#I vote we start a Revolte against them all.
I’m praying Twitter stays afloat because I do NOT want Twitter users to come to Tumblr. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WOULD CALL ME A SLUR?! 😭😭 I also don’t want to start seeing all the right on here because they would raid the leftist tags in a second.
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dalekofchaos · 7 months
2024 is the year I have slowly lost my love and respect for Taylor Swift.
I love Taylor for her music and the person I thought she was and in a way I still love her, but in 2023-2024 it feels like the person who I thought I loved isn't the person who I thought she was. And I just began to lose my respect for her. Here are some examples of how I've lost my respect for Taylor as a person.
Not one word of support for Palestine. Not even wearing a Artists for Palestine pin. She went out of her way in speaking out against Trump and Blackburn, but she can't tweet or speak out ONE ounce of support for Palestine. Instead she entered her Football girlie for one of the most racist cultural appropriating football teams since the Washington Redskins during her Bread & Circus era.
And before anyone says "what about other artists" I direct you to this
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Yes more artists should speak up, not just Taylor. Billie Eilish should speak up. Olivia Rodrigo should speak up, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, Halsey, Lorde and more should speak up for Palestine. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest names in the industry, if not the biggest and one word from her and her thousands to millions and billions of fans will show their support for Palestine and demand a ceasefire. Like I don't know how else to explain how vital it is to use your voice as an artist and a huge platform as Taylor has.
She stopped speaking up for the LGBTQA+ community in 2021. She had all Pride month to speak up and could've used the Eras tour to speak up for us, especially in states that were heavily anti-trans and anti drag queen. But she didn't. Instead she propped up her precious racist Matty fucking Healy. She can have Trans performers in her music video and drag queens, but she can't speak up for them?
Taylor the climate criminal, need I say more?
Taylor the Billionaire. No one person should have this amount of money and it needs to be talked about more and honestly Taylor in 2024 is starting to feel like the female Elon Musk.
Questionable associations. David O'Russell. You can't tell me with a straight face that Taylor's team do not run background checks. Either they didn't do said checks or they did and Taylor did not care and would tarnish her image to work with a predator just for an Oscar. The Matty Healy fling. A brief fling and it was brief because everyone showed their complete disgust and contempt for it. Brittany and Jackson Mahomes friendship. Jackson is on video assaulting a woman. Taylor is a SA survivor. Brittany told the victim to "get over it" Taylor is shown high fiving Jackson, Taylor is shown for months with Brittany despite being a SA apologist and even having dinner with Brittany after the charges are dropped. Revolting. Taylor doesn't care about SA unless it's about her or how it can benefit her.
Continued silence on important issues when she said she would use her platform and voice. BLM? Nothing. Abortion/women's rights? Nothing. LGBTQA+ rights? Nothing. Palestine, absolutely nothing not even the bare minimum. The closest she'll get to using her platform is telling her fans to vote. Nothing but the bare minimum white feminist centrist rhetoric.
Ever since the countdown to Midnights and Midnights' release, the vibes I got from Taylor were not good. And something just felt off. 2023 and 2024 was just a mask off for Taylor and showing us who she really is and that she isn't who we thought she was.
And before anyone comes at me and says "Taylor is not an activist" yes, but she specifically made Miss Americana to tell her fans she would use her platform and voice to speak out more on important issues. She has done nothing. At this point I wish Miss Americana was never made, and I'm pretty sure Taylor wishes she never made it as many of her fans are disappointed in her silence throughout the years.
At best, Taylor is a coward. At worse, Taylor doesn't care beyond the glass house she has built her career on.
At this point all it feels like is she cares about the fame of her success and from her relationship with Travis and the profit of her brand and nothing else. Nothing about her is authentic, everything is performative. It's all about control and profit to Taylor Swift. It feels as though she's ostracized everyone in her audience who isn't white or heterosexual and made it clear we need to find a new guiding light and I think we should.
And in her own words she is telling us who she is
“i just think it’s so frilly and spineless of me to stand up here and say ‘happy pride month!!’ while people are coming for their necks.”
"My entire moral code is a need to be thought of as good"
" Spineless in my tomb of silence "
'I never had the courage of my convictions, as long as danger was near.'
"I've never heard silence quite this loud"" You should find another guiding light "
"You're on your own kid"
"Do something, babe, say something" (Say something)
"Lose something, babe, risk something" (You're losing me)
"Choose something, babe, I got nothing" (I got nothing)
Despite all this, I still love her and will continue reblogging gifsets, but I am done defending everything she does and intend to hold her accountable because when you love someone you just have to point out when they are wrong and just have to hold out hope they will be a better person, even if that hope is so very low.
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The society within the hunger games has been analyzed and compared to our society many times
Let’s do another one
I think something that’s at the forefront of my mind, especially with the genocide going on in Palestine/Gaza/Congo/Sudan/heaven knows so many more places is how we so easily let murder and genocide slide
And I don’t mean we’re making bets and shouting for bloodshed like the capital did in the books (though, from what I’ve seen, the IDF, Israeli government, and many more are). We protest, we sign petitions, donate to the cause, call and email are representatives, but short of causing an actual uprising and stopping the whole genocide by baring teeth and dripping blood, I doubt we’ll stop them from proceeding with it.
Because the vote has been made, the lines have been drawn and the US government has made it clear that this is something they are willing to do.
And over
And over again
In their own sick form of the hunger games
But instead of letting it be watched from our tv, where we can document and criticize their actions in 4K, where we can openly point in disgust, revolt in a publicly agreed opinion that this is wrong, instead if a slaughter where we can see just how human those people are, how many humans we really are killing
They hide behind walls and lies and manipulative words that guide your attention elsewhere. They murder and bomb and kill and destroy without a single bit of it entering your life in any way. Well, most of it anyway.
(Look up the massacres and genocides the US has been a part of, has funded. It’s there, they just don’t want you to find it.)
In the Hunger Games, everything is so obviously meticulously planned out and purposefully done so we, the audience, can see it, call out the injustice, gasp in horror as children are killed, as they kill each other, and we wonder how can they bot do something about this? Don’t they know it’s wrong? Inhumane? So past what you thought a human was capable of.
Little do we know it happens in real life too, it’s just a little more hidden, a little more tricky to line out, a little more innocent looking, but the intent is the same.
We live in a subtle, almost boring very of a dystopian society. The rich are richer than ever, the poor work long and hard for not even a fraction of the same riches. We notice, we grovel about it, we complain, but ultimately, what do you do? Vote in another bastard to replace the last? Protest against a law that has already been passed in the hearts of our government? Overthrow the government for another?
No, you have kids to feed, siblings to take care of, people and things to be selfish about.
People are slaughtered senselessly everyday and we don’t even know it or don’t even blink at it or maybe so stunned with the reality of the world you don’t know what to do or so filled with rage all you want to do is rebel
Kill a tyrant
What violent thoughts for a seventeen year old to have
But will you? Revolt and kick and scream? Set ablaze to the country you may call home? To deny all the falsehoods of strength and patriotism and freedom that hold our beliefs in this country and actually make a change?
We don’t have a Katniss to start our revolution. We don’t have a game to look down on for killing our kids. We don’t have an obvious target to kill for all our troubles.
We only have each other, sharing stories and advice and truth in our little corners of the internet. We only have wars and genocides that kill more than twenty four and have so many following the deaths of miners, poor families, and victims of circumstance alike. Buried. Starved. Shot without a second thought. We have tyrants upon tyrants, greater evil upon greater evil, fighting for the chance to be game maker this year while still following the same old tune.
That’s what they’re counting on, at least. For us ti be at each other’s throats, for us to wallow in despair, for us to be selfish and heartbroken but still apathetic enough not to care, not to do something about it.
I say it’s time we start our fucking rebellion and get someone to shoot all those fuckers with an arrow.
Because whether we like it or not, our Hunger Games have begun and everyone is on the chopping block.
It can’t just be some of us either, we see how it works out in the Hunger Games. It has to be all of us, together, standing up against these insane shows of disregard for human life. If we can get everyone on board, they couldn’t stop us if they tried.
I mean, that’s why they separated the districts in the first place, right? We have too much power together.
And together they will fall.
Free Palestine. Free Congo. Free Sudan. Free every single place they’ve turned into a district.
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ahordeofwasps · 10 months
Find the Word Tag
I've been tagged by the spectacular @deanwax! Thanks for the tag! My words are cut, split, frown, and wipe. I'll be sharing excerpts from To Not Falling Off Cliffs!
But first, the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @winterandwords, @loopyhoopywrites, @mary-is-writing, @isherwoodj, and open tag! Your words are born, forlorn, torn, and sworn!
Now, onto To Not Falling Off Cliffs!
Tiffany had no lips and was unable to smile. However, she looked up at Steve and he winced again. She had a change of plans. The sound system put out only static for a brief moment and then started playing a new song. Maybe with a vote on the grave of a dead woman, Steve would finally learn that they were reapers. They didn’t have souls. They had to cling onto life while they still could and not fuss about those who had afterlives to get to. Tiffany marched back to where she dropped the rolls of fabric and picked up the fabric scissors. With a series of movements that would have a seamstress uttering a series of curses, she took the fabric scissors to the newspaper and cut out Erika Knight’s obituary.
“There’s been a scheduling whoopsies. We’ve booked Erica for five shifts today and you for five shifts tomorrow.  You’re not working today.” Erika blinked as she held her phone to her ear. She was still in her pajamas and on the counter in front of her there was a neatly packed lunch of a spaghetti sandwich with extra garlic. “With a C, right?” she asked and there was an affirmative grunt from the other end, “I can just call her and swap a couple shifts with her. I’d rather split the 15 hours over a couple days than work it all in one.” There was a heavy sigh on the other end. “No, it’s in the system. We can’t just swap shifts willy nilly! The system will get confused and next thing we know people will be giving themselves promotions.”
When the pot of tea was about halfway finished, Mrs. Smith asked Erika how she was doing. Erika just smiled and told Mrs. Smith she was doing fine. Work sometimes had mix-ups that had her working 15 hours in a single day. She occasionally got headaches that left her staggering. She had a hard time sleeping most nights. Her apartment was cursed. Her shampoo was wrecking her hair. The mundane objects she was supposed to trust were occasionally deadly. But that was normal. Erika could handle all that. She was fine. When Erika told Mrs. Smith she was doing fine, Mrs. Smith frowned for a brief moment. Erika quickly changed the subject by pointing to a new photograph of a grey wolf on Mrs. Smith’s wall and asking about it. She was fine. She was changing the subject because the conversation had taken an awkward turn. She was fine. There was nothing to be worried about. Mrs. Smith told Erika all about her cousin Pat. They did not return to the subject.
And when the reapers began to, as a collective, understand their own mortality, they revolted against the Sunodos the only way they could. They stopped reaping. The Sunodos were without mercy. Hundreds of reapers were wiped out of existence and new reapers were spawned to take their place. The Sunodos were unable to see the need for mercy. They were unable to see that someone would be unlikely to cooperate if their predecessor had met an unfortunate and unfair fate. They were unable to see that mortals wanted not only to live but cared for more than living. No matter what the Sunodos did, the reapers wouldn’t reap. Not until they had what they wanted. Not until they were given the chance to live. In order to get their souls, the Sunodos were forced to acquiesce to the reapers’ demands. They were forced to give the reapers the privileges. They were forced to give them a chance to live.
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Welcome to the what if series! Something I’m trying out! I also believe @themonotonysyndrome is also doing! Where we take scenarios that aren’t in the storyline of the series ‘Arranged Marriage Series’ and write ‘What if!’ If you saw my poll and voted then you know that thee scenario ‘What if the servant didn’t give the baroness a choice and took her back to the Empire’ if you still want to vote on something you can scroll through my page and fine the poll on what type of content you want to see in chapter three of my fanfic ‘Against the world around us’
‘What if the servant took the baroness back to the empire’
Omorose’s POV
It’s almost been a week since the rebels took the palace and trapping us in the throne room ever since. Being trapped in a room no matter how big it is with a bunch snooty Imperial nobles and servants who all turned out to be rebels or quickly converted leaving me to be the only one in the room not apart of their rebellion. It left my mind racing on what they were and weren’t willing to do in order to win in their insurrection. Killing? I know Ellis was more than willing after he impaled a soldier with a dagger. No hesitation, no regret, no sympathy in his eyes and that’s the scariest part. He was once a guy that got so flustered when Castin joked and teased him and now from what I can tell he was either the leader or one of the masterminds behind this COUP. Castin did tell me that the rebel group he had to deal with for those three months wanted them dead and I know that King Rhett and Aurelia was dealing with a very serious matter in the Empire’s capital it only leads me to believe that this war is far from over and in the middle of it I’m going to be forced to pick a side when all I want is peace between the two.
“Baroness! I made you some tea to calm your nerves.” Ellis set the cup down with a smile. Ever since he told me how he really felt about everything including my marriage I couldn’t look at him the same. Though he said that he recently joined the revolt which I find it hard to believe.
Deep down I understand why they want to revolt! They preferred the way things were before Rhett became the Emperor of the Coastal Empire. They were comfortable in that way of life not being surrounded by Intacians who treated them lowly. Refusing to service imperials and having to pay half of their wages just to pay Intacian servants and warriors to get them things from the town because they couldn’t go out of fear! None of the Imperial Servants had nothing to do with the war! They had no part of it! Those that did were either put in prison, placed in the Intacian army, or was like Anri getting set up with someone to marry. Their hate and disdain was aimed at the wrong people but they were to blinded by their hatred.
“Baroness…please you need to settle your nerves! The stress isn’t good for you.”
“Ellis, nothing is going to settle my nerves! I’m in the middle of a rebellion, what could be the start of another war!”
“We are finishing the war! Baroness you’re choosing the wrong side.”
“I’m not picking anyone’s side! I can’t!”
Ellis signed placing the cup of tea down.
The frown on his face and the look in his eyes showed disappointment. “Picking no sides could still make you an enemy of the Empire’s and you know what the Empire does to its enemies.”
The answer to most of the Empire’s problems. Though they never resulted to killing a noble. We were to valuable to kill off so easily especially if their was no heir to our title.
“They wouldn’t kill me over this.” I told him tapping the table eyeing the steam floating away from the cup.
“Perhaps not but do you really want to be thrown in prison until they found someone who they believe can ‘steer’ you into the right direction? Or would you like to have your free will? You were already married off to a rake Baroness! Don’t make your life worse than it already is.”
“Ellis you think you know how the Empire works but you have no clue.”
“When we win you’ll be seen as a traitor!”
“If you win I will still be seen as a high ranking woman of the Empire! Who would the Empire believe? Their beloved Baroness from one of the most respected families or a servant who crosses boundaries and have no respect for their Baroness?” I spat. I studied his face watching as the frown turn into a smirk, the expression making me glare in anger.
“Spoken like a true Imperial.”
Pushing the cup of tea towards me “Drink it! I’ll bring you a snack soon…dinner will be served in a few hours.”
Picking up the cup I sighed into it allowing the steam to wash over my face before blowing it away and taking a sip.
“Commander! Commander!” A soldier rushed into Castin’s tent where him and Rhett were in a heated discussion.
“What is it, soldier?”
“The scout! They sent word that they moved the Baroness!”
Castin felt his heart stop and his blood run cold. “Wh-what?!” His voice cracked at the news.
“They are moving her. The scout believes they might attempt to move her out of the city.” The soldier reiterated.
Castin turned towards Rhett panic in his eyes. Rhett never saw Castin in such a state since he lost his mother. The tired strung out man looked so fragile like thin glass ready to break.
“Castin! Breath!” Rhett reminded placing his heavy hands on the younger man’s shoulders, shaking him slightly trying to get him to take a breath.
“Breath brother, breath!” Rhett stressed.
Castin’s head snapped to the left as a harsh sting settled on his skin. Gasping Castin looked like a fish out of water.
“They- Rhett I have to go!”
“You need to calm down!”
“They are going to take Omorose! I can’t- I can’t let them-”
Castin erratically moved around putting on his armor and grabbing his weapons.
Rhett watched on hoping Castin would tire himself out enough to actually listen to him.
Castin stumbled over himself trying to keep the tears at bay as he thought of the worst things that could possibly happen.
‘If the rebels succeed then what will they do with her? Throw her in prison? Hurt her? They could they could…’ his mind wondered down a dark path eating at his weaken health.
“CASTIN!” Rhett called out following Castin out of the tent
“Not now Rhett!”
Soldiers moved swiftly dunking and dodging, climbing over the gates and making their way into the palace quietly, as the rebels moved quickly moving an unconscious Omorose towards the secret tunnel to sneak her out.
“They are taking the Baroness out of here tonight so be ready in case we have to be on defense.” Castin over hears a rebel soldier order another.
“I thought the Baroness refused to leave?”
“There’s been a change of plans. She doesn’t have a choice now.”
“Commander what do you want us to do?”
Castin thought for a moment for the best outcome
“We need to figure out where exactly they are sneaking Omorose out and before captain Dolian gives Rhett the all clear to storm in.”
The small group continued to covertly moved through the palace witnessing Imperial rebels freely walk the palace as if it were a regular day for them.
“Those imperial jackasses!” One of Castin’s soldiers hissed.
“Quite!” Castin hissed.
Two ascendants rounded the corner passing by the small group who took cover.
“Such beauty, tainted by Intacian filth!”
“It’s a good thing they are taking the Baroness out of here now.”
Castin wanted to demand where his wife was but he knew it was stupid blindly going into a fight with ascendants. So he bit his tongue watching them walk away before turning to his group.
“All the exits are being watched! There’s no way they are taking the Baroness out of here without getting caught by troops.”
“I know soldier…but don’t underestimate your enemy, you’ll fail everytime you do.”
Up on a highest tower of the palace Captain Dolian lit a torched alerting Rhett as soon as he could…
Just like Rhett ordered him too.
An order that quickly crumbled Castin’s plan to safely get to his wife. The palace erupted in chaos.
“Intacians are in the palace!” A hysterical cry sounded just as the loud bells did.
“Damn it!” Castin cursed moving from his spot without a second thought to the small group of his soldiers.
Ellis pushed his fellow rebel men towards the entrance. “Go! Now before they catch you-”
“What about you-”
“Don’t worry about me! You guys go now! Make sure she’s delivered to our fort in the Empire.”
The rebel group quickly made their way through the secret tunnels that was long forgotten under the palace. One they worked hard to clear before they started their rebellion in the Intacian capital.
Ellis watched them go before insuring that the entrance was covered.
“You two go to the bell tower and be the look outs! If anyone is rushing out of here ring the bell! You! Go inform Rhett they are taking Omorose out now! Hurry!” Castin ordered leaving the group before the last words left his mouth.
Castin moved through the palace searching for any signs of where they could possibly sneak Omorose out.
Slithering around Ellis sought out Castin knowing that as the commander and Omorose’s husband he had to be in the palace.
Ellis could hear the commander babbling to himself like a scared child who lost their mommy in the market. “How pathetic” he mumbled rolling his eyes.
A sharp blade cut through Ellis’s flesh as he bit his bottom lip to hush himself as he self inflicted a wound. Tossing the weapons aside he began to stumble around pretending to be more injured than he is.
“LORD CAS- I MEAN COMMANDER! Castin! I tried to protect her-”
“Where is she!” Castin demanded catching a dramatic Ellis in his arms
“I over heard them say that they are taking the southwest road…”
“Yes! They know that by now Intacian soldiers will be on the east roads since that is the road that heads towards the coastal Empire!”
“There’s troops in all roads!”
“Thank the goddess! They won’t make it far with here then-”
“Where did they leave out? Which door?”
“I believe there was a secret entrance they were going on about in the kings study!”
Believing him Castin left him rushing off in that direction.
Ellis smirked wickedly watching as Castin went into the wrong direction his wife was in.
“Commander of the army but yet doesn’t know when his enemy is looking him in the eye!” He snickered to himself making his way to the secret tunnel.
The rebel group managed to get miles away from the palace thanks to the miles long tunnel that ran under the palace grounds and opened into the thick forest.
By the time Castin realized he was lied to Ellis was gone and the rebels they caught refused to talk. Even after Castin beat the most confident one.
“How did they manage to get out?!” He demanded going in for another punch. The rebels face was gnarly. Bloody, bruised and starting to swell.
“Castin! Stop!” Rhett ordered harshly holding Castin back.
“Commander, king Rhett, we found a tunnel under the palace! We think the rebels left through there!”
“They took her through the tunnels. Didn’t they?” Castin asked but, the servant refused to answer smirking up at Castin instead. Blood tricking down his slightly parted lips.
“The commander is speaking to you. It’s best if you answered him.” Captain Dolian chimed in loving the facts that an imperial kneeled in front of him bloody and ugly.
“Where are they taking her? Where are they taking my wife?”
“You think I would tell you, Dross?” The rebel spat groaning in pain.
“What did you just call hi-”
“I’m far from wanting to continue playing this game of interrogation where you try to continue to play the tough guy until I finally kill you! Tell me where…where are they taking my wife?”
The rebel stayed quiet glaring up at Castin.
Castin felt the last ounce of patience leave his body.
Castin lunges out of Rhett’s grasps towards the rebel knocking the beaten man on to his back, Castin’s hands wrapping his large hands around the man’s throat.
“Stop! They couldn’t have gotten away! We can go after them!”Rhett pried Castin off before he could finish the man off.
“I ca-I can’t lose her, Rhett!”
Everyone watched as the famous Intacian warrior swayed weakly the lack of sleep and hunger finally getting to him. He fell defeated by his lack of self care into the ground.
“Someone get a medic! NOW!”
The forest was dark and cold by the time Omorose awoken in the make shift camp. Her head still dizzy from the drugged tea she drunk. Her blurred eyes looked around panicked.
“You’re finally wake. I made the tea stronger than I was supposed too.”
“What did you do?” Cried Omorose rubbing her eyes trying to regain her sight.
“I respectfully made the choice for you.”
“Respectfully? You drugged me!” Omorose hissed pissed off that she was forcefully taken out of the palace.
“For your own good! What would it look like to the rest of the Empire if you stayed willingly with the enemy Baroness! You already was forced to to marry one.”
“I wasn’t forced.”
“The Empire doesn’t see it that way!”
Castin woke up, head pounding from dehydration and hunger in his room in the palace. He sat up despite feeling so shitty. He groaned holding his head and cursing.
“Good you’re awake! Eat up before you kill yourself.” Rhett said motioning to the tray of food and water on the bedside table.
“Rhett I have to go-”
“You need to eat!” Rhett stressed pushing Castin back on the bed when Castin tried getting up to quickly.
“Did you at least send a troop after the rebels?”
Rhett sighed knowing that he had to break the news and potentially send Castin into another panic attack.
“I ordered them not to go after them. Securing our borders is way more important right now! We have to stop any other potential rebellion”
The room was silent as Castin sat there processing Rhett’s words.
“Are you seri- Rhett she is the most important person in my life. The most important thing to me…if you’re refusing to help I’ll go alone… brother.” Castin spat out the last word as if it was a vile substance in his mouth. Rhett pressured him to make an effort to get to know Omorose, he did and he fell in love, told him to drop the ‘manly Intacian act’ he did and omorose grew to love him back and now… now it felt like Rhett was telling him to do the impossible.
Omorose stared at the large fortress walls bitterly watching it grow larger as she was forcefully lead towards it. The old imperial flag greeted her as the gates opened.
“You will remain here until it’s safe to have you back in your regular imperial scene.”
“Do you honestly think that Castin won’t come after me?”
Ellis nodded before saying “Do you think We won’t kill him without Hesitation?”
Part 2 coming soon😈
It’s currently 1:56 am where I’m posting this. My mind won’t allow me to type more and if you’re reading this before I post part two I like leaving people in suspense sometimes🙃
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lastsonlost · 4 years
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Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer for Joe Biden, claimed in an interview last month that the former vice president had put his hand up her skirt and digitally penetrated her in 1993.
Since the March 25 interview, new evidence has emerged that seems to corroborate Reade’s story: her mother called into Larry King’s radio show about the incident in 1993, and her brother, a friend, and a neighbor all recall being told the story by Reade. Nonetheless, despite making multiple media appearances in the month since the allegation, Biden has not addressed Reade’s claim directly, though his spokespeople have denied it on his behalf. The former VP is nonetheless holding a ‘Virtual Women’s Town Hall’ on Tuesday.
Biden, who is the presumptive Democratic nominee, has also enjoyed numerous high-profile endorsements since Reade came forward, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama. The Spectator has compiled a list of 35 endorsers alongside their previous positions on sexual assault, supporting alleged victims, #BelieveWomen, and #MeToo.
Hillary Clinton (endorsed April 28)
‘Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.’
‘Hillary’s message to survivors of sexual assault: We’re with you.’
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (endorsed April 27)
‘We must #BelieveSurvivors. I’m proud to stand with my Democratic colleagues in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.’
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (endorsed April 27)
‘Brett Kavanaugh committed sexual assault and lied about it under oath.’
‘One year later, I am still awed by Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s bravery — and disgusted that neither Brett Kavanaugh nor Donald Trump have faced consequences for their actions’
‘This confirms what we already knew — Brett Kavanaugh and the president that appointed him have a history of committing sexual assault — and lying about it’
‘@JoeBiden is not answering the question about #MeToo Or is his answer “get men involved”? And when he says “we will not tolerate this culture,” does that include when he chaired the committee that Anita Hill testified to, to no avail?’
Sen. Mark Warner (endorsed April 23)
‘The Judiciary Committee simply cannot vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination this Thursday. There should be a full investigation, and Professor Ford deserves to be heard. This is a serious allegation, and we have a responsibility to listen.’
‘We need to listen to Dr Ford and get to the bottom of these allegations.’
‘For too long, our political system has shut out the voices of women & silenced the stories behind the #MeToo movement.’
Gov. Jay Inslee (endorsed April 22)
‘If the Republican Senate can delay Merrick Garland’s nomination for nearly a year to steal a Supreme Court seat, they can delay Kavanaugh to investigate these disturbing allegations.
Until resolved, I call on the 30 Republican governors who have endorsed Brett Kavanaugh to rescind their endorsement immediately.’
Rep. Gwen Moore (endorsed April 22)
‘I stand with Dr Ford because, as a survivor, I #BelieveWomen. Stay strong’
‘Today’s vote to confirm Kavanaugh is a vote to silence women across the country who have come forward with their stories of survival. We will not surrender, and we will not be silenced. We will vote, and we will bring change’
Rep. Cheri Bustos (endorsed April 20)
‘It takes a lot of guts to talk publicly about a sexual assault. Thank you to all of the survivors who told their stories during this struggle to stop #Kavanaugh. Your bravery is an inspiration to our nation – you matter, your stories matter and I believe you.’
‘I believe you Dr Ford. Thank you for having the courage to come forward and tell your story today. The Senate must delay proceedings until the FBI conducts a full background investigation into Judge Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assaults.‘
Rep. Katherine Clark (endorsed April 20)
‘Christine Blasey Ford & Deborah Ramirez deserved more than a rushed half-hearted investigation. And just like the over 20+ women who’ve accused the President of sexual assault, they deserved to be believed. #BelieveWomen’
‘Dr Ford’s testimony was powerful. She was courageous, straightforward, and I believe her.’
‘We have to stop this shame and blame game that revictimizes victims when they come forward. I believe Christine Blasey Ford. #BelieveSurvivors #Timesup’
Rep. Barbara Lee (endorsed April 20)
‘The brave survivors and allies who walked out today inspire me. I will keep fighting for a world where ALL women are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. #BelieveWomen‘
‘When Anita Hill told her story, the Senate didn’t listen. Let’s not repeat the same mistakes of our past. The US Senate should #BelieveWomen and #PostponeTheVote on Brett Kavanaugh.’
‘27 years ago, @HouseDemWomen marched to the Senate to support Anita Hill. It breaks my heart that we are still fighting this fight in 2018. #BelieveWomen‘
Rep. Ro Khanna (endorsed April 20)
‘If Brett Kavanaugh gets confirmed, 2 out of the 9 people who serve on the highest federal court will be accused of sexual assault. Let that sink in’
‘I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford. I believe Deborah Ramirez. I believe Anita Hill. 
‘It takes bravery for women to come out with their stories of sexual assault — especially when the accused is someone as high-profile as Brett Kavanaugh’
Rep. Andy Levin (endorsed April 20)
‘Weekend reflection…there is a new four word definition of “speaking truth to power”: Dr Christine Blasey Ford’
Rep. Jamie Raskin (endorsed April 20)
‘I linked arms w/ colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee & @HouseDemWomen to march to the Senate to tell the Banana Republicans to stop this obscene rush to install Kavanaugh on the Court after Dr Ford’s credible, sincere & compelling testimony yesterday. #DelayTheVote’
‘.@Senjudiciary must #PostponeTheVote on Brett #Kavanaugh and conduct a thorough investigation of Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s statements. The Senate and the people need to hear her testimony. #BelieveWomen‘
Rep. Jim McGovern (April 20)
‘I joined 64 Members of Congress led by @RepLoisFrankel calling for an immediate postponement of #Kavanaugh hearings until a thorough FBI investigation has been completed. #BelieveChristine‘
Sen. Mazie Hirono (endorsed April 18)
‘Today, @SenGillibrand and I accepted a letter signed by over 1,000 alumnae of @HoltonArms in support of and in solidarity with Dr Christine Blasey Ford. I will enter it into the Committee record to show that we are standing together because we #BelieveWomen‘
‘It took a lot of courage for Christine Blasey Ford to come forward to share her story of sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh. Her story is very credible and I believe her.’
‘As I said during the hearing, this is why the #MeToo movement is so important, because often in these situations, there is an environment where people see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing. That is what we have to change’
Sen. Brian Schatz (endorsed April 17)
‘The game that some R’s are running is that if, legally, there is reasonable doubt about the sexual assault allegations, then BK should be confirmed. That’s upside down.
This is not a criminal proceeding and the Senate is not deciding whether or not to throw him in jail. We are deciding whether or not to give him a super powerful job for life. He gets fairness, but not an evidentiary standard as if his personal freedom is at stake. It is not.’
Rep. Ted Lieu (endorsed April 16)
‘Remember: this is not a trial. It’s Brett #Kavanaugh’s job interview for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. He’s not entitled to a seat on the Supreme Court, and his judicial record and these allegations cement that his nomination must be withdrawn.’
‘When #AnitaHill told her story, the Senate didn’t listen. Let’s not repeat mistakes — the Senate must give Dr Christine Blasey Ford the respect she deserves and investigate the serious allegations against Brett #Kavanaugh before it’s too late. #PostponeTheVote #BelieveWomen‘
‘I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford. Watch the entirety of her compelling testimony and you will too.’
‘I believe Christine Blasey Ford. This is a series charge [sic], one that Mrs Ford privately told her therapist in 2012. The GOP must reopen hearings and have Brett Kavanaugh questioned under oath.’
Rep. Julia Brownley (endorsed April 16)
‘These accusations about Judge Kavanaugh are incredibly serious. Survivors deserve to be supported when they come forward, not ignored.’
‘We need the truth now. Women and girls around the world are watching, and we need to show them that we support survivors and #BelieveWomen‘
Sen. Tammy Baldwin (endorsed April 15)
‘For too long, women have stayed silent about sexual harassment and assault. The #MeToo movement is starting to change that, and I’m proud to stand with women across this country who are speaking out.’
‘Believe women.’
Rep. Gary Peters (endorsed April 15)
‘These allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are extremely serious. Professor Ford deserves the opportunity to have her voice heard and tell her story before the Judiciary Committee acts on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination.’
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (endorsed April 15)
‘I just met with brave survivors who are committed to efforts to make sure sexual assault in all its forms is understood and stopped. So inspiring!’
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (endorsed April 15)
‘Another disgusting attempt to discredit Dr Ford, who has risked her own safety and reputation in coming forward. Many survivors of sexual assault choose not to speak out, for a thousand different reasons. But when they do, they deserve to be heard‘
‘The events described by Julie Swetnick, Ms Ramirez & Dr Ford are absolutely heart-wrenching. The idea that the Senate would continue this confirmation process without an FBI investigation is even more revolting’
Rep. Adam Schiff (endorsed April 15)
‘Some people think that even if Dr Ford told the truth, committing sexual assault in high school shouldn’t disqualify Kavanaugh. I am not one of them. Others would rather not know the truth. I am not one of them either.’
‘In the face of a credible claim of sexual assault, corroborated by a therapist’s notes, the Senate must stop the rush to confirm Kavanaugh and look into this serious allegation. To elevate him to a lifetime appointment without doing so would be reckless and unconscionable’
Rep. Mike Levin (endorsed April 15)
‘Since the #MeToo movement took off two years ago, countless women have come forward to share their experiences of sexual assault and harassment. I’m deeply grateful for their courage. Now we need to keep fighting to protect and empower survivors. #TIMESUP’
‘How many more Kavanaugh victims need to come forward before McConnell and Senate Republicans stop “plowing ahead”?’
‘Dr Ford’s extraordinarily brave and highly credible testimony today requires that the FBI conduct a thorough investigation into the multiple allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.  This must be done prior to any vote on his confirmation.  Anything less and this process is a sham.’
President Barack Obama (endorsed April 14)
‘If you support the #MeToo movement, you’re outraged by stories of sexual harassment and assault, inspired by the women who’ve shared them, you’ve gotta do more than retweet a hashtag. You’ve gotta vote.’
Obama also started the ‘It’s On Us’ campaign to combat sexual assault. Biden later promoted the campaign on college campuses, warning students to end locker room talk and avoid women who are too drunk to consent.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (endorsed April 13)
‘The revelations today confirm what we already knew: during his hearing, Kavanaugh faced credible accusations and likely lied to Congress. I support any appropriate constitutional mechanism to hold him accountable.’
Rep. Ben Ray Luján (endorsed April 13)
‘Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations must be taken seriously and investigated fully before the Senate Judiciary Committee proceeds with Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.’
‘On this day two years ago, #MeToo went from a moment to a global movement of solidarity and action against sexual assault. We owe the brave women and men who’ve spoken out on cultures of harassment and assault a debt of gratitude.’
Tom Steyer (endorsed April 9)
‘Dr Ford is immeasurably brave. I thank her for her patriotism. We must stop Kavanaugh.’
‘It was an honor to meet Judy at our town hall in Florida last week. In her words, “We must support women, we must believe women, we must elect women.”‘
Gov. Kate Brown (endorsed April 8)
‘I’ve already said that Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed because he will be a threat to women’s health care. Sexual assault allegations are always serious. I urge the Senate to respect the rights of the survivor as they investigate this allegation and reject Kavanaugh.’
‘I stand with Dr Christine Blasey Ford. Today we walked out in solidarity with victims of sexual assault everywhere. #BelieveSurvivors #StopKavanaugh’
Rep. Diana DeGette (endorsed April 8)
‘Christine Blasey Ford is a hero.’
‘How brave of her to come forward. In light of this development, the scheduled vote on #Kavanaugh’s confirmation should be delayed so these serious allegations can be investigated‘
Rep. Katie Porter (endorsed April 8)
Things the Kavanaugh appointment and hearing made crystal clear: The GOP doesn’t care about survivors. The GOP doesn’t care about women’s rights.’
‘We must take *all* claims of sexual assault seriously regardless of party or political connections.’
Rep. Deb Haaland (endorsed April 8)
‘Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation sends a clear message to women and girls: you don’t matter. #BelieveSurvivors #TakeItBack’
‘The latest allegations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh proves that he does not represent our values and he should not be appointed to the highest court in the land. I believe women. #BelieveSurvivors’
‘I believe Dr Christine Blasey Ford, and as a result I believe we need to do everything we can to stop Brett Kavanaugh from reaching the Supreme Court. Women deserve better than this.’
Sen. Michael Bennet (endorsed April 8)
‘The Senate should not move forward w/ Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until the Judiciary Committee conducts a full investigation into these serious allegations. This is a lifetime appointment to one of the most powerful positions in government. We owe the American people no less.’
‘The Senate should not vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until the FBI fully investigates all of these allegations.’
‘For her courage alone, Dr Ford deserved far better than the casual dismissal we saw from members of this body’
Sen. Tom Udall (endorsed April 8)
‘I watched today’s @SenJudiciary hearing. I listened intently to Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s harrowing testimony. I believe her.’
‘The Senate should halt all proceedings on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination until a full and independent background investigation has been conducted by the FBI into the serious allegations against him.’
Rep. John Lewis (endorsed April 7)
‘I rise today with pain in my heart.  There is not any room in a civilized society for the abuse of anyone, but especially women and girls.’
‘I’ve seen and known women who are victims and survivors and violence. Mothers, sisters, and daughters must know that their pain is our pain.’
Sen. Sherrod Brown (endorsed April 7)
‘Dr Ford’s testimony was a powerful moment for our country, and I am grateful to her and all the brave women who were inspired by her to speak out and share their own stories. It’s because of their courage that the FBI investigation is going forward.’
Rep. Jared Huffman (endorsed April 1)
‘After hearing the poised, truthful and compelling testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, it is inconceivable that Republican senators could jam through a vote on Kavanaugh without conducting an FBI investigation.  If they choose to do so, they will pay a heavy political price.’
‘Kavanaugh’s angry defiance starting to look unhinged – not the choirboy temperament he previously tried to project. If he’s this aggressive while sober, imagine stumbling drunk at 17. I believe Dr Blasey Ford & the other accusers.  This man does not belong on the Supreme Court.’
‘Choosing to just “believe” probably the biggest liar in American history, and to summarily dismiss credible accusations of sexual assault & rape, is the same thing as saying “we don’t care about sexual assault & rape.” That’s the reality of today’s GOP.’
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frightfurtabby · 3 years
HimiKiyo Week 2021 Day 4: I Am Not Your Queen
// Mastermind Kiyo AU for day 4! Because that’s a pretty good reason to be enemies. Could things be different? It’ll take a while for these two to figure out.
Word Count: 2848
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34159447
Amino: (coming soon)
“That’s right. If all other alibis check out…” Shuichi said, hand on his chin. This was the final class trial, everyone’s fate hinged directly on what was going to happen next. It depended on the case they’ve built up so far being absolutely correct. One irrefutable accusation and the mastermind’s entire game was crumbling to pieces like a house of cards. “Then there can only be one person that was behind the lies that killed Kaede, Rantaro, and all our other friends.” 
His finger pointed across and to his left, at the person standing between Tsumugi and Maki at their trial bench. “Korekiyo Shinguji, you’re the real mastermind behind the killing game!”
The detective's words echoed throughout the room, bouncing off the walls. Himiko, in spite of how many times others called her “slow” grew increasingly silent as the discussion kept going back to them and their actions from earlier. They had been outed as a serial killer in a previous trial but in spite of everything they helped Himiko at her lowest point immediately after what had happened with Angie and Tenko. 
She remembered crying on Kiyo’s shoulder, listening to their soothing voice put her at ease, advice like a wise sage being passed down. Each and every time she needed it, she would go to that anthropology lab. Each time her footsteps took her in, her feelings only grew stronger. Her first kiss was in there, with them. Before what happened there was a pull she felt, but she never got much of a chance to get close with how intimidating they came off as.
Kiyo, who was now replying calmly as though none of it was bothering them. This was how it started in the other trial too, So that should be reassuring right? 
“Yes, it was me.” they said, “I just so happened to pick up my own after noticing Kaede had taken one with help from my nanokumas.”
Oh no.
And now it felt like the world was crumbling again. Only instead of feeling deflated and alone she was enraged. Enraged that the case against Kiyo didn’t have any holes in it. How could it be true? And now just admitting to it?
“Was all of that… was all of it a lie Kiyo?” she begged that what they had was real. Even now standing across from them as enemies. 
“No. I’ve been up front with you this whole time. There were simply parts of the story you weren’t ready to know. And you still… aren’t ready yet.”
“But you- but you-” words escaped the Mage, leaving her unable to think calmly and properly. “You could have stopped this at any point, but you kept going.” She didn’t even notice they felt a tinge of fear underneath the words she was replying to.
“Why assume I have enough control to end it early, that would be going far off-script.” A small bead of sweat formed which the killer wiped away. 
Wait… off script? What did something like that even mean?
Himiko turned to notice that Maki was giving them a death glare. “Because you’re the mastermind, obviously.”
“Oh, I see. In that case… no, I wasn’t working alone to do this.” they began to explain. “This wouldn’t have been possible without Team Danganronpa and all the fans watching right this very minute!”
“T-Team… D-Danganronpa?” Tsumugi stuttered in shock.  
“Yes, the studio that put together the killing game with me on the ground so to speak to act on their behalf. We are not actually the only ones left alive, there are more humans alive than any other time in history and millions upon millions of them tune into this program.“
“The world is… fine?” Kiibo pondered. The revelation made him tense about what his inner voice may be.
“Why would the world want a killing game?”
Kiyo responded “It works as a kind of release valve, I suppose. Conflicts have dwindled over the existence and increasing popularity of this show after all.”
“Can we… Can we go home? Kiyo please, let me go, let *us* go. You can do that right?”
“Even though it is not destroyed, you still cannot.” The other voice came from Korekiyo once more. Sister was back in action. Sternly she looked over each of the remaining survivors. As though she was looking down on them.
Himiko glared at her from under her hat. “You again.” While she was feeling so complicated about Korekiyo right now, she unambiguously disliked their “Sister”. Then it hit her. Maybe if the Sister personality was the one that was the one really in charge she could forgive them… maybe.
It would take a lot after something as horrible as this. Especially since Maki and Shuichi swore to never forgive the mastermind, she was certain that she wouldn’t either. Even if Kiyo was just a lackey it would take time to trust again.
“I’m pleased you’ve all made it this far.” Sister said, sounding incredibly pleased with herself, rather than anything they’d accomplished. “I wasn’t sure you had it in you. I’d like you all to meet the fans.” 
The blush bear sweated, making the cartoon ‘awooga’ sound like a character seeing an attractive person. “Yes ma’am.”
Futuristic gears spun in front of Monokuma, bringing a keyhole to in front of him, he stuck the key in and several screens proceeded to descend. Faces appeared: Asian, white, black, men, women, even children. Various expressions across their features. None of them stayed long enough for any witness to recognize, even if they remembered anyone they had known.
“These are the fans of Danganronpa.” Sister explained. “Danganronpa is their collective favorite show. The 53rd season has been one of the most successful in years.
The discussion was halted. It was surreal, more so than even waking up here originally was. All of those people had been watching the whole time. 
Himiko asked “So the fans they saw… everything?” Did they know who the mastermind was?”
“I presume some of them did, but this reveal is equally for their benefit. There’s a vibrant debate each season about who the mastermind is and how they did it. Occasionally spoilers will get leaked.”
“So this… was the killing real?” Tsumugi’s voice wavered as she tried to speak up.
“Yes, that part was real. The people playing those eliminated characters are gone from this world as well as the real one.” Sister took off Kiyo’s hat and put it across their chest looking solemn. “They knew there was a strong chance of that, and signed up like many other fans before them.”
“Was it you or Korekiyo who committed Rantaro’s murder?” Shuichi prodded. The shock was wearing off. The trial was continuing at last in the wake of 2 extremely unnerving revelations.
“I feel like that’s a question dear Korekiyo should give the answer to.” Their shared body pulled up the mask and Kiyo began to speak again 
“It was as I said many times, I’m only meant to be an observer. I… admittedly broke that role when I chose to do what I did. I even apologized to them, to myself for it.”
“Then why, surely you must have had a reason.” Shuichi prodded. 
“Regrettably for my ethnography, our class that should have been in a completely fresh, sealed environment was muddied when I did it. Sometimes what I want comes into conflict with a higher power and they were banking on Rantaro Amami’s death being the hook for the episode.”
“So then Kaede’s shot put ball really missed…then why didn’t you kill all of us when we got the answer wrong? Simply f--for Television ratings?”
“I’m afraid the answer to that is yes. That is why everyone survived the sham trial. The fans would have completely revolted.”
“But maybe we’d be spared this revolting game continuing. Do you understand all of this is wrong?” Maki shot at them. 
“Those are quite the harsh words from a professional killer. Though… maybe I shouldn’t say that, your backstory is fake after all.”
“So then… I didn’t spend all that time…” Maki muttered. That wouldn't stop all of it from feeling deeply real. 
“No you did not. That is part of the Ultimate Real Fiction.” Kiyo explained. “It was put into your mind by the flashback lights, as Shuichi deduced. All of our lives were.”
“Being fundamentally changed into a completely different person with a completely different life… what kind of cruel person would force someone to-” Maki
“Forced to?” Kiyo asked quizzically. “No, I can assure you every one of you wanted this. Team Danganronpa takes all of your input very seriously.”
“Our… input?” Himiko asked.
Kiyo clapped their hands together. “Of course. Now I shall show you!”
The screen cut away from the faces of the fans and to some kind of tape. Shuichi Saihara stood in front of the camera. He spoke about how he loved Danganronpa and wanted to be a detective character.
He finished with “ And I’d do anything to be in danganronpa. I will come up with the best, most gruesome murders. Everyone would love it! And, a detective character hasn’t been the blackened yet, so I’m sure I could do that. I’m even thinking about the perfect punishment… for the ultimate detective.”
His glee was evident. Someone so against the killing right now had been one of the biggest fans ever, with a Junko like joy in thinking about how he would be punished as the culprit. It really was like before coming here he wasn’t the same person.
They even went so far as to play Kaede and Kaito’s revealing in part they had said things like “I don’t have any faith in humanity” and “I’m going to kill everyone and win.” respectively. 
“So you see… none of us were the same. If you like how you are now then you may stay perhaps? Finish the fight of hope against despair. Or we, as friends, could all stay here?”
“No, we won’t do that.” Shuichi said, pointing dramatically. “Right guys? The only way to get through and win this. It’s to reject hope and despair. The very premise of Danganronpa.”
It was put up to a vote. Before that, the outside world had tried to argue Hope or Despair, reinforcing the choice. But the cast continued to refuse. 
“We’ll end this with our own hands!” 
It came and went. And… Everybody abstained.?
Kiibo flew out of the trial room, determined to end the entire killing game now no matter the cost. Everyone would finally be free. All he needed was to finish off this prison school with his upgrades. Rocket boosters made it easy to fly to the next part to blow up.
Down below him, the remaining survivors stood in the courtyard. Kiyo had stopped right before outside. Himiko stopped as soon as she noticed they weren’t running like the others. And those three stopped everything because their friend was endangering herself.
She approached them, which caused a curious head tilt. They had been waving before that moment. It should have been goodbye forever.
“I can’t… let it end like this. It shouldn’t end with you dying like Junko.” 
“Why not? Do you not doubt my feelings? I’m just playing my part after all.”
“Your part, look… about that, listen.”
“And what a grand p-” It seemed like they wanted their final words to be some grandiose speech. 
“We don’t have time, please.” She grabbed them by the hand, watching the school building collapse further as it became less able to hold its own weight with all the holes punched in each wall. Over her shoulder she pleaded with Maki to help move the obstinate murderer. 
The rock above must have spurred Maki on. If she had done nothing, surely both of them would have been crushed. And as painful as it was to keep someone who worked for the captors around she wasn’t about to lose another friend after watching what had happened with Kaito and Kokichi getting themselves killed in that harebrained scheme. 
If it ended like that, it felt like it was disrespecting their plan to stop the killing.
Maki also helped Himiko pull Kiyo away towards an opening that formed after Kiibo blew himself up to take the cage down with him. Four people crawled through, blinded by a bright expanse. 
Birds chirped. Several voices could be heard shouting. It was time to go home.
The campus was in a bright field. In fact they could clearly see the ruined courtyard from where they all stood. The wall was broken down and so all that was left behind was the twisted, warped metal of their former cage and the buildings they had walked for the several months they were in a fictional world cut off from everything else.
The line separating the two worlds was broken. It was really that thin the whole time. And it reflected the true reality they found around them. 
It was as unfamiliar as their memory of waking up inside what they had just left. Nobody but the mastermind retained any memory of ever being in this place.
They were led to a hallway by uniformed employees, many rooms lining each side of it. It looked exactly like the dorms that had been in the fictional hope’s peak. Save for the fact all the placards were for them: the survivors and the deceased. 
If there was much spoken, Himiko didn’t pay attention to it. She didn’t know what to say, how to process much of it internally. 
Korekiyo was much more aware and listened, chiming in hoping to be helpful in spite of the fact none of them would want their help. 
The mastermind was almost always scripted to be killed, to be thoroughly and finally defeated by the hope of the students. It was in fact what they had agreed to happen. This class was very different. Shuichi and Kaito and Maki of course, but the whole time Himiko was special too. 
And she didn’t remember why that was. 
They had agreed in private at some point before the procedure to fully become their characters but after the first scene’s rehearsal that it would be terrible if only one of the two had to die. In the moment of escape there was a split second where Kiyo could swear a spark in her eyes indicating some kind of memory of this.
Was it an unspoken acknowledgement? They had to check. If she had really remembered something, then maybe there wasn’t a need to perform a routine as enemies. And they could be forgiven for what happened. At least, more easily so than if she did not recall what things were like leading up to the actual game.
After things settled down, Himiko and Kiyo privately met once again. Both were nervous. 
“Himiko Yumeno. I… would like to ask you something.” 
She didn’t look up, just sitting in the chair and debating whether or not she should be afraid of them. They could go back to being Sister at any point, and that would really freak her out. 
“Go ahead.” the redhead muttered.
“Why did you save me?” Kiyo leaned forward trying to listen more closely.
“I don’t know. I… maybe it was a mistake letting you live. For some reason though I felt… like I had to.”
Maki, Shuichi, and Tsumugi certainly let her know how much of a mistake they thought it was. It didn’t feel good, even if the latter two tried their best to be polite about it. 
“If it makes you feel any better I’m not sure how I feel about this either.”
“Do you… no, did you want to die Kiyo?”
“Yes. I was quite fine with it.” they held their tongue upon finishing, hesitating. That statement was not entirely true. They had accepted it, but part of them still felt bad that only she would get out of this if they had. And that was debatably the worst outcome. The other two options would have been preferable, and they got one of them!
“I… well you know how much I wanted to die in the killing game. How scared I was.”
“I knew how much you wanted to die before, from your audition.”
That reminded her. “Why didn’t you show any from mine then?”
“I…” Kiyo started, rubbing the back of their neck. “I was sure you would hate me even more than you already should if I showed it the way I did the others.”
“Can you show me it?” she perked up a little bit. Why were they so concerned about if she hated them? They certainly seemed willing to tell her all sorts of things even though they were enemies.
They nodded and produced a USB drive. They walked over to a laptop and put it in. “And if you don’t remember anything after this, I’ll tell you everything.”
“Promise?” she pleaded with them.
“Yes.” a small smile was hidden by their mask. Maybe being enemies wasn’t a forever thing.
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Life After Snowpiercer: Dragging Up The Past
Summary- 8.1k Curtis x You. Matt’s escaped and Curtis goes with a team to search for them. You figure you could talk to Edgar, maybe make him understand the circumstances of the past. Warnings- mentions of cannibalism, Smut, violence, swearing, all that good stuff. 
A/N- The Story of Edgar’s Mom can be read in Past Horrors 
Chapter 12 / Masterlist
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Curtis was followed closely by Johanna, who was listening to all he was saying. “Get the council together, tell them Matt’s escaped. I'm going to find Edgar now. I will meet up with them in the office.” The woman faltered, her eyes wide as she looked at him. “Escaped? Escaped how?” 
I wish I knew… 
He shrugged at her and kept going, heading right to Edgar’s quarters while Johanna went to let the other three council members know. Once Curtis reached Edgar’s rooms, he knocked on the door softly to hear a rumbling ‘Come in’ Without announcing himself, he stepped in to find Edgar stretched on his back, his arm over his eyes as if blocking out the daylight filling the room. Once he lifted to see it was Curtis his pained look turned dark and enraged, even hatred filling the features of his young face. 
“Get the fuck out Curtis, ya fuckin’ shite.” He pushed himself up, reaching for a knife. Curtis was quicker, crowding into him, his hand wrapped around his wrist to keep him from going for the knife, other hand at Edgar’s neck, holding him at arms length, well away from kicking feet and flying fists. 
“Just answer me Edgar and I will leave you alone, okay? You can do that much right?” Curtis tried to say calmly as possible. Edgar was shooting daggered looks at him, trying to pry his grip off, his throat, wrangle his arm out of Curtis’s hold. “What the fuck ya want murder?” Slowly releasing him, Curtis backed off, his hands held up to show he wasn't armed, didn't want to fight. “Matt’s gone, please Edgar, tell me you didn't let him go Man?” 
“What? Course I didn’t, I’m not fuckin’ stupid Curtis. I know he’s a murdering son of a bitch. I would never let him go.” 
Curtis let out a breath of air in relief, he should have known, but Edgar was beyond angry at him, which he was rightly so. “What do ya mean he's gone?” Edgar questioned next.
“The locks were undone and everything, you were the last one to see him before…” Curtis shrugged and Edgar gave him a look. 
“Ya, how do I know you didn't let him go? Hunt him down, kill him in cold blood? Sounds like something you would do.” Edgar snarked while sitting on his bed. “Now get out before I rethink my decision NOT to stab you in the face.” 
“You really think that?” Curtis asked him incredulously, and Edgar glared at him. 
“Ya, I fuckin’ do.” his accent rolling off his tongue the angrier he got. “Don't think I haven't forgotten you turning your back on me in the tunnels either Curtis. This, is what happens to those around you isn't it. They get hurt. My ma, me, Grey, Tonya, hell even through you, Y/N got hurt didn't she? Ya think they targeted her cause she was just some pretty looking tail ender in the back? No Curtis, they went after her cause she fucks around with you.” Curtis’s gut sank the more Edgar spoke, its black ideas clouding his mind, cause somewhere deep down, he believed every word. “You probably let Matt go so you could hunt him down yourself… The only reason he isn't dead now is cause Y/N begged you not to.” Edgar’s chin lifted a notch, challenging Curtis to deny it. 
He couldn't, cause it was true. Without a word, he left and slammed the metal train door behind him. Edgar smirked in anger, knowing he had hit a nerve with him. “Thought so.” 
Curtis tried to shake Edgar’s words, but the bloomed through his mind until he believed it. That wasn’t going to stop him from hunting Matt down, and when he re entered the sleeping quarters you were curled up in the chair, unfolding when you saw him. “Curtis, is it true?” 
“Yes, it is. He's gone, along with a weapon and the keys.” He started to pull on more clothes, and prying open the closet door in the room, he brought out the ax he originally brought in there. Your eyes widened seeing his preparations, even pulling out his long jacket that came from the tail end. 
“What are you doing?” You tried to block him to answer you, gently but firmly, he silently made you step aside. “Curtis! Answer me! Where are you going?” 
“We have to go get him Babygirl, all of them. Not just Matt. If we don't, they are just going to attack again.” 
You shake your head, and try to make him pause once more. “No, we can’t possibly know that. What are they going to survive on? Curtis, would you stop?” Your voice picked up, trying to make him take notice of you. Everything was just starting to go right for all of you, things for you and Curtis were heading back to normal. You didn’t want to loose him again to the madness, why did it have to be him? “Why does it have to be you?” Finally you come to the point you wanted to make, taking a shuddering breath. “Haven’t you done enough? You got us here, let someone else take this, do this.” 
That made Curtis pause, you could see the haunch in his shoulders, the way his back lifted when he took a shuddering breath, saying so softly that it barely registered with you what he was saying. “Cause this is what I do.” 
You're shaking your head, confused as to what he means, stepping up behind him and laying your hand against his quivering back, your brows furrowed in your concern. “You're not a killer Curtis.” Then he turned around and crowded you, backing you into the wall, his hands caging you in on each side and glittering cold blue eyes were inches from yours, his hot breath fanning your face. 
“Are you sure Babygirl? Because killing is awful easy for me. I take what I want, damn the consequences. Don’t lie to yourself, you're tied to a killer. It’s really all i’m good at.” 
Your breathing picks up as does your heartbeat in your chest, cause in this second it wasn't your Curtis, but a man who looks to be at the end of his tolerance. Your voice stutters slightly, shaking your head, at him and yourself. This was Curtis, and he would not hurt you. 
“That's not true Curtis, you are not.” Your hands come up to press and fist your hands into his shirt, one last effort to keep him from leaving once more into bloodshed. “Just last night you were nothing but gentle and caring with me, putting me back together. That is not what a killer does.” You stressed, and he slammed his hands against the metal walls, making you flinch but not break your hold from him. 
“Great deceiver I am. Open your eyes, Y/N. Its time you saw me for what I really am.” Gripping your chin, he kissed you with an anger stinging your lips you’ve never felt, and it made you gasp, trying to pull your head away when he crowded into you further, crushing you between him and the wall. There was no way for you to pull away from him and you gave a fearful whine against his mouth. He had never made you feel helpless, but you did here. The length of his body crushing you into the wall was solid, heavy, and familiar. But it was dangerous, his anger and stress making him hard and unyielding. Even his cock pressed hard and demanding against the softness of your stomach, there was no escaping him if he took more. Not even before the revolt was he like this. It sparked a fear in you that made your heart race. 
When he pulled away, his own eyes shining a bit too much, he yanked himself away from you, leaving you behind to sink to the floor, and drop your head to your knees as you listened to his boots thudding down the aisle and further away from you. You’ve never felt so alone as you did right now. You didn't know what he had planned, what was going to happen. Your heart ached for your man thinking himself a monster that you knew he wasn't. 
How could you just leave her?, Curtis thought to himself, hefting the ax over his shoulder as he stalked down the length of the train, the passengers he passed were quick to move away from him. Right now everything about him screamed killer, a man of walking death. Because I was out of control, and was going to just take her, hurt her. Shame flared in his cheeks that he really wanted to break you, make you tell him he was right, that Edgar was right, really proving that he was in fact, a monster to his girl. Blowing out a breath of air, he recomposed himself while going to meet with the other council members. 
Curtis wasted no time, explaining what had happened, to the best of his knowledge to the other council members, and it was a unanimous vote that a team needed to go after Matt, right away, as well as those aiding him. “They are dangerous.” The Doctor said, taking off his glasses and rubbing at his eyes. “Do we bring them back alive though? Were not killers.” The healer in him at war with what was going on, he knew they would always be in danger from this group of renegades, but his instincts were to preserve life, not destroy it.
Curtis was leaning against a wall, lost in thought. “We can't really keep them alive either though, not with the danger they possess. They are still loyal to Wilford, and most likely that isn’t going to change.” 
John and Margit kept quiet for now, but it was Margit who spoke up. The woman usually kept calm and collected during any of these meetings. “I say we let there victims decide there fate. Many of the women they attacked are still traumatized from there attacks.” Curtis lifted his gaze, clearly now his thoughts were on you, and last night how after you two made love, the way you look so relieved, so shocked that you still were able to feel any kind of pleasure in sex. “Maybe giving them this chance to decide what happens will ease there minds. That they are in control of it all, not there rapists and murders.” 
The rest of the group nodded, and Curtis was able to agree to that. John moved to a stand, looking at Curtis. “I will go with you, help you bring them in. I know Johanna has offered, as well as several others.” Curtis nodded and pushed off from the wall, picking up the ax he had brought with him. 
“Lets not waste anymore time then.” The two men headed out while the Doctor and Margit sighed, the deed heavy and they were glad they weren't the ones going out to hunt them down and bring them in. When the group gathered, Curtis picking up from where the tracks were frozen in the ground and they set off, hoping that the wind hadn't already blown them away. You watched from your window as they got smaller, hugging your arms around yourself, a soft frown etched on your face, and when they were finally out of sight, nothing but white landscape again, you turned away. 
You needed to go talk to Edgar, this anger fueling Curtis was guilt from the past. Maybe if you could explain what happened, why it all went down as it did, that it wasn't just Curtis. It was all of you, everyone locked in the tail end going to a point of no return for survival. Maybe he could forgive Curtis, and then Curtis too could see that he wasn't the monster he believed himself to be. With resolve, you went to find him. 
Matt trudged along, frozen now. He couldn’t feel his feet, his hands or his face. All of it frozen as he tried covering himself as much as he could with the jacket he had taken from the kid, cursing out his foul mood. “Why couldn't you all just take a closer train car? Fuck I got the keys, we could break right into there storage and just take all the weapons.” He muttered, and the ex guard whipped around to glare at him. “Listen Matt, your not in charge anymore, okay? Get off your fucking high horse why don’t you. Know how we’ve survived undetected by them? Cause were not right under their noses.” With that, he continued on, leaving Matt shivering and cussing him out before he started forward again, huffing. 
“Well are we at least close? I think I got frostbite. Would you lose your toes if they have frostbite?” and the man before him shrugged. 
“Sucks for you then. Were almost there.” he started to inspect the remaining train cars at the very end, till he rounded the one he was looking for, and swung up to grab the handle on the side and climb in, reaching back to grab Matt’s and haul him in. It was much warmer to Matt’s relief as the collected bodies and small fire warmed the enclosed space. Matt hurriedly went to the fire and started to peel off his shoes and socks to see the damage done. “You all been living here?” he asked as he looked around. It was much further in the tail end then hes been to in years, and the conditions showed it. Imagining it was pretty bad before even the train crashed. Bunks lined the walls, and they were piled with some blankets that looked pretty thin and rough, what looked to be garbage strewn into the corners of the car, and filth. So much filth, Matt shuddered to think what it could have possibly been at one time. 
“Not like there’s a fucking Bed and Breakfast down the road.” the man grunted, letting his hands move over the fire to warm them back up. 
“Wilford always told us you were going to take over once he passed.” Eric looked Matt up and down from across the flames, seeming to take him in. Other men came up, all as menacing as him. “ Wilford is gone, and we cant just go to join Curtis and his group.” 
“No, after what you all did to Y/N and the others you really cant.” Matt said matter of fact. “That’s why they need to be killed. Curtis, the little council of leaders they made, those loyal to them. My sister. And I can help you. I know where they have shit stored. Please tell me Eric you all have weapons.” 
“Not many, but we've been gathering supplies where we can.”
Matt pressed a hand to his forehead, and moved his socks and shoes closer to the flames. “You have anything that can possibly be used?” 
“Barely, like I just fucking said. But, some of us are going scouting. If we were where I think we are, we’re not far from an actual city. There will be plenty of supplies if we search hard enough for them.” He jerked to a stand, leaving Matt kneeling by the fire. 
“We're leaving tonight. I got some more clothes you can put on.” Eric grunted while he went to go dig through piles on a nearby bunk. 
“I'm not going anywhere!” Matt huffed, trying to warm his feet up with vigorous rubbing. Eric tossed him extras of everything. 
“But you are, Wilford trained you to be the next leader, and I am your appointed bodyguard should anything have happened. Understood? This is what the Boss wanted.” 
Warily Matt stuffed his feet into dry socks. This entire time since he was taken from the tail end as a child, he corrupted himself for survival. Apparently Eric corrupted himself for Loyalty. 
“I promise, Curtis and every one of those loyal fuckers to him will be dead.” 
Matt didn't even try to hide the cold grin on his face as he pushed up to a stand, take out Curtis, take out the main problem. Now Matt was completely on board with this plan. 
You went to Edgar’s room, and it was ajar, able to peek in to see him laying on his bed, arm slung over his eyes as if combating a headache. 
“Edgar, are you okay?” you ask softly as you ease the door open. He didn't even bother to lift his arm when he responded. 
“Go away Y/N, I have nothing more to say to any of ya’s today.” 
Taking a deep breath, you ignored his request, stepping in and closing the door behind you, not wanting others to hear any of this. 
“Edgar, you know I can't just leave you. Do you need some aspirin? I have some.” Reaching into your coat pocket, you felt around, searching for the tablets you knew you kept on you. 
“No, I don’t want your fucking medicine Y/N.” 
Your fingers closed around them, and you set them on the table, before moving to sit in a chair in the room. 
“I know you're upset Edgar…” 
“Upset?!” the younger man flipped around to a sit, his face laced with anger and betrayal. “I find out Curtis killed my Mom when I was a baby to eat us and you think I'm just upset?!” 
“Okay, yes more than upset.” Your voice cracked a bit. “Edgar, you have to know… it was desperation. We were starving, and there was nothing left.” 
“So we murder and eat one another?” He snorted out, looking away from your distressed face. 
“No, no it was wrong, all of it. Everything we all did was… terrible. Driven by fear and pain, the whole Car back then, we lost our minds Edgar. There was no way out, it was nothing but darkness, trapped in that iron box with no escape. Packed on top of one another till we started to die off.” 
Edgar still didn't say anything, and you looked down in your lap, wringing your hands together. “It was done on purpose, i'm sure of it now. Take out the weaker ones, only let the strongest survive. Wilford was testing us to see what it took for us to break.” 
“You saying my Mum was weak?” 
You gave a shake of your head and gave a weak smile. “Not at all, she died trying to protect you and that makes her one of the strongest people there was Edgar. She was what changed everything, Gilliam showed us then another way. Was it better? I- I don't know. It was brutal. Those scars Curtis has on his arm, is where he took a dull blade and try to cut off his arm. The only reason he still has it is because they brought the protein blocks, ending our starvation.” 
Edgar still didn't look convinced, rubbing a hand over his face and glaring at you. “Does not make it right.” 
“No, no it doesn’t. Trust me, Curtis and others have been living with that knowledge for 17 years, and hating themselves for it. Curtis still wont forgive himself. He was just a kid. Younger then you are now. Put yourself in his shoes Edgar, what would you have done?” 
“Not that! Die I guess.”
“Edgar please. I'm not asking you to forgive Curtis, or any of us, just know it was a matter of desperation and survival.” You swallowed, and pushed your hand against the tears that had built up. 
“Should I forgive Curtis for leaving me behind? Letting me get stabbed in his rush to reach Mason?” Edgar snapped, and you tilted your head in confusion. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“When we were going into the tunnels, Franco fucking Jr got a hold of me. If Curtis pulled back, he wouldn't kill me. Curtis saw and kept going.” Edgar hissed his next words. “Sacrificed me, and all for nothing wasn't it. Wilford was waiting for him this whole time.” 
You shook your head, unsure and a bit of disbelief on your face. “I don't know anything about that Edgar, I wasn't there.” 
“No Y/N, you weren't. Maybe you know Curtis, but do you really know all of him? All that he is capable of?” Going to his door and opening it, he tilted his head. “I think its time for you to go Y/N, i’m done with this conversation.” 
You opened your mouth to say something more, defend Curtis once more, but Edgar shook his head and pointed out the door for you to leave, and you knew there would be no more talking to him about this, not yet anyways. Unfolding from the chair, you pushed yourself to a stand and walked out, turning before he could shut the door on you. 
“Please, you don't have to forget or forgive, just know that Curtis cares for you like a brother. What happened, he will never be able to forgive himself for it. It will always be his greatest regret.” 
Edgar looked away, you could see that it pained him, all of it. “As well it should.” and with that he closed the door, sealing himself away from you. 
Feeling like you had accomplished nothing, you made your way towards the garden cart, hoping that maybe you can be useful there. 
Night had fallen, and Curtis was just thankful that the stars and moon was bright enough to continue going. They had lost the trail for the most part, but now and then they would pass by what resembled footprints in the deeper snow. They had frozen over since the sun was quick to descend that day, so it was hard to tell exactly what any of it really was. None of them were necessarily expert trackers. 
But the group continued on, checking damaged cars as they went along, further then they had been since settling down, and the amount of loss in all of them. 
It brought the whole group into a very dark frame of mind. 
Pulling up, John squatted in front of an entrance. “Curtis… this is several. In fact they are paths leading to this door.” He pulled himself to a stand, and placed his hand on the safety of the rifle he carried, trying to look into the darkness. Curtis came up behind him and looked in. “Stay watch, we will get a fire built, see if we cant find anyone inside.” Last thing he wanted was anyone bolting while they were busy making a fire. John and the man who helped them find a way out of the valley named Adam looked around the ground. 
“I think anyone who was here left, straight across the ice.” He pointed where a bunch of the crust was broken, in a straight line. 
“Animals hardly travel like that, and there’s a pretty good trail. I'm saying whoever was here is long gone, earlier today.” 
After making the fire and checking the enclosure thoroughly, Curtis was apt to agree with John and Adam. Assuming it was the ex guards and Matt, they were quick to split figuring Curtis would be coming for them. Frustrated they just miss there target was an understatement, after picking through the useless remains of the car, Curtis sat near the fire, studying it. They could cross the ice, follow after them. But the fact remains they were not equipped for several days travel. 
“Curtis just come home. They probably are just as bad off as you are.” You leaned against him, and although you were nothing more then a product of his imagination, he appreciated your warmth against him. 
“Babygirl, if we let them go, they will just come for us again. Not to mention what they did to you and the others.” He said softly, letting his chin rest on top of your head, closing his eyes just enjoying his vision of you. 
“I know Handsome, I just got you back, I'm not ready to lose you again.” 
“You’re not going to lose me.” 
“I almost did during the revolt.” 
“We’re going to do this right. Go home, look over the maps to see where they might be headed and pack properly. No recklessness. We will be safe.” 
You were silent, slowly fading away as he resolved on what to do. After a few hours, he spoke up, laying it all out for everyone to decide for themselves. The rest of the group agreed, and they made the trip home. Now that there was more of a plan in place, Curtis felt easier. That things were properly moving forward again. 
Their arrival home, although a surprise, was welcomed by everyone. No one was hurt, everyone was safe, and although Matt wasn't caught or the others, no more loss of life felt kind of like a win still to the mass of the people. 
You stood at the edge of the crowd, watching as Curtis made his way through, trying to answer questions about what they found, and what was next. “We will let everyone know soon, excuse me.” Pulling away from another voicing their concerns, he spied you and made his way to you slowly. “Y/N, Babygirl, I’m-” 
You shook your head to quiet him, and he couldn't help the bit of fear that you wanted nothing to do with him for a moment. He hadn't forgotten how he left you, kissing his anger into you till it hurt you, how badly he wanted to just have you regardless of what you felt. His temper became a shade of red that blinded him. How was it that he only felt that loss of control with you. 
“Let's talk in our room.” You didn't push him away, instead opened your hand to his and led him away from the crowd, letting John and Johanna take over the questions. 
When you closed the door and turned back to Curtis, you could see him reach out to touch you, then pulled away and stepped back. His shame in his earlier actions laced in his voice. “I’m sorry I laid hands on you like that Y/N, I shouldn't have. If I hurt you in anyway” His voice drifting off with regret. Knowing he wouldn't touch you until you gave him permission, you stepped forward and pressed your hands against his chest to make him sit down on the edge of the bed. Your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but first and foremost was relief he was okay. When he sat down, and his thighs spread you stepped into them, tugging his hat off to toss it aside, push your hand through his short soft bristles. 
“You scared me Curtis.” You admitted. “You caught me by surprise, but then you were just gone. Going after Matt, and those others. I was so fucking scared you weren’t thinking clearly and were going to get hurt.” 
His hands slid over your hips carefully, as it he didn’t really have the right to place his hands anywhere on you, giving a shake of his head. “I was angry, so fucking angry. I lost Matt, Edgar…” He sighed with defeat. “He was told about his mom in the worst way possible, and then you, in that moment, I just wanted to get lost in you and I almost did.” 
Flashback filled your mind of his hard body trying to meld right against yours, his length pushing at his pants with arousal. “You've always been mine, to lose you because of my actions, would kill me.” shuddering out his weakness. 
You frowned down at him, a hand pressing against his shoulders till he straightened back so you could see his face. “Curtis, you’re not going to loose me.” All those other thoughts were pushed aside as you saw his stress at the situation hardening his features. Pressing your hands against his shoulders so he fell back against the bed. “There is no one I love more then you, on this train, or in this world. You scared me, but you didn't hurt me, not really.” you wriggled on him till you could perch lightly on his stomach to look down at him. 
“Well maybe you shouldn't Y/N.” He said, although his hands were settled against your waist, and Edgar’s words echoed back to you. Maybe you know Curtis, but do you really know all of him?
Yes you did, and you were going to prove it to both men if you had to. You might not know every detail, but you've shared your life with him since you both came on the train. There wasn't anything about Curtis that made you doubt him. 
“That's not for you to decide Curtis.” You pushed his shirt up till he lifted enough to drag his shirt off, your hands sliding up and down the wall of his chest, the curls of hairs covering multitude of scars that now were no longer a shock to you as they had been at first. You appreciated every sacrifice he made getting them. You leaned over him and started with soft brushes of your lips down his chest, kissing where his heart raced against his chest, your hands rubbing against his sides and back up till you pushed up, back to his mouth and nipped on that full lower lip. “I make my own choices, and I’ve always chosen you. Why do you think you don't deserve that?” 
Curtis scolded himself as you moved to straddle him, tugging off his shirt and then kissing on his chest. If he was a better man he would stop you, but he wasn't. Curtis craved you endlessly, and to see you hovering over him, your face set with determination, he couldn't stop you. He wasn't strong enough. There was no way he would ever be able to tell you no. His hands sought the warmth of your skin, and as soon as he slid them under your shirt, you shivered at his cool touch, but didn’t pull away. No you clenched your thighs against his sides and let your nose trail up the center of his chest. 
“If I was a better man, I wouldn't have lost my temper.” Curtis sighed and tilted his head back while you started to kiss on his neck, and rock yourself back slightly. “I could have hurt you Y/N, I was close.” 
“You might have been, but I don't think you would have. You never have before Handsome.” You pushed up away from him and started to work his pants open, your eyes bright looking down at him as you reached in and wrapped your hand around his length, stroking up and down slowly with a slightly firmer grip. 
Curtis hissed as he jerked in your hold, digging his fingers more into your waist. “Y/N!” 
You give a slight smile at his reaction knowing he was doing all he could to not push for more, sliding your hand up and down, your fingers dancing along the hard length. When you reached the base, you fondled his balls into your palm, give slight tugs and gentle squeezes. You never broke your gaze from him, dropping your head to wrap lips around his head and slide your tongue around the swollen head. 
Having let go of your hips, he twisted his fists into the sheets and a ripping noise signaled that some of your bedding was ruined, which enticed you to drop further down to take him further. Pulling away, your tongue licked a stripe down the length, and he hissed once more, jolting when you teased his balls with the lap of your tongue and a pull of one into your mouth.  “Babygirl, get the fuck up here.” He growled, when you pulled off him, and his arms grasped your forearm, bringing you to his mouth, and kissed you hungrily, hand moving from your forearms to grasp your ass and push you against him, you did a dirty grind against him, scrapping your hands through his beard and digging your fingers against his scalp, groaning into his kiss. 
“Need you Babygirl…” He grunted against your lips and rolled his hips like he was going to roll you over, and you grasped his wrists behind you while you arched to sit up, looking down at him. “No Curtis, just stay right there.” You stated while lifting yourself off to a stand. 
You were pulling off your clothes, and Curtis couldn't look away, turning away from him and letting your hair fall loose down your back from where you had it pulled back, tugging off your shirt and letting it fall to the floor, undoing your pants, and easing them down over the swell of your hips, and falling down your legs. Wrapping his hand around his erection, and stroking himself, he couldn't stop admiring, thankful you were his woman, and have been this whole time. You were starting to fill out now that you were eating healthier, your skin glowing now that you were in actual light. It occurred to him that this was the first time he's ever gotten to love you when he could really see you. 
That hit him that you weren't going to be able to hide in the dark, you were really giving him everything. Looking over your shoulder, you made a motion with your hand. “Pants off Curtis.” 
He wasted no time shimmying them off. 
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. This was a first for you, you normally let Curtis love you how he wanted, giving him what he wanted. This time you wanted to prove that he deserved to have all of you, he was a good man regardless of the circumstances life threw at him. Even with what Edgar said, you knew this, felt this with complete conviction. Once he was stretched out, completely naked, you sucked in a sharp breath. Seeing Curtis without all his layers, you could see just what a large man he was, muscles coiled, holding power that your felt driving into you before. Large hands that could span your back with a single palm and those hungry eyes, drinking you in just as much as you were with him. Approaching him once more, you straddled him, taking his cock, thick and hard, sliding it along your folds. 
Feeling him underneath you though, that was familiar, and good. His thick head you pressed to your entrance, pushing down to sink onto him, that felt good, and you rolled yourself to take more, breathing through it. 
“Your so good Babygirl, so tight.” You heard him strain out, and you moaned, giving a flex when you felt him bottom, full till the stretch was almost painful. Hands soothed along your taunt thighs folded gripping his hips, your own hands reaching for his and lifting them to cover your breasts as you started to move. Carefully at first, Curtis kept from thrusting up into you, palming your breasts, and his thumb pulling your buds, rolling till they turned sensitive in his hold, making you bite your lip at the sensation it caused. Almost a painful pleasure, making you drop harder onto his cock, giving a dirty roll to press your clit against him. “Fuck Curtis.” You purred  at him, leaning down to catch his lips, sliding your tongue around his and rocking back to squeeze his cock. “Don't hold back.” he grunted against your lips, grinding you on him once more.
You pushed off his chest, and sped yourself up, panting at the intense pleasure feeling his cock so hard and thick brought to your clenching channel, fluttering around him with a need to cum. When he finally started to thrust into you, grasping your hips and drag you down his length faster, pushing more and more at different angles till you gave a sharp cry, making you breathless in the moment, that’s where he angled you, each dominating thrust he ground you against him. You were now getting lost above him, your belly coiling, fluttering with heat, those coils of pleasure so close to snapping. Curtis had his feet planted into the mattress to give him leverage, pulling your clenching pussy up and down his throbbing cock. Bouncing you up and down, till you grasped a hand at your waist and dragged it up to suck on his fingertips. The sight above him, feeling you moan around his digits filling your mouth, Curtis committed it to memory.  
“I know this is what you want Babygirl.” he grunted hungrily, knowing it would bring you over, he pulled away from your lips and pressed his warm wet fingers against your throbbing pearl, rolling and pressing till you started sobbing out, rocking faster and harder. “Just feels so good, I don't want to cum, but I need to. Curtis I have to.” 
Knowing how close you were, he gasped. “Do it Babygirl, cum all over me.”
You nodded, digging your fingers into his chest while grinding onto him, giving a silent scream while locking around him. Curtis wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his chest, slowing his thrusts to long drags into your weeping channel. 
“So good for me Y/N.” He muttered into your hair, rolling you till you were pinned underneath him, pushing your hair back to he could kiss your neck, reaching to his hips to loosen your knees gripping him. 
“All this trust, you make me so proud Babygirl.” Kissing down your body as he pulled out. You were still coming down from your orgasm and slid your hands against his back to dig fingers into your shoulders with a tight hold as he sucked and pulled, making you arch and spread your thighs further to feel his weight drop on you, press against your wet cunt while he dragged back further. 
“I have to taste you.” massaging your inner thighs, trailing kisses along one side then the other. That first long taste he took, pressing through your drenched folds to twirl over your clit. Swirling and laying claim to your pearl. It was his, always has been. He knew the way you liked to feel his tongue press and pull, those tiny mewls of yours as you would start to rock, his tongue darting into your clenching channel.
It didn't take long till you were cumming again, locking your thighs around his head, and crying his name this time, unable to keep silent. Stronger hands then your thighs loosened them, pulling himself back up and claiming your lips, still in a daze, he worked you to respond, kiss him back. Your tongue lapping at your taste coating him. Shifting you just right, he sunk back into your swollen pussy, whimpering into his mouth. 
“I don't know if I have another one in me… “You breathed against his lips, and placing his elbows on either side of your head, he leaned his forehead against yours, starting with shallow thrusts. 
“Just one more Babygirl, I know you have one more. Fold your legs around me, and hold on.” You nodded, and did as he asked, legs going around him, opening yourself for him more as he drove in deeper, angling himself with each thrust till he found the spot that made you chant his name. Your arms circling his neck, rocking back and forth with him. 
Dropping his head to your shoulder, speeding his thrusts to reach an end, he was hoarse when he urged you, grinding and rutting against your spot, kissing your neck, pressing his lips against your ear. “This one last time, I know you have it Babygirl.” 
Your whimpers got louder, it was a edge of pain that just felt so fucking good, but you wanted to escape it. Curtis was relentless, each nudge making your thighs strain, muscles burning, and when you finally did snap, the most mind numbing bliss following after you flooded his cock, hiding your face in against his shoulder and biting the muscle hard. His hand cradled the back of your head against his shoulder, letting his own self go to bury into you harder and harder, deeper into your welcoming warmth, those tight grasps milking him to release, and when he did, the warmth spread through you, letting you sink into your own bliss, feeling him press his hips into you while holding his chest up to keep from crushing you. “Your just so fucking good Babygirl, I could stay like this forever.” Still hoarse, and panting, you twisted yourself into a better angle, cupping his face and making him look down at you, wedged underneath him, still full of his cock, that you could feel was starting to go soft now that he released. 
“I could to Curtis, you make me feel good, safe, and loved. So I know I'm right where I belong, with who I belong. Regardless of what's happened in the past.” Tilting up, your lips found his, and you didn't share an urgent greedy lust kiss, but one of genuine affection and love, your hand sliding along his face to gently grasp at the back of his neck. Letting him pull back from your mouth, you winced as he pulled out of you and moved to get up, go get a washcloth. 
You had to smile at him walking around naked, appreciating the flex of his muscles, he looked and seemed a bit more relaxed, coming back out, he was gentle as he cleaned you, knowing you would be slightly sore. But soon he was collapsing back beside you and you let your head fall lazily to his chest, facing him. 
“You alright?” He asked as his fingers traced your face, brushing back your hair. 
“Of course Curtis, we don’t have bad sex.” you grinned, nuzzling your nose against the hair on his chest, and he gave a soft chuckle, rubbing a hand up and down your back. “I do have to ask though what happened? You weren't gone but a day. Where is Matt?” 
He had closed his eyes, relaxing in the post orgasm feeling, but opened them once more hearing your question. “He met up with others, and they seemed to have abandoned their train car.” 
Wrinkling your nose hearing this, you shifted in closer against him. “Probably knew you all would be coming for them.” 
Curtis hummed in agreement, letting himself enjoy the sensation of you using him as your pillow, still tracing you with a slight touch of fingertips. “We will be going back out, proper this time. See if we cant at least find where they are headed off to.” He felt you tense, but then relaxed back into him, and he continued. “If we don't, they will just keep coming.” And there will never be proper peace to settle into living. But he didn’t add that, knowing you were already on edge with the situation. You lifted your head to study him a moment, and nodded. “Of course, I trust you Curtis.” Settling back down, the room was getting that sunshine warmth often felt in midday, and it was making Curtis sleepy, thinking you were drifting off in the same direction. 
But you werent, you knew you needed to share your discussion with Edgar, he would want you to tell him. So you cleared your throat. “I went to talk to Edgar after you left.” Now it was his turn it stiffen, the tracing fingers stopping to slightly press into a hold, you could feel his voice drop and vibrate in his chest as he spoke. 
“He wasn't cruel to you, was he?” 
“No Curtis, he's hurt, but he didn’t do anything to hurt me.” You shifted a bit so you could see him better. “I told him more about what the tail end was like.” You could see Curtis' features start to close off, and you rubbed your hand against his chest, cause you were not and never would place the blame on him for what happened. He had to know that. “I don't know if anything I said sunk in. But he did say you sacrificed him, what was he talking about?” 
Lifting a hand, he rubbed it at his face. Another mistake in his revolt. Just like leaving you in the tail end had been. 
“I deserved that, I did turn my back on him when that front end asshole had him.” Curtis expected to see some disbelief, anger, disgust in your features. But there was none of that. You simply waited for him to continue. Hair over your shoulder, he couldn't help but reach for it, tangling it in his hold, curling it around his wrist. Maybe to keep you there, he wasn't sure. He just wanted to feel your tresses slide among his fingertips. 
“I was going for Mason. This was before everything came out. Before I had any idea that Wilford wanted me in the front, that Gilliam had sent us to our deaths. I was this close to getting to her, she was our safety to get to the front. Our only chance, so I thought. That body gaurd of hers, he had grabbed Edgar from behind, who was following me. I heard him say my name… panicked. Mason, she was almost out of my reach, and they would have locked the doors. If they got her through and locked those doors, who knows if we would have gotten out. I had no idea if Nam was even still alive then. I made a choice.” You could feel him deflate a bit underneath you, your hand still sliding up and down his chest. 
“And Edgar was stabbed because of it.” You said softly. 
“I made the wrong choice, in that moment I knew I should have gone back. But… All I could think of is if we could just get Mason, maybe we wouldn't lose anymore people. She would escort us to the front.” 
You stayed silent in that moment, turning your gaze from him to the outside world. One they hadn't seen until the revolt. One they might have never seen if Curtis hadn’t went for Mason in that moment. None of you would know what warmth from a sun streaming through glass would be like, what actual food was, fresh air. Taking a deep breath, feeling it fill your lungs with appreciation. What a shower with hot water was. All of this, might have only happened cause Curtis made a choice. 
“It wasn't the wrong choice Curtis. Look where we are now. Who knows what could have happened if you didn't continue forward. We might all be dead now, bodies thrown off the moving train, and nothing changed.” 
“I’ve done so much wrong to Edgar, I wouldn't blame him if he hated me for the rest of our days, he deserves to.” 
You frown and look down at him, pressing your finger against his lips to hush him. “Stop, he’s just hurt and is confused about everything. Give him some time. It won't be the same, but you need to give him a chance to forgive you before you resign to that.” Shifting to sit up and reach over the bed to grab at clothes strewn down there. “We should probably head back out, i’m sure others are looking for you.” 
“Most likely.” 
Before you could tug anything on, Curtis wrapped an arm around you and dragged you back to him, sliding a tongue into your mouth and leaving you giving a halfhearted protest before you fell into the kiss, killing just a few more minutes before they finally redressed. 
“So, that is what we’ve all decided on, and anyone that chooses to come will need to be up for at least a while out there. We don't know how far they have gone, but it's too dangerous having those men out there.” 
There was some discussion among the people, and quickly volunteers came out. One person raised a concern. “Who’s staying from part of the council? And what happens if you don't come back.” 
“Dr.Price is staying, along with Margit and Y/N, you all will continue what needs to be done. Keeping the animals alive and healthy, as well as the greenhouse. We need both of them. Harvest, gather. Conserve the energy on the train, there’s still plenty of water and electricity. That battery is holding. If something happens to us, do what you must to continue, together.” 
His eyes filtered over the crowd to see Edgar hanging at the back of the crowd, his arms folded over his chest as he listened. Curtis didn't expect him to push up to the front, but he did. 
“I’m coming to, Matt escaped on my watch. It's only fair I make sure he comes back.” 
With a nod, Curtis accepted and looked over the group ready to make the trek into the unknown.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
Hot Diggety Doom vs 2016/2020
this is probably a topic youre super tired of if you’re in the AT fandom but I have some catching up to do after my 6 year absence, and 2020 has given me some new thoughts 
I’m listening to the Adventure Guys podcast. It’s alright. They tend to go off topic for way too long, but when they’re on topic, they can be insightful.
In this one they talk about Hot Diggity Doom. They recorded this one on Election Day 2020. They point out some hilarious stuff that I wanted to discuss. 
Now, I’m not calling the Adventure Time creators prophetic, but the sheer DEGREE to which the mid-2015 episode predicted not only the 2016 US Election, but also the Coronavirus pandemic, is fucking incredulous.
I wrote this post for fun and got too into it, so here’s a cut. I’m very bored. 
The King of Ooo uses very familiar, half-baked populist ideas to rile up the imaginations of the Candy people. They all have their various beefs with the Princess but he is banding them all together and fuelling their grievances, some worthy of discussion, some not. He also singles out Bubblegum based on things she cannot control - her age, her species - and uses alliterative catch phrases. “Vote for the candidate who is not a teenage gum golem!”
He kisses a baby that he had previously threatened to remove from his parents. He offers no platform of his own - his campaign is based entirely on defamation.  
Bubblegum, meanwhile, does not register him as a threat. She’s busy dealing with a real life crisis, and she feels so secure in her tenure that she doesn’t even TRY to campaign. Surely the candy people wouldn’t vote for someone so stupid. 
If you followed the 2016 election, you know that the Republican campaign for Trump used heavy catchy language, appealing to its bases in the most primitive of forms, and was based entirely on the defamation of Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, the Democrats didn’t put forward a platform of their own. Clinton was entirely confident she was going to win based on opinion polls, and she just mocked the Republicans.
Anyway, we all saw how that turned out.
But, after the election is over, suddenly the kingdom is faced with this massive threat that has nothing to do with the King of Ooo, or with Princess Bubblegum. The candy people are unsettled and they start to riot. 
The King of Ooo refuses to address the situation, and runs from it. He immediately blames Princess Bubblegum, despite how she was too busy trying to prevent the catastrophe from happening to even campaign against him. 
Something similar happens later, in Stakes. The kingdom is being attacked by a giant vampire, and a bunch of people - Bubblegum included - are doing their best to fight it. The King of Ooo says “we protect our own”, but then says “I mean you protect me - close the gates!!!”   The people are revolted by his actions, inspired by Bubblegum’s actions, and turn against him. There’s no immediate reinstatement of their former leader, but they are happy for her return.  
Where I’m going with this latter stuff is that Donald Trump was voted out by the american people, including former supporters, because of his atrocious actions during the Coronavirus pandemic and his complete lack of regard for the public. Even though not everyone was happy to see a Democrat back in office, they’re grateful to have Biden take over - someone normal, who is willing to address the pandemic with the dedication than it needs, rather than just locking all the other countries out and pretending the problem doesn’t exist. 
Like how Princess Bubblegum still has Tree Trunks and the Veritas Brigade fighting to challenge her, the Democrats are still being challenged by right wing republicans. And in both cases, there are legitimate grievances. However, also in both cases, they’re fighting to reinstate a madman who doesn’t give a shit about them. 
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mlwritingprompts · 4 years
Marinette and Alya start a revolution because they're out of fucks to give
“Is anyone else curious where they got the guillotine?” Alix asked.
“Extremely,” Max said.
The two of them, along with the rest of Ms. Bustier’s class, were watching from just outside the classroom as Marinette and Alya carried a guillotine on their shoulders and set it up in the courtyard, along with a sign and a couple of megaphones. Although they were further away than was preferable, most of them could still read the sign.
“Viva la Revolution!”it said, although nobody had any idea what that meant until Alya started using her megaphone. Despite the rather morbid subject matter, she was beaming like she’d just gotten free ice cream. “It’s time to hold the rich accountable, starting with Mayor Bourgeois! But how, you may ask? Voting him out? Yeah right, he’s got the whole system rigged! But you know what always works? Decapitation!”
“She’s not serious, right?” Mylene asked.
Before anyone could weigh in on whether or not they thought she was serious, Marinette continued where Alya left off.
“But as much as we’d love to, we can’t do that on our own! Not even Ladybug can do that on her own, and she’s the one that gave us the guillotine! So anyone who wants to can come here now and join the revolution.”
Everyone was silent for a few seconds before Alix spoke up again. “Okay, who wants to go guillotine Mayor Bourgeois?”
Soon most of the class was out in the courtyard with Marinette and Alya. So were many students from other classes. Marinette and Alya, satisfied with the turnout, asked for help carrying the guillotine to City Hall, to which they complied. 
Chloe was tied up in the classroom, along with Sabrina for good measure. Adrien chose to stay behind because he’d rather not be arrested, thanks.
They started encouraging revolt on the way to and in front of City Hall until somebody finally called the police on them. But by then there were at least a hundred of them.
Nobody was really prepared for a fight, but they put up a good struggle. The cops went after Nino, Alya, and Max even more than everybody else. This served as a reminder to everyone that the cops in Paris were almost as corrupt as the Mayor. They even managed to identify a few of them as having used unnecessary force in the past.
That guillotine ended up being used on at least two cops. Eventually Ladybug herself showed up to defuse the situation, by which I mean knock the police officers out and drag their unconscious bodies outside the city limits. And destroy their cars.
Two hours of convincing civilians to overthrow the ruling class later, Ladybug showed up with Mayor Bourgeois himself. With many people including a professional news crew filming, Ladybug, Alya Cesaire, and many assorted people of Paris decapitated the Mayor. And soon after the celebration was over, there was a new sign being carried by the people.
“Gabriel Agreste is next”.
Hope you enjoyed the crack fic. This probably goes against established canon for the “MAYOR BOUGEOIS FOR THE GUILLOTINE” universe.
Based on my open-universe crack series, MAYOR BOURGEOIS FOR THE GUILLOTINE 2020.
Hey it might not be exactly what I had happen but it’s hilarious! And relevant! Fantastic! 
If you create any content along these lines/ for this universe, you can tag it as “MAYOR BOUGEOIS FOR THE GUILLOTINE 2020″ so it’s all in the same place and easy to find! 
And the police are just as corrupt as the mayor--if you support a corrupt system, you are part of the corrupt system.
Rules for the blog - send a short prompt - send a long prompt
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The Bleak Future of America
I just wanted to share with you all the thoughts that I’ve had regarding recent events. I’ve put together a theory and, though it may be far-fetched, hear me out. It fits together a little too well.
I’m sure by now everyone has at least begun to notice the absolute fear the general public has towards the unvaccinated. We’ve gotten to the point where people are terrified to go out in public (regardless of being vaccinated) on the off chance they might come across someone who is unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are now being met with the same fear and disgust that lepers had in biblical times. We are now at the point of dehumanizing the unvaccinated.
Recently, the government and mainstream media has been coming after the unvaccinated. I’m sure everyone noticed when President Biden said his “patience is wearing thin”. The general public and the mainstream media now refer to the unvaccinated as terrorists or murderers for their decision. The blame is now on the unvaccinated. The “unvaccinated pandemic” is a way to get people to turn on the unvaccinated. Why is this? To answer that, you need to think about what being unvaccinated means today. It means that, even after the government encouraged you to get it, even forced you to get it, you still refuse the vaccine. It means that you’re resisting them. It means you stand in their way.
Now I’m going to have you think back to the election results. Remember how Biden got a massive surge of votes in the early morning when no one was even counting the votes at that time? How is that possible? Simple, it isn’t. The election was genuinely rigged, and it isn’t just a bunch of Trump supporters refusing to accept defeat. It doesn’t add up. So why would they work so hard to rig an election like that? It had to take a lot of effort, right? Why would you rig an election for only 4 years to gain? Unless you planned on staying in power.
But that’s simply not possible, right? We’ve got laws, we’ve got the Constitution that clearly outlines the term limits of the president. And if that’s not held up, we’ve got us, the People. We’ll resist the government… but wait. There are already people who are resisting the government. And they’re being attacked for it. The unvaccinated now represent the resistance. But there’s no way they could come after the 80 million Americans who are unvaccinated, not without some sort of revolt. Unless of course the rest of Americans hate the ones who resist. But how could that happen? How could they turn all of America against a quarter of the country? One word. Lockdowns. The government and mainstream media have all said that, until enough Americans are vaccinated, we can’t go back to normal. With 80 million Americans still unvaccinated, we will continue with lockdowns and mask mandates. People are terrified to go back to that. They want to go back to normal. But how do we fix that? How do we go back to normal? The government and mainstream media say it’s the unvaxxed population’s fault. It’s the fault of the people who resist the government.
Think about back in grade school. I was one of the unlucky ones who had teachers from time to time that liked collective punishment. You know, the ones who make everyone stay a few minutes after class because the one person in the back row kept talking through class. It made everyone in the class hate that one person, because everyone got punished for it. Did anybody hate the teacher? Maybe, but did we hate that one person even more? Oh yes. If you think about it, the lockdowns and mask mandates are collective punishment, but on a much, much larger scale. Instead of that one person in the back of the class, it’s a fourth of the country. Do people hate the government for enforcing lockdowns and mask mandates? Probably. But I guarantee you, they hate the unvaccinated even more, since that’s who they’ve been told is standing between them and going back to normal. People are so desperate to go back to normal that they’ve been conditioned to see the unvaccinated as the enemy. We’re already seeing examples of people’s sheer hatred toward the unvaxxed. There are a good number of cases where the vaccinated have stated that they wish the unvaccinated would get Covid-19 and die. I definitely don’t think everyone is like that, but it goes to show that the hatred towards the unvaxxed is growing exponentially. After all, people all over the country are being told the only reason we can’t go back to normal is the unvaccinated.
So why all the hatred? Why does the country need to be against the unvaxxed? Why does the country need to hate the people who resist the government? Think about it this way: wouldn’t it be easier to take care of a population without resistance if everyone hated that population? I hate to say it, but Hitler was only able to kill so many Jews during the Holocaust because he got everyone to collectively hate them.
But this is America, you say. There’s no way we would let that happen. Well, no, not exactly. The government would not be able to round up all 80 million unvaxxed Americans and execute them all without a massive revolution. But what if they were still able to get them out of the way? Something that wouldn’t spark a revolution, something that was encouraged? Something like forced quarantine? If you look up quarantine facilities in Australia, you would realize that possibility isn’t far off. The government could potentially keep the unvaccinated Americans in a place like this for as long as they please, and say it’s in the name of public health and safety. Would people revolt? Not if it means they get to go back to normal. Now the government has 80 million Americans out of the way and the ability to do anything they please.
If you think this couldn’t happen to you, think about how the Holocaust began. Hitler started with creating turmoil between Jews and everyone else. Then the concentration camps came, and the people never retaliated. Had they seen the Jews as human beings, the Holocaust would have likely never occurred. They needed that hatred. They needed the divide.
When you start to see life as you know it unravel, just remember this: history repeats itself.
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thebrokenblackman · 4 years
KRS-One - “Ah Yeah!”  Critical Analysis by Hakeem Ture
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“If hip hop has the power to corrupt young minds, it also has the ability to uplift them.” - KRS-One 
The musician is a natural master of vibration and emotion. Many musicians have been able to make us dance. Many have been able to draw on relatability because nobody is the only person like them in the world. Perhaps some have even made us cry or provided soundtracks for intimate moments. Only few musicians have taken on the task of socially and historically educating their listeners through their music. 
Even fewer have been able to combine the mastery of teaching with mastery of rhythm. Those who do this become legends like; Nate King Cole, B.B. King, Nina Simone, Bob Marley, Chaka Khan and Fela Kuti’ and their influence lives throughout generations. In 1995 Krs-One released a self-titled album that came in the sunset of his reign. His career would mirror the sepia filter of the album cover. 
This album had dominant auras of militancy and rebellion that Krs-One fans had not heard since Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded. Krs-One was able to both appease his day one fans and gain the younger generation of Hip Hoppers who were listening to artists such as: Nas, Redman,Das Efx, Tupac, and A Tribe Called Quest. The message and timing of this album may have been divine. Let us look at the historical events of the year(s) Krs-One was creating this album in. In 1994, the United States congress had successfully completed the first step of becoming fascist by Voting to Censure Dr. Khalid Muhammad, National Advisor of the Nation of Islam. Bill Clinton and Joe Biden led Democrats to pass the The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and effectively fueled the prison industrial complex. South Africa held it first election since intergrating with the apartheid government and Invisble Man author Ralph Ellison had passed. Hip Hop was the soul vehicle of expression to protest the genocide that had been going on and KRS One was one of its leaders. The youth looked toward this leader to deliver an album reflective of their mindstate and he delivered. 
Imperative of a classic work of musical art, this album is composed of multiple great songs, but in my opinion the cornerstone song of the album is undeniably “Ah Yeah”. In this song he masterfully uses three 16 bar verses to empower and mobilize his listener much in the same way Dr. Khalid Muhammad did. This track starts with the establishment of an a capella warcry. He writes in response to western power’s having done such an incredible job destroying the rebel instinct that Afrikan people possess by publicly shaming our leaders and traditions. These lyrics are him trying to raise the psyche of a fallen warrior class and put revolt back in its holy place as opposed to the negative connotation that has been applied by the white power structure.  He essentially made a chant-like hook with an underlying message of “This is your enemy, This is how to handle him, and THIS is okay”. The aim focuses on  redirecting the accumulated anger of a traduced peoples that is often mistargeted toward self so that we may be collectively progresssive. 
He bellows:
“Ah yeah, that's whatcha say when you see a devil down
Ah yeah, that's whatcha say when you take the devil's crown
Ah yeah, stay alive all things will change around
Ah yeah, what? Ah yeah!”
Then comes the establishment of an eerie bass line. This song structure is familiar to fans of his earlier work. It was what they were longing for. For a few albums he took the perspective of being in the classroom or office as opposed to in the battlefield with his men. He had returned to fight with us like Haile Selassie. Immediately he establishes a dual level of respect. One with his men and one with his deterrent.  
“So here I go kickin' science in ninety-five
I be illin', parental discretion is advised still
Don't call me nigga, this MC goes for his
Call me God, cause that's what the black man is
Roamin' through the forest as the hardest lyrical artist
Black women you are not a bitch you're a Goddess
Let it be known, you can lean on KRS-One
Like a wall cause I'm hard, I represent God”
In the first 2 bars of the preceding excerption he lets us know he intends to drop some knowledge, but it will not be filtered for political correctness or comfortability. The following 2 bars he establishes both a tone of encounterment and identity. Then he goes on to explain from which direction he came much like Saint Maurice's appearance upon the plagued people of Europe to let them know he has navigated and he is no spook. He goes on to talk to his listener and the most important of them, the women.
In 1994, fresh off a press tour on which she gained popularity from criticizing Bill Clinton, Sister Souljah published her first book that was heralded by black scholars and youth alike entitled No Disrespect. Her Influence was cemented in the minds of black youth and played a huge role in raising generational consciousness by dealing with topics like “how the black woman is viewed by black men” and “the black woman’s role in repairing the black family structure”. She had solely been awarded leadership duties by a disregarded demographic in a scapegoated culture and was handling it with the grace of Misty Copeland.  Her and the women she raised to consciousness needed the camaraderie of Krs One. He goes on to sell to himself:
 “Wack MC's have one style: gun buck
But when you say, "Let's buck for revolution"
They shut the fuck up, can't get with it
Down to start a riot in a minute
You'll hear so many Bowe-Bowe-Bowe, you think I'm Riddick
While other MC's are talkin' bout up with hope down with dope
I'll have a devil in my infrared scope,”
In the first five bars he addresses the enemies of the oppressed people within the oppressed people. These “Wack MC’s” are the Uncle Toms’ and Judas of the rebellious, afro-centric movement that is Hip-Hop. He says they lack discipline and do not have the self awareness to rescue themselves. In comparison with himself who uses that energy toward an ultimate goal, Independence through revolution. In the succeeding excerption KRS briefly displays the cognitive processing and coping mechanism of a warrior:
That's for calling my father a boy and, klak, klak, klak
That's for putting scars on my mother's back, BO
That's for calling my sister a ho, and for you
Buck, buck, buck  cause I don't give a motherfuck
Remember the whip, remember the chant
Remember the rope and
You black people still thinkin' about voting?
Every President we ever had lied!
You know, I'm kinda glad Nixon died.”
Throughout the preceding excerption KRS skillfully uses onomatopoeias to create a setting for his listener. There is a battle going on. Shells casings are falling to the ground and bullets are flying from high caliber weapons. He is in the thick of it and then an enemy approaches him. He musters the courage to engage with his assailant by remembering the suffrage the morals of his enemies’ elected nation-state has caused his ancestors. Then he rejoices in the death of one of their leaders, Richard Nixon.
In the second verse Krs-One addresses an age-old topic of discussion for spiritual people that was brought forth to the Afrikans of today by Noble Drew Ali, “The Prophetic Soul”. This belief dates back to ancient Buddhism in the caves of Asia taught to us by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima in his book “African Presence in Early Asia”. This belief entails that all the prophets of the world including but not limted to; Adam, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, and himself were the same soul being reborn until its mission is completed.” Krs-One puts himself and a couple others in this divine line of being. 
“This is not the first time I came to the planet
 concern every time I come, only a few could understand it
I came as Isis, my words they tried to ban it
I came as Moses, they couldn't follow my Commandments
I came as Solomon, to a people that was lost
I came as Jesus, but they nailed me to a cross
I came as Harriet Tubman, I put the truth to Sojourner
Other times, I had to come as Nat Turner
They tried to burn me, lynch me and starve me
So I had to come back as Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley
They tried to harm me, I used to be Malcolm X
Now I'm on the planet as the one called KRS
Kickin' the metaphysical, spiritual, tryin' to like
Get with you, showin' you, you are invincible
The Black Panther is the black answer for real
In my spiritual form, I turn into Bobby Seale
On the wheels of steel, my spirit flies away
And enters into Kwame Ture”
In the beginning of the third verse he briefly continues the theme of possessing The Prophetic Soul but now, he does not speak from a perspective of being the people who had the soul. He speaks from the perspective of the soul. This soul is traveling and looking for a host. In the first two bars he speaks of how he was able to travel without detection from the government’s surveillance. Then, he goes on to finally choose a host that is relevant to the demographic of people it intends to reach. This host is stylish and his image is relatable, so the people will be receptive of his message through familiarity. 
“In the streets there is no EQ, no di-do-di-do-di-do
So I grab the air and speak through the code
The devil cannot see through as I unload
Into another cerebellum
Then I can tell em, because my vibes go through denim
And leather whatever, however, I'm still rockin”
After the prophetic soul latches on to the host, KRS-One, it manifests purpose with grassroot organization and motivational speaking. Being KRS-One founded the Stop the Violence Movement in 1988 and was solely responsible for mobilizing many of the most influential Hip Hoppers against Gang Violence and Culture he had plenty of knowledge to give on the topic.
“We used to pick cotton, now we pick up cotton when we shoppin'
Have you forgotten why we buildin' in a cypher
Yo hear me kid, government is building in a pyramid
The son of God is brighter than the son of man
The spirit is, check your dollar bill G, here it is
We got no time for fancy mathematics
Your mental frequency frequently pickin' up static
Makin' you a naked body, addict and it's democratic
They press auto, and you kill it with an automatic”
Too often credit for the creation and establishment of a culture or society is given to one person as opposed to being evenly distributed amongst the support structure. How many times have you been taught the legacy of all the men that signed the declaration of independence? It is likely that you’ve only been taught about Thomos Jefferson. Just like there would be no Fidel Castro without the parallel influences of Che Guevara and Camilo Ceinfuegos there would be no Hip-Hop without KRS ONE. Perhaps without his tenacity, passion, and will it would have been infiltrated and exploited before it reached its full maturity. If that would have happened America would not have its current number one export. In his prime most consumers who listened to his message and gazed upon his image said “OH NO!”  from fear of what they could not understand. Today, we look at his legacy of art and effort and cant help ,but smile and yell “AH YEAH!”.
“If hip hop has the power to corrupt young minds, it also has the ability to uplift them.” - KRS-One 
The musician is a natural master of vibration and emotion. Many musicians have been able to make us dance. Many have been able to draw on relatability because nobody is the only person like them in the world. Perhaps some have even made us cry or provided soundtracks for intimate moments. Only few musicians have taken on the task of socially and historically educating their listeners through their music. 
Even fewer have been able to combine the mastery of teaching with mastery of rhythm. Those who do this become legends like; Nate King Cole, B.B. King, Nina Simone, Bob Marley, Chaka Khan and Fela Kuti’ and their influence lives throughout generations. In 1995 Krs-One released a self-titled album that came in the sunset of his reign. His career would mirror the sepia filter of the album cover. 
This album had dominant auras of militancy and rebellion that Krs-One fans had not heard since Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded. Krs-One was able to both appease his day one fans and gain the younger generation of Hip Hoppers who were listening to artists such as: Nas, Redman,Das Efx, Tupac, and A Tribe Called Quest. The message and timing of this album may have been divine. Let us look at the historical events of the year(s) Krs-One was creating this album in. In 1994, the United States congress had successfully completed the first step of becoming fascist by Voting to Censure Dr. Khalid Muhammad, National Advisor of the Nation of Islam. Bill Clinton and Joe Biden led Democrats to pass the The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and effectively fueled the prison industrial complex. South Africa held it first election since intergrating with the apartheid government and Invisble Man author Ralph Ellison had passed. Hip Hop was the soul vehicle of expression to protest the genocide that had been going on and KRS One was one of its leaders. The youth looked toward this leader to deliver an album reflective of their mindstate and he delivered. 
Imperative of a classic work of musical art, this album is composed of multiple great songs, but in my opinion the cornerstone song of the album is undeniably “Ah Yeah”. In this song he masterfully uses three 16 bar verses to empower and mobilize his listener much in the same way Dr. Khalid Muhammad did. This track starts with the establishment of an a capella warcry. He writes in response to western power’s having done such an incredible job destroying the rebel instinct that Afrikan people possess by publicly shaming our leaders and traditions. These lyrics are him trying to raise the psyche of a fallen warrior class and put revolt back in its holy place as opposed to the negative connotation that has been applied by the white power structure.  He essentially made a chant-like hook with an underlying message of “This is your enemy, This is how to handle him, and THIS is okay”. The aim focuses on  redirecting the accumulated anger of a traduced peoples that is often mistargeted toward self so that we may be collectively progresssive. 
He bellows:
“Ah yeah, that's whatcha say when you see a devil down
Ah yeah, that's whatcha say when you take the devil's crown
Ah yeah, stay alive all things will change around
Ah yeah, what? Ah yeah!”
Then comes the establishment of an eerie bass line. This song structure is familiar to fans of his earlier work. It was what they were longing for. For a few albums he took the perspective of being in the classroom or office as opposed to in the battlefield with his men. He had returned to fight with us like Haile Selassie. Immediately he establishes a dual level of respect. One with his men and one with his deterrent.  
“So here I go kickin' science in ninety-five
I be illin', parental discretion is advised still
Don't call me nigga, this MC goes for his
Call me God, cause that's what the black man is
Roamin' through the forest as the hardest lyrical artist
Black women you are not a bitch you're a Goddess
Let it be known, you can lean on KRS-One
Like a wall cause I'm hard, I represent God”
In the first 2 bars of the preceding excerption he lets us know he intends to drop some knowledge, but it will not be filtered for political correctness or comfortability. The following 2 bars he establishes both a tone of encounterment and identity. Then he goes on to explain from which direction he came much like Saint Maurice's appearance upon the plagued people of Europe to let them know he has navigated and he is no spook. He goes on to talk to his listener and the most important of them, the women.
In 1994, fresh off a press tour on which she gained popularity from criticizing Bill Clinton, Sister Souljah published her first book that was heralded by black scholars and youth alike entitled No Disrespect. Her Influence was cemented in the minds of black youth and played a huge role in raising generational consciousness by dealing with topics like “how the black woman is viewed by black men” and “the black woman’s role in repairing the black family structure”. She had solely been awarded leadership duties by a disregarded demographic in a scapegoated culture and was handling it with the grace of Misty Copeland.  Her and the women she raised to consciousness needed the camaraderie of Krs One. He goes on to sell to himself:
 “Wack MC's have one style: gun buck
But when you say, "Let's buck for revolution"
They shut the fuck up, can't get with it
Down to start a riot in a minute
You'll hear so many Bowe-Bowe-Bowe, you think I'm Riddick
While other MC's are talkin' bout up with hope down with dope
I'll have a devil in my infrared scope,”
In the first five bars he addresses the enemies of the oppressed people within the oppressed people. These “Wack MC’s” are the Uncle Toms’ and Judas of the rebellious, afro-centric movement that is Hip-Hop. He says they lack discipline and do not have the self awareness to rescue themselves. In comparison with himself who uses that energy toward an ultimate goal, Independence through revolution. In the succeeding excerption KRS briefly displays the cognitive processing and coping mechanism of a warrior:
That's for calling my father a boy and, klak, klak, klak
That's for putting scars on my mother's back, BO
That's for calling my sister a ho, and for you
Buck, buck, buck  cause I don't give a motherfuck
Remember the whip, remember the chant
Remember the rope and
You black people still thinkin' about voting?
Every President we ever had lied!
You know, I'm kinda glad Nixon died.”
Throughout the preceding excerption KRS skillfully uses onomatopoeias to create a setting for his listener. There is a battle going on. Shells casings are falling to the ground and bullets are flying from high caliber weapons. He is in the thick of it and then an enemy approaches him. He musters the courage to engage with his assailant by remembering the suffrage the morals of his enemies’ elected nation-state has caused his ancestors. Then he rejoices in the death of one of their leaders, Richard Nixon.
In the second verse Krs-One addresses an age-old topic of discussion for spiritual people that was brought forth to the Afrikans of today by Noble Drew Ali, “The Prophetic Soul”. This belief dates back to ancient Buddhism in the caves of Asia taught to us by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima in his book “African Presence in Early Asia”. This belief entails that all the prophets of the world including but not limted to; Adam, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, and himself were the same soul being reborn until its mission is completed.” Krs-One puts himself and a couple others in this divine line of being. 
“This is not the first time I came to the planet
 concern every time I come, only a few could understand it
I came as Isis, my words they tried to ban it
I came as Moses, they couldn't follow my Commandments
I came as Solomon, to a people that was lost
I came as Jesus, but they nailed me to a cross
I came as Harriet Tubman, I put the truth to Sojourner
Other times, I had to come as Nat Turner
They tried to burn me, lynch me and starve me
So I had to come back as Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley
They tried to harm me, I used to be Malcolm X
Now I'm on the planet as the one called KRS
Kickin' the metaphysical, spiritual, tryin' to like
Get with you, showin' you, you are invincible
The Black Panther is the black answer for real
In my spiritual form, I turn into Bobby Seale
On the wheels of steel, my spirit flies away
And enters into Kwame Ture”
In the beginning of the third verse he briefly continues the theme of possessing The Prophetic Soul but now, he does not speak from a perspective of being the people who had the soul. He speaks from the perspective of the soul. This soul is traveling and looking for a host. In the first two bars he speaks of how he was able to travel without detection from the government’s surveillance. Then, he goes on to finally choose a host that is relevant to the demographic of people it intends to reach. This host is stylish and his image is relatable, so the people will be receptive of his message through familiarity. 
“In the streets there is no EQ, no di-do-di-do-di-do
So I grab the air and speak through the code
The devil cannot see through as I unload
Into another cerebellum
Then I can tell em, because my vibes go through denim
And leather whatever, however, I'm still rockin”
After the prophetic soul latches on to the host, KRS-One, it manifests purpose with grassroot organization and motivational speaking. Being KRS-One founded the Stop the Violence Movement in 1988 and was solely responsible for mobilizing many of the most influential Hip Hoppers against Gang Violence and Culture he had plenty of knowledge to give on the topic.
“We used to pick cotton, now we pick up cotton when we shoppin'
Have you forgotten why we buildin' in a cypher
Yo hear me kid, government is building in a pyramid
The son of God is brighter than the son of man
The spirit is, check your dollar bill G, here it is
We got no time for fancy mathematics
Your mental frequency frequently pickin' up static
Makin' you a naked body, addict and it's democratic
They press auto, and you kill it with an automatic”
Too often credit for the creation and establishment of a culture or society is given to one person as opposed to being evenly distributed amongst the support structure. How many times have you been taught the legacy of all the men that signed the declaration of independence? It is likely that you’ve only been taught about Thomos Jefferson. Just like there would be no Fidel Castro without the parallel influences of Che Guevara and Camilo Ceinfuegos there would be no Hip-Hop without KRS ONE. Perhaps without his tenacity, passion, and will it would have been infiltrated and exploited before it reached its full maturity. If that would have happened America would not have its current number one export. In his prime most consumers who listened to his message and gazed upon his image said “OH NO!”  from fear of what they could not understand. Today, we look at his legacy of art and effort and cant help ,but smile and yell “AH YEAH!”.
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July 29, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
The ripples of the explosive testimony of the four police officers Tuesday before the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol continue to spread. Committee members are meeting this week to decide how they will proceed. Congress goes on recess during August, but committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) suggested the committee would, in fact, continue to meet during that break.
Committee members are considering subpoenas to compel the testimony of certain lawmakers, especially since the Department of Justice on Tuesday announced that it would not assert executive privilege to stop members of the Trump administration from testifying to Congress about Trump’s role in the January 6 insurrection. This is a change from the Trump years, when the Department of Justice refused to acknowledge Congress’s authority to investigate the executive branch. This new directive reasserts the traditional boundaries between the two branches, saying that Congress can require testimony and administration officials can give it.
Further, the Department of Justice yesterday rejected the idea that it should defend Congress members involved in the January 6 insurrection. Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) sued Alabama Representative Mo Brooks, as well as the former president and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, for lying about the election, inciting a mob, and inflicting pain and distress.
Famously, Brooks participated in the rally before the insurrection, telling the audience: “[W]e are not going to let the Socialists rip the heart out of our country. We are not going to let them continue to corrupt our elections, and steal from us our God-given right to control our nation’s destiny.” “Today,” he said, “Republican Senators and Congressmen will either vote to turn America into a godless, amoral, dictatorial, oppressed, and socialist nation on the decline or they will join us and they will fight and vote against voter fraud and election theft, and vote for keeping America great.”
“[T]oday is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass!” he said. He asked them if they were willing to give their lives to preserve “an America that is the greatest nation in world history.” “Will you fight for America?” he asked.
To evade the lawsuit, Brooks gave an affidavit in which he and his lawyers insisted that this language was solely a campaign speech, urging voters to support Republican lawmakers in 2022 and 2024. But he also argued that the Department of Justice had to represent him in the lawsuit because he was acting in his role as a congress member that day, representing his constituents.
Yesterday, the Department of Justice declined to take over the case, pointing out that campaign and electioneering activities fall outside the scope of official employment. It goes on to undercut the idea of protecting any lawmaker who participated in the insurrection, saying that “alleged action to attack Congress and disrupt its official functions is not conduct a Member of Congress is employed to perform.” This means Brooks is on his own to defend himself from the Swalwell lawsuit. It also means that lawmakers intending to fight subpoenas are going to be paying for their own legal representation.
If the committee does, in fact, start demanding that lawmakers talk, Brooks is likely on the list of those from whom they will want to hear. Trying to bolster the new Republican talking point that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) should have been better prepared for the insurrection (this is a diversion: she has no say over the Capitol Police, and she did, in fact, call for law enforcement on January 6), Brooks told Slate political reporter Jim Newell that he, Brooks, knew something was up. He had been warned “on Monday that there might be risks associated with the next few days,” he said. “And as a consequence of those warnings, I did not go to my condo. Instead, I slept on the floor of my office. And when I gave my speech at the Ellipse, I was wearing body armor.” “That’s why I was wearing that nice little windbreaker,” he told Newell. “To cover up the body armor.”
Brooks is not the only one in danger of receiving a subpoena. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) admitted on the Fox News Channel that he spoke to the former president on January 6, although he claimed not to remember whether it was before, during, or after the insurrection. He tried to suggest that chatting with Trump on January 6 was no different than chatting with him at any other time, but that is unlikely to fly. Jordan also repeatedly referred to Trump as “the president,” rather than the former president, a dog whistle to those who continue to insist that Trump did not, in fact, lose the 2020 election.
Meanwhile, it looks more and more like Republicans, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), are eager to change the subject. McCarthy today tried to walk back his previous blaming of Trump for the events of January 6, trying instead to tie Pelosi to the riot. He told reporters that when he said on January 6 that “[t]he President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters” and that Trump “should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding,” he made the comment without “the information we have today.” Then he tried to blame Pelosi for the Capitol Police response.
McCarthy seems unable to figure out how to handle the changing political dynamic and is continuing to shove the octopus of his different caucus interests into the string bag he’s holding only by promising that the Republicans will win in 2022. To that end, he is essentially walking away from governance and focusing only on the culture wars.
In addition to pulling the Trump Republicans off the select committee on the insurrection, he also pulled all six of the Republicans off a key committee on the economy, the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth. At a time when voters in all parties are concerned with the huge divergence in income and wealth in this country, a divergence that rivals that of the 1850s, 1890s, and 1920s, members of this committee could make names for themselves.
Ohio Republican Warren Davidson was one of those removed from the committee; he told Cleveland media he had been “looking forward” to participating and would “gladly rejoin” the committee if McCarthy relented, but it was Ohio Democrat Marcy Kaptur, still on the committee, who got the headline and the approving story.
Instead of this productive sort of headline, Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and Louie Gohmert (R-TX) staged an event in which they tried to visit the accused January 6 rioters at a Washington, D.C., jail. Refused entry, Gohmert told the press: “We’re in totalitarian, Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated.”
McCarthy and fellow Trump supporters are trying to get their own headlines by opposing new mask mandates as the Delta variant of coronavirus is gathering momentum across the country. On Tuesday, the attending physician for the United States Congress, Dr. Brian Monahan, reinstated the use of masks in the House of Representatives and recommended it in the smaller Senate. On Wednesday, Pelosi required the use of masks in the House, and reminded members that they would be fined for refusing to wear them. All of the Democrats in the House are vaccinated; it appears that only about half of House Republicans are.
Today, House Republicans launched a revolt against mask use. They are trying to adjourn the House rather than gather with masks. Chip Roy (R-TX), said "This institution is a sham. And we should adjourn and shut this place down.” Representatives Greene, Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ), all maskless, gave Roy a standing ovation. Today, a group of House Republicans without masks posed for cameras as they tried to gain entrance to the Senate.
Consolidating around Trump after his November loss was always a gamble, but increasingly it looks like a precarious one. Just this week, the former president tried to sabotage the infrastructure deal, and 17 senators ignored him. In Texas, on Tuesday, Trump’s ability to swing races was tested and failed when the candidate he backed—even pumping a last-minute $100,000 into the race—lost.
McCarthy has promised to win in 2022 with culture wars rather than governing, and that looks like an increasingly weak bet. But make no mistake: the ace in his vest remains the voter suppression laws currently being enacted across the country.
Chris Cioffi @ReporterCioffiNOW: large maskless group of House GOP members has just crossed onto the Senate side and asked to enter the Senate Chamber. 1,507 Retweets3,942 Likes
July 29th 2021
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companionjones · 4 years
That Won’t Work. Try Again.
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Fandom: Lucifer (Netflix)
Summary: The demons are revolting again. You, Lucifer, Maze, and Amenadiel need to stop them.
Warnings: Talkin’ ‘bout fightin’, cursin’
This is based on the word prompt ‘That won’t work. Try again.’
If you’re in the US, please check if you’re registered to vote!
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    Amenadiel, Lucifer, you, and Maze were all in Lucifer’s living room. Despite God’s silent reassurances that hell was fine, the demons had pulled another revolt. There was another group of them back on Earth. Lucifer needed your help to get rid of them.
   Lucifer began, “Here’s the plan. I lead the pack, of course. Then Y/n, then Maze, then Amenadiel. We keep going until hell’s repopulated.”
   “That won’t work. Try again,” you immediately shut down.
   Lucifer was about to continue, but he shut his mouth after you opened yours. He reeled backward a bit. But he followed your advice. “Alright, I go in--”
   “I’d scrap that idea too,” you suggested.
   A few feet away from you, Maze started to chuckle.
   The devil was getting annoyed. “What do you think we should do?”
   “Well, I think we should not just rely on brute force and maybe go about things more strategically,” you pointed out, “We could get a guy on the inside, like one of us could get captured or something, and that way, the demons won’t be on high alert as soon as the rest of us go in there. They’ll just think we’re there to get our guy out.”
   Amenadiel asked what everyone but you was wondering, “Which one of us will infiltrate their group?”
   You sighed, “Me.”
   Lucifer immediately disagreed. “No. No, no, no, no, no.”
   “They take me in, wanting to use me as leverage,” you talked over Lucifer, “Then you guys come in, wanting me back. As inconspicuous as can be. Then we have people fighting from both sides.”
   Morningstar shook his head incredulously. “I am not sending you in alone, Y/n!”
   “I’ll be fine. They don’t know I can fight yet, right?” you pushed.
   Lucifer pulled back, “Yes, that’s true. And you can fight well. But can you hold your own against demons?”
   “Excuse me?” Maze defended you before you could defend yourself. “Y/n may be human, but they’re the best fighter I have ever seen. Hell, they beat me in a fight.”
   At a loss, Lucifer looked to Amenadiel for backup. Amenadiel didn’t supply any.
   “Fine, fine!” Lucifer gave up.
   Maze didn’t waste any time. “Great. Let’s go.”
   Amenadiel followed her to the elevator. You stayed behind with Lucifer for a moment.
   “I’ll be fine. You know that, right?” You reached up to touch his cheek.
   Lucifer leaned into your hand.
   “And if you don’t save me, Amenadiel and Maze will, then we’ll all kick your ass for being too slow,” you teased.
   That got him to smile.
   You leaned up to kiss him.
   Lucifer returned it warmly. “I love you,” he offered once you broke the kiss.
   “I love you, too,” you happily replied.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! If you would like to read more, I have more fics on Lucifer over on my page. You should check it out. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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angelcorebabyowo · 4 years
Name: Slow dancing in the dark
Summary: Sometimes you just have to slow dance with your friend on a balcony because there's a Masquerade party going on downstairs and both of your dates left you high and dry. Sometimes you and that friend fall in love in the process, who knows. 
Word count:1,578
"Well Fitz, care for a dance?" Argo asks, interrupting the awkward silence and stretching an arm out for Fitzroy to take. His mask, one of the ones that would only cover the area near the eyes and was more for decoration than anything, was next to him on the railing and looked as if one bust of wind would send it over the edge in a heartbeat.
"Ask properly now." Fitzroy teases and crosses his arms looking at Agro, a smile playing on his lips before whipping his eyes with the coat of his crimson suit despite not even crying. His own mask, one that covered the full top half of this face only leaving room for the eyes, was discarded on one of the few chairs that were seated against the balcony. 
"Well sir Fitzroy Maplecort," Argo started with a bow making sure to keep his arm outstretched and a wide smile, he even laughed softly before getting the full sentence out. Fitzroy's breath hitched slightly. Sure Ago had already asked him to dance but something about how it was going on this time; now that it was more in proper formatting, it felt more special somehow. He couldn't focus on anything other than the man in front of him and the soft music blasting from the downstairs speakers and even he knew what would come next.  "Seeing as we've both been left to dry, would you care for this dance?"
"I don't know," Fitzroy whispers in a tone that would only be described as longing, despite what he said though, he gently took Argo's hand and bowed before standing up straight. Despite the quiet tone, his voice was also filled with the sound of a laugh that couldn't quite come out yet, then again he mostly always sounded like that whenever in the company of the other. "But...If you insist, it'll be rude for me to decline" 
Argo grinned and stood up straight before rubbing Fitzroy's knuckles with his thumb for a second before getting himself in position, one hand on the other's waist and one keeping their hands interlocked. Argo takes this as lone of the rare chances to pick fun at the way Fitzroy was taking at the moment: "Incredibly rude, I do say."
Fitzroy doesn't comment on that but does roll his eyes playfully. "Do you even know what you're doing?" Fitzroy smiles, amused while resting his arm lazily on Argo's shoulder, the height difference wasn't too significant but ever since his recent growth the whole thing was still somewhat awkward.
"Not in the slightest," Argo smiles back shifting on his feet tying to figure out the correct footing. He's danced before of course, but that was in the past with wild movements that seemed unplanned and planned at the same time. That was the complete opposite of what was going on now.
"Then don't you think I should lead?" Fitzroy asks right as the song downstairs shifted to a more appropriate song for something like this.  He was going to comment on the timing before Argo cut him off. 
"Nah, I got this!" Argo quickly states and starts the dance,  his movements a little wobbly but at least accurate to what he was originally intended to be. Fitzroy was beyond thankful for that at least. "I swear!"
Fitzroy laughs softly, more of a chuckle, and follows his lead. Now having to go oven slower then he was used to, which in his defense, wasn't all fast. He was self taught in this department, surprisingly,  one of the things not taught at knight school was the whole ballroom dancing thing. You'd think it would be a thing but no, it was not. "If you step on my feet I will shock you without a second thought" he says after a few close calls. 
Argo smiles mischievously,  sticking his tounge out, before gently stepping on the others feet,  "Whoops." He was laughing now, and completely stopped moving as the pair got closer to the edge and he didn't feel like explaining that to people. 
"Ow! Why you little-" Fitzroy cuts himself off by just how much he was laughing. His cheeks were flushed a lighter shade of red already and worth this it seemed to only grow darker. He quickly, and at a very low voltage, shocked Argo more so to prove his point then anything. It also got him a tad seeing as their hands were still intertwined so he winced slightly. 
"That hurt!" Argo whined with a playful pout, clearly not being truly affected at all. He was still laughing and was leaning on the railing again,  still not letting go of Fitzroy's hand. While he could've looked over the edge, or at the sky and stars he continued to look over at Fitzroy with a smile on his face. 
"That's what you get!" He smiles before pulling his hand away and leaning next to him but opting to look up at the sky instead, squinting as if looking for something as he did. He was calmed down enough to not fall over after all. 
"Kwss it bewwer?" Argo jokes reverting to baby talk something he knows Fitzroy found somewhat annoying, while still looking over at said half-elf.  He just wanted to hear them laugh again, just  to hear it. Wanted to be the person to cause it. 
Fitzroy snorts and pushes him playfully, having the other stumble slightly. His blush was starting to come back but at the tip of his ears. "You're revolting!" his words dissolved into laughter that then dissolved into just stifled giggles.  
"Just for you" Argo could feel his heart pounding in his chest, hearing it in his ears as if trying to escape its prison. This really wasn't how the day, well technically night, was meant to go but he wouldn't trade it for the world. "Now, are we going to get back to this dance or are we goin'  be waitin'?" 
"Nah, I vote we just kinda sit around." Fitzroy says before doing the exact opposite, taking Argo's hand and placing his hand on the other's hip. 
"Flip a coin?" Argo pouts.
"Nope, I'm leaning because I dont trust you to fuck it up again " fitzroy says leasung the dance, the song was different but this time it was one he recognized. He didn't know the name of it obviously but he does know it well enough to softly along. 
"I am beyond heartbroken." Argo jokes with a breathy sigh but allows Fitzroy to lead, quickly catching on and just as quickly being able to do it without nearly tripping. 
It was quiet again aside from Fitzroy's soft humming and the even softer music downstairs. It was awkward but instead welcomed like warm open arms on a cold day. The pair stayed like that for a second, just dancing but then the song ended and Fitzroy went silent again but Argo was too busy listening to the heartbeat in his ears and his own thoughts swimming to realize that it was over.
That was until Argo felt his arm get lifted up and a small kiss being placed on his knuckles, quickly jumped in surprise while getting pulled from his thoughts. It was soft and maybe that was the reason he noticed it, the way his hair stood up on end. The pounding of his heart only got louder and he warned more painful. 
"It was a good night, don't you think?" Fitzroy asks, now leaning on the railing but keeping their hands interlocked. 
"Didn't go according to plan but...yeah it was nice. " Argo agrees while leaning next to him while running his thumb over the others knuckle, it was a comforting feeling. He liked the feeling of it in honesty.
"We should start heading back to our room,  it's getting pretty late." 
"Do we have to head back right now? Can't we wait a few more minutes?'
"Yeah...I guess we can, but don't come crying to me in the morning if you don't want to go to class." Fitzroy looked over at him with a small smile, the tiredness in his voice was clear but that was the only indicator that he was tired. In the moon light it seemed as if his eyes sparkled and Argo had to stop himself from reaching out and holding the others face, his hand was enough after all.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Argo whispers now looking off at the horizon trying to find another place to look at then staring his friend in the eyes.
"Oh yes you would." Fitzroy accuses and gently squeezes the others hand on accident, it felt so natural he didnt even realize he was still holding it. When he realized he looked down at it and then back at the sky, leaning on the opposite hand and not even bothering to let go yet.
Argo laughs and shakes his head "yeah, I will most definitely doing it in the morning. "
"Don't you dare!" Fitzroy challenges.
"Watch me!" They both laughed at that before scooting closer to one another.
They'd have a lot to talk about in the morning, that was a given, but in this moment they just stood there going from wild laughter to slipping into yet another comfortable silence. Not moving until people started to leave the building, and even then they where the last ones out of there. Still not letting go of each others hands.
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aswithasunbeam · 4 years
A long overdue new chapter!
July 1813
Hamilton exhaled slowly through his nose as he set aside the latest Federalist newspaper in the stack waiting for Madison’s perusal. “The little occupant in the White House with his crippled army,” proclaimed the most prominent headline. Though clearly aimed primarily at Madison, the slight against Hamilton stung. He braced his hand against the wheels of his chair, lost in thought.
“General Hamilton?”
Looking up, saw a gentleman approaching from the direction of the President’s office. His wild hair, bushy brows, and piercing eyes gave him an almost menacing quality. The man thrust out a hand and waited, expressionless. Hamilton met his gaze steadily as he gave the hand a quick shake.
“Daniel Webster, sir. A great honor to meet you.”
Considering the name, Hamilton recalled, “The representative from New Hampshire?” One of the few Federalist victories in the last election. Considering how disastrous their campaigns had gone thus far, he couldn’t believe they hadn’t made more gains.
“That’s right, sir.”
“I appreciated your level-headedness over all the nonsense regarding secession in the North.” Webster inclined his head. “Though I must say your position on wartime taxes leaves something to be desired.”
“I don’t see why the Northerners should be forced to pay for a war that’s already bankrupting them.”
“Bankrupting the country as a whole will surely do little to redress their suffering,” Hamilton said.  
“Respectfully, I disagree. I was sent to represent my constituents, and they expect me to stand up against this shameful excuse for a war. I won’t vote to force them to serve in the army; I won’t vote to raise their taxes; and I won’t vote to impose embargoes that will further injure their businesses. That’s the promise I made to them.” Webster glanced back over his shoulder towards the President’s office. “As I told the President, he’ll find no relief from my prescriptions.”1
Hamilton sighed even as he forced a smile to end the meeting. “Well, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Webster.”
As Webster started down the hall, Hamilton pushed himself towards Madison’s now open office door. Just as he was about to cross the threshold, however, Mrs. Madison stepped in front of his path. She looked harried and exhausted, her hair lank and her fine gown a touch looser than usual.
“I’m sorry, General Hamilton, but he’s in no state to see anyone else,” she said.
“Let him in, Dolley,” Jemmy croaked from within the office.
Mrs. Madison turned her hard stare back to the interior of the office. Hamilton craned his neck slightly to see Jemmy lying listless on a settee, still dressed in his nightclothes, complete with his cap despite the blazing temperature outside. The raging bilious fever had taken a stark toll on Jemmy’s already feeble frame.
“It’s bad enough that awful man demanding to see you, James. I can’t—”
“Let him in.” Jemmy’s hand twitched in invitation.
Mrs. Madison reluctantly stepped aside and tapped the door closed when Hamilton had entered, though he noted that she’d remained in the office with them.
“You’re looking better, Jemmy,” Hamilton said as he stopped before the settee.
“Liar.” Jemmy smiled slightly. “What’s happened now? Not good news from Montreal, I suppose?”
“No. Last I heard, Hampton and Burr are both refusing to follow orders from Wilkinson. I can’t say that I blame them.”
“Wilkinson outranks them both.”
“Burr ought to be in charge. He turned a rout at Queenstown Heights into a near victory. He’s the best suited for command.”
“He’d barely made any progress after Queenstown,” Jemmy said dismissively.
“You know, Congress tried to remove Washington several times because he wasn’t making enough progress, in their view.”
“Are you trying to compare Burr with Washington?”
“I’m saying political timetables and effective military command don’t often mix well. And I don’t trust Wilkinson an inch.”
“He warned us about Burr’s treachery,” Jemmy argued, adjusting slightly to sit up more against the pillows piled behind him, his arm moving to guard his stomach.
“You don’t find that suspicious? That Wilkinson had so much information?”
“You’re the one who said Burr was innocent.”
“A court of law said that,” Hamilton corrected. Jemmy snorted derisively. “And Burr’s innocence doesn’t clear Wilkinson.”
Jemmy looked at him steadily, unmoved.
Shaking his head slightly, Hamilton said, “Wilkinson isn’t what I’m here to talk to you about, anyways. I’ve been getting more intelligence about Admiral Cockburn’s movements in the Chesapeake.”
“Is he still attempting to capture me and send me to London as a war prize?” Jemmy leaned his head back against his pillows as he clutched his belly through what appeared to be a cramp. “I’d make a sorry prize for them as I am now, I’m afraid.”
“You shouldn’t be so dismissive. Almost the entirety of our army is in Canada. If the British invade in the mid-Atlantic, they’d have their run of New York, Baltimore, even Washington.”
“What do you want to do about it?”
“Bring Burr or Hampton down with at least two battalions. Fortify the capital.”
Hamilton sat back, stunned at the immediate and vehement refusal. “No?”
“We need to take Montreal. The Canadians will ally with us if we just make a strong enough showing against the British.”
“I very much doubt that, Mr. President.”
Jemmy’s eyes flashed. “We’re fighting for their freedom as much as ours. They’ll see that. They’ll join us.”
“I imagine it doesn’t feel much like fighting for their freedom when they’re being compelled to join us as gunpoint, Jemmy.”
“We’re not moving troops away from Montreal.”
Pausing a moment, Hamilton suggested, “I did have another idea.”
“Cockburn is freeing enslaved men and women along the coast and arming them against us. If we were to remove the enticement by offering a similar arrangement with our army, we could build our numbers in the mid-Atlantic and the South without requiring any of our troops be moved from the Northern theater.”
Jemmy sat up fully, jaw gaping. “You can’t be serious.”
The astonishment was expected. Jack’s plan during the Revolution to give Black men the chance to fight for their freedom had been met with much the same reaction. The moment he’d heard about Cockburn’s strategy to free and arm enslaved men against the American army, Hamilton had known what the best solution to counter the British would be. He’d also known that the South would rather surrender to British rule than risk their despicable institution.
“I’m perfectly serious,” Hamilton said calmly.
“You want to arm slaves?”
“They’re going to fight either way. I’d rather they fight with us than against us.”
“The South would revolt! This is no time for your radical Northern…abolitionism.” The final word was uttered as if it were a curse, though Hamilton would consider his proposal neither radical, nor truly abolitionism.  
“So, you would let prejudice and private interest outweigh the common good? Outweigh the safety of our capital city, even?”
“It’s not an option, Hamilton.”
He felt his pulse speeding up, even having known Madison would never entertain the suggestion. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Avarice has fitted our Southern brethren for the chain, so long as that chain be a golden one.”2
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
“Dramatic?” Hamilton huffed an unamused laugh. “It may not seem so dramatic when British troops are marching down Pennsylvania Avenue.”
“Washington surely won’t be a target. There are far more attractive cities. And besides, we’re sending emissaries to initiate peace talks. We may see an end to the war before any such drastic measures would even need to be contemplated.”
“If you say so, Mr. President.”
“Was there anything else?” Jemmy’s voice had gone faint, and he was breathing hard as he sank back deep into his pillows.
Mrs. Madison stepped forward, placing herself between Hamilton and Jemmy. “I think that’s quite enough for today. General.”
Hamilton nodded. “Of course, Mrs. Madison.”
Before he left the office, Mrs. Madison called out after him, “Give my love to Mrs. Hamilton, General, if you will?”
“Of course,” he agreed.
As he made his way down the hall, he found himself wishing desperately for Jack in a way he hadn’t in years. Jack had been young and idealistic, a Southern gentleman capable of making his plan a reality despite all that stood against him. Even when Jack had been alive, Hamilton didn’t have the same stubborn belief in America’s better angels necessary to see such a plan to fruition.
As he was assisted into the coach to head home, he felt utterly defeated.
The report he needed had been pushed accidentally to the far end of the desk. A quick glance told him his chair couldn’t be maneuvered into the tight space at the edges to allow him to reach. He could call for an aid, of course, or Betsey, but the sting of Jemmy’s immediate rejections, of his inability to sway his own party, of the mocking headlines, were all far too fresh.
His arms trembled as he pushed himself up from his chair, all his weight on the table. Sweat beaded on his brow. His legs were limp beneath him. Transferring his weight onto one hand, he reached out towards the report, muscles shaking.
He nearly fell, only just catching himself, his hip banging into the side of the table as he re-adjusted his weight onto both hands.
Betsey was at his side in a moment, her hands sliding around his waist to brace him. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?”
“Getting a report,” he said through gritted teeth.
“I’ll get it. Sit back down,” she urged.
“I’m not helpless!”
She didn’t recoil at his shouting. Her expression was soft as she soothed a hand down his spine. “I know that, sweetheart. I know.”
He closed his eyes, trying to calm his temper.
He felt her lean closer, her nose brushing his cheek tenderly.
“I’d nearly forgotten how tall you are,” she whispered. He opened his eyes and looked down at her face. His trembling arms gave way, and he fell back hard into his chair with a soft curse.
“Which report did you need?” Eliza asked. She looked away as he adjusted himself, allowing him to preserve at least some of his dignity.
“The Quartermaster’s report, please,” he asked, forcing his legs back into place. He rubbed a hand over his temple, a headache banging against his temples.
The sound of a chair dragging across the wooden floor drew his attention. Eliza settled in beside him, the report he’d requested now resting on the tabletop before him. Her hand rested on his forearm, her face open.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Hamilton admitted softly.
“Do you ever?”
He laughed. “Perhaps not.”
She leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“Madison won’t listen to me. Not about who to trust in command. Not about where to put our troops. And then, like a glutton for punishment, I raised the idea of offering freedom to the enslaved population to help defend the capitol and the Southern states.”
“Like Jack tried to do.”
It wasn’t a question, but he nodded. “Like Jack. Madison didn’t even consider it. He’s convinced the British won’t attack Washington.”
“It’s the capital,” she said, skepticism written in her expression. “Why wouldn’t it be a target?”
Hamilton shrugged. “He’s obsessed with the Northern theater. I just, I don’t know why I’m even here. What good am I doing? Giving endless advice that no one follows?”
“What do you want to be doing?”
“You want to go north.” Again, she didn’t phrase it as a question.
“Not to the front. But…yes. I want to be on the field. I want to try to help in a way that will matter more than pushing paper around on my desk.” He waved to his overburdened table in disgust. “I need to feel like it matters that I’m here.”
She sighed. “Then we’ll go north.”
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