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seriouslysnape · 1 year ago
Morning Shift
Dad! Severus Snape x Mom! Fem! Reader x Baby Tags: Fluff. Sev being a good dad. Reader getting rest she deserves <3. Baby being a cutie. Word Count: 2.0k "I didn't mean to oversleep."
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It was quite rare for you to have the chance to sleep in.
Even before the baby was born, you were pretty much up and going by dawn every day. It made you feel more productive to get up early and get the day started before the sun even had the chance to fully rise.
An occasional Saturday or Sunday would roll around where neither you nor Severus were in any rush to get up and moving. Those were during the slower weeks of the year, usually during the summer when Severus wasn't teaching and your work wasn't as demanding.
But after the baby was born, those occasional lazy weekend days had become pretty much obsolete. The mornings and nights had become less hectic as your newborn transitioned into an infant, and she was on somewhat of a sleeping schedule. However, when the baby was up, so were you.
Severus gave his fair share of helping out with the baby at all times of the day, but typically, Severus tended to her the most in the evenings. Severus usually fed her dinner, bathed her, and prepared her for her early bedtime.
It wasn't intentional really, but the two of you fell into a routine where you handled the mornings, the two of you rotated off during the day, and Severus handled the evenings/nights. Severus would help anytime when needed, but for the most part, that was the best arrangement.
On one particular weekend morning, however, the routine was different.
Severus awoke to a quiet house. There wasn't the sound of his wife stirring in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for him and the baby who would no doubt be babbling for her breakfast.
He felt a presence in the bed next to him, a gentle warmth coming from it as well. He was surprised to see you were still asleep, bundled up in the covers as comfortable as could be.
The warm glow of the newly risen sun beamed through the windows of the bedroom, spilling over your back that was facing the glass. He watched you only for a moment, pushing some stray hairs from your eyes and pulling the covers higher on you to keep you toasty.
It made his heart swell to see you getting some extra rest on your day off, and he made it his mission to let you sleep as long as possible. He was more than happy to be on baby duty that morning and a change of routine was a bit exciting.
The clock on his bedside table read 7:12 a.m. which did alarm him briefly. It was twelve minutes past the baby's usual wake up time, which meant either she was getting some extra sleep as well, or she was storming mad that no one had come to pick her up to begin her day.
Severus was quiet as he crept out of bed, his footfalls quiet as he exited your bedroom to enter the baby's room just next door. Severus always left the baby's nursery door slightly cracked in the event the baby needed something during the night or woke up earlier than usual.
He pushed the door open gently, a burst of sunlight painting the hallway. The room was perfectly warm for a January morning, a vast difference from the bitter cold on the outside.
He glanced at the crib, seeing some movement in the crib. She was squirming excitedly, happy that someone was finally coming to get her up for the day.
She was awake, but not agitated in the slightest that no one had come to get her yet. She was content to lie in her crib for a little while, the charmed mobile above her crib keeping her entertained. She couldn't have been awake for very long, considering it was only a few minutes after her usual wake up time.
Severus approached her crib with a gentleness that few knew he possessed. His dark eyes, so often narrowed with sternness, softened when they gazed upon his child.
"Good morning, darling." He smiled, reaching down to pick up the cooing baby.
His daughter smiled back at him with a sleepy grin and sluggish eyes, but held an expression of confusion as to why her mother wasn't there to wake her like usual.
"Not expecting me this morning, hm?" He asked, which only returned a yawn from his daughter. "We'll let Mum sleep in this morning. She deserves it."
The eight-month-old only babbled in response, mouthing at Severus' shoulder through his T-shirt. You and Severus were pretty sure she had some teeth coming in based on the fact that she wanted to chew on everything.
Usually you dressed the baby as the first step of her morning routine, but it was the weekend so she would more than likely be home for the majority of the day. Severus opted to leave her in her pajamas for now, which she had no protests with.
She was rather clingy today, her tiny hands grabbing for him to pick her up again once she was dressed. She knew that if anyone in the world would pick her up whenever she wished, I was Severus.
Severus struggled with leaving her when she wanted to be picked up. You had been telling Severus for the last month or so that it is indeed okay to let her sit on her own as long as she's being supervised. She was beginning to work towards crawling, and you knew the only way she was ever going to learn to crawl was if she had the chance to be on the ground.
But Severus couldn't resist his daughter's grabby hands and beaming eyes. He spoiled the little girl, and he just couldn't tell her no.
He whisked her down the stairs, smiling at her giggles when he pressed a kiss to her temple.
Severus knew it was time for breakfast, and he knew that she was going to get fussy if he didn't get her fed soon. He slipped her into her highchair, her legs wiggling as she squirmed with anticipation.
"What would you like for breakfast, princess?" He asked, only receiving an interested stare in response. "I know you like eggs...and I think Mum picked up some fruit yesterday."
Severus turned and surveyed the inside of the fridge, studying its contents to make a decision. She was getting impatient, whining and babbling for Severus to hurry up. She was on a specific schedule, and her late wake up time had her about fifteen minutes behind.
Severus went with his suggestion on the premise that eggs and fruit were a safe option. She wasn't terribly picky, but since this wasn't her usual routine, he figured giving her something that he knew she liked was best.
Severus selected a few eggs from the fridge, deciding to cook them all and divide the portion appropriately between himself, you, and the baby. He knew it wouldn't be long before you were up, so he got started on getting a pot of coffee brewed as well.
With a wave of his wand, the stove ignited and began cooking the eggs in a pan while he worked on getting some fruit mashed up for her.
"Strawberries or a banana?" He asked her, who was more interested in dancing in her chair than picking which fruit she wanted.
Severus was certain that she hadn't eaten strawberries before. He took a chance and went with the strawberries, retrieving a few and getting them smushed enough to be suitable for baby consumption. He plated the eggs once they were cooked,
He pulled up a chair to her highchair, holding the tiny baby spoon and bowl in his hand to begin feeding her baby spoonfuls of her breakfast.
She made a noise of approval with the strawberries, barely even swallowing before motioning for more. For an eight-month-old, she was a fantastic eater and would try nearly anything.
Your daughter giggled, her eyes sparkling with the sight of her dad in front of her. Severus couldn't help but feel a tug at his heartstrings. This was a side of him that no one else got to see, a side reserved only for his precious little one.
He felt so incredibly lucky to have a child. He felt even more blessed to raise her and love her in the ways he never was. He wasn't a perfect father by any means, but he made it his personal mission to never give her a reason to think of him as a bad father.
When her noises slowed and she hesitated to take any more bites of food, Severus stopped feeding her and began cleaning up. Slowly but surely, she was fed to satisfaction -- and Severus managed to fill himself up by getting bites in between feeding her.
Her face and shirt was painted with stains of sticky red from the strawberries, but she was happy as a clam and not at all concerned about the fact that she would most certainly need a bath.
Severus stood at the sink, letting her entertain herself while he arranged the dishes to be washed. When she gave a particularly joyous squeal, he knew that she had spotted something that she liked.
You were up now, standing in the doorway of the kitchen just freshly awake.
"Good morning, you two." You spoke gently, still clad in your sleepwear from the night before.
Severus turned, grinning at you with a small pink tint in his cheeks.
"Good morning, darling. We've just had breakfast." He smiled at you, his wife who he adored so dearly.
"I see that. You should've woke me up," You said. "I didn't mean to oversleep."
"Nonsense, darling. You needed the rest, and I am perfectly capable of taking on breakfast," He said. "I...assumed eggs and fruit were a safe choice."
"Oh, yeah. That's perfect," You approached the highchair, using your fingers to swipe some of her bed head hair to the side. "Looks like the strawberries were a hit." You laughed, noting the stains of red on her pink pajama shirt.
"Yes...sorry about that, my love." He blushed.
"I needed to do laundry today anyways," You smiled, not irritated in the slightest. "She'll be grown out of it soon."
A slight pang in Severus' chest made him go quiet for a moment. She was growing so fast that he couldn't even believe it. In four short months, she was going to be a year old. To think that it had been almost a year since she was born completely blew his mind. Next thing he knew, she would be starting her first day at Hogwarts and getting sorted into her House.
For now, he was enjoying her infant stage of life. Just as he had cherished the newborn phase, and how he would the toddler stage and beyond.
"I say it's time for a bath." You lifted her from her highchair, laughing again at how sticky she was.
"I can handle it," Severus said, turning the sink faucet off. "Might as well finish her morning routine."
"Are you sure?" You asked, feeling a bit guilty that he was taking on your usual morning duties.
"Absolutely," He grinned, taking her from you and turning his attention to her. "Mum will read you your bedtime story and put you to bed tonight. Does that work?"
She only hummed, clearly content with the arrangement they had going on today.
"Thank you, Sev." You said, thanking him for being so attentive and letting you sleep in for a bit.
"Oh, darling, it was nothing," He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Why don't you have breakfast and coffee while I get her ready for the day?"
Sure enough, Severus had a plate and a cup of coffee ready to go for you, a charm casted to keep the coffee hot and the food warm.
"The day where we have nothing planned?" You grinned, and Severus chuckled.
And to Severus, a Saturday with nothing to do was perfect. In a lot of ways, nothing was everything when you and the baby were around.
His family (albeit small) was everything he ever needed.
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andy-15-07 · 17 days ago
Dancing in the Dark
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader Word Count: 2151 Harry Potter Masterlist | request
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The Yule Ball was in full swing at Hogwarts, the enchanted Great Hall transformed into a winter wonderland of twinkling lights and shimmering icicles. Guests, both students and staff, mingled beneath soaring enchanted ceilings that mimicked the starry night sky. Among the dancers and laughter, two figures moved almost as shadows—one in a midnight-black cloak, his expression as guarded as ever, and the other, vibrant and warm with her deep brown hair and matching eyes that shone with a secret mirth.
Severus Snape stood near the periphery of the dance floor, his dark eyes fixed on the swirling couples. Ever the reluctant participant in frivolities, he had vowed to avoid such distractions tonight. Yet the magic of the evening, combined with the warmth that had settled between him and Y/N over the years, made resisting difficult. Their secret union—known only to the two of them—had transformed what would have been mere cohabitation into a partnership that whispered of forbidden tenderness and subtle defiance.
Y/N, elegant in a dress of deep forest green that echoed the quiet confidence in her eyes, spotted him. With a determined glint in her gaze, she moved through the crowd. “Severus,” she called softly, her voice carrying just enough to catch him off guard.
Snape’s features tensed at the sound, and he turned to see her approaching. For a moment, he appeared as if he might retreat into the shadows entirely, but then she smiled—a secret smile that seemed to illuminate the dim hall. “Must you always seek to disrupt my solitude?” he murmured, though his tone lacked its usual iciness.
“Disrupt?” she teased as she reached him, lightly tugging his hand. “Or perhaps liberate it?” Her playful remark was laced with both affection and a challenge. “Tonight is too special to waste watching others dance.”
He hesitated, his gaze flickering around the room as though calculating every potential risk. The Yule Ball was not just a celebration; it was an event where every glance and whispered conversation could unravel the delicate tapestry of secrets they had so carefully woven. Yet, as her hand tightened on his, he felt the old defiance stir—a readiness to break away from protocol, even if just for a few stolen minutes.
“Very well,” Snape conceded in a low voice, the single word charged with more meaning than any declaration could ever convey.
They slipped away from the main crowd, finding refuge in a quieter alcove where the strains of a slow, melodic tune drifted softly. The space was nearly deserted, lit only by flickering candles that cast gentle, dancing shadows on the walls. It was here that Y/N’s eyes, warm and earnest, met his. “I’ve missed this—us,” she said softly.
He arched an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. “Missed what exactly?” he replied, though his tone betrayed a hint of vulnerability.
“This,” she said, stepping closer until there was barely a whisper of space between them. “The closeness, the quiet understanding. The moments when it’s just you and me, away from everything else.”
For a heartbeat, the world narrowed to just the two of them. Snape’s heart, usually so guarded behind layers of duty and bitterness, softened imperceptibly. “It is dangerous, you know,” he warned gently. “Our lives… they demand discretion.”
Y/N laughed quietly, a sound that reminded him of distant, happier times. “Dangerous, perhaps, but worth every risk,” she countered, her tone resolute. “Every day with you, even in the shadows, makes it worth it.”
Their conversation paused as the soft strains of the music shifted into a slow waltz. The notes seemed to invite them to the dance floor once more. Without another word, Y/N extended her hand, an unspoken invitation. Snape’s eyes, dark and brooding, softened as he took it. “Let’s not allow others to see what we share,” he murmured, more to himself than to her.
Hand in hand, they stepped onto the dance floor. The swirling figures around them blurred into insignificance as the couple found solace in each other’s presence. The waltz carried them effortlessly, their movements synchronized in a way that defied the rigid formalities of the outside world. With every turn, every gentle step, they carved out a small haven amid the revelry—a secret dance known only to them.
“Tell me, Severus,” Y/N said between the soft hum of the music, “do you ever wonder what our lives would be like if we weren’t bound by these restrictions? If we didn’t have to hide?”
His gaze remained fixed on the space ahead, as if he were peering into an impossible future. “Every day,” he admitted. “But fantasy is a luxury I rarely afford. Our world… it is not kind to those who dare to dream too openly.”
She squeezed his hand lightly. “Then let’s dream in the dark,” she whispered. “Let this night be ours, free from the expectations of the world.”
As the dance continued, their dialogue deepened. They spoke in half-whispers, the language of shared secrets and mutual understanding. Y/N recalled childhood memories of enchanted winter nights, while Snape spoke of battles fought in silence and the quiet victories that defined his days. Each word, each sentence, built a tapestry of memories and hopes—threads that only they could see.
“I remember when you first challenged me,” Snape said softly, a rare smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I believed it was a foolish endeavor. Yet here we are.”
“You were always reluctant to see beyond the surface,” Y/N replied, her tone both teasing and sincere. “But I saw you—a man of depth, of passion, of hidden tenderness. And I had to know if the rumors were true.”
Snape’s eyes flickered with amusement. “Rumors, indeed. Who would have thought that beneath this mask of stern duty, there lies a heart capable of defiance? A heart that beats in time with yours?”
The music shifted once more, slower now, and the soft murmur of the distant crowd seemed to recede further. In that moment, they were alone in their shared world—a world where words were more than mere sound, where every syllable carried the weight of their clandestine bond.
“You know, Severus,” Y/N began, her voice tender, “there’s something I’ve always admired about you. Even when the world seemed so cold, you never lost your sense of loyalty—to your principles, to the few who truly mattered.”
He regarded her for a long moment, the stern lines of his face softening as he looked into her eyes. “I have learned that loyalty, when true, transcends even the most oppressive circumstances. And you… you have taught me that love can exist even in the darkest of times.”
Their conversation was interrupted by a soft laugh from a nearby group, but they remained undisturbed in their private reverie. The gentle cadence of the dance was a reminder of what they shared—a secret union, a bond that defied the judgments of the world outside these enchanted walls.
“Do you ever regret it?” Y/N asked suddenly, her voice barely audible over the music. “Choosing this life of secrecy, this path of constant caution?”
Snape paused, his eyes distant for a moment. “Regret?” he echoed slowly. “There are moments when the weight of our secret feels unbearable. Yet every time I see you, every time I feel the warmth of your hand in mine, I know there is nothing I would change.”
She smiled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears that spoke of both joy and sorrow. “Then let us not waste another moment hiding in the shadows. Tonight, we belong solely to each other.”
“Tonight, we are free,” he agreed, his voice firm yet gentle.
As the dance drew to a close, they lingered in the embrace of their shared moment. In the midst of the festivities, their whispered declarations and secret smiles wove a story of rebellion and devotion. The Great Hall, with its brilliance and splendor, was but a backdrop to a more intimate narrative—a tale of two souls bound together in silence and defiance.
Later that evening, as the crowd thinned and the echoes of laughter subsided, Y/N and Snape found themselves alone in a quiet corridor away from prying eyes. The corridor, lined with ancient stone and flickering torches, held an almost palpable sense of history—a history in which they had carved out their own hidden chapter.
“Do you think anyone will ever know?” Y/N asked softly as they walked side by side, the soft rustle of their footsteps the only sound.
Snape’s reply was measured, thoughtful. “Some truths are meant to be whispered, not shouted. Our bond is our own, and if the world cannot see it, then it is ours alone to cherish.”
Y/N’s hand found his once more, a silent promise passed between them. “I believe that someday, the truth will shine through. Until then, we have these moments, these dances in the dark.”
He gave her a look that mingled both admiration and protectiveness. “And in these moments, we will be whole.”
Their conversation continued as they strolled through the quiet corridors, reminiscing about past Yule Balls and sharing hopes for a future where their love need not be concealed. Each exchanged word reinforced the unspoken promise that bound them—loyalty, love, and the fierce determination to carve out a life that defied the constraints of the world around them.
In a secluded corner of the castle, they paused before a portrait of a long-departed witch, its eyes twinkling knowingly. “It seems even the portraits agree,” Y/N said with a light laugh. “They know that some love stories are too powerful to be confined by convention.”
Snape’s normally reserved expression softened. “Perhaps one day, when the time is right, we can share our truth with those who matter. But for now, let our secret be our sanctuary.”
The portrait’s painted eyes appeared to wink as if in silent approval. In that moment, surrounded by centuries of magic and mystery, Y/N and Snape felt an almost tangible sense of unity—a merging of souls that transcended the limitations imposed upon them.
Their night was far from over. Later, while the festivities continued in distant halls, they retreated to a quiet classroom converted for the evening into a private lounge. There, beneath a tapestry depicting the founders of Hogwarts, they allowed themselves to be vulnerable once more. Over steaming cups of spiced tea and the soft glow of enchanted candles, their conversation delved into the complexities of their past and the fragile hope for their future.
“Do you ever think about what might have been if we weren’t burdened by duty?” Y/N asked, her gaze fixed on the dancing flames.
Snape’s voice was a quiet rumble. “Every day. But duty and sacrifice have been my constant companions for as long as I can remember. You, however, have shown me that there is beauty even in the fleeting moments of freedom.”
She reached across the table, her hand brushing his. “Then promise me something,” she said, her tone earnest. “Promise that no matter how dark the night, we will always find our way back to this light—our light.”
He looked into her eyes, the vulnerability there a rarity. “I promise,” he said firmly. “Even if the world tries to tear us apart, even if secrets continue to shadow our every step, I will always find you.”
Their words, simple yet profound, echoed in the silent room. The tapestry above, a silent witness to their pledge, seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. For in that moment, beyond the constraints of Hogwarts’ ancient stone and the expectations of society, they existed solely as two hearts in perfect synchrony.
The hours slipped by, each minute filled with whispered confidences and the soft music of their shared laughter. As the first hints of dawn crept into the horizon, they reluctantly parted, each returning to their own responsibilities while carrying the warmth of their secret night like a cherished talisman.
Before parting at the castle’s threshold, Y/N leaned close and whispered, “Tonight was ours, Severus. And no one can ever take that away.”
He pressed his lips briefly against her forehead, a silent vow etched in the gesture. “Never,” he replied, his voice low and resolute.
And so, in the quiet aftermath of the Yule Ball, with memories of an enchanted dance lingering in the corridors of Hogwarts, Y/N and Snape carried on with their lives—a secret romance hidden in plain sight, a tender rebellion against the constraints of a world that could never understand the beauty of their union.
Their clandestine meetings, filled with dialogue that spoke of shared dreams and quiet courage, would continue to be the heart of their existence. In every stolen moment, in every whispered promise, they nurtured a love that was both fragile and indomitable—a love that, even in the darkest of times, danced defiantly in the shadows, waiting for the light of a future where truth might finally set it free.
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allikatt9 · 1 year ago
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Hiiii! If you're here, then you likely came from one of my side blogs. When I started writing on Tumblr, I made a side blog every time I started writing for a new fandom...which was fun at first but backfired because now I literally manage like a dozen blogs instead of just having everything on this blog :/
Nonetheless, all replies and comments on my side blogs will come from this blog! Below the cut I have linked all of my side blogs...and in the future, any new fandom that I start writing for will just be included on this blog :)
I appreciate the love and support as always <3 and maybe one day I can get everything transferred here HAHAHAHA.
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Side Blogs
Harry Potter - @seriouslysnape
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - @ghostandsoap
Red Dead Redemption 2 - @cowboymorgan
The Walking Dead - @twdbegins
The Outsiders - @theoutsiderslove
The Outer Worlds - @vicarfelix
Hannibal - @detectivehannibal
Law and Order: SVU - @detectivesvu
Midnight Mass - @midnightmxss
Impractical Jokers - @impracticallyjokers
Emergency! - @emergency-51
NCIS - @agentncis
Criminal Minds - @drcriminalminds
Stranger Things - @allstrangerthings
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ailoda · 3 months ago
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updated: 01.02.24
˚☽˚.⋆ fluff
We Can't Be Friends (wait for your love.) (❤✧): fortune favours the bold, so they say. but you're an awkward ravenclaw in yearning. (@sunnami)
Sirius says house chores are a group activity. (❤) (@luvindrr)
poly!marauders argue over who gets to marry you first. (❤) (@luveline)
Special Treatment (❤): you often found asking yourself one-too-many-times if the boys’ affection to you were just purely platonic or romantic. (@empress-simps)
Cuddle (❤): you really want a hug from your boys. (@cosmal)
Mini-Me (❤): your little sister captures the hearts of your boyfriends, you may even say she has a little crush on james. (@calliopesdiary)
poly!marauders come home drunk. (❤) (@luveline)
Quidditch Injuries (❤✧): you get hurt during a quidditch match. (@charlottes-diary-entries)
Thunderstorms (❤): roommate!marauders x shy!reader. (@writtenbymoonflower)
Apricots (❤): you and the boys are in potions and today's subject is amortentia! What could go wrong? (@xcalciumx)
Remus betrays Sirius for a cuddle and a nap. (mostly wolfstar) (❤) (@luvindrr)
Thinking about being hot, sweaty, & sticky in the middle of the night w the marauders. (❤) (@imsojo)
Aftermath of a Full Moon (❤): "You sure you feel alright?" (@seriouslysnape)
Black Cat Confessions (❤): a drabble with a slightly whimsical reader who will always defend her boyfriends. (@thesweetestofdreams)
new! Flowers (❤): when you bring your boyfriends flowers out of the blue, they panic. (@iamgonnagetyouback)
new! James Has A Crush...Or Four (they were destined from the start) (❤): James is the sun, the center of the universe, of course when you realize how brightly he shines you can't help but fight over him. it comes unexpectedly, the way it brings you all together. (@mischievousmoony)
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basicrese · 10 months ago
poly!marauders fic recs
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back to main navigation
one - shots
Aftermath of a Full Moon by @seriouslysnape
Lazy Days by @empress-simps
Please forgive this fear of mine (it used to keep me safe) by @thenyoumightaswellwrestleangels
poly!marauders x slytherin!reader by @madwcman
poly!marauders x Seer Slytherin fem!reader by @ellecdc
Sirius’ Arch Nemesis by @ellecdc
Sirius says house chores are a group activity by @luvindrr
Sweater by @hartsider
you don’t know shit by @wingedhallows
series & multi-parts
poly!marauders + lily x shy!reader by @ellecdc
shy! reader doesn’t know about Remus’ furry little problem
shy!reader learns about Remus’ furry little problem
The One With the Blouse (Wolfstar x reader) by @super-clearlysaltybouquet
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ficswjackson · 1 year ago
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favourite : severus snape fics 🦇
this will be a growing post where I will add more over time, you may see fics from here featuring on my favourite fics of list as well.
severus being ill by @frequent-apple
request | severus x oc severus is ill and y/n helps him, by looking after him.
[ nsfw ] come on time by @marvel-snape-writes
2.5k words | severus x oc. smut in the potions closest.
hair by @himegureisu
request | severus x reader severus snape and braids.
paternal figure by @seriouslysnape
5.6k words | severus x fem!reader severus and y/n are expecting,a. fic that goes through the nine months of pregnancy + how they live with it.
[ nsfw ] 'potion accident' by @frequent-apple
request | severus x oc potion accident, resulting in smut.
questions and answers by @himegureisu
request | severus x reader y/n and severus are marking exams, when y/n realises something about the way severus sets out his exams.
[ nsfw ] looking after severus by @frequent-apple
request | severus x oc femdom!reader y/n takes care of severus in the potions room.
you by @himegureisu
severus x fem!reader y/n's husband, severus, finally introduces you to his colleagues.
[ nsfw ] parchment by @frequent-apple
smut, straight up smut.
scarves and hats by @himegureisu
one shot ! severus x fem!reader y/n sends severus a scarf with their initials on as an apology.
[ nsfw ] dead man running by @seriiousgiirl
14k words | deatheater!severus x auror!reader y/n is consumed by hatred for your childhood friend and the person they love, severus and as events unfold unsettling truths come to the surface.
the yule ball (part 2) by @himegureisu
part 2 | severus x reader the yule ball is about to happen, and you arrive in the nick of time.
the cause of your happiness by @himegureisu
request | severus x dada!professor y/n is a professor and they always argue over the little things.
a momentary lapse in judgement by @himegureisu
request | severus x reader - y/n makes severus a plush of a cat.
joyful nightmares by @snowyslytherinowl
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seriouslysnape · 2 years ago
hello! can i get a severus lazy sunday morning with the reader? 🖤
Severus Snape x Fem! Reader Tags: None. Word Count: 1.1k "You can stay right here. I'll call you when it's ready."
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It was the pattering of rain on the roof that initially woke Severus up. It drummed on the house and sprinkled across the windows. The trees outside rustled from the wind that whistled outside. He let out a slow exhale at the sound of the low rumbles of thunder rolling off in the distance.
Three days of solid rain was more than enough, and frankly, he was missing the sunshine. Nonetheless, there wasn't a thing he could do about the weather, so he supposed that griping about it wouldn't do him any good.
After all, it was hard to complain when there was a beautiful woman curled up next to him.
Severus was a bit of a stirrer in the mornings. He wasn't typically one to lounge around in bed, typically getting up and on his feet the moment that his eyes opened. But you, on the other hand, liked to gradually wake up instead of getting a fast start to your day. If there wasn't an immediate reason to get up, then you were more than likely going to stay snuggled in for a little while.
With that being said, he tried to keep his movements to a minimum to avoid waking you. He could bear staying wrapped up in the sheets if it meant you getting some extra rest. He was perfectly content with holding you close and watching the weather rage on outside through the window.
Unfortunately, he couldn't control the volume and intensity of the thunder that accompanied the rain. One booming crack of thunder spooked you awake with a hard flinch and a light gasp. The sudden reaction even made Severus jump a bit, his arms holding you tighter as a gesture of protection.
"It's all right," He nuzzled his nose into your hair, pressing a kiss just above the tip of your ear. "You're safe. It's just a storm."
His morning voice always sent a chill down your back. It was deeper than usual, groggy and sluggish. You relaxed at the sound of it, releasing a relieved sigh when you realized that your house wasn't being attacked by some outside force.
"Mm. Still raining I assume?" Your eyes fluttered closed again in an attempt to slow the hard thumping of your heart.
"Unfortunately." He grumbled, his focus on you instead of the storm.
"It's not all bad. I've had you all to myself for three days straight." You giggled, the sound of your laugh spreading a warmth over his chest.
"Darling, has there ever been a time where you didn't?" He answered.
He pushed some fallen strands of hair out of your eyes, a small smile appearing on his features as he admired your calm expression.
"Generally, no. But sometimes the duties of being a professor steals you away."
He couldn't deny that. Just being a professor could be overly demanding -- adding in being the head of Slytherin and some occasional administrative responsibilities could most definitely dry up the well of his free time.
Before he met you, he spent pretty much every night at the school in his personal chambers. He didn't see the need in traveling home every night (as easy and convenient as it might've been) if he had no real reason to. He spent all of his time at Hogwarts from September to June.
But after meeting you and having the pleasure and blessing of your lives intertwining, he had to learn how to balance his work life and personal life. Now, he traveled home almost every single night, unless he just couldn't get away from his office and/or classroom.
He did everything that he could to ensure that you were his top priority...although, sometimes he still fell short.
"We still have well over a month before the term starts," He remarked. "Plenty of time before my schedule gets overly full."
"What's on your schedule until then?" You asked, eyes opening just enough to peer up at him.
He let out a low chuckle when he kissed your temple, the vibrations running down your side and causing a brief tingle in your toes. He exhaled a satisfied hum when one of your legs settled between his.
Another roll of thunder rumbled, yet not quite as vigorous this time. You smiled at him, which caused a tint of a blush to appear on his cheek.
"Doesn't sound too busy then." You ran your index finger's knuckle across the apple of his cheek with a feather-like touch.
"Just the way I like it." He smirked.
A round of silence followed. The two of you were just enjoying each other's presence and taking advantage of the fact that you had absolutely nothing to do...not to mention having a great excuse not to come up with something to occupy your time.
The rain was relentless after all. Who in their right mind would want to go out in this kind of weather? It was a perfect setup for a day inside.
There were plenty of things to do around the house. The only problem was that you had already been doing them for three days now.
You could only take a crack at raiding and reading your entire library for so long. The house was spotless and lemony fresh, so cleaning was crossed off your list. You were looking forward to trying a new recipe for dinner, but you assumed that you still had an entire day to get through first.
"What time is it?" You asked, realizing that it could've been noon for all you knew.
Severus raised his head just enough to peek over you to get a glimpse of the alarm clock on the bedside table on your side.
"6:47." He answered.
"Oh, that is so early," You gawked. "I'm too awake to go back to sleep though."
"Shall I make us some breakfast then?" He suggested. "You can stay right here. I'll call you when it's ready."
"Pancakes? Coffee?" You asked, a glittering admiration for the man talking sweet to you shining over your face.
"Of course," He nodded. "Whatever you want, angel."
He peppered kisses across your nose and down your neck, bubbly giggles and squeaks sounding out from your chest. You managed to squeal out an "I love you" through laughter and shrills.
He couldn't understand how someone like you could love him so much. He liked to think that he had done something in his life to deserve some like you. But in reality, he knew that he was just plain lucky.
"I love you," He returned the endearment before whipping the covers off of the bed, ignoring your hiss of disapproval. "Pancakes are on the way."
Once he was on his feet, he pulled the covers back over you, chuckling at the way you shimmied further down with a gleeful whimper. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before leaving to whip up the best stack of pancakes you had ever tasted.
"Enjoy the rain, my love."
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andy-15-07 · 13 days ago
The Potion of Our Undoing
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader Word Count: 2393 Harry Potter Masterlist | request
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The dim light of the dungeon barely reached the far corners of Hogwarts' ancient potion laboratory that night, yet it was enough for two figures to huddle around a simmering cauldron. Severus Snape's dark eyes, normally so guarded behind a veneer of disdain, betrayed an uncharacteristic flicker of apprehension as he meticulously measured ingredients. Opposite him, you stood with equal determination, your heart pounding with both excitement and trepidation. The project before you was no ordinary potion—it was known only as "The Potion of Our Undoing," an experimental elixir meant to reveal the hidden truths that both of you had long concealed behind rivalry and reserve.
"Severus," you began softly, your voice almost drowned out by the gentle bubbling of the concoction, "I believe we've reached a critical juncture. The potion's base is nearly complete, but there's one ingredient left—a rare flower that only blooms under a full moon." Your eyes shone with an intensity that balanced the thrill of discovery with a hint of something deeper.
Snape's gaze never left the cauldron. "Your optimism is as misplaced as it is dangerous," he replied, his tone low and measured. "This potion is volatile, unpredictable. One miscalculation, and it could expose more than our hidden desires." His words were clipped, yet behind them lay an emotion he would never openly acknowledge.
For a long moment, the silence stretched between you, filled only by the steady hiss of steam and the soft clink of glass. Finally, you spoke again, your tone tentative but earnest. "Dangerous, perhaps. But what is life without a bit of peril? Our endless bickering, our rivalry—it's a façade, isn't it? I sometimes wonder if beneath our constant sparring, we're both concealing something... something we're too afraid to admit."
Snape's dark eyes flickered, and for an instant you thought you saw a shadow of longing. "You speak as if you have already seen what lies beneath," he said, his voice a mixture of irritation and something softer. "I have no interest in airing personal sentiments over a potion. Our work here is strictly professional." Yet even as he denied it, his hand hesitated above a vial of shimmering liquid, as if tempted to cross an unspoken boundary.
You leaned in closer, lowering your voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "What if this potion isn't about exposing our professional secrets but about unveiling the truth we hide even from ourselves? What if, in our quest for perfection, we've been too afraid to acknowledge what we really feel?" The question hung in the air, heavy and daring.
Snape moved away, pacing slowly around the cluttered worktable. "Our emotions are liabilities, not assets," he declared, though the tremor in his tone betrayed his inner conflict. "I have dedicated my life to the precision of potion-making. Sentimentality has no place in that discipline." Despite his harsh words, the potion before you began to glow with an ethereal light, as if resonating with the charged atmosphere.
"Severus," you said, almost pleadingly, "don't you ever feel that our lives have been nothing but a series of calculated moves? That we've hidden behind rivalry to protect ourselves from being truly known? This potion—our undoing—might be the key to understanding what we're so desperately trying to avoid." Your voice was soft yet insistent, each word laced with the hope of liberation.
Snape's eyes narrowed. "Do you truly believe that this elixir could undo the carefully constructed façade we've maintained for years? That it could force us to confront the truth of who we are?" His retort was measured, yet the vulnerability behind it was unmistakable.
"Perhaps it won't undo us entirely," you countered, "but it might reveal the parts of us that we've hidden even from ourselves. We have spent so long cloaking our genuine feelings in hostility and criticism that we've forgotten how to be honest. I—I'm tired of it, Severus. Tired of pretending that our rivalry is all there is." Your words, spoken in the quiet sanctuary of the lab, seemed to dissolve some of the barriers that had long divided you.
The potion's luminescence grew, its colors shifting from deep violet to a warm, inviting gold. As you reached for two delicate cups, you added, "Maybe this potion will help us find the courage to be vulnerable. To admit that all this animosity might just be a mask for something... much more dangerous—and much more beautiful."
Snape's gaze met yours across the worktable, and for a long moment, neither of you spoke. Finally, he broke the silence. "What if it reveals too much?" he asked, voice quavering slightly. "What if, in acknowledging these feelings, we shatter everything we've built—both in our work and in our lives?"
"Then we rebuild," you replied firmly, stepping closer so that your faces were almost touching. "I believe that if we let ourselves be undone by this truth, we might find strength in our vulnerability. I have always admired your brilliance and your passion—even when you masked it with anger. I've admired you silently, terrified that if I spoke it aloud, it would all crumble."
Snape's hand hovered over the cup you offered him. "Control has always been my refuge," he murmured, his dark eyes reflecting both resolve and a dawning uncertainty. "But perhaps... perhaps it is time to let go." Slowly, almost imperceptibly, he took the cup from you and, with a deep, steadying breath, sipped the golden liquid.
The effect was immediate. The laboratory seemed to dissolve into a haze of colors and memories. In that surreal moment, both of you experienced flashes of every unspoken glance and every heated argument that had hinted at a truth too painful to confront. Old wounds and long-suppressed desires swirled together like the potion itself, breaking down the carefully erected walls around your hearts.
"Severus..." you whispered, your voice trembling as vivid memories washed over you. "Do you see it too? The moments we almost acknowledged? The silent admissions that we were too afraid to voice?"
Snape's eyes glistened with a mixture of shock and dawning clarity. "I see everything," he said, each word heavy with the weight of years. "Every time our eyes met, every whispered critique—I now understand that it was never merely rivalry. It was... it was something I fought against for so long." His admission, raw and unfiltered, hung in the charged air.
The potion's magic seemed to weave around you both, its gentle hum punctuating the surge of revelations. "I have spent my life controlling every aspect of myself," you continued, voice growing steadier as the initial rush subsided. "Afraid to show any sign of weakness, even though what I've hidden inside has been crying out for release. I've come to realize that our battles, our harsh words—they were our way of deflecting a truth we were too scared to face."
Snape's expression softened, his typical severity giving way to a tenderness seldom seen. "I was always terrified that if I admitted my true feelings, I would lose the only control I ever had. I believed that to show affection was to invite chaos." His voice cracked, and for a moment, he looked as if he might step back from everything he'd ever known. "But now I see that in hiding behind anger, I was merely protecting myself from the very thing that could have set me free."
There was a long, heavy pause as the two of you absorbed the transformation that the potion had wrought. The glowing liquid in the cauldron had cooled, its job done, leaving behind a fragile silence filled with promise and uncertainty.
Finally, you broke the quiet with a resolute tone. "What now, Severus? Do we continue as we always have, letting our rivalry define us? Or do we dare to embrace this newfound truth—even if it means dismantling everything we thought we knew about ourselves?" Your eyes shone with a mixture of hope and determination.
Snape's reply was immediate, almost desperate in its clarity. "I choose... I choose to risk it all," he declared, his voice low yet filled with conviction. "For too long, I have allowed fear to dictate my actions. I have hidden behind bitterness and pride, refusing to admit that beneath it all, I have longed for something more than mere professional rivalry." His gaze locked with yours, fierce and honest. "I'm tired of the masquerade."
A hesitant smile crept across your face as you reached out to gently grasp his hand. "Then let's forge a new path together—a path where our undoing becomes the foundation of our truth, where we stand vulnerable and unafraid of what may come." The sincerity in your tone left no room for doubt: you were ready to embrace the possibility of love, no matter how perilous the journey might be.
As the night waned, the laboratory filled with the soft murmur of continued conversation. You discussed the intricacies of the potion, each dialogue a careful step toward a future that neither of you had dared to imagine before. "Do you remember that time in Professor Slughorn's class, when you critiqued my potion with such intensity, yet I caught a glimpse of admiration in your eyes?" you recalled playfully.
Snape allowed himself a rare, wry smile. "How could I forget? Your potion was an utter disaster that day, but you handled my criticism with a grace I rarely see." His tone was teasing, yet beneath it lay a deep-seated respect that you knew had always been there, hidden beneath layers of rivalry.
The conversation shifted effortlessly from potions to personal memories. "I've always believed our differences fueled our best work," you observed. "Our constant challenges pushed us to innovate. Perhaps, in our attempts to best each other, we were actually encouraging growth—not just in our craft, but in ourselves."
Snape's eyes were reflective as he admitted, "I have spent so much of my life clinging to control, convinced that emotion was the enemy of precision. Yet, now I see that this control was never about perfection—it was about self-preservation." His admission resonated deeply, the vulnerability in his tone breaking through the hard exterior he'd so carefully maintained.
The dialogue between you was interspersed with long, reflective silences—a natural cadence of two souls beginning to understand each other beyond the veneer of rivalry. "There is strength in admitting our weaknesses," you said at length, "and courage in sharing the burdens we have carried alone for so long."
Snape's response was almost a whisper. "I have always feared that revealing my true self would leave me exposed, fragile... but maybe being fragile is not a weakness at all. Maybe it's the very thing that allows us to be truly alive." His admission, raw and unguarded, seemed to hang in the air like a benediction.
As the hours slipped by and the first hints of dawn began to illuminate the edges of the ancient stone walls, both of you felt transformed—not just by the potion's magic, but by the honesty that had finally emerged. The potion of your undoing had, in its own strange way, undone the carefully constructed barriers between you, leaving only the truth in its wake.
"No more hiding," you declared softly, your eyes filled with newfound resolve. "From this moment, I want us to confront whatever comes with open hearts. Let our undoing be the start of something real."
Snape's reply was firm and steady as he squeezed your hand gently. "No more pretense," he agreed. "I have spent too long in the shadows of fear. If our undoing is the price for a chance at genuine connection, then I am prepared to pay it."
In that single, breathless moment, as the pale light of dawn crept into the dungeon and illuminated the space between you, the truth became undeniable. The rivalry that had once defined your interactions was now revealed as nothing more than a mask—a mask that had concealed a deep and abiding affection. The experimental potion had not only exposed your hidden desires; it had given you both the courage to embrace them.
There, in the quiet aftermath of a night filled with confessions and revelations, you understood that the greatest magic was not found in rare ingredients or complex incantations, but in the willingness to be honest with one's own heart. The ancient walls of Hogwarts, witness to countless secrets over the centuries, now held another truth—a promise that even the most guarded souls could learn to love.
And so, as you and Severus stood together in the soft glow of morning, the potion's legacy lingered in every whispered word and every shared glance. You had risked everything on the chance to be truly seen, and in that risk lay the seed of something beautiful—a future where every emotion was embraced and every truth celebrated. The potion of your undoing had, paradoxically, become the catalyst for your true beginning.
In that moment, neither of you could say exactly what the future held. But as you turned away from the cauldron and towards the rising sun, you both knew one thing for certain: you would face whatever came next together, unafraid and unbound by the chains of pretense. The journey ahead promised challenges and triumphs alike, yet the courage to share your hearts had already begun to rewrite the story you had once believed was fixed in stone.
"No more masks, no more rivalry," you murmured, eyes locked on Snape's. "Just us—unafraid to be undone, unafraid to begin anew."
He nodded, his voice filled with a quiet strength that belied the tumult of his inner world. "Together, we will be brave enough to discover what lies beyond our undoing. Let this be the first step toward a future defined not by our past battles, but by the truth we now share."
In the soft silence that followed, the echoes of your confessions mingled with the gentle hum of the cooling potion, leaving an indelible mark on both your hearts. And as the new day broke over Hogwarts, it carried with it the promise of a love forged in honesty, daring to flourish in the very face of undoing.
Thus, in the cool light of dawn, with ancient stone and whispered secrets as your only witnesses, two souls—once bound by rivalry and fear—stepped forward into a future uncharted, guided by the transformative power of truth and the courageous embrace of love.
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sparkling-ariaria · 2 years ago
Marauders Era fics I read and want to keep... no°2
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*Complete fem or non-specific reader insert fics* Updated: 27.08.2023
Dating James Potter would include… by fictionalwhores
James Potter and Love Language by fictionalwhores
How he shows his love for his partner in each love language.
JP headcannons by littlest-dark-age
His princess by acosmis-t - prince!James x maid!Reader
Sweet birthday surprises.
Silly thoughts by gtgbabie0 - Sirius x gf!Reader
Sirius reassures you of your silly thoughts.
Your mind is a stream of colours by embrassemoi - painter!Sirius x gf!Reader
Having difficulty saying ‘I love you’ to his girlfriend after his scarred past, Sirius turns to expressing himself in what he does best: painting.
RL comfort piece by randomoutsiders - Remus x gf!Reader
Dinner with mean relatives.
JP piece by ddejavvu - rugby player!James x gf!Reader
Late night driving with James, eating in the car and him just babying the reader after not seeing each other for over a week from him training.
JP piece by ddejavvu - firefighter!James x gf!Reader
Taking a packed lunch to work (made lovingly by you) and everyone teases him for it but is also secretly jealous.
JP comfort piece by railingsofworrow - James x Reader
You're being neglected by your-so-called-friends and James is there like he always is.
Hugs with the marauders by lilacsbeeswax
SB piece by littlest-dark-age - Sirius x gf!Reader
Soft kisses on the back or palm of someone’s hand.
The Marauders being clingy by onmydelulushitasalways
Soak and scrub by seriouslysnape - poly!Marauders x gf!Reader
“You act like neither of us would jump at the chance if she had asked us.”
My perfect girl by luveline - Remus x insecure!Reader
You’re anxious about your appearance, Remus comforts you.
A lot of the Sirius drabbles by luveline
Touch starved by gtgbabie0 - Remus x gf!Reader
Remus doesn’t want to seem clingy, he just loves your touch.
Dancing to Taylor Swift by theemporium - modern!James x gf!Reader
Forgotten Soulmate by soupandsimple - Sirius x gf!Reader
Being Sirius’s muggle soulmate who was bewitched to forget him upon his arrest, then Sirius finding you once free to see if he can get you to remember him.
Soft James blurb by berrieluv
Attention by kquill
After helping Sirius for the first time in herbology, he becomes an addict to your attention and care.
Sirius being whipped for you by theemporium
Dramatics blurb by theemporium - Sirius x Potter!gf!Reader
Reader Being Sirius' girlfriend is enough reason for your brother James to act dramatic.
Reader being needy for affection after Sirius comes back from Grimmauld Place by theemporium
Remus reading to you by theemporium - Remus x gf!Reader
Teaching James how to dance headcanon by rainydayathogwarts
James comforting your surgery fears by kquil
Clinger by soupandsimple - Sirius x gf!Reader
Him lovingly teasing you a bit after sex.
Late night ride by kquil - muggle!Sirius x Reader
Biker boy Sirius finally takes his crush out for a ride on his motorbike.
Not so secret admirer by kquil - Remus x Reader
You can't hide your adoration for Remus and often end up staring at him, good thing he thinks you're really cute.
His favourite neighbour by kquil - muggle!Sirius x Reader
Because of his ambition for music, Sirius drives many of his neighbours to near madness until they eventually move away, and then you move in..
Lipstick stains by lizpottersworld - Sirius x gf!Reader
Y/N always wearing her famous pink lipstick and it ending up over anything her lips touch, including Sirius’ beautiful face.
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seriouslysnape · 2 years ago
This is SO cute and well written <3
Lunch Visitor
Pairing: Aesop Sharp x Professor!Reader Requested? Nope, this is a little self-indulgent piece tbh Plot: Aesop has been stopping by your classroom during lunch lately.
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Aesop started coming to your classroom during lunch a week ago. He didn't stop by every day, but every few days or so. It was curious, and you were wondering why he suddenly had free time to visit you. During lunch, he normally tended to his duties in the classroom while the students were away for a while.
The first time he came by, he asked you about a potential new potion he was thinking about teaching to his students. You gave him your opinion of course, but instead of leaving after getting an answer, he stayed and sat with you for the remainder of lunchtime.
Today when he stopped by, you were sipping on some tea made from a tea blend that Mirabel had given you, and munching on some custard tarts while you worked on grading the arithmancy homework your students had turned in.
"Did you come by to help me grade this homework?" You call out when you hear the door open, because although your back was turned to it, you knew it was Aesop.
"There's a reason I chose to teach potions and not arithmancy," Aesop replies as he approaches the table you're working at, and you can't help but grin at his words. Normally that's the closest thing to humor you're going to get out of him.
You turn to look up at him as he sits down, and you offer him a soft smile before you motion to the tea pot that was sitting nearby.
"Tea?" You ask, and he gives you a silent nod before you begin to pour him a cup, and you slide it and the saucer over to him. "Mirabel made the blend for me. It's delightful," You tell him as you lean back in your seat, and watch him take a drink from his cup. He looks pleased with it.
"You know, you always tell your students that you're too busy to speak when class isn't in session. But you have time to sit here with me?" You ask him more as a joke, but you could swear you heard him chuckle.
"Perhaps I'd rather spend my free time with you than entertaining their questions that I've answered countless times," He tells you with a slight raise of his eyebrows, and you were just hoping he would miss the blush that rose to your cheeks.
"What are you trying to tell me, Aesop?" You ask him, hoping you would be able to get more out of him.
He actually chuckles then, and he takes another drink of his tea before he sets down the little cup. By now he has an... affectionate look in his eyes.
"I'm trying to tell you that I'd like to see you outside of work, Y/N. Let me take you out one day,"
While you were hoping for this response from him, you couldn't help but still feel surprised by it. You send him a little nod, and he smirks slightly before he leans forward and snags a tart from your plate.
"Splendid. And I'm going to take one of these since you depleted my stash of toffees that were in my desk," He tells you, and your eyes widen slightly; you didn't think he would notice that you would take one... or a few when you would stop by the potions classroom.
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midniqhtt · 5 months ago
hogwarts legacy fic recs
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sebastian sallow
ominis gaunt
garreth weasley
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multi- hl boys
𑣲 siren/mermaid!reader hc I @deadghosy
sebastian and ominis
𑣲 characters as tropes I @mikewheeleranti
𑣲 the 3 boys and the hogwarts champion I @festivalsofmargot
The TriWizard Tournament was a tournament that promised glory, but also a tournament with a death toll so high, just surviving it would be the accomplishment of a lifetime. Your significant other had begged you not to put your name in the Goblet of Fire. You told him you wouldn’t, but you've done so anyway in secret. These are the reactions of Garreth, Ominis, and Sebastian when they not only realize you put your name in behind their back, but that you’ve also been chosen as the Hogwarts Champion.
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aesop sharp
𑣲 patched up I @seriouslysnape
𑣲 lunch visitor I @sweetsreverie
Aesop has been stopping by your classroom during lunch lately.
𑣲 wounds of the past I @aesopsharpmybeloved
A week following his and his young lover's little getaway in pursuit of tenderness, Aesop Sharp finds the pain in his leg, the one that he'd been used to for more than ten years now, lessening...
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allikatt9 · 3 years ago
what is your favourite side blog you have ?
That’s a tough question. I have different things that I love about each of them. If I had to pick one, probably my Red Dead Redemption blog @cowboymorgan
Something about it is just so comforting to me. I love @seriouslysnape too, but the Harry Potter fandom can be so overwhelming at times.
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seriouslysnape · 1 year ago
A Caring Angel
Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader Tags: Sick Remus. Emetephobia (it's only referenced but it made me anxious so read with care). Post-full moon Remus. Word Count: 2.0k “I’m just glad you’re feeling better.”
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⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ 
He found himself waking up to the sound of an angel.
Its voice was so light, airy, and calm that he almost could’ve been lulled back to sleep by it. It brought a warmth to his chest that spread across to his arms and down to his legs. It made him feel comforted…it made him feel at peace. 
When his eyes first opened, he was met with a glow of light surrounding the individual that had brought him out of his slumber. It was the halo, he assumed, and it was so bright that it was nearly blinding.
Confusion began to set in. What was an angel doing here? He recognized his bed beneath him…the smell of lavender from the candles on the dresser. He knew he was home, so what was an angelic figure doing here? Was he about to be swept away into the afterlife?
“There you are,” The voice said, and he felt a hand on his shoulder that was shaking him gently. “It’s me, my love.” 
He recognized the voice then, and he realized that it wasn’t an angel…not technically. But frankly, he couldn’t quite see the difference between an angel and you. When his eyes finally focused, he realized that the “halo” was actually just the sun beaming in through the bedroom window. It spilled past the curtains and painted you with sunlight, making you glow and shine more than you usually did.
He watched you press the back of your hand to his forehead, moving from his temple to the center. A concerned, yet concentrated, look crossed over your features as you felt his skin. He didn’t feel overly warm, which made you feel better to know that the fever must have finally broken. Your hand retreated from his head, your palm resting on his midriff and caressing him through the covers of the bed that he was snuggled in. 
He felt relieved to know that it wasn’t dead, and that it was just you waking him up gently. However, that didn’t help his confusion because this wasn’t the norm. 
“Can you hear me, Rem?” You asked with the sweetest, most nurturing tone you could produce.
Your expression was neutral, and you had a small, genuine smile on your face. But he could tell you were worried sick – your eyes said it all. 
“Yeah.” He nodded, noting how dry his mouth and throat were. 
You caught the croak in his voice and reached for the glass of water you had ready to go for him on the nightstand. He needed some assistance with sitting up, which only made him even more confused as to what was happening. As a matter of fact, he didn’t even know what day it was or even what time it was. He would never complain about you doting over him…but he didn’t like seeing you so anxious.
He practically snatched the glass from you, gulping down the glass of water like it was the only thing keeping him alive. He drained the glass, sighing at the feeling of the cool water settling in his system to replenish him. 
“I tried to keep you hydrated, but you just couldn’t keep anything down,” You said, reaching for a waste bin you had nearby and setting it next to him. “Just in case you feel like you’ll be sick again.”
Remus wasn’t even aware he had been sick. He didn’t remember being sick. Obviously whatever was going on and whatever had happened – he didn’t remember any of it, and it was shaking you up.
That was when he noticed the array on his bedside table. A pitcher of water, empty potion vials, damp wash rags. Clearly, it had been one rough wave of sickness.
When he didn’t respond, you went on.
“How are you, Rem?” You asked with the sweetest, most nurturing tone you could produce.
His muscles were aching something awful. They felt like they were on fire when he shifted on the mattress – his core burning as he tried to get comfortable again. He tried to piece everything together…but none of it was making sense or ringing any bells.
“Lousy,” He groaned. “I feel sore.”
“I’m sorry,” You pressed a sympathetic kiss to his forehead. “I can’t say I’m surprised. You were all tensed up.”
A blank expression covered the man’s face. The lost look in his eyes was a telltale sign that he had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. The last thing he remembered was going to bed Friday night…and the next thing he knew he was being woken up by you. It must’ve been Saturday morning by now.
“Was…I sick last night?” He asked, swallowing hard.
“Rem, you’ve been sick the last few days. It’s Tuesday,” You said, and Remus’ heart dropped into his stomach. “You don’t remember?”
He blinked in surprise. He had been sick for three days and had no knowledge of it? Not a single stitch of memory of the last few days? 
“No,” He managed to give a small chuckle, despite the pounding in his chest. “I’ve been trying to figure it out.”
He regretted telling you that the moment he said it. The way your face fell and filled with even more anxiety made his heart hurt. He wasn’t sure what he had said or done in the last few days to shake you up so bad.
“Oh, Rem. You’ve been so sick the last few days,” You said. “It came out of nowhere. You seemed okay, but then I woke up during the night and you were sweating and shaking."
Remus was listening to every word. He was finally beginning to make sense of what you were saying…of what actually happened. 
 “The fever was really beginning to scare me, but it finally broke early this morning.” You said. “I thought maybe it was the flu but-” Your pause was sharp.
 It was so quick that he knew it was you refraining from saying what you were thinking. You didn’t even have to say it for Remus to know what you were thinking though…because he was thinking it too.
“It was the moon.” He stated.
You held your lip slightly between your teeth, chewing on it as your brain scrambled for something to say. What could you say? How could you verbally admit that Remus couldn’t handle the full moons as well as he used to?
Over the last year or so, full moons had been doing a number on Remus. He had always said that every full moon was different…some full moons were worse than others. But lately, the recovery time for every full moon was longer and tougher…with some even worse side effects. 
This wasn’t the first time that Remus had acquired some mild fatigue and an overall crummy few days…but this was the first time that the aftermath of a full moon had made him physically and violently sick – and left him with no memory of it. 
“It’s just one of those things,” Remus reminded you. “Full moons get harder and harder the older I get. That’s just how it is.”
“I don’t like seeing you struggle like that.” You pressed your hand to his forehead again, relieved that he still felt normal.
Remus knew that the aftermath of a full moon was hard on you because of what it did to him. He was irritable, in pain, completely overstimulated. It made him a man that wasn’t really Remus. It turned him into someone he did not like.
“I know, darling.” He said, taking that same hand into his and stroking his thumb across the back of your hand. “I didn’t say or do anything mean to you, did I?” He asked.
“Not at all, honey. You could barely form any kind of sentence,” You said, reaching for the water pitcher on the bedside table to refill his water glass. “When you did speak, it was all gibberish.” 
It was true. Remus was so delirious and fever-ridden that he wasn’t processing or forming anything correctly. It was three days of Remus being completely lost to the world and fighting off whatever illness the moon had bestowed upon him. 
Remus sipped on the next glass of water, nursing it instead of gulping it down. He was taking the time to actually think about all of this and process it instead of brushing it off. This obviously had been a pretty bad scare, and it was something he needed to take into consideration.
“You haven’t really eaten anything in days. I can whip up some soup for you,” You said. “Are you feeling well enough to eat?”
Remus’ stomach growled at the thought of one of your homemade soups. He hoped that some nourishment would settle the shakiness in his hands and the lightheadedness he was feeling. 
“You’re an angel, you know that?” He brought your palm to his lips and left a sweet kiss there. “Thank you for taking care of me. I’m sorry for ruining your weekend.”
“Oh, Remus. You didn’t ruin my weekend,” You smiled reassuringly, as you stood from sitting on the edge of the bed. “I’m just glad you’re feeling better.”
Remus followed suit, throwing the covers off and swinging his feet over the side of the bed. Just as his feet hit the floor, you were on him. 
“I’ll bring it to you, lovely. Don’t push yourself.” Your hands cradled his face, his tired eyes shining at you.
“Darling, I haven’t had a shower in days,” He said. “I feel disgusting.”
“You’re going to be weak when you stand,” You said. “I don’t want you to fall.”
“Come with me then,” He grinned, his arm snaking around your waist. “I’ll make it up to you for spoiling the weekend.”
“You actually must be feeling better,” Your cheeks grew warm. “But I’d really feel better if you would just shower and get back to bed.”
He laughed lightly, knowing that it was worth a try. 
“Alright, sweetheart. Whatever you want.” 
He was slow and careful when he stood and he (not surprisingly) discovered that your prediction was correct. All the blood rushed from his head and he felt wobbly on his legs, little spots of black dotting in his vision. 
“Maybe I should go with you,” You said, realizing he was struggling to stand. “Let’s get you freshened up quickly, yeah?”
Remus nodded, realizing just how sick he really had been. It was just something he would have to keep adjusting to, and something he would have to be prepared for. Not every full moon would be this hard on him, but he needed to be prepared as if each one would. 
Remus followed you to the shower, the sound of running water calling his name and offering a sense of relief to him. You helped him out of his T-shirt and sweats, leaving him only long enough to get him a clean set of loungewear. 
Remus felt days of grime and sweat melt off of him when he hit the stream of the water. It refreshed him and cleared his mind…and it gave him a sweet moment with you. 
“Still feeling alright?” You asked, sweeping a strand of wet hair from Remus’ eyes.
His hands were always on you, keeping you close and secure. He pressed a kiss to your neck, your cheek, your nose. He always was grateful for you, but he was always extra grateful after a bad full moon. 
“Yeah, my darling. I’m alright.”
After a shower and a decent meal, Remus knew he would have the fuel to get stronger. He would certainly take it easy for the next few days and have you all over him for every minute of him. You would make him soups and teas and goodies to keep him satisfied and nurtured – providing him with anything he needed to get back feeling right again. 
He would love every second of it, assuring you there was no need to fuss over him. But he knew you would do it anyway because you loved him just that much. 
And for that, he would always be grateful.
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seriouslysnape · 2 years ago
Of Starlight And Cigarettes
The potions master finds you indulging in a nasty habit after a fight.
I have four WIPs of both father Paul and Sharp, but I wrote this ficlet in a single sitting yesterday, so here it is. Gif was amateurly made by yours truly.
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tw: tobacco usage
Aesop Sharp was no longer surprised to find you lurking about on school grounds after curfew. He wasn't pleased, far from it, actually, but he wasn't surprised. And his displeasure was greatly outweighed by relief that you were alive. He almost wouldn't notice you were it not for the smoke coming from your vicinity, nearly sparkling in the moonlight. He traced it to its origin and found a little orange dot there. The professor neared closer.
You were standing with your back leaned against one of the castle walls, dressed in one of your Highlands ensembles of trousers, blouse and a leather coat. Once he came even closer, he noticed the clothes bore signs of damage. Your right sleeve was terribly charred and the coat and blouse were cut just above your left hip. Dried blood lingered on them. He saw your face now, also finding some dried blood here and there, mixed with dirt and grime, but no actual damage to your person. Must've gulped down some Wiggenwelds before.
In your hand was a lit cigarette. Aesop saw them a few times in London, thin sticks of paper with tobacco within, the ones who wielded them filling the surrounding air with smoke. Smoking was rather popular within the wizarding community as well, but he really only ever saw wizards and witches use pipes. Used one on a few occasions himself, too.
"Isn't this more of a Muggle thing?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. While he disagreed with many things you were doing - mainly putting yourself in danger, your slight savior complex and currently, smoking on school grounds - he still was inexplicably fond of you. He was especially fond of how you seemed to come to a deeper understanding. You probably knew he was there long before he noticed you, yet you stayed. You waited for him. You were very aware he could bring all of his concerns to the Headmaster, most likely resulting in your expulsion, yet you always let him see you. He appreciated that more than he'd ever suspect he would.
It felt very deep and very complex, and Aesop was glad for it, though he didn't really understand why.
"Yes, I suppose. Wouldn't have enough patience for a pipe," you replied, your voice as neutral as if you were talking about the weather, "it doesn't matter that much anyway, I rarely smoke as it is." He leaned against the same wall while you were talking, grateful to be able to take some weight off his bad leg. "I got these from some Frenchman as a gift almost a year ago, the summer between my fifth and sixth year," you continued, "this is my fifth one since. It's quite disgusting really… However, well, there are times when one seems to be exactly what I need at the moment. If you understand."
The potions master didn't say anything for a while. Then, however, his hand moved towards your own, and two long digits took the cigarette out of your hand. Aesop lifted it to his face, closed his lips around it and inhaled. He felt his throat burn, but didn't stop pulling at the smoke. Once his lips parted, he breathed the rest of the way in, before releasing the smoke again in one fluent exhale. He felt the nicotine entering his nervous system and immediately setting off chemical reactions there.
He could feel you staring the entire time, at his hands and fingers first, then moving to his lips.
Wordlessly, he offered the cigarette back to you. You took it, connecting your hands as you too closed your index and middle fingers around it. You then took a drag, closing your eyes as the little orange dot got closer to your fingers.
After that, you wandlessly cast levioso on the remains, before making them burn into ashes with a small incendio. The small amount of dust that remained scattered below into the grass beneath your feet.
"I certainly hope this will not become a habit, Miss (L/N)," Aesop spoke at last. You gave him a lopsided grin, your eyes sparkling at him. "The smoking? I don't think it will, professor. As I said, it really is quite ghastly. As for standing under the stars with my dear potions master, well, that is quite pleasant."
Sharp snorted. "Get yourself cleaned up and go to your dorm, before you spend a month with 'your dear' potions master in his classroom, counting the ingredients stock in Latin, as detention."
It was your turn to let out an amused sound. Yours was a deep chuckle: "Now, that'd be a new one. I better hurry before that potions master actually drags me to my dorm by his teeth."
To both his satisfaction and horror, you actually kissed him on the cheek before swiftly scrambling away.
"Don't kiss me when you smell like tobacco," he mutters just loud enough for you to hear. One more chuckle is his only answer, before he stands on the school grounds alone, the sky above him for once clear of any clouds. Aesop studies the stars above - he was never any good in Astronomy, but still found the stars rather beautiful to look at.
You really were going to be the death of him someday.
What a nice way to go, though.
I hope you enjoyed reading. You can find this work and everything else I've written on AO3. I'm always grateful for feedback &lt;3
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iavender-haze · 3 years ago
harry potter marauders fic recs
banners made by the amazing @zourrysecrets
characters include- james potter, sirius black, remus lupin and regulus black! 4 fics per character! no smut btw!
favs- 👑
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crooked ties by @cupids-crystals
↳ Yule Ball blurb; sweet moment between James and the reader before the ball (fluff)
COLLECTOR OF BROKEN THINGS  by @velvetcloxds  👑
↳ After denying her feelings for James, the reader asks him to sneak up to the astronomy tower with her, taking the opportunity to finally be truly vulnerable in front of him.  
MORTAL ENEMIES by @scandalous-chaos​
↳ classic enemies to lovers troupe
charming by @mirclealignr
↳ he liked you, fancied you even, so what was he waiting for? hopefully not rejection, he thought…
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HAPPY WITH YOU by @willowbleedsonpaper
↳not available
somebody to love by @foralwaysandforever
↳ based this fic off of the song Somebody To Love by Queen.
SECOND CHANCE by @heloisedaphnebrightmore​
↳ Sirius has been distant and rude, eventually breaking your friendship. He is angry, you are hurt, both of you pulling away even further. That is until James and Remus decide to meddle.
THE STARS IN OUR EYES by @v1oletvenus 👑
↳ what being in a secret relationship with sirius would be like.
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monsters among us by @ m-oana-archive or @darkpercys 👑
↳ After a year of dating Remus, noticing he disappears every month, and only getting lies when you ask why, you begin to suspect he has been cheating on you.
SUNDAY MORNING by @seriouslysnape
↳ “Is there any particular reason that you’re staring at me?”
red-noses by @sunrisefairy​ 
↳ Reader is sick and Remus is in love.
Staying Over by @sunny-reys 
↳ Remus Lupin is spending the summer at Y/N’s house before returning to Hogwarts. There’s only one thing in the way of him telling her how he feels: the imminent possibility of a full moon.
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love letters by @prettydove​ 👑
↳ it’s short, but it’s my fav!
tis the damn season  by @maraudersmap123
↳  The war ruined many things, including Regulus Blacks relationship.or Based on tis the damn season by Taylor Swift.
Selfish  by @cupids-crystals
↳ Reader convinces Regulus that he deserves better in life
eyes closed, heart open by @mirclealignr​ 👑
↳ you met regulus’ icy fingertips and wrapped them in the palms of your hands, bringing him further into the scene and out pf his own mind…
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risingtripletaurus · 4 years ago
risingtripletaurus' marauders fic recs
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some didn't have titles, so i just gave them one!
part 2, part 3
personal faves - 🗽
thats^^ more of a personal indictor for me <3 i love all these fics SO much
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sirius black:
broken promises by @juuuuliee
fortune cookies by @violetrainbow412-blog 🗽
not my type by @sirisuorionblack
favour by @clairecrive
lying by @heatherrthorn 🗽
second chance by @heloisedaphnebrightmore 🗽
just let me in, you're my clusterfuck of human by @jamesdeerest 🗽
heated by @hufflebuns 🗽
following all by @v1oletvenus
almost, not quite 🗽
boyfriend swap
only yours 🗽
the stars in our eyes 🗽
following all by @robynlilyblack
smart cookie
i do care 🗽
remus lupin:
i love you, but i'm scared by @unfortunatelysirius
sugar and spice and everything nice by @writesowhatnext 🗽
"especially with them" by @pinkandblueblurbs 🗽
flower by @futurewriter2000 🗽
through art by @ddejavvu
"i'm not very good at flirting, am i?" by @hello-everyfandom 🗽
bravest person you knew by @finnwrld
following all by @hufflepuffsthunderdome
hopelessly devoted to you
baker girl 🗽
following all my @spxllcxstxr
always with me
cold to cozy🗽
james potter:
pinky promises series by @pmparker 🗽
restless by @evergreenghost
you're insufferable by @sadboi-writer
slut and the falcon by @leahsficemporium 🗽
what great men say by @quillsanddaydreams
i do by @rosaline-black 🗽
and it all comes crashing down by @jamesdeerest
the one for me by @robynlilyblack
following all by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
idiot 🗽
sucker for you 🗽
following all by @wrathspoet
comfort person 🗽
fake it till you fall in love
flirty friends (or more) 🗽
invading my senses 🗽
truth or dare by @sirisuorionblack
proposition (x reader fic) by @slytherweasley
the incident, part 2 by @crownedwriting 🗽
following all by @marauders-venting
flowers and first dates 🗽
i love you 🗽
worth the wait 🗽
until the very end
one bed by design 🗽
"you called me lily" by @wolfstar-lb🗽
gay secrets and fabulous hair by @marauders-venting 🗽
halloween, 1981 by @marauders-venting
a day on the ice by @pregnant-piggy 🗽
you wanna hold my hand, too? by @randomoutsiders
baby by @slut-4-rafe
following all by @seriouslysnape
a little sensitivity 🗽
fighting words
damaged pride🗽
untrusted intuition 🗽
miscommunication, part 2 🗽
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