#wyrmrest accord
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thornrabbit · 21 days ago
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Velsper my druid
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theshieldedmind · 19 days ago
The Shielded Mind is coming back!
Wyrmrest Accord - Horde (and hopefully Alliance down the road)
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For those around back in the day when The Faceless was a server-wide event (a LONG time ago), The Shielded Mind Health and Wellness Clinic in Silvermoon City was created by @xanelen as a base of operations! Even though Xan has since retired roleplaying, some of us that were still a part of it back then are BRINGING IT BACK! (Don't worry, I have his permission!)
Why you ask?
Midnight expansion is exactly why! We're expecting RP to return to Quel'thalas, specifically Silvermoon City, and thought it would be fun to have the clinic up and running in time for that upcoming expansion!
If you're a Silvermoon regular, you may have noticed a group of folks hanging around Velaani's Arcane Goods on the Walk of Elders this past week in the evenings - that is our IC location for the clinic and we urge everyone wandering the streets of SMC to always feel free to approach if you see anyone gathered!
ALSO, we may be planning a Toy Drive during Children's Week, so stay tuned for details on that!
Let's bring some more RP back to Silvermoon City!
Feel free to reach out to @turning-through-the-never ( @veilosdaigoa ) or @kharrisdawndancer for any inquiries!
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inistellan · 23 days ago
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February Daily Writing Challenge 2025 Day 1 - Hypnotic
The hypnotic tic-tic-tic of the metronome wasn’t a necessity at this stage of Stellan’s musical studies. Perfect tempo and perfect pitch were something he had mastered during his time as a musician in the Silvermoon orchestra many, many decades ago. It was a habit at this point, and more than anything it was a comfort. There was something about the rhythmic ticking that soothed his mind and brought about a sense of nostalgia.
He had missed those times, when his days were full of practice and many nights full of playing the role of The Chameleon. He was at his busiest with less time to think about the world at large and what was next on the horizon. Not less stressful, just stressful in a different way.
Now, there wasn’t a need to work. He had enough funds from his previous lives that he could comfortably retire and spend the remainder of his years traveling or even just sitting at home playing his grand piano. But once you get a taste, it’s hard to return to a civilian lifestyle.
He struggled with those in between times, when the mercenary crew was on leave for some undetermined amount of time. It was a good thing, that meant there was relative peace in the world - but he wanted the war, and he wanted the strife, and he wasn’t alone in those wants. It was an unspoken desire shared among many of those who had spent their lives in the service of the military or as a mercenary. He didn’t wish for people to get hurt or to lose their lives, but he craved the action and being able to put some of his best skills to good use.
With a discontent sigh, fingers glided over the piano keys with a heavily practiced ease, attempting to push away encroaching thoughts with a few of his favorite pieces. It didn’t work, it never did these days. The restlessness was an all too familiar feeling, and anytime it had reached these levels he knew it was time to change faces and to change names.
Is that what he truly wanted? 
He was rather fond of Inistellan Volanthus, and thought that perhaps this is actually who he was always meant to be in the end. But still, the feeling remained.
Hopefully it was fleeting.
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thetirisfaltheatretroupe · 6 months ago
Coming September 7th: "Hellsqueal, the True Warchief's REMIX"
WHO: The Tirisfal Theatre Troupe...and YOU! WHAT: "Hellsqueal: The True Warchief's Remix", a live performance! WHERE: The Shrine of Fellowship, Jade Forest WHEN: Saturday, September 7th, 6:00 PM PST // 8:00 PM Central
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(Original poster by our beloved friend Erialin. Miss you always <3)
Many years have passed since the fall of Garrosh Hellscream, widely referred to as only the second worst Warchief to ever live. In the wake of his legacy of failure, come have a laugh at his expense as we take a brief and historically accurate look at his career as Warchief of the Horde! Come join the illustrious Tirisfal Theatre Troupe as we perform this revision of a classic story, filled with drama, heartache, betrayal, heroics, and jokes about bronze frogs and dubious medical typos!
The show will be held at the Shrine of Fellowship in the Jade Forest (Wyrmrest Accord's shard, non-Warmode), a quick portal away for both factions on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH at 6:00 PM PST // 8:00 PM CENTRAL! Runtime is approximately an hour and a half, though technical difficulties may cause us to go slightly over!
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It's been a number of years since the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe last performed the play that put us on the map! While we said goodbye to the Hellsqueal trilogy of comedies a long time ago, with the advent of the wildly successful Mists of Pandaria Remix, we figured now was as good a time as any to dust off the old script and give people another taste of this timeless classic from the Timeless Isles. This time around, a few things are a little different - our standard of quality in what we've written is a little higher, our production value is a little larger, and we've got a number of new and old talent alike returning to the stage! Come join us for this recollection of a simpler time, and maybe find something both new and old to love about this new spin on the Tirisfal Theatre's very first major production that we premiered way back in 2013. Whether you are an old troupie, or someone who has merely heard of us in passing... you're certain to have a Hellscream of a time. Note: This post will be updated and reblogged as more information becomes available or clarifications are added! Special thanks to @shamanofthewilds for editing the time and date details on the poster on such short notice, you're an amazing asset to the company and crew! <3 And best Thrall.
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celassa · 9 months ago
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Artist: Anniris via Twitter
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nzoth-the-corruptor · 10 months ago
Anyway I've been obsessed with formatting TRP3 profiles the last few days and had to make a full guide.
Have you ever wanted to learn about the secret images TRP doesn't want you to know about? The alignment tags they hid from us? The secrets of having two images AND text in line with each other? A pre-cooked table of special symbols that will display without error on your tooltip?
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bigbadboybruce · 22 days ago
DWC Day 1: Hypnotic/Star
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A year ago today, before the fall of Dalaran...
It was a matter of time before Kallarel discovered Bruce's dark, dirty secret.
At first it was easy to hide. There was so much to do-- so much furniture to craft.
Arcane was like a frost in Dalaran. The Element of Order permeated organic material, making oak stiff and unworkable. Everything had to be imported to the floating City, and it was no small secret that one wood resisted Arcane better than all others: the driftwood-like gray slabs from the Felwood Forest.
But Felwood Forest was the territory of satyrs and demons. A portal master was easy enough to befriend and bribe, but a logger proved difficult to hire.
Until he mentioned it to Kallarel, who waved a hand dismissively. Her contacts proved more exorbitant than originally anticipated-- something about a broken contract-- but a few violet crystals from storage hired the services of a Felguard for a week.
He tried not to think about the sweat-soaked basement where trusting men spilled their blood upon a scarred stone altar.
The wood was soft, so he painted it with resin until it took on a warm, reddish hue and shined it with varnish. It was easy to preserve the contours of wood for their bedframe, which he decorated with intricate filigrees and a luxurious crimson canopy, but lockboxes for the jewelry store and cabinets for their kitchen required composite.
The work was often tedious and repetitive, but satisfying and creative to assemble.
After a few months, only one project remained: the one which would reveal his darkest secret when finished.
It was far from the first bookshelf he ever made. The longest felwood pieces would become the sides of the case. A composite was suitable for the rear. Three shelves became six, divided by a vertical panel down the center, under which he placed a filler piece to act as a support and prevent sagging when it was full. When the varnish dried, it was time.
He unpacked the books from her home first, stalling for time, but then--
He checked his Thalassian dictionary three times in disbelief.
Dalore Rio’more. Translated to common: Star Lovers. A story, he gleaned, about the forbidden romance between a night elf and a high elf.The spine was well-worn. His heart thrummed.
Baal Lodan’o. Translation: Pact of My Passion. She was a purveyor of the occult, the back of the book read; he, a dastardly rogue with a warrant for his arrest.
The third novel he went to place on the shelf: a simple Thalassian translation of the Steamy Romance Novel series. Of Elven Bondage.
His dark, dirty secret withered away.
Suddenly his favorite series of smutty pirate novels seemed not so out of place in their new home.
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taricdarkmorn · 22 days ago
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February Daily Writing Challenge 2025 Day 2 - Cage
“Morning, Pickles.” Taric removed the cover to the cockatiel’s cage only to be met with no Pickles and an open cage door. Not the first time, no doubt Pickles was just out on one of his early morning adventures. Or an uninvited guest let him out. Taric squinted, suspiciously glancing around the immediate area.
He casually helped himself to his normal morning cup of tea, clearly none too fussed about the missing bird. Pickles would show up in some manner when he was ready, he knew not to stray too far from the Bay and he would be safe here. Everyone knew and loved Pickles, plus Taric was fairly sure that the bird was immortal and would outlive everyone at this point.
He stepped onto his plant-filled balcony, sitting in his favorite chair as he surveyed out over the other early risers starting their days. And Pickles. Perched atop someone’s shoulder that wasn’t actually there. At least not there to the vast majority. Taric had known he could see spirits since he was a child, but Pickles had truly been a surprise. He should have known, animals were often more in tune with such things and Pickles was probably the smartest, and strangest, animal companion he had ever met.
Leaning over the railing, Taric immediately recognized the figure and gave a warm wave to his great-grandfather. It had been a long time since he had visited and they were well overdue to catch up. Perhaps this time, he would tell Taric if his father was still alive or not.
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the-silver-circle · 2 months ago
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Some screenshots from this evenings event! Therandra Starsworn became the Elder of the Moon for Silver Circle! Sylvaelis has an eye for fantastic shots!
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suddenlybear · 1 year ago
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look at the perfect little face
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turning-through-the-never · 2 months ago
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For those that also don't enjoy going out for New Year's and would prefer having a cozy night in! This is not hosted by any one person or any groups in particular, but I probably will be playing some music!
If you are around and looking for something to do, just show up! Will be on Wyrmrest Accord!
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thornrabbit · 1 month ago
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Sin'dorei paladin two versions
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veilosdaigoa · 23 days ago
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Veilos Dai'goa World of Warcraft OC Done by the amazing @art-zoratrix!
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jacelandon · 3 months ago
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November DWC 2024 Day 4 - Tranquil
He had assumed her to be a spirit at first. She wasn’t the first nor would she be the last unfamiliar soul that Jace encountered in these parts; it was common knowledge among the carnies that should you perish on Darkmoon Island, it was difficult, if not impossible, to leave. It wasn’t a frightening sight, nor unusual for the ghosts to gain enough energy and show themselves every now and then, especially during the witching hours. 
She didn’t notice him watching her, nor did she seem to have any qualms about stepping into that dark forest, hand extended in front of herself as if she were being led. Curiosity got the better of Jace and he quietly followed; he was one of the few that had nothing to fear here, and if she were just a spirit, neither should she. He wrapped his arms around his core to aid in keeping the warmth in, the forests could get chilly during the night and despite the thick canopy of trees and foliage, it had always felt colder here than anywhere else on the island. 
Her movements were graceful, almost like those of a trained ballerina, and her opalescent, sheer gown did nothing to shield her against the frigid temperature; not that she seemed to care. When she reached the clearing at the center of the forest, she paused, unblinking. There she stood and stared for what felt like hours at something unseen; light, wavy hair billowing in the breezeless space. It was completely devoid of sound here, almost as if one were inside of an anechoic chamber. The fauna knew to avoid this cursed place, making it all the more unsettling. Jace could hear the sound of his own heart beating and blood circulating through his veins, even with shallow breaths, he could hear his lungs and diaphragm expanding and contracting with each gentle rise and fall.
It was always uncomfortable, but he was mesmerized. 
Eventually she stepped closer to the center of the clearing, arm extending and reaching for something he couldn’t see. With a slight shift of his weight, a branch creaked beneath his boot and the spectral woman startled and stumbled backwards, an expression of horror replacing the previously tranquil one. But she wasn’t looking at him, she was still staring at something unseen to him and suddenly vanished.
Jace stood up straighter and briskly made his way towards the space she had previously occupied, looking around for something, anything. He wasn’t even sure what. 
She was gone.
He made his way back towards his camp with a melody in his head that demanded to be written down: Her theme. Everyone had their own theme, and sometimes it took a while for him to determine what would fit a specific person. However, once he had his empty staff paper in hand, the entire song flowed freely.
~ 1 ½ Years Later ~
Jace sat on the ledge at Fancy Cakes, sipping quietly on his coffee as he watched the other patrons. Indulging in some sweet treats was an excellent way to begin a night of busking, and he tried to make it a habit to come here at least once a month. 
The evening was relatively quieter than usual, but he never minded just chilling and being with others. Deep blue eyes watched as the blonde-haired woman wandered up the steps to give her order to Braedyn, and when she turned around he nearly choked on his coffee. He didn’t give himself away, his poker face had grown too strong throughout the years of working for Silas Darkmoon. It had been well over a year now, but he knew. The theme came back into his mind the moment he saw her face.
This was her. The ‘spirit’ he had seen in the Darkmoon Forest. Alive and in the flesh. How could this be possible?
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This references a story you can read ---> HERE
@daily-writing-challenge @karaamberlight
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thetirisfaltheatretroupe · 5 months ago
Coming October 18th: The TTT's DOUBLE FEATURE at the Dance of the Dead!
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(Original background from Quince Media via Pixabay, free-for-use license terms apply) An all too familiar chill is in the air, and the dead rise again to march in solidarity with their brethren. The Dance of the Dead, an event hosted for many, many years by the Undercity Nexus crew over in Caer Darrow, has returned once more this year! Last year, the Tirisfal Theatre was proud to perform on stage for them, and we return once more this year with gusto! Join us on October 18th over on the blood-soaked isle of Caer Darrow, and come to the burned down house across from the fountain at the town's center as we take you on a haunted house tour you won't soon forget with two tales of horrific homes gone wrong! That's right, it'll be like HGTV - but with affordable property! Our first offering of the evening is our delightful horror comedy show based on a chilling song by Jonathan Coulton, where an aspiring real-estate investor attempts to flip his first property. As he is fixing the place up to be sold for a pretty copper, he soon realizes it came with a resident already inside - and it's happy to see him! A little too happy... Will our everyman find a way to make his fortune on this old home? Or will he decide to throw it all away and destroy everything he worked for?
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My guess is the latter... Find out, as we explore the horror of the creepy doll in...
Then, stick around for a story that will chill you to the bone, as we go back in time to an era long ago. A wealthy Lord, known for his benevolence and generosity, gives everything he has to the people of town and is adored in return. But when he takes in a stranger cloaked in mystery and lies, he may find that he has given far too much in exchange for nothing. As the days go by, he may find that his world will change considerably, and not for the better.
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Join us as we delve into the mind of a man who has much to give, and everything to lose, and discover this cautionary tale in one of our few non-comedic scripts, the tragic and suspenseful tale of...
As we progress through the night, the troupe may stop for brief Q&A segments, put on a few surprise short skits for everyone, and have much ado at the theatre! For those taking part in the Dance of the Dead's D20 competition, pop in and enjoy our show while you wait for your matches! Or if you got your proverbial rear-end handed to you, heal your wounds with laughter and sorrow! The Tirisfal Theatre is pulling out all the stops to make this evening one to remember for all at the Dance of the Dead! So seek out a Moon Guard anchor, come on over to this frightful locale, and join us for a night like no other - only at the Dance of the Dead!
The Dance of the Dead is a large Forsaken-themed event hosted every year on Moon Guard server! Despite it being a Moon Guard event, anchors are available to pull you in from other servers to enjoy!
Our performances utilize player characters from both factions. As such, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you have Elixir of Tongues and TRP to follow and enjoy the show! Typically people will sell these or give them away before and during the show, but try to have some on hand!
As with any of these night-time events, Inky Black Potions are also recommended for maximum immersion!
There will be a brief intermission of 10-15 minutes between shows to allow our crew to take breaks! The total runtime of both plays should be about an hour and a half at maximum, but it may run over depending on technical difficulties.
We cannot host parties or anchor once the show begins! Remember that this will be taking place on the Moon Guard shard of the game. As we find out more information about how anchors are being handled, we'll be certain to edit this information!
Remember, the show starts at 7 Central / 5 Wyrmrest Accord time on October 18th
Below is a map of the performing area! The blue marked area is where the audience should sit as to not interfere with the cast and crew, as well as to be able to see and hear the entire show! If you sit in the white area, or the 'nosebleed section' as we call it, you may be unable to hear a lot of what happens on stage!
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We hope to see you all in the audience, and please be sure to check out all the information on the Dance of the Dead, happening October 18th and 19th on Moon Guard server! TL:DR SUMMARY WHO: The Tirsfal Theatre Troupe (Along with the Undercity Nexus and Dance of the Dead staff and crew!) WHAT: Double Feature at the Dance of the Dead! Two spooky plays written and performed by the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe WHERE: Caer Darrow, Western Plaguelands (Moon Guard shard, non-War Mode) WHEN: October 18th WHY: BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU!
A HUGE and grateful thank-you to Banshih and the crew of the Dance of the Dead! We're honored to return this year and perform for you all! This post will be updated as more information becomes available to us! Keep an eye out for any potential changes or new info!
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aerdendios · 20 days ago
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February Daily Writing Challenge 2025 Day 4 - Salty
The days off were few and far between ever since Aerden’s Elite Forces training had picked back up earlier this year. Even if the military were to be called away to Khaz Algar again, the trainees wouldn’t be joining this time. They were stuck here until they graduated the course or until they were kicked out or dropped out. Aerden was here for the long haul, so dropping out was out of the question for him, and hopefully there would be no need for the other option.
As rigorous and exhausting as the training had been, Aerden found himself enjoying the challenge. They were all pushed to their breaking point, and then some, but the camaraderie made it easier to digest. So instead of everyone finding their own spaces to rest on their day off, they decided to go as a team to the beach. More and more during those down times, the trainees found themselves wanting to stay together, but that was probably intended. Fully trusting your brethren was important in this role, and at this point it felt like they had all become family.
It was Aerden’s suggestion that brought them to one of his favorite haunts in Booty Bay. It was the beach that he and his mother would visit on his birthday, and he hadn’t been able to make the annual trek lately so it felt comforting to be here now with his new family. They spent the day grilling, surfing the waves, jumping off the nearby cliffs, and just enjoying each other’s casual company. It was the perfect escape.
Aerden laid atop his surfboard far enough away from the shore to avoid the cresting waves, instead just being rocked by the gentle sea as he stared up at the darkening sky. The salty air filled his senses as he got lost in the nostalgia of the moment. He had grown so much and come so far since he was last here with his mother, and he knew that she would be proud of the man he was becoming. Or the man he had become. Sometimes it still felt strange to think of himself as a full grown adult when there were times that he still felt so lost. Maybe this is just what adulthood is.
“Copper for your thoughts, Hale.” 
The feminine voice broke him from his thoughts as he smiled over at Aelarah. “Ohh, you know, possibly having an existential crisis now that we have time to actually think of other things.”
She chuckled and laid out on her own surfboard, “Ain’t that the truth. You wanna talk about it?”
“Just thinking about my dad, some things he said to me before I started training.” She raised her eyebrow, silently urging him to continue. “Said to savor every single moment you have with your team, cause you never know when it’s gonna be your last with them.”
A slight frown touched her lips, but she nodded in understanding. “Yeah. I get it. It’s hard work now, but we’re not in danger just yet.”
“Pollux has lost a lot of the people he trained with. Well…a lot of it was due to the scourge so I guess that’s different, but still. It’s not out of the realm of possibility for something like that to happen again. I can’t imagine losing any of you.”
“Alright Hale, don’t get all mushy on me just yet. Let’s at least go get drunk first with the rest of them yeah? So we can all have our existential crises at the same time. Race you to the shore?” Before he could agree and even start paddling, she gave the bottom edge of his surfboard a hard kick upwards and flipped him into the water before paddling away, “YOU OWE ME A BEER, SUCKER!”
Aerden couldn’t help but laugh after emerging, wiping the water from his eyes before climbing back atop his board. He was going to savor every moment of tonight.
@daily-writing-challenge @polluxhale
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