#I said it before and I'll say it again
kellmanroy · 1 year
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piowasthere · 2 months
@peachyfnaf (hope you don't mind ^^')
he tried. he really tried.
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jesncin · 10 months
Martian Bartender
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the usual
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Vincent Price - Journey Into Fear (1975)
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crispywizardtale · 1 year
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robby-bobby-tommy · 9 months
Okay, I'm obsessed with the lore.... So here's some of me theories/stuff I've noticed. It's gonna be rambling in it's worst, cuz I'm way too excited.
Firstly, let's welcome Madagio! I don't know what's up with him, but here's some info we know:
- he's from some island who is connected to Quesadilla through some system.
- he can travel through servers.
- cats are his eyes and ears.
So with this out of the way, here's some of my thoughts.
- Body language -
Honestly, it's not something important, but I really love how cc! Fit uses body language to convey his character. q! Fit doesn't sprint much, cuz he knows one misjudged step, one unnoticed trap and he's dead. He looks around, afraid of every lighting, every strange noise. He looks at cats cuz how are they even here, if not every person can survive here?
Madagio himself very reserved. He doesn't move much, showing us a difference between him and Fit.
- Roses -
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Boy oh boy, do I have something to say. Despite obvious connections to Pac, recently there was another moment with exactly this kind of roses. At Philza's stream on 29th of December, at one point Ramon came to Titan and started to give away these rose bushes to some eggs and Phil. It might be a stretch, but it was very strange. Ramon explained that he gave away the roses, cuz he saw one in Chayanne's arm. But with this added context, I think Ramon's admin kinda hinted at this rule. Like the rose bush is a symbol of connection and love/trust. Fit loves and trusts Pac, Ramon, Chay and Lullah, and Phil too. I might be insane, but I adore this kind of symbolism. The roses show us who he has connections to. And now we understand what's at stake for Fit.
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It's not only Ramon, who's in danger. Phil, his kids and Pac (probs Tubbo and Sunny too, but they didn't get roses) are also in the middle of crossfire. Madagio knew that it's in human nature for us to connect and getting attached to others even if told otherwise. Contractor knew that Fit won't be able to cheat or escape the deal, cuz he knew the veteran will have a lot at stake. He made this contract unavoidable. I love it sm.
- Music -
Since my post about Fit and his tragedy, I believe that a lot of decisions made about videos/lore streams are intentional. Like, back in a day, when we saw first dream, we heard "Étranger au Paradise" ("Stranger in Paradise "). And this song like fits Fit (pun not intended) like a friggin glove. Cuz even still, Fit feels like a stranger, undeserving this the heaven that is Quesadilla island. For example literally today he said smt along the lines of "What did I do to deserve a son like him[Ramon]?". He loves people around him, yet he can't show it, when everyone does it quite easily. I think Stranger in Paradise can be seen also in light of relationships. Like Fit considers Pac better, he loves him, but doesn't deserve his love. Agh
So why am I saying this? Well, you see. Cc! Fit uses a few songs to use before cinematic. And today he used "We'll meet again". And there's no connection, right? But what if it's a hint to contractor? Fit'll have to meet Madagio. Veteran has no idea when or where. But he knows they'll meet again some sunny day. Like, mb it's a stretch, but I really enjoy finding this connections. To this point cc! Fit was very intentional, so mb I have something here.
- Mon Dieu éternel, je te prie -
(sorry for probably butchering it, but anyway)
Well, now I have the most unimpressive and obvious theory, that leads to more interesting one.
During this stream it wasn't confirmed that contractor is a god, but there are a lot of hints. His name being an anagram to "I am a God" (Thank you, Tumblr user, who noticed it), he can't be hury, but is able to travel through the servers, and his first words to Fit are literally a rephrased "be not afraid", that is usually connected to angels.
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Also his unusual connection to cats, that are his "extensions" Doesn't seem humain at all. Yet it isn't confirmed so idk.
Now, Black Concrete is closely tied to Cucurevil and can have bad effect on a person. The only people, who interacted with it and weren't affected at all, were Fit and Philza. Why? What if it's because they're protected by Gods? Like, fitza have a lot parallels in their lore, and mb it also hints at devine nature of Madagio? Rose protects Phil and his close ones out of kindness (I guess) and sends birds to cheer up her protège or show her support. Madagio literally does the same thing. But he sends cats not to show support, but to remind that he is always there, he sees and hears everything. Does it prove my theory? No, I guess. But it gives smt to think about.
- End -
At the end we see Fit waking up (smt that we've never seen before) and sees a cat. They look each other in the eyes and veteran convulsively shakes his head, refusing to something implied. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I didn't really understand what he refused to? Was he saying he didn't need contractor's help? Idk. And this whole montage of moon, cat, and Madagio is very interesting, but I can't put my finger on it.
After browsing for a literal second, I have some ideas. Moon typically represents the rhythm of time, as it symbolizes the cycle. So maybe Contractor reminds Fit how little time he has. Like, time's running out. Cats, though, have a lot of different meanings, but I guess the most important to this case are freedom and mystery. Madagio is free and mysterious, so ig it fits.
- And just my thoughts ig -
God, i loved it so much. Fit's lore is subtle yet very important and interesting. It shows a character and builds on it so much, while explaining the world itself. Guuugh I love it so much.
And here's just some screens that shows how much Fit has grown.
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He is no longer doing everything for himself only. Now he cares for others, breaking a simple rule made by contractor.
P. S.
I feel like this picture rn
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youngroyals-stuff · 10 months
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locketletters · 2 years
jatp can and should be renewed and open up with this band is back
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gotham-response · 11 months
My boss said he's thinking of putting gargoyles on top of the ambulances. I genuinely have no clue if he's joking or not
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People always saying Nimona can't cook like my little gremlin didn't make her boss breakfast tacos and also function on her own for ONE THOUSAND YEARS
Like me? Yeah I went a few years functioning as an independent adult w/o learning to cook but a thousand? She'd know every recipe like. What do we think she did when her favorite dish fell out of the cultural consciousness?
"Oh no nobody sells [insert some medieval weird shit] anymore better learn to cook it"
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s-lycopersicum · 7 months
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greeen-bean · 9 months
JUST when I had gotten over my Luke phase (that lasted 4 years 😶) they put CHARLIE BUSHNELL IN FRINT OF ME?!?!?!
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ratguy-nico · 9 months
and finally
The Best Scene of both episodes.
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meadowsofmay · 1 year
what's interesting to me about legolas leaving his homeland behind and searching for a ranger on the north is something that actually fully explained their whole dynamic to me at this early morning hour.
big post ahead, brace yourselves.
legolas leaves the battle of the five armies, and essentially, mirkwood being a soldier. half of his life at least he spent training and fighting in a way that soldiers do, that means he knows discipline — he must follow orders, he must control what he is doing and he must control his emotions, he must asses the situation and he must give orders, he must plan, he must care for those under his command, he must make right decisions, he must, must, must...
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that's a hard life to live but, given the situation mirkwood had, he made a decision to be a soldier and he served enough to rise in ranks. he had alot of responsibilities that started weighting him down for a reason.
see, he is young (and many headcanon him being one of the youngest among elves) but he didn't have different life and he wants to, he wants to know what's out there besides constant fighting with the same creatures every single day. he wants to learn more about the bigger world he is a part of — and maybe before the end to his little part of the world will eventually come.
he explored his little world enough without restrictions when he was a child, so he justifiably thinks it's time for him to explore what's beyond it. he just didn't have enough of a reason before the battle of the five armies and tauriel thing where he realized he doesn't want to come back to his previous life and wants to learn who he is besides a prince and a soldier.
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legolas is conflicted and the only thing thranduil can do in this situation (obviously not being the one who denies his son) is to give him direction (for legolas to have a sense of knowing and for thranduil himself to at least know where in the world his son is). why he knows about aragorn is none of my concern but what is is thranduil knowing about a son of a great man that will probably become even a greater one and thinking that his own son will find a better company by his side.
and legolas does. we can assume that legolas finds strider and his rangers and joines them for a while. he learns how to live in a wild, and even though legolas lived in a woods before that — he lived in a controlled environment. with aragorn there is no control over him. there is companionship. no oaths and pledges, no allegiance. legolas learns to make decisions for his own self and he learns to chose whom he gives his trust. this made the same tasks, say, fighting and going on missions (same things he did as a soldier), appear under different light because they were done with and for different person and cause.
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legolas follows aragorn because he develops a sense of trust. and it becomes only stronger over the years they spend on adventures together. aragorn doesn't make him do things, eventually, aragorn doesn't even need to ask. legolas does because he wants to. that's a rare thing among those in the army. you can't just do or not do.
in the wild — legolas has a choice. and he has time to learn.
he learns that aragorn indeed is a great man, the one whom he can rely on and whom he can trust.
he learns that he himself is enough for someone to trust him, that he is good enough, that he did enough. he learns that feelings can be mutual and he has this overflowing desire to be by the side of the person who opened his eyes to those things. he feels inspired.
that's how we get legolas that appeared in the lord of the rings. less stiff, less angsty, less angry, even. through travels with aragorn he finds joy for his soul to feed on, and even though he is still a soldier — he is his own (and maybe aragorn's, shall he ask). and that brings me to my main point that i'll quote myself on:
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«...in the 'council of elrond' scene it already felt present. it being the familiarity between aragorn and legolas. the way legolas jumps eagerly to defend an honor of aragorn doesn't really seem to be just he's a king!, but more like he's a fucking king, you moron, how dare you disrespect my friend like that?!!. along with plain respect legolas clearly shows towards aragorn, there's also this genuine reverence/veneration (i'm not sure which word to choose as i'm not native to english language) that legolas has — such reverence that warriors have towards their trusted king whom they're ready to follow, protect and fight for as well as along side with because he trained and went through hardships with them. you don't just develop such an attitude towards a person who doesn't even adresses himself by his given name much. legolas knows who aragorn is and he will stick to it — even if aragorn himself doesn't want to accept the fact.
and from that, the decision legolas makes to follow aragorn on the quest and not much frodo makes sense. he trusts aragorn. he follows aragorn's emotional courage — the way he swears to protect frodo with his life and sword — and does the same.»
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i have seen enough to think that legolas has all sorts of adoration towards aragorn. he's ready to follow him like a religiously-in-love general his king, he has a deep respect towards him as a comrade and he definitely trusts him as a friend/soul mate/any other form of intimate relations.
but legolas is still a soldier. he can't fully erase it and, something tell me, doesn't really want to — he is a proud warrior after all. and that only ensures me, that serving aragorn as a warrior is one of the ways for legolas to showcase his love and gratitude to him. that's his acts of service, as in love language, thing taken quite literally because that's what legolas knows best and he's going to utilize it to the fullest.
because he knows that aragorn relies on him, trusts him and not only just in battle. he knows that there's a big future ahead for aragorn and he doesn't urge him forward but walks side by side, waiting patiently when aragorn will be ready.
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legolas, basically, found a mutual, meaningful connection and committed to it with a heart of a striving for love being and a soul of a warrior. and i think it's beautiful.
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danganronpafan777 · 7 months
Random Reassurance
(Strange title, I know-)
I mentioned it on a previous post that I’m on a class trip for a few days and won’t be able to write for a week.
Today, I was helping a transgender classmate shop for women’s clothing. Our friends were busy and it was just me and her. She was really anxious about it, and few clothes fitting her, and the clothes that did being too expensive.
I hadn’t talked to her much before, and had only really befriended her with our mutual friends during this trip, but the experience was… I’m not sure how to describe it. I saw my joking classmate that always called me short be genuinely vulnerable and anxious, and I tried my best to help her every step of the way. We found something she liked and then had to regroup with other friends for dinner. We’ll recruit them to help later.
I’m not sure how much I helped, but I offered to pay and gave her as much support as I could, but I’m not good with verbal words and speaking, so writing on this blog is my best way to spread this message, in case I didn’t get it through to her right.
To any trans people reading this, or anyone feeling lost in themselves:
You are amazing no matter what. You shouldn’t feel the need to base yourselves or interests on labels nor other people. Defining yourself and who you are is completely up to you, and if you don’t know who you are, you have people to guide you and hold your hand through it all. You don’t have to lean towards one style or gender. You aren’t weird or strange for your quirks and hobbies and hyperfixations. There’s people that are happy to listen to you ramble about them, and would never think of you as a burden, especially not if you asked for help. I don’t know anyone’s lives outside a screen any better than you know mine. But I’m here and I’ll do my best. I don’t know what any of you look like, and for your safety, don’t show me. The best I can do is read whatever you send me and give you advice, write you a scenario, or make some witty remark. I’m sorry if that’s not enough, or what you need. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all happiness Yeah, you’re valid, but you always were, and no matter how you choose to define yourself, as long as you feel comfortable and safe in your own skin, you always will be.
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roger-s-maracas · 10 months
So a few days ago I found this picture of a very cute kitty (it’s cute, isn’t it???) and I felt like it’s reminding me of someone…
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So I thought…
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Yeah, right! I found him 😅
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