#I still don't wear shoes very often but I throw something on when I go outside most times
taylor-titmouse · 6 months
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Julia is sick of working late. She's sick of being disrespected, and most of all she's sick of her boss. Lance is a burned out, smooth-talking playboy, but he also happens to be the son of the CEO.  When Lance pushes her buttons once too often, Julia is tempted to put him in his place – but is it worth throwing away her career for a moment of satisfaction? Content: -F/M -dom -degradation -small penis humiliation -directed masturbation -power play 5k words,  EPUB and PDF format Only $3, Releases later tonight! you can go read the first two pages on the shop page!
i've mentioned a couple times now that my editor and the author of roger crenshaw: the dogs at duskfall @mortalityplays is now available for freelance work for people other than me, but i don't think i've made as big of a deal how he's ALSO going to start releasing his own smut shorts on the last friday of every month! he is SUCH a talented writer on top of being an excellent editor and it's my absolute delight to work with him on the cover for his first release. FINALLY i have a great answer when asked "is there anyone else writing smut like you?"
and since this was the first time in a while i went through a cover design process that wasn't just me making one for myself, i thought i would go into how it went!
The Prompt
R/L wanted something that didn't visually describe the characters, because he had deliberately avoided that himself in the text. these characters are archetypes, ideas of characters: a woman who works in an office and her playboy burnout boss. for an erotic fantasy scenario, not going into detail can be ideal, as it allows the reader to project their own fantasies onto the characters. but what does that mean for a cover, when showing off the characters is often the point?
The Thumbnails
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it means silhouettes, babie! if you're a reader of romance you've probably seen this approach a few times. silhouettes allow you to give the impression of a character without actually specifying them. HOWEVER! that can only go so far. note the female silhouettes in the left and right thumbnails--one with a pony tail, one with her hair down. these two very minor design elements say completely different things about the character, and pin her design down into something specific. (there is a whole line of feminist thought about this, that there is no such thing as an "unmarked" woman, or rather a woman whose presentation does not say something about her, ie a woman not wearing makeup is not perceived as neutral the way a man not wearing makeup is).
so anyway including her in the cover in full doesn't work for the prompt, because how she wears her hair or how she dresses would say something about her that we don't want to say. thus: we chose the middle design!
a man in a shirt and tie are super archetypal, and """neutral""" enough to not say anything specific about lance, our male protagonist, other than he has a job and is of average size (which are of course not technically truly neutral, but for our purposes, are functional as symbols). and while a long, narrow, leg does still say something about julia, it is abstracted enough to simply represent the concept of "woman" without projecting an overall image of her in the reader's head. she has a leg, and she wears high heels. that's all you get!
The Sketch
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now we can move on to the sketch stage! this is the point at which the palette and text are figured out. i tried a few fonts before landing on one that had the retro paperback all-caps feel that i liked, and i used what i believe to have been a risograph print texture from retrosupply.
we went with the text up top rather than at the bottom, because it lends weight to the shoe and balances out the blacks in the pants. it also allows the figure to take up more of the cover, which is ideal. honestly, not a whole lot to say about this bit that i didn't cover in thumbnails: which is the point of doing thumbnails in the first place!
The Finish
well you can just scroll up to see that one. the final colors ended up a little less saturated, a little cooler, to bring it home to the retro paperback look i was going for and tie the colors together. i'm very pleased with it and had a lot of fun. cover design is one of my favorite parts of putting out books, and it was especially fun working with someone else to bring their vision to life.
anyway, you should go buy this book! it's only three dollars and i want to make more covers for these! your purchases would prove that i am a very good investment as a cover artist >:)
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xanasaurusrex · 1 year
Helloooo could u please do Poseidon cabin next? My hc is that they can be either very chill like typical calm surf kids and super relaxed (like calm and relaxing waves” or unhinged af like chaotic, super fun in a bit of crazy way and overall more energetic and like yeah unhinged (like Percy). Lil obvs usually overall the same calm, go-with-the-flow kind of kids but also either very chill or very chaotic. Wanna know what u think tho… so yeah. Poseidon cabin if u can please?
⇢ ˗ˏˋ poseidon cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
hi!! of course i can do poseidon cabin hcs! i honestly have a lot of ideas about poseidon kids. thank you so much for the request and i hope you like these!
i totally agree with you that there are two ways a poseidon kid can turn out
1) totally chaotic (percy)
2) totally chill surfer kid
there are a few people who are a mix of chaotic and surfer, which makes them actually really fun to surf with, but only perodically, because while surfing with them is fun it can also be kinda scary at times
continuing on with water sports
poseidon kids are naturally really good at any and all watersports
they can often be found as the captains of swim teams
and very good at waterskiing and waterboarding
a go-to job for a poseidon kid is lifeguard as well, obviously
poseidon kids also don't eat seafood
some people find this confusing and some people find this obvious, i personally think it's obvious
it's because they can understand what fish are saying, so they don't like eating them
if you ask them why that bothers them, they'll say "you know what people are saying, would you eat them?"
not the most sound logic, but they're not exactly known for that
all poseidon kids have natural beach waves
poseidon himself definitely has beachy wavy hair, and he definitely passes that onto his kids
just like hecate and athena pass on their eye color to their kids, poseidon passes on his hair
poseidon kids are hardly ever seen wearing shoes unless it's absolutely necessary
they just naturally feel more comfortable barefoot
(the darks are a-barking)
ignore me
they love spending time at the beach, obviously
little beach creatures always manage to find their way to them
like you'll look away from a poseidon kid at the beach for about two seconds, and look back, and they have a little crab in their hand
sometimes they can look a little crazy, because they'll start having conversations with these little creatures
another thing about the beach with poseidon kids:
yknow the thing where whenever you leave the beach, you have sand just everywhere
they don't
it's something to be genuinely envious of when it comes to poseidon kids
like, they'll shake out their towel and there will be no sand on it, and then it's just done
it's definitely magic, a gift from their godly father
poseidon kids also hate aquariums
most aquariums don't treat the fish like they need to be treated, so going to an aquarium is kind of traumatic for a poseidon kid, because they can understand what the fish are saying
a kind of universal traumatic event for any poseidon kid is going to an aquarium on a field trip in elementary school (not yet aware that they're the child of poseidon) and hearing the fishes beg for help to be liberated from the prison they were being kept in
and when they got to the touch tank, hearing the fish beg to not be touched, things like that
like any and all poseidon kids ran around ripping everyone's hands out of the water, begging them to stop touching the fishes because they didn't like it
needless to say they got picked up early that day
poseidon kids also tan really easily
like, they'll fully walk past a sunny window and get tan
like for the full summer season, they're tan
they also stay tan for a really long time, so they're honestly still tan into like spooky season
poseidon kids are also very good at throwing parties
it's their chaotic side
they know where and how to get the best decorations, where the best spot to set everything up is
(and where to get good alcohol without getting caught, but you didn't hear that from me)
poseidon kids are the definition of horse people
not all horse people are children of poseidon but all children of poseidon are horse people
not in a cringy way, either, they just connect with horses more than any other animal, which makes sense because they can hear them and can have real relationships and conversations with them
they do often look a little bit crazy if they're seen at the stables fully having a conversation with horses
if they return to the stable where their horse is kept after spending all summer at camp, they'll go around catching up with all the other horses
they're also naturally skilled at riding horses
like if i jumped on a horse right now, i would fall off and die because i've never done it before and horse riding is a skill (according to the sims 4)
poseidon kids could go literally their whole life without riding a horse, and then jump on one during a quest and ride perfectly
the favorite movie genre of poseidon kids is also westerns, because they generally have horses in those movies, and they can understand their neighs
they think it's hilarious when a horse makes fun of the actor in the movie but no one but them can tell because they can understand what they're saying and no one else can
they look like crazy people watching westerns
at the camp movie nights, whenever it's poseidon cabin's turn to pick the movie, they pick a western, and are laughing at the most inappropriate times in the movie, because the horse just neighed in the background and he was making fun of the actor guys! the horse thinks this makes as much sense as we do, trust me, he has a really good sense of humor
going back to the aquarium thing a little bit, poseidon kids are also not a huge fan of zoos
this is because they can understand zebras, and zoo animals are also not treated the best
sometimes they're treated better than aquarium animals, but poseidon kids are always hesitant to go to the zoo, or just any place where you go and look at animals of any kind for fun
they can't help but think how they would feel if they were in that position
so basically poseidon kids have the hugest hearts ever
and they're very brave as well
and basically the coolest ever
you should probably be friends with a poseidon kid... if you're not already
alright that's all for poseidon kids! this was super fun, i had a bunch of ideas for poseidon kids! i want to thank everyone again, for all the support i'm getting on these. i've decided to start writing for harry potter characters, because i'm binging those movies and have a bunch of ideas, so these might be coming out a little bit slower, but know that i'm working on them! if you've requested one and i haven't posted it yet, just know that it's in the works. thanks so much for all the support and requests, i love you all so much!! muah!
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dark-is-d3ad · 10 months
More fibro!Ghost because it hurts af, and I'm in for that infusion thingy literally right now, a month ahead of what it was supposed to be. So, I'm not suffering alone, i'm taking the guys on the ride. Christmas with Soap's family, some fluff, and caring Soap included in the pack.
• The leave is unexpected but still nice, and when Johnny offers to tag along with him on his trip to Glasgow, Ghost agrees, because why not? As if he's got something else to do. Soap promises all sorts of good things except for bourbon ("they'll be offended, and ye have ta try some proper Scotch at least once"), and also that means they'll get some time together. Ghost's sold.
• He's been doing just fine lately, despite last three weeks being full of missions. Hadn't had any problems at all, even though there wasn't much rest between them. It's a bit too good to be true, but who is he to complain about it? His next infusion is scheduled for mid January, and while the month before one is usually the worst because the effect from the previous one starts to wear off, this time he apparently has it good. Unbelievably good.
• Soap's family is big, and loud, and overwhelmingly funny, they roast each other a lot, and all of them got some sick burns, especially his dad. Ghost secretly loves it.
• They're also suprisingly understanding about his balaclava. There is only one question: is he comfortable with it? He nods, and then no one bats an eye, they're so freaking normal about it, as if he's not wearing one at all. After all this time it's refreshing.
• Soap, apparently, doesn't shut up about him at home. They all think he's some badass cool guy, and he fucking blushes, and oh it's so good to have the mask, saves him the embarrassment. He's really not used to this, it's just his job, after all.
• Ghost gets back at him, too, tells them some cool stories about Soap and his demolition work, how he's the smartest guy in the team, and how Johnny saved his ass in a couple of very hairy situations. He finds it really funny when Soap's in his shoes now, mumbling something along the lines of "oh it's just work."
• They go to the gym together early in the mornings, they also go for chilly morning runs every other day, and it's so enjoyable. Sometimes Soap's dad goes with them, too. Scotland is beautiful, hills, and rocks, and fog; Johhny huffs slightly when he runs up the hills, and Ghost feels so light, his legs bouncing softly off the road. The runner euphoria hits him here much more often than it usually does.
• They don't really share a bed, both deemed it too much for a family visit, but they do hang out at Johnny's room until wee hours, and then Ghost sneaks back to the guest room, heart pounding.
• Johnny's nephews are adorable. Ghost teaches them basic survival skills and quickly wins their sympathy. "They're little menaces, Si, why would ye teach them how to start a fire with next to nothing on hand?! I dinnae tell'em for a reason!" The little ones get a lecture on responsibility, and there's that. What was learnt can't be unlearnt, eh? They're finally allowed to practice in the chimney, and they're thrilled when they succeed. Ghost is put on permanent supervising duty because he caused it. He doesn't mind, for a grown-up he's having way too much fun with little pyromaniacs. And he hasn't even shown them his favourite knife yet. That will probably have to wait, he doesn't want to be banned from the house yet. He'll teach them how to throw it one day.
• They get out in the city for a day to get some gifts. Ghost heavily relies on Johnny in this endeavour, but they manage to find something for everyone. The little ones are getting some nerf guns, there's a bunch of knitting supplies for Soap's mum, a nice bottle of scotch for his dad, and some little things for his brother and sisters. Then they split for a bit, because Johnny is hell-bent on finding "the thing", and he refuses to tell Ghost what it is.
• Ghost uses the time to take a walk and get the stupidest kinda thing: a soft cover that goes on a helmet, bright red, fluffy, with little horns on top. He never knew Johnny had a motorcycle in the first place, but that thing looks like it's his already, so he figures he'd just add it to the gift he already got him.
• Christmas is chill and homely, and the dinner is amazing. On Boxing day Ghost doesn't expect any gifts, but he gets a hand-knitted balaclava from Soap's mum, black with a white scull, very much resembling his mask. It's warm and soft, and honestly fucking cute. He also gets some drawings from the little ones, with lots of fire and all of them drawn together around him, a huge ominous figure, but the scull has a little cheeky smile drawn over it. It makes his heart ache a little. It's been years since he got gifts like that. Since... he shuts the thoughts down as quickly as he can.
Then, he gets "the thing" from Johnny, and it's a set of bed linen with hello kitty prints. And it's light pink. "You bastard," Ghost says quietly. "I like it," he adds, almost non-audibly, feeling like he confesses a sin or something. It's really funny, and he's definitely keeping it. Johnny just grins at him, putting the fluffy cover on his helmet.
It's all fucking great, until next day Ghost has a night terror. In his dream he's tortured and buried alive again, but this time, there's not only Vernon but lots of bodies, they decay on him, there's no space, their sharp bones pierce him through, and he screams from the pain, and he's dying agonisigly slowly. His own scream wakes him up. The pain is still there, but bearable, his heart beats so fast as if it's going to jump out of his chest. And then he tries to sit up in the bed, and it goes from a 4 to a 9 in an instant. Ghost groans and falls back down on the pillows, defeated. It just had to happen now, of all times, when he's got no access to medical, no meds on him, and it's mid holidays on the other side of the country. And it was all going so good. He probably woke the whole house up with his screaming, too. "Fuck," he thinks.
It hurts as hell, his palms and wrists are the worst, they throb violently as if someone was crushing his bones with a hammer, and there's no fucking breaks. No ebb and flow, no nothing, just pure agony.
A couple minutes later Soap knocks. "Ye OK? Can I come in?"
Ghost hums a yes. "Had a nightmare," he tries to explain. It comes out a bit slurred, and Soap picks up on it immediately. He's seen him in bad flares enough times now to know what's up from the get go.
"Ye got something ye can take?"
"How bad is it?"
Ghost doesn't come up with an answer to that. It's hard to gauge it, it's so fucking overwhelming.
Johnny turns on small lights, but it still makes it worse. Ghost's losing it quickly, much quicker than it usually would happen, and it scares him. It's not even a ride downhill, he's freaking falling off a cliff at this point.
"Yer as pale as death," - Soap says. He climbs up on the bed and starts doing whatever is that massage of his is, but it barely touches the pain at all. It's still comforting, and Simon moves closer, and that little movement hurts, everything fucking hurts so much.
He's not gonna last through this one. A day, maybe, two at most. If it's a long one that was building up this entire month, he's absolutely fucked.
Another knock on the door. That's Soap's mum. He gets up and goes to talk with her, voice low. He's explaining something calmly, but Ghost can't make out words, and he's too busy trying to keep his composure.
She leaves.
"She's right, Si, we can try whatever meds we have here, and if that doesn't work, we gotta go get ye to the doctor."
"Y'remember I'm legally dead?" Ghost slurrs.
"Oh, fucking hell!"
Soap's mum enters the room. She's got a little tray with some meds and two cups, and a she's got a bottle of water laying on it, too.
"Too early for coffee, and I really hope ye'll sleep some more," she says. "But I got ye some milk. Get well, Simon."
"Thanks, ma," Johnny says. Ghost mumbles a "thank you, mam" too, but she just waves him off, almost offended.
"Ye get better and then ye'll get to "mam" me again. Wake me up if ye need something."
"I'll take care of it. Go to sleep, ma, love ye," - Soap takes the tray, and she leaves.
He takes a shit load of pills. Like the max safe dose he can in one go. The milk is warm and tastes nice, but drinking it all means having to sit upright for a bit, and that sucks major balls now, so he lays back down and closes his eyes. Soap's hands are back on his head, rustling his hair, but he shuffles away.
"It hurts, Johnny."
"It's ok. I'm only trying to help ye." Soap pauses.
"Ye know, that's how mum used to make it for me when I was a wee lad. The milk. Made me a cup now, too."
"It's good."
"Missed that more than I thought."
Soap still stays with him for the night.
It gets even worse by sunrise. Ghost honestly thought there was a limit to it, but it reveals him new fucking shades of suffering. He's fading in and out, sees Soap sometimes. Sometimes he's alone. At some point he really hopes he won't wake up again, because waking up hurts so much he cries in the pillow. The curtains are closed, but the thin strip of light that gets through them is searing, as if it tries to burn itself in the back of his scull. He loses track of time.
In one of this quick bits Soap helps him to get to the bathroom. He doesn't remember how he ends up in bed again. Next time he wakes up Soap's there, but he's got two more guys with him, Ghost doesn't know them. He tries to ask Johnny, but the question refuses to form. Soap still gets him.
"Doctors," he says. "A family friend and his friend. Yer OK, Si, I trust them. You can trust them too."
Ghost would have said a thing or two about trust, but he's so overwhelmed with pain he decides it can wait. And he really does need help, and Johnny's sorting his mess for him the best he can.
"We'll do what you usually get," tells him one of them slowly, making sure he follows him. "And we'll leave a note for you so your doctor knows."
Ghost nods. It doesn't take too long before an IV is set up, they double check the dose and let it run.
"We don't have all the equipment, so we'll make do with what we got, and check on you every now and again. If you feel any metallic taste in your mouth, let us know."
He nods again. Johnny doesn't let him pass out, talks to him, asks him stupid questions. At first it feels like a torture, but then the pain becomes slightly duller, and it's easier to stay awake, even though he's exhausted beyond measure.
"I really contemplated getting ye a vet to get yer meds. The stuff is heavily controlled, these guys could easily lose their licence for what they're doing," Soap tells him. "And the vet's got the same thing, so I thought we could pretend yer legally a horse, and write it off like that."
Ghost chuckles. Then he realises doing so no longer hurts. One of the guys runs him through usual checks quickly - pulse ox, blood pressure, heart rate - and leaves him be again.
"I even came up with a name and the description," Soap continues," Would ye mind to be a black bay stallion called Riley?"
Simon glares at him in response.
"The alternative was," Soap's losing it now, really, he laughs so hard he tears up, "50 rabbits in a trenchcoat. Or like about 10 dogs that needed an emergency surgery on the same fucking day."
"I'd rather be a horse," - Ghost finally manages. The IV is definitely working, from a neverending flow of pain it turned into waves that come and go, and it's so, so much better already. His brain still feels like mush, but at least he can talk again.
"Scared the shit outta me, Si," Soap confesses. "These guys are legally treating me dad for a bout of back pain, yer not gonna be on any records. Called Price, too, they needed to know what ye were on and shit."
"He's on break."
"Ye, I figured he likes ye alive. It only took a couple phone calls from him. He does wanna talk with ye when we're back."
That can't be good. He's too tired to care about it now, though.
"I wasn't gonna die from that," he retorts.
"It looked like ye were," - says Johnny way too seriously. "OK, I see yer getting better, the attitude's back, can I punch ye now?"
"How long I was out?"
"It's 31st today. Nearly two days, three if we count the first evening."
"Fuck. I'm so sorry."
He can't tell if Johnny's annoyed with him or sad, but he has a weird expression on his face.
"Yer a complete wanker, Si, sometimes I hate ye so much."
"Thank you," - Ghost says, and opens his arms for a hug. He desperately needs it, and it seems like Johnny does need one, too. After all of what Ghost had put him through. Came with him, ruined his break with his family, made him worry and find him fucking IV ketamine from nowhere. He didn't even have any of the rescue meds with him. Great job, Simon, really outdid yourself with this one.
But Johnny does hug him, and the hug doesn't hurt at all, so Ghost just pulls him on the bed and hugs him tighter, almost afraid to let go. As if something would break if he did. Johnny doesn't let go either. They stay like that, in silence, until the infusion setup starts beeping.
After he's done, they make him drink some water and tell him to rest. He really feels a lot better, the residual high from ketamine doesn't feel remotely as confusing as the brain fog was. He's still not perfectly steady on his feet, but that'll do.
He even joins the family for the New Year Eve. Mrs McTavish practically forces him under a plead on the sofa. "I can see how pale ye are even through the mask!"
He tries to apologise again for the mess he had caused, and gets scolded for the attempt by the rest of them. And Johhny adds to it, the traitor. He really loses in numbers, and under the joint assault of McTavish clan, he has to concede. Not his fault, they say, he didn't spoil anything, he's fine, and they're happy to have him.
Anyway, in the end Ghost gets a plate of festive food, and he gets to hang out a little, and to rest close to the warmth of the chimney, and when the littles come to cuddle him, he thinks that he really doesn't deserve Johnny. And all the people Johnny brings alongside him.
But Soap thinks different. Soap sees Simon falling asleep at his parents' couch, and his nephews passed out snuggling him, and thinks that's the best fucking thing that happened to him in a while. Even if that thing is a stubborn bastard of a guy that doesn't know when to take a break.
"Will ye be back for Easter?" Mum asks him.
"Dinnae. I'll try."
"Bring yer friend again if he wants. He's a good lad, and wee bairns like him."
P.S. about the talk.
It's not a discharge yet, but Price will enforce stricter rules on him (now it's not "just tell me if you're feeling off", it's "every time it's even a little off, you tell me", which leaves him no room to cover things up), and they will account for it more when missions are planned. And he has to have rescue meds on him at all times from now on.
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2 disclaimers:
I'm not an expert, these are just my ideas. The more you can add on or correct the better, please reblog
The first responsibility in fixing these issues (there are many, it's not a single problem with a single solution) lies with the people making the big money off of this. If you feel like you already have a system for making clothing and textiles work for *you* and you don't feel up to changing anything, that's absolutely fine and you should feel good about yourself for finding something that works.
Having said that, here's the main problem as I see it:
The term "fast fashion" really comes from the rapid circulation of collections high street brands go through. H&M famously advertises they have "something new every time you visit", you can always find new pyjamas at Primark, Pull & Bear prints new shitty tshirts every day. Obviously, not all of those clothes actually sell well and then continue to get worn until they are absolutely beyond repair. Most of those garments end up in landfills. Even the stuff that sells usually doesn't survive past a couple uses and gets thrown out.
=> What can I do in the face of this?
Cherish every bit of textile you have. Even dishcloths. Remember even though sewing machines exist every label, hem, and embroidery is hand-crafted onto your bit of fabric. Was it under $50? Then it's likely someone suffered to bring this to you. This is obviously not your fault and this is not meant to inspire personal guilt, but it might inform the way you handle fabrics. Wash something instead of throwing it out whenever you can and follow the instructions on the label. Choose the right kind of fabric for your needs so you don't have to continuously get new stuff.
Learn how to repair and/or alter stuff. This is a big one HOWEVER I feel like this advice is often thrown around without mentioning that a lot of clothing these days isn't made to be repaired. Some socks are so thin and flimsy they won't take to darning and some shoes aren't meant to be cobbled. Most hems don't have enough spare fabric to lengthen a pair of trousers these days. Once you learn about these techniques though you'll be able to more or less tell which is which before buying. I feel confident in my repairing abilities now so I only buy clothing that's sturdy enough to take a few repairs. Again, if that's above price range, don't feel bad.
BUY SECONDHAND. This is the single best piece of advice anyone can give to avoid the fast fashion trap. Always look for a secondhand option - charity shops, bespoke vintage stores, refurbished design, heck, even ebay. Buy something that has already been through circulation and don't add to the demand for new products. The way quality has declined over the last ten years, this also means you'll likely get much higher quality.
Learn to make your own stuff. This is basically a last resort as it's costly and takes a lot of effort and resources. If you're at all interested in fashion though, it's very much worth it to at least look into one or two fabric arts to pick up on the side. You'll have full control over the materials, cut, size, and finish of the garments you make yourself. If nothing else doing this will help you appreciate how much a piece of fabric or a garment is really worth in terms of labour and expertise.
Wear a piece of clothing until you can't repair it any longer. Then, turn it into rags or use it as scrap material for small projects if you do any crafts. After that, donate or re-sell what you can. No, not everything that's donated gets sold, but it's still the most responsible way to get rid of textile products you don't need anymore.
Buying more expensive garments isn't always better. I've had €500 shoes that went bust after two wears and I've had cheap tshirts that lasted for years. When you need a longer lasting item, say, a coat or a pair of boots - do some research, check second hand options, and stay critical. Don't buy based on brand. A good example is Doc Martens, whose boots have famously more or less gone to shit the past 5 or so years.
Remember, fashion is both a verb and a noun. Enjoy!
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Hi welcome to random things that I think the Reverie characters do, including their listeners but I'm really tired and can't remember all the pet names given.
(and this time I'm gonna proofread it. <- that's a lie)
Jacob - he's already a goofy dude with his whole red flag business. But aside from that, he doesn't like those mint things that Olive Garden gives you. (Totally not self projecting) and instead chooses to toss them to other tables without alerting the patrons eating at that table.
Jacob's listener - they don't like the color blue gray that mold is. You know that color? Yeah they have a violent reaction when they see it. I'm talking about swearing like a sailor, throwing a shoe at whatever had that color, ect. Their assistant wore a color similar and they locked him out of their lab until he changed. They want funding to develop a super weapon against the color.
Dion - he constantly puts the box of cereal on top of the fridge. No one knows why he does this, he just does and he refuses to explain. It's very frustrating.
Bodyguard - he doesn't finish movies. He will watch almost all the way through but at the last ten minutes he exits out of the movie claiming boredom. Also infuriating.
Bunny - they leave mugs and cups out. Once they're done, they will just set it down. Sometimes they use it again the next day depending on the previous contents. They always claim that they'll use it again, but more often then not they complain they can't find it before grabbing something fresh. Dion is constantly and rightfully complaining whenever they blame him for the cabinet where they keep the cups and mugs being empty.
Gage - he always buys gag gifts. He also buys genuine gifts but he won't give it to you until a week and a half after your birthday or whatever. He waits so you think his genuine gift is the joke one.
Bug - they can't match their socks for the life of them. Like every time they get a new pack of socks, they somehow always wear mismatched ones. They don't know how it happens but they say opposites attract. It's making people think they do it on purpose. They don't, that's just copium.
Neo - Neo can get competitive. Like reeeaally competitive. This foxy boy will quite literally nearly cause himself injury to "win". He has to open the door first because then he won the race to. (he hides it behind being polite but thats not his main focus) he will eat his food the fastest, nearly choking on it. He will win cuddling even if it's the last thing he ever fucking does.
Darling - they have canine behaviors. Which doesn't seem like a big deal. Until they're sitting in front of a closed door complaining and knocking on it because they're curious. Or when they sprint away full speed with something in their hands (or mouth) that they shouldn't have. Or that they have a specific spot on the couch or bed or table or floor or counter or fridge or blanket or chair that is their spot and no one else can be in that spot. Or when they grab things that smell like people they care about (most often Neo when possible) and just carry the items into common or public areas. Sometimes the person is still attached to the item.
Desmond - he has a bag of bags and a box of boxes. No one knows why since he barely uses them, but everyone is too scared to ask.
Newbie - they obsessively dig holes. And they don't refill them. They've gotten told off a few times for just leaving holes in the work yard but they just can't stop. They also regularly send pictures of the holes to Desmond like "LOOK WHAT I MADE 💪🤩" what he doesnt known is that this was in his front yard 😈
Law - he gets really into princess tea parties. Like, intense. He knows all the drama between the dolls and sometimes he'll try to instigate more drama. These tea parties have extensive lore now. Also he religiously watched great British bake off.
Sweets - They collect pumpkins. And hear me out on this. Every fall they go with Law and his kid to a pumpkin patch. Photos are taken and Law lets his kid get one pumpkin to bring home. Sweets never grew up with that kind of opportunity so one of these trips they decide to try it. And now they have a pumpkin. Suddenly their eyes are opened and it's pumpkin everything! They get several pumpkins each year. They have pumpkin decor they decorate with. Pumpkin (the color... Or pattern) clothing. Pumpkin spice becomes like crack. They really really like pumpkins. Just wait until they find out about the glory of fresh pineapples... Their home will look like a swingers without them realizing it.
Casey - he can't be allowed to go into Michaels. Not because of anything necessarily bad, but he just loses any and all impulse control. He'll go in with the intention of just getting a few things and suddenly he renewed his membership, has three signs, four fake vines, two picture frames, and seven full rolls of ribbon. (He originally went in for tye-dye for a date idea with Honey. He forgot to buy it and now needs to go again. He'll end up buying the materials to make a DIY wreath)
Honey - dating a florist is fun. But they now have flowers everywhere. Some are in pots, some in vases. Some are pressed between the pages of a book. Some tied in colored mesh baggies for sachets (I think that's the word I'm thinking of) and placed in their dresser drawers. It makes their clothes smell of the flower. They sometimes forget to change them out and next thing they know their clothes smell of rotting plant and need to go through the wash. But they're happy to have it, officially handing out the little gifts to even random strangers they meet in the street.
Cyril - he collects action figures. I have an angst hc connected to this, but I want to keep this fluffy for the most part so I'll just leave it at that.
Rival - they get heated if someone peels off that plasticy cling cover wrap thingie. The one that is placed over device screens or something? Yeah they're obsessed with that shit. If you peel it off before they can they will give you the silent treatment until they get the chance to peel it off something again.
Roman - Dissects pinecones. This dude will find the pine cones that are opened up and will meticulously start to pick the shards (?) Out and try to create towers with them. He'll never admit it but he's traveled back in time to find the same pine cone and repeat the process if he messes it up.
Pip (I think that's what the listener is called?) - they throw cotton balls at people they don't like or people they want to get the attention of. No one knows how they just have a bag or pockets full of cotton balls but they do. And they will throw one at your head with the force of a thousand spartan warriors.
Ellis - They really really like black out poems. (Those ones where you color over a sheet of text to only show certain words and create a poem out of it) which can be a problem considering where they work. The urge to just grab a book and start making a black out poem is so strong. They need to keep their hands busy for fear of giving into the urge.
Ellis' listener - they try to catch the dust that you can see floating through sun rays. The ones where if you stare long enough it's like you're hurtling through space and the dust is the stars. Anyways, they like to catch that shit and present it to Ellis. Ellis humors them and "thanks for catching the stars for me"
(and the tag because I'm slowly getting less scared of being perceived but mostly because Altair is so fucking nice omg and therefore it makes it a bit less scary. @reverieaudios )
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milla984 · 2 years
This Spencer Ried guy that i see on your blog a lot... sorry haven't watched criminal minds yet.
Tell me something about that character. Why do you love them so much
… well, Anon, grab a chair and make yourself comfortable!
The first thing I actually liked about Spencer Reid back in the day was the fact that he’s played by Matthew Gray Gubler, so he’s definitely the perfect example of non-toxic masculinity to me.
The character is almost immediately introduced as a genius - by his own admission he’s got an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, can read 20.000 word per minute and has three PhDs (Mathematics, Chemistry, Engineering) which is enough to make me go “yes, give me more of this guy, pls”. Later on it is also revealed he holds BAs in Sociology, Psychology and he’s studying to get a third one in Philosophy. Need I say more?!
During the first season he’s only 23, meaning he’s the youngest member of the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) team and actually looks like a puppy. Spoiler alert: even after 15 seasons he still looks like a puppy to me and I just want to hug him and keep him safe. Why? Because he’s S O F T, caring and loves his mom and friends to pieces. They feel the same about him and he ends up being the godfather of both sons of Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau, his fellow team member; another team member, Derek Morgan (who affectionately addresses Spencer as 'kid') names his firstborn Hank Spencer - after his own dad and Reid, obviously, claiming he’s the best little brother anybody could ever ask for.
So, yeah… Spencer is a total sweetheart and has been through A LOT: his father left when he was very young and his mom sadly suffers from schizophrenia, meaning little Spencer had to care for her and was forced to commit her against her will when he was 18 (what’s truly heartbreaking to me is that she’s fully aware and immensely proud of his abilities: she loves him and when she’s not having a bad day she’s easily his biggest supporter). He’s also shown to be very empathetic towards certain unsubs (the “villains” of each episode, so to speak) especially when it turns out they’ve been victims of violence or abuse, because he himself has been targeted by bullies; in Season 3 he recalls the time his high school mates tricked him into believing the prettiest girl in school wanted to talk to him in private, while in reality the entire football team ambushed him, stripped him naked and tied him to a goalpost (it’s worth mentioning that he was about 12yo when this happened, because being a genius he graduated from high school around that age).
In Season 2 he develops an addiction to Dilaudid, after being kidnapped and tortured by an unsub; the authors of the show have a questionable habit of putting him through hell, just because, and IMHO the only instance when Spencer getting shot actually has a valid purpose is in Season 5 - Gubler dislocated his knee IRL so they needed an explanation for Reid walking around in crutches for a while.
Since I have a feeling this post could go on forever (and we don't have that much time), I’ll just throw in a few more random reasons why I love Spencer Reid: he wears his wristwatch over his sleeve. He’s a Star Wars and Doctor Who fan. He always wear mismatched socks (as MGG, the actor who plays him, does) and is often seen wearing Converse shoes. I’m biased and I know it, but to me he’s easily the best dressed character of the entire show. His apartment is a mood and very dark-academia-ish. He’s socially awkward and displays a lot of behavioral indicators he’s on the spectrum (sadly the authors never confirmed it and it’s one of the many issues I have with the writing on this show, but that’s not the place to talk about it) so I adore his mannerism: he loves to sit on desks/tables, he almost never shakes hand but greets stranger with the cutest hand-waves ever and when he’s excited about something he rambles/talks super fast and sometimes he has an adorable high-pitched squeal (Reid stans definitely knows what I mean).
Hope this answer works for you!!
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hlvrfreakyfriday · 1 year
HLVRFF: Chapter 4
Yeah, Benry was very obviously posing at himself in the mirror just now. But luckily for the alien, Gordon's too preoccupied with other thoughts at the moment to question him about it.
Thoughts that he REALLY shouldn't be having. Especially not about BENRY of all people. Can you even call whatever the hell he is a person? You can call whatever the hell he is surprisingly cute NO. NO. THOSE ARE EXACTLY THE THOUGHTS HE NEEDS TO NOT BE HAVING.
Damn Gordon's lonely, bisexual heart.
Just- fucking- why Benry? Why this fucked up alien monster from beyond the veil who tried to kill him once? Who succeeded in killing several other defenseless people? Who got his hand chopped off by the military? Who still occasionally plagues his nightmares? Why would he EVER have feelings for someone like that?
If you hate him so much, then why have you let him live with you for the past four months, Gordon's brain supplies.
He's… not really sure why. Resignation to the fact that he's never, ever getting rid of the guy, and thus might as well get used to it, perhaps? Then there's Tommy, who Gordon pretty much owes his life to. Tommy never seemed to want to give up on the idea that Benry wasn't evil. Hell, even during the final battle on Xen, Tommy was still insisting that they not fight Benry, just try to understand him. When Benry inevitably popped back into their lives, It was Tommy who convinced Gordon to give the guy a second chance and let him move in with him. Gordon had questioned why he couldn't just stay with Tommy in that mansion the older man lives in, but Tommy's excuse was that his equally eldritch dad was territorial or something.
That, and that Benry had apparently wanted to live with Gordon more than with Tommy, despite him and Tommy being apparent best friends.
Gordon was sure that it was just so he could continue to make his life a living hell… but he really hasn't been, has he? Sure, they'll still have their arguments, but they're less straight-up fights and more just. Banter. Benry's gotten plenty of laughs out of the physicist, too, since moving in. He'll act weird when out in public pretty often, but it's always in just completely harmless ways. He's even proven to be surprisingly good with Joshie, the eldritch entity and six-year-old boy having long conversations about video games, cowboys, dinosaurs, et cetera. It's…
God. It's fucking cute is what it is.
IT'S FINE, THOUGH. It's fine. He can find someone cute without it meaning he has feelings for them. Totally. Yeah.
Just keep telling yourself that, Gordon.
So lost in these thoughts, Gordon didn't even notice he'd made it into Benry's bedroom and had the closet door open. Right, right. Get dressed, go to store. He kiiiiind of really doesn't want to go out in public like this, but they really do need that stim chew and shampoo. So Gordon starts to dig through Benry's messy closet for something clean to wear.
Half of Benry's shirts are a bunch of stupid gamer memes and PlayStation logos, while the other half are all skeleton-themed. Gordon obviously goes for one of the skeleton shirts. He also throws on some black jeans, and the only pair of shoes Benry owns; his old combat boots. Gordon's offered to help him buy some new shoes, but Benry refuses every time. Whatever. At least the boots were high-quality and thus not in danger of wearing out any time soon.
Now fully dressed, Gordon heads back into his bedroom to grab his phone and wallet. He finds Benry's gotten dressed finally, too, having picked out a Metallica shirt, featuring the art for Ride the Lightning. Good album. Benry likely picked that because of the blue, Gordon guesses. Guy's wild about that colour. When he found out there was a special edition PS4 that came in blue, Benry'd acted like he'd found the Holy Grail.
"You ready to go, man?" Gordon asks as he grabs his phone and wallet from the dresser. "We're gonna have to take the bus, since you don't have a license and so I can't drive while looking like you."
Benry gives him a little shrug. "'s cool. long as your weak human legs don't collapse on the walk to the bus stop. seriously, why are your legs so shitty, bro?"
Gordon scowls at him a little. "Sorry we can't all be immaculate, god-like beings like you."
"ha ha, yeah, sucks. your senses are all like, turned way down and shit. thought you were going deaf at first. and blind. and completely numb. and losing your sense of smell. and-"
"I get it! I get it! Human beings suck compared to you! Can we just go now?"
Benry laughs, but doesn't talk any further, opting instead to follow Gordon out of the room. Though, when they reach the living room, he suddenly stops.
"oh, yo, wait a sec," he says, and then dashes off to his room. He bumps his borrowed shoulder into the door frame, causing Gordon to yell out a 'stop trying to clip through shit!' to him. Gordon hears Benry rummaging around for something in his room, he probably forgot where he put his own phone or something.
It doesn't take long before Benry's returned to the living room. "aight. ready freddy."
Gordon gives an amused little huff, and they head out the door.
The moment they step outside, Gordon's new heightened senses are completely assaulted anew. He'd gotten pretty used to everything in the house, but the great outdoors was a whole 'nother ballgame. There are just SO many sights and smells and sounds and feelings and it's like they're all at max volume and thensome and Gordon can already feel the inside of his head and chest start to outright writhe in a very worrying way and-
"hey," Benry speaks up, resting a hand on Gordon's borrowed shoulder.
Gordon turns to him, and notices he's offering him something. A fidget toy shaped like a game pad. Oh yeah, that's right, Benry never liked to leave the house without it. Then why is he..?
"bro, just take the toy. trust me on this, man. it'll help," Benry says, shoving the fidget pad in Gordon's chest.
"Err, okay," Gordon says dumbly as he finally takes the offered toy. He's never actually used a specially made fidget before, always opting to just play with his own hair. But this… does feel pretty nice in his hand. Has a nice little weight to it. Gordon experimentally runs some fingers over the various buttons and wheels, testing them all out. He finds himself drawn to the back-and-forth switch, the circular smooth indention reminding him of a worry stone, and the click of the switch as he moves it is highly satisfying to his borrowed ears. He just stands there, playing with it for a good minute, as Benry watches with a satisfied look on his face.
Whatever writhing feelings that were stirring within Gordon are completely gone now, and he looks back up at Benry. "Uh… thanks," Gordon says, a bit awkwardly.
"no prob, bro," Benry replies with a grin, looking oh-so proud of himself. "i know all my bod's cheat codes and pro strats- don't gotta worry about it. you'll be uh, S ranking this shit in no time."
Gordon lets out an amused exhale at Benry's terminology and pats him on the arm with his free hand, before they finally start making their way for the bus stop. Gordon makes sure to keep his focus just on where he's going, which is much, much easier thanks to the fidget toy in his hands keeping him grounded.
The bus ride from their neighborhood and into town is pretty uneventful, which Gordon thanks his lucky stars for. As they approach the store and head inside, he hopes that this trend continues. But who is he kidding. Knowing Gordon's luck, it probably won't.
At one point on their way to the store, Benry had mentioned that he wanted to check out the different smells of the various kinds of scented shampoo, now that he actually has a nose that can handle them. And thus, they are now hanging out in the hair care isle, Gordon having already found some good scentless shampoo, and Benry delightedly taking in all the different fruity and flowery smells of the soaps. Gordon's once again hit with the 'oh god that's adorable' feeling as he watches Benry, but manages to swallow the starfruit lights back down this time. God forbid Benry see that shit and make a comment about it. He decides to turn away from Benry for the time being- and comes face to face with a familiar stout old man in a brightly coloured Hawaiian shirt, a lime green glow in his eyes and equally green glowing patterns on his skin, in designs that seem more reminiscent of circuit boards than Blaschko's Lines.
"Ah, hello, Benry! Or should I say, hello, Gordon?" Dr. Coomer greets in his usual cheerful tone.
Gordon blinks at him in confusion. "Dr. Coomer? How- how did you..?"
Coomer taps at his face near his eyes. "I have special eyes, Gordon! As does Benry, as you've no doubt noticed. And orange is definitely not Benry's colour."
Ah, yeah, that's right. Some of Coomer's cybernetic enhancements had apparently given the man a few eldritch abilities. Gordon already knew that Coomer could use Sweet Voice and peer into the cosmic void, so hearing that he's got vision like Benry's isn't too surprising.
"Hey, yeah, I keep meaning to ask Benry about that- what's the deal with the eye thing? And the glowing body patterns, too," Gordon asks.
"It would seem that many beings from the cosmic void have the ability to detect and see the 'Life Energy' of most living things. Everyone's energy signature is uniquely colour-coded; yours is orange for example, mine is lime as you can see, Tommy's is yellow, and my dear Bubby's is a lovely shade of cyan."
"And Benry's is apparently the entire rainbow," Gordon adds.
"He's very full of 'Life Energy', Gordon! With a direct connection to the infinite cosmos itself fueling him, it's why he never stays dead!"
Well, there's those questions answered, Gordon guesses. Both the glowing thing, and Benry's weird 'respawn' power. And speaking of Benry, it seems he's finished huffing hair care products, as he strolls up to join Gordon and Coomer.
As does Bubby, who just now appeared from another nearby isle. Gordon notices the patterns on the lankier older scientist's body are a lot different from all the others he's seen; probably having to do with him pretty much being a homunculus and not a normal human. The bright cyan patterns on Bubby look more like hotrod flames than anything else, and Gordon can't help but be a little amused by that.
Bubby notices the younger pair as he comes up beside Coomer. He gives Benry, in Gordon's body, a very judgmental-looking once over, and before anybody else can say anything, he says, "Gordon, why the fuck are you wearing one of Benry's hats? You look stupid as hell in it. Are you two finally dating or something?"
Bubby's words have Benry looking like his brain just short-circuited, while Gordon starts sputtering, trying to say something, but his tongue keeps tripping over itself. What does he mean 'finally'? The fuck does he know that Gordon doesn't!?
Finally, Gordon manages to spit out, "W-we're not- we're not fucking dating!"
Bubby raises an eyebrow at that reaction. "You're acting like Gordon," he says to who he still thinks is Benry, before turning to Coomer. "Why is he acting like Gordon?"
"Astute observation, dear! It would seem our good friends Gordon and Benry are having a bit of a 'Freaky Friday' situation, and are currently in each other's bodies!"
"Oh. Well, that's fucked up," Bubby says flatly.
"You don't even know the half of it, man," Gordon groans.
"yeah, seriously," Benry speaks up. "being human is like, SO sucks, bro. how do you even fuckin' deal with this shit?"
"I don't!" says Coomer. "I'm more machine than man at this point. Been this way for a quite a while!"
"And I'm the ultimate life-form, grown in a tube, so I've never really had to deal with being human," Bubby adds. "Sucks to be you."
Benry huffs at Bubby's ending comment, and Gordon grumbles at the implication that he's inferior to everyone else here when in his normal state of being.
I mean, yeah, sure, that's kind of true. But hey! He LIKES being human regardless! At least when he's human he doesn't have to worry about his body literally turning itself inside-out just because he got a little overstimulated! He should be asking how Benry deals with THAT shit!
Or, well, how he dealt with it before he discovered fidget toys. Gordon still can't believe that simply fiddling with a chunk of plastic covered in buttons is all it takes to keep him from turning into something out of H.P. Lovecraft's nightmares, and yet, here he is, flicking a little switch back and forth and feeling totally fine and focused because of it.
...Well okay, maybe not entirely focused. Gordon's only now noticing that the others were still conversing about something while he was entirely checked out, apparently. And they're all looking right at him now.
"Sucks to be you," Bubby smirks, and Benry huffs at him.
"it's not funny, man. for real. i'm all, like, weak and shit. i feel like- like i'm gonna drop dead at any minute. everything's all dull like somebody put a fuckin', uh, glass box around me. muffles everything. can't see good, can't hear good, can't smell good. buncha other stuff i can't even feel at all anymore. only thing i DO feel more than before is pain. it's major fucked up, yo."
It really, really is. Benry had no idea this was how Gordon, and presumably most other humans, experience the world every day. He feels so... fragile. It's finally giving Benry a good idea about why Gordon always fusses at him to be more careful even when Benry's not in any kind of real danger.
Because it's dangerous for Gordon.
...Shit, that's another reason he was always so scared in Black Mesa, too, isn't it. Not just 'cause he can perma-die, but because it's stupidly easy for him to perma-die.
Benry looks back towards the human in his borrowed body, and the two older scientists follow his gaze. It takes a minute for Gordon to notice, and when he does, it becomes very apparent that he wasn't listening to a single word that was just said.
"…What?" Gordon asks.
"Oh my god," Bubby blurts out, amusement clear in his voice, "you just completely spaced out like Benry usually does!"
Holy shit he sure did, didn't he? Guess the spacing out thing is tied more to how Benry's physical brain is wired, rather than his consciousness. Come to think, he hasn't been spacing out much himself since ending up in Gordon's body. Huh, go fig.
"Ffff," Gordon practically hisses, "oh, fuck off, man." He looks away from Bubby, clearly embarrassed. Bubby chuckles, but shuts right up when Coomer elbows him in the gut.
The shorter older scientist then speaks up, "Well, gentlemen! It's been lovely seeing how completely batshit your worlds have gotten, but Bubby and I need to return to our shopping."
Gordon sighs, and nods. "Yeah, yeah, same. It was good seeing you, Dr. Coomer. It wasn't good seeing you, Bubby." Bubby just flips Gordon off in response to that.
The younger pair leave the old couple to their shopping, and get back to finishing up their own. Benry manages to find a silicone stim chew shaped like a blue raccoon that he informs Gordon 'speaks to him on a deeply personal level'. He is this raccoon, this raccoon is him, and he is going to gnaw the FUCK out of it once it's officially purchased.
And GOD is it satisfying when he finally is able to start biting it. Tommy once got him another silicone stim chew shaped like a t-rex, having underestimated how adept Benry's sharp teeth are at tearing through… most things, pretty much. What can he say, he's an extreme omnivore by nature. Gotta be able to bite a lot of things if you wanna be able to eat a lot of things. Gordon's teeth, however, are all flat and lame and barely leave any dents in the silicone as he gnaws on it.
The trip back home is about as boring as the trip to the store was, though the bus ride feels like it drags on longer than the last time. As Benry sits there and chews the raccoon, his mind can't help but wander back to thinking about how Gordon acted in Black Mesa, during the Resonance Cascade. About how all his actions and emotions, which Benry thought were exaggerated and overreaction at the time, were completely valid. About how he wasn't just acting scared, he WAS scared. Scared to death. Of death.
Benry had found out about humans' inability to regenerate body parts while they were still in Black Mesa, just before Gordon got the gun-arm. Tommy told him, and Benry was going to apologize to Gordon for all the teasing he did due to not thinking it was so serious. But then Gordon kept shooting at him. A lot. It may not have been enough to kill Benry, but it still really hurt. And so instead of apologizing, he just acted like a petulant child, getting mad and angry right back at Gordon.
When they got to Xen, Benry saw it as an opportunity to really fuck with Gordon. He did try to make nice with the human at first, but then Gordon just kept making accusations that Benry was the cause of all their problems, yelling at him, insisting that they were never friends. 'if you want me to be the big bad, then i'll be the big bad,' Benry had thought. He stalked them all throughout Xen, toying with them, putting the fear in them. Benry even went so far as to kill the actual threat the lab coats back at 'Mesa had sent the Science Team to deal with. Killed it, stole its lair, took its place as the 'final boss.' Of course, Benry didn't really want to kill them. He was just messing with them all. Fuckin' around, you know. They were still his friends, in the end, even if some of them (Gordon) didn't think so.
It wasn't until after Black Mesa, after Benry had been brought back out of the void Tommy's dad had locked him in, that Benry learned about just how fragile and easy to kill humans are.
Though they were half-hearted, if any of Benry's attacks during the fight had landed, his human friends would've been very much dead and gone.
The thought turns his borrowed stomach, and if he could still use Sweet Voice while in Gordon's body, he just knows the air would be getting filled with guilty and loathsome sanguine and shadow.
…It's no wonder Gordon still has nightmares about Benry.
Benry, so lost in thought, doesn't notice when Gordon looks over at him for the briefest of moments, a look of slight curiosity and mostly concern on his borrowed face. He doesn't say anything, and just looks back away elsewhere, remaining silent for the rest of the trip home.
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georges-chambers · 18 days
11, 15, 23, 25, 27 :)
Thank you sm for all of these <333 they're very interesting and fun to answer
11. 'Anything from your childhood you've held into?'
I have a fair amount of boxes of old toys, I think, which is nice. And technically since I've grown So Little a fair amount of 'childhood clothes' still fit. But the oldest things are probably a 2DS i got around when they came out. It does not work, got sand in it at some point and somehow it's basically unfixable because of it but. I Cannot will myself to throw it out due to sentimentality. And of course a blanket I was given when I was born thats white (a bit off white now) with a rainbow of circles of different animals over it. Also of course the 1990 tarot deck my mother just. Gave me at a young age before i got into it. Both of those are very beautiful and I love them.
15. 'Rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning'
Freezing least wanted. Painful the whole time and hard to stop, from what I've heard. Drowning second because while the end is okay, the instinctive fear I've heard can kick in sounds incredibly painful, so no. Freezing, I've heard, feels painful until it suddenly doesn't and then just feels like sleeping, so going with that. Plus there's a chance of ice mummification.
23. 'Do you wear jewelry?'
Yes, usually. Always wear a specific necklace under my shirt and all, usually wear at least two particular rings. I got a (probably fake but whatever) gold ring recently for surprisingly cheap and have a fair amount by now I just sort of switch around, especially in summer. Wearing more rings/necklaces somehow makes up for it being too hot to wear longer sleeves. I also have 2 necklaces I do wear more visibly.
25. 'Would you say you have good taste in music?'
Not really. Interesting taste, at best, but mainly because a fair amount is rather obscure, sometimes lesser known 50s-60s musicians, but still more often pop styles than not, and a lot of music from like the 1900s-1930s or so very roughly, which I don't really specify the genre because it's like. Jazz-ish? Idk what to call it but phonograph recorded music is something that is very beloved to me. But all that being said I do not in any way defend it, its Not great I just like it.
27. 'What's your favorite go-to outfit?'
T-shirts and Various sweatpants, and almost always in summer a black buttoned shirt over it all with smaller stripes of different colours. Sometimes a necklace over that. Usually 2-4 rings. In winter the black shirts replaced by a green knit sweater with a belovedly accommodating pockets. Often crocs and socks are the most comfortable shoes, but vans too sometimes. And of course glasses. Only very recently got a new pair of very nice pants that have a slightly Jartnell-reminiscent pattern but they're made of such nice material I'm worried to wear them too often but like. They tempt me so much.
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vyangappdesign · 2 years
What's your style?
How long does it normally take you to get ready?
What are the plans you have for when you get dressed?
Does the weather impact the way you dress?
How comfortable are you with experimenting?
Who or what gives you the most inspiration when you dress?
Where do you get most of your clothes? Favorite Designer?
How often do you get rid of clothes?
What's your budget when shopping?
If money wasn't a concern, what would you like to wear?
20 mins
Comfortable on all occasions work/school/hang out
Yes more cold = more layers
Semi-okay to experiments. Depends on how drastic it is
Random ppl I see in real life or on tik tok
Thrift/ Uniqlo
I don’t get rid of clothes just stop wearing
Higher quality clothes of current style
1. Streetwear style
2. 30 minutes
3. Casual hangout at a restaurant with friends
4. No
5. Very comfortable
6. I don't have any inspiration when I dress.
7. Fashion Nova/Supreme
8. Very rarely
9. 300-500
10. Louis Vuitton
1. I lean towards what ppl might consider alternate fashion.
2. around 1 hour.
3. I usually dress however I want. even if the event is simple, I would probably wear something people would consider far out of the normal dress code for said event.
4. if it's cold, I dress warm, if not, I wear a crop top or a skirt.
5. I’m very comfortable and it makes me excited to explore more within the fashion realm. I try wearing things I wouldn’t usually wear, but fitting them into my aesthetic rather than anything rigid.
6. my fashion style is mainly inspired by popular trends within the early 2000s, and early 2000s gyaru (mainly kogal fashion)
7. I get the majority of my clothing from thrift or small pieces from fast fashion after assessing their quality (shien)
8. I get rid of a bunch of clothes per season. when it's winter, I look for the summer clothing I barely wear and donate them.
9. 100 maximum
10. I would love to wear more streetwear or high fashion Japanese or specifically crafted dress brands!
1. basic pieces, simple
2. 30 minutes at best
3. going to school: I just put on whatever is comfy, so sweatpants and a crewneck. if I’m going out to eat somewhere nice, I like to put on a dress and throw on a nice bag as well.
4. of course, hoodies come out when it’s cold, and shorts and a tank top when it’s hot
5. I don’t usually go out of my comfort zone but I would try new things to see if I like it or not
6. if I scroll past a video and see a particular style I like, I’ll look for clothes similar to it.
7. urban, pacsun, brandy melville, h&m
8. I get rid of clothes once every half a year
9. I have no budget as long as whatever I’m buying is at most $100. for shoes, the limit is $300
10. I’d probably wear the same thing as now but I’d probably buy better-quality items
20-30 min
for school, I dress casually for a night out I wear a dress/skirt
very comfortable
people I see on tiktok
h & m. I do not have a fav designer
every time my closet fills up and I want to buy new clothes so like every season
no budget as long as I like the item
stuff from aritiza bc their quality is so good but it's so expensive
Everyone takes around the same time to get dressed. 30 Minutes is still a lot of time to pick an outfit. This can be cut down.
Most people dress differently based on the weather
A lot of consideration into what they have planned.
Some just want to be comfortable in their own closet but some want to experiment.
Tiktok/ social media is a big influence
People rarely get rid of their clothes. Maybe they lost ideas on how to style it thus not wearing it.
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sysig · 5 years
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Finally thought up a Minecraft sona!
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
crystal clear
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Steve has been keeping something from you but it's not what you expect | 1.2k, fluff, fem!reader, thank you to ace for encouraging me on this one! one of my fave headcanons is steve needing glasses, so here we are.
"Christ," Steve mutters, pacing around his room. He keeps picking up things and putting them down, running his hands through his hair. "Shit." You sit on his bed, waiting for him to tell you what's wrong.
"Baby," he says, reluctantly, "have you seen my glasses?" He's not looking at you as he says it, so he can't see your eyebrows shoot up.
"I'm sorry, your what?"
"Are your ears clogged or something?" he says lightly. As if he could stop you from asking questions.
"Steve," you say, getting off the bed and walking to where he stands searching his desk. "Your what?" He sighs and finally looks at you, wrinkling his nose.
"Don't be mean," he groans. "My glasses. I'm getting a headache, should put 'em on." He rubs a hand down his face and you can see the tension in his jaw.
"You are impossible," you chide. You brush your fingers over his temple as if you could take whatever pain he's feeling from him. "Let me help look. But you have to tell me what I'm looking for since I've never seen them before." You flick his nose gently. He rolls his eyes at you but smiles and leans down to press a quick kiss to your mouth.
"Brown leather case," he says. "Check the car, maybe? Keys are in my pocket." You dip your fingers into the back of his jeans, palm unnecessarily spread as you maintain eye contact. His cheek twitches and he fights a smirk as you make a show of digging for the keys before pulling them out and twirling them around your thumb.
"Handsy," Steve says. "Eyes on the prize, baby. Get it?"
"You're hilarious, Harrington," you deadpan before heading downstairs to his car. His pain can't be that bad if he's still making horrible puns, but you want to keep it that way. The BMW sits in the drive and you pull open the driver's side door and look around the interior. Scuff marks from your shoes, a soda stain from Dustin that you took the blame for, one of Robin's hair clips. You bend a little to get closer to the mats and that's when you see it: a brown leather case trapped under the passenger seat. You fish it out and pop it open to find a simple pair of silver wire frames, one lens thicker than the other. Steve often tells you that his brains have been so scrambled he could be on a diner menu, but you really didn't know it had affected his vision. Sometimes he gets headaches, sure, but usually he just calls you and you lie in the dark with him, stroking his hair.
"Found 'em!" you call as you go back into the house. "They were under the seat." Steve is leaning against the kitchen counter, clearly having decided you'd be successful.
"Should've known. I've been wearing them when I drive at night." He reaches for the case but you swat his hand away and step into his space. You remove the frames from the case carefully and reach up to perch them on his face. He holds very still, mouth turned up at the corner.
"Oh god," you say once they're on. Your palms rest on his chest. "Christ." Steve looks worried for a second, hands coming to rest on your hips, fingers a little tight over your shirt.
"What? What's wrong?"
"You are unbelievable," you scold, making sure to keep it light and teasing. "It's so unfair how glasses only make you look hotter."
Steve groans, throwing his head back and shaking it a little before laughing. His hands loosen and his thumbs sneak under your hem to rub warm circles on your bare skin.
"You think so?"
"Don't be modest, Steve. You have to know that this whole thing --" you wave your hand over him -- "is just..it's...I'm blushing just looking at you!"
"Okay, okay, I get it," he says. Despite his reputation and his history, Steve takes compliments like a kid taking cold medicine. He pulls one hand off of you to run it through his hair and you have to fight to keep an embarrassing noise in your throat, moving your fingers to his belt loops instead.
"What didn't you tell me about them?" you wonder out loud. You're not mad, you just want to understand.
"Honestly, I forgot," he shrugs, cheeks pink. "I swear. I've only had them a week and I keep losing them."
"Do you need to wear them all the time?"
"Yeah," he mumbles. His free hand comes back to toy with a strand of your hair. "I should. When I'm driving or at work or reading...not that I do much of that. But if I do it without them I'll get a headache." He sighs. "Been knocked around one time too many, I guess."
You frown at the reminder of Steve's pain, of all the things he's suffered through because he's brave and kind and good.
"We should get another pair so you have two, just in case. I'll carry one around." The pretty flush spreads down his cheeks to his neck.
"Really? You'd want to?"
"Course, Steve. Gotta keep that pretty head of yours good and healthy." You poke him on the forehead. The glasses make his eyes impossibly big, and they are warmer than usual, so mesmerizing you don't know how you're going to deal with this every day. He blows a raspberry at your staring before taking the frames off and setting them on the counter.
"Hey, you just said you need to wear those --" He presses one hand into the small of your back to bring you even closer before hovering his lips over yours. You always keep your eyes open as long as you can before Steve kisses you because every second you get to look at him feels special, feels like you have to savor it. But your lids flutter close as he slots his mouth over yours and that sound you tampered down before finally escapes. He smiles when he hears it, nose brushing yours as he makes sure to kiss you thoroughly. Perhaps too thoroughly for his parent's kitchen in the middle of the day, but you'd never complain. He releases you and you're a little dazed as he puts his glasses back on, looking entirely too pleased.
"Do things look different?" you ask before wincing at how stupid it sounds. It's his fault anyway -- your brain is fuzzy from his closeness, even still.
"A little," he replies. His smile is soft, lips pink and pupils blown. He brings his thumb up to brush across your own swollen lower lip. "Helps with this eye." He gestures to the one that's been blackened almost too many times to count.
"Do I look different?" This question is softer, a little more serious. He studies you for a second, tilting your head left then right, pretending to think on it. His gaze travels across your brow and down your cheeks, documenting every hair and freckle and mark as if he didn't already have them memorized.
"Nope," he says finally. "Always been able to see you clearly, baby." You flush to the tips of your ears, your chest a warm mess of fondness and love.
"Still pretty as ever, too," he adds. "Seriously, every day I look at you and think, how is this even allowed?" You wrinkle your nose at him before resting your head on his chest, his arms coming around you. He laughs, just happy to have this moment with you, and you can feel it, his heartbeat strong in your ear. I am so lucky, you think. Steve is thinking the same thing.
tags: @spideyboipete @sunlitide @gloryofroses19 @carpediem1219 @themarvelousbee
want to be added to my tag list for full-length (non-ask) fics? send me a message and specify for steve, eddie, or both!
reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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disasterofastory · 2 years
Hello, so I was wondering if you could do a Tommy Shelby x son reader. Preferably the reader still being young, 12 to 16 for example. Though I understand if you don't want to write for that age range. Anyway, I think it should be something more fluff. Like for example Tommy spending a day with his son teaching him how to ride a horse or an outing with Tommy's brothers. Honestly do whatever you see fit if you choose to do this request. Thanks you!
Also I loved the other Tommy x brother reader! Twas very good.
News Tommy Shelby x son!Reader Warnings: hunting
A/N: Well... I wouldn't call it fluff because I can't imagine Tommy as a fluffy dad with older kids. I would say it's more... peaceful. I still feel Tommy is a bit OOC, but I liked writing it. I hope you will like it too and thank you for your request.
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It's still early in the morning. You can't even see through the fog as you stroll beside your father. The mansion disappeared behind you a long time ago, and the woods in front of you is just a green blur.
"Tell me again, dad," you break the silence, adjusting the suspender on your shoulder. "Where are we going? And why?" You are not in a good mood. Tommy woke you up when the sun wasn't even up, kicking you out of bed and giving you barely enough time to get ready. You only wear pants with a long-sleeved undershirt and shoes. And it's fucking cold. The bottom of your trousers is soaked because of the wet grass. But the smell is pleasant. It's fresh and dewy. "You wanted to spend some time with your old man, no?" He asks back. The newsboy cap hides his crystal blue eyes and cigarette burns between his lips. The smoke swirls and mixes with the fog around you. "Well… Yes," you reply, grimacing. "But not this early." A slight smile curves on his lips. Your eyes wander to the rifle on his back. "We go hunting?" "You wanted to try it," he replies, referring to the weapon behind him. "And you will let me?" You continue questioning him. Your voice is uncertain since you know his option about you using weapons at your age. You are too young. You will have a chance to use guns enough time when you grow up. And it comes out of a man's mouth, who has a whole arsenal under his suit. "You will have to come with me and see," he shrugs, leaving you in the dark. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" "No."
Soon, you reach the woods where the animals slowly come to life as the weak rays of the sun peak through the greenery. Twigs break under your steps, and you move behind your father to move more easily among the trees. "So?" You speak up again. "What's the plan?" "We go for a deer," he replies, glancing at you over his shoulder. "I'm not that hungry," you frown. "You can eat leaves if you don't like it." "The deer sounds good."
Your whole day goes like this. You follow your father through the trees, watching out for your surroundings. After you finally wake up fully and the grogginess of your mind clears up, you start to enjoy your time with Tommy. It's calm and seems like the world stopped outside of the stink of Birmingham. Despite your standoffish relationship with your father, you still like spending time with him. No matter what, he is your father, and deep down, you know, he does everything for you even if it doesn't seem like it. And it often doesn't seem like it. But you know what is going on in reality. Your father tends to spend his time with you when he is in trouble. He always throws himself into nature when something is wrong with the business.
"Stop," he orders you suddenly. "There," he points through the trees where you immediately notice the animal. The stag is beautiful with a broad chest and great antlers. His jaw moves slowly, and his head is up as he looks around. He feels your presence, the danger that comes with you being there, but he doesn't notice you yet. There is no reason for him to run.
You have to force yourself not to jump when your father appears behind you, holding the rifle in front of you. "Move slowly," he says quietly. With a nod, you let him adjust you. He places your hands on the weapon, giving you instructions. Okay. It's really happening. "One shot won't be enough," Tommy says. "You have to be quick." "Okay," you breathe out. Your voice is not even loud enough to be a whisper. You hold your arms up, tilting your head to target the stag. Tommy doesn't let you go, whispering into your ear while you focus.
Breath in.
Breath out.
And you shot.
Once. Twice. Three times.
A lot of things happen at once. The rifle recoils against you, pushing you back to your father's body. The woods get loud as the animals flee while the shots echo off the trees. You can hear it even though the ring of your ears. The stag falls to the ground, and Tommy pats you on the shoulder.
"Good," he says proudly. "I didn't think you would hit him." "Thanks," you hum, not knowing how to feel about his praise as you follow him to the animal.
Soon, your father cuts him into pieces, packing away what you will eat and leaving the leftovers for the other animals. When you continue your way, the bottom of your shoes is bloody, and the temperature slowly drops as the sun starts to disappear under the horizon.
"We will sleep here?" You ask him next to the burning fire. You try to suppress the worry in your voice, not wanting to seem weak in front of your father. You didn't have time to dress warm enough to spend the night in the woods. "No," Tommy replies, busying himself with the food. "But we have time to go home." "So, what is the matter?" You lean back on your hands. "What do you mean?" Tommy asks back, glancing at you over the fire. The flames reflect in his icy blue eyes. Another cigarette burns between his lips. "You usually spend your time with me when something is wrong." "I really do that, eh?" He hums, putting the meat on the fire and sitting back to make himself more comfortable. His cap is next to him on the ground. "It's fine," you shrug. "Nothing is wrong with the business," he says, but when he sees your expression, he continues. "Nothing I can't handle." "Okay," you hum, knowing your father won't tell you more. You are too young, Y/N, he says usually, you will have to take care of the legal part of the business anyway. "And what's up with you?" He asks just to change the topic. "I heard you asked Ada about dating." "Of course, she told you," you groan. "I don't want to talk about it, dad." "Why? Did I woo your mother or not?" "Yeah, Polly told me the real story…" "Damn that woman." "She told me I will have a little sister," you add, watching him for his reaction. "She said the truth, this time," he replies. "What do you think?" You shrug. "Mother seems happier." "Are you jealous?" "No," you scoff. "At least I don't have to go shopping with her anymore." For a while, none of you say anything. The fire crackles with the meat on it. "That's why we are here?" You ask him. "To tell me the news?" "Yes," he replies. "But I like to be with you, you know." You scoff. "I hope so. I am your son."
You eat your dinner in silence. You have nothing to say to each other, and it's okay. This is one of the reasons you like each other's company. You don't have to entertain each other or act differently. There are times when you barely see your father because of his work, but when you are together, it's always good. It's always peaceful.
"We could go for a ride tomorrow," he speaks up. "Why?" You ask. "Won't you have work?" "Your mother threatened she will cut my cock off if I don't spend more time with my family." "Understandable," you nod. "I heard pregnant women are unpredictable." "Yeah, but don't tell her that," he warns you. "I know. Ada almost killed me because of it when she was pregnant." "I'm surprised you are alive." "Me too."
You stay in the woods for a few more hours before you make your way home, hoping your father will keep his promise since your mother is at his back, promising him to put a knife in his back if he doesn't change. And Tommy is a brave man, but you can see the fear in his eyes when his pregnant wife finds out you spent the day in the woods, barely dressed.
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bokubooo-archived · 2 years
walk away
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> fights with atsumu are not often, but when it happens, it's bad. tired and frustrated, you leave for the night, leaving atsumu feeling cold, lonely, and missing you a lot.
pairing : atsumu x gn!reader
warnings : angst, fighting
notes : oh my gosh guys, reese actually wrote something?! idk had sudden inspi for angst and here we are, enjoy my loves <3
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fights with atsumu were so rare that you sometimes forgot how bad they could get, because when you two fought, it was like a nuclear war had happened, and the aftermath was even worse. it had been silent in the apartment for maybe three minutes, after you had stomped away to the bedroom and slammed the door before 'tsumu could follow. you could hear him let out a very loud and frustrated yell before he stomped away to the living room.
tired and mad, you pack a bag of some overnight things, you didn't know where you were going but you just had to get out of the apartment before you blew up on your boyfriend a second time, no doubt he'd spend the rest of the night being petty towards you. you throw the bedroom door open and head to the front door, taking three attempts before your shoes slip on, and snatching your keys from the hook beside the door.
atsumu is there in seconds, lured in by the jingling of your keys, and his eyes widen as he catches sight of the bag tossed carelessly on your shoulder. he stands silent for a moment, thoughts circling for a moment that this was his fault and you'd finally had enough of him and you were finally leaving and this was bound to happen because he couldn't keep his big fat mouth shut. he doesn't move as he clutches the hem of his shirt, fighting back tears.
"you-" you stop in your tracks as his voice comes out broken. "yer not- are ya comin' back?" he doesn't look at you as a tear streaks down his face and you almost drop your keys because you haven't heard him be so vulnerable in so long. you'd really forgotten what it was like when he got like this.
you sigh heavily and drop your bag, taking his wrist and rubbing it with your thumb. "I just need a little time to myself, 'tsum. I'll be back tomorrow and we can talk."
he shakes his head. "no don't- I can go, you can stay here I'll- I'll ask 'samu if I can stay with him or I'll go to a hotel but-"
"it's fine, 'tsum. I just need tonight, we'll talk tomorrow, okay?" he bites the inside of his cheek and sniffles, giving a small nod.
"okay, just... I-I love ya, okay?" your eyes are sad as you smile softly.
"I love you too, 'tsum." you take his face in your hands, guiding it so you can press a kiss to his forehead before you open the front door, leaving atsumu standing by the doorway, held back tears finally making way down his face, and he wonders when was the last time he felt like a helpless child.
it's cold when he heads to bed later that night, your warmth isn't pressed against his side, or his back, or his chest. it's not smothering him to the point he has to pull off the covers. he keeps turning over, expecting to find your sleeping face, but there's nothing on your side of the bed, not even the fox plush he got you for your second anniversary, apparently you'd taken it with you, and he wondered if you were hugging it, and if you were missing him too, maybe wearing one of his hoodies to forget that he wasn't in bed beside you.
the night is rough and he barely sleeps, and practice the next day is no better, he's so off his game that meian insists he just take the day off, so atsumu is returning back to the empty apartment three hours earlier than he should, and his mood is made no better when he discovers you're still not home.
a few empty hours past, atsumu spends most of it laying on the couch, aimlessly scrolling through his phone and trying to find something to watch on TV, he eventually falls asleep, and he's still sleeping when you arrive home again, bag over shoulder, and you step out of your shoes quietly, immediately noticing your sleeping boyfriend, and you smile softly. you quietly head to the bedroom and set all of your things down, before stepping back out to the living room, kneeling beside the couch so you can brush some of atsumu's hair out of his face and press a kiss to his forehead, and then one to his nose before he's blinking awake.
he squints his eyes and takes you in. you look just as tired as he does, and atsumu doubts you got any better sleep than he did. he doesn't say anything, just raises his arms, an offer for you to climb on top of him, and you take it, settling down with your head on his chest.
"'m sorry," he whispers delicately, hand rubbing up and down your back.
"me too," you reply, taking his other hand and fiddling with his fingers.
"I love ya."
"I love you more, 'tsum."
he doesn't bother to argue right now, too happy to have you back in his arms.
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Not teeeechnically a “request”, but it’s a prompt I’ve been wanting to do for a while, so here we go. Just as @direwolfspostsrandomshit described, but the setting is your guy comes home to see you showing off the new outfit. Also, this includes Weaver and Naga as bonuses bc I love them 😌😌
You wouldn't know to look at him, especially behind those dark sunglasses, but his heart starts hammering immediately
"Uh, what's all this for?", He chuckles nervously
You tell him you were just trying it on, but you're not sure if you like it
"Why not? It looks stunning on you"
Oh really?
"Well you sure stunned me", he smiles and pulls you in by the waist
Adler kisses you and runs his hands up and down your bare skin
He loves how much there is to feel
With one more kiss, he slips the tip of his thumbs under the little hem of your shirt
"I uh, don't suppose you know how to take this off...?"
Maybe you can show him ;)
I'm sorry, but I KNOW y'all cannot look me in the eye and tell me that good old clean cut Hudson doesn't secretly have some SERIOUS kinks and fantasies
One of those kinks is definitely a huge thirst for curvy women lmao
You have him on his knees panting as it is, but to come home to you in that?
However, like Adler, Hudson is the master of the poker face
Too bad his blushing cheeks betray him
Now that is a rare sight indeed
You feel a bit more confident in your outfit, just by seeing how excited it's made Hudson
"Where'd you get that?", he tries to hide the blush by swiping at his face a little
You decide to have a little fun and saunter up to him, looking absolutely stunning
You tell him it's thrifted, but that's not of any importance right now
His skin feels hot to the touch as you cup his cheek and give him a kiss
At last he can't keep his hands to himself any longer, exploring every inch of exposed skin and gorgeous curves as he does so
You're going to be there for a while ;)
Ok, first off, Lazar knows you struggle with body image issues and he does his best to support you!
So to see you working it in a cute little number like that is 👀👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Besides, obviously he thinks your body is lovely!!
"Wow, you look amazing!"
You whip around, looking quite surprised to see him
Lazar continues on his way over, your outfit is even better from the front
You ask him if he really thinks so
You're more then nervous in this get up, but you've come to really trust his opinion and ego boosts
"Fuck yeah I do!", he picks you up easily and gives you a spin
He kisses your nose and then your lips before gently returning you to the ground
Lazar takes one look at you and your crop top and then one at his torso
"Say, you think they have any of those in my size?", the big guy laughs
You laugh too, but you're not entirely sure if he's joking
He's absolutely stunned!
Alex thinks you absolutely own in every outfit you wear, but he's never seen you in something so revealing before 👀
You ask him if he likes it, but all he can do is stumble over his words
He can't take his eyes off that cute crop top
You're starting to think maybe he doesn't like it, since he can't seem to find anything to say
But finally he manages to tell you it looks great on you
It's not much, but you're starting to pick up that he may be a little shy in your presence while wearing such a cute outfit
He smiles and walks up to you, "Um, it looks really great, actually heh"
His hand caresses your hip and and nuzzles your check
"Do you think you could wear it more often?"
You know what?
You just might :)
He fucking DIES
Seriously, like I headcannon that Naga love a thicc Queen™ soooo hard, like I think he'd short circuit lol
For the sake of some sort of civilized manners, he asks some throw away question like where you got the outfit or something as he walks right up to you
He pulls you in for an embrace to greet you while you moodily answer his question
He's not listening however
Instead, he runs his hand from your hip up to the curve of your bust
The silk of the fabric is cool against his fingers, and they shake a little in excitement
You don't even get to finish your sentence
With a scoff and a roll of the eye, you shoo his hand away and scold him, trying but failing to conceal your laughter
He begs and promises you whatever you want if you let him take you to the bedroom in that little get up
Tsk, naughty boy
His mouth falls open the second he sees you
He whistles and howls, making you jump a little when you turn around
"Damn baby, that looks amazing on you!"
You tell him thanks, but you're not a big fan of the low rise pants. They show off you tummy to much, you think
He makes a face like he's upset anyone could think that about you, even yourself
Sims brings you in for a hug and he kisses your forehead, arms gently locked around your waist
"Naw, you look gorgeous", he kisses you again, "in fact, come on, lets go show that little number off! Make some people jealous", he laughs
You're not sure, buuuuuut...
He seems so confident in you that you can almost feel confident in yourself
At last you agree and run off for your shoes
You definitely earn yourself a collection of admirers that night
Hoooooo boy
Weaver is about to combust
Unfortunately, Weaver is also Weaver so he doesn't know how to express it
He can't even speak he's so overwhelmed!!
You give him the usual hey, how was work stuff
He tries, but still no coherent words
Thankfully for him, this isn't a total disaster
You know him well enough by now to know he only gets like this when he's surprised
You gesture to your outfit and ask if he likes it
He nods fervently, unable to take his eyes off that little crop top
You roll your eyes and give a little laugh as you walk over to kiss him
"Thanks", you say
He feels inordinately warm under your touch
He gulps, hands a little shaky as he reaches up to touch your waist
"Y-yeah", is all he can manage
Just give him a minute :p
A very similar initial reaction to Sims tbh
"Oooo hooo... Fuck yeah! Where you going sexy?"
You blush and respond that you were actually about to go change out of this, you're just not sure it suits you
Woods has put up his coat by now, but he hasn't taken his eyes off of you once
"What? Why? You look amazing!"
He comes over and cops a little feel of your sequined booty
You jump and laugh a little, while he nuzzles your neck
You're still not 100% sold on it, but you tell him maybe it's alright just for the house...
"Heh, sounds good to me", he waggles his eyebrows at you
He'll encourage you to wear it out if you want to, but he's the jealous kind and he knows for sure you'll be drawing quite the fanclub in a stunning look like that
But it's alright, you can wear what you want where you want ofc
He knows how to fight :)
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gravesightings · 4 years
Sure I can!!! Sorry for not giving details, I always do this 🤦🏻‍♂️! I actually had to google the meaning because english isn't my first language and in every site meant something different (with some similarities ofc), so i don't even know if dork is the word. But it's a silly s/o, who behaves slightly awkward, laughs of dumb or stupid things and tend to make jokes that only dads do, still they like being like this and love the feeling their personality cause in others.
hey, it’s no problem! thank you for elaborating. I appreciate it! 💞
slashers with a silly/dorky s/o.
Asa Emory / The Collector
socially awkward? same hat!
seeing someone slightly a bit more socially inept than him would cause him to take charge of the situation. awkward silence who?
paranoid as usual. what if someone happens to take advantage of you? he simply cannot have that. here, keep one of his dogs with you at all times.
big fan of the dad jokes so you might actually hear him laugh! but he’ll quickly try to brush it off and act like nothing happened.
tolerant of your antics as long as you don’t hurt yourself. if you’re observant enough you might catch him trying not to smile at you.
Billy Lenz
sweet piggy, silly piggy! billyboy is also a big fan!
billy doesn’t catch certain social cues so it’s as if you’re never awkward to begin with.
while he thinks some of your jokes aren’t that funny, he’ll laugh anyways! that’s how much he loves you, see?
pretty straightforward. that includes both complimenting you and some of his other interesting comments. haha you’re weird and your jokes are for old people! he likes that!
naturally joins you when he sees you laughing at something dumb. do you like victim people-watching? snicker along with him when a victim does something embarrassing in private.
Bo Sinclair
bo definitely thinks it’s cute! you remind him of vincent in a way except you’re actually funny.
catch him full-on belly laughing at your dad jokes. turns out he has the exact same type of humor! he only stopped making jokes because his brothers think he’s not funny.
now that he has you around, you’re both busting dad jokes and un-funny puns.
a little awkward with him? that’s alright. a hard smack on the back will do the trick. bo’s quite the charmer so he’ll have you comfy with him in no time.
the type to tell you up-front that you’re a little weird but “in a good way.”
Brahms Heelshire
this recluse wouldn’t have a damn clue if you happen to be slightly weird. there’s no socializing to be done in the walls, after all.
just thinks you’re shy and maybe a little odd? but he has manners! and he knows not to call you that out loud. he’s a good boy, you see.
the jokes are ....not very funny to him... but he’s not gonna say that either! you know why? that’s right! because he’s a good boy.
might give you a pity laugh from time to time because otherwise he feels bad.
but! brahmsy’s very on-board with laughing at dumb things. invites you to sit with him by the window and points out a rat rolling around in the garden. oh! there it goes!
Bubba Sawyer
you’re so cute!!! bubby makes sure to “compliment” you a lot by babbling at you softly and petting your head at the same time.
unfortunately he’s a little slow when it comes to the jokes so he can’t appreciate them as much...
honestly it’s hard to tell if he’s into it or not because bubba’s always smiling around you anyways. did he get one of your jokes or is he just happy to spend time with you? who knows.
you know who would appreciate the jokes and the antics though? choptop and nubbins.
drayton’s lifespan would be halved. he’s already got his hands full with the two troublemakers, and now you too?
Jason Voorhees
jason thinks you’re positively adorable! expect frequent head pats from this man.
like asa, he’s a bit of a paranoid so he makes sure to always keep an eye on you. you’re too sweet for this world and bad people might hurt you for it!
also a fan of the dad jokes! “hey jason, what’s a fish with no eye? ...a fsh.” cue muffled chuckling. gives you a thumbs up - jason’s seal of approval.
because big boy is a sweetheart, he’ll fake a laugh even if he doesn’t find it funny. also he’s given a thumbs up to all your jokes. all of them.
not one to laugh at dumb things but cares about you enough to want to know about it. tree stump shaped like a butt? hm you’re right. why are you laughing? ? how is it funny???
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
jesse also thinks it’s cute but in a condescending way.
“hey jesse, what kind of shoes do ninjas wear? ....sneakers!” deep sigh.
like the true gentleman he is, he would never leave you hanging no matter how bad your jokes are. mostly he’ll just shake his head and give an exaggerated sigh.
once he had pulled out his knife and handed it to you, asking you to “please end his misery,” after you had told him the impasta joke.
definitely the type to give sarcastic comments such as “please not another one, I’m already dying of laughter,” or “you’re putting other comedians out of business.”
Michael Myers
no reaction as always. just grumpier than usual.
bastard hands mcmike thinks it’s dumb and you’re dumb, so naturally he’s going to follow you wherever you go. y’know, just in case someone decides to abduct you.
completely lost in thought while you’re ripping out all your killer jokes. why are you like this? internally decides he’s going to repeat the process again tomorrow.
thinks it’s a serious problem and if you keep at it, he’s going to get creative. would you behave if he just... throws a sheet over you?
would listen to you sometimes and you’d automatically know by his dramatic sighs.
Thomas Hewitt
tommy’s very socially awkward so he’d probably be more relaxed around you, if anything.
not as generous with pity-laughing but he’ll give you a good pat on the head for effort.
surprisingly sassy? tommy's actually very expressive despite not being able to talk, so more often than not he’s giving you a look that says “you need to get better jokes.”
or sometimes giving you a sarcastic sigh, followed by the rumble of his chest. that doesn’t count! he was laughing at the situation, not at your joke!
it’s hard to make the big man laugh so don’t get too discouraged. however, he does find it difficult not smile at you every time you try.
Vincent Sinclair
oh.. honey, no. vincent’s too nice for his own good so he’d be overly supportive of anything and everything you do.
dad jokes? groan. but if you’re the one making them? he’ll make the effort to chuckle, at the very least. (bo complaining in the background about how vinny doesn’t laugh at his jokes.)
can’t help but find it oddly endearing. this man is a hopeless romantic so he’d be praising you any chance he gets.
his praising method is the same as bubba’s - only vincent hums fondly at you instead of babbling.
it’s not easy to make vincent laugh either but he doesn’t want to discourage you from trying so he’ll just keep faking it and hope you get better.
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hero appreciation day is a feeling not constrained by time, so i present to you: an incomplete list of mira's outfits! i have so many thoughts. details/notes/reasoning under the cut. a general note: the amount of knives on her person increases exponentially as time goes on. by the end of this she has So Many knives.
top row
body type: she's never been skinny, but she definitely has less muscle mass, due to a) being often underfed for 18 years and b) not holding a sword until she was about 19. she didn't take excellent care of her hair until celestia taught her fancy braided updos and coaxed her into buying nice soaps and shampoos, hence the split ends.
rogue: very practical! there are at least four knives on her person and she is not going to tell you where they are. this outfit has probably been Through The Wringer. her aim here was something easily fixed and easily cleaned.
soulweaver: this is one of the very few things she's ever successfully woven, and tomix had to guide her through it. (this is not the shirt which got its sleeves flexed off. tomix might have actually killed her if she made sleeves just to destroy them.) i tried to combine aegis's book 1 boots and soulweaver's....umm. platforms? for the shoes. she uses this for stealth/speed, at least until she gets to book 2 and learns cryptic.
middle row
dragonlord: she didn't get this until later in book 1, but i still don't know exactly when! she used it up until she got frozen. the torso armor is silver because even i found it to be Too Much gold. the shield has draco's titan likeness on the front, but i forgot to draw that, oops. (the sword isn't based on anything, i just like Feathers.)
(technically cryptic - a non-calamity version, combined with soulweaver - should be here, but i was too lazy to draw it. maybe someday. she uses it after getting out of the ice up tooooo just before the end of the void ship? since she dropped A Good Bit of strength while in the ice, and couldn't handle her dragonlord swords yet.)
master soulweaver: she receives this from tomix sometime during the void ship's travels and, immediately upon returning home, throws it into the depths of her closet, never to be seen again. the collar is meant to echo draco's mane! it was intended to be a comfy place for them to sit, but, well...sorry tomix, if you wanted this to be worn, you should have tried Not Dying
cryptic (calamity version): she doesn't use dragonlord after draco is taken, for fear it will strain them even further. she doesn't use her spiritlooms either; after a a nasty spat with aegis about whether or not it's healthy to strain herself Quite So Hard, she refuses to touch them until draco is purified.
this outfit is also partially soulwoven - the cape and boots, specifically - but she, uh, wasn't super concerned about keeping that cape nice. she doesn't know why it tore in the shape of eyes in some places, but she throws it out and tries not to think about it.
bottom row
body type: Thick Thighs Save Lives. also those socks are soulwoven. she purchased them from some poor unsuspecting weaver, said "cool, thanks!" and made them look Like That in front of their eyes. she is now banned from buying clothes in ravenloss, which is why she had to go to danyel for the gala outfit.
gala: FANCY BITCH HOURS. she thought for half a second about wearing the master soulweaver outfit to the gala - it's appropriately fancy if she changes the colors - but immediately dismissed it because Haha No. the thought process was basically like this:
mira: no I will not wear this fancy outfit it has painful memories. let me go get a different outfit that's going to be equally uncomfortable for similar reasons
mira when the outfits are basically the same: [surprised pikachu.png]
okay i know it's not The Same but like. the sparkles, the design on the side of the pants, the rope closure. it's similar enough to have made her throat close up as soon as she saw it. she probably should have figured that it would be similar - tomix had an excellent eye for her style, and of course the headmaster of edelia would as well - but she swallows her protests, wears it to the gala, and lets it join master soulweaver in the depths of her closet afterward. (re: sword: it's aegis's emanation katana, only Bigger!)
dragonlord/master soulweaver: she uses this for The Rest of book 3! ditched the torso and leg armor for ease of movement, switched out the gauntlets for her fancy new spiritlooms, and added a nice quilted vest. not pictured: renegade-style shield, which is made with [soulweaver mumbling] and is connected to aegis. it functions as a normal shield, but it's made to absorb ice energy - she's never going to get frozen again. the sword is a mashup of the ultra omniknight blade, the dimensionally shifted blade, and also i added galaxy stuff For Fun.
i think ??? that's all?? subject to editing if i think of anything else, it's 12:30 am oops
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