#I really love when I feel like both. I guess genderfluid but not as a toggle between man and woman but a sliding scale of combinations of it
neverendingford · 4 months
growling at my boobs in the mirror to encourage them to grow bigger
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grimm-writings · 4 months
YIPPEE YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN AGAIN can i get a scenario where chilchuck slowly falls in love with a gender fluid reader? maybe he’s confused about their presentation at first, but then finds himself attracted to their masc and fem sides :0
two sides of the same coin
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…ft! chilchuck x genderfluid! reader
…tags! fluff, end of manga spoilers, implied bisexual chilchuck, the mortifying ordeal of having to explain your identity to someone not in the know
…wc! 935
…notes! this request makes me so happy, because i’m also genderfluid!!! i’ll be using primarily my own experiences with my gender here, so i hope it’s to your liking! happy pride month!!! <3 
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“So, you’re… everything.”
“Yes! I guess you can say that.  Although it’s more like it varies.”  Your hands move in the air to communicate your point.  “Sometimes I’m a girl, sometimes a boy.  But I’m also sometimes both, or sometimes neither!  Or maybe I’m partially a girl and partially neither, or I’m partially a boy and partially neither.  And then, on the rare occasion, I am everything!”
You can only watch in real time as Chilchuck slowly loses brain cells.  You’d fear that he may not be able to readily accept you, same as the rest of your party.  The reaction was positive enough (though Marcille and Senshi particularly need time to adapt properly) but there’s still lingering confusion.
Chilchuck slowly nods, though you can tell he isn’t exactly grasping it yet.  “So… What am I meant to call you?”
He’s trying to keep his language respectful.  That’s more than you can say for others you came out to.  You can tell Chilchuck is trying, even if this is unfamiliar ground for him.  He might know enough about different romantic and sexual preferences, and maybe more simple means of gender transition.  Your identity is… hard to explain to someone not in the know, though.
“Just ask,” you reply.  “I might have some indicators in clothing that could help.  Like…”  You gesture towards your current outfit.  “I’m presenting pretty masculine at the moment, yeah?”
“Yeah…” You don’t miss how Chilchuck eyes you up and down.  “So I should keep an eye out for how you dress?”
“Precisely!”  You snap your fingers into a point at Chilchuck’s face.
“Don’t do that.”
You drop your hand.  “Sorry.”
Chilchuck leans back on his seat, folding his arms over his chest.  If he was being honest, this only makes his heart confused.  He was already more used to you presenting masculine throughout your dungeon crawl.  You did express occasional disdain for your current dress, but can’t do much about it.  That in of itself made him wonder if he liked guys.  Now you’re saying you’re a girl sometimes?  Or neither?  Or everything?  He can’t even imagine you in a dress without his mind screaming at him in embarrassment.
You take in Chilchuck’s expression.  Brow furrowed, clearly trying to process your explanation.  He’s definitely accepting of it, just confused.  If there was a way you can explain it better to him…
An idea flashes through your mind with an “ah!”
Chilchuck perks up at your sudden yelp, blinking.  “Something the matter?  Wh– Hey, what are you doing?!”
You had practically scampered on all fours to where your travel bags were, digging around for something.  A few seconds pass before… “GOT ONE!”
Returning to Chilchuck’s side, you hold up one of the gold coins in… someone’s possession.  The half-foot cocks an eyebrow at it.  “What’re you getting at here?”
“This coin is still the same coin when it’s flat in my hand like this,” you begin, before flipping it over.  “Or when it lands on tails.”
Chilchuck watches as you place the coin on your thumb, and flip it up into the air only to let it land randomly, 50/50 chance each time.
“I can’t control whether it lands on heads or tails.  Sometimes it does something really peculiar and stands on its side, or it’s on a slant in some way.”
You watch as the gears turn in Chilchuck’s mind.  “So you can’t really control how your gender works, sometimes you just… feel a certain way?”
“Exactly!  My dysphoria – that’s the term for feeling uncomfortable – can fluctuate, but it’s still the same coin.  It’s still…”
“It’s still you,” Chilchuck finishes, turning his head to look up at you with understanding finally brightening in his eyes.  You can’t help but fluster a little.
It’d be a while since then until you’d make it back to the surface.  Everyone is as accommodating as ever to use the right pronouns when you tell them what for.  It soon comes naturally to just let you live as you are.  It’s welcoming and warm with everyone.
A nice spring breeze blows through your skirt as you make your way down to the entrance of the forest where the feast takes place.  You can spot your party from a mile away, your boots hitting the dirt path as you run over.
“Leave some for me!”  You exclaim in greeting, causing your friends to turn their heads.  Marcille gasps in wonder as she takes in your appearance, meanwhile Izutsumi makes a small noise in surprise.
Chilchuck is stunned into silence, and you can just tell the tips of his ears are going red before he keels over and spits out his drink onto the grass.  “W-What are you wearing?!”
“A dress, Chilchuck,” you quip back, sitting in between him and Marcille.  “Laios still being harassed by Yaad and the rest?”
“Hang on, we’re not moving on from this so fast!  Let me look at you!”  Marcille adjusts herself so she can inspect your look.  “I didn’t think you’d suit a dress so well!  Where’d you get that petticoat?”
You are about to answer when Izutsumi interrupts; “you look so… different,” she relays.
A sheepish chuckle escapes you, as you turn to Chilchuck, who has since been staring at you.  He blinks once you perceive him and glances away.  “You’re still you.  It…  You look very… you. It's nice.”
You can’t help but laugh at his flustered attitude, leaning down to kiss the top of his head as he gives out to you.
You are accepted, and you are loved.  What place could possibly be better than here?
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jupiter-letters · 19 days
Klaus Hargreeves NSFT Headcanons💓
Anon Requested: Clawing at the walls rn. Can you write nsfw Klaus hcs?
A/N: Need to get back into writing again to start the healing process after season 4. I'm seeing some other writers do that now which is really funny and comforting. I've been wanting to do this but I didn't have that drive to do so thanks for the push anon! I'm aware of Klaus' identity as a Genderfluid person, I will be using He/They pronouns for this set of headcanons. Fem! or GN! Reader as always
word count: 634
divider cred || palestine links
now playing: I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
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Klaus is very open to most things when it comes to sex, very few things are off the table for him. Having the opportunity to experiment with a partner is a fun experience for the both of you. He teaches you some things and he does the same for you, kinks you never knew you had kind of bubble to the surface.
Wax Play! Klaus introduced you to it in the middle stages of your relationship, he made it known he wasn’t afraid to experiment with a little pain. As long as you weren’t sawing his limbs off to get your rocks off he was fine.The sensation of hot wax on his skin and the soft caress of your fingers brings Klaus such euphoria. He likes to have it dripped on his thighs and his chest. Not so much on his face, anything that involves a little pain he doesn’t want done to his face. 
Being bound in any way is very very hot for them as well. Handcuffs, ropes or clamps, whether it be you or them. He mostly has a preference for being the one tied up, if you’re riding him and his hands are tied to the bedpost, he’ll go crazy. When he's bottoming he'll love it if you tie his hands behind his back. If you use that to grip onto while you fuck him from behind, face pressed in the pillow, he’ll get really loud. 
He lovesss to get pegged, Klaus will alternate between being the biggest brat and being the softest big wet eyed baby in the world. It really depends on how he’s feeling that day whether he’s gonna mouth off to you or not. He just gets sassy to get a reaction out of you but a good way to eradicate that cocky attitude to edge him, Klaus hates when you make him wait to cum. He has such a love-hate relationship with it, it does make anticipation of cumming more exciting. If you do it to him, sometimes he will get revenge later on. He would rather not do it to you cause he loves to give you whatever you want but he is a tease above all. 
He’ll even bring it up while you’re having sex, “Remember that time I backtalked you a tiny bit and you didn’t let me cum for 5 whole minutes babe? Well guess what?” and then he just stops thrusting into you, Klaus will even keep you on the edge of an orgasm for 5 minutes and let you cum after time’s up. “That was torture wasn’t it? I guess it doesn’t feel as good when the shoe’s on the other foot.” 
They have an oral fixation like you wouldn't believe, certified throat goat/munch. Stick your fingers in their mouth and they'll look at you with the nastiest whorish eyes. Anything you wanna put in Klaus' mouth they'll accept it happily, except maybe a gun that might be too much. If you're the one recieving Klaus will have some part of you in their mouth, an earlobe, a nipple or your cheek. It doesn't matter, they want to get as close as possible.
When Klaus goes down on you he's literally kicking his feet while he does it, no joke. He's so excited to be the one that makes you feel good, sex is always filled with giggles and smiles.
Aftercare is usually very quiet and intimate after a night of fun, you just sit in silence in each other's arms. You're both wound up tight in each other's arms, skin still covered in sweat. Klaus will pull you with him into the bathroom eventually so you both can get clean. After a nice shower you both end up playing monopoly or cooking something in your kitchen.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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our-lesboy-experience · 5 months
hiii!!! so uh, this is sorta about 'contradicting' (?) identities in general, but i only recently found out about, like, lesboys and gaygirls and all of that, but what is it exactly? like how does it work? or is that weird to ask? i'm trying figuring myself out but a lot of stuff i've seen doesn't exactly... explain it (or explain it well), and while i guess i do get why, it's just kinda hard to understand it myself for my own identity
also, probably a question you get a lot in a hating way, but isn't the definition of lesbian nonman loving nonman? so then how does lesboy work? like is it for people with more complicated gender identites, like fluctuating genders and bigender? just genuinly confused, my apologies...
sorry for not getting to this sooner- been busier lately and didn't have the time to collect everything I needed to respond!
About what it exactly means to be a lesboy or a gaygirl ('turigirl' is the more common term, 'turi' meaning turian, another word for gay attraction to men. so I'll be referring to it as that from now on), there isn't exactly....one right way to call yourself such. it really depends on the person, but I can give you a basic definition and a list of common reasons someone may call themselves such
im gonna put a read more because this ended up being super long so sorry
lesboy is a term for any lesbian who may have a connection to manhood and/or masculinity. turigirl is just the opposite of that, a gay person (mlm/nblm) who may have a connection to womanhood and/or femininity. common reasons I've seen are:
being multigender or genderfluid
being cusper/in between trans and cis gnc (in between trans man and cis gnc woman, in between trans woman and cis gnc man)
being a system who uses lesboy/turigirl as a collective identity or when identities blur together
a person who uses man/boy or woman/girl as a means of masculine or feminine gender expression but not actually identifying as such
being a trans man/ftm or a trans woman/mtf who still identifies as lesbian or gay for personal reasons
those are far from all the reasons, everyone has their own unique experiences, but the gist is these people may have some sort of connection to manhood/womanhood while still having a queer attraction. personally, I'm multigender, genderfluid, and transmasc. lesboy I find is a nice label to express being both my bigender self and being a lesbian, as it forces people to acknowledge both without separating the two. it's cute and makes me feel validated!
as for "nonman attracted to nonmen" definition of lesbian......it has its issues. it's received criticism all around from all sorts of lesbians in the community. this definition is very new - it emerged only in the recent years, and someone on twitter had date searched it and found it didn't even really exist before 2019. and having that as the one and only official definition that every lesbian has to abide by, when lesbian is a centuries old word with so much history behind it, is a bit ignorant. people who are multiple genders or ftm or bi being lesbian is not even remotely new, going back decades upon decades, and it never stopped existing too. It's a bit weird to have a whole new definition that doesn't include all sorts of lesbians that have been here for so long and just tell them they're not welcomed anymore, right?
that's not even close to the only issue there is with it. it's been disliked for centering lack of attraction to men, or defining lesbian in relation to men, rather than who we're actually attracted to. putting nonbinary people in a new binary of either being "men or nonmen," which not all feel comfortable putting themselves into. especially when considering a definition of gay being "nonwomen attracted to nonwomen," man-woman bigender people are simultaneously excluded from being both lesbian or gay. It inherently overlaps with mspec identity ("attraction to nonmen, which is more than one gender" and "any orientation that involves attraction to more than one gender" kinda obviously overlap), despite people insisting that a lesbian can never be mspec. people have found multiple loopholes in it, (which I can elaborate on if someone wants me to, for the sake of trying to make this as short as possible), and lastly, and term "nonman" (and nonwoman) were found to have existed before to describe the degendering of black people in society. this isn't the only source I've seen for this, but sadly I can't exactly find it (or find it without going back to that hellsite called twitter and I'm not doing that to myself)
oh and as the link points out, defining lesbian by these words also ends up excluding a lot of two-spirit people from ever identifying as lesbian, myself included. which is also really racist. I don't know how you're gonna end up excluding a whole cultural gender that's common for indigenous americans to describe themselves with and try to prove it somehow isn't racist, to be honest
and lastly, some surveys/polls have shown that the definition isn't the most widely accepted by lesbians as people make it out to be. there's this simple poll that someone posted asking how lesbians felt about the definition that received 1,529 responses, and 61.1% of voters said they disliked it. comments gave lots of reasons I've stated already. there was another survey put out that received 211 responses that for any lesbian who had a genderqueer or unique relationship with gender, and one of the questions asking opinions on the "nonmen loving nonmen" as a definition. the average among the group was slightly negative (average 2.838), and reported that the group who tended to feel the most positively about it didn't consider themselves to be trans, with the other positive leaning group considered themselves to be somewhat cis. the group that felt the most negatively sometimes considered themselves to be trans. and of the multigender participants, the average opinion was 2.255 (more negative than the overall average). When concluding, the original poster stated, "When divided by gender, the only groups to feel positive about this definition were "not trans" and "somewhat cis" participants. Multigender participants felt especially negative about this definition"
all of this shows that this definition isn't nearly the best for everyone who considers themselves a lesbian. I know it's been a way to include nonbinary people who are lesbian in it's definition, but I think it really misunderstands why nonbinary people are included in lesbianism in the first place, and just assumes that all nonbinary people aren't men and fails to recognize that multigender/genderfluid people are nonbinary too. and it's not like lesbian has to only have on definition- it can definitely have multiple and depend on each person's experience with it. if someone personally defines them being lesbian around being a nonman attracted to nonmen, and takes pride in not being attracted to men, that's totally fine. what becomes a problem is forcing all lesbians to define themselves like this and make it the standard, or else they're "not real lesbians." it is ahistorical and ignorant to require this or else you'll strip them of their lesbian status, and is really at the end of the day, lesbophobic. especially as a requirement that primarily exists in online spaces. im sure the lesbian who is not at all connected to these circles doesn't particularly care about strict requirements or whether someone is a "nonman" or not. in conclusion, it is not the best nor most accepted definition of lesbian, and deciding which lesbians are valid or not based solely on that definition is pretty exclusionary and ends up policing a lot of lesbians, myself included
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alexblue29 · 1 year
Foolish x Fem reader pls
Foolish talks about fem reader a lot to Leo randomly. So Leo decides to play matchmaker with the other eggs and the assistance from some of the parents
Imagine Bad is like the waiter or Jaiden is help preparing a meal
(This is way before the angst of the egg disappearance)
Y'all are creative with those asks and I am loving every single one of them!
If I remember correctly Leo's genderfluid but please correct me if I'm wrong!!
Cc!Foolish Gamers x Fem!Reader
You were extremely loved by the community and the entire QSMP. This was well-known, they were an amazing, open community. A place where everyone could place their worries away and just have fun, like children, for a few hours.
You absolutely loved logging in to the server. You were always warmly greeted, whether you logged in later during the day when multiple people were already on, or when you logged in early in the morning before anyone else.
You made a cutesy little house with a big farm under it. During your solo early morning sessions, Foolish would be the second to log in, after a few times of you both being the only early ones on, he began finding you claiming he needed an excuse to take a break from his builds.
You were rarely a nighttime player, you would when you were needed for lore and from time to time when you had a planned gaming session with someone from the group but you mostly stuck to the early day.
Meaning, the interactions you had with the eggs were minimal. You had a few here and there and during lore but you were rarely online at the same time as them.
So, when Leo would join Foolish in the evening when they'd do Leo's tasks, he would talk a lot about what you were up to and what you both did that morning which meant they got to know you by the little interaction you had and the stories her pa would tell her.
Once Vegetta began showing up less and less, leaving Foolish alone to take care of their child, he began seeking you out more and more. Inviting you to play later in the evening to get to know everyone else better and get the know the eggs.
Needless to say, they loved you. The first time Tallulah met you she gave you a poppy, which you've cherished ever since. The pixeled eggs have wormed their way deep into your heart.
Leo was annoyed. Don't get them wrong, they love their pa, they really do! But he was ALWAYS talking about the new girl this, the new girl that. The man had a crush and it was painfully obvious to everyone but the both of them.
One time, when the parents were too busy quarreling with each other, the eggs (admins) got together and formed a plan to get you two to finally admit your feelings for each other.
They closed the server from the players during the night and built a beautiful restaurant in the QSMP and hired the help of Jaden (as you two had gotten pretty close) and Bad as well. They asked the both of you to log on at a specific time and prayed.
You logged on before Foolish and were ushered by a very insistent Chayanne into the beautiful build. You showered the group with praises. You tried asking questions as you waited for something unknown but they refused to answer any of them.
A few minutes later, Leo walked in with a very confused Foolish. His character froze as he saw you,
"Oh hi!"
You laughed, "Do you know what's going on?"
"No clue," you could hear the smile in his voice.
Foolish knew what they were up to the second he walked into the restaurant, which appeared overnight and saw you sitting in a chair placed by a table for two. He wanted to chastise Leo for trying to set you two up but he wasn't exactly opposed to it either.
So, the both of you chatted, sitting face to face at a table. After a few minutes, you could faintly hear Jaden and Bad talking further away. A second later, Bad walked out from a door that you guessed was leading to a kitchen area.
You both began asking him a dozen questions that he refused to answer. He gave you both some food and left you both alone again after. You could see the eggs, Bad and Jaden had left the building but still stayed within listening distance.
"So, this might be a stretch but didn't this seem like a child trying to set her dad up, with her friends helping?"
You heard Foolish choking on his water behind his mic. He coughed a few times, "Ye-Yeah. Yeah, I guess it looks like that."
You smiled as you laughed lightly, "That's what's going on, isn't it?"
His lack of answer was enough for you. You smiled behind your mic as you thought for a minute, "You know, I saw you saying you were going to the next Twitchcon."
He hummed, agreeing. "I was thinking about going as well-"
"YES!" He exclaimed, cutting you off, "Yes! Please do! We could finally meet up!"
You laughed, "Alright, well it's a date then."
He stayed silent a minute before silently adding, "Okay, it's a date."
Unknown to you both, the admins were in a call with each other and broke out in cheers when they heard you.
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cinderella-ish · 4 months
Fruits Basket Queer Headcanons
The more I watch and read Fruits Basket, the more I get the sense that no one is straight here. Well... almost no one. So, in honor of pride month, here are my queer headcanons for the cast of Fruits Basket!
(Disclaimer that these are my own personal headcanons, obviously nothing official, etc... I try to draw on evidence from the text, but I'll admit I'm occasionally going purely off vibe. Also, I'm bi and genderfluid, so that's the lens I'm bringing to this. I'd love to hear your headcanons, especially if they differ from mine! Enjoy!)
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Genderfluid and/or genderqueer: Ayame and Ritsu
I (probably somewhat controversially) think a lot of the gender non-conformity among Fruits Basket characters is just that: gender non-conformity. Momiji is one example; he dresses in girls' clothing (though not "like a girl") until his growth spurt, but it seems important to him to be seen as a man from at least that point forward.
Ritsu is someone whose gender identity and/or nonconformity really should've been explored more in the manga - as written, it feels like Ritsu's exploration of gender was viewed as something he'd grow out of, rather than a search for understanding himself. He doesn't really seem to mind being identified as either male or female, though he obviously feels a lot of shame about his comfort with wearing women's clothes (though no one around him when we meet him really seems to mind, which is nice-- I also appreciate that Ritsu was shown to have friends who adore him outside of the Sohmas). Anyway, the fact that he seems okay with being referred to as both a man and a woman is the entire basis for this headcanon.
Ritsu also idolizes Ayame, and I think part of this stems from Ayame's own security in his non-traditional gender presentation. We don't really get a lot of Ayame's thoughts on gender, despite his line of work, but he strikes me as the sort of person who would enjoy playing with his own gender presentation and would be more than open to exploring his gender identity (and probably has!). I think Ayame would lean more toward having an expansive view of masculinity rather than dressing more feminine when he feels more feminine, but I also think he would embrace the different ways people might perceive his gender.
Transgender Woman: Akito Sohma
This I think is quite clear in canon. Akito was assigned male at birth, then transitioned to female.
What makes it hard for some people to see Akito as trans is that the reason she was assigned male at birth was not the typical reason people are assigned male at birth in our world (it was her mother's demand, rather than a guess based on the shape of her genitals), but I don't think that makes her any less trans.
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Under the Ace and/or Aro Umbrellas
This umbrella is a little tricky for several of these characters, because they've been forbidden from dating, or had very controlling parents, or thought they'd only hurt anyone they loved, so they haven't necessarily had time to figure out whether they've just repressed that part of themselves or they just don't experience attraction at all/without a strong emotional connection first. (Not everyone needs time to figure that out, though!) But anyway, here's who I think would eventually find themselves under at least one of these umbrellas!
Asexual/Aromantic: Kazuma
I love the tidbit that Kazuma tried dating women, but talked so much about Kyo that he never got a second date. I like the interpretation of him as a gay man, but to me, he reads as asexual/aromantic. Dating just doesn't even seem to be on his radar!
Demisexual/Demiromantic: Kyo, Shigure, Machi
A lot of the fandom sees Kyo as demi, and I'm totally here for that interpretation of him. He generally seems annoyed by or frightened of girls who aren't Tohru (frightened either when there's a risk of transforming, or when Kagura is involved). Also, it's CUTE that Kyo takes after his dad (Kazuma) in this way.
At first blush, it seems very unlikely Shigure is under the ace umbrella, but I couldn't stop thinking about his brief relationship with Mayu. He's the one who suggested they date, yet he seemed completely disinterested in her. He did sleep with Ren, but that was only for revenge and because he imagined Akito would look like her if she'd been allowed to grow up as a woman. I genuinely believe all his "high school girls" ickiness was an act, much like most of his personality.
It doesn't seem like Machi can totally tell if/when she likes something (or someone!). This makes me wonder if she's just never had feelings for anyone before Yuki.
Demiromantic: Rin, Hiro
Rin seems open to sexual relations with people other than Haru, but I genuinely can't see her having romantic feelings for anyone other than him. I see Hiro similarly with respect to Kisa. I think, if they ever split, it would take an extremely long time for him to even be open to falling for someone else.
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Under the Bi/Pan+ Umbrella
So, I'm not making a distinction between these two (and other orientations that fall under the same umbrella, like poly- or omnisexual) because that seems like a very personal, internal conversation. I know some people make a distinction between the way bi and pan people experience attraction, but some don't, and that feels too prescriptivist for my purposes here. So, these are characters who I think experience attraction to multiple genders!
Tohru obviously falls for Kyo, but she also thinks Akito is cute, she thinks Rin is "shapely" and "beautiful" (her words!), and she goes along with it when Saki talks about them getting married.
Yuki ends up with Machi (and I love them together!) but I think Kyo was his first crush. His arc is also very relatable for a lot of queer folks (myself included!). And he's a disaster. Long live bisexual disaster Yuki Sohma!
Shigure is tricky, because the flirtation between him and Ayame could just be a joke, but I personally think it's a joke that arose out of some fun nights spent together...
Akito obviously likes men, but she also flirts with Tohru when they first meet.
Saki talks about marrying both Tohru and Kazuma. She's probably joking about Kazuma, but she's generally a very literal person, so I don't think she's joking about Tohru. She also marries a foreigner canonically, and that foreigner is probably a man.
Momiji talks about finding an amazing sweetheart-- not an amazing wife or girlfriend!!-- one day. I think he was being very intentional in not specifying his future partner's gender.
Hatori is the one I feel least sure of, but my headcanon is that he gets so annoyed and embarrassed by Shigure and Ayame because he doesn't want anyone to know he was totally part of at least a few of those trysts...
Mutsuki and Hajime are definitely together, right? And it seems like the fandom mostly sees Mutsuki as bi, which... yeah, that tracks.
Hatsuharu's first love was Yuki, and his last love was Rin.
Kakeru has a girlfriend, but for some reason, I have it in my head that he always refers to Kyo as Yuki's "hot cousin"? Did I just imagine that? Anyway... even if I did make that up, I think his backstory is a great analogy for the experience of coming out. He was trying to fit in a box and decided he was done with it. Pure chaotic bi energy.
For Ayame, see Shigure and Hatori above. (Also, “I am a bottom ALL THE WAY!!!”)
Mine is admittedly here just based on vibes.
Mitsuru likes Ritsu even though she's not entirely sure of Ritsu's gender!
Kimi is also here purely based on vibes.
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Gay and Lesbian
Hiroshi has always struck me as gay. I can't really explain it. I usually have absolutely awful gaydar, so it's odd that he gives me such clear gay vibes. I wrote him as gay in my longfic, Bloom Within Us, and I'll probably always write him as gay.
President Takei obviously has a crush on Yuki. We don't really see him show interest in anyone else (partially because he's such a minor character). He also seems to still be a bachelor in Another, which could be because he can't legally marry yet...
My headcanon that Kunimitsu is gay kind of popped up as I was writing Bloom Within Us. There's no particular reason, and he doesn't give me strong gay vibes or anything.
Hajime and Mutsuki are definitely a couple! (Right?!) And it seems like most of the fandom sees Hajime as gay which... yeah, I can get behind that.
Akimoto (Arisa's senpai from her gang) is another character who gives me such strong vibes that I thought it was canon that she was a lesbian. Whoops. Anyway, I headcanon that Akimoto is gay, and referenced that in one of my oneshots.
Controversial omission: Arisa Uotani. She says she likes Kureno because he reminds her of Tohru, but she doesn't like Tohru? Yes, she gives me major queer vibes but this to me points to her being straight. Also, based on the way she reacts to her friends developing crushes or falling in love (and the way they react to her falling in love), I don't think there's anything between her and Saki or her and Tohru (as much as I love fics that pair her with Saki!). I also think not every relationship with lots of physical affection and strong feelings of love has to be romantic.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading my queer headcanons! This has been in my drafts for months, so I'm really glad Pride Month gave me a reason to finish this post!
Happy Pride!
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nashdoesstuff · 6 months
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[psst! they have an askblog! click here to see it!]
meet vou! they’re a shattered!dream au which ate their brother’s apple for the good of the multiverse and became the guardian of negativity and positivity.
i made them originally for roleplay purposes, but i think i’ve grown them as a character to the point where i think i can openly speak about them :]
their story starts when dream broke out of stone after their apple incident. they met ink, and the two eventually became friends. they made a few acquaintances and met various friends and foes, but the one that stood out to them was their brother, nightmare. this didn’t seem like the nightmare they knew at one point in time, and they were extremely concerned about how careless he was about their original duties. dream tried and tried to help him work with them to perform the tasks of the negativity guardian, but when the attempts proved to no avail, they ultimately decided to take matters into their own hands.
they snuck into their brother’s castle grounds, where he had been making a farm of new black apples for reasons dream could only guess. after a few guesses as to how they were supposed to take it without turning the apples golden, they strategically picked one and ate it.
the change didn’t come easy to them. they did struggle, but in the end their positive energy leveled the negative energy, causing their SOUL to have a neutral state when at rest. their friend ink was puzzled by the change, but ultimately went with what dream thought was best for them and the world. dream thought of their current name, and changed it to renevou [vou for short], realizing that they weren’t the cheerful kid under the apple tree anymore, and that they were now renewing their brother’s old role, which he had failed to follow.
time passed by, and the both vou and ink grew close and eventually became lovers. they did practically everything together, but then vou’s negativity got the best of them. after a failed mission, they grew so angry that when they and ink returned to the doodle sphere afterwards, he broke out into a destructive spiral, ripping aus apart by tearing down the fragile papers that held them. ink, naturally, hated this and kicked them out, eventually causing them to drift away over time.
vou still regrets this now, even though in their time it happened a few years ago. now, they work alone and made themselves a home in a cottage off in a distant universe. they keep away from making meaningful friendships in fear that they’ll hurt anyone they dare touch.
fun fact time!
they’re english! their entire multiverse is actually based in the united kingdom, so almost everyone’s from there.
they’re a hopeless romantic 💕
they’re genderfluid and use they/he/she pronouns! [they were amab & they’re transfem]
vou isn’t necessarily a dangerously hard-working dream au. they actually surprisingly take care of themselves and take days off a lot. they typically don’t allow people to force them to do work they request, and often tells them they can do it themselves if its something simple, like stocking things or basic chores. what they primarily solve is civil conflict and emotional conflict.
their phases of overwhelming negativity and positivity happen when they’re feeling strong feelings of the respective energies or when their surroundings are strongly of either of them. elevated negativity causes them to be more on edge, aggressive, and snappy, whereas elevated positivity can cause them to be dangerously euphoric, dreamy, and unrealistic. both are damaging to vou, but elevated positivity is more harmful [and can be fatal] as their body has a negative form and can’t handle it for extended periods of time.
they really like dresses and feminine things. sometimes they attend galas for fun just to wear them and see the gowns of others. also just to tick off transphobes they’ll wear dresses to battle and stuff like that xd
sometimes people do get scared by their goop but they usually don’t mean harm— they’re actually really sweet and enjoy talking to people and helping them through their problems if the people they’re helping don’t rudely demand for their assistance.
vou’s alignment is neutral-neutral leaning neutral-good.
they’re super chill and will gladly have a conversation with you over tea.
i’ll have a proper character sheet soon i hope, but for now feel free to ask questions— reblogs are highly appreciated because i want people to know about them <3
thanks for reading if you got this far BAHA
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leonsleftbicep · 5 months
Bake Me Back To Eden
Chapter: I
Ao3 Version
Word Count: 1,375
tags: Bakery AU, Modern Setting AU, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Getting Together, Getting to Know Each Other, Vessel/II/III are dating, IV doesn't know them… yet!, Trans II, Nonbinary Vessel, Genderfluid III, They/Them Pronouns for III, It/Its and They/Them Pronouns for Vessel, Vessel and III are very creature they deserve creature pronouns
Summary: IV runs a bakery called Ivy Sprigs Bakery & Records, The Echo's work along with him. II, III, and Vessel are customers that don't yet know IV. yet! -- this is being cross posted on here and Ao3. alt names that are more "human" are used at times for the vessels, but i try my hardest to keep up with the numerical names for parts that are not being spoken verbally. The echo's or the esparas have made up names as well for i do not know their actual names and don't really want to use their actual names.
the alt names i will be using for each vessel and espara is listed below. please keep in mind that these names are fake and not anyone's actual names.
Vessel: Verna II: lii III: Thea IV: Ivy Espera/Echo 1: Evaline Espera/Echo 2: Erie Espera/Echo 3: Elanor
Ivy Sprig Bakery and Records. A newer place that opened up just a walk away from Vessel’s house. It was II’s idea to check out the bakery, after the couple of times he bought coffee there on his way to work. He thought it was time to show them this cute little hobbit hole of a bakery. 
III was apprehensive about all of this, not knowing if they would like anything. Vessel was just nervous in general. Vess hates going out in public, everyone stares at them because of its height. II might be the only one not nervous, for the main reason that he knew there was a certain person he had a feeling that would change their minds. 
The three of them walking through an alleyway while II led the way. “ii are you gonna kill us or something, this is shady.” III says unnerved by this as they hold Vessel's hand. “where almost there, you know i'm not a big fan of main roads for numerous reasons” II smiles as he walks, taking a turn that leads to the front of Ivy Sprigs. “Here we are” II exclaimed as the two taller beings look at this lovely little bakery, with a dark cottage core almost witchy vibe to it. “I call dibs on the records!” III calls out before they run into the cafe. Both II and Vessel giggle as they hold hands and walk into the bakery. 
they find III already scouring the records for old albums from a band they enjoy. III does squeak and bounce around when they find a limited edition color variant of a record.
“I'll go get coffee, while you watch him” II speaks softly to Vessel as he gets up on his tippy toes just to kiss Vessel's cheek. Which makes the taller blush and hum in agreement. 
II making his way to the cafe/bakery section of the shop, he knew III and Vess would be on their way soon after III found their records. II gets in line and soon feels the presence of his two tall lovers, which calms his paranoia.
III’s jaw drops to the floor all of a sudden. II just chuckles when he feels Vessel also fluster, just by the way they are clutching onto II’s shoulder. “I told you guys I would change your minds” II say with a grin as he also checks out the person they are collectively looking at.
The person in question is a lovely brunette with grays at his temples and widows peak, thin wire oval glasses low on his nose as he smiles and talks to customers. ‘Ivy’ was the name on his apron, which if they all thought right he was the owner. II had met the man a couple of times, though never really had a super meaningful conversation with him. 
“How can i help you lads today?” IV asks as he looks between all three of them. Smiling when he sees II “oh it you Lii!” IV expels like he was surprised. “Its II, i just say Lii for simplicity” II nods, knowing a lot of people find his name odd.
Ivy types out something on his ordering tablet, “i'm guessing the usual black eye” ivy smiles. II hums in confirmation, “and anything those two would like?” IV asks as he gestures to III and Vessel. “They are your partners, right? you mentioned a Vessel or Verna? And some one you called Red?” Ivy asks as he pulls out cups and starts to write down II’s name on it. 
“Black coffee, please” Vessel says with a slight shake to its voice before they just whisper to II what they want. “And a blueberry scone” II adds on, wanting to make sure vessel got all it wanted. “And what's your name sweetheart” IV ask’s vessel so he can write down the name on their cup. Vessel at first flusters at the pet name being used so smoothly. “Vess- no, put down Verna” Vessel says with a soft smile, which makes II squeeze its arm gently in congratulations. 
III smiles when IV turns to ask what they want, “what do you recommend..” III looks at IV’s name tag “..Ivy?” they finish with a smirk. IV just smiles “i fear I- it might be too sweet for you” he tries to flirt back.
II kicks III in the ankle “OW!”. this sight makes IV laugh and snort, which amazes all of them. “goodness. okay, too answer your question Red” IV say with a big grin “my favorites the cafe miel, coffee wise. but tea wise, i usually go with a london fog” IV responds as he plays with his pen “your pick though”.
III leans against the counter as they think, “I'll try the cafe miel” they say “as long as it's, as sweet as you” III purrs. “oh jesus christ” Vessel whispers “this is the same thing they did to me when we first met” Vessel tells II. 
IV just snorts and writes it down “what's your name?” he asks with a soft expression “unless you just want me to write down Red?”. III shakes their head “put down Thea, but you can call me III.. or whatever you want” III chuckles. “III you are horrible at being subtle” II groans and crosses his arms as Vessel rests its chin on his head. 
IV gets pulled away from the cashregister by evaline so she can discuss something with him. III just watches that and then giggles and turns to II and Vessel “i'm not trying to be subtle, i'm trying to get closer” III admits. 
II’s eyes widen “you just met him, Thea!” II yelps. “I feel like that's what you said to yourself when you met me, Lii” III counters, being a smart ass.
Vessel takes a deep breath “ok my loves, can we not get into a tift at the moment. Both of you need coffee, and some food” Vessel says as it takes their partners hands. Both III and II take a deep breath. 
“I'm going to finish ordering, you take III to look at the records. Try and find me something please” II mutters as he pulls away so he can finish the order with Elanor as vessel and III walk off to cool down.
After coffee and some food II and III hold hands as they feel normal now. “Sorry that i was rude” III apologizes. “I accept your apology. But you aren't wrong, there was a reason that Vessel was the one to start dating you first before I did. And it was because I felt it was too soon” II explains, even if this might be odd to discuss in the middle of a bakery. 
IV walks over after finishing up what he needed to with evaline. “Sorry I had to walk away, evidently someone wants an ambrosia salad style cake for their wedding.” IV laughs as he takes off his apron and pulls up his sleeves to expose his forearms. Which the three men gawk at, seeing the ivy tattoos wrap around his wrists and up.
“So can I get you three anything before you head out?” IV asks with a soft expression that makes his eyes look more blue then they were before. 
“Some ivycakes” III blurts out as their face reddens. “I've never heard of that, we do have angel food cake though!” IV responds obviously.
II clears his throat and chimes in, “we are good, we are just about to go purchase those records Thea picked out and then head off home.” II excuses. 
“Well, come back soon. it was great to finally meet your partners, they are very sweet” Ivy says as he makes eye contact with III. which II notices, and so does Vessel by the way it grabs II’s waist and squeezes gently.
After they pay for the records and walk out the bakery, Vessel finally speaks about its experience. “I like Ivy, he has pretty eyes. I wonder if he's single” Vessel smiles as all three of them walk together. 
“The ivycakes thing was about his ass… i asked for a slice of his ass” III explains. 
Both II and Vessel look over at III in surprise.
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Prompt: Sweat
Words: 535
Modern & muggle university AU
The sweat dripped down Sirius's back as they curled closer to Remus, mind racing.
It wasn't that it was hot in the small flat they shared with Peter and James- actually, a blanket was draped over Sirius, who was laid across Remus's lap like a needy cat.
No, it was that, though Remus was quite relaxed, holding his book with one hand and carding through Sirius's hair with the other; Sirius was nervous and contemplative, fidgeting with the blanket and opening and closing their mouth over and over again.
"Rem?" Sirius whispered, finally building up the nerve to speak.
"Hmm?" Remus replied, still immersed in his book.
"Y'know...y'know how you're gay?" Sirius asked softly.
"Yes..." Remus responded, closing his book and looking at Sirius curiously, a bit of humor in his eyes. "Are you...are you nervous I'm not? Because we've spent the better part of the past month snogging, Padfoot, I'd hope you believe I like boys."
It was true- Sirius and Remus had finally kissed one drunken night a month ago, after what felt like decades of sexual tension, and since then, Remus had been surprisingly open about coming out to people.
But that was the problem. Remus was very open about liking boys. And Sirius was becoming more and more certain that they were not a boy.
And after so much time pining after their friend, Sirius didn't want to lose him. But they also didn't think they could stay quiet much longer. It wasn't really in their nature to be quiet about anything.
"What if I'm not a boy?" Sirius asked in barely a whisper, burying their head in the blanket.
There was a shocked pause.
Then, long fingers curled over the blanket and pulled it back over Sirius's head.
"Sirius, what do you mean?" Remus asked.
Sirius noted that he didn't look angry or disappointed. Just...curious?
"Sometimes I feel like a boy..." Sirius explained, clearing their throat nervously. "Sometimes I feel more like a girl...or like...neither? Or both?" They ended this explanation in a question. They still weren't exactly sure how to explain it, if they were honest.
Remus nodded, looking thoughtful.
"I...I met this person, at a bar," Sirius said quickly, on a roll now. "They like to be called 'they' and 'them.' And sometimes they wear skirts and makeup and sometimes they wear...I dunno, pants and t-shirts. I was just thinking, that sounds...that sounds perfect, to be honest. Because...I don't always feel like a boy. But if I'm not a boy, where does that put us?" They asked the last question with a tremor in their voice, fighting back tears.
"I guess...I guess that makes me pansexual, then," Remus shrugged calmly.
Sirius gaped at him. He'd said it like it was so simple. "So...so you still like me?"
"Sirius, I've loved you since I first met you. I don't care what pronouns you use or what you wear, or if you're a boy or not. I've already told you, I'm yours," Remus whispered, eyes sincere.
Sirius sighed, sinking back into him. "I don't deserve you," they muttered.
"You deserve the world," Remus murmured back, kissing their head gently.
Note: This is based off of when I told my wife about the fact that I was questioning my gender. In that moment, neither of us had all of the best words to describe being nonbinary/genderfluid and a lesbian/pansexual, so neither do Remus and Sirius. It's a lot more nuanced, obviously. Enjoy!
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littlesheeneffect · 1 month
She's My Husband! (Part 3)❤️
Miles Maitland x Y/N (AFAB Genderfluid)
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...... Part 2 Continued .....
When the waiter came and told Miles and I that the dining arena was closed, we both nodded but gave uncertain glances about ourselves. Honestly, it was the first odd moment we had with eachother the entire time. Well, since my entrance of course.
'He's probably wondering if he can walk me home', was all I was thinking- knowing he may be a bit reserved, due to my current maleness. Suddenly, he rose from the table, leaving his paper behind, and offered his arm to me with a sweet yet cocky air; "Being you're the man of the family- I shan't say no, if you'd like me to walk home with you."
My jaw just dropped in the hilarious way he spun the question about. Without even thinking, I replied. "Of course you wouldn't dare deny Father, would you darling?!" I spun back in my humorously posh voice, as I softly looped my arm into his warm elbow.
He gave me a twinkling gaze for a moment, our eyes locking longer than either of us intended. Then he tucked his arm down against to his core and we began to head out into the misty starlit night.
My, we really did get distracted! Life held too many wonderful things to talk about, that we actually wandered about the starlit park and lamplight sidewalks of London for hours.
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At long last, I grew a bit sleepy. The comfortable warmth of Miles, the slight sound of automobiles, and the deep gravelly hum of Miles' voice was overwhelmingly entrancing. I unknowingly rested my head against his upper arm and wrapped my free arm about his forearm, making us instantly look like lovers do.
Miles step faultered and he looked down at me. "I'm so sorry dear, you must be exhausted. Silly me- could get us into a scrape babbling on like I do!" I burst into a tired but smitten chuckle, "Oh no Miles, it's not your fault- I love hearing you talk," my heart skipped a beat at this unintened admission, though I quickly continued, "'guess I just don't get good sleep, that's all- I'm almost always tired!" He beamed back, and rubbed the side of my jaw with his thumb near playfully, "Whatever you say love."
Walking a bit further, Miles suddenly gushed, "My goodness, I never got your address to know where we're going!" I rolled my eyes at my ridiculousness once more, and told him the location of my small red brick apartment.
The night had grown very black and chilly by the time we reached it, with the awful yellow light of the gas streetlamps shining all about, casting odd shadows on us.
I stepped up the couple stairs of the door to the apartment and unlocked it with my key, before turning back to the sweet sight of Miles.
He stood in his long white coat twirling the tinted glasses of his in one hand and holding the other safely away in his warm pocket. "I had a wonderful time with you today, Miles Maitland," I smiled, thinking of the long day we shared together. "As did I, y/f/n y/l/n", he beamed, "like I've never had before.... And beleive me- I've had some sparkling evenings!" He winked mischieveiously and we both erupted in laughter again.
Walking back down the couple steps, I grinned at the unusual connection we shared and fate of our meeting.
"I live here," he suddenly handed me a folded paper with a quickly scribbled address on it once I stood before him again. Looking up to meet his searching gaze, he continued, "Y/n.... you can go to it anytime you'd like; sunny day, rainy night and every time in between- my home is yours. Its forever open to you. An, and if you ever need anything y/n, feel free to ring me too."
My heart nearly stopped, and tears threatened to barge on through once more,"Th-Thank you, M-Miles. I, I will." He grinned knowingly, "Good." "An, and feel free to ring me too", I gushed, wiping one of my eyes. "That I will my darling", he smiled and wiped my tears on my other cheek, "Now, you take good care of yourself."
I smirked, "O' yes, Mother," - drawing a naughtyly playful tut-tut from him. He then gave me an enveloping warm and sweet embrace, his arms so soft yet firm about me, as he whispered in my ear, "The keys' under the flowerpot." I laughed softly, as he stepped back and we bid eachother goodnight.
In my cold dark room, as I undid my still damp tie, I watched out my window. My eyes followed in the misty London evening, Miles Maitland- that sweetly flamboyant dear, as he began walking home. A home that I was everlastingly welcome to.
And right there, I knew my life had forever changed.
......... To Be Continued .........
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harmonyfriends · 3 months
On Being Fictional
We decided to take a sort of survey in our system on what being a fictive or a character kinnie means to those of us who are affected by that sort of thing, and we came up with lots of interesting responses! I hope it helps show that there's many diverse relationships one can have with that sort of identity, even within just one system.
Had a lucid dream about being our own fanfic self-insert and it made me realize a fantasy life wasn't a life.
Was in the lucid dream as our own fanfic's other self-insert slash love interest. She told me I was real and I said "uhhhhh, really? I guess?" Well, turns out…
I'm a fictive of a male character who transitioned to female… now I go back and forth, but have a new masc name instead of my deadname. How much my fictional life feels like memories fluctuates a lot with me.
I Dunno I Kinda Just Thought It'd Be Fun And Comfy To Be Me :> ( And I Was Right ! )
Supporting character from the fanfic, supporting character in our brain. I try not to think too hard about it.
I was so fucking pissed off about being here until I realized I could just stay asleep most of the time. My identity confuses me though.
Got hurt bad while roleplaying a lifetime ago and got stuck in her headspace as some kind of trauma response. It feels like I have memories from that world.
I'm just me… I don't know how to describe it any more than that…
I knew I was her from the moment I laid eyes on her. I'm still figuring out what that means, but I don't feel like I ever lived in that world.
I dunno how much I'm her 'cuz I haven't watched the thing I'm from yet! I dunno if I'm even going to, but maybe some day?
we dreamt we had a headmate of a character we had no particular attachment to and for some stupid reason I was still there when we woke up. now I basically only show up when it'd be funny
Whatever I am, I just can't let go of my mental self-image and inner voice being of this character. I'm learning to accept that I am loved for this. Genderfluid now.
I believe a cosmic stroke of luck caused me to reincarnate into this world with my platonic soulmate, after both dying in our source. I'm just grateful for a chance to spend some more time together.
I just asked myself what kind of identity would make me not want to die, and this character is the first thing my brain came up with. I dunno if I'll stay this way forever, but for now, it suits me.
I'm me 'cuz I said so!! >:3
I passively thought about kinning this character for like one second and no one else in here let me live it down!!!
I fell in love with my headmate the moment I saw her… I'm more or less just perma-roleplaying a character that fits as her girlfriend, but that's basically all I do, so if I'm her all the time, I'm her, right?
I'm so grateful that that horrible cartoon where all those terrible things happened to me and my friend was just a bad dream…
I'm here because she needs me.
I'm deeply ashamed of my kin, but the shame renders me unable to escape it. I have an alternate sona I like though. Mostly dormant.
Our forever-unfinished story means I'll be on the precipice between the final chapter and the epilogue for the rest of my life. I don't know why I gained self-awareness of this, but I think I've finally made my peace with it.
Ohohoho~ pay me no mind; I'm just roleplaying, dear.
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alluralater · 18 days
watching akira rn and— listen i know i don’t gender correctly even though i identify as cis. when i was younger, something about the cool retro vintage anime guys with fluffy hair always made me think of me??? like but in a girl way?? like not— ugh i hate how hard it is to think about this. it’s so complex but it ISNT. all my posts about my gender thoughts i’ve been making i usually just delete five minutes later cause idk what to do with them. like??? why do i see some of these guys with fast reflexes and goofy smiles and im like— wow so relatable. it’s so weird??? like not for me i guess but when i try to think about it yeah i guess it is?? is it giving genderfluid?? is it giving androgynous?? is it giving nonbinary?? is it giving gender-neutral?? like i’m serious. someone sent me an ask a long while ago asking how i feel about my gender i think?? i can’t remember. but i was like— i feel very comfortably connected to both my masculinity and femininity at the same time. like truly im so perfectly both of my parents swirled into one person that im like— i don’t know. it’s so hard to explain?? i could probably go on a whole thing and explain it but i still don’t know what i’d even do with all of that info anyways?? like idk one of the reasons i know im a lesbian is because i only had crushes on guys in classic retro anime that i identified with and was like haha ayo that’s ME! and my dad was always like “you’re me in a woman’s body with your mom’s heart and magnetism but with both of our balance for justice and love” and it’s SO true. it’s so true. like??? even just looking at the way i take some of my pics im like. haha. so gender. ???? girl huh??? anyways idk. like i can just identify as a woman i don’t care it’s just frustrating sometimes to be THINKING about it and not really know what to call any of it. genderfucked?? yeah lmfao. like i could still dress and act the exact way i do now, it’s not about my presentation it’s about my THOUGHTS and what they mean/are?? [sigh] it’s whatever
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
do you have any historical romance books that involve the MMC groveling? I do love a good groveling scene, esp when it’s like…literal on-his-knees groveling (though not only when it’s that kind)
Oh yes, def!
When the Earl Met His Match by Stacy Reid. My favorite Stacy Reid, the heroine is pregnant out of wedlock by a man who won't marry her, and her parents want to send her unborn child to a baby farm (very bad) so she basically shows up on the hero's doorstep in Scotland because they've been corresponding (having never met) by letter. He's actually mute, and he agrees to marry her and claim her baby as his own. It's really lovely and hot and he's honestly a great guy, but things happen towards the end that necessitate a grovel and he does an AMAZING one imo. He does get on his knees.
The Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean. I'm not SURE Haven gets on his knees, but he might as well, and he is on his knees on the stepback (which I oooown, can't believe the luck). So the hero cheated on the heroine (it's a revenge thing), and she runs off, only to return on his doorstep in labor with their baby. They lose the baby, and the heroine again flees, only to return two years later wanting a divorce. He agrees to give it to her... on the condition that she helps him find his next wife, which is really a way for him to grovel and try to get her back. It's a book-long grovel.
Her Lovestruck Lord by Scarlett Scott. The hero and heroine have a marriage of convenience that he never intends to do right by; he doesn't consummate it and returns to the arms of his longtime mistress, a married woman. The heroine waits for a year before getting really pissed and going to this masked sex party, determined to cuck and humiliate this husband she's seen like, once. And guess who's also at the masked sex party after being dumped by his mistress? Guess who accidentally deflowers his wife? Guess who starts feeling REAL bad about some shit? It has one thing I don't loooove but I overall found this very enjoyable in an OTT soapy way, and it satisfied my love of the grovel.
Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley. Another "gotta get her back" book. Mac and Isabella got married like, the night they met each other, and had this very passionate marriage that fell apart after a tragedy (also: Mac needs to grow up). She leaves his ass for years, but they stay legally married, and theeeen she comes back to let him know that someone is forging paintings and claiming they're by Mac (who's like, a famous painter). She just wanted to let him know, nothing else! And he becomes determined to get her back. It's SO GOOD. At one point they have oral sex that involves like, breakfast. It's great.
Something Spectacular by Alexis Hall. If you want something different for a historical grovel moment, this is a nb/nb romance. Peggy is genderfluid, and her friend/ex wants Peggy to help her seduce this famous castrato soprano (knowing for being an exceptionally good lay) Orfeo. Orfeo immediately takes an interest in Peggy instead, and they fall in love, but they're both afraid of committing and Orfeo has a Past, and there's this really lovely, fun "hit your knees and beg" moment towards the end that I LOVE.
The Hawk by Monica McCarty. Medieval Scottish romance, the hero is a famous seafarer/pirate type who doesn't take anything seriously; the heroine is a very serious young woman he picks up out of the ocean (and I think? She's on the side of the enemy). They gradually fall in love and fuck on a raft in the middle of a storm, but of course he fucks it up and has to do a BIG gesture at the end. Very classic "man who won't let himself fall in love falls for woman who refuses to admit she's in love with him" book.
The Notorious Lord Knightly by Lorraine Heath. Another book-long grovel/grand gesture. The hero and heroine were engaged years ago, but he left her at the altar. They cross paths again when a scandalous book by an anonymous writer begins circulating, and everyone is like "uh dude this sounds like you" and he's like "it is N--" before reading it and finding her to be like "UMMMMM this is EXACTLY the kind of sexy shit we did together???? What the fuck girl???" She's PISSED lol, and with good reason. He's.... very hot.
A Rogue's Rules for Seduction by Eva Leigh. Another "he left her at the altar" book, but this time they're brought back together by their friends, who trick them into going to the same house party on an ISLAND. He.... does hit his knees. Like. He hits his knees with such dedication and enthusiasm that he actually damages said knees. But he's happy to be there.
Wicked in His Arms by Stacy Reid. Stern hero meets feisty heroine and "dislikes" her immediately; then they impetuously fuck in his closet (she loses her virginity on like... a desk) and she runs down the hall sobbing and he chases after her and they run straight into his mom and sister so BOOM marriage. They develop a real relationship over time, but he fucks up and has to do a bIG gesture.
Untamed by Elizabeth Lowell. Classic medieval (written in the 90s) wherein the hero and heroine are in an arranged marriage after he defeats her father, and he's determined to have an heir. He suspects her of fucking her friend (she didn't) before the marriage, so he kinda acts like an asshole, and then they fall in love, but then he acts like an asshole again, and she gets taken by enemy forces and doesn't even believe he'll want her back and... well. He does. A very. Impactful. Spiel. About what he'll do to get her back. And it is part of a very dramatic grovel.
The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe. Heroine believes she and the hero will marry due to an agreement their fathers made, and he's like "lmao no", so she decides to go wild and heads out to a masked sex part with her BFF. Who is the masked guy she fucks, but her sexy former fiance? They begin a fwb type thing, he fucks up, and commences with a pathetic pitiful delightful grovel that makes him seem like a kicked dog, basically. It's great.
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean. Heroine wants to experience the world as she resigns herself to spinsterhood, enlists local sexy rake to help her. There is much accidental trampling on her heart in the process. He's definitely on his knees on the floor begging her to forgive him at one point.
The Earl Takes All by Lorraine Heath. This one is Gorilla Twins (all hail Gorilla Twins) so uh.... Yeah, Edward has shit to grovel over. And he does, in classic angsty Lorraine Heath fashion. Very few authors do pure angst as well as Lorraine. It is fucking magic.
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limacogo · 9 months
lupin the III relationship headcanons
ok so no one cares but here's what i consider as canon relationships in the lupin verse. this is not just ships,, but mostly.
even if i do like the gang as a polycule, i am very much convinced jigen is gay (sue me) and i mostly think that about goemon too. oh yeah and fujiko's obviously a lesbian. so lupin x fujiko (wait i never realized i do not know their ship name. is it fujipin? lujiko? i actually remember fujilup. i guess ill discover thru the tags.) could kinda work as lupin is genderfluid (TO ME.) so now that this is established.
jiglup are exes. i didn't even watch lupin zero (i should) but i know they were gay in it so yeah. i can definitely see why people ship them, they have chemistry, but still. they are obviously great friends and platonic soulmates. even if they can't be in love, they will always stay by each other's side. the main reason for this is
jigoe. what can i say. they are married and i will not take any criticism.
i don't mind lupgoe as well but like. their relationship is very peculiar to me. i think goemon really values lupin both as a leader and a friend. one cannot exist without the other. as seen in part 5 (one of the last eps, i don't remember which) goemon is lead to think lupin only uses him as a pawn, and this shatters him completely. but at the same time, he finds time to actually be in the gang, even if he's a lone wolf and is often doing his thing, because he respects lupin as a thief.
so. fujiko. she is a mystery. does she love lupin or is she using him? the answer could be both. but i honestly feel as she doesn't really love him, and apart from taking advantage of him, she could just be doing it for fun, or to fill something she's missing. she often looks as she doesn't care about whether he lives or dies. but can lupin really die? so yeah, she still cares about him, in her own way.
fujigoe. apart from my sexuality headcanons and other ships (i can absolutely be a multishipper), i will never see them as a couple. it couldn't work. their relationship is one of pure friendship. they deeply care about each other and are found together even when you wouldn't think you could. if this makes sense. i feel as they're both very protective of the other.
fujigen? also care about each other, even if it doesn't certainly look like it, but i think they pretend to hate each other because that's what they want people to think, INCLUDING themselves. they are like, friends that always insult each other to show affection, pretend to be disgusted by the other and not wanting to touch them, etc.
about zenigata,, i may make another post cause i don't really feel like it rn so yeah. just the gang for now.
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wickedsrest-rp · 5 months
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Name: Sydney “Syd” Herrera Species: Balam Occupation: Campsite manager Age: 26 Years Old Played By: Ci Face Claim: Lizeth Selene
"Well fuck, I guess that cat’s outta the bag. It’s a good thing I can land on my feet."
Tradition carried the Hererra name forward, the spirit that lived within both of her parents’ passing down onto Syd the moment she took her first breath. As she grew older, she was taught the intricacies of what it meant to be a balam, as well as how to care for the spirit that lived within her. They were partners, and if she treated it as such, then they could coexist in peace. It was odd, at first– existing outside of her body and coming to after the first few shifts. As a toddler, she’d never been able to recall how it felt as the jaguar took over. Once she’d gotten older, she remembered it all. It was important to remember, her mother had said, for if she blocked herself from the shift, then surely she was blocking herself from the spirit within her. 
Along with growing beside her spirit, Syd began to learn other things about herself. Between sexuality and gender expression, Syd had long term discussions with those she found who could identify with her, and finally came out as bisexual and genderfluid to her parents when she was seventeen. The process, no matter how terrifying, came to shed light on her relationship with her parents. They were supportive in every way imaginable, and she felt as though if she made the spirit within her proud, then they too, would be proud.
Syd learned quickly– the ins and outs of what it meant to be a balam. What to fear, what not to fear (though, that list was limited). Her parents lived life to the fullest, pouring themselves into everything they loved, including Syd, herself. Though the world could be cruel, Syd had been taught to push past such opinions and find an existence that suited her and the way that she wanted to live. Even if the world could capsize at any moment, there would always be a tomorrow if she went looking for it. And so Syd did just that– looking forward to the next day, allowing herself to live up to her fullest potential. Art, music, theater– these were all things that caught her interest, and her parents supported her, despite the warnings she’d been raised with. 
As they grew older, Syd learned what Wicked’s Rest really was– a cesspool for uncertainty. Between the hunters, witches, and others like them– both in spirit and not, she knew that fear should take hold, but instead, it made her feel more alive. She pushed herself to befriend those like her, learning of other species’ existences, despite her mother’s careful warnings. If Syd were to believe in a life worth living, this was what it looked like– making friends from all ends, existing next to one another without fear. Maybe that part had been a little naive, or maybe she’d been right. Their parents did little to fight her on the company she kept, because as long as she wasn’t hurting them, or herself, then who cared?
Syd would never go on to hurt a living soul. Instead, it was a zombie friend. Unfed, chased down by a hunter. In his last moments of consciousness, he had asked Syd for help. Only problem was, when she got there, the jaguar had other plans. She wasn’t sure what happened, but the foul taste of rotting flesh was stuck between her teeth for weeks afterwards. She waited for her friend to make an appearance, but he never did. They blocked the possibility that it had been her fault, not wanting to succumb to the idea that they did hurt somebody they cared about. 
Time went on, and his absence became far more noticeable to those closer to him. It was deduced later that they had a run in with a hunter, and while Syd knew that was correct, it didn’t tell the whole story. She would go to the grave with what she did, and she refused to look back– or rather, couldn’t, for the sake of her sanity. Things fell back into normalcy for a while, up until her friends decided to go to the abnormality and have a bonfire. She knew it was a bad idea, because anyone with eyes could just tell something was wrong with that place, but upon their insistence and never being able to say no out of fear she’d be missing out on something fun, Syd went with them. 
It would take weeks until the effects of it began to show themselves. While at work, it became harder to focus on the lines she was etching into skin. Their temper began to fluctuate, kind and calm into something that had the jaguar threatening to uncoil. It became harder to ignore, and so she began to see her friends less and less. Nobody else seemed as though their lives had turned upside down. It was only them; unable to hold a conversation, unable to look others in the eye. Their parents were unaware, and Syd would keep it that way. They had a dream of making a trip across both North and South America. Syd couldn’t tell them, because if they did, they would call it off, and the last thing she wanted for them to do was put their dreams on hold for them. 
She bid them farewell with the promise that she would look after not only herself, but their livelihood as well. She put the call in to quit her apprenticeship at the tattoo shop and began spending more and more time with only Xena and Lola for company. Her friends began to wonder where she went, but she couldn’t tell them something was happening to her, because if she did, then it would be real. The question of whether or not it had been the guilt of killing her friend or the abnormality stirred in her mind. Was she really some kind of monster?
Character Facts:
Personality: Spontaneous, alert, enthusiastic, observant, playful, blunt, fickle, impatient, reactionary, unconvincing
Syd’s parents ran a campsite just out of Wicked’s Rest State Park. After they left town, Sydney took over and now lives out of a bright yellow winnebago and manages the campsite. 
Prior to touching the abnormality (and thus disturbing her jaguar), Syd was apprenticing at a tattoo shop. She’s put the dream to rest due to the nature of her jaguar and the fact that it comes out at inopportune times. If you’re a close / trusted friend, she might think about taking you as a personal client. 
She has a pet bearded dragon named Lola whose enclosure takes up most of the winnebago, as well as a leonberger named Xena. 
Loves the outdoors; prefers it to being indoors, and can often be found in a lawn chair outside of her winnebago soaking up the sun, as well as listening to her archaic walkman. When she becomes tense and overwhelmed, music is the only thing that can really settle her down. 
Most of the time when her jaguar pulls one over on her, she finds herself being stuck in trees and having to shimmy her way back down. 
Syd is genderfluid and uses she/they pronouns. 
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my sibling has some very exclusionist opinions and it makes me sad.
i brought up how it's possible to experience gender in the same way a typical woman does, but prefer labels usually associated with a typical man, such as he/him, sir, guy, etc. she said this literally isnt possible because gender labels exist to label gender and you can't go against it. i told them i sometimes go against it, because even when my gender sort of feels more feminine i still hate feminine terms and love masculine ones. she said it's different because i'm genderfluid. i doubt they'd be accepting if i told them i'm actually demifluid/bigender (idk, maybe both), half transmasc half changing.
she also asked "why would someone who identifies as a woman call themself a man?" and got mad when i tried to answer that the person wouldn't indentify as a woman, they'd indentify as a man, just have similar gender to most women.
i also a bit ago tried talking about how mspec gay/lesbian discourse was upsetting me, because everyone should be able to be themselves and if someone doesn't like it, they can just not interact with people who feel mspec fits them, and how people with contradictory labels aren't hurting anyone. they got really upset about it, which surprised me because i thought they would understand?? idk
i wasn't trying to start an argument either time, i was just trying to have a conversation with someone i thought was on my side and would understand me. but i don't think they're safe to talk about these things with anymore :(
oh well i guess
Submitted May 11, 2023
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