#I think this could be really fun and cool to play around with
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witherby ¡ 21 hours ago
I think a really cool day idea for Conner and mouse would be like the circus scene from Teen Titans were Robin let Starfire try some cotton candy and it’s really cute 
I remember that scene!!! Robin's absolutely lovesick expression was so romantic to me, even back then.
I didn't replicate that one-for-one, but they're certainly at a carnival! I hope you like it!
The Littlest Wayne: Carnival
(features: established relationship, Conner Kent x gn!Reader, fluff, discussions of structures that aren't OSHA compliant, kissing)
Masterlist is Here!
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"That doesn't look safe."
"None of these rides really are," you admit, queueing into the line to ride the Wave Swinger with your boyfriend. "Pop-up carnivals are designed in such a way that they can be thrown up and taken down within a day or two. You can't really afford to bolt anything down because it isn't going to be there in a week."
Conner looks at you with incredulity. He looks like he's trying not to pout, which is adorable. You barely refrain from kissing him.
"Then why are we lining up to get on one?"
"S'part of the vibe," you explain, lifting your hands for emphasis. One of them is interlaced with your boyfriend's, so his arm gets swung around, too. "You don't really go to these things to walk around and then leave again. You gotta ride a ride while wondering in the back of your mind if this is how it ends. You gotta spend way too much money playing a rigged game to win a prize that wasn't worth even a third of what you spent to earn it. You gotta eat a bunch of deep-fried foods that shouldn't be deep-fried and feel incredibly nauseated for the next two days about it. That's the real Carnival Experience™."
"This doesn't sound fun, M," Conner says. "I can take you on a flight and pretend to drop you a couple times. I can ask you for an absurd amount of money and not pay it back for like a week. I can cook you dinner and narrowly avoid giving you food poisoning. We don't have to be here."
"Trust me, it wouldn't be the same," you insist, moving up in the line. This swing ride is one of your favorites, next to The Whip, but you haven't seen one of those in a few years. "It's also the atmosphere. You're surrounded by fun, neon colors and happy strangers and screaming children — it's all part of the experience."
"Yeah..." Conner grimaces, gaze a little distant. "I could do without the screaming children."
"Oh, right," you frown, digging out a specialized pair of earbuds from your pocket and offering them to him. They help muffle out extra sensitive sounds for him, like breathing and footsteps and other people's heartbeats, so he can better control what noise he chooses to perceive. "Here."
Conner takes them, briefly letting go of your hand to put them in, then un-tenses his shoulders and offers you a thin smile.
"That's better," he admits, "but I still think getting on rides knowing they aren't bolted down properly is stupid."
"Welcome to the carnival," you grin. You both shuffle forward in the line, close enough now that you'll be able to get on next round. "You're gonna love this."
"I can fly, M. I don't think I'm gonna care."
Then it turns out he cares. He cares a lot. He actually cares so much. When you and Conner get strapped into your seats, he's white knuckling the chains keeping his chair suspended off the ground.
"You're joking. There's one little bike chain keeping me in this chair and there's a single hook on top holding me up. You're actually joking."
You start spinning and twisting around in your own chair, gleeful. "Isn't it great?"
"Alrighty riders. Please refrain from bouncing, spinning, twisting, or yanking on the chains. When the ride is in motion do not grab onto other riders' chairs. Keep the strap secure across your waist while the ride is in motion, and do not attempt to remove it until it comes to a complete stop again. Enjoy."
Conner flinches when the chairs lift into the air. He watches the ground get pulled out from under him, shitty carnival music starting to come out of the speakers while the lights on the ride start flashing. If he weren't invulnerable, he'd be losing his mind right now. How are you able to enjoy such risky activities!? Are you insane!? Actually — you're the one civilian child to a family of crime fighting vigilantes. Of course you're insane.
He looks up to make another comment, but the words quickly die in his throat. Because you look stunning.
You look great all the time, of course. Conner loves to look at you, and you know that. But as the ride starts to spin and your chair starts swaying with the wind, you throw your head back and laugh. You spread your arms out to your sides and kick your feet, eyes closed and hair fanned out.
You're practically ethereal when you're having fun. Conner watches the colorful lights dance over your skin and feels himself falling even more in love with you than he already is. He never wants the ride to end, if it means he gets to see you like this forever.
Using the trick Clark taught him, he speeds himself up to slow the world down, giving himself more time to admire you. To you, it's just a couple minutes in the air, but to him it's hours of unbridled admiration. When you're finally lowered to the ground again, he's unlatched himself from his seat and come around to kiss you.
"Let's go find another ride," he mumbles against your lips. You smirk, victorious, and grab his hand. He's utterly helpless to do anything but trail after you.
"Knew you'd come around. It's the Carnival Experience, babe; it pulls everyone in! Never should've doubted me."
"Yeah..." He says, smiling like a lovesick idiot. It's definitely the rides and games and people making him feel this good, and not the echo of your happy heartbeat or the image of your carefree smile under the neon lights burned into his memory. "Shouldn't have doubted you."
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pencilpat ¡ 3 days ago
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The Scout RED v. BLU sketch pages were fun, I might keep doing that until I run out of steam. Take some Snipers.
Like the Scout ones, some brief related headcanons below.
-Likes bugs a lot. Will go out of his way to pick up and play with even the 'ugliest' or most dangerous ones. Fond of roaches and beetles. If he could wake up tomorrow and be a beetle, he'd finally be content with life.
-Smokes, both tobacco and weed. He tries to not smoke too much weed though, because if he smells like it he would be easy to track down during battle. Tobacco really helps his nerves and paranoid thinking.
-Sewed animal teeth onto his own hat. He likes his hat a lot, it was a gift from his father. Hunting also reminds him of spending time with his dad & mum, and he likes to go hunt birds to cook, or to go fishing to pass the time off work.
-Enjoys a GNC look sometimes. Considers himself a bit of a girl too, but doesn't really know how to express that to the people around him. "I'm probably nonbinary but I've got a job so idrc about that rn."
-Pierced his ears himself. Has longer, unruly hair that he contains with ponytails and braids. Is very tan because of spending so much of his time outside. Generally dresses in darker clothes during work, as it makes him feel like he blends into the shadows (even though it really makes him stand out a bit more). Always has a slight smile, like he's making fun of you in his head.
-Rarely seen without a weapon of some sort on his person. Also pretty much never seen without his sunglasses on.
-Peeked through the brain-scooping-induced veil once and realized he had the same face as someone on the other team. So they scooped his brain even more til it got muddled up. Now he gets frequent, intense migraines and struggles with his balance, and with limb control on his left side. It mostly affects his legs, meaning he can still snipe with good accuracy. He sometimes uses a cane if he feels particularly weak that day.
-Hates his face but can't remember why without his head pounding. He can barely even see it, it feels like. Like a big pixelated mass where it should be. So he covers it a lot, especially during battles and missions.
-Hats make him feel more anonymous. Ranges from very cool ones to the dorkiest bucket hats you've ever seen.
-Likes fishing and nature walks to look for birds. Also goes hunting in the tundra around the BLU base pretty much daily. It's good stress relief.
-Plays guitar, pretty decently too. Also good for stress relief.
-Uses a bow and arrows about as much as he uses his rifle. He hand carves his arrows, wood carving is a very satisfying hobby for him.
-Always seems a little pallid and grey in the face. Especially compared to the deep tan RED Sniper has.
-Cuts or shaves down his hair regularly, only lets it grow back a little. Clean-shaven unless he's doing terribly that week. Has a couple scars that stick around even after respawning. Wears bracelets and necklaces often, though less so during work. Only smiles when he's alone, and in general behaves coldly towards his team.
-Doesn't smoke or drink. Hates the feeling of an altered consciousness.
-Paid his own money for a gun he thought looked better. He's getting tired of being on the losing team all the time.
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bwobgames ¡ 14 hours ago
They see a slumped, defeated looking Owen and a pensive Simon on one of the tables.
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“Now that’s not the mood for a fancy train ride. Cheer up, strange creatures!”
“No can do, for the future only brings ruin. Forked paths. Uncertain fate. Such an herculean feat of Atlas proportions”
“We’re thinking”
“Are you?”
“They’re bummed out because they have to choose a career for university”
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“Is that what’s worrying you? Career prospects?”
“It’s more than that! I took a year off to ~find myself~ but uh. I mostly played videogames and got a cool haircut”
“And now I have to actually do the damn thing, and I still haven’t found out what I want to do!”
“It’s alright Owen, the university life is not for everyone.”
“No no, I know that! But I need to know what is it that I want to do for the rest of my life!”
“That does sound like a Herculean feat of Atlas proportions”
“Well, what is it that you like to do?”
“Uh. Listen to Medieval versions of popular music?”
“…As like. A hobbie”
“Don’t worry, a lot of people don’t end up working as the thing they studied. I was a security guard for a good while!”
“Security! That’s it!”
“A security expert? That’s a noble job”
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“The guy is nowhere to be found, and people found he sold all the stuff he stole so he must be loaded, right?”
“And! I get to have a cool costume!”
“You think it’s cool…?”
("He thinks it's cool?!")
“Owen that’s how you get in jail. And at least a few broken bones. A person needs to be borderline crazy to believe they can pull off the stuff Dominion did”
“Because he was like no other, truly. Amazing, mysterious, charming…”
“A complete lunatic”
“less than three”
“wh- Did you say the heart emoji out loud?”
“Well, if I can’t be Twominion then what do you think I should be, Mr. B- Oliver Beebo?”
Hmm… Something that Owen would enjoy…
“I think you’d do it well”
“Well, that does sound fun, but uh, isn’t that a bit… low on employment?”
“That is true, but. Does it really matter for your type?”
“My type?”
“Rich people."
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"You have connections. Your parents have connections. No matter how low-end a career path might be, you’ll get to do anything because of your family’s name”
“Ollie, you’re not wrong but I don’t think that’s what the kid wants to hear right now…”
“Why not? It means he’s free to do whatever he wants. Look at Nadia”
“She’s studying film. In a country with barely any movie productions. Less so known ones aside from some closed circles. On a private University.”
“Yet she’ll be able to do all the movies she wants and be successful because the Margulis name is strong”
“…Excuse you. Are you implying I’m not able to be successful on my own?”
“Ah, you certainly have talent Nadia, I wouldn’t say anything against that”
“But that talent can be found in millions of people. People who might be even more talented. But we’ll never know because they won’t be able to reach the place it has been given to you on talent alone”
“You will. Because you have money. Because you were born with money.”
“C’mon Beeb, only I’m allowed to fight the child”
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Simon thinks for a second
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“…Marine Biology”
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“Although mom always gets weird when I say it. I think she might hate fishes”
“Bu- But you are good at cooking yeah? Didn’t you love cooking?”
“I am good at it but… The cooking scene isn’t very nice…”
“And I refuse to cook Lobster! It’s terrible and cruel!”
“Well, what if you become a vet! And specialize in fish! Or become the owner of an aquarium!”
“That just seems like a roundabout way to get to marine biology”
“You could have your own restaurant! Fish free!”
“I think it’s fine."
"If you like it and you think you can make it, then go ahead. Biology is hard though, think about that”
“I’m pretty good at it”
He seems relieved.
While he can’t speak for the others, his blonde roots and white shirt made his eyes look… almost green.
Eugene never got to study what he loved. He’ll make sure Simon does.
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shanklin ¡ 2 days ago
"What if Stan gives Shanklin a Mini Mr. Mystery outfit? The two be twinning!"
Dear 500-word-ask!anon from my inbox. Have my answer for the first 14 words.
Selfish Shellfish AU - Masterpost
Shanklin found him. Somehow, hundreds of miles away from home, Shanklin found him.
Soos almost ran him over on accident but Stan took the steering wheel at the very last second and turned it around.
The sudden drift and following emergency brake had them almost break right through the windshield, but Stan didn’t care about his bruised shoulder and bleeding head. He recognized that screeching grin anywhere.
He threw himself out of the car and stumbled onto the street, frantically looking around for his friend.
“Shanklin! SHANKLIN!”
It wasn’t just his imagination, right? Stan was certain he saw his little possum. Stan turned around and ran back to the car. Did they hit him? Did he kill another member of his family? 
Stan sank to the ground. Please please don’t let it be true. Not Shanklin. Stan closed his eyes tightly and tried to block out the world around him until he felt little pricks on his thigh, little claws scratching his pants and the skin underneath.
A tiny furry body squeezed itselfs into a gap in between his curled up body and nestled comfortably on his lap.
Stan cradled the possum into his arms, hid his face in the scruffy fur and wept silently. Shanklin came back to him. For him. 
Soos suggested Shanklin might be magical, some sort of animal wizard or something, and Stan couldn’t help but agree.
“You really are magic, aren’t you? The smartest, most mysterious possum the world has ever seen!”
In response, the banana piece Shanklin was messily chewing on fell out of his mouth and he bit on the fabric in Stan's hands instead.
“Hey, that’s for the show, stop that! HEY!”
It took much more effort than expected to get Shanklin into the Mini Mr. Mystery outfit. For a super smart magical wizard pet he sure acted like a wild animal sometimes.No matter, Stan had succeeded and Shankling looked, quite honestly, really damn cute. Stan had been hoping for a more cool aesthetic, but the little hat, tie and suit combo was just adorable and matched his own perfectly.
Stan tried not to think about how much Grauntie Mabel would love it. How proud she would be, if things were different. She had taught him all about making comfortable clothes for animals, when Ford had kicked him out of their shared room in the attic that one time.
He, Fidds and Grunkle Dipper needed more space for an all night DD&mD extravaganza, so Stan had to go.
Back then Stan had tried to ask if he could join but chickened out at the last minute. 
“Stan, don't touch that. Those are some highly advanced calculations for later game play. I don’t want them all messed up. You wouldn’t understand”
Stan took a look at the sheets and it was true. Nothing on them made a lick of sense, but he had hoped they could just do the math for him and he could still be there for the fun bits.
The fun bits being the times when Stan heard them laughing and screaming in delight. The ones that became inside jokes that no one explained to Stan. And if he would asked them to, they’d just laugh harder.
But they were right, Stan wouldn’t understand. He’d just mess everything up.  
So he went downstairs, where Grauntie Mabel made him a warm chocolatey Mabel Juice variant and taught him all about how to sew in an emergency, in case you see a cute animal that would be even cuter in a little blazer. 
Sewing and creating miniature outfits was surprisingly fun and when he heard laughter from above and Grauntie Mabel put her arms around him in sympathy, he felt not as alone as usual.
“I know it’s hard,” she told him looking pained, “but we need to let those nerds do their own thing. If we go and force them to do stuff they don’t want to, it will just end badly for all of us. I’ve been through it before and trust me. This is for the best.”
Stan leaned into her and let himself be comforted by her warmth.
Stan did not tell her that he just wanted to play with them and not force them to do something else.
And he did not ask her why she constantly agreed with Dipper's plans then, even though she clearly didn’t want to. 
“Okay, I trust you.” he said instead and got rewarded with a kiss on his head and a cuddle. 
Mini Mr. Mystery was a blazing success! 
Everyone loved Shanklin, even if he almost ate his hat halfway through the show. 
If his luck streak continued, Stan would soon make enough money to pay Soos back for all that he had wasted on him.
Stan took a bow and held Shanklin out to the crowd who squeaked in protest.
The “awws” in response were justified. His Shanklin was adorable!
“Look at you and your twin!”
Shanklin started to squirm. Stan held him tighter and forced a grin.
“Almost identical. You can barely tell them apart.” 
oh don’t be silly. it’s easy. the freak with the glasses is the smart one and the one who looks like he can’t count to three is the spare
The crowd laughed.
mocking laughter, red cheeks, six fingered hands hiding away
“So if you’re the creative one then that must make this little guy the smart one right?”
don’t you ever call him that again
Stan's grip loosened and Shanklin attacked, jumping right onto the worst offender, scratching and biting. 
or i’ll make sure you won’t live long enough to regret it
The crowd jumped and screamed as the possum ran through, attacking everyone that looked like a threat. In midst the panic a path formed and Stan ran until his legs gave out.
Shanklin was still by his side when he finally collapsed and cuddled up next to him. Stan pet his head, now free of the fez.
Maybe Stan just wasn’t cut out for this twinning thing.
Later Soos would find them both fast asleep under a park tree. He swore up and down that Shanklin showed him the way and Stan swore that he never left his side.
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cerealboxlore ¡ 2 years ago
Whiz Kid Billy Batson and Lois Lane + the others
How come I haven't seen anything about Billy Batson interacting with the other journalists and reporters in the DC universe when it's the perfect opportunity to have the truth seekers in one room combining their skills/forces together?? I mean seriously, let the Whiz Kid Billy Batson HC meet with the others during some big journalist/reporter convention being held in Fawcett City, he has his own little radio show, let the boy speak his mind! Billy and Lois would have a blast together solving a cold case, interviewing superheroes together, and investigating the mystery behind who invited all these famous journalists and reporters to Fawcett city.
Make it be like a Knives Out scenario where someone extremely important and big suddenly bites the dust during the convention, and not only are the famous reporters and journalists there meant to solve the case, but they are also the suspects! The superheroes are away and can't help in this event, it's up to the non super powered allies to get to the bottom of this and save themselves!
Billy obviously can't transform into Captain Marvel due to the circumstances, but he's more than ready for a challenge to prove that Billy Batson is just as much a hero as his alter ego is.
Billy Batson, Lois Lane, Iris West, Jimmy Olsen, Viki Vale, Cat Grant (I'm going off the DC wiki for journalists and reporters). Put all these people in a room and all of your secrets will be in extreme danger.
Bonus points if Benoit Blanc is canon to the DC universe and was invited as a plus one to a guest of honor/VIP at the convention. I like this fruity southern detective man a lot. Him existing in the DC universe would just be hilarious and actually fit. Man solved a lot of famous cases, who's to say he's never solved a supervillain crime case or answered a few Riddles by the Riddle before (even though he thinks they're stupid). Let this man meet batman for crying out loud! (And let him play Among us with the other journalists/reporters-)
I got the idea based on the snippets of the fic being made by @wolfsbanesparks that involves Billy going through a mentorship program under Lois Lane.
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st4rstudent ¡ 7 months ago
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bugthinker but I just did whatever to him
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bonus slop
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daylighteclipsed ¡ 7 months ago
ive been replaying kh1 (going thru the whole series on steam since i never got the chance to play all the games) and i was struck by something a bit odd. i have been dyinggg to talk about it
it's about kairi and her past.
i don't think she's a replica or construct necessarily
but in kh2 there's a parallel drawn between her and sally in halloween town; and the same i think could be true in kh1.
sally is a Frankenstein monster/doll made by the doctor. the entire plot of Halloween town centers around the need for the dr to make a "heart" which requires memories from Sally (the scene of her picking the forget me nots looks a lot like kairi holding a flower for aqua too)
sora takes interest in the project to restore a heart to the heartless too because of his desire to restore Kairi's heart.
i havent really come up with a coherent thought about what this means.
but given that we know kairi was experimented on in a way that involved her heart, it just seems suspicious that this parallel was made twice to her and a doll that was stitched together and animated by a mad scientist.
shes also compared to chirithy in kh3, which from my understanding were created by MoM for keyblade weilders; and to Pooh, who is a toy/story book character that came to life
given too that Kairi already has a weird thing going on with her heart, it just seems possible that theres something..more to it that i have yet to piece together. and its driving me crazy
NO, WAIT… ANON YOU’RE COOKING. Idk what it all means either, but those parallels are so good and so true. Cause there definitely is something artificial about Kairi’s heart, even if just partially. It was experimented on, like you said, and it looks completely different than the organic hearts we see, and I suspect that’s why we’ve never seen Kairi’s heart station. Because it’s (at least partially) artificial. It would look totally different than all the other heart stations and would probably give away what’s going on.
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mulders-too-large-shirt ¡ 8 months ago
the x files au where everything is exactly the same except mulder takes home the child neanderthal from the jersey devil episode and raises them as his own
#you could make this super fun and invoke a sense of deep Guilt on behalf of mulder because he feels he got the mom neanderthal killed#and then you can also make it fun in “c'mon sport let's go throw the ball around kind of way”#i imagine him at the library checking out books on early humanoid species and how to parent at the same time#the librarian silently checking the books out and wondering what on earth this man could possibly be needing such resources for#imagine scully's reaction to this. i can't quite place it beyond initial Disbelief and then subsequent trying to be as supportive as she ca#and she would probably be also very Nerdy about the whole thing. because she strikes me as someone well-read on the subject and fascinated#we also know she at least has some experience wrangling children which would be relevant#i imagine a bunch of anthropologists perpetually hovering over the child to study him but they have to be Chill and not disrupt his life#so the kid just grows up thinking they have a ton of really cool and supportive aunts and uncles over all the time#meanwhile they scientists are taking notes furiously as they see if he can adapt to playing a gameboy with the other kids#idk someone probably thought of this idea before but it's funny to me#why would the kid go to him and not someone far more qualified? idk i'm just playing pretend in my brain :)#this thought was prompted by me wondering if you time traveled and brought an early humanoid to the modern era do you think the kid#would still play minecraft? i say yes. probably.#i saw a post about something similar years ago and i wonder about it. i hope you would like cartoons and subway surfers neanderthals.#1x05#fox mulder#the x files#txf
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pyrotechnotomy ¡ 26 days ago
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im not sure he has a license
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littleoddwriter ¡ 25 days ago
desperately need The Batman Part II's main villain to be Roman Sionis/Black Mask, please. I'm on my hands and knees, begging for it
#this thought kept me up at night btw (I wish I was joking but nope I was awake from 2am to like 5am mostly because of this)#currently trying to think of potential actors that would fit the role in Matt Reeves' Batman universe#which is not that easy because I realised that I barely know any actors under 50 lol oops#and he would have to be between 35 and 45 (preferably anyway) because he and Bruce should be around the same age right#unless we'd give him a whole different backstory and what-not#then any actor could play him and boy oh boy do I have dreams#i would prefer keeping some of his original comic elements tho like yeah he has around 50 different backstories now but still#him and Bruce growing up together and Roman hating his guts esp. later on just hits different#especially with Battinson#like can you imagine??? because I can and i need it so fucking badly FUCKKK#my number one choice (for somebody in Battinson's age range) is Finn Wittrock. my goodness he'd be PERFECT#been vibrating out of my skin with that since i realised it today omggg i'm in need#but alas! who knows who the main villain is gonna be. there are a ton of Batman villains to choose from#Twoface would be cool too but is also very common like the Penguin and the Joker and the Riddler and the Scarecrow#and technically Black Mask is common too but also not really because he's barely shown up in any live action stuff yet#and all the ones he was a major part of weren't exactly Batman related (Harley Quinn BoP and Batwoman)#so i'm in desperate need of the actual Bruce Wayne and Roman Sionis thing PLEASE#i might publish my list of potential actors i've thought of so far idk just for fun ya know#also just realised that it's around 2 and a half years till the movie will come out and i'm in shambles#i know it was postponed and stuff but i never quite registered that fact#my Roman Sionis hyperfixation is back in full swing btw rip to meee#like yes it's a constant interest of mine and has been for a little over 5 years now but damn#the fixation has been pretty dormant for a while until recently#can't complain tho because i lovelovelove this character so much i love spending my time and energy on him <3#anywayyy#i need to shut the fuck up omg#roman sionis#black mask#the batman#jesse.talks
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neriyon ¡ 5 months ago
For the FFXIV ask thingy: 8, 14 & 20~
Ohh nice, a triple~
8. Biggest Accomplishment?
This is a hard one since I don't do any savages or extremes or any of the "hard" endgame content people usually say as their big accomplisments haha. So I guess uhh, idk, getting all jobs to 90 during EW? (six to go till all jobs at 100) Or that 5000th commendation I got last month? Figuring out how to do old content (and maps) with just the 3 of us? Still playing this game after 5 years?
14. Favorite Raid?
Alliance one? One of the Nier raids, probably Copied. Ridorana, Orbonne and Aglaia are good too, but there's just something that sparks joy whenever I see Nier raids come up in roulette.
8-man ones? Uhhh..... Pandae 9 (Kokytos) or 11 (Themis)? P4 (Hesperos), 6 (Hegemone) and 7 (tree) were nice too, and I kinda still like getting Eden Titan on rouls.
20. Favorite Limit Break?
Hmm, summoner one is very neat! Not that you get to use it that often, but it's fun to finally become Bahamut.
Fav tank one is drk, melee on is ninja (*angrily does really fast hand signs at you*), ranged is bard (its the bow at the end) and healer is whm. Almost all of them are good tho, only ones I'm meh about are the more "boring", non flashy ones (pld, mnk, sam)
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fragmentedblade ¡ 1 year ago
Boothill's presentation being entirely on the twitter post makes me think he will be irrelevant in the story in the long(ish) run, and that the game itself won't dwell on him almost at all
#Kinda like Argenti but Argenti seemed to be part of a larger lore and worldbuilding#Boothill doesn't even give me that vibe#Cool design though. I do love revenge stories and western films so...#*sighs* I guess I may consider him if he's fun to play with and the story is interesting. I hope he takes Aventurine out of the grave#(Or do I? Emotionally I do. Rationally I think I may lean more towards 'keep Aventurine dead' tbh)#Imagine if his revenge is against the IPC in general and Aventurine in particular but when he gets there Aventurine is already dead#The enormous fail that would be hahaha#Automaton cowboy is such a good design though I would have liked it more had they taken the automaton way enhancing the clockwork thing#instead of the cyborg one with the futuristic air. What can I say I do love automatons and clockwork#and to me they're far superior aesthetically than cyborgs. Not into cyborgs and robots at all. Sorry Screwllum. Herta most beloved design#I wonder if his gameplay will revolve around some killing himself mechanic#I don't know what to say I do love those things gameplaywise. I love the risk they add and how they make one strategise a little more#Even beyond the story and the lore‚ Blade is still my fave character to use. So fun so flexible and ironically so reliable despite the risk#Abfksndk rambling#I am thinking of Aventurine and I'm thinking of Fu Xuan. I think I'll skip Robin unless they go dark-dark with her#but I'm still considering Sunday if they make him shady. I was looking forwards to Firefly but I've disliked her writing a lot#so for now she's a big skip. I wouldn't mind getting Topaz given I love the FUA mechanics and the SU#but I like other characters more and I don't like her design at all so I'll skip her too#Couldn't care less about IL (I have him in an alt account and I don't like him at all) so that's a big skip too#I like Screwllum but not enough for now. Hmmm I guess I could get one shielder since I do love them as characters#and then save until one character really convinces me. Boothill‚ Robin‚ Sunday hmmm I hope Sunday is shady and grey#I wonder if they'll bring Huaiyan. I would give a leg for Huaiyan. Yeah I've not moved on from the Xianzhou I love that place#and I adore Huaiyan and the Zhuming. I so hope we'll get to see that ship#I talk too much
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waywardsalt ¡ 11 months ago
Hi! I hope you’re doing good in life.
What do you think of a phantom hourglass remake? Tbh I don’t know how they could remake it without basically remaking it from the ground-up. It would probably play more like windwaker, which I see as a both a good and bad thing. On the one hand, if it was more like windwaker a lot more people would probably play and it would be more popular since I know the touch controls were a turn off for most people for both Spirit Tracks and Phantom hourglass. But on the other hand, remaking it to be more like windwaker would make the game lose some of it’s previous identity. Like, Phantom hourglass was so unique because of the touch controls and the puzzles you can make and solve by having two screens and touch controls. And it was so nifty and handy to be able to write notes on your map. Idk, I still would like it to be remade in general even if it ends up a basically different game, but I wouldn’t change the story or the characters, especially Linebeck. The only other change I would make is the music. Phantom hourglass had rather weak themes, mainly because they re-used the same theme for the islands and the dungeons. The only songs that were really good were the few orginal tracks made for the game, so Linebeck’s theme, Oshus’s theme, both Bellum boss battle themes and the and that music that plays when you first follow the Ghost Ship. But what would you want out of a phantom hourglass remake?
Hey, I’m doing good, and I hope you are too!
I’ve thought a bit about a possible Phantom Hourglass remake, but not too much recently. I don’t really know if I’d want one, since you’d lose a lot of what really makes it special, and you can still play it through other means. I’m personally fond of the graphics and the music- yes, even the dungeon theme has grown on me- so I don’t really want a remake too badly, especially since I fear any additions/changes they might make with story or characters in a remake. The touch controls make it, and playing it on pc recreates that feeling decently well, but I don't think it'll be just the same if you had to control it with joysticks or anything.
Not to mention, there's so much emphasis on having the two screens, too, not just for map stuff, but almost every single boss had a mechanic related to the top screen! I have no fucking clue how you'd replicate that very well on something like the switch without just fucking with the mechanics altogether.
I would kill to hear some of Phantom Hourglasses tracks be orchestrated or otherwise rearranged in a higher quality. I wouldn't want any of the more notable themes altered in any way, no adding or removing of melodies and only very very small changes to the instrumentation, but I think it'd be neat to see what could be done with dungeon themes. I think a while back I had a fleeting desire to write some short tracks for each dungeon, with some ideas like mostly using instruments heard in Bellum's themes for the dungeons while each individual one gets a leading instrument unique to and reflective of the dungeon, while the Ghost Ship maybe gets a song that's a bit of a expanded version of the fog theme, while the Temple of the Ocean King could have slightly different themes the further in you got, starting with instruments more common to Oshus's theme or the great sea theme, while the further in you got the more instruments from Bellum's theme would be heard, plus some harpsichord thrown in for the hell of it.
Leave the original dungeon theme for stuff like the minor pyramids and some larger cave areas, idk. It's grown on me.
I think the only story rearranging I'd want is mayyyyybe unfridging Tetra? You could very easily shuffle some things around with her and just not damsel her for the whole game and honestly it'd still go off perfectly without a hitch. But you'd still have to deal with the World of the Ocean King being a whole other world, so either bring her and her crew in and have them as wandering ship npcs (the better idea) or just leave them out (not a good idea) but either way it's better than what they actually did. I just don't think I'd want it to switch to Tetra being a major reoccurring character tbh, the main character dynamics in PH are good as they are.
I think I like Phantom Hourglass too much as it is to really want a remake at all. I'd rather we get something like an anime adaptation. That's what I think about more. Give me animated Phantom Hourglass with some fun takes on the dungeons and fights and some fun slice of life stuff with the group between the islands what I want is a Phantom Hourglass anime
#asks#zeldanamikaze#salty talks#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#kinda just boils down to like. i kinda want it to remain untouched with nothing added or removed if that makes sense#different themes for the dungeons would be rlly cool. harpsichord for deeper ocean king temple floors bc its where you meet linebeck#also vague foreshadowing? as an aside how many other loz songs have harpsichord in it im very curious to know#also. i say i dont mind the dungeon theme while also not really minding my tinnitus so also take that in mind maybe. brain go brrrrrr#i think adding tetra in to the main crew of ph would kinda be a bit much and also maybe not add very much. fyi i have not played ww#but i feel like it'd almost be adding another ciela cuz shed support link and be more barbed and bold with a side of less morally upstandin#so i dont really think she'd being much new to the ph crew table and i wouldnt want her there in a remake cuz they might pull the#goddess blood card and i really really like how ph has fuck all to do with hyrule or any of that nonsense#sorry this took so long btw. i dont think much abt a ph remake so i dont have a lot of notes#additions? idk add more rooms to linebecks ship. let us poke around in a few areas. maybe potion storage. give link a room#let us poke around in linebeck's room when possible. put smth fun in there. pull a wilds era and give him a journal for us to check out#what they did with tetra kills me (but not too much since i dont rlly have thoughts on tetra) bc you could just remove her entirely#and the story would still work really well anyways. holy character fridging batman#idfk. give us a silly loz dating game. make linebeck an option. thats what i wanna see
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st4rstudent ¡ 9 months ago
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i'll bring these out to the public actually
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icharchivist ¡ 9 months ago
so one of my friends started ff7's og recently and he's been streaming to me how he advances inside the game (he played the remake, ended up hating it and thought the problem was that ff7 must suck, and then i started to ramble and it got him curious to try the OG instead. he's having much more fun so far)
i noticed a worrying pattern from watching him play, that he doesn't explore every houses or talk to every NPCs, and while in some places it's okay, in others well...... i get to worry.
so i told him "once you go to Gongaga take Aerith and Tifa with you as you explore the town" like i always do
and he laughed because "isn't Gongaga a meme" and once again i have to go :) yeah, anyway,
but so he went to Gongaga rn and he almost skipped all of the houses. And i had to go "no. you check all the houses. Please." and he was like yeah yeah
and so we reached Zack's parents' house and the moment they dropped "Do you know a guy in Soldier named Zack?" my friend audibly gasped like "no fucking way"
and meanwhile i was having emotions behind my screen as quiet as possible while my friend clearly was going through the motions like I See.
Friend in question has been nicknaming me "Zack Fair's most normal fan" so there were clearly dots connected
but man. I love doing that. Me making sure everyone who plays the OG gets the ultimate Zack Fair experience---
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fruitmouse ¡ 11 months ago
i miss the overwatch cast so BAD why does OW2 have to suck so much
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