning in articles."
Max laughed, a sound that was oddly comforting to Y/n's ears. "Well, at least we're in the same boat. Misery loves company, right?"
As they chatted, Y/n couldn't help but notice the genuine kindness in Max's eyes and the way his smile reached all the way to his eyes. It was a stark contrast to the unpredictable intensity she experienced with Joker.
Despite her lingering anxiety, Y/n found herself enjoying the conversation, feeling a sense of normalcy she hadn't felt in a long time. For the first time in a while, Y/n felt a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of forming a new connection. Maybe this blip in her routine was exactly what she needed.
As they walked up the steps, Max's voice cut through the murmurs of departing students. He turned to Y/n with a friendly smile, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "I'm heading to the library. Care to join?"
Y/n paused, her gaze flitting to the clock before returning to Max. His genuine invitation sparked a flicker of warmth in her chest. "Thanks, but I don't think I have time," she replied, a hint of regret in her tone.
"No worries. Maybe next time?" Max suggested, his smile unwavering.
Y/n's mind raced, contemplating the possibility. She couldn't help but feel excited about Max's offer. "Sounds good," she finally said, returning his smile with a small one of her own.
"Great," Max said, his smile widening before he turned and walked out of the lecture hall.
As Y/n watched Max's retreating figure, a sense of relief washed over her. For the first time in a while, she felt a glimmer of normalcy amidst the chaos of her life.
Walking back to her dorm was a breeze, as it was only a short distance from campus. With each step, a smile adorned Y/n's face, a rare occurrence after a typical day at university. Beyond the casual acquaintances in her dorm, she rarely found herself engaging with others on campus.
Unlocking her dorm room door, Y/n stepped inside, only to be greeted by a sudden scream that escaped her lips. Joker stood before her, a chilling presence that sent shivers down her spine.
"You scared me!" Y/n sighed, quickly shutting the door behind her. “I didn’t expect to see you till later on.”
Joker's demeanor was unsettlingly calm as he observed her, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, an eyebrow quirked inquisitively.
"Have a... good day?" Joker's voice carried an edge of menace.
"Uhh... I suppose," Y/n replied, her nerves palpable.
There was an unmistakable tension in the air, an unspoken threat lingering between them. Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
"Are you okay, Joker?" Y/n asked cautiously.
"Dandy..." Joker's response was terse, his gaze piercing as he continued to scrutinize her.
Y/n's brow furrowed in concern, her instincts on high alert. But before she could voice her apprehension, Joker abruptly changed the subject, his tone taking on a predatory edge.
"Made any friends lately?" Joker's question hung in the air, loaded with an underlying threat.
"N-no," Y/n stammered, feeling like a cornered animal under Joker's scrutiny.
A sinister smile tugged at Joker's lips, an unsettling sight that sent a chill down Y/n's spine. She felt like a mouse being circled by a hungry cat- or in this case, a bunny being circled by a hungry wolf as Joker began to pace around her, his movements calculated and predatory.
"Hmmm..." Joker's voice was a low murmur, filled with unnerving curiosity. "Then who was that boy you were talking with?"
"Oh! Max," Y/n began to explain, she smiled slightly, thinking back to their encounter. "I had to sit in a different seat today, and he sat beside…"
Her words trailed off as realization dawned on her. Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to form a coherent response. She hadn't anticipated Joker's sudden interrogation, nor did she understand how he knew about her encounter with Max.
"H-how do you know about that?"
But Joker merely smirked in response, his yellowed teeth gleaming in the dim light of her dorm room, his gaze fixated on her with an intensity that made her blood run cold.
"So, my Bunny made a friend?" Joker's smile widened, revealing his yellowed teeth in a chilling grin. "Why don’t you tell me about this… Max.".
"I-I don’t know much about him, I just met him today," Y/n explained, her voice tinged with apprehension.
"Is that so?" Joker halted abruptly, standing mere inches away from her.
Y/n nodded, her nerves palpable as she awaited Joker's next move.
"You know, Bunny," Joker began, his tone shifting to something more serious, "I don't think you should be hanging around with this Max character."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "Why not?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite the rising fear.
"Because," Joker replied, his voice dropping to a low growl, "I don't trust him. And you should know by now that I don't like it when people get too close to what's mine."
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to process Joker's words. She knew he was possessive, but this felt different. More dangerous. She needed to tread carefully.
"But… he's just a friend," Y/n protested weakly, hoping to reason with Joker.
Joker's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he took a step closer to her. "I don't care if he's just a friend. Stay away from him, Bunny. Trust me, it's for your own good."
Y/n swallowed hard, looking down, feeling a knot of fear tightening in her stomach. She knew she had to heed Joker's warning, no matter how much it frightened her.
Joker held her jaw, tilting her head up to look at him with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. “Is there a problem, Bunny?” he asked, his voice low and commanding.
She shook her head, feeling the weight of his hand against her skin, making it hard to think straight.
“Good,” Joker said, his lips brushing against hers in a possessive kiss. “Now, let’s go have a lie down, hmm? I know how class just wears you out,” he suggested, his tone oddly tender as he led her to the bed.
Y/n complied, allowing Joker to guide her onto the single bed. As he kicked off his shoes and settled in, she followed suit, slipping off her own shoes before nestling against his chest. His warmth enveloped her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling the familiar comfort of his body against hers.
"You know I care very much about you, Bunny?" Joker said, his voice soft yet firm.
"Yes... I know," Y/n murmured, her heart fluttering at his words.
"Good," Joker said, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his touch surprisingly tender.
Looking at his wristwatch, Joker pushed himself up, not-so-gently dropping Y/n beside him. "Duty calls," he announced, his tone playful as usual.
"But it's only been like two minutes," Y/n protested, disappointment evident in her voice.
"I know, Doll... I'm gonna take you out tonight... how about that? Wear something nice, and I want you to use the money I got you, okay?" Joker suggested, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
Y/n had hoped he would have forgotten by now, it had been ages. "Yeah, okay, I'll go out and find something..." she replied, quielty.
Joker leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss on her lips. "Mwah!" he exclaimed with a grin before pulling back.
"Bye..." Y/n's voice trailed off as she watched Joker leave through her door.
She couldn't help but marvel at how he managed to slip away undetected every time, but she cracked it to Gotham University's apparent incompetence and obliviousness.
With a heavy sigh, she heaved herself up from her bed. It seemed like she wouldn't be catching a break anytime soon.
Y/n struggled to remember the last time she had gone shopping for clothes. She gingerly flipped through the stacks of bills, feeling a mix of awe and discomfort at the sheer amount of money in her possession. Each bill represented a dark and mysterious world she was inadvertently tied to, courtesy of the Joker's lavish gifts. Despite her reluctance to accept his extravagant gestures, she couldn't deny the allure of the possibilities they presented.
With a sigh, Y/n tucked the money into her bag and stepped out into the bustling streets of Gotham. The city seemed to pulsate with its own energy, the tall buildings casting eerie shadows on the sidewalks as people hurried by, lost in their own worlds.
As she wandered through the maze of shops and boutiques, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. The clothes on display were unlike anything she had ever worn before. Bold, daring, and utterly impractical. She hesitated in front of a boutique window adorned with shimmering dresses and edgy leather jackets, feeling a pang of uncertainty gnawing at her.
But then she remembered Joker's words, urging her to splurge and indulge in whatever caught her eye. With a newfound determination, she pushed open the door and stepped into the store, ready to explore this unfamiliar world of luxury and extravagance.
Lost in the sea of designer labels and vibrant colors, Y/n tried to navigate her way through racks of clothing that seemed to whisper promises of confidence and allure. She trailed her fingers over the fabrics, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension bubbling within her.
As Y/n looked through the racks of clothing, she sifted through each piece with a discerning eye. Among the array of options, a vibrant red dress caught her attention. It boasted a flattering knee-length hem and a square collar, but despite its appeal, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that it lacked the wow factor she desired. With a sigh, she returned the dress to its place and continued her search, determined to find something truly captivating.
After what felt like an eternity of exploration, Y/n's patience paid off when her gaze fell upon a stunning black dress. The fabric shimmered enticingly under the store lights, drawing her in like a moth to a flame. As she reached out to touch it, her fingers traced the intricate stitching and delicate lace details that adorned the neckline, sending a shiver of excitement down her spine.
The dress exuded an air of confidence and allure that resonated with Y/n. She envisioned herself wearing it, knowing that it would accentuate her curves and command Joker’s attention. With Joker in mind, she couldn't help but imagine the look of admiration on his face when he saw her in such a striking ensemble.
Filled with determination, Y/n approached the checkout counter, the anticipation of owning the dress igniting a newfound sense of excitement within her. This was no ordinary purchase, it was a statement, a declaration of her newfound confidence.
As she handed over the wad of cash, Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt at the extravagance of her spending. The money was a reminder of the tangled web she found herself caught in, a constant reminder of the dangerous allure of the Joker's world.
But as she walked out of the boutique, clutching her new dress tightly, Y/n couldn't deny the thrill of stepping outside her comfort zone. Perhaps, just for tonight, she would embrace the luxury and excitement that came with being the Joker's Bunny.
With a mix of excitement and nervousness, Y/n slipped into the sleek black dress she had purchased earlier. Its smooth fabric hugged her figure in all the right places, boosting her confidence with each zip and adjustment. She paired it with elegant heels and subtle accessories, adding a touch of sophistication to her ensemble.
As she stood in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection, Y/n couldn't help but wonder where Joker would take her tonight. All he had said to her was he was taking her out, leaving her in suspense about their destination. Despite the uncertainty, she felt a thrill of anticipation coursing through her veins, eager to see what the evening had in store.
With a final glance at her reflection, Y/n took a deep breath and headed to the living room to wait for Joker. She perched herself on the edge of her bed, her heart racing with anticipation as she played with the hem of her dress, her mind buzzing with excitement for the night ahead.
As the door to her dorm room swung open, Joker stepped inside, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he took in Y/n's appearance. Rising to her feet, she greeted him with a smile, her heart fluttering at the sight of him.
"Look at you!" Joker exclaimed, his eyes lighting up as he gestured for her to spin around. Y/n complied, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she twirled gracefully.
"I see that money came in handy," Joker remarked, wrapping his arms around her waist affectionately.
"Thank you," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude.
"Let's get a move on!" Joker declared, intertwining his fingers with hers and leading her out of the dorm room.
Exiting the building, they encountered no security at the front desk, allowing them to slip away unnoticed. As they stepped out into the crisp Gotham evening, Joker suddenly halted, turning to face Y/n with a playful glint in his eye.
"Wait right here, Bunny. I've got a little surprise for you," he said, giving her a wink before disappearing into the darkness.
Y/n watched him go, her curiosity piqued. She shifted nervously on her feet, her mind buzzing with anticipation as she wondered what Joker had in store for her.
Y/n rocked back and forth on her feet as she waited for Joker's surprise. The evening air was cool against her skin, and the soft glow of the streetlights cast gentle shadows around her. She was so lost in her thoughts that she barely noticed someone approaching until she heard her name being called.
"Hey, Y/n!" The voice was familiar, and she turned around quickly, her expression lighting up as she saw Max walking towards her.
"Hey Max," she greeted him warmly, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"Uh, you remembered my name," Max remarked, a playful glint dancing in his eyes.
Y/n chuckled, feeling a sense of ease wash over her in Max's presence. "It's not hard to forget," she quipped back, enjoying the lighthearted banter.
Max stepped up beside her, his hands tucked casually into the pockets of his hoodie. "You look lovely," he complimented her, his gaze warm and appreciative.
"Thank you," Y/n replied, a blush spreading across her cheeks at the sincerity in his words.
"Got something special planned?" Max asked, his curiosity piqued as he glanced around at their surroundings.
"My uuh... friend is taking me somewhere," Y/n explained, feeling a pang of uncertainty about how to refer to Joker in that moment.
"I see. Well, I hope you have a wonderful night and see you later then," Max said, offering her a friendly smile before stepping away.
"You too! Bye," Y/n called after him, watching as he walked away with a sense of gratitude for his kindness. 
As Y/n stood on the sidewalk, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard the revving of an engine. Glancing up, she saw a sleek purple Ford Cortina pulling up in front of her, the headlights casting an ethereal glow around the vehicle. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that it was Joker behind the wheel.
The car's engine purred softly as Joker leaned over and rolled down the window, flashing her a mischievous grin. "Hop in, Bunny," he called out, his voice laced with excitement.
Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation as she approached the car, her pulse quickening with every step. As she slid into the passenger seat beside him, she couldn't help but admire the vintage vehicle, its purple exterior gleaming under the streetlights.
"Nice wheels," she commented, unable to hide her admiration.
Joker chuckled, his eyes alight with amusement. "It’s yours, Bunny," he said, giving her a wink before pulling away from the curb and merging into the flow of traffic.
"W-what? Really? For me?" Y/n stammered in disbelief, her eyes widening.
"Check the glove box," Joker instructed, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
Curious, Y/n complied, opening the compartment and finding it empty save for a single black box. With a mixture of anticipation and excitement, she retrieved the box, her fingers trembling slightly as she held it in her hands.
"Open it," Joker urged, a playful glint in his eyes.
With trembling hands, Y/n carefully lifted the lid of the box, revealing a stunning gold necklace adorned with a delicate "J" pendant. Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed at the exquisite piece of jewelry, her heart swelling with gratitude and affection.
"It's beautiful," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she turned to Joker, her eyes shining with emotion.
"You spoil me too much, J!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with gratitude as she hugged him tightly.
Joker chuckled, his smirk widening at her reaction. "You deserve it, Bunny."
With a grin, Y/n removed her current necklace and replaced it with the new one, admiring the glint of the gold against her skin.
As the city lights cast a soft glow over them, Joker seized the moment at the stoplight. Leaning towards Y/n, he pressed his lips to hers, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver down her spine. His gloved finger trailed along her jawline, igniting a tingling sensation that danced across her skin like tiny sparks.
"You're J's Bunny, got that?" Joker's voice was low, filled with a mixture of affection and authority as he held her gaze, his eyes piercing into hers with intensity.
Y/n felt her pulse quicken as she nodded, her heart swelling with a mix of excitement and adoration for the man beside her.
"Good," Joker whispered, his lips brushing against hers once more before he leaned back, his attention returning to the road as the traffic light switched to green, signaling their onward journey into the night.
“I saw you talking with someone… Want to tell me about that?” Joker suddenly mentioned. 
The air in the car suddenly felt heavy as Joker's piercing gaze bore into Y/n. She could feel the weight of his disapproval pressing down on her, suffocating her with its intensity. Her fingers fidgeted nervously in her lap as she struggled to find the right words.
"That was just my friend…Max," Y/n finally confessed, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes fixed on the dashboard in front of her.
Joker's jaw tightened, his grip on the steering wheel growing tense. "I thought I told you to stay away from him," he reminded her, his voice cold and sharp.
Y/n's heart sank at the reprimand. She knew she had crossed a line, but Max had caught her off guard, and she hadn't wanted to be rude. "He approached me, Joker," she explained, her voice trembling with apprehension. "I couldn't just ignore him... it would have been rude."
Joker's grip on the steering wheel tightened further, his knuckles turning white with the pressure. He remained silent for a moment, his eyes fixed on the road ahead as they drove through the dimly lit streets of Gotham.
Beneath his face paint, a storm brewed in Joker's eyes, his usual charisma overshadowed by a brooding intensity. Y/n couldn't decipher the full extent of his emotions, but the tension radiating from him was palpable. It puzzled her why Joker was so fixated on someone like Max, and she struggled to understand the depth of his agitation over their brief interaction.
"I don't want you talking to him anymore, Bunny. I’ve already told you once…" he said firmly, his voice tinged with a hint of warning.
Y/n nodded silently, her stomach churning with unease. She knew better than to argue with Joker when he was in this mood. Instead, she cast a glance out the window, her mind racing with conflicting emotions.
As they continued their journey in silence, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her insides. She couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she disobeyed him again.
The journey was filled with an uneasy silence, punctuated only by the occasional hum of the car engine and the distant sounds of Gotham's nocturnal activities. Finally, they arrived at their destination. A dimly lit alleyway nestled between towering buildings, their shadows looming ominously over the narrow passage.
Joker parked the car with a screech of tires, the headlights casting eerie shadows on the graffiti-covered walls. Y/n's heart raced as she stepped out of the car, her eyes darting nervously around the unfamiliar surroundings. This was undoubtedly another one of Joker's mysterious escapades, and she couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that tinged the air.
As Y/n followed Joker deeper into the alley, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her gut. The dim lighting and the deserted atmosphere made her skin crawl, but she tried to push aside her fears and focus on Joker's presence beside her.
"Where are we going?" she ventured to ask, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker glanced back at her, a wicked grin spreading across his lips. "Somewhere nice, my dear Bunny," he replied cryptically, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
Y/n's heart fluttered nervously at his words, unsure of what awaited them at their destination. But she followed him nonetheless. Stopping at a weathered, rust-covered door, Joker pushed it open with a creak. The vibrant lights and pulsating music of a nightclub flooded out, momentarily overwhelming Y/n's senses. Her heart raced as Joker led her inside, the thumping bass reverberating through her chest.
"Cool it, Doll. It's just us," he reassured her, his voice cutting through the cacophony of sound.
As they entered the room, Y/n found herself surrounded by flashing lights and the rhythmic beat of the music with no people. It wasn't a typical nightclub setting, but rather a smaller, more intimate space adjacent to the main dance floor.
Her heart swelled with gratitude as she realized Joker's thoughtfulness. Despite his chaotic nature, he had arranged for a private space just for the two of them, understanding her anxieties and his own need for discretion.
"Dance with me," Joker declared, his eyes alight with mischief as he extended his hand to her.
As the music filled the room, Joker pulled Y/n close, his hand firm on her waist as they swayed to the beat. Y/n's heart raced with excitement and gratitude. Despite the chaos and danger that seemed to follow Joker wherever he went, moments like these made her feel that he was really worth it.
With each step and turn, Y/n couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of belonging in Joker's arms. She was grateful for this moment of peace amidst the turmoil of their unconventional relationship. The music seemed to drown out the world outside, leaving only the two of them in their own little sanctuary.
As they danced, Y/n gazed up at Joker, feeling a surge of affection for the enigmatic man who had captured her heart. In his embrace, she felt safe and loved, despite the uncertainties that lay ahead. She silently thanked whatever fate had brought them together, cherishing this fleeting moment of happiness.
Lost in the rhythm of the music, Y/n couldn't help but revel in the experience, feeling the pulsating beat course through her veins. 
"I've never been to a nightclub before," Y/n admitted, her voice barely audible over the music.
Joker chuckled, the sound low and rich. "Well, you picked the right one for your first time, Bunny," he replied, twirling her around the room.
Y/n laughed, the sound mixing with the music as she allowed herself to be swept away by the moment. It didn't matter where they were or what dangers lurked outside, all that mattered was the warmth of Joker's embrace and the joy of being together.
Joker leaned in close to Y/n's ear, his breath warm against her skin. "Care for a drink, Bunny?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the music.
Y/n nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Sure," she replied.
With a mischievous glint in his eye, Joker made his way over to the mini bar tucked away in the corner of the room. Expertly, he mixed together a concoction of spirits, his hands moving with practiced ease. After a few moments, he returned to Y/n's side, holding out a glass filled with the vibrant liquid.
"Here you go, my dear," Joker said, offering her the drink with a smirk. "Drink up." “What is it?” Y/n asked, taking a sip. 
"It's a little something I like to call 'Joker's Special'," he replied with a playful wink, watching intently as she took a sip. "Don't worry, Bunny, it's guaranteed to put a smile on your face."
Placing her cup down, Y/n hesitated for a moment, unsure of how Joker would react to her question. But she couldn't shake off her curiosity, and the need for clarity outweighed her apprehension.
"Hey umm… J?" Y/n started, using the new nickname she had given him, hoping to catch his attention.
Joker turned towards her, his piercing gaze fixed on her. "Yes, Doll?" he replied, his voice tinged with curiosity.
"...How did you know about Max... the first time I mean..." Y/n asked, her voice slightly faltering with uncertainty.
Joker's expression hardened, a flicker of annoyance flashing in his eyes. "What's it to you?" he retorted, his tone sharp and defensive.
"I-I was just curious, that's all," Y/n answered nervously, feeling a sense of unease creeping over her.
Y/n swallowed nervously, sensing the tension in the air. She could tell that Joker was growing increasingly irritated by her questions, but she couldn't let it go.
"It's just... I don't understand how you knew about him," Y/n continued tentatively, trying to tread carefully. "I mean, you're always so... aware of things."
Joker's expression softened slightly at her explanation, but the intensity in his eyes remained. He stepped closer to her, his presence looming over her.
"I have my ways, Doll," he replied, his voice low and measured. "Let's just say I keep tabs on what's important to me."
Y/n's unease deepened at his vague response, but a surge of conflicting emotions washed over her as Joker's words sank in. Despite the cryptic nature of his explanation, the acknowledgment that she was important to him stirred something within her.
Her heart fluttered at the realization, a mix of apprehension and a strange sense of validation coursing through her veins. Despite the uncertainty surrounding their relationship and Joker's unpredictable character, there was a strange comfort in knowing that she held significance in his eyes.
Suppressing the urge to dwell further on the implications of his words, Y/n forced a small smile, grateful for the fleeting moment of assurance amidst the mystery that shrouded their connection. She knew better than to dwell on the problems of their dynamic, choosing instead to embrace the fleeting sense of importance that Joker's acknowledgment bestowed upon her.
As the music continued to pulse through the room, Joker extended his hand toward Y/n, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Come on, Bunny, let's dance," he urged, his voice a playful whisper.
Y/n hesitated for a moment, her mind still grappling with the weight of their conversation. But with a deep breath, she pushed aside her lingering doubts and placed her hand in his, allowing him to pull her into the center of the room.
Their bodies moved in sync with the rhythm of the music, the space between them filled with an electrifying tension. Y/n found herself getting lost in the moment, the worries and uncertainties of the outside world fading away as she surrendered to the intoxicating allure of the dance.
With each twirl and sway, Y/n felt herself drawn closer to Joker, the magnetic pull between them growing stronger with each passing beat. And in that fleeting moment, amidst the pulsating lights and the thumping bass of the music, she allowed herself to forget about everything else and simply revel in the exhilarating freedom of the dance.
Y/n was practically bouncing in her seat with excitement as she took the driver's seat of her new car. Y/n was still at that age where driving was fun, but it had been quite some time since she last had the opportunity. Since moving away from her parents, she had relied on walking and public transportation to get around, so the prospect of hitting the road again filled her with giddy anticipation.
As Y/n navigated through the city streets, Joker sat beside her in the passenger seat, his presence filling the car with a playful energy. With every turn of the wheel, his gaze would occasionally drift toward her, his eyes lingering on her profile with a mix of amusement and something else she couldn't quite decipher.
Subtly, Joker's hand found its way to the space between their seats, his fingers grazing against Y/n's arm, clearly on purpose. Each touch sent a shiver down her spine, igniting a tingling sensation that danced along her skin. Despite the thrill of driving her new car, Y/n couldn't help but be acutely aware of Joker's proximity, his touch stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within her.
As they drove through the city, the night air filled with the buzz of activity, Y/n stole glances at Joker whenever she could. She couldn't help but notice the way his eyes sparkled with mischief, contrasting with the seriousness of his painted grin.
"Enjoying the drive, Bunny?" Joker's voice interrupted her thoughts, his tone light but carrying a hint of something deeper.
Y/n nodded, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at her lips. "Yeah, it's amazing. Thank you for letting me drive."
Joker chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "It’s yours, Doll. No need to thank me. And I want you to be careful, I don’t want my little Bunny getting hurt."
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes. "I'll do my best," she replied, her fingers tightening on the steering wheel as they continued on their journey.
Arriving back at the university dorms, Y/n drove to the parking lot tucked away behind the building. The area was quiet, illuminated only by the soft glow of streetlights, casting long shadows across the pavement.
Cutting the engine, Y/n turned to Joker with a hopeful smile. "Would you like to come in? Stay for a while?"
Joker's grin widened, his eyes alight with mischief. "I'd be delighted," he replied.
Exiting the car, they made their way toward the entrance of the dormitory. Each step echoed in the quiet night, the cool breeze brushing against their skin.
Inside, the dormitory buzzed with activity, the sound of music and chatter drifting through the halls. Y/n led Joker down the familiar corridor, the fluorescent lights casting a dim glow as they walked.
Arriving at her room, Y/n unlocked the door and ushered Joker inside. With a flick of the light switch, the room was bathed in a warm, comforting glow. Joker wasted no time in shedding his coat, tossing it carelessly onto the desk chair before flopping onto the bed, his shoes still firmly planted on his feet.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully at his disregard for her tidiness. "You know how I feel about shoes on the bed," she chided, reaching over to unlace them.
Once his shoes were off, Y/n retrieved a fresh set of pyjamas from her wardrobe. "Close your eyes, please," she asked, slipping out of her own shoes before changing her clothes.
Joker feigned a pout. "But Bunny, I don't want to miss a moment of your beauty," he protested, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
Y/n rolled her eyes, trying to hide a smile. "You've seen enough of my beauty for one night. Close your eyes," she insisted again, trying to sound stern.
Joker sighed dramatically but complied, shutting his eyes with an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, but only because you asked so nicely," he teased, flashing her a grin before obediently closing his eyes.
After changing, Y/n turned to find Joker still lounging on her bed, his eyes closed as she had instructed.
"You can open your eyes now," she said, approaching him with a smile.
Joker opened his eyes, grinning at her. "Looking as lovely as ever, Bunny," he remarked, sitting up on the bed.
Y/n felt a warmth spread through her chest at his compliment. "Thank you," she replied, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her.
Joker patted the space next to him on the bed. "Come here, Bunny. Let's just relax for a bit," he suggested, his tone surprisingly soft.
Y/n joined him on the bed, snuggling into his side as they both settled in. As she leaned against him, Y/n stole a glance at Joker. His faded green hair was unkempt, yet somehow it suited him perfectly. She longed to run her fingers through it, but the memory of the grease that always seemed to coat it made her hesitate. Instead, she admired his features, even beneath the layers of makeup that concealed so much of his true self.
Her gaze lingered on his face, taking in the harsh lines of his scars accentuated by the red makeup. She knew from touching them that they were surprisingly soft, a contradiction to their intimidating appearance. And she couldn't help but wish she could see him without the makeup, to truly witness the man behind the facade.
She longed to kiss him without getting greasy red residue on her face, and to caress his cheek without leaving white handprints everywhere afterwards. Y/n yearned to see the face of the man who brought her unparalleled joy.
Joker peered down at her, his gaze magnetic. "Am I just that dashing, you can't take your eyes off me?" he quipped.
Y/n smirked. "I don't know, it's hard to tell with all that makeup," she retorted, her tone light but tinged with playful teasing. She knew she was pushing boundaries, but she couldn't resist.
Joker chuckled, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. "Ah, so my Bunny wants to see the man behind the mask, hmm?" he mused, leaning in closer to her.
Y/n felt her heartbeat quicken at his proximity, a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through her veins. "Of course I do," she replied coyly, unable to tear her gaze away from his captivating green eyes.
"But the makeup is what adds to the mystique," Joker countered.
"What if I don't want mystique? What if I don't want the Joker... What if I want J?" Y/n questioned, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
"What makes you think you can handle J?" he added with a smirk.
Y/n groaned and rolled her eyes. "Ugh! You're so frustrating," she said, turning away from him on the small bed.
"Now, is that any way to treat the man who just bought you a car?" Joker playfully put his hand on his hip.
"Stole! You stole me a car," Y/n retorted.
"How do you know I didn’t buy it?" Joker teased.
"You dropped a few thousand bucks in cash in my hands during a bank heist, and you really want me to believe you paid for this car with honest cash?" Y/n countered.
"Just because the cash wasn’t honest, doesn’t mean I didn’t buy it," Joker continued, pressing a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh at Joker's playful antics, despite the tension that lingered between them moments ago. His unpredictable nature always kept her on her toes, but she found herself drawn to it nonetheless.
"Alright, alright," she said, her laughter subsiding. "Regardless of how you got the car, I appreciate it."
Joker grinned, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "That's my Bunny," he said, pulling her closer into a tight embrace. "Always appreciating my efforts, no matter how... unconventional they may be."
As they lay together, wrapped in each other's arms, Y/n smiled. Even though their conversation didn't go exactly as she had hoped, Joker still managed to put a smile on her face.
The next day, Y/n found herself walking with a newfound lightness in her step. The previous night had left her feeling great, the joy of their time together momentarily overshadowing her usual anxieties. Moreover, she appreciated the gesture from J, who had woken her up to say goodbye before leaving, a departure from his usual habit of slipping away silently while she slept. It seemed their relationship was evolving in a direction she welcomed.
Entering the lecture hall, Y/n descended the steps with a sense of anticipation. However, her momentum halted as a familiar voice called out her name.
“Hey, Y/n!” It was Max.
His friendly demeanor and wave caught her attention, and as she turned towards him, he motioned for her to join him. An internal conflict brewed within her as she hesitated. While Max had been nothing but kind, the warnings from Joker lingered in her mind like a shadow.
Nevertheless, she couldn't bear the thought of disregarding Max's invitation, especially after his gesture of friendliness. So, with a tight smile, Y/n made her way over to sit beside him.
“Hey, Max,” she greeted, trying to mask her unease.
“Did you have a good night?” Max inquired, his tone filled with genuine curiosity.
“Yeah, it was fun,” Y/n replied vaguely, opting not to divulge any specifics.
As the lecture began, Y/n tried to focus on the material, but her mind kept drifting. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being stuck. From the second Y/n had met Max, Joker was on her back about it, but she found it impossible to avoid him.
Throughout the class, Max occasionally leaned over to share a comment or joke, and Y/n found herself smiling in response, grateful for the distraction. Yet, each interaction with Max reminded her of the complicated web of secrets she was entangled in.
After the lecture ended, Max turned to Y/n with a friendly grin. "Hey, do you want to grab a drink or something? The cafe near the hub has this new drink I want to try out."
Y/n hesitated, torn between her desire to maintain a semblance of normalcy and the weight of her unconventional relationship with Joker. She glanced at her phone, noticing a text on her phone from an unknown id. Assuming it was just a spam message, Y/n ignored it, looking back up at Max.
"Yeah, sure," Y/n replied with a faint smile.
Exiting the lecture hall, Y/n and Max strolled down the corridor side by side, their footsteps echoing against the carpeted floor. As they reached the cafe, they paused in front of the wall menu, scanning the array of options before them.
After a brief moment of contemplation, Max turned to Y/n with a grin. "What do you feel like having today?"
Y/n shrugged, scanning the menu once more. "I'm not sure, maybe just a smoothie."
"Sounds good to me," Max nodded, stepping aside to let Y/n order first.
As Y/n stepped up to the counter to place her order, she felt a pang of guilt in her chest. Despite her resolve to avoid getting too close to Max, she couldn't help but appreciate his kindness. Yet, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, knowing Joker's disapproval lingered in the back of her mind.
After ordering her smoothie, Y/n stepped aside to let Max place his order. Their drinks were quickly made. With their drinks in hand, Y/n and Max found a table by the window, the warm sunlight streaming in, casting a gentle glow over their conversation. Max seemed genuinely interested in getting to know her better, asking about her hobbies, interests, and aspirations. Y/n found herself opening up more than she had expected, drawn in by his genuine curiosity and friendly demeanour.
As they chatted, Y/n couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Glancing around the cafe, her heart skipped a beat when she spotted a familiar figure standing across the street, obscured in the shadows. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Y/n recognized Joker immediately, his green locks standing out like a beacon in the crowd, even under a hoodie. 
It was as if her heart stopped as she saw Joker's unmasked face. Gone were the layers of black white and red paint that usually concealed his identity, revealing features that were both haunting and strangely attractive. His eyes, once obscured by dark makeup, now bore into hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. The scars that marred his face were stark against his pale skin, a testament to the trials he had endured. Yet, there was an unexpected softness to his expression, a vulnerability that lay hidden beneath the facade of menace. In that moment, Y/n realized that the man before her was not just the Joker, but someone infinitely more complex.
His glare, though obscured from this distance, seemed to taunt her from afar, filling her with a sense of dread that crept up her spine like icy fingers. 
The mere sight of him sent a chill through her, as if his gaze could pierce through the glass and lock onto her own. Despite her attempts to focus on the conversation with Max, her mind kept returning to the ominous figure she had glimpsed, his presence casting a pall over the otherwise mundane surroundings of the cafe.
Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she spotted Joker, her heart hammering against her ribs. Panic surged through her veins, the last thing she wanted was for Max to become entangled in the chaotic mess that was her life with Joker, especially after the continuous warnings he had given her.
"Um, Max," Y/n interrupted, her voice trembling slightly. "I think we should go. Now."
Max turned to follow her gaze, but by the time his eyes scanned outside, Joker had vanished into the university campus. Y/n's unease lingered like a heavy fog, her mind racing with the implications of Joker's sudden appearance.
"Is everything okay?" Max asked, concerned about etching his features.
Y/n forced a smile, but her nerves were on edge. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just... let's head to the hub, okay?"
Despite Max's protests, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of dread that clung to her like a second skin. As they made their way back to the safety of the university grounds, her mind raced with the unanswered questions and the unsettling presence of the man she couldn't seem to escape.
And then her phone suddenly rang. The weight of the phone in her hand felt heavier than usual, each vibration a tangible reminder of the uncertainty that plagued her mind. Y/n's fingers trembled as she gingerly pulled her phone from her pocket, her heart pounding against her chest like a drumbeat of foreboding. The familiar sensation of dread washed over her as she stared at the screen, the words "Unknown Caller" glaring back at her like a sinister omen.
Max glanced back at her. "You need to get that?" he asked, his voice filled with understanding.
Y/n hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts, before nodding. "U-uh, yeah. Sorry, just a second," she replied, stepping aside to answer the call.
The bustling sounds of the university corridor seemed to fade into the background as she grappled with the decision to answer the call. Her mind raced with a flurry of anxious thoughts, each one a relentless echo of her fears. She knew exactly who it was, there was no denying it. With a shaky inhale, she finally mustered the courage to swipe her thumb across the screen, accepting the call with a trembling hand.
The ringing ceased, replaced by an eerie silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. Every second felt like an eternity as she waited for the voice on the other end to break the stillness, her pulse pounding in her ears like a relentless drumbeat of apprehension.
Her breath caught in her throat as she brought the phone to her ear, steeling herself for whatever awaited her on the other end. "Hello?"
"Go back to your dorm, now," came the chilling voice on the line, sending shivers down her spine.
Y/n's hands began to tremble, her voice faltering as she tried to reason with him. "J, come on... you can't be-"
"You're going to go home now before I make a scene in front of your precious boy toy," Joker interrupted, his tone laced with a dangerous edge.
Desperation welled up inside her as she pleaded with him. "J, you know it's not like that!"
"Do you really want to test me?" Joker's voice dripped with menace, sending a cold chill down her spine.
Y/n's heart plummeted like a stone sinking into the depths of a river as the call abruptly ended, leaving her with a gnawing sense of unease. Yet, all she was met with was the stark emptiness of the phone's display, a silent testament to the uncertainty that loomed over her.
Slowly, she looked away from the device, the weight of it feeling heavier in her trembling hands. With a heavy sigh, she tucked it back into her pocket, though the sense of dreed it had evoked lingered like a shadow cast across her thoughts.
Forcing herself to push aside the lingering unease, Y/n plastered a strained smile onto her lips as she rejoined Max. Despite her efforts to appear composed, the facade felt brittle and fragile, threatening to crumble with each passing moment. Yet, she knew she couldn't let her anxiety show, not when Max was standing beside her, oblivious to the turmoil churning within her.
With a deliberate effort, Y/n willed herself to focus on the present, pushing aside the unsettling encounter with Joker and the mysterious phone call that followed. But deep down, she couldn't shake the nagging sense of dread that had taken root in the depths of her being, casting a pall over even the simplest of interactions.
"Hey, sorry, Max. I need to get going," she said, her voice strained with apprehension.
Max nodded understandingly, though concern flickered in his eyes. "That's all good."
"Thanks for hanging out with me...bye," Y/n forced the words out, her heart heavy with worry.
"See ya," Max replied, offering a small smile before turning and walking away, leaving Y/n to grapple with the uncertain future that lay ahead.
With each step back to her dorm, Y/n felt as though she was wading through a thick fog of dread, her every movement weighed down by the oppressive atmosphere of uncertainty and fear. The dimly lit corridor seemed to stretch endlessly before her, its shadowy corners harbouring unseen threats that lurked just beyond her line of sight.
As she approached the worn wooden door of her dormitory, her heart pounded against her chest like a relentless drumbeat, the sound reverberating in her ears and drowning out all other noise. Each click of the key turning in the lock echoed through the stillness of the hallway, a stark reminder of her vulnerability in the face of the unknown.
A sense of foreboding washed over her as she reached for the doorknob, her fingers trembling with a mixture of hesitation and dread. The air around her seemed to crackle with tension, electrified by the presence that loomed ominously close behind her.
And then, as if from the depths of her darkest nightmares, his voice sliced through the silence like a knife, sending a chill down her spine and freezing her in place.
"Open the door, Doll," his words slithered into her ear like tendrils of cold, his breath ghosting over her skin with an icy touch that sent shivers cascading down her spine.
Her hands trembled as she fumbled with the key, her breath coming in shallow gasps. With a shaky twist, she finally managed to unlock the door, pushing it open with a creak. The room lay before her, the atmosphere suddenly growing cold.
It was Joker the closed the door. Joker's arm encircled her waist, his touch sending shivers down her spine. With a gentle yet firm grip, he guided her to face him, but she refused to look at him.
"Look at me, Bunny," he urged, his voice a low murmur that sent a chill through her bones.
Y/n hesitated, her eyes flickering with fear and uncertainty. "I-I don't want to," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Why not? Don't you want to see the face of your beloved J?" Joker's tone was taunting, his lips curling into a twisted grin.
"It's not that... I just... I want to see you when you're not angry with me," Y/n admitted, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and longing.
Joker's grip tightened slightly, his other hand lifting to caress her cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle. "And why do you think I'm angry with you, hmm?" he questioned, his voice soft yet tinged with an underlying edge of menace.
Y/n's words faltered as Joker's arm enveloped her, pulling her closer against his chest. She dared not utter another word as his presence loomed over her, enveloping her in a mixture of fear and desire.
Joker's lips brushed against her ear in a rough yet possessive kiss, sending a shiver down her spine. "Talk," he commanded, his voice a low growl that reverberated through her bones.
"I'm sorry, J. Please, Max, he's just a friend. You know that," Y/n pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.
"You're mine, Bunny. That means you belong to me and no one else," Joker asserted, his grip tightening on the necklace around her neck as he held it up for emphasis. "You see this? This J? That mean’s you’re mine." he growled, his voice laced with possessiveness.
"I-I'm allowed to have friends," Y/n insisted, her voice quivering with defiance.
"Why would you need anyone else when you have me?" Joker demanded, his tone laced with jealousy and anger.
"You're hardly ever around," Y/n shot back, her words tinged with frustration.
Joker's presence darkened at her retort, his breathing becoming labored with suppressed rage. "If it were up to me, you'd be tied up in my hideout, where only I can see you, where only I can know you," he spat, his words dripping with possessive intensity.
Y/n's heart raced as Joker's words hung heavy in the air, filling the room with tension. She could feel his grip on her tightening, his presence overwhelming her senses.
"Please, J, you're scaring me," Y/n whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her own heart.
Joker's expression softened slightly at her plea, but the possessive gleam in his eyes remained. "You should be scared, Bunny," he murmured, his voice a dangerous whisper. "You belong to me, and I won't accept anyone trying to take you away from me."
Y/n's breath caught in her throat and her eyes already pouring with tears as she struggled to find the right words to calm him down. She knew that Joker's jealousy was irrational, but she also knew that trying to reason with him in this state would only make things worse.
"I understand, J. I belong to you," she said softly, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I won't let anyone come between us."
Joker's grip on her loosened slightly at her words, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. "That's my good girl," he murmured, pressing a possessive kiss to her neck.
Y/n turned around, but still didn’t look at his face. As Y/n buried her face in his chest, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. She knew that her relationship with Joker was anything but ordinary, but she also knew that she couldn't bear to be without him, no matter how possessive and volatile he could be.
Joker had left shortly after their tense encounter, claiming he had "work to do." Y/n remained in her bed, the weight of their conversation heavy on her mind. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with the conflicting emotions churning inside her. 
Each word exchanged with Joker echoed in her mind, replaying like a haunting melody that refused to fade. The conflicting emotions churned within her like a tempest, pulling her in opposite directions with relentless force. Fear and uncertainty clawed at her heart, gnawing away at her resolve and leaving her feeling utterly drained. Despite the familiarity of these emotions, their intensity seemed to suffocate her, drowning her in a sea of doubt and apprehension.
After spending most of the day in bed, Y/n finally mustered the strength to get up. She knew she needed something to lift her spirits, even if just for a moment. With her stash of snacks depleted, a trip to the dairy for a drink or a treat seemed like the only option to get through the night.
Grabbing her wallet, Y/n ventured out into the dimly lit streets of Gotham. Despite the familiar unease that settled over her, she pressed on, her determination to escape her own thoughts overshadowing any fear of the dangers lurking in the shadows.
As Y/n walked down the dimly lit streets of Gotham, her senses heightened by the eerie silence of the night, she heard the unmistakable sound of someone struggling around the corner. Curiosity mingled with apprehension as she hesitated, uncertain whether to investigate or flee from potential danger.
With a heavy heart and trembling hands, she cautiously approached the corner, the rhythmic thuds of her heart echoing in her ears. Peering around the edge, her breath caught in her throat as she beheld a scene that froze her in terror.
Down the dimly lit street, illuminated by the faint glow of flickering streetlights, she saw Joker, his menacing silhouette towering over a figure writhing on the ground. Anguished cries pierced the silence, sending shivers down her spine as she watched in horror.
Just as she watched Joker lift his leg, poised to deliver a brutal blow, Y/n's scream pierced the night air like a gunshot. "J, No!" she yelled, her voice cracking with desperation.
Joker froze mid-motion, his eyes locking onto Y/n with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Uhh, Doll... Don't you have comedic timing, come to watch, have you?" he quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
Heart pounding in her chest, Y/n approached cautiously, her gaze fixated on the figure lying defenseless at Joker's feet. As she drew closer, the dim light revealed the familiar features of Max, battered and bruised, his face contorted in pain.
"Max!" Y/n cried out, her voice trembling with anguish as she attempted to rush to his aid. But before she could reach him, Joker's vice-like grip on her arm yanked her back with a forceful tug, halting her in her tracks.
Max lay on the ground, gasping for air as blood trickled down his battered face. Y/n's heart clenched at the sight of him, his once lively eyes now dull with pain. "J! Why?" she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Joker shrugged indifferently, a smirk playing on his lips. "Had to send a message somehow, Doll," he replied casually, as if discussing the weather.
Y/n's sobs grew louder, her voice choked with anguish. "P-please... Please don’t kill him," she begged, her desperation palpable.
Joker tilted his head, considering her plea with feigned interest. "Hmm, now why would I listen to you? You didn’t listen to me," he taunted, his tone dripping with malice.
Panic surged through Y/n as she fell to her knees, grasping desperately at Joker's arm. "I’m sorry, you were right, I should have listened. Please just leave him alone. Come back to my dorm with me, please!" she pleaded, her words a desperate plea for mercy.
Joker's gaze softened slightly at Y/n's tearful plea, but his resolve remained firm. With a sigh, he released Y/n's grip and took a step back, gesturing to Max with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Consider yourself lucky this time, Bunny," he said, his voice laced with a warning. "But don't forget this little token of generosity."
Joker's footsteps echoed loudly against the silent streets as he dragged Y/n alongside him, his presence looming over her like a shadow. Y/n cast a worried glance back at Max's bloody form on the concrete, her heart heavy with guilt and fear.
"Is he going to be okay?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Doesn’t matter," he replied, his tone sending a chill down Y/n's spine.
Y/n's stomach churned with unease as they continued their journey back to her dorm, the weight of Joker's words hanging heavy in the air. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gripped her, knowing that she had once again crossed a line she couldn't uncross.
As they approached her dormitory, Y/n's heart raced with apprehension. She knew Joker's presence would only bring more chaos into her already turbulent life, yet she couldn't deny the strange allure he held over her.
With a heavy sigh, Y/n unlocked the door and stepped inside, feeling Joker's presence loom behind her. She glanced back at him, her eyes pleading silently for him to leave, but he remained unfazed, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her shiver.
"Come on, Bunny, let's have a little chat," Joker said, his voice dripping with a mixture of menace and amusement.
Y/n's stomach churned with dread as she led Joker into her dimly lit room, the weight of their unresolved tensions hanging thick in the air. She braced herself for whatever was to come, knowing that with Joker, nothing was ever as it seemed.
As they entered her room, Y/n couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled over her like a suffocating blanket. She stood by the door, her eyes darting nervously between Joker and the cramped space around them.
Joker strolled into the room with a casual swagger, his eyes glinting with mischief as he surveyed his surroundings. He seemed to take delight in the discomfort he caused, relishing in the tension that hung thick in the air.
"So, Bunny, let’s talk." Joker's voice was laced with a dangerous edge, his tone daring her to defy him.
Y/n swallowed hard, her mind racing as she searched for the right words to placate him. She knew she was treading on thin ice, and one wrong move could have dire consequences. But beneath the fear, there was a flicker of defiance burning within her, a stubborn refusal to bow down to his every whim.
"I-I just... I thought... Maybe... I have no friend’s J…" Y/n stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joker's lips curled into a sinister grin, his eyes narrowing into menacing slits. "And that’s a problem?" he growled, his words dripping with venom.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of Joker's relentless dominance. She knew she was trapped in his web, with no way out but to play by his rules. And as Joker advanced towards her with a predatory gleam in his eyes, she couldn't help but wonder how much longer she could endure this twisted game of cat and mouse.
Joker's presence loomed over her, casting a shadow that seemed to swallow her whole. He reached out, his fingers curling around her chin to tilt her face up to meet his gaze. 
"Bunny, why do you need friends when you have me?" His voice was honeyed, persuasive, but beneath the smooth exterior lurked a darkness that sent shivers down her spine.
"You're all I need, Y/n. Friends are nothing but distractions, pulling you away from what truly matters," Joker continued, his grip tightening ever so slightly.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to resist the pull of his words. She knew deep down that he was wrong, that she needed human connection beyond the twisted confines of her relationship with Joker. But his persuasive words wormed their way into her mind, clouding her judgment and leaving her feeling utterly powerless.
"Besides, who needs friends when you have me to take care of you?" Joker's voice took on a seductive tone, his lips curling into a wicked smile.
Y/n's resolve wavered as she found herself drawn into his web of manipulation. She wanted to believe that she could break free from his control, but with each passing moment, it seemed that Joker's hold over her grew stronger. And as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever find a way out of this twisted dance with the devil.
As Joker's words sank in, Y/n felt a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through her. Part of her wanted to push him away, to break free from his manipulative grasp and reclaim control over her own life. But another part of her, the part that had grown accustomed to his presence and the twisted comfort he offered, hesitated.
"I... I guess you're right," Y/n murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
A satisfied smirk tugged at the corners of Joker's lips as he leaned back, releasing his hold on her chin. "Of course, I am, Bunny. I always know what's best for you," he purred, his tone dripping with arrogance.
Y/n forced a weak smile, the weight of her decision settling heavily on her shoulders. She knew deep down that she was sacrificing her own happiness for the sake of appeasing Joker, but the fear of his wrath and the allure of his promises were too potent to resist.
"Thank you, J," Y/n said softly, her voice tinged with resignation.
Joker's grin widened, a predatory gleam flickering in his eyes. "Anytime, Bunny. Remember, you're mine, and I'll always take care of you," he whispered, his words wrapping around her like tendrils of smoke.
As Y/n nestled into Joker's embrace on her bed, she couldn't shake the heaviness that settled over her. Despite being in Joker's arms, a sense of unease gnawed at her insides, casting a shadow over the supposed comfort of their closeness. Yet, she clung to him, desperately seeking reassurance that his presence alone could provide. After all, if she had Joker by her side, everything had to be alright...right?
A/N: Sorry it took so long for this part two to come out but I am so happy to have finished it! I've had it on my mind for AGES but I've had three assignments to get done and then three tests to study for so I thought it would be best to focus on uni first before writing anything and I am SO glad to have gotten them out of the way :P I really liked writing this part because I got to make Joker a bit of a dick. I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you again @chaos-4baby for requesting a part two, I cannot explain how much it means to me, like fr. You are amazing and the queen of Joker fics (Joker's Queen) and thank you to everyone else who did as well, love you all 💚
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
I’ve been simping over your ‘human’ Nomicon design since it came out in Ninja-November. If you have any headcanons about them, would you please share?
ah, a fellow monster/eldritch horror enjoyer I see! thank you! <3 tbh that Nomicon design was like an one day revelation, because while I love all the human!Nomi designs I've seen over the years (and there are some banger ones, man), it hit me that we as a fandom really underutilize all the uncanny aspects Nomi possesses. So ye. I do have a couple hc.
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Nomicon is an entity that doesn't have its own face and voice.
Whenever Nomicon talks to Randy it uses proxies in form of art/images/drawings/scribbles/writings. It gives strangely non-verbal vibes for something so cryptically eloquent! And whenever it does use a voice, its voice of the First Ninja (or more accurately his VA xD) , its first owner/wielder. When it uses a face, its usually the static/unmoving marble-like faces of Art or silly pen scribbles - both of which hold that uncanny valley look of something that looks human but really isn't. Not to mention the fact that it once literally stole Randy's face/body to teach him a lesson.
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I like to think that Nomicon has a library of faces/visages/voices it can take on, but all of them are creepily unsettling because - what would a book know about how to be human? It's face moves wrong, the eyes are too wide open, its body is creepily still, the voice uses inflections like its copying someone else (and sometimes voice warbles and changes/overlaps with other voices because it has so many).
All of it gives these fae/cryptid vibes of creatures that steal voices/faces to trick people, but in this case Nomicon collects those faces/voices from its owners along with their memories (which is another messed up thing we collectively forget is very creepy lol).
Nomicon is an entity that doesn't have a body, and most importantly - hands.
The reason I gave Nomicon so many shadow hands is because, well, Nomicon is a book. Hands hold those books, so the hands are very important to Nomi. All those shadow hands? Are memories of all the hands that held it (mostly previous Ninjas, but also the Creep and some others). It remembers everyone who held it.
The fit- the hat and the cape are kind of obvious, it look like center of the cover and the cape looks like covers on either side with pages underneath. The weirdest addition I made - is the spaghetti noodle-doodle 'hair'.
It constantly fascinates me that Nomicon, besides the Greek Key/9 motif, has those sort of concentration circles that are also present during Mask/Suit transformation. It gave me thought of sort of weird halos i guess?? Which adds to creepy vibe, but in this case its biblically accurate angel / holy deity type of vibes.
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Nomicon has very basic understanding of humanity.
For all the experiences/memories/personalities it was created from and it absorbed over the years, human things are a rather alien concept for the book. It's the reason Nomicon is so bad at its timing whenever it buzzes Randy. It just doesnt care that you are at school Randy, its trying to teach you how to be a better ninja!!! In some sense, it absorbed the most prevalent quality of First Ninja - the dedication to duty, the whole reason for its existence - to serve Ninjas to be the best they can. So, such human/mortal things as good grades/video games/a good nights sleep are very nebulous concepts to it.
Less of a hc but more of an observation/gripe but-
COME ON ITS NAME??? Ninjanomicon as in Ninjanecronomicon??? Because lets be honest its not just a book/guide for Ninjas its a book full of DEAD NINJAS??? LIKE??? In some sense all previous Ninjas, when they go through Ultimate Lesson, 'die' in the real world (because they are no longer Ninjas) and are preserved in Nomicon. And First is like deadass dead? (Plop plop too lol). So I feel like there should be more creepiness about that.
Anyway thats basically most of it, and sorry for silly doodles but i cant really draw creepy stuff xD
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chris-continues · 1 year
Unconventional, Unusual, and Unapologetically Yours
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Inspired by this text post I made!
In which you enter a relationship with an unfamiliar creature.. yet he’s the sweetest person you’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
TAGS: @beanibon @vashfantasy @h4venpha @lune010
Available on ao3!
NOTES: I cranked this out in like less than an hour I think. Uncanny Vash makes my fingers type like the fucking wind LMAO- ALSO I MIGHT DO PT2 <33 ^^lmk if you don’t want to be tagged! Some people asked and I know others like uncanny Vash a lot, so I thought you’d enjoy. I tried to add a bit of creature Vash as well, please feel free to comment/reblog if you enjoyed! And lmk any ideas you have :D
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Your boyfriend deviated from what one would call the standard partner. 
Well, not that such a thing was negative. He was by far one of the most beautiful people you’d ever seen, that much you noted from your first encounter. An abandoned warehouse, where you’d been forced to do an odd job when tight for cash. “Get a photo of the infamous Humanoid Typhoon!”, they said, giving you directions out of town. The warehouse then had appeared nothing short of shady, with its shabby walls, unfamiliar state, and a slight mildewy smell you weren’t too fond of. 
That would soon change, becoming your safe haven, as you recalled how you’d met. 
Your tentative steps inside, phone flashlight beaming as you explored for a good few minutes before- “Ah!” You jolted, the wide smile of a tall man, startling you. He apologetically waved his hands before you, attempting to reassure you, “Aw god, I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to scare you!” 
“It’s uh, fine, yeah.” You cleared your throat, turning your flashlight down slightly, “Who are you?” “Vash.” He chirped, quite literally. “And you?”, he offered his hand, ever so charming. If you recalled correctly, his pupils dilated a bit too much at the touch of your hand against his.
Humanoid. Not human.
It took you an embarrassingly long time to connect the dots, your attempt to search for the man of the hour futile (or successful, depending on how you viewed it). Searching for any extending corridors, or perhaps a hidden room. His company was originally slightly unsettling, as he was a stranger just tagging along for the ride, but he had no ill intent and with each sweet remark you found your night to not be a complete failure, swearing you’d return next weekend, same time to find the Humanoid Typhoon together. 
It turned into a game of stalling. 
Searching the same wall as last week, fingers tapping at the eroding wood of the building. His fingertips had brushed yours a handful of times as he blamed it on the darkness, a slight squeak leaving him each time, and maybe it was your fatigue riddled mind but you almost swore a slight glow emanated from him each time. 
After the 3rd week of searching you really didn’t care about finding this Typhoon guy anymore, figuring he was just some urban legend. Why did you keep going? For Vash, of course. He was a great listener, funny, and seemed to enjoy your company, and you really enjoyed his, and by god were you absolutely horrendous when it came to romance. So continued your pining of poking and prodding at an abandoned warehouse at the late hours of night. Too nervous to ask for his number (you found out later he didn’t have a phone), too shy to initiate anything further. 
Aha, until one night. 
Your searching had become less investigative of the building and moreso of each other, legs crossed and sitting in the middle of the warehouse with music playing from your phone on occasion. Discussions ranging from god knows what, each interesting in their own right. What confused you was that something as mundane as you telling a story in which you got your neighbors mail left him at the edge of his seat, but you simply chalked it up as him being a good listener and eager to engage in conversation, (that being partially true). Exhaustion creeped at you one night though, your horrendous sleeping habits having caught up with you as you rested your head against the derelict floorboards and gazed up at the ceilings. 
Vash had a habit of humming to fill in silences, and much like the rest of him you found yourself inexplicably drawn to it.. So sue you for being soothed to sleep by such a thing.
He didn’t tell you until much later, but that night he’d let his hand graze the back of yours, feathers peeking from beneath his jacket with the slight bumps ever so comforting against your skin. You let out the cutest hums, rolling just a bit closer to him.
His breath caught in his throat, as he let himself touch your hand just a bit more. His long, inhuman tongue laved over his several rows of sharp, unnatural teeth in a fidgeting motion. His pupils expanded, admiring you. You always appeared a bit nervous or tense around him- of course that diminished over time, he noted, but why were you so nervous? God, he hated being like this sometimes. To be.. A normal human companion of yours was something he found he craved. Every week, waiting for you in this dingy, subpar hiding place..
You were the highlight of his week. 
He had to hold himself back from instinctively curling into your side, wrapping his lanky limbs around you and allowing his vertebrae to extend to his full height.. Several feet taller than you. He wants to engulf you whole, keep you forever close and cherish you with chirps you couldn’t possibly understand. 
When you awake, he lays beside you. His body is as stiff as the wooden planks lining the warehouse floors, glancing at you as you finally make a move.
You scoot an inch closer.
His breath hitches in his throat. 
He can feel a draft making its way through the building,your body shivering as you shift just a bit closer.
“You.. are you cold?” He hesitates, arm stiffening as the fabric of his jacket meets the sleeve of your shirt. 
“Yeah, kinda..” You murmur, eyes darting away from him then back to him- god, you could stare at him and never tire of it. 
Your arms are pressed against one another, his fingers- wait, they’re uncharacteristically smooth, toying with the end of your sleeve. Oh god. The cutest guy you’ve ever met and he’s- oh god- you’ve dreamt of this more than you’d care to admit, hugging a pillow to sleep most nights, mind drifting to the cute guy you meet every weekend outside of town. 
Your fingers graze his once more, breathing pausing once more.
He intertwines his fingers with yours.
You think you’re going to die.
He chirps happily, and with your curiosity getting the better of you, you can’t help but ask, “What’s that noise mean?”
He blinks owlishly, sheepish smile crossing his face, “Oh uh, I don’t know really. It just.. happens?”  
“Ah, mhm. That’s fair.”
You peek down to your intertwined hands, only to see-
His mouth gapes open to speak, and you get another peek of his- oh god, now that it’s morning you can see better.
Rows upon rows of his sharp teeth. His mouth forcibly staying together in one piece rather than three. Unnaturally long limbs. Feathers sprouting from him. 
“You.. you’re not human, are you?”
Oh god. He scared you. He’s so ugly, and you’re frozen, backing away slightly- “Oh my god you’re not- are you?”
The Humanoid Typhoon.
“Yeah. I.. I am.”
It takes you a moment to collect your bearings, mouth agape. “You.. you  never planned to hurt me, right?” Your eyes are wide, hands in your lap as you now sit up, legs criss crossed. 
“God no! Never! Oh god, I'm so sorry.” He buried his face in his hands, hiding it from the peeking rays of sunlight peering through the wood of the warehouse. “I don’t try to hurt anyone really, it just.. happens.” He swallowed thickly, “You can leave, if you’d like. I won’t hold it against you.”
You shake your head adamantly, “No, no I trust you. Just surprised me is all. I’ve never seen anything like it, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Vash.” Your hands fidget within your lap, “I enjoy your company and you not being human won’t change that.”
He peeked at you from his fingers, pupils dilated. “..really?”
You nodded. 
He certainly didn’t appear very convinced, but as you offered one of your previously fidgeting hands out to him.. he took it. Hand much larger in yours, inhumanly smooth- you found upon closer inspection he had no fingerprints. 
You stayed like that for god knows how long, until you checked your phone, “Shit! I’m sorry Vash, I’ve got to-” Aw god, his face, he was so cute..
“I’ll return soon.”
He walked you to your car parked outside. 
Your next few visits were a lot more different. He never directly said it, but before long you started staying the night, pressed close to one another, easing closer and closer to one another with hesitant touches. His eyes pleaded for your company each time you left, a small pout forming on his lips. 
You hated leaving him each time. 
Your first kiss was sweet, clumsy, and absolutely adorable. Just like him. 
He laid atop you, the world’s best weighted blanket, wrapping his unproportionate, lanky limbs around you to pull you flush against him. “I like you Vash. A lot.” You admitted into his hair quietly, shyly kissing the crown of his head. He chirped excitedly, a few clicks escaping him as he shifted to have your eyes meet, lips peppering pecks on your cheeks, jaw, and the corners of your lips. 
You both were too nervous to initially confess, just basking in one another’s company. 
“Like you too.” A series of inhuman noises escaped him, elated by your flustered giggles. 
He almost felt bad for temporarily silencing you with a shy and quick peck to your lips. His eyes widened, before going in for another. 
Another, another, another, purring contentedly as he pressed closer to you in hopes to mold you both into one. 
Your hands tentatively reached to cradle his face, grinning into the dorky kiss you two shared. 
Now though? You glance at him, wrapped in a mini nest you two share atop your bed. He nuzzles into your neck, teeth gently nibbling at the flesh as the rays of morning peek through your bedroom window. His legs hang off the bed with how tall he is, but he couldn’t care less.
Is it unconventional? Sure. Unusual? Most definitely.
But you’ve never been more happy than you have with him.
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guiltyidealist · 9 months
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"Dog Nightmares" best friend stimboard
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Speculation (spoilers!) + uncanny imagery below
TLDR: I think the Wegman thing is on Emily's side.
I don't think this thing is evil or necessarily ill-meant, even. I just think about
the timeline
growing up and moving on just as a concept
"was she just forgetful? ... or was she in trouble?"
how her drawings/pictures of Bailey seem "corrupted" but she seems unaware
how calm she is when she encounters the entity in the stairhole despite its goddamn horrific appearance
how unfazed she is by getting a Wegman birthday card from her friend despite everything, and how delighted she is by getting a Wegman movie from said friend
her fixation with the tapes altogether
the captions in the creator's own AMV of the series ("Do you think I did it?")
the creator's choice of clips relative to the lyrics in the AMV
the ending sequence of "My New Best Friend" when the Wegman thing is speaking to her via the tapes... "Be honest, do you think that the dog is still out there?"...
those final flickering shots we see of the thing toward the end of that scene... its expression... its gestures in those shots (as seen in my chosen center image)...
... and then Emily seeming to understand or realize something and drop her photo in shock
Something about this thing having malice toward Emily doesn't add up. It's actually starting to read like an "old toy/imaginary friend not wanting to be forgotten but also caring for the person and trying to reach out" narrative.
I wonder if the Wegman thing's involvement in the disappearance of Bailey and/or Emily's friend is a red herring and the thing is actually trying to warn her.
Think about this. All the "bait" clips? What if the Wegman thing is showing that to warn her that something else is trying to lure her? Why would it show her the bait clips if IT was baiting HER? It wouldn't want to monologue its own ~evil plan~ to her like that right? Same deal with the "I thought I heard a sound" / "over here... over here..." clips.
Also. the Wegman thing wouldn't need to kill her dog or steal her friend to "lure" her somewhere. It already has her trust-- that's established by her calm reception of it in her househole, calling it her best friend, and continued fixation on the thing as a whole. It would just have to ask her to go somewhere with it, no kidnapping required (well... except for her LMAO)
The posters of Bailey disappearing, the evident "corruption" of the drawings and photos of him, the "Be honest, do you think that the dog is still out there?" line? Clearly the Wegman thing is trying to get her to let go of Bailey, stop holding onto the hope that he's still out there. What if it's trying to discourage and scare her into giving up the search -- even if he IS still alive -- so that she isn't lured by whatever's really baiting her?
Like. She is NOT afraid of this thing, not remotely unsettled even after all this time and all this shit. In other analog horror series like TMC, Gemini, & Backrooms; the characters are dead afraid of the supernatural entities and occurrences because. no shit?? So Emily's total lack of apprehension about this dogman thing is baffling and even off-putting. Literally in the video "1/04/2009" she's just like "look at this weird quirk that happened in the tape! :D" and the glitch is goddamn nightmare fuel for any normal person
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She clearly understands her social world through a sort of animal lens -- evidenced by her paper cutouts of various animal heads pasted over the faces of people in the scrapbook -- so I can kind ? of see where she's coming from? But no amount of being a furry is gonna make a child completely unfazed when they see THIS inside the walls of their house (walls which -- may I remind you -- they are ALREADY established to be TERRIFIED OF).
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and again-- please look at the expression on this thing. Whenever we see it, there's this... deep anguish in its face. The thing is utterly forlorn. Hell, it almost looks like it's crying in the very first video:
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And the fact that those sunken eyes almost make the face look like a mask on a human... and with her understanding of the world around her as animals...
hell what if she just perceives this otherwise-nebulous-form-having entity to look like a dog because she understands things as animals... or even because she was already so interested in the Wegman d... or just because it communicates with her via the W...? *unintelligible muttering*
man I dunno. All I'm saying is there's no way this thing is malevolent. It's protecting her. I think it is her friend.
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jacelandon · 1 month
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August DWC 2024 Day 3 - Fatality
Warnings: Death, brief mentions of gore
Jace squeezed the evil eye pendant hanging around his neck as he traversed through the dense forests of Darkmoon Island. A place he’d always warn others not to go, a place even many of the inhabitants of the Island dare not tread, but he had nothing to fear here even if it was unsettling at times. Like today.
The fog lay thick along the tops of the trees, creating a ominous blanket of gloom across the twisted and warped branches. There was no sound of animal or insect, which only amplified the crunch and crack of sticks and leaves beneath his gentle footfalls and his faint hum of a song he had been practicing earlier in the day. 
A practice interrupted by Silas Darkmoon, requesting Jace’s uncanny tracking skills in trying to locate a missing faire-goer who was last seen wandering near the forest’s edge. It wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last, but both men knew damn well that he was actually looking for a corpse. He didn’t always find the bodies, sometimes the forest would claim them as their own and leave no trace. It was a fickle thing, yet somehow Jace knew he was safe here.
He stopped, allowing the silence to overwhelm and eclipse.  Crouching, fingers pressed to the dirt below.  Inhaling petrichor, exhaling ego, a whispered tune touched his lips:
There is no world above you There is no world below you Is no world in front of you Is no world behind you No world beside you
A tepid breeze brushed his cheek, guiding his steps both far and deep.  The air grew thick here in the Heart, a sign of warning.  The invasive stench of death grew closer, things here were not meant to keep.
When the hour of pain has come It is You or Me To live is to breathe, to fight, and to suffer Brave every day Only the dreaded last lends peace
The fog lifted in the clearing ahead, and he found his lost soul genuflecting to the Gods as if pleading his case in his final moments. A sacrificial lamb in full blood eagle glory, there was something almost divine in the way the thick canopy of trees parted just enough to allow a thin pinpoint of light to catch his lifeless gaze. A gift on display.
There is no world that is not of the will Being ruled to life, to growing, to power Because you also carry this core in you Even if your sun is called humility And your enemy is merely yourself in the end
He exhaled the petrichor and the stench and the reticence. How long had he been here? He tore his mesmerized gaze away, attempting to catch the shadows dancing along the edges of his vision. Nothing there. Clarity finally crept back in and Jace took the communication device from his pocket. After finding the correct frequency that would work in this particular part of the forest, “I found him. As expected.” 
“Get rid of him.”
It was almost a shame to have to ruin such a beautifully macabre scene, but the risk of someone else discovering him wasn’t worth it. A missing person was better than this truth, and Silas Darkmoon was only protecting his own.
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huniegloom · 1 year
The concept of the uncanny valley is fucking laughable to me. Like really… really? You’re the one telling me that I’m not normal? Is that the reason why you talk down on me like a third class citizen and think you’re mistreatment of me is justified? Some of the neurotypicals & allistics I met during my life and especially in college gave me the most unsettling vibes in my whole 20 years of living. It was like they were looking for reasons to accuse me of being something I’m not only for it to backfire on them and out themselves as just being bigoted and just all kinds of creepy, and disturbing. (Some people even accused me of being evil which is fucking ironic knowing their disturbing behavior.) The way they would try so hard to put me in a category in their smoothbrained narrative of me was just embarrassing. The mental gymnastics they would put themselves through to purposely misunderstand my points was astronomical! They really be out here presenting themselves as kind, progressive, and open minded people but they were anything but and honestly? That gave me a more uncanny valley vibe more than anything else, it was like a mask to hide who they really were which was just creepy and predatory. Like the random shit they would say “as a joke” showed their true colors on how they feel about themselves and others. They were just nasty and disgusting people who enjoyed being miserable to themselves and others. Their logic being that “at least it’s funny” when it was just unhealed internalized issues played for laughs. Their only joke was that “Hey I’m a predatory bigot! Also, I might have a fetish for fucking animals.” Yeeeeah these were the people that bullied me for being "abnormal". God I’d hate to have their thoughts it looks fucking miserable from what I seen. At this point I’d rather be seen as a loser in their eyes for doing things I actually enjoy because unlike them I don’t limit myself into only being one thing.
So basically moral of the story is people who are bigoted aren’t really what I consider smart but we knew that already.
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bluarlequinno · 6 months
FNAF MOVIE OPINION (after like 5 months Ik)
I'm back on my FNAF bullshit, but I always come back to FNAF eventually (pun intended or maybe not, take it as you want)
I know a lot of the fandom liked the movie, but honestly I hate to lie to myself and pretend like the movie was any good, look it's FNAF, I didn't expect it to be good, because it's really hard to adapt something so bizarre and mostly build off of collective delusional and derangement creative mashups, BUT, I still felt that it could have done so much better and I wanna talk about some of my opinions, of course as always it's an opinion and it tends to be subjective so yk, don't take it as an attack if you as a FNAF fan liked the movie
I kinda came around as to why I hated how they handled the animatronics in the movie lately, yeah they were great like visually wise, but how they handled them narratively and within the horror factor was... Extremely disappointing in my opinion, and now I kinda see why, at least in my humble perspective.
I think, a big part of why they give up such uncanny unsettling eerie vibes in the FNAF games (at least the ogs) it's because of the fact WE NEVER SEE THEM MOVE, we are just told and vaguely hinted at the idea that they might be alive, that things have happened, and they have done something, news, past events, etc, with out that it falls flat, in the games, we are left totally clueless unsure if they are or not moving, or if we are the ones going delusional, if the murders are related, the knowledge that corpses are inside or at least the suspicion of, etc.
The movie on the other hand, is too bright in my opinion, colors feel off, like it doesn't give that, dirty, inhuman, unclean, old and clearly malnourished pizzeria, it doesn't make you feel like you are gonna be sick just by being near those greasy old dirty and dry blood stained and who knows what else animatronics, it also shows us the animatronics actually move like some sort of cyborg, changing essentially where the terror of FNAF even comes from, the whole point is that you didn't actually see them move until they are up on your face jumpscaring you, it's kinda the point, and if you do see them move, it's barely crumps of like subtle hand movements or eye twitching or smt that is not that cyborg..y, like the point is that the kids are in those suits and therefore are trying to move them how they can, so when in the movie you actually see them move on the brightness of day in bright color and daytime it feels ... Just really fucking lame and boring, they just feel like your typical scary robots.
The scary factor wasn't them being murder robots, it was that those childlike machines had weird smells and where strangely uncanny and barely moved but somehow managed to make you feel like there was something there, that in the end there were corpses (who mind you were mentioned in the movie but like never seen and kinda forgotten about??? Like hello?)
So if they do make a second movie PLEASE have a clever use of color, ambient building, and DON'T SHOW THEM MOVING, let the protagonist (or player) question their sanity, are they really alive? Or are we just being paranoid, focus more on the smell the robots have, the stains, the texture, the weird unsettling feeling, make the pizzeria darker, dirtier, grayer, older (or well depends a lot on the plot and pizzeria and timeline they will handle).
I have a lot more of criticism on the movie, but I felt this needed to be said because the animatronics are the most essential characteristic of well FNAF, and in my opinion how they were handled was really bad, they didn't scare a bit, they made me feel so much like embarrassment I swear, it felt like a YouTube sketch, which has way more effort honestly.
I think another error was not treating the characters like animatronics, I understand not sticking into the original designs would maybe dislike most fans, but honestly? If it were up to me I would have stylized original like in real life 80s animatronics to have the designs of chica, Bonnie, foxy and Freddy yk? Because they are treating them more like robots than animatronics and like NO, the point is that they are animatronics, stop trying to lean into cyborg sci-fi future FNAF if you're adapting og fnaf lean into the terror of uncanny, guts and blood smelling rotten dirty old machines of a what was supposed to be a normal family pizzeria.
Believe me, playing with smell can really really make things scary, the animatronics shouldn't seem alive or emotionally conscious, they in our perspective animalistic creatures with no mind, that may not be moving at all, but somehow you feel they are following you with their eyes (even if in the case of golden Freddy they have none) make them seem more malnourished, maybe there is broken wiring that let's us see a lot of dry brown stains that give off a dirty rotten smell, they always seem greasy and smell like pizza, greasy and extremely rotten pizza.
Also the fact the souls of the kids appear is cliche and dumb, like we never meet them, the robots are not the kid souls anymore, they are the animalistic revenge desire of their souls, they are no longer human, it would have made the terror and the tension work better if the souls weren't so at your face like kids idk how to word this, but dehumanize their designs, LEAN INTO THE UNCANNY, god i know that making an indie horror game that is more of the collective than of the creator into a somewhat mainstream "Hollywood eske" movie would turn out so shitty, because it lost all the passion and beauty of uncertainty, the not knowing, the significant art and interpretations, they couldn't even give us the characters we love, they just showed us some weird reboot of mike and crying child and whoever abby is supposed to be. Why is Vanessa there I'm so serious, ok this is totally personal, but I hate that they just replace original characters just no.
Imma be honest I don't have the patience right now to word every single thing I think the movie got wrong, but at this point what FNAF is and why we as a fandom love it so much, it's because of the content we as a community create, we make FNAF enjoyable, and idgaf, but scott is not the reason i love fnaf, and it will never be, like that man wants to do a horror story but treats it childishly and cant decide if he wants his audience to be children (for some reason) or +16 and older so it turns out wanky, childish and even dumbs down the audience, how can you have thia sorry still be aimed at children, but feature extreme acts of violence against children like tf, there is canon child abuse, there is gore and child murder, there is so many things that are not for children, but are handled like so badly that it comes off as if a child wrote it, and of course dumbs it down to the point we get to where we are now with the current FNAF, child aimed fully, Scott can't even decide his own lore and the fandom does half the work or all the work
Anyways point is, let the author ruin his own work and give the people creative freedom
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possiblylando · 2 years
Yoshida is a weird guy [Chainsaw Man Manga Spoilers]
Statement of the century but this unusual possibly homosexual guy has peaked my interest with the fact he's a metaphorical harbinger of disaster. He's frankly even more lucky than Kobeni in a separate sort of way. Whenever he shows up it's soon before or after a disaster of some kind happens. So like a rational human I decided to go through and read every chapter in which he appears or is mentioned. Before I get into the deep of it I'd like to show this Denji panel I've never seen anyone post before.
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Right, getting into it now. Yoshida's first mention is in chapter 53. His first appearance is in chapter 55.
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Makima asked for Yoshida specifically. I'm choosing not to read to deeply into the placement of the speech bubbles but it is interesting that he is completely separate from the other 3. For a refresher Kusakabe is contracted with the stone devil. Tamaoki and Subaru are basically just jobbers in the scheme of this arc. Now the thing I want to focus in on is that Yoshida is a private hunter. He's able to get by just fine without help. We see this in part 2, However his only known contract is with the octopus devil. A contract which seems to cost Yoshida nothing.
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Previously stated his first appearance is in chapter 55. This chapter gives us absolutely nothing. He seems like a background character since this is the same chapter where we see the triplets go into action. Which fits with his character in that he just consistently fades into the background.
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56 goes much the same.
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However in 57 shit with Yoshida starts to become more clear. I would like to bring up his reaction here as juxtaposed to Aki since it seems like the comparison was somewhat intentional. This was right after Power hit one of triplets with Kobeni's Car. I'm unable to fully express why his expression seems almost downplayed in comparison to everyone else who is losing their shit. This alone means jack shit in all honesty. His next scene is what's important. Yoshida presumably completely alone tracks down the two remaining brothers and straight up executes one of them.
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It's almost like he's mocking the surviving brother silently. He absolutely knows that this random guy is the final brother but he lets him live. His expression after having just murdered a man is also very unsettling especially for chainsaw man where people tend to have adverse reactions to taking lives. Being emotionless and even HAPPY after having killed someone is reserved for the insane and the villains. Yoshida has almost an uncanny knowledge of everything happening at any given time as we see more evidently later. His next appearance is in chapter 59.
Yoshida does nothing in chapter 59 except state the abilities of the Doll Devil. In fact Yoshida is almost completely missing from chapter 60 only appearing in a singular panel. I missed this one and I had to go back and scan for him specifically because the wiki said he was in the chapter.
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Yoshida will just completely vanish into the background when he isn't actively doing something to the point even while searching specifically for him I missed him. Now once the fighting begins Yoshida is rather interesting because he's entirely on the defensive. He's also deceptively fast as he was able to react to Quanxi and avoid taking damage almost entirely from the initial attack.
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It certainly explains how he's able to go it solo.
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I'd like to take this time to appreciate this amazing panel for the reveal of the octopus devil. However I find it interesting that we only ever see a single tentacle of it. It's likely that Yoshida has a similar sort of contract as public safety hunters have with the Fox Devil. However Yoshida seems to show no signs of any sort of cost per use. Which insinuates one of two things. That his contract with the octopus devil had an upfront cost that he paid and as such doesn't need to pay again with each use. Or that his contract has NO COST. We again see his speed with the Ink Attack, But he quickly gets his ass handed to him because he's fighting Quanxi.
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This establishes that Yoshida is clearly mortal at least in the physical sense. But I still don't know what to make of it. I doubt if he was literally the horseman of death or adjacent to it (I'll touch on that later) that he'd lose this fight so easily. The only explanation I can really come up with is that he lost this fight intentionally knowing what Kishibe was planning. However that's a shaky theory at best. Due to what happens next I'll choose to interpret this as Yoshida being taken off guard by his hubris. Clearly he didn't expect Quanxi to be able to counter this attack so easily. Chapter 62, Yoshida is immediately back up after being full on jaw kicked by Quanxi. Given he had the time of the conversation between Quanxi and Kishibe to recover but the fact is he's able to box with Quanxi this time.
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While he's still clearly outmatched strength wise he's able to full on fight with a weaponless Quanxi. Given Quanxi is most powerful with her weapons, This is still an insane feat of Skill, Speed, And Strength. Quanxi's durability is basically human if not slightly above it from what we see. Main take away from this is that Yoshida is 1. Extremely skilled in melee combat. 2. Used to winning confrontations.
This is likely one of the main reasons people believe Yoshida and Kishibe to be related in someway. The idea of Yoshida having been trained by Kishibe holds some water due to his immense speed and skill at close ranged combat. Now onto chapter 63 which has some very interesting implications which aren't directly stated. YOSHIDA GETS THROWN OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW
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This is literally seconds before Santa Clause summons the hell devil to send everyone in the building to hell. Yoshida was able to avoid being sent to hell by seemingly pure chance. However I would like to bring attention to Yoshida's pose. It's the number 4. Additionally it seems to be in clear reference to the Hanged Man tarot card. I'm not gonna act like I thought up this Tarot connection that was another user who's post I can't find at the moment. I'll add a comment to this if I find it later.
I won't patronize you and act like you've never heard of the connection between the number 4 and death in Japan. It's a rather common fact so I'll keep it brief. The number 4 has a similar pronunciation to Death, Pronounced "Shi" in Japanese. This has lead to it being seen as an unlucky number.
Now keep this connection to death, It'll be very important later. Due to not being sent to hell he's absent from those chapters and only shows up again in chapter 67. In which he is using the Octopus devil to subdue some dolls. Additionally using it as a chair.
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This suggests like before that Yoshida has a level of control over the Octopus devil that other summon-type contracts don't. It's possible the Octopus devil is just more chill but I couldn't really imagine a devil just letting humans sit on it. Onto the conversation itself Yoshida calls himself "Third-Tier". Which is just straight up a lie. His abilities are leagues above what the other hired mercenaries managed to do. This either shows a degree of humbleness or just outright downplaying his abilities. Now, onto the most interesting thing.
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Yoshida knows about Makima's eavesdropping ability. There are two explanations for this. The first being that he had gotten up right as the conversation between Quanxi and Kishibe started and he saw the writing on the notepad and figured it out himself. Or #2 (Which I find more likely) is that he already knew. He knew specifically that Makima could hear through animal's ears and not just that she could hear everything related to her or something. It's a very specific detail which insinuates he knows more than he lets on.
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If you'll remember earlier I called Yoshida luckier than Kobeni. This is why. He completely avoids danger just by pure coincidence several times. He just happens to be at the right place at the right time to avoid anything above his paygrade. I shouldn't have to state that this is unique to Yoshida as no other character is afforded the luxury of being able to completely avoid these types of encounters off pure chance alone. Even Kobeni was forced into the final fight but Yoshida completely avoided it. Yoshida's final appearance in part 1 is chapter 70. In which he blindfolds himself while Makima executes Quanxi and her girls.
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This is the last time Yoshida appears. So that's a fucking lot yeah? I'll summarize the important parts. 1. Yoshida is extremely lucky to the point he escapes major series altering events by seemingly pure coincidence. 2. He has a contract with the Octopus devil which seems to have no usage cost what so ever, Allowing him to do basically whatever he wants with it. 3. He is insanely skilled in close combat and is able to fight on par with Quanxi (When he isn't underestimating her) 4. (Most important of all) Yoshida knows things he shouldn't. He's far more knowledgeable than almost every other character in the series excluding a hand full of the extremely skilled top tiers. Makima, Santa, Kishibe, Ect. I'll keep the part 2 stuff brief due to the length of this post already, I'll do a second one eventually. (Probably once we the Asa interaction ends.) so I'll only touch on two specific things. 1. Yoshida knows about the existence of the Death Devil, Which has only ever been mentioned by Makima. No one else has even eluded to it.
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2. He knows about Famine. Yoshida is the only one who actually looks at Famine after the aquarium encounter. It even gets it's own entire page which denotes it as being very important.
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So what is Yoshida? I'm honestly still not sure. He could just be a human, He could be possessed by a devil, He could be a fiend (doubtful), Hell he could even be a horseman. The idea of Yoshida being the horseman of death has been thrown around however I honestly doubt it. Primarily due to his eyes.
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We know that the primary indicator of a horseman is their eyes which we have seen in every member of it so far. Yet Yoshida's eyes are pure black. While it's possible he wears contacts. I doubt this is the solution since Chainsaw Man doesn't seem like the kind of series to pull that kind of twist. "I was wearing contacts Denji and now that they're off I'm evil." - Yoshida in chapter 300 However Yoshida being the Death Devil's incarnation would certainly be an interesting twist especially if he want Denji to kill it. However if his goal was to have chainsaw man eat the Death Devil and he is it, He probably would've acted on it by now. But there is a caveat to the Chainsaw's Devil erasure. It only works on a Devil's actual body. When Denji ate Makima at the end of Part 1 it didn't get rid of the control devil. Still Yoshida has skills and knowledge that a seemingly random 15 year old should not have. He's apart of a shadowy organization which he claims is "totally not evil". Yoshida demonstrates a knowledge of his surroundings which is only rivaled by characters like Makima and (From what we've seen of her) Famine. My only guess that what Yoshida is planning is something I'll call "The Extinction of fear". Yoshida's organization wants to create a calm life for chainsaw man. The best way to do that is to get rid of devils completely, There is no need for a Chainsaw Man if there are no devils for him to kill.
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This is my gift for Eyeshield 21 Winter Gift Exchange of 2023. @shortandbittersweet I hope you like it! And I'm so sorry about the delay 🙏🙏
Also many thanks to @eyeshields for all their work organizing the event ♥️♥️
When Kongou Agon stepped into the Empire City Casino at 01:43 am, he had a clear plan in mind: take a look around, play a few games and win easy money, perhaps find a pretty woman to pass the time with and leave the tab to… Just will away the time until the blond trash and the other idiots called him in desperation, begging him to help with their ridiculous plan. He’d have a bit of fun at their expense, leave them hanging for a bit, and appear in the nick of time. 
Simple, easy to follow plan. The blond trash would try to pull some shit, but nothing that would damage his own plan, so Agon wasn’t too worried. Which is why, after ordering himself a drink and approaching the gambling tables, he did a double take that almost spilled the fucking beer all over the floor. He blinked once, twice, and gritted his teeth. But of course, of course, that trash would be in this casino with no explanation, dealing cards at the poker table like he did that every night from 10 to 6. 
Unlike other times he’d seen Hiruma go ‘undercover’, he seemed to be making an effort this time. He looked as dumb as the rest of the casino workers, with a red vest and a ridiculous visor, his hair slicked back and as tame as he’d ever seen it, pointy ears partially covered by it. 
That wasn’t why it took him a good few seconds to make sure it was him, though. It was the smile. He was smiling like a normal person, as if he were a regular 19-year-old trash with regular trash teeth and regular trash personality. 
It was disgusting. 
…And somehow more unsettling than the usual demonic grin. 
“What the fuck, trash!?” he asked, reasonably, and sneered at the nearby randos clutching their pearls.
“Welcome, sir! Would you like to join the game?”
Oh, fuck no. He was acting. The affected perkiness and wide-eyed, eager face… he was mimicking that tiny roller-skating menace.
“Aaah!? Fat chance, trash. I want you to tell me what-”
But Hiruma had already given him two cards face down and was gesturing to the vacant chair with that uncanny smile.
He could just turn around and leave, ignore the annoying trash and whatever mad scheme he was cooking up in that big brain of his. They had some twelve hours until their flight back to Japan, he could find something else to do with his time until then. He could…
Agon sat down with a scowl, picking the two cards up but not taking his eyes off of Hiruma. “What are you doing here? You told me those assholes would be at the casino by the airport.”
Hiruma laid a hand on the table and leaned in, tilting his head to the side to hide the sudden impish quirk of his smile from the rest of the casino. “Which is why you ran away to a different casino on the other side of the city?” he asked, voice back to his usual raspiness and eyebrows arched in mockery.
Manipulative piece of shit.
“You’re becoming predictable, Agon-kun, never a good look.” He leaned back and yet again fixed the same cheerful mask from before on his face. Agon resisted the urge to grab his cheeks and headbutt him.
“So the rest of the trash is here as well?”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, sir,” he replied sunnily, before turning to the idiots who had remained. “Ready to continue the game, everyone?”
There was no way Hiruma didn’t know their teammates’ exact location, either in this very casino or in some other part of New York. But he didn’t really care one way or another; he could always call Ikkyuu if he really wanted to know.
“So those assholes you're looking for—the pencil pushers who are trying to reject the creation of a world championship—, they are in this casino. And your plan is, what, to cheat them of their money? To smile at them creepily until they agree?”
Agon had experience with Hiruma’s schemes. They sounded crazy, but were annoyingly clever. They usually involved blackmail—but that required Hiruma himself to stay hidden and in control of at least three electronic devices—, intimidation and/or physical violence. Dealing with people in influential positions such as these involved more elaborate methods than beating them into a pulp—which was a pity, because he could really use some light exercise, and he hardly had the patience for a more elaborate charade.
The trash, instead of answering, pointed at the cards in Agon’s hand with his freakishly long fingers. “Would you like to place a bet, sir?”
He pushed his sunglasses up into his head and stole a quick look at his cards: the king of diamonds and the ten of clubs. Could be worse. Could be better. He took a few chips out of his pocket to pay the buy-in and the bet to continue the game, adding them to the pile.
There were three cards already on the table: the king of spades, the five of clubs and the eight of diamonds. Hiruma shuffled the deck like a magician with a caffeine overdose and put one more card down with a flourish: the queen of hearts. 
Agon didn’t really like these types of games; he preferred to rely on his own skill rather than on chance and statistics. But his luck was decent and the ladies at casinos were usually loaded and willing to spend it on him, so he’d been to a few.
A glance at the blond trash—at the tilt of his chin and the glint in his green eyes whenever he wasn’t playing the golden retriever for the other players—told him he was being challenged. Win the game and get these idiots to leave, huh? It was a blatant manipulation attempt, Hiruma Youichi’s speciality: annoy someone into abandoning common sense and catch them in his web. While fully aware of it, Agon couldn’t not try and prove the bastard wrong—sometimes, he wondered why he even bothered. And the chance to earn good money was appealing, too.
He remembered the basics of the game: Hold’em Texas, Hiruma had called it, a variant of poker. As the rest of the table made their bids, he drank his beer and eyed them with disdain. They were all gray guys in suits that would make Unko-chan seem charismatic and fun by comparison. They would be easy to intimidate, or at least repel. He would have preferred to have a pretty girl to please his eye—instead he had to look at that blond trash and his stupid face—, but at least he would get these idiots’ money.
And get it he did. 
He may have had some trouble remembering whether a Straight or a Flush had higher value, but all it took was his third best glare, a few insults, some good hands and Hiruma ‘unwittingly’ annoying and confusing the shit out of them. After half an hour, Agon’s beer glass was as empty as the surrounding seats, and he had ten times the number of chips he had started the game with.
The skinny trash looked delighted; his sunny smile had grown fangs and he could almost see a pointy tail wagging behind him. “Kekeke, well done, sir!”
“Aaah? Cut the crap, trash, tell me your plan.”
Hiruma leaned forward, looking like he was about to divulge some juicy secret, but Agon knew from experience that it was going to be bullshit. However, without saying anything, Hiruma’s eyes left his to rest somewhere over his shoulder.
Agon scowled.
“Deal me in, brat.”
That snobby, nasal voice… No fucking way. 
Agon whipped his head around so fast his glasses would have gone flying if they weren’t high quality, expensive as hell Oakley Juliets.
Sliding into a vacant seat, wearing a white fur coat and the expression of someone who’d smelled shit—and who knew, with that fucking snout of his he might have been able to smell a corpse next city over—, was Clifford fucking D Lewis.  
“Of course, sir!” 
The American quarterback took his cards, but didn’t even glance at them, eyes fixed on Hiruma the same way Anezaki pretended not to stare at cream puffs.
“I’m beginning to wonder about your hobbies. Are you an aspiring actor? Part of an amateur theater group, perhaps? This is at least the third time you’ve played dress up in my presence.”
Hiruma’s smile sharpened like a sushi chef’s knife, and he tilted his head. “Clifford-sama recognised me? I’m honored.”
Clifford snorted, the sound loud even with the racket of the casino surrounding them—probably because it had more room to reverberate due to his enormous nose. He muttered something under his breath, but Agon’s English wasn’t good enough to catch it. One of Hiruma’s freakish ears twitched, however, and for a second he looked like his usual devilish self, ridiculous costume and all.
Neither of them had spared him a glance yet.
“What the hell are you doing here?” 
The pompous bastard barely turned his head to glance at him. “Agon Kongou,” he said, in a tone of voice that reminded him of ‘I don’t even need to pay attention to guys like you’. “Strange choice for a poker game. Was your cowboy friend unavailable?”
Clifford D Lewis had a very punchable face. And he may be faster than him still, but Agon’s reaction time was better; in such close quarters…
A kick to the shin stopped him from lunging forward. He glowered at Hiruma, who had that disgustingly cheerful smile on yet again. “A game against the dealer, gentlemen?”
He took the two cards with a snarl. Hiruma better start explaining soon, otherwise he’d leave, and then he’d really have to call for that cowboy trash to come help him.
Clifford huffed and readjusted the collar of his tiger print shirt—and seriously, why the hell did it have to be that particular pattern? Agon was wearing it better, but it still pissed him off. 
They paid the starting amount. Agon had two queens, but it would take a lot of luck to win against these two poker addicts. The three open cards weren’t very encouraging, but he’d be damned if he folded in the first round. He’d be able to think better if Clifford quitted his yapping. Agon knew enough English to know that the D in his name had to stand for Dick.
“It’s clear why you’re here. You’re after Jacob Robert Clarkson, general secretary of the American Football Federation, and Daniel Mullin, director of development of the International Football Committee. They have been speaking against the consolidation of an international university league and hindering the entire process; without their approval, the project won’t take off.”
Hiruma put another card down. The American quarterback made the bet, and they matched it. 
“It’s interesting that you’re posing as a poker dealer, then, since neither of them plays poker.”
Wait, what?
“Clarkson is a roulette man and Mullin only plays slot machines. An information broker of your level must have known that before starting this whole ridiculous charade.”
Hiruma put the last card down. Clifford shoved half of his sizable mountain of chips towards the center of the table and leaned closer. “If you wanted to attract my attention, there are other ways, brat.”
Okay, no. “What the fuck, trash!?” He pushed the same amount of chips forward; he didn’t care about winning anymore, but he wouldn’t back down on principle. 
“You needn’t have bothered, of course; Don would never allow them to completely reject the project or even dawdle too much,” Clifford said, that annoying superior smirk in place. “It’s clear to us, after that first international two years ago, that other countries need to be reminded of America’s superiority.”
Hiruma’s toothy grin widened, looking as unhinged as a shoji door. “Is that so? How generous of America-sama.”
He uncovered his cards. They were an ace and a two, which meant he only had Two Pairs; the little shit had been bluffing.
Clifford had two tens. With the cards on the table, he had a Full House. He opened his mouth, eyes fixed on Hiruma, but Agon slammed his cards down on the table before he could say anything.
He had two queens, plus the two queens on the table; he had the highest hand. Hiruma cackled without restraint and Clifford scowled. 
“Another game?”
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okami-zero · 26 days
So I just saw a video ad for the most unsettling uncanny valley shit I have ever seen:
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For a split second, I was like "Did they get an actor for this?" But after watching her mouth, of all things, I was like, "Oh shit, that is not a real person O.O" Once that realization hit, I noticed how still she is sitting, with no real movement other than her speaking - absolutely stationary posture, no head movement or anything. No real emotion in that expression, either. I did not have sound on, because I was flashbanged by this ad kinda, and just...WOW. if this was a pre-animated piece done for this ad, kudos to the animators, excellent (if unsettling) work. But if, instead, this was a real-time demo of a generative AI model (even if the lines were presets/scripted) that makes it even MORE unsettling. And this is also kind of... skeezy. I mean not kind of, it IS skeezy, because it's going after people who maybe are lonely and want companionship. Or in the more disturbing cases from previous similar things, want someone to verbally and emotionally abuse with no legal repercussions.
Latter demographic aside, it is really fucked up that you are putting a face on a text generator (and as humans, we ALREADY anthropomorphic animals and sometimes objects) but this seems a bit much.
"But okami," someone might say, "she's an AI! She is conversing!" And I would pat that someone's head and say,
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She is not an AI in the sci-fi use of the term (and why they started using AI as the term for LLMs is a whole other thing), "she" is a long form math equation that spits out words in patterns taken from where the company scraped its training data from. "She" is not reacting to your worse, she is regurgitating symbols based on similar patterns that were recorded elsewhere. There is no intelligence there, just math with a pretty face pasted on it.
And I dunno, maybe it's actually good for some people? I don't think it would be long-term, and if AI itself was not supported by greed, thievery, lies and climate destruction, I might be less critical.
But it is all based on data taken without consent of the original creators (whether it's drawn art, writing, video, etc), it is being peddled to co pa it's as a magic bullet (and replacement in some cases) and apparently is even worse than crypto when it comes to power consumption.
So, yea. Need to vent a bit, and share this absolutely unsettling ad. And if I have put a damper on your day, I apologize. As recompense, have this blep.
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unrooms · 6 months
The first thing you get right away from the newly dubbed chat is a kind of complicated sequence of things to try in the plant room. With those plans in mind, you first grab one of the sharper chisels in case it comes down to trying to threaten the plants in the right direction. You also remember to set an alarm this time. Then you leave the stone room for the plant room. As soon as you step into the pool room, though-
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“-Oh! -Flesh?”
It looks up at you and smiles. “That’s right. I made my decision. I don’t want to stay here forever. I thought I would explore a bit, and I’d probably encounter you soon. I suppose I was right.”
You're surprised by its appearance, but also just pleased to see it. You walk over to sit on the pool rim next to the flesh.
“You look... human. Kind of. -Uh, that’s the species I am, if you don’t know.”
“I didn’t know that. But I know... well, it’s not exactly knowledge. But, from the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them, I got some very vague images of people like you. Humans. I thought I would try to emulate that shape. How do I look?”
It looks... distinctly uncanny-valley. It’s naked but doesn’t have genitals or nipples and doesn’t really feel naked, somehow. It looks like an alien with a very mediocre idea of what a human looks like tried to make one from scratch, which you guess is what it is. It looks rather unsettling and wrong.
“You look like yourself,” you say, “I like it.” You mean it.
The flesh grins at you. “Thank you.”
“How does it feel?”
“...It’s strange to be disconnected, but I don’t think it feels bad. I think it will take some getting used to. Moving around in this form is also a little difficult.”
“Yeah, that makes sense. You probably just need practice.”
“I think so. And if it turns out I don’t like this form, I can still change it.”
“Man, I wish I could do that... Eh, well, anyway, I should probably get back to getting keys. I was about to go into the plant room and try to figure out the puzzle, do you want to come with me?”
“Alright. That sounds nice. Oh, before that-” It points at the strange liquid in the pool. “This is void. I thought you might want to know that.”
“Oh, huh...” You stick a hand in the... void. “I would have thought void would be more... dangerous? But I was sitting in this stuff when I got here, and that was fine.”
“I don’t think any of the elements are inherently dangerous to any other element.”
“Well... that’s definitely interesting, thanks for telling me. Shall we go now, though?”
“Alright.” It stands up awkwardly and follows you into the plant room. “Hm... I like this room, I think.”
“It is pretty pleasant, isn’t it? I still wanna get out of here, though, so...”
You tell the flesh about what you’ve seen in this room and what you plan to do.
“Oh by the way, maybe you wouldn’t know, but do you know if it would be safe for me to eat this fruit?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Well, I mean, at least in my world, some plants aren’t safe to eat for humans.”
“Well... I know the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them doesn’t want to harm you. But I can’t be certain it wouldn’t do so by accident.”
“Hm...” You turn the fruit over in your hands. You’re... pretty hungry... “...Well, maybe I can just try a little, and if it seems okay I’ll try more later.”
So you carve out a bite-size chunk of fruit using the chisel you brought, then another chunk on the flesh’s request, and give it a try. You like it; it’s mildly sweet and just a little spicy, and sort of reminiscent of pear flavor. You feel fine for now. You refrain from giving in to temptation and having more, though. Instead, you let the flesh have the rest- it’s apparently a big fan.
As the flesh messily devours the rest of the fruit, you kneel down next to the big clock and tentatively try moving the minute hand. It turns easily, and as you turn it you find the angle of the light changing noticeably. Unsurprisingly, it’s more dramatic when you try the hour hand. You fiddle with it until the room feels like sunset, the beam at a dramatic slant so that it’s not shining on the tree’s branches anymore. You watch hopefully for a long moment... but the branches don’t budge.
It’s disappointing; you thought that seemed like it made a lot of sense. But you guess you’ll just move on to the next suggestion.
You tell the flesh you’re going to go to the water room just for a bit, and it elects not to follow you. It’s still going at the fruit. So you head over on your own.
You were planning to look at the false door to see if there was some way you could get the water out, but before you can do that you notice a change. At the base of the pillar, you find a large glass pitcher, and above it coming out of the pillar is a faucet.
Hey, that’s convenient!
Sure enough, turning the handle, water comes pouring out. You fill the pitcher and turn off the faucet. Looking at the crystal-clear water in the pitcher, you inevitably feel the dryness of your tongue.
Is this safe to drink..?
It looks just like ordinary water. Doesn’t have a smell. You dip a finger in it and taste a drop. All of your senses are telling you it’s regular water. You really want to just gulp it down, but you decide you should follow the same principle as with the fruit; try just a little and go ahead and have more if nothing bad happens after a while. ...Although. That does mean that you’ll have to wait even longer for the water, since it wouldn’t make sense to try both of them at once; then, if you did get sick, you wouldn’t know which one did it.
“Ughhh...” you whine out loud. You feel kind of silly for it, but then again, you think you’re allowed that in this situation.
Tragically, you don’t drink any water and instead just bring the pitcher back to the plant room.
“Oh, you found some water. That seems like it will likely be useful.” You suppress a laugh when you see how much juice is covering the flesh’s face.
“Yeah, hopefully. I guess we’ll find out.”
You dig around with your foot at the base of the tree and follow the root that seems to be pointing most toward the keyhole. When you find the end of it, you pour some water a little farther, out of its reach. You and the flesh both watch, but again, there’s no change.
“Jeez, what does this plant want?”
Well, I guess it’s time for violence.
You whack one of the branches a bit with the chisel, and after it doesn’t respond you even cut off part of it, but it still doesn’t move. You sigh, but you’re not that surprised. That was the idea you were least optimistic about.
A second after you give up on that, you notice the next idea from chat coming in.
“...Hey, flesh, did that fruit have a pit?”
“No. Just regular seeds.”
“Hm... oh, right, I also wanted to go try something...”
You explain what you’ve been thinking about, about the keys and how to get the right shape, and whether there’s actually anything behind other doors than the one in the water room.
“Oh, but maybe you know anyway? You said you know the basics of the layout...”
“There are more rooms outside these five, but they’re not connected. I don’t think you are supposed to be able to reach them. But, about getting the right key shape... I could always create a flesh key the same way I did before, with the shape that fits the keyhole, and you could use that as a model.”
“Oh! That would be perfect, then!”
You and the flesh agree to go work on the stone key, but before that... it’s been a while since you ate the bit of fruit, and you’re feeling fine. Maybe you should wait a little longer but you don't want to. So, you get the flesh to pick another couple fruits from the tree- it can reach higher than you, especially because it has no problem stretching its body unnaturally to get taller.
In the stone room, you (messily. chisels were not made for this) cut up some fruit to share with the flesh, and you discuss.
“I mean, I think I could take one of the bricks, but would the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them be okay with that? I don’t want to make it angry...”
“I’m not sure how it would feel about that. I don’t know how you’re supposed to get any of the keys besides mine.”
Before you can think about it much more, though, your alarm goes off. The flesh jumps.
“What is that?” it asks as you shut off the alarm.
“Oh, it’s just- um- you don’t know what a phone is, do you?”
“Well, this is my phone. It’s useful for a lot of things. I set it to make that sound at a particular time, so I know, y’know, that it’s that time. That's all it was.”
“It knows the time?”
“Yeah. I’ve been using it to keep track of the ten hours. Right now, the seventh hour is about to end. That means... jeez, there’s only three hours left.” That thought makes you feel pretty anxious. You sigh. “...Which I guess means I should probably go ahead and gouge out one of those bricks, and it can tell me if it doesn’t like that. But I’ll do that once the hour has changed.”
The flesh watches you curiously as you watch the time. You feel a little self-conscious. Finally, though: 9:00 am.
What now?
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
disorganized Nope spoiler thoughts here we go
first I went into this with a slight amount of spoiler knowledge (I had seen something about JJ 'unfolding' and your absolutely incomprehensible posts about the name.) I think I had gotten some sense that the thing was a thing itself rather than a ship. But I didn't really. Get It. I mean, O.J. quietly saying “it's an animal.” still did absolutely put the fear in me.
It now makes some sense that you vibed so strongly with this movie on account of the whole thing with. animal behavior.
I was convinced for a while that Gordy would have something more directly to do with JJ, like an early contact incident or something. Affecting Gordy's actions or something. I was convinced that that one shoe was hovering upright unnaturally. because I still have skinamarink on the brain and I am a fool. But no that's just some shit that occurred. Background, and an illustrative example. Like the horse getting spooked in the commercial.
They really don't say a single word about Jupe's deal. They just show you some stuff and allow you to conclude that that guy sure is some kinda way.
Watched the trailers a couple times, weeks back. It's interesting to me how there is a twist, kind of, but almost everything in the trailers is proportionate to how much of it there is in the movie. Lots of stuff that sent me speculating intensely really isn't that important. Like silver helmet guy. The lady in the pink veil with the face scarring. The small humanoid creatures lurking around (which match the merch).
That last one, I resent just how scary those kids managed to be. Pulling an intense uncanny valley deal from a distance. making that scene progress reaaaaal slow. doing the appear behind him thing you know in your guts is going to happen. oj could've punched them harder and I wouldn't object.
and the tiny glimpses of them in the trailer were really creepy! those unsettled me! but no, Peterson says "alien does not mean little guys. it means alien."
OJ hardly ever making eye contact before everything.
recurring theme of sounds carrying over a great distance. people yelling to each other.
the fact that it doesn't just sound like screaming because that's unsettling. It sounds like screaming because that's what's going on.
O.J. the most good of dudes. One could maybr mistake him for being cold or disinterested, but he cares. In a very solid and stoic way, he cares so much.
They called it Jean Jacket. after Em's first horse. It was hers. she's the one that got a handle on it. she got it.
please forgive the text wall, nobody I'm close to would actually Get the ramble. 💜
brother i don't even have much to say bout this i'm just soaking in your words living laughing loving like soooooooo happy for u....i love you saying you got spoiled but didn't "get it" like the pure fear of. it's an animal. it's an animal it's hunting and eating you. It's An Animal. :)
AND SCARED BY THE JUPE KIDS SOLIDARITY FOR REAL LOL!!!! me and everyone in the theater also!!! it's honestly hilarious they freaking got us there!!
and yes. that was Em's horse. that was Em's alien.
congratulations................you've experienced........the nope hysteria <3
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