#I mean okay it’s not great at the moment but we have hope! Yay for hope!
rook-of-the-woods · 7 months
there was a time in my life where I though I was your most average, straight, cis, neurotypical, Christian, mentally healthy bitch you could be.
things have obviously changed.
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harrywavycurly · 4 months
Secret Rendezvous Part 18: Mixtape
Masterlist: Here
CW: None
Tag List: @emma-munson @aol19 @tlclick73 @prestinalove @kailey-firefly @fromasgardandback @therealgothamguardianfr @peaches-roses-sins @hiscrimsonangel @furiousladyking @angelina16torres-blog @sofaritsalrightt @josephquinnsfreckles @starrywhitenight @mrsjellymunson @witchwolflea @jasminelafleur @ohmeg @comeonatmebruh @missmarch-99 @arthurcerverogf @disassociationdive @123iloveyou456 @perplexing-vex
A/N: I have had this exact moment planned for a very long time and I hope y’all enjoy the chaos also there’s officially only two more updates left for this series✨
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“Hey Eddie!” “Uh hey…Jessica…” “Oh my goodness you got my name right I think I can finally take my name tag off now….have a good lunch tell Chrissy I said hello.” “Yeah…will do..” “Eddie! Hey! Oh is that a new Metallica shirt?” “Uhm hi…Hailey?…uh yeah it-” “Hey Eddie do you know where Stacy is? She’s not here yet and if she’s not eating here today then I’m going to go eat lunch in the cheer gym and work on my stunts.” “Uh hey Taylor…uhm nope I have no clue where she uh is…but Gareth isn’t here yet either so maybe they are just running…late?” “Well I’m gonna go eat in the gym will you let her know if you see her? Hailey you wanna come?” “Sure! See you later Eddie!” “See you…later….” “Someone’s popular.” “Don’t start Chrissy…oh Jessica says hello.” “Thanks…so…how’s it going? I notice someone is missing from the lunch table today…” “yeah I don’t know where she’s at but I also don’t know where Stacy and-” “I’m just saying that’s not a very Henry…thing to do…” “speak of the devil! Where have you two been? Hailey and Taylor went to go eat in the gym because they got tired of waiting for you Stacy.” “Well I was helping someone….decide who just asked her to prom.” “Prom? Someone…uhm asked…you to…prom?” “Does that shock you Munson? That someone would ask me to prom?” “No…not at all…uhm why do…you need help figuring out who…it was?” “Because they just left me a mixtape and that’s it…and the song titles on the back spell out prom.” “That’s so cute! Was it Henry?” “Henry? You still talk to Henry?” “And if I do? It’s not like it’s any of your business who I’m friends with.” “Uhh Stacy let’s go join the girls in the gym yeah? I’m sure Hailey needs someone to spot her for some stunts.” “Yeah…good idea…you two uh…have a good…lunch.” “What’s your deal Eddie? Why do you look like someone just told you the Easter bunny isn’t real?” “Can we just start over? Please? Just…I’m sorry.” “For?” “Everything…you name it I’m sorry for it okay? I was an asshole to you and I shouldn’t have been and…I’m….just sorry.” “Oh…well…okay.” “Okay?” “Yeah…okay…you’re sorry and that’s a big step for you so I’m glad you finally took it.” “You…don’t forgive me?” “Not yet…” “okay that’s…fine…can we..at least be friends?” “Sure…we can be friends.” “So…you really think this mixtape was Henry?” “I mean he’s the only option so..yeah.” “Have you listened to it yet?” “No? I..don’t know if I have to since the back pretty much said everything.” “Oh…I mean you should at least listen to it…just once….” “Maybe I will on my way home.” “Are you going to say yes?” “I…don’t know…I have to think about it.” “What if it wasn’t Henry who gave you the mixtape?” “Who else would-” “Hey…where’s Stacy?” “Gare Bear! She’s in the cheer gym.” “Great thanks….” “You can’t go in there….” “Why not? My girlfriend is in there?” “Uh it’s the cheer gym…you’re not a cheerleader…” “oh…right…well looks like you two are stuck having lunch with me then.” “Yay us…” “I know you’re being sarcastic Eddie but I don’t really care.” “I gotta go…” “where?” “I just…have somewhere to be.” “He’s in a mood…what did I miss?” “Henry asked me to prom…” “oh…wait you still talk to Henry?” “No…that’s the weird thing…and he asked me with a mixtape…” “a..mixtape?….yeah…that’s…totally weird…I gotta go.” “What? You too?” “Sorry I gotta find Eddie and run a campaign idea off him! See you later!” “Okay…bye!”
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
could you do konner and clark kent x kid reader like just fluff and angst. like lex tried to make another clone but he’s still super young abd confused
Alright. Some more Superman content, yay. And I will go to the grave saying that Henry Cavill is drop dead gorgeous and a great Superman.
Summary: Lex made another clone. Superman and Superboy are going to kill him.
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When the Justice League heard about the rumors of Lex creating more clones, they were concerned. Superman especially. He had experience with Conner and that was going to be a plus going into this mission, if they do find some clones.
Clark could only hope that they didn't find any. He only hoped that they wouldn't find anyone in there. Especially the clones. He only wished to destroy the facility and gather evidence against Lex Luther.
That's the only thing he wanted. Evidence and a destroyed facility. The only thing that he wanted was that. Conner agreed with Clark, his father figure. Their relationship was almost father son and he had a brotherly connection with Jon.
As they were flying to the facility, he thought about what they could find in the facility. Would they really find more clones? Or would they find the failure clones?
He closed his eyes for a moment. He would rather find live clones than the failures. Whose DNA were even going to use? His own? What if Lex had some of his DNA in storage? Superman sighed quietly, shaking his head.
He could only hope that Lex didn't have anymore of his DNA. He didn't need another Conner on his hands. He didn't need anymore shocks like Conner put him through when he first saw him.
He would remember all of it for as long as he lived.
He took a quiet deep breath as the airplane stopped and landed down on the ground. All of them stood up and walked to the facility. It was supposed to be abandoned so that made things a little bit easier.
Hopefully. Superman wasn't really interested in a fight today. He really wasn't. It was devoid of the normal human noises like heartbeats, breathing and talking.
Only the steady beeping of the machines. Conner is listening for anything out of the ordinary, walking next to Batman. Superman would glance at Conner ever so often to make sure he is okay. This facility was the same were Conner was... Created.
He was worried about him. What if he got some sort of flashback? Superman knew he couldn't know with 100% certainty, but if something is to happen, they would get him. Batman suggested to bring some Kryptonite in case of a flashback.
And he had some in his belt. Just in case he needed to be knocked out. But only as the last resort. Only then.
Superman and Batman glanced at one another, clearly thinking about the same thing. Just what if?
" Wait, I hear something. " Conner and Clark said at the same time. Batman tensed up as Superboy and Superman led the way into the facility. There was one pod that was working and there was a... Child.
A child.
Batman and Superman saw red. Lex is going to be taken down. One way or another. By any means necessary.
" That is just a kid. " Conner said quietly, sad look in his eyes. Also, Batman could see some similarity with Superman. Lex does have some more of Superman's DNA. Not good.
" We have to get the kid out. " Superman said, watching as Batman went to look at the computer in the room. He started typing, trying to get more intel and trying to get the poor kid out of the pod. It was wiped from any intel, but there were commands in regards to the pods.
" Get ready. " Batman warned Superman who waited with his arms prepared to get the kid out. Bruce opened the pod and Superman took the kid out, Superboy helping him out. Superman picked the child up, making sure that he leaned against his chest.
Even Batman seemed disturbed by this scene. A kid.
Lex has officially crossed a line.
" Lets take him back to the HQ. " Batman said, interrupting the heavy silence that has fallen in the room.
Superman agreed and started walking back to the plane. The sound of their footsteps was the only sound and the echo made it worse. (Y/N) was sleeping on Superman's chest, clearly unaware of what was going on. Not even conscious.
Poor thing.
Superman waited outside the room with Conner. They waited for the doctor to check out (Y/N), to check if he was healthy. Superman prepared to be told that the boy had only a few days to live, but he knew that something that extreme was unlikely.
The doctor stepped out quietly, walking up to the two heroes.
" Well, the young one is okay. We tested his blood for drugs and a lot of other things. Thankfully he is negative for all of it. He is still sleeping so that is a good thing. He should wake up soon, can't say when though. But overall, he is healthy. " The doctor concluded, smiling at the two heroes.
The two heroes nodded, at ease now. That was important.
" When can we see him? " Conner asked.
" You can go in right now if you want. Just don't overwhelm him. " Doctor warned, looking down at the tablet. They both entered the room, watching the child as he slept.
It was an odd sight to see. The kid finally looked like a kid. Superman also looked like he is a little to small, but the doctors would make sure that he got the necessary nutrition.
" He looks small. " Conner said quietly, afraid that he is going to wake the small child up.
" I know. He looked bigger in the pod. " Clark said, just as quietly. Conner nodded in agreement. They stopped talking as the child started stirring, slowly opening his eyes.
" Who are you? " The child asked, rubbing his eyes.
" I'm Superman and this is Superboy. " Clark introduced them both to the child, who looked at them with outmost confusion. He looked down at the blanket covering him.
" What is all of this? " The little one asked, eyebrows scrunched together as his eyes roamed the room.
That one single question broke their hearts. Superboy was reminded a lot of his earliest days out of the pod.
" You are in the hospital. This is a place where people make sure you are 100 percent healthy. " Superboy explained, sitting down at the foot of the bed.
The child nodded, eyebrows still scrunched up.
" What's your name? " Superman asked, making the little one give him a blank look.
" A name? "
" Yes. My name is Clark and his is Conner. " Superman said, trying not to get emotional right now. This poor little one.
" I don't think I have one. " (Y/N) said and something glazed over his eyes. Superman moved closer, sitting on the opposite side of Conner at the foot of the bed.
" How about you chose a name for yourself? How about (Y/N)? " Conner suggested, making the little on scrunch his eyebrows one more.
" I like it. " (Y/N) declared.
" It's settled then. (Y/N) is the name. " Superman said, smiling at now (Y/N).
Conner smiled too. He knew that (Y/N) would be coming with them both. There was no doubt about it.
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morganacorp · 2 months
“I’m telling you Lena, there’s no good Luthor. All of them are shady.” Kara said and downed a shot of tequila while Lena cringed internally.
“Maybe one of them will surprise you.”
“Impossible.” Kara chuckled, grabbing a handful of peanuts and popping them into her mouth. “Where there’s smoke there’s a Luthor.”
“I’m sure there’s something good in one of them.”
“No, I don’t think so. There’s what, three of them left? A mother whose foundation has been under investigation for allegedly mishandling funds, a son under investigation for his links to the mob and controversial political speech, and a third one no one knows anything about… probably in jail for all we know.” She chuckled.
“Or maybe doing work on their own, away from the nefarious family stuff.”
“No, Lena… I’m telling you. That family’s rotten.”
“Don’t be so rude, Kara.” Alex chuckled, handing her another shot of tequila. “We don’t know if this other Luthor is actually a good person… say for a moment Lena’s right, what if we don’t know anything about this person because they’re doing good and don’t want to be associated with the family scandals?”
“I guess it’s a possibility.” Kara finally conceded, clinking her glass to Lena and downing the shot. “I just don’t like it that there’s so much noise about them investing in the hospital… yay for them to do something good, but at what cost?”
“Maybe it’s a good thing.” Alex shrugged.
“Maybe they’re just trying to save face.”
“Whatever the reason, lots of people will benefit from it.” Lena interrupted her. “The hospital got more money, we can certainly use it for good.”
“That’s true. I hope we get some help to renew the facilities and that sweet new machine for-”
“Hell no, Alex. We need more nurses! We’re swamped and busy! You get your machine when we stop having to work overtime to help with the workload.” Kara scoffed. “You fancy doctors always forget about us.”
“Impossible to forget about you… you whine too much.” Alex smirked playfully, making Lena laugh at the offended look on Kara’s face.
“Oh you don’t laugh, Dr Kieran!” She said in a mocking voice.
“Sorry nurse Danvers.”
“What would your surgeries be without us? What would your patients do without us?”
“Kara, chill! We’re not the union people, okay?” Alex laughed. “We know nurses see important, but improving the technology we have at hand to help people makes a difference too.”
“I know, but don’t play all high and mighty when- is it the hospital?” She asked when she saw Lena checking her phone and frowning.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lena said simply to Kara and grabbed her bag before making her way out of the small bar near the hospital where they usually met after work.
“I know you said you’d wait to tell her, but-”
“I can’t just tell her I love her, Alex.”
“You can, and in fact you should do just that.”
“She’s just not into me like that.” She pouted. “She’s perfect and so amazing.” She groaned, looking down at her hands. “Why would a prestigious surgeon like her be interested in someone like me?”
“Because you’re great and Lena isn’t some superficial asshole who looks down on you because you’re a nurse.” She rolled her eyes. “Kara, if I’m insisting on you telling her it’s because I see you two together… the way she looks at you? That’s not friendship.” She chuckled. “You know which friend looks at me like that? My girlfriend.”
“You’re so funny.”
“I mean it, Kara. Just… tell her how you feel.”
“What if she doesn’t feel the same?”
“What if she does?” She groaned, knowing the road the conversation would take if she didn’t stop Kara’s train of thought. “She’s Lena when she’s with you, and she looks at you with more than professional respect and friendship. I have my own two eyes and I see it, Kara. You have to tell her.”
“I have to find the perfect moment.”
“You guys are going to the theater tomorrow… that screams date. Tell her when you walk her home.”
“How do you know I’ll walk her home?”
“You always do. It’s your way of making sure she’s safely home.” She rolled her eyes. “Tell her… you might get lucky with a goodnight kiss, or maybe some more.” She smirked and Kara groaned and nodded for another shot to be poured for her.
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
hate to love you
ˣ pairing: poe dameron x f!reader
ˣ summary: being stranded on a planet? not a problem, at least rescue’s coming. the real issue is that it means for twelve hours, you’re stuck with poe dameron.
ˣ warnings: 7.7k wc. explicit smut (oral/vaginal) and language. enemies-ish to lovers & forced proximity trope. mentions of blood & injuries. kinda soft!
ˣ a/n: “it’s been 84 years…” seriously tho i apologize for the big delay in posting ;_; but yay here’s my first official poe fic! i didn’t intend for this to be quite long, still i hope you enjoy 🤍
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You’re seething with anger.
A red, hot, and blinding rage.
One more word out of your Commander, and you swear you’d make him regret having survived that crash landing.
You couldn’t care any less for his half-assed excuses. The weak explanations and baseless assumptions that only boil your blood. Even the sound of his mere voice has you so irritated that you wish the explosion had blown out your ear drums.
If only he had listened to you, then the two of you wouldn’t be in this mess— you wouldn’t be stranded on some unknown, barren planet deep in the outer rim.
Quick to point a finger, this was entirely Poe Dameron’s doing.
This was all his fucking fault.
“Relax, darling,” Poe assures nonchalantly. You roll your eyes at his endearment, darling. Bastard. Smiles cockily like one too. “Nearest Resistance outpost received our distress signal along with coordinates ’fore we got shot down. At this rate, rescue should be coming in by the next morning.”
You bite your tongue hard, maintaining a steely, scathing gaze at the flickering embers before you. That’s at least twelve hours. Twelve miserable hours with Poe, the very last man you’d want to be stuck with.
Maker, what did you do in your past life to deserve this punishment?
“I’m sure you’ll be perfectly fine sleeping here in the meantime. Think of this as a vacation of sorts. An overnight camping trip. You always did mention wanting to get out of D’Qar for a tiny bit.”
By here, Poe meant the rocky cavern serving as your shelter for the night. Thankfully, he managed to do something correctly, and that was igniting a fire. The sun was dipping behind the horizon at a quickened pace; you could already feel the sharp nip of the wind swirling in the air.
Great. Earlier, you had narrowly avoided dying in a ball of fire. Now, you’re faced with the threat of hypothermia.
Two extremes. Funny how the universe works at times.
“So, are you just gonna give me the silent treatment or what?”
Never mind that. Freezing to death sounded much more appealing than having Poe talk your ear off.
It pisses you off how he’s seemingly amused by the situation. Acting as if he didn’t get your ship shot down, almost killing you in an attempt to prove a point. The only thing Poe confirmed at that moment was how incredibly reckless and arrogant he could be. That, plus you realized how little he cares about your well-being, seeing he was ready to risk your life along with his.
“C’mon, lighten up, Black Two,” Poe spurs as he sits cross-legged on the coarse ground beside you. “At least we made it out alive.”
You recoil at Poe’s sudden nearness, tugging the emergency blanket draped over your body closer. Lucky for you both, you escaped the fiery wreckage with a couple of minor injuries. Some scrapes and bruises. He’s got a busted lip, small cuts along his cheek, and the bridge of his nose.
On the other hand, you were nursing a swollen ankle that was probably more of a sprain than not. Add to that a nasty gash on your forehead and a deep cut to the side. But hey, things could have been much worse.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay. There, there’s your apology,” he offers tartly. “And you can stop with the poutiness now. It doesn’t suit your face, darling.”
Turning to meet Poe’s gaze, you scoff at him. “Seriously? You honestly think saying “I’m sorry” after the shit you pulled up there will magically fix things?”
“Well, it’s a start. No need to get all snippy at me. Case you haven’t noticed, I’m stuck on this lame fucking planet too.”
“Imagine how I feel being stuck with you, jack-ass,” you snark with all the bitterness in your tone.
Poe pauses, then narrows his eyes. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that I’m sick and tired of you, Dameron. Always so damn egotistic and condescending. It’s astounding how you made it this far into the war still in one piece.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault those tie-fighters ambushed us out of nowhere, alright? I had it all under control and could have really used your help. But no— instead, you wouldn’t stop bitching about high-tailing outta there. We only had enough fuel for one more jump!”
“And? Being stranded in space and waiting for help makes a shit ton of sense versus going against ten fucking tie-fighters shooting at us all at once.”
Poe huffs out a breath, shaking his head. “If we would have gone with your plan, it would mean aborting the mission and coming back to base empty-handed.”
“I fail to see where you find fault in that, considering what we were up against. But whatever— thanks for nearly getting me killed, by the way. I have nothing else to say to you.”
A pained hiss passes from your clenched teeth as you push yourself back up to your feet. You stagger several yards towards the entrance of the cave, furthering yourself from the warmth of the fire. Cold be damned, you need to get far and away from him. Fast. It’s as if Poe’s very existence repels you. Drives you into a spiraling madness, and it’s no wonder that you hate his guts.
You hate Poe Dameron.
Loathe, despised, detest, and abhor.
Call it whatever the fuck you want, but no word would be enough to describe the amount of resentment you had for him.
This isn’t the first time Poe has gotten under your skin, and it certainly won’t be the last.
Too bad he’s the Resistance’s Golden Boy. Untouchable and could never do wrong. His actions today would be seen as heroic. A brave, brazen move. And if that isn’t the case, then the least Leia would do is give him a mere slap on the wrist and ground him for a day or two.
No harsh punishment for the fleet’s best fighter pilot. Not for Poe. Never for him.
The fate of the galaxy relies on people like him.
What a shame.
What a damn, fucking shame.
Your thoughts are derailed when Poe intones your callsign, cutting through the vast silence with what could be mistaken as sincerity. The urge to snap at him for disturbing your respite is there, but the energy to actually do it has all been depleted.
You’re tired. Exhausted— so fucking exhausted of him that you wanted nothing more than to be left alone in the peace. Why couldn’t he allow you that?
“Come back inside. It’s getting cold out here,” Poe coaxes softly.
You dismiss him with a wave of your hand. Even without checking, you’re well aware that he’s standing there behind you, waiting.
“Kriff, can you stop being stubborn and talk to me for just five seconds?”
Poe doesn’t relent. He never does. He always has to have the last word, the last laugh, everything.
And he’s only this way when he’s with you, for reasons perhaps you may never know.
A heavy sigh fills the empty pause. You barely register the blanket settling across your shoulders until Poe softly calls out your name. Not your callsign like he normally does. But your name. And it flees from his lips in a low whisper, void of any spite or sourness. You’re not used to it— the softness in his voice, the quiet calmness that soon follows.
For a moment, you think there is sincerity this time.
Poe appears in your field of vision, and you swallow thickly. Hate him all you want, but you can never deny how handsome he is. Even you have shamefully indulged a glance at him here and there around the base.  
There’s a reason why everyone, at some point or another, has fancied Poe. Bronzed skin, dark café eyes, a smile that’s brighter than the Tatooine suns. If looks could bring the First Order down alone, Commander Dameron would have already forced them to their knees.
“You’re bleeding,” he observes, thick brows knitting in worry. Your gaze shifts from the golden cast on Poe’s face to the laceration on your hip that you’d crudely bandaged up earlier. Blood soaks through your tee, trickling down and staining the earth below. He had previously offered to help you, although you were too angry to allow him. Even if it hurts like a bitch. “I promise to shut up for the rest of the night if you let me patch that up correctly.”
You chuckle mirthfully. “For the rest of the night? Hmm, I don’t know. That seems quite a far-fetched feat for you, Dameron.”
“Try me,” Poe adds with a small smile, and there’s something in the way he looks at you. Something so gentle, sweet. Your eyes flicker back to his, and fuck— Poe is beautiful in this gleaming light.
You mentally shove that final thought into the farthest depths of your head.
“Fine,” you agree slowly. “But if I hear a single peep out of you, I’m tossing you into the fire.”
Poe smirks, nodding. “Copy that.”
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You almost tossed him into the fire.
Impressively, Poe did keep his mouth close for the first ten minutes or so. He had you lying on your back, cushioned by his jacket spread on the harsh floor. You stared at the stony overhead above as he changed the wrappings on your side with fresh bacta pads from the emergency kit he recovered at the crash site.
Everything was going pretty well. That is until he cleared his throat.
“Please don’t react when I ask you this, but— can you take off your shirt for me?”
Your fist tightens into a ball for a few seconds until you force yourself to relax.
“Why? You can reach the wound fine like this. There’s no need for it to be off.”
Poe exhales a long, weary breath. “Your shirt is getting in the way, Two. I can’t clean this thoroughly with it on; if I don’t, the bacta won’t be enough to stop an infection. Trust me, it’s not going to be pleasant if that happens.”
Your face heats up, and it’s not because of the makeshift fire nearby. The last thing you expected today is Poe seeing you in such an undressed state. Maker, this mission only keeps getting worse and worse, isn’t it?
“Don’t look anywhere you’re not supposed to, got it?” you warn him with a spitfire tone. “If I catch even the slightest glimpse, I will—”
“Yeah, yeah— you’ll toss me into the fire,” Poe finishes your threat as he untwists the bottle cap of the antiseptic solution. “Shirt off, I’ll be quick. Don’t have to worry about me sneaking a peek, darling.”
You strip off your tee with a grunt, Poe coming to assist when he notices you struggling to get it over your head. The airy chill bites at your bare skin instantly. Clad in only a bra, you begin to shiver slightly, arms coming up to shield the upper half of your body from both the stiff breeze and Poe’s view.
Strangely, you aren’t apprehensive about him going against his word. Poe could be an asshole, sure. But he’s not the type to disrespect in that regard. The most you can expect from him is the incessant teasing and flirting— all lighthearted, harmless, and fun (for him, at least).
You haven’t been on the receiving end of it. Not for a while now, no. You remember the time Poe wasn’t a difficult man to deal with. It had been so long ago that you’d forgotten what that was like. Having him around and not wanting to immediately leave his presence. It’s quite hard to believe that such a time had ever existed.
You don’t know what went wrong, why things are the way they are now.
You wonder if it’s too late to fix this. If there’s anything left to salvage when you’re grasping onto a fraying thread. You want things to change, desperately so. But it’s all up to him. It’s all up to Poe.
Poe. His hands are on your body, warm and soft. Gentle in the way he moves them as he mends your injury.
He touches you carefully like you’re made out of glass— fragile and delicate— and you try disregarding the tingling buzz in your veins. How he bites the corner of his bottom lip in concentration, his stray dark locks sweeping against his forehead as he leans in closer. Close enough that his hot breath fans over your skin, and it’s electrifying.
There’s a fleeting moment of you wanting to seek out more. Chasing something that you would not dare to ask. Something that you’re certain would never happen.
Not with Poe.
No— Not here. Not now. Not ever.
“Sorry, again,” you hear Poe say softly as deft fingers secure the new wrapping over your wound. “I-I didn’t mean to hurt you back there. It was fucking stupid of me to even try, and look what happened. I should have listened to you and—”
He stops for a beat and quietly hands you your t-shirt to put back on. There’s a shift in Poe’s demeanor. Gone was his haughty, overly narcissistic self, that unbearable side of him that you’ve known for so long. 
This Poe, however— this is all new. Caring, compassionate. Soft and gentle. It’s all new to you. Different and unrecognizable. As unfamiliar as this planet is to you.
Where has this version of Poe been hiding? Because for once, he’s not insufferable.
“I know you don’t like me. I know that once we’re back on D’Qar, you’re going to chew me out in front of the General, and I deserve it,” he continues, guiding you to sit up. “I don’t expect you to forgive me. But what I’m hoping for right now is for you to understand how sorry I am for taking things too far. It wasn’t my intention to put you in harm’s way. It never is.”
A light crackling noise pierces the stillness of the air. The ember glow from the flickering flames dances over Poe’s remorseful features. He regards you with a tender expression, those doe-brown irises of his make your heart thump quicker in your chest.
Surprisingly, you don’t fend off the smile slowly creeping its way across your face. “Now what? Are we calling a truce?”
“I’ll give you a trail mix bar if we do,” Poe beams, pulling out the snack from his jacket pocket and handing it to you. “A peace offering.”
With a half-serious glare, you snatch the trail mix away from him, grumbling, “Were you going to hide this from me the whole time?”
“No, of course not. I was planning on sharing one with you.”
Your brow furrows. “One?”
“Yeah, one,” Poe confirms, taking out a second bar and waving it in the air. “I brought along two just in case.”
“In case we get stranded on a deserted wasteland?”
Laughter bubbles out of him. “In case you and I get hungry during the flight.”
“Well, uh— thanks,” you reply briskly as you tear open the wrapper with Poe mirroring your action.
“See, I’m not all that bad,” he grins broadly, and there’s more truth to the statement than you care to admit.
God, you’re unsure whether you have a concussion or you’re losing your mind. Because one moment, you’re tearing Poe a new one, and the next, he’s sending a flurry of butterflies to the pit of your stomach. You’re confused as hell, nerves a jumbled mess, and you still can’t shake off the feeling of his hands on you— touching you.
Perhaps, it’s neither. Maybe it’s merely you beginning to hate him less.
Impossible, you briefly muse. But what if it isn’t?
“So… truce?” Poe asks whilst chewing, holding out his free hand to you. “Let’s turn a new leaf starting tonight. Look, I like you, Two. I really like you. I guess that’s also why I’ve been tough on you lately.”
Poe mumbles that last bit quickly, and you nearly choke on the bite you’ve taken. Even he’s caught by surprise with his own admission, his eyes widening in disbelief. But before you could question him on that further, he skips around the topic and continues.
“I swear, all the petty arguments end today. I don’t wanna butt heads with you anymore. So, what do you say? Truce?”
You let out a drawn-out sigh, your gaze locking on the hopeful gleam in those big brown eyes of his. He’s like a puppy. Say no, and it’s almost as bad as accidentally kicking it in the face. It wouldn’t hurt to give Poe another chance, right? It shouldn’t. And you pray to whatever higher power there is (or isn’t) that doing this wouldn’t turn out to be a big mistake.
“Okay,” you accept and shake Poe’s hand, not missing the growing curve on his lips. “Truce. No more bullshit, Dameron, or that’s it. I’m out.”
“No more bullshit, scout’s honor,” he upholds. “Now that’s out of the way…”
Oh hell. What now?
“Remember, we declared a truce. No backsies.”
You cross your arms against your chest. “Dameron, what are you talking about—”
“This planet’s atmosphere is shit, okay? Even with the fire here, it’s cold, and we only have one blanket.”
“Are you proposing that we—”
“Sleep together,” Poe declares rather enthusiastically. “Not in that way, obviously. I mean, sleep next to each other. Y’know, to conserve body heat? Keep ourselves as warm and cozy as possible.”
An exasperated groan escapes you. With the way you were rolling your eyes hard, it’s a good thing that it didn’t trigger an aneurysm. “Fucking— fine. You can sleep next to me. But hog the blanket from me, and I will—”
“Don’t have to remind me. Into the fire pit I shall go,” Poe smirks when you nod. “Consider yourself lucky, sweetheart. You’re guaranteed a restful slumber tonight despite the circumstances.”
“And how are you so sure of that?”
“Simple,” he answers, almost braggingly. “I don’t snore.”
You couldn’t come up with a snarky response to that. In fact, you couldn’t come up with any type of response. You’re too absorbed by the thought of Poe snuggling against you, something that would have really peeved you if it had been brought up an hour ago.
And Poe picks up on it, your speechlessness. Your glassy eyes, how your jaw slightly drops as if you had just heard the most absurd joke out of him. But you don’t flat-out deny his suggestion. You don’t have it in you to tell him to fuck off. Nor that the fire is more than enough to keep warm.
Embarrassingly, you wanted it. To feel Poe’s body beside you, surrounded by his radiating warmth. It’s been far too long since you’ve shared a bed with another man. Although this is technically not the same thing, you’re so goddamn touch-starved that sleeping next to Poe isn’t the most awful idea in the world.
Instead, it’s all you could think of— it’s all you need right now.
Fuck, you’re losing your sanity. That’s what it is. You’ve gone crazy after realizing that in less than a day, you’ve gone from hating Poe with every fiber of your being to craving… Well, him.
And you don’t know how to make of it. Whether or not you’ll make it.
Rescue would be coming soon. After dawn, if Poe’s estimations are correct. You could only hope that you’re able to survive through the night to be saved.
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Hours have passed, and from what you can see, it’s still dark outside.
You lie restlessly on the rugged terrain in silence. The frigid air sweeping into the cavern leaves you shuddering, and you pull the blanket high under your chin. It’s silent for two or three beats, save for the snap and crackle of the blaze.
Then there’s rustling at your side. Glancing over, you find Poe on his back, one hand behind his head as he lets out a yawn.
“Can’t sleep?” You manage, copying his position so that you’re both staring aimlessly into nothing. “Or are you afraid I might catch you lying about not being a snorer?”
A chuckle rumbles out of Poe. “Hey, I truly don’t snore. If you want, I can provide a list of people that can attest to this.”
“Oh, no, thank you,” you rebuff. “I would assume that list is long, and frankly, I don’t have the patience to go through each name there.”
“Eh, between you and me, it’s really not that long. To be honest, my dick is probably longer—”
“Okaaay, that is TMI, Dameron. Watch it.” You playfully swat at his chest, choking back an incredulous chortle. “But your list being short is kinda hard to believe when there’s all that gossip about you being quite the fuckboy.”
Poe shifts to lie on his side, now facing you. “And you believe them? Those gossips about me?”
Shrugging, you do the same, and you’re suddenly made aware of how close he is to you. “Why? Are they not true?”
“I may flirt like there’s no tomorrow, but the truth is— I haven’t had sex in… months?”
You raise a brow, stunned. “Seriously?”
“Seriously,” he affirms flatly. “I don’t get a lot of free time, you know? Leia’s been assigning me on missions one after the other. Then there’s those briefings upon my return plus strategy meetings, practice drills, blah blah blah... And when I’m finally done for the day, I barely have the energy to drag myself to the ‘fresher for a shower, let alone fuck someone’s brains out.”
“Huh, guess I was wrong about you,” you admit ruefully. “Sorry.”
“Don’t sweat it,” Poe smiles. He’s quiet as you observe him for a moment, averting his gaze before speaking again. “Not to mention, there’s this girl…”
“Yeah, we haven’t been on the best of terms. She uh— actually despises me, I’m pretty sure.”
Could he be…? No. He couldn’t. It couldn’t be.
“She despises you?” You gasp in feign astonishment. “I mean, what’s there not to like?”
Poe cracks a breathy laugh at your sarcasm. “Exactly. But really, though— I was a total ass to her. Always picked fights with her over the stupidest shit, and I did it to push her away. Took a while to realize it, but I was falling for her. I still am, and I can’t have that. Not with what’s going on right now.”
“And did it work? Did it stop you from falling any further?”
He shakes his head, his voice a whisper now. “No. It didn’t. It didn’t do a damn thing. Every argument made me want her even more. Mostly because I find it hot and sexy when she gets super mad at me.”
“Gross.” You gently shove Poe’s shoulder, and he catches your hand as you begin to pull away. He holds it loosely at first, allowing you to freely slip out of his grasp should you choose to do so.
You don’t.
You remain still. Unmoving. It’s only Poe who moves after a passing breath, fingers slowly entwining with yours, and you let him. You let him, despite how intimate the gesture is. You aren’t his lover. Hell, you’re barely even friends. The term “enemies” no longer fits for some reason. You couldn’t call yourselves that. Not anymore. Not after his vague confession to you earlier.
“Before, when you said you really liked me, what did you mean by that?”
Your inquiry is met with a faint hum in response. A squeeze to your hand, then Poe releases it. He props himself on an elbow, his eyes melting into yours, and you lose yourself in those dark, endless pools. “You know what it means.”
“— Can I kiss you?”
The world around you comes to an abrupt standstill. Your lips part to say the first thing your mind could think of, yet there is none.
Poe senses your hesitation. But when he starts to retreat, pretending he never said anything, you say his name in such a tenderness you’ve never done before.
“Yes,” was your answer. A small and straightforward yes— a word that has been teetering on the edge of your tongue as soon as Poe had asked.
Unknowingly, he’d spark a smoldering fire from deep within. The longer he lingers around you, the more it swells into an inferno, its hotness spreading like wildfire throughout your body.
Poe captures your lips in what was initially a chaste kiss, his hand tilting your chin upwards as your eyelids flutter shut. He moves slowly, slower than you anticipated, but it was sweet nonetheless. He kisses you as if time is endless, only stopping when you grab a fistful of his tee and swiftly tug him to settle between your legs.
“Eager, are we?” Poe simpers, watching as you caress the pads of your fingertips along his stubbled cheek.
“I can ask you the same thing,” you cheekily quip when you feel the bulge of his pants on your thigh. “Doesn’t take that much to get you hard, huh?”
“Only ’cause I’m with you, baby.” He shoots you an enticing wink, and heat rushes up to your face and down your core.
You’ve never seen Poe up close like this. Never have you noticed the kind warmth of his eyes. The way they glimmer in the low light reminds you of stars, all dazzling and bright, so full of life even in the midst of a war.
You don’t say it out loud; you’re too proud to admit it. But you could easily get lost while gazing into those eyes.
“A-Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Poe rasps, brows drawing together. “We don’t have to, and I don’t wanna fuck this up right after agreeing to start over and make it all weird—”
You cut Poe’s rambling short by crashing your lips against his, tangling your fingers in the mess of curls on his head. He responds with equal fervor. A fiery passion seeps into the kiss. Evident by the way his tongue slips past your lips, teasing and tasting until he takes the air out of your lungs.
A soft moan breaks free when Poe presses hot, open-mouth kisses down your throat, the sounds of your ragged breaths beating against your ears. “Off,” he directs impatiently, his hands already lifting the hem of your tee.
You’re quick to shed it off for him, snaking a hand to your back to unclasp your bra immediately after. Goosebumps engulf your entire body but no longer is it from the cold. Rather, it’s from the way Poe’s blackened eyes rake over your bareness, setting every inch of you alight in a blistering blaze.
“Like what you see, Dameron?”
Poe doesn’t reply right away. You follow his tipping gaze downwards to your bandaged wound. The curl of his lips falters ever so slightly— weighted guilt is now written all over his face, the sight of it heavy on your heart.
“It’s okay. I’m okay. Doesn’t hurt that much anymore,” you soothe, brushing your fingers along the nape of his neck. “Just… be gentle for now, I guess. We can do the rough stuff some other time.”
A charming grin slowly splits Poe’s face, and the flurry in your stomach intensifies. “You’re hoping for a next time, sweetheart?”
You roll your eyes but find yourself unable to retract the statement. Yes, it had been a slip of the tongue, yet it isn’t the furthest thing from the truth.
“I’m hoping for a next time if this goes well,” you clarify as Poe kneels back on his haunches.
The blanket you were tucked underneath slides off his back, exposing you both to the chill of the night. Neither of you make an attempt to pull it up over your bodies. The proximity warded the coldness away.
“Oh, well, in that case, I gotta make sure this will be more than just “well” for you.”
Snorting, you gesture up and down at him. “Getting rid of your clothes would be a great start, don’t ya think?”
“You want me to strip for you, darling? All you had to do was ask nicely.”
Just as you were about to let out a scoff, a breath hitches in your throat. Poe peels away his shirt in one fluid movement, revealing his toned chest, sharp collarbones, and firm abs. You stare without blinking, unabashed. Your mouth goes dry as you graze over the soft and hard planes of his olive skin and muscles.
“Like what you see, Two?” Poe echoes your earlier words with a coy smile.
Your attention drifts down to the trail of hair disappearing into the waistband of his tented trousers. Dizzy and dazed, you wet your lips, and Poe fortunately takes the hint, his eyes never leaving yours as he proceeds to unfasten his pants. Tight black boxers hug his ample hips, the thick outline of his cock straining against the thin fabric of it.
Stars. You really do like what you see.
“I need you, Poe,” you croon, squirming when Poe bends down and cages you in his strong arms. “I need to feel you.”
“Need me, yeah?” Don’t worry, I got you, baby. I got you.”
You arch your back up to him, seeking relief by grinding into his throbbing erection. Doing so elicits a low groan from Poe, whose lips began to light a trail of fire along the valley of your breasts.
Needy moans fill his ears as Poe nips, sucks, and bites at one tender mound while a hand squeezes and kneads the other. He rolls a nipple between his thumb and index finger, sending a fresh wave of arousal coasting through you.
“Prettiest pair of tits I’ve ever seen.” Poe husks, his voice rich, smokey, and smooth. His mouth then descends to your stomach, planting hot kisses all the way down to your bottoms. “Can’t wait to see the rest of you.”
“Hmm… Only see?” You tease with a small quirk on your lips.
He cocks a brow at you, his deft fingers unbuttoning your pants before sliding them down your legs. “Why? You want me to touch you, baby? Want me to taste what’s down here?”
Poe traces your slit through your soaked underwear, purposefully adding only the slightest bit of pressure when he reaches your clit. A moan ripples through the air as he circles it lazily, tantalizingly.
“Look at you, already so wet for me. You want me so badly, huh?”
Keening and mewling at his graveled taunt, the desperation practically drips from you. You’re bucking your lower half towards him without restraint, and he’s flashing you the most shit-eating grin imaginable.
“Fuck. Poe, please… I need—” Your voice catches in your throat. You suck in a gasping breath, completely overwhelmed by the rough scratching of Poe’s five o’clock shadow on your inner thigh.
A sole press of his lips to your clothed pussy, he effortlessly rids your panties, tossing them somewhere behind him. He then dives right back into your sex, spreading your legs wide, and for a split second, he glances up with this look akin to a parched man who finds an oasis in you.
And you’d never forget it. Even if you wanted to— even if you decide that this would just be a one-time thing, you could never forget this entangled moment with him— with Poe.
Poe, whose dilated pupils brimming with lust you couldn’t— wouldn’t— forget. Nor his shallow, shaky exhale as he draws nearer, his steady grip on your hips tightening, digging.
He drags you closer to his mouth and whispers a low, sultry remark. Something along the lines of your pussy smelling so sweet, though you’re not entirely sure of it. You couldn’t be, not when your heartbeat is pounding furiously in your ears. You couldn’t focus on anything other than his nose nudging against your clit, his tongue delving its way inside you, and it has you seeing quite literal stars—
— then, less than a beat later, a whole fucking supernova.
Two fingers much thicker than your own slowly stretch you open. Poe’s name comes out of you as a trembling plea, and the cocky bastard finds amusement in your reaction. He peers at you through thick lashes, his knuckle-deep, beckoning digits working your cunt, tongue flicking and swirling around your swollen clit.
Tugging at his hair harshly, you writhe under Poe’s ministrations, and it forces him to adjust his hold on you. He has your hips roughly pinned down, eating you out vigorously until your toes curl and your legs shake in pure ecstasy.
Poe brings you to climax faster than anyone has ever had. Including yourself. It has your body quivering beneath him uncontrollably, firing up white jolts of pleasure into every nerve ending within you. Your vision is hazy and unfocused, muscles weak and feeble. The only movement you have enough strength to do is reach down to meekly tap on Poe’s arm as he laps at your dripping pussy.
“You enjoy yourself, sweetheart?” he says, voice an octave lower yet full of smugness. “Seems like you did.”
You hum softly, taking in how Poe looks kneeling between your thighs. Desire pools in your belly again as your heavy-lidded eyes rake over his face appreciatively. His chin glistens with your juices. He darts his tongue out to lick his reddened lips, and you have to swallow a moan as he lifts his fingers— the very same fingers that fucked you to the point where you swear you’d pass out— up to his mouth and sucks them clean. Poe makes a show of it, too, closing his eyes in delight and groaning at the taste.
And you wonder what he exactly thinks of it— how divine you taste. Does he think you’re sweet on your tongue? Tangy? You don’t need to ask if he liked it, of course. The cock twitching in his garments tells you all that you need to know. And fuck, if Poe is that good with merely his hands and his mouth, you could only imagine how mind-blowing it might be once he’s inside of you.
Pushing yourself to sit up, you ignore the spark of pain shooting up your side. Poe quickly notices your discomfort and gently urges you to lay back down, looming over you. “But I wanna—”
He silences you with a searing kiss, tasting your own essence lingering on his tongue as it glides against yours. You palm Poe through his boxers and revel at how stiff and big he is. You wish that he would let you take care of him the way he took care of you.
“Shhh, don’t worry about it. It’s okay,” Poe mumbles breathlessly as your fingers dip under the edge of the final article of clothing separating the two of you. “Next time, baby. I promise. I’ll let you suck on my dick once we’re back home. Until then, I’m gonna make sure that you stay warm all night long…”
Poe hungrily devours your mouth once more, helping you pull his underwear the rest of the way off. You tear yourself away from the kiss and drag your eager gaze down to the rigid length poking at your hip. You had no doubt that his cock would be as gorgeous as the rest of him, but it was much, much more than what you pictured in your mind.
Thick, long, with a delicious slight curve to it. Your mouth instinctively waters at the sight. You know it would be reaching places deep in you that haven’t been touched in so long. It’ll leave you a soreness lasting for one or two days, maybe even more if he really does fuck like a god, or so the gossips would have it. You don’t doubt that either— you wholeheartedly believe in it already.
A gasp erupts from Poe’s throat when you seize his erection, your fingers barely closing around the girthiness of him. He’s hot and heavy in your palm, and you stroke him nice and slow, smearing the slick precum leaking from the tip all over his veiny shaft.
Nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, you bask in the pretty noises Poe makes right under your ear. You jerk him faster now. Your fist constricts around him as he pants heavily into your skin, reducing the always-headstrong and mouthy Poe Dameron into a mess of grunts and moans.
And you like it. You like seeing him this way— absolutely wrecked by the touch of your hand.
“S-Stop, stop,” he chokes out, covering your hand with his own and abruptly stilling your actions. “You’re gonna make me come if you keep it up. Gotta feel that pretty pussy of yours before that happens. Fuckin’ need to be inside you first, baby.”
Poe sucks at your pulse point, and you wordlessly nod through the haze of euphoria. The rise and fall of your chest hasten as you watch him grip his member and glide it along your drenched folds, coating himself with your shining wetness. You roughly claw your fingernails on his back and roll your hips. The blunt head of his cock slips upwards, crashing into your clit, and you have to forcefully bite down on your lip to stifle a scream.
“Don’t hold back those sounds, beautiful. You don’t have to worry about being heard. It’s only me here. It’s only us.”
“No more teasing. Please, Poe. Please…” you beg and beg, glossy eyes connecting with his hooded ones. Though the remnants of your high have ebbed away, you’re still tense— wound up like a tight little spring. The knot in your stomach waits to be uncoiled. An unraveling not possible without the feeling of him moving in and out of you. “Just fuck me, baby. Get in me now and fuck me, Poe. Make me feel good.”
There’s a flicker of something carnal crossing Poe’s face, and you catch it for a flitting second until you follow his lust-clouded gaze as it falls to the hand wrapped around the base of his cock. He’s leaned in close to you, his warm breath tickling your heated skin as he lines himself up with your entrance. Your pulse beats in your temples; beads of sweat pebble your forehead, and the blood in your veins simmer hot at him finally pushing in, leaving you gasping for air.
“S-shit…” Poe growls, slowly sinking into your cunt. It’s a burning stretch as he enters, the tight wet heat of your walls fluttering to accommodate the thickness of him. You hike your leg around his waist, shifting the angle, and he plunges in even deeper, fully bottoming out. “Fuck— baby, you’re squeezing me so hard. God, your pussy feels fucking amazing around my dick. G-gimme a sec, sweetheart. I-I need a sec— just… hang on…”
Breathing harshly through his nose, Poe strains to maintain some semblance of control, jaw setting taut and eyes screwing shut as he holds you still. His calloused fingers are digging into the flesh of your hips, marking you with bruises purple and blue.
You clench around him even though you’re trying your damndest best not to. You want to last—want him to last, but you couldn’t help it. Never have you had a cock like his buried in you. It’s almost laughable how cockdrunk you are even when he hasn’t done much except touch the deepest depths of your pussy.
“You alright, darling?” Poe checks, running his thumb gently across your cheek. His voice is much softer, much more intimate. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
“No. Quite the opposite, actually,” you purr as you crane your neck to kiss him languidly, feeling his smile.
Soon, you’re rocking your pelvis shallowly into Poe, encouraging him to move. He lets out a broken moan at the sensation. He hooks his arm under your leg to grant himself better leverage, dropping his head to your shoulder, and begins thrusting in and out, then in and out.
Before requesting him to be gentle, you’d expect Poe— and yes, you’ve thought about what he was like in the sack, mainly because everyone did— to be frantic, brutal, and punishing. Mercilessly fuck you to a reckless oblivion. The bunk-breaking type of romp that would have immensely pissed off those living in proximity to your quarters.
This isn’t that. This isn’t what you had imagined, not for the very first time, at least. Poe’s pounding into you at a steady and smooth pace. It’s tender and gentle and slow, hitting all the right spots and a part of you believes that this is more than just a simple fuck for him. This is him showing that he does care about you. That he’s sorry for the constant fights and regrets being an asshole to you, for hurting you.
This is genuine— meant to be something much more profound. To convince you that you’re worth more to him than he had led you to think.
Once again, your assumptions about him have been proven wrong. Poe truly isn’t the man you thought you had all figured out.
And you start believing in it. You accept it from the way Poe holds you close, his chest flushed against yours as he whispers sweet praises into the shell of your ear. He’s gazing down at you with this dreamy, yearning look on his face, the kind that makes your heart swell and your cunt grips him like a vice. His soft groans blend harmoniously with your pitchy moans, and they meld with the wet sounds of skin on skin, echoing all throughout.
It’s beautiful. It’s obscene. Sensual, steamy, and provocative. You wanted more, needed more direly. You’re so close, dangerously teetering on the brink of another shattering orgasm. Poe is determined to push you over the edge a second time, ​​staving off his own release until you reach yours.
Your hands rove down Poe’s perspiring back, fingers lightly dancing along his spine before cupping the generous curves of his ass. A smirk tugs at Poe’s at the corner of his lips when you knead the fleshy cheeks into your palms possessively. You don’t have to tell him how much you love his derriere. You make no effort to hide your appreciation as you grope and massage him, catching his mouth in a feverish kiss that has your senses reeling.
“F-Fuck, Poe—I’m co- I’m coming…”
The heels of your feet replace your wandering hands, digging into Poe’s ass and urging him to fuck you faster, harder, deeper. And he complies so easily, hips snapping at a more frenzied pace as he brings his fingers down to rub at your clit. You toss your head back, quickly losing yourself to the overwhelming friction dragging against your slick walls, the ache in your core growing and spreading and burning. A fire scorching hot on the verge of being extinguished.
And when it does— when you fall apart at last— you dissolve into an all-consuming crescendo of pleasure. The pressure that has been building and building and building with each heavy slam of his cock suddenly snaps, triggering shockwaves to burst outwards.
At that moment, Poe is all that exists in the world. Nothing else mattered. Nothing but his touch, his scent, his voice. You barely realize how he’s riding out your climax for as long as he could, suppressing his desire to let go just to take in the way you crumble underneath him. For him.
You grow limp, boneless, and sate as the blissful quakes start to subside, your velvet walls pulsing and clamping down on Poe, whose control has now wholly slipped away.
“Where…shit— W-Where do you want it?” Poe sputters out, balls smacking against your pussy as his rhythm becomes messy, sloppy, and erratic. “W-Where?”
“Inside,” you croak before a strangled whimper tears from your throat at his fervent thrusts. “Come in me, Poe. It’s okay, do it, baby. I want you to come inside me—”
With one final piercing shove, Poe’s body goes rigid, spilling thick hot ropes of his cum deep inside you. You feel the warmth of it gushing into your spasming sex as you milk him dry and he’s stuttering forward, slowly pushing his seed as far as he can. His face contorts, eyes squeezing tightly shut and mouth slacking open to set free a wanton moan in the shape of your name.
The two of you are breathless. Spent, sticky, and sweaty as you regain steady heart rates and the oxygen in your lungs. Poe eventually pulls out his softening member and slumps to the side, careful not to crush you below. You whine at the loss of him— at the loss of his fullness that leaves you hollow and raw.
A warm mixture of his release and your juices dribbles out of you, cooling on your inner thighs. You don’t have it in you to wipe yourself up, and when Poe tries to after a minute, you wrap your arms around his neck and lock him in an embrace.
“Don’t,” you quietly plead with a soft kiss on his lips. “S’alright, just… stay.”
And stay, Poe does. He spoons you from behind, an arm draped over your waist while his legs tangled with yours. Poe nestles his face into your damp hair, his breath tickling the back of your neck as you hold his hand and twine your fingers together.
“Didn’t peg you as a cuddler, Two,” he murmurs dozily. “I like it.”
“Gotta preserve the heat, right?” You return cheekily, snuggling deeper into him as his warmth envelopes you.
This is nice, you muse. This feels nice.
You suppose that you like it, too.
Exhaustion washes over you. The stillness of the cavern, the crackling of the flames, and the calming sound of Poe’s exhales all lull you to sleep. You don’t know how long you’ll have until the sun rises and it’s daylight outside. Nor do you have any clue on what awaits you and him other than your rescue.
You’re overthinking everything again.
As if he could hear it happening, Poe tightens his arm around you, his nose grazing along the back of your shoulder before pecking a light kiss there.
“Sleep, sweetheart. We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
This time, you listen.
And despite the lack of a comfy bed, you drift into the most peaceful sleep you’ve had in a while with Poe by your side.
taglist will be in a reblog. let me know if you’d like to be added/removed!
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bibellebibuck · 4 months
Finale Thoughts
This is a long ramble that I’ve attempted to categorise and form into something coherent - but bear with me if there’s any mistakes, I’m working rn and didn’t have time to proofread🙏🏻
I adore Madney and how inherently GOOD they are all the damn time. My favourite straights ever.
I know there’s differing opinions on this plot line but honestly I am glad that Madney are fostering Mara, for Maras sake. It’s a safe space her for where she’ll be loved and can keep in contact with Henren.
I do agree, though, that the constant struggles they put Henren through as they try to build their family is getting old and tired now, let them off the struggle bus, it’s time for a breather.
It’s a testament to how rushed this episode was that we didn’t even SEE the councilwoman at all. She just drops this bomb on the Henren family last episode and then disappears? No follow up? Okay.
My thoughts/hopes on these guys for S8 are; Madney will be left as they are once the Mara storyline is resolved (which I think won’t take long after the whole Gerrard situation is sorted) as they’ve had a lot going on with their wedding etc. I think they’ll be put aside for a while while other characters stories are expanded this season. I think it’s a possibility we’ll get another Buckley-Han baby after they see the sibling dynamic between Mara and Jee. Afterall, it was Maddie who commented on Denny and Mara “getting along so well” “like siblings”.
Henren specifically id like to see more of, I want Karen and DENNY! to have more screentime. Karen’s job is fucking interesting, SHOW US MORE SOMEHOW!! And Denny, what’s going on with his relationship with his dad now? This kids a great actor, give him a little more screen time.
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Now, Athena was bad ASS this episode. I love BAMF Athena with all my heart, that’s literally my mother. Her talk with Amir was emotional and I think well written (one of the few well written moments in this episode..) but it all went downhill from there. Amir’s rescue was rushed as fuck, I wasn’t tense at all, Athena basically showed up, burnt the place down and sauntered out with Amir like it was nothing. Ofc my girl is capable of this no problem… but it wouldn’t have hurt to have had more of a fight scene, maybe Amir being a little more proactive, then show them struggling to get out of the fire? Idk. Just SOMETHING to expand on the scene a little. I did like “I’m Mrs Bobby Nash” though, hell yeah you are <3
Oh also Yay! May sighted!! Love my girl, wanna see more of her in S8 I miss her sooo much :(
For S8, I think Bathenas marriage issues should be gently explored a little more, i feel this plot line wasn’t properly resolved during the cruise eps? Idk maybe I’m just a nervous child of divorce but I’d like to see some of their trust issues put to rest. I mean, just an episode ago Athena was terrified Bobby was going to off himself, and Bobby literally retired without telling her. It’s not healthy, I wanna see them work it out and get stronger together. I don’t want more conflict between them to cause this though, maybe they just start up a conversation when things have calmed down and agree to talk it out or go to couples therapy or something. Leaving them where they are right now will feel like a dropped plot line.
I want to see more of Amir but I sincerely doubt we will, I have a feeling he won’t even be seen in S8 at all to be honest. It’s a shame, he’s an interesting character that I’d totally love the see explored more. Someone suggested he could be a connection opportunity for the hospital? I like that. Tim, take notes !!
I also want them to stop murdering Angela Bassets hair. Let her slay, please.
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I wish I had more to say here, but sadly… I don’t. My heart is telling me we’ve been gently queer baited once again, but I think that’s just old scars hurting (Destiel and johnlock survivor ✊🏻), my head is telling me a lot of the hype was stirred up by us as fans giving journalists and actors comments a little too much credit.
This isn’t to say I don’t think Buddie is happening, i still have my naive little belief that if WILL be canon eventually. They’re just going to drag it out as long as possible for the drama and possibly to appease Those fans, and the older viewer base who won’t be pleased by buddie canon.
I was very disappointed by the scene after Chris left, where Buck just put his hand on Eddies shoulder. We can say all we like that the shoulder touch is Their Thing™️ but in that situation a hug was absolutely goddamn necessary. Idc about shipping, that man needed a hug from his best friend in that moment. I think Buck needed it too. They just said goodbye to their son for an indefinite amount of time ffs why are we standing here like absolute mugs.
S8 - I want gay Eddie this season. I want it.
I want gay Eddie and then I want them both to be single for a while and Then I want buddie. If they can fit this into season 8 while keeping a nice steady pace (I have little faith after this insanely rushed finale, but let’s give them the benefit of the short season doubt) then I want Buddie feelings realisation towards the end of S8.. possibly setting up canon for S9 or even ending S8 with canon and a cliffhanger.. maybe a good one this time though!
As much as I’d like to see Buck supporting Eddie as he navigates life without Christopher, I don’t think we’ll get many scenes between them at first. I think this is where Ryan is talking about Eddies isolation. He’s going to go to work, be with his family, then go home and be without his family, and it’s at this time that he’s going to be working on himself. To get better for Chris, and for his own mental health. This journey is his alone, and I think it (although a little painful) makes sense that Buck isn’t involved in this too much.
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To sum it up.. OUCH!
Eddie is an amazing father, and if you think otherwise just block me. He made a mistake with Kim, that does not make him a bad father. Him respecting Christopher’s space and choices in this ep was soooo healing and lovely to see, he called Buck because he knows Chris trusts and loves him and needed somebody to talk to, and knew he wasn’t the person for that right now.
I’ve seen some people bothered about how it’s unrealistic for the Diaz parents to have gotten to eddies so fast after the incident. To this I say, how are you not used to 911s complete disregard for timelines/timeline realism at this point? Just let it happen and move on, like it’s a fantasy land where time isn’t real. Now, I’m not American so maybe I don’t get the extent of the distance between LA/Texas - but still, I enjoy the show more I think, because I don’t overanalyse the timeline ����
What I DO find unrealistic is that Chris would call his grandparents and not Buck. I’m not looking at this through shipping lenses either, I’m saying that when Eddie had his breakdown, Chris’s first instinct was to call Buck. When Chris was upset and scared at the Ana situation, he went straight to Buck. And now this, he doesn’t talk to Buck at all before calling his grandparents?
It makes sense that he wanted to go to Texas as if he stayed with Buck he wouldn’t really be getting much space from his dad, and maybe he’d be thinking that Buck/Eddie would be on his case trying to force forgiveness on him while he’s there. But I think he first instinct would still have been to Call Buck to discuss the situation first, to confide in him, ask for help. Then he’d call his grandparents.
For S8 - I hate to be a downer but I don’t think we’ll see Chris this season. At LEAST the entirely of 8a, anyways.
As I mentioned earlier, I think this season will show Eddie growing and healing from this situation and becoming the person he wants to be, for himself and for Chris.
I think there is a lot of potential for us to finally get some Eddie & Maddie scenes, she could open a conversation with Eddie about her own struggles with feeling like an unfit parent for Jee - maybe Buck initiates this conversation, asking Maddie to speak to him?
I hope he will finally be able to put his insecurities about his parenting aside and stop trying to find Chris a mother figure, and accept that they’re a fine (wonderful, even) family unit as they are.
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Ooooohhh lord let’s get into it then.
It’s no secret that I hate this relationship. I do NOT hate it because I am a Buddie shipper, or because I’m homophobic (the fact that I have to clarify this is stupid, but the anon hate in my inbox means it’s necessary). When BiBuck became canon, I was OVERJOYED! I was excited to see Buck exploring his identity and enjoying a relationship with a new partner (I did want him to be single for a while originally, but it wasn’t a big deal, the Natalia relationship was barely a relationship anyways).
I initially had a bit of an ick from the way Tk kissed Buck to ~shut him up~ but I’m a bit of a hypocrite here because I don’t entirely hate this trope usually, but only when it’s between two well established characters who know each other well. At this point, Tk is still new to Buck so it did bother me a little. But, we move.
Then… the first date. I fucking hated this date, Tk almost outed Buck and then left him on the pavement like an a class ASS. I lost all interest in this relationship at this exact moment.
In this episode, on this date, we see Buck opening up about his relationship with Bobby as a father figure (WIN!! Let’s appreciate our small victories!!). Tk then gives us “but your fathers alive” which ?? What’s your point?? Why aren’t you comforting your partner right now?
And shared his own experience with having a shitty dad. We then get the daddy issues joke.
To detour for a moment; we all remember when Buck went to therapy and opened up about his sex addiction, right? How he was being vulnerable about his trauma/mental health, to the point that he was in actual tears… and then his therapist came onto him and slept with him. The show brushes this under the rug and even later makes a joke about it. We’ve all expressed our distaste for this in the past and rightly so. Aside from how morally wrong it was, it was also incredibly distasteful in a very real way.
We’re given a very close repeat of this situation in the finale. Tommy sexualising Bucks trauma is not only unfair on bucks character, but also a shitty slap in the face to real people in the real world too. How many times have we been sexualised for having “daddy issues”? The answer is a lot. This scene was Downright Offensive.
It’s so disappointing because in some ways this show is so progressive, and has handled some sensitive topics in such a great way in the past. But it’s really fumbled the bag with this one.
A large and hopeful part of me thinks all these tense/awkward/unhappy/unsatisfying BT scenes are a setup for BT bones in S8. If they wanted us to like Tk and be invested in this relationship, SURELY they’d make him more likeable & more supportive of Buck?
The awfulness of his character and the stilted scenes between him and Buck do feel intentional. And I reaaallly hope this is the case.
S8 - preferably, BT Bones off screen before the season even begins, Natalia style.
More likely, BT bones within 8a, due to Gerard’s return and the tension this will cause between him and Tk.
Most likely, BT bones by the end of 8b. I truly truly truly, with all my heart and head and hands, do not believe BT is surviving to season 9.
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just wanted to put in a little paragraph here about Buck specially, piggybacking off of what I’ve said about his trauma being sexualised etc.
They have consistently missed opportunities to flesh out Bucks trauma, and he has MANY to choose from. If they continue to ignore this aspect of Buck, it will be a great disservice to his character. I know we all joke about wanting Buck to go through more shit situations for the angst, and how we want him to have a big breakdown at some point but honestly - it really is overdue. I don’t just want him to suffer for funsies, I want his character to make sense, I want him to continue to be massively relatable, I want him to address his trauma and work through it and move on etc. etc. etc.
Here’s hoping we get the single Eddie and Buck arcs in S8/maybe 9 and both of them get therapy, properly.
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My boooyyy!!! The framing of that last shot, I do reckon Ravi will main soon. They didn’t drop his insane childhood lore, and built on him as a character (while Chim was at the academy with him) for no reason.
I am personally really looking forward to seeing him get a lot more screentime in S8. It’s what the people want!!!!!!
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Why did they act like this was such a major twist?? Like why else would they have shown him last episode..
I don’t really understand how he can have been made captain of the same firehouse he was removed from for bullying a crew that is literally still there.. but for the plot I guess we’ll go with it!
I look forward to him finally getting his comeuppance in season 8, but the asshole he’s going to be to everyone sounds less fun.
Let’s look at what we might have in store, hm?
-Racist to Chim, Hen and now probably Ravi too.
-Homophobic to Buck.
-If Bobby is around, no doubt he’ll be demeaning to him.
-And, i fear, if he somehow knows about Eddies current situation, will he make snide remarks about him as a father? Idk, I wouldn’t put anything past the bastard.
I’d really like to see the team take a stand against him though, I know he’s their captain for now and they will, to an extent, respect him (or at least do as he says). But it would be nice to see some firefam crew solidarity the face of his bigotry and bullying. It won’t be realistic if any of them just stand by and listen/watch while he makes shitty racism/homophobic jokes to their family.
Going to be a fun (🫠) few episodes!
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As an episode, this wasn’t horrendous, but certainly not great. As a finale, it was terrible. Underwhelming sums it up, disappointing emphasises it nicely.
I look forward to getting back to a full length season that has hopefully will be written a little more in advance than this one was. Let’s be optimistic, or this hiatus won’t be too enjoyable.
Can’t wait to spend the next few months binging Buddie fics and reading all your theories!! And don’t forget we get S8 BTS pics in just a few weeks 😭🫶🏻
Feel free to send me any asks if there’s something I’ve forgotten to mention that you’d like my thoughts on - or if you have any theories etc. I love to get asks from your guys 💛
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
I got bored and have now decided how Episode 2 of Season 8 should go. (This is on the hopeful assumption that Gerrard will only last about 3 episodes).
So we obviously need at least one episode of dickhead Gerrard (who I guess no one can report since he’s working with the evil councilwomen). So maybe Eddies on a leave to deal with his son, so he hasn’t met Gerrard as captain yet until episode two. 
So, Eddie is obviously going to be quite reckless and self-loathing this season. 
Hen, having almost lost Mara, will be sympathetic towards him (especially since Chim has the sarcastic side in the bag, what can’t you say about a man’s dead wife’s doppelgänger, he’s def gonna make a Vertigo movie reference). 
But Eddie and Hen worked together and know each other well, they’re basically siblings. She knows when he needs space. So, after a reckless “Buck style” save from Eddie, he’ll come up the stairs where most people are, and when Hen comes over to talk to him he’ll give her a “I can’t right now” look and carry on past.
But to everyone else he looks like he dismissed her (except they know Eddie doesn’t mean to be rude).
However… Gerrard doesn’t. Gerrard who only really knows Eddie as “that guy who did the crazy save earlier” and hasn’t really talked to anyone so far (cause he’s mad at himself and distancing himself).
So he’ll go over to Eddie and say “Well it’s nice to have a traditional guy around. Not listening to the useless comments.“ with a pointed look at Hen. And then he’ll clap Eddie on the back.
Eddie who’s heard all the stories of what Hen went through. Eddie who saw women get discriminated against in the army. Eddie who’s pissed off and lost everything.
And he’ll deck Gerrard in the face. 
The chief comes in starts interviewing everyone about it. 
(They could even do this episode from the end. With everyone talking to the Chief, trying to cover for Eddie at the start of the episode- we as the viewers not necessarily knowing it was Eddie who punched him- and then have his identity revealed to the viewers but not the Chief through the episode, with interview style scenes).
And just when the Chief goes downstairs and Gerrard comes out says he’s found the security footage of the punch… Ravi comes up the stairs.
So turns out a few years ago Gerrard was sued (or maybe he was married and got a divorce idk). And so he moved out of his house into a nice, big apartment since he could afford that better. 
And guess what? Ravi OWNS the apartment building.
So “unless you want horrific credit and nowhere to live Captain I strongly suggest you drop this right now.”
(A nice comparison to Ravi who wanted nothing to do with the 118 gang when he first met them). 
So together they all (totally not suspiciously) tell the Chief everything’s okay and Gerrard got hurt on a call. 
Yay, Ravi saves the day. And then we get a cute look between Ravi and Eddie because I really want them as friends. 
(Also side note, Athena and Harry are similar to Eddie and Chris, I really hope Athena and Eddie get a conversation about how to deal when your child doesn’t trust you as much and blames you for things, especially since I hope Athena regrets hitting Harry). 
STOP I LOVE THIS ravi saving the day not only as a poc character but as a character who, like you said, originally started out not wanting to be a part of the 118 would be such a great way to usher him in as a main cast member to solidify his place (keep manifesting for ravi main yall ���🙏) AND we get more landlord ravi shenanigans (ik it’s one of the more crack elements of the show but ravi being a landlord kills me)
and i agree athena and hen both know what eddie’s going through having to watch a child leave and (athena w harry and hen w both nia and mara) so him having that support would create such interesting dynamics… (even karen too bc i need more eddie & karen friendship moments pls and thank you) i also think athena being able to have a conversation with him about letting go of a romantic partner after losing them suddenly would be so beneficial to eddie too, AND the complexity of her relationship with michael as well could provide some context to eddie’s feelings that he may not have realized before (*cough cough* queer eddie *cough cough*👀👀👀)
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kasienda · 10 months
Spin the Bottle
Core Four OT4 - Read on Ao3
I had too much fun with this one! Please enjoy! ^_^
Nathaniel’s family home is not as large or ostentatious as the Agreste family manor, but that only means Adrien feels more at ease. The space is wide and open, but still feels like a home rather than a museum. And all his friends are here for a party, which makes it even better. 
“Dude! You’re here!” Nino greets, holding out his hand.
“Wouldn’t miss it!” Adrien exclaims, clapping into Nino’s open fist. He may have used a bit of Plagg’s aid to make it, but he knows from bitter experience that no one will miss him until morning, so why shouldn’t he come? 
Nino ushers him inside. Rose and Marinette are helping Nathaniel pour snacks into large plastic bowls. The rest of the class - minus Chloe and Sabrina, plus Marc - are circled around Kim and Ivan who are locked in an arm wrestling match.
“Yay! Adrien! You made it!” Mylene says. Everyone else cheers in greeting. Adrien grins back. 
“Hey guys!”
Kim looks up then, and in that moment Ivan pounds Kim’s fist into the table. Kim throws a pout at Mylene. 
“Is it surprising that I’m here?” Adrien asks Nino quietly. 
“I’m not gonna lie, dude. I didn't want to get my hopes up.”
Adrien sighs.
Nino offers him a dazzling smile and Adrien only feels warm. “But I’m always really glad to see you.”
“Me too!” Adrien agrees.
“C’mon Agreste! Welcome to the party!” Kim says, his arms draping over his shoulders. “Want to go up against Ivan in arm wrestling? No one can beat him.”
Adrien isn’t sure that’s a good idea. Some of his miraculous enhanced strength seems to carry over whenever he’s wearing the ring and Adrien doesn’t want to accidentally hurt anyone. 
“No? Anyone up for a game of spin the bottle?”
“Spin the what?” Adrien asks.
“Oh, Agreste. You are so deprived,” Alix says. 
“Spin the bottle is a kissing game,” Max supplies. 
A kissing game? 
“I dunno, man,” Nino says, pinching his own shoulder. “I have a girlfriend. Not sure if I should be kissing anyone else.” 
Alya waves away his objection. “It’s a silly game! And I’m right here watching.” Then she pauses and turns back to Nino. “Assuming you’re okay with it?” 
“Uh… yeah, sure. Levels one and two?” 
She nods. 
Adrien has no idea what they’re talking about. How could there be levels to a kissing game? 
“Then sure! I’m down,” Nino agrees.
“What’s spin the bottle?” Adrien asks again. 
Rose giggled, patting the space next to her on the floor. “We sit in a circle with an empty bottle in the middle. Then we take turns spinning it, and then whoever it ends up pointing at we’re supposed to kiss!” She claps her hands together excitedly.
“You game, dude?” Nino asks.
“You ever been kissed?” Alya asks before Adrien can answer. 
Heat blooms across his face. “I have,” he says. It wasn’t technically a lie even though he didn’t remember either of his kisses with Ladybug. They happened. They count, right?
Alya smirks. “Great! We won’t go easy on you then.”
Adrien swallows down his nerves. Maybe he should have said he had never been kissed, but he has always wanted to know what a kiss felt like. Maybe this was an opportunity to find out. He takes a seat next to Nino.
The action earns him another cheer from his friends. Then everyone scrambles into motion to find a seat. Nathaniel places an empty soda bottle on the ground. Kim shoves it towards Adrien. 
“As the only spin the bottle virgin, you should go first, Agreste.” 
Adrien picks up the bottle awkwardly. “I just spin it?” 
Rose crawls forward. “Let me show you!” She lays the bottle on its side and twists it around the center, sending it into a spin. “Like this!” She stops it before it slows on its own and hands it back to him. 
Adrien spins the bottle. He swallows his nerves, or tries to - but his stomach squirms as the bottle’s nose whips around the circle from classmate to classmate. Who will fate choose for him? 
When the bottle cap comes to a stop dead center on Nino, Adrien’s both relieved and somehow more anxious. 
His first kiss - not his actual first kiss, but still kinda his first kiss - the first kiss he will remember, will be with someone he deeply cares about.
But Adrien also cares what Nino thinks of him, so what if he’s a terrible kisser?
Nino offers him a reassuring smile, and he relaxes. Adrien glances at Alya for permission, and she just shoos him towards Nino. 
Adrien turns to Nino, leaning closer. If his stomach had been squirming before, it now feels like a half dozen Kwamis have taken up residence in his gut. But Adrien doesn’t hesitate. He blocks out the presence of all of his friends watching, and instead focuses on Nino - like Nino is a stage partner in a photoshoot.
Except kissing Nino is nothing like a photoshoot. Nino isn’t some model Adrien barely knows. Nino’s his best friend, one of his favorite people in the whole world with the possible exception of Ladybug, and even then, Adrien’s not sure. And Nino’s lips are soft and warm. Then Nino gasps, and they’re breathing the same air. What would it feel like to explore Nino’s open mouth?
But the sudden whooping and whistles send Adrien scuttling backwards before the kiss can become anything more, frantically searching Nino’s face. 
“Woah there, Sunshine,” Alya says. “At least buy him dinner first.” 
Adrien’s gaze darts back and forth between Nino and Alya. Nino’s golden brown eyes are wide, but he’s noticeably not smiling. Alya looks like a wolf about to catch dinner and Adrien’s pretty sure he’s the prey.
“D-did I do something wrong?” 
“No!” Alya immediately reassures, shaking her head. “You just jumped straight to level three, which you’re totally allowed to do. Established couples do it all the time!” 
Adrien’s cheeks burn as he glances back at Nino who was pinching his own shoulder, suddenly not able to meet Adrien’s eyes. 
Has he messed up? He and Nino are definitely not an established couple and Nino and Alya agreed to levels one and two only before the game started. 
Adrien hopes not.
“What’s level one?” Adrien asks. 
“Usually we start with a hand kiss, and then a cheek kiss if you get the same person again. And then on the lips for the third time,” Alya says, grinning at him. 
“Any other rules I should know about?”
“Do you want to know what all the other levels—“ Max starts to ask.
“Nope!” Alix interrupts. “That’s it!”
Adrien turns back to the group, and very carefully does not look at Nino, who is sitting right next to him. 
Mylene goes next. The bottle lands on Rose, and Mylene gives her the smallest of pecks on her cheek.
Adrien’s face burns hotter at how stupid he was, but he resists the urge to bury his face in his hands. He risks another glance at Nino who immediately looks away. 
But Nino had clearly been looking at him. Adrien wishes he knew what that meant . 
Did Nino like the kiss? Is he wondering what it would have felt like to let the kiss last longer or go deeper like Adrien is? Or is Nino feeling super awkward and weird that his idiot best friend kissed him on the lips instead of his hand? 
Adrien knows what he’s hoping it means, which makes him doubt that could possibly be what Nino is thinking. 
Alix goes next, and the bottle points to Marc. Alix approaches, and holds their hand like it’s a treasure. “Marc! Though I’ve loved you more than I’ve loved anyone—“
Marc snorts. 
“—I know when our romance is hopeless. Please forgive me! My heart is not strong enough to offer more than this small token.” And she dramatically kisses Marc’s hand to the giggles of everyone looking on before returning to her spot in the circle.
Adrien sits up straighter when Marinette spins the bottle. He feels almost as nervous as he did when the bottle was spinning for him. He’s not sure where he wants the bottle to stop, but when it points to Nathaniel’s knee, Adrien feels strangely disappointed. 
Marinette moves, but she’s not even halfway across the circle, when Nathaniel holds up his hands. 
“Marinette, I uh… given our umm… history, I’d prefer if you were the one person who didn’t kiss me.” 
Adrien opens his mouth to object. Was Nathaniel seriously rejecting the just idea of Marinette in front of all her friends? Anyone would be lucky to—
But Marinette smiles at both Nathaniel and Marc whose hands are suddenly interlaced. “I understand completely. I’ll just spin again.” 
This time the bottle lands on Alya. 
Adrien is still a little disappointed, but it doesn’t twist his shoulders into knots the way it landing on Nathaniel had. He turns to watch the two girls with interest. Marinette and Alya exchange cheek kisses and then a peck on the lips with a playful “mwah!” before turning back to the group all smiles. 
Adrien is jealous of how comfortable they both seem with each other. Nino still will barely look at him.
Alya spins and the bottle lands on Kim. Adrien tenses, feeling oddly protective, though Alya is quick to deposit a kiss on Kim’s hand and it’s over before Adrien can make sense of his feelings.
He’s being ridiculous. Why would it matter if Alya kissed Kim anymore than it had that Adrien had kissed Nino? Like Alya said at the beginning, this is a game . And as Marinette just demoed, even during the game, boundaries would still be respected. 
He wishes he thought to ask Nino first if he was welcome. 
After they make it all around the circle, a second round starts.
Rose goes first this time. She literally squeals when the bottle lands on Juleka. She’s in Juleka���s lap immediately, her legs wrapping around Juleka’s waist. Their mouths are sliding against one another, revealing flashes of pink tongue between the tiny spaces between their lips. Then their hands . Rose’s fingers are tangled in Juleka’s hair, pulling her closer, while Juleka’s hands are squeezing into Rose’s thighs.
Adrien can’t look away.
“Oh my god!” Alix shouts, smacking the two with a pillow, which barely slows them down at all.  “Get in the closet already!”
“The closet?” Adrien echoes. 
“Level five is seven minutes in ‘heaven’ where you make out in the closet for seven minutes,” Max says. 
Rose giggles as Juleka leads her away. 
Then it’s Marinette’s turn again. Her bottle lands on him. Adrien has to remind himself to breathe. This is what he wanted during her first turn, he realizes. For Marinette to kiss him. He licks his lips. What kind of kiss will Marinette choose for him?
His excitement lasts right up until he looks at her. She’s white as a ghost, staring at him with wide blue, very much panicked, eyes. “I umm… I have to go to the bathroom!” 
She launches herself to her feet and runs. Adrien watches her retreat. 
“Girl!” Alya calls, running after her. “Get your cute butt back here!” 
The pleasant fluttering in his gut turns sour.
Sweet kind brave Marinette doesn’t even want to kiss his hand.
Did she dislike him that much? 
Alya chases Marinette into the kitchen.
She’s never completely understood what it is about Adrien that turns Marinette into a nervous basket case.
And Nino too apparently! She hadn’t missed how flustered Nino became after Adrien’s kiss. 
Though she likes it when Nino turns into a flustered mess. They’d have to talk about it obviously, but Alya isn’t even sure what she wants to say yet because she hadn’t wanted that kiss to end so quickly.
She shoves the thought aside. The point is Adrien is as kind and as patient as they come, and starved for love and friendship, both. If there’s anyone Marinette and Nino don’t need to worry about disappointing or accidentally pushing away, it’s Adrien! 
“Earth to Marinette,” Alya says when Marinette’s gaze remains distant. “I thought you would want to kiss Adrien.” 
Marinette’s forehead clunks against the refrigerator. “I do! Just not like that.” 
Alya arches an eyebrow. 
“It’s just if he’s going to kiss me I don’t want it to be because a bottle told him to. I want it to mean something! I want him to want to kiss me.” 
“Marinette, did you see his face?!”
Marinette turns to her with furrowed brows. “What do you mean?”
“He lit up when that bottle landed on him. He definitely wanted you to kiss him.” Not to mention that he visibly deflated when Marinette’s first turn landed on Nathaniel, but Marinette didn’t need to know that. 
“Or maybe he just figured out he likes being kissed,” Marinette said dryly. 
Alya grins. “You saw that, too?” 
“Does it upset you that he and Nino both seemed so bothered by it?” 
“No.” If anything she really really liked that they - especially Nino - were so bothered by it. She wanted to pounce on Nino right after. It’s not as often that she can push him into that shy flustered state anymore. She really likes him like that. 
“But we’re not talking about me! We’re talking about you and Adrien. How do you think running out like that made him feel?” 
Marinette buried her face in her hands. “I know! I know! He probably hates me.” 
Alya shook her head. “He definitely does not hate you.” 
Marinette likes Adrien because he’s so kind and understanding. Alya wishes Marinette would trust that.
“I really think that things would be a lot easier for you if you would tell him how you feel, but right now I’ll settle for you going back in there and giving that sweet boy who thinks you don’t like him , a tiny little kiss on the cheek.” 
Marinette shakes her head rapidly. “I want to! I know you’re right. But when I’m there looking at his stupidly perfect face I turn into all panic. I’m never going to be able to tell him! And because of that I’m always gonna be a crappy awful friend.” 
God grant her patience!
Alya wants a lot of things, several of which she may have just realized in the last ten minutes. What she would give to watch her boyfriend and his best friend really make out? Or better yet, her boyfriend and her best friend! 
Sadly, they’ll likely never go for that.
But more than any of that, Alya just wants all of them to be happy. 
“Marinette, Adrien is not going anywhere. He’s not that easy to scare away. He’s definitely confused right now, and maybe a little hurt, but just as he apologized to you the day you met him, you can apologize to him and I promise you, he will be all smiles.”
“You really think he’ll forgive me?” 
“I know he will! And a cheek kiss wouldn’t hurt.” 
Marinette smiles. “I can do that.” 
Alya smiles back. “I know you can!” 
And maybe if they kept playing, the bottle would grant a few of Alya’s wishes.
The chances are low with so many of them playing. Alya knows that, but a girl can dream. 
Nino has never related so hard to a Marinette freakout. He is now painfully aware of how big a deal it is to kiss Adrien. 
He traces his lower lip, a tiny part of him wishing he hadn’t been so startled by Adrien’s actions so he could have savored it more. 
Except he can’t be thinking any of this! He has a girlfriend! He can’t be thinking about what it would feel like to kiss his best friend.
Except that he is thinking about it. He’s thinking about it a lot.
He’s so fucked. 
And when he glances over to see how Adrien is taking all this, his best friend is staring at the empty doorway, the personification of dejection. Everyone in the room is staring at Adrien with sympathetic frowns, which only causes Adrien to further cave in on himself. 
Nino taps his shoulder. “C’mon dude, let’s take a breather.”
Nino hauls Adrien to his feet and juts his chin at Alix over Adrien’s shoulder, who takes a hint immediately. “Mylene! It’s your turn!” 
They don’t go that far, Nathaniel’s house does have a small outdoor terrace, so they can at least put a door between them and the group even if that door is made of glass. 
“You okay, mec?” 
Adrien shrugs. “Yeah? If she doesn’t want to kiss me, that’s fine. I just… I just wish I knew what I did wrong.” 
“What makes you think you did anything wrong?” 
“Nino! She literally ran away. She didn’t even want to kiss my hand.” 
That’s not the problem. Marinette definitely wants to kiss Adrien.
But Nino can’t say that. 
“Maybe she has a reason.” 
“Like what?!”
Nino wishes he could explain. “You’d have to ask her, mec.”
Adrien sighs. And then looks at him. “Are we okay?”
Nino swallows, and glances down into his hands, heat burning in his face. “Of course, we’re okay.”
More than okay. Except maybe Nino really wants Adrien to kiss him again, but he definitely can’t act on that impulse. 
Because he has a gorgeous and amazing girlfriend and he absolutely doesn’t want to mess that up.
“Do you think we’re not okay?” Nino asks. 
Adrien rubs the back of his neck. “I just- I hope I didn’t make things weird. I’m sorry. I should have asked if you were okay with me kissing you. I thought that was the game.” 
“It is the game. The not explaining the rules fully thing is something every one of us has gone through the first time we played. It’s always a question of will the person chicken out or go straight for it.”
“Really?” Adrien sounds so hopeful that Nino wants to laugh at himself. He really shouldn’t have been surprised that Adrien kissed him. Adrien has always wanted to have the genuine party experience. 
“Really! Just in our situation it usually goes the other way.” 
“Our situation?” 
“Two dudes who are pretty solidly platonic?” 
Maybe not as platonic on his end as Nino had previously assumed, but that was a crisis for another day. 
“Was it weird?”
Nino’s ears and cheeks burn. “Umm… not to me. But I’m uh… not straight.” 
He can feel Adrien’s eyes widen to the size of saucers, though he doesn’t look up. 
“Oh. I uh… don’t think I am either.”
Oh god. That made everything so much better. 
And so much worse at the same time.
“Thanks for telling me,” Nino says, because what else can he say? 
“Yeah, you too.” 
“You feeling better, mec?” Nino shoulder bumps him. 
Adrien smiles. “Yeah, I am. Thanks.” 
“Ready to head back inside?” 
Adrien nods. Alya and Marinette are already there sitting next to each other with their arms looped together, and their fingers interlaced.
Nino licks his lips at the sight. If Nino says Alya is allowed to kiss her best friend, would she grant him the same boon? 
Gah! What is he thinking? That’s not how relationships worked. 
Alya smiles at him, and something in Nino’s chest loosens. He sits down and Adrien catches his gaze, and he’s smiling, and the warmth in Nino’s chest only spreads.
Oh, he’s well and truly fucked.
Marinette’s vaguely aware that Mylene and Ivan are taking a turn in the closet and Marc is about ready to throw the bottle out the window for refusing to land on Nathaniel. 
Alix is not even playing anymore, but whatever she’s doing, she can’t stop laughing. 
But Marinette’s attention is focused completely on the two boys outside. The fact that Nino and Adrien are outside, separate from everyone else, when Adrien had been so excited about just being at a party at all, is evidence enough that Alya’s right. Adrien is hurt. 
And it’s her fault. She’s the one that hurt him by running.
Alya’s arm hand loops through her own, and some of the tension in Marinette’s shoulders bleeds out, and she can breathe again.
She doesn’t know what it is about Alya, but Alya grounds her in much the same way Chat Noir does. Marinette has a tendency to float away and spiral and lose herself, and Alya has a way of yanking her back to reality, but also of catching her so that the landing is always soft. 
She grants Alya a beaming smile, hoping that some of her gratitude and appreciation shines through. Alya squeezes her hand.
The door slides open and Marinette’s gaze whips to Adrien immediately. He’s smiling and seems at ease. But when he sits down, he chooses the spot that’s further from her, the spot that places Nino between them. 
Which, fair. 
But she can’t stand it. 
She scrambles around Nino, throws her arms around Adrien’s shoulders and kisses him on the cheek. 
He presses a hand to his face where she kissed him, and turns to her with wide eyes. 
“I’m sorry I ran,” she whispers. It’s all she can manage before she retreats back to the safety of Alya’s hold. 
But Adrien is smiling again. 
Unfortunately when it’s Alya’s turn, she has to untangle herself from Marinette. 
In some cruel or amazing twist of fate, the bottle lands on Adrien. 
Alya shoots her a mischievous grin. Marinette knows that look, and it’s not good. Abort abort abort. 
Nino is in no better shape than she is at this pairing, Marinette distantly notes, but she can’t pay much attention to Nino, not when Alya is leaning so intimately into Adrien’s space, whispering something she can’t hear into his ear. 
Adrien nods. 
Alya grins and then she’s cradling Adrien’s face in her hands. Marinette forgets to breathe as Alya leans forward slowly, until there’s no more space. Their lips slide against one another—
Marinette’s nails dig into her knee.
—parting ever so slightly. The contact lingers, like a perfect moment frozen in time. 
Marinette bites down on her own lip. 
She’s not jealous. 
She’s insanely turned on. She likes watching Adrien and Alya kiss. She likes it waaay more than she should. 
And she is jealous, she realizes. But she’s jealous of Adrien. 
She wants to be held so carefully in Alya’s hands. 
Alya pulls away slowly. Adrien though doesn’t move. His eyes remain closed, totally blissed out. Alya grins, and turns triumphantly to Marinette. 
That’s how it’s done, she seems to say. She made it look so easy.
Marinette wishes she had half her courage. 
But Alya’s gaze doesn’t linger with Marinette. Instead, her attention turns to Nino who is also wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open. Marinette has never related to him more in her life. Alya’s grin only grows. Adrien finally blinks his eyes open. 
Alix cackles. “I think all four of you might benefit from a turn in the closet!” 
Marinette’s face is on fire. 
“W-what?” Adrien stammers.
Nino is still speechless. 
But Alya, Alya hums in agreement. 
Every inch of Marinette’s body is tingling. She can’t talk, but she can’t sit still either. And so she runs. 
This time Alya doesn’t follow. Her friend’s laughter follows her though. 
She retreats to the bathroom, breathing hard. She tries to take a breath to calm her racing heart. She splashes water on her face and it doesn’t really help. 
The door bursts open and it’s Nino standing in the doorway, looking just as startled as she feels. 
“H-hey,” she says. “I… uh…” and she turns back to the mirror, unable to look at him.
“I’m s-sorry,” he stammers, backing away.
“N-no, it’s fy mault.” And she’s stuttering around Nino now.
She buries her fire-hot face in her hands. This is all Alix’s fault. She had Marinette thinking about kissing Nino now, as if Marinette needed a whole new person to be an absolute disaster around.
The problem is, it’s not hard to imagine. She had been overjoyed to know Nino was crushing on Alya all the way back at the zoo because she knew he was patient and just fun to be around even if she hadn’t known him that well then. 
She knew him better now, and that image doesn’t bother her at all. The idea of all four of them? 
She peaks through her fingers at him. 
He bursts into laughter. And a second later she joins him. She laughs so hard she doubles over clutching at her sides. It feels a touch hysterical, but it’s helping. 
Nino collapses down next to her a second later and she’s laughing so hard it hurts. And he’s laughing so hard he almost tips over, but she manages to steady him. 
Eventually their laughter subsides, and they sit beside each other on the bathroom floor. 
“D-did you want to talk?” Marinette eventually asks. 
He shakes his head. “No, I just… I ran in here because I needed to be able to breathe.” 
“Oh my god! I know! They’re both torturing us.” 
“Alya’s doing it on purpose.”
Marinette groans, burying her face in her hands all over again. “Which means she’s not gonna stop.”
“Definitely not.”
“How are we gonna survive?” 
Nino barked a laugh. “We’re not. We’re fucked.”
“At least we’re fucked together.” 
Nino laughed again and held out a fist. She met it easily, grinning.
She could think of worse than being tortured by Alya side by side with Nino and maybe hopefully Adrien too. 
Adrien stares at the bottle that’s pointing at him, afraid to see Alya’s reaction. He starts when she puts a hand on his shoulder, but when she catches his gaze she’s smiling gently with so much patience.
She leans toward him. “I’m gonna kiss you for real,” she whispers. “You okay with that?” 
He nods dumbly just relieved that she’s still there - that she wants to kiss him. 
And kissing Alya is a very different experience than kissing Nino. Her hands on his face are warm and gentle. She’s the one who leans forward, the one who presses her lips to his. She’s softer, but more confident. Her lips part, and instead of pulling away as he had with Nino, he reciprocates. Her tongue slides across his lower lip, and electricity shoots down his spine to his toes.
When she pulls away, he doesn’t move. He’s dizzy, and he doesn’t want the sensation to end. 
Was every kiss this mind blowing? 
He pulls away staring at Alya in shock, but her attention is on Nino who is definitely staring at them both in slack jawed astonishment. 
And Adrien’s gut twists again, not sure where he stands with either of them at the moment, and nervous about how his kisses with each might be impacting their relationship. 
And then Marinette runs again. Nino lasts only thirty seconds longer, and Adrien fights to keep breathing. He had wanted to come to this party so bad, and now it feels like he’s messing everything up. His eyes are burning. 
But this time, Alya squeezes his hand and he relaxes. 
“It’s not what you think,” she tells him. “They’re just being stupid.” 
“They’re not stupid,” he defends. Marinette is brilliant and inspiring. He could watch her for days and never get bored. And Nino is just solid, grounding in a way that always makes Adrien feel like he is always enough. 
She laughs. She definitely does not agree with him, but she also doesn’t argue. 
Spin the Bottle seems to be a bust at this point. With Marinette and Nino gone, the group breaks apart. Nathaniel and Marc soon have their heads together over a notebook. Rose and Juleka are still making out in the corner. Mylene is on Ivan’s lap on a couch. Alix and Max are talking excitedly about something on his computer. Kim is nowhere to be seen. 
He and Alya are effectively alone in the sense that no one is really paying attention to them, though they’re the only ones who haven’t moved from the original circle. 
“Why did you kiss me like that?” he asks.
She grins. “I had lots of reasons.”
“Care to share?” 
“Not yet, but I hope soon.”
He sighs. He tries so hard to respect other people’s boundaries, but he’s so tired of being in the dark all of the time. He does appreciate that Alya is direct about it though. She doesn’t try to evade or dance around the fact that she’s holding information back from him. And he believes her when she says she wants to tell him, so he doesn’t push. 
“Are you okay that I kissed Nino earlier?” he asks instead.
“I’d be a total hypocrite if I wasn’t.”
Adrien frowns. “That doesn’t answer the question.”
She grins again. “Let’s just say I was a lot more okay with it than I thought I would be, and maybe that’s part of why I wanted to kiss you too.”
“Please don’t use me as a way to get revenge on my best friend,” he pleads.
She laughs again. “I promise you I was not trying to hurt him. And I don’t think I did, but you’re right. He and I should probably talk. Are you okay if I go find him?” 
He nods, though it’s not completely true. He doesn’t feel like he’s on the verge of panic anymore, so he doesn’t need Alya to stay. 
But when she’s gone, he’s alone with his thoughts. Thoughts he very much doesn’t know what to do with. 
He’s in love with Ladybug! He’s certain of it, but this crazy game is making him realize that he has other feelings as well.
Feelings for his friends that he’s not supposed to have.
He wanted Marinette to kiss him. Hell, he still wants Marinette to kiss him, but he’s not always sure she even sees him as a friend, let alone something more. So trying something there doesn’t seem worth the risk. But he wants it anyway even though he now realizes he has feelings for Nino and Alya as well. 
But he’s not allowed to have feelings for his best friend and he’s definitely not allowed to have feelings for his best friend’s girlfriend.
What is wrong with him? 
Nino’s not sure what shifted, but Marinette seems calmer now. She’s smiling and he can’t help but mirror the expression. He always liked her smile. 
A soft tap on the door stops his thoughts in their tracks, and Alya pokes her head around the door. 
“There you both are!” 
Marinette’s hands cover her face again, but Nino can still see the blush blooming under her hands.
“Hey girl, do you mind if I steal your spot to talk to Nino alone for a moment?” 
Marinette’s head bobs up and down with far too much enthusiasm. And as she disappears, Nino wonders if he should envy how easily she escaped Alya’s gaze. 
But the second the door is closed, Alya pounces on him. He barely catches her. Her mouth is on his, hot and urgent, her tongue demanding entrance, and he’s only too happy to grant her request. 
But he’s confused. He thought she would be upset. Not that he’s complaining. 
Her lips travel to his ear, and his neck. Oh yeah, he’s definitely not complaining. 
But he’s still very confused. 
“Babe! What the hell?”
“I’ve literally been wanting to jump you,” she tells him between kisses, “since Adrien kissed you.” 
For some reason this upsets him, and he pushes her off him. “This isn’t some game, Alya.” 
She frowns, settling backwards on her heels, but her hands stay on his shoulders. “I didn’t say it was?”
He takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes. “I just… I’m kinda messed up right now because I think I like him, like him. And I don’t want to mess this,” He gestured between the two of them, “up. And I don’t want to mess him and I up either, but I can’t stop thinking about it now. And now, you treating that kiss like it’s just some kind of turn on or toy thing for you to get me all riled up.” 
Her hold on him loosens, but she doesn’t let go. Instead she’s rubbing soothing patterns on his shoulders. 
“Nino, it’s okay. Adrien is super sweet, and totally hot. And you care about each other immensely. Of course, you have feelings!”
Nino’s brows pinch together. “And you don’t have a problem with that?”
“I personally think it’s totally normal to have a bit of a gay crush on your best friend,” she says.
His eyes blow open. “Holy shit! You have a thing for Marinette!”
She clamps a hand over his mouth, as she glances frantically towards the closed door. “Shh! Nino! She’s not ready to hear that!” 
“I thought this was about you riling me up, but this is about her too, isn’t it?”
Alya doesn’t say anything. 
“How long have you felt this way?” he asks.
She bites her lip. “A long time. Longer than us.”
“I see.” 
“Nino! It’s not like that! I don’t have a favorite. I’ve known I was poly for a long time, but I didn’t think that you were and Marinette was never interested, and I thought I had made peace with all of that.”
But today apparently had been testing all of their limits. 
“Babe, why did you kiss Adrien like that?” he asks, but he thinks he already knows the answer. 
“You kissed him first!” 
“He kissed me! And that didn’t answer the question.” 
She looks up at him. “Because I wanted you to know what it felt like to watch two people you love, love each other.” 
He’s not sure he really got to appreciate that feeling in the moment. He had been too busy freaking out about his feelings for Adrien and if Alya would be upset.
“You’ve never told Marinette how you feel.” 
“She’s not remotely interested. She’s always had tunnel vision for Adrien.” 
Having watched her melt down after Alya kissed Adrien firsthand, he’s not so sure of that now. 
“You’re a hypocrite.”
She scowls. “What do you mean?” 
“You tell Marinette to confess every day. You’ve told me that you wish she would just be honest about her feelings and even if Adrien is somehow an idiot and turns her down she’ll still be freer. All of that applies to you. So why haven’t you confessed?” 
“Well one, I’m dating you.” 
It was a cop out. “That’s not in the way anymore.”
“Nino! It’s different when you’re best friends. Her friendship is precious and amazing and not less than romance. I don’t want to ruin that. ”
He nods. “Yeah. Totally. Makes complete sense. But I think that what you tell Marinette all the time is still true. That you will be freer if you are honest with her about your feelings.”
Alya suddenly grins. “Tell you what. I will confess to Marinette if you confess to Adrien.”
“Fuck. I walked into that one.” 
Alya laughs. “Yeah, you did.” 
He loves her laugh. It’s loud and real just like she is. She’s never as gorgeous as she is when she’s laughing her head off. He pulls her back into his arms and kisses her hard.
She breaks away, giggling. “What was that for?” 
He shakes his head in amusement. She tackled him first. He was just following through. 
“For luck,” he tells her. He doesn’t know for sure which way Marinette swings, but he knows that Alya doesn’t need any luck. 
But he might. 
Alya follows Nino out of the bathroom, and sure enough, Marinette is in the kitchen having never made it all the way back to the main living area. Nino nods at her and winks at Marinette before he leaves them both without a word.
Alya faces Marinette who is not meeting her eyes. 
Had Marinette overheard her conversation with Nino? Does it matter if she’s planning on telling her right now anyway?
“Hey,” Alya greets softly, looping her arm through Marinette’s exactly as she had earlier during the game. “Are we okay?”  
Marinette’s head shoots up. “Why wouldn’t we be okay?” 
“Well, I thought you might be upset that I kissed Adrien. I feel like maybe I should have checked with you first?”
Marinette blushes. “I figured you were just trying to inspire me.” 
“Did it work?” 
“Umm… it was definitely inspiring.” Marinette’s cheeks are red as she looks down into her hands.
Alya’s heart flips in her chest. Dare she hope this isn’t as hopeless as she fears? She licks her lips. 
Marinette frowns and grabs her hand. “Did you think I would be mad?” 
Maybe she had thought that was a possibility beforehand, but Alya knew afterwards that she wasn’t. “No… I…” and she trails off. 
“Alya?” Marinette’s voice trembles.
Alya shakes herself. She needs to pull herself together. This is Marinette . Marinette will never hold this against her.
“I never understood why you have such a hard time talking to Adrien. I mean, I knew that it was hard. Obviously in that you struggled with it, but I didn’t understand why you were so afraid . Adrien’s the nicest person on the planet, so even if he wasn’t somehow interested, which for the record, I think he is—“
Marinette shakes her head and Alya wants to shake her. 
“—he would never ever be mean about it. But I think I get it now because there’s something that I’ve never told you because I was afraid.” 
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” Marinette says, squeezing her hands. “Best friends don’t always have to tell each other everything.”
“Nino said I was a hypocrite for not telling you this and he’s right.” 
“Oh no! Did you and Nino fight?” 
“No! Nino and I are fine. I never told you this because I am absolutely terrified you won’t want me in your life anymore.”
Marinette laughs. “Alya, there’s nothing on this earth that you could do, be or say that would make me wish you gone.”
Alya forces herself to smile. She knows that, she believes it. And yet, she’s still scared her feelings could make things weird. She wants Marinette to come to her, to gush about boys, and ask for advice. 
Will she still do that, if she knows Alya loves her too? 
“What is it?” Marinette asks. 
“I’m in love with you, Marinette.” 
When Nino walks back into the main room, Adrien is in the corner with Max, Alix, and Kim. Max and Adrien are playing the latest version of his fighting game, which is inconvenient because Nino really wants to talk to him now while he still has Alya’s encouragement in his head. But he’s so nervous that interrupting seems impossible, and he’s hovering to the side of the group like an idiot. Even Alix and Kim are throwing him funny looks. 
Maybe he just can’t do this. 
But then Adrien glances at him out of the corner of his eyes, smiles that blinding smile, and Nino’s stomach drops in a fluttering mess. He has to do this because Alya is right. However Adrien responds, Nino needs to get this out or it will drive him slowly insane. 
Max groans, signaling the end of the match. Kim claps him consolingly on the shoulder and Alix cheers, clearly having just won a bet. 
“That was super close though,” Adrien says graciously. “I think you’ll get me soon.”
Max nods. “We’re definitely more closely matched. I appreciate you not going easy on me.” 
“Wouldn’t want to diminish your accomplishment in any way.” Then he turns his attention to Nino and holds out the controller. “You want a turn?” 
Nino shakes his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets so he can’t fidget. “Can I actually talk to you?” He points behind them with his thumb. “Maybe out on the balcony again?” 
Adrien smiles, but Nino can see the sudden tension in his shoulders. “Of course.” 
Kim makes a weird kissy face at Nino over Max’s shoulder. And Nino tries not to react, but he tucks his head into his shoulders like a turtle trying to hide in his shell. His neck and face are hot. Kim laughs, but at least it cuts off abruptly when Alix punches him in the arm. 
“Hey!” Kim complains, rubbing his arm.
“Leave them alone!” she hisses.
Nino is relieved when the sliding glass door closes, so he can’t hear the interaction. But that lasts all of two seconds because now Adrien is looking at him, waiting for whatever Nino wants to say, and Nino knows Adrien well enough to guess that Adrien’s bracing himself for the worst news ever. 
Which means Nino needs to buck up and be brave. 
“So you know how I said I wasn’t straight?” Nino blurts out.
Adrien lifts his head up and Nino can breathe just a bit easier. “Yeah?” 
“Well, that kiss, mec.” Nino adjusts his hat and risks a glance at his best friend. “I think it awakened some things. And if you’re game, I would k-kinda like to see where that could go?” His voice is pitched too high, and Nino wants to hide, but the hard part is done, and so he makes himself sit still. 
Well, mostly still. Nino doesn’t know how to be completely still. 
“What about Alya?” 
Nino relaxes at that objection. Adrien isn’t saying that he’s not interested. “She’s on board. In fact, if you’re into it, I suspect she’d date you as well, but we didn’t talk about that.” 
“And that’s allowed?” Adrien asks. His brows are furrowed so tight and it’s cute. 
“I mean, if you and I are okay with it and she’s okay with it, does it matter what anyone else says?” 
“I uh… guess not.” 
“But there’s no pressure here either!” Nino backpedals. “My having feelings doesn’t mean anything has to change. Just because Alya and I are poly, doesn’t mean that you have to be. And you don’t have to date us both, though if you dated her and not me, I’m not gonna lie, I’d be super jealous.”
“Can we slow down please?” 
“You’re in love with me?” Marinette echoes. She heard it, but she can’t believe it. 
Alya has coached her through the most ridiculous anxious spirals, has seen her in her bathrobe rambling with her hair in nets at her most insane, and has chastised her when she was beyond petty. 
Alya has seen her at her worst. 
And Alya loves her? 
It’s so crazy her brain refuses to accept it. 
Alya nods. “Have been for a long time. And I want you to know I’m not at all sure where you would like to go from here if anywhere, but I wanted you to know. I don’t want to keep things from you.”
But if it is true, It’s the most amazing precious thing! She woke up this morning expecting a treat, and woke up with a whole cake! 
“Nino?” she squeaks.
“I love him, too. I’m poly. And I know you’re in love with Adrien. You know I’ve been rooting for the two of you since forever. Like I said, I just wanted you to know. And I guess I wanted to show you that even if you don’t get the answer you’re hoping for after a confession, that things can still be okay.” 
Marinette’s grabs Alya’s arm that is already looped through hers. Alya thought she was going to say no! 
But it’s too amazing. Marinette doesn’t want to say no.
“No,” Marinette says. 
“No?” Alya echoes, stiffening under Marinette’s arm. 
Marinette grip tightens around Alya. “No! No! I don’t mean no!! I mean– Alyaaaa!” she whines, burying her face against Alya’s arm.
Alya laughs. “I must be doing pretty well if you’ve lost the power of speech!” 
Marinette nods. 
And Alya untangles herself and holds Marinette by both her elbows, and suddenly Alya’s dark eyes are filling up Marinette’s entire field of vision. 
“Marinette, may I kiss you?” 
Marinette nods again. And now Alya’s hands ride up her arms to either side of her face, and Marinette basks in the feeling of being held in Alya’s embrace.
And then Alya’s lips are on hers, and Marinette forgets how to breathe. She’s kissed Chat before under battlefield conditions. Hell! She’s kissed Alya before! But it was never like this. Never with Alya pouring all of herself into it. 
Alya is warmth and safety. And she’s fire and courage. And Marinette never wants the moment to end. 
Alya pulls away first. 
Marinette doesn’t want to move. This was how Adrien felt earlier. She knows it. This is what it means to be blissed out. She can’t imagine anything better. 
“Now, I just want you to know, I don’t want you settling. I’m not kissing you again until you’ve confessed to Adrien.” 
Marinette’s eyes blink open.
“But Alyaaaaa!”
“Can we slow down please?” Adrien asks.
“Yeah, mec! Of course! I’ll just shut up now! And you can say whatever you need to.” 
Adrien laughs. Every inch of his body is buzzing. Like, he’s floating so high that his feet may never touch ground again. He has no idea what to say, but he knows he needs to say something.
“I think I’m game.” 
“You think?” Nino echoes. “You don’t have to tell me what you think I want to hear.”
“And I’m not! I just— Nino, that was effectively my first kiss,” Adrien admits. 
“What?! But you said–”
“I know! And I have, but it was under an akuma’s influence and I don’t remember it.”
“You could have said something.” 
Adrien rubs the back of his neck. He’s not good at speaking up. Not like Nino, Alya, or Marinette. “I just… when it landed on you I felt so relieved because I knew that my first kiss was going to be with someone that I cared about and who cared about me.”
And should have that alone told him something? 
Nino’s smile softens. “I’m glad.”
“And I definitely felt something, too. I wanted more, but everyone was watching. And I wasn’t sure if all kisses were like that? Because when Alya kissed me–”  
“Oh my god! I know!” 
“–I saw stars. But you’re saying she’s interested too? So maybe not all kisses are like that, and I’m just really lucky that the first two people I remember kissing are people that I have feelings for.” 
Adrien knows he’s the one rambling, but Nino only listens. 
“So umm… yeah. I’m game.” Adrien holds out his hand. 
Nino stares at it. “Yeah?” Nino’s voice cracks on the word, and he has to clear his throat. 
“Yeah,” Adrien says again. 
Nino takes his hand, their fingers interlace and it’s wild how natural it feels, how comforting the warmth of Nino’s hand is in his own.
“I want to do what you said,” Adrien says, “explore where we could go. And it’s not just because I want to make-out! Though that sounds amazing, too!” 
Nino laughs. 
“But a relationship with you? That sounds like a dream. How could I ever turn that down?”
Nino’s gaze drops. “Dude! I—“ His voice cracks again. 
Adrien squeezes his hand reassuringly.
But Nino stands suddenly, and yanks Adrien a meter to the side, where they’re not standing in front of a glass door.
Their second kiss is even better than the first. It leaves Adrien wanting more.
Good thing Nino is his boyfriend now and there will hopefully be so many more opportunities for more.  
The party continues like Marinette whole world hasn’t been thrown out of orbit. The pizza arrives, her friends eat and play Just Dance and Mecha Strike. And Marinette’s losing. 
She just can’t sit still, and she can’t think long enough to finish a slice of pizza, let alone pull off the complicated combos needed to send Alix’s avatar into next week. 
Marinette’s just so happy and so nervous, and her face has to be permanently stained red at this point. Everytime Alya touches her, everytime Nino laughs, everytime Adrien’s delighted smile meets her gaze, she explodes from her seat. 
She grabs another slice of pizza even though she hasn’t finished the first just to have an excuse to be out of her seat, and pours a cup of soda. She backs up and bumps into a solid warm body immediately. 
“Woah there!” Adrien says, his hands hovering over her arms obviously ready to catch her should she stumble. 
She only sees green. The green of spring grass and emeralds.
“Marinette?” he asks, his brows furrowed in concern. “Are you okay?” 
Her cheeks burn hotter. “Y-you’re fine! I mean, me! I’m fine!” 
He grins back at her and she feels warm. “I’m glad.” 
“About earlier, when I ran away?”
“Which time?” 
And god, she’s run from him twice today! Could she be more of a disaster? 
“I… umm… the first time.” She pushes a errant lock of hair behind her ear and licks her lips. “I wanted to explain.” 
“It’s okay, Marinette. You’re allowed to not want to kiss me, you know.” 
“But that’s not it at all!” 
“Then what is it?”
She swallows. She’s going to do this even if she messes up every word because Alya believed in her — because of Alya could risk everything to go after what she wanted, Marinette will too. And Alya if Alya can love her at her worst, maybe Adrien can love her at her most bizarre. 
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met. I just… I also wanted it to be special, you know?”
Her teeth press down into her lower lip, and she risks a glance up at him. 
And suddenly she can’t breathe.
Adrien isn’t sure he heard her right. 
She’s wanted to kiss him, wanted it to be special? 
For that long? 
He always thought he was doing something wrong, but she had just been nervous? Because she liked him?! 
A laugh bubbles out of him. 
Clearly the stars have aligned today.
Or at least he hopes so. 
“Marinette, what do you think of the idea of loving more than one person?” he asks.
“I… I don’t totally know,” she says, biting down on her lip. “From where I’m sitting, I really really want it to be a thing.”
Oh, this day cannot get any better. 
He reaches for her hand, which she takes. “Is it special enough if I kiss you now?” 
Her cheeks turn a delightful shade of pink. She nods, but he’s too lost in her eyes that are shining like stars to move. 
She moves first. 
And he learns that he’s been wrong on several counts. 
One, from his rapidly growing experience every kiss can be life changingly mind blowing. 
And this particular day can and will keep getting better. 
The party isn’t even close to over, but Alya asks if they want to bail early and they all agree. She lives only a few blocks away, and they probably need to spend some time, just the four of them together. 
Today has been a lot. 
But definitely the best kind of a lot, she thinks as they all four walk side by side. Adrien and Marinette are in the middle, their fingers just barely touching, but still interlaced. Nino is on Adrien’s other side, and her boyfriend cannot stop smiling. 
Alya has seen Nino excited and giddy when listening to a song. She’s seen him silly and flustered after she kissed him for the first time, but she’s never seen him quite like this, beaming like he just won the lottery. 
She’s never seen Marinette so calm and relaxed. She’s so glad that Marientte finally managed to confess, and she’s beyond touched that it was her own confession that finally goaded Marinette into action.
And she’s never seen Adrien so real. He’s joking and being silly, and just laughing. It’s a gorgeous sound. 
And she’s so happy for herself, too. That she doesn’t have to fantasize and wonder, she doesn’t have to settle. 
She gets to have all of this. All of them. 
She thought a day like this could never happen. 
“Alya! What’s wrong?”
Alya shakes her head, dabbing at her eyes. 
“I’m just happy.” 
Marinette beams at her. 
“I know! I don’t think I’ve ever felt so… loved.” 
Nino laughs. “It looks good on you.” 
It looked good on all of them. 
Because it’s perfect.
Right up until Alya has to let go of Marinette’s hand to unlock the front door. And instead of cuddling right back up to Marinette like she wants to, she ducks into the apartment trying to see if anyone is home. 
While she has no intention of keeping her unconventional relationship a secret, she prefers the chance to talk to all her partners for at least one whole conversation before she has to explain it to anyone else. 
Luckily, the whole place is dark. 
“Looks like we have the place to ourselves! Make yourselves at home! I’ll get drinks! Adrien, want to help me?” 
“Of course!” he agrees, his and Marinette’s hands slowly untangling, until they can’t reach as they part ways. 
“Why Adrien?” Marinette pouts.  
Alya laughs. “Because I need to talk to him! We’ll be out in two minutes.” 
He follows her into the kitchen. “What’s up?” 
“I just wanted to tell you all the reasons I kissed you today now that I’m not revealing any secrets.” 
He grins. “Please go on.” 
She hands him two cans of soda from the fridge. 
“One, I wanted to drive Nino nuts, but I swear in a good way.” 
Adrien laughs. 
“Two, I wanted to show Marinette that it wasn’t that hard. And that things could still be okay after the fact.” 
“Better than okay!” he adds. 
“Three, you are hot and I’m not blind.” She grabs another two cans of soda. 
He laughs again, and Alya really likes the sound. She looks right up at him. 
“And last, you were hurting earlier when Marinette ran, and I don’t know… I wanted you to know what it was like to be wanted.” 
“I…” he visibly swallows. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” 
She grins. “You're welcome! Now, come on!”
Alya freezes in the threshold. 
Nino has a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. He throws a silly grin at her and she sucks in a breath. He knows exactly what he’s doing. 
“So I don’t know how you feel about me compared to them,” Nino says to Marinette. 
Marinette blushes, and glances toward Alya who is staring at them both, still unmoving.
“But I have it on good authority that if we kissed, it would drive Alya wild,” Nino stage whispers. 
Adrien chokes on a laugh from behind her. 
Marinette nods enthusiastically. “She would deserve it after knowingly torturing us all day!” 
They turn towards each other. Marinette has to stand on her toes, and Nino leans down, and their lips meet. 
Alya’s throat feels dry. 
Adrien whistles in clear approval, and then the three of them dissolve into giggles. 
But Alya has to swallow several times before she finds her voice. “Not gonna lie. I have thought about this before and I didn’t think it would ever happen.”
Marinette holds her hand out, and Alya lets herself be pulled into their embrace. Adrien is only a few seconds behind. 
“Does it live up to your fantasies?” Marinette asks. 
“It’s even better. All thanks to Spin the Bottle! We’re gonna have to thank Kim for pushing it.” 
“And to think, Marinette didn’t think a Spin the Bottle kiss could be special,” Adrien teases.
“Shut up!” she protests, her cheeks turning pink. Alya kisses the closest one.
“Spin the Bottle kisses can obviously be life changing,” Nino says, his fingers threading through hers. 
“Did Marinette just tell Adrien to shut up?” Alya asks. “Maybe?” Marinette squeaks.
Alya grins. “I’m so proud.” 
Adrien’s never been this comfortable in his whole life. It’s almost overwhelming. Marinette’s head lay in his lap, while he leaned on Nino’s shoulder with Alya on Nino’s other side. He’s not sure how they got here all together like this, but he’s never going to let go now. 
“So are we exclusive?” Marinette asks, her fingers tracing patterns on the back of his hand.
“Why do you ask?” Alya grins, clearly amused. 
“I just kinda wanted to see if I could add Chat Noir.”
Adrien chokes. “Ch-Chat Noir?” he splutters.
“What? Is that crazy?” Marinette asks. 
“He does look hot in that catsuit.” Nino comments and Adrien’s ears burn. 
“I’m down for Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Carapace,” Alya interjects. 
Marinette glares at her. “I think you’re forgetting someone.” 
“Rena Rouge!” 
“Oh! Yeah, sure,” she agrees readily. 
They all turn to him expectantly, and Adrien doesn’t know what to say. It sounds amazing and it sounds like way too much, and it also seems impossible. “What are the chances all four of them would be down for that?” 
Marinette glances at Alya and Nino before her gaze flips back to him. “Higher than you might think.” 
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shallyne · 4 months
The diary of Feyre Archeron Ch 11
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EPILOGUE!!! YAY? YAY! Full fic on AO3
Words: 805
The door was jammed again. Another thing I had to put on my ever growing list of things to do, or tell Rhys to do. I wriggled the key in the lock and pressed against the stubborn door until it finally opened, and all that without spilling a drop of my decaffeinated coffee.
It has been a quiet morning, I just came from brunch with Mor which went from our originally planned hour to two hours, talking the whole time after I told her the news. I just hoped Rhys wouldn't mind, we wanted to tell her together but the time just felt so right, I had blurted it out.
“Rhys?” I called out as I walked down the hallway of our apartment, past the portrait of us I made after our wedding. It was eerily silent. Maybe he was out with Cassian and Azriel but he told me this morning that he planned to stay home to pack up a few things in his office. I stepped over a box when I saw that the door of our storage room was ajar. On silent feet I stepped closer and opened the door, finding my husband sitting between mountains of boxes, reading a book, his back to the door. I snuck closer, looking over his shoulder to see a familiar handwriting. “You're reading my old diaries?”
He snapped the book shut before I even finished my sentence, looking up at me with a smile as he put the notebook down on two others that I had written inside years ago. “The best sex you've ever had, huh?”
I rolled my eyes and put down my coffee on the nearest box. “I should have burned these things long ago. There's incriminating evidence inside that could get me into jail.”
“Us both, but it won't.” he said and when he met my eyes, something in his own softened. Rhys took my hand and pulled me into his lap. “I'm sorry I've read through them. I needed a box and I've been rummaging through everything and found your diaries. I should have put them back.”
I smiled, “It's okay, this is the past.” I gestured to the diaries. “This has been years ago. Although, if you are really sorry, I know a few ways that you could make it up.”
Rhys's lips twisted into a smirk at my suggestion and I stretched up to kiss the corner of his lips. “This might be slightly off-topic but I've been thinking.”
“Oh?” Rhys asked, brushing a thumb over my chin.
“Yes,” I replied and took his hand, “I've been thinking that now is maybe a good time to start a diary again.” our hands rested atop my stomach where there was only yet a tiny bump showing. It was easily covered with baggy clothing at this point, which I did until the whole family was told the big news of my pregnancy. “Maybe he, or she, can read it when they are older.” I always said he for some reason, I am so sure it would be a boy.
“That's a great idea.” Rhys kissed forehead, “Maybe I should add some things from my perspective. If you'd like that.”
“I'd love that!” I said, flinging my arms around him with a sigh. “I'm so excited to start this chapter of our life. I'm so excited for the little one.”
Rhys answered with a breathtaking smile of his own, his eyes shining brightly as he looked at me. There wasn't a day in our life that he didn't make sure that I felt safe and loved. I hope I make him feel the same way, at least I am trying everyday.
The vibrating of my phone interrupted our moment. With an apologizing look I leaned back, “This must be Ressina. We are meeting at the gallery at one to work out the work schedule for next month.” I explained. “I was hoping I could pack up some things for the move but brunch with Mor took longer than planned.” I grimaced as I remembered, “By the way, I might have already told her.”
Rhys snorted, “I'm not surprised.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“That means,” he flicked my nose, “You have a loose mouth around my cousin.”
“Well, she's my best friend.” I told him and pushed him away playfully, standing up. “Also, can we get Sevanda’s tonight?”
“Sure! “ Rhys replied without taking a moment to think about it. “And Feyre?”
“Don't stress yourself while at the gallery, I'll take care of packing. You don't lift a finger.”
“No buts, I manage the moving and you take care growing the little one. Alright?”
“Alright.” I laughed, grabbing my coffee.
Rhys stood up too, “I love you, Feyre darling.”
I kissed him, “I love you, too, you mother hen.”
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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wonderlandleighleigh · 6 months
A follow-up to this
"That cannot possibly be him."
Ella takes a breath as she and Lane step into the little coffee shop near her apartment. It's actually really cool; it feels like stepping back into the 1930's. It's decor is deeply retro.
But Lane isn't paying much attention to the art deco style. Her eyes are trained on the boy sitting at the back of the shop with overgrown hair and a bushy beard.
"I did mention he burnt out really fast in California, right?" Ella offers.
"You did, but I didn't realize the burnout included looking like a mountain man," Lane hisses. She sighs. "He's really that bad?"
"He's not great," Ella responds. "Look, I know you guys left things on weird terms, but give him a chance. As a guitarist. And...maybe as a friend?"
Lane steels herself, standing a little taller and nodding. "Okay. Friend. Guitarist. Guitarist. Friend. That's a better order."
Ella nods as well and leads her back to the table, where Dave is nursing a large coffee. He looks up, and his eyes widen, bringing him quickly and clumsily to his feet.
"Dave," she responds, crossing her arms.
"Great start," Ella grins. "Lane, what's your coffee order?"
"Oh," she says, blinking. "I uh...I usually just have what Luke makes."
"Latte?" Ella offers. "They're really good here."
Lane thinks about that for a moment. About how angry her mother would be about her drinking all that caffeine and sugar.
"A latte sounds great. Vanilla?"
Ella smiles. "I'm on it." She turns to another table and waves for the young man sitting there, who has his head behind a book. He can only be Jess. "Come get coffee with me."
"I drank mine," he responds without setting the book down.
"Keep me company and maybe I'll give you a handjob later," Ella tells him.
The book lowers slowly. "It's not a terrible offer," he responds as he gets to his feet.
"I'm aware."
Lane watches them go before turning back to Dave. They both sit slowly.
"That's weird," she comments.
"So is everything these days," Dave mutters sullenly.
"So...I wish I'd known you were back on the east coast," Lane tells him.
"Why?" Dave asks. "I broke up with you."
"Well, yeah, but..." she shrugs. "I still cared. I would have tried to help."
He watches her for a long, quiet moment. "You really would have, wouldn't you?"
"Why wouldn't I?" Lane asks.
"Because I broke up with you," he repeats. "Over the phone. Like an ass."
"I dated Zach," she comments. "I now have a new, higher bar for assery."
Dave wrinkles his nose. "Zach?"
"Yep. Big mistake."
"I'm sorry," he offers. "That it didn't turn out how you hoped."
"Well, I've learned my lesson," Lane says. "About dating guitar players."
"Yeah, I...I guess you have," Dave nods sadly. "I'm really sorry I was one of those lessons."
Lane gives him a gentle smile. It's a nice apology, to be honest. More than she expected. "I appreciate that."
"So. Ella wants us both to be in her band," he says. "Do you uh...do you think we could do that? You know. Be exes and bandmates?"
"On one condition," she says.
Dave lifts an eyebrow.
"For the love of god, shave," Lane orders.
He laughs; really laughs. He's not sure when the last time he did that was. "You have a deal, Miss Kim."
She smiles. "Then, Mr. Rygalski. I guess we're bandmates."
"Oh, yay, you're smiling and laughing!" Ella cries as she rushes back over with Jess and everyone's coffees. "Does that mean we're a go?"
Lane nods. "We're a go."
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Rings of Power 1x04 Liveblog
the fucking description already says “Galdriel and Elrond walk into a trap” I’m not fucking FINE
GREAT the fucking flashback with Celebrimbor and the tree I am FINE. But no Cel in the recap otherwise so they’re probably okay smithing ahead in Ost-in-Edhil <3 Just doing happy sweet little trinkets. Nothing bad can happen.
Also, Elrond’s face when Gil says “to lead it” like. HA. Did him and Gil have a talk? Did Gil apologize? I need that scene. GIMME. Or is Gil the kind of guy to apolize in actions, like, giving Elrond that command is the thing.
The kids are fightingggg
Oh yay montage of Elves running- OH THAT SCENE from the trailers. 
Elrond, babe, LOVE your hair 
Omg I love the new baby elf. 
Gal, wrong moment to trip balls-
Elrond I love you 
“I must protest” Oh I love them. He deserves to be in his bitchy era. He deserves it. Calling the ring a trinket, oh Elrond. His pure bitchiness kept him alive didn't it. He is preserved in salt <3
The other elves must be so annoyed by them I love it. Still hoping we’ll get a proper heart to heart though. 
I AM SQUEALING TOMMMM he is making fun of actual Gandalf isn’t he 
Gandalf gets eaten by the tree wish that was me. Tight squeeze hug. 
Oh Poppy has a crush? 
Oh yeah, a little bit of enemies to lovers. Worked for Gal and Hal too!
Nori. Oh Nori my love <3 “He’s a Wizard” WHElp Noriiiii PLEASE NOT SO LOUD
This guy on the throne is Saruman, isn’t he? I didn’t even think about Saruman whoops.
OMFG Tom Bombadil you are an actual ICON. 
OMg the first bath the stranger ever gets huh? He doesn't look different even clean though. I understand why him and Saubrand shouldn't meet.
Tom I love you. 
Tom is older than the stars I forgot. “I am nameless but you are young and I am old. That’s what I am” Omg there it is, he is talking about himself in third person. 
Big Beard Energy going on
“Your task is to face them both” Yeah, that’s Gandalf about to faint. 
Elrond <3 <3 <3 Regretting his life choices I am sure. 
Omg they walk over a graveyard?? Also I love the new elves we got. So much. Hope they survive for a few more episodes. This guy looks like Lindir, remember when we all went nuts over Lindir??
AAAAnd that guy is gone. Everyone else now hold VERY VERY STILL- Omg. YES YES YESSSS
This bitch looks like Ganondorf
They just reform huh
Elrond sma- GALADRIEL?? YES ELROnd being a nerd pays off <3
Smashcut to Arondir and co looking for Theo, huh
Yeah they left their weapons, the ents don’t eat metal. 
Okay so Elrond and co went south does that mean they might now meet Elrond and crew? 
Astrid IS kinda cute with him there. Like. ngl these bitches adorable
Oh come on, I don’t think Astrid is really that horrible. 
Theo was taken by Tree Frend! 
Well. Not so, uh, frend. 
Isildur in the Mud huh Isilgone I guess? WHELP. ARONDIGONE TOO. Astrid please tell me you won’t jump after them- Oh thank Eru.
Ominous bubbles
Arondirty <3 I love you muddy elf. Best laughter 
Okay the harfoot backstory actually makes me sad 
Elrond in the distance oh baby no. But like, you couldn’t have added two weeks to that journey. You really need to reach Tyelpe. This is really important.
Fluffy Hair Elrond <3 
They are having a heart to heart but I want to fluff- MY FATHER FORSWOR DAD MENTION DAD MENTION 
Okay guys this is not how the heart to heart works babe-
Okay buddy as if you would just let her die <3 He is so bitter right now. 
“We heard drums” WHAT. 
Gil Galad really sent them on a roadtrip “maybe some mortal danger will fix you two” and currently it’s making them worse. 
Arondir <3 
Flower <3 
I am crying. Also, Isil, maybe not touch her neck she is wounded there. Whelp. Isil really not getting laid this season either. No wonder he holds onto the ring later.
Arondir is leaving, huh? Yeah. 
Guys you need an army. You need an army and a hulk. 
Yep I can SEE the Elrond losing it. 
GIRLBOSSDRIEL Naww, Elrond still salty but. Well. Getting there. 
Galadriel has acquired a horse <3 
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
The hamster wheel of my brain can’t stop spinning, and I have a bit more meta that I need to chew on for Moonlight Chicken episode 6 (part 1 is here and part 2 is here, and I stg that I need to move awn from this episode at some point -- Aof, this is all your fault, I’m getting Bad Buddy-ed again). And whoops, I also have a tad bit of meta for episode 5, too that I forgot to add in that review (here), so here we go -- happy Saturday, fam, hope you’re brunching away!
(Ooooh, and also, I updated my MC Big Themes list for eps. 5 and 6. As always, if you have suggestions for great posts for me to list, please send them, and I’ll add them!) 
1) Episode 5: I totally forgot to mention in my first review that Aof hasn’t forgotten the big macroeconomic conversation about the impact of the food court on Pattaya. Namely, that business meeting that Wen was in, where the discussion of the purchase of the historic market buildings was happening. When that boss said, “This is Thailand. Big fish always eat small fish.”
I honestly think we see this theme returning in episode 6 -- when Alan refuses the loan to Jim. At that moment in time, Alan has resources, he has power. And he admits to Jim: I can’t separate work from personal matters, I can’t administer the loan to you. (Hmph, Mr. Professional, okay.)
Call this an extrapolation, but I wonder if Aof is making a point here. In the end, these big economics are about greed and resource hoarding. Is the food court in Pattaya about a mathematical calculation in “helping” or “investing” back into Pattaya? Or is it about making money at the hands of the private companies and government figures who are allowing the food court to be built?
Is the loan refusal that Alan makes to Jim about protecting Alan’s bank or the bank’s customers? Or is it about Alan’s greed and jealousy towards Jim in wanting Wen back? (I think this is gently reflective of how Alan commodifies Wen in episode 5, when he says to Jim, and I’m paraphrasing, “just return what was taken from me.” Alan is a banker -- he’s a resources guy, and thinks in resource terms, even about his love life). 
Love, in these instances -- a “love” for Pattaya, Alan’s “love” for Wen -- is being commodified for rewards and greed. 
2) Episode 6: I mentioned this scene in my last two (!! JFC, two) posts about episode 6, so I’m repeating myself, but I really, really loved the scene where Wen was falling asleep on Jim’s lap (yay, it got gif-ed!). For me, there was so, so much in that scene.
I keep coming back to Wen’s line: “Do you take this place as your home?” I wrote before that that line obviously refers to the conversation that opened the episode, about love-as-home, and I also meditated that I think that line could also be a reference to Pattaya itself.
But I think also why this scene is sticking with me is because of the meaning of falling asleep on a lap, in a room like Jim’s living room.
I think it’s just such a genius stroke of Aof to situate Jim’s living arrangement as an old-school house that happens to be a rental. On the one hand, the rental aspect gives the house a temporary nature in Jim’s life -- it could disappear at any time. On the other hand, the old-school design and layout gives the house such a rooting in the past -- as if the past is still permanent in Jim’s mind and world.
I’m going to take a guess here, but I think there’s deeper meaning to Wen falling asleep on Jim’s lap as they’re situated in Jim’s old-school living room. Those long, flat, wooden-frame couches with the flat cushions. If you grew up in SE Asia, or visited like I did as a kid -- you so know those couches. With your uncles sitting on them, with their legs crossed, ankles resting on the opposite knee. Or your uncles and aunties sitting with one leg tucked under them, the other leg with the knee up and foot perched on the couch. Just chilling, talking. 
When my fam would visit when I was a kid, and we’d go visiting to all the houses, as soon as we landed on those couches, it was like time slowed down. Our extended family got comfortable with us visiting Americans -- and we were all as one again, one big family, chilling, eating fruit, laughing, catching up. 
So I’m vibing that there’s an old-school comfort to that room that, I wonder, I think, that scene is referencing. If we were lucky enough to have kind parents as kids, we can remember falling asleep on our parents’ laps -- an easy occurrence to conjure on those old-school couches, for sure.
I think Jim and Wen are evoking “home” in that scene on so many levels. On the love level -- when you love someone, you’re home, and you are that person’s home. On the temporal level, and on the geographical level.
Wen asks Jim -- “do you take this place as your home?” This rental? This living room? This town? This person?
And Jim, in that scene -- at first, he pulls back. (Remember Nozue pulling back from Togawa in Old Fashion Cupcake as Togawa sobs?)
Then Jim strokes Wen’s hair. He eases up, he settles in. That’s what you do on those couches -- you ease up and chill out. Because, even in a temporary place, you can find home in a living room like that. Because you grew up with love in a living room like that. 
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Hotd season 2 episode 1 - My rambling - Spoilers
Okay first of all I fell asleep fifteen minutes before the premiere that it was 3am in the morning (in Germany because of the time shift) but hey now I've watched it.
First of all it looks wonderful the shots, the dragons, the sets and the new characters are all just so wonderful looking and just so beautiful it's really an improvement on the first season as was said in the trailers and bts.
At first I was a bit confused that it started in the north and thought it was going to be Jacaerys landing with Vermax and seeing a bit more of Cregan and Jace but what we got was really really good. Not only does Jace come across more mature in his role but Cregan has so much weight on his shoulders and (I'm sure they're definitely bonding over this in some way or another for me) otherwise the North looked wonderful too plus seeing ice on Cregan a bonus point.
Okay after that with Daemon and Rhaenys (I think it came after that) it was so bitter and yet I thought you could see Daemon's pain well but Rhaenyas doing her best too. The first scene that made me cry though was Rhaenyra finding Arrax Lucerys' wing and bloody clothes it was just so compassionate and I felt so sorry for her.
Lord Corlys at the reef with his (I assume Bastad son Adam but I'm not sure) and him getting the sword from Luce and the grief and yet that assumption with his son was really good and the set looked so incredible.
Yes Alicent and Cole scared me when I first saw it (I mean grant you your sexual freedom my queen but not soo without foreshadowing) no they are cute in the idea of "the knight who courts the queen" but so I also feel like Cole is only half doing it out of love and other out of frustration and her command but maybe who knows. Also Alicent who later talks to her father and they both see eye to eye for a brief moment and how she still isn't seen as a full member of the council I feel sorry for her too.
Oh yes and then sweet Helaena sitting in her room her clothes are so beautiful and seeing Jahaera is really cute. I had hoped that Aegon would appear more as a father. The stroking of his daughter's head he tried to do it even when she didn't want to, well a start. What bothered me though was that he tried to understand his wife but still dismissed and ignored her. That showing off in front of maids when he talked about her fantasies or whatever wasn't nice Aegon.
It's really nice to see him being so intimate with his son and at least wanting to show him something (the scene with Tyland and the pony ride was just good) even if I had the feeling in between that he might have a little sadistic streak but oh well. Of course Aemond how could I forget him his scenes are wonderful (beautiful) and I liked how he gets along with Cole even though I think Aemond knows his mom and Cole are sleeping together or doesn't care.
Then Daemon and Rhaenyra coming back and laying their heads together was cute but I cried again at Jace and Rhaenyra's hug when his voice started to break and the beating it was so heartbreaking.
Of course the white wyrm still surprised me a little but Daemon's anger towards her was understandable and a little hot but that's not the point ;) Also him recognizing Rhaenyra from Syrax was a cute detail
His sneaking into King's Landing and his city guard being loyal to him (like in the books if I remember correctly yay) and still accepting him. Then blood and kese good acting choice too bad he kicked his dog and even though the scene was great (don't misunderstand i'm talking about acting etc) and sad tarumaic at the same time i really thought there would be something more to come.
Don't get me wrong I loved the way Helaena was trying to deal with her necklace and her fear and insecurity (not about her children) I thought about his plot hole as Maelor wasn't there yet but all good it worked out. What I thought was a bit strange was that they didn't do anything to the queen but that they just ignored her when she flew, well better that way.
Then Helaena traumatized and completely pulled into herself who just goes into the room with Alicent and Cole and holds Jahaera and then the end oh man I'm looking forward to the second episode and still have to process all of them but that was a great sad start.
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daydreamalley · 1 year
Okay, can't do theories but I have some reactions and thoughts on ch.107 of bsd.
What is that note??!?! Who wrote it and who’s it even for? Like who would the person who wrote it even expect would find it? Especially as just a simple plea for help and no other details. Like what was even the point of writing the note? I’m sure the answer will be far less interesting to me than the question, but it’s intriguing.
Good to know vampires can heal, but it also feels so unnatural that Akutagawa doesn’t even try to block a hit. Like, I don’t like that at all, very unsettling. It’s such a human thing to want to protect yourself, and the fact that Akutagawa isn’t, and he’s being mind controlled, like when can we stop with these themes, or at least keep Chuuya out of it? Please. They better do some good things with it, but they already are with this whole sskk face off actually. And the prospect of Chuuya and Akutagawa both being broken out of the vampire thing by their partners is such good shit right there. I’m so ready to see that. Also the idea of vampires not being stopped until they’re killed? Yeah, definitely hoping to prove that entirely wrong.
Oof, Dazai’s like badly hurt, he’s looking really worse for wear, which could make this very interesting but also makes me worried. He’s backed into a corner even more now, and I really can’t tell how much of this he planned or saw as a possible requirement for a plan and how much of this is him just desperately trying to save the detective agency and deal with Dostoyevsky and not caring much about his own well-being. The injuries also make me question more how the hell Dazai is going to get out of all this, like physically. I’m pretty certain he’s gonna live, but he can barely walk right now and that seems like it should present issues (unless you have a short partner to lean on as a crutch?)
The setup for the Dazai and Chuuya interaction though. The drama of it. The way Chuuya’s fighting against the mind control, the way the emotional focus of this is gonna have to be on Dazai and his side of things. I’m already dying to see what happens with that, and I’m hoping I can expect a lot given how this arc has been building up.
Yay Sigma with a gun! Finally. And Dostoyevsky gets shot. Nice. On a side note though, are we even supposed to remember that Dazai and Dostoyevsky are poisoned? Cuz like, now they’re getting very injured and were already dying quite quickly via poison and also how much more can happen in these 30 minutes? Cuz a lot more needs to happen here. It also hasn’t been mentioned in a while, so…?
I was screaming at Sigma the entire time that he needs to touch Dostoyevsky’s corpse. That is a very, very important detail to the plan here. And I’m glad Sigma remembered the danger of touching Dostoyevsky before trying to do it. Like, good to see Sigma has some common sense. I swear, the characters in bsd either have way too many braincells and no common sense, have a normal amount of braincells but choose to ignore common sense most of the time, or don’t have braincells
It is very refreshing to see Sigma not immediately fall for the “Dazai was manipulating you” bit. And throughout the arc Sigma has consistently been shown to be compelled by Dazai’s actions and not just his words, as far as I can remember. He’s impressed at what Dazai is willing to do for the detective agency, and so seeing that Sigma is willing to risk himself as well. This is also paired with his interaction with Atsushi from the sky casino arc, so he’s also met the ADA before. Also Dazai has done a lot to save Sigma, even if it has all been part of his plan, and Sigma feels like the type to still put value in that even if it doesn’t mean much to Dazai. Great, powerful moment for Sigma to break out from the DOA’s manipulation so blatantly and try to claim the win for Dazai. Also we better learn what Dostoyevsky’s ability actually is now that Sigma has asked him point blank (quite literally).
This chapter has set up some really interesting things that I’m really excited to see. Just hope we get to see satisfying progression with them soon enough. Though this chapter in itself was pretty satisfying too, which is good
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gins-potter · 1 year
Are you all caught up on the OC finales? What did you think?
I caught up today! I thought they were fine to really good!!
Med was really solid. Surprising no one I'm absolutely heartbroken that Will is leaving but I'm glad he went out in typical Will fashion, had a really nice scene with Sharon at the end, and we got Manstead endgame. Liliana and Dr Charles are back together! They're so flipping cute, I love that for them. Dasher are doing Dasher things, I had to LOL when Hannah was like HARD NO about dating Archer and he was so offended. I think Med's gonna return to somewhat normal next season, probs the first half will be dealing with whoever buys the hospital and convincing them to turn it not-for-profit again. The only question marks for me are whether Maggie and Dr Song stay. I think if they continue to do O.R 2.0 things, Dr Song will, and I think they've left it a bit open for Maggie depending on Marlynne's health and what she decides. I was a little surprised they didn't address it more in the finale about the possibility of her leaving since the episode before made it feel like much more of a sure thing. A solid episode!
Fire was... kinda meh if I'm being honest. Like it's not unusual for me to multi-task while I'm watching tv, but I still pay attention to what's happening with the plot, but I was dicking around on my phone while watching Fire and kept realising that I was fully not paying attention to what was going on and kept having to go back and rewatch. Like, it just felt like lots of talking ha ha. I think where we go from here is super dependent on whether Taylor comes back next season or not. Feels like they're setting up Carver and Violet, which I'm not against, but haven't fully let go of Carver in his feels over Stella either, so if T.K doesn't come back and Stellaride break up (BIG IF NO ONE THROW TOMATOES) they might continue to pursue that as well. I'm more and more on the Stella/Carver train (NO ONE HATE ME) so I'm super fine with those angsty looks he's sending her lmao. Super here for the little friendship between Kylie and Ritter and very keen for Kylie to become the new candidate (that has to be where this is going). Sylvie's adopting the baby, yay for her I guess, I mean, like I said in another ask, I'm pretty sure I know this is heading for a Kara exit, which I'm not opposed to, so I'm just very.... okay? about this storyline. It feels rushed, but it's fine, and I get a Brettsey endgame (probably) so fine. And Mouch... maybe I'm stupidly optimistic but I don't think he's dying. I think Christian is leaving the show, but I don't think Mouch is dying. Idek why tbh. It's a bit anticlimatic if he does die tbh. Like he didn't even get shot, it was a random piece of shrapnel. Idk, I think he'll probs survive and then retire. Maybe I don't think they'll kill him because it would mean that PD also has to change Trudy's characterisation over on that show. Like imagine her husband dies and they never even mention it on PD 💀💀💀
PD was the best episode imo. The pacing and writing was great, even though I'd seen bits and pieces of it already online I still felt drawn in by it and I really felt the tension. I felt like Adam, Kim, and Kevin all got to shine. Hailey and Voight not so much, sad for Hailey, get fucked Voight. Absolute snaps for Kevin getting to shoot that racist mother fucker, and I know he's just a kid but lmao fuck Callum. Fuck his mum too and I hope she goes down for some of this shit. One of my only question marks is why Torres wasn't in the ep? I can't tell if it's a weird writing choice to keep leaving him out of episodes or if the actor has some sort of other commitment keeping him from being in every episode, but I feel like they either need to commit to his character being part of the team, or drop him and bring someone who will be around all the time. Burzek slayed as always, inject that moment of Kim on the phone and absolutely sprinting to get to Adam into his veins. Kim in the ambulance, and at the hospital, "Are you his partner", "You're with Adam" "I'm with Adam" yeah girl you tell that bitch. You ARE with Adam. I mean, as with every other Burzek shipper I'm annoyed that they clearly filmed a Burzek scene at the hospital and then cut it. I hope they release it as a deleted scene at some point bc I need it. I've seen the theory that they cut it because it shows Adam's alright and Paddy might leave the show.... I mean.... maybe? I doubt it. It's more likely they cut it bc the show has a hard on for Hank Voight and wanted to end on him. I think it would have been a better ending to end with Burzek because it would have been a really full circle, cyclical ending from where they started the season, and the episode, but, what can you do? I'm sure someone will write the fic. Still, despite all that, a really great episode and end to this arc.
Sorry, this got long but yeah, those are my thoughts. Med 6/10, Fire 4/10, PD 8/10.
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Fancy Restaurant | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’ verse (OC Kiss Week 2023)
An oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 3,2k
Warnings: Strong language
a/n: Thank you for being so patient, I'm back with a little special treat for OC Kiss Week. This event is what jumpstarted Timeline Anomaly, and we're so grateful. It's our third time writing together for it, we hope you like our wholesome family fluff.
As much as the quad tried to keep their twins distracted without sitting in front of the TV all day, sometimes a screen was their only saviour. When the girls needed to work composing and the boys needed to do chores or talk to their agents about shoots... the telly was the best babysitter. 
It was a very busy day and the kids were watching Bluey for the millionth time, particularly the Fancy Restaurant episode where the protagonists try to create a romantic night for their parents. Seeing that seemed to give Ellery an idea: 
"Hey, Charlie, it's been a while since Mummy and Mama and Daddy and Dada went on a date..." she said, though it wasn't true. They were out on a date less than a week before this incident, but for a child, it must've felt like forever. "Maybe we should make them a romance night!"
Charlie gasped excitedly. "That's a great idea!" he exclaimed, craning his head to peer at their parents in the other room. "They definitely need some romance," he agreed, nodding.
Ellery took her brother's hand and they ran into the office where on one side the girls were writing lyrics and on the other, the boys were checking their emails. 
"Hey, you lot!" Ellie called, getting everyone's attention. 
"What's wrong, baby? Did you finish Bluey again?" Lydia asked. 
"No, but we do think you need to smoochy kiss! It's been so long!" 
"I gave your mums a smoochy kiss this mornin'," Nate chuckled. "It hasn't been long."
"No, I think Ellery's right, it feels like much too long!" Nats exclaimed, spinning his chair toward her. "I'm never opposed to some smooches."
"Tonight you're havin' a romantic dinner! No kids, just you and the romance," Ellie said as she climbed into his lap. "I mean, we'll be here, 'cause we gotta watch the kisses. But we won't be your children, we'll be the restaurant people!" 
"Isn't it a bit worrying that our children want us to kiss for them to watch?" Lydia asked quietly. "Is this one of those moments we realize we messed up?"
"I feel like most kids think it's gross seein' their parents kiss," Win said, trying to remember how she felt when she was young. 
"I don't think we messed up," Nats argued, wrapping his arms around Ellery's middle. "It just shows how normal we've made physical affection."
"I thought it was pretty gross..." Lydia mused. "But maybe Nats is right." 
"Okay then, little monkeys, but no crazy meals, just make us sandwiches or somethin'," Nate pulled Charlie into his arms. "Y'don't want dada t'get sick like the dad at the end of that episode, right?" 
"But sandwiches are not romantic!" Ellie protested.
"Anythin' can be romantic in the right company," Win said, reaching over to tickle her.
"Leave dinner to us, we promise it'll be good, y'just gotta be there," she assured. "I'll be the chef and Charlie will serve you! I'm better in the kitchen."
"But I wanna help in the kitchen too!" he cried, pouting.
"But you can't cook!" she argued. 
"Your brother can cook if you show him how," Lydia said firmly. "Let him help you." 
"Okaaay... I'm sorry."
"Yay! I promise I'll be helpful!" Charlie exclaimed, squirming in Nate's lap, too excited to get started.
"We'll get everything ready, you better be done with work by then!" Ellery warned, jumping from the chair after giving Nats a kiss. "Oh! And you have to pretend that's your first date." 
"Sounds good, remember our first date?" Nate tried not to laugh. It was far from romantic, it was more like... desperate and horny.
"I think some of our most romantic dates took place in New York," Win said, sighing as she reminisced.
"Yeaaah... Camp, The View, Black Tap," Nate smiled to himself, it felt like it was yesterday.
"Mhmm, that sauna at the hotel," she added, giving him a meaningful look.
"The pool at the hotel..." he snorted. "We were so stoned." 
"Stargazing on the rooftop is still one of my favorites," Lydia grinned.
"Yeah, we were," Win giggled. "Oh, that was a good one!" she agreed, reaching for her wife's hand and bringing it to her lips to press a kiss to her knuckles.
"Do you actually think we've been less romantic lately? With the kids and work and everything? We used to make love all over the house every day, now we make love in our room after the twins are asleep," Lydia frowned. "Nats and I that one time in the living room when they were in school, but I just couldn't do it with the Tinky-Winky staring at us."
"We have been more tired lately, juggling everythin' with work and the kids," Win sighed. 
"Yeah, romance has been the furthest thing from my mind lately," Nats agreed, grimacing. "Maybe it'd be good t'let your parents watch th'kids for an afternoon so we can make up for that," he suggested, offering the girls a hopeful grin. 
"We promised we'd never let that happen, where did my youth goooo?" Lydia cried, letting her head hit the desk in front of them. 
"Don't worry, your folks can take the kids, my mum wanted t'take them next time she goes to Spain with Jeremy... We can still fuck all over the place," Nate took her hand. "Look in the mirror, you're still young, just the same as y'were when we first met." 
"But I feel older," Win sighed, rubbing Lydia's back. 
"I feel older too, we are like middle-aged," she muttered. "I just wish I could feel the way I felt back then. It's not the kids' fault, they are so amazing, it's us." 
Nats shared a look with his twin. If only there was a way to make the girls feel young again...
"Tonight is a start," Nate murmured, rolling his chair closer to the girls. "But could Blossom take 'em for a weekend? We could get a room at that hotel from our first time in New York. We can go to the St. Cloud and Dubliner, all the places we went to back then." 
"I can ask her, they miss Simone a lot."
"That sounds fun," Win cried, perking up.
"Coney Island, zoo... we can fuck at the Bryant like we used to," Lydia finally smiled. 
"Sounds like a dream," Nats exclaimed, remembering the fond memories they had. 
"I'll call Blossom in the morning... Her morning I mean," Lydia made her chair spin and laughed. "We're gonna have a blast." 
"What kind of sandwiches are we gunna make?" Charlie asked as he followed Ellery to the kitchen.
"I was thinkin' maybe roast beef and cheese for the main course and then nutella and marshmallow for dessert. We could get the fairy lights outside and make a beautiful table too," she suggested. "What do you think?"
"Yeah!" he cheered, jumping up and down, his little curls bouncing. "I wanna make the dessert sandwiches!"
"Okay, but remember to make them pretty, it's gotta be romantic," Ellery clapped, also pretty excited. "But we should set the table first, we don't want their dinner t'be cold."
Charlie nodded, his tongue slipping between his lips in his focus, looking much like his fathers as he worked to set the table just right.
Ellery placed the four plates and cups on the table, she thought about getting knives and forks, but she knew they would end up using their hands. "We'll turn the fairy lights on when they come out, you did a really good job."
"Aw, thank you!" he exclaimed, giggling as they rushed back to the kitchen to begin cooking.
"I'm sorry I said I was better, I think you're really good too," she said as she piled the slices of bread for the four sandwiches before passing the loaf to her brother so he could work on the dessert.
Charlie smiled. "Thank you Ellie," he said, setting the bread out and opening the jar of hazelnut chocolate spread. "You're the best sister."
"You're the best brother. You're the only one I have, but even if I had more, you'd still be the best," she nudged his arm before placing the bread with the cheese on the toaster oven and twisting the knob.
The little boy giggled, slathering the chocolate on the bread and grabbing a handful of marshmallows to throw on there before covering it with the other slice of bread. "I hope Mama, Dada, Mommy, and Daddy like our dinner. I hope it makes them feel romantic!"
Ellie nodded, getting the roast beef from the fridge. "I hope they hug and kiss and stuff. Maybe they'll wanna dance under the moonlight!" 
"I hope so too!" Charlie agreed with a dreamy sigh. "I like it when they dance."
"D'you think one day we'll find people we kiss and dance with too?" Ellery wondered. "I wanted to marry daddy, but he's already married twice."
"Daddy's too old for you," Charles said matter of factly. "But I hope so... it looks like so much fun having someone to have romance with."
"Auntie Blossom says age should never get in the way of love, but I guess you're right," she took the four sandwiches and brought them to the table. "I wanna marry a man like daddy then. He's gonna have curly hair like me, green eyes, he'll be tall and silly- oh, can you get their drinks, Charlie?"
He nodded, hurrying to the kitchen with the cups and filling them before running back. In his haste, however, he tripped over the rug and fell, the cups going flying and the juice sloshing out all over the floor. 
"Oh no!" he cried, more upset with himself than hurt. "It's ruined!"
"No! It's okay, Charlie," his sister said. The cups thankfully didn't break, she was able to cover them in a forcefield. They were still learning how to deal with their powers, but usually they worked in emergencies like that. "We just clean up the juice and I'll help you next time. You bring two cups and I bring the other two."
"Okay," he sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. "I'm sorry." 
"Everythin' okay out there?" Win called, hearing the commotion.
"Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes, at least nobody's hurt," Ellie set the glasses down and gave him a hug. 
"Oh my God, are you hurt?" Lydia's eyes grew wide when she saw the puddle. 
"No, I spilled the juice, so I'll get some more," the girl decided to take the blame, it was her fault for asking him to do it all on his own.
"I'm okay, Mummy," Charles said, dusting himself off. "I can clean this up," he murmured, before quickly throwing his hands up. "Wait! You can't come in here yet! It's almost ready!"
"Okay, okay, but if you need help just call us," Lydia pressed her lips to his little forehead before leaving the dining room to wait. 
"Come here, Lollipop, it's not time for our reservation yet," Nate chuckled.
"Okay, Mummy!" Charlie exclaimed, squeezing his eyes shut as he focused on the puddle of juice. After a moment, it dissolved and when the little boy opened his eyes, it was completely gone. "It worked!" he cheered as Ellery returned with more juice.
"You're gettin' good at it!" she placed the glasses on the table. "Can you get the other two? I'll light up the fairy lights!"
Soon they had the dining room all set up and the lights turned down low for ambiance.
"Okay, shall we call them in here?" Charlie asked, practically bouncing on his toes in his excitement.
"Yes!" Ellery fixed her hair and cleared her throat. "Mr and Mr and Mrs and Mrs Young, your table is ready," she called. 
"Right on time," Lydia giggled, using the power Win was letting her borrow to transform her oversized shirt into a green cocktail dress. "Thank you so much," she smiled when Nate pulled the chair for her.
"What a fancy restaurant!" Win exclaimed, changing her PJs into a tasteful little black dress as she followed the others in. 
"Thank you, madam!" Charlie said, copying his father and pulling her chair out for her before Nats could. 
"Why thank you, sir!" she said, fighting back a laugh at how grownup he was acting.
"We don't have a menu, but we're sure you'll like our special," Ellery said, gesturing to the sandwiches in front of them. 
"Oooh it smells delicious, how did the chefs know what we like?" Nate asked. 
"The chefs know everything... please enjoy your romantic evening."
"Thank yeh, chefs! Our compliments!" Nats grinned, sitting down across from Lydia and picking up his sandwich to take a giant bite. "Mmmm!" he exclaimed, taking with his mouth still full.
"They are so cute," Lydia watched as both kids hid in the backyard to observe them. "This is a very good first date."
"They are. Can't believe we raised such sweethearts," Win murmured, taking a drink from her cup. 
"Sorry we've been slippin' with the romance lately," Nate breathed, also taking a bite. "Guess it's hard to stay the same after almost thirty years. Even if we married the most wonderful girls in the whole universe."
"Guess that's why people are always sayin' marriage takes work," Nats added.
"Yeah, it's easy when we're young and have nothing to do besides fucking and loving each other, it's hard to keep the same level of excitement after so long," Lydia mused as she chewed. 
"But I still love you both the same way I did when we were young," Nate drawled. 
"So do I, even more actually."
"Same," Win said, resting her hand over theirs. 
"Course," Nats agreed.
"Look! They're holdin' hands!" Charlie exclaimed quietly, peering through the window.
"If we still have love, that's all we need. We can fix the rest," Lydia leaned against her wife. 
"And they look pretty cozy!" Ellery giggled. "It worked! This is proper romantic!"
"I will always work for you three," Win agreed, smiling softly at each of her lovers. "I love you guys so much." Turning her head, she pressed a kiss to Lydia's cheek. 
"It did work!" Charlie cheered, throwing his arms around his sister. "Look, Mama just kissed Mummy!"
"Yesss! Smoochy kiss!" Ellery joined, celebrating their victory.
"None of you dare to eat anything else until the kids are asleep, I know this isn't enough food, but it'll break their hearts," Lydia whispered. "I can make us some more after they're in bed." 
"There are so many things I'd like t'eat when the kids go to bed..." Nate teased with a wink. 
"We can have th'rest of our dinner in bed, followed by dessert," Nats agreed, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
"Sounds good t'me," Win laughed, leaning across the small table to steal a kiss from Nats and Nate.
"So, what'd you say, Lollipop?" Nate bit his lip, starting on his dessert sandwich. "Couple o'drinks too..." 
"Sounds like a good time," Lydia leaned over to steal kisses from them as well, laughing when she heard their kids freaking out by the big glass door. "Seems they're happy." 
"Looks like their little plan worked," Nats laughed, winking at the kids through the sliding glass door.
"The romantic dinner sure helps, but... I'll take any chance to kiss you lot," Lyddie admitted.
"Soooo, how was your dinner? Was it well romantic?" Charlie asked, bursting through the door, unable to wait any longer. 
"It was all that and more!" Win assured him, lifting him into her lap. "You two did so well with dinner. We got a couple of chefs in th'makin'."
"I like to cook, but I wanna be a singing woman in theatre like mommy," Ellery laughed. "We are happy you're happy." 
"You're both angels, we love you so much," Lydia got down on her knees to hug them. "But I think it's time for the little angels to get some sleep, isn't it?" 
"No fair! We wanted t'see you dance in the moonlight!" she protested.
"Oh, y'want us t'dance, huh?" Nats mused, getting up to turn on some music. "We gotta give 'em what they want," he teased, pulling Lydia into his arms and swaying to the music.
"Just one song wouldn't hurt," Nate pulled Win closer as well. "Remember this song? From our wedding?" 
"Mmm, so romantic," she drawled, resting her cheek against his shoulder as they danced. 
"Yeah... but I believe you were dancing with Winnie and I was dancing with Sean," Lydia taunted, twirling before leaning against Nats' chest. "This is much better."
"Much better," Nats agreed, tightening his arms around her waist as they swayed. Charlie watched them, resting his chin in his hands.
"This dance is way cuter than the one from the video," Ellery said as the song ended. 
"Which video, sweetheart?" Nate asked, lifting her in his arm so they could get ready for bed. 
"The one of you dancin' at the party. Mummy was wearin' a purple dress and auntie Blossom too, but she was really young..." 
"You watched the video of us dancing at Blossom's 18th?" Lydia yelped, that was definitely not a video for children.
Nats couldn't help but snort a laugh, despite trying to stifle it. 
"No more videos of Mama, Dada, and Mommy and Daddy for you lot," Win said, lifting Charlie to carry him to the bedroom he and Ellie shared for the time being. They said they slept better when the other was in the room.
"If you wanna see our old videos, you gotta ask, okay?" Lydia asked, grabbing their little pajamas so they could get changed. 
"Okay, I'm sorry, but it was really funny," Ellery laughed, trying not to yawn. 
"One day when you're all grown up, we'll show you all our videos," Nate assured, putting her down. "Well, almost all of 'em."
"Yeah, definitely not all of 'em," Win said under her breath, handing Charlie over to Nats who tossed him into the air before letting him plop onto the bed, squealing with laughter.
"Thank you for tonight, princess," Nate tickled his daughter before helping her undress and put on her little pink nightshirt. "You and your brother are the best kids anyone has ever had." 
"You're the best dada!" She grinned. 
"If your brother has nightmares again, will you let him sleep with you?" Lydia asked quietly and Ellie nodded.
"I won't have nightmares tonight!" Charlie cried, affronted, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"We know, baby, but just in case you do," Win explained, kissing the tip of his nose.
"I know you're brave and so strong," Lydia sat by him and took his hands. "You're the strongest little boy I know, but even the most courageous little boys have nightmares sometimes. Your sister could have nightmares. You'd let her sleep with you, right?"
Charlie looked thoughtful. "Yeah, I would," he answered after a moment.
"That's right, cause you're always there for each other and we're always there for you," Lyddie tucked him in. "If you both get scared you can knock on our door... just remember to actually knock first, okay?" 
"We will," Ellery hugged her Bluey plushie. "Pinky promise."
"Good girl," Nats murmured, kissing her forehead. 
"We love you both so much. Thank you for tonight darlings," Win said, blowing them each a kiss.
"Night night, my loves," Lydia waved, turning on the nightlight. 
"Night night, Mummy," Ellie said, turning towards her brother when they closed the door. "They're definitely gonna do more kissin' now..."
Tag List: @firstpersonnarrator @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley
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