#never drawing a horse again /hj
abyssal-wonders · 1 year
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i don't think i ever posted these
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pulchinelle · 2 years
Duncan has been on my mind a lot recently, so I tried (and failed) to write smt for him. I chose his escape attempt number 1005th with a drawing to go with it >:3 /hj since Duncan always searched for a way to run away from his responsibilities mother .
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Plus a bonus doodle of him interacting with Barry (who belongs to @fumikomiyasaki ) and William (belongs to @/squidwen )
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This is NOT an excuse to present Willow and practice drawing horses. DEFINETELY
Duncan spurned his horse into a gallop, looking behind him one last time to make sure he wasn't heard. He could feel the branches and leaves brushing over his head as Willow and him went farther and further away, and the castle behind them became a blurry shape, half-swallowed by the fog that gave the Isles their name. To think I used to be scared of it when I was little ,Duncan thought. 
The small bits of forest he could see started to become less and less thick, until the prince could see only grass around them. 
<<We're almost there Willow. We might be able to make it this time!>> he caressed the horse's mantle, pulled the reins and Willow's mellow trotting came to a halt. Duncan hopped to the ground deftly, reached for one of the bags that were saddled with him. He found that his hands were more clumsy than usual as he fumbled around the bag. He'd never stopped to think about what he was doing before, and all his doubts came back . For a moment he looked behind him, remembering the letter he had found on his mother's working desk, he had needed only to look at the words 'Royal Sword Academy' to know what was in it. Duncan pursed his lips and silenced his thoughts, taking out clothing and putting it over his own, to hide his vest.
Then he reached over Willow once again, took off his saddle and patted the horse. He only had to walk a little more to reach his destination. However something was amiss, and soon the prince was stretching over the edge of the sea, searching for the ship.
He cursed under his breath, and cursed again and loudly when he heard the clip-clop of horses, and for a moment he thought of running back to Willow and try to outrun them .
<<My prince, you best come with us. Your mother was already wroth when she heard of your little plan.>> Duncan frowned, and the woman who spoke gestured towards the other knights with her 
<<The captain came to confess as soon as you left him his payment. All of the Isles know of your attempts to escape, and few of them would dare go against your mother.>>
The young man gritted his teeth, and swatted away the hands of the knights that tried to seize him and mounted to one of their horses, more calmly than he'd felt
<<let's just go back.>> he said sullenly, and their captain nodded, her eyes still gleaming with suspicion. As they rode back in silence, Duncan noted that they had him surrounded, all sat stiffly with hands on their weapons in case he tried to ride off alone.
<<Your horse is a smart one,we saw him running back to the castle even without you.>> Duncan nodded, still bristling with anger, so much so that he couldn't hold back from asking
<<Mom is sending me away, isn't she? To some boring academy and forget me!>> now it was the captain's turn to nod as Duncan got the urge to cut his way through the nights and disappear into the forest.
<<Maybe going to that Academy won't be so bad. Might be the queen and you just don't get along.>> she suggested. He was about to reply , but he bit his tongue and thought about it for once, though his mind was still on escaping. Then,he felt  a sliver of hope. After all, wouldn't it be easier to run from a school than his mother's castle?
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