#I should find myself a cheerful character for this times of need
anime-owo-kage-san · 2 days
Unpopular (?) Opinion: I want Crymini to happen before or during the “Huskerdust” development.
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(This is speaking in the sense IF Huskerdust would be canon. And don’t argue about whether it is or isn’t pls. I said IF, to stay vague about it.)
Okay. Obviously I don’t want her to show at EXACTLY the first episode of the next season. But, I would like for Crymini to show up in season 2.
I’ve heard some say that it wouldn’t be appropriate timing, because Husk ‘already has Angel to deal with’. So, it would be better for her to show up after some more development between Angel and Husk, otherwise she might be getting in the way of their development with each other.
But, for me? I say her showing up ‘early’ might work:
In the pilot, Husk says “I’ve lost the ability to love years ago.” And ofc, that’s the perfect line to give to a character who will eventually learn to love again.
He finally started liking Angel, but he doesn’t ‘love’ Angel just yet.
And, while I honestly ship these two to double death —I don’t think Husk learning to ‘love again’ should start with Angel (A.k.a ‘his potential love interest’).
I personally think it should start with Crymini (a.k.a ‘the child figure’).
It could just come from my personal belief, that not every character who grew cold should find a ‘love interest’ to break their walls down. (Not saying that they can’t have a love interest. They absolutely can. But, my point is ‘finding love’, can be more than just in a romantic sense). ——I just think it might suit Husk better if this is what happened first, before he and Angel; while he opened some vulnerable parts of himself to Angel, he opens up his softer, wiser, and more protective side for a kid who needs guidance (speaking from how I assume Crymini would be portrayed, until she’s official).
And Angel? ——Husk has done good for him, by listening to his problems, and cheering him up during Loser Baby. Now, it’s time to see some Angel doing good for Husk (and maybe minor angsty feels); he sees the family-like relationship between the two, and decides to give Husk space.
Angel would think to himself, ‘I’m a grown-ass adult. I can handle myself. Husk should focus on that kid. She definitely needs him more than I do.’
So, he’d bitch about his work a lot less to Husk, thinking it would help not overwhelm him. Might even let Husk bitch to him instead, when Crymini becomes a handful, because everyone else usually leaves it to Husk since he’s the closest to her. And Angel listens to it all.
And maybe from all of this, it’ll remind Angel about the rocky relationship he had with his family (namely his father and brother), and admire how nice Husk is to a rebellious kid who he hasn’t known for that long yet. (Cue falling in love with a guy who’s good with kids.)
Husk eventually notices that Angel comes to him a lot less now, when he had a bad day , and confronts him about it. They have a heart to heart about it, and came to an agreement to rant to each other about their busy day.
Then some eventual Angel and Crymini relationship, when he runs into the same club as her. Then takes it upon himself to watch over her from afar because Husk wasn’t there, but starts hovering over her like he did with Niffty. (Okay, I’m writing a fanfic at this point.)
But, I hope you all get what I mean here; Husk CAN love Angel when he learns to love again, but learning to love again doesn’t HAVE to start with Angel.
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echo-lover · 4 months
Why are you watching this, it's for kids. Focus on life, find yourself a partner, have your own family. You are an adult. Grow up.
You don't understand it. This is not just a series...
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This series gives me a chance to feel like a kid again. I find comfort, safety and care in the arms of characters who mean the world to me. I experience each of their moments of sadness, each of their smallest joys, as if they were my own. This is my home, my safe space. I love them with all my heart. Thank you Star-Wars for my beautiful family.
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I love Wrecker because he always managed to put a smile back on my face, even when I was having the worst day ever. His cheerful personality makes it impossible not to like him. Sometimes he is just a child, trapped in a large man's body. Behind all this muscles and enormous strength that can easily hurt you, there is a soft heart made of gold. He can be gentle, soft, even quiet if he has to. He would do absolutely everything for his family. He is also way more intelligent than he might think. The way he takes care of Omega melts my heart every time. Kids love him and he loves kids.
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I love Tech because he can quickly adapt to situations. His voice is so special... I could listen to him for hours and never get tired of his facts about everything he saw and heard on his missions. He showed me that being smart is not something I should be ashamed of. His voice is calming, gives me comfort... I love his little jokes and moments where he was just a little savage in conversations. Even though he processes moments and thoughts differently, he is still able to share his own feelings with Omega. She helped him open up and show the part of himself that he kept closed from the world, even from himself. He loved his family so much that he sacrificed himself for their safety, paying the biggest price. He is worth every tear I shed for him (and there were so many).
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I love Echo because I see a part of myself in him. He has been with me from the very beginning of my journey with Clones, and is one of the most important characters for me. I relate to him for many personal reasons. Even though he has experienced so much evil in his life, he is still able to be gentle, caring and show love to those who were closest to him. I especially love his bond with Omega, they both understand each other through their traumas, and way more. Omega quickly became the most important to Echo, but he couldn't give up on fighting, even for her. He felt that he has to somehow compensate for all the lost years when he was a prisoner on SkakoMinor. His honor, loyalty and courage inspire me every day. And his tenderness and softness touch my soul deeply. I could talk about him for hours and never get bored. I wish I'd be able to give him the biggest and warmest hug, and tell him how important he is to me.
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I love Crosshair because he's the type of character I could easily hate, but I don't. In fact Cross is very close to my heart, I feel sorry for him and I want to help him get back to his old self. He is so much more than what the Empire has done to him. This sniper who never misses, who doesn't have to use his muscles to hurt - words are enough for him - silent, yet sharp. Precise, accurate, always on point. Confident, knowing his skills. Painfully honest, but needing to prove his worth to others at the same time. I know there is this soft side of him, hidden, but it is there for sure. The side that loves his brothers and little sister more than his own life. He need some time to understand that he is worth all the love in the Galaxy and I hope that Omega will help him to realize, that his brothers never really left him. They would take him back, if he just wanted...
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I love Hunter because he makes me feel safe. I can't put it into words, but he's a character that reminds me of home... a loved one that I lost some time ago. He is so much like my dad at some point and his bond with Omega is so special for me. I know he's not perfect, he makes mistakes just like everyone else, but he always wants to do the right thing. He is a leader, not the one that only gives orders, but he is more like the head of the family who protect them - a father. He always puts his family first and is willing to do anything for them. For any of them, including Crosshair. He often doesn't give direct orders, just suggestions. His squad is not just soldiers, but they are his brothers, his closest family. His priorities changed when Omega appeared in his life - a child in need of a family, who trusted him and gave him love that he had never received before. From a soldier, he became a father, who would give everything for his daughter's safety and joy. His relationship with Omega is the most important to me. I loved him from the first moment and I could talk about him for hours, just like about Echo. I will always defend him. No matter what.
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I love Omega because she took the best parts of each of her brothers. She is fearless, brave, strong and ready to defend her family until the very end. She's just a sweet little girl who can't have a normal childhood. She's different, just like her brothers, and she's so proud of it. She is not afraid to show her individuality. But even though she is strong and brave, she is still just a child. She needs love, protection... family... and Bad Batch gave it to her... a home, a safe place, loving brothers... Words cannot describe how important she is to me. Now she has changed so much, she is no longer this little Omega from first season... I think she becomes so much like Hunter.
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writers-potion · 4 months
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Writing Introverted Characters
If you're creating an introverted character and you're not familiar with the complexities of this trait, take the time to learn about it. - Claire Alexander
Why You Should Write Introverted Characters
Since stories are about action, it is easier to write a page-turner about action-oriented people. It can be difficult to write introverted characters - so why should you do it?
First of all, all the introverts of this world would be able to relate!
Introverted characters offer depth of character and are case studies for inner struggles.
Think of Jane Eyre, Mr. Darcy, Edward Cullen - well written introverts can turn shallow angst into desperate yearning that will have your readers swooning by Chapter Two.
Introverted characters' minds can be a thrilling minefield, feeling their emotions and thought so deeply that the reader gets chills just by seeing the world through their POV.
Make It a Strength, Not a Weakness
Introverted characters may not dazzle others or have lots of friends, but it also means they can be more compassionate, intelligent and sensitive.
Take Mr. Darcy for example - the twist that comes from him being thought of as an arrogant, aloof character to being the kindest, considerate man gives the romance in Pride and Prejudice so much more angst and satisfaction when everything works out.
Don't Succumb to Stereotypes
Introverts are quiet and needs alone time to recharge their social energy, not just shy/rude/has a general dislike for humanity.
They're watching body language, tone of voice, and reactions of others, cataloging them and tucking them away for future use.
If they have valuable things to say, they will keep their thoughts (for now), then join the conversation with more confidence if they feel convicted about a topic.
Your introvert can love spending time with their friends. They can prefer socializing one-to-one or in small groups.
Give Them a Retreat, Not a Cave
Introverts need a special place where they can find sanctuary from the overwhelming.
They need an escape to recharge and get through their day, not isolate themselves from the world on weeks on end. If your character does this, he is not just introverted, he may as well be severely depressed.
Give Them Motivation
Being introverted does NOT equal to being lazy or demotivated.
Introverted characters actively explore their inner worlds and may even be more motivated than others to find order and logic in their life.
As Jane Eyre tells us: "I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself." She is a passionate and strong-willed character because of this, giving the novel action and tension.
Let Them Be Awkward, Not Rude
Introverted characters won't know how to act natural around new people and fail to react when someone cracks a joke.
Let your introverted character feel claustrophobic in social gatherings and react negatively to small talk.
HOWEVER, not knowing what to say does not equal to cutting everyone's lines and frowning throughout a cheerful conversation. In fact, introverts would try extra hard to "fit in", laughing when others do (even though they don't get it) and dying inside about how awkward they sound, even to themselves.
Show The Chaos of Their Mind
Introverted thinkers in particular would overthink and spend vast amounts of time organizing and brainstorming thoughts.
They jump from thought to thought and latch on little things they notice in everyday life to imagine a host of loosely related things.
Does your introvert have a close friend they trust? Let them rant about their internal conversation to the other person (with whom they feel comfortable).
Research!! + other tips
Let them express themselves creatively through various hobbies: journaling, dry painting their bedroom, coloring books, or painting. Plaster their mirrors with sticky notes, make them knit, glass blow or garden their backyard.
Pay attention to their learning style. Many introverts learn best through reading, while being good listeners. They'll research about their interest through online sources, horded magazines, or at the local bookstore/coffee shop. Make them an expert in their field.
Show how they are underestimated. Because they keep to themselves, they are often underestimated. As an introvert myself, introverts are often underestimated in personal relationships (like friends or family) rather than professionally (although this is credible too) because they aren't particularly funny or outwardly supportive. But introverts can be emotionally supportive - they will be missed.
Not all introverts project each of these traits. Introverted Thinkers (Katniss) approach problems from a much differnt perspective than Introverted Feelers (Edward).
Make them sarcastic, cynical and argumentive. I love writing abotu introverts with a sharp tongue, especially when they're talking about a subject they know a lot about. They may also have a sharp tongue as a defense mechanism.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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spicywhenspeaking · 3 months
Star-Crossed Connection: Chapter Three
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Nick Folio x Original Female Character
WC: 2.5k -> unedited :/ if you see something wrong ....no you didn't
this is a complete work of fiction, some characters while based on real people are totally made up. :)
Seraphina Holloway is Hollywood’s new it girl. But, when an embarrassing viral video of her ex / costar publicly dumping her goes viral, she thinks she needs a quick fix to help maintain her image. When she’s set to appear at her new movies premier she scrambles to find a date to bring that will help take the white hot spotlight away from her public dumping and show that she’s still desirable to all. Enter Nick Folio, drummer of the metalcore band that’s taking over the scene, Bad Omens. He’s a sweet down to earth guy with a heart of gold and when a smokin hot movie star asks him to be her fake boyfriend for a week he agrees to help. But will the line between fake feelings and reals ones start to blur when Seraphina lets her true self show.
Taglist: @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @to-be-written @bngurngheart @jessicafg03 @knivesforapr0 @thatchickwiththecamera @somewhere-diamond @sorrowsofsilence @malerieee @dsireland86 @collapsedglasshouses @jilliemiw86 @samanthasgone -> tags are open !
warnings: degrading language towards Seraphina is used by a character , mild physical assault.
After quickly checking in we found our room and immediately crashed onto the bed, completely exhausted from the long road trip. Tomorrow is the first day Folio and I will have to fully put on the show. Acting lovey-dovey like a real couple. We talked about it a little on the car ride up. 
“So…how do you feel about kissing?” I ask Folio as we draw nearer to our destination. He does a quick double take towards me and then back to the road and I laugh, “I didn’t mean kissing right now you dork. I mean like when we’re at the festival. If we were really dating I’d probably kiss you a little, I’ve been known to like a little PDA” I say again and he nods, his face is thoughtful as he considers. “Um, yeah I guess kissing is fine. I mean I kiss my grandma so kissing you shouldn’t be too bad” he jokes and I push his shoulder lightly. “Hey! I kiss way better than a grandma!” I protest. He raises his eyebrows suggestively, “I guess we’ll see when the time comes.” A blush takes over my cheeks that surprises me. I’m obviously attracted to Nick, I mean he’s totally hot and we definitely have chemistry so I don’t think selling that we’re attracted to each other will be hard. 
“So my assistant Jules tells me I have a four-hour block of interviews and then there’s a photo-op on the slopes that will lead to some free ski time. It should be a pretty fun day….but that does mean Conner will be around and he’s been such an ass.” I explain to Nick as I finish the last of my room service breakfast while we wait for my hair and make-up girls to arrive. “Yeah, I’ve seen the tweets. He’s a dick and if he says half of the shit he’s saying online to your face I’ll punch the shit out of him.” Nick responds and I giggle like a preteen schoolgirl talking to her crush in the hallways. 
My glam team arrives and we decide to do a simple and gentle glam with a soft half up half down hairstyle. I’m wearing a black midthigh dress that hugs my curves paired with sheer tights, knee-high boots, and a thick black wool coat. I do a spin and check myself out in the full-length mirror. Lala my stylist did an amazing job putting my looks together for this week. 
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“So, How do I look?” I ask the group in front of me. “You look amazing!” my hair and make-up girls cheer. “Hot as fuck.” Nick says as he rounds the makeup area and gets a better look. Putting his hands on my hips and turning me around to face him. “Absolutely beautiful.” My glam squad quietly exists but my make-up artist pokes her head quickly back in the door to cheekily say, “Don’t mess up my make-up please!!” 
Laughing I rest my head against Folio’s shoulder, “Okay, you ready?” I ask him, looking up into his chestnut eyes. “Almost,” he whispers, moving his hand up to brush as stray hair out of my face and dipping his lips down to softly press against mine. It’s over as quickly as it began, but it’s left me breathless either way. “Didn’t want our first kiss to be in front of a bunch of strangers,” he says against my lips and I feel my knees buckle. “Mmhm, good idea,” I mumble back and pull away to fix my dress and recheck my make-up in the mirror. I look down to check my small white gold watch, “oh, we gotta go! Interview time.” I look at Nick with a smile. “Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” 
We meet my assistant, Jules in the lobby of the resort where she gives me a quick debrief of what I’m doing for the next few hours. First I’m talking to Entertainment Weekly and then Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone and last is an interview I have to do with Conner for Wired Magazine. Not looking forward to that one, not because of Wired. I’ve loved working with them in the past. It’s Conner, I should have never got involved with him. Ugh. Speaking of Conner, I see him exit from the elevators looking douchier than ever in black ski pants with a matching turtlenecked black thermal. He gives me an acknowledging nod and I roll my eyes, “fucking asshole, nodding at me like he’s not completely shitting on me on Twitter.” I grumble as Nick throws his arm over my shoulder and kisses the side of my head. “Don’t worry about him, sweetheart. He’s all talk.”
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll be on his best behavior with all these journalists surrounding us.”  
“It’ll take about four hours for me to finish the interviews, but, there’s lots to do around the resort. My credit card is attached to the room if you want to get a massage or just hang around and watch a movie.” I say to Nick as we walk closer to the conference room. “Nice, okay I’ll walk around and think about it,” he responds, and as we reach the entrance I turn to say goodbye and he quickly wraps me in his arms and presses a soft kiss to my mouth. “Good luck in there baby, knock ‘em dead.” I can’t stop the giggle and blush that comes through. “Thanks Nicky.” 
I enter into the conference room on the opposite side of Connor. They have the room sectioned off for the interviews. I head over to start my first interview with Kelly Brinks from Entertainment Weekly.
Kelly: hello there Seraphina, you are looking beautiful today. Seraphina: oh, thank you, Kelly. It’s wonderful to see you again. Kelly: and you as well. So we’re here today to talk about your upcoming Movie “Tomorrow’s Promises” a dramatic comedy that you star in alongside fellow Hollywood newcomer Conner Frank. Now how does this movie feel compared to other films you’ve worked in? Seraphina: This movie has one of the largest budgets of any film I’ve worked on so far, however, I know that budget is only a portion that can make a movie better. This is a huge production, that’s probably the biggest change, just the magnitude of the cast and crew. All wonderful and hardworking people making movie magic.  Kelly: This is a rather dramatic role, one we haven’t quite seen you in yet. How did you prepare for such emotional scenes? I mean I saw the extended trailer and you’re performance is looking potentially Oscar-worthy. Seraphina: oh wow, thank you, Kelly. That means so much to me. I did a lot of soul-searching after my father passed a few years back. I still feel a lot of emotions from that and this character and I share a lot of similarities. I was able to tap into some of my real feelings during some of those scenes which I think helped sell the performance more.  Kelly: and an amazing performance it was.  Seraphina: thank you. Kelly: Do you mind if I address the elephant in the room? Seraphina: oh Kelly, whatever do you mean?.. I’m just kidding. Of course Kelly. Kelly: There has been a bit of a rift online with you and your costar, is this something that concerns you moving forward with the rest of this festival week? Seraphina: Oh, Conner and I go way back. We’ve made some mistakes but he’s a great actor and I’m proud of the movie we made. I think whatever has happened in the past is easily left behind to ensure a harmonious festival. 
The rest of the solo interviews went, with lots of questions about the movie and some about the situation with Connor. Which is annoying, but I’m able to maneuver past them with ease. Nathan from Vanity Fair spent about twenty minutes of our interview asking me about my Bronco. Which  I didn’t mind.
Connor surprises me before our joint interview by pulling me into a side alcove, I push him back and huff an annoyed breath. 
“Connor, what the fuck?! You can’t just ask me to talk like a normal person?” I gripe out at him in a harsh tone. “Well, it’s not like you’re easy to get alone these days. What did you hire a male gigolo for the week?” I scoff offended. “Oh fuck off. He’s actually my boyfriend you jerk.” 
“Yeah, that guy? What did you find him in a hot topic catalog?” 
“You really are a piece of work. You come here with a beautiful Victoria’s Secret model but have the audacity to question my relationship? Fuck off Connor, You have made it pretty clear in your tweets that I’m nothing more than an obsessed coworker.” 
“Come on Phini, you know I didn’t mean that,” he says moving in closer and backing me up into the wall. “Get away from me Connor and don’t call me that,” I say and push him back, “we have an interview so get you’re shit together and try to keep it professional. If that’s a possibility for you.” I say walking away but he grabs my arm and pulls me back. “Come on Phini, I know you miss me, baby, There is no way he can make you feel good like me.” his grip on my arm is tight and hurts. “Let me go, Connor.” I try to move my arm but can’t get it out of his reach. 
“You don’t know how good you had it, now you’re with some new guy. Should have known you were just some whore, sleeping her way to the top.”  
“FUCK YOU LET ME GO CONNOR!” I yell louder and he reactively pushes me back against the wall. 
The commotion brings an audience of reporters from all over the room, Kelly from EW comes rushing to my side. “Seraphina, are you okay? What happened?” she asks as she helps me back up to my feet.
“She tripped,” Connor says and gives me a sharp glare. “Seraphina? Are you okay?” Kelly asks again and the sudden attention overwhelms me so I just give a small nod, “mmhm, I’m fine. It was just a trip.” 
You idiot, you’re just letting him get away with it? What’s wrong with you? You’re letting some guy push you around…
“Oscar-worthy performance” Kelly’s words ricochet through my brain. I quickly decided to bide my time, I won’t let his dramatic antics ruin this opportunity for me. I won’t be brought under by his immaturity. He will get what’s coming to him, I know it. 
 Because he’s truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing Connor and I are able to complete the Wired interview without any drama. We are actors after all. 
I get out of the conference rooms as fast as possible to meet back up with Jules and Folio so we can all grab a quick lunch before heading out to take a few pictures and the slopes. I get the opportunity to wear my pink ski suit. It looks so cute with my hair in two French braids. 
The photo-ob is cute, the cast of the movie all takes pictures in front of the snowy mountains and I even power through to take a few with Connor, fighting off the urge to push him over into the nearest pile of snow. 
Our director, Rachel McKnight, specifically asks me for a few photos and whispers in my ear, “Just don’t forget me in your acceptance speech. You are amazing.” she says softly and I fight back tears. “Of course, I couldn’t have done it without you,” I respond back to her. “Go have fun with your guy, he’s quite a looker.” 
I look off to the side and see Folio watching me with a small smile. I turn back to Rachel, my mouth forming a big grin, “he is isn’t he?” I agree. 
With the photo-ob done, we are free to ski at our leisure. “Alright let’s hit the slopes, sweetheart,” Folio says as I approach him and Jules. “Let’s go!” I cheer.
“You looked amazing Ser!” Jules remarks as we walk towards the lift together. “And Rachel asking you specifically for a photo! And not Connor! Amazing!!! I bet she wants a picture of you she can post it on Instagram when you win the Oscar!” I laugh and playfully push her, “stoooop, that would be insane, I can’t even think about that! Let’s just have a fun rest of our day.” 
“Agreed” Folio comments from my side, taking my hand in his as we get to the line to get on the ski lift. 
The rest of our afternoon is a blast, we take multiple runs and at one point Folio gets his skis tangled and tumbles into the snow. I approach him and try to keep the giggle I have brewing at bay. But he just looks so silly half buried in the sand. “Laughing? At a man fallen in the snow? What kind of a woman are you Ser?” he jokes and tosses a handful of soft snow at me. “I’m sorry, you just look so cute!” I say reaching out my hand to help him out.
“Oh really? Let’s see how it looks on you then,” he says and pulls me down into the snow right on top of him. “Oof! Oh, real funny Folio.” 
“Say cheese!” Jules says from above with her phone in her hand. 
“Cheese!!” we both say, smiling brightly despite wearing a full face cover and goggles. “Omg so cute! You gotta post this one Ser, sups adorable.” 
“Sups cute for sure!” Folio jokes while we climb back onto our feet and stretch for our final run. “What a crazy day!” I say once we reach the bottom of the hill and head back towards the resort for dinner.
Jules is quietly engrossed into whatever is on her phone as Folio and I continue ahead. I suddenly hear fastly approaching footsteps and Jules is calling out my name, “Ser! Ser! Oh my god! You have to see this!” she has wild eyes as she catches up to us with her phone stretched out in front of her. “Look !” she pushes the phone into my hands and as I’m asking “What is it?” I look down and see a darkly lit video of Conner and me, the volume is low but you can make out the growl in his voice and see the ferocity in his eyes. You can clearly make out when he calls me a whore and then see him push me into the wall. Folio looking at the video over my shoulder has gone completely still. 
“When did this happen Seraphina?”
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sawyerconfort · 11 months
fire(and)place | jackie taylor x fem!young shipman!reader
Ok, just want to let you guys know that this is an experimental post, because I really want to start watching Yellowjackets and I decided to write oneshots about it...
So, I'm sorry if there's anything wrong with this story regarding the context of the series, I didn't really watch it and only watched snippets of the episodes to cheer myself up and see if I liked the atmosphere of the series.
Btw, it's a story with a character played by Ella Purnell, I think there's no way to go wrong, right?
Hope you like it!
Requests open but taking things slow!
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Prompt: After your older sister has a nasty fight with Jackie in the woods, you decide to take matters into your own hands and confront her. It would all go down too well, though, if you didn't have a crush on her.
You didn't expect things to get to this point. In fact, you didn't even want things to get to this point. You knew better than anyone else how much Shauna liked Jackie, considered her her best friend, and how close Jackie actually was to you because she was best friends with your older sister.
Which is why, when you woke up to the screams echoing in the cabin that middle of the night, after accidentally falling asleep and snuggling into Natalie's shoulder - she was warm, in your defense - you wondered why Jackie wasn't there, and the way Shauna looking at you as soon as you opened your eyes was completely decisive.
"Why the hell are you yelling this time?", you asked, your voice coming out low and rather sleepy. "Where's Jackie? I thought we'd go hunting when we were all together, didn't we?"
"Not anymore," Misty blurted out unintentionally. "Your sister decided to fight Jackie, and she's outside now, who knows where, in the cold maybe."
Shauna rolled her eyes. "She started it!"
"Shut up you suckers!" you yelled, standing up and brushing a few strands of Natalie's gorgeous blonde hair out of her clothes a little bit before heading for the door. "You shouldn't have done that, you shouldn't!"
"Where are you going, (Y\N)?"
"Do what you didn't do. Apologize to Jackie and save her from dying of hypothermia at least."
You rolled your eyes as you left, slamming the cabin door slamming and leaving the girls exchanging skewed looks. Misty stopped Shauna with her arm and your sister had to watch you go, against her will, outside in the snow, just when she should have been protecting you.
It wasn't too hard to find Jackie, knowing at first that even if she was intensely hurt by Shauna or any of the girls, she wouldn't go far. The girl was as scared as you were about navigating the forest alone, so she could be anywhere, just close.
It was practically freezing outside, and you found yourself picking up your pace several times to keep your shoes from sinking into the icy white snow - sometimes it was quite pointless and you practically froze just by dipping your toes a little bit. But it helped you to locate yourself, when the fog gave way to a figure turned on its back, hugging its own legs, with that varsity jacket that you knew so much, and that, dammit, she never took off her body!
It didn't take much for you to know it was Jackie and, relieved to see her, you walked over slowly and sat down where she was, beside her, avoiding eye contact.
"Please don't tell me Shauna asked you to come after me as a consolation prize," she said, rolling her eyes, still hugging her legs. Her voice emitted a little air from her lips, and when you looked up, her mouth was purple.
Quickly, you needed to take action. You dug with your hands until you couldn't dig anymore, but eventually you found some sticks and stones, which were more visible in the middle of the snow. By rubbing the two together, you created a little bit of fire and arranged some lighter pieces of wood to create a fire. Jackie sighed in relief and another little smoke came out of her mouth.
"No, she didn't ask. I came at my own risk," you finally replied, taking a deep breath as well. It was nice to feel something warm as you sat on the icy ground. "May I know what happened between you two? Why did you fall out so quickly? Everything was so good…"
She didn't answer, and you decided to play with the situation.
"It's only when I fall asleep that you decide to let go, right? That's serious, Jackie, it's a lack of a worthy mother figure."
Jackie laughed, and dammit, you loved it when she laughed. You loved when you could make her laugh, when you could see her little eyes close as she turned her head towards you and looked into her eyes like she was looking at a little sister.
That's what you were to her, a little sister. And that was all.
"I don't know why Shauna is mad at me. Sometimes I thought it might be Jeff, but now that I've broken up with him, I…I don't know anymore," Jackie sighed. "I thought you knew, since you're sisters, and she should tell you everything…"
"Uh, one point less for you…", you chuckled nervously, sighing. "Shauna never tells me anything. She pretty much hates me, I think maybe she'd rather I was a Barbie doll instead of a normal flesh and blood person…" you huffed. "Seriously, I had to beg her to let me on your team, really."
"But she was right, (Y\N), you were still too young. It could cause problems in your class, because you're a year below us."
"I'm not a kid anymore, Jackie, I make my own decisions, and I've decided I want to make the team," you replied in an authoritative voice. "No one can change that now, I also wanted to win, I wanted to help you on the team, not just watch from the stands…"
Jackie nodded, smiling and pursing her lips. She looked at you, and again, there was that annoying little "big sister look" thing she always gave you. You pretended you weren't affected by him and tried to ignore it, but it was impossible.
"If I ask nicely, will you go back inside and make up with Shauna?" you asked in a whisper, looking at Jackie again.
"(Y\N), it's no use. Shauna really hates me now, there's no going back."
"But that can't happen! How am I supposed to be if you guys are fighting forever? How am I going to convince my mom to let me go to your party without Shauna around to babysit me?"
Jackie shook her head. "I'm sorry. Really."
"But that couldn't happen! It's so unfair!"
"(Y\N), stop whimpering like a baby!", Jackie complained, turning to you. "It's irritating, okay? It doesn't help at all!", her voice was different, and it was clear that she was very irritated with the situation.
You widened your eyes, an intrusive thought running through your mind as you stared back at her, your voice trailing off. "You find me annoying? Really?"
"No, that's not what… Ah, (Y\N), come on, I'm sorry, okay?", Jackie clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth and looked at you, her voice becoming quiet and calm, like she was talking to a puppy. "That's not what I meant, I swear, it's just…I'm really pissed off right now, and if you keep forcing me to make it up to her, I'll…"
You nodded, holding back tears, but didn't say anything. Then, there was a moment when Jackie surprised you by cupping your chin with her fingers and forcing you to look into her eyes. Gorgeous, huge, but gorgeous, you could easily get lost in the whole pool of charisma that was inside them.
"Come on, give me a smile please, (Y\N)…", she whispered, still holding you by the chin, and you smiled, blushing slightly. "That's it. I love seeing you smile, (Y\N), really. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude to you, but this whole situation is killing me."
"Everyone is nervous, Jackie, it's normal…", you explained, whispering, too lost to focus on one thing. "We should be playing right now, winning medals, lifting trophies, but here we are, stranded on a shitty island."
"Hey, at least we still have people to count on…", she whispered back, smiling. "People we like, that's what matters to me at least," Jackie laid her head gently on his shoulder and looked into the crackling fire. "Like, I like you a lot, (Y\N). I don't know what I would do if we had a fight…"
You were taken aback by the revelation. You were already used to Jackie's surprises and her nonsensical phrases, but this time, it rang true. Too bad you felt more than just a liking, and that you couldn't truly tell her that for fear of losing the friendship.
"Me too… I like you, Jackie…", you whispered. "But…"
"But you really want to dump me now, don't you? Yeah, I know. I figured my lack of affection would hurt someone one day…"
"No!", you said, kind of loudly, startling her too. "No, what I meant is… that I like you. Like hell. But it's not just liking… a friend. You know… I'm…"
She quickly pulled her head away from your shoulder to look at you, laughing in disbelief.
"Are you telling me that… you're in love with me?", Jackie asked, confused, frowning. "I mean, like, you? In love with me?"
"Yeah, I think that's right…", you replied. "I'm sure, actually. I'm in love with you, Jackie, and I've never felt that way about anyone in my entire life.
"Damn, (Y\N), that…that was cute, you know?"
Your smile faded, and Jackie saw it right away. It made her laugh, and when you least expected it, she kissed your cheek, then leaned in a little closer to kiss your lips, and you were taken aback by the feel of icy, frozen lips pressed against yours.
Jackie didn't seem to regret the impulse. She was clearly nervous, but she was shivering too, from the cold, and as you kissed, she touched your face with trembling hands over and over again, sometimes hesitating between your cheek and your shoulders.
Her lips were cold, because of the ice, and they were soft, because they were a girl's lips. The girl you were in love with and had kept that secret for a long, long time.
"Was that your way of saying you like me too?" you asked, afraid that this was more of a threat than a genuine question from someone who was confused when she pulled away from you.
Jackie smiled, nodding and blushing as she kissed you again. This time, the touch lasted a little less, and when she pulled away, her face was hidden in the crook of your neck.
"I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out…" she whispered. "It was literally in my face the entire time. That's why Shauna hates me. Because of you, (Y\N). She's so jealous because you guys are sisters, and because I'm her best friend…"
You smiled. "And that makes you regret liking me?"
"Never, I swear…", Jackie whispered. "I actually love the fact that I like you. It's comforting because I knew I'd never have to say it out loud since the two of us are inseparable…"
You smiled again and it was your turn to hide your face in Jackie's neck. She hugged you with both arms and breathed in your scent, sighing. She was clearly warmed by the touch of you on her body.
"Now, if I ask nicely, will you go back to the cabin?"
"(Y\N)!", Jackie sighed, before kissing you again, only this time, all over your face, laughing every time her lips meet your skin. "God, will you stop being so cute? This way I won't convince you that I'm mad at your sister!"
"It never convinced me, to tell you the truth. You two are failures to disguise that, deep down, deep down, you still like each other. And I'm happy about that, because I know that, no matter what, you'll have to put up with me for the rest of your days!"
The girl smiled. "Yeah, not that I'm complaining, either."
And there you two idiots were, giggling by a poorly made fire for the rest of the night, after an awkward but completely adorable confession.
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newtthetranswriter · 11 months
'Ello, 'ello, 'ello! I just saw your post about making GO2 x readers. I was wondering if you can make an Aziraphale x reader? The reader is a rank lower than Aziraphale, but more chaotic when they got on earth. Reader's a freaking simp to Aziraphale and tells everything they like about him to Crowley.
Bonus if Crowley literally yeets the reader to Aziraphale for swooning too much.
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Word count: 1335
Paring: Aziraphale x reader
A/n: Thank you for requesting I hope you enjoy it. It was nice dipping into the Good Omens fandom for writing. Requests are currently open, just make sure to check my rules and character list before requesting thanks, and enjoy. Also very small season 2 spoilers so read at your own discretion. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
  Having been on earth for the past 6000 years has been wild. I have witnessed and maybe participated in multiple wars, seen the rise and fall of empires, but the best thing I have witnessed on earth is my fellow angel, Aziraphale. I just love his fascination with books, and the workings of human society. The fact that he even is so kind as to help the demon Crowley with tasks that they both happen to be assigned to is amazing, he is such a kind individual and needs to be protected.
   Over the years I have noticed that whenever I’m around him my brain goes fuzzy, like it becomes impossible to think of anything other than him. I have no idea how to tell him this, I mean it’s not like he would feel the same about me. After all that we have been through together I think it’s best if i just keep these feelings to myself, as I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship.
    Well keeping it to myself is far easier said than done as I was currently pestering my favorite fallen angel, and some things may have slipped out.
    “I don’t know when I started feeling this way, I just think he’s so sweet. And the look on his face when he thought his books were destroyed in that church back in ww2, he was so sad and then he realized you saved them he was so happy. I love how he takes care of his books like they are the most important things in this world.” I said, talking the demon's ear off as he just rolled his eyes at me.
    He just continued to sit on the park bench while we were waiting for Aziraphale, watching me pass in front of him. “Why are you telling me this, I don’t care.” He said hoping I would just sit down and shut up.
    I just rolled my eyes and continued knowing it would probably still be a few minutes before the angle showed up. “I just wish I knew what he was thinking in that pretty little brain of his.” I sighed as I sat next to Crowley. “Who am I kidding, he would never like me like that. I’m one misstep from being a demon, he’s so straight laced while I like to cause trouble. He wouldn’t even look my way if we weren’t both angels.” I said exasperated.
  The demon next to me just sighed before hoping the other angel would show up already. “Just because you are more of a morally gray angel doesn't mean he wouldn’t look at you. I mean look at me, I’m a demon and he talks to me.” Crowley said, jestering to himself. “ And trust me he does like you, talks about you whenever you aren’t around.” He said, trying to cheer me up.
   “Yeah right, there is no way Aziraphale, the perfect angel who runs a book shop that is really just a cover for his hoarding problem,  would like me. But it’s whatever, I've resigned myself to watching from afar. I’m fine watching him light up every time he finds a rare book, or finds a new food he likes.” I said in a dreamy voice. “Anyway I’m done talking about it, he should be here soon.”
    Just as I finished the sentence, said angel walked up to us. We both greeted him before checking in on whether any of us have heard from hell or heaven recently, thankfully not. After about ten minutes of quick catch up, Aziraphale stood up and turned to us. “Would either of you care to join me for lunch?” He asked with a bright smile.
   I was about to decline when Crowley spoke up with a wicked smirk. “Oh I’m not in the mood to eat right now but our dear Y/n would gladly join you.” He then pushed me off the bench towards the angel ignoring my glare.
   “Well then, shall be off than Y/n.” Aziraphale said as he reached for my hand. I hesitantly accepted it, not missing the thumbs up Crowley shot my way as me and the angel walked away. 
   As we approached the small dinner we had picked for lunch Aziraphale took notice of me being more quiet than usual. “Is everything alright? You’ve been oddly quiet.” I could hear the concern in his voice as we took our sets.
   I gave him a small smile before responding,”Everything is fine just feeling a little under the weather I guess.” I said hoping he would accept the answer and leave it at that.
   “Oh, are you sure you are up to getting food then, we could go back to the bookshop and I could make you a nice cup of tea?” The angel asked, making my heart swell and blush rush to my checks. “You do look a bit warm.”
   I silently cursed myself of course he would notice me blushing. I tried to think of an excuse. “I’m fine really, it’s just a little warm. Let’s just order.” I watched as he let out a sigh before waving down the waitress and placed our order. I relaxed slightly hoping he finally let it go.
   After about thirty minutes, we had finished eating and were now walking back to Aziraphale’s bookshop. It was an awkward silence, I could tell he wanted to ask me about something but I wasn’t sure what. As we turned a corner on to a less crowded street he stopped suddenly, I turned and looked at him confused. We were only a couple blocks from the bookshop, why did he stop all of a sudden.
   “You’re hiding something from me.” He said out of nowhere, his tone wasn’t angry but more concerned. “I heard you talking with Crowley before. I didn’t hear everything but I could tell it was something about me because you ended the conversation saying ‘he should be here soon.’. And I don’t want to over step but if there is something you need to tell me please just tell me, I promise to listen. I’m really good at Listening.” I could tell he was worried that it was something bad.
   I froze for a second before walking up to him. “It’s nothing bad, I just don’t know how to tell you this.” I said, looking away slightly. “Look, you don’t have to respond now or ever actually, but I like you, a lot. And I know you probably don’t feel the same but I just needed to get it off my chest. I love how much you love books, and helping people.” I finally got the words off my chest hoping to at least still have one of my best friends.
   There was a pause before he smiled at me and grabbed my hands. “How could I possibly not feel the same way? Yes you tend to go about things in a less than angelic way but that’s part of what makes you so amazing. I love that about you, I love that I can talk to you about my rare books and you will listen, I love that you get along with Crowley cause let’s be honest he’s not the easiest to talk with. It’s amazing to have you here. So I do feel the same, and never be scared to tell me your feelings. I am here to listen.”
    I just looked at him in shock. Crowley was right, Aziraphale does feel the same. I was at a loss for words but I settled on giving him the biggest smile I could before pulling him in for a hug. As I pulled from the hug, he placed a hand on my cheek and smiled. I knew that whatever came next, we would have each other's back. Little did I know that what came next was a very naked Gabriel who had no clue who he was or why he was here. This was gonna be fun.
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hello, everyone. this will be my first and only time i will be publicly addressing this. i am not answering questions about this, and for the first time ever, i am also disallowing anons.
first of all, i want to say that i've chosen to address this now out of my own volition. because i do not find it fair at all that i have felt that i could NOT address it at any point in order to maintain peace and harmony during, and in the wake of the event.
however, i feel that due to the nature of what happened, and the absolute damage that it has done to my mental health, that i must, in order to further my own recovery from it all, and as so no longer feel bullied into silence.
there will be no names mentioned. this is not a vaguepost. this is my formal statement for my own peace of mind and progressing on my path towards recovery.
if you know, you know; and if you don't, you don't.
let's talk.
throughout this past year i have been the target of a smear campaign concerning GOOMT. it actually began late 2022, but escalated long into 2023.
what entailed was nothing short of bad faith reading and interpretation from someone whose skill in character analysis was something i'd admired. in fact, i had agreed many a time with how they'd interpreted characters and the world of Silent Hill. although my interaction with said person had historically been minimal, it had been civil, and i strived to be respectful of them.
i am unfortunately unsure of what caused this, or why it happened at all; and i do not think they know either. what i do know is that many upon many lies were told about what i write, and that it turned needlessly personal on many occasions. people were turned against me for one reason another, and i'm saddened to have seen this happen.
i stayed quiet during it all. i did what many people facing ruthless targeted harassment do, and pretended i didn't know in hopes of minimizing damage, and in hopes of responsible parties losing interest; but this did not happen. i was sent bad faith anons, i was subject to lies, and saw hypocrisy.
and i understood who they were and why they were here. they were looking for "gotcha's!" that didn't exist, digging for reasons to further vilify me.
worse, the bullying was praised. it was encouraged, and it was near-constant. a whole tag was created. the intent was to hurt and isolate me, and it did. it did hurt me, and it did make me feel isolated, and i withdrew quite a bit.
but i did not stop writing. it took longer for me to post, but i did not stop writing.
and moreover?
i REFUSE to stop writing.
i write a fanfic for a fandom i love. i am as how you see me and how i present myself. i'm enthusiastic and encouraging to others because that is genuinely how i feel. i LOVE to see others create. i LOVE to see the vast amount of interpretations, and silliness, and new OCs and pairings and OC/canon pairings, and i LOVE to see others thrive.
and i am in competition with exactly no one.
i did nothing wrong. i KNOW i did nothing wrong. i also know that those involved know that i did nothing wrong, and i did nothing to deserve the treatment i received, no matter how they try to justify it to themselves.
the behavior i faced, and how others reacted with encouragement and cheer is becoming too common and too normalized.
and it needs to stop.
i've been in therapy for the better part of my life. although i've been without a therapist since i've moved, i've finally found one to not only continue my lifelong recovery in other matters, but to help myself recover from what i faced this year.
i am extremely hurt. i know that this was the goal, and it has succeeded. if hearing this fills those involved with pride and glee, then something is wrong, because that should not elicit that reaction. i am extremely, deeply disappointed in those involved for this, and all the hypocrisy, and all the contradictions, and all the willful bad faith asks sent and posts made.
and i have done nothing wrong.
i do not hate anyone. i do not hate who started this, or even who engaged with them; and i never did.
it is okay if someone doesn't like what or how i write. in fact, i have made multiple posts about how i view my attitude towards my writing. one of the points i have made is that i encourage people who do not like what i write, to NOT read it.
there is a very old saying on fandom internet: Don't Like? Don't Read. now, this should be obvious, but the practice of hate-reading is an extremely unhealthy behavior that has, again, become unfortunately normalized in the recent handful of years.
unlearn hate-reading. you do not read to read anything you do not like. it, in many cases, can actually constitute as self-harm. and if you choose to do this, it is not the author's fault.
it is yours. and you need to take responsibility for your own actions.
there are people here who were needlessly cruel to me and who i feel do not feel a lick of remorse for what they've done. i hope some day that they can reflect with a clearer head and understand, and take some responsibility for their actions.
and i genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, with full raw sincerity, hope that they do get to heal; that they do learn and grow; that they UNlearn these toxic behaviors; are able to move away from people who exhibit them; find the courage and strength to stand up for themselves and/or others, to end the cycle; and that they understand that i do not hate them, and that i wish them full success in their future health and endeavors.
that said, i hope all involved will never forget the harm they have done. i hope they cringe. i hope it keeps them up at night, and i dearly hope they actually regret their actions, or at some point come to regret it.
i do not hate any one of them, and i won't. i never will.
and never will anyone involved ever be forgiven for it either.
most of all - and on a much lighter note - i want to say thank you to those who supported me during this time. your patience and reassurance has been a saving grace that words unfortunately cannot do justice. you are precious to me, and i love you all, and i hope that i can be just as strong and supportive to you in your times of need.
thank you too to all my readers, my followers, and my friends. i'm sorry to have been largely absent this past year, but this was the reason why. next year it will be better, not just for me, but for all of us. i promise. i love you all.
i also love me, my art, my writing as a whole, and myself. i am a tough cookie. i may have cried a lot, i may have gotten frustrated and angry, but i am human. i'm allowed to feel this way, and i will feel this way for a while as i heal, yet i refuse to be bitter; and i refuse to stop loving what i do.
because i love GOOMT. i love developing GOOMT, i love drawing for GOOMT, and i love writing GOOMT. i always will love GOOMT, no matter how many years more it takes for me to write it. so thank you to all who have read and enjoyed GOOMT, and have matched my enthusiasm for it and its future. i am so, SO blessed to have you here, and i am SO excited to spin my story.
and i am so, SO glad to be alive to be able to share my piece of this silly foggy world with you.
cheers, mates. i look forward to a new year, better health for me and all, and to what beautiful things we can create and share together.
i love you - and i promise that we will be okay.
for we are alive, and with wounds that WILL heal.
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grandeoatmilklatte · 5 months
Saturday Morning Snails 🐌 (Garreth Weasley x F!MC)
Was in desperate need of some Garreth inspiration, and the incredible @ellivenollivander decided to help me. She created a random mood board and told me to try and write a Garreth fic based around it and it worked! Enjoy!
Warnings: Fluff with some very slight NSFW implications || characters are over 18!
Word Count: 1.0k
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Golden rays of sunshine poured through the open window, pulling the sleeping girl out of her deep slumber. She rolled over, deeming it too early to wake up, even though she had no idea what time it was. Not that the time mattered anymore to her - she had nowhere to go. 
On Monday, she had lost her job, the small bookstore she worked at needing to cut down their staff due a slowdown in sales. It was now Saturday, and she had spent the week in the exact same routine - sleeping all morning, waking up in the early afternoon, moping around all day until Garreth came home from work, fixing him dinner, and then moping around all evening until it was time for bed. She didn’t have the energy or desire to do anything else. Typically on a Saturday morning, she’d welcome the rays of sunshine pouring into her window, always taking a moment to gaze out into the lush green trees of the forest that surrounded their countryside home; but today, not even the beautiful scenery outside made her happy. 
She rolled over again, her foot bumping a solid mass that meowed at her. She sat up and tossed her blanket aside to find their orange cat at her feet. “Oh, Orange Juice, I’m sorry to have woken you.” She picked him up in her arms, hugging him before placing him on her thighs, where he readjusted himself to go back to sleep. 
The purring from her feline friend warmed her heart, giving her a burst of serotonin, something she hadn’t had in days. 
“Hey, I should be the only ginger in your lap like that!” Garreth jokingly shouted at his girlfriend as he entered their bedroom and climbed on the bed. The stupid joke caused the girl to let out a soft laugh. 
“Aw there’s my happy girl! It’s been a bit since I’ve heard you laugh.”
She looked up at Garreth, struggling to smile and fighting back tears, but she didn’t have to fight long, as Garreth pulled her into a hug, his arms providing her comfort and safety when she felt like her world was falling apart around her. She nuzzled into his neck and hugged him back as one of his hands came up to stroke her hair. After holding her for several seconds, Garreth pulled back. 
“I made you breakfast, sweetheart! Let me bring it for you so you can eat it in bed. You look far too comfy for me to make you go to the kitchen for it.” 
Without another word, Garreth jumped off the bed, the action startling Orange Juice, causing him to move to another position at the foot of the bed. Garreth came back a moment later, a dumb smile on his face, with a plate in one hand, and a cup of coffee in the other. He set the coffee on her nightstand, and the plate in her lap. The girl looked down to find some oddly shaped pancakes, needing a moment to determine what shape they were. 
“Darling, are these…snails?” 
“Yes! While I was making breakfast, I saw a snail on our windowsill. I named him Gregory. He inspired me to make these snail shaped pancakes because I, well me and Gregory that is, thought they’d help cheer you up! When I woke up this morning, I promised myself that I was going to spend this Saturday making you feel better.”
She smiled at Garreth. Even when times got tough, she could always rely on him to put a smile on her face. She loved Garreth, and she knew that Garreth loved her. As she began to enjoy her snail shaped pancakes, Garreth spoke, talking as if he could read his girlfriend’s mind. 
“I love you, sweetheart! Don’t ever forget that. Don’t forget that I’m here. I’ll always be here. I know things have been tough for you. I wish I could just snap my fingers and make it all better. Unfortunately, there are some limitations to our magic. So instead, I’ll just be the best boyfriend I can be to you. As long as we have each other, we can get through anything!”
The girl fought back tears again, but this time it was tears of joy as she threw her arms around Garreth and kissed him, almost sending her plate of snails crashing to the floor. Garreth’s quick reflexes saved the plate, him delicately placing the plate on the nightstand as he kissed her back. 
She felt Garreth’s tongue press against her lips, silently asking for entry. She parted her lips, greeting Garreth’s tongue with her own. He placed his hand on her lower back, adjusting her so that she was laying down, his lips never leaving hers as he climbed on top of her. He began to slip his hand up her night dress when a “meow” next to them broke Garreth’s concentration. 
“Ugh, sorry Juicy! You need some breakfast too! Just lay there and be pretty, baby, I’ll be right back!” Garreth scooped Orange Juice in his arms, earning himself an annoyed meow as he hopped off the bed and dashed off to the kitchen. 
She laid on the bed as Garreth requested, smiling to herself. Garreth was right - as long as they had each other, they could get through any hardship life threw their way. He loved her, and would support her through anything, as she would do for him.
As promised, Garreth returned a moment later, tossing himself on the bed to resume his position on top of her. The entire bed shook when he jumped, which brought a fit of laughter out of her.
“I love you, baby!” He said softly as he planted a kiss on her forehead. He gave her a sweet smile for a moment, before that sweet smile turned into a mischievous one. “Now then, where were we?” He said as his hand slid back up her night dress. After all, Garreth had made a promise to make her feel better this Saturday, and the pancakes were only the beginning. 
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chantsdemarins · 3 months
😅Real Villain Training [Tom Hiddleston circa 2012 X Fem.Reader]
Chapter three of Breath of the Æsir is almost here. I’m SO sorry for the wait! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy a very brief Tom story...
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Honestly, I pledged to myself, no more Tom stories just focus on Loki. But I think I just can't help it. Especially when slutty inspiration like this photo comes my way (@lokischambermaid and @lokisgoodgirl 😳)
I am humbled by this era of Tom. In 2024 he is a husband/father/seasoned iconic actor in perpetual good cheer, but in 2012, he was a bad boy. As always please reblog and comment if you feel inspired!
Summary: Tom is hanging out with some real jerks for a new role, and he runs into you, literally. Your depression has caused your life to turn a little black and white, could this handsome stranger possibly add some color back? (at least to your cheeks🥵).
Smut factor: I hope...HOT 🔥
(Authors note: I have no concrete proof he was in fact a bad boy so please don't take seriously my young Tom plot themes of drugs and sex, which once again appear here. I could be totally wrong about him. It's art! It's a fabrication! Also, this story does involve mental health!)
I also don't know who would want to be on a tag list for a Tom fic these days! These are a few people who might be interested?? @lokischambermaid @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokisgoodgirl @wheredafandomat @sailorholly @mrs-illyrian-baby @superficialdomina @gigglingtiggerv2 @fictive-sl0th @muddyorbs @tbhiddlestan83 @huntress-artemiss @smolvenger @kikster606 @mjsthrillernp @hiroyukinasukawa
Los Angeles, 2012
That afternoon, the rooftop pool at the Saint Avalon was a pink swirl of bathing beauties in early spring. Tom tried to focus on his deadpan conversation with his agent, but polka dots and silly cocktails danced around him. He pushed his Ray-Bans back into place, his sweat—or perhaps nervousness—causing them to slowly slide off his nose.
"Serious British actor succumbs to being typecast as a Norse sociopath. That's where this is headed, Tom, if we don’t do something, get you something else.” “Do you really want to be known only for Marvel?” he repeated his plea. The words just weren’t sinking in.
Tom laughed and inadvertently tried to change the subject. "Have you been to the La Brea Tar Pits yet, John? It’s wild—10,000 years' worth of dire wolf bones.”
His stare remained galvanized by the poolside girls. They just didn't look like that in London. Number one, the sunshine. Number two, the tans. Number three, well, his girlfriend—or ex-girlfriend, rather—made it hard to look too long at anyone else. So had he ever found himself at a rooftop pool party, he wouldn't have had the chance he was having now.
“Tom, are you paying attention? This is important. You're only here for a week, and we need to move on this role. I need to know if you're a yes.” The truth was, Tom was suddenly filthy rich with his own money for the first time in his life. He really loved being a Norse sociopath and already had big ideas for Loki’s eventual character arc into becoming an anti-hero someday. He had filled three journals on his bedside stand with his ideas for Loki.
His agent tried again, “Just hang out with Giorgio. It’s less than a month. Then the movie should be a very easy shoot. You get to embed yourself with some real hedge fund cats.” Tom’s attention snapped back. “Wait, I like that.” “Right? It’s like if Loki worked on Wall Street.” “Well…” Tom hesitated. He didn’t think Loki would actually ever bore himself that way. Those guys were boring to Tom and to Loki.
His poor agent was right, though. He did need another role. Things had gone so well; filming for the next Avengers movie was starting this summer. If he could find another gig, a time filler, a totally different genre, it really would be the best for his career. “Then a play next,” the agent mused, taking a sip of his own cocktail. “Shakespeare, or something 70s.” “70s? As in the 1570s? Or the 1970s?” “Tom.” “How should I know?” Tom laughed to himself, eyes still canvassing the poolside display around him. His agent leaned across his lawn chair and placed his hand on Tom’s shoulder. “So, you’ll do it?”
Two Weeks Later
Deep down, he knew he didn’t have the dissociation required for the job. He was too corporeal, too embodied. Years of being a long-distance runner and a trained athlete had fastened his mind, heart, and soul firmly into his muscles. He clearly wouldn’t be able to hide his feelings in his highly emotive, sensitive body. That was the first thing he noticed about the guys he was forced to hang out with for this role. They were covered up with their suits and sexist jokes. It was like they had Hadrian’s Wall around them. Which was, in fact, what exactly led to his sudden departure from the bar at Rue 23.
He had been embedded with short and loud Glen, buzz-cut Ellis, and the tall and lanky, just like him, Brad Nelson. There were a few others, but they were too milquetoast to be memorable. Role be damned. He left so fast the thick glass door almost hit a nice young couple as he bolted into the cold Los Angeles spring night.
He wasn’t dressed right; in his haste to leave London, he didn’t remember that California got into the 40s after the sun went down. He didn’t even pack a suit coat. Thank God he remembered to grab his leather pack from under the bar. It contained exactly five cigarettes, a finicky Zippo, his aftershave, a white t-shirt, and a travel toothbrush. There might also be a rolled-up Popular Mechanics magazine from the Burbank airport, something he never would be caught dead reading at Heathrow.
He also hadn’t done so much coke since he was in college. Why was LA always so incredibly cliché? He couldn’t blame Luke. He couldn’t blame anyone but himself for this role. He said yes when he was distracted. He was in over his head. They had hired these real blokes to make sure Tom looked authentic when they started filming next month, and given his intense drive for perfection, he had agreed that it was “brilliant” of the casting director to force the eight of them to spend these weeks in Los Angeles and one week in Manhattan, in a true immersive centrifuge of shallow materiality.
The night spun around him, a neon ball of yarn, teasing open his pupils until his eyes were black and not at all blue. As he walked, he ran his large hands down the surface of his body, the material of his shirt feeling like a fancy pillowcase from a boutique hotel.
One finger lingered over his jawline, tracing it as he brought his hands back up to his face. Engrossed in the comfort of his form a moment too long, he was distracted once again. This part of LA seemed to always be full of clusters of locals and tourists, laughing and talking. He was unfortunately moving against the flow of the crowd, a wayward salmon when he almost ran straight into you.
“Watch where you're going!” you yelled, dropping your purse onto the dirty LA sidewalk. It opened enough for your things to tumble out. Tom immediately stopped and bent down to help you, but you batted his hands away. “What the hell? I can pick up my own damn Chapstick,” you scolded. “Ma’am, I am so sorry, I am obviously not from here, and I am a little overwhelmed,” he rattled off. “Why is that obvious?” “My accent, of course.” “I didn’t honestly notice,” you spoke as you inspected the tall man’s face with squinting eyes.
You, of course, did immediately notice the timbre of his voice, his height, and the buttons on his tight shirt which looked like they were in the process of unbuttoning themselves. “Would you believe I’ve been doing coke all night with a bunch of Wall Street assholes at the Rue 23, and I had to get the fuck out of there,” he continued, not sure if you were listening, but you were definitely looking at him, so he continued.
“So now I am wandering the streets of Beverly Hills, and I haven’t the foggiest how the rest of my night will go.” You shuffled your feet for a moment before speaking. You had been heading home after a long day at work. You felt genuinely unprepared for navigating a handsome foreigner in the right direction. Yet there was a certain appeal to a man suddenly without his ship or his crew, so to speak. So you didn’t immediately walk away.
He had been shuffled from the airport to the bar in a hired car, he tried to explain, and his sense of direction bordered on problematic. Further, his flip phone was really only good for texting, and that even took way too long most days. He really did seem high, overwhelmed, and a little lost. He also seemed the type unable to handle any silence in a conversation.
“Do you live far?” he said after suffering through 30 seconds of no discourse. “It’s LA, everything is far.” “Fair enough,” Tom muttered sheepishly, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, which were still somehow unbuttoning themselves. He thought he had bought the right size shirt. Maybe not.
You realized that if you were to ask this too-high, too-hot British man back to your apartment, you would inevitably cave and end up sleeping with him just because he caught you in this particular moment of your life. It was an in-between time. You weren't quite your old self and your new self that you'd been working so hard on, hadn't emerged yet.
“Want to grab something to eat?” You finally offered a neutral segue. That seemed to be just what the man needed to hear. His demeanor calmed. “Oh sure, yes, I could go for a big American cheeseburger, honestly.” “Okay then, let’s go to Patty’s on Vine, we can walk,” you said as you pulled at his shirt to turn him toward the right direction. He bristled at the feeling of your touch.
His whole body was even more sensitive than usual. You looked like the queen of the ancient British Iceni to him. In truth, he didn’t much care for the California look. He loved that you appeared out of nowhere and you looked like Boudica, not like Gwyneth Paltrow. Even though he was sure he heard she was nice. RDJ seemed to really love her.
The diner where you were headed was the second-tier after-hours hang, so it wasn’t populated with the usual crowd, not yet at least. You had some time before you would be inundated, and perhaps before someone would recognize him, which you still did not. You could ask him, of course. Although, sometimes in Los Angeles, the worst part is knowing who someone is.
Although Tom being Tom was unable to resist personal questions. “Tell me a little bit about yourself, just a little,” he had to ask as the night air propelled him quickly down the sidewalk. You considered telling him about your job, but it was just how you paid the bills. Your passions were your passions and not for a stranger. So you decided to be a little goth. It couldn't hurt.
“I have something like anhedonia, I suppose,” you finally said. Tom seemed to know what you meant right away. “The inability to feel?” He spoke. “More classically refined, which results in numbness, making capturing interior somatic sensations nearly impossible,” you clarified. “Sounds like you are depressed,” Tom flattened out your creative retelling of your current state. “Maybe,” although you weren't sure of his simple label. "You think it will pass?" Tom continued, ever the optimist.
You considered one way to try and test if this state you'd been in could possibly change, would be to see if he could provoke feelings of passion or at least some kind of low-grade horniness. You’d been feeling functionally blank for a while now.
He was stunning, after all.
He seemed game for anything, his amphetamine grin taking up the majority of his handsome face. He looked so lovely under the hanging light in your dingy booth. You ate the two-egg special you ordered and watched him devour his American cheeseburger with genuine joy.
“So, you're here to practice for a new part?” You sincerely tried to keep the conversation flowing despite the growing desire to test your theory. “Yes, they want me to branch out. In my career, there’s the fear I am already 'type-casted,' I guess you could say.” “Type-casted? So early on?”
He looked young to you. Possibly younger than you actually. “Yes, I had a big role as a villain, it really blew up, but, he's like a mythological comic book one. I am misunderstood mostly. I mean my character, not me.” "Sure." You nodded in understanding and agreed even if you didn’t quite pick up what he was putting down. You wondered if he had ever seen 'The Last Starfighter.' A favorite movie of yours, you rarely shared with anyone else. Or had he been in that? Your mind wandered. You really didn't recognize him, but you also didn't want to offend him by this fact.
“So how would this role be redefining your abilities? If you are playing a heartless hedge fund dude, isn’t that also a kind of villain? Maybe that is why you got this part.” Tom pondered your insight. He again fell into overthinking and was only a text away from bailing on the entire endeavor. He was becoming that kind of guy, emotionally uneven under his elite veneer.
“I guess they feel like I don’t have the chops to be a 'real world' baddie.” “I needed more practice.” “You don’t?” you said very timidly, suddenly you weren’t hungry anymore. You gently pushed your plate aside so you could focus.
You realized his bromance compadres would find him eventually. Another LA truth: it was hard to get truly lost for long. You had been studying his face during the conversation. His pale complexion was slowly becoming flushed in small increments. Was it shyness or a hidden boldness he was bursting to demonstrate, you couldn't tell.
You had worn your espadrilles today, maybe it wasn’t the right season yet, but they always went so well with your outfit-a flowery dress from H&M. Gently and playfully, you kicked one of them off your foot, making a soft thud. Tom dipped his eyes beneath the table for only a moment and brought them back to you, a new flash of crimson emerging. Why were you taking off your shoes? Maybe your feet hurt from the walk?
He picked up his water and chugged almost all of it.
Your right leg lifted up and found purchase exactly between his, landing on the soft seat. Tom chuckled nervously and grabbed your foot. “Just what are you doing?” “I thought you were in training to be a real villain. Or did I misunderstand that?” You teased. Tom’s sincerity and earnestness were effulgent. “Oh no, I am, I really want the part, I need this role.” Suddenly when the idea of something illicit going on beneath the table loomed, he was not reticent about this new role. “Then you better continue to practice.” You laughed, your own smile forming across your face. “How long do we have until they find you?” You inched your foot closer to his crotch.
Tom took a deep breath in and pulled out his flip phone eyes squinting, trying to see the rectangle text banner across the tiny screen. He held the phone up to you. “Can you read this at all?” You grabbed it from him, feeling his hand shaking a little. It was charming. He was nervous.
You read the tiny screen aloud, “Not really, something about where are you at…you wanker, we are about to call your agent." It did say exactly that, and you wondered if possibly Tom was throwing away this role. Were you watching him collapse his career before your eyes? “Are you one for self-sabotage Tom?” The question seemed to catch him off guard. Maybe no one had asked him so bluntly. “Maybe,” he said after a long minute of typing something on the seemingly minute phone with his long fingers and even larger hands. “Just like I am possibly depressed," you offered. He looked up and sat his phone down. “Yes, I think so. Just like that.”
Just then the waitress came by filled your water glasses and gave you another quick refill of coffee. Your chosen sobriety was a strange foil to Tom’s imbibed stimulant cocktail which showed no sign of waning. “So, are we on?” He finally said after biting his bottom lip, for what seemed like a year, until it was slightly puffy.
“For what? A staring contest?” You offered, laughing nervously too, your foot still stationed between his thighs. You wondered what you could accomplish at this hour with the looming threat of an incursion at any moment.
The glimmer in his dilated orbs registered that Tom was now aligned in a mission of testing the perpetuity of your anhedonic state. Suddenly under the table, you felt his long legs spread yours apart, like opening a long-closed window that had been painted over.
You gasped but didn’t say anything. He laughed and widened his legs further. You moved your eyes to watch him under the table, his hand reaching down to adjust his cock, which was obviously becoming hard.
At that moment you wanted to jump over to his side of the booth, you wanted to concede and take him to your far away apartment in embarrassing Marina Del Rey.
Tom went silent and finally let go of your bare foot, he had been holding it so hard with his other hand, that you were sure it would be bruised. You immediately placed it on his now impossibly hard cock, tenting his pants obscenely. Honestly, you’d never given a “foot job” before and only seen something like this in a French film once. You had no idea what you were doing.
You slowly began to move your foot up and down his length, which was quite impressive and required more force than you had anticipated. You curled your toes around him to try and create more friction, dragging your heel just at the base.
You placed your hands on the edge of the diner seat so you could put some real weight into getting him off. That seemed to work, and Tom let out a guttural moan. He quickly grabbed your water glass and drank it in addition to his own.
“Should I stop?” You let yourself wonder out loud. “Are you crazy? No.” Was Tom’s quick reply. “Does this feel good?” “Fuck yes.” His voice was breathy, and he shifted in his seat, daring to look around at the customers, but none showed any sign of noticing anything other than themselves. “But this isn’t fair,” he spoke again softly, panting. “How so?” “Because I am um, I am receiving.” “Aren’t you supposed to be a selfish cold surface-level junior business asshole?” “Yes.” “Then this is what they do, they get foot jobs in diners, amongst other perks of course,” you laughed. “Shit, you’re right,” Tom barely squeaked out.
Just then the diner door opened, and you could see the dim faces of the guys he had been partying with. They finally found him. “Don’t look now but your Republican friends have arrived.” Tom’s flush became pale. “Should I stop?” You checked in again. “No.” His response was as clear as mid-day.
So, you increased your speed, you took a deep breath. You were so turned on at this point. You were positive there would be a wet spot on the cracked vinyl seat. You lifted your skirt up further. Tom noticed and peered beneath the table again. He saw your hand brush past your underwear and a finger curl inside the lace trim. You matched his erratic breathing to your motions as you fucked yourself intently. His eyes were glued to you, his fists almost punching into the flimsy placemats. You laughed to yourself about the chances of you both coming in public, surely, he wouldn’t, or you couldn’t.
You were about to mention that perhaps you should stop. When suddenly Tom let out a muffled cry. His breath hitched. You could feel moisture beneath the bottom of your toes as you brought your foot back to the tip of his generous cock once more. “Ah, I see,” you laughed. "Well looks like we are done here." There was no more time to discuss what just happened. The bros had spotted him and you and made their way to your back corner.
Tom closed his eyes in what looked like a silent prayer. He had just had one of the best orgasms of his life. The short blond one with cropped hair spoke up, “Hiddleston, where the fuck have you been, your agency was about to call the cops, which would have been lame.”
“Hiddleston,” you said his surname out loud. Realizing you never got his last name. Tom looked at you with both lust and remorse. Then turned back to the assholes. “You found me, good work,” he said assuredly. “Well we gotta go dick we have a strip club that closes at 3am and it’s in the contract that we take you there.”
Tom slowly got up and used one of his long fingers to expertly untuck that white button-down shirt to conceal the mess you had both made. He looked your way, the pale blue of his eyes returning.
You exchanged numbers for the pleasantry of it, as the assholes looked on impatiently, probably wondering why Tom was wasting his time on a girl who looked like Boudica, but that's just what assholes do you remembered. Although you really didn’t expect to hear from him again. To your surprise right before dawn, perhaps as he was leaving said strip club, a text came over your Blackberry.
“I hope you felt something, I know I did.” Shit.
You did feel something, a lot of things actually. Tom had brought something back to the solemnly plain bagel of your life. You quickly wrote back.
"Don't let the bros see you texting me Tom, you laughed knowing he was probably squinting and barely able to see your words. You picture all of them looking over his shoulder.
"They went home. Can I come over? I feel like we aren't done quite yet. My asshole-in-training self expires at sunrise and I turn back into the real me. Is that okay?" You blinked a few times just to make sure you saw that correctly. "So you're actually Cinderella," you laughed nervously.
You managed to type your address and push send before pulling your covers over your head and screaming quietly enough to not wake up your still-slumbering roommates. You then looked around your room in quiet delightful horror, you had about 30 minutes to hide all your dirty clothes from the past three months under your bed...
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bookcluberror · 8 months
I'm obsessing more than I should be over the whole "Kacchan" thing.
Deku's name for Bakugou has always reminded me of how my bff and I had sweet little child-like nicknames for each other in college. We were the Day One, ride or die, overflowing sexual tension that neither of us would ever acknowledge even though everyone else around us had to shoo it away with giant hand fans, type of bffs. We were the only ones who called each other those names. To this day I go jelly in the knees if I hear either of them, even though he and I parted ways a lifetime ago.
Guys. If he had ever introduced himself to someone by that nickname while we were hanging out, let alone someone important, I would have fucking died. Even if he had just referred to himself using that name, instead of it coming from my own mouth. I would have dropped to my knees, or ran and jumped into his arms, or simply erupted into flames ala spontaneous human combustion.
The fact that Katsuki said that... I can't even find the right words. I love all of the bkdk stuff that's come out the last few weeks. So much of it is heavily HEAVILY lined in sexual tension, and is giving bkdk shippers (which I do not consider myself one of... or at least maybe not until like a day ago) a lot to go on. ...But even with all of that development, there was still a voice in the back of my head saying "nah, we're just hoping. This is probably just symbolism and timeline parallels. Showing off deep friendship bullshit. Making the climax more intense and intimate with these personal connections. Blah blah blah" but this one hits differently for me because of how I relate that name to my own personal relationships.
Now it's become... I don't even know. Like, a confirmation not just of their love, but for the unspoken love I once shared with someone as well. Bakugo and Midoriya aren't just a fandom ship for me anymore. Their relationship is *so different* from my own friendship that I described above, but the fact that I still see myself and that personal bond reflected in Bakugo's "Kacchan" declaration... Someone needs to help me put this feeling into words, because I'm at a loss.
It hurts. It aches and throbs and feels like someone stuck a knife in my chest, reminding me of what I lost so long ago.
And it's beautiful, glowing radiant, and feels amazing, like someone has lifted my heart into the sky with cheers and fireworks and *overwhelming* love, from what could be!
And it feels fresh, brand new, yet tragically old and worn. It's warm and comforting, but cold and devastating at the same time.
Why? Why is this? What is it doing to me?? It's filling my mind with fear that this fictional relationship may also never reach its way to the summit of its potential. That I'll lose it, however fictional it may be, just like we've all lost someone before. A few days ago, I would have been bummed but not surprised if the series used all these moments to reflect on, and showcase, strong lifelong friendships built on growth and tragedy... But now it feels different. Like my own heart break (knowing that there is absolutely no way a very popular and mainstream Japanese manga will actually showcase and confirm a homosexual main character couple) is impending.
I don't know how to end this post, because I honestly don't know what I'm trying to say with it in the first place. I guess just that I'm confused. I'm happy, and I'm hurting, and I love this moment so much. It means everything to me, and will no doubt destroy what little grasp I still have on my sanity.
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M*A*S*H 4077 & DND
guess who started their m*a*s*h rewatch around the same time they've gotten into d&d and now cannot stop thinking about the utter chaos and hyjinks of The Gang trying to play a campaign. it starts with none of them really super into fantasy roleplay, but they're all So Fucking Bored they might as well play to have something to do.
it started off imaging just what role they'd each play, but now I couldn't stop myself from imaging each person's race, class, AND, just for fun, the dice they'd use!
hawkeye: isn't that bothered about races, probably either an elf or just a human. class is paladin, relating the paladin's 'call for good' something like the oath doctors take to always help and heal patients, no matter what (and, let's be honest, probably feeds into his egotistical nature at being a naturally skilled surgeon, as if he was 'called'). cannot be Asked to care about ability scores (only to deeply regret it when he's nearly off'd the first battle) except for pouring most of his points into charisma. mostly likely of the party to Fuck his way out of a confrontation (no matter the other's gender #bihawkrights). spends most of the campaign messing around and forgetting what his spells are, but when the party hits a serious battle, is the first to throw himself in and use any spells to help his friends before himself. originally wasn't that interested in the game, but overtime becomes one of the ones who gets really into it, screaming across the board at ppl's bad roles and cheering & trying to pick ppl up in glee when they win. dice of choice:
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(just the most wack-ass coloured dice I could find, metaphor for the inside of his brain (also this way he can tell if anyone tries to conceal any as theirs)).
radar: while interested in the fantasy stuff (being a comic reader), was a little intimidated with all the math & rules involved until hawkeye and bj convince him. part of me thinks he could be a halfling or dwarf, but then I think he might enjoy being a humanoid creature like a minotaur (farm boy) or a satyr bc of his love of animals. class is bard, where he carries/plays the drum. enjoys and gets really into the story, but is always flummoxed when it comes to the battles, asking what everyone else thinks his character should do (only for everyone to yell back several different answers). always needs a couple of seconds of mental math to add his modifier to dice rolls (me too radar) but when the party comes across a riddle or puzzle, is usually the first to figure it out. keeps trying to pick up small creatures to put them in his sack. is not allowed to talk while people make their roles bc of too many times where he's predicted the number before they can read the dice (the moment of hawkeye's saving role during a Big Bad battle was kind of ruined when radar elatedly jumped up at the nat20 before the dice even left hawk's hand). dice of choice:
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(cute little puppers!)
margaret: at first is staunchly against it, calling it childs' play, but eventually is worn down by hawk & bj and is also so bored, she gives in. thought she might be an elf, but in the end chooses genasi, picking fire power. chooses the fighter class, leaving hawkeye to make a remark that gets a dice thrown at his head. doesn't really get super into the meta of the game or the story (often tells the dm to get on with it and cut to the action) but does love to play, where it overtime becomes a good outlet for anger ('the demon tries to approach you, margaret what do you-' 'I SLICE OFF HIS KNEECAPS WITH MY BATTLEAXE!'). is a good player until the roles don't go her way ('you only rolled a 10, so your attack doesn't hit-' 'SCREW YOU! KLINGER GIVE ME YOUR 18 ROLE!'). is pretending like she isn't having fun but everyone can see through her. dice of choice:
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(these seemed the most like margaret, elegant but not too girly).
henry: is also peer-pressured into joining. picks barbarian class so he doesn't have to think about spells. tries to pick human bc all the other races were 'too complicated' but got told due to his class, he has to pick a more built character like an orc, so an orc he ends up being. but he's bad at it, often either trying to escape a battle or by being a peacemaker, trying to persuade the monster out of battle but with such a low charisma score, it usually ends up with him getting clonked over the head and margaret jumping in before he's killed. keeps trying to give his gold to poor peasants they meet along the way. doesn't understand any of the mechanics. rolls so many nat1's that nobody will switch dice with him anymore, thinking his are cursed. the game is often more stressful for him then not, but he enjoys the time with his friends. dice of choice:
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(I dunno, for some reason when I think of henry I think of a dark orange/amber).
potter: prolongs joining, thinking he's too old for it, but is also peer-pressured and eventually caves, thinking it'll be good for morale. chooses dwarf and for his class to be an old wizard. doesn't understand half the rules, spends most of the time muttering under his breath as he goes over the manual, radar (un)helpfully leaning in beside him to explain. but once he gets the hang of it is a good team member; is the only other person besides margaret to take the hints and puzzles seriously and without him (+her) the party would probably be making circles lost in some boundless woods somewhere. cheers his teammates on when they make a high roll or powerful move and only occasionally has outbursts ('well colonial sir, you need a 16 or higher to cast-' 'MULE FRITTERS! I said cast magic missile and that's an order!!!"). dice of choice:
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(same thing - when I think of potter, I think a dark blue).
charles: the last of the group to get into it. completely refused and repeated that 'he was far too smart for that kids' stuff' and everyone was wasting their time. but when someone had to dip out of the campaign last minute to deal with a medical thing, charles was brought in as filler with the promise of a day's R&R. at first I thought high elf, but switched to dragonborne, of the noble variety of course. chooses sorcerer (blessed with some innate magic, as his ego prefers). constantly complains about the needless complexity of the rules and why bother having ability scores when it's the modifier that counts???? is always arguing with the dm on his rolls. uses up half of his turns to use mage hand to steal hawkeye's things or cast ray of sickness on him when he's being annoying - but, when it comes down to it, is one of the more strategic players and has gotten them out of many sticky situations. like margaret, is pretending he isn't having fun, but isn't immune to jumping up with the others over a saving nat20 role, at one time even excitedly picking up a confused radar. in the end, swallows his pride to shyly ask if he can join the party finally ('you know, it'll, uh..it will give me something to do during those boring intervals, and clearly this group needs all the brains it can get..' '..charles, you wanna come play with us?' 'well, if I must..'). dice of choice:
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(the snootiest of dice, a pure gold colour).
mulcahy: also initially intimidated by the mechanics, but is happy to play a game with his friends. a possible half-elf or maybe a wise owlin. cleric, obviously. gets invested in the storyline, often applauding the dm's story or asking 'what happens next???" only to be told to wait till the next meet. one of the few who has actual healing spells and probably the only reason everyone didn't die in their first battle. a nerd who enjoys solving the puzzles. actually gets into the lore and one time had a deep, 2 hr conversation with radar & hawkeye about the disenfranchisement of some of the races and the hierarchy of the class/rule structure within the fantasy realm, and how it relates to theirs. the next day, radar came to his tent to show him a little sketch he did of his character in cleric robes, shrugging it off, but mulcahy loved it so much he pinned it up on his tent walls. dice of choice:
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(inspired by one of my favourite mulcahy lines, when he's talking about missing holding services in real churches - 'I am rather fond of stained glass', which I always think of whenever I see stained windows. tried to pick the ones that emulated the colours best (also would've liked maybe a light, forest green colour; it just feels mulcahy-esque to me).
klinger: one of the first to join bc what else what he gunna do but sit in his tent, sewing up pantyhose? rogue class, of course, relating to the 'urchin' background. changeling race, so that way with his class he can hide at any moment, and also, as he says, 'can perfectly match his outfit no matter what he looks like!' tries to follow the storyline but doesn't have the attention span for it, half the time guessing the wrong answer to any clue or puzzle (will come and poke the dm awake in the middle of the night with his patrol gun, claiming to have figured it out). second after hawkeye to try and Fuck his way out of a situation. cannot do math to save his life, making margaret often rip his dice away from him to add it herself. will gang up with hawkeye to use his pickpocket skill on charles. resourceful enough to have tricked the villains multiple times and gotten away with it but will also roll to try and kick the villain in the nuts to see what happens. dice of choice:
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(these just screamed klinger to me; I like the dark, 'masculine' colour contrasted with with the colourful flowers).
bj: thought I missed him? well, I saved the best for last bc bj...is the dm! ha ha! no one really in particular stood out, but after thinking on it, he seems like the best fit. first, I was thinking of the episode 'the kids' where he gets really into the story he's telling, full of voices and sound affects and all. and secondly, our kindly mustacheo'd doctor loves Mind Games and pranks - what better way then stringing his friends along into one big, zigzag puzzle? bj loves nothing more then having his friends on the edge of their seats, only to pull out a bad guy the group thought they got rid of months ago, glee in his eyes watching them combust into screaming and table flipping. getting a thrill during off hours, hearing hawkeye & charles hastily whisper across bunks to each other on the campaign thinking he can't hear them, or getting shaken awake by margaret in the middle of the night, demanding answers. he spends hours planning out the campaigns in the tent (and finding new places to hide his papers from hawkeye), sometimes writing peg about it and occasionally - if the timing of the mail is right - using her suggestions she writes back. but mostly, bj just loves watching his friends have a good time - cheering each other on and hollering with each battle won, feeling proud of them for everything accomplished (when he doesn't have to babysit hawkeye & charles from casting spells on each other, trying to answer radar's 49th question on how rolls work, or keep margaret from solo fighting the demon fifteen levels above her). dice of choice:
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(idk, these just feel 'bj hunnicutt' to me).
other camp members: - frank: was only let in Once after margaret begged hawk & bj, saying it was only fair. initially picked human bc 'they're clearly the purest and most civilized race!!' (causing eyerolls), quit thirty minutes in after being told he couldn't be a fighter 'cause they already had margaret and that he couldn't just 'set all his abilities to 20', calling them all nerds and angrily throwing a d20, only for it to bounce back on the tent beam and hit him in the eye. - some of the nurses have occasionally filled in, but otherwise don't play outside of margaret (most of their time was filled up with hawkeye using his character to flirt with theirs). one time nurse kellye filled in; she played a cute little halfling druid, and her and radar teamed up to help rescue all the forest animals, much to the groups chagrin. - zale & igor: permanently banned. both tried to eat the dice on a dare.
campaigns are held twice a month in the swamp, with drinks and stale pretzels to go around. use to sometimes go all night but after one too many nights of clambering arguments over each other's rolls, the whole camp banded together to force a curfew. while the game only exists within the swamp's quarters, they'll once and a while jokingly call each other by their character's names (and if you're margaret, one time accidentally using it to call hawkeye to surgery, which he now never lets you live down). during the last campaign of the story, radar pulls out another drawing he did - this time of everyone's characters, standing valiantly over the dragon they slayed. it now has a place of honour hung in the swamp.
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cosy-kit · 1 year
What soft love songs the Fellowship dedicate to you (and why) <3
In the mood to make myself cry, plus I’m in my ‘i was i wasn’t lonely’ phase of the night.
Pulled most of these from my notes app lmao, and i listened to each one while writing, I highly recommend giving them a listen!
GN! reader, mostly you/your used :) (Obviously some songs will involve specified gender, please correct as you need, and remember that these characters would absolutely make these changes as well)
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Frodo Baggins - Hopelessly Devoted to You - Olivia Newton-John (Grease)
He definitely has the distinct memory of the classic slow burn moment of “Oh. Oh.” happening, where he realises just how much he loves you. He knew he was head over heels, and he looks at you like you hung the moon. And if you sing it to him- UGH😩💙. IN LOVE, HE SHALL BE. He probably hums it a lot when doing work or writing. Of course, the lyrics are quite relatable to him. Frodo has this internal belief that the person/people he love/s can’t love him nearly the amount he adores them. He was willing to sit around and wait on you, in the hopes that you would see him in the same way. His brain knew he should just move on, but he couldn’t let go, and he’s glad he didn’t. He’s so devoted to simply loving you.
“Hold on to the end, and that’s what I intend to do. I’m hopelessly devoted to you~”
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(gotta appreciate that me looking up his name resulted in a bunch of po-tay-toes memes. anyway. back to the hcs)
Samwise Gamgee - Hello, Hello - Elton John ft Lady GaGa (Gnomeo & Juliet)
He’s a sucker for meet-cute stories, and would unironically love this movie, even setting aside this banger of a song. The moment he saw you, he felt captivated by your beauty, whether or not the meeting went well or if you fell on your face. The song is just so cheerful and wholesome. He probably told you that the song reminded him of you, and that sparked the romantic relationship. Every time this sequence plays he’ll just look at you (if/when you watch the movie). PLEASE SING THIS AS A DUET WITH HIM AAAA. (He isn’t Elton John, but his voice is lovely 🥰)
“Hello, hello (Hello, hello), my, my, my, what have we here?”
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Peregrin Took - I’ll Be - Edwin McCain
Honestly it’s hard to explain this one. It’s just so soft and sweet and really describes how he feels about you. Also as the youngest and a, quoting Gandalf here, “fool of a Took!”, the line “and I’ll be, better when I’m older…” is just- MWAH. This song reminds me of him honestly. He is, as the song states, “your crying shoulder”, the “greatest fan of your life”. Everything about you takes his breath away. We all know he’s the best singer in the fellowship, and its just gorgeous to listen to him sing it, especially because he means every word. He also probably dedicated this to you early on in the relationship, and it was definitely your wedding song (if you got married).
“I’ll be, better when I’m older. I’ll be, the greatest fan of your life~”
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(tumblr needs more Merry gifs istg-)
Meriadoc Brandybuck - Nothing - Bruno Major
Honestly you wouldn’t expect such a lowkey song for such a high energy guy, but he’s a sucker for lazy days and sweet moments. He’s, as he likes to say, ‘work-avoidant’, and just wants to spend all his time on you. He also finds the song easy to sing to you, so thats a plus. The lyrics just resonate with him, similar to my picks for Pippin and Frodo. He’s very competitive, but he honestly doesn’t mind losing to you. He pretends like romantic or soft movies don’t make him cry, even if they do. He gets the appeal of going out and drinking and laughing, but just staying at home with you just sounds so much nicer to him. Its all about the little things in life with him, the small moments, the laughs, and every ‘I love you’ that makes him feel lighter than air.
“Dumb conversations, we lose track of time. Have I told you lately? I’m grateful you’re mine~”
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Aragorn - Dark Red - Steve Lacy
He knows how dangerous his work and life is, and he’s always had this fear of leaving you behind (hence the ‘something bad is ‘bout to happen to me’). He only sees you in his life, no matter who else is wanting for his attention, he’s so devoted to you. He only hopes that you’ll stay by his side and fight with him, and he’s not willing to give up on you. No, he refuses to give up when you are involved, and he fights so hard to keep you safe and protected. The song also is easy to mumble to you when he’s tired, and it’s soothing for him to listen to. It’s just a symbol of how much you mean in his life, and how he trusts you with his heart.
“Only you, babe, only you darlin’, only you~”
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Legolas - Lover - Taylor Swift
Unabashed Swiftie in general, but this song just hits different. So first off he probably already called you his lover, and when he found the song he thought it was perfect. I can definitely see him learning guitar and playing this song for you as well. Into the actual song analysis, this song frames his want to be close to you, the mysterious way he was drawn to you, the way he felt like time flew by whenever you talked. Also I feel like he’s made jealous relatively easily, and that’s also in the song. His heart has been borrowed before, but he’s glad he’s ended up with you, to hear your jokes, save you seats, and call you his lover. He definitely likes to sing this to you late in the night, and i can see him humming/mumbling it whenever the two of you just stand and hold each other. Its so wholesome, and he loves the way your eyes light up when he sings it with all the love in his heart, all of it for you.
“You’re my, my, my, my… lover~”
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Gimli - If You Love Her - Forrest Blakk
Honestly, he’s not a very observant dwarf, but he does pay attention to you. He knows you, and he cares a lot. Protective of you to a fault, but just wants everyone to know that they shouldn’t take you or your heart for granted. He hates to admit it, but he thinks you are precious (I’M SORRy-) and every small thing about you is worth taking note of. And he does, so he knows exactly how to make you happier. He’s your personal hype-man, and truly believes that you are the best thing he has ever had. He uses the song as a guidebook on how to treat you, and while he won’t say it, or sing it, he does play this song for you and leave in a huff, just hoping you’ll know this song is meant to say that he loves you. (He might even dub it over with your preferred pronouns for the big reveal, and it’s quite funny)
“They’ll love you, if you love them like that~”
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Boromir - Summer Love - The Workday Release
Boromir really thinks this song demonstrates his feelings towards you, and how he wishes you’d stick around with him. You remind him of the summer, warm, bright and hopeful. It was so simple for him to fall in love (it’s like counting 1,2,3). He’s awestruck by your beauty, and doesn’t find it enough to dream about you, he needs to be holding your hand, feeling your presence. He wants to face the world with you there next to him. You always manage to give him a smile, make sense to him, and be honest. He’s not sure how to articulate everything he feels around you, so he just says that he loves you.
“Surely this is love, this is love, this is summer love~”
Ive been writing for the past 2+ hours and it’s late and I’m tired, but I really hope you enjoy. If you want to request a fic, any fandom will do, I’ll get back to you on it, I promise.
Let me know if you want me to do a Part 2 with some other characters <3 Have a great day!!
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oneshlut · 7 months
Hello!!!! Love your writing!!!! May i request a platonic Sun and Moon (or eclipse its up to you!) With a favorite child reader? I just think that would be adorable!!!
P.s. i LOVE your writing!!!! And your headcanons!!! Dont overwork yourself!!!! Keep being cool/pos!!!!!!!!
A/N: UGHHH you guys are SO SWEET!!! pls stop im gonna IMPLODE /j tyty for all the kind words, also i really needed some1 to tell me not to overwork myself lmaoao, ive been getting so many requests lately.. promise i'll get to all of y'all! OHOH AND I LOVE WRITING FOR THESE THREE! and child readers for them, especially!
(since im feeling extra silly i'll give you a fanfic recommendation: New Consciousness! i think it can be found on tumblr too.. its a yandere sun/moon fic&child reader, one of my favs and greatest inspo!)
Your Best Friend (Sun/Moon/Eclipse & Child!Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General meeting, friendship, and attachment headcanons for The Daycare Attendant with a child reader.
Extra Info: Sun and Moon share bodies, just like in the game. If I mention them talking to each other, they're talking with their shared consciousness.
Sun can usually tell when someone new joins the daycare. If he doesn't hear the obvious audio clue of the ballpit, he'll have a sensor that will go off so that he's notified. Every time Sun gets a notification, you can almost see his built-in smile grow wider. A new friend!
As a child new to the Pizzaplex, entering the daycare for the first time was terrifying. I don't think the current horrible reputation on the Fazbear company helped one bit. The animatronics were definitely scary, you didn't need to know that there was a chance you could go missing because of them.
But the daycare had attendants, so that calmed your nerves. Slightly. Until you realized, they too were animatronics. The statue in the entrance of the daycare was massive compared to you. You suddenly wished that you hadn't accepted that birthday invitation.
Sun immediately goes in to meet you! He's practically radiating happiness onto you, skipping to where you were. He's definitely very intense when first meeting you, waving to you like a maniac. You eventually find yourself getting used to his upbeat energy, agreeing to do most activities with him that he brings up. This includes making macaroni art, crudely put-together paper pals, and a few drawings that he's sure to hang up in his room afterwards.
The security officers seem to catch on over the next few weeks how Sun has grown attached to one child. It pretty much went against his code, as he was supposed to be keeping a watchful eye over all the kids, not just one. But the officers at Freddy's get paid minimum wage, so they don't really care about the two of you unless they've got a lawsuit on their hands.
If you were ever feeling down, he'd immediately try to cheer you up. He will spend the entire day with you if he needs to! He may be intense, clingy, and won't let you out of his sight for a mere 2 seconds, but he's got good intentions. Sun hates seing children sad, and the one thing he knew how to do best was cheer them up. Whether this be silly faces, drawings, or hide n' seek, he always had something new to distract you from the little raincloud utop your head. However, Sun knows he can be a bit chaotic at times. If you want him to, he'll give you space. Sometimes, kids just need calm, and that was definitely not his strong suit.
Sun tries not to have "favorite" children, but he couldn't deny he was growing a bit attached. You were enjoying his company anyway, so why should he have to stop? You seemed much less nervous around him aswell, so as far as he knew, he was doing the right thing. A new term had suddenly seemed to form in his memory bank: "best friend".
Now, Moon definitely caught you off guard. You had grown so used to Sun's warm, exatatic nature, that when the atmosphere to the daycare had a sudden chill, yet calming feel to it, you immediately thought something was wrong.
Given this, you met Moon when, apparently, Sun was going under.. technical support of some kind. You didn't know the full extent to the details, but what you did know was that Sun was gone, and in replacement, Moon took over both the day and night shifts. You watched as the kids in the daycare scrambled around, some trying to hide, and some just trying to get all their energy out before Moon came out for the night shift. You had intended to just stay away from him in a random corner, since most kids seemed afraid of him, but with the "night" shift coming up, you really had no way to avoid him.
Moon wasn't in the mood for hide n' seek. Not like Sun usually was. He recognized that he had a job to do, so if anything, he'd get it done. He did enjoy working for kids--it was in his code, after all--but this didn't distract him from his work. As most children were, you were scared of him at first. Moon normally just forced the kid to go to bed, either with a Moondrop candy, or tame threats like time-out. But you seemed.. different. He didn't want to be seen as mean, not to you. Instead, he tried to gain your trust by telling you that he was friends with Sun, assuming you were more favorable towards Sun.. again, as most kids were. Surprisingly, he was right to assume.
You, on the other hand, were thrown completely off guard. For the most part, you had thought Moon was this mean, strict, and harsh version of Sun--as you've heard from other children. But instead, you found him to be much more calming, if anything. Maybe the kids just hated having to tone down their energy, that when someone forced them to, they grew naturally afraid of them. That was your reasoning, anyway.
Unlike Sun, Moon is more of a "denier" than anything. He had things to do, and didn't need things getting in the way. But you were different. You weren't a distraction--no, far from it. He wouldn't admit it, but as Sun did, he grew attached. Out of all the kids he's taken care of during his career, you were definitely the calmest. Your presence is.. nice.
If you're going to anyone for comfort, it's Moon. This is if Sun didn't manage to cheer you up previously. Moon's version of comfort was more of quiet, small ambiance, plushies, blankets, and pillows. Sometimes storytimes! That's one method the two had in common. So if you ever have trouble sleeping when nap time comes around, Moon may or may not give you special treatment to ensure you sleep soundly. This means absolutely everything I just listed above for comfort.
He soon discovered what it was like to spend the whole day with you. He'd now ask Sun every now and then if he could take over the day shift for him. At first Sun denied, that would mean less time with you! But, if he made it equal..
Sun made a somewhat "deal" with Moon, where they would now just take days instead of shifts. This.. didn't look good to the staff, though. Instead of making them go back to their shifts, though, they would make sure they both got what they wanted. And in the staff's eyes, what the shared animatronic wanted was to each have both shifts. Not too far off.
A day passed one day, where neither Sun or Moon was watching over the daycare. In replacement were just the.. extremely creepy staff bots. You began to grow worried--if he'd ever come back again. Luckily, you only had to wait a day.
The day he came back, the animatronic was.. new. Different. You tried to listen in on the clumps of children's conversations--listening until the words blended together to form the name "Eclipse". The name definitely made sense for their character.
To say you were ecstatic would be an understatement. You were practically as happy as Sun was when he first met you! Eclipse was everything you could ever want--it was both of your best friends put into one personality, one animatronic. But if anyone was more excited than you, it would be Eclipse himself. One thing that was different now was his ability to tone his excitement and clinginess down. With the two brought together, their personality fell on a balance.
Meeting you was much less of a shock for him as it was for you. You liked the new look, though. As soon as Eclipse caught your eye, he immediately skipped over to squeeze you in a tight hug. Don't worry, he tried not to squeeze too hard. Even if you were confused at first, you warmed up to him quickly. You noted his voice as he spoke to you for the first time. Not too frantic like Sun's, yet not too quiet like Moon's. Something about it was.. comforting. Which leads me to my next topic.
Eclipse is the best source of comfort you can get. He can most likely tell if you're having a bad day. If you ever feel overwhelmed/overstimulated at the daycare, he'll take you to his room for the first time. If he's being honest, he's never really shown anyone his room before--until now, that is. You immediately fell in love with the room! You would ask to go there more often, and on some days, stay in there the entire day. Eclipse didn't mind, though! Anything to cheer you up, after all.
Eventually, your birthday will come around, in which Eclipse goes all out. He didn't truly expect you to visit the daycare on your birthday--he had figured you'd like to see the Glamrocks instead, but no! Eclipse was honestly so honored that you'd want to spend your birthday with him of all animatronics. With this in mind, he tries to make today the best day of your life! The best day for you in the daycare, at that. He won't go too overboard, but he will spend all his time having fun with you. Eclipse would schedule activities to do, such as macaroni pictures, creating puppets to be used in future puppet shows, and if he's feeling nice enough, he'll sneak in some FizzyFaz into the daycare. When the day starts to near an end, he'll take you backstage to his room, where he has fully decorated the small spot with birthday balloons, banners, strings, and small gifts scattered across the floor. In the center was a.. poorly made cake. Eclipse was only an animatronic after all, his coding didn't have any baking intelligence in his mainframe. It was the thought that counted.
Going home afterwards was definitely a challenge, though. You were practically dragged away from the daycare, and Eclipse had never felt more flattered. On your drive back, you had discovered that you had a new best friend. Animatronic or not.
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🍽 Feeding side characters from your hand 🍽
-          “MC? Greetings, are you here to visit the young master?” – butler asked you with curiosity.
-          Yes, I am. Why? – Barbatos smiled and replied: “Young prince have been ignoring his responsibilities, so I prohibited him to go outside of his office room until he is finished…”. You let a little disappointed sigh.
-          … Well, it may be a great time to take a break, - Barbatos said to cheer you up. “It will be no use to push him to do his job if he is tired. So that’s why you will bring him some tea and the pastries I prepared. I would have done it myself, but I consider that young master prefers your company more”
-          All right! – you agreed.
You walked to the office room and greeted Diavolo. He instantly smiled at you showing you his fangs.
-          Well, hello there, my darling! What brings you here?
-          Just wanted to see you. And feed too – Diavolo giggled at your suggestion.
-          Why so? Oh but I am not refusing your offer, quite the opposite. You intrigued me, - he pulled a chair over to you so you could sit down. You poured him strawberry flavored tea, and started to cut the cake into slices. You gave him a plate with a pastry and he grabbed a spoon to eat it.
-          Stop, what are you doing? – Diavolo froze and awkwardly smiled: “Is something wrong?”
-          I will be feeding you, so just sit back and open your mouth, ok?
-          Heheh, well why not - he opened his mouth and looked at you intently. You took a small piece of cake with a spoon and brought it to his lips. He did not immediately eat the piece, smiling at you with a cheeky smile before doing that.
-          Mhm, delicious. But doesn’t compare with your sweetness, - he flustered you, and for what. You looked at his grinning expression and noticed the crème on his lips. Without any regret you kissed him and gave a sly smile.
-          What…
-          There was a crème – you kissed that spot again.
-          Oh, darling… Could you check again if it’s clean or not? – he said with blushing face.
-          Will this be enough amount of sugar or should I add more? – you asked Barbatos.
-          Enough. You may leave the rest for me. I will roll out the dough, so you can have a rest. Thanks for your help, you really did a good job, my love, - he praised you. You wanted to help him, to stay with him and just talk. Sometimes you need more, more of him and his company. So you look for something to do.  
-          You haven’t started making the cream, have you? I can help!
-          Love, take a break.
-          No I insist. I am getting hungry… - you find the excuse to do as you please.
-          All right then, - he finally accepted your tender.
You took the ingredients for the cream and started mixing everything together in the thicket. Gently stirring everything with a whisk, you looked at the statuesque male figure. He is so handsome you thought.
When the cream was ready, you approached Barbatos and offered to try it.
-          MC, I’ve got batter hands. I am afraid I can’t taste it now.
-          No need to worry about that, - you said. You brought a spoon of cream close to his mouth, so he could lick it. His head bent closer to your level, he slowly ran his tongue over the cream whisk.
-          So?
-          Good. Very good. You’ve improved, my love.
-          Is that so? Well, I think we should do this more then, especially the test tasting part, hehe.  
After a long night of teaching Simeon how to use his phone, it was decided for you to stay the night in his room. You woke up earlier than him, which is a rare sight. You thought that you would use this moment to cook something for him as a love gesture. He didn’t move an inch when you got up. So he’ll probably lay in his bed for another hour.
You started making his famous BLT sandwiches. You cut the vegetables, fried the meat and prepared slices of toasts. After you’ve done the cooking, you rushed to Simeon’s room.
-          Aww, such a sleepyhead, - you whispered.
-          I wouldn’t agree on that statement, - Simeon answered with closed eyes. “Anyway where have you been, it was so cold and lonely laying without you”
-          It doesn’t matter, I am here now, so everything is good. As an apology would you take this, - you held the sandwich up to the Simeon’s face. Because of the smell, the angel opened his eyes. You decided to keep holding the sandwich for him, so he could eat without using his hands. He was so cute like that.
-          It’s very tasty, I must say. But you still owe me…
-          What should I do to make you forgive me?
-          A kiss might me reconsider, - angel said. You gently kissed him first on the cheek, then on the lips, then on the neck.
-          I gave you three. Am I forgiven now? – he kissed you again: “Yes, you are now”
Solomon asked you to keep him a company while he would buy different magic things and you agreed. Both of you entered various kinds of shops and took many stuff. “Does Solomon really needs all of this” – you started questioning yourself. “And how is he going to lift it all by himself? All these things are sure heavy” – you thought.
-          Um… Solomon do you need a hand? – you asked.
-          Oh no, it’s not a problem for me. I already made you spend your free time with me, so just relax and do not move a finger, - he declined your offer. “Besides, if I get exhausted I can summon a demon and make him carry all the stuff I got. Asmo will do” – he said with a smile.
You laughed at his words. “Asmo will get mad” – you added. “But seriously isn’t there a thing I can help you with?” – you still continued to ask the sorcerer.
Solomon pondered, his gaze fixed somewhere in the distance. He seems to have figured out what to do with you. "Be kind, my dear, take us both ice cream," the sorcerer asked.
You smiled brightly and bought the sweet food.
You looked at Solomon with delight, expecting something. "Hmm?" - Solomon looked at you in surprise, not understanding what you wanted from him.  
-          Open your mouth, silly. How do you expect to eat the ice cream, with full hands?
-          Oh yeah, you are right, - Solomon licked the ice cream. “Delicious” – he said with happy expression.
While Solomon was enjoying the taste of the delicacy, you could not restrain yourself and stroked his head, from which the sorcerer made a cute sound.  
He realized that it was pretty hearable, and asked you not to tell about it to anybody.
-          Well, if only I can hear it again, - you said jokingly.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.7 Sakamaki Reiji Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 7 逆巻レイジ アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 7 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi
Translator’s note: Reiji just got his Masters degree in the Arts of the Gentleman because DAMN is he smooth in this one. I feel like they went a little overboard to be honest because at the very beginning, it felt like a completely different character. I know the boys have been tonded down a lot in the later games but this is just sugary sweet overload, even for a fluff-lover like myself. :p
The two of you are at the movie theater.
“It is rather crowded. ...This movie theater opened its doors very recently, which might be why it is so popular. That being said, this romance movie you wanted to see...’It will leave you seeking out a beautiful love’ That is quite the bold slogan.”
You voice your excitement. 
“I see. Getting to witness your smile brings me much joy as well. We came here today to please you after all. Now if you’d please give me your hand. I would rather not have you wander off out of my sight.”
“Well then, this way, please.”
Reiji escorts you towards the right hall.
“I believe we will be able to enjoy the movie to its fullest here.”
You look around in confusion.
“It’s a private room. I believed that with a regular seat, there could be distractions in the audience such as latecomers or people fidgeting with their phones during the viewing. In here, we will be able to enjoy a comfortable time together, not having to worry about anyone interrupting once we close the door behind us. I believe you would like to watch the movie in an optimal environment as well?”
You thank him.
“No need to thank me. Ah, right. I went for a refreshing tea soda as our welcoming drink. I hope you will like it.”
You tell him it is delicious. 
“Fufu...I am glad to hear that.”
*Thud thuuuuud*
“Oh dear. I suppose it is starting already. Well then, let us focus on the movie.”
You start watching the movie.
“You seem to be having fun...”
You tilt your head to the side. 
“No. It’s nothing. Please continue watching.”
( I suppose I am simply not the right target demographic. However, as long as she is having a good time, that is all what matters to me. That being said...It will take about another hour until the movie ends. I doubt I will be able to endure it for that long. )
“...I am going to get some fresh air outside.”
Reiji gets up from his seat.
“I will only be away for a couple of minutes. You seem to be immersed in the movie, so you should be fine being alone for a bit. ーー Or so I thought, but do you really do not want to be apart for even a short while?”
You nod.
“I see. If that’s what you want, I shall stay by your side.”
He sits back down as you apologize.
“No need to say sorry. We’re here for you today. As long as you enjoy the movie, I will feel satisfied as well.”
You smile. 
“I am glad to be able to see you smile like that. ...Oh my? How come your cheeks have turned this red? Are you trying to entice me, perhaps?”
You shake your head.
“You may shake your head, but with that look in your eyes, I find it hard to believe your denial.  Even your nape has turned a slight crimson, as if it is begging for me to latch onto it.”
“...I wish you would realize already that whenever you get flustered like that, it only makes it seem like you are trying to seduce me even more. ーー I suppose I shall have a taste of your blood.”
You mention the movie. 
“I see...How careless of me. However, your reactions were simply adorable, it completely slipped my mind that the movie was still playing. ーー Ah, this is scene featured on the film’s poster. What a beautiful sunset. ...My bad. I suppose you cannot watch the movie from your current position. ...Now then, come here.”
“There you could. It will be easy to watch when seated on my lap, no? Besides...”
“ーー By embracing you from behind like this, I get to enjoy our time together to the fullest. ...Fufu. Your heartrate has increased. We are the only two people in this room, so no need to get so embarrassed. Come on, please keep your eyes on the screen. I believe this is an important scene where both characters convey their love for each other.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Fufufu...My pardon. I did not think that would startle you so much. I was going to behave and simply enjoy this moment until the movie had ended, but after feeling yoru touch, I could not help but want to bite you.”
You admit to also enjoying this moment together.
“I am glad to hear you say that. Well then...Let us enjoy this time together to our hearts’ content. You shall be totally absorbed in me, you will not even be able to make out what the characters are saying.”
The movie reaches its climax.
“Oh...? It is over already?”
You raise your head.
“I am referring to the movie. The two gaze into each other’s eyes as a beautiful melody plays in the background...I suppose it is the climax of the story. Usually these sort of movies end with a kiss scene. Fufu...Go and take a look.”
You turn your head.
“Oh dear...To start blushing from a mere kiss scene, you will remain pure like that forever, won’t you?”
The movie ends. 
“In the end...The movie ended up on the backburner, but personally I very much enjoyed this day together. How about you?”
You tell him that you enjoyed the day as well.
“Heh...I see. I am glad to hear that. However, now that you mention it...I suppose it is true we have not been able to relax like this together very often as of late. Let us set up a date plan together once we get home. Let me know if there is anything you would like to do. Today, I shall listen to your every wish.”
“I am glad you like the sound of that. Please try and think of something by then. ーー Well then, shall we head home? Be careful of your step.”
You get up and nearly trip. 
“...Ah! As if on cue...You truly are careless.”
*Rustle rustle*
“When I consider the possibility of you getting hurt...It drives me crazy. I would rather not have a repeat of what happened just now, so please grab hold of my hand.”
“I shall escort you till we are back home ー actually no, until I decide that it is okay. I promise that I shall not let go of your hand until we have reached our room. Please keep that in mind.”
He escorts you out of the room.
ーー THE END ーー
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squirrel-fund · 11 months
A.U.gust 2023 • Day 9 • College
A huge thank you to @gallavichthings for hosting!! 🧡
[This started out as just a graphic of Mickey's door, and then this happened...]
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"Excuse me. Could you tell me where to find-"
"Do you know-"
"Would you mind help-"
Ian freezes among the sea of college students that pass by, ignoring him as if he were invisible.
Why didn't he take the advice of his older siblings and gotten here earlier? Now, he could feel anxiety pooling in his chest as fear sped up his heart rate. His first day at college and he's already fucking up. Damn, what if Frank had been right? What if he was just a mistake, a waste of space.
"Hey, you okay?"
Ian focuses on the female voice in front of him. Finally, someone willing to help him.
"I think... I'm fucking lost."
"Here on campus, in life, or both?"
He lets out a relived laugh. "Definitely both."
"Okay." The girl repositions her bookbag on her left shoulder and grins at him. "We'll tackle one thing at a time. Can't find your dorm?"
"Am I that obvious?"
"You look scared to death." She laughs before softly punching him in the shoulder. "Come on, I know someone who can help. I'm Mandy, by the way."
Ian can't help the relieved smile that blooms across his face as he follows his new savior across campus. "Nice to meet you, Mandy. I'm Ian."
"So, Ian... you single?"
"Oh, uhm... well, kinda."
"Kinda? What the hell does that mean?"
This was the moment that Ian had obsessed about. To be out and proud on campus or be okay with hushed hookups in some random closet. To gay or not to gay was the question he desperately needed to decide an answer to. So, why not give it a shot with a helpful stranger.
"I'm single. My... my ex... we broke up after graduation. He said he didn't want to be tied down."
Mandy snorts at his answer. "Well, your ex is dumb as shit. You definitely won't be single for long, trust me."
That was it. No judgmental frown, no shocked reaction. Ian just knows, right then and there that Mandy, whatever her last name is, will officially become his favorite person on campus.
At least for now.
As they continue through the halls, Ian starts to notice that the overly cheerful bulletin boards that introduce RAs to the students around them and encourage that friendship is indeed magic, have suddenly gone barren.
No bright colors, no badly drawn, well-known characters from television and movies. Just printed notices that announce floor meetings, things for sell, and other blunt, to the point directions. Ian has to chuckle when such a notice catches his eye. It reads: "GO TO FUCKING CLASS!"
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Nudging Mandy in the side, he points at the sign so she too can enjoy the ridiculous words that are trying, and probably failing, to be motivational.
But instead of laughter, all she does is roll her eyes. "I know. He's so fucking stupid. I swear if he gets kicked outta the RA program I'll kill him myself."
And Ian needs to ask the obvious question. Who the hell is 'he'? But before the question can even land on his tongue, Mandy is pounding on a door.
"Open up, dickbreath! Need your help."
She jiggles the doorknob, but it's apparently locked. Dickbreath must not be in, but Ian can see a note taped to the door that has an emergency number written on it.
"Maybe we should call the emergency number?"
Mandy pauses her assault on the door and raises an eyebrow at him. "What emergency number?"
Another glance towards the piece of paper and Ian can see that the number isn't a number at all. It's a word written middle finger to those on their side of the door.
With a shake of her head, Mandy goes right back to pissing the occupant off. She just keeps pounding on the door, making threats to whoever lives inside, while other residents start peeping their heads out into the hall, clearly interested in the disturbance but not enough to take action.
One audience member must know her, though. "Just fucking text him, Mandy, fuck! Some of us are trying to study. I mean-"
And it's during this rant that the door swings open and the hottest, angriest guy that Ian has ever fucking seen steps out into the hallway and instantly yells at the guy.
"Fuck off, James! You're a general education major. The fuck are you studying? Two plus two? Spoiler... it's fucking four."
It shuts the guy up instantly. Well, that and the laughter from his fellow peers.
But dickbreath isn't done with him.
"Why don't you go write a letter home to your mommy? Tell her you're still a virgin. Bet she'd be proud."
Ian can practically feel the anger radiating off of James when he slams the door closed. The rest of the students return to their rooms and Ian hears Mandy's brother clear his throat.
"Who the hell is this?"
"Ian. He's lost."
"No shit. He's with you."
She scoffs, crossing her arms and hitting him with a glare. "He needs help with finding his dorm room."
Dickbreath, or whoever, leans against the doorframe. "And? Take him to student services. S'not my job to play tour guide."
"Actually, it is. You're a resident advisor, Mick, so maybe you should, ya know... 𝘢𝘥𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘦 him where to go."
Ian senses tension. He hates tension. So, he trys to smooth things over. "It's cool. Nick is right. I should have-"
"It's Mick." Dickbreath... uhm, Mick says, sounding out the letter M like he's talking to a toddler. "Like milk, mad, money... and call me Mickey."
Mandy giggles. "Like the m-mm-mouse."
"Shut the fuck up."
Apparently, she's used to this because she just sticks her tongue out at him and pulls her phone out.
"Oh, shit, I gotta go. I'm late for class-"
"The fuck you are."
"-and the professor is a real bitch-"
"You should love her then."
"-so, anyway, yeah. Ian, Mickey. Mickey, Ian. Have fun!"
And just like that, she's gone.
Mickey eyes Ian. Jesus, this dude's tall. He should be in a damn centerfold, not here, outside Mickey's room, looking like a fucking wet dream. And goddammit, he's gorgeous. Red hair, green eyes, freckles fucking everywhere. He's always been a sucker for freckles. They just demand attention. Quickly, he imagines them together, talking about absolutely nothing, a storm rolls in while Mickey traces those tiny specks with his fingertips.
Shit. Mickey needs to get laid real fucking soon because, he thinks, he just might need to kick his own ass for that thought.
"What building you in?"
Ian shrugs. "I don't know."
And that's annoying, but, "alright, what's your room number?"
"I don't... I didn't get that information."
Mickey grabs his hoodie off the inside hook beside his door and shrugs it on, closing it behind him. "That's weird. They usually give you that shit in orientation."
Ian doesn't say anything and Mickey takes a minute to assess this situation. New student, lost as fuck, track pants, backwards hat, duffle bag-
"Which you didn't go to because they scheduled your practice at the same time, didn't they?"
Ian's eyes go almost comically wide. "Yes! Why do they do that?"
Mickey shrugs, pushing through the emergency exit open in a way that doesn't trip the alarm, a skill mastered after weeks of running late for class. "Because they own you now. Scholarship?"
"How did you know?"
"Ain't my first year, Red. Plus, I'm supposed to be 'friendly' and 'relatable' as a chosen RA. I know how to spot fresh meat. Plus... you're dressed like a fucking billboard for both Under Armor and this school. No one does that unless they're throwin' money at them."
"Right. Makes sense."
Mickey nods. Of course it does. It's then that he realizes they're walking without a destination, and really, that's unacceptable. "So, do you know anything about where you might be staying?"
Ian stops walking, dropping his duffle bag to the ground before taking a knee and rummaging through it. And Mickey absolutely DOES NOT think of Ian on his knees for any other reason.
"Ah! Here! It says my resident advisor is Paula? Uhm... yeah, Paula Bitterman."
"Fuck off. Paula?"
"You know her?"
Yeah, Mickey fucking knows her alright.
"Listen man, I'm supposed to make you feel comfortable in your 'transition to educational success' but that bitch is fucking nuts. One dude, last year, apparently played his music too loud for her taste and to teach him a lesson she tied him to a chair, smeared raw ground beef on his body, and threatened him with a big ass German Shepard. Guy had nightmares for weeks."
Mickey doesn't need to add that the guy in that story had been him.
Ian groans with this new information. "Great. That's all I need on top of everything else. A psycho RA!"
And he feels bad. Mickey knows how much pressure new students are under, add in being on a scholarship and then top that with Paula Bitterman? Anyone would crumble under that.
Ian shouldn't have to though.
Mickey knew as soon as Mandy showed up at his door with Ian what his matchmaking bitch of a sister was doing. And even though he didn't seem to, he does appreciate her efforts.
But, he wanted to play this slow. That's why his ass is single 𝘯𝘰𝘸. He moved too fast. Got too comfortable and went and caught feelings for someone who did not feel the same.
And ever since then, for the past six months, Mandy has paraded every gay guy she meets across Mickey's path. Yet, none of them have interested him. Just a gray blend of guys who could be mistaken for anyone else.
But there's something different about Ian. From the moment that Mickey saw him in the hallway, he can tell this motherfucker clings to the shit he cares about.
Mickey sorta wants that someday.
So, fuck it. Here goes.
"You could... I don't know... I mean, if you wanted to..."
"If I wanted to what?"
Spit it out, Milkovich!
"You should sleep with me."
That was not what Mickey's brain had wanted to say.
"I mean... not together, obviously..."
Ian scrunches up his face, sarcasm extremely evident. "Obviously? You mean, you don't want to sleep with me?"
Mickey sighs. "What I 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 is that there's an open room on my floor this semester. I could probably pull a few strings. Get you moved."
"Really? You'd do that?"
"Sure, why not? You're a better option than whatever dumbass this place chooses for me."
Mickey knows he needs to try harder.
Three weeks into the semester and Ian is obsessed with Mickey.
How could he not be?
Not only did Mickey get Ian moved to his building but he also, somehow, got him a card for the cafeteria to get free food. He had said it was because of Ian's "fucked up schedule" making it nearly impossible to grab a bite on days he has practice.
But, Ian likes to believe it's more than that.
Because Mickey comes to his games, he texts him at night to complain about James and his "bitchy attitude", he sends him funny memes before Ian has to run across campus to the two classes he absolutely dispises, and on the rare days when Ian comes in way too late from practice, muscles aching, exhausted beyond measure, Mickey always has some type of food waiting for him.
Yet, Ian doesn't say anything. He knows Mickey is gay. That's not the problem.
The problem is that Mickey is a RA. And, technically, all these gestures that he makes for Ian fall under the umbrella of a helpful RA. Through his rough, sorry not sorry, attitude, Mickey is a great RA and he actually gives a shit about his residents, even James.
So, yeah, Ian stays quiet about his infatuation for his RA.
Or, at least he does until October, when he's interrupted from his studying by a familiar, obnoxious banging on his door.
He yells out that it's open and just who he expects steps into his room.
"Hey, Mands. What's up?"
She kicks the door shut and glares at him. Ian feels a fear he's never experienced before slide down his back. "What-"
"Are you retarded?"
"Excuse me?"
"Are. You. Retarded?"
Honestly, Ian's a bit offended. "No."
Mandy crosses her arms and nods. "Then are you blind?"
Alright. That's it.
"Okay, Mandy. I don't know what your deal is but-"
"𝘔𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭!?" She practically screeches in his face. "My 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 is 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴. My brother likes you. He does all of these things for you to prove it and show he's interested, and yet I find out that you're going on a date with some meat head from my chemistry lab this Halloween? What the hell, Ian?"
"Mickey? Hold on, Mickey likes me?"
"Yes! God, you are 𝘴𝘰 dumb!"
Ian agrees, perhaps he is. "I just thought he was doing all that stuff because he's my RA."
Mandy scoffs, but her posture softens. "My brother half-asses his RA responsibilities just enough so they won't pull it from him." She sits down next to Ian on his bed. "Feelings are hard for him. Whenever he experiences them or voices them, all he gets is disappointment. His ex, his so-called best friend from high school... our father..."
Ian stays quiet. He doesn't know much about Mandy and Mickey's dad but he knows enough to shut his mouth.
It's a solid minute and a half before she continues. "He deserves to have someone be kind to him for once. To love and to be loved in return. Doesn't everyone deserve that? At least once in this shitty life?"
He nods, because, yeah, everyone does deserve that. And Ian knows that let down. He knows how it feels, he knows how it tastes. How it can stew within you and ruin every good thing you come across.
"Yeah, of course."
"You remember back when we first met? When I asked you if you were single? If you had been in a relationship or straight, I would have taken you two floors down, where my boyfriend is a RA. Instead, I took your gay, single, lost puppy looking ass to my brother."
Ian doesn't know what to say to that. Imagine if his fear from that day had won out and he had never met Mickey? That thought alone physically pains him.
His cellphone lands in his lap. "Text him. Now. And cancel your other date. Halloween is Mickey's favorite holiday."
He just grins. "Yeah, I know."
As Mandy lets herself out, mumbling about how clueless men are, Ian opens up his and Mickey's message thread. He takes a deep breath and takes a leap. Hopeful he'll land safely in solid arms attached to tattooed knuckles.
He types:
"Are you free on Halloween?"
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