#I promise Jin isn’t trash
bangtann-bangdamn · 2 years
Oh wow Yoongi is really trying here. Nice though that yn could be honest with him and that he is so okay with it all. But wow she really isn't over Jin yet. I really thought she was but well it still IS a Jin x yn story xD
I don’t know if I would call it trying. He sees a pretty girl who he thinks was treated poorly. She seems low maintenance and he think he’s got a shot at wooing her - so he’s taking his shot. The only thing stopping them, in his eyes, is this unknown entity that happens to have fathered Ara and he doesn’t see him as a threat because Yn’s not with him and he clearly wanted nothing to do with Ara so Yoongi thinks it’s going to be easy to sway her affection.
And that’s partly why YN tells him. Because she does like him. She’s not sure in what capacity (if you remember from the beginning, she’s quite easily swayed by her emotions and Jin’s not the first guy she’s been infatuated by so she’s being extra cautious from being burned one too many times). Plus add in the fact that she knows they’re friends and she knows that once Jin knows about Ara for definite then things are going to change and she doesn’t want to ruin a friendship along with potentially exploding Jin’s life to be on her conscious. That and she’s not sure how anyone’s going to react. Hoseok could drop her (he was Jin’s agent first after all), Jin and Byul could go for full custody, Yoongi might not want to date his friends ex, her label might drop her because she’s a scandal waiting to happen and… it’s just constant bad thoughts going on in her mind.
Basically YN is a chronic over-thinker and that really gets in the way sometimes and is 100% the reason why she keeps delaying telling Jin.
I also find it really funny how everyone is automatically team Yoongi when this wasn’t a part of the original story line and I added it because I needed there to be more conflict in the story and now even I’m struggling to deal with the fact that this is Jin’s moment to shine and he’s being eclipsed by Yoongi, who is quite literally doing the bare minimum 😂🫣
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singguks · 1 year
city of hearts, ep. 1 ❤️‍🩹 taehyung
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synopsis. having experienced a fateful romance by the beach, taehyung sets out on a quest through seoul's bustling streets to locate the woman who has stolen his heart.
pairing. taehyung x oc
genre. social media auㆍgamedesigner!tae ( angst. fluff. smut. )
word count. 5623
warnings. adulthood romance things cof cof implicit
a/n. i couldn't possibly start another au, but she said the word and so i did. happy birthday to my bestie, whom i'd love to see more often even though we talk every day ☆ thank you for being my person through and through ! this is my love letter to you, miss bubbles ♡
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episodes. 01 ▸ 02 ▸ 03
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▸ E1: True or False?
One day we got curious as to how men and women date in this city. To satisfy our curiosity, we discussed the beginning of a new project, that required us to follow the lives of several men and women in Seoul.
For it to be real, we won’t intervene in their lives. Only when we think it’s necessary, we will share their answers with others, or maybe edit them to make this entertaining—all the while keeping their original words. 
It’s worth telling that fifty individuals around Seoul were chosen for this project. Still, they will all be participating with nicknames to protect their privacy—as we usually do when it comes to the internet. They all had to promise to treat their phones as their friends, as well as the app we developed where we will be posting questions, and telling only the truth. 
But some answers and behaviors made us wonder if they indeed were telling us like it really is.
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[ note that some of their answers will be through text, others, like this one, will be taken as voice notes. all voices undergo a modification due to privacy issues. ]
ılı.lıl taehyung: I’m the cool type… and uhm, gentle. Definitely not clingy. I’m cool. 
ılı.lıl deo: I keep true to myself when I date… and when I break up too. 
ılı.lıl kie: I’d say I fall in and out of love pretty fast. What can I say? I’m passionate. *chuckles* And if I have to break up, I just do it. I won’t dwell much. 
ılı.lıl yoongi: What’s even the point of getting laid? *tsk* It’s a hassle… 
ılı.lıl jin: I’m not one to play games. I don’t like that. I think overall I’m a pretty good guy. 
ılı.lıl harin: Before my current boyfriend, well, I think I dated around uhm… Four men? No, three…? Wait. Let me retake this just once! *laughs* 
So, whether the participants are telling the truth… well, we will let you be the judge of that. 
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boreo 🤔
bluengrey For me, it’s women I can have fun with.
boreo men that I can talk to?
⤷ callmerinie huh? talking isn’t everything
tangerimin A physical connection, people. 
supertuna Are you asking what I think you’re asking?
notmekeys why are you all acting so innocent? kkk
boreo oh- 
tangerimin Why can’t you all say it? It’s just whatever. Just say it. You know, like bang!
⤷ boreo i got it now. 
callmerinie 🤭
callmerinie and cut~!
boreo so if it’s about intimacy..
⤷ notmekeys i think i know just by the smell. you know, it’s all about pheromones
supertuna Doesn’t it depend on the man? At least I think so. 
⤷ callmerinie wow! really? you’re giving yourself too much credit. 😒
bluengrey Uhm.. Usually I take the lead if it’s about that. 
⤷ boreo uh-huh. do you really? 
⤷ bluengrey Ok. Fine. There was this one time that I followed the girl’s lead. 
⤷ bluengrey One time, okay? 
⤷ boreo doubt it
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bluengrey Dating? I don’t think so
⤷ supertuna No. I think it is. 
boreo dating really changed my point of view about that
tangerimin If you guys are putting it that way, I’ve dated many women. I loved it every time. 
⤷ callmerinie aww… and what the girls had to say about this?
⤷ notmekeys about men? well, you know. they are all the same: trash. 
⤷ boreo not all… i mean. there’s someone i know that wasn’t 
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boreo yes. there is someone i can’t forget. 
bluengrey I do. 
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[ note that this request was sent privately to users bluengrey and boreo and we edited the sequence of their answers according to our own motives and the following questioning. ]
ılı.lıl deo: It happened one year ago…
ılı.lıl taehyung: She was the only one I could see. Like I was just gravitating in her orbit… Like we were in a world of our own. I felt complete. 
ılı.lıl deo: I felt this spark every time I would catch him staring at me and then I simply couldn’t look away.
ılı.lıl taehyung: Back then I thought “Wah, this is what love feels like” *chuckles sadly*
ılı.lıl deo: I’ll always remember him. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: If that is really the case… I don’t think someone ends a relationship if they feel that way. 
ılı.lıl deo: It was my fault. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: You know, it was my fault… 
ılı.lıl taehyung: No… It’s true, she messed it up. 
ılı.lıl deo: I won’t make excuses.
ılı.lıl taehyung: I mean… Of all the people… Why me? Why did it have to be me?
ılı.lıl deo: Simply put, we met at a time when I needed someone like him. Thanks to him, I became who I am now... 
ılı.lıl taehyung: I wish I had never met her. *sighs* I was such a fool now that I think back. 
ılı.lıl deo: *smiles* Being around him.. his love was kind of magical...
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august 10th, 2022 
Summer is at its peak and Taehyung has just arrived at Jeju airport. It has been a while since he last had some time to himself due to work, so to say he couldn’t wait for this much-deserving vacation is an understatement. 
He organized everything at the company before he took off for this get-away, from the ongoing projects ideas he had recently pitched in, to the files the design team would need the next fifteen days he was away. And if you know Taehyung, you also know being organized was never his forte. 
The game designer waits absentmindedly with his luggage by his foot, as he takes his beloved camera out of its case to finally point at the structure behind him. This airport isn’t the biggest one he had ever set foot on, he observes, but it is cozy enough and bustling with people everywhere to the point his fingers itch for the metal click of the equipment for a piece of nostalgia he held dear to his heart. 
Just around the corner, Deo hit the brakes of the jeep as she waits for a group of tourists to cross to the other sidewalk while talking to her boss on the phone. 
“It would’ve been much easier if you had just asked him for a selfie or something, Yumi–” 
She hears her boss laugh through the speakers as she looks out of the window. The place is packed to the point she can barely see the pick-up line where the Ubers and Taxis usually park, and a wave of worriedness falls upon her. “Let’s go through with his description once again.” 
“Ok, remember… He’s tall, and the last time he came he had blonde hair but that might not be the case anymore… Mmm, he has a nice shoulder line– Just trust me, his face will be hard to miss. He’s really handsome!”��
The confession has Deo opening a smile. She met Yumi just a couple of weeks back when she arrived in Jeju herself, but the connection was instant. 
For the first three days, she stayed at Yumi’s shack—the colorful hostel by the beach owned by Yumi herself and her long-time fiancé, Namjoon. But then going home became some distant reality she wasn’t ready to face, so kindly she was offered a position at the beach stay. And now, here she is, doing her first task out of the premises and the vigilante eyes of her playful bosses. 
Although she loved the couple who hired her, even if it had been just a mere seventeen days, and she considered them as family, nothing made Deo as uncomfortable as not knowing what she was dealing with. Driving to the airport clueless as to whom she should be picking up wasn’t her cup of tea and the uneasiness she felt was visible as she sighed longly while turning off the call. 
The stop sign goes green again, and with a bold strike of encouragement, she straightens her back, holds the steering wheel with conviction, and begins a cheerful pep talk to herself. 
“You can do this.” She mumbles, hawkeyes scanning the people as her car slowly passes by. “How hard can it be… He’s tall and–” 
The words quickly lose their sound in her mouth. Standing ten feet ahead, a man attracts glances from everyone passing by as he checks the visor in his camera absentmindedly. 
Mentally, Deo starts crossing every characteristic being given by Yumi as she keeps looking at him through the safety of the Jeep’s tainted window. The only thing that doesn’t match is that this handsome man isn’t blonde but a brunette. His chocolate locks look ridiculously soft blowing in the light breeze. 
Inhaling resolved, she parks right next to him, rolling her window down.  
“Hi there! Would you perhaps be the Kim Taehyung from Seoul I’m looking for?” 
Upon hearing his name, Taehyung looks up at her. The girl doesn’t wait for his answer, she jumps out of the vehicle that he can notice is much bigger than herself. “You must be here to pick me up… Right?” 
Deo smiles at him confirming with a nod before opening the big trunk of the Jeep. Instead of introducing herself right away as expected, Taehyung watches as she reaches for his luggage, her knitted eyebrows denouncing how heavy it must be. 
“I– I can do that–” He tries, but she swiftly evades his reach. 
“It’s no problem! Really.”
He watches a bit flustered as she tries to dismiss her effort with a laid-back energy as if it was something she did all the time—to arrange heavy stuff in trunks and whatever not. 
Picking both his duffel bags to help while she is still pushing his suitcase inside the trunk, he is able to take two steps before she takes notice and grabs them from his hands. “Leave that to me! You can wait inside, really. Go ahead!” Deo waves her hand and he starts to walk toward the passenger seat uncertain of how to behave, but decides to take her lead for the time being. 
“Seatbealt!” She says as soon as she occupies the driver's seat and he is quick to follow the instruction. 
“So… Where is Namjoon?” 
Deo reaches for the rearview mirror, casually checking something in her eye before adjusting it back to its position. “Oh, he had to give today’s surf lessons and Yumi was kind of busy with tonight’s gathering so… But you’ll see him soon enough!”
“Ah, I see” 
“He’ll be waiting for us by the beach, don’t worry.” And the bubbly smile she gives him before starting the car and driving them away is enough to shut down his inquiry and haze him in his thoughts. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: What kind of women I’m compatible with? *smiles* Looking back… I’m drawn to the ones that are strange to me at first *chuckles* I think they’re a good pair for me. 
Driving down the lush tapestry of Jeju island, Deo takes the wheel as the jeep’s interior is illuminated by the soft glow of the sun. Melodic notes intertwine with the afternoon’s warm atmosphere as music envelops them. Deo’s fingers tap the steering wheel, and her voice, a gentle hum, dances in harmony with the rhythm. Taehyung, sitting beside her, steals occasional glances, captivated by her carefree demeanor. The playful sway of her copper strands in the wind and the joy evident on her face, as the waves crash on the coast, make the moment feel like a private dance between them.
ılı.lıl taehyung: Have you ever met someone and felt like they were this huge… Question mark? 
ılı.lıl taehyung: Like– “What is she like? She looks fun” *chuckles reminiscent* And you can’t stop having these questions and curiosities… You just want to know more and more. 
As if sensing the perfect moment, a familiar melody begins to play through the car’s speakers. Deo’s eyes lit up with recognition, a grin forming on her lips. Officially Missing You by Tamia had been remade by Basstracks as a summer tune, and it had quickly become one of her favorites at the moment; a song that resonated with the essence of Jeju and its travelers. 
With an impulsive burst of excitement, Deo cranks up the volume, allowing the music to envelop the jeep. The infectious beat cascades around them, harmonizing with the engine's rhythm roaring wildly in the wind. Her hands tap the steering wheel more enthusiastically than before, her foot keeping time with the pedals as the melody ignites her senses. 
And then, as if the music had started a fire within her, she begins to sing. Her voice, rich and passionate, hits Taehyung’s ears in a wonderful and alluring way. Every note she sings seems to carry the energy of the sun-drenched afternoon, a celebration of life and the freedom of the open road. 
Taehyung was initially taken aback by the sudden fervor. He watches in silent amazement as she transforms from a steady driver into a vivacious performer. Her eyes sparkle with delight, and her voice carries an unadulterated joy that is impossible to ignore. 
For a moment, he is rendered speechless, caught in the captivating spell of her uninhibited enthusiasm even though he knows the lyrics by heart himself. But as the chorus approaches, Deo’s voice soars higher, and turning to him with an unmistakable twinkle in her eye, she opens the windows further, allowing the world outside to merge with the music. 
“You know this song–?” As she asks and the chorus reaches its crescendo, she extends her arm toward him, pretending her hand is a microphone. The invitation hangs between them, and he hesitates for a moment. “C’mon! Sing with me–” Shyness lingered, but her spirited performance is too magnetic to resist. 
Taking a deep breath, he leans closer to the imaginary tool and timidly joins in, his voice intertwining with hers. Taehyung sings softly, still caught in the spell of her contagious energy. His eyes remain fixed on her while she loses herself to the music.
At that moment, as Deo sings with all her heart, his own swells with a profound fondness for the stranger sitting by his side. He realizes that this is a glimpse into her unfiltered soul—one that seems to revel in the simple joys of life, that seems to embrace every moment with unbridled passion. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: That’s how I fell for her… You see, I’m attracted to intense women. 
⤷ tangerimin It is fun to follow their lead kekeke so… Same here. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: There is a lot more to it– Like being bubbly… Oh, and she was also pretty feisty! Yeah, *smiles* that’s what she was like. She had just the right amount of feistiness.
When the music fades out and is replaced by the radio host’s voice instead, Deo turns down the volume still in a cheerful spirit. She takes a peak at the passenger seat only to notice Taehyung’s eyes are already on her. Visibly disconcerted, he gives her a small smile before looking over at his window instead, and she takes the opportunity to know more about him. 
“You will like it there,” she starts bubbly and he returns his gaze to her side profile. It is endearing how close to the steering wheel her seat is to compensate for her small stature.  
“I think so too… The last time I came it was such a healing experience– And well, I’ve been wanting to rent a trailer ever since I was younger.” 
“Oh, you’ll love it then!” He watches how her eyes part from the road ahead and instead fall on his side of the car, momentarily pointing with her index finger still on the wheel to the beach extension that passes by them. “It must be lovely to drive along the coasts… Picking these beautiful spots to just– Chill. I have a list of them if you want!” 
Taehyung leans his head on the window, a nostalgic wave hits his lips as the lines of it curve upward and he watches the sea crashing at the shore. It’s like a vivid picture of his childhood right in front of him. 
“That would be great if I had the license to drive the camper around… Maybe next time?” 
“You’re staying over a month and you won’t even change spots?! Now that we can’t do, hon.” 
He looks back at her startled by the casualty she treats everything. And not in a bad way; she didn’t peg him as this overbearing nosy person who didn’t have boundaries, but as someone that seemed carefree and loose. A different version of himself that he had to let go of many moons ago to fit the immense gray box that was societal norms and ordinary conviviality. 
Feeling a bit tempted to just enjoy the moment he decides then to let go of the filters. “That’s the only thing to do, hon, I don’t have the license.” He jokes, chuckling at her reaction when hearing the nickname. “What? You started it.” 
“My bad! Yumi was so invested in this whole casual speech thing ever since I started my part-time job there that now I just can’t come out of it. Something about making the guests feel at home and all that…” 
“Sounds like Yumi!” 
“But back to you. I was thinking… If there was a way to get you a license, would you want it? To live the full experience of a camper, that is…?” 
Taehyung frowns thinking as he looks to the calm waves again, but there isn’t much thinking to do. He would love the freedom of parking the vehicle throughout the whole extension of Jeju. “Sure…” He ponders. Being the type to imagine and discuss things, he was more than ready to give her all the reasons why that would be great for his next stay. “To park it whe–” 
“Great! So let’s do it!” 
It is the last thing he hears before she makes an abrupt U-turn in the middle of the calm road, and he has to flatten one hand on the window and the other on the panel of the Jeep to hold for his life. 
His heart only stops beating at an alarming speed once she hits the brakes and he is able to open the door to exit the vehicle. Still confused as to what is happening, the picture gets clear as she opens her arms excitedly in front of what he realizes to be a driving school.
“Ta-da! Your problems will be solved in exactly two days!” Deo exclaims, and Taehyung is pretty certain that his face is contorting in the most clueless way. He notices how a sudden strike of worriedness flashes on her toffee irises, however. “If you manage to pass the test of course…” 
ılı.lıl taehyung: I should have known she was crazy by then… But in all honesty… That’s what made her fun in the first place. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: And that makes me crazy too *laughs* You know, it’s those kinds of things you only realize later… Much later. Like realizing you’ve been conned only after being conned by someone *sighs*
⤷ supertuna Wow … I have just now realized how some people can be so blind 
ılı.lıl taehyung: And now whenever I see a camper trailer… I think of her.
They only get out of the driving school when he goes through with all the paperwork necessary to go and take the test the next day as Deo had insisted. She not only pushed him into a 3x4 photo machine situated on the long corridor of the building, but also cut the picture she thought to be the best, and helped him fill the application. 
Taehyung keeps replaying the whole shenanigan in his head as he takes his surfboard out of the roof of the jeep parked by his temporary home—a camper trailer by the beach. Last year, Namjoon had called him excitedly sharing the news that his girlfriend and he had bought a cozy place in Jeju and had renovated it to be a chill hostel for surfers and passersby. Of course, Taehyung stopped by to visit as soon as he was able to take some days off, but at the time, since all trailers were already rented, he stayed on the main structure. 
Not that it was bad, far from it. He enjoyed every second; from the late-night gatherings to the lounge festivities, and the amazing lunchtime Yumi was keen on making into a later-on karaoke session or game quest. There was no dull time within the colorful facilities, and it was always kept so casual that it made Taehyung feel very much at home. 
But he had the trailer experience written down on his bucket list ever since he could remember. And so this time around, he was sure to seize the opportunity and make that old promise come true. 
His thoughts wander away as he finishes sticking his board in the warm sand. Playing by the emerald shore, Deo runs laughing as she is chased by two dogs. His right hand comes to his eye line to shield it from the sun as he is incapable of moving on with his life, seeing her throw a stick only to have the bigger dog chasing it and the little one look at her unamused. It’s like he could be here all day to witness this particular scene, unconscious and unbothered by what surrounds them. 
And that is indeed what happens. 
“Hey, you, Mr. cloud9–” Namjoon calls for his attention for the second time. “You didn’t listen to a thing I said, did you?” 
“I was telling you to close the canvas of it at night because of the wind– Are you even hearing a thing?” But as he follows his friend's line of sight he knows he isn’t. Letting go of his own obligations for the time being, he stands beside Taehyung, crossing his arms and admiring his dogs running as the waves serve as background music to his ears. It’s peaceful. It’s his piece of peace on earth. 
“She shines, doesn’t she?” 
Namjoon peaks at his friend before looking ahead once more, with a fond smile finding his features. “She does… She has been our recent source of joy. Yumi and I laugh so much because of her lately.” 
“Yeah, she seems fun,” Taehyung muses with a chuckle of his own still enamored by the scene displayed in front of him. Deo falls to the soft sand in laughter and both dogs come flying toward her. 
“Poor girl… She was dumped here by some surfer. Could you believe that?” 
There is a sorrowful pause and Taehyung is suddenly snapped out of his trance, indignity brimming in his eyes as his friend shakes his head clearly saddened by the situation. 
Returning his view to the girl ahead, he adds, “What kind of jerk would do that? She seems so bubbly and… Caring–” 
“You want to take her to Seoul?” Namjoon interrupts and he almost gasps. 
“Take her?!”
“Yeah, take her. I mean, I think she would be happy with you there…” 
“You think she would like to come with me?” Taehyung’s fingers tingle with the possibility, even if he himself doubts it a little. 
“Sure! We just have to give her one last shot and she’s good to go! The vet–”
“Wait. What? What are you talking about?” 
Namjoon stares at him suddenly confused, and then back at the beach again. As Deo hops by, calling for both Monnie and Tan, his eyebrows soften in understanding. 
“Oh… It’s not Monnie, is it?” He muses playfully. “You’re talking about Yewon… I see,” 
“Yewon…” Taehyung mumbles her name to himself. “So her name is Yewon, huh…”
But the impish nudges he receives on his side snap him out of his thoughts and let him know that Namjoon won’t be letting go of this confession so soon. 
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In the cozy beachside hostel, the evening breeze whispers through open windows, carrying with it the laughter of tenants. With a lighthearted step, Deo finds herself in the pantry where Namjoon is absorbed in a way to easy recipe for lounge snacks. Fishing his phone out of her jeans, a small smile plays on her lips as she extends the device toward him. 
“Here you go, boss,” she remarks, her voice playful as she not only returns his phone but also substitutes the sugar jar in his hand with the salt and pepper. 
Namjoon glances up, chuckling at his clumsiness. “We were almost in trouble there. You’re a lifesaver.” 
As he takes the phone from the table filled with condiments, he can’t help but tease, “You should probably get one of your own, don’t you think?” 
“Eh. It’s just a hassle really… I only use it to talk to our guests.” 
Leaving him to his impromptu cooking, she strolls out to the porch, where the new visitors are gathering. The atmosphere is lively, with conversations and newfound curiosity filling the air. Deo effortlessly mingles, chatting with familiar faces and welcoming newcomers that pass by the beach. 
Among the crowd, she notices Taehyung engrossed in a ping pong game, as she takes some beers to a group playing Jenga. His infectious laughter captivates everyone around him and she can’t help but smile at the view. Her gaze lingers, catching his eye for a fleeting second. 
She points with her head to the group around him, wearing a playful smile on her lips, and lifting her thumb up to measure how he is doing tonight she waits for his response. Immediately he raises his own finger positively, his smile opening wider at her caring gesture to check on him. 
Suddenly, the lights flicker and go out, causing momentary confusion and their brief interaction to cease. Murmurs and laughter rise as the guests fumble in the dark. Deo is the only one chuckling expectant as she knows what is to come. 
Then, not ten seconds later, Yumi’s voice pierce the darkness through a megaphone. “Ladies and gents, it’s game time!” 
The announcement is met with cheers and applause, and the porch transforms into a playground of excitement. Deo herself feels the rush of anticipation buzz down to the tip of her fingers as the group prepares for a surprise game under the stars, even though she replays the script made by her and Yumi earlier on in her mind.
The last time Taehyung stayed here, he arrived so tired from a late-night flight that he wasn’t able to participate in the welcoming game he knew Yumi organized every month, and he regretted it for the whole week he rented a room. This night was all every guest he met by the beach was able to talk about, and now he was ready to find why. 
As some fairy lights and a big screen illuminate the space, Deo watches the handsome newcomer’s silhouette amid the glow. His grin was unmistakable as he raised a red cup, ready to dive open-heartedly into whatever it was that the hosts had prepared.
Supposedly, every time Yumi and Namjoon did this for the new guests to ambient themselves and feel more comfortable around everyone else, they prepared a scavenge hunt inside and outside of the hostel's bounds. But this week everything had gone to space and changes had to be made at the last minute. 
Between losing a long-time employee and having to train Deo on the spot, as well as managing the surf lessons and running the business, the couple had little to no time to arrange the things needed for the anticipated scavenge hunt. So this month, Deo pitched in with a rather easy game to orchestrate and that would still promote the mingling of the visitors—Simon Says. 
“And… Start!” Yumi exclaimed as she pressed the button to start the presentation on the projection screen. 
Big crimson red letters appear giving instructions and the crowd thrillingly follows. “Simon says: make a group with four girls and three guys” it reads at first and everyone fumbles their way to find open spots. Deo herself is forced to join as two guests she had come to know, pull her to their side. The thrill of the game intertwined with the salt-kissed wind made her feel some sense of belonging that she had never really expected. 
“Three guys, three girls!”
In the throes of the chaos of the match, it was inevitable however how Taehyung’s gaze followed the sound of Deo’s laughter. Even if their eyes meet in brief moments, and even if it was in the middle of an ongoing competition, a silent connection seemed to pull them to each other like gravity. 
As the game reaches its apex, the tension in the air is palpable. The players’ laughter overlaps with the sound of Yumi’s megaphone, creating a symphony of fun. They aren’t completely strangers now. There is a spontaneous connection formed between them all, just like the hosts had intended it to. 
“One guy, one girl! Quick!”, Yumi reads the screen through the megaphone overexcited, and the remaining participants eye each other in confusion while the rest of the crowd laughs entertained. “Oh–” 
Taehyung steals a glance at his two partners, both male, and they all chuckle amused, not really knowing how to proceed. 
“I think I messed up when writing this– Wait.” Yumi confesses to the crowd sheepishly, starting to move toward the laptop to try and fix the mistake. 
But then Taehyung feels like someone is watching him through his peripheral, and when he turns his head, it’s her. Deo stands two feet away from him, close to Yumi, watching joyfully, and he suddenly knows what to do. Or better, his heart does. 
With two quick steps, he reaches for her hand, pulling her gently to his side and attracting everyone else’s attention to their figures, Yumi’s included. In the midst of the applause and collective cheer, Deo’s mute inquiry reaches his eyes. 
The porch begins to transform into a realm of unity and exhilaration, being lit by the moonlight and the shared spirit of the guests, but not that any of the two notice, as the girl is too enchanted by her last-minute partner’s orbs. Taehyung's big brown eyes pierce hers with certainty and a flash of curiosity that is almost childlike. 
A shared smile floats between them as her sight falls to his lips, a silent acknowledgment of the joy of the evening and perhaps the butterflies that flutter rapidly in their stomachs.
The lights had gone out, but the bonds forming under the starry August sky seemed to shine even brighter. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: When you look into a girl’s eyes you can tell if she’s compatible with you or not. I can see who she is through it… And in that moment I felt it. I knew that she and I would be compatible. 
“We have our winner for tonight!” Yumi exclaims through the megaphone as they keep staring into each other’s eyes, “Congrats!” 
Amidst the fading echoes of the beachside game’s conclusion, jubilant cheers resound from the open porch of the hostel. The sun had retreated long before the gathering had started, ceding its reign to a canvas of twilight hues, but now fireworks burst into existence, painting the sky with a kaleidoscope of colors. 
The couple, different from the majority of the crowd who excitedly run towards the shores, stands hand in hand still. A silent connection stronger than the clamor. With each explosion, Taehyung’s gaze shifts from the spectacle to Deo, seeing in her eyes a breezeful wonder that makes him rendered. Yet, it’s not just the pyrotechnics that leave him breathless. As he watches her, a quiet realization dawns—his heart races to a rhythm he hadn’t known before. It’s more than just curiosity. At that moment, amid the splendor of the fireworks and the tranquil beauty of the night, Taehyung recognizes the gentle tug of love. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: I liked everything about her… The way she looked at things and the way she smelled. How she had two funky single braids done in her loose strands and the clothes she threw together without much effort making an all-together beachy look. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: Everything about her seemed perfect to me. I just… I really liked her.
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supertuna Maybe it’s because I’ve been dating for so long… But I find dating stories uhm… Kind of funny now keke 
callmerinie “And it was at that moment that the fireworks went off…” 🤭🤭 
tangerimin You bet they heard bells, too. I heard it was explosions of fireworks 😏
⤷ notmekeys i’m too drnk to answee this
supertuna I think everyone feels like their own love life is special like in a movie or something
notmekeys it’s a beautiful story tho
⤷ notmekeys there waas a guy who found a butiful woman on a trip and and the night they met fireworkss went off peww pew!
⤷ notmekeys their eyes met bang !! theirr hearts too
bluengrey But those things can happen all at once… At least I think so. 
boreo well… if the woman is insanely pretty that’s possible. don’t you think?
⤷ tangerimin That’s exactly when you have to realize it’s just too good to be true, don’t you think? 
supertuna Let’s say you wake up from that dream, then what happens if you don’t get together?
⤷ callmerinie then you die alone
⤷ notmekeys no. no no. i’m not alone. 
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bluengrey Hmm
bluengrey I would still fall for her..
boreo if i met him again… i’d fall in love again
bluengrey Yes, I think I would.
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NEXT EPISODE ▸ ❤️‍🩹— singguks | all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Fight for You (06) | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: bodyguard!jk x heiress!reader; angst, smut (18+)
Chapter Warnings (series warnings in the masterlist!): sad koo and sad oc ☹️; alcohol consumption, slightly jealous jk, explicit sexual content (making out, dirty talk, breast play, begging, oral (m & f), fingering, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex [but please be safe!]) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 12.5k
Series Summary: Working at a private security agency has its perks. The downside? Being the personal bodyguard of spoiled, rich heiresses like you. But there are things that Jungkook didn’t expect, like rejecting you, falling for you, and realizing what he’d been missing all along.
A/N: Hi! Still on a little break! 😊 Really amazed by and appreciate your feedback and messages; sorry I can’t get to each one. I’m a little nervous about this one but hope you like it! And huge thanks to Ash @jimilter for this wonderful banner! 💞 If I missed tagging you, please let me know!
Listen to: Without You by Busted, King of My Heart by Taylor Swift
Series Masterlist || Previous | Next
The blinds in Jungkook’s living room aren't as thick as the ones in his bedroom. Light seeps in then he immediately wakes up. But he doesn’t mind; he hasn’t minded the past few days that he’s been sleeping on the floor mattress, the one he’d slept on with you. 
Your fading scent brings back the memory of you being next to him that night; the untouched rice cakes remind him of the next afternoon’s kisses; and your air dried sweater and the torn photo of him and Soo-ah in the trash are what tell him how badly he screwed up.
Things haven’t been good with her for years. He realized too late that keeping her memory and keeping on with the agreement to go back was a desperate attempt for him to hold on to the only good things about his childhood, to try to prove himself to the first person he loved, to keep a promise he made because that had been the only thing he’d known, that he had going for him.
He tried to preserve the idea of Soo-ah when they were younger in his mind - fearless, thoughtful, strong, a dreamer. 
But people change. He did, so did she. So did the love he once thought would be enough. He stopped being enough for her; time and distance do that. Or maybe he just never was. 
He thought maybe she would call - which she never did - but he never expected her to come. Through his digging, he found out that the man she was with is moving away and isn’t taking her with him. 
But it doesn’t matter now. She showed up. And now you’re gone.
He’d never known pain like this. Not even bleeding out in an alley in your arms would rival. Because now, he’s fully awake while his heart continues to throb at the thought of losing you, and his mind continues to bring him back to that day when he watched you cry in front of him, and he’d been too paralyzed to do anything. 
Jungkook stares at the ceiling. He feels everything and nothing of you at the same time. And it hurts like hell.
“So let me run this down for you. You get shot trying to protect ___, she visits everyday to take care of you, you hook up, then your ex-girlfriend who's also your supposed future wife shows up asking when you’re gonna come back to her. In front of ___. And you do nothing?” Jin states. “Geez, Kook. Way to woo the ladies.”
Jungkook hits his friend with a boxing glove.
“Oh, let’s not forget how you rejected ___ while you were her bodyguard because you didn’t like her.”
“Thanks, Jin. I feel very comforted,” Jungkook scowls.
“Oh, is that what you were aiming for? To feel comforted? Because I’m not entirely sure how to do that.”
“Ughhh,” Jungkook growls, throwing the glove on the floor out of frustration, which he also couldn’t use after his friend barred him from doing anything strenuous in the gym. “I’m an idiot and I don’t deserve good things in this world.”
The sight of Jungkook with his knees to his chest, head buried in his arms and tears starting to form in his eyes is a painful one for Jin. It took years for the younger man to even open up about his childhood and his reason for leaving home to try his luck in the big city. 
Jungkook scared people because he was afraid of them, always quiet and observant and barely smiled, but Jin had been the only other lucky one to see his friend for who he really is - unwavering, strong-minded, caring, and had always yearned for a deep sense of love that he never experienced growing up. 
The other person who’s seen this is Soo-ah, but clearly, her idea of Jungkook changed as time passed and frankly - with the childhood she was deprived of - Jin can’t completely fault her either.
“Kook, you out of all the people I know deserve good things in this world. You’ve worked so hard and gone through too much for you not to claim them. You’re a great man and you’re my brother and I hate seeing you like this,” he softens.
Jungkook remains rooted on the gym floor, eyes far away.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t being a good friend. I’ll figure out how to comfort you and—“
“She told me that too, you know? ___ told me that I’m a great man. You’ve known me for over a decade and she’s known me for barely a year and she saw those parts of me,” Jungkook trembles. “Even before that night in the alley she just… always cared, always asked how I’m feeling, how my day was, what things make me happy…”
Jungkook releases a heavy sigh. “People don’t just go on caring for other people if they don’t think there’s something worthy to care about.”
“___ always did have a soft spot for you,” Jin smiles.
“And now I don’t deserve any of that. She’s incapable of feeling hate but I want to be that person she feels it for. But I also don’t because I just want to see her and hold her and tell her I’m sorry.”
“I’m guessing she hasn’t been reaching out?”
Jungkook shakes his head. “She doesn’t answer any of my texts or calls. I went to the orphanage because I know she goes there to feel better but they said she hasn’t visited. I feel so pathetic that I’ve gone to her usual spots, hoping I’d catch a glimpse of her but I come up empty.”
“Wow, you’ve got it bad, huh?”
“I just want her to know that I never intended on hurting her. That I meant everything I said that day. That I didn’t use her.”
“What about Soo-ah?”
“I told her off, told her that she stopped caring and she shouldn’t expect that I still would. I’m breaking my promise and she can’t do anything about it. She’s not… she’s not the one I want to be with. Not anymore.”
“At least that solves one of your problems. You should give ___ some time. But don’t also wait too long to apologize, not like the last time.”
Jungkook nods and is alerted to a message. “It’s my first day back tomorrow. And I’m going to see her.”
Over a month away and the Lee estate already feels unfamiliar to Jungkook. When he was assigned to Mr. Lee, he had to roam the grounds everyday for a week and study the blueprints. Now, each room almost feels foreign and he knows he has to make up for all the lost time so he could be in his best condition again.
The day goes by uneventfully. Mr. Han just wanted Jungkook to be reacquainted with his surroundings and be briefed on the coming weeks, not wanting to overwork one of his most skilled men on his first day back. 
If anything, Jungkook is just preparing himself for when he’ll see you, being told that there will be a family dinner and that Mr. and Mrs. Lee want to personally thank him for what he did.
He enters the dining hall as instructed and spots you immediately, clad in a black dress -  not your usual light color, yet looking as beautiful as he remembers. You’re focused on sipping the wine as Mr. Lee acknowledges his presence.
“Here he is. It’s wonderful to see you back and hear you’ve recovered well, Jungkook.”
“Truly,” Mrs. Lee says. “We can’t imagine what would’ve happened if you weren’t there to protect our daughter. Thank you.”
Jungkook bows in appreciation, thanking them for ensuring he’s given the utmost care and assistance during the course of his recovery.
“Oh, that’s nothing, Jungkook. We just went by Mr. Han’s and ___’s recommendations. In fact, our daughter here suggested giving you a monetary reward for your courageous act and we agree,” your father says. “Things like that should be rewarded.”
“With all due respect, Sir. Your family has given me so much already, beyond what was necessary. I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.” He turns to you, eyes begging you to turn to him. “And I did what I had to do. Ms. Lee was in danger and I—“
“But I insist, Mr. Jeon,” you interject, the formality in your tone and words cutting him like a knife. 
You look in his direction but not at him, your smile the rehearsed and insincere one he’s seen you give others countless times. 
“I was being careless that night and if you hadn’t shown up, I probably would’ve been hurt or died. You did your best to protect me and got hurt in the process,” you continue, tone practiced and detached. “Please accept it. It may be of big help to you once you move on from this assignment.”
You briefly meet his eyes, wanting him to feel the coldness of your words. 
“Well, I hope he doesn’t move on from this assignment just yet,” your father laughs. “I quite like Jungkook.”
You let out a displeased hum that thankfully isn’t heard by your parents.
Jungkook bows and accepts, knowing that his defiance won’t do him any good. “Thank you very much.”
“I also asked you here because you’ll be part of my wife’s security team leaving for Japan next week,” your father says. 
“I was going to have you with me when I go to Europe with ___ but she said that a long-haul flight might not be a good idea for you as you’ve just recovered and I think she’s right. I know it’s a given but I’ve personally asked each member of the team. Jungkook, please ensure my wife’s safety at all times.”
Jungkook glances at you looking indifferent. He could be seeing you but you found a way so he wouldn’t. It’s clear that right now, you want nothing to do with him and he doesn’t know what to do.
“You can count on me, Sir. I’ll do what I must to make sure that Mrs. Lee is well-protected.”
“Good, thank you Jungkook. Namjoon will brief you on the trip. You are excused.”
Shortly after Jungkook leaves, you slip away, taking your time in the powder room to stop yourself from crying.
In what feels unfamiliar, there’s a face that brings Jungkook some comfort.
“Mr. Sim!” He greets, approaching the man who’s taking his coffee at the staff common area. “It’s nice to see you again.”
He doesn’t miss the tinge of sadness in the older man’s face this time. The smile isn’t the usual tender one, and this causes a pang on Jungkook’s chest.
“Hi, Jungkook. It’s good to see you’re back at work. I’m glad you’ve recovered.”
“Me, too. It’s nice to finally be out.”
Mr. Sim merely hums and it’s the uncomfortable silence with the gentlest man that Jungkook’s ever met that the reality of his relationship with you hits him again.
“How… uh, how is she?” 
The older man sighs, a battle forming in his head of how he wants to approach this. It’s not like him, but his heart hurts for you.
“Honestly, Jungkook, I’ve never seen her cry so much since her parents missed her 13th birthday,” Mr. Sim says, the pain in his voice unmissable. “Not even the kids at the orphanage or her best friends can make her feel better.”
Much as Jungkook wants to walk to the dining hall where you are and beg you to listen to him, he knows he can’t, and the thought of you crying again revives his anger towards himself.
“I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt her,” he croaks.
“I know, Jungkook, that’s why Mrs. Hwang and I also find this difficult,” he sighs again. “We want to tell ___ to just forget you and move on but… You've come to mean so much to her.”
Jungkook wants to say that you’ve come to mean so much to him, too, more than he expected, but another voice calls out his name. This one is pointed, a little more bitter.
“Namjoon,” he turns around to greet the man with furrowed brows.
“That’s Mr. Kim for you,” he corrects.
Jungkook apologizes and follows to the room with the rest of the security team that will join Mrs. Lee. After instructions on logistics and other plans are given, he tails Namjoon out to the courtyard.
“Did ___ really go against me joining her father’s security team for Europe?” Jungkook asks. 
“She didn’t go against it, Jungkook. She suggested it and Mr. Han and I agreed. Mrs. Lee will be staying in one resort in Japan but Mr. Lee has a busier schedule,” Namjoon explains. “You just got back and we need to ease you in slowly.”
“Do you think you could—“
“No, I don’t think I could, Jungkook,” Namjoon huffs. “Look, she’s upset and she doesn’t want to be around you. Respect that, at least, if you can’t respect her for anything else.”
Jungkook peers at Namjoon with a defeated look on his face. “I just want to apologize and tell her everything.”
“Well, I can’t do anything if she doesn’t want to hear from you. Whatever it is that happened, it hurt her. You may have saved her life but she’s the one in pain now.”
At that, Jungkook has no words.
“Namjoon,” you say from several feet away. 
Jungkook looks at you, desperate for any bit of you he can have, but you’re turned towards the door, away from him.
“I’d like to go home now.” And with that, you walk out the door, and Jungkook is rooted in place just like the last time.
Jungkook didn’t know what else to do. You’ve been so near yet so far the past few days - at your parents’ house, during one of the meetings he escorted your father to, even at the office cafeteria. But you never look his way and he knows you won’t want him to make a scene, which is why he’s standing here, at the music store, his last resort.
Hoseok is cross armed with furrowed eyebrows and Jungkook has never seen him this angry, while Yoongi, well, is expressing the most emotion he has in months.
“This is a fucking expensive piece but I’ll smash it on your face if I have to,” the blond-haired man threatens as he holds a guitar over his head. “I’m not scared of you, even with your bulky arms and eight-pack abs. We’ll take you on.”
“You’re free to do whatever you want, I deserve it,” Jungkook sighs. “Just help me talk to her, please.”
There’s a beat of silence before Hoseok speaks. “What really happened, Jungkook?” 
“Well, I…” Jungkook stammers.
“What happened?” Yoongi now drags the words. “What made her so upset that she can’t bring herself to talk about it?”
So Jungkook tells them, leaving out some of the details but sharing the most important things - that it’s just been you and no one else, that he cares about you and wants to be able to tell you that he’s sorry.
Your friends are a lot more willing to listen. They hear the desperation in his voice and see that he just needs someone to hear him out and tell him what to do because for the first time, he doesn’t know. He’s unable to assess, process, and act. You’re all he can think about but he can’t figure out how else he can get to you.
Hoseok and Yoongi don’t say much, the latter not letting go of the guitar until Jungkook’s out the door. They’ll talk to you, they say, see if you want to listen. But they can’t promise anything. 
You’re leaving for Europe in 2 days and you’ll be away for 2 weeks - that’s enough time for you to think about talking to him. 
“I’m sorry,” Hoseok says as they stand by the door. 
“I’m not,” Yoongi says. “I still want to hit you but my best effort might not even make a dent so I won’t waste this precious guitar but…” He eyes his friend, as he slightly gives in. 
“She’s like this because she cares about you. She’s had guys put her through shit but she gets over it in a day and moves on but you…”
“She’s been putting a brave face on since you rejected her that night at her house and well,” Hoseok continues, “this one’s a pretty hard hit so it’ll take her a while.”
Jungkook sighs as if in resignation, knowing that he doesn’t have a choice but to listen to your friends. 
But as he walks out the door and down the steps of the music store, he spots you in front, still clad in your indigo dress from earlier, the same smile that’s not genuine fading all at once.
You consider yourself almost a master at holding your emotions, at least in front of others - something you haven’t been unable to unlearn in all the years that you’ve been told to always smile and to never raise your voice and to always look pleasant and to never look weak even if you feel the exact opposite.
You gain respect that way, your parents said, something that your sensitive nature found challenging to comply with but that your need for approval allowed you to do.
You smile and take hits then hide to let it all out. But for the past week, the latter is all you do. You carry out your functions as necessary, keeping to yourself in your office then going home immediately - meals out are cancelled and attendance to parties are withdrawn. 
Not even spending time with the kids at the orphanage or being with your best friends can make you feel better. The joy they give isn’t enough for now when it used to be. You’re unable to force a smile in front of the children because you feel like a sham, and you can’t bring yourself to be with Hoseok and Yoongi because you feel so ashamed.
There’s pain and humiliation and the rotten feeling of being used, of just being someone’s temporary relief, something you sadly know all too well. You unraveled in front of Jungkook, bared your fears and your vulnerabilities and your weaknesses to him. You let yourself believe his words, let yourself think that there’s more to you than what people assume, that you were wanted for all of you. 
But he promised himself to someone else, long before you came into the picture. He had a life before you, you remind yourself, and he’ll have one after you - after this assignment, after earning enough, after proving his father wrong. 
And the fact that for a moment you thought that you could be part of his world, that he wanted you as much, breaks your heart. 
It’s hard to be around him. You feel like every time you are, you feel like crying, especially when he’s trying to get you to look at him, the guilty look on his face making you want to give in but you know you won’t be able to handle what he’ll say - whatever it is. 
That photo of him and the woman is imprinted in your mind. His nickname, that familiarity, the future she talked about… They’re overwhelming as they constantly play out in your head. 
And so seeing him here, at the music store - your safe place with the people you’ve missed - tears you inside. 
You’re left with no choice but to look at him - a face you want out of your head but one you’re desperate to see. He says your name, his pleading voice tempting and heartbreaking at the same time. You want to speak but nothing comes out, afraid that you’ll break down if you do.
So you turn around and head for the car door but Jungkook overtakes you and stands in front of it, eyes begging you to look at him again but you don’t. 
“Soo-ah isn’t my girlfriend. Not anymore,” he frantically starts, aiming to let everything out with the small window he’s given. 
“You know me, I had nothing. I couldn’t give her anything. I came to Seoul to earn and be better than my dad but also so I could give her the life she always wanted. We haven’t been together in years. I was supposed to go back to her after I’ve saved up, that was the plan. But—“
“I’m not part of your plan so I don’t see why this concerns me,” you respond coldly.
“It does, because you are why it changed. I don’t wanna be with her, ___. You’re the first person to make me feel like—“
“You’re just guilty, Jungkook.” You turn to him and let your defenses falter a little. “It happens. I would be. I mean, you made me believe that you felt something when you didn’t. Because you kept this all from me and just stood there like it was nothing, like I was nothing.”
“Don’t say that didn’t mean anything,” he insists.
“What, so now it does?”
“That was real. I felt it; I know you did, too.”
“It was one time. It won’t happen again,” you sigh in resignation. “I’m tired, Jungkook. I’m tired of feeling this way. I can’t…” You tremble. “Let’s just forget it ever happened.”
“No, ___. I can’t do that. I don’t want to,” he claims.
“It’s for the best, Jungkook. It’s easier this way,” you say, as you move past him to open the door with your hand on the handle, but his voice stops you again.
“If it is then why can’t I stop thinking about you? About that night? That day? Why do I keep imagining how you looked and felt so close to me? Why do I keep wondering how you’re doing? If you’re sheltered from the rain. If you’re getting enough rest. If you had a nightmare again and if you had someone to hold you when you were scared.” 
You hear his voice crack.
“If this is for the best then why does it hurt this much? Why do I want you this much?”
They’re the words you’ve been wanting to hear from him because they’re what you want to tell him. You miss him. You want him. But you can’t get yourself to say them because you’re hurting too much. So you lie.
“It’s the best for me. I think I deserve that.” Then you enter the car and shut the door.
“___, please,” Jungkook begs, the tears in his eyes a foreign feeling. “You have to believe me.”
Namjoon, who’d been standing at the side and heard what just transpired, walks over to Jungkook. 
“Hey, hey,” he says with a kind of pained softness in his voice. “She’s hurt. You know she’s been hurt too many times. Just give her some time, okay?”
From inside the car, you can make out Jungkook’s quivering lips as Namjoon talks to him, your current bodyguard patting your former bodyguard seemingly out of comfort. 
With sullen eyes and a clenched jaw, there's a kind of resignation on Jungkook’s face you’ve never seen before, and suddenly, this pains you even more. 
Mrs. Hwang folds your last piece of clothing and neatly lays it on your stuffed luggage bag, one of three that you’ll be bringing to your 2-week trip to Europe. 
It was initially 1 week - a business conference in London, fashion week in Milan, and a wedding in Tuscany. But the morning after you ran out of Jungkook’s apartment, you impulsively planned a trip to Sardinia to extend your stay to try to have a peace of mind, knowing that the clear blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea will give you that.
“I’ll have Namjoon and Mr. Sim load these in the car,” Mrs. Hwang smiles, then heads out the door, leaving you with your two best friends, with Hoseok hugging you from behind.
“We’re sorry we can’t go with you,” he pouts. “But I think you need time for yourself, you know? You’ve gone through so much and being on your own for a while will be good.”
“It might, I guess,” you respond.
“It will,” Yoongi assures. “So do us a favor and relax there, alright? Just block out all the negative thoughts and focus on what makes you happy - whatever or whoever that may be.”
“He’s gonna miss you so much and will call you everyday while you’re away,” Hoseok laughs, referring to your other friend. 
“I know! Do you think he’ll cry?” You tease, earning you a scowl from Yoongi.
It’s been a running joke between you and Hoseok that Yoongi, despite being the less affectionate best friend, is actually the more emotional one. He cried everyday for a week when you left for London to study, you’ve been told, but he never confirmed it. 
“Are you sure it’s me and not you?” He counters.
“I’ve used up all my tears, Yoongs. I’ve got nothing left,” you sigh. “But it doesn’t matter. I’ll just enjoy Italy and guilt trip you both for bailing out on me.”
“We promise we’ll join you next time, anywhere you want. I’ll even leave the hotel room for you,” he cracks a smile.
“There we go,” you giggle. “Now come here and give me a hug.”
Yoongi complies and joins the sandwich hug, something you get your best friends to do for you because like they always say, you’re their baby, their little warrior princess.
The first week flies by pretty past. In between your work duties, you engage in some retail therapy the way you always do when you’re upset. You splurge on food and wine as you catch up with friends you made during grad school, and even got to sneak in a Broadway show. 
You’re left pretty tired by the end of it, but you don’t mind, knowing that a week in this Sardinian paradise will get your energy levels recharged and take your mind off how your heart breaks a little for each day you’re missing Jungkook and wondering how he is.
It’s the middle of the week and you've just gone back from your third wine tour of the trip and you’re lazing by the beach, enjoying the cool breeze.
“Hey, ___. Your mother’s on the phone,” Namjoon disrupts your little bubble of drunken peace.
He stands next to your lounge chair as you meet your mother on video call, a rare occurrence, as she barely ever checks in, especially when you’re on vacation. You wonder what she needs from you when you’re all the way here.
“Hi, ___. How’s Europe so far?” She asks. “Anything interesting that happened?”
You’re used to her shallow questioning to get things going so you run with it, saying you had a yacht tour and that you’re going to attend cooking classes tomorrow afternoon. 
“Oh, that’s great! I was on the phone with your father and he says he’s very jealous of you, wishing we could take a vacation and relax by the beach, too.”
“Well, you and he can always take them, mother,” you laugh. “You’re literally rich.” 
You’re surprised she laughs and you know it’s not the fake one. 
“I suppose we are. Maybe at the end of this year.”
You hum. “So… Anything interesting happening there?”
And it’s as if the floodgates have opened and your mother takes a good 20 minutes straight talking about the ball she attended last night animatedly and not without the judgment and subtle jabs at some of the guests there. She’s about to go on about something when someone stops her and enters the room she’s in. 
“Yes, Jungkook?” Your mother asks.
You’re caught off guard by Jungkook’s presence in the room and you’re hit with a wave of sadness at his voice, one you’ve been without for 2 weeks but which keeps ringing in your head regardless.
“The package you asked me to retrieve is here. I’ve inspected it and it is all good,” he says.
“Okay, that’s great,” your mother says as you look anywhere but the screen. “Mrs. Park should be here anytime soon so just let me know when she’s arrived.”
“Yes, ma’am. Here are some documents the office sent earlier. They are requesting your signatures on them.”
You see your mother lay her phone on the table as she goes over the files and signs them, all the while unaware of how much you want this call to end right now.
“But anyway, ___. I called because the Kwons approached me and asked about you,” she continues and you swear you hear Jungkook clear his throat. “Their son, Hyuk, just got back after taking his MBA in London, same as where you studied and they’re hoping you two could meet.”
In the silence, you could hear the pen gliding through the paper and Jungkook’s low hums whenever your mother asks where else to sign as she goes on with her story. 
“I told your father about it since we’ve all been wary ever since the incident and he advised to ask you first, that it’s your decision should you want to meet with him. Of course, they’re a wonderful family and you and Hyuk went to primary school together, do you remember?”
“Yes I do, mother,” you respond. “Do you think I should meet him?”
“He’s at the age where his parents are looking for prospects for him for marriage so I would assume he’d want to get to know you for that, so the choice is yours.”
You feel the tension thicken even if you’re thousands of miles away from where she is, knowing that the man who hasn’t left your mind is in the room.
“Sure, mother. I can meet with him when I get back to Seoul,” you respond, and right away, you hear Jungkook excuse himself.
“I shall just be outside, Mrs. Lee. Please let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Jungkook,” your mother smiles. “And ___, that’s great. I’ll let them know when I see them again later.”
“Okay,” you mumble, and the call ends.
You can’t help the heaviness of what you’re feeling and you don’t miss the way your heart breaks even more.
“It’s just 8PM,” Namjoon states. “And you’re already on your second glass.”
“And I can have a couple more,” you smile, sipping the wine. “While you, mister, have to keep up.”
“One is enough, thank you,” he chuckles. “I’m on the clock this whole trip, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“Pshhh. Party pooper,” you accuse. 
“Why are you still even drinking? You said you wanted to have a chill night so we could make it to the early morning trek tomorrow.”
You’re just about to say that plans change when he follows it up.
“You miss him, don’t you?”
You frown and Namjoon cocks his eyebrow in return.
“Hey, I told you those things in confidence,” you poke his arm, reminding him about your drunken disclosure of what really went down between you and Jungkook during yesterday’s wine tour. 
“You don’t get to analyze me and assume, okay?” You pout.
“___, I swear I could hear your heartbeat drop when you heard his voice earlier. Don’t think I didn’t see the way you froze and started to panic. And meet with that Kwon guy?” Namjoon scoffs. “Please. You used to see him in your school and tell me you hated his guts. Don’t think I didn’t sense you trying to make my guy Jungkook jealous.”
You gasp in shock. 
“Okay. First of all, I didn’t panic. Secondly, I can get petty, too. So what? And thirdly, your guy? You literally would throw him dagger looks every time we encountered him.”
“Look, he made you cry and anyone who makes you cry isn’t good in my book. But honestly,” Namjoon’s face softens. “He asks about you every time he sees me at your parents’ house or in the office. And after hearing his little speech outside the music store - which I didn’t mean to overhear but you know I had to be on guard - I just think that takes a lot of guts to do, especially for someone who’s trained not to be emotional.”
You feel dizzy and you blame it on the wine that you swear is kicking in just now. 
“Look, I’m always gonna be on your side, but I can also tell when you’re angry, hurt, and sad. And trust me when I say this, ___. I’ve seen you go through those first two emotions already and this past week has been different.”
The crash of the waves captures your attention. Being here has given you clarity and that’s exactly why you came. You see and feel and think about Jungkook everywhere, no matter how hard you try not to.
“It’s okay to feel hurt and upset, but it’s also okay to miss him and admit you want him, too,” Namjoon continues. “That doesn’t make you weak, ___. That makes you human.”
It’s been a month since that day - the first and last time Jungkook touched you, that you had a taste of him, that you felt like he wanted you. 
You miss him, you can admit that much, but you’re also still hurting. You admit that’s also on you - you chose not to spare him your time, chose not to listen; you’d still been upset when he explained his side.
You knew at one point that you’re gonna have to see him after your little excursion and maybe talk to him but you didn’t think it would be so soon. 
Days after you got back from Italy, you had dinner with your parents at a restaurant and unsurprisingly, Jungkook still tried to get your attention.
“How was dinner with Hyuk, ___?” Your mother asked. 
You merely shrugged. “Fine. But he’s not my type.”
From the corner of your eyes, you saw Jungkook sigh; you could only hope it’s out of relief.
“Well, not marrying is always an option. You can always try IVF or something,” your father said casually, as if he hadn’t been adamant since you reached puberty that you should have a husband and children by the time you turn 28. 
It’s quite disheartening, you thought then, how it took an incident that put you in harm’s way and its aftermath to make your parents realize that people would use you to get access to your family’s wealth for their own selfish desires, something you’d pointed out countless of times before. But you’ll take what you can get and as long as they’re no longer pushing obnoxious, ignorant men to you, you’re fine.
Your father proceeded to request for you to head to Jeju in the coming days to attend an affiliate's birthday celebration on his behalf and to meet with Mr. Ahn, and that had you almost choking on your wine.
“Mr. Ahn - you mean, Mrs. Wong’s cousin?” You clarified. “Why?”
“He wants us to invest in this e-commerce platform. Listen to his proposal then let me know what you think.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, unbelieving that your father was letting you represent him in this way and to a man. But you weren’t dreaming; it was true. Though he insisted that he and the Vice President just really didn’t have time to head there and that your mother just wanted to rest, it still meant a great deal. 
You’d been in shock, much so when your father continued.
“I’ll be heading to New York then and will be taking Namjoon with me as my interpreter, so I’m assigning Jungkook to accompany you to Jeju.”
You felt your heart stop and you made the mistake of looking at Jungkook who tried to hold your gaze. 
Your father went on with his instructions and you zoned out, thinking of how the next few days would be, unsure if you’re ready, if you’ll be able to keep your emotions in check, if you’ll be able to hold yourself back. Or if you even want to. 
That brief moment when you looked at Jungkook, he had hope in his eyes. You wondered if he caught the hope in yours, too.
Jungkook had mentioned your expressive eyes. You’d never had anyone - more like a lover - admire you for them. By now, you know that he’ll be trying to catch your attention or read you through them, so you decided to put on your darkest shade of sunglasses to hide the way you’d glance at him when he's looking or to stare at him when he isn’t. 
You’ve almost forgotten how good he looks, especially with his casual clothes on. Clad in black pants and grey long sleeves, he looks so comforting, like you just want to hug him to rid yourself of the almost paralyzing nervousness you’re feeling, as you prepare for the lunch meeting with Mr. Ahn. 
You’re sitting outside the Starbucks you usually lounge in at the airport - documents in hand while trying to subtly glance at Jungkook ordering at the counter. You hear him approaching so you focus on the papers and try to act indifferent when he stands across from you and pushes the tray towards you.
Passionfruit juice and a salmon croissant. 
You’re about to protest that you need coffee but your shaking hands remind you that he’ll insist that the caffeine will just make you more nervous. You take the drink and ignore him until he sits in front of you and your heart drops. 
You’re not ready for this; you’re still too anxious about the meeting. He can’t be distracting you by looking so unfairly handsome, knowing he’s also trying to get your attention.
You grip the napkin you’re holding to indicate you’re put off when he speaks.
“Guy on my 3:00 has been looking at you since you walked in. Can’t take any chances.”
You clear your throat and nod, careful not to make the mistake of looking at him. 
“You’ll do well, I know it,” he says softly. 
It’s so simple yet it calms you down as it always does. You hate that you’re so easy like this when you’re usually able to keep it together. You’re so weak for this man and you know it’ll only take so little until your defenses break down and you give in.
But then his phone rings and you catch the tense look on his face when he sees who’s on the other line. He stands some feet away but being in this quieter part of the airport, you can make out what he says.
“Why are you still calling? Look, I…” He sighs, looking away. “Fine, I’ll see when I’m free, but that’s the last time.”
The memory of that day flashes in your head and suddenly you can’t breathe.
You gather your things and stand up. 
He calls your name.
“I’ll just be in the comfort room,” you say blankly, then you walk away.
Jungkook can’t help the smile on his face as he watches you from the other table of the hotel restaurant where you’re having your meeting.
You have on the smile that he hasn’t seen in so long, the one he’s missed badly. Even from where he is, he can make out your soft laughter and the tenderness of your voice. 
The meeting seems to be going well. You look relaxed, you’re very engaged, and Mr. Ahn seems to be surprised and impressed at the same time. Jungkook knows how important this is for you, and despite everything, he’s happy he gets to witness you like this. 
The meeting ends with an agreement to meet again, and you put your shades back on as you enter the car, the silence deafening like it was earlier, especially in the morning on the way to the airport, with Mr. Sim trying his best to manage the awkwardness. 
You proceed to get ready for the birthday celebration and head downstairs, unaware of how you’re causing Jungkook’s heart to race all the way to the venue. 
You arrive at the party and socialize as you should, engaging every person who approaches you in small talk. 
From a short distance away, Jungkook admires you. Try as he might to focus on assessing the area, it’s just difficult for him, what with you in a floral printed backless dress taking his breath away. With a messy bun, sparkling jewelry, and that sweet smile, you’re beauty personified and he wants nothing more than to kiss you right now.
Though you’re here for business and as much as you want to focus on mingling with the guests, you also can’t help but admire Jungkook from afar, his white polo under his slick black jacket and now shortened hair doing things to you. 
You’re still quite a mess and the champagne is making you a little petty and you know that Jimin, your last resort date to events like this, has noticed.
He cocks an eyebrow at you. “Are you trying to make your bodyguard jealous?”
“What? Of course not,” you scoff, as you tighten your grip around his arm. “Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know, ___. Why would you?” Jimin chuckles. “I mean, you’ve never been this affectionate with me and we’ve been each other’s dates to these things for how many years now? You’re never this interested. Plus,” he smirks, “you keep looking at him. I mean, so do Mr. Bom’s staff but I guess that’s normal. Jungkook’s always been one of the handsome ones.”
“One of?” You question incredulously. “He’s literally the only one—“
Jimin laughs. “I’m just kidding. No need to be defensive.”
“I’m just…” 
You’re just what? You don’t even know. You recall the things he said to you before you left, wanting badly to believe him, but with the phone call he had with Soo-ah that you overheard this morning, you don’t know what to think again. 
“Never mind,” you shake your head, unsure how to express yourself.
You decide to retreat early and have Jimin call Jungkook over.
“I want to go home. Jimin and I are going to the park in the morning.”
“We are?” Jimin eyes you then Jungkook, feeling the tension that he's not used to. “Oh, yes we are.”
“Jimin, when I said take me anywhere, I didn’t mean take me to Loveland,” you scowl at your friend as you pass by the sculpture of a woman riding a giant penis. “You could’ve taken me to the botanical gardens and that would’ve been better.”
“And where’s the fun in that?” He laughs. “Come on, we haven’t been here since we were 18!” 
He takes your hand and drags you around the park, and you’re suddenly hyper aware of the eroticism of this place, causing you to feel warmth in the pit of your belly. 
“Yeah, so? Nothing here has changed,” you state. 
“But we have,” he smirks. “Plus, I think it’s working. Look at him!”
And you try not to but you’re curious so you do, and you’re unsure if you’re glad that you did. Jungkook’s face goes from angry with furrowed brows to a pout then a tinge of uneasiness, all in a cycle. 
You hear him clear his throat as you stand by a sculpture of a female giving a male a blowjob and you convince Jimin to leave before you lose yourself to the images in your head of you and Jungkook doing all these things. 
You proceed for lunch to the newly-opened hotel that both your fathers asked you to visit on their behalf. 
“Wow, that’s wild,” is all Jimin says after you give the lowdown of your current situation. “It’s not the worst out there but, wow. Okay.”
“Well, that’s encouraging.”
“I mean, I’m secretly dating my brother’s ex-girlfriend, whom he was arranged to marry until he backed out because he’s in love with our sister’s best friend who was supposed to marry someone else.”
You feel bad but you laugh until he laughs along. “I think you guys are why my parents don’t mind that they only have one child.”
“True, but then again, I’m not the one head over heels for the person hired to protect my family,” Jimin shrugs. 
You sigh and quickly glance at Jungkook eating his meal on the other table, looking bothered and displeased.
“I’ve been pushing him away but I miss him and now he’s here and I don’t know, I kind of want him to try again, I guess. Just so I know if he still wants me or something.”
“What’s the difference between then and now?” Jimin questions.
“Maybe I won’t be so stubborn anymore,” you admit.
“Well, let’s get him to try again.”
You look at your friend curiously.
“Do you wanna swim in your house?”
Jungkook never minded the heat. He trained for long hours under the sun and stood outdoors while on duty and it never bothered him. But right now, he hates it.
Not only did he have to witness Jimin lather sunscreen on your back some minutes ago, but now, Jungkook has to act unbothered as he sees you sweating, your red swimsuit-clad body glistening and he has to look away before his mind falls down a rabbit hole of fantasies. 
You’re making use of the entire outdoor space but the pool, at least for now - you go from lounging on the daybed, to slouching over the railing to look out into the ocean, to sitting on the pool’s ledge as you enjoy a cocktail. And he doesn’t miss the seductive way you do them all.
You look like you’re worry-free but Jungkook knows you haven’t been, and it’s all his fault. 
You tried to look unaffected outside the music store those weeks ago; you tried to sound calm when your mother video called you when you were in Italy, and you tried to keep it together when you overheard his call with Soo-ah yesterday. 
He’d wanted to hug you so badly but he wasn’t sure how you’d receive him - he didn’t want to force himself on you and he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, so he held himself back, to give you time, as what everyone said. 
But from last night to right now, he doesn’t know what to do again. 
With no pressure for you to marry some wealthy, stuck-up guy, he thinks that just gives you more freedom to choose anyone you want, the one you know won’t hurt you, and Jungkook can only surmise that to be Park Jimin - someone close to your family who’s nice, capable, and respects you, at least from what Jungkook’s gathered in all the times he accompanied you with said man as your date.
And that’s exactly what it seems - from last night’s party to this morning and to right now, so Jungkook looks away. He blocks out your dulcet laughter and bated breaths because of the heat. He tries not to imagine how good you’d look, sweating and panting as you squirm underneath him. And as he stands by the glass doors, keeping his focus on anything but you, he wishes you don’t see the desire and longing in his eyes, especially when you emerge from your quick swim in the pool, your entire body soaked and shining under the sun.
You come into view, as you wipe yourself dry. Your eyes turn towards him but he’s turned away, unable to look at you without wanting to devour you right here and tell you how much he wants you.
“Jeon,” you call out, and he tries to decipher the look on your face. There’s frustration, unease, and yearning, he convinces himself.
“Jimin and I will order food and have dinner in the TV room.”
“Yes, Ms. Lee,” Jungkook replies, his eyes flitting between you and Jimin, the latter having an amused smile on his face.
“Don’t disturb us.”
You stare at the ceiling and pout, as if that could do anything to satisfy your thirst. You’d forgotten to bring water with you to your room and you’re too scared to head to the kitchen by yourself. And it’s all Jimin’s fault. 
He got bored with the drama you were watching and took to showing you short scary films on YouTube instead and now, you can’t unsee them. You kicked him out of the house right after, with him teasing you relentlessly, and you ran to your room to watch Aquamarine so you could get those disturbing images out of your head.
That was hours ago but you’re still creeped out, and you’re too stubborn to ask your bodyguard next door to accompany you, who might also be asleep and probably tired. But you also know he’d do it if you asked, and you’d feel bad because you didn’t care earlier if you made him feel uncomfortable, and you know you did. 
You’ve been petty and holding yourself back so you suck it up and head to the kitchen, trying to silently run down the stairs and grab a glass of water as fast as you can. 
But in your haste, you accidentally knock over your father’s golf bag that’s by the wall, the sound of titanium clubs hitting the marble floor, rattling you a bit. You quickly pull it up and run towards the kitchen cabinet. Right as you open it, you hear someone shout.
“Hands up! Don’t you dare move!”
You’d know that voice from anywhere.
You turn around and are about to tell Jungkook that it’s just you, but you’re startled to find him in nothing but black sweatpants, holding a gun.
“Fuck, shit. I’m so sorry,” he panics, locking the firearm and placing it on the shelf. “I heard some noise and thought someone was breaking in. Are you okay? Did I scare you?”
You shake your head in response and turn to the side, trying hard not to be flustered as he walks near you in all his half-naked glory but it’s really no use. Even when you’re not looking, you can still see him. 
You mentally drooled over this body the first time you saw it when you dressed his wound, imagined running your fingers all over it countless times, got incredibly wet when you felt it shiver under you as you rode him, and now it’s here again, and you could only hope you don’t give yourself away too quickly.
“Is everything alright? I thought you’re asleep.” 
His voice is soft, making your defenses break down completely.
“I was but then I woke up and I was really thirsty.”
“Did you have a nightmare again?” He asks worriedly.
“No, just… Jimin and I watched some scary videos and I was just a bit creeped out.”
His concerned face turns tense. He walks past you to grab a glass and pours water in. He hands it to you and watches you drink, until he lets out another curse and faces you.
“You’re bleeding.”
“I… What?” You try to feel it on your face until your hand lands by the side of your head and you feel the blood start to pool and feel a bit of a sting.
“Oh, probably from the edge of the—“
Jungkook pulls you towards the kitchen counter, underneath the overhead light, and takes out the first-aid kit from one of the drawers.
He faces you, unaware of how much he’s affecting you being so close like this, as his honey skin illuminates under the lights and his muscles flex with his every move. 
Patting a water-soaked cotton pad on your head, he blows to ease the sting and you feel everything still. His breath is warm and his eyes are so captivating like this. He’s so focused and worried - over a scratch - and you want nothing more than to tell him you’re sorry and kiss him stupid.
He dabs some ointment then briefly looks at you. “You and Jimin a thing now?”
You’re caught off guard with the slight bitterness in his voice. “Why do you care?” You murmur.
“Because I wish it was me, ___.”
You let his honesty sink in.
“No, we're not dating. He’s seeing someone,” you admit.
He breathes a sigh of relief then cocks his eyebrow. “So, were you trying to make me jealous, then?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does. Because it worked.”
He holds your gaze and his look softens, imploring you to give in just as he’s about to. 
He covers your wound with adhesive tape and tells you he’ll dress it again tomorrow.
“It’s nothing, Jeon. It’s not part of your job to tend to a scratch,” you say bitterly.
“Well, it wasn’t my job to kiss you, but I did it anyway.” His voice is low but there’s tenderness in it, giving way for his confession. 
“It’s not my job to like you but I do anyway. And it’s definitely not my job to want you as much as I do but here I am, ___. And I want you so bad.”
You look away, your heart beating out of your chest as you process his words.
“Why?” Your voice is small, unsure.
He cups your cheek with his hand, the way he did before, and turns you to face him. 
“Because you make me feel safe, ___. You make me feel like it’s okay to feel things, to want things. And you’re the first person to make me feel that way.” 
He caresses your skin and your lips tremble. “I haven’t stopped thinking about all those weeks we spent together, how you felt sleeping next to me, and how it felt to kiss and touch you and I knew I wanted to do it again and again and again.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me about her?” You frown.
“Because it’s not easy to talk about her. Because she reminds me of what I don’t have, of what I’m not. But being with you… You make me feel more, and that’s all that matters.
His hands move to take yours in his.
“I didn’t expect her to come. She and I haven’t talked in months. ___, I’d never do that to you.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t hear you out and that I kept avoiding you,” you mumble. “I was just so upset. It reminded me of that time at a party when—”
“I know, ___,” he admits, seeing as he never confirmed that he saw what happened with your ex those months ago. “That’s why I was angry at myself. I’d never use you, and I hate that’s how I made you feel.”
Whatever pain remains eases as each second passes, with Jungkook holding you like this, and you feel the tension dissipate along with it.
“Sorry I blocked your Europe trip,” you pout.
This causes him to laugh, a sound you also miss. “It’s okay. I knew it was still fresh then. But it was actually interesting to hear your mother make subtle jabs at people while they just smiled.”
You laugh this time. “My mother is something, that’s for sure.”
“I think she kinda likes me though,” he smiles. “But I’m glad you had time for yourself,” he says, tucking your hair behind your ear. “See any mermaids?”
“Almost,” you grin. “I missed you though,” you admit. 
He’s been baring himself to you and you need to let him know you feel just as much. “I thought about you everyday, always wondering how you were doing, if your wound was okay, if you were eating well, if my mother was driving you crazy and she clearly was.”
You both chuckle.
“It was hard not being around you, even if I was angry and upset. But I overheard you talk to Soo-ah so—“
“So I could return whatever is left of her with me and tell her one last time that it’s over, okay? I’m not going back there. I found something here that’s worth more than a promise I made when I was 18.”
You feel your cheeks warm and your heart beat out of your chest. “Didn’t realize you’re such a sap, Jeon,” you tease. “But I like this version of you.”
“Yeah? Maybe I’m secretly a romantic. You like that?” He smirks and you nod. 
“I’m sorry. Again. So let me make it up to you, okay? I learned a new instant ramen recipe and—“
You cock an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
“You’re in nothing but pajama pants with no underwear on and you’re talking about making it up to me with food?” You sound incredulous and absolutely adorable, Jungkook thinks. 
“I’m just saying that— hey, how do you know I'm not wearing underwear?”
“Because you don’t wear them. I helped you wash your clothes for weeks and I never saw one.”
“It would’ve been weird if I let you wash them, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, but still. That one time I felt it a little too much and my suspicions grew.” You bite your lip at the memory. “And I would very much like to confirm them.”
“Oh, is that so?” He smirks, ecstatic about the return of your flirtiness. 
You nod, not caring anymore about how much you’ve been yearning for him, something mutual, you can tell, as you look back at his lust-filled eyes.
“I’ve had a whole month of holding back and I just want all of you,” you say, almost breathless, knowing what’s to come.
“Fuck,___,” he growls.
He pushes himself against you and pulls you for a hot, searing kiss. It’s forceful and screams of desire, having gone weeks without it when it’s all he’s wanted to do. It screams of apologies, craving, and elation at finally being able to taste you again. 
His mouth moves against yours hungrily as his hand finds the back of your head to guide you in angles that lets him explore your mouth with his tongue, swallowing your whimpers and causing the wetness to pool in your underwear.
Jungkook shivers under your touch as your hands amorously trace his collarbones and his firm chest. You lightly scratch the dips and smooth lines of his ridged abdomen, causing his craving for you to intensify with every second. 
He cups your backside so your pussy meets his hardened length, and a wave of intense arousal shoots through you as you’re reminded of his size and how good it felt rubbing on you that first time.
“Can you feel what you’re doing to me, angel?” He grunts as his mouth leaves yours, trailing down south to leave red and purple marks on your neck. 
“Yes, Jeon.” You moan at the mix of pleasure and pain. “Do you wanna taste what you’re doing to me?”
He curses as his lips meet yours again, the kisses still passionate yet slower this time as he steadily removes your satin robe, then your camisole, then your shorts, all the while thrusting against your clothed core and his hands exploring every bit of skin that’s exposed. 
Your wanton moans echo in the space, the lewd sounds a contrast to the calm waves of the sea just outside. 
You’re left in nothing but your underwear and you’re desperate for his mouth in your aching cunt but he suddenly looks at you in a tender way while you moan his name. 
“I’ll make you feel good, alright angel?” He whispers. 
Your nod turns to your head rolling back as his tongue twirls around your pert nipple, and you don’t even realize that he’s slowly lifting you up on the kitchen counter, guiding you to lay on your back while his mouth descends to your throbbing pussy, making sure he leaves more marks on the way.
Jungkook isn’t one for teasing but he makes an exception for you as he kisses your inner thighs, choosing to drown in your sounds, as you beg for him to get to where you need him most.
“Please, Jeon. Fuck please, I need your mouth.”
He spreads out your legs to get a good look of your cunt, your scent hypnotizing him and he wants nothing more than to eat you dry until you’re begging for more. His kitten licks slowly intensify until he’s found a rhythm, lapping you up and down, side to side, making sure to give attention to your clit like how you want.
He looks so good losing himself between your legs. You peek at him and you’re met with half-lidded eyes. You pull his hair, pushing him closer when you want more pressure and he picks up immediately what you like, making sure to pleasure you while also preparing you for him. 
Two fingers slip inside you, feeling your velvet walls swallow them, then three. He curls them to hit the spot that has you keening and he knows you don’t see it but he smirks as he takes more of your essence in, letting himself get high on your taste.
“Oh fuck, yes. You feel so good—agh!” You scream.
He feels like he’s in a haze, his hands reaching for your thighs as he secures you in his hold, pulling your cunt closer to his face so his tongue can explore further. You arch your back due to the intensity of his actions, your hands stroking your breasts, mewling in pleasure until you feel something in you snap. 
It’s Jungkook’s wet muscle that’s collecting all your juices and moaning in satisfaction, mumbling words of praise of how good you taste and how he’d want to keep doing this. 
You’re panting as you ride out your high. You motion for him to kiss you again but with more tongue this time, and you lap each other up as he palms himself while you clench on nothing. 
“Pants off,” you demand, and he immediately removes it, leaving you to moan at the sight of his veiny, gorgeous-looking, huge cock that makes you wonder what kind of workout it does. 
“It’ll be good, I promise. I’ll be gentle,” he says as he positions your legs and slowly enters you.
You shake your head. “Don’t be.”
His eyes widen and he stops midway. You’re about to whine when he pulls back a little but then he rams into your seeping hole, catching you off guard, as if you could feel him in your stomach and you feel so full. He continues this, thrusting into you repeatedly while you scream in pleasure, asking him not to stop, to keep going, to go harder.
“You like that, angel?” He grunts, his dark eyes boring into you. “You like how good I make you feel? How full I make you feel?”
You know you’ve been missing out because dick never felt this good. You’ve had a few and those men who bragged about how good they are never made you scream like this, never made you beg for them like this.
“I like this so much, fuck Jeon. You feel so, so good. Only for me,” you cry out. “Fuck, only for me.”
“So tight and so warm, fuck you look so good.”
He bottoms out, his balls dragging across your skin and he stops to revel in your velvety walls that’s sucking him in. His slow, circular movements have you keening at the feel of his entire length inside you, stretching you out so deliciously good. Your toes curl at the electrifying feeling of him all over and inside of you and you feel like floating, having completely lost control of your body as it responds to the pleasure.
He pulls back again then rams back in, finding a rhythm that has you losing your voice, your mind now void of anything but him and his cock hitting you in all the right places.
It’s now just the sound of your pussy squelching as you take him in the quiet, echoing wildly in the four walls of your house, joined by his hoarse, fucked out moans. You have half the mind to admire him - his veiny hands spreading your thighs out, his abs tense and his jaw clenched as he puts all his effort in shoving himself into you, his eyes staring at you with such intensity.
“Need to hear you, angel.”
He starts to massage your breast and you whine, his hand cupping one and pinching and flicking your nipple. You clench around him, causing him to cry out, and that just makes him go even harder.
“Fuck, I’m close,” you pant.
“Me too,” he grunts.
“Cum for me, Jeon. Shit, I want to feel your cum on me.”
His hands travel to your waist and he shifts you so your back is flat on the counter. His grip is tight and will probably leave bruises but you don’t mind as he pulls you while he pushes back relentlessly.
The sight of your bouncing breasts adds to the sensation he feels all over his body. It’s rough and animalistic and the pleasure is otherworldly. He’s never had it with anybody like this.
The way he’s thrusting into you makes everything around you disappear and there’s just him and the mind-numbing pain and pleasure he’s making you feel. You cum without warning and he curses at the feel of you dripping around him.
It’s not long before he starts to feel it, too and he shoves himself in you one last time before he pulls out to let his cum spurt all over your stomach, tainting your skin with his slick that has him moaning at the sight of you looking so fucked out as you catch your breath while painted with his seed. 
“You’re so beautiful like this,” he smiles, and all you can answer him with are bated breaths and a sloppy smile. 
He starts to kiss your thighs and you shiver.
“Let me rest first, will you?” You tease, feeling your limbs turn to jelly.
“I will, angel,” he smiles again and removes the damp hair from your face.
He wets some napkins and cleans you up, matching your dark gaze as he wipes his cum from your skin.
“I need a shower,” Jungkook says.
“You mean, we?” 
He pulls you into another kiss, soft this time and you wrap your arms around his neck, feeling comfort of his touch and tenderness in his pecks.
“Yes, I mean, we.”
It should’ve been expected that you and Jungkook wouldn’t keep your hands off each other even as you shower - your lips constantly finding his, his hands exploring your body the way you do with him… His hardened dick poking your stomach.
You laugh at him as he’s engrossed in shampooing your hair and soaping your body then drying you off. You soften when he pulls you in his arms as you lay in bed, closer than the last time, and very much naked, too.
“Funny how you needed to think I was an intruder for this to happen, huh?” You giggle.
“It’s not funny, ___,” he scowls. “I could’ve hurt you.”
“But you didn’t.”
“Well, you hit your head.”
“Because I wasn’t careful,” you remind him, your fingers now caressing his cheeks and he shivers under your touch. 
He sighs. “You still should’ve asked me if you were scared.”
“It was just water, Jeon,” you chuckle. 
“Still, ask me to do anything.”
His eyes are soft with yearning and you know there’s so much more to his statement than just wanting to address your needs and making sure you’re safe. There’s so much longing, even fear, and a need for affirmation of some sort.
“You like being needed, don’t you?” You ask.
It’s something he’s never really thought about, thinking that how he is just comes with the job. But at some point with you, it became something more.
“Does that make me bad?” He wonders.
“No, that makes you human.”
It’s the way you say it that causes Jungkook’s heart to stop. 
He’d had instances of that all throughout the night - when he’d heard the noise and thought you were in danger again; when you laid naked in front of him and screamed in pleasure with him inside you; when you laughed sweetly in the bathroom and stole kisses from him, when you told him you like him so much that you swear you’ve never felt this way for anyone before.
But what you’d just said reminds him of why he wanted you in the first place, as you let him know that you care, that you see him, that you know him. And that you accept all those parts of him he’s not proud of - his past, all the things he isn’t and doesn’t have. And you want him all the same.
He kisses you tenderly. It’s not hurried, and unlike earlier when he pounded vigorously into you and made you feel all of him physically, he takes you more gently this time - touches are light, strokes are softer, and the way he slides inside of you is intentional yet affectionate, like there’s more he wants to say but that he knows there are more chances for him to say them. 
You finish together this time with his back on the mattress, pushing inside you as his arms are secured around your waist, guiding you through your orgasm and your high. 
“I don’t wanna go home tomorrow,” you say, nuzzling his neck as you make yourself comfortable on his naked chest. “I wish we could just stay here and not have to face responsibilities.”
“You have an important meeting in the afternoon. You can’t miss that,” he reminds you.
“I know. I just feel like this is our little bubble, you know?”
“It does. It’s nice out here.”
You hum. “We can always figure out ways to return. Or maybe I can ask Mr. Han for you back. But then again, my father likes you. I don’t think he’ll give you up.”
It’s meant to be a compliment but that statement makes Jungkook’s heart stop, too, as he crashes back to reality of what the nature of your relationship really is - he works for your father, a powerful and wealthy man; you are an heiress and he is just a bodyguard meant to protect your family. And he’s never cursed his job more than this moment.
But you seem unbothered as you come up with different ways to sneak around. 
You fall asleep like this, with a smile on your face and your limbs wrapped around him. 
You’re lucky, he thinks. Much as he tries to fall into slumber, all he could think about is how different things would be right as the plane lands back in Seoul tomorrow morning.
You wake up cold, suddenly aware that Jungkook is no longer next to you. You peek around your room and find him by the sliding doors that lead out to the balcony, half-dressed now and arms crossed, looking out into the crashing waves as if deep in thought.
You quietly head to the bathroom to quickly freshen up then you sneak your arms around his waist, sighing at the goosebumps on his flesh as your fingers trail around his torso.
“Good morning,” you say, tiptoeing to kiss his shoulder. 
“Hey angel,” he smiles, stroking your hands that are on his body. “Did you sleep well?”
“Very,” you hum. “You?”
“A bit,” he half-lies.
You both stay like that for a while until your hand mindlessly slides down to feel his length and you giggle.
“Is this normal?”
“What? To get a hard-on while you caress me and have your breasts brush against my back?” He chuckles this time. “You’re very naked under that robe, angel. I can feel your hard nipples even through my thick skin.”
“Well, why don’t you do something about it?” You tease as you turn to face him. 
He knows you snuck in the bathroom before this but even then, this view of you in your half-opened, seashell-printed satin robe against the sun, smooth skin with red and purple marks glistening underneath, and smile so sweet yet teasing, is just immaculate. 
Jungkook holds your gaze as he pulls the ribbon of your robe, exposing more of you. His hand moves to gently knead your breast, fingers flicking the nipple that causes your mouth to part and a soft moan to leave your mouth. 
“So beautiful, ___.”
His hand lowers to your cunt that’s starting to soak with your slick but you stop him before he goes any further. 
You take his hand to wrap around your waist. You softly kiss his lips, then his perfectly-crafted jaw, then his pecs, then lower, taking your time in each area of his torso. You get on your knees and look up at him dreamily as you slowly pull down his sweatpants to reveal his now aching length and you water at the sight.
Your tongue traces the veins decorating it, your wet muscle swirling around his shaft until it reaches his tip and you meet his gaze as you take him in your mouth, pushing in whatever you can and stroking the rest with your hand. You feel a sting of pain as you try to go deeper, his cock reaching your throat as he eases himself in. 
You feel him shiver. Low, sexy moans leave his mouth as he lets you find a rhythm. You guide his hands to your head and let him fuck you like this, feeling yourself get lost in the moment as he loses himself in you. 
“Fuck, angel, you’re taking me so well.”
He takes control, shoving himself in your mouth with measured intensity, suspending for a while whatever his worries are and just revels in the way your warm mouth sucks him in deliciously, your half-lidded eyes and satisfied moans urging him to reach his high. 
He pulls away and starts pumping. His tip that's connected to your lips with strings of saliva meets your tongue that’s awaiting his slick that oozes out of him. It spurts in your mouth and on your cheeks and you enjoy this, knowing that what you do to him is just as pleasurable and mind blowing as what he does to you.
“Nghhh, shit. That was so good,” he groans.
You smile at him and wipe the cum on your cheeks with your sleeves, shocking him.
“What a waste of a very expensive robe, ___.”
You shrug. “It was worth it.” You stand up and peck his lips. “I can’t believe you refused to eat lunch with me on your second day and now I just ate you out,” you giggle.
“Shut up. Things were different then,” he pouts.
“And things will be different again,” you remind him, falling into his arms.
He holds you tight, not wanting to let go but also knowing that he must.
“We’ll figure it out,” he assures you, gathering every bit of confidence he can, given the new situation you both find yourselves in.
“Promise?” You ask.
“I promise.”
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flautistsandpeonies · 4 years
You ever think about how dirty Jiang Fengmian got done?
You’re a sect heir to what is supposed to be the most “free” sect of all the great sects. Expression, play, and ingenuity are literally built into your teachings, and all of a sudden your father wants to set you up into an arranged marriage.
You meet your perspective betrothed, and you don’t like the way she conducts herself. You tell her and your family multiple times that you don’t think that you two would be an appropriate match for one another. Your betrothed, however, wants to marry you- it doesn’t matter what you think apparently- and her family starts pressuring you into marrying their third daughter. You try to hold out and keep denying, but then your best friends want to get married and travel the world together so you are left all alone to fight an entire sect and your father’s wishes by yourself.
Needless to say, you find yourself getting married to the Violet Spider.
So, Yu Ziyuan moves to Lotus Pier and one of the first things she decides is that she doesn’t like her new home and has an entire pavilion built to cater to her needs and brings a bunch of people from her natal sect sect and barring Jiang from the premises.
There are Jiang disciples that have lived in Lotus Pier long than Yu Ziyuan that can no longer access a part of their home because their new madam forbade them from coming there.
She also decides that she isn’t going to take on your family name. She refuses to take the mantle of Madam Jiang and wants to be called Madam Yu despite the fact that she is the one that wanted the marriage in the first place.
Thirdly, she refuses to take care of the household of the Jiang sect. Instead of doing her duties as the Madam of Lotus Pier she would rather go on night hunts and she’s barely home.
So, now you probably have to not only take care of duties as sect leader, you also have to take care of the household cause your wife is almost never home.
Despite all this, you manage to perform your marital duties and you have your first child together! A baby girl who was born frail and with a weak constitution. You decide to name her Jiang Yanli.
Your wife informs you that since she and Jin GuangShan’s wife Madam Jin were the bestest of friends since childhood and made a promise that their first born children would marry one day, your daughter is now in an arranged marriage with the heir to the Jin sect.
With that, you no longer have a sect heir as men do not marry into the woman’s family. You’ve simply had a child to further the Jin sect rather than your own.
Since that’s done, you end up performing your marital duties again, and three years later you end up with a boy this time! You decide to name him Jiang Cheng.
Life is pretty normal, your wife is still never home, Yanli, while not good in cultivation seems to enjoy cooking, and you get your son three puppies to play with.
Four years later, you get the news that your best friends are now dead from a night-hunt and their little boy, just a few days older than your son is missing.
You spend five years looking for Wei Ying and miraculously find him eating the trashed rinds from people who bought watermelon. You buy him food and clothes and bring him back to Lotus Pier where you find your son playing with his puppies, Princess, Jasmine, and Love.
At the sight of them, Wei Ying starts screaming and crying, he’s shaking and sweating and doesn’t seem to be able to perceive the world around him. You see it’s a panic attack induced by the dogs, so you pick him to get him from the same level as the animals and try to calm him down.
Since you doubt the panic attack will be a one time thing, you decide that the best course of action is to send the dogs away. This devastates your son as he really loved his furry friends, so you decide to replace his animal friends with Wei Ying and set them up in the same room.
All this infuriates your wife, and she starts to accuse you of having an affair with your best friend. She accuses you of not loving your son, of being unfaithful, and having a bastard son from a woman who has been dead for five years.
There is a new normal in life with Wei Ying at Lotus Pier. While Yu Ziyuan still night-hunts alot, when she’s home she’s constantly accuses you of favoring Wei Ying over your own son, and claims that Wei Ying is your bastard. Yu Ziyuan has also taken zidian and whips Wei Ying with the spiritual weapon whenever she wants. Some days you come home late at night and find Wei Ying trapped in your family’s ancestral hall kneeling for hours.
Your wife has taken a spiritual tool that has been passed down the Jiang family for generations and she uses it to whip the child of your two best friends. She traps him in the ancestral hall, without medical attention, for hours, until you let him out late at night.
Your wife constantly tells your son that you don’t love him, that you wish Wei Ying was your legitimate heir, that he will never meet your expectations.She berates your daughter for her hobbies and looks down on her. Wei Ying gets whipped for simple things such as not wearing a shirt on a hot summer’s day.
Life passes on like this. Before you know it, you are sending your son and Wei Ying off to the Cloud recesses for study. Three months later, you are called to the mountain headquarters because your head disciples beat up the Jin heir.
Lan Qiren tells you that Jin ZiXuan disparaged your daughter in front of every eligible male in the cultivation world. You understand being betrothed to someone you don’t love, but Yanli didn’t cause the arrangement and even if Jin ZIXuan didn’t want to marry her didn’t mean he didn’t have to talk down about her to any other boy who you could possibly try to set her with. So, with that, you get Jin GuangShan to recede the arrangement and you take Wei Ying home.
I wonder if you will be able to find your daughter a husband after every heir that studied at the cloud recesses heard about how weak in beauty, smarts, and cultivation she was.
For the next two years, you deal with the new normal and your wife cursing you for ending your daughter engagement.
The Wens host an archery competition and then weeks later demand your heirs and disciples as hostages. They demand an heir so you are forced to send your son. Wei Ying volunteers and your wife accuses you of favoring Wei Ying despite the fact that Jiang Cheng really has no choice in the matter.
One month later, your son and disciples come home from a near death experience with a deformed beast and second Wen heir. You are informed that your head disciple stayed behind so you go to retrieve him and find that he and the second jade of Lan killed a hundreds year old beast.
Wei Ying is suffering from an infection from a brand, arrow wound, and a lack of spiritual power and stays in a coma for an entire week. As soon as he wakes, you congratulate him on this rare feet.
Your son is now saying that Wei Ying should have let the sect heirs to two other major sects die and and you try to make him see why that sort of mind set is wrong.
It probably reminds you of being a teenager and almost dying on a night hunt due to Lan Qiren unchangingly following his sect rules, and the only reason you are currently alive is because your friend CangSe SanRen saved your life.
Your wife bursts in and again accuses you of favoring Wei Ying. She claims that you don’t love your son again because she is his mother. It’s the same old argument and she storms out as angry as she came in.
Days go by and you and your wife are still arguing. It gets so bad that you leave your home to go appeal to the man who ordered your son to be a hostage to give you their swords back. You fail.
You’re going home when you find your son and Wei Ying tied together with zidian on a boat. Your son tells you the Wen sect is attacking and that your wife is fighting the core melting hand. You send the boys away; you tell your son to be well, and tell Wei Ying to look after him.
You go home to fight for you sect.
Your core is melted.
You are killed.
Your home is burned to the group.
All your disciples are killed.
All your treasures all stolen.
YunmengJiang is now the Wen Sect Supervisory Office of Yunmeng.
JC Stans Don’t Clown on my Post - Madam Yu Stans Don’t Clown on my Post
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Ep 21
Note: I will be critical of Jiang Cheng in these posts. If you can’t handle that, please feel free to scroll on.
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I really like this hug. I mean, if you've been reading these from the beginning, you know how much I love wangxian, but I'm really glad that Wei Ying's first actual hug after returning from the Burial Mounds is with Jiang Yanli. I'm not counting the hug with Jiang Cheng, because Wei Ying didn't hug him back. That hug was thrust upon him and he did not reciprocate. This reunion is very sweet, and tear-filled, and if I hadn't been up since 3 am, I might be feeling enough to shed a tear, myself. That being said, it's hilarious how they keep showing Jiang Cheng in the middle, looking awkward as he tries to balance joy and sadness. I get what the director had in mind, but it just looks weird lol.
But this part is also super sad, because Wei Ying again makes a promise he can't keep: that the three of them will be together forever. Now, I realize that if you hadn't read the novel or weren't familiar with the story, you should already know from the first two episodes that things do not turn out well for the three of them. However, if you're like me and have the memory of a goldfish, you probably didn't realize who everyone was in the first two episodes and even if you did, you've already forgotten long ago that Jiang Cheng was pissy and angry around Wei Wuxian and that Wei Wuxian's inner monologue reveals to us that JIang Yanli is dead. All that being said, his line about staying together forever hits a lot differently when you're very aware of how the story turns out, because Jiang Yanli dies, Jiang Cheng grows to hate Wei Wuxian more and more every day, and Wei Wuxian, of course, defects to save the Wens from slaughter. I think "let's stay together forever" is something you say and mean, but something that you know can't ever truly be. I think Jiang Yanli is old and wise enough to know that she will eventually marry and leave Lotus Pier, even though she will resist it for a while. The rest is uncertain, but I think at this point, Wei Wuxian really does believe and want to stay with the Yunmeng siblings and to stay at Jiang Cheng's side as he leads the Yunmeng Jiang Sect.
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I will never not be heartbroken by this scene--even knowing how everything turns out--by how Lan Wangji looks at Wei Wuxian, how if things had been different in Yiling, he would have gone into that room and greeted him, how Wei Wuxian would have smiled at him and beckoned him inside, how they would have sat and Wei Wuxian would have talked Lan Wangji's ear off, like old friends. It's just so upsetting to me, and I can't ever shake that feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know what happens, but these two episodes, until they reconcile, really get to me. It's a horrible feeling when you want to help someone, but they don't see it as helping, and they only get upset with you. I deal with that on an almost daily basis, and I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. I really identify with Lan Wangji here, and I think that's why I get such a visceral reaction to seeing him like this.
I don't know if I've said this, but Lan Wangji is my favorite character in CQL and in every adaptation of this story. He is kind of my perfect character--he checks off all the boxes: one-sided love, pining, standing by the main character no matter what, practically abandoning his own family for the person he loves. I love that he has an almost child-like innocence, but he's still very wise; he's smart; he's strong; he has a strict moral code and he sticks to it without fail, even if it means going against his friends and family; he's a loner, but he loves deeply. When I first started watching the donghua and reading the novel, I liked Wei Wuxian the best, and he's still my second favorite character, but Lan Wangji has stolen my heart.
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Of course, Wei Wuxian goes to this awkward dinner party, after spending three months around ghosts (and then killing a shit-ton of Wen soldiers), and all he can think about is that empty seat behind him, the one where Lan Wangji should be sitting. It's interesting how the Yunmeng siblings each react: Jiang Yanli starts to become concerned and commits it to memory. She's probably wondering why Lan Wangji isn't there, and then seeing how Wei Wuxian wistfully stares at the empty seat, she finds it even more unsettling. Jiang Cheng just seems embarrassed by Wei Wuxian here and his motivation is to get Wei Wuxian back on track so he doesn't make fools of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect in front of the other leaders. He obviously knows what happened between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, and I don't think he's bothered by it at all. He doesn't seem to care whether they're friends or not, and I'd say that even at this point, he'd prefer if Lan Wangji stayed out of Wei Wuxian's life altogether. He knows how close they were, and I think he also knows that Wei Wuxian would choose Lan Wangji over him if given that ultimatum. With Lan Wangji out of the picture, Jiang Cheng gets to maintain more control over Wei Wuxian than he otherwise would. Even later on at Lotus Pier, he wants Wei Wuxian around, helping him, being his right-hand man. He doesn't want him wandering around the city or galavanting off with other cultivators. Granted Wei Wuxian was drinking at the time, but I don't think that invalidates my point that Jiang Cheng wants Wei Wuxian to stay in line and stay at his side where he can control him. You know, because he sees the relationship (as Wei Wuxian suggested) as the same as their two fathers: where Wei Wuxian is in a subservient role to Jiang Cheng. Mind you, that's different from seeing him as a brother, and I think, while there's some of that mixed into his other feelings, it's a very small portion.
No screenshot, but the following scene, after Wei Wuxian leaves the dinner party, Jiang Cheng follows him out. And even here, he asks what's wrong--asks if he's upset because of Lan Wangji--but then scoffs at how that could really be what's bothering him. He says something like, "Why did you come here just to be disliked by him?" I think while he gets that they have a close bond, he doesn't really understand the depth of the relationship. He's jealous of Lan Wangji, but doesn't fully understand why. Ultimately, I think Jiang Cheng, because of his parents and the way he was raised, really doesn't understand what it's like to have a good relationship with anyone. And this ignorance isn't his fault--he's a product of his parents and surroundings, and no one, including himself, has ever tried to fix this. So, without being able to really understand how relationships work, he scoffs at how Wei Wuxian could still be upset over what happened with Lan Wangji. Jiang Cheng essentially gave Wei Wuxian what he wanted in that moment, which was unconditional support to carry out his revenge, and yet Wei Wuxian is hung up on Lan Wangji not being supportive there, and in fact being in opposition to him. Jiang Cheng doesn't even really have friends, so he thinks Wei Wuxian should just get over Lan Wangji and move on with his life, but it's not that simple. Lan Wangji isn't just an acquaintance, he's not just someone that Wei Wuxian partnered up with to fight a battle or carry out a mission--he's a soulmate, a kindred spirit (if you want to go down a less romantic route).
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I rarely can say anything bad about Jiang Yanli (except how she's almost always making soup), and here's another example: Chenqing. She's so far the only one who supports Wei Wuxian having a first class spiritual tool. She immediately shows interest in the flute, even encourages him to give it a name. Lan Wangji immediately sees the flute as something bad, while she's completely supportive. And this is really what Wei Wuxian needs right now, and I love her for being there. She's also about the only person he will genuinely smile around. He gives everyone else forced or fake smiles, but not Yanli. At this moment, I think he only wants to be with her, and I can't really blame him when everyone else is either opposing him or just wanting something out of him. She really is coming from a place of sympathy and comfort that's different from how the others are handling things. Lan Wangji wants to help, yes, but he tries to force it.
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Imagine being in this room, listening to Jin Zixun (I'm not even sure if that's his name lol) trash talk Wei Wuxian, wanting to say something in his defense, but being unable to, not just because it's not your place to do so, but also because you're not even sure if you can defend him anymore. I think Jiang Cheng is struggling with the same. He stands up to Jin Zixun, finally getting him to shut up by saying that it's a domestic affair for the Jiang Clan and none of his fucking business, but Jiang Cheng also struggles to find excuses for Wei Wuxian. And that would certainly be difficult, because Wei Wuxian is somewhat like a stranger now. He's similar, but he's not the same Wei Wuxian that Jiang Cheng grew up with. He's really a shadow of his former self. But Lan Wangji has the added bonus of not being able to speak on his behalf because he's not even in the same clan--who is he to defend Wei Wuxian? He can't even stand with the others at the table (can't or won't, I'm not sure), so he certainly can't speak to Wei Wuxian's honor in front of all the other leaders. I'm sure the conversation back in Yiling is still running through his mind: this is a Jiang Clan affair--and to have that repeated again to someone else. That very much puts Lan Wangji in the "other" position. He's not in Wei Wuxian's clan, therefore, it's none of his business. He should care about him. He shouldn't try to protect him. He shouldn't try to guide him. But the problem is he still cares deeply about Wei Wuxian, and he wants to help him and protect him and guide him.
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These scenes are always hard to watch for me (thank god for the special edition cut). It's really hard to watch the clans doing to the Wens what the Wens have done to the other clans. As if war wasn't already terrible enough, you also have what happens to the prisoners of war. In this case, Wen Qing's sect are all healers and have little to do with the war that the rest of the Wen Clan was waging on the other cultivation clans. However, they are still treated as enemies and imprisoned. It's difficult to watch the other clans, who you want to root for, making the same mistakes and transgressions as the Wens, who we are supposed to look at as the proper enemies in the story.
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As we've seen a few times in this episode already, Wei Wuxian is having trouble controlling all the negative energy that's surging through him and the Yin iron, and on some of those occasions, he's touched his old wound. As he does this here, everyone looks at him, but he just looks at Lan Wangji. This is the person he cares most about in this room, the person whose heart his closest to his. I have nothing profound to say--I just like it.
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And of course Lan Wangji looks right back at him. He knows Wei Wuxian best, even better than his own "brother", Jiang Cheng. He knows what happened in Xuanwu Cave, he saw the effect the sword had on him. I feel like each time they exchange glances, they are both crying out to each other, but Wei Wuxian is too stubborn to ask for help and Lan Wangji doesn't want to force the issue and strain their relationship further.
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The way Lan Wangji hesitates here before saying, "I don't know," kills me. To him, it's just further proof of how Wei Wuxian is getting farther and farther from him, how the chasm between them just keeps growing. He's upset here. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to force Wei Wuxian to do anything--that's against his clan rules, but more importantly, against his own ethics--yet he doesn't want to stand by and do nothing while his friend destroys himself. I think we see Lan Wangji as a character who always knows what to do, someone who always knows the right path, but here we see how that's not true at all. This is a man who is very smart, very clever, but who is also unsure of himself. He's struggling with what's right and wrong. And he consults his brother here, hoping to get a clear answer, so that he'll know what to do next, but he gets nothing of the sort.
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It would have been easier for Lan Wangji if his brother has simply said, "Wei Wuxian is wrong and an enemy," but of course he's more wise than that. Nothing is black and whit, and humans cannot be judged for what's on the surface. You have to look deep inside a person, know their intentions, and then you can judge if they are doing what's right or wrong. The problem is Lan Wangji doesn't know Wei Wuxian's intentions. Months ago, he know Wei Wuxian wanted to defend the weak, protect people who couldn't protect themselves, and live by such a just moral code. But now Wei Wuxian seems like a stranger, has murdered many, many people, and has taken cruel revenge upon Wen Chao and Wang Lingjao.
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What I've noticed in this episode is that Wei Wuxian will look at Lan Wangji, but he always averts his eyes fairly quickly. It's as if he's afraid if they make eye contact for too long, he'll be letting Lan Wangji in, which he does not want to do under any circumstances. Letting Lan Wangji in means admitting what's going on as well as opening up Lan Wangji to danger. Wei Wuxian does not want anyone else getting hurt or dying because of him, so it's better to reject everyone and focus on his own clan.
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Honey, I'd walk away too. It's hard to tell if Lan Wangji is about to cry or about to punch Wei Wuxian in the mouth--either one would have been excellent, but I'm leaning towards the latter. Lan Wangji had to answer Jiang Yanli. She met him by chance, but it was she who initiated the conversation. Of course, angst rules being what they are, we had to have a misunderstanding a la Wei Wuxian walking into the conversation midway and making the asinine assumption that Lan Wangji was just breaking his confidence by telling her EVERYTHING. Of course, anyone who knows Lan Wangji knows he'd never do such a thing. But when Wei Wuxian's shijie comes to him, voicing her concern and asking about him, he has no choice but to empathize with her and tell her what he knows.
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I really like this little exchange. Reliving the fight on the rooftop, before they were acquainted, before they were friends--before Lan Wangji fell for him. This time when he attacks, it's not about malice, it's not about breaking the rules and bringing liquor into the Cloud Recesses--it's a man, looking at the one he loves, scared out of his mind, worried that that man is going to destroy his mind and body, using a taboo cultivation method. This fight is a love letter, as far as I'm concerned. It's an act of desperation.
Also I fucking love that around four or five people have asked Wei Wuxian where Suibian is, and each time he makes up a lie: he forgot it, he isn't in the mood, he didn't bother to bring it. But when Lan Wangji asks him, he doesn't respond. He doesn't lie, he doesn't laugh it off--whatever he does, Lan Wangji will know that he's lying, and Wei Wuxian knows that.
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“Do you mind if we dim the lights down, baby?”
namjoon x reader (or oc) genre: fluff; crack word count: 4.9K
a/n: well, lovelies, this is just a lot lol. Daisy is meeting the boys and it includes literally everyone but Kid (she and Yoongi are together but she hasn’t met the guys yet) and Holly (she isn’t in the picture yet). This is complete with a Jin vs. Peaches battle, ‘Expensive Girl’, a small moment between Daisy and Guk, and a mintcho debate. So yeah, I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading! :)) 
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STANDING in front of the dorm’s front door, Namjoon paused with his hand on the knob, looking over his shoulder at you. “Take it easy on me in here,” he told you with a whiny tone, you immediately cooing at how cute he was.
“Aw, babe,” you giggled, placing a hand to his cheek, soothing your thumb over his soft skin. “When have I ever taken it easy on you?” You teased, the man dropping his head toward the floor as he let out a breathy laugh.
“That’s what I’m worried about,” he confessed, glancing up at you only to meet your fond smile.
Biting your lip for a moment, you gave the man a single nod. “I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise,” you assured him, Namjoon looking at you skeptically.
“I’ve never seen you on your best behavior,” he joked, you laughing as you leaned toward him, pressing a smiley kiss against his lips. “That still makes me nervous.”
“You’re not allowed to be nervous,” you mumbled against his lips before kissing him softly once more. “I’m meeting your friends, you’re supposed to be calm so I can try to calm down.” The man’s eyes widened slightly as he took in your words.
“Are you actually nervous?” He asked, removing his hand from the door knob and turning to face you straight on.
“Well, yeah,” you smiled bashfully. “They’re important to you.”
Namjoon gently cradled the sides of your face between his hands, resting his forehead against yours sweetly. “They’ll love you,” he told you with a sense of surety that only Namjoon could express. Whenever he stepped into this protective-type of role you easily understood why he was the group’s leader. He was amazing. “You’ll fit right in.”
“If you say so,” you smiled, Namjoon chuckling lightly as he kissed you softly.
“Just trust me,” he told you before dropping his hands and reaching for the door knob once again. Trust him. You did trust him, so why wasn’t it that easy for you?
Pushing the door open, you were greeted with the sounds of chattering, a few girls laughing loudly as a man joined them with a boyish cackle that made your heart clench at how adorable the sound was. The first people you spotted were a handsome man and a gorgeous woman standing together, the man’s arms draped over the woman’s shoulders in a back hug as they both looked toward the kitchen with amused smiles.
At the sound of the door closing, the woman turned her head to spot you and Namjoon, immediately causing her to nudge the man holding her. His eyes widened before turning to look in the direction of her gaze, his cheerful smile widening even more, the brightness of the feature rivaling the sun itself.
“RM,” the man yelled out, your heart warming at the simple affection the men seemed to share.
“Hey,” your… friend replied, dragging out the word as he led you further into the dorm. Stopping next to the couple, so you assumed as they seemed quite comfortable in their love, you and Namjoon looked in toward the kitchen to see three more of Namjoon’s members and two girls, one of the girls pulling out a noodle from the pot on the stove as a tall, broad man looked at her with wide eyes.
“No, hear me out,” the girl held up a hand to the man staring at her in offense, “Tae and I read that you can tell when the noodles are fully cooked by throwing it at the wall,” she explained, nodding toward the striking man next to her, your lips curving upward at the scene.
“Don’t you dare throw that noodle,” the broad man warned her, the other girl tossing her head back in laughter at watching the two interact.
“Seokjin, you gotta trust me,” the girl told him, as he shook his head in disagreement. “If it sticks, it’s ready.”
“If you throw that noodle-”
The man, Seokjin, was cut off by the girl chucking the noodle against the kitchen cabinet, the noodle hitting it with a small thud before falling to the tiled floor.
“All you’re doing is making a mess,” the man shouted, scolding the girl, though a small smile was making its way to his face as the other two men in the kitchen crumbled over in laughter. The other girl reached for his bicep, tugging on him as she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. Another couple.
Waving Seokjin off, the rebellious girl went to retrieve the noodle from the floor. “We’ll try it again in a few minutes,” she told Seokjin, the man unable to hold back the laugh as he gave the girl a disbelieving look. The other two boys in the kitchen laughed further, the boyish cackle you found to be so cute coming from an attractive man with doe-eyes. When the girl turned toward the trash can, she spotted you and Namjoon and immediately froze, an endearing shyness overtaking her as her eyes widened, her posture straightening.
“Hey guys,” she said, her tone much quieter and more polite than before. She was cute. And then Namjoon snorted in laughter at her change in demeanor.
“What, suddenly you’re shy?” He asked her, the girl directing her gaze toward the striking man, Tae, her bashful expression meeting his fond one. They must be dating.
“How long have you two been here?” Tae asked you and Namjoon with a wide boxy smile. He seemed friendly and social.
Scanning the room, you noticed two members were missing. Jimin and one yet to be identified.
“Just long enough to see your best friend get a rise out of Jin-hyung,” Namjoon told the man, the now shy girl smiling a bit. Best friend? Questionable. But of course, yours and Namjoon’s friendship was too, so who were you to judge? “Uh,” he looked to you, a nervous energy overtaking him as he gave you a dimply grin. “Everyone, this is my friend,” he emphasized the word before telling your name to the group, almost as if he was warning them to not step over a line that would make the meeting uncomfortable. And though you were the primary decision maker in using the term ‘friend’, the term suddenly seemed so inadequate.  
He went through introductions with his present members and their girlfriends, and well, friend in Taehyung’s case. Hoseok was the man with sunshine for a smile, his girlfriend of a little over a year being the gorgeous woman he held in a back hug.
Seokjin and his girlfriend, who had an elegance about her, had been dating for not quite a year but were close friends before getting together. A route you believed Taehyung and his pretty friend would end up taking.
Jungkook was the doe-eyed boy, adorable and handsome all at once. He seemed the most excited to meet you and he had an effect on you that warmed your heart and made you very fond of the young man. The youngest of the group, you could see immediately why the rest of the members were so whipped for him, as Namjoon had admitted to you in days previous.
Suddenly, the front door opened, allowing two loud laughs to resonate through the room, you immediately recognizing the pretty man as Jimin, the young woman being the same one who accompanied Jimin when they walked in on you and Namjoon in his studio.
Catching you in his eyeline, Jimin looked away from his girlfriend, eyes widening before quickly turning to crescents as he flashed you a stunning smile. “Ah, we meet again,” he greeted you, you smiling with a chuckle as Namjoon let out a sigh. Cute. Jimin’s girlfriend held back a laugh as she lightly slapped the man’s chest, Jimin grabbing her hand quickly before leading her further into the dorm.
As he walked past you, he gave you a polite head nod, though that teasing grin stayed plastered to his face. He seemed fun. Cheeky. But definitely fun. He radiated a certain warmth, and so did his girlfriend for that matter.
“Finally,” Taehyung’s friend called out to them, Jimin’s girlfriend rolling her eyes at the girl before walking directly to her and pinching her cheeks affectionately, Tae’s friend pushing her away with a feigned look of disgust. Namjoon did tell you those four were all very close.
“Wait, you’ve already met?” Hoseok asked Jimin and you, your eyes widening as Jimin giggled.
“Not really, there was just a run in,” he dismissed, though you didn’t miss the knowing smiles that befell the three youngest men’s faces, as well as the two girls. They all knew. That little shit. “Hey, Jungkookie,” Jimin nodded to him with that same grin. “Didn’t you want to show me a song?”
“Ah,” Jungkook said in response to the reminder, a nervous but playful giggle leaving his mouth as he snuck a glance at you and Namjoon before pulling his phone out.
“Is Yoongi just in his room?” Namjoon asked the group, Jin nodding.
“He was on the phone,” Jin told everyone with wide knowing eyes.
“Is he seeing someone?” Taehyung asked, Jin shrugging but Tae’s friend looked suspiciously uninterested, as if she already knew some secret the missing man was keeping. That’s when you noticed the soft smile on Hoseok and his girlfriend’s faces, as if they knew as well. It was interesting to see the different dynamics between the group, and just who knew what about each other.
Your observations and thoughts were cut off by a slow jam type of instrumentation that started playing from Jungkook’s phone. All eyes snapped to him to see his adorably boyish grin planted on his face, the other two youngest members already giggling as the two older members slowly realized what was going on. Namjoon however, immediately shot Jungkook a wide-eyed look of shock, letting out a surprise, “what?” What is happening?
Hoseok suddenly giggled loudly, his laugh matching his smile in their cheerfulness, his girlfriend looking over her shoulder to shoot the man a confused expression. You watched as Hoseok whispered something in her ear, a small snort leaving the woman just as a voice counted out “one, two, three” in the song. You knew that voice.
“Jungkook,” Namjoon warned, Seokjin suddenly yelling in surprise and excitement, grabbing his girlfriend to share his realization. As Namjoon took a step toward the youngest member, you grabbed for his forearm, holding him in place as you listened carefully to the song, a small smile on your lips.
“I haven’t heard this one,” you spoke quickly as you stared at Jungkook, listening to the lyrics. The song was what you later learned to be called, ‘Expensive Girl’. 
“There’s a reason for that,” Seokjin laughed, the rest of the guys cackling with him as Jimin tried to shush them so you could hear the tune properly.
At that moment, a man walked into the kitchen, his face pointed down to his phone as he typed something, a slow realization making its way to his face as he looked up with his eyebrows pulled together in question. When his eyes met yours, a small single breathy chuckle left his lips just before they curved into a gummy grin. So that must be Yoongi.
Shaking his head in disbelief, the man gave you a single nod, the smile staying in place. You cocked your own head curiously as you continued to take in the lyrics.
“Guys,” Namjoon warned again, you shushing him with a wave of your hand making Seokjin and his girlfriend laugh at you both.
“Put your expensive title of ‘hard to get’ down for today,” Namjoon sang, the lyrics somehow ringing true for your current situation. However, when the song continued with, “Take it off now girl, just take it off,” your smile curved up even more. Oh. So it’s that kind of song.
An unintentional snort left you as he sang, “I’m a master baby, with your bra”, the maknae line holding back giggles, shushing their older friends so you could hear the next lyric “I can help you slide those panties of”. And that was the lyric that tipped you all over the edge, you gasping in laughter, triggering everyone else to roar in hilarity. If there were any more questionable lyrics in the song, you definitely couldn’t hear them through the ruckus the group was making over the obviously old but still hilarious song.  
Namjoon hung his head as a small laugh shook his frame, his dimples visible as he was probably wishing the floor would open up and swallow him whole. He was adorable and perfect and if you weren’t in a room full of his friends you would kiss him. Leaning into him, you rested your forehead against his shoulder as you continued to giggle at his expense. Squeezing his forearm, he sighed deeply and dramatically as he turned to look at you to meet your smiling and adoring face. The indentations in his cheeks were deep and beautiful, the apples of his cheek tinted with a light red blush.
Running your hand up and down his forearm comfortingly, he shook his head with a smile. Still horribly embarrassed, at least he was assured that it would take more than some cringey lyrics sung in a low play-boy voice to make you change your mind about being there with him that night.
“You guys are ruthless,” Yoongi spoke from the edge of the kitchen through his grin as he pushed the phone into the front pocket of his hoodie. No wonder he was keeping whoever he was seeing a secret for as long as he could.
“Wah!” Seokjin suddenly yelled, “Stop it you pest,” he directed toward Taehyung’s friend, a noodle stuck to the cabinet door, a giggling leaving her lips as yours curved upward at the scene.
“What?” She asked innocently. “It’s ready.”
As Seokjin prepared to scold the girl further, Jungkook grabbed for a noodle, flinging it against the cabinet as well, a mischievous chuckle sounding from him. “Look, it is ready.”
“Do you see what your influence does to him?” Seokjin asked the girl just as the two dorks struck a pose, pushing their backs together as they crossed their arms over their chests, marking their stance as a duo of troublemakers.
Turning toward Namjoon, your heart raced at the fond expression he wore when looking at his members.
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Seokjin was a bit of a god in the kitchen. And therefore, how could you not thank him for the delicious meal by helping clean up. Jungkook was on dishes duty, and though he insisted you go relax, you were more persistent.  
“You really don’t have to help with this,” Jungkook shyly told you for the fourth time since you started rinsing the dishes he cleaned.
“I want to though,” you told him, again, giving him a small smile, the man flashing one back, his eyes crinkling in the corners. The rest of the gang were scattered around the living room talking and joking, which seemed to be a never-ending thing for them.
Turning to glance at the group, you caught Namjoon staring, a bashful look overtaking his features as he averted his gaze. However, he snuck another look at you to find you still watching him. Seeing him among his closest friends, looking happy and carefree, you couldn’t help the upward curve of your lips, Namjoon showing off his dimples in return.
“I know you’re just friends or whatever but, he likes you,” Jungkook suddenly brazenly told you, your head snapping toward him. “A lot.”
“What?” You responded dumbly, Jungkook giggling.
“It’s true,” he shrugged, handing you a dish to rinse. “He’s happy with you.”
As you ran the frying pan under the faucet, you stared at the way the water streamed down the metal. “Is he not usually happy?” You asked the man curiously.
“No, he is,” Jungkook told you, pausing as he thought about his words. “It’s just, we’ve all had to make sacrifices for this group, but, he’s our leader,” Jungkook nodded to himself, handing you another dish. “A lot of responsibility falls on his shoulders.”
Humming in thought, you rinsed the soap from the pot. “Sometimes I wonder if he ever stops working,” you told Jungkook. “Or just stops worrying in general.”
“He’s been noticeably less stressed lately,” Jungkook revealed to you, your eyes leaving the sink to stare at the side of his face. “I think it’s related to you.” The man was shy when speaking to you, but it was almost as if he felt the information was important enough to share with you that his own introversion didn’t matter in that moment. The dude was observant, that was for sure.
“Do you guys want some ice cream?” A voice suddenly asked from behind you, you both turning around to see a smiley Hoseok reaching inside the freezer.
“Ice cream,” Jungkook repeatedly excitedly from beside you, you nodding with a small grin.
“We got chocolate, vanilla, and mint chocolate chip,” Hoseok told you both.
“Mintcho,” Jungkook said in a silly tone, dragging the word out as Hoseok’s eyes landed on you.
“Oh, mintcho for me too, obviously,” you said, a gasp sounding from across the kitchen, you whipping around to spot a jaw-dropped Namjoon. “What?”
“Uh oh,” Hoseok said comically as he pulled the tubs of ice cream from the freezer, that sunshine smile planted to his features.
“I know I didn’t just hear you say you want mint chocolate chip ice cream,” he said dramatically, you giggling as you shot him a questioning look.
“Uh, I definitely did. I love mint chocolate,” you informed him, the man instantly pulling a look of disgust, you laughing at the expression. “Oh my god, what is your problem?” You asked him through your smile, Jungkook giggling beside you.
“It’s mint and chocolate,” he said as if his disgust was completely validated by that single sentence. Hoseok chuckled from beside the refrigerator and Namjoon shook his head. “It tastes like toothpaste.”
“Are you serious right now?” You asked him, crossing your arms across your chest to express your firm stance on the mintcho debate, Namjoon mimicking your posture. “It tastes like mint and chocolate, which is a common combination,” you explained to him. “And it’s amazing.”
Pulling another expression of cringe, Namjoon shot a look between the other two men in the kitchen. “Did you put her up to this?”
Jungkook giggled beside you, Hoseok putting his arms up in feigned surrender. “Maybe she just has taste, Hyung,” Jungkook suggested, you nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, taste,” you repeated, Namjoon’s eyes going wide in offense. “Oh my god, why are you acting like I assaulted you?” You asked through a giggle. He’s cute.
“You basically did,” he told you dramatically, you throwing your head back in laughter. “You can’t just throw this kind of information at a man, I need time to process,” he continued, you rolling your eyes as you sighed through a laugh.
“Ok, well, it’s three against one right now so you lose,” you told him, Namjoon quickly turning to the group still in the living room.
“Jin-hyung,” Namjoon called for his friend, the older man looking to the direction of the kitchen with wide eyes. “Opinions on mint chocolate?”
“Ah, toothpaste,” the man said dramatically as he stood.
“Oh god,” Tae’s friend suddenly sighed as if this exact conversation had happened before, Taehyung smiling fondly at her reaction.
Namjoon turned back to you with a small shrug. “See?”
“It’s still three against two,” you pointed out, resting your forearm on Jungkook’s shoulder to show your mintcho alliance as Hoseok pulled a ‘cool’ pose. At that moment, Jin stepped into the kitchen to defend his anti-mintcho stance.
“Wah, my love,” he called out, his girlfriend instantly leaning her head against Jimin’s girlfriend’s shoulder as if she couldn’t bear to be pulled into another mint chocolate debate.
“Do I have to?” She asked in a whiny tone, you chuckling at her cute reaction.
“Yes,” Jin yelled dramatically. “Because you love me,” he added, the girl holding back a smile as she made her way to the man.
“Remind me why again,” she teased as she took her spot next to Jin.
“Three against three,” Namjoon told you with a smirk.
“Ah,” Jungkook suddenly exclaimed beside you, startling you a bit as you chuckled lightly. Looking at him, you saw him pointing across the room to Tae’s friend, the girl pointing back to him. “Four against three,” Jungkook said smugly as the girl bowed from across the room, waving as she took in the applause from the man next to you.
“Ok, but Tae and Jimin don’t like it,” Jin informed you all, but when you looked at the two friends across the room, they averted their gazes.
“Kim Taehyung,” his friend called out to him as a warning. “You have literally eaten my entire mint chocolate cone before.”
“I neither like it nor dislike it,” Taehyung said quickly, the girl giggling at him, appearing more smitten than ever. How are they not dating?
Jimin looked at his girlfriend before lightly pushing her in the direction of the kitchen. “I’m sending a fighter in my place,” he said with a stunning smile. “I’m in the middle.”
“Deary?” Jin questioned the pretty girl expectantly. “Choose wisely.”
With a huff, she took a spot next to Jin’s girlfriend. “As much as I hate to agree with Jin, I hate mint chocolate more.” You watched as Jin’s face somehow expressed both pride and offense.
“Suga-hyung?” Jungkook asked, Namjoon quickly shaking his head.
“Yoongi doesn’t count, he’s the least picky person ever,” he said dismissively, the older man looking at the group with a wide-eyed look that made him appear innocent and adorable.
“I didn’t even say anything,” he defended, his phone in his hands as he stalled texting the person on the other end.
“That leaves only one person,” Jin said, all eyes pointing toward Hoseok’s gorgeous girlfriend as she smiled shyly at all of you.
“Petal,” Hoseok grinned at the girl, the term of endearment nearly making you pout. How cute.
“Mint chocolate?” She asked as her grin turned into a smirk. Slowly, she approached the divided groups in the kitchen, looking between them both. You found the girl fascinating as you watched her keep all eleven of you on edge, awaiting her response. She was quiet, but you had a sense that she had a lot of personality. And you could coo at the way Hoseok stared at her with the brightest smile you’d seen from him yet.
“Mint chocolate is so,” she paused to think, slowly turning to look at Hoseok. “What’s the word, Sunshine?” Fitting pet name.
“Refreshing,” he grinned widely.
“Ah, yes. That’s the one,” she giggled as the anti-mintcho group all groaned. “Refreshing.”
You weren’t even sure if the girl actually liked mint chocolate chip ice cream or if she was standing by Hoseok, but either way, you couldn’t help but shoot a smug look toward the man of your affection.
“That’s five against four, Mr. I’m a master, baby, with your bra,” you teased him, the man laughing in surprise just before dropping his head in embarrassment, the whole group laughing loudly at his expense once again.
You watched as the group teased him, laughing together, all of them completely happy and comfortable in one another’s presence. Spotting Yoongi chuckling down at his phone as he typed away, you once again acknowledged why he was holding out on introducing the person on the other end of the phone to this wild bunch of gems.
But you adored them already. And you fit in with them. Making eye contact with Namjoon, meeting his look of adoration, your heart suddenly dropped into your gut. What the fuck are you doing to him?
Averting your eyes from the man, you found Jungkook watching you carefully, and you were immediately reminded of your earlier conversation. And it was at that moment that it fully hit you that what you were doing with Namjoon carried real consequences. You were dragging Namjoon’s heart through the dirt to protect your own. And now his friends were involved.
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Leaving the dorm, a bittersweet feeling sat in your chest as you walked together through the building. Bitter because of your re-realization of what you were doing to the man smiling beside you as you left the building together. Sweet because the man smiling next to you was Namjoon. And his friends were great. And he was stunning and pure.
“Do you want to stay over tonight?” He asked you, his hand reaching for yours as he easily intertwined his fingers with yours. You could scream at your fingers for being so reactive to his as they relished in the touch.
“I-” you started, though all further words stalled on the tip of your tongue. Did you want to go home with Namjoon? Of course. But you can’t, you reminded yourself. You can’t keep doing this to him.
Sensing your apprehension, Namjoon tried to recover the interaction nervously. “I mean, not for sex,” he said quickly. “Unless you want to,” he stammered over his words. “Just- we don’t have to have sex, we could just hang out and cuddle.”
Looking at him, you wanted to cry. He appeared so nervous and innocent. Cuddle? That’s even worse. It wasn’t worse because the idea of cuddling with Namjoon was a bad one. No, far from it. It was worse because the idea of cuddling with Namjoon sounded way too appealing for your comfort.
But how could you ever resist him? You’d learned from the very first morning with him that trying to listen to your logic over your growingly affectionate heart was near impossible when it came to Namjoon.
The conversation with Jungkook replayed in your mind as Namjoon looked at you with hope-filled eyes.
“It’s up to you,” he told you genuinely and kindly. Of course he was leaving it up to you with no pressure attached. Because when was Namjoon ever anything but a perfect gentleman?
You made him happy. Jungkook said it plainly but it’s not as though you didn’t already know that. It was obvious in the way he looked at you with all that adoration. So what did that mean for you? He made you happy too. But didn’t that mean there was a lot to lose?
Peering into his eyes, that’s when it fully hit you. It was much too late to run away from that last concern.
Shooting him a soft smile, you squeezed his hand in yours. “I know it’s up to me,” you started, pausing walking so you could take your time simply looking at him. “I drove us here,” you teased. And god, you watched so fucking fondly as he squeezed his eyes shut in laughter. “At first glance, you’re the whole package,” you continued teasing, a slight blush gracing his dimpled cheeks. “And then I learn you don’t have a license.”
“You don’t have it in you to take it easy on me, do you?” He complained cutely, you giggling as you leaned into his side.
“No, I don’t,” you joked, stepping toward him to press your lips to his. He was the one to deepen the kiss, his arm wrapping around your waist as his opposite hand continued to hold yours.
“You taste like mint chocolate,” he whispered against your lips, you kissing him again sweetly.
“You’re welcome,” you smiled against his mouth, the man giving you a few more sweet pecks in a quick succession.
Reluctantly, the man pulled away from you, your hand in his as he began leading you out of the building. Your eyes raked up and down his frame, appreciating how sturdy he appeared, how strong he was. Following closely behind him, perhaps you realized you would follow him anywhere.
“Oh,” you suddenly exclaimed, Namjoon looking back at you in surprise. “As enticing as the cuddling offer is, can we please have sex?”
Chuckling at you, he pulled you into his chest, his lips finding your temple, leaving a sweet kiss to the spot. “How could I ever say no to that?”
“Thank fuck,” you sighed in feigned relief, Namjoon’s body shaking slightly in laughter. “One more question,” you started, Namjoon humming expectantly. “Do you mind if we dim the lights down, baby?” You teased him, the man sighing as he placed a hand at the back of your head, messing your hair up slightly to tease you back. “It’s just, I heard you can help me slide these panties off,” you continued, groaning as he dropped your hand to wrap his arms around your head to muffle your voice against his chest.
“Be kind,” he chuckled, you cackling against his frame.
Happy. You felt truly happy, buzzing off meeting his friends who you already adored, and feeling at home in his arms as you both laughed together. Namjoon was the kind of person who could come into your life and help you grow into yourself, making you feel more at home in your own skin than ever before. But he was also the type of person that would be hard to move on from if he walked out of your life.
That’s the kind of heartbreak you’d never cease to feel for as long as you lived. Every thought of the man would cause your chest to ache. You’d feel the absence of him in every lifetime to come.
There’s a lot to lose when it comes to Namjoon. He’s a lot to lose.
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capaimagines · 4 years
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bts - married life
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Pairing: BTS x Reader | Genre: fluff | Warnings: none | WC: 2.0k
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kim namjoon 
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↬ Absolutely loves coming home to your cooking.
↬ He would have the brightest smile across his face when he comes home after a long day to see you dancing around in the kitchen.
↬ The first thing he would do every day is kiss you hello and tell you how much he missed you.
↬ You would always tease him; “You saw me just this morning!” even though you really missed him too.
↬ The two of you loved cuddles. He would always refuse to go to bed unless he had you wrapped up in his arms like a koala.  He loved the scent of your shampoo, it always relaxed him and helped him fall asleep quicker.
↬ Hearing the sound of his heartbeat and feeling his warmth helped calm you down and you always forced his hand to your head so he can run his fingers through your hair.
↬ There’s an unspoken routine; you cook and clean whilst he does all the rest.  Putting up shelving, moving furniture, taking out the trash, etc. He’d prefer if you didn’t do anything, but he knows you’re too headstrong to listen to him!
↬ You still worked though, because you were adamant that you weren’t going to rely on him even though you’ve been married for a few years now. It’s something he adored and admired about you.
↬ You also really loved making meals for all the members and their partners. Getting together at your home is something you love and Namjoon smiles adoringly when he sees the light in your eyes with the rest of his family. You were made for him.
↬ He just loves and adores you so much, he couldn’t ask for a better person to come home too.
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kim seokjin 
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↬ He’s the one who cooks for you all the time.
↬ Never lets you in the kitchen unless he’s there to supervise, but he does love cooking with you; it’s something you two do together a lot. More so, you observe whilst he cooks.
↬ You always make dessert and he cooks the main meal. It was always that way before you were ever married.
↬ He loves to spoil you; always comes home with your favorite flowers.  There’s so many now that your home has become its own flower field basically.
↬ ALWAYS and I mean always, kisses you good morning and it’s the best way to start your day.
↬ If you had kids, he’d be the best dad (you couldn’t wait!)
↬ Honestly, Jin would be just like them and you’d feel like you had a house of kids.
↬ He’d teach them to cook, get up early on Saturday’s to watch cartoons with them, take them to school before going to work.
↬ He’d always give you a break when you were tired or when he noticed you were burning out.
↬ Jin would love to run you bubble baths with rose petals, massages (that can sometimes lead to other things), taking you out for your favorite food. He does whatever he can to keep the smile on your face and keep you happy.
↬ Every night, when you’re both going to bed, he’d kiss your ring finger where the ring adorns, reminding himself just how lucky he was to find someone as amazing as you.
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kim yoongi 
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↬ It’d be a nice, quiet, relaxed life with Yoongi.
↬ The two of you would have your own routines that seem to fit perfectly around each other.
↬ You’d cook him breakfast, always sure to remind him that it’s the most important meal of the day.
↬ You’d also make sure to pack him a lunch box and sneak it in his bag because you knew that he wouldn’t leave the studio or practice to eat a proper meal. You always made sure to slip a few extra for the rest of the boys too.
↬ Most of your nights were spent in his studio while he worked; you either cooking and bringing him food or ordering takeout.
↬ He always stops to eat with you; he thinks the most important thing is eating together and talking about your days at the end of the night; plus, he misses you and feels bad that he works odd hours.
↬ But you’ve never held that against him, your happy that he allows you to watch him over him whilst he works and that he takes your opinions into account when he’s working his magic.
↬ Sleeping is the best with him; you’re both always curled up in each other's arms as he rubs gently circles on your back.
↬ Your marriage may seem boring to the outside eye, but you love the quiet, comfortable life you’ve built with him.
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jung hoseok
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↬ Prepare yourself for a marriage full of laughter and fun! 
↬ He’s always has the brightest smile on his face, just as bright as the day he saw you walk down the aisle.
↬ He adores coming home and having you jump into his arms or kiss his cheek as a greeting. It’s even better when you’ve found the energy to make you both a nice meal.
↬ He loves taking you out on impromptu activities. Dancing, hikes, arcades, parks, random walks. He loves being around you and spending all the time he can with you.
↬ Fights rarely happen between the two of you, but when they do, he makes it a point for both of you to never go to bed mad at each other; you can be annoyed or upset, but never mad.
↬ Cuddling is his favorite thing to do with you; he constantly has to have his arms around you. When you’re in bed he loves when you’re the little spoon and he can wrap himself around you.
↬ Every night before you sleep he kisses your ring finger that you wear your wedding band on as well as your knuckles. His kiss is a silent promise to always love you and support you, not matter what life decides to throw your way.
↬ Hobi loves to surprise you by coming home early to cook a meal for you and set up a mini at-home spa to help you relax. You always do things for him and while he can’t leave work early often, he loves the look of shock and happiness when he can set this up for you.
↬ Your wedding picture is the first thing anyone sees when they walk through the front door. It’s also his favorite, seeing you adorned in a white gown with your hair all done up. It was the happiest day of his life and now, he gets to live the happiest moments of his life with you by his side.
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park jimin
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↬ Cuddles, cuddles and more cuddles.
↬ He literally loves to be in your arms or vice versa, have you in his. Always needs to be touching you in some kind of way.
↬ Gets possessive/jealous very easily but tries not to show it. You think it’s cutest thing ever and it makes you feel loved.
↬ Whenever you’re out together, whether it be at the mall, a company party or with the other members, his arm is always wrapped protectively around your waist. He presses small kisses to your temple every now and then; it’s his silent way of telling everyone around you both to back off and that you’re off limits . 
↬ He definitely isn’t the best at cooking, but loves to help you cook in any way he could. That be chopping vegetables together, making sweets. It’s something that you find joy in and he loves spending all his free time with you when he can.
↬ You’re there for him always when his self-confidence gets low. Hyping him up and letting him know just how good of a job he’s doing. He doesn’t say it often, but he loves you even more when you do that for him. He appreciates you being so understanding and attentive to him.
↬ You hear I love you a million times a day from him. When he wakes up, when you’re eating breakfast together, when he leaves for the day. Constantly texts you throughout the day as well reminding you how important you are to him, how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have you.
↬ But his favorite I love you is when you’re half asleep, between dreamland and the living world and he whispers I love you quietly. Pulling you close and feeling your warmth on him and you nuzzle into him, whispering a quiet, sleepy I love you back.
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kim taehyung 
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↬ Will spoil the living shit out of you.
↬ Flowers every day, fancy dinners whenever he can spare the time, jewelry, clothes, shopping sprees, vacations, etc.
↬ His biggest joy in life is seeing the surprised look on your face when he gives you another gift and you smile like a kid on Christmas day.
↬ Loves to buy you designer clothes and makes sure to make events that you can wear them too. Loves to match with you.
↬ Also loves to just see you cocooned up in his clothes on the couch, hair a mess and watching TV or reading a book. Domesticated you was his favorite look.
↬ Made sure to have a house with a good rooftop so he can take you up there every night and watch the sun fall behind the horizon and the stars come out. Telling you how every star he ever wished on brought you to him and him to you.
↬ Absentmindedly runs his fingers over his wedding band when he’s at work and bored. It grounds him and always brings a smile to his face knowing that you have a matching one, both of you belonging to one another and that when he went home, it was to you.
↬ Really enjoys taking you out to karaoke and just watching you let loose. Even though you suck at singing and are tone deaf, he still smiles his signature boxy smile and tells you how beautiful your voice is that even a siren would be jealous.
↬ Favorite thing to do is cuddle you at night and just watch you sleep. He’ll never understand how he got so lucky to have you in his life forever.
↬ Always introduces you as his wife even though everyone in the world is aware of it and it sends butterflies to your stomach.
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jeon jungkook
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↬ Hope you like playing games and being active because this marriage will consist of all of that.
↬ He loves when you sit between his legs and play games with him while he sits behind you, whilst his arms wrap around you.
↬ Loves going on hikes with you and it’s how he proposed at a beautifully scenic view of Seoul on top of a mountain.
↬ Helps you with the cooking and takes over the cleaning, giving you mundane tasks while he really cleans everything else.
↬ Refuses to let you do the laundry. It’s his favorite thing. Though, he’ll make you fold it, he doesn’t like folding.
↬ Constantly has his hands on you and is generally clingy.
↬ He has a high libido so be ready for sex at any moment and expect that he’s gonna go a few rounds before he’s done.
↬ Is the sweetest and cutest and utterly supportive of anything you choose to do.
↬ Forever grateful that you brought into his life and stuck around through everything.
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lychee-drinks · 4 years
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Anon: Johan tries to prove to Y/n what he is better than Vasco/ Daniel/ Zack and other guys. He protects her, shares food with her, warms her up and etc.
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Johan Seong
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A/N: Also um sorry this isn’t exactly what you wanted, I kinda got a little carried away so this went from Johan fighting for you to some Johan fluff 😃😃
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Ever since you got involved with the fighting and gangs of the outskirts of Seoul, your life hadn’t been the same. You were a student at J-High who was well acquianted with the big fighters like Zack, Vasco, Daniel, Vin Jin and Mary. They knew you for your strength, but that was it. You weren’t too big on going out to fight others so if they were planning something you were never involved.
You were on your way home one day and that was when you met him.
Johan Seong, the ex leader of the fallen group God Dogs. For some reason, he was in the area of J High. You approached him asking why he was there and looked at you with a hostile look.
‘Maybe I should buy him some food and figure out his intentions.’
“Let’s get some ramen, it’s on me,” You told him. He immediately lit up, but was still hesitant.
“You promise me you’ll pay for it, right?”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Flash forward to the present, you sat next to him on a park bench eating spicy rice cakes.
“I’ve been hearing sources that some people from Big Deal are getting ready to have a turf war here. Stay safe and don’t go out too much. I’ll be leaving this place soon,” Johan said as he took a bite out of his food.
“I’ll be fine, I think you forgot that I can defend myself. And anyways if things go wrong, I can ask Vasco or Daniel to help me out.” You responded. He reacted to you mentioning Vasco and Daniel.
“Forget about them, I’ll stay here and protect you then.” Johan said staring at you with a serious expression.
“Is it even safe for you?? When they find you on the street they’ll try and come after you!!”
“Well I don’t feel fine about any of those dumb J High boys protecting you when I can do it myself.”
“That’s do not like you to want to protect me, you’re so cold and you isolate yourself all the time. Gets makes me so different?” You asked him. You looked at him and you could see him blushing quite a lot.
“Whatever then, just see what happens when there’s a lot of gang activity,” He quickly got up and gave you the trash. He walked off leaving you once more.
The next few days came, you found yourself caught up in the turf war on a cold night. All of the boys from J-High were there fighting. It seems like it wasn’t the main fight, yet, but you were quite concerned.
“(Y/N)!! WATCH OUT!!” Daniel yelled as he turned to you. Someone was coming towards you with a bat. Zack immediately tried to run in to defend you, and that’s when Johan got there first.
“Jo...han?” Zack stuttered. Johan stood in front of you blocking the bat from being hit at you. After the guy that attempted to hit you with the bat got off, Johan immediately kicked him away.
“Lemme take you out of here,” He whispered in your ear. He had his arm around you and lead you to an exit.
He turned around to glare back at Zack, Daniel, Vasco and all the other Big Deal members pausing their fight.
“I can defend myself fine.”
“Sure whatever.” He said as he let go go you.
Johan lead you to an abandoned building far away from the main fight. It was where he had been sleeping for the time he was in J-High’s territory. He lead you inside to his bed area with a blanket, matches, a couple water bottles, and a cup of ramen.
“So this is where you’re staying?” You asked him as you sat yourself down next to the wall. He sat himself next to you and started a mini fire.
“Usually I wouldn’t show anyone where I’m staying, but today’s different,” He sighed. Those times you spent getting closer to him, he kept his distance and didn’t open up to you as much. You never imagined he would try and save you and trust you like this.
The night was cold and the fire barely kept the two of you warm. You shivered a bit until he took his blanket and put it on your back.
“Why are you...?” You stuttered blushing. He sat closer to you.
“I don’t know why I’m like this, this is really not like me,” He said as he turned his head away. You could tell he was nervous. He ripped open his ramen cup, put water in it and put it over the fire.
“I should go home tonight,” You said as you stood up, getting ready turn to the exit, he grabbed your hand. “-Huh?”
“My noodles are finished. Just share some with me.”
You sat down next to him and let you have a bit of his noodles while hogging the rest of it for himself. You thought about leaving him again, only for you to realize he didn’t really want you to leave him. After all, it wouldn’t be too safe for him either to sleep by J-High either because of the turf war. You fell asleep first before he did, at some point you felt him give you a hug.
The next morning you woke up, Johan was nowhere to be found, leaving you for yourself.
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porcelain-blue · 3 years
Stray Dogs Seem to Follow
What if Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze did not die? What if they, along with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, start their dream sect where no bloodlines matter, only skill and hard work?
The all-star trained-by-an-immortal cast is honestly reason enough for random rogue cultivators to start to flock to them, but the truth is the reputations that draw people are not one of battle prowess, but of human decency, humility, and a penchant for treating people equally between farmers and gentry. 
YilingWei is a small but growing power in the cultivation world, and through Wei Changze has an alliance with the Jiang Clan, and through Cangze Sanren, has an alliance with GusuLan. Many of the other sects dislike this very much, because nobody likes to see the idea that noble blood actually doesn’t really matter be proven so soundly.  Wei Wuxian has an uncanny ability for picking up strays. 
Stray #1: Wei Wuxian is ambling around Yueyang, let loose with uncle Song Lan at a good pace watching him, when he sees a kid get beaten up for asking for a reward of a snack. He darts forward, catching a fist and stepping to the side so the man is twisted under his knee in one smooth motion. Training had been going well, and he thinks mama would be proud.  The man sputters, face red, and makes all sorts of demands, puffing and going on and on about the YueyangChang. 
Wei Wuxian, professional brat and heir to YilingWei, lets the man go with a light shove that sends him kneeling into the dirt, and speaks, heaping on extra insolence just for fun.
“Ah, well. Sorry, gongzi, I’m not from here, so I don’t know who is who around these parts,” he sing-songs, moving to help the very battered kid up from the ground. He looks like he’s about his age. He beams at him, although the kid is looking at him warily. “But my mama tells me you can’t make promises you can’t keep, and a rich gongzi like you surely can buy some candy to pay for your errands, can’t you?” 
“Who the fuck are you, brat? You think you can speak to me like this?” The man seems to be reaching forward, ready to strike, and Wei Wuxian is ready to throw down, but his uncle Song Lan steps smoothly between them, bows with grace to the man and asks softly what the matter is. 
“Has our young master Wei gotten himself into trouble again?” Song Lan asks, all civil and gentlemanly and terrifying. The Distant Snow and Cold Frost is recognisable to most, and Wei Wuxian watches as the man puts two and two together. That said, YilingWei isn’t that prestigious a clan to warrant that much respect, but the man clearly knows he is outclassed. He turns in a bad temper, stomping away.  Song Lan turns to him, raises an eyebrow, and then bends down to speak to the kid who is fidgeting behind Wei Wuxian.  “Haizi, don’t worry, we mean no harm. Will you tell gege your name?” The kid looks at the two of them warily, eyeing their simple clothing, their lack of ornament. “Xue Yang,” he mutters.  “Alright, A-Yang, A-Ying, will you tell gege what happened?” Wei Wuxian sticks his tongue out at his uncle. “That guy was being an ass! Yang-di did something for him for a snack and he got all mad!” He huffs, annoyed. “We should have beat him up.”  Song Lan waits to see if Xue Yang will dispute the story, and when the kid just looks at his feet, angry tears in his eyes, he sighs. Grabs Wei Wuxian by the scruff of his robes and puts a gentle hand on Xue Yang’s head.  “Come on, gege was getting hungry anyways. I was going to get some food. I’m sure A-Ying will want too many snacks, but if there’s two of you, you can share, hm?” He starts walking away.  Wei Wuxian grins. “Uncle is really a pushover, c’mon, I want some tanghulu. Do you have any family? Our sect is great, we don’t care who or where you’re from. You wanna come see?”  Xue Yang blinks at him, lets his wrist get grabbed and towed away, buoyed by the promise of tanghulu and snacks. Maybe this time it won’t end in suffering.  ----------
Stray #2:  It’s the third day of the discussion conference in Lanling, and while Wei Wuxian had been dragged by his parents to attend and bow and get his everything commented, he had finally bargained the day off, cheeks sore from getting pinched by random and well-meaning older aunties. He grabs Xue Yang and uncle Xingchen, badgering them into going to town with him. He wants to try Lanling street food! He’s heard the baozi are really good! It’s about lunchtime when they wander into a food stall that smells amazing, but before they can order there’s a commotion.  “Stay away from us, you son of a whore!” A scuffle, and there, a kid is being pushed down, his baozi thrown onto the floor.  “Yeah, I bet you’re full of disease, just like your mother!” another kid, bigger and meaner, spits on the ground. Gross. The kid on the floor looks incensed at this, eyes flashing, but before he can do anything his hair is being yanked and he’s gasping in pain.  Wei Wuxian has really got to stop meeting peers like this. He slants a look at Xue Yang, who has gone still and tense. Xue Yang hates these kinds of people the most. They step into the stall together, and while he’s tempted to really mess around with these guys, he probably shouldn’t make a fuss during a discussion conference, or mama will make them do drills for hours.  So he nudges Xue Yang forward, and his shidi grips the hand holding the boy’s hair hard enough that the bones creak, until the bully is gasping in pain and wrenching back, letting go of the younger boy. Wei Wuxian helps the kid up, makes sure he’s alright.  “Who the fuck are you guys?” the kids say, and Wei Wuxian notices that they’re in Jin gold. Gross. It occurs to him then that they probably also cannot make a fuss during LanlingJin’s discussion conference, so Wei Wuxian just grins his most diplomatic smile, throws an exaggerated bow and says, “Wei Wuxian, heir to YilingWei, at your service! This is my shidi Xue Chengmei! We compliment LanlingJin for hosting our sect. LanlingJin must be very rich, if minor disciples can afford to waste food like this!” He waves an airy hand at the remains of the boy’s baozi scattered across the floor. One of the Jin boys sneer, “We don’t have to care about commoners and trash like that,” he spits, but is clearly not willing to challenge a sect heir outright. Xue Yang is still pissed, so he puts a hand on the sword at his hip, and narrows his eyes at them.  “YilingWei strongly discourages actions and words like that,” he says. And the threat is very, very much implied.  Eventally, Uncle Xingchen appears, smoothes things over, and sends the Jins on their way. Wei Wuxian turns round to the kid who is looking at them with wide doe eyes, half afraid, half in awe.  “This Meng Yao thanks the two honored cultivators for their assistance,” he murmurs, polite and formal, but the hands folded in front of his bow are trembling.  Wei Wuxian scrunches his nose as Xue Yang ambles off to buy three baozi from the lady at the front of the stall. It’s kind of nice, Wei Wuxian thinks absently, that Xue Yang gets to feed other kids, now. 
“Aw, none of that,” Wei Wuxian says, pulling the kid’s hands apart and lifting him back upright. “We’re all common folk here, aren’t we, Yang-di!”  “Aren’t you the heir of the Wei Sect, gongzi?” Meng Yao asks.  “Well, yeah, but my dad was born a servant. Anyways our sect doesn’t care about that sort of stuff. You want a baozi? I’m sorry yours got thrown.”  Meng Yao accepts a baozi and eats it with more elegance than Wei Wuxian has ever seen. He doesn’t finish, though, even though he’s obviously still hungry.  “Saving it for later?” Xue Yang asks, eyeing him.
Meng Yao shakes his head gently. “My mother, ah. She works at a brothel, as I’m sure you heard earlier. They don’t... they don’t feed her much if she doesn’t work enough.”  They sit there for a moment, three kids digesting the weight of the world. The moment passes, though, and Wei Wuxian darts back to the front of the store to get another baozi, and some other snacks wrapped up in paper to go. He gestures at them to come out, and the trail after him.  “C’mon, I got some extra food for your mom. Can you take us to her?”  Meng Yao blanches for a moment, obviously torn. He nods, after a moment, and they walk a ways to the establishment where Meng Shi works. Meng Yao fidgets for a moment, but gestures them in through a side door. They meet Meng Yao’s mother, who looks a lot like him, She thanks them graciously for the food, and asks them questions about their sword, and the cultivation world in general. They’re not there for long before Wei Wuxian’s yaopei glows softly, and he winces.  At the two pairs of delicately raised eyebrows, he answers, “Mama’s using her tracking talisman.”  Meng Shi laughs, then, a clear, high sound. She slaps a delicate hand on the table in mirth. “Oh, I wish I had one of those for my boy here! Your mother would make a killing if she sold those!”  Before he can reply, he hears a scuffle, a few shouts of “Excuse me, You can’t be here!” before his mother thows the doors open and stomps in, stopping before them to stare her son and disciple down. “Well boys, aren’t you two a little young to be in a place like this?” she says archly.  Meng Shi rises gracefully, bowing low. “Ah, we beg your forgiveness, your boys were helping my son with some trouble, and were kind enough to bring me some food. Please let me repay you for their troubles.”  Meng Yao looks alarmed at that, but he doesn’t say anything. Cangse Sanren looks at the whole scene, narrows her eyes at her son before waving her hands at the other woman. She pushes her son and Xue Yang’s heads down roughly, making them bow.  “No, no, thank you for keeping my boys out of trouble!” she says, and the two women stare at each other for a beat, before they both smile and sit down at the table in unison.  “Psst. Mama, can we bring them back? “ Wei Wuxian asks, tugging on her sleeve. She sighs at him, and then directs her question to Meng Shi. “Well, Meng-guniang. It looks like my boys have made friends with your son here, and to be honest, we’d like some more young disciples. Would you want to come with us?” 
Meng Shi looks taken aback. She thinks of Jin Guangshan and his many empty promises. She thinks of her son, and wonders if he will make a good cultivator in Yiling black and white instead of Jin gold. She knows, that of the two sects, only one has been kind to her son so far. But still. “I’m a prostitute. What use could YilingWei have for a woman like me?”  Cangse Sanren looks straight at her. “You can read?”  She nods. It is her one pride. “I can sing, and play erhu. I can sew” The othe woman nods. “You can teach my boys manners, too, it seems. We will take you, if you come with us. You would have to work your debt off, but, we wouldn’t ask you to do it like this. There are other girls, who come from your line of work. They help us with accounts and sewing and whatever else they are deft at.”  Meng Shi looks at her son, notes the way his eyes are wide and guileless. He has yet to learn how to lie and scheme and seduce his way into power. He looks at the two other boys, who look away at the scantily dressed women who walk by and smile at them, who are young and strong and seem to not care about her sons birth.  She stands, and bows deeply. “We humbly request a place in YilingWei.”  Cangse Sanren smiles, and leads the way, three boys trotting along at her heels as she goes off in search of her husband. It’s time to go home. 
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the-manor-7 · 4 years
BTS x Reader Reaction: You Have An Unusual Allergy
A/N: Just a bit of background for this one. 
I myself have a lot of weird allergies, including multiple to different kinds of fruits, grains, vegetables, etc.
All of these in here are from personal experience.
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You two were just having a nice time cooking together when it happened.
You had tasted an ingredient that he had prepared earlier, and were just doing your thing, to later find your throat begin to itch.
The all too familiar feeling of your neck slowly tightening began slowly and then got stronger, causing you to cough and look around frantically for your pills.
Realizing you had left them in a bag at work, you ran over to the bathroom door, which Jin was inside of.
Frantically pounding on the door, you began to gasp for air, before slumping to the ground, wanting to save your breath.
In a panic, you could hear him washing his hands, throwing open the door to see your shaken state.
“Jagi? What’s wrong?”
Hearing your gasping breaths had him panicked, which promptly led him to call an ambulance.
About an hour later, when you were comfortably in a hospital bed and everything began to calm down, he asked you what had happened.
“Jin, did you put apple in what you were cooking earlier?”
He looked confused, “Well, you I did. What? Is that what caused this?”
When you nodded, he began to feel incredibly guilty.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Jagiya. I didn’t mean to hurt you…”
You just smiled at him and took one of his hands in yours, “It’s not your fault, Jin. You don’t need to worry about it. Besides, you got me over to the hospital in time. Even if there was a mistake that you made, you fixed it, so it’s fine.”
That calmed him down a bit, but after that rest assured that he will not make the same mistake again. Before the two of you go on a date, he will even check with every restaurant beforehand to make sure that they don’t cook with apples, or at least make preparations for your arrival.
He would be incredibly careful after that and make sure you were safe.
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You didn’t mean to worry him, you had just wanted to warn him about some possible symptoms, and to know what to do if you started having them.
You were mildly allergic to oats, which you had eaten on purpose, because the only food around at the moment was a granola bar, and you were just starving.
Knowing that you would have a reaction, you immediately took an allergy pill right after, then tried to explain to Yoongi what was going on.
“This doesn’t normally happen, since I just took a pill for it, but if I start to have a harder time breathing, could you just take me to the hospital? I really doubt it will happen, but just in case.”
Your last sentence, which you hoped would mask the fact you just said ‘hospital’, did nothing of the sort.
“Jagi, what do you mean? Why would I need to take you there?” He asked urgently.
“I just ate a granola bar, and I’m allergic to oats. Like I said, I really doubt anything will happen, I was just saying it as a precaution.”
“Jagi, what were you thinking?! Why would you eat that?!”
“I was hungry! And there wasn’t anything else to eat around here.”
“I could have ordered chicken or something, it would have been here in less than fifteen minutes!”
“But I was hungry now! And I still wouldn’t turn down the chicken, by the way.”
Rolling his eyes at you, he ordered the food all the same, but made sure to make you promise to never do this again. You would tell him if you had any other allergies, and he would make sure you never ate them. 
I think he would end up being more cautious than you were. 
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“Jagiya!” He screamed as he came flying over, knocking a peach out of your hand, “Why is that poison within a five foot radius of your body?!”
“What the heck, Hobi?!” You picked the piece of fruit up off the ground and dusted it off with your sleeve, “This isn’t for me! It’s for you, I was just going to put it in the fruit bowl.”
You pointed to the unassuming glass dish sitting on the counter.
“No!” He snatched it out of your hand and held it away from you, “You are going nowhere near this toxic thing! I hereby banish peaches from this house for all eternity!”
His antics causing you to laugh, you questioned him, “But don’t you like them? What are you going to eat?”
“Anything else! I will not risk my Jagi’s health for my tastebuds!”
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(I’m sorry, but why is this gif so perfect for the reaction I wrote?? I wrote it and then picked the gifs, I swear)
“Jagiya.” He scolded you, looking down at you as you sat on the couch with a bag of cashews in your hand, “Should you be eating those?”
Sighing, you leaned back on the couch and popped another one in your mouth, “No, but I really wanted to. It’s that time of the month, and I was really craving them. Besides, I took a pill right before I started eating, I’ll be fine.”
Snatching the bag out of your hand, he threw it in the trash.
“You just wasted five dollars.” You deadpanned, “And I’m still having cravings, you’re being no help.”
“I can give you five dollars, and I’ll buy you whatever else you want to eat, just don’t be eating things you’re allergic to!”
You paid no mind to his last sentence and focused on the middle part, “Anything I want?”
“Anything you want.”
“Yes!” You jumped up and danced around the room, hurrying to the door, “You’re taking me to the store, and we’re going on a chocolate raid!”
Chucking at you, he just followed you out the door, letting you buy what you wanted, as long as it posed no threat to your health.
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Jimin came waltzing into the room, holding a plate stacked high with watermelon.
“Do you want some?”
“Of course!” You ran over to your purse and pulled out a bottle of pills, “I just need to take this, and I’ll be right back.”
Taking a glass of water, you popped the pill into your mouth and swallowed it.
Quickly making your way back to where Jimin was, you found him looking all confused.
“What is it?” You questioned as you took a piece of that delicious fruit off of the plate and took a bite.
“Are you allergic to this too, Jagi?”
Nodding, you just took another bite, “Yep, but it’s just one I don’t pay much mind to. I like it too much to omit it from my diet.”
“Ah!” You waved a hand in front of your face, “Don’t you go scolding me too! I know what I’m doing, just trust me on this one, ok? I’ll be fine, I know what I’m doing.”
Reluctantly, he gave into your wishes, but he made sure to get a detailed list of your allergies soon after that. 
He didn’t want to accidentally feed them to you again. He would be extra careful with this one, even if you told him there was nothing to worry about.
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After you quietly excused yourself from a family dinner, Taehyung came to check on you when you hadn’t returned from the bathroom after about ten minutes.
He poked his head in through the door, “Jagiya, is everything alright?”
Looking up from your spot on the edge of the tub, you nodded and gave him a smile, “Yes, I’m just waiting for my throat to calm down. I’m allergic to oysters, so it just gets uncomfortable.”
“Really?” He walked over to you with a worried expression on his face, “Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
Shaking your head, you pointed to the bottle of pills you placed on the counter, “I already took my medicine, it just takes a bit for everything to calm down. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine in a few minutes.”
He would stop bugging you about it, but would keep a close eye on you for the rest of the night. If you showed the slightest bit of discomfort, he would immediately question you about, wanting to make sure you were safe and healthy.
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“Yeobo, are you alright?” Jungkook would question you as you were hunched over yourself, trying to gain breathe back into your lungs.
You two were on a date, when all of a sudden you felt your throat start to become uncomfortably tight, causing your lungs to have to work harder to get air to them.
Quickly taking a pill out of your purse, you gestured to the drink in his hand, taking a swig of it before swallowing the medicine.
Watching you intently, he asked again, “Are you alright? Do you need something? What did you eat?”
This had happened before with green peppers, although this time you accidentally ate something with strawberry in it, which caused this reaction.
“What was it this time?”
You scrunched up your nose, knowing the look you were going to get from him, “Strawberry.”
Yep, there it was.
Hitting him on the arm, you just took it slow while your body decided to stop attacking itself, then just went on with your day.
For sure, he would store this trigger away in his memory, but he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. 
You’ve got it handled, and he didn’t want to interfere in something he knew you wouldn’t want him to.
Hello everyone! 
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
Please leave a comment/request whenever you would like.
Seriously guys, I would love to hear your ideas.
Thank you and love, 
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ditttiii · 4 years
Enchanted To Meet You || 4.5 || JK’s Interlude.
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Summary:  No one ever told you that you had a soulmate or—soulmates, for that matter. Humans don't have soulmates, but shapeshifters do. What are you supposed to do when the seven members of the worlds biggest boy band turn out to be your soulmates—only for you to realise that they aren't even human.
BTS is on a hiatus and ARMY thinks they are completing their mandatory military service. You believe that too, at least you did until you realised that you had adopted them and that one way or another they were gonna live with you—as Hybrids because apparently, you all are soulmates.
 (Hybrid AU // Soulmate AU) (Fluff // humour // smut // angst  // eventually NSFW) (NC-18) (Ot7 x Reader) (slow burn)
banner by: @thebannershop​
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Word Count: 1336
Warnings: None for now (PG 13)
Series Master-list Here 
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This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you...
Jungkook is young, often called the Golden Maknae, he's the youngest in the band.
Young, most times still—'too young.'
Too young to understand why he isn't allowed to take pictures with their fans on the street, too young to understand why he couldn't just jump into the crowd to hug a ARMY who was in a wheelchair, too young to understand why having tattoos as an idol would be frowned upon by some. 
Too young, too naive to fully understand how the world works. It irks him sometimes. 
But, he doesn't always mind being called 'young.' 
No, because it means he could pick up the choreography the quickest, was the most energetic during fan meetings, danced the hardest during concerts, and would smile the brightest no matter what. 
He still has the spirit, the drive, the need to prove something. 
It isn't like his Hyungs don't. They were all driven but Jungkook was—a bull tied to a truck, huffing and puffing with pulsing, neck veins—driven. 
It was a different kind of drive. 
Tae-hyung could act, Jimin-ssi was a trained dancer, Hobi-hyung had a mixtape out, Yoongi-hyung was a music producer who had the most collaborations under his name between all of them, Jin-hyung was a trained actor and he had his face and that was an accomplishment on its own and then lastly there was Rapmon-hyung.
Rapmon-hyung, the reason behind why Jungkook is, who he is today. Kim Namjoon, an idol's idol—his idol.
Jungkook though? He knows he can do a little of everything but when he thinks about it, he wasn't a master of anything. 
Sure, he could sing—was the lead vocalist, but sometimes he thinks it's just a title. Tae-hyung had a voice like liquid, molten gold, while Jimin-hyungs was one of a kind.  
BTS could live on without Jungkook, but without BTS, Jungkook had nothing.
His hyungs would say he was pushing himself too hard, that he would one day run his body to the ground, that he didn't have to prove anything—they would love him regardless.
And he believes them, they are his family, his mates, of course, they would love him. They have known each other for years, their connection, strong enough to let them know his thoughts without him having to word them out.  
But he tries, works harder to be loved anyway, not because he doesn't trust them but because he simply wants to. 
He has always wanted to give them reasons to love him, multiple reasons, beyond just him being their mate. It was something he did without even fully realising it. Like, staying up late to help Hobi-hyung tweak a certain part of their choreography, or giving Yoongi-hyung silent company, while he works in his studio late until the first rays of the sun filter through the cracks in between the blinds. 
In a nutshell—Jungkook wants his precious people to love him. 
He cries during concerts but doesn't in front of his hyungs, sings his throat raw in the studio alone, practices the choreography until the bottom of his feet are scrapped–the steps muscle memory by that point. 
His whole persona is contradictory in ways, even he doesn't fully understand. His actions black, white and all the shades in between. So, it's hard for him to pinpoint why exactly his feelings for you are different, but he knows that they are. 
He recalls sensing your presence for the first time, feeling another, newer pull to this unknown soul somewhere. He is three, when he first feels your presence. 
It was the first time he had ever felt a soulmate bond mature. Before you, he was the youngest and all the bonds were already there. He didn't know a life without them, had always felt them with every single intake of his breath. 
But with you, he felt it grow. Felt it as it grew stronger, harder to ignore, with every passing birthday of his, until the time would be right and he would finally be able to meet you.
He knew he had soulmates, was told by his parents that he would meet them when the time was right. Was told that he was fortunate for having multiple soulmates, most of their kind didn't have any. And Jungkook was lucky, he knew it too, was reminded of the fact every time, one of his mates would hug him. 
But, when the pressure of having more than one soulmate became too much, the strain of it on his body, a heavy toll that had started to feel unbearable, your bond was the one that had soothed him. 
While the other bonds felt like a determined, burning blaze, their presence hard to ignore, yours was quieter, softer, much like a cool, healing balm. 
Sometimes he likes to think if the bonds were real and tangible, the others would be red—burning, ceaseless and passionate, while the one he had with you would be green. 
Green like a clean, clear, ocean—eternal and infinite in its depth, with hues and shades, that kaleidoscope together to form a gentle and serene presence.
When their Hiatus started, he was a little sad. All seven of them were as their careers weren't just their jobs, but also their hobbies and passions. 
It was tough to put it all on hold for a few years, but they also knew that they needed to take a break. 
Their bond with ARMY is something special, almost surreal when he thinks about it. Jungkook doesn't want to toot his own horn, but he's pretty sure they have the largest, most passionate fan base in the present time.
They also have a legacy, something tangible and real, that they have left behind in their wake. Even if he's a little sad to let go of what was almost a routine for him by now, he thinks he'll eventually be okay. Even if they never release another song, he thinks he'll be alright, because what they have done so far? He's pretty damn proud of it all. 
Which was why, even though he was a little sad when the Hiatus started, he was relieved and excited too. Ready to explore what he hadn't yet had the chance to look into, the curious child within Jungkook was absolutely thrilled, as he thought of all the possibilities. 
One of them was, of course, finally meeting you. It was a sort of unspoken promise between the members that they would use this hiatus to finally find out who you were. They all loved each other and were glad for the other's presence, but without you, it always felt as if something was lacking. 
You were the missing puzzle piece, the final bond, their last mate—the one that would tie the lot of them together. 
They were anxious to meet you, they didn't know who you were, where you lived, whether you were a fan or not, or even if you were okay with having seven soul mates. What if you didn't want them? What if they overwhelmed you and made you run away, forever leaving them behind?
The possibilities of things going wrong and the metaphorical shit hitting the fan seemed endless to Jungkook. Even though he wasn't ready—wasn't ready to finally put a face to this presence, wasn't ready to meet you only to lose you. 
He was ready to tell you how much he loved you, how much he wanted, needed you. How much just sensing your presence through their bond had helped him. 
He was anxious and scared but he was also ready, as prepared as he was going to be. 
He believed he had thought of it all, the absolute worst of the worst possibilities, but nothing in the world, would have prepared him for the realisation. 
The realisation that you were a human. 
His soulmate, his hyungs soulmate—their soulmate was a human. 
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Refer to this post, if you aren’t sure what this interlude is for. 
Also, I’ve tagged everyone who’s asked so far. If you have asked to be tagged and I somehow forgot to put your name in, please let me know. Also originally the tag list was down here, in this post but Tumblr is trash and didn’t notify people so I’ll be tagging everyone down in the comments as apparently, that is the only way it seems to be working. Let me know if you have any idea why this is happening to me. 
Also if you STILL weren’t notified, let me know that too. Refer to this post here.
Next chapter will be out soon as well 💗
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Tag-list for the story can be found here.  Due to the running issue of tumblr and it’s unresponsive tags, I’ll be putting the taglist down in the comments.
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alice-in-wonderart · 4 years
Hi hello Can I request pregnancy hcs for Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang, and Jin Guangyao? 🥺
Hello, dearie ❤️ Your request has been granted~ I hope you enjoy the fluffalicious headcanons.
P.S. I am just LOVING the fact y'all are asking for NHS. He deserves the world. And gosh, seeing reqs for JGY and NMJ warms my heart.
Nie Mingjue
Have you ever seen a boulder cry? No? Well now you have. The moment he learns you are pregnant, with HIS child, a child symbolising the strong love you have for each other, he'd go deadly soft. No, he wouldn't necessarily cry, but if you squinted you'd notice how his eyes would turn slightly glossy.
For once his constant scowl will actually disappear and he'd look (and feel) genuinely happy.
At first, he'd stay silent, thinking over what you'd just told him, before lifting you up gently (as gently as Mr.Muscle can) and giving you a big hug. Then he'd let go of you, straighten up and resume his previous resting scowl.
"I will do my best to be a good father."
Truthfully, most of the cultivation world didn't think he could even actually keep a lover around for long, much less go as far as to start a family, so news of a little Nie heir would come as quite literally - a shock. Suddenly, the entire world's eyes would be on you, much to Nie Mingjue's displeasure. Because of that, he'd become MUCH more protective of you. The world can be cruel, people can be cruel and life can be unfair, so he'd make sure absolutely nothing can hurt you.
Before he learned you are pregnant, he was already pretty gentle with you, but after telling him - he doubles on the care. He'd randomly come check up on you through out the day under the pretence of having to ask you about your opinion on "very serious matters at hand".
He'd also double on the meditiation sessions, trying to best his anger for the sake of your well-being. In fact, as secretly nervous as he is about the whole situation, somehow the very thought of you and your future child would bring peace to his heart. Though that is something Zewu-jun would conveniently forget mentioning to him. Alas, he'd suddenly remember once the two sat down for a cup of tea.
Nie Mingjue would secretly hope he could teach his child about the art of war and have actual proper sparring sessions, which he couldn't have with his brother. He would occasionally imagine, telling him stories of their ancestors, choosing their saber, showing them all of the Nie traditions and so on and so forth.
He'd also vow not to let his child turn into another Huaisang. (although knowing how complacent Nie Mingjue can be when it comes to his loved ones, spoiling this kid ROTTEN wouldn't be too far from the realm of possibilities.) Frankly, as long as his child can grow up to take good care of themself and the sect, he'd be content either way.
And above all, he'd be thankful, that he ended up with a family made on the foundations of mutual understanding and respect, and a child on the way, which is a symbol of true love.
Nie Huaisang
Does he absolutely love you to death? No questions asked. But the news of a child would catch him completely unprepared, which is fairly uncommon for the all-seeing mastermind that is Nie Huaisang.
Suddenly, saber practice and tests at Gusu seemed like a breeze. That isn't to say he wouldn't be happy, or glad, or proud - believe me, he'd be ELATED. It's just- is he ready to be a father? Is he ready to raise a child? Is he ready to be a ...role-model? Create a legacy?!
"But- I'm trash. What if I can't take care of this child? What if I fail at raising it? What if I'm a dead-beat dad? What if I die suddenly? What if war starts? What if the child doesn't like me? OH MY GOD WHAT IF THE CHILD DOESN'T LI-"
Please save him from his own self-doubt, he's more worried than Wei Wuxian and his self-worth equals that of a washing sponge. In reality, Nie Huaisang is so used to being underestimated, considered a mere spoiled prince, that the determination and unconditional love in your eyes would take him aback. Even more so, the trust you have in him, especially for raising a child, would leave him speechless.
And then would come the realization of the situation - he will be a father. And he will start a family with the love of his life, successfully continuing the Nie lineage. He'd be well-aware of the humongous responsibility that comes with raising a child and after taking a breather, he'd be more that ready to take on the world. And god forbid anybody dares say anything about his family.
After that whole fiasco, things would actually die down. Nie Huaisang is no idiot. The more obnoxious he is, the more unwanted attention he'd bring about. He'd be pretty casual with his care, often just lying with you, making blind guesses about the baby.
Sometimes, just to get a reaction, he'd ask like a spoiled child "are we close now" "are you there yet" and so on and so forth, generally aiming at making you laugh.
He has already made up his mind - once the child is born and is given a name, he'd paint it on the finest wooden fan imaginable. In FACT, getting to teach said child how to paint would his little not-so-secret dream.
As long as you're healthy, Nie Huaisang would more more than content with this turn of events. In fact, he'd be so proud to have you by his side.
Deep down he'd be totally soft and utterly emotional over the fact that he'll be a father, but those are emotions saved for later stages of your life together. (wait till you actually give birth)
Jin Guangyao
Imagine the sweetest, fondest stare in the history of stares ever. That is what you'll first see, once you inform Jin Guangyao of your pregnancy.
"What truly joyful news, my love."
He may be many things, many things indeed, but he isn't unattentive. You are his wife, his lover, the mother of his child and he would take great responsibility for that. He'd take care of you more than ever before, though he's always been extremely considerate.
Any darkness or intent of murder in his heart would dissipate once he sees you, and tripple should anybody so much as look at you the wrong way. After all, he has enough experience in the art of murder to know how to get around.
Living in a brothel with his mother showed him how harsh the world and society can be, so he'd vow to himself to give you and your child the life you deserve. Remembering everything his own father, if you could call him that, had or hadn't done for him, he has been given a good example of what not to do. He's promised to himself to be a good, loving father, who'd raise his child right. Simply he'd want his child to grow up without having to worry about surviving.
He'd fall utterly in love with this child before it is even born. He'd be constantly talking to your stomach, stroking if gently, leaving sweet kisses along your skin. That of course would only happen behind closed doors, yet the more your belly would grow, the more you'd get to spend time with Jin Guangyao.
While he wouldn't make a big deal out of your pregnancy, he wouldn't really hide it either. Lan Xichen, of course, would be first fo know, so he'd quickly come to give the two of you his blessings. Slowly news of the future heir would travel, so Jin Guanguao's overly cautious behavior would double. You'd still be allowed to go outside, of course, he is no monster, (his words, not mine) but he'd require you to go down town only when accompanied by him, or one of your most trusted people. He'd have spies everywhere, all to ensure your well-being.
He'd know almost immediately whenever you'd feel sick or generally uncomfortable because of the baby. And he'd be prepared with natural herbal remedies, massages and a ton of cuddles. Simply, he'd respond to your every beg and call. (I mean- he already does that but shhh)
Despite being, essentially, a criminal mastermind, there is no denying he is intelligent, resourceful, diligent and a good leader, in the core of it. Now, to that list can be added a good husband and a great father. After all, he'd want his child, no matter the gender, to be treated with respect and given all of the love it would require - what he always wanted, yet never received.
Thank you for reading~
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anime-of-the-day · 3 years
Anime of the day: Samurai Champloo
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Released: 2004
Literature has this thing called the literary canon. I believe anime has the same thing, and that Samurai Champloo is a required member of the anime canon.
Set during an Edo-like period our three main characters, Fuu a tea waitress looking for a guy who smells of sunflowers, Jin a morally picky samurai, and Mugen who basically does whatever he feels like.  This anime is a real treat. The plot moves forward at a nice pace. The side tracks are secretly tied into the whole story. Plus the humor is timeless. It’s anime craftsmanship at its finest and the easiest example is the music.
This anime features the styling of the legendary Nujabes. He’s often accredited as one of the founders of low-fi music. "Battlecry" by Nujabes feat. Shing02 is the opening. It’s one of the most iconic songs in anime. I’ll add a side track story down below about this song. “四季ノ唄" by MINMI is the ending for most episodes. Some episodes have their own endings like 12 with "Who's Theme" by MINMI, 17 with "YOU" by kazami, 23 with  "FLY [SMALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS]" by Tsutchie & fat jon, and 26 with "San Francisco" by MIDICRONICA. I would love a second season of this anime, but at the same time I don’t. I want a second season that’s as good as the first. However, that can be difficult for anime to do, see One Punchman and Promised Neverland for example of what not to do. So, I understand why this anime won’t be continued.
Ok the promised side story. I was playing this song at work and some, uncultured swine, said “isn't this from SAO.” Boy did I blow up. I mean I said something along the lines of how dare they compare that SAO trash to this eternal anime classic. The musical stylings of Nujabes should never be mentioned with that flaming dumpster trash called SAO. I was fuming. Everyone around me turned to mice. The few other anime people in the room were like “why are you spitting truths about SAO being trash?” It was a conflicting day.
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krreader · 4 years
BTS reacting to someone else revealing that you’re in love with them.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: language ; idol!reader for some scenarios genre: angst ; fluff word count: 2.1k+
a/n: omg this escalated a little lol, but I had so much fun writing it that I hope you like it too ♥
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kim seokjin
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This was supposed to be a fun night with your best friend, where you'd do nothing but be lazy, eat junk food and gossip about the world.
But it was as if fate didn't allow you pleasures in life.
“Oh god, it's Jin,” you sat up straight when you got a notification from your crush, your best friend doing the same, “I'm too scared to read it, you do it.”
She took the spoon out of her mouth and placed it in the empty ice cream bowl before opening your phone and reading the message out loud, while you were clutching a pillow against your chest, “Hey (Y/N), so, I just talked to the boys and they somehow all said you have feelings for me? Why do my band members know about this but not me, who is directly involved?” her jaw dropped, then her expression turned into an angry one, “THOSE SNITCHES!”
“Bye,” you got up out of bed, “Delete my social media and then throw my phone into the trash, I'm going to move to an island.”
“No, no, no, don't,” she pulled you back onto the bed, “This might be an opportunity. You said you were always too afraid to tell him yourself, but now you didn't have to and he still knows. Sure, it's not ideal, but the message doesn't sound like he's refusing you or anything. Just think about it.. if he didn't feel anything for you, he'd probably just ignore it, right?”
You thought on it for a moment, then you asked, “You really think so?”
“Look, I think it's time you and him finally talk in person about this,” she handed you the phone, “Tell him to meet you at a café tomorrow. I'll be sitting in the back and if it's becoming too uncomfortable or you need an emergency exit, you just do our sign and I'll come and rescue you and then we get drunk to forget about him, okay?”
“Very uplifting,” you mumbled, but ultimately asked him to meet you anyways. The 'damage' was already done, now you had to talk to him in person about it or it would only get worse and more awkward the next time you'd see each other.
You were the first to arrive the next day, were so freaking nervous, but your best friend giving you a thumbs up from a table further away made you a little more at ease.
Even though you had nothing to be scared about.
Because when Seokjin entered the café, he did so looking fine as hell, with a happy smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“What.. is this?” you asked in confusion.
“A date, I hope,” he leaned down to kiss your cheek, then wiggled his eyebrows with a grin, “One that seems to be long overdue.”
min yoongi
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“Those flowers you're always getting for our wins.. who are they from, hyung?” Jimin asked one day out of curiosity, “You've been getting them for years..”
“A friend.. from before.”
“Man.. he cares a lot about you if he spends so much money on congratulating you. You'd think he'd stop at this point with the amount of wins we get.”
“She,” Yoongi corrected, still looking at his phone.
And then Jimin was quiet for a moment, before he let out a sigh and said, “Scratch that. She's in love with you, then.”
And it was only now that Yoongi looked up from his phone and watched Jimin leave. And even though he told himself that that was bullshit and that you two were only friends like in the old days.. there were signs that Yoongi always thought were a bit odd.
Because despite you two not having seen each other in years, you still seemed to.. wait..
..for him to come back.
He didn't act on it then, but later that night when he was already in bed, he dared to send you a message: “If I ask you something, will you promise me to tell the truth?”
“I've never lied to you, I won't start now,” you replied only a few minutes later.
“Do you still have feelings for me?”
Because he knew you did when he left. He knew it had hurt you when he left and you had cried terribly, but only because your mother had admitted it one day. But he had assumed that those feelings were long gone at this point.
Well.. joke's on him.
And his heart skipped a beat.. out of happiness.
jung hoseok
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Bangtan was doing a fansign today, nothing out of the usual, nothing extraordinary.
Until one girl came up to Hoseok that really surprised him today (and ARMY's have done a lot for Bangtan, so it's hard to say that one of them is surprised).
“Are you happy at the moment?”
“Why would you ask me that?” he laughed like he usually did as he signed her album, then looked up at her, “Do I not look happy?” he acted cute, but she seemed to look right through him.
“You're allowed to be happy, you know?” she waited for the girl to her right to move on before she whispered, “I went to (Y/N)'s fansign last week and asked her about you.. she didn't say anything, but I could tell that she was sad. I don't know what happened between you two and I don't believe the media, but please don't think that you can't be with her because of us fans. You deserve to be happy and if she makes you happy then you should be with her.”
Hoseok blinked at her for a second, then he asked: “What did she tell you?”
“She didn't have to tell me anything, it was obvious what she's feeling for you. The way she looks at you and the way she starts to smile when one mentions your name is enough,” she looked at the manager when he asked her to move on, but then quickly added, “Be happy, Jung Hoseok. Please..”
Hoseok didn't mention this to anyone, not even to you at first.
It was only a few days later that he decided to dial the number he used to call so often, but not anymore.
“Hey.. it's uh.. it's me,” Hoseok bit down on his lip, “I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me?”
He had put some space between you two when things were starting to get heated, but he had assumed you had merely wanted something sexual. To hear that from a fan, that she thought you might feel more for him when he did too.. it gave him hope when he didn't have any.
But he should have had.
“I'd love to,” you smiled.
kim namjoon
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“If you had to choose between.. Namjoon and Hoseok,” Yoongi asked, drunk out of his mind as you all played a game that was supposed to be for teenagers, “Who would you choose?”
“Aaaah, come on this is a boring question, hyung,” Jeongguk whined, “Ask about dick.”
“Namjoon,” you whispered into your drink.
You thought nobody had heard it, but everybody did. Somehow they all suddenly were sober enough to hear that.
Namjoon stared at you with wide eyes and only blinked again when Yoongi nudged his side, “See, I told you she had a thing for you, Namjoonie.”
This was really embarrassing. So much, that you ended up taking your leave and decided to get yourself a glass of water in the kitchen while your band members and Bangtan continued to play the game.
And when someone entered the kitchen, you knew that it could only be one.
“I'm drunk.. don't think too much of it.”
“I'm going to be disappointed if I don't, though,” Namjoon waited for you to turn around, but when you didn't, he decided to walk up to you and gently turn you around by your waist.
“Don't give me false hope, Namjoon,” you didn't dare look at him, but he grabbed your chin and made you.
“You know I'd never hurt you,” no. Instead, what happened was him crashing his lips against yours and you two full-on making out in the kitchen.
All thanks to Yoongi.
park jimin
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“So.. are you two dating yet?” Taemin asked as he sat down next to Jimin with a drink in his hand.
“(Y/N) and you.. she's obviously crazy for you and you don't seem to hate the idea of dating her either.”
“She's.. not in love with me,” Jimin shook his head, then he snorted, “She's got other guys who want her attention, I don't think she's that into me.”
“My god, you really don't give yourself any credit, man,” he let out a heavy sigh and took his drink out of his hand, “Get up and talk to her. Right now. Because those looks you're giving each other are driving everyone crazy.” “Stop this, hyung, this isn't funny.”
“I know it isn't. Now go and get the girl before someone else does,” he winked at him, then shifted his attention to someone else who wanted to talk to him and Jimin had no other choice but to walk over to you and talk to you, unless he wanted to stand in the room like a tree.
“Hey,” he scratched the back of his head, “Do you.. want to go outside? It's a bit crowded in here.”
“Oh god, yes,” you smiled happily.
And Jimin couldn't help but remember Taemin's words when during you two walking out and people pushing against you two, you grabbed his hand and interlinked your fingers with his so you wouldn't lose him.
And Jimin loved it.
kim taehyung
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You didn't do these kind of activities often, mostly because Taehyung didn't have a lot of time for them, but also because it was hard doing something like this without anyone recognizing him.
But this was something that you've both wanted to do for so long and so Tae put on a face mask, glasses and a hat in hopes of nobody recognizing him.
And they didn't.
Because tonight, the attention was somewhere else completely.
“Isn't it beautiful? There hasn't been a starry night like this in years and you're all seeing it up-close,” the guy who did the tour at the observatory said with a huge grin, everyone admiring the beauty of the universe in that moment.
And yet all you could look at was Taehyung, as he pulled down the face mask and the glasses and smiled so brightly that you wanted to cry.
He was so.. happy.
“Please.. come this way, ladies and gentlemen,” the tour guide said, wanting to lead you into another room, but when you asked Taehyung to follow he said, “Go on, I'll be there in a second.”
Wanting to give him a moment to breathe on his own, you did what he asked.
But then another guy approached him, from the looks of it, the one who ran the observatory.
“It's funny isn't it? How the most beautiful things are always right in front of our eyes and yet it's so hard to see it sometimes.”
“Yes,” Taehyung smiled, looking at the guy. But the guy wasn't looking at the stars, he was looking at you.
“Don't waste your time chasing stars forever, though, boy. Not when you already have one right next to you who's only glowing for you.”
And that was a sentence that Taehyung never forgot, a sentence that he lived by for the rest of his life, with you eventually being his girlfriend, then wife and then mother of his children.
Because he realized that the only star he needed in his life was you.
jeon jeongguk
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Jeongguk was sleepily making his way into the kitchen to find Jin already making breakfast with a smile.
“Didn't sleep well?” the oldest member chuckled when Jeongguk sat down on one of the bar stools, his head against the cold counter.
“(Y/N) and I talked for hours last night.. I don't even remember what we talked about, but the conversation just didn't end.”
“Young love,” Jin laughed, but was surprised to see Jeongguk's head shoot up as quickly as it did, “What? Isn't it obvious that she's in love with you?”
“She's.. just my best friend.”
“No, Jeongguk,” he placed a plate full of food in front of him with a smile, “She's more than that.”
And that's all it needed. Somebody to say it as bluntly as that for Jeongguk to open his eyes to reality. That the looks you were giving him and the giggles you had reserved only for him weren't that of a best friend.. and the fact that he never once felt weird, but actually liked it when you did all of that and thought it was cute..
..that meant.. he had feelings for you too, right?
“Wait, hyung! What do I do now?” Jeongguk yelled, running after Jin, now suddenly full of energy.
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whats-wild-to-you · 3 years
DEMONS (Jay Park AU)
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[Chapter 10]
"Who’s there?"
"It’s me." I say meekly.
The door opens and I’m standing face to face with Jaebeom. Silently I’m asking for permission to enter, and finally he steps to the side so I can go in.
Apart from the desk light, everything else is dark. Still I can see that the place is a mess. Without thinking too much, I start picking up clothes and empty bottles and throwing them in the trash can.
"How did you find me?" I hear Jaebeom ask.
"I asked Captain Jung." I answer.
I know what he wants to say, I know he wants to apologize but he can’t.
"I know." I say and continue cleaning up the place but there's not much I can do since there isn’t even running water.
"You need a shower!" I pick him up carrying him to my car.
"Let’s get you back home and after you have some food and rest you will feel better. I promise."
There's a suffocating silence in the car. No one says a word. Only when I push Jaebeom towards the bathroom, he locks eyes with me for the first time.
"Why are you doing all this?"
I don't have an answer, not right now anyway. "Go, take a shower, I'll make you soup."
He emerges 20 minutes later, dressed in grey sweatpants and a black shirt. I place a bowl of hot soup in front of him and continue cleaning the kitchen.
When I'm done, I put on my coat and grab my phone and keys. "Eat up and get some sleep! And call Jung, he's worried about you."
"I thought you would hate me." He finally says, his voice breaking at the end.
"I don't." I whisper more to myself.
I pity you.
"Get some rest."
I return home, after stopping at a convenience store for some soju. Usually I'm not the type to drink alone but tonight I need a drink.
I think about the messed up situation I'm in, while downing one shot after the other. Jung was right, I shouldn't have gotten involved with Jaebeom in the first place.
But I know I can't break up with him, not now, not while he's like this. I know he needs help, and I know that I'm not qualified enough to help him.
Exhausted I climb in bed, hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.
I wake up after a peaceful slumber, but I can't get out of bed.
Too many questions are running through my head. Last night I was in shock, Ye-jin was the last person I expected to see after the way I behaved. And though she did come to me, and convinced me to move past this, I know she hasn't forgiven me yet.
"I doubt she ever will." I say more to myself.
I call Jung, notifying him that I will return to work, but not before I have a serious conversation with Ye-jin.
He informs me that Ye-jin already called, saying she will come in late as well.
She's probably trying to avoid me, but I shouldn't put that conversation off any longer.
When she answers the door, she looks like she hasn't slept at all but rather stayed up all night, crying.
"I was expecting you." She utters, her voice frail. "Sit. I made coffee."
She hands me a cup, and sits down far away from me.
Suddenly I'm reminded of that first night I came to her apartment, how I wouldn't leave so she had no other option but to let me crash on her couch.
I always assumed she did it because she was interested in me, but now I'm not so sure anymore.
Was it sympathy? Pity?
I can't help but think that none of this mess would've happened if I just left that night. We wouldn't have had slept together, I wouldn't have fallen in love with her, she wouldn't have been hurt.
"If I could turn back time, I would. I would do it all differently, from the start. But I can't."
"You need help." She says, her voice cracking, as she wipes the tears of her cheeks.
I can't look at her, so I keep staring at my lap.
"I knew that from the moment we started working together. I wanted to help you, and though I knew I couldn't, I tried anyway. I may have made things worse actually, not everything is your fault.
But now you, we, are in a dangerous place. You need to get help, because I need you to get better, because... because I want you in my life. But not like this, Jaebeom. Not like the way you are now! Can you understand me?"
I nod, my head still hanging low. I look at the small puddle of tears I created on the wooden floor.
"I'll do anything you ask me to."
I can hear her standing up, going towards the kitchen and rummaging through several drawers. She comes back, handing me a box of tissues, after wiping my tears off the floor.
Kneeling in front of me, she grabs my face with both of her small hands, forcing me to look up.
"You're not alone in this. I'll be by your side helping you. But you have to want to get better. Do you want to get better?" She asks, fresh tears filling her eyes.
I nod in silence, not trusting my own voice.
"Then let's go!" She says, and extends her hand to me.
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Episode 7
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Their first vow together. So nice! I actually do like the parallels here between Lan Yi and Wei Wuxian, and Baoshan Sanren and Lan Wangji: you have one set being reckless and untamed (I said it) and the other set trying to restore order. It’s kind of funny that the ancestors are switched, though. So here we have Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji vowing to bring all the Yin Iron pieces back to the cold spring pond to neutralize them, and of course Lan Wangji’s first reaction is, “None of your business.” It’s cute how Lan Yi takes Wei Wuxian’s side and has a sense of pride for her close friend’s disciple. I think he’s an honorary Lan in her eyes.
And then Lan Yi gives them a warning to not make the same mistakes she made. Wei Wuxian’s like, “Yep, got it, I promise.” But we all know from the beginning that this obviously doesn’t go well for him, since he dies in the first five minutes of the series. He will go on to make some questionable decisions, most of which are driven by his emotions, which are often not in check. Side note: I love this series, but I don’t like how they took a great grey character like Wei Wuxian and turned him into a character where many of the things that went wrong were caused by other people.
Another side note. That fucking Yin Iron fell on the guqin so many times, and it didn’t dent it at all. Is the guqin made out of iron too? I thought it was wood. If I did that to my violin, I guarantee you the violin would not fare very well.
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Forever a favorite moment. It was great enough that they were tied together by Lan Wangji’s headband, but even better that Wei Wuxian fell on him. So great—such a tease to the audience. And this is as close as we get to the scene in the book when Lan Wangji uses the body binding spell to keep Wei Wuxian on top of him all night (ooh, my heart skipped a beat when I read that).
Also, taking the screenshot, I noticed you can see the impression of the little metal piece from Lan Wangji’s headband. Little things like that interest me for some reason. I wonder if it bothered Wang Yibo—did it press too hard on his forehead? I remember him saying he’d get tan lines from the headband.
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I love this little smirk he does. A moment when Wei Wuxian’s gift to gab really pays off. Instead of letting Lan Wangji talk and explain the situation, Wei Wuxian keeps speaking, lying about what they were doing. I’d like to think he does it in part to protect Lan Wangji and to stop him from breaking any of his clan rules, but likely it’s another chance for him to prove himself as someone Lan Wangji can trust. And I take Lan Wangji’s little acknowledgement of him there as his silent “thank you.” It says a lot, I think, that Wei Wuxian is willing to lie to Jiang Cheng in order to protect the Lan Clan’s secrets.
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I’m sorry, but every time I hear Nie Huaisang say, “You were gone a whole day and night,” my mind immediately goes to the gutter—like the implication is that they were doing something inappropriate during that time. I keep expecting a sex joke, only to remind myself that this was on Chinese television and that would, of course, not happen. Jiang Cheng says a similar thing (and my mind goes the same way that time too), but in that case, canon book Jiang Cheng does later accuse them of having a more-than-friendly relationship, and he does not say it in a nice way.
Also, throughout the scene that precedes this, where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are discussing what to do next with Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen, it really feels like wangxian just want to go on a buddy road trip together, and they are so disappointed when they are turned down. Oh, I didn’t screencap it, but Lan Wangji has the saddest sad face at the end.
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I think Lan Wangji is a little impressed here but he doesn’t want to admit it. Wei Wuxian has a great gift to come up with ridiculous stories and lies at the drop of a hat. I love that Wei Wuxian doesn’t have to come up with a scary snake story when he could have just told Nie Huaisang what he’d already told Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing, but he does anyway. Mad respect.
This also kind of amuses me because Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji can never really have a moment alone. They keep getting interrupted by other people when I think they just want to talk about what they experienced. Instead we just have all these shared glances. Nothing like a big fat secret to get close to each other, right?
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Omfg Jiang Cheng is so jealous! I thought maybe I was imagining it or just projecting my own ideas onto him, but NO—he is jealous! He’s all like, “If you like Lan Wangji so much, why don’t you marry him?” I mean, that basically happened. I’ve gone on about this before, but I love the tension between Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji, and the fact that it continues even after Wei Wuxian dies makes it even better. Jiang Cheng is so stubborn and continues to hold a grudge against Lan Wangji, and it bothers the fuck out of him that there’s someone out there devoted to Wei Wuxian, by whom Jiang Cheng feels so betrayed.
And, I mean, by this point, it’s already started. As soon as they get to the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian starts paying more attention to Lan Wangji than he does to either Jiang Cheng or Jiang Yanli. And Jiang Cheng likes to say, “You’re worrying my sister, you’re hurting my sister” when he really means, “You’re worrying me.” His stupid pride gets in the way of having a good relationship with Wei Wuxian. And I don’t think Wei Wuxian would ever put Lan Wangji above Jiang Cheng, who he considers his family—at least not at this point. It’s not until the second half that things switch, and really, even then, in the CQL-verse, the two are probably equal in Wei Wuxian’s mind. He backs off from Jiang Cheng due to Jiang Cheng’s attitude toward him.
Okay, Jiang Cheng’s jealousy aside, I love how steadfast and supportive Wei Wuxian is of him. As soon as he catches on that Jiang Cheng is jealous, he immediately starts trash-talking the Cloud Recesses and talking up Lotus Pier. It’s very cute, very sweet. He’s a good brother to him, really.
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Now who’s jealous? Just kidding. I love his wistful expression here, as he watches them go off. Anyone who’s read the book knows that Lan Wangji does get jealous at times and certainly frustrated with Wei Wuxian’s coquettish behavior. I would say he is more longing at this moment, maybe even wanting to get closer to Wei Wuxian, without really understanding why himself. There’s such an isolation to his world: even though he’s surrounded by other disciples, he doesn’t have any friends. He’s maybe regretting how quickly he refused to the invitation to Lotus Pier. I think, on the one hand, Lan Wangji has found one person in this world who not only shares a secret with him, but who has similar goals—on the other hand, his code of ethics are all over the place. His heart and mind are conflicted: he wants to get closer, but he doesn’t want to make the wrong decision. To his Gusu Lan Clan mind, Wei Wuxian is all wrong, but his heart says otherwise. And I’m not saying he loves him already—but he is already seeing a kindred spirit in Wei Wuxian, someone who he can rely on, someone he can trust, someone who has his back, even if it means bending a few rules. And in a relationship, you have nothing if you don’t have trust.
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I never noticed that they were communicating telepathically here. Or something. I dunno. I guess it’s not that clear.
Also if it feels like I’m ignoring all these parts with the Wen Clan, it’s because I am. I mean, not really, but this is all the Yin Iron stuff that I don’t really care about. And I’m not in the Xue Yang fan club either, so I’m not going to spend time on him until he’s actually in it in Yueyang (possibly) and Yi City. Actually, confession: I’ve never watched the Yi City flashback episodes. I read it, so I know it, but I never watched it hahaha. I will this time around. I made that pact with myself.
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Ahem, excuse me. This is too fucking cute, though. The rabbit lantern that Wei Wuxian drew just for him, his cute baby smile, and the Wei Wuxian pointing it out with a grin. Cuteness overload—my heart can’t take it.
But I also had a sad thought that if Wei Wuxian hadn’t come over, Lan Wangji would be sitting here alone. He’d make his lantern all on his own, send it off into the sky, say his own prayer to himself, and never hear Wei Wuxian’s, which likely sends Lan Wangji over the edge with his feelings. Everything he thought about Wei Wuxian was true, and maybe it’s okay to like him, maybe it’s okay to consider him a friend, maybe it’s okay to trust him that way.
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Just a shot that I liked. Enjoy.
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I feel so bad for Jiang Yanli here. I also feel bad for Jin Zixuan, even though he’s a complete dick. I understand how they both feel here—to be tied to someone you don’t know, from the time you were small children is incredibly unfair in my eyes. That being said, I know this still happens in other parts of the world, and it’s implied that it’s common in our CQL/MDZS world (which would make sense, of course). I like the feeling of siding with Wei Wuxian, wanting to come to Jiang Yanli’s defense and protect her honor, while also still having an understanding of how Jin Zixuan must feel about the whole thing. His choice has been completely taken away. And he’s, what, 17 here? What 17-year-old boy wants to be reminded constantly about how he’s already engaged? It’s not typically a young man’s dream to settle down and get married—not that it can’t be! But the implication here, with all the girls tittering about it, is that they’re all excited about marriage, and he wants nothing to do with it. Of course, Jiang Yanli isn’t either. I think she really just wants to get to know him and spend time with him, before even thinking about marrying him.
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Ah, a momentous occasion: the first time Lan Wangji tries to stop Wei Wuxian from getting himself into trouble (not counting the first time they met, when he was literally trying to police him while breaking Cloud Recesses rules). I like this shot, because you have Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji on either side of Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Yanli in the front, literally putting her body between him and Jin Zixuan (actually this parallels her final scene). It kind of shows the depths of their relationships (or at least what the director wants to show us). You have Lan Wangji, who grabs onto Wei Wuxian to try to stop him from further brawling; Jiang Cheng, who stands beside him, but isn’t really involved otherwise—standoffish, in a way; and then Jiang Yanli, who physically gets in the way. She’s the quintessential big sister. And I’m not saying Jiang Cheng doesn’t care—he does, but I think his first thought always has to do with the honor of the Jiang Clan and, while he’s standing beside Wei Wuxian, it’s almost as if he doesn’t want to show any involvement with this brawl, because that would look bad.
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Ah, the old dudes meeting, while Jiang Cheng stands off to the side awkwardly, wondering if he should be there or not. At the outset, this meeting to decide their children’s future seemed kind of bad, but it actually turned out nice, with them agreeing to call off the engagement. Very progressive, I thought.
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Two things I learned in this scene: Wei Wuxian doesn’t want to marry a woman and he doesn’t want to leave the Cloud Recesses yet (TL: he doesn’t want to leave Lan Wangji). He seriously looks so disappointed when she says they’re going home soon.
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This feels like a mixture of “I’m worried about you” and “I don’t want to be left out.” We already know at this point that Wei Wuxian doesn’t want to leave the Cloud Recesses (more that he doesn’t want to leave Lan Wangji, because he doesn’t like all of the rules, obviously). He also is very interested in what’s happening with the Yin Iron, as he has also vowed to protect it with Lan Wangji. He is very perceptive—he knows something is happening, that Lan Wangji is going to go off on his own, and he wants to go with. It’s kind of hard to say if this is more out of duty or his adventurous spirit, but either way, he wants to help Lan Wangji.
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“After his leave, things will be as quiet here as before.”
Look at how sad he is! The only person he considers a friend has just left, and at this point, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever see him again. It’s possible, sure, but then only at clan gatherings, and that’s if Wei Wuxian and Lang Wangji even happen to attend the same one. I believe we know from the book that Lan Wangji doesn’t typically attend gatherings (when he’s older), he often skips them. And Wei Wuxian isn’t necessarily important enough to even be invited, so he would have to be a guest of Jiang Cheng. Obviously we all know that they do go to gatherings and see each other again, but this is what I’d be thinking if I were Lan Wangji, okay? Like, when am I going to see him again? Will I ever see him again?
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I leave you with a wholesome picture of Wei Wuxian and a rabbit. Also adorable that he contemplates bringing the bunnies back to Lotus Pier, but doesn’t because Lan Wangji might get lonely. MY HEART!
Other episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
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