#it was mostly just commentary on them
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kmze · 11 months ago
Thoughts on 5x01 - 5x11 again SO MUCH FUN watching this half season. Does the plot make sense? Not really. Was it a compelling storyline? Not so much. Did I laugh a lot? YOU BETCHA! The thing with this season (at least this half) is you cannot take it seriously, it is the most this show has ever been "meta" because this was just episode after episode of laughing at the Triangle of Doom. I would say DE got it the worse but even SE got hits against it too. Stefan was mocked by having amnesia Stefan point out all his worst qualities. Damon was mocked relentlessly via his insecurity. Elena was mocked by being the flip flopper that she is. It was beautiful. Silas and Tessa were great as scorned lovers/enemies and I truly enjoyed the doppelgänger shenanigans. Amnesia Stefan you will always be famous! Of course there's bad stuff, like Bonnie's storyline and Jesse's treatment and sadly that's not surprising because Dries (racist) was in charge. I touch on all of this below!
LMFAO at Elena’s little shimmy
Damon is such a moron that is obviously not Stefan, when would Stefan ever say “Chateau Salvatore” thank god Jeremy could tell. Katherine too like when has Stefan EVER blatantly flirted with her like that, but Katherine was just thinking with her downstairs brain I understand.
Poor Caroline, but at least Jesse is smoking hot.
Random observation: last season the beginning of the season did not look like it was filmed in the summer like every other season and I've always kind of wondered why that is. I think I read somewhere that they continued filming the beginning of S4 when S3 ended and that's why you never get the summer attire in S4 like we do here again in S5.
Elena coughing up blood/water after kissing Stefan keeps happening and it’s so mean LMFAO
CRYING at the camera angle and lighting of “Stefan” seeing Elena and her getting all googly-eyed at him and then hanging up on Damon. Serves him right for not telling her! Silas causing problems with Delena almost instantly, amazing no notes.
Katherine shooting Silas YAS QUEEN
This scene LMFAO!!! The fact that they made thinking about Stefan be the thing that stops Elena from trying to kill Damon is just a hilariously mean thing to do to Damon!
Caroline’s face seeing Damon and Elena in what looks like some weird sex thing DEAD.
Paul does a good job of differentiating Silas from Ripper Stefan. They’re both evil of course but Silas has more calmness to him and more quips whereas Ripper Stefan is chaotic and mocking.
Lexi changed clothes on the other side so why can’t Bonnie!
Katherine and Silas are having way too much fun making Damon feel insecure about Stelena and I truly love it!
Stefan saying he didn’t want to turn his humanity off so he could be himself when he murdered Silas. Classic Stefan! Revenge is his biggest motivation in life I swear.
The doppelgänger curse (aka creating shadow selves every 100-ish years because of Silas and Amara) is good mythology, I thought it was a good reason to explain the existence of doppelgängers. But I also think it hurt some of the special-ness that Stelena had because it cheapens the fate part about it (and that’s before we find out it’s a literal spell pulling them together). Tessa saying she watched versions of S&E fall in love over and over the last 2000 years makes it feel like it’s predetermined destiny, which is a weakness against a ship IMO. It actually gives more power to Delena because having a love that conquers destiny is a great trope. I'm not even sure the writers meant to make this hurt SE at first because I don't think they like DE either. I know Dries was the showrunner this season and it's hard to understand what she likes when it comes to the triangle (her fav is Katherine that's all I understand about her). Everyone always thinks it's DE but LOL the person who wrote this season does NOT like DE I assure you. It would make sense she'd think this storyline is strong for SE on paper, but in tone it's not. It's like she cut her nose despite her face.
Delena being described by Tessa "like a soap opera, but boring and with no volume control" best description ever!
Silas saying his doppelgänger's face makes him wanna vomit THEY JUST KEEP GOING!
I like that they almost made you believe Damon was going to leave Stefan there lol, but even Damon isn't that selfish.
This season is just one big kinda mean commentary on the show and I love it LMFAO. I can see why it’s hated because it’s not really an intriguing plot as far as forward movement (I mean Silas' motivation is to die). But I'd be lying if I said the way it’s being used to mock and almost break the fourth wall isn't giving me so much joy. I guess I’d describe it as camp? Like Silas said messy but fun to watch.
Am!Stefan not remembering Elena’s name and the look on her face ADXSFXGGGKKHK (this episode makes me so incredibly petty)!
Again, Damon worst sober sponsor ever.
I’m sorry but Elena is cracking me up the way she is GLOWING at making Am!Stefan remember when he bumped into her. The way she spreads her fingers over his chest DEAD! Her excitement at molding her Stefan back together with only the pieces she wants... I have never seen her more alive!
"Whenever someone tells me I can’t do something I prove them wrong" her life’s motto!!!
Am!Stefan being like “I need time to process that I let my girlfriend drown” I KNOW RIGHT? It’s so crazy isn’t it you’re just like flabbergasted.
Sometimes this show just hits my narrative and this episode is it baby! Am!Stefan knowing Caroline’s full name (unlike Elena), that she’s his best friend and BLATANTLY flirting with her saying she’s much hotter in person (the way he totally checks her out a few times too) THAT'S THE STUFF. Then you’ve got Caroline being the only one who actually stops the ripper because she reminds Stefan who HE is, not who she is (because just to point out again she didn't have to because he studied her pictures and knew her instantly!!!) Damon and Elena on the other hand keep telling him who they are (which is a bunch of liars) and that’s why Stefan trusts her and not them. Their scene in the crypt is so nice too, it's one of the first times they get a scene like this with the hand holding, the comforting emphasis, and a beautiful shot on the bench. Plus Am!Stefan staring at Caroline's lips *swoon* you can really tell he has a crush on Caroline.
This Bonnie memorial is so infuriating I can't believe this Bonnie is dead for 8(!!!) episodes was a plot.
This shows racism towards black characters is really disgusting the more you become aware of it. I swear everytime a character is cast that’s going to get tortured or brutally murdered they are always black. Luka, Jonah, Aja, Connor and now Jesse. There’s no way it was a coincidence.
Nina’s physical comedy as human Katherine is just perfect!
The costumes Caroline picked ARE KILLING ME! First having her and Tyler as Bonnie and Clyde because they almost ran away together (and perhaps a part of her knows they’re doomed like B&C). Having Damon and Elena as Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn because she hates Damon and thinks he’s so bad for Elena he’ll get her head chopped off LMFAO. And then Stefan as JAMES FRIGGIN' DEAN can’t make this up, I know I keep saying this but amazing, no notes.
CTFU at Am!Stefan TOTALLY IGNORING Tyler when he asks Caroline to dance with him, like even with amnesia he knows he doesn’t fuck with Tyler. Am!Stefan’s face when he twirls her HE IS SO SMITTEN (and so is she if we’re being honest), James Dean daydream look indeed.
EL OH EL Silas trying to get Tessa to admit that she’s still in love with him. Honestly Silas your doppelgänger is way better at this, Stefan would have gotten that confession no sweat.
Poor Forwood but honestly I do think this makes sense and neither of them is really wrong, they are both acting like themselves. It makes sense Tyler can't just let Klaus walk away after what he did, and he especially can't deal with Klaus giving him permission to be with Caroline. Caroline on the other hand wants to move forward with her life and as far as she's concerned Klaus is out of sight out of mind. Caroline's also not a big revenge person, I don't think she's ever cared enough to enact revenge on someone (with humanity of course).
Amnesia or not Stefan will always be smarter than Damon.
For my own sanity I’m not even gonna pay attention to scenes talking about the cure and how it works because I’m STILL not over that bullshit in S8.
Silas again being the audience surrogate and pointing out how SUPER WEIRD it is that Defan keep falling in love with THE SAME FACE!
KATHOLINE TEAM-UP!! You know Caroline enjoyed slamming her against the wall after Katherine used her as her lackey in S2.
Crazy bitch kinda is Stefan’s type ASASCDHGHKKHH
God I love the Katholine team-up.
KATHERINE’S CHURCH HAIR!! I’m not even kidding I have tears in my eyes. This is the BEST! Omg Aaron is so much more smitten with Katherine than Elena, but like she’s absolutely adorable how could you not be!
Am!Stefan being like "I didn't think you deserved to be killed" translating to "I will always protect you Elena, memories or not" is an impressive delulu journey Elena has decided to take. She was acting like he was dead because he wanted to talk to Caroline and not her! Elena he has amnesia, he doesn't have the script anymore for the persona he's supposed to be performing.
Tessa was trying to do God’s work too getting Stefan to let go of Damon but he never learns!
Elena get out of your ex-boyfriend's bedroom JFC she’s so desperate.
Tessa kinda the best vindictive bitch ever! Janina Gavankar is also a beautiful and stunning woman who is just a pleasure to look at. But why was she so cold to Bonnie? Dries again I'm sure...
Elena's thought process about this speech she gives Stefan is something else... I just don't know what kind of delusional narcissist you have to be to think this was a good way to ask if someone is okay. Stefan absolutely looks done with her too lol. This is the season where Stefan's facade from the earlier season really starts to come down. He doesn't want to be the person in his journals anymore.
Oh look! Stefan not telling anyone he needs help, something new and different for him! /sarcasm
Matty Blue-Blue might be my favorite nickname ever used on this show and there’s a lot so that’s saying something!
I love how much Caroline embraced being a teacher for baby vamps! Makes her endgame even better!
Caroline is right why couldn’t Elena just snap his neck or just not stab him in the heart stab his back shoulder.
One thing about Stefan he has never seen a crazy bitch in danger that he didn’t want to save. I do really enjoy Steferine with human Katherine because it gave all the power to Stefan since she can’t physically hurt him anymore. It’s kind of like the scene in the series finale where Caroline comforts human Damon because he can’t hurt her anymore and she doesn't need to be afraid.
They really had to interrupt Bonnie’s first SEX SCENE EVER IN 5 FUCKING YEARS so she could scream in agony because the show killed another black character. Dries you will never see heaven!
Gee I don’t know Elena when is someone supposed to get over the fact that they were abused and raped by your fucking boyfriend. And you laughed about it with him! Never? I’m gonna go with never. And yes I realize it’s a bit hypocritical to enjoy Steferine and hate Daroline when they both have the same consent and rape issues. I fully admit Katherine is a rapist too. Stefan might be over it, Caroline is not and that's what matters to me.
I like that Katherine knew to ask Caroline for help knowing the other morons would be no good.
I know the answer is “plot reasons” but how did Damon not immediately recognize Whitmore when Elena started going to college there or even last year when he visited it?
Enzo… yeah *falls asleep*
Not to defend Stefan because I still think he’s an idiot for not seeing that Caroline had feelings for him. But he hears this whole conversation Caroline and Katherine are having where Katherine asks if they’ve slept together and Caroline is appalled like no absolutely not we are friends and I’m just saying! It makes sense why he never thought she did with scenes like this. Mostly because Stefan compartmentalizes people but that’s a topic for later this season. Katherine though bless her heart is not blind and can obviously tell these two feel a tingle for each other.
Not sure how intentional this was but I like the parallel back to the scene in 5x07 where Stefan said when the safe opened he wanted Damon and Elena to be the ones he saw. And now that he went back into the safe to get over his PTSD from that (and their betrayal) the person he sees when the safe opens up is Caroline.
Katherine’s exhilaration at sleeping with Stefan CTFU I can’t help it, she’s too much!
I love how little Elena is wearing essential what S1/2 Elena used to wear.
Feels like they just implied Grayson was testing if vampire blood could cure cancer. Would have been good to check on that next season folks!
Stefan starting off on the wrong foot with Enzo already LMFAO
Anytime they try and make Matt more relevant to a plot I instantly zone out from that plot. Case in point, I have no idea what is going on with the passengers and travelers and all I really know about Nadia is she’s Katherine’s daughter.
OMG Elena torched her Dad’s experiments! Important information what are you doing!?! I guess that’s why they don’t check next season.
Caroline throwing a breakup breakfast because Delena broke up is why she is my favorite character ever!
Stefan is so sanctimonious lol.
I like how they reminded me how awful Klaus is with the Katherine flashback before he has sex with Caroline. This show.
OMG Damon is insufferable! First his list of evil things Katherine did are all things HE did and now he's just torturing her because he's mad he broke up with Elena??? Can we just put him in the '94 prison world now I need him gone.
Stefan really switched from heartbroken to team Delena in like 3 episodes lol. I get it was the PTSD and we gotta speed stuff up but it did not take long. Another moment of "what are people talking about on Reddit" because they are always like "it took Stefan so long to move on from Elena" IT TOOK 3 EPISODES!
It's kind of amazing how many parallels and mirroring storylines Stefan and Caroline get with each other (these gifsets illustrate it well (x) (x)) but I really like how Steferine and Klaroline are used similarly for Stefan and Caroline in their journeys (these gifsets are great (x) (x)) and this season shows that a lot. Klaus and Katherine were both looking for love confessions from Caroline and Stefan respectively and while they sleep with their admirer/abuser they don't give them a love confession in return (because they don't love them). There's even the Klefan and Katholine connection as they are both used as their lackeys (Stefan in S3 and Caroline in S2) but then they also have a kind of understanding with each other. They both show pity for Katherine in this episode and they both felt remorse for betraying Klaus in 4x09. If this had actually been Katherine's death it was similar the Klaroline's ending on TO, with Caroline giving Klaus the date in NOLA and kissing him goodbye. Stefan sleeps with Katherine after she helped him through his PTSD, then he gives her peace with the memory before she dies (he thinks). Too bad the show had to RUIN that!
Look Stefan has his flaws (manipulative, enables Damon, can be a dick, serial killer) but one thing I love about him is he has a willingness to forgive the unforgivable. He didn't have to give Katherine peace after everything she had done but he did. I think it does come from a place of he believes everyone can be saved because he wants to believe he can be saved, but I also think he has a lot of empathy (at least for women).
The Katherine twist was great I will give them that, she's a survivor!
Lines that made me laugh:
Am!Stefan: I think I still need to be drunk to understand this story (REAL I chose edibles instead but YMMV)
Katherine: So are you part of the secret society? You know the "Society" (SHE KILLS ME)
Tyler: You're the hottest serial killer here (LMFAO the levels to this line are what makes me laugh the most)
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selfship-confession-box · 2 months ago
🍊⚙️ mod, I don't know if you've ever been told this but I love the little statements you leave in the tags occasionally. I really like selfship confession blogs that respond to things(which I completely understand can be a hard thing in general with so many asks, nonetheless ones that can be upsetting and it's not restricted to being just lighthearted confessions), but it's hard for me to find confession blogs that do that. One of the few that I did find that responded to things they didn't even respond, they'd respond with things like "this is irrelevant to the ask but I am so tired today" and it bugged me a little cause like... why respond at all then?? I'm not throwing shade or anything to the blogger, it's just like opening a little goody bag to me to see what you've typed in the tags.
Anon you have no idea how happy this makes me (the way I IMMEDIATELY went to fawn over it to the other mods helpp hehee)
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I was a bit nervous about it at first, actually, since it seems like I do it for every post I queue, but after seeing how positively people have responded to it so far, I'm like. Whehawhew!!! y'know?! <3
Consequence of being, and I quote in my very own words from (probably earlier than) Sept. 23rd, "unapologetically A Yapper" <3
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honeycreammilkshake · 6 months ago
i wonder if, in another world where sukuna had said yes and yuuji did take blobkuna back with him, they would watch movies together.
sukuna criticizes all of them and seems to be into only the mindless slasher or horror ones (the gorier the better) but one day yuuji puts on something more serious. sukuna complains the whole time as he sits in yuuji's cupped hands, but then the brat stops arguing with him suddenly and goes quiet during the sad part of the film.
it's not the film that moves sukuna. he didn't even bother to pay attention enough to really know what's going on. but for some reason, when yuuji starts crying, hot tears that drip right down on sukuna, the former king of curses can't look away and he doesn't realize until much later that his own eye is wet as well.
he denies it. he makes fun of yuuji for crying. maybe he even licks yuuji's tears off his wrist just to be gross and rile him up. but he can't stop thinking about how close he felt to yuuji in that one moment, almost like they were sharing bodies again, and maybe he would like to go back to living inside of yuuji. if only to make him cry instead of the movie doing it. or maybe he just likes feeling yuuji's emotions. maybe being inside of yuuji is the closest he can come to feeling those emotions for himself. because maybe it's not such a weakness after all.
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inhidingxoxo3637 · 10 months ago
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synoicus · 2 years ago
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A once magnanimous guardian spirit, burdened by the people to bear the weight of two suns.
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months ago
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Various images of things
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1. PIBBINS.... cheering clapping hooting hollering glorious applause everytime I see a pigeon in public#2. Birthday card that I drew for someone. .. kittys...#3. 2023's annual haul of tiny white pumpkins.. i get at least one white pumpkin every year around fall when they have pumpkins in stores#because I just love the color and texture ... bright white and smooth and cold and round.. kind of like a volleyball or something#4. A brief adventure into watching big brother (only earlier seasons of course as I hate all reality shows post like 2013 or something when#they became overly focused on social media and overproduced memeable phrases more.. like even though ALL reality shows have always#been extremely fake and annoying and mindless it's like..... newer stuff seems A Different Kind Of Fake or something) since whenever#I'm sick sometimes I find weird mindless things like that to watch (that one time I had bronchitis I watched all of Flavor of Love in my#half awake illness stupor and now everytime I heat up canned minestrone soup (mostly all I ate that week) I think of flavor flav since#thats just a weird brain connection I have now lol) ANYWAY.. I was sick and watched like 2 seasons of this and then thought it was too#uninteresting and obnoxious to continue (more like 1 and a half since I skipped the rest of one once only boring people were left) BUT this#one guy had a very mischevious looking face and he also said a few things (like the above captioned speech) that sounded like dialogue#some fantasy character would say.. so I took a screencap of him and edited him into a mischevious wizard i guess.?? idk I was sick lol#~your little friend has a poisoned tongue~ is just a very unexpectedly serious sounding wording for some random normal#frat dude looking guy to say while casually chatting on a reality tv show in like 2008 or whenever that was filmed lol#5. FLUFFY CLOVERS!! I'd never seen them be furry and soft before?? inchresting..#6. Noodle sitting in bed with the cat figurines looming above him... the council of kittys...#7. McDonald's full breakfast platter + asparagus + strawberries & cream (also of course this is old and I am now boycotting mcdonalds etc)#i try to group the images somewhat consistently like.. winter stuff with winter stuff or summer stuff with summer stuff#but I have so many random pictrues floating around on my computer that I never post that sometimes some are not organized or just#thrown into a set because there's nowhere else for them. Like the pigeon picture is from like 3 years ago for example lol#8 & 9 - I think I've posted these before but I just find them very interesting looking flowers. whenever they happen to be blooming#I'll pick up a few when I'm out on walks or etc. ... poof ball looking things#photo diary
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put-them-thangs-away · 24 days ago
lmao i see we have unearthed the kpts spongebob meme again,,,,,,, how we doin vegaspete nation
(bad, i’m guessing)
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firestorm09890 · 4 months ago
so sad when someone is a very funny person but has terrible opinions on your favorite media and/or characters. get well soon 😔
#this post is about the kh character popularity poll...#i skimmed through it just to see the results and intended to listen to the commentary later but. i dont think i can man#i caught the entirety of skuld's section... yeagh#i stopped joining the streams ages ago bc of how constantly lexaeus and vexen were used as the butt of jokes about bad/unlikable charas#and it was starting to bug me but like. that's lexaeus. no one has good takes about him because no one reads the supplemental material-#that being the character file and the days secret report- where 60% of his personality “depth” comes from#people with bad takes on him are a compromise I can make. but do not slander the good name of skuld or union cross#okay to be fair he mostly just said she has no personality and is easily replaceable but the joke of saying her name and then skipping to#the next person on the list and then going back saying “alright fine I'll talk about skuld” didn't feel great#HER PERSONALITY SECTION ON KHWIKI IS EMPTY BECAUSE NO ONE EDITING IT KNOWS KHUX CHARACTERS!!! my telekinesis throws everything aroundtheroo#pretty sure this was his take about most mobile game characters. i probably like them so much because theres something in the water here#zero understanding about why anyone voted for baldr... this also happened with data sora#anway it's 1:30 in the morning#appreciation for serious characters who bring hardworking vibes to the table that everyone calls boring. putting axel in a glue trap.#goodnight#bluejay chirpin
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stillness-in-green · 2 years ago
Chapter Thoughts — Chapter 390: Todoroki Shouto Rising
O  I wonder if the busted pipes mean Iida’s going to have to go back out to the woods to pull them out so he can grow in a new set?  Yowch.
O  It's really odd to credit this moment to All Might’s chops as a teacher?  Like, I’m hardly the world’s foremost expert on the 1-A kids, but the absolute most I remember All Might doing for Shouto is being an encouraging presence, and for Iida, rather less than that.  Iida’s faster pipes are a result of his family’s knowledge; Shouto’s Phosphor is, as best I recall, largely his own invention.  At most, we might say he went to Endeavor for help getting his fire on par with his ice, maybe as preparation for this very move.  But All Might?  All Might’s Deku’s teacher; in fact, he’s so little focused on the rest of the kids that he wholeheartedly pulls in three of them to teach their moves to Deku with no thought at all given to Deku or himself teaching them anything in return.
All Might’s big advancement in teaching circa the one-hundred-chapter mark was not giving Deku easy answers, but rather giving him a hint*; it took remembering one of Gran Torino’s lines and a visit to the Support Course lab for Deku to figure out that answer.  And maybe I’m just forgetting something, but I don’t remember All Might doing much after that on the teaching front?  Certainly not that actually got extended to Shouto and Iida!
And sure, maybe this is just Tsukauchi being ignorant, but like, credit where credit is due, and while All Might is the one that had the confidence in Shouto and Iida to do what they just did, he damn sure isn’t the one who taught it to them.  Hell, given that he specifically instructed them to go after Dabi, it’s not even in keeping with his aforementioned teaching breakthrough: giving a student a problem and then stepping back and letting them solve it themselves.  Partial credit at best.
O  Sorry, gang, but I just have virtually nothing to say about the big centerpiece.  I appreciate that Dabi’s got at least a semblance of his mind back.  I like Natsuo’s open acknowledgement that the way ahead is choked with thorns.  I have a thin ghost of emotion for Dabi’s hopeless whispers of hatred and Endeavor encouraging him to keep going, because certainly the silence and refusal to grapple with their problems head-on was a huge part of the family’s damage.
All of this, however, is hobbled by the lack of agency in the family choosing this outcome, as opposed to being pushed to it at every turn by outside forces.  Dabi only gets to have a whisper of coherence at the very end, instead of in the middle of the fight when it would have made him more of a challenge to deal with.  Natsuo nods to what should be a fascinating story of the family having to pull together to save Touya (and with him the family's precarious path to recovery) from the future in store for him, but we’re already in the endgame, so I already know we’re not going to get to see more than a hint or two about that fascinating story.
And, of course, the family continued refusing to actively grapple with their problems until the last possible second, only getting here thanks to the plot handing them a load of conveniences, contrivances and work from outside actors that their own actions up to now failed to earn.
I want to care about this, but god, It all just feels like Too Little Too Late.
O  I do very much like that closing image of the Todoroki family alone at the center of the ice, only them and their family issues together in that field of desolate white, but at least all together at last. It's super evocative and visually powerful.
I would also very much like it if they would stay there for a while.
O  GOOD LUCK, TOGA.  So far you’re the only one League member who’s been in control of yourself mentally for this whole fight, and I would really, really like it if you could hang onto that.
* Note that he immediately walks over to Kirishima and gives him very concrete advice about just breaking through like a bulldozer, not any kind of “hint” at all.  All Might’s gotta save his ‘A’ material for his protégé, I guess.
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icharchivist · 5 months ago
one of my controversial take about DA is that, independently to whether i like him or not in DAO or the books, Loghain is literally the best Warden companion you can have to play HLTA.
I'm sorry but Hawke hitting him with "you just can't imagine a world without the wardens even though it's probably what we need" and seeing Loghain firmly defend the Wardens because "i betrayed the order once and it cost me everything -- i won't do it ever again" is the most emotional draw you could have in HLTA compared to Stroud and Alistair's unwavering faith in the Wardens.
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trans-axolotl · 2 years ago
so hot out. fainted twice already today! chugged a gatorade. trying to do things but i think the rest of the day will be for lying on the floor. trying not to get lost in my brain but this place is full of ghosts and i am haunted. just going to hold. until i leave tomorrow night.
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djsangos · 9 months ago
//'wait if they're sitting on a couch in that picture where's the rest of the couch'
they're sitting on the arm because it makes them look taller and they also think it's cooler even if you can't fucking see the arm of the couch in the image lmao
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ssaalexblake · 2 years ago
And side note, people always leave arachnids in the UK off the list of environmentally themed episodes and like, the illegal disposal of waste because of a greedy capitalist causing unpredicted harm to the local working class residents and local wildlife is absolutely an episode that falls under the umbrella of environmental and capitalism commentary.
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wernerherzogs · 1 year ago
bear in mind i've never seen yellowstone when i say this but, seeing your tag post about the reason for jamie's family dynamics and how its bad writing is extremely funny to me because that is exactly what happened to my best friend dean winchester 😂
*takes a long drag of a cigarette* dean winchester..... now that's a name i haven't heard in a while
#scream no anon you're actually onto something#there are - surprisingly or not - many similarities between the shows#mostly shitty fathers/complicated family dynamics/toxic masculinity#with jamie in particular i get so frustrated because the main reason why (slight spoilers but i don't think anyone watches this ajdjjd) his#sister hates him so much and why his father is extra critical of him gets revealed in the middle of season THREE#until then nothing he does warrants that level of hatred tbh#and when those reasons get revealed girl (gn) the writing was just SO LAZY when it comes to that!!!!! SO LAZY#and don't get me wrong jamie's not a crystal clear fellow and some of beth's (his sister) commentary on him is On Point#but when i discovered the origins of her/jamie's father's contempt towards him i was furious 😭#GUESS I'M GONNA SUPPORT JAMIE'S WRONGS FOREVER THEN !#truly few things piss me off more in shows/films than lazy writing/shock factor writing. fuck off#ANYWAY. just remember another shared characteristic between spn and yellowstone: characters brush off killing people SO easily lmao#well. most of them anyway#also the quote: 'there are monsters everywhere in this world. so we just have to make sure we kill them when we find them' is shockingly#NOT from spn lmao.#anonymous#a response#yellowstone spoilers#IF ANYONE CARES#yellowstone lb#ish#also am not fixing the typos i'm sorry. i see them but i ain't retyping all that#TL;DR BE MORE CREATIVE WHEN CREATING CONFLICT WRITERS OF THIS WORLD
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linklethehistorian · 2 years ago
I would just like everyone to know that after sitting around feeling too sick to do anything except just…watch stuff all day, due to extremely poor life choices, I will probably be bringing forth a review of something absolutely no one wanted nor needed within the….vaguely upcoming few days or weeks or months.
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epicrox · 2 years ago
I seriously thought this is the first drama I will watch without being exposed to spoilers but alas everyone is 10 episodes ahead of me. I'm now scared to click on the till the end of the moon tag. Also youku's YouTube channel keeps posting clips about later episodes.
I haven't even watched ep 6 yet but apparently they're both in a dream world getting married again?! And Bai Lu turned into a demon I think. I got that just by reading the video titles. I mostly swipe past them without looking twice now.
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