#I seriously didn’t expect this
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holdinbacksecrets · 1 year ago
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keferon · 7 months ago
*clasps your shoulders gently and looks you straight in the eye*
Keferon. Please read Ninth by Kyn on AO3. I think you would love it very much. It has a large chapter count, but don't be intimidated, it's very easy to get into. It is currently unfinished, but is being updated regularly.
You are the seventh person that recommended this fic to me so ahahahaha yeah
I’m doing great Help I hate some parts of it but I love the other parts I’m spinning in the blender
…..I made the moodboard….
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#chapter 37#of 120 or something#I must be like 90k words in haha#large word count is not an intimidation. It’s an invitation haha#I love the fics that I can’t read in just one hour:)#I gotta say I don’t enjoy the concept of making robots into organic life#it’s just my preference#seeing them as humans or animals or whatever feels so fucking wrong#the concept itself drives me off#like. Strongly#But at the same time. This fic isn’t about them being ‘haha cute organics’#it’s ‘oh god. I was turned into something I’m not’#instead of teeheee they’re fluffy#it’s please free me from this fucking nightmare. please let me be myself again.#idk how to explain. I resonate I guess#it often feels very disturbing but the characters are also disturbed#So now I’m kind of stuck reading this fic because I just can’t stop lol#just politely skipping the parts that make me too uncomfortable#also#the body horror is….damn. Impressive. I didn’t expect to read about grotesque fleshy creature turning itself inside out#it’s not even aesthetic or symbolic#it literally looks like a fucking nightmare. Which is impressive also.#the flesh is g r o s s#the beginning got me struggling and skipping#but the intermission is currently ruining my sleep schedule#oh fuck….I usually send my posts to the authors of the fics I read…..but I feel like I might offend the author of Ninth if do this……..#there’s a tiny chance they’re following me….if it’s true then I wanna tell I’m sorry pls don’t take this seriously#your fic got me waay out of my comfort zone#huge points for writing Ratchet. Drift in this fic is…the grossest fucking thing I could probably imagine but Ratchet doesn’t even hesitate#he helps him and he cares for him. Which is…..imma be real my first instinct would be to set Drift on fire to end his misery
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skyenish · 5 months ago
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The other cards are neat too
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ervikirvi · 3 months ago
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“Now I know what you’re thinking— I don’t want a career in fast food! I want to be a comic artist! And eventually launch my own manga-inspired webcomic! And it’s cool to have dreams, but you also need to remember that they’re completely unrealistic, and YOU need to stop trying.” -Gangle
I don’t think a community has ever related to a character more than this, myself included. I think about this line constantly, and I have seen posts of other TADC fans posting about Gangle and how relatable she is when it comes to her art career. Which made me think about how many of us as a community are struggling as a majority of artists to find a crowd who cares and supports you. But can’t because of an algorithm or not being able to find your crowd or for whatever other reason you may have.
So I want you to put a link to the art you want me to follow and interact with. Heck! It doesn’t have to be your own! You might know somebody and their art that you want to give attention to. It doesn’t even have to be drawings, it can be writings, it can be music, it can be whatever. I may be one person, but I want this community to flourish. It’s funny whenever I accidentally stumble upon the author of a fanfic I read months ago. It’s fun finding the artists to works I saw on Pinterest (who didn’t bother to give credit 😤), or even just knowing who made the art by username just from the art style alone. It’s entertaining just talking to people who are passionate about their theories!
Maybe I am just rambling on for a bit about something you guys are too shy or too caught off-guard to do. But I DO want to get to know you guys! I joined Tumblr because I wanted to see more art between Kinger and Queenie, now I want to stay for the only part of the community that actually feels alive. So I ask you, please, send me a link to your work and I’ll follow you. I want to see more of TADC on my feed than anything else.
Sending Virtual Hugs to all 🫂
(I also encourage you to take a look at everyone who gives their link 👀 Support each other, that’s what will strengthen our community and others)
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macbethz · 5 days ago
I’m being so serious dress like a vampire go to the goth club smoke a million cigarettes start biting people . Be free
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bardly-working · 10 months ago
Why did all the X-Men suddenly get supremely stupid?
Why did…
Xavier think that splitting the team in two and mind controlling Magneto was a better option than, like, saying “hey, the sentinels are still active actually so if you do still care about the few mutants left you should help with this”?
Logan go for a killing blow on Magneto when it was repeatedly stated that they need Magneto’s powers to fix the planet?
Xavier even bring Logan, a guy who famously has a metal fucking skeleton, to fight Magneto?
Xavier bother trying to convince the President to let him talk Magneto around if he wasn’t going to bother to actually try and talk Magneto around, but rather run in blasting?
everyone start acting like Magneto being in charge of the X-Men wasn’t ultimately a huge success? (because it was! not only did they neutralize an enemy, but they convinced him to stand trial for their crimes AND they won recognition for Genosha by the UN!)
none of the X-Men mention to Magneto that destabilizing the earth’s magnetic field is going to destroy the world in 12 hours, killing every mutant still remaining, even though doing so might have gotten him to help out?
the writers lay the foundation in the last episode for at least one human finally recognizing in the last episode where Magneto was coming from and why he is doing what he’s doing… only for the mutants to go “no actually that guy is irredeemable and we should kill him immediately, no more talking despite the fact that we actually really need his help and cooperation”?
Not only were these just idiotic moves strategically, but they barely make sense thematically!
I get that they want Magneto to be a straight up villain again. I get that Magneto is a villain. And I absolutely get that he has just altered the earth’s magnetic field in a big bad way and that needs to be addressed immediately (though there was barely mention of how the EMP blast was necessary to deactivate the humanoid sentinels). But if the writers want us to side against the guy they’ve spent the entire season making us side with, why are they only saying “think of the poor infrastructure lost in his EMP” and not even bothering to mention the lives that must have been lost in that blast? They’re making the X-Men look like absolute idiots by having them charge in with no intent to have a real conversation, and they’re making the damage Magneto did sound trivial by just focusing on property.
This feels like FATWS all over again. (-‸ლ)
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warriororb5 · 9 months ago
Ok now that I’ve had some time to think about it;
Everything I liked and disliked about Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga:
- That they tied in the one good thing from the comic, being Furiosa’s peach stone.
- Same goes for adding Scabrous from the game.
- Max’s cameo in his own franchise.
- Seeing the Green Place.
- Seeing Gastown.
- That even Joe of all people immediately clocked that the girl with Dementus was absolutely not willingly with him at all. (Takes one to know one I guess.)
- Seeing the Citadel not take Dementus seriously at all at first, basically the whole scene where they have his gang pick a random warboy to show him exactly how much he fucked up by picking a fight.
- All of the air fight stuff with the parasailing bikers.
- That Dementus and Octoboss both have their own version of Joe’s icon.
- That the warlords and Joe’s sons canonically hang out together at the Citadel.
- The shitty 3 wheeled car.
#1 - Praetorian Jack 🥰
- That Peeps and Bullet Farmer weren’t at their towns at all the whole movie, especially when they tell Farmer to go get everything ready and he’s still at the Citadel afterwards. It makes it feel like the only reason they’re not at their towns is that they need them to survive to Fury Road and needed an easy reason Dementus didn’t kill them when he took over both times.
- How disappointing the Bullet Farm ended up looking.
- That we only get to see the Green Place for like 2 minutes (mostly only the outskirts of it) and other than establishing that Valkyrie and Furiosa were friends we get absolutely no other connections for Furiosa herself in her community.
- We got so little canon backstory for Furiosa other than the exact amount of days it took for her mother to die and they didn’t do anything with that, I personally looked over at my friend sitting next to me and held up two fingers on the morning of the second day thinking they were going to build suspense because the audience started the movie with that knowledge but no, they don’t make it clear how much time is passing.
- Furiosa mostly being hyper competent as a kid except for following her mom’s instructions to go the fuck home and walking straight into the enemy camp where she’s being killed.
- That Furiosa seems to have spent almost no time in the vault (possibly only one day?) before escaping and becoming part of the cog fodder then mechanic crew. That it doesn’t even seem like anyone bothered looking for her. That the only wives we see from this movie seem to be with Joe willingly, desperate to stay wives rather than be abandoned or demoted to milkers. Which I guess highlights their parallel to the warboys better, being brainwashed cogs in Joe’s machine. But the whole “everyone but Furiosa being cool with being in sexual slavery” gave me rancid vibes. It just seemed like a bizarre choice given how desperate the wives were to get away in Fury Road.
- Having basically everything terrible done to Furiosa in her backstory be done by Dementus rather than Joe. By the end of the movie it literally had me questioning why she even personally hated Joe as much as she did in Fury Road to even motivate the original “Remember Me”. Like don’t get me wrong, he’s still a warlord running a cult that dehumanizes everyone in it down to what they can do for him but why does Furiosa the titular protagonist hate him personally? He got her away from the man who originally stole her and killed her mother (for obviously selfish reasons by essentially bargaining for her like an object) and offered her what he and at least some of the other wives at this time considered a “”good”” future with him. After she (nearly instantly) escaped she became a Praetornian and then openly presented as a woman which Joe seems to not give a shit about at this point. And that’s kind of it. She shows up to tell Joe about Dementus’ trick which he believes and acts on. She steals his son’s car and gets Dementus herself which not only seems to have incited no punishment but he also lets her do that stupid tree thing to him. They gutted all of the implied horrors that Joe might have committed towards her to give the lesser villain from this movie more teeth and if taken as canon actively lessens Fury Road as a story.
- They didn’t even have her bond with any of the wives from this movie. . .
- Seriously guys, outside our protagonist there are basically no named women in this movie besides like her dead mom and that one biker who had the cool facial scaring, I’m not sure if she had a name in the movie so benefit of the doubt here. And I guess kid!Valkyrie for 20 seconds.
1# The stupid tree thing. Why. The actual fuck. Would Furiosa plant her peach stone in the Citadel before she knew she was going to stay there???? If she still planned to escape back home, and she did as we see 30 seconds after she gets the first peach from the tree, then why would she have planted that fucking tree in the first place with the expectation of abandoning it??? Also, just stupid. I go into a Mad Max movie with the intention of accepting everything. My willing suspension of disbelief for this franchise is so willing guys. But this is probably, hands down, one of the worst makes absolutely no sense endings in the franchise aside from Max “saving” those kids in the oasis with fresh water by leading them to the abandoned city for some reason in Thunderdome.
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westworldparty19 · 2 years ago
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unfortunately-lilith · 5 months ago
“Five hargreeves is the best regulus black variant” I say quietly into the microphone
the crowd boos at me
“Wait, she’s right” two voices in the crowd say in unison, they turn to look at each other, it’s Sirius black and klaus hargreeves.
(aaaa look at the tags)
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snowyh2o · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Husk! Spoilers for Episode 5 of Hazbin Hotel
So like, we can all agree that Husk is super perceptive right? Dude literally goes on a rant about how everyone bitches to the bartender before summarizing everyone’s problems in front of them. We also know that Husk knows Alastor. Has known him for a long ass time, to the point he (and Nifty) are pretty familiar with Alastor’s old friends/friendly acquaintances.
And the reason I’m bringing all this up is because I wanna analyze that scene in episode 5, where Husk confronts Alastor about Mimzy, and more importantly why.
Because Alastor’s been friends with Mimzy for a long time, he’s very familiar with her pattern/routine of pissing some demon off and then running to him for help. Husk knows this too, and he knows Alastor knows. So why bring it up at all? Alastor is strong, sure his reputation had taken a hit with his 7 year absence, but it’s very unlikely any kinda trouble Mimzy brings will be more trouble than Alastor can handle.
But Husk brings it up anyways, goes outta his way to talk to Alastor about it, and when Alastor dismisses his concerns, starts pushing that this is something Alastor needs to take more seriously.
So the question is, why? Well I think it’s because Husk knows Alastor’s hands are tied, that he has MUCH greater stakes in the hotel than Alastor’s bothered to let on. And that he’s trying to warn Alastor that he needs to be more careful, that he can’t just expect things to go the way they always did back in the good old days, that the times have changed. He’s perceptive enough to notice that Alastor isn’t acting completely on his own will, that someone’s got him on a leash. (Which I don’t believe is something Alastor would ever willingly divulge.) And he’s frustrated that Alastor doesn’t seem to be taking whatever job he’s supposed to do to protect the hotel seriously.
Because letting Mimzy in is an unnecessary risk, especially when Alastor’s reputation alone may not be enough of a deterrent.
Husk is concerned about whatever situation Alastor’s landed himself in. So, Husk pushes, keeps trying to get Alastor to recognize the gravity of the situation. And Alastor keeps dodging his questions, keeps trying to end and leave the conversation before it touches on topics he REALLY doesn’t want to think much less talk about.
And then Husk steps on the proverbial landmine and Alastor snaps.
In the end, Alastor does take Husk’s advice and tells Mimzy to leave. Husk’s point about people not being so scared of him anymore, that his reputation alone won’t keep the hotel safe, is proved to be true with the loan sharks attack, and Alastor sees that. And he agrees.
Tldr; Husk knows Alastor’s landed himself in some deep shit, and is worried Alastor’s not taking it seriously. Alastor gets uncomfortably reminded that he doesn’t have everything as in control as he’d like to believe. And whatever stakes Alastor has in the hotel is high enough that he can’t risk brining any kinda trouble to it like Mimzy did.
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russellmaelofficial · 1 year ago
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stonechild · 20 days ago
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papayawatermelon · 6 months ago
Happy anniversary to Your turn to die: Death game by majority‼️‼️
Thank you nankidai for anzu kinashi‼️‼️‼️‼️ and for breaking my heart‼️
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pendragonsgallery · 2 years ago
Just finished listening to Stick Season Deluxe
1000/10 recommend emotionally devastating going to go spend the next hour sobbing into my pillow
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asteria7fics · 11 months ago
Well goobers, it’s finally here.
The final chapter of The Song of Broflovski
I wanted to link the full fic here again, in case you somehow found me on Tumblr but not on ao3!
You can read the entire fic here if you haven’t already!
I also want to take a minute to get a little sentimental. I really didn’t expect this fic to gain any traction. I asked myself several times “who other than me would want to read a Trojan War/South Park fan fiction?”
Turns out, there’s a few of you out there!
I want to seriously thank everyone that’s been along on this ride with me from the bottom of my heart. It means the world to me to have been able to share this silly idea with all of you, and for you to have enjoyed it.
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Now that the fic is fully published I’ll be happy to discuss more of my process/thoughts/spoilers in my asks, so please don’t be shy! I want to share what you guys want to know!
As for what’s next, there will be some big changes coming to my blog in the next week in preparation for my next project that I’ll be sharing. Please look forward to it!
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queeranotkira · 2 months ago
How would female Wammy's boys be?
In case you aren’t already aware, us women are very sexually fluid and therefore I believe all females have the *potential* to be gay deeply embedded within our subconscious (even if we choose to suppress it in favor of pursuing raging chodes), therefore female Mello and female Near would be scissor sisters unless they were both competing for L’s dick, in which case they’d probably still end up inadvertently fucking in the process of fighting to try to pin him down and violate him
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