#wish we knew more of their silly shenanigans while they were growing up
abyssal-wonders · 1 year
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i don't think i ever posted these
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Moonlight Dip
Neville Longbottom x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sexual content (super brief).
Word Count: 2,588
“We’re going swimming.”
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Hogwarts was always desolate and quiet at this time of night. The only person who was supposed to be stirring was Filch, Mrs. Norris, and possibly Professor Snape keeping an eye out for any students who had grown bold enough to break curfew. Most students didn’t bother trying to sneak around the castle at night. Not because they were afraid of getting caught, but because if they DID get caught, they’d have to deal with Filch’s overly strict behavior. Honestly, that was a punishment in and of itself. 
Which was why Neville just couldn’t seem to figure out why you were leading him through the dark corridors, moving like a woman on a mission. You had crept into his dorm around midnight or so, pouncing on his bed and shaking him from his gentle slumber. You barely waited for him to wake up before you were whisper-shouting at him that you had somewhere for the two of you to go. He never minded a surprise visit from you, but he also wasn’t very keen on attempting to slip out undetected. Still, his curiosity won out.
“Hey, uh, flower?” He whispered, not knowing where Filch might’ve been.
“Yes, Neville?” You whispered back, peering your head around the corner to check for anyone coming. 
“Where are we going exactly? And why are you in your robes?” He questioned, feeling a bubble of nervousness in his chest.
Truth be told, Neville felt a little underdressed. He was clad in his pajamas bottoms and an old t-shirt that he only used to sleep in. You looked back at him with a smile, his heart leaping at how beautiful you looked under the illumination of the Lumos you had uttered from your wand. Neville had learned to be more spontaneous after he had begun dating you. You were as sweet and respectful as anyone, but you definitely had a wild side that sometimes shaved some years off of Neville’s life. He wasn’t sure what to think of it at first, but over time he found that he loved all of your silly shenanigans. Even the ones that had gotten you both in hot water before. 
“I told you, Nev. It’s a surprise!” You answered, squeezing his hand that was interlaced in yours, “It won’t be a surprise anymore if I tell you.”
Neville made a puzzled, yet thoughtful look as he racked his brain of possible ideas. He thought that maybe that you were daring to venture to Hogsmeade for a late night snack. Every now and again, you’d convince Neville to help you with sneaking into Honeydukes after hours to snag a few treats (don’t worry, you always left the right amount of money on the counter to pay for it). 
However, his theory was proven wrong when he realized that you were taking him past the courtyard and in the general direction of the Quidditch field. He was glad that it was well into spring now, and the nights were warm with the days. You didn’t play Quidditch though, and neither did he. So he couldn’t fathom why you were headed that way.
“The Quidditch fields are always dark this time of night. There’s no way we’ll be able to see.” Neville pointed out, mumbling under his breath when he almost tripped on a loose rock. 
You turned to look at him again, another smile plastering on your face. 
“Then it’s a good thing that we aren’t going there.” You replied.
Sure enough, you kept walking towards your desired locating, keeping your antsy boyfriend in tow. About the time that Neville had given up on trying to figure out where you were taking him, his question was answered. The lake was always so pretty at night, and tonight was no exception. The moon was only a phase away from being full, but still offering enough light to where the two of you could somewhat see. The reflection bounced beautifully off of the dark lake, creating glittering ripples in the water when it was agitated from it’s still position.
You let go of Neville’s hand once you were standing on the bank, crouching down to untie your shoelaces. Neville stood still, his arms at his side rather awkwardly. He wasn’t picking up on your plan just yet.
“I didn’t know that you like to fish.” Neville said aloud, not bothering to whisper anymore since there was no chance that anyone would be out here.
“I don’t.” You giggled, removing your shoes and socks.
Neville’s eyebrows raised, still oblivious even as your fingertips worked at untying the cord around your robes. Well, he WAS oblivious, until it was literally right in front of his face.
“Then why are we- oh my God, what are you doing?” He cut himself off when your robes fell to the grass, revealing your bra and knickers underneath.
Neville was glad that it was mainly dark outside, because his sudden deep blush would’ve been painfully obvious otherwise. You smirked at the bashful boy who was frozen in place, unsure of what he was supposed to do.
“We’re going swimming.” You announced, reaching for his hand again. 
Except he didn’t take your hand. He wasn’t on board with this idea at all.
“Oh no. No, no, no. I draw the line at swimming naked!” He rattled off, taking a step away from you.
You weren’t offended in the slightest, and you were even rather amused at his skittish behavior. This was nothing new to you.
“I’m technically not naked.” You reminded him calmly.
“You’re in your knickers!” He hissed back, his eyes widening as he actually took a second to look at the lacy material.
“Exactly. Which equals not naked.” You returned, fighting the urge to burst into laughter.
“Nope!” He protested, sitting down on the grass instead, “I’ve defended us for getting caught sneaking off for Chocolate Frogs and breaking into the library at 3 o’clock in the morning. But I will not try to explain why we were in the lake naked.” 
Neville seemed adamant about staying put where he was. He was tempted to get up and leave, but there was no shot in hell that he was going to leave you out here by yourself. He was perfectly fine with sitting off to the side and observing from a safe distance.
“You see me in my underwear all the time, Nevy,” You said, not really believing that the lack of clothes was what he was timid about, “Is it the ‘nakedness’ or the critters that sometimes live in the lake?”
Neville was frightened of a lot of things, and while he tended to love animals, aquatic animals were an exception. Fish and water-based bugs freaked him out for some reason that even you didn’t quite understand. The only animals that lived in and around water that he liked were frogs and toads. The only aspect of the lake that he might enjoy (aside from seeing you wet and half-naked) were the plants that were undoubtedly growing below the surface.
“Maybe both...” He murmured, resting his forearms on top of his knees that were pulled into his chest, “Regardless, I’m staying right here.”
You shrugged your shoulders, believing your intuition that said that he’d be in the water with you in less than fifteen minutes.
“Suit yourself.” You told him before making a graceful entrance splash into the water.
He watched as you plunged in, your entire frame disappearing under the water that looked black due to the inky color of the sky. Neville felt his nerves get fired up when you went under, a slight anxiety in his gut that you might not come back up. The lake wasn’t super deep by any means, only coming up to just below your hip. Neville knew that it was possible to drown in any depth of water, which was why he became a bit on edge.
Thankfully, though, you emerged from below the water before he could get too worked up. He watched with interest when your hands swept your wet hair backwards, slicking it on your head. 
Neville had always found you pretty. He thought you were the most beautiful girl on the planet. While he always thought that you looked stunning, there were still times where it was much more clear to him. For instance, early in the morning when you’ve just woken up is one of his favorites. Or right before a Gryffindor party on Friday nights when you’ve taken extra time to get spiffied up. Seeing you always made his heart beat with a little more purpose. It reminded him of how much he cared for and loved you. 
And this moment now really had him swooning.
His eyes studied as water droplets dripped from your frame, soaking into your underwear and gliding down your beautiful skin. It created a shiny gleam over you, bringing out all of his favorite parts of you. He must’ve fallen into a lusty daze, because he felt himself snap back into reality when you called to him.
“You sure you don’t want to get in?” You spoke, letting your fingertips trail over the surface of the lake.
Neville shook his head in response. 
“I’m good here, tulip. Promise.” He said, still not sure if this was something he wanted to do. 
You never pressured Neville into doing things he didn’t want to do. You never wanted him to be uncomfortable around you or associate discomfort with spending time with you. However, you knew that Neville was a worrier. He was an avid overthinker and sometimes just let his nerves get the best of him. You encouraged him to live a little more, without thinking about every single possible outcome of a situation. It’s great to be cautious and aware, but life without taking some risks could be...boring. You just didn’t want Neville to grow old with you and wish he hadn’t let his head get the best of him.
You swam out towards the middle of the lake, but not so far that you couldn’t see or hear Neville. You floated on your back and played with things that you found on the mushy, sandy floor of the lake. Neville maintained a conversation with you, but found himself feeling tempted to join you. It was just swimming. It wasn’t like the two of you were trying to blow up the lake or anything. 
“How does...how does it feel?” Neville asked, stifling a giggle at how you were bouncing on your feet with your head lolled to the side to get water out of your ear.
“It’s nice. It’s not warm by any means, but it feels good.” You told him, wringing the excess water from your hair, “Changed your mind?”
Neville chewed the inside of his cheek, but he was warming up to the idea.
“I don’t even have a pair of swim trunks with me.” He argued.
You motioned towards your own body with a look of hilarity.
“Oh, and I’m wearing my swimsuit? It doesn’t matter, love. Just take off what you have on.” You instructed, getting hopeful that he was actually going to do it.
Neville stood from where he sat, stripping down to his boxers at a snail’s pace. He folded his clothes neatly, setting them next to your robes that he had also folded previously. He dipped his foot into the water, expecting it to be much colder than it actually was. It was a lukewarm temperature, something that would be refreshing on a hot summer day, but far too freezing for a frigid winter day. For his moderate spring night, it was perfect.
Neville didn’t love how the bottom of the lake felt on his feet. It was a mix of a squishy, gelatinous feeling. You reached for his hands excitedly, taking them as he waded out to where you were standing.
“So, what do you think?” You wondered, careful not to freak him out too much,
“It feels...nice. I don’t think I’ve ever been in this lake,” He admitted, “How did you even come up with this?”
“Well, you told me once that your Gran used to have a little pond behind her house that you liked to swim in during the summer. You said you enjoyed it and I thought maybe this would be something you’d like too,” You explained to him, suddenly feeling insecure about this whole thing, “I know it’s probably not the same or as fun.”
Now things really started to make sense. Neville felt the cage of butterflies flutter all into his belly whenever you did something sweet for him. Especially when it was something with sentimental value. 
Neville had undeniably fallen in love with you. Not because of your witty personality or the random adventures you liked to take him on. Those things were plenty great, and he cherished those things with everything he had. But that wasn’t what made him decide that you were his future. 
It was the pureness of your heart.
He fell for you more and more each time you did something for him. Whether it was as small as you combing your fingers through his hair when he was asleep on your chest in the common room, or as big as the time you devised a plan to throw a surprise birthday party for him at his Gran’s house. No matter what it was, you never hesitated to spend your energy, time, and love on making him happy.
“I did always like that pond, flower. But...you want to know something?” He said smoothly, with just the faintest hint of shakiness in his tone, “This is a lot better.”
He pulled you in close at the sight of your brightening eyes, bringing you down with him as he sank down to his knees under the top of the water.
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” You pressed on.
“Because you’re here.” He mewled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
His descent of kisses trailed down to your nose, to your cheeks, to your lips. His kisses were never rushed in moments like this. They weren’t ever in a rush to get to the point or so rough that he didn’t have a chance to feel it. He liked to take his time with you. He liked to savor you.
“I love you, Nev. I really do.” You professed once he pulled away from you.
“I love you, petal,” He returned, going to kiss you again, but stopped when he took a big swash of lake water to the face.
He let out a startled gasp at how he was totally soaked now. It dripped from his hair, droplets rolling to the tip of his nose before falling off back into the lake. He caught your mischievous expression, your cheeks puffed out as you fought your laughter.
“Really funny, doll.” He sputtered, nonchalantly reaching around to your back and unclasping your bra with one hand. He managed to whip it off of you with ease, leaving you completely naked on top.
“Neville!” You squealed, “Give it back! That’s my favorite one!” 
Neville teased you as he held your bra high in the air above his head, chuckling as you struggled (and failed) to get it back.
“Don’t worry, love bug. I’ll take good care of it. But if you want it...” Neville paused, shimmying past you and waddling further out into the lake with a sneaky, yet innocent sneer on his face;
“You’ve got to come and get it.”
Tags: @lupinsslut @writingscape @msmimimerton​ @thefilmcity​
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seraphdarlimg · 4 years
wish I were...
after Harry kisses reader, she watches him mesmerized as his ex walks by
‘heather’ by conan gray WARNINGS - ANGST. WORD COUNT - 2,109
A/N: this is the first imagine I’ve ever posted on here hehe. but this most likely will be a 2-3 part mini series of pure angst...so yay!
   "My goodness, I can't believe it's been a year and this is how we're celebrating it? " I take a sip from my wine glass with a raised brow towards Harry. We were sat on the floor at the recording studio, having a makeshift little picnic to celebrate a year. A whole year of a beautiful friendship. "Well I thought it'd be fitting, ya know this is where we met and stuff. Look, I even got those Korean chips that you snacked on that day!" I laugh as he comically picks up a chip and places it in his mouth, followed by an exaggerated moan. I try to hide the blush rapidly heating up my face at how much effort he put into this silly thing. It started as a little joke I brought up to him one day when we were having a lazy day, and of course Harry would take it seriously. He planned the little picnic basket after a day in the studio when everyone else left and he had asked me to stay a little longer to help him with lyrics and whatnot. It was a complete surprise and I couldn't help but adore how happy and proud he was setting this up. 
"Alright I gotta give it to ya H, you are the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. I'm just happy that you didn't include those disgusting kale chips of yours." The smile that hasn't left his face drops into a shocked and offended look. 
"Hey, you said you wouldn't make fun of my addiction anymore." He scoots closer to me, gently poking my rib to which I immediately jump and swat his hand away. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry!" I giggled when he makes himself comfty sat right next to me. 
Subconsciously, I move closer till his shoulder touched mine. "I like this sweater, it's fluffy and keeps people warm." I say, huddling into the fabric that Harry gave me to wear when it got colder. "You know what, I like all your sweaters H, they're all impeccable."   He chuckles, "really? It looks better on you than me, bubs." I smile, using the over-sized sleeves to cover my face and faking a groan. "Oh you would with that cliché ass line."  "It's true! Beautiful in m'clothes." He mumbles and I had to only respond with gratefully lending my shoulder as a resting spot for his head. Considering he literally had to bend his whole body to do so every time he does this, I never understood how he found this comfortable. We shared a comfortable silence for a minute, sipping on our wine, the bottle nearly finished. The courage coming from it is telling me this would be the perfect time. It's the right setting to finally tell him that my feelings go beyond friendship and that it has been since the first month. The thought made me nervous at first, but there had been so many signs from him that had me thinking he's feeling the same way. Maybe those were just my expectations and how loving Harry is, but every time I look at him, I'm mesmerized. "Honestly don't know what I'd do without you bubs." Harry suddenly says and I snap out of my thoughts to glance down at him staring at his empty glass. My heart started beating fast and my breathe hitched when he pulls away only a few inches away to look back at me "This was a tough year and you've been there with me through it all, haven't been this close to someone in that short of time." He says lowly, looking right into my eyes. I take his hand in my small ones and play with his fingers in comfort, as we reflected on how this was both the best and worst year for him. While he became such a successful solo artist after the band and created the best relationships in his life, he reached a mental low dealing with his own insecurities and went through a breakup that took a major toll on him. They ended on good terms, but Harry went through the aftermath of a loss alone. I came in a month after his break up, hired as a lyricist to help him get out of this creative block but also to help him realize how much he was really worth as a person. It was a gradual slow process of friendship at the start, but it quickly blossomed into becoming best friends, growing feelings in between for me. "You're so good to me, I don't deserve it." He was so close and I couldn't tell if I was leaning in or not. My chest feels like it's bursting. "Harry, you've done so much for me, don't put yourself down like that. You deserve my love, mkay?" He looked so vulnerable, staring into my eyes as I couldn't pinpoint what emotion he was feeling right now. I was always able to read Harry easily, but maybe it was the wine that made it harder to understand what was racing through his mind. I couldn't register it. His lips on mine were foreign but felt right, like they fit perfectly. His hands cupping my face gently made me realize this was actually happening. My best friend who I've loved for so long was finally kissing me. "You absolutely deserve mine... "                                                        ***    My anxiety was getting the best of me. The party wasn't like any other rowdy and crowded New Year's Eve celebration. It was a gathering of close friends and mutual at a penthouse with just enough drinking and fun shenanigans. I knew all these people and they knew me, yet it wasn't easy to breathe regularly for some reason. I smiled and laughed along with the conversation among the circle of friends I situated myself in with Harry standing to my right, two people in-between us. I anxiously played with my fingers wrapped around a bulbous wine glass, zoned out but somewhat participating with the group. I caught his eyes, both of us giving a smile when he shot me a quick goofy face. His eyes trailed down to my hands, an obvious tell. I respond with a reassuring smile, placing my hand on my chest to which he steps outside and moves to stand next to me. I soften as he places a hand casually on my back, rubbing up and down. The nerves die down a bit. Usually, I would of been full comfortable but it was different now. After the kiss Harry and I shared, nothing had changed as much as I wanted it too. There was still the casual flirting and touchy gestures, but other than that, Harry never brought it up. "Soo, what now?" I had asked him when he dropped me off at my apartment. He gives me a tight smile and takes my hand in his, bringing it to his lips. "Still my best girl." I was confused afterwards, not fully understanding how he felt towards me. "Hey, I kind of wanted to talk to you about yesterday... " I approached him in the studio, his sweater keeping me warm that morning. "Oh yeah, you never told me what you wanted for Christmas. And by the way, I'm gonna need that sweater back sooner or later." He chuckles, going back to writing down chord progressions. Him avoiding the subject made me think he didn't want to talk about it, so I stopped trying. It made me insecure a bit to show him any type of affection back, but I didn't have it in me to tell him when I'm engulfed in his huge frame, feeling safe and happy at the moment. What made me snap out of my thoughts was his hand leaving my back and slipping into his jacket pocket. He then started being part of the funny story Mitch was telling, including his own side and little comedic comments that made the group laugh. As much as it brought a smile to my face, there was nothing more I wanted to do than take his arm, wrap it around me and kiss his cheek before laying my head on his chest. He took a second here and there to glance at me, probably aware how tired i was getting even though it was only a few minutes before midnight. The kiss defiantly affected something here, as much as Harry was trying to show that it hasn't, I can at least appreciate the acknowledgment that he shared similar feelings towards me. Maybe this was him thinking about the possibilities afterwards, knowing Harry wasn't very much a confrontational person and has taken time to learn to process things more logically rather than pure emotional instinct. When he catches me staring and throws a knowing smirk followed by a wink, I melt right on the spot but at the same time, holding back from rolling my eyes. I felt his stare kept on me when I looked away, feeling less frustrated and more understanding of his situation. Maybe I do just need to give him time... When I looked back at him, he was now looking away at something else apart from the group. I didn't give it a second glance till I noticed he was fully distracted before Mitch kept calling his name but getting no response back. Harry was in deep trance at something more fascinating than his friend's story, and when I caught sight of what was distracting him, I fully understood why. She stood out, so it wasn't to hard to point her out. But of course she would, she looks stunning in that dress that happens to only be a different shade of color from mine. The natural glam and brightening smile on her face as she talked to mutual friends perfected her look, but it was the sound of her melodic voice that just set the deal. It was her laughter from across the room that caught his attention first, what made him break his gaze on me to her. My first thought was concern for Harry and if he was suddenly feeling overwhelmed or distraught by her presence after a breakup. But then I looked back at him and only saw longing and adoration. It was a look I only was recently familiarized with. I purse my lips to hide the frown set on my face while I felt my heart beat much faster initially, watching him mesmerized as she walks across the floor to greet more party guests. Her blue eyes wide and shining, most likely something Harry was dying to see once again as he hoped she would turn his way. Is this what hopelessness feels like? Mitch gave up on trying to catch his attention as soon as he realized who Harry was looking at, and so did the rest of the group. But here I was, desperately looking up at him in hopes that he would suddenly break away and meet my own eyes that stood right next to him. "Guys! The count downs about to start!" Someone called out, followed by cheers and applause as everyone slowly started gathering towards the balcony to see the firework show and celebration of the city below. She moves away from the crowd though, choosing to be semi alone next to the aquarium with a glass of martini in her hand. More people started crowding around us, the group disintegrated into a whole, but my focus was on Harry. As much as my anxiety and tiredness was getting worse, it couldn't compare to the ache in my chest when he takes a hesitant step towards her direction. In a second, my hand flies towards his and gently tugs to me in a last ditch of desperation while I softly call out his name. Maybe it was the way he stopped and turned his head slightly before completely pulling away and walking towards her, leaving me engulfed with the crowd alone. Or that I could picture the loving look on his face when she finally sees him approaching and gives him a welcoming smile while the sound of people counting down from 20 is muddled into the background. All I could imagine to hear was his small 'hi' and compliment for how beautiful she looks, knowing how nervous he would be. "3, 2, 1! Happy New Years!" The celebration of those around me drowned out my glossy eyes as I see Heather take Harry's hand in hers, sharing that same complete adoration look on her face that I was only just becoming familiar with.
part 2 A/N: feedback would greatly be appreciated :) 
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neonponders · 3 years
👀 👀 👀 👀  Oh jesus oh lord. Deeper Than Skin is finished so I’ll enable another wip.
@ghostofjellyfishforgotten I hope you don’t mind me using your tags on this vampire!Billy / blood donor!Steve post as inspiration! Your brain is just too big for me not to pass up an opportunity to write vampire shenanigans.
Read on ao3 ~
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
Steve didn’t judge people who worked as donors—
Fine, as an adult with a better awareness and compassion, Steve didn’t judge donors. He might’ve said some shitty things to Jonathan Byers when he worked to make his family extra money.
Honestly? Steve admired that. Jonathan being underage and having the guts to figure out how to get into the donation clinic, and then to let…
Steve knew he was a coward in a lot of ways. He knew it when he called Jonathan a queer who enjoyed leeches sucking on him. He knew it when he lost to the punches Byers threw. For a skinny, half empty blood bag, the guy could really hit. And Steve knew it when he almost ran away from Nancy and Jonathan fighting off the rogue vampire who kidnapped little Will Byers.
But Steve didn’t run away.
Just like he didn’t run away from the couch he sat on with his mother while his father explained…a situation that left Steve digging deeper and deeper into the gap between fear and bravery. Maybe call it disassociation. Or confused shock.
“You what?”
Harrington senior never took well to being interrupted. But he sighed from across the coffee table and reiterated, “The family is in debt.”
“No. You. You’re in debt. This is your problem.”
The man certainly didn’t take well to having his own mistakes shoved under his nose. “This isn’t for debate. This is the way things are and need to be.”
“No,” Steve repeated like a broken record clinging onto its song. “This is your fault. Who’s made me work minimum wage jobs to teach me a lesson? Who’s refused to pay for me to go to community college? Who hasn’t let me work in their company? And who made the shitty gambles with your company’s stocks? You shoved me out, so it’s definitely not my problem—”
“The contract has already been signed.”
Now his mother shifted her posture on the couch beside him. “Excuse me?”
Steve’s father moved his blunt nails over the armrest of his wingback, fidgeting. At least something put fear into the old bastard’s heart.
“There’s nothing I could do. The market has been evolving ever since vampires gained their rights and opened up their decades and centuries old bonds—”
“Vampire legislation passed over a century ago,” Mrs. Harrington purred. Sometimes the worst anger was the quiet kind. “You have no excuse. You lost the game, and you sold our son. Is that what we’re to believe?”
“That’s not possible,” Steve intercepted. “Slavery isn’t a thing anymore. Even I picked that up in history. And I would have to be there to sign the contract! It’s my—”
“Steve,” his father silenced. “When enough money is involved, anything is bought. And you’re not like anyone else.”
Mrs. Harrington fumed, “Do not talk to him like he’s a prize pony!”
“Except to a wealthy vampire, he is.”
Steve could only sit in weighted silence for a moment. He always joked to himself that he’d be disowned one of these days. For being a disappointment. For all of his bad grades. For giving his friends alcohol and cigarettes. For only being able to get jobs that required no qualifications or experience level at all. For discovering he liked kissing boys at the grimy music venues Robin took him to. Maybe living at home for too long. Or leaving the smell of burnt pancakes in the air too often because he always struggled with the first one—
“Vampire?” he croaked. For some reason it hadn’t dawned to him until now but…shit.
Holy shit.
Steve wasn’t being sold off to be some billionaire’s secretary for life. He was being…truly sold. Like…goodbye, Steve, who likes spring nights and summer mornings. His favorite food is breakfast and he wishes he kept with the music lessons his mom paid for instead of being peer pressured into sports. Whose best friend was Robin Buckley because she was brave and funny and stuck with him during his ironic and a little bit terrifying queer awakening…
Hello, Donor 0235. Blood type O. Allergic to nickel and checks off all vaccination requirements.
“Steve’s not wrong,” his mother echoed like a voice deep in a cave, drawing Steve out of his thoughts. “He is the one to sign the contract. Not you.”
“He is still classified as our dependent and on our insurance,” his father refused.
“So being an adult means nothing in this country?”
“They have our family records, Annette!” he exclaimed. “There is a dual government in this country even if nobody below upper-middle class sees it. The human government had to cede a great deal because the vampire population is massive. And they’ve kept track of all the Sanguis families! Name changes, and two World Wars did nothing to save us—”
“The what?” Steve all but whispered.
His mother rotated her hips to face him. “We only have legends about how it happened. Paleolithic gods making deals, vampires crossbreeding humans to make a certain kind of blood donor, human evolution after symbiotic deals were struck—but that doesn’t matter. The point is that there are people in this world with abilities that preserve themselves against vampires. That’s why you healed in less than two days after that silly fight by the movie theatre.”
His father intercepted, “The genes skipped your mother but fell to you.”
Steve’s eyes widened as his mother confirmed, “To protect us, girls have been promoted in the family tree for generations. Through marriage, their names could change, and make them harder to track.”
Steve countered toward his father, “So this really isn’t your place to sign my life away. Like five times over.”
“I quite agree,” his mother turned back to the man she’d married. The man who was supposed to protect her and her children with his name and promising, growing business.
At least Steve wasn’t the only failure in the family.
His father massaged his forehead and defended, “As I said. Humans’ government is far easier to corrupt our way into forgiving any debt. The vampires, however, are inconsolable. The bastard would have my business, the cars, our house, and taken his time discovering Steve on his own if I hadn’t—”
Steve took after his father, but he was his mother’s son as they both stood up from the couch, furious that this man had thrown his own kid under a vampire’s bus—
“Get out of the house, Steve.”
His head whipped around at her. “I-What?”
“Get out of the house,” she seethed, but not at him. “I don’t care where or what you do. Go.”
Steve didn’t need to be told twice but he hadn’t managed to grab his car keys or his shoes before the house and his ribcage trembled with his parents’ arguing. He went in his socks outside and put the shoes on in his car.
Then…he didn’t know where to go. Running the hell away seemed like the obvious solution, but if vampires really had such a network, what was the point? And if he left, what would happen to his mom?
Steve drove on autopilot to the video rental store. Robin. All he had was Robin, who took the lollipop out of her mouth when the bell on the door twittered. “Hey, dingus, it’s your day off—Steve?”
He couldn’t really remember driving. That probably should have raised more red flags than he already had, but for now, the black and neon carpeting of the Family Video was blurring and swirling…
“I’m gonna throw up,” he heard himself say.
And Robin in that distant, echoing cave his mother had spoken from, “Outside! STEVE!”
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kitreadsbirdmen · 4 years
Birdmen Finale Thoughts
A Reflection on the End
Birdmen checked a lot of boxes for me. The most superficial being wings and flying, concepts that I would imagine from the window of a speeding car or subway train. I can’t say I was attracted to the freedom of the idea, that frankly scared me silly. But it was fascinating enough, and it preoccupied this small part of my imagination from time to time with the pull of the absolutely inexplicable. What if… What if something happened? What if I were different or strange? How would everyone react? What would I do? How would I change or what would I do to fight that change?
These thought experiments often led me to self-indulgent stories with fantasitcal premises that would only halt the speculation and sweep their characters towards their own plots and narratives. They would only glance over to the vastly more interesting human fallout of the [insert truly miraculous phenomenon] for the sake of episodic drama or a comedic take. These would deep down be very disappointing to me because they failed to give weight to the mind-spinning concept of the supernatural. By brushing past it, the story would dismiss my biggest questions, the ones I felt a morbid curiosity to see explained vicariously. That’s probably why I was so hooked to Birdmen at first. 
Birdmen was and is... rather mundane if you think about it. Grounded, set in a recognizable reality, gave nuance to very human quirks and details of life and society. Kinda dull-ish, slightly charming, and depressing, with all the same desire for something more that we feel when we watch the clock tick away. And even the murmurs of the supernatural had this incredulous air. Something amusing and perhaps hard to dismiss nevertheless. And as our cast is thrust into this new spin on reality, it’s given weight and time. Growing pains full of stumbling youth shenanigans and strife. The Introductory Arc is some masterful execution of humanity as the line of a new species skirts more and more into a diverging reality. It’s here that a very different kind of strength is capitalized on. The limitless potential found within limitation itself.
The core concept and primary conflict of birdmen comes from the subtle utilization of a grounded scientific and philosophical school of thought. This limits the entire narrative to concepts inspired not by the dramatic needs or visual aesthetic, but by the imagination of existing science itself. While a lot of things can boast this particular source, I think Birdmen is very conservative with where it could go. The most outlandish things are noted but not abused. Nothing is absurd no matter the demand. It’s the reason why I found the lore behind the growing science and discovery of the Seraph abilities to be immersive. It’s why I could create a million 1st ability ideas, headcanons, and theories (some of which would actually get confirmed) in one sitting. The source material existed within limits and therefore opened the door to boundless potential. 
To put it in a word, it’s realistic.
Realistic characters, events, ‘villains’, powers, relationships, conflicts… the list goes on. When we pick up a story we suspend our disbelief to welcome the basic empathy and logic to engage us through the world. But I felt a strange relationship with that process on so many levels for Birdmen. It’s why talking about it in-depth is such a hard to explain feeling. When fictional characters have all the nuance and depth as a real person. When wide-scale event scenarios start reflecting the common trends of the current mediascape. When manga-panels start echoing peer-reviewed articles… It becomes hard to see the need to suspend disbelief. At least not in the same way. It makes things seem so much more possible. Everything feels so much more personal.
The current pandemic has helped in this process of course. My life has been turned upside down and I often find myself asking ‘dude is this (still) happening???’. It makes a lot of stories and speculative fiction narratives seem a lot closer. But then the final arc of Birdmen introduces its own pandemic SEVERAL months before covid-19 is first spotted and we see a roll-out of cultural fallout that is eerily familiar. WHO press conferences following the resignation of Eden’s director. Forgetting your mask as you leave to greet your son’s arrival home. Teachers taking a sick day for themselves or perhaps out of caution (if only that worked state side lol). Misinformation and tension across social media. Unrest and riots in the street. (that image of Robin’s flock watching the riot from a distance got me big time. Mostly because I was thinking about the Capitol riots at the time). I think I just needed a chapter devoted to a successful and seamless vaccine distribution to set my resonating heart at ease.
...I’m not kidding there actually. We can’t just assume it went off without a hitch Tanabe. Can I get some wish-fulfillment here??
That actually brings me to a big takeaway as I read the final chapters. In my initial reflection, (and entire year ago) I talk about how I was certain Birdmen was prematurely cut short. And while there is probably a world Takayama could witness in his multiverse seeing eyes, where Birdmen runs for several more volumes and the playout of years of arcs goes much longer, I ultimately want to rescind that thought. 
I don’t think the ending was rushed. I don’t think Tanabe was racing against a clock to wrap things up. I don’t think she was dropping million plot threads into the void out of necessity. It is very clear at every point toward the end that Tanabe knew exactly where she was going and was taking a straight shot to that destination at every point. 
Yes, there are some characters that did not get a long enough time in the spotlight. Yes, there is a boundless potential to explore with many characters and concepts. Yes, there is an element of fallout that was left unaddressed. But this doesn’t make it unfinished or unsatisfying. The mundane, realistic nature of the narrative, allows this lack of tangible book-ends. It has uncertainty. The resolutions are not perfect. Not every person in your life is going to shine in the same way (no matter how much you like them). Their purpose in the narrative may seem small but has ripples of effects on the characters and chemistry of the collective. This is not wasted. I knew this wasn’t rushed because the primary themes of these characters came through and they were given all the space and time and panels they needed to tell that story. I noted this most when Robin was having that discussion with Agent Leo about her address to the media at the White House. The back and forth and revelations of Robin’s entire arc were expressed in this one conversation and it lasted several pages. This is the final volume of the story and this nuance is getting the full dry clean treatment. How can I claim that this was rushed? If I had to claim any ill intent I might say we would have gotten a few more chapters of proper fallout, but that would only be for the sake of neatness. But as I mentioned there is something grounded about taking that away and leaving that to the imagination. 
And thus, I’m left feeling incredibly satisfied. So impossibly satisfied. Birdmen has become something so integral to my life and I feel changed having known and loved it. To see it take a bow as gracefully and profoundly as it did fills me with a personal satisfaction I cannot put into words. This is and will forever be, one of the finest stories I will ever read. 
There is a part of me refreshed. Inspired by the daring embrace of reality. Charmed by the beautiful characters. Intrigued by the possibilities still to be discussed. I am almost left a little overwhelmed with how much I want to do as a response, both for the sake and honor of Birdmen and for my own personal motivations. It’s a kind of weightlessness, burdened by crippling fear. 
It’s a lot like flying really. 
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janeyseymour · 3 years
Anne Boleyn: Captain of the Chaos Squad- pt11
pt 1. pt 2. pt 3. pt 4. pt 5. pt 6. pt 7. pt 8. pt 9. pt 10.
Title: Out of the Kitchen
Anne Boleyn was never one to step into the kitchen- Jane Seymour had made that very clear after the first debacle that took place within their house.
What began as a nice day between the third queen from the second would turn out to be an escapade neither of the women were planning on dealing with that day.
“Janey, do you want to make cookies for me?” Anne slid onto the couch next to the blonde who was watching television in peace.
“Make them for you?” The silver queen’s eyebrows shot up. “I don’t think so lovey.”
“W-Why not?”
“I’ll make them with you, not for you. And I do expect that the others and I will be able to enjoy some of the sweets as well?” she proposed.
The woman with space buns grinned at this. “That sounds like a good idea! What all do we need to bake cookies then?”
“You don’t know?” Jane couldn’t imagine not knowing how to bake. It came as a second nature to her. With a shake of the head from her predecessor, she began to list out the ingredients. “Flour, suga-”
“I’ll stop you right there,” the shorter woman interrupted. “We’re out of flour.”
“That’s impossible I bought some the other day for Catherine and Anna to make-”
“Do you remember when you were complaining the other day that there was just “so much dust” in the kitchen?” A smirk appeared on the green woman’s face. “When Anna brought it back to our apartment, she dropped it trying to put it in the cabinet for you.”
“You’re kidding,” Jane’s face morphed from shock to disappointment.
“‘Fraid not ol’ Janey. So, should we go to the store and get some?” Anne stood and offered a hand to her friend.
“Well, I suppose that’s just what we’ll have to do, now isn’t it?” She grabbed the hand being offered and allowed herself to be pulled off the couch.
The two found themselves at the grocery store with a basket full of flour among other baking needs. All was going well until Anne Boleyn decided to attempt to sneak other sweets into the basket without Jane noticing. And it was working. She had hidden a bag of gummy bears, a coca cola, a few packs of gum, some chocolate, and a pack of starbursts by the time they made their way up the register.
Jane was loading the groceries onto the conveyor belt when she eyed the woman accompanying her trying to grab her hidden gems and place them closer to the cashier to scan first.
“Anne Boleyn,” Jane’s voice was eerily low, low enough so that only Anne could hear her. “What have you done?”
The look Seymour was giving her alone was enough to make her tremble slightly, but along with the tone she was using? Well, the second queen knew she had made a mistake.
“Well, uh,” she scratched the back of her head as she thought of what to say. “You see, I think a little kid thought that our basket was hers and put her goodies into ours?”
“Hm,” Jane hummed. “So I suppose that this small child has all the same favorite sweets as you?” Anne nodded. “And I suppose that if I put it back, this small child wouldn’t know the difference, right?”
“Well, I mean... we don’t have to do that. We would have to get out of line and put it all back, so it’s really not worth the hassle,” the second monarch laughed nervously.
“Well, I can just tell the cashier I don’t wish to buy these add-ons. You know that dear.” The blonde’s voice was sickeningly sweet, but Anne knew the fire that was growing in her.
“Yeah, but I know you always feel bad doing that because then the workers have to put it back for you.”
“Well, you’re right I suppose. Just don’t pull any more shenanigans like this again. Understood?” Once again, her voice was dripping with honey, but it was not to be taken lightly, and the green queen knew that. With a quick nod, Jane continued to put the groceries on the conveyor belt.
The two had returned home and were getting ready to begin their adventure in baking.
“So, what’s the first step?” Anne looked at the woman in front of her curiously.
The third queen smiled softly. It was always nice to spend time with Anne. “Well love, the first step is to put on an apron. Lord knows you’re going to need it. And then I’m going to need you to wash your hands while I set everything out that we need.” And so, the two began their baking extravaganza.
“You have to level out the dry ingredients hun. If you don’t level it off, the cookies won’t bake properly.”
“Who says?”
“Me,” the woman in grey laughed while showing Boleyn how to even out the dry ingredients.
“Well,” Cathy smiled as she made her way to the coffee pot. “It’s actually a science. Chemistry.”
“That’s a better answer than yours, Janey,” Anne laughed. “So, now what?”
“Dump it into the bowl. Just make sure to do it gently because if you don’t, it’ll-” she was interrupted with a face full of flour and a nervous smile from her predecessor. “-go everywhere.”
“Sorry. I didn’t know that would happen.”
“It’s alright love.”
“So now that we’ve mixed the dry and wet ingredients separately, we have to mix them. Only do a little bit at a time though. Lord knows we don’t need more flour flying around the kitchen,” Jane instructed. “Think you can handle it while I clean up a bit?”
“You got it boss.” Anne mock-saluted her successor before turning to the ingredients.
“Annie, how have you only done like a quarter of the mixing?” Jane was shocked. It had taken her ten minutes to clean the various measuring spoons they had used before she had been dragged away for another ten minutes to help Katherine braid her hair.
“You told me small amounts!”
“How much have you been putting in at a time?”
“Like three of these?” the second queen held up a teaspoon. “I just didn’t want to make another mess.”
“Oh love,” Jane sighed goodheartedly. Her sweet friend was really trying. “You can do a bit more than that. Here, let me show you.” The blonde took the bowl of dry ingredients and dumped a good amount into the mixer before turning it on.
“Alright. I got it from here.”
“So now, you take a tablespoon and get some dough on it. Roll it into a ball like this, and then plop it down on the baking tray,” Jane explained as she demonstrated the first one. Anne followed her lead, and soon enough the two had a few baking trays full of cookie dough balls ready to be baked.
“You preheated the oven like I asked, right?” At the question, the green queen nodded. Surely she couldn’t have messed something as simple as pressing a few buttons up. Oh how wrong she had been.
“Wonderful love. Grab a tray and then we just have to pop these into the oven.” The third monarch picked up two trays and carried them across the kitchen. Opening the door to the oven, she was shocked to see all of their pots and pans still sitting on the racks. “Oh dear.”
“‘Oh dear’ what?” Anne glanced around the blonde. “Oh dear.”
“That’s quite alright love,” Jane assured her. “It’s an honest mistake. I’ve done it before. We’ve just got to get these out before popping the cookies in.”
A few minutes and curses later, the pots and pans had been taken out of the oven and replaced with the cookie trays.
“We have to set the timer for about eleven minutes. If they’re not done by then, we leave them for another two minutes.”
“Sounds good. Thank you for baking with me, you ol’ mom,” Anne joked as she gently pushed her friend.
“Of course sweetheart. It’s always nice to share my passions with you queens.” Jane pulled the green queen into a tight hug before pressing a kiss to her temple. “Thank you for asking me to bake with you.”
“Well, we both know if I tried to do that myself, we wouldn’t end up with cookies,” the second monarch laughed.
“I don’t doubt that what you’ve said is true,” Jane agreed in a silly manner before turning serious. “Now, while they’re in there baking, we might as well begin to clean up the mixer and bowls.”
In the middle of tidying up around the kitchen, Jane’s phone rang.
“This is Jane!” She answered the phone as happily as always.
“Seymour, it’s Cleves. My car broke down,” a rather panicked Anna of Cleves�� voice could be heard through the speaker.
“Where are you?”
“By Bryant Park. I’ve already had it towed and all that, but I don't know how I’m going to get back to my place.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen. It’s too cold to stand and wait for me, so go into the Whole Foods across the street and wait there.”
“Roger that. Thanks Seymour. You’re a lifesaver.”
“You goin’ to pick up Cleves?” Anne already knew the answer, but it didn’t hurt to confirm.
“I am. I trust you to not burn down the apartment in the thirty minutes I’m gone. When the timer goes off, check the cookies. If they’re golden brown, they’re done. Turn off the oven and let the cookies cool. I’ll be back soon.” The blonde pulled on her coat and made her way to the car to rescue the fourth queen.
Jane knew leaving the second queen home alone with an oven full of cookies that were bound to finish baking any minute was a risk, but she wasn’t about to let her successor freeze on her trek back to her apartment.
“Rounding the corner now,” Jane had been on the phone with the red queen. “Get ready to get in, I’m at a stoplight.”
“I see you. Unlock the door Seymour.” The blonde unlocked the car door and was hit with the bitter cold that was swirling around outside. “Thanks for picking me up.”
“Not a problem Cleves,” Jane looked at the woman sympathetically. “Gosh, you must be frozen. How about you come back to my place and warm up a bit before we head back out into the cold to get you home?”
“If you and Bo are doing something though, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“It’s really not a problem. She’ll understand. And, if Annie didn’t mess it up, we should have cookies to offer you.”
“Bo baked?” the fourth monarch raised an eyebrow.
“Well, I helped direct her. She did a pretty good job. Let’s just hope she can follow through with the last bit.”
The instant the third and fourth queens entered Jane’s apartment complex, a smell of something burning hit them.
“I swear to-” Jane cut herself off. “If that’s coming from my apartment...” The two sped up their walking.
“What the hell?” The blonde threw open her door, her fears of the burning coming from her apartment being confirmed.
“I don’t know what happened!” Anne yelled frantically, the smoke from the oven still heavily present within the room. “The cookies were goo one second, so I left them in for five more minutes like you said to and-”
“Two minutes Anne! Two! On what planet do “five” and “two” sound identical?” Jane retorted as she hurried to the window and flung it open.
“Jane! It’s cold out!” the second queen protested, instantly wrapping her arms around herself.
“And our apartment is filled with smoke! It needs to be let out!”
“If you two need to be alone, I can call Cath-” Anna began.
“No!” The two women who lived in the apartment all but shouted at her, making the red queen throw her hands up in surrender.
“Okay! I’m sorry!” Cleves defended herself before making her way over to the oven and helping guide the smoke out the window.
Anne kept her eyes trained on the ground once the room was cleared, as she was determined not to let the blonde see the tears threatening to spill out, but her voice could be heard clearly saying guiltily, “I’m really sorry Janey. I didn’t mean-”
“It was a mistake Annie; it’s alright. I know you didn’t mean to almost set our apartment on fire,” she joked lightheartedly. “We just know not to do that again, yes?” With a nod from her counterpart, Jane continued. “Why don’t I whip us up some hot chocolate to warm us up? Yeah?”
“Let me,” the fourth queen offered. “It’s the least I can do for interrupting your baking together.”
“That’s very kind of you Cleves. Thank you.” Jane seemed satisfied to not have to be in the kitchen any longer. “Annie and I were just going to spend the day watching television and enjoying the warmth of our apartment if you’d like to join us before heading back home.”
“Bet,” the red monarch smirked before turning to make her infamous hot chocolate.
As the three settled on the couch, Anna of Cleves pulled a box out of her backpack.
“I assumed something like this would happen. Here’s some replacement cookies.” She opened the box and placed it on the coffee table in front of them.
“You little-” Anne howled with laughter, failing to pretend to be offended. The three plowed through the box in no time.
From then on, Anne Boleyn rarely made appearances to cook or bake in the kitchen. Sure, she ended up in that room in the apartment often to “annoy” her roommate (who would tell her it wasn’t annoying- it was nice having company while she cooked), but she would never be allowed to use any appliance other than the microwave again.
“What’s for dinner?” the green queen would ask almost every night. “Do you need any help? Can I put anything in the oven for you?” she would ask in a joking fashion.
“Darling, I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen,” the blonde would reply without even looking up from whatever she was preparing for supper that day.
It was probably better that way.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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Tryst-Chapter 10
I did it! I finally edited this thing. Still not completely happy, but they are, so 🤷‍♀️s! If you enjoy let me know. I love a like, reblogs are love, and anons are lifeblood! 😘!!
There seems to be an equilibrium they have reached, Helene decided one balmy afternoon home alone of her tiny apartment patio. She pictured it like a piece of a Johnny Cash song, them walking the golden line in the middle of U.S. streets. If they were to veer either way the emotional equivalent of oncoming traffic would flatten them.
Though she supposed that line felt pretty roomy, like an estate broker's favorite word, spacious.
Maybe it's a tightrope, and any imbalance means they smash upon the hard, unforgiving ground.
Helene had convinced herself that this was her own conception, that her lover, her boss, her Harry, didn't feel it as well.
Until she heard the album.
She'd been at the Paris listening parties, so she'd heard snippets, and she'd been in the studio a time or two, so she had heard rough stones being polished to diamonds, chord progressions and roughed out lyrics and melodies. That was all up until this point.
Helene was offered a choice, the whole of staff was, to hear the album early or with everyone else.
She had declined. Because she had a very clear picture of what it was about, who it was about. It stung. Not because she was unaware of his sorrow, or how he missed her, the other French girl, the one worthy of homage, but because, she had been there too- with him too. Every step of the way and through Paris and Rome, and Japan and Australia too.
It hurt.
As much as her eyes were open, muscle memory of the drill, the words cemented on her brain to console herself. He was in an open relationship, Helene was not in that relationship, she was simply a reason for the unbolted window. Always making cameos, never the headliner.
So, the album, as great as she kept hearing it was, would be confirmation of her role, or lack thereof. She wasn't ready for that truth.
She'd better get ready. Helene would be hearing it soon no matter what, and seeing him. It had been a little bit since Cancun, but the show was going on, and she was involved, expected. It wouldn't do to cry over her lack of lyrical odes in front of the fans, they all knew her name and face, and she wasn't so good a liar they'd believe a disclaimer of happy tears.
Before the first show went on, her own show needed to get on the road. It was time for her to break a leg, or her heart as it were. Her set up was optimal for a breakdown.
Empty hotel room, qui Tissues on the toilet seat, qui Full hot bath, qui Goblet of red wine, tout a fait.
Helene was as ready for heartbreak, or it's residue if that's where she was now, as ready as one can be.
Her clothes are easy to quit, sweats and a TPWK tank exclusive to crew. The water is hot, her skin will redden to match her tear streaked face.
The level of melodrama she's reaching for this is impressive to even herself.
"Allons-y" she mutters and presses play.
And Clairemeant, she loves it. From first cord, she can imagine being in his stupid convertible driving to Shanghri la. Helene wishes he had played this when they went, a moment of California dreamin. She knows the next couple, as everyone does, in his world at least. Soon the whole world probably. They were radio besties, not just friendly.
It's the next few tracks where her preparations pay off. The tears come. For him, for her, and for Helene herself. The worst part isn't even her own pain; the waterworks are for Harry. She can hear his broken heart and bad decisions.
God, she hopes he does not count her among those.
But She, She is a new place to be. It's exactly what she would expect him to make and miles beyond expectation.
Then Sunflower, god, is it ridiculous to feel like there are glimmers of them? If kraft services counted as kitchens. It's the toothpaste. It's the fact that on their first go, they didn't know each other. Not really. She was his employee. She knew him, intimately, from all the watching, much less creepy than it sounds when it was her job. But she was somewhere between an insider and an outsider. Always an observer, never a participant was the lot of a photographer.
Except when Harry pulled her into the shenanigans, onto his lap, or some other harmless flirty gesture she couldn't forget.
Helene never lived in a canyon, though all of Paris seemed to rise around her some days. That one was nothing to do with her, and after a couple songs reprieve her heart seized all over again.
Helene loved that he'd made a song for his motto. It had all the silly he made cool. Even if he broke her heart sometimes, she loved how her kindness grew watching him cultivate and sow his own. The harvest was in the venues, and her heart.
After that happy high, she's not ready for the closer. Though she suspects she may never have been, no matter practice or preparation.
Fine Line throws her, thrills her, and makes her think.
Is it her? Is it them? Is it like most of the rest,  Camille?
Helene is aware she is simplifying. Music isn't exactly clear in its inspiration or intention. There may be shades of her throughout.
In this last song, she feels more than shades.
Had they ever been anything besides a fine line? Somewhere between one thing and the next.
She hesitates to think something more, that denigrates their friendship. Romance isn't necessarily superior, that's a bought and sold fairy tale she has tried to unlearn.
But, if she is honest, being together would have felt like more, better. Because she wanted him, wanted him to want her.
Some of the lyrics trouble her.
She didn't think she was unknowable though. Maybe at the end, when she let him open her completely everywhere, and then promptly hopped over into one territory and only tread their old familiar line  accidentally once.
Could she ask him? Would she? Tomorrow?
Non, that's not like her. Helene's direct in desire, but not in definition. Probably why they got stuck walking the line.
But they were alright. What a comfort that was.
Whatever the truth, the inspiration, when she heard it live, tomorrow, she would pretend or hyperextend. Believe. She'd believe it was about her.
Helene always forgets what it's like to see his face in person, be in a room with him. On paper and in her mind when she is away, she can rationalize. 'He's handsome. But not extraordinary. You know better looking men, have shared more time with some.'
And then he is nearby, and her entire body is aware of him.
Moreover, so is everyone elses. That is his power, super prowess. He has this energy that galvanizes every libido in range. The hell of it, it turns on a dime and you want to ruffle his hair just after riding his face. He's so sexy and frustratingly endearing.
His gap between adorable and sexy is so small, and bowtied to perfection.
"What's new pussycat?" He whispers near her left shoulder before she can even fully take him in.
"Enfin!" She could see the rear of her brain case. Harry turned her body into his hug and was responding to her exaggerated exclamation.
"See Jeffrey, I told you she had the best eye roll!" He giggles a bit and holds her long, in that way anybody else probably couldn't get away with. Someone might rightly think they'd tasted every part of one another if he didn't hold everybody like this.
Helene takes the opportunity to smell him. He always smells good to her, even his stink. Sweat drenched and ball's empty or dandied up and stage worthy, he tasted like her first meal out when she returns home to Paris.
" I cannot believe you remember that conversation." She said into his neck.
It quelled his laughter.
"How could I forget the look of disgust on you and Sarah's faces. Too good to not use!"
"You gonna use it on Sarah too? Or would Mitch put your nose between your pretty eyebrows?"
"Don't mock my eyebrows!" He pulls back, but she's still within the walls of his body, bracketed by his arms. "They just grow like this."
"Qui," she snorted. "Don't forever I've photographed you being groomed, ma belle."
"She's  just cleaning them up! I swear."
"She just took your man card Harry." Jeff 's snickering.
"He didn't have a man card since long ago." She and Jeff laugh together.
"Heeeey!" His offended face goes soft around his smiling eyes. He tilts her body away from the small backstage crowd and she wonders where they are going. She's still going; her toes have all but left the ground while he leads her with his whole body.
She follows her heart.
Helene always feels small, but he makes her feel deliciously tiny. He leads her down a corridor, past people he waves to and she would have stopped to hug in other circumstances. She'd missed this circus family. Finally, she just has to ask, "Harry, where are we going? I don't have my equipment." If he wanted her to capture the moment, she needed a camera. He did this sometimes, this drag to a piece of personal history or set up he saw well in his mind's eye. His enthusiasm always contagious.
He didn't exactly have that energy going on now, he seemed nervous rather than excited.
"That's a bit unfortunate. S'ok though I only want a mental picture of your face. When you tell me." He pulls her through a door, a different dressing room from last time, which she realizes upon entry is actually an office.
"Where are we?" Helene asks as he positions himself between her and the door like she might make a break for it.
"Irving's office." He explains off hand. "Now tell me, what' d you think?"
"Quoi?" She can feel the screw of her face to the left. She has no idea what he could mean, she'd been so busy keeping up with his footsteps, she had no idea what he was on mentally. They didn't always connect easily, he wasn't always an open book, but she'd figured out how to crack him a time or two. It was easier with a camera at her eye, or both of them naked.
"Of the album, my album." He pinches his bottom lip and wrings his hands a tad.
"The album?" Her brain's slow. Why were they talking about this?
"You' re the only one who hasn't text me, or responded. That's included I mean."
"Included?" What?
"Please stop repeating me in one word questions, Helene!" He looks up and blows out a breath. "Did you like it? Are you upset?"
"Harry, lower your voice."
"Apologies." He takes her hand. "Now, did you like it?"
Ah, it was easy to forget how praise was like water on a neglected plant to him. He just wanted assurance that her love of his work would fill her photos again.
"Qui, clairement, it's gorgeous."
"And?" He looks, she couldn't quite place it, Like a puppy trying to sneak into your bed. Hopeful but preemptively scolded.
"And?" She opens her palms to him, subconsciously trying to release his nerves about whatever he's asking her opinion of.
"Did you hear it? At all." He rolls his eyes, but it was so clearly at himself that Helene takes no offense. "Hear us I mean?"
"I didn't want to presume." She starts after a pregnant pause.
"Presume, tournesol, presume." He leans close and she can really smell him. Not pungent like Mexico after hours of sun, or after a night on stage. But, days lazing or loitering in Italy under warm skies.
She shakes her head at him. She felt a spark of recognition that she'd classified as hope during that song, but, "that one is not all me."
"No, not entirely. It is an idea, a feeling fleshed out, but an ode none the less." He assures her, all eye contact and vulnerability.
He's closer now, enough to touch. And she could have? Would, but she had a more important question, a deeper song to address. Though she had to admit, most days Sunflower was her favorite. "Am I in any others?"
"Glimpses. Though one is mostly you." He gives her an encouraging smile, mischief around its edges.
She sucks in a breath. She really wants to know, she's become so much more that she was since she met him. Braver, kinder, richer in many ways. Could she be direct as well? What would Dominique, her most forward friend, do? "And the ending. That feels like a beginning?"
"Fine line?" His dimple's out. Helene might feel upset that he's a cat and she's the mouse if he wasn't a Tom to her Jerry.
"Qui, fine line?" If she just lifts her hand, his jaw will fit just so, always has., or the beautiful curve of his shoulder.
"That one," he's smiling like the time he presented her cake on her birthday. "I realized in Mexico is you!"
"Not until Mexico?" Now she didn't want to touch him, not even his fine shoulder.
"I knew while writing, the glimpses of you, but only one part was, her, was" he swallowed. She hoped it wasn't still pain slicing his throat as he forced the feeling down. She'd even take regret. "Camille" he took her hand. More friendly than the conversation. "The rest, the hope, is you." The nerves were foreign to him when he was with her, he didn't wear them well, his only awkward fit.
Helene let's her eyes fall closed while his breath wafts over her face. That was more Harry. The taste of caffeinated mint. The familiarity messes with her head, it's a bit false but never forced.
She wants to accept his compliment, even though he's undercut it with an inconvenient truth. Their relationship was not one. They were friends, they slept together sometimes, he was her boss and her muse. But they were never together, and  "that's nice, Harry, but, forgive me if it seems, well convenient."
"Convenient?" Oh, his brows are as tangled as his growing curls. Damn him.
"Me belle, it's hard not to notice who is not here, but everywhere on the album." He narrows his eyes in response to her observation. "And I also have someone else to call baby."
"You're with someone?" His pretty brows nearly touch above his nose.
"Qui." It was a bit of a stretch, really. A man she is dating, fucks occasionally. They're not exclusive, and she likes him, Rene, but no more has developed With anybody else, since she gave Harry Carte Blanche with her body. She had liked him, them, a few of them, thought they had potential. She supposed they still did, it just hadn't developed. Helene has never pushed them down the hill.
It hadn't stopped her from being with Harry in Mexico.
Helene talks about him now, hoping it will slow down the ball rolling from the top of the hill in Harry's mind. If he'a just realized he wrote about her and still believed sharing that notion just after she spent several hours marveling, begrudgingly, over his words to another woman, her clothes would fall off over one song for herself, well, he might be right. But she needed some kind of defense mechanism.
She's lacking a chastity belt, Rene's specter would have to do.
"How long?" He asks quietly.
"A bit." She wasn't going to give him details. That was showing him the chinks in her honor.
"Oh, ok, well, that's good." He clears his throat, looks at her with murky eyes. "I'm happy for you."
"I'm happy for you, as well." She hugs him, to touch him and reassure him. "This album, tour, will be a great success."
"Yeah, yeah." He says trying to believe it. "Now that it's out there, I hope so. But we are going to make it fun. You up for some fun, Helene? This time out?"
She's  confused, last time was fun, but she supposed her life was changing so fast, she had no grand expectations to carry on her shoulders and no one broke her heart during tour.
That came after. He must be going into this round with a different attitude.
"Yeah, fun sounds good." He high fives her and she can't help but laugh at him. It turns into another hug, and all the distancing she'd done during this conversation ceased when he kissed her flaxen hair.
"Break, break a leg, Harry." He smiles, the nerves making it quiver just a bit as they go their separate ways.
—————————————————————————— The album closer is approaching and Helene is suddenly nervous. Sunflower kinda made her shake, luckily it's such a damn happy jam, her feelings didn't sweep her away. It's already been a magical night, and she knows the magic doesn't end with the album. Harry has some amazement up his pink sleeve.
His outfit had been distracting, not like Paris or Madrid, but it's so pretty and such a cute silhouette. Helene realizes while she is snapping away. It was distracting because she wanted it herself. It might overwhelm her small frame, but that pink would look good on anyone. He might loan it to her, Sarah and Mitch wore his clothes sometimes.
She's at least as close.
He says something before he begins, and it's loud so Helene has to translate it twice, figure out his words and then think them in French. The song's started before she realizes he's said its a difficult song to perform for the first time.
She can't put her finger on why, but she feels for him, for herself. Her brow is knit up like that time she tried to make a Christmas scarf and the little piece of her heart she took back from him breaks free from its stitches and goes to him, right where he stands on his big stage.
The music starts and it's the build that gets her. Just like the first time. She admits she listened to this one repeatedly, Listen one- physical experience, listen two- listening for the glimpses she thought she had caught of herself. Listen three- cry time.
Helene does not want to weep, but it seems she might be in good company. Harry's doing his closed eyes thing. She teased him about that onetime.
"Is it easier to hear how good you are if you close your eyes?" She'd asked this from the head of the bed while he lay across the bottom rubbing her feet.
She supposed it was a nonsequiter. "When you sing and when you fuck, you close your eyes sometimes. Is it so you can focus on the screaming?" She pushed him with her foot and gave him a flirtatious smile.
"I don't need to hear the screams to know I'm good." He'd smirked at her and she would have kicked him off the expensive high hotel bed, but he continued too quickly, "To be honest," oh he was serious now, "It's when I get emotional. Or I need to focus."
"Like to hit a note?" She likes his explanation. He keeps his eyes closed sometimes when he's inside her. She hopes that, she, makes him feel; she's too afraid to ask him about that though.
"Or to make you hit a note!" He'd dropped his emotional temperature quickly, grinned and tackled her. "Let's see if we can get you to a G7!"
She did not hit any whistle notes, her orgasm had actually been pretty silent, but the build up had been harmonious.
The conversation came back to her now. His eyes were definitely closed, as they had been during Falling, and a few other times. But, he'd said this was hers, theirs, and he seemed to be feeling, if her memory served, and she remembered so much about Harry, she trusted it.
And then, as her eyes are unquestionably about to spill over to wet the forum floor with her fellow Harry fans, his open. They find her like he's been tracking her all night, and that may be true, though that is more her job, to always be aware of him and his location. But she's rooted there now. She may never leave this spot, Because there is emotion in his eyes, it's not humid like hers, but it's intense.
He eventually shifts to connect with a paying customer, but Helene is a mess. She has to go back stage to collect herself.
She almost misses Stevie, and even if he wrote songs about her, Helene is fairly certain she would get fired for that. The rest of the show is a blur. She snaps it by muscle memory.
Helene also doesn't stay for the after party, it's all to much. It's a departure from her normal behavior, she would almost always stay, with her camera, and to be with everybody. Tonight she's planned to. She missed them dearly, she just couldn't after that moment.
Harry doesn't have that luxury, it's his party, which is why he doesn't knock on her hotel room door until 3am.
She thought she'd got away with it.
Helene's still awake, barely, and when she answers the door, she knows she's mussed. He's seen her like this before, he's caused it. She's too tired to care much.
"Harry," she sighs. "It's late, Cherie."
"You left, and I needed to talk to you." He walks in like he owns the place. She supposes he did pay for it. He just turns to look at her, and if she didn't already feel exhausted beyond measure, those eyes on her may have sparked the fire he lit long ago in her belly.
"Go ahead." The sooner he unburdens himself the better, she looks longingly at her bed.
And then he just sighs and says, "are we?"
She's doubts the face she makes is attractive, "are we what?"
"Alright? Are we alright?"
God, that's a major question. What they are is a shadow of existence, some half way place between what they could have been, what they should be, and then what they are. It a very strange set of loops, like the comparison charts from school. They are colleagues, no doubt, friends, thankfully, and lovers, occasionally. Do any of those designations mean they are alright?
Because she doesn't want occasional lovers. She's put distance between them because she wants more. Halfway is not alright to her.
"Helene?" Oh, she's just been biting her lip this entire time. She really wants to go to bed, but, they should get this done before tour. Does she tell him she wants to be the dead center of his life, or just leave it at they are alright and go to dreamland.
Either are scary in their own right and he's distracting.
He's wearing comfy clothes, the yellow shirt and large trousers she'd snapped him arriving at the forum in. The shirt hugs his body and it makes it difficult for her to pretend she doesn't want to be really open about her feelings. Sometimes isn't enough, not anymore, maybe not ever.
"Let's sit."
"Uh oh." Harry exhales.
"Uh oh?" She looks up at him.
"Is the next sentence 'we need to talk?'"
"Well, we do, or you wouldn't be here on the wrong side of the sun."
"Fair enough." He sighs and sits back, his head hits the back of the couch. He's stretched out, and her small frame would fit well between his hips and chin. She's tempted to do it, to straddle him. Then the talk won't happen, and all these things will be left up in the air. And she will be narrative adjacent, still.
But she's in his narrative, right? If the song is about her? Is that enough?
So she sits with him. "Harry," she takes his hand and he looks so hopeful. "What does it mean to be alright?" Helene is surprised by her own question. It's direct, perhaps not as direct as it could be. She's unsure what he's asking. Is he asking her for more of the same? Today's same, where they are flirty friends and colleagues. Or the alright of yesterday, where she's his friend and employee with benefit.
That's not alright.
Or does it mean something else, something more. Like the feeling after the build in the music, hopeful, open ended: a chance taken.
He finally yanks his eyes open, and Helene remembers he performed an entire concert and went to an after party. That he is center stage in many peoples life. Is she insane to want to be his locus? Harry opens his mouth, then closes it.
"I guess, I don't know."
Helene nods. It's not a surprise, he just wants harmony and everybody happy. He may not have thought beyond them being ok on the surface. He's not ready for the conversation she thought he was asking about.
"We're fine Harry. You're tired, you should get to bed." She stands to show him to the door,  is suddenly back to wholly exhausted herself.
He's shaking his head.
"Harry's it's 330. We need sleep."
"I didn't like that you left."
"You don't get to make me stay at a party. It's not part of my duties."
He's still shaking his head. "No, I'm not saying this right. It's not alright."
"What isn't?" God, she's frustrated, wants him to be clear.
"That you don't want to be around me. I miss you." Well that's obvious for him, and wrong.
She closes her eyes. "Did you ever consider, maybe it's that I want to be around you too much."
"What do you mean?" He looks puzzled but there is light around his eyes, blue skies and clouds.
She sighs. Someone has to be vulnerable, Might as well be her. She knows how straightforward he just was must pain him. "I mean, I don't want to be with you at the party," he's cringing. "well, not just." She takes a fortifying breath. "I miss you too, but I miss what we could have been as well. And I can't," she could do this. "I can't just sleep with you when you are feeling lonely anymore. We are either friends or we are more. It's not fair to me. I can't walk the fine line anymore."
He's looking at their interlaced fingers. A drop hits her hand.
"I'm sorry." He whispers
Her heart breaks. He doesn't want this. She tries to take her hand from his. Dammit, why did they have to do this in her room? She can't run away now.
"No, no." He looks  up. Why's he sad when she's getting rejected? "I'm sorry I took you for granted, or made you feel like you were my second choice."
She'd not said that.
"I can read between your lines, Helene." He touches her cheek. "I had feelings for you, but I was already with Camille. And then, I was mourning. And it takes me bloody ages."
She wants to role her eyes. She supposes it's kinda true, but he was mourning his rejection.
"I've realized since then, my heart was bruised, but my ego was what got broken. And I wasn't in a place to offer you anything. Not until Mexico, but then things just got busy and we didn't talk."
"We never do." She purses her lips.
"We need to." He holds her chin in his hands. "So, I'm asking. Will you cross the line with me?"
God, her heart is swelling, and she's afraid to look at his face. Is he really asking what she is hearing? "Harry, amor, what does that mean? I can't speak in metaphors." She can, but it's trouble with him. He's a metaphor himself with his figurative edges and blurred meanings.
He sighs, chuckles to himself, and lets go of her hand. He cups her face and draws her eyes up to the tide pools of his. The tides in, he's teary. "I want to do it together, not have you cross the line hoping I follow, or me waiting on the side for you thinking you understood what I was asking for. But together."
She huffs, she stilll, always, doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. "What line Harry?" She assumes when someone is holding your face gently you shouldn't be yelling in their face in return, but he is so frustrating. "I still don't know what you are saying."
He laughs at himself, or at her, or them. "I'm saying, we should do this, you and me. Like a real relationship. Not just when we are together on tour or meeting up for me to work. But you come home with me to London, or Malibu, or wherever. Or I go with you to Paris, and we don't leave."
"Are you suggesting we move in together?" She's smiling, finally. The edges of her lips would be at her  earlobes if they could be. "You may want to ask me to be your girlfriend first."
"We've been moving at a glacial pace for years. But that's not really what I meant—"
"I know." She shakes her head fondly. "So?"
"So-" he takes a big breath. "Will you be my girlfriend, Helene?"
Oh god, this is what it feels like to look at the sun. To be the sun. "Yes!" It's a whisper, but full of emotion if not voice.
She's not sure why she is so overcome by it that she can't speak, but she can move, she's straddling his lap a moment later.
He laughs, "it's hard to kiss you when you are giggling." But he's vibrating along with her and his bunny teeth clack against hers just as much. His hand is in her hair and it's not until it slides down to cup her jaw that she can't laugh anymore.
Not when he is looking at her like that. His heart is in his eyes and her face is in his hands. Harry's eyes always sparkle, but the combination of mirth and awe shakes her like an earthquake.
The kiss goes better then, or it more closely resembles a kiss, in that their lips form to one another, going from right angle to straight line to acute in time. His tongue has always been devilish and she wonders if it's vocal training that renders it so.
She's more vocal than him, as always, and she's panting his name when his hand engulfs her throat before sliding her silk pajama top off her shoulder to kiss her neck, collarbones, the tops of her breasts. Her nipples stand high on her plum sized mounds and they always trill along the roof of his mouth deliciously. His other hand is around her hip and he's gripping it fiercely to move her over him.
She's halfway there on his question alone, but their venue seems a bit uncomfortable. Helene almost reconsiders her position on their positioning when Harry has that perfect mouth between her breasts and below and the back of the couch is perfect to hold onto while she arches back, back, back. She's bent in two when he pulls her up to his mouth.
This time she is getting his teeth. Why's he giggling again, this is serious business? If she could just concentrate, get him to focus for a moment, she can have her first orgasm of the night.
"Harry, Cherie." She tríes again, her tongue ready to slide over his lips and into that pattern that makes her shiver when his teeth block her again. "Please kiss me!" She's frustrated.
"I was going to ask you if you wanted to move to the bedroom, girlfriend, but you're very focused." He's still smiling and her ire melts at the appellation.
Does she want to go to the bedroom? She won't have the back of the couch to hold onto, but she will have Harry.
She stands and drops her loose shorts. As is usual, Harry has most of his clothes on and she's suited up for her birthday.
"Alright." He breathes and she's in his arms and he's finally giving her the tonguing she loves en route. Her in the altogether seems to have finally got him from mirth to girth, pressing against her and filling the void at the apex of her thighs the way only he has.
She's happy Harry seems to have been enjoying their bodily arrangement as much as she is, when he sits on the side of the bed and maneuvers to the middle with her still draped around his waist. He's said before he loves how maneuverable she is, and she is loving her tiny stature at the moment too.
Her hands are pulling his t shirt free and tossing it away. She loves the golden hue of his skin, he's always a little tan, even in winter. The milk and honey of their bodies against one another always delights her. She goes for the button on the jeans she'd like for herself. They won't fit her, but he always fits, snug at first and then just right.
He kicks them free and then she's back on top of him doing the wiggle to get his inside her, pressing over the largest part before the pressure keeps up and then everything slips into place, the audible pop of his tip still her favorite part.
They both exhale, and smile into each other's eyes. Helene touches the corner of his eyes and they twinkle back at her. "Hi boyfriend."
He chuckles and she moans over the tiny vibration it causes. "You're ready then?"
He already knows the answer to this question. Helene braces her hand behind her while she nods and then his hand is beneath her ass flexing her pelvis over his own.
He really is her prince of rock and roll. She rolls up over him and rocks over his dick until he's closing his eyes and drilling her hips. He's split her open, bottom up and it's intense.
"Give me a minute." He chokes after less time than she expected.
"Too much?" She likes that the shoe is on the other foot, usually she needs a break from his unrelenting physicality, Harry the athlete in the bedroom as well.
She supposed it takes emotion to force Harry to a quick release.
She's keeps flexing around him until he puts his head to her collarbone and then looks up to glare at her. "You're walking a fine line!" He says before he laughs at his own joke.
"I'm not waking anywhere. I'm loving you." She let's that sit there while her hips are quiet. That's all she's going to say about that. He stares at her intensely.
"Let me see you love me, then." She likes when he gives orders, even when their sex is closers to making love than fucking.
Helene obliges him, caves her belly back and starts the ride again, notches her head next to his, like the teeth of zipper, so she can watch with him.
It gets her there, but he's a little ahead of her. He's stilling her hips again. "Stop." It's a beg.
"Just come bebe." She whispers into his sweaty skin.
"You're not ready." He protests.
"We have all night, you can spread me open, all. night. and all day tomorrow, and after." She smiles at him. "All the time in the world to know me!"
"Yeah?" He's gleeful like a kid finding tooth fairy money.
She nods and starts moving, directs his gaze down. The edge of pleasure closer than she expects. Harry is rarely wrong about pleasure. Helene's happy her climb surprises them both.
She reaches the peak and plummets with him on the rollercoaster of emotions tonight's brought. Screams with the thrill.
It's more than fine, the white light explosion behind her eyelids. They've found the right side of the line.
They'll be alright.
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Fred x Reader - Break
Omg can I request baking with Fred Weasley? Sneaking into the kitchens at hogwarts on a night time with him and just baking. Fred being annoying (but cute) and eating the food before it’s ready. Having mini food fights. The whole shebang. Ps I love you and your stuff, it’s kept me going through my dark moments and I would like to say thank you. You helped me without even knowing or meaning to and you’re my angel x
A/N: I just want to say you are so amazing and strong and you pushed through your dark times with your own strength and I am proud of you but I am so happy that I have been able to make those moments easier on you or that I was able to help in some way, keep going strong sweet pea! xoxo Message me if you ever need anything! 
With the news of Sirius Black breaking out of Azkaban, everyone was on edge. Yet it didn’t seem as severe as the heavy feeling that the dementors brought as they patrolled the school grounds, their tattered cloaks hiding their gruesome appearance but not helping to remove the depressing air they spread with them. 
You had been especially withdrawn lately. Your surroundings affected your mood more than you wanted to admit but Fred was tuned into your emotions, even the slightest change and he knew. You hadn’t ever been in a relationship before where your significant other could notice such small differences in your demeanor. It was a challenge at first, you’d been unwilling to lean on Fred, worrying that he would grow tired of you.
Fred was stubborn though and had stuck by you, getting you to trust him to a point where you could confide in him without worrying that he would be bothered. Once you had reached that point you realized it took a weight off of your shoulders, sharing your burdens and stresses with Fred. He did the same and you both held each other up with no complaint. 
Today was a particularly hard day and Fred could tell by the way you sighed every so often, scribbling in your notebook just to break up the monotony of the day and the waves of your ever changing emotions. 
“Hello my sweet girl,” Fred said gently, kissing your cheek as you lifted your legs from their spot on the couch as he automatically slid underneath, hands hooking beneath your thighs as he tugged you closer. Tossing your notes to the side you wrapped your arms around his neck as you made yourself comfortable against him, face nuzzled against the junction of his shoulder and neck. 
“Hello my silly boy,” You said back, a small smile appearing if only for a moment. 
“You doing alright?” He asked, hand skating up and down your back in an easy rhythm that had your eyes feeling heavy as you let the pressure and stress of the day melt. 
“‘Course, Freddie,” You mumbled, your breath warm on his neck as you spoke. “I’ve just been so drained. I don’t have a reason to be upset really I”m just not feeling my best. Everything is so tense nowadays, I can’t go to class without students whispering about Black’s escape and how he is going to gut some kid or go after Harry. It’s hard to focus when there seems to be so much chaos everywhere. And quite honestly, I hate those dementors, they’re creepy,” 
Fred gave an exaggerated shiver. “I have to agree with you there love, they aren’t going to be winning any pageants or awards for hospitality and warmth any time soon.” You let out a giggle and Fred was proud of himself. “But hey, you’re safe here, we all are. You know Dumbledore won’t let anything happen to us.”
You fell into a comfortable silence, nodding your agreement. You trusted Dumbledore and the staff, your teachers were able and your headmaster was legendary. You couldn’t help but feel like darker times were ahead however and it had put you in a funk you couldn’t kick even if Fred’s words gave you comfort. 
Some time later, after falling in and out of a nap, Fred shook you, standing as he lifted you with him. Suddenly being in the air startled you and you squealed, clinging to your boyfriend. “Come on, I have an idea,” 
You groaned, “I don’t want detention again,” You whined as Fred carried you out of the common room. “But it doesn’t seem i have a choice,” You figured as Fred kept an arm steady underneath your knees, the other around your midsection as you kept your arms around his neck. 
“Have you no faith in me?” Fred teased, pinching your thigh lightheartedly. 
You laughed and rolled your eyes as he continued to walk. To say you were surprised when he let you go after arriving in the kitchens was accurate. You didn’t think there had been a single occasion in all your time together where he had whisked you away to the kitchens. You were surprised because it was empty at this time of night. Fred didn’t like empty, it meant there was no audience.
You gave him a quizzical look and he grinned, giving you a chaste kiss as he began to rummage through the cabinets and drawers. “We,” He declared as he lifted a canister of flour hi into the air, “Are going to make cupcakes,” 
You couldn’t help but feel appreciation for Fred right then. Cupcakes were your favorite, and baking was a nice release for you. You hadn’t expected him to know you needed something like this. 
However, you weren’t sure what you expected of your jokester of a significant other. “If you keep up with that we won’t have enough batter to bake more than one cupcake!” You scolded as he tossed a scoop of the chocolate batter in to the air, trying to see if he could catch the sweet mass before it made a mess. Needless to say, he had only succeeded in making himself a mess. 
You paused from where you were filling a tin with cupcake wrappers to grab your boyfriend by his tie, holding him in place. “Scourgify,” You muttered, tapping your wand playfully against his nose as the batter disappeared from his sticky fingers and mouth. 
“You’re the sweetest thing in this room,” He smiled as he grabbed your hips before you could return to baking. You rolled your eyes but accepted his kiss eagerly. 
“That would be you,” You decided after tasting him. If it was anything to go by, these cupcakes were going to be scrumptious. Fred winked but settled down a bit. You wished it would have lasted.
You had successfully baked the cupcakes and set them out to cool without any more shenanigans but the waiting bored your boyfriend. You were content to sit and wait but he was full of an energy that had never seemed to leave him, no matter the situation. Knowing he could hold his faith even in difficult times helped you as well. 
Fred asked to do the frosting so he could do something with his hands and you had thought that it wouldn’t end up disastrously. You had been wrong. Fred had made the frosting and it had been perfect, because of this he couldn’t stop sneaking spoonfuls. Sweets were his weakness. You lightly scolded him again and in retaliation he had told you to lighten up, swiping a glob of frosting across your cheek and down your jaw. 
You gaped at him and he laughed, eyes wide with excitement as you jumped up from your seat, hand dipping into the frosting as you chased him around as he laughed. You couldn’t keep up. Fred paused and you ran straight for him but at the last moment he dodged, arms wrapping around you and pulling your back against his chest, making sure your hands were pressed hard against your side so you couldn’t get him back. “Weren’t you just trying to clean me up?” He teased.
“There is no hope of that Weasley,” You giggled. You wondered how Molly had kept up with him as a child. She was an amazing mother but it was a miracle she hadn’t tired out so easily. Fred was definitely the kind of boy to track mud into the house at least once a day or cause some catastrophic mess. 
“How rude of you Y/L/N,” He pouted back pulled you even closer against him, a flash of hair appearing in your peripheral and then you squealed as he licked the frosting from your cheek. 
“You are so disgusting!” You squirmed as he cackled, chest shaking with each wave of amusement that kept him laughing. 
“You were being mean!” He defended but forgot to keep his guard as you turned in his arm, schooling your expression as you brought your hand up, smearing the frosting on Fred’s face as it colored his forehead down to his chin. He went cross eyed, frowning at the frosting that was now apparent between his eyes. 
You weren’t sure how long you two danced around the kitchen, trying to get your revenge against one another as you laughed, pulling each other close to tease before running from one another to gather more frosting. You didnt stop until you stuck your hand in the bowl and it came back nearly clean. You had used up all of your frosting. 
Fred watched as you burst into laughter, your hair stuck in wild directions as some of the frosting had dried. He was sure he looked just as crazy. “We used it all up!” You laughed, tears springing to the corners of your eyes. It wasn’t so funny but you needed this, you needed to forget about everything for a while and now the stress was melting, being let out by your hysteric giggles. 
Fred joined in on the laughter as he wet a hand towel at the sink, dragging it through your crunchy strands of hair as you settled your hands on his narrow hips to steady yourself. “I don’t think my hair is the issue here Fred,” You mentioned as you let out another final laugh, gesturing to the frosting smeared all over your face. 
“I was just saving that for later,” He said, lips as pink as his cheeks brushing against yours, tongue darting out to collect the remnants of your confection there. You smiled fingers tangling in his hair as he trailed his lips over yours before making a path to your cheek. Fred made an exaggerated smacking noise as he placed his lips against your cheek but your laughter died in your throat when he continued his path down to your neck, nibbling and sucking at the skin there.
“I’m starting to think this was your plan all along,” You tried not to sound breathless but it seemed you were doing a very bad job as your boyfriend smirked against your pulse that had spiked. 
“Caught me red handed, detective,” He mumbled. 
After Fred was satisfied he grabbed your hips and set you up on the counter in one easy motion. “It was nice, seeing you smile so much,” He admitted as he washed your fingers and face with a hand towel. The both of you could easily clean up but you didnt want your carefree time to end quite yet and you had a suspicion Fred felt the same. 
“I can’t help myself when I’m with you,” You said, kissing his nose as he beamed back at you. “Thank you for this, I needed it, a break from everything I mean. You are the most amazing boyfriend a girl could ever hope to have,” 
“I know,” Fred teased but his gaze was tender as he took your words to heart. “I’m my best when I’m with you,” 
You hopped down from the counter and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his chest. “We’re the best together,” You mumbled, a shyness to your words Fred found too cute for his own good. You might just be the death of him. 
“I love you,” Fred declared as he gave you a quick squeeze. “But I don’t love cupcakes without frosting, lets try once more? I promise I wont ruin it this time,” He grinned, sticking out his pinkie finger in an oath to not touch the frosting until it was on a cupcake, on it’s way to his mouth. 
“You’re lucky that frosting is what makes a cupcake good otherwise I’d just go to bed right now,” You said but there was no real threat. You’d stay up all night long if it meant you got to relax with Fred. You’d needed this and you needed Fred. You had meant what you said, you were the best with him. Only he could bring you away from the edge of a mental breakdown. 
That night you were completely content as you and Fred switched into pajamas, meeting back in your common room to snack on the cupcakes you had worked far too hard on. 
“Thanks Freddie,” You said once more kissing him as he pulled you against him. You were too tired to get up and go to your dorm but you knew Fred would take care of you. 
“Any time my sweet girl,” Fred smiled as you drifted off in his arms, relaxed for the first time in too long. 
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kittycataes · 4 years
Tier Ranking “Friends” Characters (Part 1/3)
This is going to be an extremely long post haha
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Let’s start at the bottom- 
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“Whomst”: is characters that I couldn’t really recognize right away. Like maybe I remember that character’s story arc, but that doesn’t mean I feel any certain way about them. FORGETTABLE. WHOMST? NEXT!
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“i hate you”: these are characters I have such negative feels for, they deserve something worse than an F.  -  Starting off with Dr. Geller himself. There’s so much misogyny in this man... if it weren’t for David Schwimmer’s excellent facial expressions and hilarious slapstick comedy, I would’ve made a separate row for him to be exiled forever. However David Schwimmer is a great actor and we stan his acting choices. -  Next is Dr. Greene, Rachel’s dad. I hate men who force their power over others through loud, aggressive, intimidation that reeks with the threat of violence. And this mother fucker does all those things on top of openly ridiculing his daughter.  -  Barry the orthodonist. He’s a snake for cheating on Rachel with Mindy. And he’s a snake squared for then cheating on Mindy with Rachel.  -  Cop character... Whose name I forget. ACAB, you creep. Stop using your access of information as a tool for strong-arming women into dating you. -  Rachel’s sister. She’s just stupid and vain and annoying, and extremely disrespectful.  - That Angry Guy. *See Dr. Greene notes* - Kip. This guy is creepy too... He like stalks Joey and is just overall very weird. - Ben. I love the Sprouse twins. But I did not care for Ben becoming a character on the show.  - Alec Baldwin/Positive Guy. I hate him becuase I think he was a stupid character but I don’t hate him as much as I hate the angry characters for sure, he’s just a dude high on life. - Chandler’s boss. I don’t like that he slaps his employees on the butt. I don’t care if they like it. It’s weird. I wish we could all just hi-five or hug normally 😂
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“i wish we saw more of u”: these are characters I thought were really interesting and maybe they were in a few episodes, but they didn’t really get their own story arc with the gang. And while I do like them, there’s nothing spectacular about them.  -  Hot but messy bug Lady. I loved this character and I wish she had an arc with Ross about teaching him how to compromise more and grow together a bit. She was so pretty and funny, I wish they let her stick around. - Rachel’s mom. I loved this lady. I love that she divorced Rachel’s awful dad, and she seems like a fun-loving gal! I wish the best for her. And I wish we got a few more episodes of her, so we could see her living her best single life.
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“LIFE CHANGING”: these characters are recurring/one-off characters who really buttered my breadroll. I feel like each of these characters helped shape me in someway, even if it’s just a little! -  Joanna, Rachel’s boss at Bloomingdales. This is the only character from my childhood/adolescence that I remeber being a Boss Lady who was independent, but still flawed and silly and goofy and sexy. This was my first view of what kinky sex could look like and it intrigued me and aroused me terribly. To this day I love office and bondage scenes! -  Susan, Carol’s Lesbian lover and hot-wife extradornaire. When I was younger and still believed Ross was a redeemable character (read: my critical thinking skills hadn’t start yet developing) I didn’t like Susan and her condescending tone. Now, I love her for making fun of Ross in a way that still manages to be respectful to her son’s Father, but points out his obvious prejudice. You could say she puts Ross in his place, and is kind of a ball-buster. I love that attitude and I find her extremely attractive <3  - Kathy, Joey and Chandler’s ex-girlfriend. From the moment I laid eyes on Paget Brewster, I knew I wasn’t 100% straight. I deeply deeply sympathized with Chandler falling in love with her, and the scene where she cuts his hair is so iconic- the actors’ chemistry is palpable!  - Julie, Ross’s ex-girlfriend. I love Julie first and foremost for existing. A pretty, smart, and likeable Asian American girl. I felt she had such strong big-sister energy when I was little, and I liked that even though Rachel didn’t like her (and she kinda knew) it didn’t shake her confidence. She had that difficult convo with such grace and maturity, it ws refreshing to see after so many episodes of immature Ross/Rachel shenanigans. - Janine, Joey’s ex-roommate. Janine was cool and nice, and she was so effortlessly glamorous. I liked that she was a kind character, who never judged Joey or belittled him. And through Joey I felt I was able to have an outlet for my growing realization that I wasn’t straight. - Chandler’s dad, the drag queen. This was one of my first exposures to drag, and I loved how composed/poised Chandler’s dad was even when it was clear his son and ex-wife disproved of her life choices. Also Chandler’s dad was played by a woman and therefore I headcanon her to be trans :3c -  Dr. Richard Burke. Tom Selleck is arguably one of, if not, the most beautiful man in the world. That plus his character was so sweet and silly and loving, and he treated Monica right and respected her relationship with Chandler. And I just loved their story arc, especially when they try to get back together the second time. I LIVE for the YEARNING in that arc. Great performances from Selleck and Cox ❤️ - Paul Stevens, the love machine. God. This character/arc is so stupid haha. I feel like you can tell Friends as a show has been going off the rails and at this point, it’s very clear. Like Ross fucking a student who also happens to be Rachel’s boyfriend’s daughter? Crazy. He’s mainly up here because of the silly mirror dance he does, I just love that. - Pete Becker, Iron-man in training. Before all the UFC stuff made him kinda go nuts, I really liked Pete. I liked how he was successful, impressive, focused, determined, etc. etc. I kinda wanted to be him when I grew up- just a laid-back baller travelling overseas on a whim and following his wildest dream. A more modern look on Pete reveals more problematic issues, but name one Friends character that isn’t problematic haha.
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kazimakuwabara · 4 years
Fall Into Me
Becoming Open and close is a series of collisions. Hiei hates the journey. (about 2.500 words. friendship/gen)
They hadn't known each other that long, or at least he hadn't known them all of them that long. He had only known them as a group for one mission, and honestly, that was enough to have Hiei wishing he had never accepted the deal from Koenma to avoid some time in hell.
Hell would be less annoying.
Glancing a sideways glare at Kurama, he wondered privately how the fox wasn't losing his mind at his other two teammates' very existence.
He had been a human for too long perhaps.
Hiei closed his eyes at the sound of Yusuke and Kuwabara laughing, the two pushing against each other in the late light of the day. The reasons why Hiei was growing slowly more aggravated continued in their childish antics, noisily bantering with one another with no regard to their other exhausted teammates.
"Aren't you two tired? It's late and we've got a bit of a walk to get back to civilization tomorrow," Kurama asked, tone light and eyes dancing.
'Of course, he's amused by the nonsense,' Hiei thought darkly, glaring at the redhead for all he's worth.
"Ah sorry Kurama, we bothering you?" Yusuke asked, digging his elbow into Kuwabara's back, the human yelping at a startling high pitch.
"No," Kurama said smiling smoothly, "But I can hear Hiei about to implode from here."
Hiei's eyes snapped open, and he glared in Kurama's direction, the man waiting for his gaze with a smile, and twinkling green eyes. He could feel Kuwabara's and Yusuke's sudden abrupt, and rapt attention, curious startled eyes looking over at him. Hiei sighed getting up, too tired to endure any of these shenanigans for another moment.
Kuwabara was giggling like a baboon behind him, and Yusuke called after, "Ah, Hiei! Don't go! We'll be quiet!"
The laughter that followed after confirmed Hiei was making the right decision in walking away.
Another mission later, Hiei was startled as Yusuke slumped next to him against a tree Hiei had chosen to settle down by.
"What are you doing?" Hiei asked, no bite to his tone yet, as he watched Yusuke with a cautious eye.
Yusuke pressed further into Hiei's side, and sighed dramatically, "That was a pain in the ass mission! That demon smelled like rotten eggs boiled in cabbage!"
"Before or after we killed him?" Kurama asked idly nearby. He was hanging out his shirt to dry.
Hiei didn't answer, but he also did not disagree.
Their opponent, a demon who fed on the anxieties of humans, had a terribly foul odor. It had distracted the newly formed team quite a bit during their fight, and Kuwabara had even thrown up on himself when the demon wrapped a slimy claw around his chest. To Kuwabara's admitted credit, that didn't stop him from slicing the demon's arm off with that thing he called a sword.
Someone needed to show that human how to properly wield his weapon, and not just throw it around.
"Before!" Yusuke whined dropping his head on Hiei's shoulder. "Even I ralphed when Kuwabara opened him up! The smell got ten times worse!"
This was also true. The putrid stench had even made Hiei's eyes water.
"At least it wasn't all over yourself," Hiei muttered, trying to pull away from Yusuke's insistent need to be close.
Hiei was strangely echoed by Kuwabara, who had appeared from the trees just to the left. There was a little river further down, and Kuwabara had been washing out his shirt, and Yusuke's jacket. Kuwabara and Hiei met eyes, a little startled that they had spoken the same thing, and then quickly looked away from one another.
"Here Kuwabara, I'll ring those out and hang them with my shirt," Kurama offered, holding his hands out. He had also washed a few of his belongings in the river, and was now hanging them to dry on a vine he had stretched from one tree to the next.
"Thanks, Kurama," Kuwabara mumbled, offering out the shirts as he came forward.
Yusuke was growing heavy on Hiei's shoulder, and Hiei closed his eyes taking in a slow breath. His patience lost for any more of this... "quality time," Hiei rose abruptly, knocking Yusuke to the ground.
"Ow! Ah, come on Hiei, just relax here!" Yusuke whined, a smile in his words.
Hiei ignored him and went to find some solitude away from the group.
"He'll be okay... right?" Kuwabara asked Hiei in a soft voice as Hiei tended to Kurama's back.
Kuwabara was laid out on the rest of the team's shirts and jackets, giving the fox as little comfort as they could from the hard ground. Kurama was unconscious, his back sliced open and bleeding. Hiei was tending to the wounds with practiced hands, and using a balm he knew how to create for situations like these.
Hiei glanced up at Kuwabara, studying the human's concerned frown. With a snort, Hiei answered, "He's taken much worse than this."
"Yeah, Hiei stabbed him in the gut once!" Yusuke piped up from his place at the fire where he was boiling some water.
Kuwabara's eyes went wide and snapped over to Yusuke, and then returned to Hiei with a confused, startled gaze.
Hiei rolled his eyes, "I was trying to stab Yusuke, Kurama just decided to take the hit."
"This was back when Hiei was being a shit! That mission I told you about with the orb, and mirror... and shit like that!" Yusuke added, shrugging his shoulders casually.
"Huh..." Kuwabara grunted after a while. He smiled at Hiei then, and laughed, "I forgot you were a bad guy before."
Hiei looked at Kuwabara, trying to glare and not just come across as confused. The answering smile told Hiei he had failed.
"Go away," Hiei muttered darkly, returning to his work. "After a night's rest with this salve, Kurama will be almost back to his old self."
"And we can take him to Genkai later! Don't worry so much Kuwabara!" Yusuke shouted again, standing up to remove his shirt so he could pull the boiling pot of water from the fire.
Kuwabara nodded, keeping his eyes on Kurama. Slapping his hands on his knees he sighed, and then suddenly reached out for Hiei's shoulder. He squeezed the shorter demon's shoulder, his thumb stroking Hiei twice, and then Kuwabara hefted himself up and walked to join Yusuke.
Hiei, still bristling from the unexpected contact, stared after Kuwabara, wondering what had the human reaching out for him like that. When Hiei couldn't find an answer, he went back to looking at the scrapes all along Kurama's back. These people were strange.
"He did good today," Kurama said, voice soft and eyes tired.
Hiei glanced over at Kuwabara, who was collapsed on his back, dead asleep after a vigorous day of training.
Hiei grunted, "He can almost see me at my top speeds." It was a fact, and not a compliment.
"His power is interesting, don't you think?" Kurama asked sitting next to Hiei, his shoulder pressed to the shorter demon's arm.
Hiei did not pull away. He frowned thinking over Kurama's question, before he asked, "What is interesting about it? He has some power, a weak and pitiful amount, but he has a little bit of ability. What's so fascinating about it to you Kurama?"
Kurama chuckled and lifted both shoulders, "Oh... it's... not violent. There's no... aggressive undertones to it."
"Ah, that..." Hiei muttered.
He had felt it too. A strange kind pulse resided in Kuwabara's power. It was not something uncommon among humans, Hiei had noticed, especially those of the monk persuasion. Kuwabara was no monk, but his spiritual awareness would have allowed him to go down that path if he ever chose to.
"He would be better as a healer or an exorcist," Hiei admitted, and then deciding to continue added, "I'm surprised his weapon isn't a shield."
"Why do you say that?" Kurama asked, tone clearly delighted in Hiei's willingness to have a conversation.
"A shield protects. It's what his power wants to do," Hiei answered simply.
Kurama hummed, "Swords can protect too..."
Hiei sighed and lifted his shoulders in a shrug. Hiei didn't use his sword to protect, or at least he didn't use to. Hiei glanced at the hilt of his sword and wondered privately if that had changed now.
"Well, he'll have to get a lot better if he's going to protect anyone with it," Hiei muttered, a growl in the undertones of his voice, "He can hardly protect himself!"
"Which is why we're training him. He'll come out of this tournament alive," Kurama said with a grin, "Don't you worry."
Hiei's face twisted with disgust and he glared at Kurama, "I am not worried!"
Kurama laughed, pressing his shoulder harder into Hiei. Hiei pressed back.
"Of course," Kurama sighed softly, "Of course."
Hiei snorted, disgusted by Kurama's misunderstanding. He was not worried about a human. But if he was going to fight at his side, that human better be able to take care of himself. His thoughts drifted over to Yusuke, somewhere training on his own. Frowning, Hiei muttered, "Yusuke better be getting stronger as well."
"Oh, now worrying about him is silly Hiei!" Kurama teased immediately, a smile stretching across his face, "Yusuke is very strong."
Hiei got up, intentionally pushing Kurama over who laughed.
"I am not worried!" Hiei snapped, before storming away to seek some time to himself.
Hiei watched Yusuke as he slept.
The tournament was over, Toguro was defeated. They could go home, but Hiei sensed things would be different from now on.
His arm throbbed, and Hiei glanced at it.
Yes, things would be very different.
Hiei's eyes shifted back to Yusuke, the detective frowning in his sleep. There were red splotches under his eyes, and his lashes had leftover tears. Yusuke had started to cry in his sleep, ever since Genkai's passing. Hiei had thought it might stop now that everything was all over, but he was mistaken. He would not judge Yusuke for his pain.
He shifted his eyes over towards Kurama who was feigning sleep. He could tell by his rigid shoulders that Kurama was lying awake, perhaps going over his battle with Karasu. Karasu had poked at the wounds of Kurama's heart, and dug out the cruelty Kurama had tried to lose now that he was not a Youko. Hiei did not understand what feelings were disturbing his companion in the corner of his mind, but Hiei would keep an eye on him.
It was all he knew how to do.
Shifting his gaze to look at Kuwabara, Hiei was startled to see the human was sitting up.
Hiei froze, keeping still in his place by the window, and watched as Kuwabara pushed back his covers and shuffled over towards the bathroom. He flicked on the light, closing his eyes at the harsh white light, but Hiei could see what had woken Kuwabara. His bandages were bloody.
Hiei was amazed Kuwabara had survived such an attack. Even if Toguro had been intending for a nonlethal stab, the wound had been very grievous. Kuwabara's spiritual powers had kicked in and closed the wound largely on its own, Kurama contributing to the rest. Still, it was remarkable that Kuwabara was alive, let alone able to walk around easily with that wound.
Kuwabara's hand rubbed his chest.
Well, maybe Kuwabara wasn't walking around easily, but was good at faking it.
Kuwabara changed his bandages with quick and practiced care, and then shuffled back out into the main room. Instead of returning to his bed, Kuwabara shuffled over to Kurama, checking on him. Kuwabara plucked at the loose comforter, and tucked it around the man's shoulders with a slow tender care. Hiei could see Kurama's body language relax, and he wondered if Kuwabara could tell Kurama was awake too.
He then shuffled to Yusuke and stared in silence for a period of time. Even if the room wasn't dark, Hiei wasn't sure he would understand the expression on Kuwabara's face. Eventually, Kuwabara raked fingers through his mussed hair, and then reached down to fluff one of Yusuke's pillows, and tuck the smaller man into bed. Gently his hands were on Yusuke's shoulders, and Hiei could feel Kuwabara sending a soothing energy into Yusuke, a skill he did on instinct alone.
Yusuke sighed in his sleep, the pain in his face smoothing away, and shifted into the comfort of his bed.
Kuwabara then turned towards him.
Hiei snapped his eyes closed, fighting to keep his body from going rigid.
He could sense Kuwabara standing over him after a moment, and there Kuwabara stood for a long time. He was attempted to open his eyes and ask him to go away, but remained quiet, curious what Kuwabara would do.
There was a shuffling sound and then a blanket was being tucked gently around him.
He opened his eyes staring at the top of Kuwabara's head, the human's face lowered as he concentrated on his task. Kuwabara's hands were being very cautious of his arm, and Hiei could sense Kuwabara's nervousness pooling off of him. Kuwabara's hand settled on the wrist of Hiei's good arm, and Hiei felt a small sleeping wave of comforting energy.
Hiei closed his eyes, and let Kuwabara slink away without getting "caught."
He listened as Kuwabara resettled into bed, and vaguely remembered a conversation he and Kurama had shared some time ago.
Kuwabara would be better suited as a healer.
Sensui was dead and gone, and Yusuke was a demon apparently.
Hiei couldn't deny how much sense that made.
In fact, it was really laughable that he had never noticed before.
Currently, Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Kurama were all piled against each other, all dirty and half asleep. With the way Kuwabara's mouth was hanging open, Hiei suspected Kuwabara was fully asleep.
Hiei privately thought he probably deserved the rest. There was no way Kuwabara would have been able to relax around his captors.
Hiei had just pulled himself from that pile, irritated that he had been dragged into it, to begin with.
He looked at the people he had been working alongside for the better part of a year, and glared at them as he tried to label them something other than what his heart was whispering.
It was no use.
They were... his friends now he guessed, a word that was as uncommon as peace. But that's what they were, and that was what they brought him. Peace.
It was all so strange.
"Hey..." Yusuke grunted, popping open an eye, "Don't move around so much... you're exhausted."
"You're exhausted," Hiei returned petulantly, receiving a cheeky grin in return.
Yusuke held out an arm, and lazily waved Hiei over, "Hey. Come on. Just... settle down with us."
Hiei made a face, but stepped closer.
Yusuke grinned, shaking his head with a sigh, "No one is looking, and also who gives a fuck. Just come join us and exist for a bit."
"I don't..." Hiei tried to say, but the words were dead before he could voice them. He... was not opposed to settling down against his teammates, enjoying the feel of their closeness, and relishing in the fact they had all survived. Somehow.
He could allow himself this, just once, right?
"Don't think. Just... fall," Yusuke said with a sigh and a careless shrug.
Hiei cringed, but reluctantly tipped forward, and let Yusuke catch his wrist. He was tugged down, and pulled hard into Kuwabara, who groaned as he was jolted into alertness.
"Jesus! Watch it Urameshi!" Kuwabara snapped, shoving Yusuke, while seeming unbothered that it was Hiei who had been thrown into his side.
Instead, Kuwabara settled himself more, giving Hiei room to be pressed against his side. Yusuke pressed into Hiei's opposite side, and from around Kuwabara, Kurama's hand reached out and squeezed Hiei's forearm.
"Shut up Kuwabara," Yusuke said, voice soft and teasing.
Hiei's lids were heavy, and he settled against the group quietly.
How strange it was to have affection for these three strangers he'd been forced to endure.
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foreversillythings · 4 years
with the taste of pomegranate on our lips chapter 3
part one kore chapter three a goddess’ prayer
Sometimes thoughts of Gale kept her up at night, sometimes the loneliness, but when she couldn't sleep, Madge sat at her window and peered out at the moon.
Marvel's twin was Katniss, virgin goddess of the hunt, the moon, forests and protector of young girls. Every night her chariot pulled the moon up into the sky and during the day she hunted through the forests with her companions, freer than Madge could ever dream of. What must it be like to have no master at all? To be able to do whatever one liked? Katniss had her responsibilities of course, but Madge did not want to shirk her duties either. She just wanted to feel foreign grass between her toes, to meet new people and learn of the world outside. Yes, the world was not always safe, yes there were monsters and wicked people, but there was also so much beauty to be seen, so much life had to offer. Katniss was a goddess just like Madge and if she could look after herself, couldn't Madge learn how as well?
Madge stared out at the moon and oh, what she wouldn't give for a just a taste of its freedom.
Gale was excited. 
When was the last time he’d been excited about anything? Anticipation too thrummed inside him and it had been ages since he’d last felt like this. So long ago it almost felt like a dream rather than his life. It had been before he’d become lord of the underworld, before the lots had been drawn and he’d been sent down into the dark. Before before when he was only Gale and he would laugh with his brothers and charm pretty girls, when he lived above the earth and knew nothing of loneliness. He’d been happy then, he can remember that (if only barely), and the whole world had been stretched out before them. They’d just overthrown the Titans, freedom was intoxicating and the idea of being king of his own realm had been exhilarating. He had descended to the dead with bravado, too young and foolish to foresee how things would change. It had been chance that had seen him draw the underworld as his realm, Gloss the earth and skies and Brutus the seas, and it was chance he had cursed for so very long.
He’d eventually given up cursing fate, given up wishing he’d become ruler of any other realm than his. Resignation, somewhere in all the years yearning for what had been, crept in and made him hollow. This was his lot, the one he’d drawn that long ago day flushed with their victory over their parents’ generation, and there was nothing to be done about it. He would rule alone in the dark, disliked, feared and unwanted. 
Except, maybe it wasn't his lot.
Maybe, just maybe, there could be something else.
Madge had held her tongue for days, but eventually curiosity got the better of her. She plied her loom as she did everyday and when her mother passed by on the way to the kitchen she blurted “So when do you think the next meeting at Olympus will be?”
Her mother turned to look at her with a perplexed raise of the eyebrow and Madge smiled in what she hoped was an entirely unsuspicious manner.
“Soon I suspect, it’s been a while since the last. Why?”
“Oh, well, I...just love hearing about what everyone’s been up to. The other Gods always seem to get up to all sorts of incredible things,” Madge said and it wasn’t even a lie, the tales of her fellow gods’ shenanigans had always provided ample entertainment. Seeder snorted.
“You might love it, but try actually being face to face with them when you hear all about their nonsense. You know how difficult it is not to make a face when listening to Gloss brag about his latest ludicrous infidelity or you have to watch Darius and Cato have a wrestling match in the middle of the room to prove which of them is the manliest? Nearly impossible. Or when Beetee catches Cato and Glimmer in a net in the midst of one their many illicit rendezvous and invites us all to go humiliate them? Not that Glimmer was humiliated, she just wanted to carry on. It was Cato who looked as if he might expire from embarrassment. Or how about that time Gloss suspected a man was interested in Cashmere and to prove it created a Cashmere made out of clouds and sent it to seduce the man? And that’s not even getting into all the love interests of Marvel’s that have wound up as plants. That’s our jurisdiction and yet you’d never guess with the amount of plants he’s made due to his broken heart.”
Madge laughed, just as she always did at how outrageous the stories were, and her mother joined in, the two soon tossing out all their favourite crazy tales. The nymph that tricked Gloss into promising her whatever she desired when he tried to woo her and then promptly told him she wanted him to leave her alone. That time Cato got himself trapped in a jar. When Lyme looked in the mirror while playing the aulos and was so offended at how silly she looked that she cursed the instrument and anyone who played it. And more and more, until they can barely breathe through their laughter. 
The loneliness would come back, the desire to see the world and be free of this house, but for a moment at least, Madge didn’t want to be anywhere but here.
Gale had never enjoyed his visits to Olympus, but never had he wanted one to be over as badly as he did this one. He drummed his fingers on the arm of his throne, tapped his foot and earned many a frustrated glare from whoever was speaking, but for the first time in so long, Gale had something to look forward to. Today their displeasure couldn’t touch him. The anticipation could though and it nearly drove him mad, especially as the meeting went on and on and on, long past its usual end. The other gods talked and talked of nothing, argued and huffed and bragged and Gale had to restrain himself from banging his head against the back of his throne. He just wanted this to be over, more than ever before, but the sun was sinking low before he was finally released. He was up almost before Gloss was finished dismissing them and he didn’t even wait for his brother to make his customary invitation for refreshments before he refused it. 
“Sorry brother, but I have to go. So much work to do,” he called over his shoulder and then he was in his chariot, charging swiftly down the slope of Olympus and across Greece. The others would surely speculate about his haste, but he didn’t care. Let them talk, it no longer mattered. His chariot flew across meadows and fields and then he was in their copse of trees, his shadow form already dropping. His eyes searched eagerly, tension in his chest and there she was. Madge was waiting in pale, misty blue with flowered vines woven round her arms. She leaned against a tree, her head tilted back to absorb the dying sunlight falling through the leaves. Her hair shone golden and spilled against the brown bark behind her back and Gale stopped his chariot short to admire her. They were the antithesis of each other, how could she be here? If anyone was to pull away from him, shouldn't it be her?
Life and death are intimately connected; one could not exist without the other 
He felt a grin tug at his lips as he stepped off his chariot and ran a calming hand along Nyctaeus's flank. Madge rolled her head to the side and saw him, her welcoming smile pooling warmth in his stomach. She pushed slightly off her tree and waited, the blue of those eyes drawing him in. He walked towards her and the bitterness he was so used to did not touch him here, his anger left far behind. 
"Hello Gale," she said and he smiled a little wider, her voice turning his name into something wonderful. 
"Hello Madge."
She beckoned him closer and he went, though not nearly as close as he wanted to. She beamed. 
"I'm so glad you're here. Now tell me of the Underworld," she said, her eyes lit up with eagerness. Gale grinned and forced his mind to straighten, even as her proximity drove him to distraction.
"You don’t wish to hear of today's meeting?" he asked and she laughed, her eyes dancing merrily.
"I would but I know better than to ask you," she teased and then lowered her voice to a mocking grunt. "It was the same. Nothing happened, we did nothing and everything was the same."
Gale laughed and shook his head, her giggles meeting his. When was the last time he'd laughed like this? He couldn’t even think of it. Madge pressed a hand to her mouth and fell back against her tree, her eyes twinkling. 
"So no," she said, "I don't wish to hear about Olympus. Tell me of your home."
Home? Was the underworld home? He lived there certainly, had for so long he could barely remember when he hadn't, but had he ever felt at home there? He shook his head; Madge was waiting for an answer, not a philosophical crisis. 
"Well, there are three layers to it. The highest is Elysium where the best and greatest go," he began and Madge nodded, a dreamy look coming over her face.
"Mother has spoken to me of the Elysian Fields, where heroes rest in paradise. Is it truly so lovely?"
"Yes. It is the smallest section of the underworld's realms, but by far the most beautiful. The weather is always golden and warm, the land verdant and lush, the food rich and savoury. They want for nothing nor do they know any hardship or discomfort. It is the land of the blessed and so they delight in whatever pastimes please them, without worry or concern."
Madge sighed. "How wonderful. But where do the rest go? They cannot all find homes in Elysium."
Gale shook his head and moved a step closer, his legs growing bold.
"No, the truly righteous are few. The majority of people go to the Asphodel Meadows. That is the land for those who have done no great evil, nor any great good. They are not so blessed as those who dwell in Elysium, but it is not an awful afterlife. The sun is weaker there, unable to reach so far down and mist hangs ever upon the ground. It is the largest realm of the underworld and the most populous. And beyond that, there is-"
"Tartarus," she breathed and he nodded.
"Yes, Tartarus. Only the most wicked of souls are sent there and they spend their eternity punished for their crimes."
"And the Titans? They're kept there too, aren't they?"
Gale nodded and came closer again, filled with a bravery he hoped was not misplaced. He leaned against her tree with folded arms and tilted his head to look down at her. They were very close now, barely inches between them and she pushed off the tree and turned to face him, her shoulder leaning into the bark just as his was. The wind hummed through the woods and blew hair into her eyes and Gale's hand itched to reach up and brush it from her face. He wanted to be that bold, wanted to woo as Gloss or Marvel would, but caution told him not to take the chance. He did not want to risk this.
"Yes. The Titans are kept prisoner in Tartarus as well, guarded by their half-siblings the Hecatoncheires."
Madge bit her lip. "Hecatoncheires. Do they truly have a hundred hands each?"
"Yes and fifty heads."
Madge's mouth popped open and he grinned, his fingers still yearning to touch her. She let out a breath, her head shaking in disbelief. "I can't imagine such a person. But I suppose the world is full of such things, isn't it? The plants tell me all sorts of stories of giants, monsters and heroes, but it is so hard to believe they’re true."
Gale laughed and slid a little closer, his feet brushing her toes. He felt the contact like a jolt of Gloss' lightning and Madge turned pink, though she did not pull away.
"You are a goddess," he teased and it felt so good, "is it really so hard to conceive of other such beings?"
Madge ducked her head and tucked stray hairs behind her ear, a self-deprecating laugh passing her lips.
"It’s silly I know, but they are only stories to me. I have never met them, have never felt their impact. My world is small, even mortals do not seem entirely real."
Gale frowned and Madge looked out over his shoulder at the meadow beyond.
"My mother will be home soon," she said in a flat voice and Gale did not mean to wilt, but wilt he did.
“I do not want you to get in any trouble,” he said and Madge let out a soft hum.
“And I wouldn’t want to get you in any trouble either.”
Gale looked up and met her wry grin with one of his own. “I suppose you should go then,” he said even though that was the last thing he wanted. She nodded but did not move away, her eyes staring searchingly into his own. 
“I just…I just wish I didn’t have to. I wish there was some way I could stay and talk with you.”
Gale did not know what to say to that and Madge bit her lip, vulnerable eyes waiting for his response. How lonely she must be locked up in that house all day. I know that feeling well, don’t I? That stray lock of hair against her forehead twisted in the breeze and without even really thinking about it, Gale reached forward and brushed it from her face. She inhaled softly, her cheeks reddening, and his fingers burned where they’d grazed her skin. 
“If…if you say my name, if you invoke it in prayer, I will hear. If you call, I will come,” he whispered, the words falling from his lips without thought. She stared at him and he pulled his hand back, the tingle of her still living in his fingertips. 
“Alright, I will. I will call on you as soon as I’m able” she breathed and Gale nodded. They stayed like that for a moment, uncertain, the sun dipping all the way below the horizon. The first of the stars began to peek out and Madge surged up and kissed his cheek, her lips warm and soft on his skin. Gale stiffened, her feather light fingers touching his other cheek and her eyelids fluttering closed. She smelt of fresh earth and wildflowers and a voice in his head screamed that this was foolish, wrong, would never work, but for once, Gale didn’t listen. He rested his hands on her hips, her warmth bleeding through him and burning away his every shadow. Madge clung to him for the single brightest moment of his life and then she was gone, only the sweetest hint of flowers left in her wake. She ran back to her home as the moonlight flooded the meadow beyond the woods and Gale watched her as she went, her hair turned silver and streaming out behind her. He touched his cheek and he could feel her there still.
Madge was breathless and giddy as she sped home, her feet skipping through the moon drenched flowers. She had never been out this late before and Gale hummed inside her blood, the warmth of his hands upon her, the feel of his skin beneath her lips. She almost laughed to the night, freedom and joy buzzing through her bones. She fell into her front door and slipped inside, her hands pressed to her heart.
Gale, oh Gale, I will call you back to me soon
She turned and suddenly the warmth left her, an icy chill settling on her shoulders.
“Mother,” she whispered and Seeder stared at her from across the room. Her mother’s eyes widened, her mouth trembled and oh no, oh no oh no no no.
“You were outside,” Seeder accused, fury mingling with the fear in her gaze. Madge opened her mouth but could find no words to answer. She backed into the door and Seeder strode forwards, her face covered over in rage.
“What were you doing outside?” she demanded and Madge shook her head.
“Mother, I-”
“I told you not to go outside!” she shouted and Madge shrank back. Seeder reached for her and Madge gasped as her mother gripped her shoulders.
“What were you doing, what were you doing? Do you want to be lost? Do you want them to take you from me?”
“No,” Madge said, struggling in her mother’s grasp, “no, of course not. I just…I just”-
“How could you be so stupid? How could you?” Seeder cried and Madge felt something desperate building inside of her. 
“Stop it,” she pleaded but Seeder didn’t listen.
“Do you want to be lost? Do you want to be abducted?”
“No, stop it.”
“How could you be so foolish, so reckless-”
“STOP!” Madge shouted and Seeder was stunned momentarily speechless. Madge shoved at her mother’s chest, pushing her away and Seeder went, stumbling as she did. Madge breathed heavily, her heart pounding.
“I was outside because I can’t live like this, I can’t! I’m a prisoner, I’m trapped and I need to get out. I never go anywhere, I never meet anyone. I can’t live like this anymore,” she said raggedly and Seeder shook her head in disbelief.
“Madge, my Madge I am trying to keep you safe.”
“I know, I know. But I’m not safe, I’m miserable. I’m going insane staying cooped up like this, I want to live,” she said, angry tears burning at the corners of her eyes. Seeder’s face began to darken, a violent wind began to howl outside and Madge felt frustration mount within her.
“You are living; a good, safe life. How dare you be so ungrateful? I have done everything for you. I will not listen to this. You will go to your room and you will stay there. Do you hear me?” Seeder demanded and Madge felt like the walls were closing in on her. She’ll never let me go, I’ll never leave. I’ll live forever, and I’ll be trapped here for all that time. No, no, I can’t. I won’t.
“No! I won’t be your prisoner! I won’t!”
Seeder reached for her but Madge was quicker. She yanked open the door and fled into the rising tempest, the wind tearing at her hair and dress. She ran as fast as she could, her mother’s shouts drowned out in the gale. Madge did not stop, could not, her legs carrying her deep into the woods and away from that damned house, far, far away. She needed to get away, she had to get away, but to where? Where would she go?
If…if you say my name, if you invoke it in prayer, I will hear. If you call, I will come
Madge fell to her knees in the dirt and dug her hands into the earth, even the voices of the plants lost in the creaking of trees and the screaming winds.
“Hear me Gale, answer my prayer lord of the underworld. Take me away from here, take me away,” she begged and in the time it took her to blink, he was there. A traveling cloak whipped behind him, his hair blew in every direction and his horses pawed the ground, tossing restless heads in the storm. Moonlight hit his eyes and made them shine, the breath stolen from her lungs. He held out a hand.
“Are you sure?”
Madge did not hesitate and placed her hand in his.
end of part one
Just a heads up, the next chapter should be up in about two weeks, rather than the usual one. I'm almost done the next chapter of roses are red, roses are white and I want to focus on finishing that up, which means I probably won't have time to the next chapter of this one done for monday. Sorry!
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Dmitri Island - ch 2
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(Moodboard done by the lovely @sandersonosterfield ✨)
A/n: hello everyone!! Here’s the next chapter to this lovely series!!! It’s a bit of a filler, but who doesn’t love a slow burn? 😏🥰 also I apologize for how long this is it’s suuuper long but it’s necessary! Promise 👌🏽
Warnings: just a whole lotta fluff, mutual (but not known) pining, and a twinge of jealousy 😏
To say that the next week before the trip flew by was an understatement. It seemed like the work week went with the snap of a finger, and everyone was buzzing about the opportunity to get away. The group chat that consisted of you, Harry, Sam, Tuwaine, Harrison, and Tom had the same several messages on rotation.
How many days do we have left again?
Can’t wait to work on my tan 👌🏽
It was as if every time you heard your phone buzz, the boys were talking about their plans for this island getaway. A lot of it consisted of how they all were going to get laid, which was quite an annoying conversation to be a part of, considering Harry and Tuwaine were egging Tom on finding a fit girl for the week.
Every time you saw the texts transpired about this topic, it made your blood boil. The whole idea of a vacation was to relax, not for hookups. But of course, the boys had other plans, plans of which included bringing Tom in on their shenanigans. You knew that getting this upset over the thought of Tom holding another girl close, hands trailing up and down her body, leaving open-mouthed kisses up and down her body... ugh, it made you positively shudder. Because you so desperately wanted that to be you, but you kept your feelings to yourself.
The day before travel day, everyone agreed staying at Tom and Harrison’s was the best idea. It made it easier for everyone - no one had to wake up super early to commute in that damned London traffic, everyone could ride together, and they had the most rooms out of everyone’s apartments. It was a win-win.
“Do you guys only eat pizza when I’m not here, or do any of you actually cook?” You asked as you opened the door to the boys’ apartment. You walked in and immediately saw three brown pizza boxes on the kitchen counter, two of which had already been emptied prior to your arrival.
“Well, y/n/n, we weren’t gonna actually cook anything the night before we leave for Dmitri Island! That would be silly,” Harrison greeted you, exiting the kitchen whilst polishing off his recent slice.
He walked over to you and leaned in to give you a hug and a messy kiss on your cheek, which made you giggle. “Ugh, Haz, you gave me a greasy pizza kiss! That’s gross!”
“Mhm, that’s what you get for arriving late, love,” Harrison laughed as he kept an arm slung around you.
Harrison and you always had a very brother/sister dynamic right from the get-go. After being introduced to him by Tom, you found out that you both had a lot in common, and even pulled a “Step Brothers” moment. It was like having a younger brother with Harrison. He was a hard-ass and a little shit, but was always such an amazing confidant. He was your go-to guy (if Tom wasn’t around) when it came to anything: work-related problems, friend issues, and even guys. Always playful, always there.
Tom had walked in on you and Harrison greeting one another, and for some reason he felt this heart drop at the sight. You and Harrison were normally affectionate, definitely platonically, but it stirred something inside of him. Seeing you in your work clothes - the way the black and white pea coat was slightly opened to reveal those high-waisted black, tailored dress pants you loved, a tight beige mock neck sweater hugging your curves, black belt with a gold buckle holding it all together - and that damn greasy kiss planted on your cheek made Tom’s jaw tighten. And he had no idea why this was affecting him so much.
Just pull it together, Holland.
“Well, Haz, y/n has a real big girl job that she actually has to commute to. Not like some of us,” Tom teased as he leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen.
Your head snapped around when you heard his voice, and you swore you let out a small gasp. He looked damn good. With his tight black v-neck that nearly skimmed the top of his very lowly-slung light grey joggers, so low that you could nearly see the white band of his Calvin’s peeking out, and his disheveled dark brown curls looking as soft as ever, it was enough to turn you into a pile of mush.
You shook the thoughts that were slowly starting to accumulate out of your head as you broke into a smile. “That’s right, Tommy. I do have a big girl job. We can’t all be actors now.”
“Yes, you know what they say. Those that can’t act land corporate jobs,” Tom teased with a wink, and you felt your knees get a little bit weak at the gesture as you walked over to give him a hug.
You felt his arms snake around your entire body as you reached up to his neck to hug him, his fingers drawing small little circles as you squeezed him tighter. You took in his warm, woodsy scent as he breathed in your woodsy floral notes of your perfume, a smile gracing both of your lips. You two stayed like that for a good five seconds before Harrison coughed. “Alright, you two leave some of the hugging for the rest of us, now.”
You and Tom broke apart quickly, light tinges of pink gracing both of your faces. You rolled your eyes as you messed up Harrison’s hair. “Whatever, div. Now, where am I staying?”
Harry cleared his throat as he turned his head from the couch where he was currently playing his PS4. “Well, y/n/n, we have some bad news...”
“Oh no, what did you divs do now?” You groaned.
“See, here’s the thing: Tom forgot that he was getting the guest room renovated, something about adding a bath or whatever in there, so our spare room is occupied now,” Tuwaine replied as he entered the room, his face turning away to take whatever reaction he was going to get from you.
“Oh my God, Thomas. You forgot about a major renovation happening in your home, right before we’re to go on vacation?” You turned to face Tom, rolling your eyes.
Tom’s face turned a darker shade of pink, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. “Sorry, darling, it’s hard to keep track of what kind of maintenance is needed or scheduled ‘round here.”
You took in his face for a moment, full of remorse and guilt, and you sighed audibly. “It’s alright, Tommy. Just need to figure out where I’m staying, that’s all.”
“Y/n, you’re more than welcome to take one of our rooms if you want,” Sam offered from the sofa, a small smile gracing his freckled face.
“Or, y/n, why don’t you stay in Tom’s room? He has the biggest bed, and we will not allow you to sleep on the couch. That shit is uncomfortable,” Harrison interjected, a sly grin growing on his chiseled face.
Harrison wasn’t a stranger to you and Tom’s obvious pining for each other. You both haven’t admitted yet to him (to which he has no idea why yet), but he knew you both were liking each other more than just best friends. You two were perfect for each other, so it was hard not to ship you both. He knew you two both would end up together one day for a while, he was just waiting for the opportunity to make it happen. And this was a start.
You ignored Harrison’s stare as you looked around the living room. Those couches were only really good for naps, but full on sleep? Nope, definitely not going to be good. “I don’t mind it really, though,” you lied.
“Y/n, that’s ridiculous. You’re getting my room, darling, no excuses,” Tom shook his head, placing his calloused hand on top of your clothed shoulder. You felt his thumb slowly move up and down, and the butterflies from earlier returned in your stomach. You looked up to see his dark brown eyes pleading at you, sparkling under the warm fluorescent lights of his home.
“Fine, only because you’re making me,” you poked his side, causing a mini fit of giggles to escape from his lips.
“Alright it’s suited then. Y/n, you can have the last of the slices of pizza, then we need to be going to sleep, boys and girl. We have an early morning tomorrow,” Tuwaine spoke, and wit that, the boys left to finish their packing, and Harry to his game.
You and Tom still stood in the kitchen as you went to grab a slice of the pepperoni that was left for you. “Mmm, you know, these are not as good as back home, but I’ll take it.”
“Well, y/n, we don’t have New York pizza here in London, darling. It’s just whatever we can find,” Tom chuckled, giving your arm a slight shove.
“Oh well, London can’t have everything now,” you joked, returning the shove back to him.
“Ah, love, we definitely do. It’s just not New York,” Tom quipped, stealing the slice of pizza from your hands as you were about to take another bite.
“Oh, you’re gonna regret that, Holland,” you look at him incredulously as he gives you the most wicked smirk.
Tom hums at your remark. “I would love to see you try, y/l/n.”
Tom’s heart beat is racing with the look you’re giving him. The playfulness behind your frown, the flicker of mischief that flashes across your eyes is enough to send the blood rushing to his head.
Control yourself, Holland.
“Oh just you wait, movie star,” you smirk as you start making a mad dash to Tom’s room, Tom following suit.
After you two nearly chased each other around the apartment, you two were laying at the edge of his California king bed, trying to calm down your ragged breaths from running around. You both were exhausted, but couldn’t move.
“Ugh, I wish someone would just take off my makeup for me, because I’m too damn comfortable right now,” you groaned, rubbing your temples.
“Darling, if you want, I could,” Tom replied, turning his head to face you, those damn dark browns twinkling so brightly.
“Oh, Tom, it’s okay. You do not need to do that, I appreciate it though,” you blushed, sitting up and looking directly at the hardwood floor to cover the heat rising to your face.
“I don’t mind,” Tom assured you, and he walked out of his room for a minute without explanation.
You frowned in confusion at his abrupt movement, when he came back with your sleek, leather suitcase in hand. “Alright, let’s get ready to sleep, y/n/n.”
“Tommy, you really don’t have to do this, you know,” you smiled weakly as you looked between your suitcase and Tom.
“Y/n. Stop being foolish and get your damn makeup wipes out so I can clean your face,” Tom concluded, stretching his hand out.
You rolled your eyes as you opened up your suitcase to find your wipes, handing one to Tom in defeat. He took the wipe from you, and with his other hand, he yanked you off the bed with a chuckle escaping your mouth.
Tom led you to his master bathroom as your pulse began to quicken. Walking into the giant restroom with marble flooring made you realize how intimate this was - Tom was about to take off your makeup. You and Tom were definitely affectionate, maybe more so than you and Harrison, and you definitely had your fair share of cuddle sessions with Tom, but this was a whole new level. And it made you nervous.
“You okay, darling?” Tom turned to look at you as he felt your hand subconsciously squeeze his a little.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about all of the travel we’re to do tomorrow,” you lied as you looked into his coffee-colored eyes. God they were beautiful eyes.
“Oh, y/n/n, it’ll be okay. It’s only a short drive to the ferry, and then before you know it, we will be in paradise, darling,” Tom comforted. “Now, come on, we need to get this shit off of you and our beauty rest.”
You chortled as you hopped onto the black and white marble counter. Once you were settled, Tom stood in front of your legs. He placed his large left hand on your right cheek as he took the wet wipe in his hand and smeared it across your left cheek. His gentle touch was electrifying against your skin. You couldn’t help but close your eyes at the touch.
Tom was doing all he could to be careful not to hurt you. He knew how to take makeup off, he’s done it so many times that it’s almost second nature to him. But it’s you. And even though this is just taking off makeup, he was being as careful and calculated as he could. He subconsciously started running his thumb along your jaw while working on the left side of your face, and for a second the swore he felt you lean in to the touch, but he quickly shook it off with a blush.
Holland, what the hell are you doing??
Tom swapped hands to start on the right side, and he finished before you even knew it. His touches were as light as a feather, and it nearly put you to sleep for a minute.
“Y/n, you’re all done,” Tom whispered as you fluttered your eyes open.
Once you did, you saw how close he was to you. Like it was so close that you could feel his warm breath dance along your lips. So close that you saw the many freckles that were scattered all along his nose, and boy were you tempted to reach out and touch them. You smelled peppermint wafting into your nose as his breaths started slowly to become more ragged. You followed his gaze to your lips, and you felt your face grow hot.
“Thank you,” you stammered, pulling away slightly to hide, yet again, another blush, and exiting the bathroom.
“You’re welcome, love,” Tom breathed, redness encompassing his face.
He followed you back into his room, walking to his chestnut brown drawers to pull out pajamas. Once he found pj’s, he went into his linen closet that was conveniently placed by his bathroom door and reached for a blanket and some extra pillows.
You watched the action in confusion. “Thomas, why are you grabbing those for?”
“Because you’re gonna be sleeping here. I’ll take the couch so you can have room,” Tom explained with a shrug.
“Nonsense, Tommy. You don’t need to do that,” you concluded. “Your bed is legit the size of the Atlantic Ocean, it’ll be okay. Also, it’s not as if we haven’t fallen asleep next to each other before.”
“Yeah, but that’s always when we all have our movie nights,” Tom cautioned, his eyebrows raising curiously. “Are you sure?”
You nodded your head as you took out your pajamas (really, it was just some old jogger sweatpants and one of Tom’s old t-shirts he gave to you a while back) from your own suitcase. “Yes, you idiot, now I’ll go change in the bathroom while you change here, and we can finally get that much needed beauty rest.”
Tom smiled, his face softening at the sound of your words. “Alright, darling. I’ll be here!”
You returned the grin as you shut the bathroom door to change, your stomach nearly dropping at the remark.
Holy shit, you’re about to sleep in the same bed as your best friend... your crush.
Pull it together, y/l/n!
Once you were in pajamas, you swung open the door to see Tom already laying in bed, his phone casting an illumination on his face. He was shirtless, which brought that same heat to your cheeks again, and you saw a peek of his dark grey joggers from under the covers. His hair was much more disheveled than it was when you first arrived, but he still looked ravishing.
Stop lusting over your best friend, y/l/n! Act normal!
Tom felt eyes on him as he looked up to see you staring at him. “Hmm do I have something on my face, darling?”
“Oh, no, sorry,” you mumbled, “just tired is all.”
Tom felt his heart go to mush when you yawned, stretching your arms high above your head. He always thought you were cute when you were sleepy, with you constantly rubbing your eyes, and your hair being slightly messy from you fussing around with it. Whenever you would come over in the evenings after work, you would always get like this, and your cuddliness made Tom’s heart increase in size.
“Come on, love. Let’s get some rest,” Tom beckoned, tapping the left side of the huge bed.
You padded over to the crisp, white bedding and slid in with a sigh. You didn’t realize how tired you were until you sunk yourself deeper into Tom’s sheets, a deep yawn escaping your lips.
You felt Tom shift beside you, and turned to see him looking at you with a puzzled look on his face. “Is that my shirt?”
You looked down at the black scoop neck tee you were wearing with a lazy but embarrassed smile. “Yeah, remember? When I spilled the tomato soup that your mom made all over my white blouse, and you gave me this top so I wouldn’t have red stains all over me?”
Tom laughed loudly at the memory, shaking his head. “Oh yeah. Still can’t believe you managed to dump an entire spoonful of tomato soup onto your shirt while you were serving it for yourself.”
“Oh hush, Holland,” you shoved him in between laughs.
The two of you were so tired at this point, that you both were doubled over in laughter. It took a good five minutes before you finally took control over your breathing, letting out a sigh. Tom followed suit, and looked over at you with the goofiest grin on his face. “Ah, y/n, you’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?”
You turn your body towards him and gave a lazy smile in response. “Yep. And you love it.”
Tom hummed as he arched an eyebrow. “Okay, sure, Jan...”
“Holland, don’t use a meme on me right now,” you chuckled, giving him a light slap on his right shoulder. “Now let’s get some sleep before I pass out right now.”
“Whatever, y/l/n,” Tom teased as he pulled the covers up over his body.
You slid down into the sheets, not really knowing what much to do besides turn on your left side, having the covers tucked under your right arm. This was such a weird feeling. You sleeping in the same bed as Tom. Your best friend. You never thought you would be in this position, and the many times you had dreamed about it, it definitely was not because of the lack of rooms in the home.
“Y/n?” Tom whispered from behind you.
“Yeah, Tommy?” You asked, turning your body to face him.
“Can we... cuddle? I’m really cold right now,” Tom mumbled, heat rising to his cheeks.
You felt your own face grow hot at his words. “You, cold? That’s impossible,” you teased. “But yeah, I don’t mind.”
Tom grinned sleepily at your response as he pulled you close to his body, and you nearly gasped at the abrupt action. You quickly nuzzled into his neck, with your head resting on his chest and his left arm slung around your body. Your right arm was laying across his bare torso, your forearm grazing the sculpted abs that graced his beautiful body. Your legs were intertwined with his so naturally, it was as if it were normal.
“Goodnight, y/n,” Tom yawned, a sleepy smile growing on his face.
“Night, Tommy,” you muttered into his neck, immediately dozing off in Tom’s safe arms.
tag list: @jillanaholland
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messedupessy · 5 years
Bb! Bby! My sexy neighbor! I'd love to see the writing prompt no. 2 with Seaswap bois. :>c Good ol brother shenanigans are a rarity and it would be cool to see this with my fave pirates!
Ahhh finally after weeks it’s finally done gknrengjek UwU ❤ sorry for the wait Gasty bb seems like I ended up with a bit of a burnout or something, but hey I finished it at last so here ya go enjoy :D wrote like most of it today and it turned out pretty good yes
Also translations of Pass’s accent will be at the end ye
Shut Up and Catch Me
Relationship: None, just bros
Warnings: Minor panic attack but otherwise none
Prompt: “Quit asking how I got stuck up here and just catch me.” 
Summary: Don't question how an explosion could make him fly off of a building.
This was not how he thought his day would go.
Like, Boney was used to be in dangerous situations, it was kinda part of the lives he and his brother led.
But his current predicament was a bit unusual to the usual dangerous situations he usually got into.
Because he was currently stuck, clinging for his dear life, onto a flag pole. After been literally blasted off of a building, don’t question how that was even possible. Since someone, no other than his brother of course, had gotten careless with his blasted explosives.
And he would have slid down the pole already if it wasn’t for the fact that his one boot had gotten stuck and all tangled up in the rope used to raise and lower the flag.
He could technically just slide his foot out of the boot or just cut the boot off, but there was no way he was going to cut them up to get free, they were some of his favourite boots and there was just no way he was ruining them or leaving it stuck up there!
He also refused to run around with only one boot that would just be stupid and he would look silly.
Which was why he was in the process of trying to untangle the mess of ropes his boot was stuck in, using a small knife he had pulled out of said boot to slowly but surely cut the surprisingly thick ropes while holding onto the pole with his other hand so he wouldn’t end up back dangling upside down with only the rope holding him up.
Letting out a small indignant sound of irritation, he kept on cutting into the rope carefully as to not accidentally cut and ruin his boot, worry growing inside of him as he kept hearing shouting from the slavers he and his brother had gone and visited and ended up fighting.
Like yes, he knew his brother was like a one man army, but that didn’t stop him from getting worried about his safety anyway even though he knew that his brother was more than capable of getting out of anything completely unscathed, especially since the people they were fighting was way more incompetent than usual.
After several more minutes of him fighting with the rope, so was he very close to just say screw it if his boot got ruined as his worry for his brother just grew, as his brothers safety was way more important than the safety of his boot and he let out a stream of curses in various languages that he knew because why was the rope giving him so much trouble it was ridiculous!
An all too familiar booming, and laughing, voice cut Boney off from his string of curses, making him quickly look down to the ground and lo and behold there was his brother, looking as bright and lively as always with no visible injury he could discern from where he was at, which made him breathe out in relief.
“quit askin’ how i got stuck up here an’ just catch me!”, Boney shouted back down, with some irritation still left in his voice, as he then proceeded to finally succeed in cutting through the rope that was holding his prized boot, and himself, stuck on the pole, letting out a small sound in victory.
“AH AARICHT GIT YA!”, Pass replied grinning widely as he extended his arms out in preparation to catch his brother.
Boney grinned as he then pushed himself away from the pole and began his descent towards the ground, as he could just have slid down the pole to get down which he originally had intended to do, which technically would have been easier and much safer, but…
What was the fun in getting down if he couldn’t do it as dramatically as he could?
As he fell through the air, looking up at the night sky a intrusive flash of something he wish he could stop remembering flashed through his mind, the all too familiar scene of been surrounded by water as he quickly sank down into the depths of the ocean, his eyesight getting blurry as his lunges were filled with liquid.
He couldn’t breathe.
Boney barely noticed as he landed safely into his brother's arms with a soft thud, his brother laughing over his shenanigan, but which quickly stopped as Pass then looked at him in worry, feeling how his whole body was shaking in his arms as Boney kept his eyes shut.
“BONAY…? YE ARICHT?”, at the sound of his name Boney snapped out of it, his sockets opening wide while breathing in deeply as he caught his breath and looked into the face of his brother who was looking at him with concern.
“ye-yeah i’m good.”, he assured him, quickly making himself calm down and pushing what he just had experienced into the deepest reaches of his mind where it belonged.
He then, with his expression turning from minor panic to more of a pout, he gave Pass’s shoulder a small smack as he said chidingly. “but ye should really watch ye explosives…! me outfit almost got ruined thanks tha ya!”
“MWHEHEEHE YE KIN AYEWIS GIT FREISH ONES!”, Pass laughed, clearly deciding not to ask Boney what just happened which he was grateful for, even though he knew his brother most likely would try to bring it up later which he was so not looking forward to, since Boney just wanted to ignore it and pretend it never happened.
Before Boney had a chance to reply, a window shattered loudly behind them, alongside the familiar smell of smoke from something big burning and gunpowder.
“pass… what did ya do?”
“MWHEHEHEE WEILL…”, Pass chuckled, but before any more words escaped him the oh so ever familiar sound of a massive explosion been set off was heard loudly behind them.
Pass turned around towards the sound, so both of them got to watch as the large fancy mansion they had been in earlier, and which Boney had gotten blown off of to start with, get completely exploded apart with pieces of wood and other parts that made it up fly everywhere.
They stood there, or well Pass did as Boney was still in his arms, watching the now completely ruined building, debris and the remaining standing walls quickly catching fire while the still remaining and alive slavers kept shouting and screaming.
“… dunno why i’m even shocked.”, Boney eventually muttered with a deadpan, Pass letting out another laugh at his reaction. His brows suddenly furrowed as he asked. “ya did get what we went here tha get tho, right? ye didn’t jist go an’ blow tha place up before getting’ it?”
“NA NEED TAE WIRRIE BRUTHA, AH GIT THA THIN’ SAUFELY IN ME POCKET, YE KEN A NAW SUMPF!”, Pass immediately reassured him with a roll of his eyes, still smiling wide.
“aye, i know.”, Boney grinned in turn, he then wrapped his arms a bit tighter around his brother's neck, making sure he was secure in his hold. “anyway we been dallyin’ here fer tha long, let’s head to tha ship pass before tha survin’ guards finds us.”
“SHUIR THIN’!”, Pass grinned back, shifting his hold slightly on Boney before he began sprinting towards the ship, holding his brother securely in his arms while sounds of more explosives been set off and people screaming and shouting was heard here and there around them.
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sunshineandfangs · 5 years
Klarosummer - Bali, Indonesia || Terbang Menjauh
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​Caroline stared up at her light yellow ceiling from where she was sprawled on her bed. Even gazing straight up she could see in her peripherals the gaps where photos and cheer competition trophies and wall decorations used to be.
Most of her things had been moved to her dorm in Whitmore, leaving only the essentials in her old bedroom. And as Caroline laid in the bare bones of her childhood she wondered to herself what the hell she was doing.
She had turned down acceptances to her child self’s dream schools, bundling herself up and shipping away to somewhere close to home. And she had her list of reasons. Wanting to be close to her mom. Wanting to be close to her friends. Not wanting to waste the limited amount of time she had left with her human life, not when she had all of eternity promised to her.
And they were valid and important reasons, but she was also tired. 
College was supposed to be one of her last big human milestones. Instead she and her friends were inundated with more Supernatural shenanigans: killing Silas (again!), burying collateral damage (how she fucking hated those words), uncovering anti-vampire secret societies (Augustine 0/10, do not recommend), Travelers, endless friggin’ drama.
So, that’s how she ended up here. 
Contrary to her Caroline Forbes neurotic, control-freak on crack persona, she had spontaneously taken the weekend off to just get some space. Some perspective.
The sound of the front door opening carried up to her ears.
“Hey, Mom?” She called out, already half-down the stairs.
In uniform, as always, her mom jolted, hand going for her gun holster until she processed who was there. 
The woman relaxed, though her eyebrows pinched together a bit, confused.
“Sweetie, I wasn’t expecting you.” The older blonde set down her coat, lips slightly down-turned. “Is something wrong?”
Caroline shifted, fingers rubbing at the material of her floral dress.
She bit her lip. 
“Mom? ...Would-would you be angry if I took a break from college?”
And although Caroline’s relationship had vastly improved with her mother (it only took her death), she was still surprised by the calm reaction. 
Her mom just pulled a chair out from the kitchen table and sat down.
“Can you tell me why?”
She paced back and forth, trying to put her mental state into words. 
“I just- I feel tired. Right now, school is actually one of my lower priorities because it seems some new supernatural problem pops up every week. And even if that wasn’t part of the issue, I also know I can go do school anytime. Hell, I can go more than once if I really want to. And honestly, I never thought it would be me who’s saying something like this, but I want more time to discover what it is I want from my life.” 
Caroline turned to face her mother, offering a slightly self-deprecating smile. 
“You know me, I had all these plans. My five, ten, twenty year goals and lists and priorities all mapped out. And then a year ago I had to scrap most of it.” She ran a hand through her curls, turning slightly to pace a few more steps. “But now, I’m coming to realize maybe I’ve been clinging too hard to the parts I had left, rather than scrapping it and coming up with a new plan. One that works for the me I am now.”
“You seem to have given this a lot of thought.”
A giggle burst from Caroline’s lips. 
“Actually I haven’t! Maybe it’s been building for a while, but earlier today I just hopped into my car and drove down here.” 
She turned back to face her mom, hearing as the woman stood from her chair and walked over.
Her hand was warm but firm on Caroline’s shoulder.
“Caroline, I know we haven’t always been the best people to each other, and I haven’t always been the best mom. But I did always want you to be happy, healthy, safe. And this is the first time in a while I’ve seen you truly passionate about something. So, if you came here for my blessing, you have it.” The sheriff affixed a wry little grin on her face. “And if you wanted my guidance... well, maybe a happy medium between a twenty year plan and hopping in the car.”
Caroline’s resulting smile was enormous, practically beaming in delight. And she threw her arms around her mother, all but smothering the poor woman in a hug as she hid the beading tears starting to gather at the corner’s of her eyes.
“Thanks, mom,” she whispered.
Back in her room, having hashed out some of the logistics of leaving so suddenly (Thanks, Mom!), Caroline dug out her old globe. She grinned, tickled by the cliche she was about to indulge in.
Shutting her eyes and giving it a quick spin, she set her index finger on the textured plastic as it slowed and stopped.
Eyes opening, her finger traced over the bright pink islands. Small black text declaring her destination.
“Indonesia,” she breathed in wonderment.
A smile started to stretch across her face, she knew little about Indonesia.
In a blur, Caroline darted around the room, snatching up her laptop and scrounging through her near empty desk for a notepad and a sad three little highlighters (cyan, pink, and yellow).
And even as she pulled page after page of Google results, her tab count growing by the second, another resource idea wiggled around in the back of her head. Almost subconsciously her hand reached for her phone, pulling up her contacts, and pausing. Her thumb hovering over the K’s as Caroline glanced down at the screen.
Spontaneity has been working for me.
Before she could second guess herself and talk herself out of it, she tapped the name, pulling up the little menu and hitting ‘Call.’
It rang.
Ring. Ri-
“Hello, Caroline.”
“Klaus,” she breathed.
“I must say, sweetheart, this is a pleasant surprise. After our lovely rendezvous in the woods I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon.” She could hear the smile in his words and felt a bloom of heat in her cheeks (God, she couldn’t wait until she didn’t blush so noticeably anymore. Old vampires got all the perks). And then his tone shifted. “You’re not calling because you’re in trouble are you? I haven’t received any such news recently, but if you need something just say the word I’ll-”
Caroline cut him off with a laugh, ignoring the little flutter of her heart and the silly grin on her face. “No, no, it’s nothing like that!” Pause. “Wait a minute, ‘received any such news’? Klaus!” She admonished.
He was unrepentant. “I have not broken my word, I’ve not set foot in Mystic Falls.”
She scoffed. “Gee, I didn’t think I had to voice how not okay creepy spies are, Klaus. My mistake.”
Rather than reacting to her typical jab, Klaus responded with his unnerving brand of sincerity.
“I will not apologize, Caroline, for wanting some measure of the dangers in your life. Your friends aren’t exactly known for their restraint.”
“Yeah, well,” she mumbled, not having much defense against that. “That still doesn’t make it okay!”
“I’d rather your ire than your death, Caroline. Augustine, the Travelers, Silas? I admit I was a mere hairsbreadth away from breaking my word to you.”
Caroline coughed, flustered. She waved her hand in the air, as if he could see her trying to brush away the sentiment.
“Well, nevermind all that, it’s not why I called.”
She heard a door close and sheets rustle, Klaus having apparently retreated to his room to talk to her. Unbidden, imaginings of his bed sprang into her mind, before she quickly snapped herself out of it.
She cleared her throat. “Right, um, so actually I was wondering, if you had any traveling tips for Indonesia?”
“Indonesia?” He repeated, surprised.
“Um, yeah, I decided I wanted to get away for a little while. See a bit of the world and all that.”
“And college? Building a life for yourself with all your plans and the future and the things you want?” 
She blinked, not having expected to hear her own words parroted back to her.
He continued, seeming to sense the direction of her thoughts in that uncanny way of his. “I remember all our encounters vividly, Caroline, and that day in particular is quite seared into my memory.”
She clicked on one of her forgotten tabs, absently reading the quick tips guide as she tried to calm her suddenly elevated heart-rate. 
Her eyes froze on a line of black and white pixels, unsure of what she was even reading. Did she really want to keep doing this? Wasn’t she trying something new?
So, she took a breath and took a chance.
“I still have plans and things I want, Klaus. It’s just expanded to include some genuine beauty as well. After all I’m free, right? No longer bound by trivial conventions?”
Klaus sucked in a breath, and Caroline was pleased she could catch him off guard for once in this conversation.
“Yes, you’re free, Caroline,” he said softly, layers of meaning in his tone. The words sat heavy between them, the two feeling as if they were on the precipice of something.
And then he cleared his throat. 
“So tell me then, what parts of Indonesia do you most wish to see?”
Caroline grinned, pink toe nails gleaming as she wiggled her feet in the smooth, hot sand.
She had been in Bali for a few days now, mostly indulging in its gorgeous beaches. 
Of course Klaus had tried to steer her towards some of the more culturally enriched spots as well as a couple of the hidden gems he had come across in his own travels. But he had conceded (with some grumbling) to her desires to experience the more touristy attractions. 
The beaches were first, just for their sheer relaxation factor, but she also had a list of temples, and Pura Besakih was one she was particularly looking forward to seeing.
And she may have casually mentioned that, perhaps, next time she visited he could show her his preferred places. That earned her another surprised breath and significantly less grumbling. (She was quite glad it wasn’t a video call though, her expression far from the cavalier attitude her voice implied).
Caroline shook herself from her thoughts, eyes glancing around to find the perfect spot to situate herself. Settling on one quickly, she then set it up to her liking. Towel, beach chair, beach umbrella (closed for the moment though, she wanted to bask in the sun first!).
Lounging in her chair, she shucked her shirt and sarong, leaving her clad in a light blue bikini. Sunglasses perched on her nose, she let her eyes drift shut, the sun warm on her skin.
She wasn’t sure how long she laid there for, but a frown pulled at her lips as a shadow fell across her.
Wondering which rude fellow beach goer was about to get an earful from her, she cracked an eye open.
Both eyes blew wide as she shoved the glasses up.
“Klaus?!” She spluttered.
He smiled.
“Hello, Caroline.”
...Should she be mad about this? Did she want to be mad about it?
As Caroline continued to stare at him, it was the tinge of uncertainty she saw that convinced her.
Pushing her glasses back down, she leaned back in her chair once more.
“Well,” she sniffed. “Don’t just stand there, you’re blocking the sun.” She held up her fingers. “Sun, sand, swimming, the three essentials of the beach. I won’t settle for just two of the three, Klaus!”
His smile turned into a grin as he quickly sat on her towel, leaning back on his hands as he turned to look at her.
“Lay down, Klaus,” she commanded. “This is quiet, relaxation time. We’ll talk later.” She hesitated before tacking on, “I’m glad you’re here though.”
“Don’t let it go to your head!”
Klaus grinned as he laid back.
Too late.
Author’s Note: Today’s title is “Fly Away” in Indonesian. Also le gasp, what’s this? Mid-TVD canon divergence?! Wow, I didn’t know I knew how to do that lol. Also the vagueness and timeline jumbling is because I quit watching after season 3 so everything I know after that point I’ve absorbed through fandom osmosis.
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millenniumringg · 5 years
Star Gazing
A heartshipping short Summary: Ryou needs a little reassurance in regards to his social life. Yugi is there to tell him that everything is going to be okay.
Rating: PG (scar mention, but other than it’s just fluff :-) )
Word Count: 2,981
Read on my ff.net or below the cut
“I won’t let you kill my friends. I’ll fight, too.”
Panic, fear, determination; All emotions felt at once. Shouting, but no one can hear him. Screaming, begging, crying, but no one can see him. He can feel the pain. The sound of small, fragile bones being snapped, tendons being ripped apart.
Ryou sat straight up in his bed, sucking in a breath. He was panting. His entire body was drenched in sweat. Hair stuck to his face. His chest moved in and out quickly, trying to keep up with the pace of his heart beat. The room was dark. It was quiet.
Ryou’s hands felt the blanket covering his legs, gripping the fabric to make sure it was actually there. His hands then came together, damp fingers tracing over the scar that seemed to throb, even though that was impossible. Ryou could swear he felt pain, but the doctor had told him it wasn’t possible. The nerves were dead, and what he was feeling was similar to the phantom feeling of losing a limb. Ryou liked the way the doctor described it, but didn’t like the feeling itself. 
His breathing was slowing down and he sunk back into his mattress, head plopping down on his pillow. It wasn’t often he had “the nightmare,” but it came back once in a while. It never scared Ryou afterward, but his mind was fearful in the dream. He didn’t like that. Ryou didn’t like the idea of having no control over his dreams. Of course, he’d attempted lucid dreaming, but it ended in him admitting that it was much harder to do than he thought.
Ryou stared up at the dark, seemingly nonexistent ceiling. The room was dead silent, and he wished that it wasn’t. It had been a while since he allowed himself free time with his friends, but lately the thought of inviting everyone over was rather overwhelming. Ryou wasn’t in the right place the past couple of weeks, but he felt longing for a friend. It was just hard to take the first step.
Even after the past two years, after the Items were put back where they belonged, Ryou felt distant from his friends.
He knew he shouldn’t, but Ryou felt guilty.
Dearly, he wished that everything that happened between the spirit of the Millennium Ring and The Pharaoh didn’t involve meddling with the trust and relationship between him and his friends, but it did. Ryou never felt right with everyone, and he convinced himself over the years that nobody felt right with him. He should have done more. He should have been stronger… 
Ryou sighed. It wasn’t good to think that way, but he couldn’t help it. 
It seemed it was time to attempt to contact an old friend.
The next morning, Ryou tiredly wobbled out of bed and performed his morning routine. He brought his phone to the kitchen table along with breakfast and a cup of coffee. Though, he didn’t eat it right away like he usually did. His fingers lightly tapped on the table and he stared at the blank screen of his cell phone.
Ryou didn’t have a problem talking with Yugi or anything, but it was hard to make the call first. It was almost like a damage to pride. An admission to defeat. It was silly, but Ryou would have preferred to be on his own. He didn’t want to bother anyone. Especially Yugi. What if he was busy? What if he had other plans?
What if he didn’t want to hang out with him?
Ryou knew that silly, irrational fear was what kept him from calling right away. There was that lingering thought - That feeling of not belonging. Yugi knew everyone else for longer, had done more with them than Ryou throughout all of school.
Ryou groaned, lowering his head down to rest it on the table. All of this was ridiculous. Yugi was a friend. Ryou’s best friend. He shouldn’t expect himself to handle everything alone.
With a deep breath, Ryou sat up and picked up his phone to dial Yugi’s number. He held his breath until he heard Yugi’s voice.
Even though Ryou had called, he was still taken off guard. He hesitated. “Hi. It’s Ryou. But, uh, I guess you knew that, huh.”
Yugi chuckled. “Yeah. I did. What’s up?”
“Ah, nothing much. Just eating breakfast.” Ryou paused. “Um.. Yugi? Can I ask you something?”
“Of course. Shoot.”
Ryou bit his lip, already feeling his palms begin to sweat. “Are you, um… Are you free tonight? Or this weekend?”
It felt like too much time had passed. This was it. Rejection was coming.
“My weekend is free. Did you want to do something?”
Ryou held the phone away from his face and let out the air he was holding in. He cleared his throat before responding. “Absolutely. Can you spend the night?”
“Of course I can. Should I-”
“Bring the telescope?” Ryou finished the sentence. He smiled. “For sure. I’ll see you at six.”
“Six it is. I’ll be there.”
Ryou hung up the phone and set it down on the table. He was smiling, and he didn’t realize how long it had been since he smiled so genuinely. He shook off his nerves and took a bite of his toast. He had to hurry up and eat so he could get everything ready for later.
The doorbell rang, and Yugi dropped one of his bags to give his arms a rest. The door opened and he was greeted with a smile.
“You’re here! Let me help you.” Ryou stepped outside and picked up the bag Yugi dropped and took the other bag that was in his hand. “Come on. We have to discuss the plan.”
The two walked inside and Ryou dropped everything in the living room which, to Yugi’s surprise, looked nothing like how he remembered it. Ryou had moved the furniture in a particular way, creating a huge fortress of blankets and pillows. There was a glow of a lamp in the center, and colored lights hung from the ceiling. Yugi couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s the occasion?” 
“The occasion is my best friend.” Ryou wiped his hands on his jeans, for they felt a little sweaty. “And I also take pride in my fort building skills. What do you think?” 
“Well, in that case, I suppose this proves you’re a fort building master.” Yugi set his bag down and put his hands on his hips. “Alright, Ryou. I’m all yours. What’s the plan?”
Ryou waved a hand and walked over to the kitchen, where a basket and a blanket were sitting. “It’s supposed to be clear skies tonight. I know a perfect spot in the back where we’d be able to see Mars. What do you think?”
Approaching the basket, Yugi smiled. “That depends.” He lifted the lid of the basket to peek at the contents inside. He hummed. “Hm… Alright. Snacks look good. Lead the way, star genius.”
Ryou felt his face grow warm, and he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. He was still smiling. It was impossible at this point to stop. “I’ll, um-” He giggled. “I’ll take the telescope bag if you carry the picnic stuff.”
Yugi nodded, and the two proceeded with their tasks. Ryou slung the long duffle bag over his shoulder and lead the way out the back door. A couple blocks away, there was an empty field with a tall hill overlooking a playground. Ryou had gone there to be alone before, but it wasn’t nearly as exciting as it was going with Yugi. Ryou couldn’t wait to show him the spot, and he had already been there earlier to get it ready. 
The walk wasn’t long, but it would feel long if it remained silent between them. Friendly conversation was inevitable. Yugi initiated it first.
“So, how have you been?” He asked, looking up at Ryou’s face. Yugi noticed his smile begin to fade.He quickly tried to shift the mood. “I-I mean… I just haven’t heard from you in a while. I’m glad you called. I was starting to get bored, haha.”
Ryou licked his lips, readjusting the strap of the bag so it rested more comfortably on his shoulder. “Yeah. I know. I’m glad I called, too.” He looked down at his shoes, watching the illusion of the sidewalk move beneath his feet as he walked. “I just didn’t want to bother you, I guess. I’m sorry. I should have answered your texts. I just…”
Yugi nodded. “I know. It’s okay to want to be alone.” He smiled at Ryou and nudged him in the arm. “I just miss you sometimes.”
Ryou lifted his gaze then, mirroring Yugi’s smile. “Yeah. I know.” He cleared his throat. “So, what have you been up to? Any updates?”
Yugi began to chat about the others, filling Ryou in on the latest Jou shenanigans and Anzu’s progress in her dance classes. Ryou asked questions and Yugi happily answered them. Of course Ryou missed the others. It’s gotten harder to meet up with them now that they’re getting older. They don’t get to hang out like they used to, and in a way that was another factor in Ryou’s distance. He didn’t want to get closer, only to have to let go soon. 
But it was too late. Yugi had him hooked. Ryou’s heart yearned for the comfort of companionship, but right now he was content spending the evening with just one.
Soon, they reached the park, and Ryou led them up the hill. It was a bit of a trek, but it was worth it to see Yugi’s face when he saw the layout Ryou had set up.
A blanket was laid out on the grass, and soft white lights circled around it. The view of the clouds made it that much more great, for it seemed as though they were close enough to touch them, even if they were thousands of feet away. It was simple, but in the glow of the sunset, it all looked perfect.
“Oh gosh…” Yugi stopped in his tracks to look at the view. “This is amazing. How come you’ve kept this all to yourself, huh?”
Ryou laughed as he set down the bag, once again assisting Yugi and relieving him of his duty of holding the basket and blanket. “Have a seat. I can set it all up. Oh, and this blanket is in case we get cold.” Ryou set the items down on the glowing blanket in the grass, then proceeded with the task of setting up the telescope.
“I guess I’m getting the royal treatment today,” Yugi commented, sitting himself down on the blanket and helping himself to a snack in the basket. “I feel special.”
“As you should.” Ryou took out the parts and began to piece them together. “It’s a special spot for special people only.” He smirked, looking up at Yugi, but his eyes were slightly hidden by his bangs. “Don’t you go telling anyone about this spot now. It’s confidential. Top secret.”
Yugi chuckled. “Got it. My lips are sealed.” He sighed contently through his nose, turning his head to look at the sunset. It was probably the most perfect sunset he’d ever seen. Something he only thought would be seen in paintings. The reds mixed in to purples, the purples turned to orange, and the orange turned into yellow. The clouds seemed to be perfectly placed, and Yugi wondered if maybe Ryou was somehow the one to put them in place. Maybe Ryou had painted the sky.
He must have been staring for longer than he thought, because before he knew it, his thoughts were interrupted by Ryou’s voice. 
“It’s ready!”
Yugi blinked. He turned to see for himself. He laughed. “Already? That was fast.” His eyes squinted teasingly. “A little too fast if you ask me. Are you sure you’re not a robot? It all adds up, if you ask me.”
Ryou laughed, picking up the telescope and walking over to place it in front of the blanket. “I wish. I think I’d make for a great robot. You wouldn’t even suspect a thing.” He took a peek in the telescope, already spotting the stars in the sky. Grinning, he looked back at Yugi. “Come on, you have to come look at this.”
Yugi moved closer, and they took turns looking up into space. The sun continued to set lower and lower, until it finally disappeared. The sky was lit up, and a telescope wasn’t even needed if beauty was what they were looking for. When Ryou knew the time was right, he stepped away from the telescope and tilted his head back, looking straight up at the sky. He scanned the blinking stars, searching for something in specific.
“I found it! Yugi, let me show you.” He tapped Yugi on the shoulder to get his attention, then pointed up at the sky. “There it is. Do you see it? Do you see Mars?”
Yugi moved to stand next to Ryou, following his finger to find what he was looking at. “Oh yeah! Wow… It’s amazing. It glows so bright.”
“It looks so much cooler in the telescope. Here, I’ll show you.” Ryou quickly grabbed hold of the device, peering in and readjusting it so that it was in the correct place. “Oh my gosh. There it is.” He moved out of the way, gesturing for Yugi to come see.
“Oh wow!” Yugi stared into the lens, taking in the sight of the planet. It had shape and shadows. It was unreal. Almost impossible to believe he was able to see it so clearly through a standard backyard telescope. He thought about the painting thing again. Ryou made it that way. He must have. He crafted the sky, piece by piece, until it was perfect. And it was. Yugi finally looked away, smiling fondly at Ryou. “It’s amazing.”
Ryou nodded, rubbing his hands together. They began to get sweaty again, though the night breeze was giving the rest of his body a chill. “Yeah. I… “ He sat down on the blanket and turned off the fairy lights that glowed around it. “I like it this way better, though.” Ryou lay back, resting his hands over his stomach. “It glows in the sky. Not so much in the telescope.”
Yugi joined him in laying down. He found he had to agree. Seeing a single orb glow bigger and brighter than the stars around it was much more stimulating than seeing it up close. Although, both sights were certainly something special. “Yeah. You’re right.” Yugi let out a calm puff of air, closing his eyes for a moment. 
It was quiet between them. Peaceful. 
“I missed you, Ryou,” Yugi murmured, turning his head to the side to look at his friend. “I missed stuff like this.”
Ryou turned his head as well, and the two were looking at each other. He swallowed, nerves acting out against his will. “Yeah. I-I missed you, too.” Out of habit, his fingers rubbed the palm of his left hand, anxiety causing the scar to feel as though it was throbbing. “I just-Sometimes I-” Ryou took in a deep breath, but he couldn’t maintain eye contact with Yugi anymore. “I’m just… afraid sometimes.”
Yugi turned on his side, his brow furrowing in concern. “What do you mean? What are you afraid of?”
Ryou sat himself up, looking down at his hands as his thumb continued to rub the palm of his left hand, rubbing into the scar tissue in an attempt to feel the nerves that were once there and working. His voice lowered into a quiet murmur. “I’m afraid of losing you. I… I just don’t know what I would do without you. I’m afraid to call you sometimes because I don’t want to bother you too much. I don’t want you to think I’m needy or- I don’t want you to worry about me because I can do it. I can handle myself. It’s just sometimes I... “ Ryou stopped talking for a second, his breath getting caught in his throat. He felt defeated. His subconscious thought surfacing itself, demanding to be revealed. Ryou let out a shaky sigh. “Sometimes I remember all those times. The ones that made you lose your trust in me. The times that I was so close to you, but I felt far away because I couldn’t remember or keep up with the conversations. I just-”
“Ryou,” Yugi interrupted, his hand reaching out to grab Ryou’s left hand, pulling it away into his own lap and intertwining their fingers. He gave the other’s hand a gentle squeeze. “I know. I know it’s hard not to think that way, but I promise you that you don’t have to anymore.” Yugi tilted his head slightly to make eye contact with Ryou. “You can tell me anything anytime. Or not. It’s up to you. But I know one thing is for certain.” Yugi scooted himself closer, then gently rest his head on Ryou’s shoulder. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m always going to be your friend. I never wanted to stop being your friend, either.” Yugi smiled to himself, feeling his eyes begin to well with gentle, happy tears. “We’re best friends. Whether you like it or not.”
Ryou looked down at their hands, a warmth seeming to travel through his body. Slowly, he rested his head atop Yugi’s, letting out a long breath of air. It almost felt silly to have doubted anything. He didn’t need to feel trapped anymore, like he did in the previous night’s nightmare. Yugi could see him. Yugi was listening. Yugi was touching, and breathing, and talking, and loving. Ryou couldn’t, and wouldn’t, ask for a better friend.
“Don’t worry,” He whispered, “I like it.”
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minaminokyoko · 6 years
Captain Marvel: A Spoilertastic Review
Well, here we are. Our first female-led Marvel movie (unless you count Ant Man and the Wasp, which I kind of do because Scott was basically useless and Hope ran the whole movie like a boss, but too bad she ran the show on a dull, rushed movie). How does it measure up?
It's fine.
I'd coin Captain Marvel as good, not great. It's definitely a popcorn flick, in the same vein of Ant Man for sure in terms of where it fits in our giant pantheon of MCU movies. I'd rank it dead center, so slightly underneath Cap 1 and Thor 2, but above Doctor Strange. I think Ant Man is a good comparison for the tone and the enjoyment of this movie, although it does do more to characterize the main lead than Ant Man did for Scott Lang. To be fair, though, somehow they end up in the same spot for my personal rankings.
So let's dive in and see why.
Overall Grade: B-
-Plenty of action. No shortage on that whatsoever.
-Lots of off-world adventures, for those fans who sometimes are annoyed that too many MCU movies are earth-based. We don't hit earth until about the halfway point and there are still some shenanigans then.
-The dynamic between Carol and Fury is a lot of fun. Larson and Jackson work off each other's energy very well and the banter feels fun and familiar without ever veering into any weird territory. Fury is just as effective as ever at her side, and it's before he becomes full on grumpy Dad Fury, so he's a lot less cold and it's fun to see.
-It was also delightful getting to see Coulson one more time, although it's a cameo, not a whole role as some of the trailers sort of imply.
-The female relationships are probably the strongest in the Marvel lineup, aside from Black Panther. Particularly Carol, her best friend Maria, and Maria's daughter. We don't see a ton of it, but it's just enough to put a huge grin on your face. It's very warm and endearing. I also like that Maria was not only a supportive best friend struggling to get over her loss, but she got to join the action as well, and it was badass. I really am happy with Marvel pushing forward to give black women more representation in the superhero genre. Too many folks think black women in film are only sassy best friends or baby mamas or Tyler Perry stereotypes. We love sci-fi/fantasy just as much as everyone else, and so I loved seeing two beautiful black actresses shining next to Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jackson. It lends the film a lot of heart.
-Brie Larson is relatively decent in the role. She has some moments better than others, but overall, she did a good job. It never felt like she couldn't handle the work of beating some ass, and she sold me far more than Gal Gadot did as Wonder Woman. Which, yes, I know, it's unfair and kind of tasteless to compare them, but I have to note it since I didn't care for the WW movie that this is what I was talking about with film presence. Gal Gadot, to me, looks like a supermodel wearing a Wonder Woman costume. To me, she never embodied the poise, agility, and strength that Diana has in the comics or in the animated series. I believed Gadot more during the softer parts of the WW movie, but she couldn't pull off the action because she just doesn't have the presence. Larson does, imo. She carries herself in a manner that makes me feel like she can kick your ass. She has a stance and a stature that allows me to feel her strength, and it's in line with other Marvel women like Widow, Okoye, or Scarlet Witch.
-My favorite part of the movie is hands down the "I'm Just a Girl" by No Doubt scene. Oh my God. I was internally squeeing and singing along with the lyrics while she kicked ass. I was so delighted to see them perfectly use that song that I already liked in high school anyway, and it just worked so well.
-I also liked the montages of Carol getting back up. That is a really, really important image for the girls growing up to see. It's not about how many times you fall. It's about how many times you still get back up. That's great. We fall and get dirty and scuffed and mocked and hated. But we still get up and try again every time. Love it. It's very empowering.
-The de-aging looked pretty good. Jackson is tougher since he's gained weight since the size he was back in the 90's but they filled in his wrinkles well enough. Coulson's looked better, although I did notice just it a tad bit during the stairwell scene, but overall, I thought it was well done.
-Gosh, her costume looks amazing. I want it. I want to wear it for Halloween. It's gorgeous.
-The sequence of the Skrulls acquiring her memories was very neat and uniquely done. Kudos.
-THE MOTHERFUCKING FIRST END CREDITS SCENE. Y'ALL. I SCREAMED. I SCREAMED AND CLAPPED MY HANDS SO HARD I HURT THEM. OH MY GOD. SHE'S ON EARTH. THE QUEEN IS ON EARTH AND WE SHALL ALL BE SAVED. SHE IS GOING TO TURN FUCKING THANOS INTO FUCKING PURPLE CLAM CHOWDER WITH HER BARE HANDS FOR KILLING FURY AWWWWWW YEEEEEEEEEEAH BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Ahem. Sorry. I am really goddamn excited about that tiny piece of Avengers: Endgame because Marvel and the Russos have been so fucking stingy with details. We still don't know the plot. We only have that 30-second Superbowl spot and the Sad Stark trailer. I was livid they didn't give us a final trailer in front of this movie, but I guess with it a month and change away, they're just banking on us frothing at the mouth wanting more. Jerks. But anyway, yes, this fucking scene is mint and I wish I could rewind it.
-Nick naming the Avenger Initiative after her was a great cherry on top moment.
-I fucking lost it when Nick started singing “Mr. Postman.” Deadass, I just started listening to that song about a month ago thanks to that one famous Vine where those dudes sung it acapella. I was dying. You go, Nick. 
-This movie overall has a bit of a bland taste to it. It's most revolving around Carol. The problem is that I think they were too chicken to dive deeply into who she is and her personality and her desires because they were afraid the feminists would complain that they made her too soft, so they replaced it all with action. Which is fine, some people just want a girl kicking ass, but I think it did Carol and Larson a disservice by rushing everything and doing drive-by characterization. The dialogue doesn't stick as well due to the bland flavoring, for example. If you ask me who Carol Danvers is, I can't really tell you. I can tell you what she does, but not who she is. I regret that probably the most out of everything. This movie is a bit of a vehicle than a movie where we discover who she is. We discover what she is, but not who she is. She's kind of just every tough, stubborn, smartass female lead you could see in maybe an Avengers OC fic on AO3. She really needed more distinct quirks and likes and dislikes, and I really fault them for cutting out her life on the Kree planet. It would have shown us so much more about her if we knew what her Kree life was like juxtaposed against her original human life, and it could up the stakes and help them sink it, and give more immediacy and concern to the dangers she faced.
-The villains were telegraphed. Again, people ding Marvel for this all the time. It's because they seem to struggle with balance. Often, the villains are thin to cut down the running time by not developing them at all. It's a shame. I've always found Jude Law very entertaining and I think they should have given him something to work with other than Obvious Bad Guy Pretending To Be Good. It was so transparent, much like the bitchy sister villain from Incredibles II. He might as well have been twirling a mustache. I mean, any dude who tells you your emotions are bad is probably not on the up-and-up. And it would have been better to see him and Carol square off at the end in an emotional battle than for it to just be a cheap shot and a joke. But I digress.
-While there was a lot of action, aside from the "Just a Girl" sequence, I will forget it all by morning. I think they wanted the movie to have mass appeal, so a lot of it comes across as generic. The stuff that stands out more are bits like finally seeing what alien Goose actually was or some of Fury's quips and the bits with Maria's daughter and Carol. The action itself is serviceable, but I'd have liked it to have more flavor if possible.
-Not outlining the limit to Carol's powers. This is going to be tough lining up with Endgame because she's so god-like we're gonna wonder if she just bitchslaps Thanos and that's the end. She feels overpowered without the chip limiting her, so I would have liked them to give us some kind of idea as to how she won't just wipe the floor with him in retribution in Endgame.
-Nitpick: Nick losing his eye to Goose annoyed me. People called it. I didn't want them to be right, but ugh, they were. It was a bit too silly for me.
-Nitpick: They really didn't need to waste our time with the second end credits being Goose puking up the Tesseract. We knew he did. You didn't have to show it, dummies.
-Nitpick: Was hoping for some 90's era cameos from at least one other Avenger, but no such luck. Damn. What a letdown.
I had fun, and I am eager to see her fit into the rest of the MCU. And I am also selfishly even more interested in Kamala Khan someday popping in as the new generation of heroes. Please, God, give me Kamala Khan. I want her and my son Peter Parker to team up and be the cutest superhero dorks ever. But until then...God help us all. Endgame is coming.
Enjoy the sunlight coming off of Ms. Danvers.
Because it's finna get dark up in here, my children.
See you in Endgame.
Kyo out.
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