#ghost has fibro
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More fibro!Ghost because it hurts af, and I'm in for that infusion thingy literally right now, a month ahead of what it was supposed to be. So, I'm not suffering alone, i'm taking the guys on the ride. Christmas with Soap's family, some fluff, and caring Soap included in the pack.
• The leave is unexpected but still nice, and when Johnny offers to tag along with him on his trip to Glasgow, Ghost agrees, because why not? As if he's got something else to do. Soap promises all sorts of good things except for bourbon ("they'll be offended, and ye have ta try some proper Scotch at least once"), and also that means they'll get some time together. Ghost's sold.
• He's been doing just fine lately, despite last three weeks being full of missions. Hadn't had any problems at all, even though there wasn't much rest between them. It's a bit too good to be true, but who is he to complain about it? His next infusion is scheduled for mid January, and while the month before one is usually the worst because the effect from the previous one starts to wear off, this time he apparently has it good. Unbelievably good.
• Soap's family is big, and loud, and overwhelmingly funny, they roast each other a lot, and all of them got some sick burns, especially his dad. Ghost secretly loves it.
• They're also suprisingly understanding about his balaclava. There is only one question: is he comfortable with it? He nods, and then no one bats an eye, they're so freaking normal about it, as if he's not wearing one at all. After all this time it's refreshing.
• Soap, apparently, doesn't shut up about him at home. They all think he's some badass cool guy, and he fucking blushes, and oh it's so good to have the mask, saves him the embarrassment. He's really not used to this, it's just his job, after all.
• Ghost gets back at him, too, tells them some cool stories about Soap and his demolition work, how he's the smartest guy in the team, and how Johnny saved his ass in a couple of very hairy situations. He finds it really funny when Soap's in his shoes now, mumbling something along the lines of "oh it's just work."
• They go to the gym together early in the mornings, they also go for chilly morning runs every other day, and it's so enjoyable. Sometimes Soap's dad goes with them, too. Scotland is beautiful, hills, and rocks, and fog; Johhny huffs slightly when he runs up the hills, and Ghost feels so light, his legs bouncing softly off the road. The runner euphoria hits him here much more often than it usually does.
• They don't really share a bed, both deemed it too much for a family visit, but they do hang out at Johnny's room until wee hours, and then Ghost sneaks back to the guest room, heart pounding.
• Johnny's nephews are adorable. Ghost teaches them basic survival skills and quickly wins their sympathy. "They're little menaces, Si, why would ye teach them how to start a fire with next to nothing on hand?! I dinnae tell'em for a reason!" The little ones get a lecture on responsibility, and there's that. What was learnt can't be unlearnt, eh? They're finally allowed to practice in the chimney, and they're thrilled when they succeed. Ghost is put on permanent supervising duty because he caused it. He doesn't mind, for a grown-up he's having way too much fun with little pyromaniacs. And he hasn't even shown them his favourite knife yet. That will probably have to wait, he doesn't want to be banned from the house yet. He'll teach them how to throw it one day.
• They get out in the city for a day to get some gifts. Ghost heavily relies on Johnny in this endeavour, but they manage to find something for everyone. The little ones are getting some nerf guns, there's a bunch of knitting supplies for Soap's mum, a nice bottle of scotch for his dad, and some little things for his brother and sisters. Then they split for a bit, because Johnny is hell-bent on finding "the thing", and he refuses to tell Ghost what it is.
• Ghost uses the time to take a walk and get the stupidest kinda thing: a soft cover that goes on a helmet, bright red, fluffy, with little horns on top. He never knew Johnny had a motorcycle in the first place, but that thing looks like it's his already, so he figures he'd just add it to the gift he already got him.
• Christmas is chill and homely, and the dinner is amazing. On Boxing day Ghost doesn't expect any gifts, but he gets a hand-knitted balaclava from Soap's mum, black with a white scull, very much resembling his mask. It's warm and soft, and honestly fucking cute. He also gets some drawings from the little ones, with lots of fire and all of them drawn together around him, a huge ominous figure, but the scull has a little cheeky smile drawn over it. It makes his heart ache a little. It's been years since he got gifts like that. Since... he shuts the thoughts down as quickly as he can.
Then, he gets "the thing" from Johnny, and it's a set of bed linen with hello kitty prints. And it's light pink. "You bastard," Ghost says quietly. "I like it," he adds, almost non-audibly, feeling like he confesses a sin or something. It's really funny, and he's definitely keeping it. Johnny just grins at him, putting the fluffy cover on his helmet.
It's all fucking great, until next day Ghost has a night terror. In his dream he's tortured and buried alive again, but this time, there's not only Vernon but lots of bodies, they decay on him, there's no space, their sharp bones pierce him through, and he screams from the pain, and he's dying agonisigly slowly. His own scream wakes him up. The pain is still there, but bearable, his heart beats so fast as if it's going to jump out of his chest. And then he tries to sit up in the bed, and it goes from a 4 to a 9 in an instant. Ghost groans and falls back down on the pillows, defeated. It just had to happen now, of all times, when he's got no access to medical, no meds on him, and it's mid holidays on the other side of the country. And it was all going so good. He probably woke the whole house up with his screaming, too. "Fuck," he thinks.
It hurts as hell, his palms and wrists are the worst, they throb violently as if someone was crushing his bones with a hammer, and there's no fucking breaks. No ebb and flow, no nothing, just pure agony.
A couple minutes later Soap knocks. "Ye OK? Can I come in?"
Ghost hums a yes. "Had a nightmare," he tries to explain. It comes out a bit slurred, and Soap picks up on it immediately. He's seen him in bad flares enough times now to know what's up from the get go.
"Ye got something ye can take?"
"How bad is it?"
Ghost doesn't come up with an answer to that. It's hard to gauge it, it's so fucking overwhelming.
Johnny turns on small lights, but it still makes it worse. Ghost's losing it quickly, much quicker than it usually would happen, and it scares him. It's not even a ride downhill, he's freaking falling off a cliff at this point.
"Yer as pale as death," - Soap says. He climbs up on the bed and starts doing whatever is that massage of his is, but it barely touches the pain at all. It's still comforting, and Simon moves closer, and that little movement hurts, everything fucking hurts so much.
He's not gonna last through this one. A day, maybe, two at most. If it's a long one that was building up this entire month, he's absolutely fucked.
Another knock on the door. That's Soap's mum. He gets up and goes to talk with her, voice low. He's explaining something calmly, but Ghost can't make out words, and he's too busy trying to keep his composure.
She leaves.
"She's right, Si, we can try whatever meds we have here, and if that doesn't work, we gotta go get ye to the doctor."
"Y'remember I'm legally dead?" Ghost slurrs.
"Oh, fucking hell!"
Soap's mum enters the room. She's got a little tray with some meds and two cups, and a she's got a bottle of water laying on it, too.
"Too early for coffee, and I really hope ye'll sleep some more," she says. "But I got ye some milk. Get well, Simon."
"Thanks, ma," Johnny says. Ghost mumbles a "thank you, mam" too, but she just waves him off, almost offended.
"Ye get better and then ye'll get to "mam" me again. Wake me up if ye need something."
"I'll take care of it. Go to sleep, ma, love ye," - Soap takes the tray, and she leaves.
He takes a shit load of pills. Like the max safe dose he can in one go. The milk is warm and tastes nice, but drinking it all means having to sit upright for a bit, and that sucks major balls now, so he lays back down and closes his eyes. Soap's hands are back on his head, rustling his hair, but he shuffles away.
"It hurts, Johnny."
"It's ok. I'm only trying to help ye." Soap pauses.
"Ye know, that's how mum used to make it for me when I was a wee lad. The milk. Made me a cup now, too."
"It's good."
"Missed that more than I thought."
Soap still stays with him for the night.
It gets even worse by sunrise. Ghost honestly thought there was a limit to it, but it reveals him new fucking shades of suffering. He's fading in and out, sees Soap sometimes. Sometimes he's alone. At some point he really hopes he won't wake up again, because waking up hurts so much he cries in the pillow. The curtains are closed, but the thin strip of light that gets through them is searing, as if it tries to burn itself in the back of his scull. He loses track of time.
In one of this quick bits Soap helps him to get to the bathroom. He doesn't remember how he ends up in bed again. Next time he wakes up Soap's there, but he's got two more guys with him, Ghost doesn't know them. He tries to ask Johnny, but the question refuses to form. Soap still gets him.
"Doctors," he says. "A family friend and his friend. Yer OK, Si, I trust them. You can trust them too."
Ghost would have said a thing or two about trust, but he's so overwhelmed with pain he decides it can wait. And he really does need help, and Johnny's sorting his mess for him the best he can.
"We'll do what you usually get," tells him one of them slowly, making sure he follows him. "And we'll leave a note for you so your doctor knows."
Ghost nods. It doesn't take too long before an IV is set up, they double check the dose and let it run.
"We don't have all the equipment, so we'll make do with what we got, and check on you every now and again. If you feel any metallic taste in your mouth, let us know."
He nods again. Johnny doesn't let him pass out, talks to him, asks him stupid questions. At first it feels like a torture, but then the pain becomes slightly duller, and it's easier to stay awake, even though he's exhausted beyond measure.
"I really contemplated getting ye a vet to get yer meds. The stuff is heavily controlled, these guys could easily lose their licence for what they're doing," Soap tells him. "And the vet's got the same thing, so I thought we could pretend yer legally a horse, and write it off like that."
Ghost chuckles. Then he realises doing so no longer hurts. One of the guys runs him through usual checks quickly - pulse ox, blood pressure, heart rate - and leaves him be again.
"I even came up with a name and the description," Soap continues," Would ye mind to be a black bay stallion called Riley?"
Simon glares at him in response.
"The alternative was," Soap's losing it now, really, he laughs so hard he tears up, "50 rabbits in a trenchcoat. Or like about 10 dogs that needed an emergency surgery on the same fucking day."
"I'd rather be a horse," - Ghost finally manages. The IV is definitely working, from a neverending flow of pain it turned into waves that come and go, and it's so, so much better already. His brain still feels like mush, but at least he can talk again.
"Scared the shit outta me, Si," Soap confesses. "These guys are legally treating me dad for a bout of back pain, yer not gonna be on any records. Called Price, too, they needed to know what ye were on and shit."
"He's on break."
"Ye, I figured he likes ye alive. It only took a couple phone calls from him. He does wanna talk with ye when we're back."
That can't be good. He's too tired to care about it now, though.
"I wasn't gonna die from that," he retorts.
"It looked like ye were," - says Johnny way too seriously. "OK, I see yer getting better, the attitude's back, can I punch ye now?"
"How long I was out?"
"It's 31st today. Nearly two days, three if we count the first evening."
"Fuck. I'm so sorry."
He can't tell if Johnny's annoyed with him or sad, but he has a weird expression on his face.
"Yer a complete wanker, Si, sometimes I hate ye so much."
"Thank you," - Ghost says, and opens his arms for a hug. He desperately needs it, and it seems like Johnny does need one, too. After all of what Ghost had put him through. Came with him, ruined his break with his family, made him worry and find him fucking IV ketamine from nowhere. He didn't even have any of the rescue meds with him. Great job, Simon, really outdid yourself with this one.
But Johnny does hug him, and the hug doesn't hurt at all, so Ghost just pulls him on the bed and hugs him tighter, almost afraid to let go. As if something would break if he did. Johnny doesn't let go either. They stay like that, in silence, until the infusion setup starts beeping.
After he's done, they make him drink some water and tell him to rest. He really feels a lot better, the residual high from ketamine doesn't feel remotely as confusing as the brain fog was. He's still not perfectly steady on his feet, but that'll do.
He even joins the family for the New Year Eve. Mrs McTavish practically forces him under a plead on the sofa. "I can see how pale ye are even through the mask!"
He tries to apologise again for the mess he had caused, and gets scolded for the attempt by the rest of them. And Johhny adds to it, the traitor. He really loses in numbers, and under the joint assault of McTavish clan, he has to concede. Not his fault, they say, he didn't spoil anything, he's fine, and they're happy to have him.
Anyway, in the end Ghost gets a plate of festive food, and he gets to hang out a little, and to rest close to the warmth of the chimney, and when the littles come to cuddle him, he thinks that he really doesn't deserve Johnny. And all the people Johnny brings alongside him.
But Soap thinks different. Soap sees Simon falling asleep at his parents' couch, and his nephews passed out snuggling him, and thinks that's the best fucking thing that happened to him in a while. Even if that thing is a stubborn bastard of a guy that doesn't know when to take a break.
"Will ye be back for Easter?" Mum asks him.
"Dinnae. I'll try."
"Bring yer friend again if he wants. He's a good lad, and wee bairns like him."
P.S. about the talk.
It's not a discharge yet, but Price will enforce stricter rules on him (now it's not "just tell me if you're feeling off", it's "every time it's even a little off, you tell me", which leaves him no room to cover things up), and they will account for it more when missions are planned. And he has to have rescue meds on him at all times from now on.
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Dust is blorbo, lets go-
Gender identity: UE Dust is trans male, FC Dust is trans male, Band Dust is intersex and identifies as male, heathers au Dust is ???? vaugly fem??? maybe masc?? depends
Sexuality: uhh, none i dont think? i tend to make Dust bi, while i myself identify as pan - similar i guess? im probably ace too, though i dont really care about figuring that out rn, and i definetly could see Dust as that.
Race/nationality: i like making Dust korean, because of his au. im white. most of them are skellies which doesnt apply, or if they are human or human adjacent, theyre asian, or fantasy based. band Dust is half american, but im british.
weight/body type: yeah, i do that. i like making the guy stick thin to the point he looks like hes dying. all of them i think? wait, no not all of them, but most.
physical feature: uh, dont think so? i guess scars? but i dont have as many as i give the characters.
mental: that man has autism. that man has depression. that man is paranoid. thank you. (obviously he has MORE than that, but were talking overlaps here.)
Physical: i hc Dust as having fibro, and i have some kind of chronic pain - not sure what, but ill say thats probably projection. MM! Dust is 'selectively' mute! you could say for DR, AS, the Asylum au, and possibly MM all have links to not being able to move fully, or feeling restrained. FG Dust has chronic pain from, yknow, having MOLTEN GOLD spilled into his joints, and like, i have a LOT of joint pain, lol.
allergies: none! im not allergic to anything! im diabetic and vegetarian, but i have no Dusts that are like that!
habits: uuuhhh, bed rotting? oh, potion making! i love potions, and while i dont practice alchemy like i picture him as doing, i do do spells and such like! im also inclined to divination and such, which, like - shosts are my jam. thats OBVIOUS with yknow, MM! also, UE. spray painters au Dust i guess for art? i dont do spray, but i draw! i used to do ballet -> ballet au. im not into murder, personally. thoug i like a bit of true crime? i wanted to be a forensics expert when i was a teen?
music/media: band au, full stop. MaGM Dust is goth. MM au is based of a lot of 'ghosts haunting one area and one person can see them' type things. theres the Cludo au, based on, yknow, Cludo. the whole heathers au.
animals: nah. hes the rat man. i have cats.
conclusion: lots of them, ay? probably hobbies and media i would concur from this!
you may even project all of these but some things get reused more than others... for me it's being aspec, giving the blorbos a cat, and headcanoning them as being good at singing lmao.
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well met, friends. apologies for my month-long absence & not being able to reblog your content hoping to help you get sales, followers etc. i look horrible here, i know but look at my tiny goth brows.
for those of you who don't know, i have scleroderma (which is a nasty connective tissue autoimmune disease that causes constant tissue growth on your internal organs as well as the fingers, toes, etc.) i also have ehlers-danlos syndrome, arthritis & fibro due to the sclero.
i was hospitalized twice this last month with severe edema & a collection of doctors do not know what is causing it. while the popular opinion is due to my sclero, i am scheduled for them to check my heart valves & vascular function. this shit is fucking PAINFUL & i have a pretty decent pain tolerance from dealing with fifteen years of chronic pain. i am living in bed. i have needed help getting up, walking outside & getting to the bathroom just to fucking pee. this has effected my mental health (which i think is valid) so, i am incredibly depressed, hopeless & have had some dark thoughts lately. i am just so tired after years of this shit.
if you have made it this far, may mara bless your sweet face. i wanted to let people know where i have been especially since i have become friendly with some of you on here.
luv, cuddles & cauldron bubbles, the ghost queen 👻
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Hi guys! I don’t know how many people still read these. I know that Tumblr is pretty dead these days. However, I know that at least a few still do, so for those still interested, I’ll keep posting these little updates for you. I have an ultrasound coming up next week on my stomach since I’m still experiencing pretty severe nausea. I have an appointment with a new neurologist on the 19th since the last one basically ghosted me. It’s a long story but that was a really bad day--pretty much everything that could have, went wrong. I also talk with my rheumatologist on the 14th. I’m hoping to get some answers since things just seem to keep getting progressively worse. Especially my memory. I’m trying not to stress and worry over it but I’ll admit, that has proven to be a big challenge lately. My fibro-fog is not helping in this regard. I want to write but I can barely remember what I did five minutes ago. Some days, I feel like I’m losing my marbles. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t scare me sometimes. I hope you’re all doing well. Until next time, stay safe! <3
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This Ghost/Nebula definitely sounds like an intriguing figure... Tell me more?
Dearest wife, genius writer, Server Mom of Many Fae-Seeking Gremlins, of course @potestessemagishomosexualitatis
From the DREAM index as of December 2018
D.R.E.A.M. Index #337403
Classification: M.1.ii [Primary Tier Neutral, Acquired Powers]
Name: Ghost/Nebula
Status: ACTIVE
Civilian Name: [CLEARANCE: CONFIDENTIAL] Lulu Ador
Affiliation: Neutral
///////// H.A.T.C.H. Status: Blackout Only
Partners/Sidekicks: DI#337471 - The Queen; DI#337402 - Lovely Darling
Primary Foes: DI#337402 - Lovely Darling
Powers: Shadow Teleportation; Psionic Construction [Star Sprites]
/////////As Ghost, can travel through any shadow to any other; As Nebula, can summon star-sprites who are directed by her thoughts
Costume: Tailored suit in a galaxy print and bow tie with a matching mask
Age: 27
Height: 5’7
Pronouns: She/Her
H.E.A.R.T.S. Class ‘10
Note: Valedictorian of her class, on similar caliber to DI#337255 - Doctor Vectorious. Ghost appears to be almost like possession, while Nebula is the 'true' form. When as Nebula, she is a hero, albeit one frustrated with the overly-physical nature of typical heroing due to her fibro. Classified as neutral because any given day she may be one or the other
Another fascinating case, one that still lacks a full explanation. We’re not sure if this is a case of a dissociation disorder (in the form of DID or dissociative fugues), a power with a mind of its own (which would be hitherto unheard of), or just a case of woman running an elaborate con on us all.
Our note in the Index is accurate as far as we are able to establish. Ghost/Nebula (CN: Lulu Ador) appears to be two separate personalities and sets of powers within one body. But, she has not (Cannot? Will not?) confirmed if she is, in fact, unaware of the actions and decisions of one while the other is in ‘control.’
From inquiries conducted by our fact-finding team, her powers’ origins are unknown but first emerged at the same time as first reports of ‘dissociative episodes.’ There is no discernible pattern for predicting whether Ghost or Nebula will be present on any given day (or at any given hour). Those closest to her who might be able to speak in more detail have also remained elusively vague. [Editor’s note: this lack of detail persists even after an extensive survey of other DREAM registrants from all classifications, including but not limited to: The Queen, Rosethorn, The Prophet [... list condensed for brevity]].
What we do know is that she is quite brilliant, both academically and practically. She holds dual doctorate degrees from the University of Harmony City in astrophysics and literature, and has a respected career as “one of the best writers in [the astrophysics] field” entirely apart from her involvement as a super. It is rumored that she is also a successfully-published author of intricately-crafted fantasy novels, but under a pen name that is as yet unconfirmed.
Making these achievements all the more impressive is that Lulu is diagnosed with fibromyalgia and in ongoing treatment. One topic of inquiry into her power has been trying to ascertain if both Ghost and Nebula have fibro symptoms. Both powers would offer some manner of amelioration - Ghost is able to travel distances with minimal effort, and Nebula’s star sprites are able to support her and even carry her when needed.
When it comes to morals, there appears to be clear divide between Ghost and Nebula, which is the primary source of confusion regarding these personalities’ true nature. Nebula has assisted in several high-stakes battles defending the city against villains, but is less available for calls involving nonviolent crime. Ghost has engaged in many cases of vandalism and assisted nonviolent criminals and villains (including, most notably and frequently, Lovely Darling)
Another achievement: after getting to know S.E.A.M. Talyn Stokes through HEARTS and the DREAM registration process, Dr. Ador worked with the city government to overhaul the benefits given to heroes registered with HATCH. Previously, there had been a small stipend given based on number of calls responded to, and medical coverage for on-the-job injuries. Under the new system, there’s a full salary tied to level of accessibility (with on-call being highest and blackout-only lowest) and full medical coverage of any preexisting conditions as well as ‘professional’ injuries. Through the process of redoing this system, she ended up becoming the city’s primary consultant on chronic illness as it relates to public health and healthcare. She and SEAM Stokes remain good friends.
A rare photo is attached, on cordial visit to City Hall for tea with Talyn.
[A/N: as may be obvious, the Super name comes from The Ghost Nebula, also inspired by the ever-accurate nickname Fluff Fairy, Angst Goblin. CN is from Lulu herself and the fact that I Ador[e] her.
Costume - it always looks the same, but as Nebula, the star sprites hide against the star-print fabric and emerge when called.]
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My Answers to the WIP Ask Meme
Original meme here
1: Summarize your WIP in 10 words or less.
A group of Ghosthunters confront a hidden government.
2: Post a line from your WIP with no context.
“Because you’ve been shrieking about it for the last ten minutes!” Their mother interrupted.
3: Does your WIP have a title? If so, explain its significance. If not, what are you calling it for now?
Not yet. I’m calling it Haunted Towers for now.
4: Describe the setting of your WIP.
1990s Britain. Set in the Cardiff-Newport area of South Wales.
5: Search for the word “knife” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
6: Search for the word “dream” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
"Debt for years and another three or four years of graft and you too can have the high-flying career of your dreams," Becky narrowly avoided a red light.
A teenage Siobhan is talking to a Sixth Former about A Levels and University.
7: What are you most proud of?
Having anything at all in the way of work on this WIP. My fibromyalgia has hit me like a truck and I can’t believe my writing didn’t get sidelined. I fight really hard for it though. I was determined not to give it up because of fibromyalgia.
8: What is your biggest challenge?
Personally, the fibro, but I also struggle with depression and that obviously affects motivation, self-esteem and anxiety. The thing that suffers the most is my writing, because that is the thing I love the most, and that’s what depression seems to do.
From a writing angle, though, with this particular project, I want to write an ensemble cast, but I’m sure how that will work. I’ve never written an ensemble cast before, and the only time I can recall seeing it done was in Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, where it was done really, really well.
9: How would you describe your writing style?
My writing is fairly simple, I think. My worlds and characters are quite well-developed. My weakpoint is plot. I’m not a writer of stunning prose or anything. Other than not being super literary-fiction-ish, I don’t really know what my style is.
10: How would you describe your WIP’s narrative style? (1st person, 3rd person, multiple POVs, single POV, alternating chapters, etc.)
Ensemble cast, multiple POV, leaning on 3rd person at the moment, but I want to try out 1st, just to see. I want to keep all the POVs in one or the other and not mix them, but that does sometimes work, so maybe I should try it?
11: Which character do you have the most in common with?
Ember or Siobhan I think. Some elements of Anna.
12: Which character do you have the least in common with?
13: Your characters are stranded on a deserted island. What happens?
Well, they are a team, and they are trained to work as a team in dangerous situations, so on a survival front, they would whip that island into shape! They’d swing instantly into action, gathering resources, building shelter, scouting out potential risks… They’d get along ok with each other too. They are also good at keeping calm, and not panicking and fucking everything up. The issues would come when they miss home, and when the introverts need a break from the extroverts, and when the extroverts need more fun and people around. Also, Siobhan and Liv are not normally on jobs with them. Siobhan is their headset voice, and Liv is their manager at the office. So with Siobh and Liv stranded with them, the whole dynamic would change, and most of the team don’t know Liv that well. They’d also really, really miss Siobh’s outside view of everything and their sensible headset voice! Although she would be there, she wouldn’t have the more expansive viewpoint to guide them with. If Siobhan wasn’t there, it would come down to can she access their surroundings to guide them, does her tech work, and can they still communicate? If they didn’t have access to Siobhan one way or the other there would be panic. She is their steersman! They need her more than they know.
14: Have you chosen birthdays for any of your characters? If so, when are they?
I’ve always done this for my characters, but not for this cast, for some reason.
15: Do you know your characters’ MBTI personalities?
No. I can’t do that 7 or 8 times.
16: What would your characters be for Halloween?
Siobhan: A genie
Liv: When Liv is male he would go as an elf. When female she would go as a sort of candypop character. Like candy pastels and fun. Somewhere along the lines of Strawberry Shortcake in cuteness, but really modern, with candy pastels.
Millie: A ghost bride
Astro: A ghost
Neve: A witch
Anna: A vampire
Katie: An alien, especially E.T
Ember: A werewolf
17: Does your WIP have any themes or motifs?
Friendship and betrayal are huge in Haunted Towers. And the general aesthetic of British 90s as a motif.
18: What’s easier, dialogue or description?
I enjoy writing prose more than dialogue.
19: Post a picture or gif that describes your WIP.
20: Post a brief excerpt.
Alone in her car, Siobhan turned her CD player up. The music was older than her. Something her Dad had loved before she was born. She knew she shouldn’t be listening to it. Her mother, her friends and even her little sister had complained that she was holding on and making herself depressed. But Siobhan didn’t care. She wanted her dad, and since she couldn’t have him, then she would have this. She’d switch it to something more upbeat as she got near the office. There was that one set of traffic lights that always took forever. She’d use that as her cue to listen to her own, current stuff. By the time she got to work she’d be fine and no one would ever know.
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You know what I was looking for but couldn't find? Ghost having fibro headcanons or fics. Gotta do it myself, then.
Disclaimer: I don't know if that would work out at all, something tells me he wouldn't be able to keep up with active duty if he had it, but anyway. Let's assume Ghost is a BAMF, and he finds a way.
• Price knows. Ghost told him when he got diagnosed, because he didn't want to be a liability in the field. He was scared that he'd get discharged. Price found him a treatment that actually worked instead. "Just check in with me if you're not feeling well, alright?"
Ghost rarely does. Only if he thinks it could impact the mission or he can't function at all, which doesn't happen too often.
• He's not new to pain, and he's got a high tolerance. Most of the time he can just push it down and ignore it, no one even suspects a thing. Or rather he thinks they don't. While most of the base really doesn't, Gaz and Soap have figured it out a while ago, and if he gets an unprompted cup of tea on the bad days, a nap break, or they go on a jog instead of sparring or lifting, it's pure coincidences. They care about him in their own little ways.
• With the infusions scheduled properly he's mostly doing really good. He trains, he fights, he's sharp and focused, and there's no repercussions from it. Sometimes he even thinks he made it all up. It's on very bad days when he clearly realises he still has it. It's there, just waiting for him to let his guard slide, and then it'll fucking melt his bones from the inside for days on end.
• Pain contributes to the scary aloof vibes he got. It does get him even more shut off and grumpy that he already is, though. That's how Soap tracks it.
• If it's really bad, he hides away in his room and sits it out. Also, he is bad at accepting help, especially when he's in pain, it makes him vulnerable. He hates it.
• Infusions fuck him up a little. It's a shit ton of lidocaine and ketamine that they drip into him slowly, monitoring it so they don't give him a heart attack. But it's just half a day, every 4 months, and then he's golden for a good while. Well worth it
Sometimes it gets unpredictable. This one starts out as mild exhaustion and achy joints, and at first he writes it off as just being tired from a mission. They wrapped everything up and are heading back to base, so he'll just catch some shuteye and be fine. But by the time they land, everything is amplified, too bright, too loud, uniform coarse and prickly against his skin. It hurts like he was run over by a truck. His head feels stuffed, thoughts thick and blurry; it's exhausting to follow them, words and images fading in that sick black and white fog, sentences falling apart. It doesn't make much sense. He doesn't remember how he gets to his room. The bad-bad days are when Ghost fucking breaks, and this is shaping up to be one of those at record speed. He whimpers in relief when boiling hot shower takes some of the pain away, but for mere seconds, the short break only making the return of it sharper. It soon blends into a neverending stretch of pain-pain-pain, consumes him whole. He slides on the floor, water still flowing, and just sits there for a long while, not really being ready to move, head empty.
"Ghost? You alright in there?"
"What, Johnny?" he rasps. Sounds send waves of pins and needles through his body. It makes it worse.
"You're late for the debrief, Price asked me to get ye."
"Fuck," Ghost groans. How did he forget? "Give me a minute."
He's slow, his brain refusing to cooperate with him, but he manages to dress up. Pain and brain fog make him unsteady on his feet, like if he had a bad flu. When he opens the door, he's met with a concerned look.
"Are ye OK? Ye look like shite."
Ghost hates that concern wuth a subtle undertone of care in Soap's voice. It makes him feel weak.
"I'm fine. Leave it, Soap," he snaps. It's very apparent that he's not, but walking takes all of his focus, and thank god Soap follows him in silence.
Price sees right through him, but says nothing, just gives him a long look before they start. Ghost is not really helpful with the debrief. It's become even harder to focus, and his vision blurs slightly now. He manages to add some details to the intel they've got, but it really takes it out of him. When it's finally over, his gaze is glassy and unfocused, and he sees black spots from pain. He realises he might actually pass out. He really needs to get back to his room.
He leaves last, and stumbles into Soap who's apparently been waiting him around the corner, and has to grab him not to fall over. Soap steadies him on his feet.
"Lt? What's up? Fucking talk to me." He looks almost angry.
"Help me get to my room. Please," Ghost concedes. He feels fucking pathetic, but he's not in shape to make it back on his own. His ears are ringing, vision getting dark, pain searing throughout his whole body.
Soap walks him back along the wall, hand on his back.
"You sure you weren't injured today?"
He sees things in flashes. He probably closed his eyes at some point. Soap lands him on the bed, and at this point Ghost's given up. A particularly bad wave of pain makes him groan.
Soap takes matters into his hands from there.
"Let me check ya real quick." His hands run quickly, feeling Ghost's body.
"Where does it hurt?"
"Everywhere," Ghost moans, almost delirious from pain at this point, it doesn't feel real anymore. Johnny's there in his fever dream, undressing him, tucking him into bed. He wants to protest, but it hurts-hurts-hurts, so he's just trying not to make sounds. And he fails even at that.
"Got any pain meds? Want me to get medical?"
Ghost just shakes his head. "It will get better," he slurrs, "in a few days."
"Are ye outta yeir heid?!" Oh, now Johnny is properly pissed off with him. "Ye stubborn bastard," he finishes before he storms out of his room.
Ghost pulls the mask off. He's falling through the bed, exhaustion pulling him under. He knows he won't fall asleep, it hurts too much for that, but this limbo of not thinking and falling-falling-falling is the closest to comfort he can get now. He hears the door open again.
"Oh," goes Soap stopping dead in his tracks.
Ghost pulls the blanket up to his eyes.
"I got ye something," Johnny says quickly. "Here. It's weed-based, got some real deal in there, but they said it doesn't make you high. So no fun for ye, but it should help with the pain."
Ghost is up for anything at this point, so he takes it. The whole dose is in a syringe without a needle, and he lets the oil sit under his tongue for a bit, hoping that it will make it work faster.
"Water, snacks," Soap continues. "I'll stay until it works, alright? They said to return to them if it doesn't."
"Thank you, Johnny," Ghost says quietly. His breaths are still laboured, exhales sounding more like little whimpers. He is too tired to care.
Soap sits on the side of the bed.
"Can I try a thing?" He asks suddenly. "Mum used to do it when I had migraines. Maybe it will work for ye, too."
Ghost wants to be left alone, but he also wants it to pass, and Johnny's staying for about an hour anyway. Because meds. And that thing might help, too. So he nods.
Soap puts his hands on his head and gently massages it, strokes messy blonde hair lightly, puts a little pressure in just the right places. Touch is usually unbearable in this state for Ghost, but this is somehow perfectly balanced. He relaxes into it, and exhales. Relief comes in little tiny waves, taking the edge off the pain.
After a bit, he shifts closer to Jonny's lap, burying his face in the side of Soap's thigh. That way Soap doesn't have to extend his arms, it's better. It weirdly comfortable, and deep inside he just wants to stay like that forever.
"Don't stop," comes out soft and a little muffled.
Soap doesn't.
"I knew ye had something up, but I didn't know it was this bad," he says in a little while.
"It's just a bad day."
"And how often that happens?"
"Sometimes. It's usually more... manageable."
Ghost slides one of his hands from under the blanket. Soap picks up on the unsaid, and starts to do the same magic on it. The pain fades, slowly but surely, exhaustion and emptiness crawling in its place. Johnny's presence grounds him. He's torn between the urge to shut off again and the desire to just keep Soap there forever, he wants more, he needs more. It's suprisingly easy to give in.
"Stay," he asks, half-asleep.
Soap crawls in the bed, scooting himself over. He shifts a little, getting comfortable. Ghosts moves his other hand towards him, and Johnny continues with the massage.
The blanket slips off Ghost's face. "Didn't lie about the opposite," Soap thinks absentmindedly. His heart skips a bit, when Ghost buries his forehead in his shoulder and snuggles up to him.
"Next time it happens, tell me, OK?"
He feels the nod.
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tagged by @unded :3c
rules: tag ten people you want to get to know better!
tagging: @lyriumrain @miscellaneon @mistressamell @allyzodia @rosietherivethead @vietsthetic @kurisutofuuh
(I mean I know some of this basic stuff about yall already but if I didnt know like 1 thing I thought of you lol.)
star sign:
aries, and I think my rising sign and my moon are in cancer?? I dont really know how that stuff works.
put your itunes/spotify on shuffle. what are the first 4 songs that popped up?:
follow you, follow me - genesis
cant believe it - tpain ft lil wayne
bound - ponderosa twins plus one
love hangover - diana ross
grab the book nearest you & turn to page 23. what’s line 17?:
“inter-vertebral discs are thick cushions of fibro-cartilage...” (atlas of human anatomy for the artist)
ever had a poem or song written about you?:
yeah! by a dude that chose to pursue someone else right after he went on a date with me lmao
when was the last time you played air guitar?:
a month or 2 ago, it was for my cat mango.
who is your celebrity crush?:
got 3. steven yeun, a young wesley snipes (because hes too old for me now), and amber rose
what’s a sound you hate + a sound you love?:
I hate hearing people chew....the spit moving around......it sickens me
I love the sound of cats purring. if they let me, I will put my head on them to receive the good energy lol.
do you believe in ghosts?:
I dont want to but I do.
how about aliens?:
also too scary but yes.
do you drive?:
yes, but not to popeyes as often as I should........I keep thinking about this but what if I go on a day they dont make it fresh???
if so, have you ever crashed?:
what was the last book you read?:
that anatomy book lol, I still keep reading it
do you like the smell of gasoline?:
as a kid I did, but now it scares me because Im afraid of my car and the gas station exploding.....I really think it has a lot to do with ramming my car into gas stations in saints row. It feels like its so easy to blow the place up unintentionally.... but its like you cant ever test that???? so how would you know if its easy to blow up a gas station or not???
what was the last movie you saw?:
ghosts of girlfriends past on tv with my mom about an hour ago
What was the worst injury you’ve ever had?:
cutting my finger open when I popped and broke a glass while shoving my hand into it to wash it. and it doesnt count as a injury necessarily but when my ear lifted off the side of my head swollen bc of a badly infected cartilage piercing, the doctor cut into my ear to dig the puss out assuming the numbing meds were enough. they were not, I felt everything for like 30 secs before I said something and almost passed out lmao
do you have any obsessions right now?:
playing the urbz, sims in the city for GBA, resident evil outbreak, the sims 1 for pc, and super mario sunshine (all stuff I played or watched ppl play as a kid)
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?:
yep, but really only if I felt there was NO justifiable reason for a person to do what they did to me. like, I understand WHY my ex in high school did what he did, but did he HAVE to? no. a part of me wishes he would suffer for the rest of his life. we were young and stupid but.... I still wish him the worst?? like, die, scoob. but in a passive way. sort of.
in a relationship?
yes (I talked to him about that thing and Ive felt much better & a lot more confident about things since.)
#if I didnt tag you and I normally would its because I known your ass for TOO long lol#also if you forget or dont wanna do it idc its nbd!!!
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Hi everyone and hope your week has got off to a great start! Mine unfortunately started off with a huge fibro flare so thank goodness for taking pics ahead of time! 😅 It’s Monday and I’m excited to share with you all another book haul post. Mr B bought me two Patricia Highsmith books recently from the Vintage Modern Classics Designer Collection and of course me being me….I wanted all of them. This week I’m showing you the ones I’ve picked up so far: Excellent Women - Barbara Pym The Ghost Stories Of Edith Wharton - Edith Wharton The Tortoise And The Hare - Elizabeth Jenkins Aren’t the covers gorgeous? I’m obsessed with them!! #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookhaul #bookhoarder #bookheaven #allthebooks #beautifulbooks #beautifulhardbacks #nakedhardbacks #excellentwomen #barbarapym #theghoststoriesofedithwharton #thetortoiseandthehare #elizabethjenkins #vintagemodernclassics #vmcdesignercollection #prettybooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CRzeucIrmP3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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10 Strange diseases that people hardly know about
Good health is one of the best gifts that a human being can be blessed with. To enjoy life and fruits of your labour, a good health is absolutely essential. In this context, it is but natural to ask - can anything be worse than being unhealthy or sick? Actually, the answer to that is yes. Being sick because of a disease that doctors can’t diagnose and your family/relatives and friends can’t understand, is a much gloomier scenario. Although it is not possible to describe, all the rare diseases or unknown diseases, that have been present since the beginning of time, but some prominent ones, certainly merit a discussion. This article describes just a handful of these, rare diseases that have haunted the bodies and souls of humans, since time immemorial.

10 Strange Diseases are
Lion Face Syndrome
Leontiasis ossea in common language is also known as Lion Face Syndrome. This rare condition is basically characterised by disproportionate overgrowth of the bones of Face and cranial bones (bones covering brain). This rare end result occurs as secondary manifestations of many other (sometimes equally rare) primary diseases. Some of these primary diseases that can cause the said effects are – Paget’s disease of bone ( a chronic disease of skeleton, that can cause bone weakening, deformity, fracture, pain and joint abnormalities), Fibrous Dysplasia (here fibrous tissue replaces normal bone & makes them weak, resulting in deformity), Hyperparathyroidism(primary pathology is excess secretion of parathyroid hormone from overactive parathyroid gland) and Renal Osteodystrophy (a spectrum of signs & symptoms produced due to chronic renal disease).
Bionic Girl – The Strange Case of Chromosome 6 Deletion
Every human has 23 pairs of Chromosomes (total 46) in each cell of their body, with contribution coming from both of the parents. But congenital defects are caused, when the transmission of genetic material from parent to child does not occur properly. A chromosome 6 deletion is one such rare condition, that has recently sparked much interest in the medical community and researchers studying the phenomenon. The reason for this is because of a British Girl named Olivia Farnsworth. The girl in context is a young girl, who suffers from the rare chromosomal defect of chromosomal 6 deletion, which makes her impervious to hunger, pain or need for sleep. This has earned her the nickname of “Bionic Girl”. She suffered a road traffic accident in which, she was run over and dragged down the street by a car, but the girl felt no pain and minimal injury. The little girl can go 3 days & nights without sleep, which is also almost impossible for anybody. But these gifts can also be troublesome sometimes. She once chewed through her own lip, without noticing, as she did not feel any pain. According to experts, there are only a 100 people like her (although Olivia is the only one with all the 3 main symptoms), in the entire world, who suffer from Chromosomal 6p deletion.
Stone Man Syndrome
That is the name of the disease for people, who find it difficult to spell and pronounce, the accurate medical description of – Fibro dysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP). This disease is very rare and it is most certain that the chances of someone you know, suffering from this disease is next to impossible. Only around 800 people have been found to have suffered from this disease, till date. The disease is caused due to gene mutation and the involved gene has been identified as ACVR1.
The mutation of the gene causes impairment in the body’s repair mechanism, in which any injury is repaired by bone formation, in the area. Simple interventions like intramuscular injection and surgical biopsies can cause serious difficulties. Gradually bones start forming in muscles and other soft tissues. Joints of the body becomes fused. Hearing loss also occurs, due to involvement of bones in the internal ear. The person involved slowly starts resembling a statue, as soft tissues of the body are gradually turned into bones. The condition is not treatable and most of the people affected, die by 40 years of age.
Alpha gal Red Meat Allergy/ Alpha gal Syndrome – How a Tick Bite can Make You Allergic to Red Meat
This is a rather recently identified (2009) medical disorder in which a food allergy to red meat is developed after a Lone star tick bite. The onset of this disease is rather sudden, when a person who habitually eats meat suddenly one day starts developing health problems, after 3 to 6 hours of eating red meat. These symptoms can manifest as - hives (on hands, torso and feet), itchiness in the skin, nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain & diarrhoea, difficulty in breathing, headache & light-headed feelings. In very rare cases an extreme life-threatening allergic reaction, known as anaphylactic shock can also occur. University of Virginia’s researchers have found that people with alpha gal allergies, have a higher risk of heart diseases.
Alpha – gal is short for – Galactose alpha 1,3 galactose, which is a sugar molecule, that is present in all non-primate mammals (in their cell walls). The patients suffering from this condition, are people who love to stay outdoors, where they acquire Tick bites. Ticks in usual condition do not have Alpha gal, but after feeding on mammals like deer, cows, sheep or dog, it may acquire it. When these ticks’ bites humans, its saliva containing alpha gal, passes to the blood of the person concerned. The human immune system works to mount a defence system against these foreign elements. Afterwards, when the person involved eats any meat product (which contains alpha gal), then the body reacts against this compound as a foreign intruder, causing allergic manifestations. The allergy frequently wanes over time, but a repeat tick bite can cause the allergic manifestations to return.
Broken Heart Syndrome – The Medical Aspect
No, we are not talking about anything to do with romantic love, this article is strictly about medical disorders. It is rather a newly described medical heart disorder; its first description came from Japan in 1990. The topic of this discussion is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy/Stress Cardiomyopathy. The condition is also known as Apical Ballooning syndrome. The main complaints of this disease are chest pain and shortness of breath, which may lead many to confuse it with a heart attack. However, in Broken Heart Syndrome there is no blockage of artery of heart by a blood clot, as happens in heart attack.
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy or Broken Heart Syndrome in common language, is due to weakening of the heart’s main pumping chamber (known as left ventricle), which is caused due to severe stress, which can be either physical or emotional. Usually a serious accident, domestic violence, extreme fear & surprise, sudden illness, loss of someone close, financial loss and certain medications, can be some of the inducing factors. These events cause an increase in the level of stress hormones (like adrenalin), which adversely affects the heart, and causes changes in the muscle cells and blood vessels (coronary vessels). This ultimately results in impairment of function of left ventricle, and pumping action of the heart is affected.
Old Hag Syndrome – Fear of Old Witches in Modern World
This problematic sleep disorder is also known as Sleep Paralysis. The name of the disorder, comes from the feeling of the people suffering from this problem, who typically describe a witch (old hag) sitting on their chest. The person suffering from this problem gets up in the middle of the night, and may experience ghost like images, frightening sounds, and strange smells (hallucinatory features). The person may also feel weight on his/her chest, which creates difficulty in breathing, but they are unable to move or scream. The ability to smell, hear, feel and see are usually maintained. Needless to say, that this is rather an unpleasant experience, which most would want to forget.
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TAGGED BY: @thereforall TAGGING: whoever wants to do the thing!
(I mostly listen to Spotify so this is from my most played list)
“Hymn for the Weekend” - Coldplay
“Comics” - Caravan Palace
“Brokenhearted” - Karmin
“Midnight City” - M83
“Needing/Getting” - OK Go
“Steady As She Goes” - The Raconteurs
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? Yep, back in high school and it was fucking cringeworthy, bc it was from this dude who was OBSESSED with Gundam Wing and I am still embarrassed for him. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? Yesterday while listening to Kaleo, and I played my actual guitar last week. WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? Laverne Cox, Rosario Dawson, Daveed Diggs, Rafael Casal, and Rachel McAdams. I love them all too much. WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE? My favorite sound is when there’s fresh snow and you go tromping through it and hear that cronch sound. My least favorite is people chewing and I’ve thrown my headphones off when that comes up in a show or movie -shudders- just NO. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? Yes. I’ve walked through Gettysburg, which is basically a massive graveyard, and I’ve felt and heard things that can’t be explained through any natural means. HOW ABOUT ALIENS? Okay, so PREPARE FOR AN INCOMING RANT!!! We are but one planet in the galaxy, and each star in our galaxy has at LEAST one planet. There are 100 BILLION stars in the Milky Way alone. When you consider there are BILLIONS OF GALAXIES in the universe, the statistical probability of us being alone in the universe is basically 0. Now, do I think there’s other life in our galaxy? I’m not sure. When you take into account astronomical phenomena such as supernovae, gamma ray bursts and the like, it’s possible that life doesn’t exist here in this galaxy. But there’s definitely other life in the universe and to think otherwise is narcissistic. DO YOU DRIVE? I don’t drive, mostly because I’ve had two very traumatic accidents and my anxiety and fibro fog make it impossible for me to feel comfortable driving right now. IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? I have. Once was when I was a passenger and someone hit the passenger’s side of the vehicle I was in, and I got a concussion. The other one was when I was driving. Some asshole came around a blind curve in a goddamn Chevy Nova, SHEARED THE FRONT END of my Buick LeSabre off to the FUCKING ENGINE BLOCK, skidded a good 50 yards AFTER HE HIT ME, and he had a child who’d just come from a children’s hospital to have their shunt changed because the child had hydrocephaly. I was held at fault bc I was 17 and on a permit at the time, and of course the cop didn’t want to believe me. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? The Crashers by Magen Cubed. DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? No. It reminds me of my jackass ex. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? "The Life and Death of Marsha P. Johnson”. IT’s my fav documentary. WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? That time I broke both my wrists right at the start of the summer before 6th grade. I was riding my bike, tried to hop up onto a sidewalk from a grassy area. My front wheel made it, my back wheel didn’t, I flipped off the bike and apparently did a cartwheel??? According to my friend who was there, and both my wrists were broken, but I didn’t know about the left one being broken until the ortho I saw showed me how he was going to set the right wrist by demonstrating on the left. I nearly jumped off the table, I DID kick a nurse on accident, and I had to get them both set without a local because needles have always scared the shit out of me. DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? ...It’s me so YEP! XD Space (which is a constant), electroswing, anthropology (holy shit I love it so much), Overwatch, Warframe, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG?Other than my abusive exes, there’s my 8th grade bio teacher who said I must’ve plagiarized a paper because I used the word amalgamation and “that word is too advanced for an 8th grader!” This isn’t a brag, but the fact is that I was reading at a 12th grade level in 8th grade and JUST BECAUSE A KID IS SMART DOESN’T MEAN THEY’VE PLAGIARIZED SOMETHING, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. IN A RELATIONSHIP? Yep! I’m lucky to be able to call @thepocketqueer my partner ^3^
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This is basically our life at this point. Especially since the body has fibro... - Ghost
"Sort your shit." "Make me." "Sort it! It's a mess!" "If it bothers you so much, you do it." "Okay." "WAIT NO--"
tfw you realize they actually CAN front and do it
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Not defined
Ok, so here goes, another long but purposeful post. I’m typing like i talk so excuse the grammar. Im 36, soon to be 37 end of December, like literally the end. I’m married, happily, with 3 kids. I got my happy ever after eventually after going through some pretty tough n rough times. I wont confide cos who knows who is out there, and i’m not exactly everyone’s friend as i’m a bit different. I been through a lot of frogs n toads, and a couple of evil baddies, Disney expectations caused by watching fairy tales growing up. reality is different to the movies. I’ve got Fibromyalgia and EDS (joint hyper-mobility). Not a condition i would wish upon anyone, even my enemies. And i portray the Fibro as my enemy, living inside my body, taking up residency and not being a welcome visitor, in fact it has well and truly out stayed its welcome. Its a thief. Plain and simple. Its robbed me of so many things. I cannot walk far anymore i have to use a stick, or crutches. I’ve got one of those Rollator things you see elderly people using. Boy did i have trouble finding one that was tall enough, I’m 5 ft 7, and one that didn’t look like it belonged to my Nan who also uses one. I found one eventually, quite modern looking, but it didn’t stop the stares. I have a mobility scooter, so i can regain some independence and go to the local supermarket, parks by myself without having to have help. I’ve had to have adult social services come and kit my house out, extra hand rails on the stairs, perching stool for kitchen as i cant stand too long. a shower seat, which i still cant manage and a frame around my toilet.So its practical but its very much in your face. I mentioned I’ve got 3 kids. Now from their point of view this is a change that is going to take a lot to get used to. Mum can no longer chase after them and play, i can’t get down on the floor to play with my 4 yr old anymore. None of my kids can sit on my lap for long as the pain is unbearable. They need their comfort, but cant bear to see mummy in pain, let alone knowing that they could cause me pain unintentionally. My middle child is 8. She understands a bit better but i feel guilty as there is so much we cant do together, and she has seen the change of a healthy me to the fragile me. My youngest will grow up never knowing any different. my oldest, has Autism and Tourettes. Everything has always had to be broken down and explained factual and precise. its an adjustment. they feel helpless as there is nothing they can do to stop this happening. We have always had to plan outings and now we have to work out if it is accessible for me too. By law most places now are wheelchair accessible, if you don’t own one, they have ones you can use. And quite a few places like supermarkets and some National Trust places have mobile scooters that can be hired to use. Brilliant. My issue is the vulnerability i feel when i am out. Being in wheelchair puts you more or less level with peoples bottoms. It’s what i imagine being in a pushchair feels like for a toddler. Peoples shopping bags, cigarettes are all at that level. The stares, and the looks i get, I don’t want pity, i just want to be accepted for me. No i am not borrowing my Nans scooter to whizz to the shops. No i am not too lazy to walk. And surprisingly to some people, it is possible that people who use wheelchairs can walk, we are not giving up we are simply using the wheelchair as a tool so we can access places, and of course to save causing ourselves more pain and possible injury. So next time you see a younger person, some one under 50 using a mobility scooter or a walker, have a thought before you stare or say something rude or nasty. A smile will do. even a hello. I’ve had my scooter for a year and everytime i pass someone else in one, they will always smile and say hello. Its like a code. Bit like dog walkers talk to other dog walkers, and mums with babies talk to other mums. We get it. Phew this is long winded. And maybe a bit off course. But its in my head. I need to get it out. Its not just old people that have to use mobility scooters, walkers, walking sticks, rollators, etc. Its all ages. I guess i’m going through not a midlife crisis, but an identity crisis. If i catch a reflection of myself, i don’t see me, i see an old person. Its all down to stereotypes. i feel old beyond my years. my hair is going white against my dark brown hair. I’m not ready to be old and grey. I’m young still. I’m very excited to be getting a bright pink wheelchair! I couldn’t have said anything positive about my situation, it was all negative. i still have bad days, but a pink wheelchair means i don’t have to do anything to it to make it girly, away from the dull dark colours they usually come in. and it folds and goes in the boot of the car..i don’t drive. i look at my mobility scooter as my open top car lol. its even got a name, but thats another story. lol. I’m kind of trying to find myself, who i am, and so things are starting to get positive. I’m going to get my hair done, get rid of the grey and white, and have a nice ombre look. i’ve been getting my tattoos that I’ve always wanted. so far I’ve got my ghost busters, ludo from The Labyrinth with David Bowie, that’s going to be eventually a sleeve. And ive got my Galifreyan cartouche which my husband designed, he has a matching one. So i’m getting there. My old english teacher would have a field day, no pararaphs lol.but thats me, my thought of the day. over and out
#refinednotdefined #oldbeforemytime
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Yet more culture
It has been another set of diverse cultural experiences for me this week.
Starting the week off was a metal gig at the Marble Factory in Bristol and what a charming little gig it was, there was not even a mosh pit and with me using a walking stick, I was asked if I needed a chair to sit on for the show. Jolly well done Marble Factory, what a lovely venue.
The first band of the night was The Great Discord a Swedish band who perform a fusion of some rather good metal music and performance art. The sound was sadly fucked by the sound engineer who was clearly on his or her work experience! Once they got the sound as good as it was going to get though, the Great Discord proved to be a fascinating entity in their own right and well worth checking out.
Next up was a Black Metal act called Ghost Bath. Usually I love a bit of Black Metal, but these guys were neither convincing or original. If anything, the lead singer’s act appeared to simply be having a toddler tantrum in a supermarket! Sound issues aside (every band suffered with bad sound production sadly) Ghost Bath were hilarious, although at one point it was hard to tell if it was bad sound or if they genuinely sounded like someone washing muddy training shoes in a battered old washing machine! Towards the end of their set, I looked up on stage and realised that three quarters of the band had simply fucked off, leaving one lone guitarist, who hurriedly finished and then also walked off with out once speaking to the crowd.
The Headline act was Katatonia, a Swedish metal band that I first heard way back in the late 1990s. I bought their first EP Brave Murder Day and was expecting Black Metal, but what I got instead was some good Swedish Metal, with some excellent mellow parts. As my taste grew towards the more extreme, bands like Katatonia slipped past me, so seeing them live after all of these years was a real treat. WIth a lead singer wearing a cardigan, you know that you are going to hear a band that are entirely comfortable with themselves. I cannot claim to have recognised any of the songs played, but I did enjoy it, despite the crippling back pain I felt thanks to my fucking fibro once again.
So after a couple of days of much needed rest, I found myself dumped in Bristol by Monday night’s company, Kelly, as I waited to meet Ginny for yet another theatre trip. For this occasion we were off to the Bristol Old VIc to see a stunning new version of Medea, a play that almost took my breath away.
Medea at the Old Vic, Bristol
For those of you who do not know the story of Medea, you will know her husband, Jason of Argonaut fame! Medea was the spurned wife who murdered his children and his new floozy as an act of revenge for leaving her and then having her banished from the kingdom. To be honest, given the modern take on the story which brings it as a parable into the current day, it was hard to feel sorry for the men of the story.
Having never been entirely au fait with the works of Euripides I was only vaguely aware of the story, but I soon picked it up and to be honest I loved it. Maddie was married to Jack for eighteen years, until he left her for another woman. In her grief, she finds and reads the story of Medea and identifies with our heroine, although she does avoid murdering her own children.
The director of the piece claims that being a child when his own turbulent parents went through a divorce was a direct input to the piece and to be honest, it was visible throughout the performance. However not once during the two and half hour show did any of the women on stage appear to be anything other than fabulous storytellers, utterly believable in their roles. Watching the actress portraying Medea’s husband Jason weep over the bodies of his children was utterly heartbreaking, but even here one felt nothing but compassion for Medea and in turn Maddie.
This is a play that many people may choose to avoid given the classic nature of the story, after all, who wants to see a play by Euripides? But I would warn these people that they must give this show a chance, it is fantastic, the story is compelling and the acting is sublime throughout. This is musical theatre of the highest calibre.
Massive thank you to Kelly and also Ginny for taking me to gigs and the theatre, you ladies are feckin’ brilliant.
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