#I want y’all opinions
e-mptyflowerfields · 10 months
I have a theory
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nappingpaperclip · 3 months
y’all we r not beating exorsexism and misogyny by calling every transmasc that pisses u off a ‘theyfab.’ Idc if they are annoying or have dumbass opinions, literally using someone’s agab as an insult is wrong and treating transmascs as annoying little afabs is deeply misogynistic and transphobic. What happened to just calling people fucking idiots
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tempting-andromeda · 1 year
Ngl I think a lot of fan headcanons of Javier and Charles are kinda racist
Lemme explain. Like I’ve seen things where Charles is seen as quiet and scary and that’s how he protects himself from his emotions but he’s just…awkward. He’s been on his own for 13 years and he just doesn’t know how to converse properly. And also stop calling him animalistic. It’s weird. Bud just probably doesn’t know how to word his thoughts. Stop making him the most emotionally intelligent person in the group.
AND JAVIER OH MY GOD. He’s awkward. Y’all have the worst fucking racist opinion on him. It’s the worst hispanic seducer stereotype that makes him smooth and horny. He’s bad at going undercover (we see it on the poker mission with the boat. He’s just yelling his lines awkwardly). Like you can have head canons he’s passionate and stuff but just because he upkeeps his appearance doesn’t mean he’s seductive.
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bajaja-blast · 3 months
ik we’re all entitled to our own opinions, but ngl some of y’all are making me feel like a wanted criminal for liking Cracker Island, Song Machine & Humanz :/
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gyaruogutz · 5 months
Providing more context to my post from yesterday;
If you don’t fully support people in con-abusive relationships and don’t allow THEM to deal with THEIR relationship in the way that THEY BOTH HAVE SAID THAT THEY WISH TO, get off my page full stop.
If you disregard what people ACTUALLY INVOLVED in con-abusive relationships have said about their own situations and how they’d like them to be handled, get off my page, full stop.
If y’all are getting so worked up about ONE con-abuse relationship on my dash, over a callout post that BOTH PEOPLE INVOLVED have said shows only one, falsely-painted side of the story, you’re extremely lucky I haven’t posted about my relationship with my lovely girlfriend on my main.
Y’all are so annoying. Leave those kids alone.
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birthofvcnus · 5 months
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Arthur Morgan & Mary Gillis; a web weaving
Florence + the Machine; The Bomb // Ethel Cain (feat. Lil Aaron); Michelle Pfeiffer // Slipknot; Snuff // Sky Ferreira; Everything Is Embarrassing
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kitten-kokomo · 27 days
So what are y’all’s headcanons on what Tessa looks like? Like, the original Tessa, not Skyn/Tesscyn/Cyntessa/preferred way to say “my nightmares”. Cuz I know we all have them.
In my head, she has brownish, auburn-y hair, and a metric-ton of freckles. And probably a chipped tooth.
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maybeiwasjustjade · 1 month
The Tragedy that is the Vanserra family
*I just want to preface this by saying that I’m well aware that this might be a controversial opinion. My issue is simply with how that particular pairing was written, because clearly not a lot of thought was put into it when SJM changed canon to fit this pairing in. This was also not written with the intention of victim blaming. Only that this plot genuinely sucks ass because it makes everyone out as uglier than need be.
For such minor characters (sans Lucien, and Eris to an extent), the dynamics SJM has blessed us with paints such an interesting family coated in absolute tragedy. It also doesn’t help that almost all of it was seen through Feyre’s pov—who’s not exactly reliable nor capable of introspection most times.
All we know so far of Beron and his relationship with his children amounts to:
Aside from Helion and Rhysand, Beron’s the only HL that was active during the war 500 years ago.
He abuses his wife, though when it started is still ???
He routinely tortures Eris, and more than likely all his remaining children
And it’s so easy to paint Beron as this needlessly cruel, manipulative 2D bastard who only exists to cause pain and carnage over everyone that breathes near him. The male tortures his children and sentenced one of them to death for falling in love with someone ‘lesser’—that alone makes him the worst male to come out of acotar by a landslide.
But there’s an art to Beron’s cruelty that SJM could have fun with. Routinely siccing and manipulating his children against each other, forever ensuring that they’d be too busy fighting and hating each other over him so that they’d be unable to overthrow him. And maybe he does have his reasons. Maybe he thinks that this is the only way possible to raise an heir that would be ruthless and merciless enough to overthrow him and destroy his competitors—probably the same thing Beron did to claim his throne. And if the children are too busy with each other to go after him…all the better.
Show them no compassion. Torture all the disobedience out of them to make them strong. Pit them against each other to please him. Heinous tactics, but evidently it works when Eris and Lucien are the results of it.
But this dynamic only works if that was who Beron is, and how he was raised to be. I don’t suppose we’ll ever really know, not unless a large chunk of Lucien’s future storyline revolves around his roots in Autumn. But knowing sjm and how dirty she did Spring, Lucien’s arc will be about Day.
But back to Beron and the LoA:
Curious how the LoA is still nameless, but SJM purposely and canonically provided a timeline to show how much of a poor victim the LoA is. I want to make it clear that I am not condoning the abuse the LoA is facing from Beron. I don’t think anyone deserves to be abused or tortured the way Berons does his family, nor will anything justify it.
However, I am side-eyeing the way she WROTE Helion and LoA’s affair. I think what she little she wrote yet specifically gave painted them both as absolute fucking morons.
Canonically, we have no idea if Beron knows without doubt that Lucien isn’t his. Hell, we have no proof that he even knew about Helion at all; only that Helion certainly believes so, and what Feyre perceives as the truth. And that truth is ugly.
My opinion is that for the story to work, Beron can’t have known about Helion specifically. An affair perhaps, but not specifically who. Why? Because I wouldn’t doubt Beron would have killed Helion for it the moment he found out. Helion wasn’t High Lord until <50 years pre-Acotar. If Beron wanted Helion dead for having an affair with his wife, I doubt even the previous HL would have stopped Beron from lobbing of Helion’s head. Now assuming Beron knew about the affair specifically, but not about Lucien, I can see canon coming to fruition.
The only issue is Lucien’s features. He needs to look very, very similar to the LoA and not at all Helion. If Beron knew it was Helion, he’d be paying double attention on Lucien’s features to see who sired him. But say he doesn’t care who did it, only that it did. Lucien was screwed from the getgo as a possible affair baby. But that’s hardly the biggest issue with how the affair was written.
According to Helion’s recount of his affair, it started during the war when he rescued the LoA. Sure, rumor has it they met before her marriage, but it wasn’t until then that it became an actual affair. And it lasted decades. We don’t know how old Lucien is. Most have guessed that he can’t be older than ~400 at series starts. Following the timeline provided by Helion, there’s about 130 years age gap between Eris and Lucien, and five sons between. The LoA had at least two more kids born before the war started, leaving three sans Lucien to be born after.
See where I’m going with this?
If the affair only ended because Beron found out, preferably before Lucien was born or he’d be dead at birth, then on-off or no, that affair lasted a century. My question is: did Beron begin tormenting his wife before or after he found out about the affair? And was he already torturing his children before he found out, or was that punishment for what their mother did?
If Beron only began abusing and assaulting the LoA after Helion, then there’s a chance he only started hurting his sons around that time too. It also begs the question on whether or not Helion sired more than one Vanserra child. Even if the answer was no, it’s not like Beron would believe the LoA. Not after she cuckolded him. So he hurts her as punishment, doubling that pain by going after all their children too.
Lucien especially, for being mama’s favorite. I doubt Beron ever had to do much to encourage the torment Lucien faced from his brothers. He never had to; she did it to him all on her own by loving him best. And in a household where everything is a competition and love a weakness, Lucien was weakest by being the most loved. Oh, how they must’ve loathed him for it. His birth was the reason their lives became a living hell. A mother that perhaps loved them, but not enough if she outright favored the youngest, knowing his existence was their punishment.
But that’s the kinder story, if you can believe it. A female who was never happy, who found happiness outside her wedded husband, and was punished for it terribly. Her cold husband turned cruel bastard, who punished her for the crime of finding joy outside of him and their children. She didn’t know this was going to be her future.
Yet, the alternative is so much worse.
Because it implies that Beron already was a cruel and abusive bastard, who already hurt his wife and children immensely, and the LoA went and had an affair anyway. I can’t blame her for wanting to escape from Beron. Perhaps she was actually happy with Helion. But she did it knowing that the punishment would be so much worse if Beron found out, and he did.
Helion couldn’t have protected her. Claiming Lucien as his son would’ve been a death sentence to both from Beron’s wrath. And with a century long affair, there was no proof that Lucien was the only one that wasn’t Beron’s child. Not unless most of the Vanserras look like their father more, and we don’t even know that because they have no names or features described. And even then, the LoA was lucky that Lucien’s skin tone and features favored her instead.
I don’t care that a woman cheated on her abusive husband repeatedly. You do you, and all that. I care that the LoA is written as knowing what an absolute monster her husband already was to their living children, and clearly not thinking of what he’d do to them if she’s caught. This is Beron—he could’ve killed all their children as punishment. The man tortures his son bloody—I wouldn’t put it past him to kill them all and start fresh. She put them in so much danger by having Lucien.
I don’t like the way Helion knows what a bastard Beron is, yet not caring when he had a century long affair with a HL’s wife, knowing that she might be killed if found out. And he would be powerless to stop it.
I don’t like how neither of them even considered that she might’ve gotten pregnant from their affair, especially knowing that the LoA already had SIX CHILDREN.
I hate how their affair is going to be spun into some kind of romance of the ages, mates who were forcibly separated by a monster, when in reality it’s more like the love story of two morons who didn’t spare a single braincell to actually think before going back to each other often enough to have a whole ass CHILD.
Jfc, SJM definitely didn’t think through enough when she decided to add this into the story. Too many plot holes, and not enough sense to justify the absolute stupidity of cuckolding a High Lord with someone who couldn’t even protect her if they were caught. She wanted drama but spared no thought to logic, per usual.
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spirkbitch · 1 year
just saw a post saying there was still ‘hope’ for spapel… you do remember that this is a prequel right? like have y’all even watched tos? because if that’s what you’re hoping for from snw i have some serious doubts about your media literacy skills
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acearchivist359 · 2 months
so i need a new podcast to listen to cause i’m caught up on everything i’ve been listening to and i wanna try listening to something new before i inevitably relisten to one of the same 5 podcasts that i’ve finished again
i was already considering this but especially in light of the latest tmagp episode being written by harlan guthrie …. i’m considering starting malevolent . i really liked this last episode of tmagp which gives me hope for liking harlan’s writing and it seems to me like there’s a lot of overlap of tma/tmagp fans and malevolent fans .. is that a fair assessment?
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babsvibes · 6 months
Re: Rudy grows up to be tall
Have you no shame? Have you no decency? To take a beloved regular-sized character and NOT commit to the regular-sized bit? Where is your regular-sized HUMANITY that-
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everything-redacted00 · 8 months
Who is y’all’s least favorite redacted character?
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buddiebitch · 4 months
opinions on Tommy
sorry i just like posting polls
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i am not anti sam but i sometimes find myself hating sam because some samgirls are super into bio/gender essentialism whether or not they realize it. sam is a woman and dean is a man and sam is the victim and dean is his abuser like what show are you watching?
#as much as we all like to have fun these are two cis men characters who have roles to play in the narrative they don’t escape#they are both being abused. we find this out *fully* in s14#but it’s always been present. this is the abuse sam and dean winchester show#but some of y’all don’t actually understand abuse! you think abuse is just being mean and yelling#‘sam is a woman because his autonomy is taken away’ your idea of womanhood is fucked up and you should unpack that#if you compare sam to a woman because he’s been SA’d then you are WEIRD. they are both men canonically getting SAd????#like yes dean has some weird stuff about his own gender that he needs to unpack but it’s part of a mask?? like if u genuinely#believe that he seriously 100% believes this stuff then you don’t know his character at all#and yes their relationship is toxic but if you think for one second that there’s a genuine power imbalance then you’re sorely mistaken#dean’s entire identity is based around taking care of sam. sam can do wrong but not enough to be truly held accountable#it doesn’t matter what he does. dean will always protect him and be there and do whatever it takes to save him. he will always forgive him#and sam knows this and uses it to his advantage. he repeatedly goes behind dean’s back and avoids the communication he says is so important#he blames dean for shit that isn’t his fault because he’s there#and no he may not fight dean on stuff but he can. he often doesn’t because he doesn’t want to!#they enable each other and they don’t grow because they can’t because there’s always something else BECAUSE THEY’RE BOTH BEING ABUSED BY GOD#they’re not allowed to take a break. they’re not allowed to slow down or stop or rethink it’s always the end of the world#so yes some of y’all annoy me with the ‘i wish dean was nicer in the midst of his trauma’#shit or saying that therapy fixes everything stuff or whatever#and the fact that so many of y’all use that to treat sam like some fragile white woman who can’t#have an opinion without her husband’s permission is WEIRD like your gender stuff is weird#and just repacked essentialism onto them. idc if you’re trans. unpack that shit cuz your meta is full#of rad fem friendly or adjacent shit if you refuse to talk about gender without using abuse as an argument#because that does not hold up in canon of these two FICTIONAL MEN!!! or in the real world#(edit: most of the stuff i see is by cis women but im saying ‘idc if ur trans’ bc it’s not exclusive to them)#supernatural#sam winchester#dean winchester#wank adjacent#maybe just straight up#fandom wank
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autism-alley · 8 months
LETS GO!!!!!!
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also means y’all are free to criticize the show w/o fear of show cancelation (however real that threat ever rly was lmao) cheers to my hopes of shit getting fixed s2
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call-me-strega · 7 months
Semi-serious poll time
OK as you all know, I have released the latest update of How to Become a Step-Dad for Valentine’s Day.
While I am currently motivated, I have begun plotting out the finer details of the next chapter. I have even begun writing some of it.
Here’s the thing though: next chapter takes place on the Fourth of July because the story started in end of May/early June and it’s been about a month within the first three chapters. So here’s the question:
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