#I use to walk and also be chased by her dog way back in the day
mer-se · 4 months
it’s crazy how people don’t think their death will affect people around them even if you aren’t close to them, or even if they were just semi passing encounters like no, others feel it. my neighbor died and as I park my car and look up at her dark little house it makes me so sad - I wanna go inside and turn on the lights she always has on. People notice and will feel it even if you don’t believe it.
#and I feel so bad because I saw her a couple of days ago and she was trying to give me flowers but I was rushing back to work#they’ve been on her porch she said take some and I haven’t and ew I feel bad#she was always trying to give me flowers and stuff because knows I like em#she was a lot but had a lot of issues going on#she use to come over crying all the time I knew so much about her life#and she genuinely cared about all of us over here#been like 16 years#I use to walk and also be chased by her dog way back in the day#stood in between her and her husband in a fighting match#one time she slid a picture of an owl under my door and we were so fucking creeped out because what#turned out it was her and she gave it to me because I love animals and photography hahah#l'd hide from her but feel bad and end up listening haha#she’d give me birthday cards because I share a birthday with one of her daughters#definitely an end to a era#I feel bad for her daughter she was sitting in her car while medical examiners were in the house#a bunch of ominious black vans outside for a bit#I should've taken the flowers 😕#I felt crazy guilty afterwards to the point I kept mentioning it and now I’m wondering if my spooky bitch body knew something#it's me and I wouldn't be that surprised I am all knowing even if I don't know you know?#seems odd#anyways I was thinking of leaving something for her daughter but I’m not sure when#she wasn’t home today#I’m not surprised by that#the flowers are still on her steps and it makes me really 😖#anyways life is short and weird and sad and ppl care
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I haven't seen any dog stories in a while. How are Charleston and The Hanukkah Goblin doing?
Dog updates!
The first one is a little sad, but also how life should go. Arwen is 14 now and while she's still moving, eating, pooping and generally enjoying life, she also has canine dementia and sundown syndrome where she gets extremely nervous and her dementia gets worse after dark. She'll be with us for a while yet, but it's something we have to manage now.
One person who is very much helping her manage is Herschel. My parents are traveling a lot while they still have the knees for it so I spend a lot of time up at their house, and Charleston and Herschel come up too. Being a Corgi, Herschel likes to manage things, and Arwen would like someone to manage things for her so he's become her self-appointed guide dog.
When I call the dogs for food or outside, he goes and finds her deaf ass and herds her to the location. Normally she doesn't go outside after dark but when the boys are there she's willing to wait for Charlie to chase away anything that might be lurking out there, and then follow Herschel's ass around the yard at night.
Very literally.
She's also got cataracts forming and I think his bright white backside is easy for her to see in the dark, so she follows it around.
During daytime walks she sees well enough but neither she nor Charlie are fans of strange off-leash dogs running up to them (a regrettably common problem out here. I don't care if your dog is friendly MINE ARE NOT!), so both of them prefer to walk half a pace behind Herschel so his more socially adept and knife-filled face is out front to intercept any unwanted solicitors. This does tend to give people the opposite impression though- because he is so much shorter, Herschel gives the impression of a tiny, charming mafioso flanked by his two large and surly bodyguards.
Like, they absolutely would kill a bear for him.
But Charlie and Arwen would also try to kill a bear on general principle.
At night, when Arwen barks at shadows, Herschel runs up and stand between her and the alleged menace, and does his best to look large and intimidating and for as silly as he looks, he does have a very good growl. After a moment, when the alleged bear or congressman or other horror fails to appear, he will stick his nose into the offending shadow, and finding nothing, be satisfied that their joint effort has successfully chased the problem off, and report back to her. This, more than anything else, seems to alleviate Arwen 's fears.
I guess we all just need someone to take us seriously when we're frightened.
Charleston, meanwhile, has gotten into giving safari tours of the front range's small vertebrates.
After eight years of managing his exceptionally high prey drive, something clicked earlier this summer and instead of immediately lunging his whole face at any approximately bite-sized animal in an attempt to expedite it's journey into his stomach, Charlie has started *pointing* at things until I come look at them and tell him he's a good boy. This started with a mole, something he'd never seen before and that moves above ground in a strange way, so he wasn't sure about eating it, so he only alerted at it. "GOOD BOY!" I shouted, giving him all the cuddles. "GOOD SPOT! GOOD JOB NOT EATING IT!"
It's important to reward behavior you want to see.
Since then, he's been trying out pointing at small creatures in the grass and then making very pointed eye contact with me until I come look at them. This is a little tricky when walking both dogs because Herschel is still very much in his "inhale wildlife" phase, but usually I can lock the little gremlin's leash and go look at whatever Charlie has cornered while Herschel attempts to develop telekinesis to will the critter into his mouth.
So far, Charleston has found: a baby rabbit, several baby rabbits in a cluster, an adult rabbit with Jackalope virus, several voles, several moles, a fledgling owl, only the two mice, several mouse-sized grasshoppers and cicada, someone's pet rat (the person was searching within earshot and 'Socks' was collected forthwith), a beanie baby that had me fooled for a hit minute too, a marmot which I didn't know lived down here, a groundhog which I didn't know lived up here, a mink, so many toads, a wild turkey chick, so many more garter snakes and last night, an aquatic shrew.
I don't know if there's an Audubon Society for small things that scuttle around in the undergrowth, but I am inclined to join solely to get Charleston recognition for his service in surveying them.
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soap-brain · 1 month
i think one of the nate eliot things is that they're both fucking unhinged. there's something feral about them, something that's capable of disregarding basic humanity. we know eliot is a killer, and a ruthless one at that, and he's not afraid of being in those kind of situations, which in a way dehumanises him, this inability to feel fear.
and nate. nate!! that man is terrifying! get in line, or get out of the way is his motto, and he applies it to absolutely everyone. especially in the earlier seasons, and yes he applies it to sophie (who is unarguably closest to him) too! for maggie he decides that she will get out of the way (because falling in line with him would mean that she would break the law, and she's a Good Citizen, not a Criminal or a Thief, and it never occurs to him that it's not a black and white situation... or that his ex wife matches his crazy).
and if you do neither, he ends you. simple as that. he doesn't kill you and he doesn't physically harm you, but what he does is arguably worse, because he ruins your life in ways eliot can't.
and they very quickly recognise each other as apex predators and both allow the other to use that for their crusade. eliot is a weapon that needs pointing in the right direction, that's what he's getting out of their relationship; and nate needs someone who'll have a go at him and who he can't actually hurt. because nate ruins lives by ruining their reputations, and what reputation does eliot have to lose? and conversely, not even nate ford could convince the world that eliot spencer isn't really fucking dangerous
(sidenote: that's why making moreau watch eliot spencer decrying the evil presidential dog fights is so fucking funny. there's an excellent post about it somewhere on here)
eliot thinks he's further along the path of being something inhuman, and he also thinks nate can still be saved from becoming that too. being an insurance cop, a "good guy" (btw a very laughable concept about how working in insurance makes you a good person. like. if that were the case then how come the same "good guys" let nate's son die so they didn't have to pay for his treatment?), was what kept nate on the straight and narrow before, and now giving him something to do might stop him from going completely off the rails ("how long until you fall apart again? a guy like you can't be out of the game, that's why you were a wreck. you need the chase" is what eliot's saying to convince nate to stay with the team).
unfortunately running with criminals doesn't fix nate the way eliot would like for it to, because the guy suddenly stops recognising any and all societal rules and overcompensates by trying to keep full control of everything all the time. he is so unreasonably mad at sophie for trying to help her friend teresa who got screwed over by marcone.
"she should've known what she got into, her husband working with the mob" and cpl perry from the ep before should've known what he got into, joining the military, but for some reason he's worth helping because he didn't "choose" to become a criminal. did teresa choose to get in with the mob or did she and her husband just not have another chance?
and when the entire team agrees they want to take that job, nate throws a hissy fit. tells them all to walk if they don't like the way he runs the team.
so does leverage fix nate? maybe after five seasons. but at first it makes him worse because between "not having to abide by normal human laws anymore" and the alcohol he completely loses his restraint
and eliot gets that. eliot has been there, has completely lost any and all principles (working for moreau mostly) and is now trying to glue the pieces of himself back together into something that isn't horrible. but nate isn't there yet. nate is still violent and dangerous, and eliot is the only one on the team who isn't disgusted by it. sophie certainly is. hardison and parker are too, even if they don't say it out loud. eliot may not like it, but he gets it.
and in return, nate is the only one who knows about what happened in the big bang job. he can hold eliot back with as little as a gesture or a look and it's not a slight to eliot at all. eliot trusts nate to point him in the right direction because they both need the same thing:
to be a good man.
eliot: what, you think the only thing i know how to do is bust heads? nate: no... well, yeah. eliot: hold a knife like this, cuts through an onion. hold a knife like this, cuts thought like eight yakuza in 4 seconds. screams, carnage... nate: yeah good point actually
like apart from how it's funny, any normal person would react with some version of "that's so fucked up". and nate is just like yeah nah that tracks actually, fair enough, do carry on
also @scotchiegirl something about nate and eliot and violence? sorry for tagging you aslkdjfhasdlkfj i just had ThoughtsTM
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limonmelon · 2 months
armandaniel reclist
Because I really have to start putting these somewhere and because I need everyone to read these and give them the love they deserve:
outcast of all this night by gaypiratedivorce - "After a month in Dubai, Daniel Molloy is back home and miraculously alive, eager to get to work on his first draft. The vampire Armand has other plans." first in an insanely good (and complete!) series.
two truths and a liar by andrealyn - "Facing down the press junket for his book, Daniel Molloy is prepared to hype up his hit novel. He's less prepared to have Armand crash the tour to play bodyguard and doting assistant and he's definitely not ready to have his secrets spilled on a world stage because Armand wants to play games. The longer he sticks around to torment Daniel as he chases him across the country, the longer he stays. So, who's really winning this game?"
to the edge of the earth by andrealyn (you can tell I love her Daniel voice) - "There's nowhere that Armand can run where Daniel won't find him. Using the Talamasca's information, his own dogged determination, and eternity sprawling ahead of them, Daniel's going to find his maker and figure out why Armand keeps running. When he catches him (and he will), he's going to prove that it's going to be the two of them, forever, and that he's going to love Armand the way no one has before."
and then what? by andrealyn - "The droning hum of Louis' boredom is going to drive Armand mad. Instead of accepting it, Armand seeks out the kaleidoscope chaos that is Daniel Molloy's mind to learn why he's so special, so fascinating, so interesting. Every city he finds him in, he learns more before he makes Daniel forget. Every city, Armand grows a little more addicted. And every city, Armand does something he's not supposed to do -- falls a little more in love and eager to give Daniel the memories of who they are together."
his thoughts were red thoughts by spqr - "Daniel’s barely thirty; he can’t fathom one century, let alone five. It’s probably a wonder Armand doesn’t spend his time skulking in a cave somewhere, muttering to himself, covered in the blood and muck of his innocent human victims."
care and keeping by katplanet - "Louis shakes his head. “And now he's got you stepping on him.” Daniel picks his drink up and necks the last half of it. “I have not,” he says, “stepped on him, as of yet.” “But you want to.” “I think so?” Daniel puts the empty glass back on the table and scoots it out of their immediate limb radius. “I think I could want to. I want to want to.” “There you go,” Louis says, “tell him that. That'll set the mood.”" With some really great Louis/Daniel friends who love each other and also fuck too.
Endearments by Nothing_But_Paisley - "Daniel never compared him to a Botticelli angel or a Bernini cherub, never called him a demon or an imp. Such images scarcely existed within that wonderfully secular modern brain of his. Daniel was entirely a creature of the flesh."
open up your skull, i'll be there by typefortydeductions - "He shakes his wrist free and brings it to his mouth, licking up the trail of blood, his eyes never leaving Armand’s. He turns, and walks away, and spends a restless night in his own bed with his dick half-hard and the memory of Armand’s blood and Armand’s hands and Armand’s final whispered words before he upped and left Daniel sprawled newborn on the floor." this series floored me it's so good please read it.
mystic seaport is that way by exastris_scientia - "Daniel should really get more sleep and stop getting himself into these situations..." this series has it's boot on my throat. written pre-Season 2.
bend your dream with the road | VOTE TO END OTW RACISM by meronicavars - "Daniel is asleep dreaming of his own unreliable recollection of Louis at Polynesian Mary's all those years ago and Armand wants to dive into his dream and wrench Louis out, shake him until he realizes that Daniel is his, Daniel has always been his. Isn’t this something Louis should know? That Daniel was his gift to Armand. Why must you torture me with his presence? He wants to ask. Why would you bring him here if not to punish me?" also part of great series and written pre-Season 2.
the man who wasn't there by obstra - ""I just couldn't bear to lose you and Louis in one day.” Armand is looking away from Daniel now and picking more ferociously at the edge of his sleeve, like he's avoiding something big. He's almost afraid to ask, somehow he can tell this is going somewhere significant “Why would losing me be the same as losing Louis Armand? Just some kid you met decades ago in San Francisco, tortured a little bit then threw aside? Explain to me why. Does this have anything to do with the fact that my memory of the 70s has more holes in it than swiss cheese? I thought it was just drugs but I also thought San Francisco was just drugs and look how that turned out.”"
a haunting just for company by valkyrisms - ""I know what a breakup looks like," Daniel says. "The better question is, why are you coming to me about it? I'm the one who broke up your little sham." "This is what humans do, don't they?" Armand asks, letting his voice drop. "Crashing on their friends' couches when there's a blip in their romances?""
Simplicity by WendigoDreaming - "Daniel's memory is a gaping hole morphing slowly into the shape of Armand." also part of an ongoing series!
The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning by trinityofone - "He should have left when he had the chance. But he wanted to see how it ended. His mistake. Because the story wasn’t done with him. All at once it was grabbing him by the throat. (A version of Daniel's turning featuring visions, sex, and sexy visions.)"
forever's gonna start tonight by trinityofone (actually just read all their IWTV fic thank you) - "I’ve lost my mind, Daniel thinks, still lavishing kisses to the chest of the creature that killed him. He says the next part out loud: “I fucking hate you. And you hate me. So something is making us do this.” “I don’t hate you,” Armand pants. “You mean nothing to me. Don't stop.”"
more to come!
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wileys-russo · 10 months
After Mearps' recent tiktok Ima need an Alessia fic about her Turkey Fear please queen
this was painful to write as someone who is ALSO terrified of bush turkeys. based around this tiktok; https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNXWYK1m/
human shield II a.russo
“-mm they look a bit like massive rabbits.” your girlfriend pondered with a frown as you crouched down on the ground staring at the kangaroos in wonder.
“what! what sort of rabbits did you have growing up in kent less?” mary laughed in disbelief of the blondes take, a small smack heard as alessia lightly hit her.
“they dont have rabbits in kent mary all the chavs would chase them for fun.” you smirked, yelping as your girlfriend kicked at the back of your knees ruining your balance and sending you tumbling onto your ass.
"less!" you scowled up at her as the sudden movements scared away the small family of kangaroos, the four of them hopping away as you stood to your feet and brushed the dirt off of you.
"you're such a child." you huffed making her and mary laugh as you continued to walk away from them. "thats rich coming from you baby." your girlfriend teased, poking your bum lightly with her foot as you shot her a glare over your shoulder.
"the both of you are children." mary scoffed as your girlfriend caught up to you and grabbed your hand, swinging it back and forth and repeatedly kissing your cheek until she gained a smile.
"sorry mother mary!" you poked your tongue out at her, alessia joining in making the goalkeeper roll her eyes and walk off ahead of you two mumbling about how she was sick of babysitting.
"please mary you love us!" alessia teased with a smug smile, still swinging your intertwined hands back and forth. "love is a strong word alessia." the older woman tutted, the three of you chattering on about everyone's plans for the day off tomorrow.
"what the hell is that!" your conversation stopped as a strange bird appeared from the bushes and alessia suddenly stopped, her grip on your hand tightening. "oh my god its ugly." you added on, both of you frozen on the spot.
"its a turkey! get over it." mary laughed, throwing her head back at the obvious fear written on both your faces. "here birdy birdy!" mary cooed clicking her fingers. "mary don't call it over!" you hissed, trying to run away as alessia held on tightly to your hand.
"babe!" you gasped in disbelief as she suddenly grabbed you in a tight bear hug, holding your back to her front using you effectively as a human shield.
"lessi let go!" you whined, twisting around and pushing your head into her chest trying to shove her backwards as she screamed and the bird moved toward the two of you.
"you get in front you're taller!" you ordered with a grunt, trying to wrench her hands off of you as she continued to try and push you forwards toward the turkey who loomed closer and closer.
"you get in front you're older!" the blonde retorted back as you managed to duck behind her, your hands on her waist trying to keep it that way. "by nine days!" you scoffed, yelping as she managed to once again grab you and hold you in front.
"less you're supposed to protect me not use me as a human shield!" you squirmed as her fingers dug into your hips still holding your back to her front.
"oh my god its charging at us baby kick it or something!" the striker gripped you tightly as mary doubled over in laughter at the two of you. "kick it?" you repeated in disbelief at her suggestion.
"alessia you better let go of me or i swear to god you're sleeping alone for this entire tournament!" you warned seriously, almost jumping on top of her as the bird darted toward you making you both scream and fall to the ground.
"pair of fucking idiots the both of you!" mary shook her head in disbelief, shooing away the bird as you glared down at your girlfriend. "i love you?" she smiled guilty, groaning as you elbowed her in the stomach and stood to your feet, storming off.
"dog house tonight for you less!" mary teased, barking at her as the striker hurried to her feet brushing the leaves off of her with a sigh. "shut up mary that thing was huge!" alessia huffed, crossing her arms and following after you as the goalkeeper kept pace.
"speaking of, i think it heard you." mary teased as the bird appeared again, alessia freezing in the spot. "come on less! you need to go and say sorry to your poor girlfriend." mary encouraged, waving for her to follow her.
"yeah i'll go when its moved!" alessia replied, taking very slow and cautious steps as the bird pecked at the ground a few meters away, seemingly disinterested in either of the girls.
"alessia is afraid of turkeys everyone!" mary announced, phone in hand filming a tiktok. "yeah well it just started charging right at us." alessia caught up to her, eyes never leaving the bird making mary grin.
"well i wouldn't say charging!" mary laughed, camera zoomed in on the strikers fear stricken face, nervous smile on her lips. "oh i would!" alessia scoffed, memory flashing back to just a few minutes ago when the bird had attacked.
"i would say its simply walking and minding its own business." mary turned her phone to film the bird now, wandering away from them still pecking at the ground. "well yeah but it did look us in the eye-go!" alessia argued, mary feeling a hand dig into her back as the younger girl shoved her forwards.
"why are you pushing me?" mary laughed, ending the video and sliding her phone into her pocket as alessia hurried the two of them down the path leaving the bird long behind them.
"god that was pathetic you're such a wuss." mary teased, swatting alessia's hands away from them as they returned back to the main building of the hotel, waving to a few of the other girls who were sat together on the grass watching a huddle of kangaroos.
"i am not!" alessia argued with a frown, the two of them jogging upstairs and into the lobby. "yes you are, first you use that poor girl as a shield and then me. she was right you should have been in front you're taller!" mary laughed with a shake of her head.
"i couldn't think about it in the moment my natural instincts kicked in." alessias frown deepened. "your natural instincts? what to cower and hide behind your five foot girlfriend? good luck less!" mary snickered, clapping her on the back and wandering off to find someone else to hang out with.
with a deep seeded sigh alessia stepped into the elevator, tapping her foot impatiently as it ascended the two floors and she made her way to your room which was right next to hers.
both of you having swapped spare key cards she wasted no time letting herself in, wincing at the glare you gave her as she did, closing the door softly behind her and making her way toward the bed.
"i'm sorry." she started honestly, standing at the foot of the bed as you were laid down on your back, head buried in a book and refusing to meet her apologetic gaze, eyebrows creased into a frown.
"i'm really really sorry?" alessia tried again, taking a seat on the end of the bed as once more you stayed silent, still not meeting her eyes as they trailed down your body. "i'm really really really reallyyy sorry." the striker continued, moving to sit up on her knees.
"baby." the girl frowned as she tried to lay down, your feet pressing into her shoulders preventing her from doing so. "i'm really really really really really really reallyyy sorry!" the blonde effortlessly knocked your feet off and flopped down on top of you, torso hovering above your hips as she held herself up with her arms.
"you used me as turkey bait." you scowled, lips pursed together in a small pout as you glanced at her over the top of your book. "you're the cutest turkey bait a girl could ever ask for?" alessia smiled charmingly, settling down so her chin rested on your lower stomach.
"cheap flattery will not work this time russo." you warned sternly, marking your page, closing your book and placing it down on the nightstand. "oh not the last name, baby you wound me!" alessia cried out, sitting up a little and clutching at her chest dramatically.
you bit down on your bottom lip to swallow the smile which wanted to curl onto your face. "nope! saw that." your girlfriend grinned, dropping back down and gently placing a tender kiss to the sliver of tanned skin poking out where your shirt had ridden up a little.
"alessia!" you couldn't help but laugh as suddenly she was pulling your shirt up properly and wedging her head inside, effectively wiggling herself to wear it alongside you. "you're stretching it." you groaned, still laughing as her head eventually poked out of the top, her body pressed flush against yours, pinning your own to the bed, the two of you trapped inside your training top.
"you wear mine all the time anyway babe so it doesn't matter." the striker grinned, shoving her hands in as well and moving them up to cup your face. "hello beautiful." she sung out with a charming smile, lips hovering over yours as you shook your head and she pecked your lips repeatedly again mumbling an apology each time she did.
"you are ridiculously clingy." you teased, corners of your mouth curving into an amused smirk. "gotta take the best care i can of my little human shield, and my most pretty girl." the taller girl was quick to retort back as your mouth formed a small o, dipping her head and pressing her again lips to yours.
"you're so lucky you're cute."
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whatitshouldvebeen · 6 months
(no idea if these even go through, first time pls be patient with me) i’ve been going through your blog for a few days and i am loooving it omg i love the way you write so much! i was wondering what you would think would go down when,
a victim using reader as bait to let the victim go
a victim hurting reader (mistook as a family member) or
A victim dragging reader out an exit to escape also (thinking she’s another person trapped there) please don’t feel like you have to answer all, (or even answer at all) you have your own life and you can make your own decisions in life :) 👋
A Dog's Loyalty
I wrote this as a combo of all three requests of yours!
Description: Ana tries to escape with you, but you don't want to leave
Warnings: blood, injury
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"Oh my god, Leland, there's someone else in here!"
You looked up at her, your eyes wide. You were huddled in the corner of Johnny's shack, frozen in place. It had been months since you saw another person; you'd almost forgotten anyone but Johnny truly existed.
"Don't worry, hun, we'll get you out. My name is Ana, what's yours?" the young woman asked, working to untie the rope from around your ankle. She had the most beautiful tan skin, her dark hair matted with sweat but still cascading in pretty waves down to her shoulders. The guy she'd called Leland kept watch, peeking out of the cracked front door anxiously.
You hesitantly told her your name, and she smiled as she helped you up from the floor. "I think our friend Julie already unlocked the front gate. We just have to get there without getting caught."
Leland signaled that the coast was clear, sliding through the crack in the door. Ana waited for you to go, and you marveled at how easy it was to get through now. You'd been here so long you'd lost a lot of weight since the first time you'd been sneaking around trying to escape.
You're almost blinded by the light as you emerge on the other side. How long had it been since you'd been outside? You couldn't even remember. Months? A year? Longer?
Ana came out after you, and not long after the three of you heard a chainsaw revving. Ana pulled you into some tall grass while Leland ran away from the exit, drawing the attention of the man you'd heard Johnny refer to as "big boy," who yelled in outrage as he chased after him.
"Come on, now's our chance!" Ana said, grabbing your hand. You stumbled after her, not used to running after so long locked away.
"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?"
The voice stopped you in your tracks, only a few feet from the gate. Ana looked at you incredulously and tried to pull you toward the gate.
"Come on! He's coming!!" She screamed, tugging at you. You stayed rooted in place, your ears burning.
"Be a good girl and stay right where you are." Johnny rounded the corner of the white picket fence, walking so slowly you probably could get away if you started running. But you didn't.
"Oh my god, you're one of them, aren't you?!" Ana accused, pulling your back against her chest. She took out a bone scrap and held it to your neck, her breathing erratic.
"Let me and Leland go, or I'll kill her!" Ana said, pressing the scrap against your neck and backing up toward the gate. You winced, but it wasn't anything new to have a sharp edge threaten your life.
Johnny stopped, his eyes narrowing.
"'Fraid I can't do that. Your friend is already in the basement being chopped up as we speak."
Ana swallowed harshly. "You piece of shit! You're lying!"
Johnny grinned. "Stick around fer dinner and I'll let you see him again, all dressed in some nice gravy ‘n chitlins."
Ana's tears fell on your shoulder as her back ran into the gate. Johnny stayed where he was, his fingers twitching at his side.
"Johnny," you whispered, trying not to move.
"Obviously, she wants to stay. Keep her," Ana said, shoving the gate open. She then took the bone scrap and jabbed it into your thigh, throwing you to the side.
You screamed as you fell to the ground, blood welling around the bone scrap. Johnny let out a feral growl before lunging, moving faster than you'd ever seen him move.
"Help me!" Ana screamed, running out onto the road. Johnny moved twice as fast, fueled by rage as he grabbed her around her midsection. He didn't hesitate before dragging his blade across her throat, her blood fanning out through the air and splattering on the road. He let her drop to the road, discarded, and you heard him run back through the gate.
He collected you in his arms, sitting on the dusty ground and holding you close.
"Are you okay baby?" He asked, gently stroking your hair from your face. He looked down at your leg and winced, the first time you've ever seen him queasy at the sight of an injury.
You nodded, though your face was pallid and your fingertips felt cold.
"I… need a bandaid…"
Johnny laughed and nodded. "I'll get ya one. Come on." He picked you up easily, cradling you against his chest. Instead of taking you to his shack, he brought you into Nancy's house for the first time. Once inside he laid you out on the dining room table, much like the meals they'd served over the years.
He rushed to the bathroom and brought back gauze.
"This is gonna hurt sugar. Here." He unbuckled his belt and put it between your teeth. "Bite down on this, alright?"
You nodded, and he smiled. "Good girl. One… two…" He then yanked the bone scrap from your thigh.
You wailed, more thick blood oozing out onto the table. Johnny poured alcohol over the wound, making the pain almost unbearable. He then, as quickly as he could, wrapped your leg in gauze. You felt your vision getting fuzzy as you began to fade. But then, Johnny leaned over the table, took his belt back, and kissed you.
Your heart instantly picked up, and your eyes focused on him as he pulled back, his cocked grin on his handsome face.
"You showed your loyalty today, sugar. I knew you were special." He kissed you again, and even though your arms were weak you still wrapped them around his neck. When he pulled back, he looked happier than you'd ever seen him.
"Welcome to the family."
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gisellaaa · 7 months
I'm a believer of "if it's over, isn't mean to be" so congrats on your break up babe.
As u want to put your anger out, can u give us a revenge blurb? Like, reader discover her bf lied to her after they break up and now she's paying back. Choose a hughes and put them on a fight
P.s.: we love you ❤
a/n this is kinda what you mean, but genuinely i can’t fight fighting scenes so it’s kinda lead to black if you know what i mean. anyways here’s a lukey blurb, also strong platonic relationships with some players!
Your mouth had gone dry when you seen the Instagram post. It was your freshly ex-boyfriend in Malibu with a new girl, only a week after your breakup. As far as you knew, Chase was in Malibu to complete a few things for work. Instead, you were sure that he was only doing one this, getting his dick wet.
Which is what led to the situation you found yourself in now. A crowded bar on a Friday night in New Jersey, tucked under Luke’s arm. He invited you to join the team on a night out, which you hesitantly accepted. You had met the team under numerous occasions, considering you had been close friends with the Hughes brothers your entire life.
“Where’s your puppy dog?” Simon asked, promptly getting elbowed by Luke. “Broke up,” You had replied back, shrugging slightly. Luke squeezed your shoulder, giving you a sincere look. Simon looked curious, considering that since he’s met you, you’ve only been around Chase.
“Went to Malibu to get his dick wet, so I called it quits.” Your voice has a cold hearted tinge to it, watching as Simon raised his eyebrows. “Oh, well, I was just confused because he’s here, and I seen him with another girl so I figured-“
“He’s here?” Luke asked, looking around the bar area. You tensed up, remembering the previous conversation you had with Luke. The conversation where he said that he wouldn’t hesitate to start a problem.
Jack somehow squeezed his way next to you, Dawson following suit behind him. “Who’s here?” Jack asked, looking up at his brother with a confused glance. “Chase and his Malibu Barbie,” You replied, rolling your eyes.
“I see them - is that them?” Dawson asked, pointing to the couple that was about to approach the group. “You good?” Luke leaned down, whispered in your ear. You nodded, chugging the rest of your drink.
“Oh! Y/N! I would’ve never guessed to see you here!” Chase exclaimed, his voice slurred due to the amount of alcohol he most likely had consumed. “You mean the bar that I introduced you to?” You laughed, moving your eyes to the confused blonde next to him.
“Sorry, I’m Y/N. I’m the girl that he was dating when he flew to Malibu to fuck you,” You held out your hand, watching as a disgusting look took over her face. You shrugged, glancing up at Luke.
“I’m guessing you’ve fucked the whole group by now, right?” Chase asked, spit flying out of his mouth with his words. You could see Jack and Dawson take a small step further, separating you from Chase. “Not yet, getting there though,” It was a lie, but just enough to fuel Chase with anger.
“Fuckin slut-“
“You wanna take this outside kid? Or you wanna get embarrassed in here? I’m willing to do both,” Dawson shouted loudly, pointing his finger in Chase’s face.
“I’m not scared of you little hockey boys. You can’t even fight on ice-“ Chase’s words came flying as he stepped towards the boys. You deepened yourself further into Luke’s grasp. He wrapped his free arm around your waist, holding you against him tightly. Luke glanced over at Dawson, nodding his head towards the door.
“Alright let’s go, come on,” Dawson sarcastically laughed, him and Jack dragged Chase out of the bar. Which left Malibu Barbie awkwardly standing in front of the group.
“I’m sorry, did you have something to say too?” You asked her, tilting your head slightly. “You guys are aggressive maniacs.” She scoffed, turning on her heels to walk off.
Once she was out of your sight, you let out a deep breath. “You okay?” Luke mumbled, turning you to look at him. You nodded, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. “Yeah! Yeah, I just need another drink.” You told him.
“Bass! Princess needs another drink,” Luke spoke, catching Nate Bastian’s attention. “On it!”
You were lucky to become so entertained within the group of the New Jersey Devils. There were many strong platonic relationships, along with a growing romantic one for the youngest Hughes brother. Tonight solidified the lingering feelings that were trapped away in a locked safe. Feelings that would soon unravel.
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la2yn0va · 21 days
So if you are accepting request can you do something like yandere HSR girls of your choice (and include feixiao please) X Male Reader who's trying to kinda keep them from killing some people like Reader gives them puppy dog eyes and "wouldn't you rather spend time with me?"
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Characters: Feixiao, Lingsha, Jingliu
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“See ya around, handsome~” the woman promised, waving at him while walking away. M/n stared back with nervousness, waving back at the woman. hoping his lover wasn’t around. He walked back but was quickly stopped when he bumped into a woman.
“Oh…heeey feixiao…!” He greeted, laughing nervously. Feixiao could only stare at him with possessiveness and malicious intent. “Vixen. Who might that woman be?” She asked, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him down to her level. (Shorter—Grabs you by your collar and pulls you towards her)
“Oh her…. No one important! Just someone who helped me out with the abominations of abundance!” He quickly explained. Feixiao seemed unconvinced, glaring deeper into his soul “Don’t lie to me vixen! Who is she!” She demanded, as m/n repeated his original statement.
Feixiao growled lowly, soft pushing him away and walking towards where the woman walked “If what you say it’s true, then I should go and thank her…” she said with a smile full of murderous intent.
M/n acted quickly. Grabbing Feixiao’s hand and flicking her around to face him, much to the generals shock. “Hey— come on now…! Your seriously gonna give that random girl more attention then me?”
Feixiao’s eyes glimmered with a mixture of speculation and offense. “What? I’m not giving some nobody my attention over you!” She claimed, now giving you her full attention.
“You sure? You seem oddly fixated with her” “Y-YES! I’m positive! Some nameless woman isn’t gonna have my eyes on them longer than they are on YOU!”
M/n swallowed his nervousness and slight pride, knowing this was a dangerous game he was forced to play. He closed his eyes, silently praying this would work, opening them and trying his best puppy eyes.
“Come on… don’t you wanna talk with me instead?” Feixiao stared with widned eyes. She hadn’t ever seen you like this! Why are you…why’re you being so damn adorable!?
Feixiao’s lips quivered, showing her internal struggle. Her body wanted to just go and murder that woman for daring to call you handsome! But her body also just wanted to kiss you right here and now!
M/n began to sweat as he held this look on his face. In this actually working…? Or is she just trying to freak him out so he can let her go and she goes and kills the woman…!
Feixiao sighed. She hadn’t trained herself to resist that look. So she picked you up and walked off. M/n sighed happily, realizing he had managed to save a woman from his girlfriend’s wrath.
“Don’t think your off the hook vixen~” she sung lowly, before lightly slamming you against a wall “You dare help that woman from escaping MY lesson~? And using those pretty eyes of yours to save her and manipulate my decision~?”
She leaned in, her breath attacking your neck making you jump from the shock of this whole turnout of events. “You’re in for a LOOONG day. My Naughty little vixen~”
She said with lustful intent, licking her lips before chomping down on your neck, making you yelp out a surprised moan. In the end, feixiao still gets her way.
(I’m breaking F2P for her)
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“Thank you for your help” A woman said, shaking m/n’s hand and winking before bringing his hand up and kissing it, as if she were a gentlemen.
M/n froze, feeling a cold sweat drop from his nape. The woman giggled, believing that m/n froze due to embarrassment. “See ya around cutie” “ooohhh fuck…” he said to himself, turning to see an enraged and bloodthirsty Vidyadhara brunette.
“Wait just a mo—” M/n quickly put one of his hand over lingsha’s mouth, much to her shock and surprise. Being forced to watch the woman walk away, she created a small bunny and made it chase after her while keeping your eyes on her.
“WHAT. WAS. THAT.” She demanded an answer, her eyes twitching from anger as she pushed him onto a chair. M/n chuckled nervously, realizing he hadn’t thought this far ahead.
“Well? What do you have to say for yourself, little rabbit?” She pinched his ear roughly. “Ow—!! Wait—!!” “ANSWER ME!” She yelled, growing more irritated, her mind quickly filling with delusions.
“I-I just… well… you were paying too much attention to her!” He quickly spouted out, making lingsha freeze and widen her eyes. “…Huh?” She said as m/n realized he might’ve fucked up or is about to save a life.
“Y-You just seemed TO interested in her! A-and well—” “Oh? Is that why you’re worried? Aren’t you just adorable~” she said, stopping her harsh tugging of his ear and moving her hand to caress his face.
“Don’t worry. I’m proving she means nothing to me as we speak~” She said with a dark smile, m/n swallowed decided to shoot in the dark. He tried his best, and morphed his eyes to becoming similar to a sad puppy.
“Come on. Just forget about here… and pay attention to me.. please~?” Lingsha instantly got red on the face, feeling an arrow pierce her heart. Her entire body and focused was disturbed, which also led to the bunny she made completely disappearing.
“You cheeky little… Come here!” She yanked him forward, unable to stop herself from kissing him. She used her superior strength to keep him in place while she increases the intensity of her kiss.
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“You’re a lifesaver pretty boy!” A woman gratefully hugged m/n, who simply patted her head. The women blushed embarrassed at the gesture but then bowed and walked away.
M/n watched her walk away before realization struck him like a semi-truck. He swallowed nervously before feeling the air suddenly grow cold. VERY cold.
He turned to see his girlfriend, a blindfolded woman with light blue hair. M/n swallowed once more, managing to see her eyes through the blindfold. Her eyes glowed red, holding nothing but malice, insanity, and delusion.
“Darling” she greeted coldly, walking towards him. “H-Hey jingliu..!! H-how are you—?” He was ignored. She walked past him, glaring down the woman with pure hatred.
“H-Hey—! Jingliu—?!” He yelled out, quickly jumping infront of her. “You okay…..?” He dragged out the ‘okay’ realizing that was a stupid question. Jingliu patted his face “Get out of my way dear” she warned him, her hand beginning to shake with murderous intent.
“H-hold on—! You’re really gonna pay attention to some random woman and not me…?” He quickly spouted out, trying to prevent the inevitable. Jingliu’s face turned more stoic, her blindfold slipping off to revel an apathetic yet insane stare.
“Is that how you feel dear? Don’t worry. I’ll alleviate your worries~” she promised, kissing him softly and walking off, quickly speeding up but m/n once again stopped her, grabbing her hand.
She flicked her head back, clear aggression in her face. He quickly acted, not think. His eyes became that of a puppy. “Wouldn’t you rather spend time with me…?” He said, seeing jingliu’s face calm into confusion before seeing her blush slightly.
She stared for a few seconds before turning fully to face him, bringing him in closer and cupping his face in her hands. She smiled softly and brought him in for a kiss.
“Forgive me love. But you brought this on yourself” she whispered, before knocking him out. “I will not take the slightest chance with you” She proclaimed. Lifting him up and turning, taking out her sword and running off the end the woman’s life.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Until I found you-König
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GN!Reader, angst, fluff
Oh, let me hold you I'll never let you go again like I did
Your relationship with König was more than amazing, he always looked forward to coming home to you. But as the missions started to pile up for him, the more he saw himself losing hope to come home safe or alive. He couldn't and wouldn't be the reason why you were sad if he were to die, so he thought that maybe if he broke up with you before one of the toughest missions he's been on, surely you'd be able to move on without him in the world.
The day that he broke up with you was nothing but painful, you were sad but also mad at him. His reasoning was not clear and all you could think about was that maybe there was someone else for him and he just didn't want you to know that. Were you not enough? Was there something wrong with the way you loved him? He definitely knew you loved him with every fibre of your being but you didn't think he was fully aware of how much love you have for him. There was a deeper reason for this, not just because he thought I'd be mean of him to leave you alone and in despair.
Two months ago he was closer to death than ever before. A bullet passed through his shoulder, it was by pure luck he never got hit. That was when reality set in for him. He can't just leave you like that. Stupid excuse for such a valid reason. And now, as he walks into the flat you two called home, your stuff is gone and the home feels colder. The colours and comfort the place brought him once, are now gone with you.
Reality set in. He let the one good thing he had in this miserable world go. If only he was as smart in love as he is on the field. What a shame. König now sits on the sofa that you two once cuddled in after he came home. What a fool was he to think he'd have you for years to come. He used to think he was at risk of getting hurt only to be the one who brought such pain to a wonderful and kind person. Couldn't he be more kind to your heart and feelings? Memories flush through, the night he got news his Oma died, you were there. Holding him close he silently cried for her. You were there the day his mum was in the hospital, calming him down, making tea and visiting his mum every week after the incident. You made sure to clean her face after every meal, made him feel comfort when he felt it was wrong to be weak and you were the one who was there the night he had the worst panic attack due to his PTSD.
Why is he such a fool?
He saw you at the park, reading a book under your favourite tree. He smiles, knowing that at least that part of you has never changed. If he is such a tough and ruthless soldier then why hasn't he gone to you and started to talk? Because he is a coward at love, not war. You laid back, jumper on your back to make the tree bark more comfortable to rest on. He used to be the one you rested on as you read. It was the one thing he loved to do in public. He was Shakespeare and you his Anne. The muse to his love and sonnets.
"Liebe?" he softly says as he finally has the courage to talk and approach you. "König." you sounded surprised. Oh, how he longed to hear your voice and the sweet sound you made when you said his name. Sweet angel, his sweet sweet angel.
Now, four years since he and you rekindled your love, you two now chase your dog around the park because the dog can't let go of the dog bone a little kid threw by accident. You are now his spouse, the one and only for a man like him. Never did he know he could feel so much for one person, yet he is there, loving, protecting and caring for you.
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doberbutts · 2 months
You've spoken some about the dammage being done by breeding all breeds for a similar temperment. I feel like I've seen this too, people want a dog for the look and then want all dogs to just be companions. Are you willing to talk more about why we don't want all breeds to be chill companion dogs?
Well, I'm not really sure if I don't think all breeds should be chill companion dogs, but I do think all dogs aren't correct being so.
You have to understand, we domesticated dogs not just for companionship but also to help us accomplish tasks. And sometimes, the temperament that helps us accomplish these tasks... make it more difficult for the dog to be a do-nothing couch pet that gets maybe a walk on the weekends. It's not a bad thing, necessarily. Different strokes, different folks. But it does mean that trying to force dogs which are bred to not do that to fit into that mold is not really feasible if we also want the dogs to be able to continue doing the job we asked them to do.
A friend of mine had a great pyr, who she got from someone who kept their dogs the way pyrs are traditionally kept. Outside, with the sheep, guarding the flocks with their livestock guardian bond day and night. She got this dog as a puppy. This dog grew into an adult that was absolutely miserable in the house. Everyone's lives got a lot easier when they fenced their lot and gave the dog the option to be in or out during the day. Suddenly, the dog's annoying and destructive behavior (largely barking and also trying to get outside) disappeared practically overnight when he discovered he could just. Go outside. She had no sheep, she lived halfway to the middle of nowhere, and he was usually found just hanging out on their back porch watching the world go by around him. Occasionally barking if a car came down their driveway (like my mom's car, to drop me off at her house, because we were kids).
The problem is that the thing that makes them really, really good at guarding the sheep can also sometimes make them not so good at being house pets that sleep on the couch. He did not want to sleep on the couch. He wanted to sit outside and watch for predators so that his "sheep"- the humans inside the house- could be protected by him. To take this urge away from him, would also make him be bad at guarding sheep.
I have a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. They, too, were bred to hang out outside all day, helping with various chores as their humans worked on the farm. Sushi's favorite activity is, you guessed it, following me around the yard as I pull weeds and rake up sticks and take a hedge trimmer to my never ending war with woody invasives. She loves when I take her to her breeder's house to chase the sheep or pull the wagon. She goes absolutely bananas in my car when we pull up to a hiking spot to go climb a mountain that day. These are things that make her a good mountain dog.
Now I actually think that Swissies are slept on but otherwise great pet dogs if their needs are met, but I have been part of swissy pet groups ever since getting Sushi and I can see when people have problems with their Swissies as a direct result of their needs not being met. Once again, barking and destruction from boredom. Dogs that throw around their body weight with zero regard to the humans involved. Dogs that refuse to recall, or that make their owners chase them down to come inside. Pulling like a freight train on leash. Chasing down and nipping at running children. These are behaviors that, while annoying in their worst forms, are often stemming directly from instincts that make them good at the job they were meant to do.
Sushi doesn't do any of those things- but then Sushi gets to do fun things that are mountain dog adjacent, so she is able to be a mountain dog without being a bad pet.
As long as we want to have dogs that have jobs, we will also have dogs that maybe don't belong in the hands of those who want chill companions. And, similarly, as long as people's idea of a pet is the most low effort dog ownership possible and anything even slightly more difficult is too much to ask, breeding these working dogs to not work will only result in dogs that can no longer work.
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blackbat05 · 2 months
Unexpected Refuge
Detective! Joaquin x Bookstore Owner! Reader
Plot: Your book store is a place of refuge for those seeking knowledge, and shelter?
Genre: PG-13
A/N: K-drama giving me ideas once again. Also SDCC 2024 announcements?!!! Just blew my mind🤯 Excuse me for the poor execution, really wrote this on a whim. Also realized that Joaquin was a character I wrote before I went into a mental health crisis😂 How time flies~ (Tag update because I am a nuisance: @tom-whore-dleston)
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The man pants heavily as he darts into the nearest alley. Shouts of anger and thinly veiled threats were getting closer. He’s proud of his stamina but he can’t keep running away from them. He needs to recover his energy.
But where?
A light shines up ahead and without a second thought, the man races towards what could be his potential temporary safehouse.
There were no customers inside. Just plenty of books, and a wide-eyed woman blinking at the hurricane of a man that just stormed her store.
He hurriedly digs into the inside of his coat, showing his credentials.
“I’m so sorry, my name is Joaquin Torres. I’m a Detective and it may sound crazy to you but I’m being chased by a group of Gangsters and I could really use some shelter.” His plea comes out in rapid fire.
The poor woman takes a quick look at his badge and for a brief moment, Joaquin believed that she was going to toss him to the dogs.
“This way.” She leads him further into the store and opens a latch on the floor that leads to storage. “In here!” She commands with urgency.
As soon as Joaquin is safely tucked away, she locks the latch and places stacks of books on top of it. The door flies open and the same Gangsters rowdily burst into the store. Joaquin feels a tinge of guilt. He can’t imagine how her store must be tossed upside down thanks to him.
What he didn’t expect was the woman holding her ground and demanding the Gangsters to leave as they apparently ruined one of her newest books that was just bought in.
“And stay out!” She screeches before flipping the sign to inform customers that they were closed for the day.
“Um…” The woman reverts back into her bashful form that Joaquin was amazed at her acting skills. “They’re gone. You can come out now.” The door opens and she helps Joaquin out.
“Thank you.” Joaquin doesn’t know what else to add. His shoes are suddenly very interesting.
“I thought you were lying about being a cop.” Her voice is soft and gentle, causing the insides of his stomach to do a couple of flips. “I guess not. Those guys were scary.” The tension breaks and Joaquin grins at her becoming flustered at the attention he was giving her.
“You can stay here for a while more. To make sure.” She offers.
Joaquin really wanted to. But if he didn’t get back to the precinct. Sam will have his ass.
“I would love to but my partner’s waiting for me. I should probably go.”
She nods in understanding, “Of course. Be careful.” The two walk to the door and she pops her head out to make sure that the coast was clear. She smelled like berries and vanilla.
“Coast clear, officer.”
He liked the way it sounded on her lips. He didn’t want it to be the last time.
“Um… would you like to have dinner sometime?”
She raises her eyebrows in question and Joaquin hurriedly explains, “It’s not what you think! I just wanted to thank you for today. Really. You saved my life. Not many people do that. I usually do most of the saving- I guess I should shut up now.” He observed her amused expression as he continued to ramble.
“Sure. I know a great steak place.”
“Hey Barnes! Torres here has a date! Any tips?” Captain Sam Wilson, loud as ever whenever he felt like heckling his best friends follows Joaquin around like a wart on his foot.
“Leave the man alone, Sam.” James Barnes gives him the middle finger. Cool blues turning to Joaquin, “Just be yourself. Everything will be fine.”
Yeah, not exactly reassuring either.
The old fashioned way it is.
Joaquin finds himself standing in front of your bookstore with a bouquet of roses in his hand. He catches your eye and you give him a sign to give you a couple more minutes as you cleaned and locked up the place for the night.
“Thanks for waiting!” You rushed out in sunflower colored dress, looking radiant. He swears his heart thumped loudly against his chest. “I was surprised to get your call.”
“Well, I made a promise.” Joaquin leads the way to the Steak Restaurant where you had the absolute time of your life chatting with the boyish detective in front of you.
“Oh my god! That really happened?” You laughed, tears forming in your eyes. “It seems to be like a recurring thing going on in your team.”
The two of you headed down the street after that sumptuous meal. Your hair is tousled all over the place and you feel like you’ve just ate a whole cow, but Joaquin doesn’t take his attention of you for a second.
As he recounts another mishap during a undercover mission with Sam, a wolf whistle rings through the air and a figure, no- three of them appear from the dark alley, each looking more menacing then the other.
Joaquin’s mind kicks into overdrive instantly and feels you tense up against beside him. He instinctively moves forward to shield you from them. But they’re not blind.
“Look who we found… Detective Joaquin Torres and oh! I see you got company.” The middle one leers at you and Joaquin has the urge to punch it off his face. You give his hand a squeeze, as if to reassure him to do whatever he needs to do to get these suckers.
As quickly and quietly as possible, you take out your pepper spray and ball your fist to conceal it from them.
“How is it that you three assholes show up at the most inconvenient timing?” Joaquin distracts them.
They smirk at each other and Joaquin lunges forward to take the middle and left man onto the ground, leaving the last as easy prey for you to pepper spray him to your heart’s content.
What you didn’t expect was the man to wildly brandish a pocket knife, nicking you in the process as he swings it around.
“Ah!” You hissed loudly, clutching your left hand. Joaquin immediately turns his attention to you and swiftly takes the third man down with ease.
He dials in a number and police cars arrive in no time to take the men away. Joaquin jogs over to you while a uniformed policewoman helps to bandage your hand.
“Let me.” He smiles and thanks his colleague for the efforts and works on finishing the job in silence. You can’t read minds, but you could guess.
“Hey, it’s not your fault.” You reassure him.
Joaquin doesn’t say anything. He lets out a small exhale. So you try again.
“In fact, I feel pretty badass. Don’t you think?” You gently pry your hand away and show him your now bandaged hand proudly, grinning from ear to ear.
The Captain jogs over, giving a pat on his back. “Came as quickly as I could. Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Thanks Sam.” Joaquin reassures. Sam nods, his gaze falling onto you.
“This is the girl you couldn’t stop talking about?”
“Ok, Sam. Stop.” Joaquin pleads, trying to push him as far away from you without much success.
“He was asking me how to impress you! Hey? I didn’t get your name though!” Sam yells over his shoulder, making you laugh at their antics.
“Y/N! I’ll see you around Sam!”
“Oooh I like her already, don’t fuck up Torres.”
“Leave!” Joaquin has to push Sam into the car and makes his way back to you, looking sheepish.
“Sorry, about that. Sam can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.”
A pocket of silence fills the air and you have to know.
“You were trying to impress me?”
Joaquin blinks. He momentarily opens his mouth and comically looks like a fish out of water. “Did it work?”
“Well…” You pretend to tap your chin carefully and Joaquin squirms in his shoes a little. “You impressed me the moment you came bursting into my store seeking for shelter.”
You laugh at Joaquin’s groan. “Not the answer that I was expecting.”
You give him a peck on the cheek and Joaquin momentarily freezes. “Is that a better answer?”
He holds his hand to the cheek that you just left a kiss on. For a moment, you’re scared that you’ve fried Joaquin’s internal circuits to respond coherently. But he breaks into a foolishly but adorably big smile.
Joaquin holds you by the waist and brings you closer to him and gives you a kiss of his own that leaves you spinning senseless.
“One hundred percent.”
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music-viber · 7 months
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Summary: Luke and his girlfriend get into the last fight of their relationship.
Warnings: Manipulation,angst,smut,language
Luke had done it again. He found a way to play his his girlfriends feelings
Luke castellan x daughter of hades
She had caught him with another councilor again.
He watched as the stranger flirted with him, pushing up on him,touching his hair, as she batted her long eyelashes her little button nose crinkled at every joke he told her “your so good with your sword Luke” she heard the brunette say “I mean I try, I’m good at other things too if you’d ever wanna see that” he laughed.
She listened in she wasn’t surprised at her boyfriends behavior he was a popular Demi god. She knew how they could be and she knew guys would also kill to be with her and he treated her like a one trick pony. She knew he was tired of just kissing and going on meaningless dates because they just fought the whole time.
But she would never pay any mind to random guys just because she’s mad and because they gave her attention and trust they gave her attention. But she had always reminded them she was with Luke.
They would always be angry at each other but this was the last straw for the the girl.
She watched was the other woman now felt him up while giving him puppy dog eyes and biting her lip. He looked around to make sure nobody would see them as he threw his head back.
He obviously did see me because then he pushed her off of him. “Babe.” He said acting as if I didn’t see what was happening. “I thought you were on kitchen duty?” He asked in her face.
“I was on duty but then I wanted to come find you. See what you were up to love bug!” But it seems like you have lots of love to go around so I’ll be on my way.”
He chased after her “Odessa I swear it’s not what it looked like, she was helping me fix a broken button on my shorts. You know how it is” I just smiled and nodded. “She’s not the first girl I’ve seen fix a button castellan.” She scoffed “your so quick to let girls touch you.” He looked mad “as if you don’t let guys touch you when I’m not around?” She looked mad now “I DONT!” as she said this the grass caught fire.
She stormed away to her dorm. She got over heated her pants caught fire she stood there. I won’t let him do this bullshit again.
(Later that night)
Luke knocks her window, she was the only one in the cabin because the other campers were at the campfire celebrating the week. She looked towards her window and walks to open it. “Need something dick?” She flashed a fake smile. Luke “yeah actually. I wanted to apologize but somewhere away from the noise?” He proposed. Looking at the campers at the campfire.
She didn’t forgive him but wanted to Atleast hear him out. Okay. Let me change? *she closed her window to change into a dark red mini dress, it was hot that night. She hopped out of her window to hear him out. “I still don’t forgive you if you’re wondering Luke castellan.” She states. “I know”
They finally make it far enough in the woods. She looked at her “this is where we had our first ever date.” “It was a picnic right near that tree.” She smiled at her. It was too and she hated his smiles now because she knew there was always something behind it. It was no secret their relationship was rocky
Luke basically flirted in or out of the public eye people even thought we’ve broken up before. Why did I put up with it? Because he was the best swordsman at camp. I needed to get the gods attention somehow. And it worked, Percy Jackson had recently came to camp and got claimed by Poseidon she had already weaseled her way into being his friend because Luke was his counselor
She didn’t need to put up with this man baby for any longer and she was grateful to use the girl from this morning as her excuse.
“So what?” She stared at him blankly“It’s just a spot” she looked at him with unreadable eyes.
He scoffed “you make it so fucking difficult to be sorry for you.”
“Sorry for me? You’re a stupid son of a bitch!” I yell
Luke’s eyes widened “don’t talk about my mother”
I laughed “if I was talking about your mother I would’ve said ya mama.”
“You’re such a man whore.” I say
Luke opened his mouth to yell “I thought you were an equal rights kinda girl considering you make a whole big deal about guys calling girls bitches.”
“Oh which you’re being right now by the way.” He finished
“Did you just call me a bitch castellan?” She puts her hand on her hips after removing her earrings and tossing them.” There was a small spark of flames when she tossed the metal into a pile of leafs.
Luke didn’t wanna upset her too much because she could obviously lit his ass on fire. He couldn’t help but to look at how beautiful his girlfriend was when she was mad. “I just get jealous when guys come and talk to you all the time. I thought it was about time before you left me for one of them.”
She rolled her eyes at his sorry ass excuse
She wanted to break him
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deanoheartspie · 1 year
Sunshine 5
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Pairing: Cowboy Sheriff Dean x City Gal Reader
Summary: After your family cut you off, your great-aunt Laura invited you over to her ranch you often visited when you were just a child... You drive through the beautiful town until you accidentally graze a horse that just so happens to be the sheriffs...
Warnings: None
A/N: I've gotten some feedback on my writing! So this is my first attempt at trying to make it better and make it make sense for all! I really do appreciate suggestions with writing/about the book, also love hearing what you have to say about the characters.
(MIGHT REWRITE!! Depending on how I feel about it)
The beautiful grassy fields, full of bright colorful flowers, and the clouds in the most beautiful blue sky ever seen. It was like it was picture-perfect almost too good to be true. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't you'd never know for sure.
Most of all though... Dean. He was a good man, you could tell by just the way he carried himself or the way he cared about others.
You've never laughed as hard or had genuine conversations as you had this afternoon with no other than the gruff cowboy. Family members never really cared or even tried to seem interested in what you had to say but when they did they were only interested in how it'd affect their precious images.
After he left though, grumbling about having to chase some dog again earning a laugh from you and a simple 'good luck' he ran off after walking me back. True gentleman I must say.
“Hey, Laura do you need help with anything?” You tiredly ask desperately wanting to drown yourself in a nice hot shower.
The older woman looks up from her knitting and smiles as she shakes her head “No thank you sweetheart, how did today go? Did he go easy on ya?” She asked as she went back to what she was doing glancing up at you a few times.
Easy? Maybe he did? He didn't seem as bossy as he usually was had they talked to him?
“You could say that... He did teach me a lot. I appreciate you guys letting me stay here” You thank them probably for the one-hundredth time this week.
“That's good. He's very good at what he does, and quit thankin' us we are family and family helps one another. Now shoo! Go relax, you are probably exhausted its getting way too hot out there”
You smile and nod, giving her a quick hug before running up to the room.
Drying off your hair, tossing a tank top, and your favorite soft pajama pants that most definitely would get ruined here if something were to happen.
The creaking wood floors, announce you to everyone downstairs causing Dean and a little girl to look at you... Smiling at them you wave.
“Who's this little one?” You ask but can see the resemblance between the two, was this who Lina Linda Lisa was? Whatever her name was talking about that day on the sidewalk?
“My daughter” His usual gruff and annoyed voice was non-existent. He sounded happier.
The big ole green-eyed little girl had the biggest smile on her face as she leaned back and forth on her plastic princess heels. She was practically a carbon copy of Dean, but as a young girl and boy was she adorable.
“Hello! I'm Rory” She stuck her tiny hand out, You gently shook her hand the same smile stuck on your face.
“Nice to meet you, Rory! I'm Y/n”
Rory quietly thought for a moment, it felt like a mini interview, and god that made you anxious.
“Do you like ponies?” she asked squinting her eyes, acting as if she was asking the most important question ever.
Dean rolled his eyes and shook his head while he had a small smile of amusement wondering how this would go.
“Hm, are they magical ponies or normal ones?”
She tapped her chin, before reaching up to her father who knew the look she gave him probably way too well because right away he handed her a unicorn stuffed animal. “Obviously the ones that can fly!” Aurora said in a duh tone, pointing up at you, you look around curious as to what/why she was exactly pointing for.
“Aurora what did I say about pointing? It's rude.” Dean's voice echoed from the hallway, he was on his way into the kitchen.
“I like her, you date her?” She said, causing Dean to spit out his coffee and start coughing his lungs out. Your eyes widen in surprise, who would've thought a simple question about magical freakin' horses would lead to this?
“You can't keep doin' that, sweet pea. She's my friend, and that's all.” He explained, cleaning up his mess while the little girl nodded before shrugging.
The rest of the night went well, You and Rory played for a bit while Dean cooked. Giving him credit where it's due, he's a pretty damn good cook if you must say yourself. Though half the things he does make will mostly take 30 years off your life. That donut burger was worth it though...
Bedtime came around, and Aurora fell asleep in your arms safe and sound. Following Dean up to his room after he offered plenty of times to take Rory off of your shoulders after you refused not wanting to wake the young lady.
What you hadn't noticed before when you had woken the man up this morning was the little princess bed on the other end of the bedroom full of toys and stuffed animals.
“Sorry,” He whispered pushing everything off to the side neatly, grabbing a big t-shirt and gently putting it on Rory, before taking her from your arms and tucking her in.
Oddly enough this felt normal. Though it probably shouldn't have. Friends, friends are what we are and that's it.
“Good night Dean.” You say halfway out the bedroom door when he says something that caught you off guard.
“Will you have a drink with me?” He asked standing up straight and walking towards you with a tiny smile.
A drink with Dean? That actually sounds kinda nice.
“Sure. Though I'm surprised you still haven't learned your lesson from last night's drunken mess” You tease, flashing off your pearly whites as he rolls his eyes guiding you downstairs out to the front porch.
He hands me a nice cold beer before plopping himself down onto the front porch stairs, looking up at the starry night sky. Even at night, this place was beautiful.
“So, you never told me why you're here in the first place Darlin',” He said breaking the silence, putting his full attention onto you.
“Runaway bride.” You say shortly, with a tiny shrug before taking a sip of the liquid. Dean's were wide before he broke into a fit of laughter, shaking his head
“No really why are you here?” He asked again calming himself down, the smile still on his face and his face all red from the laughing.
“Runaway bride.” You say slower this time, in all seriousness. The smile was quick to leave his face and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his face.
“Your fuckin' with me right? That stuff only happens on telenovelas” Dean was leaning his head back against the railing, still in shock.
“Y/n why do you sound so calm about this? What'd he do to have you run off to the middle of nowhere and pick up horse shit for the rest of your life” Dean asked, running his fingers through his hair before finishing off his beer.
“It was set up, arranged marriage. Didn't want to go through with it so I left plain and simple.” You get up stretching your arms grabbing the small blanket from the swinging couch, wrapping it around yourself.
“You shock me every day. I won't have some crazy man comin' here demanding you right? I ain't gonna get in a fight for you sweetheart pretty and all but I have a kid and I'm already on thin ice.” He seriously says while never once looking away from you.
“I don't expect you to get in a fight for me and no, there should be no man coming here to fight you” You roll your eyes, men were stupid sad thing was you did want someone to love, and protect you. But then again that only happened in fairytales, this was fair from one.
“Glad we are on the same page. But as the sheriff, I'd have to help ya out so just gimmie a call”
----Tag list----
@deans-spinster-witch @leigh70 @mrsjenniferwinchester @ladysparkles78 @hobby27 @khaleesihavilliard @foxyjwls007 @lucidlivi @jc-winchester @globetrotter28 @beskarfilms @the141bandicoot @alysinwonderland-at-tea @randomgurl2326 @ambergoddess444 @westernwinchesters @lemmons1998 @julie040904 @nic-kolas @raisinggray @alternativeprincess
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Hey Bonny💕 I have this idea of Idol!JK with hybrid!reader and Jungkook's recent livestreams. Just her playing with Bam and Army’s being curious about her, maybe. Maybe she has the night zoomies. It’s just an idea. I hope you have a wonderful day💜
I've made this so it basically belongs to the whole BTS x Husky!Reader idea!
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"oh? 'Who's in the background?' you ask?" He reads a comment out loud, before looking behind him, spotting Bam dropping down to a playful invite, before you run after the pup playfully, the dog chasing you in exchange seconds after into the other room. "Ah, yes! I got two puppies at my home currently!" He laughs into the camera. "The members are a little busy right now, so she's staying with me." He informs the fans, who all spam hearts in the chat, as well as requests to see you. "Hm she's a bit shy, but let's see if she wants to say hi." He chuckles, turning around on the couch. "Snowball!" He chuckles, earning an immediate reaction from you at the nickname.
He can see your tail wagging wildly, and he can't help but smile when Bam jumps up at you, licking your face. "Bam, careful." He gently commands his dog, who pants heavily after his play-session with you. "You wanna come to me, say hi to Army?" He wonders at you now, and you hesitate a little, out of view of the camera for the most past. The room you're standing in is dark, your outlines barely able to be picked up by the stream, only your wagging tail occasionally.
You decide to go closer though, well aware that nothing can happen. Everyone knows you're with the guys all the time, and you know most fans actually adore you a lot. So you walk towards the back of the couch where you lean over, waving at his phone. "Pretty Puppy' Yes, I agree!" Jungkook laughs at the comments, while you're suddenly more interested in the food he's got on the table. "You wanna have the leftovers?" He asks, noticing the way you've started to lean over the back of the couch, and you nod. "Come here then." He pats the sofa, and you climb over the couch instead of walking around it, making him laugh as he holds a hand in front of the edge of the table so you won't accidentally hurt yourself. "Here, I'll get you something for that.." He mumbles, getting up to get some protection for your hands so you won't stain them with the grease. He knows you'll be licking your fingers for hours otherwise.
While he's gone, you shyly wait in front of the eyes of thousands of fans, many hybrids now spamming compliments and hearts in the chat for you to see, making your tail wag, especially when the shipping tag for you and Jungkook is used. "There you go." Jungkook offers you the gloves, so you can eat while he continues to entertain the fans for the rest of the livestream.
He's happy even when turning of the camera- well aware that his situation with you is something rarely seen in the industry. He's glad you're so well liked and even loved by many, having feared in the beginning that they all would have to hide you away like a secret. But they don't have to, they can show you off like you deserve to be; and for him, you also provide some comfort in times of the band being a bit split apart.
He really loves you, not only as a friend. And he hopes you love him too, one day.
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
๑ keep safe : the dogs are hounding on [name] (18)
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one piece x male reader
i nearly killed somebody, 
don't you mind? don't you mind?
i gave you something you can never give back,
don't you mind? 
『 prev 』
they just narrowly escaped the marines that were chasing them, but were still on the run in case they caught up. if you add on the emotional distress the entire situation caused the straw hats, then they were all beyond exhausted.
thankfully, as they were running through the town, chopper had picked up on their scent. and now he was riding on top of a giant crab. [name] didn’t know where he got it from, but he was going to be thankful either way. his eyes turned into stars as he realized that it was a crab…something edible.
”sanji, sanji, do you think we can eat him later?” the question was enough to make the chef hum in thought and chopper’s jaw drop in astonishment.
“don’t eat him! he’s helping us!”
“i meant after he was done helping us, i’m hungry, that’s all,” [name] said, trying to justify his question to the young reindeer. but chopper wasn’t hearing him out at all. simply muttering under his breath how heartless and food driven [name] was.
“[name]’s right, it looks real yummy,” luffy said, also salivating to the thought of eating the crab.
just as [name] began to laugh and relax as they were getting away, vivi’s screams echoed in the air. he whipped his head around, searching for what she had begun yelling about. and when he saw that she was starting to get whisked away by a hook, he cursed under his breath.
him and luffy acted first, but zoro held [name] back. the man fought against his grip, but then realized why he was stopped. zoro recognized the fact luffy was able to stretch and switch places with vivi whereas [name] wouldn’t have been able to really do anything.
so he watched as luffy selflessly replaced vivi’s position and threw the princess back at the crab. [name] caught her, but his eyes were still trained on luffy. he held his hand out, shouting, “come on, luffy! grab on!!”
“no! i’m gonna beat this guy’s ass!” luffy shouted defiantly, making [name] grit his teeth, “make sure you deliver vivi back to her home!!!”
[name] wanted to chase after luffy, but the sure smile that his captain had on his face made him stop himself. [name] restrained vivi, holding her tight as she desperately tried reaching for luffy as well.
luffy’s eyes were trained on [name] the entire time, smile so wide that his pearly whites were visible to [name] despite being so far. as if he was trying to show to [name] he’d be fine.
“luffy!!” [name] shouted, the veins in his neck protruding, “you deal with him and then you come right back, okay?! no fucking around!!!”
“of course!” luffy answered within seconds, as if he anticipated it — like he knew a warning from [name] was coming. [name]’s threatening tone only made his smile grow wider. and when [name] heard his reply, he slumped down where he sat and tried to make himself feel satisfied with the answer.
no matter who the opponent was, even if they were stronger, luffy would find his way back to the rest of his crew. [name] assured himself of that fact, thinking of all the times luffy went and did something stupid like this when they were children. he’d always emerge with new wounds, but at least he came home.
“that idiot,” [name] said under his breath. his arms were still flexed around vivi and caging her in, so she wouldn’t go to luffy.
“once the royal army and the rebel army meet, this land, will be done for. this country’s only hope, vivi, is you! if anything, you’re the only one that matters right now, you have to survive. no matter what might happen to any us, from now on!” zoro tried easing vivi’s worries, reminding her of her duties as princess. she couldn’t spend her time thinking of luffy when she had a whole country to save.
sanji smirked, walking ahead and standing towards the head of the crab, “vivi-chan, you might have started this fight, the one who challenged this unknwonn organization, all on your own. however, don’t go around thinking that you’re fighting this alone now.”
in comparison to sanji and zoro’s very confident tones, usopp spoke up in a shaky tone, “d-d-d-don’t worry, vivi!!! captain u-usopp will take care of everything!!”
[name] stifled his laughter, hiding his grin behind the hand that was resting on his forehead. vivi, who was still in his arms, turned her head back to luffy and shouted out to him, “luffy-san!! we will be waiting for you in alubarna, okay?!”
luffy’s laughter echoed in the air, “yeah!!”
[name] held her in his arms, feeling her body shake. he rubbed up and down her back, trying to ease her worries, before standing up. she looked at him in confusion, but he could only grin back at her.
“if luffy says he’s gonna beat crocodile’s ass, he’s gonna do it.” [name] said simply, turning around and sitting next to chopper instead. if he was going to kill time, he wanted to be cuddled up with the fluffy crewmate instead. maybe he’d even be able to catch some sleep.
and with chopper as his pillow, anything was possible. so he shut his eyes and soon fell into slumber. nami looked at [name] in annoyance, wondering how he could be so calm when something so stressful was happening.
the rest of the crew began to think of how to plan for their entrance to alubarna. as they talked, they allowed [name] to rest, although zoro did want to hit him awake several times.
he somehow slept through the carb travelling through the water, until he was completely submerged in it.
“what? is it still night?” he asked, swiping his wet hair out from his face. the crew gave him an incredulous look, which he ignored, and he just yawned into his hand. “why are we swimming?”
just as the crew were all going to collectively yell at him for being so absent, they were all rushing forward with the speed of a boat. [name] blinked lazily as his hand was making motions underwater. in seconds, the crew had reached the shore.
[name] stretched once they reached land and looked at the crew, “well? let’s get going then, since you guys are in such a rush,” a flurry of insults were thrown his way, colorful language used in each one, but he just turned his back to them, “i was sleepy, you can’t blame me,”
“just shut up!!” nami shouted, bonking him in the head.
“wait, no i hear something,” [name] said, ignoring the shouting woman, which only aggravated her even more.
everyone turned and saw that there was actually something approaching. it started as a dust cloud, but as they got closer, vivi was able to make out what it was.
“that’s karoo!! and the supersonic duck squadron!”
[name] bursted out laughing, “what the fuck is that?!” his howling laughter was heard throughout the desert and he only stopped once the supersonic duck squadron were in front of them.
“well, now we just need a plan,” zoro smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“and you’re capable of doing that…right…” [name] said under his breath, voice trailing off as his expression showed that he didn’t think zoro would even be able to think of a plan. his comment made usopp and chopper hold back their giggles.
“i’ll cut you up! seriously!” zoro threatened, the shine of his blade glinting in the moonlight.
“jokes, jokes!” [name] said, but zoro definitely wasn’t convinced.
“let’s get back on track,” nami spoke in a deathly calm voice, “zoro’s right, we do need a plan and [name]’s right, zoro definitely shouldn’t be the one to form said plan,”
zoro’s forehead was littered with angry tick marks.
“alright then this is how it’ll go,” nami said, making everyone gather around her in a circle. she spoke with confidence, laying out the plan she had been thinking of to the rest of her crewmates.
in the end, it was decided that they’d all pretend to be vivi to throw off the awaiting baroque works members. all except for the actual princess and [name]. those two would wait out the distraction ploy, then charge in on their own ducks to go straight to the royal palace.
now everyone was wearing identical white robes over their regular clothing, covering the bottom half of their face for extra protection. [name] grinned in excitement, eager to start and end this long awaited fight. with him acting as vivi’s protector, though, he still had to play it smart.
he couldn’t get too eager or else she might get injured. and that was definitely the last thing anyone wanted.
“if she comes back with the littlest of bruises, [name], so help me-”
“i get it, i get it,” [name] sighed, rubbing his forehead at sanji’s nagging.
“do you?! this is vivi-chan’s life at stake, be on your best game in protecting her — even if it means risking you life!!” sanji shouted, showing his obvious favoritism towards vivi.
fake crocodile tears streamed down [name]’s face, “after all we’d been through sanji, i’d hope you’d be more concerned for me,” he whined, weakly punching the blonde in the chest.
the chef rolled his eyes, turning away and hopping onto his own speedy duck. [name] wished all of them good luck, climbing onto the back of karoo, with vivi in front and steering. he shot them a wide grin and thumbs up.
“you got this, everyone!! beat their asses!” [name] cheered, earning shouts of agreement, and fear, in return. and in a second, they were all racing off, leaving [name] and vivi in the dust.
then the h/c haired male held onto vivi’s waist, the princess directing them to a completely different entrance way to the capital. karoo was running as fast as he could, quacking every now and then. eventually, they had reached a completely different side of the kingdom. karoo ran right in front of the entrance, to properly stop the rebel army from entering.
[name] hopped off first and then assisted vivi, sighing as he could feel the trembling off the sand beneath their feet. there were so many soldiers that were coming. his glare hardened when he saw them all having their weapons raised, ready to draw blood.
[name] took a seat, propping his arm up on his knee as he waited for vivi to start her intervention.
in his mind, trying to project your voice towards an entire brigade of soldiers was useless. there’d be no way they could hear her over their trampling steps, even if they did, there was little chance that they’d actually be able to stop for her.
[name] squinted at the crowd, lowly whistling when he saw how many of them were charging. he sighed, standing up and holding his hand out.
no matter how stupid he thought it was or how pointless it all seemed, there’s no way he’d let vivi be trampled by all these people. and if they weren’t going to even stop to listen to her, then he’d force them to.
his hand was outstretched, palm facing the people. and his face was stoic as he concentrated as hard as he could in stopping the swarm. just when he thought his focus was completely locked in, a sudden bang and cloud of smoke cut him off.
he grit his teeth, looking up at the royal army who had just fired a canonball into the charging army. he cursed in his head, “those bastards, i had them!!”
but trying to refocus and stop them all now, with how close they were, it was useless. so he thought fast, “sorry, karoo!!” he shouted right before he tossed the bird up into the air, “i hope you can fly!”
just as vivi was about to shout at him, he tackled her down to the ground. his elbows were propped up on either side of her head, his legs completely covering her own as his torso shadowed over her face.
“don’t look so scared, princess,” he grinned, keeping his arms flexed and strong so that his positioning wouldn’t falter at all. “i won’t allow you to get hurt, not now, not ever!”
she looked up at him in fear, the sound of the stampede’s footsteps echoing in her ears. the ground beneath them was shaking violently now more than it ever was before. and when her wide blown eyes stared back at him, she couldn’t believe how he could so calmly smile at her.
and then it happened. all the hooves of the camels were beating down into [name]’s back, making him grunt at the pain. he bit his lip, hard, to suffocate any sounds that were threatening to come out.
vivi grabbed onto his robes, trying to push him off of her as he was taking the blunt force of all their steps. but he didn’t budge. not even when she began beating on his chest and crying for him to move out of the way, he stayed completely still. it was as if his body was glued to the ground and was rooted there like a tree.
it felt like hours, for [name]. the pain of their hooves breaking into his skin, the repeated actions. it really did hurt. but he couldn’t move, he wouldn’t allow himself to. vivi was right underneath him and if he moved even an inch over, she’d get hurt.
so he smiled through the pain, laughing almost as he saw the concern etched so obviously across vivi’s features. and when the crowd eventually passed over, he collapsed next to her, the smile still plastered on his face.
“that’s a pretty big army,” he breathed out, coughing blood onto the sand next to his hand, “man, i really hope karoo can fly,”
“[name]!” she cried out, rushing to his side and moving her hands to his face, “don’t worry about karoo, you-your back has-”
“i’m fine,” he grunted, waving his hand, “are you alright?”
“of course, i’m fine!” she shouted at him, her worry turning into anger, “why?! why did you do that?!”
[name] began laughing, putting his hand on his stomach — to ease the pain but also because it was that hilarious to him.
“why? to protect you, obviously,”
her eyes filled with tears, but she shook her head to rid herself of them, “will you be alri-”
“don’t even ask, that wasn’t even anything,” he said, sitting upright, “i’ve been through worse and i’ll go through worse if it means you’ll stay safe. now, let’s focus on getting to the palace. where’s karoo?”
vivi remained silently, her hands clenched in her lap at [name]’s selfless statement. “i’ll go through worse” he said so confidently and casually. it echoed in her mind. and all she could think about was how quick this war needed to be finished.
she couldn’t just keep allowing the straw hat crew to take care of her messes. luffy sacrificing himself to fight against crocodile, [name] giving up his body in order to protect hers — she’d had enough. enough of being looked out for.
a mighty quack answered that question for him and the duo turned their heads. vivi was knocked out of her daydream when she saw the state karoo was in. his feathers were barely touched by the rampaging swarm of soldiers, his wings were proudly held high in the air, and he was shouting for their attention.
“then, vivi-”
“vivi, [name]!!! this is where you guys are!!”
[name] lifted his head, seeing usopp’s face in the sunlight. he was grinning ear to ear, seemingly happy to have finally met up with the two.
“ah, usopp,” [name] said, in relief, “let me hop on the back of that camel, mighty duck over here needs to be as fast as possible when he takes vivi,”
“usopp-san!” vivi cheered in delight.
“no problem, [name]! let’s go already!” usopp cried in urgency, “vivi, come on! we can’t waste anymore time!”
vivi turned to karoo, nodding her head as if in agreement with usopp. she was about to climb onto her duck, who was eager to get running. her back was turned to usopp and [name], a gentle smile on her face.
she mounted karoo, turning around to [name] and usopp, about to tell them she was ready, but she was instead greeted by the sight of [name] holding his sheathed sword to usopp’s neck. a drastic change in demeanor was surrounding [name].
“so mosshead really wasn’t lying,” [name]’s deep voice drawled, disinterest laced in his tone, “it’s really identical, huh?”
“woah, woah, [name]!! what’s the big deal?!” usopp cried out, kneeling in front of [name] with his hands in the air, “what’s going on?!”
“vivi, ask usopp to show his proof,” [name] spoke, the end of his sword dangerously close to usopp’s nose. testily, he pressed it onto the tip, watching with careful eyes of usopp’s reaction.
and instead of batting [name]’s weapon away and yelling something like, “don’t mess with my nose, bastard,” the man instead stayed completely silent. he didn’t even flinch from [name]’s weapon, simply staying put and maintaining eye contact.
as if that were the right thing to do.
vivi gulped, understanding the situation now. “usopp-san, prove yourself,” she said carefully, watching for his actions.
confidently, the sniper lifted his arm and showed off the bandage, “you doubt me? that’s alright, look!!” he waved it about in the air, making [name] scoff.
“vivi, run! now!!” [name] shouted, swinging his arm back and about to dutifully decapitate the man’s head. but it seemed the imposter had wonderfully fast reflexes as he flipped himself far away from [name]’s deadly weapon.
vivi did as she was told, urging karoo to run ahead and left [name] and the impostor to stand in their dust. [name] didn’t remove his eyes from the man who still had usopp’s face.
“oi! i’m your opponent, take your eyes off of her,” he said, smirking in delight at the idea of being able to freely spill his enemy’s blood, “if you don’t look at me,” he used soru, appearing in front of the man in an instant, “it might cost you your life!”
a finger was jabbed into “usopp’s” side and it caused him to stumble backwards. [name] looked at him in satisfaction, licking his lips as blood began to immediately poor out of the wound.
“ohh, that’s a shame!” usopp said, clutching the hole in his abdomen, “i thought i was pretty spot on,”
finally, the man revealed his true face. it was a man with heavy make up, a ballet outfit on, and a jacket that had swan wings extending outwards. the interesting appearance made [name] tilt his head in interest.
“pretty,” he said offhandedly, effectively catching the man off guard.
“really? you think so?” the man said bashfully, waving his hand at [name] in attempts to win him over.
[name] smirked, dashing forward and punching the man’s legs, making him kneel on the ground. and now that the man was at his hip level, he was able to knee him in the face, “definitely not! idiot!”
the man’s body went flying away. and [name] used that time to run to catch up to vivi and karoo. annoyingly, though, the man he was fighting against was very fast in regaining composure.
he could hear him running closely behind. so [name] turned his body around and stuck out his arm, effectively making the man run into his limb, causing him to flip in the air a couple of times and then fall flat on his face.
“fuck off already!” [name] shouted, trying to slam his fist into the ballerina’s face. in the last second, though, the man moved aside and went to kick [name] in the face. with a look of disgust, [name] easily dodged it and grabbed the man’s shin. a dark look was on his face as he grimaced at the enemy, “you want me to break your leg?”
the ballerina tried gaining control over his leg, but [name] had a tight grip on him. his knuckles were white, his hand shaking in anger, “hm, i don’t think that’s sufficient enough though,” he hummed, genuinely thinking of how to maim the man, “vivi…she’s suffered for so long because of you idiots! you’ve ruined her country,”
[name] twisted the skin of the man’s leg, making him yowl in pain and writhe on the floor. his screams were high pitched, making [name] cringe. he mindlessly threw him away in some direction, as if he were trash.
“i can’t waste my time on lowlives like you,” [name] grinned, seeing the dust cloud that erupted from the body he had just thrown. he turned around when he saw that the man couldn’t get up and ran off towards vivi.
he saw a staircase up to the city, moaning in annoyance as he saw how high it was. he shook his head, pushing forward, reminding himself that after they saved this city, they’d have all the food and water in the world.
so he used soru multiple times, trying to conserve his actual fighting energy into protecting vivi. when he heard the royal guards beginning to yell, going on about how someone was charging at them, but he blocked them out.
“someone capture him!! he’s apart of the rebel army!”
“like hell i am!” [name] shouted in annoyance, punching one of the guards that were charging at him. they slammed down onto the floor at the intensity of the punch, the ground cracking beneath their head.
he looked at the crowd, clicking his tongue once he saw that it was all just a mess. everyone was out for blood and there were bodies laying everywhere. he cursed under his breath.
just as someone else was going to slash his head, he jumped up in the air and kicked their face in. using that as leverage, he jumped off of them and into the air. and the process repeated. he kept kicking up and up into the air, projecting himself forward simply using the air beneath his feet.
some onlookers got distracted mid-fight as they watched the man seemingly “fly” through the sky. their enemies took advantage of that, slicing them down. and [name], who was in the sky was too busy searching for a princess with blue hair, didn't pay any mind to those around him.
which is why he missed the sniper that was hiding out in one of the buildings.
a bullet lodged itself into his abdomen, making him lose focus on his technique and causing him to fall from the sky. he cursed at the inconvenience, putting his hand on his wound and immediately tried to stop blood from overflowing.
his body fell limply to the floor, making him spit out some blood onto the ground beside him.
“the cursed orphan, set sail three years ago from his home— no, from foosha village that he had lived on for the past 7 years before leaving at the age 17. has relations with portgas d. ace and monkey d. luffy. the main caretaker that had watched over you is dadan, apart of the mountain bandits. occasional visits from makino the bartender, as well as the mayor.” the voice drawled out, their shoes clicking against the stone road.
they were in a secluded street, the shouts of the main fight being nothing but background noise.
“you lived on foosha village due to garp sending you there in hopes of you getting a normal childhood, prior to that you were on board the red hair pirates ship, the captain shanks acting as your mentor. that is where you obtained that cloth on your wrist,” a boney finger pointed at the black material on [name]’s wrist, “as well as that sword,”
“you're leaving out a pretty important detail,” [name] grunted, propping himself up on his elbows to glare at the figure, “when the fuck are you gonna get off my back, you dog?!”
“when you’re dead, of course!”
standing above [name], a tall lanky figure wearing all black stood above his bleeding body. he had a sniper rifle strapped to his back and a large dagger resting on his hip. a rigged scar stretched from the bridge of his nose, blinding his right eye, and ending near his skull, the right ear he would’ve had was completely missing. a trench coat that almost touched the ground, combat boots that made an annoying clacking sound every time he stepped anywhere. he was skinny and lanky, standing at least two feet taller than [name].
“if they really want to kill me that badly, they should’ve sent someone worth while,” [name] grunted, letting his hand fall from his bleeding abdomen to push himself off of the ground. “thought i was wanted only alive, though?” the teasing tone in [name]’s voice made the face grimace in front of him.
“special orders, i get to be the one to assassinate you,” he drew the dagger on his side, a sadistic grin on his face. “i’ve been promoted now, there’s been a lot of change since you’ve left us. we’ve got a whole operation squad made to kill you! haha!!”
[name] looked unimpressed, a bored look on his face, “if it gives me more of an excuse to kill you dogs, then i don’t care.”
“remember your place, [name]!! who’s the one with the real control here?!” the voice shouted in anger, not enjoying the way his taunting remarks didn’t affect [name] at all.
“don’t make me laugh, we’re on different levels completely,” [name] smirked, shooting the blood that coated his hands towards the figure, successfully slashing into his cheek. he rushed forward, disarming the man from his dagger immediately, “don’t you remember who used to kick your ass during our training days together?! answer me, kosuke!!”
[name] voice lowered as he pressed himself closer to his assassin, “don’t you remember who’s the one who gave you that ugly scar?”
the sharp dagger pressed into kosuke’s skin, making [name] grin in delight as a marbled drop of crimson fell from the point he pierced, “come on, tell me, i wanna know!!”
“Eradication of Subject 0001: a strictly confidential mission that the World Government hopes to complete with swift professionalism. The goal to publicly execute [REDACTED] D. [name]. Those employed to take on this task are a small group of individuals who are believed to be able to match or out-do the subject’s prowess. The group was hand selected by Admirals Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu, as well as input coming from Vice-Admiral Garp.
the scarred man moved quickly, pushing [name] off of him with enough force that it made [name]’s feet skid on the ground beneath him.
“shut up!!”
“ooh, someone’s angry,” [name] teased, smirking as he saw the man equip himself with his sniper, “say, you should be thanking me,”
[name] abruptly moved his body in different directions to dodge the bullets, “i’m the reason why your aim is so good, aren’t i? permanently shut that eye for you so your other in always in focus, haha!!”
his laughter echoed at the poorly made joke, obviously not taking the fight seriously. this only made kosuke more eager to injure [name], more than he already has.
“just give it up, kosuke, you’re never going to be stronger than me,” [name] grinned, pressing his hand to his wound, “you’re pretty idiotic for even maiming me,”
“i’ll kill you before you even have a chance to-”
[name] hand flicked forward and the blood he had pooled in his palm shot forward and pierced through kosuke’s shoulder.
“huh? i couldn’t hear you,” [name] taunted, walking forward with kosuke’s dagger in his hand and ready to stab into his enemy’s flesh.
the assassin clutched his bleeding wound, glaring at [name], “all that confidence, but for what? you can’t even protect your own captain!”
[name]’s movement stilled the moment the words left kosuke’s mouth.
“ha! you didn’t know?!” the man taunted, taking [name]’s surprise to his advantage, “crocodile had killed him only minutes after you guys left him to fight!! it was a pathetic showing, i watched the life drain out of your precious boy’s eyes! there’s no doubt, he’s dead, [name]!”
the light was hitting the silver necklace around [name]’s neck just right to make it look like it was sparkling. that made kosuke’s eyes squint in interest, then a look of realization crossed his face.
[name] still hadn’t moved, but his expression showed nothing. his eyes were devoid of any emotion as his face was stoic, not giving kosuke any idea of what he was thinking.
but if the assassin could have even had a glimpse into [name]’s mind, he would’ve acted on better judgement and ran away from the fight. because the atrocities [name] was mulling over on committing were horrific.
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dalisman127y · 10 months
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Mha girls x reader onsen trip
A/N:I had a theory that during the time that my hero academia was set, a monkey called "japanese snow monkeys" probably went extinct.
You happily sat in the water Wich was up to your chin.
You loved soaking in hot springs. Especially with your japanese snow monkey friends before they were hunted to extinction.
Just then you hear the door open and the girls of class 1A walk in.
"oh, sorry girls. I didn't know that this is the girl's bath. I'll get out" you said getting up.
"no, no. it's ok,babe" momo said getting in. "we want you to join us"
The others nod in agreement and step in.
The girls were talking about stuff while you sat on the opposite side of the hot springs.
You have memories of when you sat in hot springs with the last of the japanese snow monkeys and two of them groomed you, a male monkey with a scar on his left eye you named "scar" and a female monkey with no hair on her arms due to Mange named "swoop".
You often protect the troop with scar or collect food with swoop.
But then one day when you got home from school.
"hello? Scar? Swoop?" You said looking around for the snow monkeys. You walk thru town to find them face to fang with a pack of feral dogs. You can only watch as the dogs massacred the last of the japanese snow monkeys, one by one.
A law was then passed to never have feral dogs in their town.
They chased all the feral dogs out of the town.
You look at the fatal injuries almost all the monkeys took and you held a monkey's hand.
"NOOOOO!!!!!!" you yell and the memory ends.
You snap back to reality as toru hagakure touches your shoulder.
"hey, honey. How about you join us. You seemed lonely " toru said.
"oh, um. It's ok,toru. I like being by myself." You said sinking into the water.
"aw,C'mon, ribbit " tsuyu said swimming to you.
"ochako, do the thing" mina said
"ok" ochako said before she gives you the puppy dog eyes.
"oh,oh my god, ochako stop! no,no,no,no. " You said looking away.
She gets closer to you with her puppy dog eyes.
"d'oh all right all right all right all right! Just stop it already." You said.
You blush wildly because.
1. you're serounded by pretty girls.
2. you're feeling highly uncomfortable
And 3. It. Was. Hot!
"AHHHHHH!!!!" you screamed in your head.
"Soo, reader-chan. Was it true?" Mina asked
"what was true?" You asked.
"that you did this with japanese snow monkeys?" Ochako said.
"uhhhhh, yeah, I did." You said.
"would it be ok if we asked some questions?" Momo asked .
"oh yeah sure." You said.
"ok, first question" kyoka said "what does a japanese snow monkey look like?"
"well, a japanese snow monkey is a type of monkey who love to live in snowy areas of Japan. They have white hair and red faces. They also love hot springs. Because it keeps them warm." You said hugging yourself.
"next question" momo asked " how did the Japanese snow monkey go extinct ?"
"well, there are different ways they went extinct." You said pulling out your sketch pad.
"for example... Being exposed to the rabies virus, wildlife conflict, illegal hunting/poaching and habitat segregation all played a key roll in the extinction." You said drawing on the sketch pad.
"no one has seen a japanese snow monkey in 10 years we'd have to be very lucky to actually see one let alone a whole group." You said looking up from the sketch pad.
"well reader chan, we won't have to look very far." Tsuyu said.
"look up there!" Mina said quietly.
You turn to see a white fluffy monkey with a red face.
The monkey jumps off the fence and it walk to you.
It started to groom you.
"umm, what's it doing?" Toru asked.
"it's grooming me." You said "monkeys often groom one another"
You then noticed a similar scar over his eye.
"what the... Scar? Is that you?" You asked.
The monkey jumps for joy and hugs you.
"awwww. I missed you too,old friend." You said returning the hug. Momo sheds a tear.
"how? How did..." You asked.
Scar makes incoherent noises.
"uhhhh, what's he saying?" Jiro asked.
"he's saying.." you said translating, "my troop was ran out by a stronger troop of japanese snow monkeys. We had to move out of the forest and into the local town."
"but then we were ambushed by a pack of feral dogs. We had to go. I ordered a few of my troops to hold back the monsters so we can sneak away. And sneak away, we did. We traveled for months for a year until we found this place." You said still translating.
"I see, but why?" Momo asked.
The monkey chitters and you nod. "They were looking for me this whole time." You said hugging scar.
"awwwwwwwwwww" the girls said.
Scar climbs out of the water, and hoots.
A female monkey with no hair on her arms comes out holding two babies in her arms.
"hey, it's swoop." Jiro said.
Ochako gasps "oh my god! she has babies!!!"
"congratulations,swoop. With these babies you'll most certainly save your species" you said.
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