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allikatt9 · 1 year ago
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Hiiii! If you're here, then you likely came from one of my side blogs. When I started writing on Tumblr, I made a side blog every time I started writing for a new fandom...which was fun at first but backfired because now I literally manage like a dozen blogs instead of just having everything on this blog :/
Nonetheless, all replies and comments on my side blogs will come from this blog! Below the cut I have linked all of my side blogs...and in the future, any new fandom that I start writing for will just be included on this blog :)
I appreciate the love and support as always <3 and maybe one day I can get everything transferred here HAHAHAHA.
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Side Blogs
Harry Potter - @seriouslysnape
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - @ghostandsoap
Red Dead Redemption 2 - @cowboymorgan
The Walking Dead - @twdbegins
The Outsiders - @theoutsiderslove
The Outer Worlds - @vicarfelix
Hannibal - @detectivehannibal
Law and Order: SVU - @detectivesvu
Midnight Mass - @midnightmxss
Impractical Jokers - @impracticallyjokers
Emergency! - @emergency-51
NCIS - @agentncis
Criminal Minds - @drcriminalminds
Stranger Things - @allstrangerthings
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allstrangerthings · 3 years ago
Vol. 2 was….something. In my opinion, S4 started out strong and was obliterated by Vol. 2 — and I could go on and on and on about the bones I have to pick with it, but everybody else seems to have covered it. I have one main issue with this season, and it pretty much is the root of everybody’s complaints.
The writing has gotten careless.
The main part of Vol. 2 that bugged me so badly is how rushed it was. I get that the episodes were longer, meaning more time for action - but now we’re being catapulted into season 5 and the feeling is less than satisfactory.
Stranger Things as a whole was never intended to be a super long series with 10+ seasons and 15+ episodes per season. We knew this from at least season 2, and honestly I’m glad that hasn’t been designed to be dragged out until it’s sucked of all life. However, it feels like the Duffer bros are in such a rush to wrap the story up that the intensity and anticipation of the plot is suffering.
I found Vol. 2 (and honestly season 4 in general) to be so rushed and careless. There’s a difference between a fast paced plot because the story calls for it and a fast paced plot because the writers have gotten sloppy.
Eddie’s death was beyond disappointing. We all knew it was coming, and even as predictable as it was — it deserved better. Eddie deserved better, even as a minor/temporary character. The moment he shared with Dustin before his demise was sweet and heart tugging, but in no way was it was impactful as it should’ve been.
(Edit because I completely can’t believe I forgot to add this) I also found that Hopper and El’s reunion was completely anticlimactic. Yes, El never stopped believing that Hop was still out there somewhere — but after 8 months of grieving and POTENTIALLY dealing with the fact that he COULD’VE been dead just for them to have a half-assed reunion?
Honestly, Hopper and Joyce were the only fully enjoyable part of this season for me. The reunion was perfect and well-timed. The brief moment of passion was understandable and made sense. It wasn’t rushed, and it was long awaited.
A big thing that everyone is talking about is the whole “they forgot Will’s birthday” incident. The Duffer Bros have confirmed that was a mistake, and honestly I think that’s a mistake that’s understandable. Will’s birthday is mentioned once, and it was in a minor moment in an early season. If I were a screenwriter, I probably would’ve forgotten that detail too. In my opinion, that wasn’t laziness. That was just a detail that they had forgotten was mentioned and then flubbed it.
Season 4 had plot holes and information/details that weren’t double checked (ex. Eddie’s age on his missing poster in the last episode is different than the age he’s confirmed to be in the first episode). Now THIS is a mistake that I DON’T think should be overlooked. It’s one thing to mess up a detail from seasons before, but it’s another to mess it up in the same season (and just because you’re too careless to go back and check).
These critiques are off the top of my head, and probably even a little nit-picky. These are personal opinions, so don’t take them too seriously!
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allstrangerthings · 3 years ago
A Moment Like This
Eddie Munson x GN! Reader
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 0.6k 
“But what if every day was like right now?”
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“Mm. Stop moving so much, baby.” Eddie mumbled as he shifted to once again get comfortable.
Despite his order, there wasn’t an ounce of aggravation or irritability in his tone as he spoke to you. His hold around you never changed as he readjusted, his arms keeping you close and secure to his frame.
“Sorry.” You apologized, snuggling into him once he settled onto the mattress again. 
A genuine chuckle vibrated from his chest at your reply. His lips were upturned into a faint smile of amusement when he pressed them to your forehead to leave a tender kiss. His fingertips of his right hand danced gingerly up and down your back, caressing through the material of your t-shirt that you were still wearing from the night before. His left hand was spread over the warm skin of the thigh of your leg that was snug between both of his, his thumb tracing the same back and forth pattern.
Eddie was beyond content at this moment. He couldn’t imagine anything much better than spending a Saturday tangled up in bed with his favorite person with absolutely nothing to do on the agenda. 
The peaceful silence from before had returned. No words were shared between the two of you. The extra noise and chatter wasn’t necessary due to the drumming of the patterning rain on the roof of Eddie’s trailer. Between the rainfall and the rolling thunder off in the distance of Hawkins, conversation was just simply not needed. 
It wasn’t often that the two of you were granted a whole weekend together with no plans or responsibilities to be tethered to. Eddie was never hesitant to hide away from the world for a day or two, especially when he had you as company. It was the perfect way to recharge, and it was an added bonus that the dreary weather made the whole “non-productive weekend” experience much more guilt-free. 
Neither you nor Eddie had made any real effort to get out of bed. It wasn’t like either of you fancied braving the rainstorm outside, and truthfully the presence of one another was just so, so hard to walk away from. The silence didn’t last long, however, because Eddie Munson always had a lot to say.
“You know, I could stay here forever....if only you’d let me.” Eddie remarked, his voice rumbling in your ear.
“I’m afraid it’s just not possible. There’s just so much to do and not much time to do it,” You returned. “I’m just thankful for right now.”
“But what if every day was like right now?” He queried. 
He nudged your head gingerly with his to prompt you to look at him. When his eyes met yours, the beating of your heart sped to a much faster pace. After all this time, he still had such an intoxicating effect on you.
“Wouldn’t that be nice?” You giggled.
His chuckle matched your laugh, and he pressed another kiss to the center of your forehead. It really was an enticing thought. What would it really be like to spend every moment of your lives together like this? Realistically, you imagined that the two of you would get maddeningly bored and wouldn’t last more than  two or three days. 
Eddie was one for adventure, and the change of scenery would be a necessity for you. However, the thought of being in a constant state of bliss was more than intriguing. Life would be so much easier if you were blessed with no worries or cares in the world. You suppose that there would be no growth without struggle, but it was still an interesting thought. 
For now, you were more focused on soaking in every second of this moment right now. There was no telling when you would get a moment like this again, and you’d be a fool not to take advantage of it.
“Yeah. It would.”
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allstrangerthings · 3 years ago
Duffer Bros - what tf was that????
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allstrangerthings · 3 years ago
Rockstar. Rockstar! Rockstar!!!!
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so damn into you
pairing: eddie munson x cheerleader!reader
tags: 18+ graphic smut, mature content, piv, dirty talk, established fwb, swearing, rough sex, ring kink and spanking, mentions of drugs, squirting, choking, throat fucking
summary: good girls stay out of trouble. bad girls invite rockstars like eddie munson into their bedroom and fuck secretly behind closed doors. there’s something different about your dynamic though, and you’re starting to think it isn’t just the sex.
notes: title references so damn into you by vlad holiday! enjoy :)
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There seems to be this forbidden rule in the crowded halls of Hawkins High that runs till this day. It’s funny, truly, how the concepts behind cliques have such a serious hold over your fellow senior classmates. The idea that cliques can’t mix, can’t intermingle, or — hell — can’t even fucking look at each other because a glance meant absolutely everything drives you crazy.
Especially when you liked breaking the rules.
Especially when you liked looking at him.
Him with his shaggy hair, those big doe-eyes with that familiar sparkle of mischief that always had you smiling behind your locker whenever he’d saunter by, him with his obvious double takes of boyish desire in the cafeteria whenever you’d walk past in that tiny little skirt to go sit with the cheer squad as if you didn’t know each other at all, him and the way he stares at you after school, crossing his arms across his chest while he leans up against his van and counts the minutes till he can touch you.
Those eyes were always only for you. Always you. Always him. And yet, always behind closed doors, out of sight, forever in your mind, because the connection between an innocent cheerleader and the mirthful leader of the freakish Hellfire Club would be deemed the semester’s next controversial topic aside from that recurring rumor that Chrissy Cunningham does cocaine in the girls’ bathroom.
Not true, by the way. It’s definitely weed.
The twenty-year old senior has a reputation far different from yours, an accumulation of all the negative remarks people seem to implode upon him for his extreme love of D&D, overachieving rock band and his late highschool graduation. 
Although, if someone were to accuse you of having sex with Eddie Munson on a regular basis? You’d be totally screwed. Surely, something with a lack of seriousness couldn’t be so problematic? Sex with no feelings. One-hundred percent, to the core, consensual sex, filthy and forward with zero emotions implied. 
A fling, who you’d let tear you apart anytime and any day.
A fling that leaves you not just weak in the knees but… fuck. That’s all it is: a fling. Right?
So when Eddie shows up at your bedroom window with autumn-colored leaves in his hair and a shit-eating grin, the palpitations in your achy heart tell you otherwise. You don’t exchange many words, moreso just usher him inside and gently shut the latch behind him as if your entire manic spiel of avoiding each other’s houses hadn’t mattered at all anymore.
At this point, nothing matters. Except him. He always does. Especially now, when he’s hauling himself off of that little bench by your windowsill and nearly face-planting into the carpet with how he ungracefully maneuvers his taller frame into your arms for the millionth time this week. You’re careful not to make too much sound, giggling like children as Eddie’s boots thump against your flooring.
“Sorry. Sorry.” Eddie whispers with twitchy lips, scratching the nape of his neck bashfully as he adjusts to the midnight darkness of your small bedroom. “I know I’m late, but I had this really, really important campaign earlier and those shitheads Dustin and Mike needed a ride home, so I didn’t want to just leave them hanging which is why…”
You interrupt him with an overdue kiss to the lips, caressing his flushed cheeks as his outgoing hand gestures come to a halt and instinctively make their way down your soft sides. You slowly ease your tongue into his mouth, his large palm splaying over your jaw as he draws you closer to him. 
“Well, hello to you too, sweetheart.” Eddie quips playfully. 
You pull away shyly, wiping the smeared gloss from your mouth with the back of your wrist. “Sorry. Artificial strawberry.”
He hums in approval, smacking his lips together. “Tastes sweet. You know, actually reminds me of something…”
“Oookay, you can stop right there.” 
“I was gonna say your…”
You glare at him, “Eddie.” 
“Fine.” He rubs your chin with his thumb and pointer finger, remnants of a chuckle falling upon his features as the moonlight dances through your curtains. “Y’know, your lips are always so soft, so… fucking delicate — how do you do that? Jesus Christ, you smell really — fuck, you smell really good right now.”
You twirl one of his unruly curls around your digit, batting your lashes up at him as you pout with feigned innocence. “All fresh and clean from a shower.”
Eddie’s brows shoot upwards in amusement at your suggestion, “I can change that.” 
“Really?” You gnaw on the inside of your mouth, feeling his hand dip lower and lower on your back as you instinctively arch into him. “Why? Feeling filthy?”
He holds your cheek, palm spreading across your blemished skin as he stares into your eyes. “Everytime I’m with you, all I am is filthy.” His lips twitch humorously. “You turn me into an absolute horndog, what can I say? Short skirts, knee-high socks, and you know I go a little crazy for those black converse.”
“Converse turns you on?” You snicker, nearly yelping aloud when the backs of your knees finally hit the edge of your king-sized bed and you catch yourself against the springy mattress. 
You look up to Eddie, jaw falling open as he thumbs at your bottom lip. His tall shadow is far from menacing, but surely intimidating as he smiles toothily down at your frame. “You’re so silly, converse doesn’t turn me on. But, hey, you know what does, though?” He sighs out through his nostrils, using his other hand to card through your scalp and tilt your head back. “Mmm, look at me.”
“I am.” You gulp loudly.
“Look harder, Y/N.” You want him to swallow you whole. Right there, with that look, the intensity of his gaze and the dominant stature of his skilled hands molding and melting into your body. “You know what turns me on? The thought of having fucked you in nothing but those converse, back in my van, just a few days ago. You must remember, hm?” 
You clench your thighs together at the recollection.
“I remember, alright.” You hold his stare, feeling his thumb dip a bit further into your mouth. “Came home smelling like sex and weed. My cheer uniform… all sticky and gross.”
“And you liked it… because the next day, you still smelled like my van. Meaning…” Eddie hooks his finger against the corner of your lip, before pulling away and putting the glistening digit against his own tongue. “You slept without washing me off you, little lady.” He hums in approval when you shut your eyes. “Hawkins’ perfect angel of a cheerleader, such a good fucking girl that surely no one in this small town would suspect that she’s actually just a slut for my cock…”
You whimper, tucking your chin to your chest as a rush of heat pulses through your cunt. “F-Fucking hell…” 
“With the mouth of an actual sailor, by the way.” He shrugs almost dorkily, “But, god, do I love that mouth.” His hand slips to the nape of your neck, fingers gripping the soft skin before he starts to breathe heavily and blink rapidly. “Shit, can I kiss you?”
You don’t even answer, just nod and awkwardly rise from the bed to meet Eddie’s lips halfway — your knees are buckling beneath you from the weight of him against you, his plump lips velvety and familiar as his tongue explores your wet mouth. 
You try to be more resigned, knowing that flaunting your neediness would only stroke Eddie’s already-growing ego. But your older classmate has learned to see right through whatever facade you use to convince yourself that you’re immune to him. 
This current dynamic is different from when you first slept together.
You’ve grown bolder, he’s taken note of that. Especially in public, you like to stare. A minute turns into two, two turns into a couple glances that are too shit to be even called subtle, and glances turn into objectifying stares at his hands or rings, his lap, and sometimes even the ink on his arms.
Eddie gets off on it more than he should.
He finds pleasure in breaking your little good-girl cheerleader act, knowing that his unholy influence is seeping right through the cracks of your misleading halo.
But you’ve also grown tender to one another. Eddie knows there’s still that awful rift between your differing sides of highschool, but sometimes your company means more than just sex to him. He feels… wanted, seen, sure of himself, because a pretty woman like you probably wouldn’t hang out with anyone like him if he wasn’t someone of good substance. 
And maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t only sex. Because on the afternoons you’d sit in his van, he sometimes wouldn’t even think about what was underneath that cheer uniform. Fuck the uniform, he could listen to you and your animated self talk for ages, watching how your bright smile spreads across your cheeks and your kind eyes light up with enthusiasm as you tell him about your day. 
He knows he’s screwing himself over for the long run.
“I’m still sore, just so you know.” You whisper brokenly against his lips, clutching a fistful of his leather jacket. “I had to skip last practice because I really couldn’t walk straight.”
Eddie moans wantonly at the confession, covering up his whiny tone with a stifled cough. “Oh, that’s a shame.”
“It really is.” 
“Let’s make it happen again, then.” He grins, winking at you before he’s settling you down onto the bed. He rests on his knees between your spread legs, chin jutted out as he studies how your arms lay out over your pretty head. “Fuck, you’re so cute like this.”
You scoff, glad that the darkness can mask your flustered expression. “M’not doing anything.” 
Eddie tosses his jacket to the side, baring a plain white tee. “No, you aren’t. It’s just adorable seeing how all innocent and put-together you look right before I fuck you.” 
You gasp when he roughly tugs you closer to him by the slope of your calf, hooking your leg over his shoulder and pervertedly watching the way your shorts ride up your thigh from the new angle. 
“Take a picture,” You breathe out, moaning quietly as Eddie kisses along your exposed skin and brushes his mouth against your ankle. “It’ll last longer.”
“I have enough pictures back at home.” He smirks devilishly with a shrug, and you can’t help but laugh knowing that he’s absolutely right. Shoebox of polaroids and other things hidden under his bed. Classic move. “None of them are as good as the real deal right here, sweetheart.”
Eddie sets your leg down from his shoulder, gently skimming his hand over the faint lovebites across your thigh before he’s helping you out of your oversized shirt and shorts. Both look two sizes too big on you, but either way, he still finds it sexy. His palms hover over the naked swell of your breasts, fingertips barely running across your hard nipples as the cool air of your bedroom hits your chest. 
Your apparent lack of bra is coupled with a pair of lacy boyshort panties, a little ripped by the waistband, but Eddie honestly doesn’t care (he can do a lot more damage than some wear and tear). He admires how it hugs your hips perfectly, cheeky from the back and nearly teases him with how it drapes over your ass before the cloth disappears between your luscious thighs.
“Touch me.” You pout, tucking his hair behind his ear. 
He grins. “So eager, let me take you in. Don’t rush it.”
“Mmm, okay. Whatever you say, dungeon master.” A giggle escapes your throat, sweet and innocent, and not at all mischievous. His nostrils flare, eyes dilating into the darkest shade of brown you’ve ever seen him sport. “Does… that turn…? Oh, my god, it does!”
He pushes your shoulder playfully, sneaking a glance at the way your breasts jiggle from the movement. “Shut up.”
“Okay, I thought it was a joke.”
Eddie winces. “You’re kinkshaming right now, you know that?”
You bite back your widening smile, and take it upon yourself to hook your arms behind his neck as you clamber onto his lap. “I think it’s kinda hot.”
“You’re a horrible liar, Y/N.”
“Oh, please fuck me, dungeon master.” You draw a laugh out of Eddie, stroking his flushed cheeks as he finally finds the courage to lock eyes with you again. “Show me who’s boss. Come on.”
Eddie hisses when you grind yourself against his denim-clad thigh, suddenly a reminder of his aching hard-on. “You’re a fucking whore.”
“Okay, now you’re just telling me qualities about myself that I already know.” You nudge your nose against his, entranced by the image of his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “So? Are you gonna fuck me like the whore you think I am?”
Eddie’s hands squeeze the fleshiness of your ass, rings cold against your bottom before a hot sting starts to crawl over your skin. 
He spanked you, and you’re certain that his ornate jewelry has left an angry mark that’ll appear in the morning.
“No need for me to think when I already know.” He whispers, before he’s pulling his shirt over his wild head of hair and flinging the ball of fabric at you. You catch it before it can hit you in the face, tossing it back at Eddie with a giggly hmph! that makes both of you lose your balance.
The sudden motion combined with your bodies at the edge of the bed sends you tumbling onto the carpet, limbs hitting the floor with a foreshadowing of bruises. You both wince at the loud thud that echoes throughout the house, and Eddie’s thankful that your family is full of deep sleepers — a theory that he hates to say has been tested out before.
“Are you okay?” He laughs, propping himself up on a pale elbow as he cups a hand over his twitchy mouth. You both erupt into hearty chuckles, muffling your amusement behind your forearm.
You groan, rubbing your boob. “Peachy.” 
“Mmm, I’m sorry. Listen, I can make it better.” Eddie crawls over to you, spreading your thighs apart with an expert knee as he hovers over you. “I know a couple tricks.”
“If you’re that horny, you could’ve just told me.” He watches the careful rise and fall of your breasts, taking in the suppleness of your abdomen and the slight arch in your back against the floorboards.
He bends over you, slowly mouthing at the space above your navel before his large hands travel up your stomach and knead at your tits. Your mouth falls open, nothing but the ghost of a moan leaving your throat as Eddie pinches your nipples and runs his tongue up your middle. The hot muscle immediately finds one of your breasts, taking the pebbled skin between his lips before he tends to your other hardened nipple. 
You card a shaky hand through his curls, taking a gentle handful and guiding his head to that sweet spot beneath your jaw. “Fuck, you’re pretty.” Eddie whispers, pecking the underside of your chin before he’s trailing his lips over that vein in your neck. “Can I tell you something?” You hum, lashes fluttering against your cheek as Eddie nips at your earlobe with a knowing grin. “I’m so fucking horny, I just wanna take you from behind on this floor. Is that what you wanted to hear from me, Y/N? God, is that alright? Me eating you out right here, me fucking your mouth till you’re just drooling, then me cumming inside your little pussy? Is that okay with you, sweet girl?”
You squirm beneath him, pleading with your eyes as he pins your wrists over your head. “Y-Yes, Eddie. I… fuck, yes. Please.” His teeth make contact with your neck, a tiny pinch drawing a needy groan out of you before his tongue swipes across your pulse point and soothes the bite mark he’s left. “Wanna feel good.”
Eddie kneels back and sighs out desperately, puffing his hair away from his face as he guides your hand and runs it over his torso. You bite your lip as goosebumps form under your compelling touch, his faint abs flexing against your palm as you skim over his happy trail and make straight for the tattoo near his collarbone.
“You can be quiet for me, can’t you?” He inquires, his voice dripping with desire. You nod instantly, and Eddie almost laughs at how quickly your head bobs in agreement. “That’s a good girl. Help me out of this, yeah? Can’t let me stay here and do all the work.” He gestures at his heavy belt buckle and distressed jeans, smiling cattily as your fingers eagerly run his belt out of the loops and pop the button of his pants. “Fuck, feel how hard I am.”
You sit up and press your hand against the thick outline of his clothed cock, mewling at the feeling as Eddie’s eyes light up with an immediate burst of ego. 
“Don’t let it get to your head, Munson.”
“Honestly? It’s all going straight to my dick.” He huffs, throwing his head back as you kiss him through his boxers. The tone of his voice changes instantly once you start to palm him, lips massaging the tip of his leaking prick through the fabric, “Shit, fuck, o-okay… you know what, I’ve been edging myself this entire day, and I really don’t wanna get walked in on so if you could… just… hell, if I could fuck your throat like right now… please, I’m dying to be inside you.”
“God, you really are horny tonight.” You laugh teasingly, pulling the waistband of his boxers past his hips. “What’s gotten into you, rockstar? Is it the whole dungeon master thing?”
“Oh, my god. You need to shut the fuck up.” He hisses playfully, scooting forward until his hard cock is aligned with your parting mouth. “Getting off on my embarrassment is so not funny, Y/N.”
He doesn’t hesitate to shove the reddened tip right between your lips, and you immediately salivate at the weight of him on your tongue. Waiting has never been Eddie’s strong suit, always too eager, and you seem to take it as impatience when really, he’s yearning to be as close to you as possible. 
“Mmm… E-Eddie!” You whimper around him, using your fist to fuck the base of his cock while you suckle on his aching head. 
He inhales deeply, placing his hand on the back of your head. “Look at you, baby. C’mon, suck me off. You know exactly how to do it. Had to teach you in the library bathroom that one time, didn’t I?” His hips instinctively buck up into you, pushing his length further into your mouth. The tip of your nose is pressed up against the groomed tuft of dark curls by his lower abdomen, inhaling the scent of his manhood as Eddie guides your head up and down his dick. “Fuck, and you were such a f-fast learner, too. Weren’t you? Can I go a bit harder, sweetheart?”
Your face scrunches up into pleasure when Eddie’s hand dips between your thighs, cold rings skimming over the damp crotch of your panties before you’re widening your legs and opening your jaw even more for him. 
He tightens his hold on the back of your head, fingers stroking your scalp as he keeps you in place and his hips rhythmically meet your mouth. Saliva starts to roll down your chin, a trail of wetness making its way past your flexing neck as Eddie fucks your warm throat. 
“Damn it, Y/N, you’re taking it so well. You love it when I fuck your throat like this? Filthy thing, tsk tsk. What would your little cheer team say? Their favorite member… s-shit, getting her throat fucked by an awful boy like me in her own bedroom. You gonna tell ‘em how much you enjoy getting corrupted by me?”
You scratch at his inked thighs, clasping a hand over the backside of his knee to draw him nearer. His jeans hang haphazardly low on his hips, the front slick from the spit dripping off your knuckles and the mess that spills over the corners of your lips. 
Eddie finds pleasure in your humiliation, in fact, it’s what keeps his cock begging for more. 
So, when you quickly pull away from him and blink away the tears from your sparkling eyes to utter your next words, he’s practically begging for sweet release.
“Want you to be rougher with me tonight. Please, Eds.”
“How rough?” His brow quirks upwards, a taunting smirk tugging at his mouth. “Like… fuck you till you can’t walk kind-of-rough? Slap you in the face? Spank you till your gorgeous ass is just… covered in — fuck — bruises?“ He drags the tip of his prick along your cheek, moaning at how your eyes flutter shut at the feeling and a shaky sigh leaves your body. “Choke you till your neck is covered with the outline of my rings? What, so you can show up to school tomorrow and flaunt it for everyone to gawk at like the fucking dumbasses they are? Can’t figure out who’s been railing the pretty cheerleader, can’t they?”
You whine at his loaded words, avoiding eye contact when his fingers find the underside of your loose jaw. His touch is a stark contrast to the tone of his voice. “Need you so bad.”
Eddie begs to differ. He needs you more. Needs to be buried inside you and never leave, just an endless night of wild, uncoordinated sex like horny rabbits — so believe him when he says he needs this more.
“Where do you want me?”
A pout forms on your lips as you intertwine your hand with his and drag it towards your mound. “Here.”
Eddie coos, splaying a hand over your stomach. “Lay back then, baby. I’ll go easy. Promise.” You send him an unconvinced look, watching as he finds solace in the space between your thighs and flops onto his stomach. “What’s up with that face?”
You roll your eyes, gesturing at him as he hooks his ringed thumbs over your boyshorts and pulls. “And by easy you mean… make me cum on your tongue like fifty gazillion times till I’m begging for mercy.”
He pauses in contemplation, before letting out a sound of agreement and pursing his lips. “Sounds ‘bout right. You never seem to really complain though.” You swear your vision blurs when Eddie flattens his digit along your folds, teasing your poor hole with gentle swirls. “My sweet Y/N, it seems that you’re already soaking wet.”
“I can’t help it. Rings off, by the way.”
Eddie playfully frowns, making haste to rid himself of his silver ornaments. “Watch these for me.” You moan when he lines the cold jewelry straight along your navel, “And keep still.” He says. “Wouldn’t want these little babies all over the floor.”
You look down at him from where you lay, hands reaching for him as his steady breaths fan over your pulsing cunt. The placement of his rings on your belly feels incredibly sexual, like a signature on your body that belonged to Eddie. Every tiny movement you make causes the silver to shift just a little bit, so when his tongue finally makes contact with your clit, you have to stop yourself from thrashing out in satisfaction.
But something about the way Eddie looks at you from between your thighs, his moans buried in your own folds, just makes you want to leap up and take him right there. 
Maybe you don’t give him enough credit for his restraint.
He continues to flick his tongue over your bundle of nerves, testing out your sensitivity and relearning the perfect amount of pressure when he suckles on your clit. He drags his hands down your outer thighs, gripping the soft flesh with a newfound hunger.
“Fuck, E-Eddie… feels nice. God, I love your mouth, you’re so — so good with it, baby.” 
“Yeah? Fucking tastes delicious. Could eat your pussy out everyday.” He chuckles sneakily. “Maybe even take you to-go. Lick you up whenever I need a snack.”
You whimper, balling your hands into fists in his hair when he slips a long finger inside you. “Perv.” 
“Simply a man speaking his mind, Y/N.” Eddie’s digit slowly curls into you, making an embarrassing wet and sopping sound that draws a whiny groan out of him. “Christ, you really are wet. Fucking hell, babe.”
That’s a first. 
Eddie adds another finger, the soft heel of his palm is pressed roughly against your clit as he rocks his hand into you. Your cunt grips around him tightly, pulling him in further with every stroke that brushes against your contracting walls. He nibbles on your inner thigh while gauging your reaction, dreamily gazing up at you with those huge eyes as he fucks you with his slender fingers.
“Eds, please. Mmm… f-fuck, I’m… fuck!” You grit your teeth to muffle the sounds of your broken moans, the rings laid out on your stomach nearly toppling over as your hips jolt up. “You fill me up so well, your fingers are so — fuck, please. Please just fuck me.”
“Oh, such a dirty mouth.” He hums in amusement, grinning as he uses his other hand to massage your clit. “At least give me one orgasm. Just one, baby. You know I love making you cum more than once. You deserve it, deserve cumming over and over again like the pretty girl you are.”
His hand snaps into you faster, your juices coating his palm as you start to drip all over him. His digits are embarrassingly slick, and you quickly feel the rush of your climax approaching from his gentle words.
“I’m — I’m close, just please… please keep touching me like that. Gonna… gonna cum.” 
A smile spreads across his face, “Yeah? Keep beggin’ for it. Show me how much you want it. Need some convincing.”
“Please, please let me cum. I’m so — Eddie, want you so bad. Please make me cum so I can… fuck, so I can have your cock inside me already.” 
“Only because you said so, sweet thing.”
You share a look. Longing. Need. Lust. 
Then Eddie is fucking his fingers knuckle-deep into you, relentless and unstopping, a sensation so overwhelming that you don’t even know you’re cumming until Eddie is pointing out how you’ve wet the carpet. 
“Did you just…” Your mouth falls open in disbelief, breasts heaving as he pulls his fingers from your cunt. 
He grins toothily. The smug bastard. “Make you squirt? Hell-fucking-yeah.” Eddie leans over you, capturing your lips in a celebratory kiss that feels all too tender. “That was so goddamn hot. Christ, I could cream my pants.”
“You’re so lame.” You laugh, pushing his shoulder gently before he’s pecking either side of your cheek.
“Lame? Does lame make a girl squirt? I don’t think so. I’m cool-lame. Watch, I’ll make you squirt again.”
“In your dreams, Munson.”
He slips his boots off, pushing the rest of his jeans down and kicks it to the side. “Get on your knees.”
You send him a challenging look, raising your brows with a smirk. “If I don’t?”
“Guess I can just do this, then.” You yelp as Eddie flips you onto your stomach. His rings clatter loudly to the floorboards, flying in all different directions as he hooks an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him. A heavy sigh leaves his mouth, and you glance back at him with sudden concern. “Fuck… condom?”
“Just pull out.”
“Just… pull… out?”
You shrug, making a confused face. “Yeah, I’ll pop something in the morning.”
“Y/N, honey, have you ever been to this thing called… I don’t know, sex-ed?” Eddie’s eyes are wide, and you would’ve laughed had you not noticed his extremely hard cock waiting in his hand.
“Honestly, I’m more of a hands-on learner.”
“Oh, are you now?”
“Most definitely. You’d know.”
“You sure you want me to pull out? We can just stop right here if you don’t wanna keep going.”
You bite your lip, eyeing him over your shoulder with a half-lidded gaze. “I wanna keep going.”
“Down you go then, Y/N. Fuck, let me see you.” His hand comes down on the middle of your spine, pressing onto your back until your cheek is laying against the floor. You can feel his tip prodding into your entrance, the teasing motion of his cock rubbing against your needy slit. “Shit, baby, could just cum on myself from looking at you.”
“Please, f-fuck me.”
His dick enters you in one, slow and agonizing motion. You muffle your moans into the carpet, mewling from the immense stretch you feel between your legs as Eddie buries himself deep inside you. His hips are lined up against the curve of your ass, his large hands leaving dark prints on your skin as he pulls out and pushes back in.
“S-shit… Y/N.” He drawls, hair falling against his face as he watches his thick cock disappear into your cunt. “Fuck, you’re so tight. What the fuck… Christ, it’s like the first time I had you.”
When he took your virginity on that lunch table in the trailer park, that’s definitely what he meant.
“Oh, my god. You’re so — so big, I can’t… can’t think with you inside, I just… fuck, move.” You reach back for his hand, nearly crying out when he places his palms on either side of your head and looms over your compromised position. He trails his soft lips over the nape of your neck, his pick necklace brushing over your skin as he breathes your scent in. “Need you. Need you, you treat me so well.”
“I know. I know I do, sweetheart. Rock back for me, yeah? Feel it, feel my cock right here.” You choke on a moan when Eddie feels up your abdomen, stroking the outline of his cock inside you. “Good girl. You can take it.”
His hand wraps back around your throat, fingers pressing into your pulse point before he’s pulling you up by your neck and having you sit on his dick. He chuckles darkly, “Your favorite seat in the house, right? All the way, Y/N. Take it deep for me.”
You shiver when his head pushes against your g-spot, and you realize that shutting your thighs together is absolutely no use when Eddie Munson is balls-deep inside you.
“Oh, f-fuck!” Your voice comes out garbled and raspy as his hold on your throat tightens, bruising yet pleasurable all at once as he pounds into you.
From fucking under bleachers, to the bathrooms in the library, to the back of his van and the floor of your childhood bedroom, you’ve come a long way.
Eddie’s fingers leave your throat and find comfort on your supple waist, digging into your generous hips as you grind on his lap. He meets you halfway with long strokes, slow and purposeful with each thrust of his cock. 
“Y/N, baby… f-fuck, you feel so good. So fucking good. I-I — holy fuck — I’m so lucky I can do this with you.” He whines out, barely coherent, but you can only focus on that one phrase.
Lucky I can do this with you.
“Eddie, fucking hell. Oh, oh my god. P-Please… wanna cum on you.”
“Gonna get you there, baby. Promise. A little longer, yeah? Gotta make you cum before I do.”
Your fingers messily circle over your clit, a combined sensation of pleasure that adds to the feeling of Eddie stretching out your pussy beneath you. He’s holding back his moans, stifling whimpers against your shoulder when his pace starts to quicken and his rhythm grows sloppy.
You tilt your head back and reach for his lips, pulling his face against yours as he continues fucking into you. You still taste yourself on his tongue, and you’d be lying if you denied that you enjoyed the idea of his mouth being on your cunt just moments ago. 
“You’re so pretty.” You whisper against his cheek, watching as his eyes close in bliss. “Fuck, you’re so hot. And I get you all to myself — a cheerleader and her favorite rockstar… oh, you fuck me so well.”
The praise goes straight to Eddie’s dick, and your words spur him on even further. He holds you tight against his chest, tattooed hands grasping at your skin and breasts as he feels you clench around his length.
“Close, ain’t you? C’mon, sweet girl. Two for two. Let me feel you cum, Y/N. S’my favorite part.” Eddie nearly topples over when your cunt gives his cock one hard and long squeeze, fingers flying to help you massage your clit as another orgasm pumps through your quivering body. “Holy fuck, you’re so sexy when you cum. S-Shit, I… I gotta pull out…”
You nearly sob from the loss of contact when Eddie leaves you, emptying his seed out across your back and the tenderness of your ass as he grunts quietly behind you. Of course, you make no subtlety to watch him ride out his high — that perfect scowl on his face, the curl on his lip as he moans and runs his thumb over the leaking head of his prick.
“Hoooly fuck…” You sigh out, knees giving out from under you. Thankfully, Eddie catches you at the last second, arm swooping under your stomach before your body can make contact with the floor. “Oh, my god. That was…”
“Yeah, I… I honestly can’t… can’t think right now when there’s cum all over us.” He giggles heartily, leaving a hickey right on your collarbone. “Fuck, your neck is all red and purple.”
“Not hot, I’m sorry if I was too rough. Just been thinkin’ about you lately, and… well, I guess I couldn’t help myself. Hold still for a sec.”
The admission makes you smirk, and you look back at Eddie as he grabs a random towel from your closet and wipes his spill off of your back. You turn over once he’s finished, arms outstretched over your head as Eddie sits against your bed frame and lazily draws shapes on your calf. 
“You think about me in your free time often, Munson?”
He clicks his tongue and tilts his head to the side cutely, “Only when I wanna recall something pretty.”
“Mhm. Sure, rockstar.” You flick at his hand.
“Don’t let it get to your head, miss cheerleader.”
Eddie continues running his fingers up and down your leg, taking in the beautiful sight of your naked body as the late midnight seeps through your curtains. You hum as he brings your ankle to his lips, pressing a tender kiss to the bone before he’s leaning his head back against the edge of the bed and letting out a tired sigh.
“Wish you could stay the night.” The words that leave you shock you just as much as they do Eddie. “I mean, I just don’t want you driving back so late, y’know.”
“I know.” He takes note of your darting eyes, suddenly evading his amused stare at all costs. He’ll play nice for now. “I’ll see you tomorrow though, just before first period. Wanna see you in your dorky uniform.” 
You gape at him, sitting up with an expression of feigned offense. “Okay, rude. I thought the uniform was hot — like, like every guy’s fantasy kind of hot.”
“Only getting back at you for calling me dungeon master.” He shrugs giddily, before he’s pulling your legs off of his lap then slipping on his wrinkled boxers and jeans. You follow suit, fetching new underwear and a flannel before you prop the window back open while he collects his rings from your bedroom.
Eddie’s belt buckle jangles behind you as you sit on the bench by the windowsill, looking out at the flickering street lamp of your little culdesac. A hand on your hip draws you from your trance, and you’re met with Eddie’s sunken face of an awaiting goodbye.
“Stay safe, Hellfire.” You tease, heart fluttering as he squeezes your side and gently moves you away from the window. You’re unable to tear your gaze away from his arms, admiring the way his tattoos glint on his porcelain skin.
“By the way, best part about this is the drive back.”
“Huh?” You lean over as Eddie clambers out onto your roof, boots nearly slipping on the shingles. “Why’s that?”
He smirks, glancing at the sky before he settles on the details of your face. “Get to think about you all the way home.”
Then, he’s landing on your lawn with two feet and jogging away from your porch, but not without a nerdy wave and a little wink that makes your heart do another somersault similar to when he first knocked his way into your room.
Whatever this is, whatever it’s going to be, you know the both of you are absolutely fucked in the long run. Either way, it doesn’t matter what people will end up thinking. 
You’re so damn into him, even if it is — after all — just a fling. Totally a fling. 
Just a cheerleader and her favorite rockstar. 
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allstrangerthings · 3 years ago
an order | e.munson
description: there’s nothing eddie loves more than spreading you open before a horror movie. well, besides bossing you around.
includes: SMUT 16+, dom!eddie, slightly innocent!reader, fingering, ring kink!!, maledom, sweet but bossy eddie, AFAB!reader, fem!reader, fem pronouns, whiny!reader, praise, slight orgasm denial, extremely slight size kink (r is mentioned to have smaller hands than eddie), pet names (princess, baby, etc.), they watch halloween :), mention of parents overhearing but no walking in or anything
a/n: legit wrote this to get the eddie juices flowing. i wanna write him but idk what to write so ,,, send requests if you’d like :D
word count: 1.1k+
“Keep ‘em open for me, baby.” A large hand comes to your knee, swatting at the flesh and thereby prompting your legs apart.
“‘M trying, Eddie!” You didn’t mean to whine. Seriously. But you were truly trying so hard and of course Eddie didn’t understand that. No matter how many times he would murmur ‘I know’ in your ear, he didn’t truly know.
You pout, flexing your hand which holds Eddie’s many rings. They’re entirely too big, and they almost slide off. They would if it wasn’t for your smaller hand being wrapped around Eddie’s bicep, nails digging into his skin, attempting to steady yourself and his rings.
“Try a little harder.” He says. It’s not exactly mean, but it isn’t nice either. It’s an order. Plain and simple.
And you follow it.
You muster up your strength and use it to keep your legs separate. Accidentally, you don’t realize that all of your strength is going to your legs which doesn’t leave much for your hand. It’s almost too late, but you notice the rings slipping just at the right moment and you re-flex your hand, steadying the jewelry.
“There you go.” Eddie coos as he presses a kiss to your cheekbone. “Knew you could do it.”
You’re barely able to smile appreciatively before Eddie’s fingers are moving again. His index and middle finger slide down your cunt, separating your puffy lips and dispersing your slick along the way.
Your head lulls back, hitting Eddie’s shoulder and exposing your neck to him. Eddie doesn’t waste any time. His lips find your neck, kissing and sucking and biting. You want to tell him to stop, tell him that your parents would be furious if they saw the bruises. But you barely have half a mind, and the half that is present is focused on how good Eddie is making you feel.
His pointer and middle are now inside of you, pumping and curling. Your hips have a mind of their own, probably the half that your head is missing. They push themselves towards Eddie’s hand, grinding up into his ministrations.
A soft moan comes from your lips, and then another whine when Eddie’s other hand comes to the outer edge of your pelvis, pushing down and bringing your hips back to your bed.
“Don’t be greedy, princess. Take what I give ya.”
Okay that. That was scolding.
Yet, you do as you’re told, as always.
Your legs stay open, your hips stay down.
Eddie rewards you. He moves his hand from your pelvis, hovering over the area at first but when you don’t move, he brings it lower to your cunt.
You watch through hooded eyes as he singles out his middle finger, lowering the tip until it presses against your clit. You have to restrain yourself, nails digging into Eddie’s bicep as you attempt to keep your cruel position.
It pays off because Eddie begins to rub wide, slow circles.
You mewl, back arching but your hips staying in place.
“Eddie,” You breathe. “Eddie!”
“Hmm?” He sounds casual, unphased. Opposite of you.
But when you turn your head, eyes finding his, you can see the true look on his face. Pupils blown, a small sheen of sweat on his forehead which sticks his bangs to his skin, his lips parted as shallow breaths come from behind them.
“Kiss me.” You demand.
He does. It’s sloppy, swapping spit and clashing teeth.
But it’s so nice, and acts as a muffler for your moans.
That is, until Eddie’s fingers sink deeper within you and hit that spot. Your back arches and your mouth pulls away from Eddie’s to let out a moan that is entirely too loud. Especially when your parents are just a few doors down and as far as they know, you’re watching a horror film on your own.
Your eyes catch Eddie’s and for a second, he looks scared. His eyes widen and his fingers almost halt, but they keep moving. He listens for a second, as do you. But luckily enough, there was a particularly loud scream from ‘Halloween’ on the TV and your moan died behind it.
When there is no sound from within your house, you sigh.
Happily, Eddie’s fingers speed up, almost as if he’s celebrating the close call. His wide circles on your clit turn into tight ones, picking up in pace. His fingers pump faster, still sinking deep and curling with each thrust.
Your breaths pick up, free hand gripping the edge of your pillow.
“You close?” Eddie asks, voice in your ear. You nod.
“Okay!” He chirps and you can see the smile on his face without having to turn around.
A similar one comes to your face, but it turns into just an open mouth when your belly begins to tighten and it becomes harder to hold your legs open.
Eddie can sense your inner turmoil. “Just a little longer. Hold on a little longer for me.”
You groan, gnawing on your bottom lip just a little too hard. When you lick them, you feel the wet slide of blood. “Don’t know if I can, Eddie.”
“You can. I know it.”
So you do. You hold it in, keeping everything together until Eddie gives you that cue.
And when he does, everything releases. Your legs close around his hands, the rings fall off and thud on your bed, your hips lift and chase anything they can get. You’re breathing heavy, moans tumbling from your lips and into the air around you.
Something gory is happening on the TV, you can hear the screams behind the thudding in your head. It masks your own sounds, which you’re grateful for.
Eddie helps you ride through it. Two fingers unsheathing from your cunt and replacing the lone digit that was circling your clit. He returns to the wide circles, and his lips return to your neck. Kissing over the protruding veins, and marks that are beginning to show.
When you come down, he removes his hands completely, allowing your legs to fully close together. He places a final kiss to the corner of your mouth and you can see his fingers disappear behind your head.
There’s a sucking sound, and then a dramatized pop.
Eddie’s hands find your hips and he helps turn you around until your legs are thrown over his hips and you’re sitting between his thighs. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling yourself up so that you’re sitting in his lap in a hug. The security of his arms around your midriff soothes you, and his palm rubbing up and down your back lull you to a relaxative state.
That is until Eddie curses.
“Fuck. We missed the best part!”
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allstrangerthings · 3 years ago
Everyone say it with me: “VOL. 2 WAS ABSOLUTELY CLAM HOCKEY!!!!”
Hey, Duffer Bros🙂I just🙂Want🙂to🙂talk🙂
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allstrangerthings · 3 years ago
The ONLY part of Vol. 2 that I found enjoyable.
I actually cannot fucking believe that we got a Joyce tending to Hopper's injuries scene, a sexually charged changing clothes scene, not one but two kissing scenes, Joyce SAVING HOPPER from a demo dog, the family reunion, literally this is what fanfiction is made of
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allstrangerthings · 3 years ago
HAHAHAHA - flash forward to 2022 and the release of ST4: Vol. 1, this is horribly incorrect. (SPOILERS BELOW!!!!🚨🚨🚨🚨)
Not set in Christmas time. 
Hopper was in a Russian prison and not in the Upside Down.
They’ve given us a CRUMB of Jopper content thus far.
No Enzo’s - although, there’s potential for that in Vol. 2 I think.
El and Hop? Not reunited yet. 
No Eleven Christmas wish coming true :(
Okay. So, just hear me out. It is currently rumored that Stranger Things season 4 is going to take place during Christmas time. WHAT IF the season leads up to Christmas Day and Hopper (because I 100% believe he’s in the upside down and not dead) walks in the door on Christmas morning and reunites with El and Joyce??
AND THEN JOYCE AND HOPPER HAVE A #JOPPER MOMENT A LITTLE LATER ON AND HOPPER’S BACK TO HIS SMUG LITTLE SELF AND HE’S LIKE “You know, Joyce, it’s not too late for a Christmas gift...how about we go on that date at Enzo’s like we talked about?”
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