#I mean I always like Paul’s stuff but what is up with the random little noises he makes
tenitchyfingers · 9 months
Anyone listening to the underdub for Band On The Run and being really worried about this re-release? Because like, I still haven’t bought the album and the guy who runs my record shop said he’s not buying any more BOTR albums and he’s just buying the new anniversary one, but like… I don’t like it. I like the song as it was originally!! 😫😫😫
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chaotic-starlight24 · 1 month
I see you have requested hc requests for a pair of outsiders characters. Dally and Darry please?
Thanks so much for the request :D Dally and Darry it is!
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Warnings: Spoilers, Angst towards the end
When Dally first showed up in Tulsa as a scraggly little 13 ¾ year old, Mr. Curtis told Mrs. Curtis and Darry to look out for him. So Darry tried his best to take him under his wing. Dally actually warmed up to him though it took a while. He saw him as an older brother of his own. But he never admitted that out loud since that almost always ended badly for the “older brother” of the situation.
They drifted from each other for some time though because Darry thought Dallas was becoming a bad influence on his brothers. Mainly the time when Dally fell back into the hood he was in New York. So Darry would try his best to keep Pony and Soda away from him (much to Soda’s sadness). After a couple arguments with Dally, Darry told Mrs. Curtis about his concerns. And she changed his point of view on Dally and just about every hood on the east side. It made him realize that Dally was a scared kid who had to toughen up or die. So Darry started to go a little easier on him.
Darry is actually one of the few Dally trusts. They butt heads from time to time but they also know they can lean on each other if really needed. 
Dally tries his best to help out Darry from time to time. The problem is that Dally isn’t exactly the most responsible person. Like he’ll offer to let Pony tag along with him and Johnny so Darry can get some time to do whatever, but that does mean Pony may or may not know how to gamble. Dally’s trying his best, guys.
Darry is one of the few to have heard about Dally’s siblings back in New York. Dallas hasn’t gone into a bunch of detail but most of the gang doesn’t even know Dally had a family. So for example, one afternoon Dally was just hanging out while Darry was sorting through Pony’s report cards and Dally just kinda laughed to himself, “You know, you remind me a lot of Henry.” “Who?” “Oh, nobody… He was my brother, he uh, he tried his best to get us all through schoolin’. But I neva cared much for it.”
One night while the gang was all hanging out, Dally overheard Darry talking to Two-Bit about Paul. Darry just says something like, “I miss him sometimes, but he’s not the same person anymore. I’ve heard some of the nasty stuff he’s said about me and my bro-“ That’s all it took for Dally to go storming out of the house to find Tim and his gang. Paul left his party to discover his brand new wheels missing from his car. Darry woke up in the morning to discover some real nice tires on him and Soda’s car. Dally was honestly ready to just steal Paul’s car altogether but Tim convinced him otherwise.
Before Dally really became a part of the gang, Darry wanted to help him out to find somebody who just matched his vibes. He knew Tim from random parties and from Two-Bit so he was just like “Maybe they’ll get along!”. So he took Dally for a walk and told him about this guy he thinks Dally will like and Dallas was just like “One second.” and pickpocketed a guy who walked by. That guy immediately turned around and started cursing him out and causing a fight to break out between them. Darry just stood there because “Aw crap, that’s Tim!” Darry very much believed he just gave Dally his first enemy. But after fighting they complemented each other’s fighting style and started talking. Darry left them to it and walked off.
Someone in Tim’s gang taught Dally how to drive. Darry heard Dally was learning and was like “Ok! How about you show me what you know!” Dally took hold of that wheel and Darry mentally noted to never drive with him again. Dally has since gotten a bit better but also hasn’t exactly made major improvement.
Darry tried to pick him up before Dally got similar in height to him. Dally immediately started squirming and cursing like an angry chihuahua.
Dally followed Darry and Two-Bit around a lot when he first became a part of the gang. Sure he really connected with Johnny, but it took him a bit. Steve, Soda, and Johnny were a trio that had grown up together and same with Darry and Two-Bit. So Dally was kinda the weird middle ground between them both friend and age wise. Darry and Two were always welcome to have him around but Dally still tried to keep up that cool guy persona. So on the days Darry didn’t have practice, him and Two-Bit would be walking around, chatting and laughing together. Then Dallas would be trailing a couple feet behind them, hands stuffed in his leather jacket just kinda walking along with them.
When Dally died that was the first time in a while since Darry has felt pure rage. Everything in him wanted to throw everything he had at the cops, but he knew that wouldn’t do any good. Instead he had to see Dallas lying cold on the ground. And not in a peaceful way or anything. It tore Darry apart inside to see this kid like this. This kid he has looked out for since he came to Tulsa. This kid his brother had brought into the gang. This kid who followed him and his best friend around for the first couple months. This kid who dealt with so much pain and hurt yet hid it away from his surface, keeping up with his persona. His persona that so desperately wanted to be older than he actually was, the version who could take all that has hit him. And now Darry watches as they drag a white sheet over the body and haul him away. 
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savvy4618 · 5 months
Look at Me (Part 1?)
Dwayne x Reader (Female)
So excited to write again, the lost boys def has a choke hold on me right now and so does Billy Wirth. I am open for requests though it may take me some time to write them and if someone wants a second part or has any suggestion let me know!!
As usual the boys were out on the boardwalk. They stood at a random corner on the boardwalk, looking at the passing people and trying to scope out some good victims. Paul and Marko were sitting on top of an old fence by one of the shops, watching the crowd while David lean against the same fence. Dwayne was turned, watching people look through the vendor's stands and walk into little window shops.
That's when he saw you. You walked along the pathways, looking at jewelry and little books people sold, picking things up and inspecting them.
He thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He watched you shop and look around, not able to tear his eyes away. He was hit with an urge to know about you, he wanted to know your name, age, favorite color, what things made you smile. The thoughts that went through his head scared him, why was he so worked up?
"You alright Dwayne?" David asks following his line of sight and spotting you.
Dwayne nodded his head and looked slowly at David, hesitant to look away scared you'd disapear. "Yeah," he says.
"She sure is pretty," David says nodding his head towards you.
"mh," Dwayne hums in agreement.
"Who is?" Paul asks turning around to look through the crowd, Marko soon doing the same.
"Girl with the y/hc hair, by that stand," David tells them.
Dwayne just watches them. He watches you buy a little trinket from the stand you were at. You start to walk and continue to look around.
As soon as you start to walk, the other three boys loose their focus and start to talk about random stuff. Dwayne sneaks away and walks up beside you.
"That's very pretty," he says motioning to the braclets you were fiddling with on your arm.
"Thank you," you respond with a warm smile.
"I'm Dwayne, sorry if I frightened you, just wanted to say hi," he says, still walking by your side.
"That's alright, I'm y/n," you respond, looking at the lights and rides as you pass by.
"That's a gorgeus name," Dwayne says with a grin.
"Thanks," you say, "I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you walking with me?"
Dwayne wasn't off put by this question, "Saw you looking though stands and you caught my attention, that's all," he responds.
"Well did you want something?" You ask curiously.
"Just to talk to you, I couldn't imagine living with myself if I hadn't," he says flashing a grin.
You shake your head and chuckle.
"Look at him go," Paul says, watching the interaction from the same fence where he was perched.
"What were you up to anyway?" You ask.
"You're full of questions aren't you honey?" he jokes, "just watching people."
You look at the shops as you walk, looking for anything that might catch your eye.
"You aren't from here are you?" Dwayne asks.
"No, just moved here."
"By yourself?" Dwayne asks looking at you.
"Yeah," you answer.
"no family around here or anything, no friends?" Dwayne asks looking back and realizing that the rest of the boys are no longer in sight.
"Nope, I've always liked being kind of on my own, having space," you reply looking at him. "What about you?" You ask.
"I live with my brothers and my sister," he replies.
"The ones you were with?"
"You saw us?"
"Hard to miss," you answer with a grin and a soft hit to his arm.
The comfort he gave off should have seemed odd but he was so nice and playful, unlike many people you had met. He thought you were beautiful and smart, someone he could envision spending the rest of his life with, but then there was the though of you knowing what he was, a monster. Even if you were somehow okay with that, you were still a human and he would never want to put you through the pain of having to become a vampire like him.
"Are you alright?" you ask laying a hand on his arm, the two of you had stopped walking but the two of you were now in a slightly less crowded space.
"Hm? Yeah I'm okay," he says giving you a small smile and a playful wink. He tosses an arm over your shoulder and you start to walk again. You weren't really walking to get somewhere, just looking around.
"This isn't to much is it?" he says softly, leaning down closer to your ear.
"my arm," he replies, nodding his head towards yours.
"No, it's okay," You chuckle.
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britany1997 · 2 years
Holiday traditions and celebrations the Lost Boys enjoy
(Not my gifs)
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•David claims to hate Christmas and the other boys call him the grinch behind his back
•But he low key appreciates Christmas because the boardwalk gets much more crowded which means more food
•He’s not the guy to bake cookies or watch movies with, but he does like decorating
•Mainly because he gets to be in charge
•He sits back and tells the boys where to put stuff, how to hang stuff, etc etc without actually doing anything
•EXCEPT when it comes time to put the star on the tree which he ALWAYS does himself
•He’s the leader, it’s a rank thing
•He gets the boys presents but they’re always practical gifts
•Practical for them AND him
•One year he got Paul a stick of deodorant and Paul was just like, “thanks bud” :)
•Trust me, it was definitely a gift for David too
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•Dwayne is a hopeless romantic at heart and he loves watching romantic Christmas movies (with his s/o or if he’s single, he can usually convince Star to watch them with him)
•Not the Hallmark movies though, he’s a man of taste
•His favorites are Love Actually, The Holiday, and Four Christmases
•He also loves Edward Scissorhands and Little Women which he will argue to the death are Christmas movies he’s a Meg but thinks he’s a Jo
•He sheds a single tear everytime Kim asks Edward to hold her and he can’t (shh don’t tell the boys)
•True to his Native American roots, he also observes the Winter Solstice with the boys
•Traditionally, there are sunset bonfires to celebrate
•Theirs happen a little bit after sunset (for obvious reasons)
•They share people food on the beach, and Dwayne will tell stories about his past and his ancestry
•He loves that the boys want to celebrate the holiday with him <3
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•I definitely believe @luv4fandoms’s headcanon that Marko is Italian, so he celebrates Christmas
•He makes Panettone and Pandoro every year to share with the boys
•Paul doesn’t like it but he eats it anyway because Marko made it
•Marko tells Laddie about La Befana, so now the boys have to get Laddie presents on Christmas AND Jan. 5th because thats when La Befana comes
•It’s ok though, they love him:) and its not like they pay for them anyway
•Marko’s also ethnically Jewish! So he celebrates Hanukkah as well
•Paul grumbles like “how come Marko gets 8 presents and I only get one?” >:(
•The boys watch while he lights the candles each of the eight days
•They also gladly partake in the fried food part of Hanukkah and eat Latkes and Donuts with Marko
•The first time they celebrated, Marko explained the history of Hanukkah with the story of the Maccabees, the restoration of the temple, and the miracle behind the menorah and the eight nights
•Marko’s glad he can share this part of his culture with the boys
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•Paul lovesssss mistletoe
•Mans has it up ALL OVER the cave, its ridiculous
•Well kinda, he doesn’t have access to much mistletoe so he hangs stuff that sorta looks like it and hopes nobody notices
• “Paul is this lettuce?” “Paul is this Rosemary?” “Paul is this WEED?” No. It’s mistletoe. Shut up.
•He has the genius idea to just take some to the boardwalk with him so he can kiss random babes
•The boys kinda look at each other and Dwayne sits him down
• “Paul, most girls will find that creepy.” “Ok so I’ll only kiss boys! Problem solved” :)
• Dwayne hides his mistletoe
•Paul also likes Santa
•He always says ‘Santa probably doesn’t exist.’ And the boys are like, uh what do you mean “probably.”
•And after a lot of concerned prodding he gets kinda fed up
•He’s like, ‘so you’re tellin’ me immortal guys who have to feed on the blood of humans to survive exist and an immortal guy who leaves presents for good people doesn’t???’ He’s like, bffr
•The guys are ok with this logic but then David says, “you know you’ll never get anything from Santa right? We’re pretty much all naughty.”
•Paul smirks and says, “only in the best way.”
•The boys all groan
Happy Holidays!
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kmze · 6 months
Thoughts on 5x01 - 5x11 again SO MUCH FUN watching this half season. Does the plot make sense? Not really. Was it a compelling storyline? Not so much. Did I laugh a lot? YOU BETCHA! The thing with this season (at least this half) is you cannot take it seriously, it is the most this show has ever been "meta" because this was just episode after episode of laughing at the Triangle of Doom. I would say DE got it the worse but even SE got hits against it too. Stefan was mocked by having amnesia Stefan point out all his worst qualities. Damon was mocked relentlessly via his insecurity. Elena was mocked by being the flip flopper that she is. It was beautiful. Silas and Tessa were great as scorned lovers/enemies and I truly enjoyed the doppelgänger shenanigans. Amnesia Stefan you will always be famous! Of course there's bad stuff, like Bonnie's storyline and Jesse's treatment and sadly that's not surprising because Dries (racist) was in charge. I touch on all of this below!
LMFAO at Elena’s little shimmy
Damon is such a moron that is obviously not Stefan, when would Stefan ever say “Chateau Salvatore” thank god Jeremy could tell. Katherine too like when has Stefan EVER blatantly flirted with her like that, but Katherine was just thinking with her downstairs brain I understand.
Poor Caroline, but at least Jesse is smoking hot.
Random observation: last season the beginning of the season did not look like it was filmed in the summer like every other season and I've always kind of wondered why that is. I think I read somewhere that they continued filming the beginning of S4 when S3 ended and that's why you never get the summer attire in S4 like we do here again in S5.
Elena coughing up blood/water after kissing Stefan keeps happening and it’s so mean LMFAO
CRYING at the camera angle and lighting of “Stefan” seeing Elena and her getting all googly-eyed at him and then hanging up on Damon. Serves him right for not telling her! Silas causing problems with Delena almost instantly, amazing no notes.
Katherine shooting Silas YAS QUEEN
This scene LMFAO!!! The fact that they made thinking about Stefan be the thing that stops Elena from trying to kill Damon is just a hilariously mean thing to do to Damon!
Caroline’s face seeing Damon and Elena in what looks like some weird sex thing DEAD.
Paul does a good job of differentiating Silas from Ripper Stefan. They’re both evil of course but Silas has more calmness to him and more quips whereas Ripper Stefan is chaotic and mocking.
Lexi changed clothes on the other side so why can’t Bonnie!
Katherine and Silas are having way too much fun making Damon feel insecure about Stelena and I truly love it!
Stefan saying he didn’t want to turn his humanity off so he could be himself when he murdered Silas. Classic Stefan! Revenge is his biggest motivation in life I swear.
The doppelgänger curse (aka creating shadow selves every 100-ish years because of Silas and Amara) is good mythology, I thought it was a good reason to explain the existence of doppelgängers. But I also think it hurt some of the special-ness that Stelena had because it cheapens the fate part about it (and that’s before we find out it’s a literal spell pulling them together). Tessa saying she watched versions of S&E fall in love over and over the last 2000 years makes it feel like it’s predetermined destiny, which is a weakness against a ship IMO. It actually gives more power to Delena because having a love that conquers destiny is a great trope. I'm not even sure the writers meant to make this hurt SE at first because I don't think they like DE either. I know Dries was the showrunner this season and it's hard to understand what she likes when it comes to the triangle (her fav is Katherine that's all I understand about her). Everyone always thinks it's DE but LOL the person who wrote this season does NOT like DE I assure you. It would make sense she'd think this storyline is strong for SE on paper, but in tone it's not. It's like she cut her nose despite her face.
Delena being described by Tessa "like a soap opera, but boring and with no volume control" best description ever!
Silas saying his doppelgänger's face makes him wanna vomit THEY JUST KEEP GOING!
I like that they almost made you believe Damon was going to leave Stefan there lol, but even Damon isn't that selfish.
This season is just one big kinda mean commentary on the show and I love it LMFAO. I can see why it’s hated because it’s not really an intriguing plot as far as forward movement (I mean Silas' motivation is to die). But I'd be lying if I said the way it’s being used to mock and almost break the fourth wall isn't giving me so much joy. I guess I’d describe it as camp? Like Silas said messy but fun to watch.
Am!Stefan not remembering Elena’s name and the look on her face ADXSFXGGGKKHK (this episode makes me so incredibly petty)!
Again, Damon worst sober sponsor ever.
I’m sorry but Elena is cracking me up the way she is GLOWING at making Am!Stefan remember when he bumped into her. The way she spreads her fingers over his chest DEAD! Her excitement at molding her Stefan back together with only the pieces she wants... I have never seen her more alive!
"Whenever someone tells me I can’t do something I prove them wrong" her life’s motto!!!
Am!Stefan being like “I need time to process that I let my girlfriend drown” I KNOW RIGHT? It’s so crazy isn’t it you’re just like flabbergasted.
Sometimes this show just hits my narrative and this episode is it baby! Am!Stefan knowing Caroline’s full name (unlike Elena), that she’s his best friend and BLATANTLY flirting with her saying she’s much hotter in person (the way he totally checks her out a few times too) THAT'S THE STUFF. Then you’ve got Caroline being the only one who actually stops the ripper because she reminds Stefan who HE is, not who she is (because just to point out again she didn't have to because he studied her pictures and knew her instantly!!!) Damon and Elena on the other hand keep telling him who they are (which is a bunch of liars) and that’s why Stefan trusts her and not them. Their scene in the crypt is so nice too, it's one of the first times they get a scene like this with the hand holding, the comforting emphasis, and a beautiful shot on the bench. Plus Am!Stefan staring at Caroline's lips *swoon* you can really tell he has a crush on Caroline.
This Bonnie memorial is so infuriating I can't believe this Bonnie is dead for 8(!!!) episodes was a plot.
This shows racism towards black characters is really disgusting the more you become aware of it. I swear everytime a character is cast that’s going to get tortured or brutally murdered they are always black. Luka, Jonah, Aja, Connor and now Jesse. There’s no way it was a coincidence.
Nina’s physical comedy as human Katherine is just perfect!
The costumes Caroline picked ARE KILLING ME! First having her and Tyler as Bonnie and Clyde because they almost ran away together (and perhaps a part of her knows they’re doomed like B&C). Having Damon and Elena as Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn because she hates Damon and thinks he’s so bad for Elena he’ll get her head chopped off LMFAO. And then Stefan as JAMES FRIGGIN' DEAN can’t make this up, I know I keep saying this but amazing, no notes.
CTFU at Am!Stefan TOTALLY IGNORING Tyler when he asks Caroline to dance with him, like even with amnesia he knows he doesn’t fuck with Tyler. Am!Stefan’s face when he twirls her HE IS SO SMITTEN (and so is she if we’re being honest), James Dean daydream look indeed.
EL OH EL Silas trying to get Tessa to admit that she’s still in love with him. Honestly Silas your doppelgänger is way better at this, Stefan would have gotten that confession no sweat.
Poor Forwood but honestly I do think this makes sense and neither of them is really wrong, they are both acting like themselves. It makes sense Tyler can't just let Klaus walk away after what he did, and he especially can't deal with Klaus giving him permission to be with Caroline. Caroline on the other hand wants to move forward with her life and as far as she's concerned Klaus is out of sight out of mind. Caroline's also not a big revenge person, I don't think she's ever cared enough to enact revenge on someone (with humanity of course).
Amnesia or not Stefan will always be smarter than Damon.
For my own sanity I’m not even gonna pay attention to scenes talking about the cure and how it works because I’m STILL not over that bullshit in S8.
Silas again being the audience surrogate and pointing out how SUPER WEIRD it is that Defan keep falling in love with THE SAME FACE!
KATHOLINE TEAM-UP!! You know Caroline enjoyed slamming her against the wall after Katherine used her as her lackey in S2.
Crazy bitch kinda is Stefan’s type ASASCDHGHKKHH
God I love the Katholine team-up.
KATHERINE’S CHURCH HAIR!! I’m not even kidding I have tears in my eyes. This is the BEST! Omg Aaron is so much more smitten with Katherine than Elena, but like she’s absolutely adorable how could you not be!
Am!Stefan being like "I didn't think you deserved to be killed" translating to "I will always protect you Elena, memories or not" is an impressive delulu journey Elena has decided to take. She was acting like he was dead because he wanted to talk to Caroline and not her! Elena he has amnesia, he doesn't have the script anymore for the persona he's supposed to be performing.
Tessa was trying to do God’s work too getting Stefan to let go of Damon but he never learns!
Elena get out of your ex-boyfriend's bedroom JFC she’s so desperate.
Tessa kinda the best vindictive bitch ever! Janina Gavankar is also a beautiful and stunning woman who is just a pleasure to look at. But why was she so cold to Bonnie? Dries again I'm sure...
Elena's thought process about this speech she gives Stefan is something else... I just don't know what kind of delusional narcissist you have to be to think this was a good way to ask if someone is okay. Stefan absolutely looks done with her too lol. This is the season where Stefan's facade from the earlier season really starts to come down. He doesn't want to be the person in his journals anymore.
Oh look! Stefan not telling anyone he needs help, something new and different for him! /sarcasm
Matty Blue-Blue might be my favorite nickname ever used on this show and there’s a lot so that’s saying something!
I love how much Caroline embraced being a teacher for baby vamps! Makes her endgame even better!
Caroline is right why couldn’t Elena just snap his neck or just not stab him in the heart stab his back shoulder.
One thing about Stefan he has never seen a crazy bitch in danger that he didn’t want to save. I do really enjoy Steferine with human Katherine because it gave all the power to Stefan since she can’t physically hurt him anymore. It’s kind of like the scene in the series finale where Caroline comforts human Damon because he can’t hurt her anymore and she doesn't need to be afraid.
They really had to interrupt Bonnie’s first SEX SCENE EVER IN 5 FUCKING YEARS so she could scream in agony because the show killed another black character. Dries you will never see heaven!
Gee I don’t know Elena when is someone supposed to get over the fact that they were abused and raped by your fucking boyfriend. And you laughed about it with him! Never? I’m gonna go with never. And yes I realize it’s a bit hypocritical to enjoy Steferine and hate Daroline when they both have the same consent and rape issues. I fully admit Katherine is a rapist too. Stefan might be over it, Caroline is not and that's what matters to me.
I like that Katherine knew to ask Caroline for help knowing the other morons would be no good.
I know the answer is “plot reasons” but how did Damon not immediately recognize Whitmore when Elena started going to college there or even last year when he visited it?
Enzo… yeah *falls asleep*
Not to defend Stefan because I still think he’s an idiot for not seeing that Caroline had feelings for him. But he hears this whole conversation Caroline and Katherine are having where Katherine asks if they’ve slept together and Caroline is appalled like no absolutely not we are friends and I’m just saying! It makes sense why he never thought she did with scenes like this. Mostly because Stefan compartmentalizes people but that’s a topic for later this season. Katherine though bless her heart is not blind and can obviously tell these two feel a tingle for each other.
Not sure how intentional this was but I like the parallel back to the scene in 5x07 where Stefan said when the safe opened he wanted Damon and Elena to be the ones he saw. And now that he went back into the safe to get over his PTSD from that (and their betrayal) the person he sees when the safe opens up is Caroline.
Katherine’s exhilaration at sleeping with Stefan CTFU I can’t help it, she’s too much!
I love how little Elena is wearing essential what S1/2 Elena used to wear.
Feels like they just implied Grayson was testing if vampire blood could cure cancer. Would have been good to check on that next season folks!
Stefan starting off on the wrong foot with Enzo already LMFAO
Anytime they try and make Matt more relevant to a plot I instantly zone out from that plot. Case in point, I have no idea what is going on with the passengers and travelers and all I really know about Nadia is she’s Katherine’s daughter.
OMG Elena torched her Dad’s experiments! Important information what are you doing!?! I guess that’s why they don’t check next season.
Caroline throwing a breakup breakfast because Delena broke up is why she is my favorite character ever!
Stefan is so sanctimonious lol.
I like how they reminded me how awful Klaus is with the Katherine flashback before he has sex with Caroline. This show.
OMG Damon is insufferable! First his list of evil things Katherine did are all things HE did and now he's just torturing her because he's mad he broke up with Elena??? Can we just put him in the '94 prison world now I need him gone.
Stefan really switched from heartbroken to team Delena in like 3 episodes lol. I get it was the PTSD and we gotta speed stuff up but it did not take long. Another moment of "what are people talking about on Reddit" because they are always like "it took Stefan so long to move on from Elena" IT TOOK 3 EPISODES!
It's kind of amazing how many parallels and mirroring storylines Stefan and Caroline get with each other (these gifsets illustrate it well (x) (x)) but I really like how Steferine and Klaroline are used similarly for Stefan and Caroline in their journeys (these gifsets are great (x) (x)) and this season shows that a lot. Klaus and Katherine were both looking for love confessions from Caroline and Stefan respectively and while they sleep with their admirer/abuser they don't give them a love confession in return (because they don't love them). There's even the Klefan and Katholine connection as they are both used as their lackeys (Stefan in S3 and Caroline in S2) but then they also have a kind of understanding with each other. They both show pity for Katherine in this episode and they both felt remorse for betraying Klaus in 4x09. If this had actually been Katherine's death it was similar the Klaroline's ending on TO, with Caroline giving Klaus the date in NOLA and kissing him goodbye. Stefan sleeps with Katherine after she helped him through his PTSD, then he gives her peace with the memory before she dies (he thinks). Too bad the show had to RUIN that!
Look Stefan has his flaws (manipulative, enables Damon, can be a dick, serial killer) but one thing I love about him is he has a willingness to forgive the unforgivable. He didn't have to give Katherine peace after everything she had done but he did. I think it does come from a place of he believes everyone can be saved because he wants to believe he can be saved, but I also think he has a lot of empathy (at least for women).
The Katherine twist was great I will give them that, she's a survivor!
Lines that made me laugh:
Am!Stefan: I think I still need to be drunk to understand this story (REAL I chose edibles instead but YMMV)
Katherine: So are you part of the secret society? You know the "Society" (SHE KILLS ME)
Tyler: You're the hottest serial killer here (LMFAO the levels to this line are what makes me laugh the most)
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clementine-side-blog · 3 months
Eli Sunday SFW Headcanons (Modern AU)
Summary: My personal Eli Sunday SFW headcanons. Keep in mind that I set this in a modern AU because I'm a lazy piece of shit that doesn't like to write in any other time except for modern <3
(Read Below For Headcanons. These might be a little controversial to some people, but I hope at least SOME of you like them. So, yeah...)
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He is very soda (I accidentally typed this while talking to my friend about soda, but it's so funny that I decided to keep it in)
I personally think that he is not that religious. I know that might be insane to say, but let me explain...
In the movie, he doesn't really seem that into religion. Every time he is giving a sermon, preaching, or absolving someone of their sins, he is ALWAYS making a show of it. He's putting all the attention on himself. Because of this, I feel like he only became a priest so HE could be worshipped. He hates his family, he's embarrassed by his father, and he wants to be the center of attention. Eli couldn't give a shit about religion, he just wants people to be dependent and look up to him. He just used the religion as a facade to get what he wanted.
I like to believe that he was a priest for a while, but got so sick and tired of it. He also hated his family, feeling forced into religion, so he moved away and went to California, then went to college and became a professor.
His weird experience with religion is what caused him to go into the profession of Religion Studies. It fascinates him.
In modern AU, I do not think he would be a priest. I feel that he would be a professor at a university who teaches Religious Studies (so basically he teaches about different religions and how it applied in history and stuff like that)
I think in the movie he's around 23 (at least thats how old paul was during the time it came out) so I'm gonna say he's like 27 in my headcanons.
Very arrogant/egotistical asf
He really doesn't even have a personality, like I'm being so fr. Most of the time he's very monotone and emotionless. You're the only one that can get any type of emotion out of him.
He lives life like an NPC in a video game.
In a relationship with someone, he acts the same as he normally is. He's not any less arrogant/egotistical. If he's going to be in a relationship with someone, he wants them to think highly of him.
He's a good boyfriend, but he also can be a bit toxic sometimes. Like he has a God/Superiority complex, so I mean, he's going to be toxic asf...
BUT, if he's in a relationship with you, he also has the need to protect/care for you. He's honestly a very sweet man, he's just arrogant.
He takes a lot of pride in his appearance. The only time he's underdressed is when he is at home. Any other time, he has his hair styled and dresses nicely. He has a skin care routine.
He HATES getting dirty.
I struggle to see this dude having hobbies, but...
I feel like he would like painting. It seems like he wants to be in control of stuff, or at least feel like a God, and of course creating something would make him feel like that.
He's actually a very good artist and will paint/draw you if you ask him. He also uses you as his muse.
Eli doesn't listen to music that much, so he doesn't really have a fav genre. He'll listen to whatever you listen to honestly.
He isn't that big of a fan of TV, so just like music, he'll watch whatever you watch. Though he does like documentaries, especially about history.
The only movies he really likes are stop motion movies. There's just something about them that he loves so much. He also loves Tim Burton movies.
His favorite color is red.
His favorite holiday is Halloween. Even though there's nothing wrong with the holiday, his family never celebrated it since they were insanely religious. Since he moved away, he's able to experience it! He loves it so much and dresses up every year. He'll do couples costumes with you.
Even though he doesn't listen to music that much, he really likes the song Solway Firth by Slipknot, and the meaning behind it.
He really likes cuddling. He may not seem like it, but he does.
He's cold and heartless to literally everyone else except for you. You're his soft spot. He loves you SO fucking much.
He acts like a 40 year old man even though he's in his mid twenties.
He is absolutely horrible with technology and you're constantly having to teach him how to do things.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 11 months
Caught up with the last three episodes...
Like objectively, I don't think any of this is a good story for Aaron. In the sense that I feel like we've been here so many times before and we didn't really need to do this all again. And the fact that it's all a delayed reaction to Liv's death makes it frustrating. Because it feels kind of silly when the show has moved on. But also, I wish they would mention losing Robert too.
But just the whole contrived nonsense of Aaron bullying Vinny into giving him money was just really dumb because there's just zero justification for it from an Aaron's behavior standpoint. Like, him being mad at Chas for pushing him away, fine. Him being mad at Chas for the affair, fine. Him being mad at her for driving Paddy to near suicide, would have been nice to see. Him being mad at Chas for the way she always pushes him to be fine for her own selfish interests, thereby forcing him to bottle up his feelings, that would be great but we'll never get it. I just feel like they focused so much on the Liv parts of it and not anything else that it feels a bit empty. (also a bit hypocritical considering Katie but I digress). But he was so focused on blaming her for Liv dying and a lot less about her forcing him to leave to keep her affair secret than I would have liked.
But anyway, like hating Chas I get, but other than Vinny spying for Chas, there was just no reason for him to be bullying Vinny over money that definitely was not his to be upset about anymore. It just made him really unlikeable for no reason. I mean I guess they decided to do it so he could have his big revelation after he punched him but...sigh. Again, I feel like we've been here many times before.
I mean, Isobel Cameron wrote today's episode and I feel like you could tell because she actually remembers more of Aaron's history. (Although again...a Robert mention would have been nice...) But I didn't think the scene where he mentions Gordon and Vinny mentions Paul was a bad scene. It was good to reference all of that history. And it was nice to see Aaron sincerely apologize. But again...we've been here before and how long until we're here again?
And that's the thing. Next week, he's picking fights with Billy? Why? I mean, I was glad they actually brought up their weird nebulous prison history this week, mostly because I'm desperate for them to actually resolve it and be friends because both characters are in desperate need of a friend and Danny and Jay are friends in real life so they should have friend chemistry. And I feel like they've both learned this same lesson many times too and they could put their differences behind them. But is that where next week is going to go? It should be but I feel like it'll be more nonsense.
And then what? Where does Aaron's character go from here? I don't feel like they have any idea.
Anyway, the scenes with him and Eve were cute. And I will just take the fact that Eve was playing with a giraffe to be a subtle nod to Robert and I won't hear anything otherwise.
Also, I did appreciate the Aaron and Vic scene, however random it was just to get Aaron into pub to fight with Billy. I would like for them to have more scenes. (again...a Robert mention would be nice.)
As for the rest of the episodes...if I can block out the fact that so much is wrong about Jacob and Vic and the fact that it only exists as an exit story for David, I don't completely hate it....I mean I do but she's definitely had worse relationships (see Luke). But yeah...I don't know where they're going with it. Other than probably having Jacob propose on ice at Christmas which will be absurd.
I thought the Eric stuff was good. Him pushing Brenda away is a little cliche but I did really like that scene with them at the end.
The Tracy and Caleb stuff is ridiculous. Because I just have absolutely no idea why they even would begin to like each other. Where did any of this come from?? Why are they so incapable of telling a good relationship story? I just...sigh. I mean I get it, her alternative is Nate and he's the worst, but this still makes zero sense.
As for the Amit stuff...I need them to just get on with telling Jai about the Rishi thing cause I'm bored.
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pantheracatluv1105 · 2 years
Nerdy prudes must die thoughts warning random Spoilers Read at your own risk these were just my thoughts as I watched
Opening scene makes me think tinkys gonna be the baddie this time around he's one of the most sadistic
Lots of little nods to nightmare time with the night hawks and grace chastity back again
Corey and Mariah being a father daughter duo again! slaps! Also the fact that she put her hand between her phone and a literal hammer and it seemed like something a teen would actually do ha scary how realistic that part was
Corey as Jason is fucken hilarious as the one nice himbo in the group of dumb jocks
The Cackle from the audience made my night
Dirty girl is gonna be stuck in my head for weeks but I won't be able to sing it out loud
The collective aww when poor Pete came out with that black eye so sweet starkid is really good at getting you invested in their characters
Angela as grace chastity is the best I love her she's so horrible and amazing
Did they name the Whalen house after Kim??
Kudos to the choreograper they are amazing and I love it so much just little moves that just really establish character I love the heart it brings
"Am i reading as ghost or Lin Manuel Miranda"
oh fuck the homeless man reference definitely foreshadowing for twinky stuff being afoot maybe hopefully
Max is so dumb I love/hate him
Soo so so dumb
Boo hoo bitch haaaaaaa
Oooooh is max gonna haunt them !!!!
Kill count 💀 1
Bury the body also slaps and I also can't sing this in public without getting looks
Pete and Steph are cute together
Things are looking up but I don't think this is gonna last for long
Ooh the Clydesdale vs Hatchetfeild rivalry still going strong
On noooooooo he's gonna die he's alone !!!!!!! Never be alone in a horror musical the ohh no from the audience as they caught in too
Smoke club reference 👌😎 👌
The score holy fuck it hits I'm not a loser
Nightmare time theme wooo
Kill count 💀 2
The chair kick chefs kiss immaculate
Turtle Lauren 🐢 🐢 🐢
Ma brarbaque
The audiences reactions are one of the best parts of this
Ruuuuth why you gotta go by yourself love the solo but ya should've gone home with the rest of them
Also Lauren slays have I mentioned that she's amazing The whole cast is but I've always had a soft spot for her
The sadistic head pats ha
Kill count 💀 3
Kim's screams 😱 😍
Oh shitttttttttttttt the cop lady!! She's figuring shit out
Ballet flats and a gun 🔫 grace chastity people
Joey as hot chocolate boiiiiiiii
Sells women shoe- shoes Joey's little flub was hilarious
Steph being every lesbians dream
Also Steph and Pete's chemistry is adorable
Good luck getting a hold of her Does your phone plan cover calls to hell She's bisexual and dead where else would she be.
Holy fuck love that line I need that on a tshirt
Who am I...flops
Ohh shit what is up with that house 🏠 😳
Chairs clinking in the dark
Ooh church of the starry children were bringing it back love me some Lore drops
You can't touch him but he can touch you audience cackles
Ooooooooooooooooh THE BLACK BOOK MORE LORE!!!!!
Ooooooooooooh tinky tinky tinky time
I beg to differ bitch
Kill count 💀 5
Should stayed in Chicago cop lady
Kill count 💀 6 maybe?????
Love the lighting BTW the sound and lighting guys deserve all the praise
Who knows what kinda doors were gonna open
Singing the lords in blacks names dang I'm gonna need to memorize
The lords in black all together ❤️ love them
Pallywalls I guess it's not just tinky this time
The phone she cherishs it above all else haaa
Ooooooohhh nooooooooo she wants Pete nononononononononononononon
Pay the price or fuck off
Fuck she's gonna kill him nooooooo
I'm into you steph awwww I'm gonna cry 😢
The purple light is blinky still watching 👀??
They could have gone to homecoming together 😢😫
So you do know the Bible
Danmmm grace chastity lines all fucken slap
The slow step forward I love max the evil himbo ❤️
Grace is having sex with a fucken ghost 👻
The jump up on the bleachers he's amazing
So we get a happy ending I guess????
Awwwww Pete and Steph they did make it to homecoming after all
Kill count 💀 is 5 after all the cop lady survived
Love the homecoming number
Oh shittttttttt grace has gone off the rails love that for her
Welp it's done and I loved it
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock ‘N Roll - Chapter 5
Summary: Michael is excited to have his new friends over for dinner. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
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Hope you detected the sarcasm in the summary. I ended up writing so much that this will be split into two chapters. I'll try to have the second part up another day!
TW: Mentions of hunting and taxidermy
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
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Getting from place to place quickly was never an issue for David and the boys. Whether it was by motorcycle or by flying, they could get wherever they wanted in mere minutes. It wasn’t something they really thought about, just a part of their second nature. 
Tonight was a little bit different. 
Time seemed to slow down as David drove down the roads of Santa Carla. The roar of the engine faded out into nothingness. Cars and other motorcycles he passed were completely blurred. It felt as if hours and hours were going by, and it brought him absolute peace. While the wind ran through his hair David couldn’t help but hum a few notes of the song Michael had sung earlier.
By the time he had gotten home and parked his bike outside of the cave, David was softly singing the tune under his breath. He hadn’t even realized what he was doing until he made his way into the lobby where the others were. 
“Whatcha singing, David?” Paul asked. He and Marko were cozied up on the couch with Dwayne, the three of them enjoying a joint together. Their leader gave them a soft smile, stopping the song. 
“Oh nothing, just a random thing stuck in my head,” he brushed it off. The others didn’t seem convinced. 
“Whatever it is, you sure seem happy from it,” Marko pointed out. “Considering your meetings with Max always leave you totally miserable, that’s pretty weird”
It was only then that David realized he hadn’t told the others where he went after his unpleasant time with Max. He couldn’t even think of a time when he wasn’t moody, angry, or depressed after a talk with their Sire. No wonder they all seemed so surprised. 
Best to play it casual, he thought to himself. 
“Oh yeah. I didn’t come straight from there. I decided to swing by the Emerson house and scope the place out before tomorrow”
David kept his back to the others, making his way over to the makeshift bar they had on the other side of the room. He poured himself a drink from an old bottle of merlot. One of his favorites. Maybe he could bring a bottle along for dinner. 
“What’s it like?” Dwayne asked. Even with his back turned David could hear the three of them move around a bit.
“Total horror movie look. I can’t imagine Max will let it stay that way for long once they’re all a part of the family” 
Thinking about it a bit more, David realized that the property also included a lot of farm animals and equipment. Michael mentioned having chores to do and creatures to attend to, meaning the place had even more stuff he hadn’t noticed his first time around. He couldn’t exactly picture Max sweating over a flower pot, let alone a whole farm. 
“Didya say hi to Michael, or was he already conked out?” Paul asked
David drank down a hearty gulp of his wine. Something about Michael being in their conversation so much made him feel like his nerves were on edge. Like he had to be more careful with his words.
“Well…he was awake, but I….didn’t bother him…” he started, adding a fresh pour to the glass. “He was playing guitar again….so I just watched him. It was…nice”
He paused. His lips were lifted into a sweet smile again.
“Michael played another love song…”
The vampire turned around, leaning his back to the bar and swirling the deep, red liquid in his glass. He was still reminiscing up until he glanced at his pack mates. Each one wore a smug, devious look on their face.
“Yoooooou liiiiiiike him~” Marko sing-songed. Paul and Dwayne joined in on the fun with fits of laughter. 
It was only then that David truly realized what they thought he was implying. Frantically, he set down his wine glass and stood up from the bar.
“What the hell, no I don’t!!” he insisted. Though David’s body wasn’t the same as a human’s, he still felt the rush of blood flow through his skin, a sensation he almost forgot about after being a creature of the night for so long. He was certain that he no longer had the ability to blush, but the way his friends were taunting him said otherwise.
“Yes, you do~!” Dwayne insisted. He made his way over to David, taking his hand and dragging him over to where the terror twins were on the couch. David was completely outnumbered and at the mercy of their teasing.
“Michael and David, sittin’ in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G,” Paul teased. That only added a new wave of laughter from the others, much to David’s embarrassment. Sighing in frustration, he buried his face in his hands, not wanting to be seen anymore.
God, I hope the rest of the hotel caves in right now.
The others were lounging over him, absolutely loving how flustered their usually confident leader was getting over their southern gentleman friend. 
“Oh my God, that's so cute! So that's why you've been acting different," Marko said. "The smiling, the fidgeting, the singing. You've got it bad for the cowboy~" 
"Marko, I am begging you with every fiber of my being, shut the fuck up," David snapped. He had never felt so out of control over his friends before. They were ruthless with their teasing and he wasn't sure how much he could take. 
"Hey, ya think it's true what they say about everything being bigger in Texas? I'm sure if you ask him nicely Michael would be happy to show you~" Paul added. He burst into a fit of giggles, unable to contain the amusement in his own suggestive comment.
David slapped his hands on his knees before pulling himself off of the couch. 
"Okay, that's it. You guys are insufferable. I'm turning in for the night"
As he turned on his heel to make his way to their sleeping nook in the cave, the others lightened up on their playful behavior.
"Awww c'mon, David, don't be like that!"
"Yeah! Besides, it's hours before sunrise!"
He simply ignored them, adding a middle finger as a final farewell before disappearing into the shadows. The lingering sounds of laughter faded the further he went in. It wasn't until he was up in the rafters hanging upside down that he was finally alone with his thoughts. 
Michael was just his friend. He only felt this way because he was looking forward to having a new member of their pack. Nothing more. 
Still, he couldn't deny that Michael was so different from the others. He swore he could still hear the human's bold laugh in his head. Even as the hours went by and dawn approached the thought of the sweet-talking cowboy remained. 
The boys joined him when the first sliver of daylight came. He accepted their lighthearted apologies and let them all cuddle close as they hung down together. They wouldn't tease him anymore.
For now, at least. 
The true test would be dinner with the Emersons. He couldn't let himself be distracted anymore. Max was expecting him to turn the family as soon as possible, and he couldn't afford to disappoint their Sire anymore. 
As David drifted off to sleep, he silently hoped for the best. 
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A new night, a new visit to the Emerson house.
Though he had been able to see the house the previous night, David got quite a better look with all of the lights both inside and out turned on. While the outside was still full of clutter and objects, he could clearly see a lot of impressive craftsmanship in the sculptures and taxidermy around the area. 
As he and his pack pulled their motorcycles into the driveway, he felt the curiosity he had the night before about what the inside was like. 
Their engines cut off and while the others took in the look of the place too, David’s eyes wandered over to a nearby field. A horse pasture, to be exact. A couple of white horses were casually trotting around the perimeter, a fluffy dog barking and chasing after them, no doubt trying out a bit of herding. 
Right at the other end was Michael himself, kneeling in front of a post in the long fence wrapped around the area. The entire look was sturdy-looking and freshly painted, a sign that he had indeed worked hard all day. If that wasn’t proof enough, then the paint marks and sweat stains on Michael’s shirt certainly did. 
Best not to stare too long, lest David wanted another round of taunting from his buddies
“Hey, ya’ll! Glad you made it!” Michael cheerfully greeted them all. In one fell swoop, he hoisted himself over the fence and jogged over to their parked bikes. He waved a gloved hand at them while his tool belt clanged loudly with each step.
“Bet he can do other types of hard work with those hands~” Paul lewdly commented through their mental connection. David maintained composure while also throwing back a “shut up” in his head. 
“Wouldn’t miss it, Michael,” the blond leader simply stated. 
While their friend ushered them toward the front of the house, David did his best to focus on what had been asked of him by their Sire. Or rather, what had been threatened. This was no time to be soft. Max would not tolerate procrastination for much longer. 
There are consequences if you do not listen.
“Before I invite ya in I gotta let y’all know a thing or two about our home,” Michael explained. 
“Where we’re from, everybody uses good manners. So for my mama, it’s always ‘yes, ma’am’ or ‘no, ma’am’ when you talkin’ to her. Always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and offer to help clean up after we eat. Me and Sammy always do since it’s polite to help out”
Having good manners was certainly not a familiar thing for the Lost Boys. Decades of living wild and free had made them forget any polite behavior they may have once possessed. Star and Laddie would have no issue with being on their best behavior, but the boys might. 
The four of them traded looks, a bit amused yet also cautious. They certainly didn’t act right for Max’s sake, but now Michael was requesting a little decency. 
And who was David to deny the request of a friend?
“We’ll be perfect gentlemen, Michael. You have my word,” David assured him. He bit back a devious smile, knowing his boys would still be a little rowdy if they got excited. It was the thought that counted.
“Great! Now come on in! My home is your home, fellas!” the human said, gesturing for them to enter while grinning eagerly. 
Well, at least we got invited. That’ll help if we ever need to blend in more. 
One by one the group entered, the steps of their shoes echoing through the space as they went. David’s assumptions about the place were correct. It was quite massive on the inside as it was on the outside. High ceilings, open rooms, and plenty of space on the walls for decorations. It was impossible not to find a corner not filled with more taxidermy, figurines, or pictures. 
Of course, there were also plenty of Texas-themed decors. Iron lone stars, longhorn skulls, cowhide pillows, and the state flag hanging high and proud over the fireplace mantle. 
"Grandpa went and bought some purdy little pieces to make us feel more at home when we came on over," Michael explained. He pointed up to a deer head mounted next to the flag. It had quite an impressive display of antlers. "'cept that one. I brought that myself"
“You're into taxidermy too, Michael?" Star asked.
"You gotta be when you go on a huntin' trip! Shot that baby myself last year. Had a good helpin' o' deer sausage for breakfast damn near every day after that!" 
The others traded looks with one another, impressed by the multiple skills Michael had. Only Marko seemed off put by it.
"Ewwww! That's so nasty. I think I'm gonna hurl," he spoke to the others, his face looking a little pale. 
"Marko, we're vampires. We LITERALLY go hunting every night," Dwayne shot back. 
"Yeah, but those are human assholes who deserve it. Poor little deer probably wasn't doing anything wrong!"
Leave it to the animal lover to be a bit more sensitive about all the stuffed critters. God help him if there were any dead pigeons in the house. Paul patted his back in sympathy while helping him into the kitchen. The sooner they got him away from the taxidermy, the better. 
"Mama! My pals are here!" Michael greeted the woman standing in the kitchen. She turned around to greet them all, a wooden spoon in hand as she worked over the hot stove. 
"Well hi there!" she smiled, voice soft and sweet as she spoke. "My name is Lucy. Welcome to our home"
They were surprised to hear an accent that wasn't nearly as thick as Michael's. Sure it was a noticeable southern drawl, but it was one she had only picked up after moving to a new state, not growing up there. David recalled Michael telling them how she was originally from Santa Carla. Being in an entirely different place must have changed her quite a bit.
Michael introduced each member of the pack by name, eager to show off his friends. Getting to know his mom made David realize where Michael got his bubbly, warm personality from. Lucy was definitely a sweet woman. 
It made the concept of Max's mission for them that much more of a struggle. But David didn't say anything. He just smiled and handed her an unopened bottle of wine from their stock back home. 
"Awww look at you! Y'all are just skin and bone!" the redhead woman tutted. "Ain't your parents feed ya a proper set of meals every day?"
Boy, if she knew just what their living situation and eating habits were truly like, she'd probably have a heart attack. Thankfully, she moved on, gesturing for them all to follow her as she unwrapped the foil around the top of the wine bottle. 
"Well, never you mind about that. I went ahead and doubled my recipes for supper. Tonight y'all are gonna eat til you're full as a tick!"
David didn't even get the chance to ask what she meant by that before stepping into the dining room and seeing what could possibly be the largest spread of food he'd ever seen.
The long stretch of the wooden table was fully covered with dishes of corn, mashed potatoes, green beans, cornbread, and baked mac and cheese. Everything looked so colorful and freshly made. Like Lucy poured her very soul into making this spread. 
"Now Michael, you go get cleaned up and changed before letting Sam know supper is ready," Lucy instructed her son. "Why don't you kids help me out with setting the table and getting the drinks?"
After Michael took off it was as if a switch flipped. The boys were always in sync with one another, but something about helping out with an actual, honest-to-God homemade dinner was pure joy. They never thought they'd actually like things like setting silverware or pouring glasses of sweet tea, but the Emersons just had that pull on them. 
It certainly helped that Lucy was so kind with her praises of their work. Paul, Marko, and Dwayne in particular seemed extra bouncy and giddy from the excitement. Star was just happy to show Laddie an actual home instead of the cave hang-out. 
"David, honey, would you be a lamb and move this chair to the dining room? I'm short one at the table"
Who would have thought that such simple words could turn the hardcore gang leader into a total softie? It was like David was a new man. He slaughtered people left and right every night without a second thought, yet now he was obediently taking orders from a short, soft-spoken lady. 
God, was this what he was missing out on for the past several decades? A mother figure who treated him like an actual person and not a monster? Or in Max's case, treat him like an equal and not a servant. 
While the others got seated side by side at the table, David silently watched them all act differently too. His boys were all wild, trouble-making vampires. They were the most dangerous people in all of Santa Carla, yet they were acting like kids again. 
Human kids, in fact. It was as sweet as it was terrifying to think about. 
"Boy howdy, that sure smells amazin'! Hope y'all haven't eaten in a week!" 
David turned his head to see Michael in the doorway. He had traded his work clothes for sweatpants and a t-shirt with a high school logo on it. His hair shined with beads of water from his shower. A warm, soothing scent of vanilla and spice clung to his skin. 
After all the shit his friends gave him the other day David knew he shouldn't stare too long. Yet he just couldn't help himself. It came back to bite him in the ass when Paul spoke up. 
"Hey, Mikey! Why don't you sit next to David? He'd really like that!" 
The blond leader snapped his attention at the goofball of their group. 
"Paul I'm gonna rip your damn throat out"
The devious grin on his face told David that he regretted absolutely nothing. He kept a good poker face himself, nothing less than casual as Michael pulled up a chair next to him. The scent was even stronger now. 
"Mom! Don't start without us!" a voice called from the other room. 
The loud stomping of different sets of footsteps could be heard going down the stairs. Everyone watched as three boys came running into the dining room. They were all clearly at the beginning of their teen years, faces still quite boyish. The one leading them was dressed quite colorfully, while the other two looked a bit more scruffy and ragged. 
"Sammy, you know damn good and well mama would never start dinner without everyone sittin' down! Will you act like ya got some sense?" Michael playfully scolded his brother. "Y'all, this is my baby brother, Sam"
"I'm not a baby, Mike! I could kick your ass if I wanted to!" the freckled boy insisted. 
"You can't even fight your accent, let alone me," Michael pointed out. Sure enough, David didn't hear the same southern tone from Sam as he did with Michael. "Seriously, Sammy, I know you tryin' to be cool with your Cali friends, but ya sound like you're in pain holdin' it back"
David and the others watched in amusement as Michael tried to reach out and tickle his brother. Sam quickly pulled away, darting to the other side of the table with his friends. As they sat down in their chairs, Sam kept a casual expression on his face while his buddies stayed completely serious. 
They were practically glaring daggers at the others. It made David wonder just what their problem was. It was only when Michael nudged him that he stopped looking at the kids. 
"Sam's been preachin' up and down about 'fittin' in' 'round here. I say all that MTV turned his brains to mush"
"I ain't - er…I'm not gonna be seen as a hick!" Sam insisted. The others snickered at how beet red his face was getting from the slight slip of his accent. 
"Sammy, we're so country sticks fall outta our mouths when we talk. Ain't no 'mount of flashy clothes and hair product gonna change that"
While David snickered with his friends over the brotherly quarrel between Michael and Sam, he felt a sense of joy being there at their table. Between the fresh cooking and the homely vibe that the Emersons had, it was strangely comforting.
He wondered if this was the life he once had back when his heart could still beat. If he once had at least one person who he could call family. Someone who made him feel truly welcomed and cared for. He always strived for that when he met each of his friends over the years, and now Michael and his family were doing the same for him. 
"Alright, y'all! Settle in your seats!" Lucy said, stepping into the room with a large platter in hand. It was piled high with fresh, cooked meat that smelled nothing short of heavenly. 
"Yo!! That looks really good! What is it?" Paul asked, practically salivating.
"Brisket! We may not be in Texas anymore, but we sure can eat like we are!" she smiled, placing it down in the center of the table. 
Michael nudged David's arm before leaning over to whisper softly in his ear. 
"Listen, we usually say grace over the food, but y'all don't have to if ya ain't comfortable. I'm not really into the religious stuff but it's such a big deal where I'm from that I just go along with it to be polite"
David nodded, silently passing along the message to the others in his head so they wouldn't be caught off guard. Even with the invitation into the house keeping them safe, David still worried about potentially bursting into flames just because of a prayer. 
Thankfully, that didn't happen. Once the Emersons had finished, everyone else was given the go-ahead to start filling up their plates. Star helped Laddie out with his, whispering praises about him trying new things. The boys were a little rowdy, nudging each other out of the way to get more servings to try. 
But Lucy didn't mind. She was incredibly maternal, even to the friends of her kids. As far as she was concerned, she was helping put a little meat on their bones. 
"Oh my God," Marko spoke to the others. "I can't remember the last time I genuinely enjoyed human food this much"
"Me too," Dwayne added. "I actually feel full. Like I do after a hunt"
"Man, fuck hunting! I may never need blood again if Ms. Emerson cooks like this!" Paul said, already deep into a second plate of food.
David chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he took another bite of potatoes. Nothing made him happier than seeing his friends taken care of. This was going so well for all of them. 
Though he could do without Sam's friends staring at them. 
The Frog brothers, Edgar and Alan, acted so seriously. Like they were soldiers preparing for a battle of some kind. Even with the warmth of Lucy's hospitality and good, they still remained completely stone-faced. David just assumed they had a bit of an attitude problem. That was quickly disproved when Edgar opened his mouth. 
"So…what do you all think about vampires?"
The boys barely held themselves together. Marko had nearly choked on the sip of sweet tea he was drinking. Dwayne and Paul each threw a hand over their mouths, biting back laughter. David felt a shit-eating grin spread across his face. 
"Uh…pardon?" he asked the two brothers, trying to tone down his amusement with little success. 
"Vampires, my friend," Edgar repeated. "We are dedicated to taking down every creep, freak, and monster that roams the streets of Santa Carla"
"We've been showing Sam the ropes on how to prepare for them," Alan added. "But you guys have to be cautious too"
The Lost Boys all traded amused looks. One of two things was happening here. Either they knew exactly what they were and wanted to show how "tough" they could be, or they had no idea and were unknowingly sitting right across from the very thing they wanted to kill. 
"You guys are tough looking. It'll come in handy if you ever gotta take down a bloodsucker"
"Oh, I'm definitely gonna mess with them," David thought to the other vamps. 
"Well, I for one couldn't agree more," he said, faking enthusiasm. "Why, my boys and I are completely prepared for a vampire attack!" 
The Frog brothers seemed surprised. As if they hadn't expected David to believe their warnings so easily. 
"Is that right?" 
"Absolutely! You see our earrings?" David asked, showing off the jewelry in his ear. "Pure silver in the metal. Dangly so it touches our necks. Keeps them from going at the jugular! Vampires can't stand the stuff"
While the two boys looked at the blond leader in awe, the others were holding back the biggest giggle fits of their lives. That "pure silver" was actually barbed wire. And if anything, they found the earrings to be more attractive to one another. 
"Yeah! And you gotta have a healthy amount of garlic in your diet! Messes with your taste so they won't wanna bite," Paul chimed in. Star had a frown on her face as she nudged him as a way to silently scold him. 
"Now you boys stop all this vampire nonsense!" Lucy scolded. She wasn't the most intimidating person in the world, but she could still be quite strict when she had to be. "I will not have this satanic talk at my dinner table"
Michael and Sam both looked a bit exasperated as if they had experienced this reaction from their mother plenty of times before. Religious fears were definitely something to expect from the heart of Texas.
"You've got it all wrong, Ms. E! We're against the demonic creatures we speak of. We don't like them any more than you do," Edgar assured her. 
"We would destroy every last vampire to keep the people of Santa Carla safe," Alan added, his hands forming into fists like he was eager to fight one right then and there. "Stake them, burn them, shoot them, drown them, beat them, whatever it takes" 
Oh yeah, we're sooooo scared, David thought to himself. The last thing he and the others were scared of we're a bunch of twerps acting tough and macho. It felt like they were getting dinner and a show with those two. 
"You guys really should stop though," Star finally spoke up. "You're upsetting Ms. Emerson and you're gonna scare Laddie with all this talk"
The excitement from the Lost Boys finally began to settle down. She was definitely right about the latter. They didn't want to get their little half-vampire buddy worried over nothing. Nothing a few encouraging words couldn't fix. 
But Laddie wasn't there. When David and the others looked in the direction of his chair, they found nothing but an empty space. 
"Where'd he go?" Dwayne asked. He set his fork and napkin down, frantically searching the area. He was certainly the most worried about Laddie, and it was very clear when he didn't see the little guy. 
The others did their looking as well. Under the table, behind some shelves, around the corner, but there was no sign of him. A small wave of fear was collectively building up for the gang. They never lost sight of Laddie.  
"Oh maybe the little angel wandered off to find the bathroom," Lucy suggested. While her attempts to calm the others were admirable, they were also in vain. 
"Uh, I think I know where he went…" Michael said. His eyes were wide and his posture stiffened as he pointed to the doorway connected to the kitchen. 
Across the way, everyone could clearly see the back door swinging open. The door that led straight to a part of the horse pasture.
If the look on Michael's face told David anything, it was telling him that was not a good thing. 
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kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
Demoman Ships & Pals - Medic: Memory Related
[A/N] Scout's here too but I wanted them both not to remember because the idea is that they got blackout drunk together. So someone needed to fill them in and Scout seemed like a funny option because of his motivation to wake them and tell them to go fix it.
“Hey morons, wake the fuck up. You got a mess to clean up.”
Medic groaned and pressed himself further into the warmth at his side. There was nothing in the world he wanted to do less than wake up right now.
That warmth proved to be Demo as he mirrored Medic’s groan. “Whatever it was, I didn’t do it.” His words were barely decipherable through his accent and tired mumbling.
“I doubt that,” Scout replied, being his usual obnoxious self and not leaving. “And you’re the one that got Medic drunk so it’s partly your fault too no matter what. Meaning you get to help clean it up. So get the fuck up already.” He prodded Medic in the back with what could only be the toe his shoe.
With a snarl, Medic shot up to glare at him. The intimidation factor of which was no doubt harmed by the fact that he and Demo had apparently fallen asleep cuddling on the floor of the medical laboratory next to the operating table. Finding his glasses on the floor beside him, Medic gave them a quick wipe down so he could get a good look around.
A not insubstantial amount of dried blood covered the floor and parts of the wall. Likely more was on the operating table itself judging based off the way it had obviously run down the legs of it. Naturally some of it had ended up on Medic, staining his once white lab coat and sticking to his bare hands and arms. It covered Demo too. All odd enough on its own but there were also various organs littered around the place, all of which looked to have been dried out for some time, making their source quite mysterious.
“What the hell happened here?” Demo asked, voicing Medic’s own question as he sat up too.
“You mean you don’t even remember?” Scout said, spreading his arms in a ‘what the fuck?’ gesture.
Careful of his pounding head and the dizziness it brought, Medic stood and extended an arm to help Demo stand too. There was indeed more mess on the table. But also, on the counter were various beakers and flasks, some of which were partially filled with mysterious chemicals. A quick step over to the fridge revealed the source of the blood; Medic’s entire stockpile of the stuff was missing. Where had the organs come from though? He didn’t keep that many random human organs on hand, especially in such poor condition.
“We were quite drunk,” he said as he looked back over at Scout. “So just tell us what happened?”
“You guys raided the Tuefort graveyard, stole all the bodies, brought them back here and then somehow made a zombie army out of them that’s now terrorizing Tuefort. And some of them spit explosive goop so I know you’re not innocent.” He pointed at Demo. “So you guys gotta get this shit cleaned up before Miss Pauling finds out and gets mad at all of us again even though you’re the only ones at fault for almost causing an apocalypse again.”
Medic exchanged a look with Demo that ended in them both chuckling. Even when black out drunk Medic was one of the single most powerful people on Earth, he was basically a god. How’d they’d done it was a mystery but that only made it all the more impressive.
“Yeah, ha ha, really funny guys. I’m over here trying to be good for once to impress Miss Pauling and all you chucklenuts keep doing stuff that pisses her off because she has to clean up after you all the time. That makes it really hard to talk to her because she’s always too busy dealing with everyone else’s messes to talk to me. And, yeah, that includes my messes too sometimes but I’m really trying to do better here but you guys keep making it hard. Oh and also, I guess like a zombie apocalypse would be bad or whatever. So you dumbasses gotta fix it.”
“Calm down, laddie,” Demo said, still chuckling a little. “We’ll fix it, don’t worry.” Knowing him, that would likely involve explosives. Which was for sure the most surefire way to fix it.
“We must be sure to capture at least one,” Medic said. “Preferably more. I need to study them.” So he could figure out how he’d done it as well as how Demo had gotten some of them to spit explosive substances without exploding themselves.
“Yeah, yeah. First, let’s get some coffee and toast though, eh?”
As eager as Medic was to get to work they did indeed need to to do something about their hangovers first. So before Scout could try to make any kind of impatient protest, he followed Demo out. Today was going to be a long day but hopefully it would ultimately be a productive one too.
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12 Bar Blues in F
This recording is the second instrumental from the April/May 1960 home recording made at Forthlin Road (also known as the Kirchherr Tape). It's a little long, so be warned. Though, @peaceloveandstarrs did such a fantastic analysis, you'll want to listen to every second so you can follow along.
This seems to be an improvised blues instrumental. We can hear a steady bass, keeping a good rhythm (more evidence that Stu is unfairly maligned as a bass player). Our working theory is that Stu played the bass kind of how Ringo plays the drums, there to serve the song. We both think, had Stu actually tried, he could have become an incredible bassist. Stu was just talented, at everything, so even though he wasn't trying very hard, it's still more than just passable.
There are at least two other guitars, possibly three.
We had some discussion about who was playing lead guitar. We originally thought Paul, but this was 2 years after Paul flubbed the solo in Guitar Boogie, so the likelihood he'd take lead was low. It's therefore likely George. It's interesting hearing him mess with some chords higher up the neck. It shows the beginning of Geo's talent pretty well, we'd say.
But neither of us our instrumentalists, so we're gonna leave the rest of this analysis to someone who is.
@peaceloveandstarrs has been kind enough to write another guest post about this song:
This is definitely improvised going by how rambling the intro is and how it takes them about a minute or so to finally settle into a key signature. As with the last one I listened to, I wish the balance had been better, but again, I get that the technology at the time made sound quality less than great. There’s a lot of really neat lead guitar stuff, like the picking around 1:23 and then the bit around 1:32. I’m not a guitarist, but I know that any technical playing on any instrument takes a lot of skill and practice. So whoever was on lead on this, my kudos! (Not that that means anything 62 years later, ha!)
The bass is definitely keeping a steady tempo, which is what’s expected of a bass player when there’s no percussionist. Stu isn’t the best bass player, but he’s not as bad as people make him out to be. I love all of the chromatic runs from whoever’s playing them, like the one at 3:37. They’re such a good transition between different melodic ideas or the start of a new chord progression. The random bits of dissonance, like the one at around 5:02, are jarring now that the key’s been settled. But hey, it keeps the listener on their toes and attentive.
I love the moments where the whole thing really comes together and the individual lines fit together perfectly, such as around 5:40. And just when that settles in, you get another cool, technical line at around 5:56. Whoever is playing this (Paul? I can’t tell individual playing styles apart yet) made it sound easy. As an instrumentalist myself, technical runs always give me the most difficulty, so I can say pretty confidently that it wasn’t that easy. At least not right off the bat.
There’s a neat little groove at around 7:33 in one of the guitar lines. It’s simple, but the way it’s played (first note accented, slurred into the second part of the line) makes it have a kind of jazzy feel. I listened to that one a couple of times just because I liked it. And we get to more technical bits in the guitar line around 8:24 or so. It’s a repetitive line, but it’s so clean-sounding. Again, not easy to do. I have a hard time articulating quickly and making it sound that clean! (Granted I play clarinet, so I’m not sure if I can really compare it to a guitar���)
It sounds like Stu is trying to bring the chart to an end around 9:20 and the rest of the group didn’t get the memo! That’s a classic ending bass line, descending the scale to the tonic tone (so in this case, he landed on an F since the piece is in F… music theory classes coming in handy finally!) The last 40 seconds or so sounds like they’re trying to figure out how to end the chart. I sort of wish they’d all ended with Stu’s little descending line, but hey, the way they end it works too. Overall, it’s a nice little improvisation with lots of signs of developing talent, especially in whoever played lead guitar.
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windvexer · 2 years
Hey chicken, dearest Chicken! I hope you're well today. I saw that when one begins spirit work, that spirits are attracted to them. I have been doing it for a month or so now and I don't really see that happening-- perhaps I'm overwarded, but can you elaborate on how they might be attracted to the practioner and how that might be experienced? Perhaps I am missing some of the signs.
I thank you for your time, and all you do, always. Hi to the Goat God.
When we see any metaphysical "rule," we must always keep in mind that it is just someone's beliefs. Even if someone believes in spirits (as not all witches or practitioners do), they may not believe that there are special factors that attract spirits in a passive way.
There are many beliefs about how and why spirits might be attracted to people on a passive level. I'm not saying I agree with any of the following: just stuff I've heard.
Some people believe that spirits can't "see" all humans equally - it is easier for them to see certain places and people, typically those associated with magic.
One belief (I think espoused by Lee Morgan but I could be wrong) is that the more you truly believe-believe in spirits, the more we show up to them.
Paul Huson in Mastering WItchcraft has a line a bit like this (sorry, I don't have my copy to quote) - "the moment you step into the unseen world, a bell rings alerting the other side to your presence."
It is also sometimes said that a magical practitioner "lights up" on various astral planes (or perhaps all planes, or perhaps there's only one).
So -- out of all the general "do magic and spirits notice u" theories I've heard, none of them say that spirits are attracted to you. The general sentiment seems to be that they are more aware of you, and as the total % of spirits who notice you increases, so does the % of spirits who wander through to see what's up.
However, I must advise you that deterring spirits is simply delightfully easy. Oh, true, some of us have been pestered by one persistent asshole who took actual effort to get rid of, but on average there is exactly ONE thing you must do to deter regular spirits:
Loudly set your beliefs - set your beliefs in a loud, high-volume way - announce to yourself, the universe, and All Things, that Spirits Are Not Allowed. Nope, not for you - not for your life, your awareness, or anything.
Behold ^^^^^ a powerful ward. (This ward works best for neutral to benevolent spirits who treat you with respect; its effectiveness is reduced against assholes who care not for your desires).
So, when it comes to your wards: imagine for a minute how much more powerful actual magic is compared to setting boundaries with intent. There need only be so many razor-wire fences and guard dogs around a home that I will in fact not visit it, regardless of how friendly the neighbor waves at me as I walk by.
Do you employ a great many fearsome, aggressive, toothy wards that are quick to bite, sting, and bury anyone who dare cross you? Then you have chosen, in part, how to manifest your essence in your spiritual neighborhood.
For people who want to hang out with random spirits and deal with a lot of spiritual strangers, I do recommend having wards. But I don't approach an armored truck in a parking lot - I might even make a big circle to show respect - "hey, I see you are guarding something; I mean no harm. Don't worry about me." Do you get my meaning?
Some of the signs of being contacted by spirits - well, it helps if you make space for them. I have heard it's best to do this outside if you can, but near your living space. Why not shake hands on the sidewalk before you invite someone indoors?
Spirits are not physical, but they exist within other spaces. They exist within time, mindfulness, and awareness (among other things). So I want to meet nearby spirits. I go outside with my drink - I bring a spare. I put the second drink nearby and I say, alright. Now I have five minutes of time and space, and maybe a little focus.
I'll try to sit for a few minutes and try to see if any spirits are nearby. I'll watch the world and watch my thoughts, and I'll see if something that seems Not Me arrives.
Maybe something that seems Not Me does arrive - maybe I see it in the way the grass moves, maybe I see it in strange thoughts I wouldn't normally have. Even if I'm not sure, either way, I might say (or think, or sign, and so on): "hey, I want to meet some local spirits. You seem nice - have this drink. I want to make more friends around here; I'm friendly myself, you see."
When I'm done, no matter if I thought any spirit arrived or offered any drink, I might say: "thank you for entertaining my time, local spirits. I look forward to spending more time with you soon."
Because the best ward for keeping spirits away also operates on its inverse: the best summoning for inviting spirits in is to simply announce that they're welcome. This is superpowered by selecting portions of our live to actively give to them - our time, our focus, our words, our sweet tea.
My spirit working and divination masterposts which may be found in my pinned post have many individual posts about how I experience spirits, and techniques of psychism and spirit work.
Best of luck, Anon
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robot-breakfast · 1 year
Okay. Okay. Okay. This might be an incomprehensible series of rambling and I think I might be the only one that ships this but hear me out. I kind of just thought of it so it might be half baked but I’ve been rattling them in my brain for like 2 days now. Scout’s a guy who is an enabler of stupid shit if it means it’ll get a few laughs with a mouth that runs a mile a minute, whereas Sniper is a recluse with minimal social skills who defaults to quietly listening and being a professional™ because he’s a little unsure what else to do and ,on the other hand, we have Miss Pauling. And she is a friggin nerd. an absolute dork. Sure, she’s professional™ like sniper but she’s only slightly less socially awkward, like when she tries to awkwardly crack jokes and do impressions of the mercs’ voices when giving them contracts.  I view Pauling as being a middle ground between the Scout and Sniper sort of. Sure, she’s stern when she’s under a lot of stress and I know that the fandom likes to portray her as the team mom exclusively but CMON. Despite her high work load, she’s completely down to DM DND campaigns with the mercs, a member the Teufort bookclub and gets excited over Shakespeare reenactments in the park. She’s a professional dork that’s able to loosen up a little. And Scout ,a man with no impulse control (and he himself has a borderline nerdy interest in Tom Jones) ,egging her on is endlessly cute to me.
Although I doubt she’d infodump about her interests like Scout does, Sniper is perfectly willing listen to both of them talk his ears off if given the chance. Speaking of Sniper and Pauling, from what we hear about Pauling and Sniper’s ‘vision quest’, I feel like they’d make a good blunt rotation?? Like if Pauling had more free time she’d be down to chill and smoke a blunt with sniper.
Scout is always physically affectionate, ready to hug Sniper and Miss Pauling at any given notice, and since they’re both touch-starved they absolutely melt. (Side note: If you think Sniper is touch-starved, Miss Pauling is a whole ‘nother level. At least Sniper has his family, which is something Miss Pauling doesn’t have)
Miss Pauling definitely struggles with basic self-maintenance like eating and sleeping properly ,and since Sniper is a little awkward at being verbally or physically affectionate, he’ll help to lighten her workload by driving where she needs to be and helping her bury dead bodies to spend more time with her. Once they’re more closer though, he’ll let her sleep in his van and tuck her into bed while he sleeps on the floor. And getting up early to forage for stuff he can use to make a decent breakfast for the both of them
And okay this is a random thought but although Scout thinks of Pauling as ‘classy’ so way out of his league, but  honestly the girl doesn’t know her wines at all. Wouldn’t be surprised if she never has the time to cook and has been subsisting on cheap takeout for years up til this point.  And I’m just imagining scout and her casually going out to get fried chicken when possible kinda like that scene from the Simpsons some enchanted evening where they go to the drive through in fancy clothes and dance dorky in the car. Or better yet, scout learning how to cook (this manchild has also been subsisting off of cheap take out for years) and actually making Miss Pauling a nice meal for once. Though since she’s busy she’s making calls for contracts while eating, but lets scout know how much she appreciates him
(Admittedly I talk more about Miss Pauling’s dynamics with scout and sniper + Miss Pauling in general as opposed to Sniper and scout’s dynamic. I want to elaborate more on my brain rot but I might just send an ask about this or just make my own tumblr post about it idk. Thanks for listening to my Sniper x Scout x Miss Pauling manifesto) 
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the-faceless-bride · 2 years
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Freakish Friday
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It's been around a month, and the boys were so happy! They got free food, a free place to stay, they got to play and be mischievous all they wanted, and they got to be with you!
But... They were not always happy and their mood was dipping; they wanted to be more with you. they wanted to cuddle with you, they wanted to pull you close to them and kiss the top of your head. They wanted to kiss you, to really kiss you, not just the kitty kisses they have been giving, they wanted to make love to you.
But they couldn't do anything romantic like that, they were cats for fucks sake! You were only going to give them platonic love in these bodies and they wanted more!
They needed to find a way to get out of these bodies, it was fun at the start but now it was starting to piss them off. How long does this magic last?!
They were waiting in your living room, it was your day off and you were sleeping in. The boys were talking about ways and things to try to get back to normal.
'Maybe it goes away over time?'
'Maybe we have to take the Gems off?'
'Maybe it's like a princess in the frog thing and we need true love's kiss?'
'Shut up Paul.'
'HEY! I don't see you coming up with any Ideas Marko!'
'Still, true loves kiss? Kiss my furry ass dude.'
'You little bastard!-'
Marko and Paul started a catfight and were now meowing and hissing as they bit at each other.
David had to jump in telling them that if they don't stop they would wake you up, and that got them both to stop, they wouldn't want you to be tired and upset with them.
They just decided to do any random thing they could think of to try and change back, and see what happened.
And so the chaotic night had begun...
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To start Dwayne and Marko tried the bath theory, the both of them found some cooking stuff in the kitchen and just rolled around in it.
You were shocked but didn't freak out, it was the first time they did anything like this.
You just sighed and picked the two kitties up, one in each arm. Taking them to the bathroom, you shut the door with your foot behind you; put the boys down, and turn on the water making sure the water was perfectly warm.
You looked over picking the two fluffballs up before placing them both in the water, the fur around their paws soaking.
You were about to pour some water on them, but you then saw the collar gems around their necks and moved to remove them.
But when you did they didn't turn back, but something did change...
'Dwayne... Why is my feet wets?'
'I dont? What is this stuffs?'
'It's making our toe beans wet!'
'Quick run!'
Both boys lost their minds trying to jump out of the bath; their fur was all wet, their ears were cold, and their toes had no grip. THEY WANTED OUT DAMN IT! WHY WERE YOU BEING MEAN?!
While Marko was wailing and struggling, Dwayne was wide eyed standing bowlegged and shaking, maybe if he didn't move you would forget about him and leave him alone.
Soon after the bath, they sat on the soft towels as they licked their paws clean from the water trying to calm down; But then they heard a loud blowing noise and they were on the run again. They tried clawing at the door but it didn't work, you brushed and blow-dried the boys making their fur soft and puff out making them look like ridiculously puffy fat cats.
Once you clipped them gems around their level again, the cat instincts in them calmed down and they were back to normal.
They both just stared at each other for a moment, that was uhh... That sure was an experience...
Welp taking the gems off didn't work... Next plan!
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You were sitting on the couch just trying to play some games after giving Dwayne and Marko their baths. Which after getting all puffed up the other two boys couldn't help but tease...
Paul and David were cuddling all over you trying to get you to kiss them; Paul rubbed himself up on your leg while letting little meows looking up at you, David was just in your lap as he would put one of his paws up to pat at your chin.
You just smiled and looked over him to play the game, David got annoyed and started to hit your controller with his paw making you die in the game, Paul now jumping up when you "awed" in disappointment as he rubbed his head into your neck; you scratched his ears and cooed at the two kittens,
"aww it's ok, don't be jealous I love you guys too."
You leaned down giving them both a kiss on their noses your bottom lip slightly going over theirs...
And nothing... They were still cats....
Damn it.
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The boys sat around on your couch sulking, they were gonna be stuck like this forever; You were starting to worry about why they were acting weird, you had quit your job now that you had a job from home that paid well and you got to chose what hours you worked, you were taking a week break and decided to spend it on watching some good movies and playing with your boys.
But they seemed to be sad or disappointed about something and you couldn't figure out what.
Don't worry boys you were gonna find a way to cheer them up, you walked in smiling telling the boys you were gonna have fun today; you pulled back the curtains before walking out of the room not looking at the boys, and thank God you did.
It was daytime and the boys were now showered with sunlight, and they started to freak out; they were going to start howling and running around in pain, but then it happened.
With a big puff of smoke, the boys were back in their normal forms. Well...
Turns out the thing they were desperately avoiding the whole time was what they needed to turn back.
This was meant to come out last week but... Oh well, hope you guys like it and aren't too upset with me 😭😂
Tags: @shybunnyhere @1queen1dee1
@henhouse-horrors @iwantsleepplz
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Hi!! Do you have any sfw and nsfw head canons on why it would be like to be in a polyamorous relationship with The lost boys and Micheal? Preferably with fem!reader or gn!reader(whichever you choose).
Ok, I had the sfw portion done for literal days but I can't think of any nsfw HC's for this so I'm just doing the sfw portion sorry :///
Poly!Lost Boys + Michael x Reader Relationship Headcanons
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship, half-vamp!Michael, human!reader, readers gender not mentioned, feeding mention, Stars not in this one (sorry Star I love you queen)
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You have to have lots of spare time for these boys
While they all have different love languages, quality time is how you make a relationship work - plus, four of them have spent literal decades together so they're just used to having their partners around.... Constantly™
Basically, that means they're gonna be quick to miss you
Paul has very little sense of boundaries and he will visit you at work if you work nights. And if he's going, then why not all of them? You work on the boardwalk anyways and they're already there so- you have five punks loitering in your store with Michael only half-heartedly saying that maybe they should let you work (he does not mean it in the slightest). Paul and Marko are practically hanging over the counter and preventing anyone from making purchases, David and Michael are picking random shit up and not putting it back right, and Dwayne is somehow in the employee lounge? You will have to kick them out because they're a general disturbance and just cause you work there doesn't mean some of them don't have sticky fingers
David and the other full vampires heavily believe in group dates. Lots of time spent together at the cave or at the movies or at the boardwalk or whatever you wanna do really, but one-on-one dates are always cool you just gotta keep a *balance*
Mikey does not respect the balance. He has the unfair advantage of being a half and will use it. He visits you during the day so you two can get some one-on-one time, even if it always ends up with him using you as a pillow while he gets his beauty rest (the others only mildly complain because they know Mikey, and most likely you, aren't used to this type of set up). He likes to hold you from behind and use you as a teddy bear :) It's also just become such a common place thing that when the boys come to pick you up they expect to see Mikey's bike outside
Their retaliation is them telling you all the stupid stuff they get into that they only survive because they're vampires (and is this maybe also a tactic to try to get you to turn? Who knows? Not them). They tell you about cliff jumping and bridge hanging and you're just staring at them because what the fuck. They're also dicks that like to feed from you because Mikey can't yet :)
But, eventually, it just becomes easier to just hang at the cave sometimes. Mikey will cuddle and nap with you until the boys wake up for the night :) you can help them get dressed and ready for the night, maybe even help them with their hair. Then, the six of you can hit the town for a date night
Early in your relationship, they knock on your window to let you know they're there/so they can get invited in and then eventually you get to a point where you walk into your room and one (or more) of your boyfriend's is on your bed or going through your things
They like to give you a lot of their clothes/stuff to wear. Dwaynes jewelry, Paul's band tees, a patch from Marko, David's leather jacket, and Michaels sunglasses :) by the end of it, they all think you look super cool
They flirt with you even after you're dating- Paul will hit you with cheesy one-liners to make you laugh, Marko will make suggestive comments to make you blush, Dwayne will just stare at you in a way that gets you every time, David acts as cool as a cucumber as he taunts you, and Mikey just compliments you in a way that can't help but make you melt
One of the boys calls you on days you can't hang, and Paul or Marko will give you the daily gossip, David will steal the phone to tell the story right, you'll hear Dwayne say in the back "tell them I said hi", while Michael just goes "wait, they're not coming out? why?" - you get the phone passed around to all of them so they can tell you they love you before they hang up. David on several occasions has said his goodbyes and then hung up the phone before everyone has gotten their turn - you will get a call back so they can finish saying goodbye and you can hear him laughing in the background
Overall, they're dorks enjoy
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peachywritesstuff · 3 years
Going to Walmart with The Lost Boys
I couldn't not stop thinking about this so I had to write it HEHEHE.
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All I have to say is good luck because you are going to need it.
A lot of it.
Don't be surprised if you get banned from Walmart.
Honestly the whole time you felt like a Mother trying to control her roudy kids.
Dwayne was the only one that was helpful
It was time to do your monthly shopping and being clingy, the boys wanted to come with you and you agreed.
First mistake
When you all got there (by your car) you have Paul who wanted to ride in the buggy. Which you said no because of 2 reasons 1.you need the space for groceries ofc and 2. Paul was a heavy mf and there is no way your going to spend 2 + hours pushing him.
Halfway through with your shopping you find out that Marko is missing and you freak out until you found him look at the fish tanks in the back
"Marko! Jesus you almost gave me a heart attack!"
"You think I'll be able to buy one and take it back to the cave? "
When he meant buy he meant steal and you said absolutely not because there is no way he is able to take a fish back and is able to keep it alive on the way
But hey it's Marko were talking about so who fucking knows what he got up his colorful sleeves.
Paul is that one person that goes to the kids isle and play with the toys. You will have to drag him away from the isle and don't be surprised if you have to buy something like a stuff animal or something just so you can get him out of the isle.
Basically bribery
Him and Marko would definitely put random shit in the cart. Weather it is food, candy, etc if they like something they are going to put it in the cart.
"Paul. You do not need that much candy"
"Why not?"
"Babe.. your a vampire you don't even need to eat human food for crying out loud."
"But that doesn't mean food isn't good. "
The one time you relented and bought him a full bag of candy he downed it within a few hours and got a stomache, something you didn't know vampires could get.
Lesson Learned:Never buy Paul a full bag of candy.
And David(the sneaky bastard) goes into other people's carts and just takes the shit your looking for.
Like if someone grabbed the last item of something don't be surprised if you see it in your cart or an angry shopper approaching you claiming you stole something from their cart.
You have to snatch his cigarettes because he kept trying to pull them out to smoke.
"David you can't smoke in here!"
"Says who?"
"Says me. "
He did get a little pouty when you took his cigarettes and that made you almost feel bad. Keyword: Almost.
But it was cute seeing him all pouty you just had to give him a kiss on his pouty lips.
And Dwayne.
Sweet Sweet Dwayne.
He is just as chaotic as the other boys but if you genuinely need help he'll stop for a little while to help you. It's not like the other boys won't help you think of it as the first one to respond when you need it.
If your short and something is out of reach, he either gets it for you or gets it even more out of your reach, it's one of those two.
If Laddie tags along you have to buy him something. It's either because you became a mother figure to the little boy or he uses those puppy dog eyes on you so you couldn't say no.
It warmed Dwayne's unbeating heart to see you buy stuff for Laddie even if he wasn't there.
"You reckon this is Laddie's size?"
All the boys just feel for you even more after you first bought something for Laddie.
But the one thing they all do is help you but the grocery in your back trunk.
And they obviously have a contest on who can carry the most bags.
Its a miracle if yall didn't get kicked on the first time you went to Walmart with them.
Each time you say you are never going to Walmart with them again but everytime the employees see you, their is always 4 roudy men and a little boy following close behind you.
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