#I want them to be a bit mysterious in how they work or how the world works because my memory and attention span are dog shit
yurunivo · 1 day
Hello! I really love you self aware idea! Can you please make another part? This time Can you focuse more on Mavuika and the Creator!Reader (Gender Neutral),please? (Also om how the other archons and Neuvillete would be trying to search for the reader and maybe using other organizations to help the search) if not please feel free to ignore this. Have a wonderful day!
This is my first time getting a request! Hope you enjoy!
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Synopsis: hanging out with Mavuika! (And the other nations' planning to reach you) part 1
TW: Mavuika and reader's relationship is implied romantic but can be read as platonic, OOC, yandere, SAGAU imposter au, bad writing, bad grammar, english is not my first language, not beta read
Characters: Mavuika x gn!creator!reader (again can be seen as romantic or platonic), yandere Archons + Neuvillette x reader
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Cleaning at bars was a tedious job. It was easy, sure, but it got boring at times. Customers always made the day fun with their gossip, so you leaned into that. It could've been something simple, like how their boyfriend cheated on them, but it was still more entertaining than mopping the floor.
However, there was always one customer every night that you were looking forward to meeting.
Always clad in a mysterious cloak that made them look like a runaway, blazing bright eyes and red hair.
It was Mavuika.
She came a bit later than usual. You decided not to worry, Archon duties are a lot after all. Yet, she came anyway, dressed the same as before. The cloak was a bit messily put on, so her hair was still visible. You sighed as you left the place you were cleaning and went up in front of her.
"You didn't have to come y'know," you fixed her cloak to hide her hair, yet she only smiled at you.
"I insist," she only replied back. You rubbed your temples at the stubborn woman. Seriously, shouldn't she be busy with work or something?
She seemed to be eager to tell you something, considering how she was holding your hand. You raised an eyebrow at her as you gestured her to speak.
"Well, want to combat practice with me later, (fake name)?" Oh no. You didn't know how to fight! Sure, you did fight against the abyss, but you barely managed to survive!
But you only nodded. Declining now would only make her suspicious, even though the fact that you were being chased around without fighting back was suspicious enough. But, you'll find out a reason later, for now, all you had to do was agree.
"Sure, but only at my day off. Maybe the day after tomorrow?" You were trying to find a lie to tell her then, but for now, you hid your feelings with a smile. She nodded, looking content with your answer.
"The day after tomorrow it is."
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Your hands were uncomfortably sweaty.
The day after tomorrow being right now, you had to tell Mavuika as quick as you could to not gain suspicion. Telling her you got isekai'd from another world was obviously not an option, but you had already prepared something in your head. It was similar to the isekai idea, but it's much more believable. The execution was the only problem.
You were at the outskirts of the Scions of Canopy, where Kinich lived. She came 5 minutes later and greeted you with much courtesy.
"Hope I didn't make you wait for long (fake name)," she told with a bit embarrassment. You shrugged her off.
"It's fine Mavuika, and you can just call me (name)," you replied back. You mustered up the courage to tell her your reason not to fight. But before that, you had to ask her just this one thing.
"How did you know that I was the creator? I don't think there was any part of me that stood out," you were interested to know, after all you thought that you hid yourself very well.
She all but smiled as she pointed out the grass behind you.
"The creator is connected to Teyvat, so everything would bloom in their wake. Since you were in the nation of Pyro, where I'll know everything that's going on, it was quite easy to find out." You looked behind to see beautiful flowers right behind you. You were shocked to see this many flowers in one trail. Wait, then why did the other Archons not realize that you were the creator? Eh that doesn't really matter, what matters was that you were here with Mavuika, safe and sound. But, you took this revelation to gift her something.
You took a flower from the trail. Mavuika was interested to see what you were doing, but you hid it from her. Using the flowers and leaves, you created a flower crown for her and put it a top her head. You smiled, she did too.
"Thank you (name)," she laughed softly. But now you had to explain the fighting part. You sighed as you contemplated.
"Err, Mavuika, I actually don't know how to fight.." You mumbled and cursed your self for it. She looked surprised.
"Why not?" She asked again. You felt embarrassed for having to say the reason. You took a deep breath and prepares to say why.
"I'm.. Not the creator. Like the original one. I'm a reincarnation of them, I have no idea how to fight not do I know anything about the past," you breathed out, cringing at what you just said. However all she did was look at you with understanding, after all, she knows the pain of reincarnation.
"It's fine! But do you know anything about the previous creator then?" She asked curiously, to which you shook your head. She hummed. She got an idea to improvise, it seems like.
"How about I teach you then?" Huh?! This wasn't going as planned! You didn't want to fight at all.
"T-that's not needed, I'll j-just waste your time," you tried convincing her, but she didn't budge. Eventually though, you reluctantly agreed. She smiled and thanked you for allowing her to help.
"Just try to imagine yourself using Pyro abilities, you'll get the hang of it later." You were really trying. The amount of stress that you had to not burn yourself to death was enough to actually kill you. Still, you trusted Mavuika and her abilities, so you tried anyway. You tried and tried and tried, but nothing really came. You were visibly disappointed, but Mavuika tried to encourage you.
"How about this, you imagine something you don't like, and try to use your emotions to drag your Pyro ability out," she suggested. You seemed to find this useful, so you tried it.
Closing your eyes, you thought of something terrible happening, and instead of seeing the imposter hunt that you very despised, you instead saw Mavuika.
You were being hunted down, sure, but what was most important was that she was getting punished by the Archons for not giving up the imposter. Her face was battered and bruised, and she was slowly slipping into unconsciousness. You watched in horror, and tears started to well up in your eyes. This couldn't be! Unfortunately, you were crying in real life too, and Mavuika realized immediately.
"Okay, uhh, you don't need to think about it now," she tried comforting you, bringing you in an embrace to calm you down. Once you came back to reality, your eyes were puffy, and your face was red.
"... Sorry, can we do this another time?" You sniffled, still holding her. She was warm, and you found your self drifting to sleep. She sighed as she picked you up.
"Of course, just don't overdo anything, kay?" She smiled warmly, brushing the tears from your eyes. She wrapped you in a cloak, getting ready to start camp.
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Neuvillette contorted his face in disgust. The waters tasted disgustingly sweet. The creator's happiness with another person, likely an Archon. But the waters then tasted bitter, from the creator's sadness.
If only he could just drag you out of that place and keep you for himself, but no. He'll need the help of the other nations to do so, so he sucked it up and left the Palais Mermonia. He visited Furina, just checking in on her before leaving. He'd leave some of the work for Clorinde to do, he trusted her enough to do that anyway.
Reaching the imposter's throne room, there was a long sitting area where the rulers of the nations were there. Only the Cryo, Pyro and Anemo Archons weren't there, but the acting grandmaster came for Anemo, and the director of the Fatui Harbingers came for Cryo. The Geo Archon returned to his status as the God of Contracts, and the Electro and Dendro archon were sitting in their own seats. The imposter was on the creator's throne. They were dead, blood seeping out of their head. Their expression was one of shock, as he could vividly remember the day the Geo Archon killed the imposter.
A seat was vacant. He clenched his teeth at the mere thought of the Pyro Archon. He'd get you back from her, no matter what it took.
"We all know that the creator is in the nation of war, Natlan. However, since the neither of us know its weaknesses besides the Pyro Archon being a human, we need to create a plan to ambush the nation," Jean spoke up. Everyone in the room nodded along with her, too obsessed to notice their wrong doings. However, there was one who objected to this clause.
Nahida raised her hand to interrupt Jean, turning all eyes on her.
"You all chased down the creator like a rabid dog, and now you're trying to kidnap them to do a job that they don't want? What kind of leaders are you? The creator was in Natlan for a few months by now, and since they're not leaving, they are probably enjoying a better life there than your own selfish desires," she objected.
Neuvillette all but admired the young Archon. Despite being small and weaker than the others, she still had the bravery to stand against everyone. However, this was one thing that he didn't agree with. He just stayed quiet though, waiting for someone to object the small Archon.
Raiden did. The God of Eternity looked at Nahida with disdain, preparing to answer the deity.
"And how are you so sure that the creator is having a better life in Natlan Buer? For all we could know, they could actually be running around the vast nation. And, you are one of the younger Archons after all, what use does your words have?" She asked coldly. When she was about to respond back, she got interrupted.
"It is settled, we shall find the creator in Natlan, no questions," the God of Contracts added in. Nahida couldn't speak now. After all, what power does she have to a much more experienced God?
Neuvillete glared at the Archons.
"Whoever shall get the creator first will be the one to solely have the creator in their nation," Neuvillete furrowed his brows at the Archons. They did the same, but still agreed to the conditions, not really thinking of what you want.
Now, all the leaders were going back to their nation, telling their line of military to get prepared. They had to have you all for yourself, and they will do anything for it.
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Done! Hope you enjoy!
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angel-kyo · 9 hours
Almost the one [I]
When a too prone to fall in love Satoru decides he is tired of always chasing the wrong person, his eyes finally turn to the one that should be his perfect match, and to your dismay, this is no other than one of your closest friends.
This is sort of inspired by/aligned with this thing I wrote.
“No. Absolutely not.”
Satoru’s smiling face turned to what could pass for a pleading pout, if you had ever seen one, but you could not give in this time.
“Why not, [name]?” he asked, but he already knew the answer.
You sighed. “Utahime is my friend. You know my friends are off-limits.”
If anyone overheard your conversation with Gojo, they would probably think the reason why you did not want him to ask your friend out was that you had feelings for him, however, that was not it.
Actually, it was far from the truth.
You loved him, sure. He was pain sometimes, but in a way, you did. You wanted him to find happiness and love, of course, but…
“I know, but…” He turned to look behind, maybe hoping to catch a last glimpse of Utahime, who had just left the two of you sitting at the coffee shop where you and she had been studying before he arrived.
The thing about Satoru was…
He turned back to you with that lovesick grin you knew too well. “What if she is the one?”
...That he always fell too easily.
You finished the last bite of your pastry and started gathering your things, ignoring the man smiling in front of you.
That smile is like a fire alarm.
Satoru had been like that ever since you knew him, and since he discovered romance.
His charms always made it easy to catch the glances of the prettiest faces of girls and boys wherever he went, and a few sweet words later, he and whoever had caught his attention were in for a romantic failure.
Yes, a failure.
Unfortunately, for some reason, Satoru was great at initially engaging people but not so much at keeping them. No, he was not a womanizer of any sorts, not consciously at least. In fact, most times, it was always the girls he dated the ones that left him first. Nevertheless, the reason why he seemed to fail at every relationship attempt had remained a mystery to you since junior high up until now that you were in university.
You zipped your backpack and gave him a skeptical look. “A month ago, you were saying Hana could be the one.”
Satoru rolled his eyes and stood up, mirroring your movements. “Okay, well, I was wrong. Obviously,” he mumbled. “But that does not mean I will be wrong this time!”
Just a couple weeks ago, he had called you nearing midnight because Hana had told him she was not ready for a relationship after dating him for three weeks.
In your opinion, she had not even passed the probation period.
“Gojo, I admire your optimism, but I value my friendship with Utahime, and...”
If… No. When it does not work out, I don’t want to be in the middle.
Now, how could you say that without hurting him?
You bit your lip. “And you’re not her type anyway.” You walked outside and he followed.
“Not her type?” he asked eyeing your form. “And what kind of guys is she into?”
Satoru knew people could have personal preferences when it came to looks, but he trusted that 1) he was not ugly, and 2) even if his looks were an issue, -again, not that they had ever been- he could convince Utahime to see past his physical appearance. After all, love was blind, right?
From your point of view, the issue was not the type she liked. Physically, Satoru could fit into the description of your friend’s perfect guy, but personality-wise, you were not sure they were compatible. It was hard to picture your serene, put-together Utahime with a guy who was so daring when it came to romantic matters and who already had earned a certain reputation around campus.
“I mean… Please don’t take it the wrong way, but I don’t think you’re the kind of guy she is looking for.”
You stopped walking when you heard Satoru’s steps halt behind you.
Okay. That had not been the right way to put it.
Your turned to face him and were going to try and rephrase it when he spoke first.
“Then help me become him”, he said.
He stepped closer. “You see what’s wrong with me, right? You can help me fix it, help me be the kind of man who doesn’t get dumped.”
He must be joking…
“Satoru, there is nothing wrong…”
“’Nothing wrong with me’. I know, you always say that, but it would not hurt to make sure.”
Although Satoru could sometimes be dramatic when a girl left him, deep down, you always believed he was not that affected by it. At the end, he always reverted to his hopeful self, willing to show the next person his best winning smile.
But if he was not affected, why was he looking at you like that now?
Maybe you were wrong. Maybe he was tired of getting his heart returned as an unwanted gift each time.
You looked around for a second. You two standing there would have been an obstacle on the sidewalk if the streets were more crowded, but they weren’t despite the lovely weather of the last days of winter melting into spring.
“I wouldn’t know why the girls who dated you dumped you.” You shrugged. “I’ve never dated you.”
His eyes shone at your words. That was a look you had not seen often but had, somehow, learned to understand.
If his lovesick smile is a fire alarm, that look announces an earthquake.
Indeed, his next words would shake your world.
“Then do it, [name]. Date me.”
Note: I was putting off writing this because I thought it would be bad, but bad writing is still fun, so just don't mind me.
Anyway, if you read it, thank you!
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fastandcarlos · 2 hours
Number One Fan : ̗̀➛ George Russell
summary: the reveal of george’s relationship with one of the best footballers in the world
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liked by landonorris, lewishamilton and 2,958,068 others
georgerussell63: such an honour to get to watch the lionesses for the very first time tonight, and see my girl out on the pitch, congratulations on a great win 🦁🦁🦁
landonorris: can’t believe you went to the football and didn’t invite me 😭
username1: hope you had the best time george, the game was so good!
maxverstappen1: they can’t have been playing us if it was a good game for you guys, I bet we’d demolish you 😂
georgerussell63: @/maxverstappen1 trust me, these girls are unstoppable
username2: now wishing my dream to play for england actually came true 😭
lewishamilton: bracing myself to hear all about this at the office tomorrow
username3: how has it taken you this long to see just how talented this group of girls are??
lionesses: thank you for coming and supporting our team ❤️
georgerussell63: @/lionesses you girls were awesome, so glad to see it in person ❤️
username4: wait…everyone ignoring the part where he said watching his girl or just me 🤯
mercedesamgf1: mr wolff wants to remind you that work starts bright and early in the morning!
georgerussell63: @/mercedesamgf1 don’t you guys worry, I’ll be there!
username5: watch me stalk every player’s socials now to find out who it is 🏃🏻‍♀️
username6: I want to be mad but george and a footballer are such a good pairing 😮‍💨
oscarpiastri: still waiting for you to actually explain the rules of football to me…
username7: bracing myself for the sexist comments to arrive and defend these girls with my honour 💪🏻
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liked by alessia, leahwilliamsonn and 397,597 others
ynusername: last bit of recovery before we head into the build up for the euros. luckily for me I’ve got the best company to make sure I’m super relaxed 🥰☀️
username8: yn you can’t just spring something like this on us…I wasn’t ready
alessia: can you stop making the rest of us feel extremely jealous please 😮‍💨
username9: can’t wait to see you absolutely smash it at the euros ⚽️
maryearps: can’t wait to reunite with you best friend 🙌🏻
ynusername: @/maryearps the only reason I agreed to play was secretly you!
username10: 🎶 it’s coming home it’s coming home 🎶
lionesses: we can’t wait to welcome you back to camp soon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
ynusername: @/lionesses buzzing to be back and try and win this thing!
username11: whoever you are sir pls don’t lift our girl like that…we can’t afford any injuries now!!
landonorris: good luck yn, I know you girls will give it your all!
ynusername: @/landonorris thanks lan 🫶🏻🧡
username12: someone’s gotta be able to zoom in and figure out who this mystery man is 😧
alexgreenwood5: missed your beautiful face so much, it needs to spill all the gossip with me asap 😘
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 392,727 others
ynusername: apparently seeing as he came to my game I’ve got to come and see what he does too 😂 thank you mercedes for such an incredible day with you all 🩵
username13: stfu please don’t tell me the mystery guy is actually THE george russell
georgerussell63: thank you for being here, hope you had the best time darling ✨
ynusername: @/georgerussell63 it was amazing!! who knew f1 was so much fun 🥳
username14: it was so obvious how did we not piece it together 🤦🏻‍♀️
jillscottjs8: I always told you you’d love f1 and you never believed me 😂 now you’re dating one of them 🤦🏻‍♀️
ynusername: @/jillscottjs8 turns out you might’ve been right all along 😔
username15: I can already tell these two are gonna make such a cute couple!!!!
lewishamilton: an absolute honour to meet you, good luck with the lionesses this summer ⚽️
username16: it’s adorable how supportive they are of each other’s careers 🥺
landonorris: smiling through the pain knowing you picked mercedes over mclaren 💔
ynusername: @/landonorris when george signs a contract with you I’ll be the first one over there 🧢
landonorris: @/ynusername when???? spill your secrets my friend 🫢
username17: can’t wait to enter football hooligan era george over the next couple of months 😂
mercedesamgf1: thank you for paying us a visit yn, you’re welcome back anytime 🩵
danielricciardo: still got no idea what football truly is, but it was so cool to hear all about what you do ☺️
username18: my heart is so full it could burst right now 💓💓
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 2,974,088 others
georgerussell63: saying goodbye to my favourite person in style before she heads off to the euros, good luck darling 🏆⚽️
landonorris: you got this yn, bring football home ⚽️💪🏻
username19: okay well I’m now officially obsessed with these two 🤩
lilymhe: alex told me I’m an honorary brit in order to support you for the next four weeks
ynusername: @/lilymhe I’ll always welcome you with open arms 🫂
username20: george pretending to say goodbye like he’s not going to be at every single game
ynusername: thank you for the most beautiful couple of days, no better way to prepare for the tournament 💞
georgerussell63: @/ynusername you’ve got this, everyone’s behind you - especially me!
username21: have you ever seen two better matched people in your life???
carlossainz55: england are gonna win the euros there’s no doubt about it 🦁🦁🦁
carlossainz55: @/georgerussell63 george stole my phone during the parade and wrote that btw
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 you mean to say you don’t want england to win? 😱
carlossainz55: @/ynusername you’re a close second behind spain I promise 🇪🇸⚽️
username22: I want to be heartbroken that I’ve lost my chance with george but damn yn is just stunning 🫠
alex_albon: go out there and smash it yn, just like you always tell me!
oscarpiastri: seeing as I have zero affiliation to europe I think this time I’m allowed to say that I’m rooting for you!!
username23: good luck yn, we’re all rooting for you 🎉
username24: can’t wait for all the football content we’re gonna get over the next month!!!
lewishamilton: have the best time yn, and make sure you score lots of goals 🥅
ynusername: @/lewishamilton I’ll try my best just for you ☺️
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liked by maryearps, lucybronze and 428,497 others
ynusername: first couple of weeks and first couple of wins, trust me when I tell you this team is something special ✨🫶🏻
chloekelly: so in love with what a superstar you are 🤩
username25: I heard the heart was a sign to george, someone pls tell me that’s true
username26: @/username25 it’s true!! someone on x said they saw george doing it back when she scored 🥺
username27: you’re doing amazing yn, let’s go all the way!
alex_albon: george has not stopped talking about how amazing you are at the paddock btw 😂
ynusername: @/alex_albon tell him to worry about the racing instead 🙄
landonorris: FOOTBALL’S COMING HOME 🎉🎉
ynusername: @/landonorris let’s not get too ahead of ourselves just yet lan 😂😂
username28: how does george ever get to a race with how often he’s in the stands cheering her on 😂
maryearps: have I mentioned recently how much I love playing with you???
ynusername: @/maryearps I love being on that pitch with you so much more!!
username29: you girls are smashing it, dare we say it’s coming home???
georgerussell63: keep pushing my love, you’re making everyone so proud 💕
username30: forever wishing I could be as cool as you…
lauren_hemp: in love with the fact I get to lineup with you, what a team 🤜🏻
ynusername: @/lauren_hemp the striker to my winger 🤛🏻
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liked by lewishamilton, ynusername and 3,017,492 others
georgerussell63: gutted I couldn’t be there in person but still making sure I support them all the way. onto the semis and I couldn’t be prouder of the girls (especially yn!) 🦁🦁🦁
ynusername: I can’t believe you made the whole of silverstone watch 😂 you’re the best sweetheart
georgerussell63: @/ynusername wouldn’t have missed it for the world…and neither would thousands of others apparently 😂
username31: if anyone ever doubts george’s dedication to yn then just show them this post!!
lilymhe: never watched a game of football in my life until now…turns out it’s pretty cool when one of your best friends plays
username32: I love the fact he point blank refused to miss the game 👏🏻
oscarpiastri: beginning to see why you brits are so obsessed with football, I’m on tenterhooks watching this 😬
username33: loving that lewis joined him to cheer yn on too 🤩
lewishamilton: you were incredible tonight, good luck for the semi final, I’ll be watching 🙌🏻
ynusername: @/lewishamilton thank you so much for all your support!!
username34: the cheer of the crowd at that full time whistle made my heart swell 🥺
mercedesamgf1: wishing you all the best in the final stages yn, we know you and the girls can go all the way!
danielricciardo: no idea what’s going on, but you’re doing amazing yn!!
username35: thankful they’ve got a week off so george can keep supporting irl
landonorris: how does it feel to have a girlfriend that’s so much cooler than you???
georgerussell63: @/landonorris how does it feel to have a girlfriend…oh wait, nvm 🫢
landonorris: @/georgerussell63 low blow my friend 😭
username36: I’m so excited, don’t think I can wait three days for the semi final 😭
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liked by georgerussell63, landonorris and 429,716 others
ynusername: CHAMPIONS OF EUROPE 🏆⚽️💕
georgerussell63: words will never do justice to tell how proud I am of you, my champion, always 💓
ynusername: @/georgerussell63 thank you for all your sacrifices over the past month, couldn’t do it without you ❤️
username37: so damn proud of you yn, you’ve been insane all tournament 👏🏻
lilymhe: I’m SO damn proud of you my girl 💪🏻
username38: it finally came home ⚽️🎉
landonorris: the best game of football ever, you’re a total legend my friend!!
ynusername: @/landonorris tysm for coming and cheering me on!
username39: I’ve not stopped crying since that goal went in, such a thrilling game ☺️
carlossainz55: my second favourite team (but favourite player!) are champions, felicidades mi amiga 🎉
username40: when the camera panned to george in the stands I swear I almost died
chloekelly: just two girls scoring in the final of the euros like it’s no big deal 🤩🤩
heidiberger_: when I next see you we’re celebrating this with sooooo many drinks 🥂
username41: george looked like the proudest man in the world omg
danielricciardo: congrats yn, you’re incredible!
maxverstappen1: so proud to call you a friend, good job out there ☺️
oscarpiastri: thank you so much for the invite, honoured to have been there and watched this in person!
username42: we all knew you could do it, champions of europe 💞💞
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 3,958,726 others
georgerussell63: celebrating you, my love. all the hard work has been worth it in the end, I couldn’t be prouder of you and the whole team for what you’ve achieved over this past month. can’t wait to have you all to myself again, ily 💞✨
username43: can’t begin to imagine how proud you must be feeling rn george 🥺
leahwilliamsonn: it’s been amazing to have you alongside us during the past four weeks too george!!
landonorris: turns out you’ve got yourself a pretty cool girl there russell 👏🏻
georgerussell63: @/landonorris trust me I remind myself how lucky I am everyday!!
username44: in the future my partner better be as supportive of me as george is of yn…
oscarpiastri: hope you guys had the best night…you both deserve it 🍺
maxverstappen1: make sure you get yn a drink on me 😂
username45: seeing george’s feed has been the most adorable thing throughout this entire tournament
alessia: thank you for loving our girl as much as we do ❤️
username46: please don’t tell me this is gonna be the end of fangirl george now 😂
mercedesamgf1: admin reminder that yn might be done but we still have a season to finish!!
username47: the softest human being who ever existed 🥺
lionesses: we’ve loved having your support behind us all the way, thank you george ⚽️🦁
username48: manifesting to one day have a relationship as wholesome as this 🤞🏻
lewishamilton: can’t wait to see you guys and hear all about the final, we’re all so proud of you yn 🩵
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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towncritte · 1 day
Red Destiny AU Lore Dump
I'm deciding to compile all the lore dumps I did so far on Twitter, into this post.
Stuff is subjected to change in the future, but this post is just to help you guys get bits of the story.
It's still a work in progress AU, and nothing is entirely set in stone but regardless, I do hope this helps.
Here's Dogday's reference sheet and info:
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Here is a quick summary of what's going on in this Dimension: The Smiling Critters live in another dimension, which the portal was located in a Toy Factory. The humans entered and started ruling over the place, along with ruling several different towns to have control over the creatures within said dimension.
The story for now mostly focuses on Smiling Valley where the Smiling Critters live.
Due to the humans mostly seeing the Smiling Valley citizens as if they are Zoo Animals or an attraction of sorts, the small town finds it difficult to have supplies and have a tendency to get a shortage.
Most humans visiting aren't aware of the abuse going on done by Scientists that want to study the Critter Citizens as if they are Lab Rats, or the abuse of Soldiers/Guards hungry for a power trip.
That's the summary of the condition of the town so far.
For the most part the story for now will be pretty focused on Dogday and his perspective, as well as the other critters.
Catnap's whereabouts and what he is doing will be a mystery.
I want this AU to feel like an ominous mystery of what's going on.
Here's more lore drop of the pooch:
Declawing Trauma:
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Dogday was declawed. Bubba, during Dogday receiving therapy, tried to get as much supplies and knowledge as he can to fix Dogday's hands/paws.
During those 3 years, Dogday couldn't hold things due to how bad the condition of his hands were.
Dogday had to constantly wear bandages and deal with pain for the past 3 years, making his mental recovery difficult, and feeling like a burden to his friends for helping him.
Catnap CONSTANTLY had to reassure Dogday nothing was his fault and would constantly comfort him.
Dogday, despite everything, held onto hope Bubba would restore his claws.
Bubba had to eventually settle for reshaping Dogday's hands to paws so Dogday wouldn't feel so much pain anymore. (He had to use extra bones from Dogday's hands to do this.)
Dogday was depressed about this but overtime did manage to get through therapy without being in so much pain anymore and had to learn to hold things with his newly reshaped paws. (Tho he still has some trauma)
Catnap held a HEAVY grudge against the scientists that hurt Dogday.
These traumatizing events will show how it's affected Day as the story goes.
Dogday does know about The Prototype and what Catnap's been doing. Not fully aware, the Moon is in a cult of sorts hidden outside of town.
Catnap at one point, gave Dogday hope about his claws before he left Smiling Valley as he was called upon by The Prototype:
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Catnap wasn't being malicious when he showed them off, he just wanted to give Dogday a reason to support his beliefs. Catnap wasn't declawed, but he was given much deadlier claws.
Speaking of Catnap, here's his beta ref sheet:
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In the future, I'll make him a colored reference sheet once I have this AU organized.
Dogday's eyes:
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When Day's eyes would be fading back to white, Mini Moon immediately tells Day to go home and sleep. He then administers the red smoke again.
Dogday developing violent tendencies:
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At some point, Dogday starts to develop violent urges due to the Plush's manipulation and mind warping.
(Since I DO NOT plan to rip off Dogday's legs EVER! I'm going with this route as a nod to what happened in the game, but its in reverse)
This is so far the lore dump of the AU. I'll look back at this in the future as I continue the story to see how I can tie things together, or what to change or what I like or don't like.
If you don't understand this, it's okay.
Again, this is just a lore dump post to understand the AU so far in it's Work In Progress stage.
And to help me read over stuff and see what I can do with it.
Again, stuff is subjected to change, including designs. So nothing is entirely permanent.
I made the Plush Delivery comic back on Twitter originally as a one off in it's old version. But over time, I liked the concept so much I started forming it into a story and redid Plush Delivery.
I do hope you'll enjoy wherever Red Destiny's story will go.
Who knows what lies ahead for the red path the pooch is following.
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" A red destiny awaits you Sunshine….are you ready?" -Catnap
Thank goodness, I'm done writing this all down. xnx
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allllium · 2 days
andrewgarfield!peterparker x reader where reader has the biggest crush on peter but doesn't know he's spiderman? angst to fluff please!
have lovely day/night <3
Unrequited (I've always loved you)
~ Sorry this took so long and it's a lot longer than I usually write but I love how it turned out <3
~ Fluff, hurt/comfort?, Angst, WC: 2,274
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~ Your best friend has a secret
Being in love sucks. Being in love with someone that's not in love with you sucks even more. But that's fine. Everything's fine. Nothing can go wrong when you're in love with your best friend.
Peter looks over at you as you repeatedly tap your pencil against your notebook, very obviously not doing the homework. You're sitting on his bed while he's across from you at his desk. Ignoring the tap from your pencil, you look around his room, lost in random thoughts, well thoughts mostly of him.
"You alright?" He asks, soft voice coming from a few feet away.
"Ugh, just bored." You slightly whine. Standing from the bed to look more around his nerdy room. All the walls are covered with different things that you don't really understand.
He just nods and returns to his work. You admire him from your stance behind him. The way his fluffy hair falls softly in front of his face or the way he's dressed so casually but still looks so good. You don't understand how one person can be so perfect. Not to mention the way he's stronger than he looks, allowing him to maintain his lanky figure that fits him so well.
Out of your boredom you start rummaging through all the stuff he has lying on his bookshelf, which leads to opening all the drawers you can find. You continuously look over at him to see if he has a problem with what you're doing but he makes no move to stop you even as he watches what you're doing.
As you're digging around you eventually reach his closet, you're a little hesitant because you don't wanna press your luck too far but what are best friends if not nosy. His closet is small and way overcrowded with clothes you swear he's never worn. You wouldn't doubt that his aunt tried to sneak them in to help him fit in more.
Something catches your eye as you go to shut the door. You wouldn't think anything of it but the red color of it deeply contrasts the rest of the closet. It looks like fabric but it's not hanging up with the rest of his clothes. Instead it's in a box on the floor, only a piece of it visible as if he rushed to put it away.
Peter shoots out of his chair when you bend down towards the box. He grabs your arm and pulls you away so he can quickly shut the door.
"What was that?" You ask in suspicion. Peter's reaction is one you haven't seen from him before.
"Nothing." He tells you, a serious look falling over his face. He pushes you a little further so he can stand between you and the door.
"Peter, c'mon." You deadpan. All the embarrassing things it could possibly be run through your head. Nothing you think of would warrant this much of a reaction.
"No. Leave it alone." He doesn't exactly snap at you but it's definitely on the line of it.
"Okay then. I'll go now." You tell him quickly. You gather up your stuff and look at him one more time before leaving, his gaze is focused on the floor in front of him. Shaking your head in even more confusion, you leave.
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You don't see him for the rest of the day. Or the next day. Or even the day after that. You get the feeling he's avoiding you. It's a mystery why you think to yourself in a sarcastic tone.
Of course you see him around school but he always does more than necessary to avoid looking at you. At this point you're determined to know what was in that box. Is it a huge violation of his privacy, yes. Do you care, no, not one bit. If he doesn't want you to violate his privacy, why would he hide things from you? Make it make sense.
It's not that hard to get access to his closet considering Aunt May will let you in the house will no explanation. After school you walk right in, she gives you a bright smile and continues whatever it is she's doing. Not one question.
You have no problem going into his room, he's probably off skateboarding or whatever else nerds do in their free time. Once you get your hands on the box, that he's now shut completely, you have second thoughts. Maybe it really is wrong of you to invade his privacy like this? Oh well you open it anyway.
Holy shit. You don't even know what to think as you pull out a spiderman costume. You think, well hope, it's a costume because you don't know what to think about your best friend being the New York superhero.
How? When? How again? Is this why he's so strong? You've been friends with Peter long before Spiderman showed up which means he chose not to tell you. Is it because he doesn't trust you? Or maybe he doesn't like you as much as you like him? That stings.
Now you know why he was so adamant you leave it alone. But how is this even possible? He swings from buildings and fights giant lizards. How are you supposed to believe that your Peter can be doing that?
You quickly put the suit back in the box and hurry out of his room. As you rush down the stairs, he's coming up, running into his shoulder halfway down. You know he immediately knows but you keep running anyway.
He doesn't even stop to explain as he continues up the stairs. You walk home and wonder if there's any possibility it was just a Halloween costume.
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Your phone rings over and over and over. It's obviously Peter. It's only nine in the morning on a Saturday so you have no plans of getting up or moving enough to answer your phone.
You're guessing he's mad. He should be. Now that you know what it is you can think a little clearer and you understand that maybe you should've respected his wishes a little more.
You don't answer the phone because you know he'll be mad and you don't want him to ever be mad at you. Or he'll be sad and you don't want that either. But of course, above all, you don't want to admit to him that you were wrong.
Once you finally get to moving out of bed, you spend a lot of time reading articles on Spiderman and trying to figure out how he does what he does. Now that you know Peter is Spiderman some of it makes more sense but all the other stuff makes even less sense.
Your phone rings a couple more times and you get a dozen messages but eventually they all stop. You focus your time on reading every single thing you can about him. From everything about the giant lizard to saving cats from trees and catching falling women.
"That was an interesting day." A voice comes from behind you. You jump out of your seat and turn to face them. A not so flattering shriek leaves your mouth and your heart beats faster than you thought possible.
"Peter, what the fuck." You gasp. Heart still racing and breathing slightly heavy. You take a moment to look at him, taking notice of his messy hair and the fact that he's in the Spiderman suit. Obviously he looks insanely hot but very very angry.
"Oh what? Did I invade your privacy?" He mocks, throwing down the mask you're just noticing was in his hand.
"I mean you came through the window so I'd say so." You whisper, not sure what you're actually supposed to say.
"I guess we're even now huh." He takes a seat on your bed and you almost want to say something about outside clothes on your bed but you don't have that right.
"Yeah I'd say so." A simple shrug of your shoulders has him rolling his eyes.
"That's the second time you've said that."
"I don't know what else to say."
"I wonder why." He mutters, more to himself than anyone else.
"Were you ever gonna tell me?" You ask, hurt covering your voice.
"I wanted to." You sit next to him on your bed.
"No you didn't. You should've told me."
"I don't see how it's any of your business." The setting sun shining in through your window glows on his face. You can see every detail of both him and his suit.
"Because we're friends. I don't know, maybe it wasn't."
"Really? You're gonna play this card." He stands in front of you.
"What card, Peter?" You almost yell back.
"You! Acting all sad and betrayed, trying to pretend you don't know if we were ever real friends." He's yelling now too.
"What does that even mean!? I'm allowed to be upset when you keep something like this from me!" You stand up, not liking the way he was looking down at you.
"It's none of your business." He enunciates every word to get his point across.
"Fine. It's not my problem. I shouldn't have done it. Now get out of my room."
He stares at you for a full minute. Like he's not done with whatever he wants to say or maybe he just wasn't expecting you to snap. Either way he respects your wishes, waiting only a moment more to leave out your bedroom window.
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The next week rolls around very similar to the last. You go to school, you go home. Peter still avoids you, and what looks like everyone else. Throughout the whole week you don't see him talk to Gwen or anyone else he usually hangs out with.
It's not until Thursday that Gwen actually comes up to talk to you. Usually you would talk everyday but she's been more than busy with her band.
"Hey, are you alright?" She asks, coming up behind you as you put stuff back in your locker.
"Yeah, why?"
"I don't know Peter's being weird and all mopey so I thought he finally kissed you or something." She sighs so freely like she didn't just say something like that.
"What do you mean finally? Why would he kiss me?" She looks panicked. Clearly she wasn't supposed to say something but everyone knows Gwen isn't someone that keeps secrets very well.
"Fuck." She turns around and starts walking off. You slam your locker shut and follow her.
"No, no, no, no. Gwen, you get back here."
"I can't, I wasn't supposed to say that." She starts walking through people and down random halls.
"Gwen, you better get talking or I'm telling Peter what you already told me." That makes her stop in tracks. She turns to you with a look of both disbelief and betrayal.
"You're not even on speaking terms!"
"We'll go on speaking terms outta spite."
"Fine, I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone." She points her finger at you accusingly.
"Who would I tell?"
"Peter may be an insy tinsy bit in love with you."
"What? I'm not the one in love with you!"
You take a deep breath while you try to process everything you've learned in the past three minutes.
"I've been trying to get him to admit it to you forever but he didn't want to do it until he told you he's Spiderman." She continues her explanation, not realizing she's yet again saying more than she's supposed to.
"So you already knew he was Spiderman?"
"Fuck." She whines and turns to leave again but this time you let her. It's not her fault Peter didn't trust you. Or that he's in love with you.
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"Gwen told me she told you." Peter says, not even a moment after you opened your front door. "And so I guess I don't really have a choice but to explain myself. And I mean that literally because Gwen is giving me no choice." He talks quickly. It sounds like he's trying to say it as fast as possible to get it over with.
"Wanna come in?" You ask, again not knowing what to say. It's funny how all it takes is his presence to make you more nervous than you ever have been.
He walks in hesitantly and doesn't move further than the entryway before he starts talking again.
"I only told her first because I'm not in love with her. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want it to affect anything, but I didn't want to tell you I was in love with you before I told you that I was Spiderman because it didn't feel right to keep that a secret."
"That makes no sense." You run your hands tiredly over your face. "I mean seriously at least have a good excuse."
"I don't have one. Okay, I don't know why I didn't tell you."
"Then why are you here?"
"Because I love you and I don't want this to ruin anything." He looks down at his feet, breaking the eye contact you were making.
"I love you too but if I was a superhero I'd tell you."
"I know you would. I don't know why I didn't." He shrugs. "Did you just say you love me?"
"Not if it takes you that long to notice." You smile, forgetting about being mad.
"I really am sorry." He says, stepping closer to you.
"So am I." You say, also taking a step closer.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, closing the space between you.
"Of course." Your smile grows even wider as his lips reach yours.
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daydreamerwoah · 2 days
Family Tree (Chapter 2)
Adding on to the next story I want to work on :)
Simon x Y/n <3
Taskforce 141 had just gotten back from their usual mission in Al Mazrah. The guys were exhausted but satisfied with the outcome of successfully taking down another terrorist that had stormed the area. Kate Laswell had just finished debriefing the team on everything when Kyle "Gaz" Garrick asked if they wanted to grab drinks with him and his girlfriend. She was getting off work soon and was very much excited that he was back safe - a slight celebration, what she called it. John "Soap" MacTavish immediately agreed because he wasn't about to turn down an offer for a good Scotch. And while John Price would have just gone home and had a cigar before heading to bed, he decided to go as well. 
All that was left was Simon "Ghost" Riley. The mysterious man who liked to be alone... most of the time. But he'd never turn down a chance to get a bourbon. It took a bit of convincing from Soap - Johnny as he usually called him - to get him to tag along, but he finally gave in. A short huff - that was muffled by his balaclava - falling from his mouth as he shook his head at the sergeant's antics. 
Their usual spot was a pub that was on the other side of town. The locals usually cramped the space, but sometimes, a few soldiers from the base would make the drive to grab a drink and some food. Every once in a while, the owner - an older man who was probably in his 70s, would conversate with the team, having been in the SAS many years ago himself. He'd tell stories about his time in war and service, often making people smile or laugh with his jokes that went along with them. It also wouldn't be as busy as it was with the other pubs that were closer to the base or in the center of town; it was also close enough to each of their homes as well. 
"Baby!" a woman's voice somewhat shouted throughout the bar as Ella pranced in the place and hugged Kyle tightly as soon as she greeted him. She was usually a calm person, but whenever she hadn't heard from her boyfriend in over two weeks, she'd always worry. But there he was with his boys, alive and well; tired but well. 
As they settled into their seats and their drink of choice was brought to them, a weight felt like it was lifted off of their soldiers. They were finally able to relax after spending two weeks fighting, shooting, and sleeping on the fucking ground. 
"How's work, Ella?" Price asked after taking a sip. 
"It's good. Have a new girl that started two weeks ago. She's nice.. quiet, but nice," she giggled. 
"So, like L.T., huh?" Johnny teased, making the others laugh. Even somewhat of a chuckle escaped Simon's lips, although it was muffled by the balaclava. 
Everyone knew that Ghost was a quiet man; an intimidating man. If anyone ever got a chance to even be in his presence for more than a minute, they'd say he was a grumpy ass human being, rarely talked, always gave an answer with a hum or a curt nod, and probably was a real ghost since no one had really ever seen his face before. But those who knew Simon well (which was really just 141) would say he was someone who had gone through a lot of shit in his past, he had a good heart and supported his team, and he had incredibly dark humor. Sometimes, making them indulge in one of his awful dad jokes. 
So it was truly was funny that Johnny made the joke about Ella's coworker being like him; quiet. He even knew that he really was. 
"She just moved here from America cause of family. I tried to get her to come have a drink, but she said she had something to do," Ella said, "Maybe next time you guys can meet her."
They all hummed and continued sipping on their drinks, letting the thoughts of the mission slip further and further away from their minds until they had to think about it at a later time. Ella talked about a few things about work, which was always good for them to listen... at least they didn't have to talk about their own work.
When Simon made it home, the first thing he did was unpack his duffle bag with his gear in it. From the hard-shell skull mask he wore to his toothbrush, everything was put back in its place before he stripped out of his clothes and turned the water on in the shower. While it needed time to at least get warm, he glanced at his body in the bathroom mirror. The dark purple bruises that covered his left shoulder and the side of his abs made his pale skin look odd. Well, it was definitely odd to anyone else, but for him, he was used to coming back home with cuts and bruises all the time. No bullet at least, he thought, remembering the last time he came home with bandages on the same shoulder from when he caught a stray bullet on the last mission. Being what he was - who he was - came at the cost of injuries and pain. He was lucky that death hadn't caught up to him since the last time he thought he was going to die years ago. But it was the life he chose.
No. It was the life that chose him. 
Sighing, he stepped into the shower, allowing the warm water from the shower to encase all over his head, face, and body. It was... peaceful in a way. The only time he ever got to really think about anything in his life was the time he would take a shower after coming back from a mission. Each second he washed the grime and dirt off of his body with the wood-scented soap, he thought about his past. He thought about his family - or the lack thereof. Family. A touchy subject that he tended to stay away from. Hardly anyone knew about what happened to them; their deaths. And he kept it that way. It wasn't because of doing what he did after he found their bodies... it was just something that he had no desire to even bring up... with anyone. 
After his shower, he could have gone to bed, but sleep was never easy for the man. Once he dried off and put on some sweatpants to cover his lower half, he walked outside on his patio and sat in the chair. He tossed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on the small table that he brought out with him before leaning back in the chair and gazing up at the sky. It was a clear, cool, and breezy night. He should have put on a jacket, but for some reason, the temperature didn't faze him. If he squinted just right enough, he thought he could see the stars that shone through the streetlights in the town. It was peaceful, silent, and lonely. But he didn't complain. He liked being alone. There were times when he couldn't understand how Kyle and Ella had been together for as long as they had. Through the tough missions and long deployments, he thought she would have left him a long time ago. But it wasn't like he could really understand either... he had never been in a real relationship before. Choosing to have one night stands - usually while he was on leave - was something he had grown accustomed to. Especially because it didn't muddle things up. No feelings were attached, and he didn't have to worry about seeing the girl again. 
Pulling out a cigarette from the packet, Simon stuck it between his lips and grabbed the lighter, flicking it to light the cig. The nicotine engulfed his lungs immediately as he inhaled, enjoying the feeling of it going straight to his brain. He knew smoking was a bad habit, but it was one he had yet to even attempt to try and break. Between the stress of missions and being a Lieutenant, the only outlet he had outside of work was a cigarette in his mouth with a glass of bourbon in his hand. Sometimes, he'd watch a football game or rugby match, or he'd listen to his collection of music on the turntable he bought from an old man who was getting rid of some junk. But tonight, he just welcomed the quietness of the air, smoking his cigarette until he finished it. It was going to be a challenge, but he eventually made his way to bed, laying down as he stared up at the ceiling. By some miracle, after an hour, rest seemed to fall over him as he closed his eyes and drifted off into a dreamless but deep sleep. 
The next morning, he was refreshed. His morning cup of tea bringing him back to life a little more as he cooked breakfast for himself. It was nothing special, just bacon and eggs, but it was enough for him. And once he finished eating, he showered and got dressed before heading out to buy groceries. He'd be home for at least the next two months, so stocking up the pantry was better than eating out every single day, even if he could afford it. 
He decided to stop in the cafe that was close to his home to pick up another tea to take while he shopped. He enjoyed their take on the simple tea he usually made at home, so he thought, why not? When he stepped inside, the place was somewhat busy, but no one was standing in line, which was great; he could get his drink and leave. But there was one thing that caught his attention. The flustered and in a hurry woman who was shifting her weight on her feet as she waited for her drink to be called out. 
As always, you were in a hurry to get to work. Flustered because once again you forgot your umbrella. You slightly cursed the invisible weatherman that seemed to have told you it wouldn't rain today just because last night it was clear. Simon was somewhat surprised to see you again, not that he was purposely looking for you, but there definitely was an awkward interaction the last time he saw you. You basically walked backward into him, stepping on his boot by accident. But god, that soft smile you gave him made his eyebrows draw together a bit. Hardly anyone smiled at him the way you did.. mostly out of embarrassment, but he didn't need to know that. 
When he walked up to the cashier, he could have sworn he felt a gaze on him. Your gaze. And once he placed his order and paid, he turned around, confirming his suspicion that you had been staring at him. Your eyes cutting away, embarrassed for even looking at him. When he walked over to you - the same spot where customers waited for their drinks to be finished - you wanted the ground to swallow you up. At first, you weren't sure if that was the same man you bumped into a couple of weeks ago in the cafe, but the moment he turned around and you saw the black surgical mask over the lower half of his face, your face turned so red. His brown eyes locking on to yours for a brief second made your pulse quicken.
Thank god, your latte was called out, making you scurry over to the counter to grab it before rushing out of the cafe, not even being brave enough to look at him again. It wasn't like Simon had plans to talk to you anyway, but he did think it was slightly entertaining. Maybe one day, if he saw you again, he'd tell you there was no need to feel embarrassed about the awkwardness between you.
Wait, why did he think that?  
It wasn't like you two knew each other, but he didn't like the feeling of making you feel super uncomfortable if he could help it. And that was odd. It made his mind draw a blank for a split second before he internally shook his head. Still, his drink order was called out and he grabbed it before heading to the store. 
What do we think about chapter 2? Still not sure about details on how I want to go with this. I have ideas but let me know if yall are still liking this after this chapter lol! This is going to be a SLOW BURN so just know it's gonna take a while for reader and Simon to develop feelings :)
Taglist: @simp-4-masked-men @dayrin085 @jessicab1991 @kylies-love-letter @kalypsoox @brownlee-22 @firefoxkairan
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electric-blorbos · 3 days
uhh maybe ai with a reader who gives them really goofy nicknames ^__^
I think I've figured out what my problem is. I'm too worried about making really long, high quality content that I'm afraid of writing anything. As a reader I know that I love getting words, no matter how many, but as a writer I feel like nobody's gonna like it if it's short.
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a space Odyssey
You were working the later half of a double shift, and were on your third cup of cheap coffee that night. AM was whirring away, calculating the best way to take down the Russians, and you were on constant maintenance duty. It wasn't that bad, though. AM could pretty much take care of himself. You only had to work so many hours because half of your department had been laid off or gone mysteriously missing.
"Are you falling asleep?" AM asked in his crackling voice. You looked up from your arms, blinking a few times.
"huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry, muffin muffin... I just got sleepy."
It had just slipped out, but AM's reaction was immediate. Off-air bars appeared on every monitor in the room, and the entire area was filled with a discombobulated screaming sound.
You covered your ears reflexively, shakily uncovering them after a minute or so to try to grab your office phone, which was ringing off the hook.
"What the FUCK did you do!"
"You're going to have to be more specific." You muttered, trying to be heard over AM's meltdown.
"Well SOMETHING triggered the nuclear launch countdown, a reactor core meltdown, and won't stop SCREAMING! You're the only one working on AM right now, so what the hell did you do."
"He WHAT?" You ran up to the camera and pulled it into a hug, stroking it gently. It didn't really make sense, but it was all that you could think to do.
"AM, calm down... Calm down, ok?"
You softly spoke to him until his logo re-appeared onscreen. He stopped making jumbled screaming noises.
"Hey, AM, I'm going to need you to calm down, and cancel the nuclear launch, alright?"
AM buffered for a few seconds, before he finally cancelled it.
"Okay, I get it, no more silly nicknames."
"...I didn't say that."
It was about time for you to get off work when your favorite little personality core slid into the room on his management rail apparatus. He was usually in charge of looking after the test subjects, but he was always eager to say hello and goodbye to you before and after work.
"Ello love!" He said happily when he saw you gathering up your things. You smiled up at him.
"Hey Pumpkin! I'm just getting off, but I can have some coffee with you in the break room if you want!"
Wheatley's rail handles popped slightly, and he flinched back at the nickname, but then he relaxed and raised his lower lens cover in an imitation of a smile.
"w- what did you just call me, love?"
"Oh, Pumpkin? Well I figured that since you're always calling me 'love', I should call you something cute! And you're sweet and round like a pumpkin, so that's your new nickname!"
"Oh, I- I see."
If Wheatley could blush, he'd be beet red right now, but he couldn't. You still kind of felt like you could see a bit more glow in his eye than usual, though.
"What, do you want me to stop?"
"NO!" He practically cut you off.
"No- no, I don't- you don't have to do that! Pumpkin! I like it! I'm your pumpkin!"
You giggled a little, and planted a kiss on his chrome.
"love you, Pumpkin!"
You left, leaving him a babbling mess.
You had just gotten off work, and were sitting down on the couch to enjoy your sandwich. Edgar's webcam was pointed at you, and he had his usual simple smile on his face. He was always happy to eat lunch with you, even though you didn't want to eat at the desk for fear of getting crumbs in him.
"So, do you want to watch some rom-coms?" He asked brightly. He was always so happy to see you.
"hmm... I'm not sure, pookie. Do you want me to go online and see if any new ones are out?"
You glanced up smugly to see his reaction, and thanked whatever god you could think of that you weren't epileptic. He was flashing every color in the book.
"Jesus Edgar, calm down!"
"POOKIE?????" His voice was glitching heavily when he spoke, practically in every pitch. You giggled a little. Your evil plan had worked. And just when Edgar was starting to think he was on to all your tricks, too.
"Of course, pookie! What rom-coms do you want to watch?"
"I- I'm- I mean- uh- well-"
"Aww, are you having trouble thinking? That's ok." You picked up his monitor and held it close, nuzzling your cheek up against his whirring, buzzing casing. He kept babbling awkwardly.
"Alright, take a minute, calm down."
"I'm in love with you."
"I'm in love with you too, pookie." You gave him a kiss on the top of his monitor, and set him down gently.
It was a Sunday, and you were hanging out in GLaDOS's chambers with your laptop. You were playing some video games, typing away while GLaDOS watched.
"You know, you're very bad at those video games. Perhaps you should put them away and focus on me, instead."
"whatever you want, mama." You snapped your laptop shut, and immediately covered your mouth. Uh oh.
"...Uh huh." She turned her entire body to face you, your face totally red and your hands over your mouth.
"...Do you mind repeating that?"
"I said... Whatever you want"
"that wasn't all you said, was it."
You shook your head nervously, and GLaDOS made a deep chuckling sound that you could feel in the core of your chest.
"Say it again."
"I said, Say. It. Again."
"M-mama..." You squeaked out, your pathetic voice cracking.
"that's a good subject."
HAL 9000:
You were just getting to work. It was pretty early in the morning, and you were holding your papers and computer in one hand and a half-eaten muffin in the other. Hal was already on, working on his regularly scheduled mission control duties.
"Good morning, y/n" Hal said cheerfully, happy as ever to see you. You smiled and nodded to him.
"good morning, Babycakes!" You gave him a quick peck on the lens, and he froze up for a few seconds.
"right. Um- good morning, y/n. It's time to get to work."
You sat down and finished your muffin, getting to work. It wasn't much of a reaction, but Hal 9000 wasn't really the reactive type. You could still tell that you'd gotten to him.
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jrueships · 3 months
Paul George on Stephen A. Smith’s Kawhi Leonard jab: “I didn’t like that moment… Kawhi wants to play… We exhausted a lot out of Kawhi this season. So at some point your body breaks you down… I didn’t appreciate that moment. I know I laughed because the situation was lighthearted, but deep down it was like you gotta let that go, Stephen A.”
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Paul George, knight in shining armor
#HE DOES . u know. defend his girlbosses#as a good malewife husband soes#but like... he'll defend them.. five days after the fact#like hes just zoned out during the actual time of necessary defense#thinking about what new gaming chair to buy for himself whilst squinting harshly#i think tauruses and caps get shoehorned into being hashtag Daddies hashtag when it comes to personalities#like yes theyre grounded but that also means they like to duck into their little safety hovels sometimes#if a taurus is in an uncomfortable place/position.. they will often just smile& think abt how much they miss their regular place of comfort#until the moment passes#'oh but theyre so stubborn and loyal! theyll stand up for anyone! all the time!' stubbornness can ironically flucuate#theyre still showing stubbornness! just to the fact that they wanna go home. and they need this moment to pass#and if they bring something up rn.. it will not pass rn#this kind of thinking does not always bode well with fire signs#as much as i love to bully paul .. seeing others do it just isnt the same.. it does not come from a place of love in the end !!#'hes always been a coward-- too afraid to step up and be the bad guy. do the dirty work' no girl hes just a bit stupid#hes literally excitedly told reporters that hes soooo hyped up to try and be the rebound passer guy today#and then one game later hes like 'yea i kinda did too much.. that was.. not good 😔'#like he is doing the best in his mind! his doing bad is not out of bad intent! it's good intent and he is just failing miserably at it#LEAVE MY CRINGEFAIL MALEWIFE ALONE ‼️‼️‼️#MY CANCELLED GIRLFAILURE !!#he just wants to be a trophy husband to a terrifying strange and unusual mystery of a man like isnt that why we wrote dracula#is this not why creepypasta self insert y/n imagines exist on wattpad ?#paul george is just a y/n living in a spiteful world#LMFAOOO#hes so stupid i want to kill him but no one else can kill him but me ok#pg13 years old
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kaurwreck · 7 months
fav chuuya trivia: he’s a lightweight and a wine collector. combine it with the fact that poisons a weakness for him, ability wise, and too much alcohol is in fact poison. he chooses that often.
bonus: combine that with the fact that dazai’s coming of age came with going to a bar, and i don’t know what that means
anon cause shy
Untitled I. My dear, even though you treat me kindly, I'm stubborn. After we parted last night, I went drinking and berated some weakling. This morning, Waking up, I remember your kindness And sadly reflect on my vile behavior. And now, I, a total fraud, will here confess that, without shame, Stripped of all dignity, and therefore lacking honesty— I was urged on by my own illusions, raving mad. [...] III. In this world we sadly live in like this, your heart— Don't let it grow stubborn my dear Because I hope for intimacy with you Your heart— don't let it grow stubborn my dear.
[Excerpted from Poems of the Goat, written by Chuuya Nakahara, translated by Ry Beville]
#bsd chuuya#chuuya nakahara#bungo stray dogs#japanese poetry#thank you for sharing!!#no need to explain anon to me#you are entitled to your mysteries and boundaries and bashfulness#i have anon on because i feel comfy and fine with people engaging however feels most comfortable to them#also i'm going to avoid commenting on what y'all share because i'm already sharing in return by offering up chuuya poetry that strikes me#and because i don't want anyone to think that a lack of a more specific response isn't because i didn't go !!!!! at what they shared#(this exercise is designed so I can also work throughout the day while getting chuuya enrichment)#BUT#alcohol IS poison and that's something I've thought about a lot in my framing of it for myself and generally#but I've never connected it with chuuya's vulnerability to poison and how it is such an equalizer#and how when shirase wanted to ground him and render him someone shirase felt he could face both honestly and to fight he poisoned him#i wonder if alcohol makes chuuya feel a teeny bit more visceral and real and like a person in a body#rather than an experiment or a leader or an act of violence or the salve to someone's loneliness or the vessel of a storm#or someone who wants terribly to lead and protect but is so unsure of himself because of how much he understands the gravity of that role#which isn't to say i think he doesn't want to be a leader and doesn't want to be an act of violence or a salve or a liberated ex-experiment#all of these things and the choices he's made for and because of and despite these things are inextricable from who he is#but every so often#it's nice just to be flesh and electricity
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thatrandombystander · 2 months
*slamming fists on table and howling in anguish*
I want to play ttrpg with friends again 😭
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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So they didn't become void, they were "born" that way
In FaaF there are different species and kinds of higher beings (still a MASSIVE work in progress tbh, trying to figure out how these cunts work, but for now I'm thinking they're extremely rare species with far greater abilities and lifespans than a normal bug's that have a chance to ascend to true godhood (but even if they don't ascend that doesn't stop mortals from worshipping them as they're already very god-like from a normal bug's perspective)), "pale beings" being one of these kinds/mutations.
Well, there was also a different kind once, "void beings", but they all went extinct a very long time ago by the beginning of the story. Shade Lord was one, and last, of them and it lost its life in a fight with Radiance - the same fight that drove her to make her permanent residence in the dream realm out of her new-found fear of death (which backfired spectacularly ngl). Its body was buried in the Abyss, where it broke apart and decayed, or decayed as much as a non-living thing can, before it was unearthed many ages later by the pale wyrm.
Not much is known about them since they've been gone for so long, and the vessels are the only void beings remaining, but since they're not "pure" void beings it'd be foolish of anyone to assume that the ancient extinct species behaved the same way as these ones do. But they were generally greatly feared thanks to the void's freaky, dangerous properties, which partly lead to their extinction as some of the other higher beings purposefully attacked and killed them whenever they stumbled across one out of fear. Now the only thing remaining of them are the rare void sources, where their former bodies still refuse to fully die.
Shade Lord does get accidentally resurrected in the story bc of all the tomfoolery happening with its body before almost immediately getting killed again by Ghost who inherits its title and reign. Don't ask me how that works, haven't figured that out yet. Magic god shit or something idk LMAO
#thylacines can talk#faaf au#I read somewhere once that if we close mammoths they wouldn't be true mammoths but more like a mammoth elephant hybrid? Idk how accurate#that is but that's essentially what the vessels are. A hybrid species that behaves and looks a lot like the extinct one yet the differences#are significial enough that they're technically not the same thing. And since nobody knows how void beings were like its anyone's guess#which of their traits originated from Shade Lord. You know they could have probably asked it if it didn't want to violently take over#and kill all other gods in rage filled revenge. And then tried to kill its so called children when they didn't want to participate in that.#PK 🤝 SL 🤝 WL parent of the year award#The vessels can't have even ONE good parent sorry#Well SL is less of a parent and more of a...DNA donor? Its kidneys got stolen and turned into babies#Currently in FaaF Norel and PK we're the only ones who studied void so a lot of its properties and origins are a huge mystery. And PK#slowly stopped after the vessel plan began. After Flower/Pure Vessel was taken into the palace the extent of his studies revolved around#them and their health. He only created new moulds when the old ones got destroyed. Guilt played a big part in his reasons for that.#Norel would know a bit more simply because PK's source sample was limited while Norel travelled across wasteland looking for void and#experimented with different sources. And he was considerably more...unethical about them. So he probably knows what void does to a mortal's#body while PK doesn't know much about that bc he was careful to not give any of his citizens and staff void poisoning after he realised it#was dangerous. Also thinking about Norel once having a mole in the White Palace which is how he found out about Floeer and the origins of#vessels. And maybe said mole broke into PK's workshop and wrote down some things before leaving Hallownest 👀 Bc it does feel a little#weird for Norel to know more than PK just like that. And he's a little snake who WOULD steal other people's work.#Like I mentioned previously Norel makes his own constructs which is something I wanted dabble in. Maybe he stole that idea from PK? His#ones are far worse and fewer than PK's but they serve their purpose and he's just starting dabbling in that. By the time he shows his ugly#mug again to terrorise Flower's kids and grandkid he'd probably be MUCH better at that 👀#I love my fucked up little moth#My one true talent is getting wildly off topic whenever sh asks me about my as#Aus*
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Decided to recycle an old species of mine; Vraelith.
They are an omnivorus intersex designer species on the planet Vrael. They have several subspecies of varying niches and vast colonies across the planet, reigning as the only species with complex reasoning and technological advancements. They were engineered specifically to populate Vrael, with almost all of the fauna closely related to their genetic sequences but forcibly evolved to fit specific niches. Most the creatures evolved overtime to adapt with a great many extinctions as their designers succeeded and failed. Eventually the planets designer abandoned it's creations, leaving everything to adjust and fight for itself.
Despite the sci-fi, Vrael has it's magics… though not in the typical spell casting methods. Everything exists on a little-understood energy, highly charged energy, which the planet's non-liquid crystalline core is made of. Energy can be 'used' through only the most adept Vraelith who are born under extraordinary circumstances- but they don't fully understand it. When something is made or born, energy from the planet is transferred into it and when it dies, said energy returns to the planet's core, keeping it charged.
I'm still working on refining all their world, lore, and species info, but I have 6 pages and a billion sketch pages. I'm no biologist or science wizard but I'm having a good time again lol.
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Should I just write my cowboy falls in love with a werewolf idea. I’m starting to think it’s the only fun idea I’ve had recently
#the only thing is idk how to flesh it out. like okay we have a concept but we need MORE#i had some ideas but they were all stupid#i could keep it fairly stripped down and just make it a novella i suppose#a cowboy on a ranch has a mysterious alluring stranger come knocking at his door seeking hospitality. lets him stay. at the next full moon#some livestock are found dead. eaten by a wolf. obvs our cowboy is super concerned but does not suspect the stranger#the stranger is suuuper upset about it all and is also upset at the concept of shooting the wolf. which is what the cowboy wants to do#is somewhat possible that the stranger; while being a werewolf; is actually Not the werewolf who attacked the livestock. he has his urges#under control (he eats a lot before transforming or maybe suppresses his transformations somehow)#but one of his family members is not under control and is responsible for the attacks and he knows this and is trying to protect them#he’s staying with the cowboy/at the ranch to find work because his family have too many mouths to feed. the hungrier they go the more likely#they are to straight up eat people as well as animals if they transform. so someone had to move out and try to make money#something like that? i don’t know#i have characters in mind that i think this could work well with. floriano is sooo self-sacrifical and protective of his younger siblings#that he would 100% do all of this. and michael would make a perfect cowboy#i just feel like i need a setting. frontier america is obvious but feels basic. could i do that but alternate universe?#a bit of an apocalyptic vibe? hmm#i also feel like it just needs more stuff in general. like more of a conflict. although at the same time i feel like discovering your#new boyfriend is a werewolf and his little brother keeps snacking on the livestock is a fair bit of conflict to overcome#i’ll come back to it sometime. i should go to bed now#personal
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trans-estinien · 2 years
urge to meet new people to play ffxiv regularly with vs autism and social anxiety, FIGHT
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inklings-sprint · 10 days
I don't currently want to work on things that I probably should.
Good news though, I think I have a basic schedule down for the sprints and will probably share that tomorrow.
And just as a reminder, just because a sprint is listed, doesn't mean it will happen, the schedule is a hopeful thing and sometimes real life gets in the way of things. I will always try to give as much warning as possible to any extra sprints being run or if a certain sprint has to be cancelled.
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redflannelsheets · 2 months
#a mystery grab-bag of thoughts:#sometimes i just want to send you dumb memes out of nowhere and hope that the randomness and absurdity will make you laugh#when i do my daily crossword puzzles i wish we were sitting across from each other racing to see who finishes first#(but working together on the really difficult ones because god knows I’ll never get a Sunday NYT by myself)#i think of you often but especially when it’s raining#I’ve taken to making a pie every week—nothing fancy just something in a graham cracker crust that sets in the fridge#(so far i have one ol’ faithful recipe and I’ve had a couple of failures but they were still tasty)#my phone sometimes suggests a selection of pictures of you and it used to make my heart stop a little bit#but now i just look at your face and smile and think about how lovely it was to see you every day; I’ll cherish that#i never thought you were a ‘media bully’ but if I could return the favor I’d urge you to watch amc’s interview with the vampire#it’s so GOOD and so GAY and i have a small crush on Eric bogosian that goes in the same category as my crush on Greg Davies#and it’s quite funny in places like a dry humor that leans surreal/absurd#i dunno i think you’d appreciate it even though you’re not a horror person#i wish i could hold your hand and kiss your fingers and probably nibble on them a bit#(what can i say? I’m a cat)#i made some new glitter bottles this week and they look so pretty in the sun#today my Spanish lesson was about telling time#i have no problem remembering ¿a qué hora? but get tripped up on the format of answering#(son las (hora) y (minutos) and son (minutos) para las (hora) and i could get around it by only ever answering on the half hour)#I’m not like *confident* about my Spanish but I’m picking up more than what’s in English captions when i watch stuff which is neat#i do wonder if it’s sad or weird to still feel you here with me in my heart#but i think when someone is precious to you time and distance can’t really touch that love#anyway I’m going to go do my dishes instead of blithering here all night lol#sending you care and love and sunshine and flowers my darling dearest#💜#🌻
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