#I swear on the Styx
paranoiacally-anxious · 9 months
There are many things that I'll never ever forgive Rick Riordan for, but Ares ass characterization is on top of them.
Because I swear- Uncle Rick made Poseidon likeable BUT DESTROYED THE PROTECTOR OF WOMEN.
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demigods-posts · 2 months
if luke had succeeded in recruiting percy. the best role percy could have been was the spy. going on a quests under the guise of a hero. sabotaging collective plans under the guise of impulsiveness. sending information back to luke through IM. relishing in the naievity of his peers that they'll win the soon-to-come war. and he's sure he's making the right decision. until bianca dies. until the one thing luke promised him would never happen happens. and just as the tides of the battle changes. just as the heroes see that luke is willing to kill. percy faith in luke begins to waver.
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abyssal-wonders · 1 year
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i don't think i ever posted these
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where-is-grian · 3 months
In a jar of jam!
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He is in a jar of jam
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moodyseal · 1 year
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TOApril Day 2 - Grave Mistake
This scene seemed to fit the prompt well! What worst mistake is there than angering a god after all, am I right?
(Though in this case it didn't have that many consequences, did it) (Remember when we thought that Styx would be a problem? Haha fun times)
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ladycatashtrophe · 7 months
Thinking of when I was little and I kept having these feelings like I was floating above my bed while sleeping (not the falling dream - I distinctly remember floating above my bed for a solid few seconds before I came to and landed back on the mattress) and my ultra-religious family thought I was possessed or "disturbed" but I was a Percy Jackson kid so one night when it happened I jokingly banged my fist on the floor and told Hades to knock it off (thinking it would do nothing) and then that feeling never happened again.
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roseddraws · 2 months
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The Styx
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bikananjarrus · 7 months
absolutely INSANE that in SoM chiron makes annabeth swear on the styx to look after percy, and invokes the great prophecy when he asks her like???? chiron what the fuck.
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you can't tell me annabeth didn't think of this promise constantly over the next three years. she's read the great prophecy. she, chiron, and everyone else is expecting the prophesized big three child to die. and still, she promises to stay with percy. even if she knows, ultimately, that she can't keep him safe. she promises to stay and to try.
think about how devastated she felt in botl when she thought she’d lost him after mt st. helens, even before the great prophecy came true (she thought she had more time with him). she didn't stay with him (because he told her to go) and she thought he'd died because of it. she promised to keep him safe and she couldn't.
by some miracle, he came back to her, only for her to probably spend the next year dreading his sixteenth birthday, thinking she was going to lose him again. she thinks he's destined by prophecy to die, and she's destined to break her sacred promise on the styx to protect him. anyway.. chewing glass about it.
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teamleo1029 · 2 months
I feel like the Calypso and Leo ship deserves more attention. Just reread those four chapters, it's ADORABLE.
She immediatly hates him, so the raft doesn't come. As they warm up, he says he'll come back for her, no matter the cost. The raft comes to shore because no one's ever tried to come back for her in all her life. I mean COME ON that's just beautiful.
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art--harridan · 1 year
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[Image description: A digital drawing based on the Kill Bill films. The background is a bright yellow. It begins with Beatrix Kiddo's knife, followed by two bullets. Next is her katana with O-Ren's severed hair above it. To the side of the hair is three nails. These items lead into the back end of a black mamba snake. Alongside its body there's two stacks of dollars caked in dirt, and a cigarette with smoking trailing off of it. Below the head of the snake is the hand of Beatrix, arranged in the end position of The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique, which resembles the snake's snout. Every object in the drawing is greatly bloodied. At the top, in this blood, it says "kill". Near her hand it says "bill".]
Inktober - Day 5 (Map)
Movies - Kill Bill: Vol 1 (Quentin Tarantino, 2003) and Kill Bill: Vol 2 (Quentin Tarantino, 2004)
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iamrizaka · 4 months
Winners will be crowned with laurels by their divine parents.
Apollo crowned Lee with a laurel wreath after his victory.
The wreath was presented to his father on a golden saucer by a pale and silent Will.
With overly pronounced tenderness, Apollo gently fixed the wreath in Lee's golden hair and lifted his face to his chin, leaving a cool kiss on his forehead.
"Humility and submission are your way to forgiveness, child my".
fuck you too, apollo
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charlottedabookworm · 5 months
One day Lib runs out of patience for Ace and Styx, which somehow leads to the following being posted on Kwetter in the middle of the night:
What historians think talking with a TwiceBorn is like: ancient wisdom from long forgotten times.
What talking to TwiceBorn is really like: them talking in memes that nobody understands anymore.
libs is just. so tired
any conversation with ace and styx is just. 80% incomprehensable memes and references and it's basically like talking to someone twenty years older than you except they're both his age and also he can't just look up the references
the only information on the references exist in the heads of his two idiot twiceborn friends
and now he's starting to pick up on them
he tossed a wrapper at nyx the other day and whispered yeet by instinct look what these idiots are doing to him damn it
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the irony for a review of 'what moves the dead' to praise the character of easton as a "nonbinary war vet" and yet use the wrong pronouns in the review
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boredgramlin · 1 year
I've been a bit obsessed with him (that's not true I feel so attached to his character already if he gets hurt my soul goes with him) lately, soo...
So here's my first digital drawing of Chiron. I saw this problem that we have very few fanarts of this amazing centaur so I've made it my mission to fix it.
Btw, I just finished the 4th book
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🍋 Lemon Boys 🍋
Sparked from the Season 2 poster of Sebastian wearing Augur uniform and the idea that Sebastian might move in with Styx. I like the idea of him staying with Styx and feeling safe because of Styx's magic.
Key, latch, door. *Thud* Bag.floor.
As Seb dropped his bag he could feel the floor rushing to meet him, but two hands grabbed him first.
"Hey hey" then more gently, edged in concern "Bas?"
The Irish lilt brought his mind back from blankness, as he realised he was only half standing, propped up by Styx. Eyes closed, arms lead-heavy at his side. Seb didn't even attempt to move, what's the point he'd probably just end up on the hallway floor.
Seb went to move away but as soon as his head lost contact Styx's shoulder, he lost contact with reality. A single hand guided him back, the other hadn't let go of his jacket. 'I should take that off' Sebastian thought vaguely.
"Like hell you are! you're dead on your feet! Whatd they make you do today?"
No answer, but Styx could feel Sebastian grimace against his shoulder and his own jaw tighten in response.
"Yea yea NDA blah blah. Come on let's get this off ya"
Styx started helping Sebastian roll the Augur jacket off his shoulders. The jacket bit was easy, swapping out Seb's shirt? That was harder, it relied on Seb being able to stand unaided and right now that seemed alot to ask.
"mmjust" Seb paused waiting for his breath to catch up "mmjust tired"
"Yeah, and I'm just old. Whydya have to and sign the flamin contract anyway ya eejit?"
No response. Not that Styx had really expected one. Just as he hadn't been expecting the new bruises making a patchwork of new and old across Seb's torso. It's hard to believe there was even space for new ones.
"Easy. Easy does it." Styx could have cursed the person responsible... would have if he knew who... or even where. Instead he settled for hissing through his teeth.
"Mmmfinedontworry" it came out more slurred than Seb had intended.
Does it count as slurring words if you sigh them all together? The thought floated through Seb's mind, as he sounded about as coherent as the rest of his world. Styx pulled an oversized shirt on to Seb ignoring his tired attempts at reassurance.
"You gonna sleep tonight?" Styx half asked, half instructed.
"You ever feel you've outlived your usefulness? Like maybe on the ship I ..."
"Fuck off with that right now."
"I just mean, sometimes feel like yea I survived ... but was I meant to? I feel like now I'm in a timeline that doesn't want me ... you know?"
"What I know is that you're here and that there's no use tryna guess what the 'universe' - or whatever - thinks of that."
"Come on you'll feel better after you've slept." Styx threw a pillow at Seb.
Sleep. The word itself seemed to have a soporific effect on Seb and he felt his eyes welling up at the thought of being able to go to sleep.
"Look ya don't have to sleep in the bedroom, I was gonna watch something - if I can get the feckin screen to work - you can join if ya want."
Seb crumbled into corner of the sofa mumbling something about 'wards' and 'staying up' as sleep took over.
"Yeah, yeah, don't ya worry about that. I'll stay up and keep em goin" though Styx wasn't entirely sure whether Sebastian heard. Throwing a blanket over Seb, Styx glanced at the TV screen
"Yeah. No. Fuck that piece of shite."
He pulled a book from the stack on the coffee table and settled in to 'keep watch'. What did missing one night's sleep matter, he had forever to catch up anyway.
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