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bibliobethblog · 4 years ago
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Hi everyone and hope your week has got off to a great start! Mine unfortunately started off with a huge fibro flare so thank goodness for taking pics ahead of time! 😅 It’s Monday and I’m excited to share with you all another book haul post. Mr B bought me two Patricia Highsmith books recently from the Vintage Modern Classics Designer Collection and of course me being me….I wanted all of them. This week I’m showing you the ones I’ve picked up so far: Excellent Women - Barbara Pym The Ghost Stories Of Edith Wharton - Edith Wharton The Tortoise And The Hare - Elizabeth Jenkins Aren’t the covers gorgeous? I’m obsessed with them!! #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookhaul #bookhoarder #bookheaven #allthebooks #beautifulbooks #beautifulhardbacks #nakedhardbacks #excellentwomen #barbarapym #theghoststoriesofedithwharton #thetortoiseandthehare #elizabethjenkins #vintagemodernclassics #vmcdesignercollection #prettybooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CRzeucIrmP3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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loveinquotesposts · 5 years ago
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Their voices rose and fell, like the murmuring of two fountains answering each other across a garden full of flowers. At length, with a certain tender impatience, he turned to her and said: 'Love, why should we linger here? All eternity lies before us. Let us go down into that beautiful country together and make a home for ourselves on some blue hill above the shining river'. ― Edith Wharton, The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton
#EdithWharton, #EdithWhartonEdithWhartonLoveQuotes, #EdithWhartonLoveQuotes, #EdithWhartonQuotes, #TheGhostStoriesOfEdithWharton, #TheGhostStoriesOfEdithWhartonQuotes
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bibliobethblog · 4 years ago
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Hello everyone and happy #stacksaturday to you all! Today’s post is quite a special one and a #stackforacause that I was tagged in by @the_brazilian_bookworm so I definitely wanted to take part. Like many others, I have been watching the unfolding situation in Afghanistan with horror as the Taliban have taken over. @bibliolucinda created a #pinkstackforafghanwomen For every stack posted until Sept 1st she will donate $1 to @womenforafghanwomen up to a total of $150. If you like, you can also donate to this cause separately. Historically, the Taliban have always suppressed the rights of women and are notorious for their misogyny and violence. They prevent women’s education after the age of 8 which has forced many women into underground schools if they wanted to learn and if they were caught (or any of the other Taliban rules were broken) they risked public flogging, humiliation or execution. Most recently, the Taliban have advised women who work to stay at home because soldiers are not trained to respect them. They have also allowed and in some cases encouraged marriage before the age of 16. Amnesty International reports that up to 80% of Afghan marriages are forced. This is such a worthy cause and if you’d like to join in, please consider yourself tagged. Out of the pictured stack, I’ve read Detransition Baby and Sharks In The Time Of Saviours which were both excellent. The rest are on my TBR. I’ll end this post by just saying his grateful and lucky I feel to be living where I am and to have the privilege I do. I really feel for the people of Afghanistan and hope for a resolution and peace for them soon. #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstack #tbrpile #pinkbooks #pinkbookstagram #afghanistanwomen #howtofail #elizabethday #notthatkindofgirl #lenadunham #sharksinthetimeofsaviours #kawaistrongwashburn #myyearofrestandrelaxation #otessamoshfegh #fiftywordsforrain #ashalemmie #theghoststoriesofedithwharton #edithwharton #detransitionbaby #torreypeters #womenontopoftheworld #lucyanneholmes #booksimexcitedabout https://www.instagram.com/p/CTIG56AAbdU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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