#fuck yourself friday
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taylor-titmouse · 3 months ago
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this was my christmas present for r/l monroe @petitemortality, my editor and colleague in the erotic writing space~~ you will hopefully recognize him as the author of the fuck yourself fridays series of smut shorts whose covers i illustrate. this big fella is from Old Dog, New Trick, a very sweet short about a dad trying something new.
currently all his books are on sale, and given they're only $3 to start with you're getting a pretty sweet deal!! my personal favorites are Meatheads, Seeing You, and Break and Enter. but you should get them all, tbh, imo.
i may come back later with somebody from my own stables, but in case i don't--merry christmas!
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mortalityplays · 6 months ago
A somewhat overdue update on my work! Short version: Intel fucked me, I got no PC, but we maintain. Click through for some progress shots from my easel, a FYF round-up, AND....a free PDF of the short story that got me runner-up in the Shorelines of Infinity sci-fi/speculative competition back in the summer.
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This one goes out to everyone else who has ever worked food service. One day we will kill them all.
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toaster-kan · 11 months ago
I got dragged back into FNF thanks to this fucker
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I wasn't super happy with the paper version of the drawing so I scanned it and colored digitally(a bit better thankfully)
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hippolotamus · 10 months ago
Fuck It Inspiration Weekend 🪦
tagged in various combinations by @tizniz @dangerpronebuddie @eddiebabygirldiaz @shipperqueen6 @watchyourbuck @wikiangela @bi-buckrights @daffi-990 @diazsdimples
OK! First, everyone please blame thank Di for putting me in my Bobby Nash feels. It’s a short ficlet like thing I expect to actually stay short (for once!)
How long has it been? How many years since mahogany, cherry or spruce? Velvet or Satin? Granite, marble or bronze? Lilies, orchids, forget-me-nots? How long since Ann Margaret Nash was laid to rest, finally allowed to be at peace with the choices she made? Had to make.
How much time since Charlie last looked at Bobby, both of them drowning in their grief? Weighed down with sadness, anger, disappointment, regret and too much pride to admit they wanted to maybe talk about repairing the rift that started the day Bobby chose to stay with Dad.
How many lifetimes between Bobby offering a weak ‘I’ll be in touch’ and his brother’s equally placating ‘Sure, Bobby’.
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @loveyouanyway @a-noble-dragon @mountedeverest @fortheloveofbuddie @weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @ramonaflow @taketheplanspinitsideways @spotsandsocks @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @kitteneddiediaz @mrs-f-darcy @drowsy-quill @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @underwaterninja13 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @queenmabcreates @inell @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @shortsighted-owl @queerbuckleys @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life
and anyone else who wants to 😘
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ambernotember · 3 months ago
Fuck it Friday
Tommy knocked on the loft door, mentally preparing himself to see Ev–Buck.
The door swung open, but instead of Buck it was someone he’d never seen before, a young Asian man around Buck’s age.
“Uh, sorry,” Tommy started. “I was – is Buck here?” Maybe it was stupid to stay around, maybe he should have lied and said it was the wrong apartment, but how would he explain that if Buck saw him?
“Oh, okay.” A pretty clear dismissal, then. “Thanks.”
“Do you want me to let him know you stopped by?”
“No, I’ll just, uh, I’ll come back later. Or something.”
The other man frowned. “You haven’t talked to him recently, have you?”
“No, it’s been a little while.” 3 weeks, 5 days, 12 hours, but who’s counting? “Is everything okay?”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to worry you! No, that’s a valid question with Buck. He’s fine, but uh, he’s not in the city. I’m house sitting for him.”
“Huh.” Tommy paused. “Do you know when he’s coming back?”
The guy shrugged. “Sometime before June?”
“You’re going to house sit for him for six months?” Tommy’s eyebrows shot up.
“Brother in law privileges. He gets free house sitting, I get to be closer to my niece.”
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sillylol111 · 11 days ago
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taylor-titmouse · 8 months ago
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Old Dog, New Trick by R/L Monroe @petitemortality is out! This one's for the big hairy bear lovers, the leather likers, the transmasc tops, and the fags. It's really good and sweet and all about falling in love with your own body again. You can check out the first three pages and a list of what it features on its shop page, and it's only $3!
but this means it's time once again for a process poooost~ you can read about how we designed the cover below!
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this one might have been the most straightforward yet. lee essentially told me 'dad bod in a chest harness' and that is what he got. the two on the bottom left were me thinking he hadn't Literally meant that, somehow, and trying other things. even rereading the chat log i'm not sure how i came to that conclusion because he very clearly asked for a dad bod in a harness. (i also had not read the story yet, so i didn't have an impression of charlie. do not be fooled by my slinky little twink in the bottom middle. he is a big boy too)
the bottom right is when i was like 'no wait he definitely just said dad bod with harness' and had the thought of putting the author and title on the harness itself. we went with that one!
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color passes, had to involve the rainbow somehow for pride. dom painting himself seemed the obvious choice for me, very dad at a football game. but lee was like "wait. put it in the background." and it Is the obvious choice. and then
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what did he mean by this
honestly there wasn't much more to it from there, just workshopping where the 18+ should be on his body and how much space it should take up. this is probably the most straightforwardly representative cover i've done for him so far! oh my god there's lineart.
also please appreciate the itchio thumbnail. making the itchio thumbnails is actually the most fun part. you should look at lee's shop page and see how nice and clean those look all together. i wish i'd kept a consistent style guide when i started out with my own books ; ;
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petitemortality · 19 days ago
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FYF 11: Passing Place (18+)
Out now - $3 on itch!
There's something about Cavell Bridge. The way it arcs over the river and gleams like an insect's wing in summer. The way it rises like a sentinel over the dead land in winter. The way the fog comes down and clings to it at night, clouding the windows of lone cars that wait for companionship in the passing place.
It's a beautiful place; an in-between place. The kind where an otherworldly visitor might just reach out and touch you. And it's one hell of a place to break down.
5k+ words in EPUB and PDF format, with a cover by the engine-revving  Taylor Titmouse.
First person POV
Objectum sexuality / machinophilia
Fat characters
Cruising / public hookup
Car sex
☁️🚗 Buy now - $3 on itch! 🚗☁️
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This is the eleventh in the Fuck Yourself Friday series of shorts. New stand-alone erotic stories are released on the last Friday of every month.
FYF 1: Go Fuck Yourself
FYF 2: Shrinking Violet
FYF 3: Meatheads
FYF 4: Lucky Little Lunatics
FYF 5: Old Dog, New Trick
FYF 6: Seeing You
FYF 7: Break and Enter
FYF 8: Bodysnatched
FYF 9: Sangfroid
FYF 10: Don't Unwrap 'til Christmas
Or get stories 7-9 as a bundle for $7 until the end of February!
These stories contain explicit sexual content, and are intended for 18+ audiences.
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mortalityplays · 1 year ago
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Don't forget this drops tomorrow (March 29th)!!!
Go Fuck Yourself (18+)
Julia is sick of working late. She's sick of being disrespected, and most of all she's sick of her boss. Lance is a burned out, smooth-talking playboy, but he also happens to be the son of the CEO. 
When Lance pushes her buttons once too often, Julia is tempted to put him in his place – but is it worth throwing away her career for a moment of satisfaction?
5k words,  EPUB and PDF format, with a cover by the inimitable @taylor-titmouse.
This is the first in the Fuck Yourself Friday series of shorts. New stand-alone erotic stories are released on the last Friday of every month.
These stories contain explicit sexual content, and are intended for 18+ audiences.
Releasing here at midnight (GMT)!*
* or possibly slightly after midnight it depends what time I get home from the drag show you know how it is
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pardonmydelays · 18 days ago
i think the funniest thing that happened to me this week is that i lost my job and yet i've never been happier lmao
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shmules · 9 months ago
cant wait till drdt chapter 2 part 2 comes out so i can make my partner watch it with me and scream about charles cuevas in their ear nonstop
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 1 year ago
Fuck it Friday
tagged by @eowon @rewritetheending @exhuastedpigeon @devirnis @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @daffi-990 @jesuisici33
thank you beloveds! <3
making some decent progress with calls fic and hopefully it will be finished within the next few weeks. so have a little bit of eddie breaking down as he leaves buck a voicemail while he's in the coma
“I–These past few days have been so shitty. Fuck you for that, y’know. Yeah, fuck you. I don’t care if it’s irrational to be angry with you right now. I know it’s not your fault. I know you don’t want to be–but you just–I can’t keep you safe no matter what I do.” The words taste like ash on his tongue, a dream that's been burned beyond repair, charred and cracked and untouchable.
Guilt and shame and despair fall on him heavier and thicker than rain, rippling with the heat of anger that really isn’t anger, this aching incineration far too similar to what consumed him after Shannon’s death.
He can’t do it again. Please don’t make him do it again.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. He sounds small and helpless. He feels small and helpless. Because he can’t keep Buck safe, just like he couldn’t keep Shannon or Chris safe, just like he can’t keep himself safe. Danger clings to his life with a vivacious jealousy, fingers hooked into his skin, tongue lapping over his wounds, always there is some form, lingering like a shadow.
Eddie bangs his head against the wall. He needs to focus. He needs to not fall into the trap of his thoughts. He needs to give Buck–he needs to give Buck something, a truth or a piece of himself tucked away in Buck’s phone as motivation, as a gift, as a reason.
“Okay, I–” he blows out a breath and pinches the bridge of his nose between his fingers, eyes shutting tight again. Sparks flash over his vision, bright and devouring like a flashover, electric and paralyzing like lightning. “Everything is awful, Buck, and everything hurts. You’re laid out in a hospital bed, so fucking still and empty, and all I can think about is what it was like to lose my wife and how I can’t go through that again."
tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl @try-set-me-on-fire @anxieteandbiscuits @diazass @callaplums @forthewolves @eddiediaztho @arthursdent @bucks118 @shitouttabuck @diazblunt @folk-fae @gayedmundodiaz @messyhairdiaz @lover-of-mine @housewifebuck @spotsandsocks @disasterbuckdiaz @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @buddierights @heartshapedvows @paranoidbean @thewolvesof1998 @fleurdebeton @911onabc @butchdiaz @bvckandeddie and anyone else who wants to do it!
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antonymphdraws · 9 months ago
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I'm bored *Silly Billy's Blaze*
Anyways this is an alternate universe of Blaze. Basically this Blaze (known as "Beatrice", "Bea" for short in this universe), fell in love with a boy named Kenneth (the universe's version of Kenji/Senpai. Also known as "Beloved" here). Who, like his canon counterpart was stuck in a game.
He asked Bea for two things: Freedom, and a soul (for he was artificial, and thus lacking a physical soul). Bea went to heaven, but they refused to help her, refusing to help an "artificial" and "soulless" being.
This did not deter Bea though, who, against heavens wishes, granted Kenny's.
But this would not go unnoticed, or unpunished. As an angel was sent down to find and punish Bea for her defiance. And force Kenny back into the game.
Kenny tried to protect Bea from damnation, but was slain by the angel. Bea's damnation followed shortly afterwards. Hellfire turning her into what she is now.
Now she seeks revenge, and a way to see Beloved again. Not realizing he's been with her the whole time.
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taylor-titmouse · 2 months ago
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new fuck yourself friday, new cover art process post~ this one was really fun, the visual concept came pretty immediately after @petitemortality explained the idea of the story to me as rocky horror but christmas. it's a Bit after christmas now, but you should still go read it. you'll be able to See the movie version of this one in your head and hear all the characters speaking, it's really great.
now let's get to the process for the cover!
i mean. thumbnail. because i did only one.
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like i said the vision was very clear. candela, the hot older starlet, busting out of a christmas present like marilyn monroe from a cake. from here we workshopped the actual aesthetic--less distinctly christmas and more Winter Special, and more wine aunt than party girl. so i ended up here
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which led to this note
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a point which i still defend. that is a yoohoo boys. that is a good howdy do.
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these were the pencils before we moved on to final. the mistletoe was added near the end because we were like "but how do we make it obvious this is porn" and that was the best we could come up with that didn't involve giving her a plunging neck line (which we got rid of because she is a Classy Dame). the finish is as you see above!
i think my favorite part is the sparkles on her dress. that was fun to implement. i love to draw a sparkle.
anyway go read Don't Unwrap 'til Christmas!!
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vamlut · 1 year ago
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crossover-enthusiast · 10 months ago
Has anyone made a Yourself of Skid and Pump yet
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