clementine-side-blog · 20 hours
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Controversial opinion:
(If any swifties attack me I will tell your mothers and report you to the FBI)
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Go donate if you can! Any amount is a good amount! <3
Please save my child who needs surgery because of the white phosphorus smell in the war on the Gaza Strip.
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How are you ? Can you help me save my life and my children from the genocidal war and the threat of death that haunts us every minute? Let us survive to safety. If you are able, donate, publish the link, and share with friends
Thank you
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^ verified by 90-ghost! Safa'a has €1,769 raised out of a €50,000 goal. Please share and donate if you can to save her and her family's lives 💕
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who want me i got paul dano fanart
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Not All Who Wander Are Lost - E.N
Summary: Y/n and Edward have a heart to heart talk on a warm summer night. Takes place in season 1.
Content warning: None? EXTREMELY short but sweet, GN reader.
Song for Inspo:
Not All Who Wander Are Lost - Lana Del Rey
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"Edward, do you ever think about the future?" Y/n asked, looking out over the backyard of their house.
He nodded, looking at them out of the corner of his eye.
"Yeah, sometimes. What about the future though?"
"Well, I mean our future. I think about it a lot. I worry that we'll end up separating." Y/n sighed, looking down.
Edward's eyes widened, placing a hand over theirs. He rubbed over their knuckles with his thumb.
"Oh, y/n, that will never happen. I can't even see a future that doesn't have you in it!"
He was baffled that y/n even thought of such things.
"You can't?" They asked, tears welling up in their eyes.
Reaching out, Edward turned their chin so they looked at him. His eyes were full of love behind the glasses that framed his face so perfectly. Y/n smiled, unable to resist it when they looked at their boyfriend.
"Of course I can't. You make me so happy y/n, why would I ever leave you?" He chuckled, planting a kiss on their head.
"You're so sweet, Ed. But, I just can't help but worry. I feel a little lost. Like I'm wandering around all over the place. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing with my life, like I'm stringing you along with me." They frowned.
Edward couldn't help but grin.
"That's totally normal, hun. I'm still figuring out what I want to do with my life, and I have a job. I don't think anyone truly knows what they are doing. We all sort of wander around, until we stumble across something worth living for."
Y/n nodded, listening to every word their boyfriend said. He always had a way with words, capturing your attention with them. Everything he said sounded like it was straight out of a poem. And y/n loved it.
"Not all those who wander are lost, y/n. You've found your place in life, you just don't believe it. You feel like you have more to do in life, like you're never truly able to relax and be happy. I've noticed that in you." He cooed.
"Yeah, you're right. It's just hard to settle down." They said.
"Well, I'll try to make the process easier for you, darling. I'll be here for you, through thick and thin." He reassured.
"I love you, Ed."
"I love you too, y/n."
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Vera Lee - E.N
Summary: Upon the suicide of a former GCPD employee, Edward mourns her loss. It throws him into a spiral.
Content warning: Mentions of suicide, thoughts of suicide, guilt, heartbreak, ED mention, depression, angst, this is honestly extremely sad :(
Word count: 1.8k
Song for Inspo:
Vera Lee - Insane Clown Posse
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"Now it's too late, and every night I hear her in my head."
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'I was never nothing popular and neither was she.'
'She was kind though, always had a smile for me.'
Edward walked into the GCPD, hair gelled back as per usual. The rain outside trickled down the gothic windows of the building, the sound becoming a soothing background noise. His shoes clicked against the floor, weaving through the hustle and bustle of the bullpen. Edward waved at some detectives, getting nothing but a side glance from them. He put his hand away, feeling sheepish. He walked down the hallway quickly, wanting to get out of the bullpen as fast as possible.
'I never thought much about her, didn't see her that way.'
'And she was always out sick, missin' every other day.'
"Hi, Ed..." A voice said.
Edward turned around, looking at the person behind him. He looked down at the frail young woman in front of him. A soft pink barrette pined a small bit of her bangs back. It was Y/n L/n. It was very rare for them to show up to work, always doing paperwork from home and sending it via proxy. No one truly knew why.
'Now that I think about it, we was always sayin' "Hello".'
'I always figured cause we were both people alone.'
"Hello." He replied.
The woman smiled softly, looking back to the ground as she walked past him and into the Records Annex. He continued back onto his path to the forensics lab, getting ready to dive straight into work.
'I hardly knew her at all, she sat behind me in some classes.'
'What was really going on behind those glasses?'
'When I heard she passed away, I must admit I was sad.'
''Cause of all the mean faces, hers was sweet and always glad.'
The next day at work, Edward walked in once again, going on his usual route. However, when he walked in, he felt an uneasy feeling. Looking around, he noticed a lot of detectives, cops, and records workers talking with each other. The air felt somber and dreadful. Jim looked away from Harvey, gesturing to Ed. The both of them walked over, glancing at each other.
"Morning detectives, what's the matter? Did something happen?" He asked.
"Um, yeah. Y/n from records...committed suicide. She stayed late last night, used some rope from evidence. We found her in the stairwell..." He mumbled.
Edward's eyes widened, he felt a chill go up his spine. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he glanced at the door to the stairs. He looked away, clearing his throat.
"That's a-awful...you just found her?" He asked.
"Yeah, she's still in there. Some men are cutting her down right now." Harvey sighed.
"Did you know her well?" Jim asked.
'I hardly knew her for nothin', I only knew she was cool.'
'A quiet soul, fragile, slipping through the hallways at work.'
"Um, n-no. We only said hi a few times." He replied.
"That's strange then, everyone said you were the only one she talked to. I guess she wasn't that talkative." Jim said.
Edward shook his head, walking towards the stairwell. He gulped, opening it up slowly. He peeked in, eyes widening and gut churning as he saw her body being put into a body bag. The rope still hung from the ceiling. Out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw her standing. He closed the door quickly, shivering as he felt a breeze against his neck. Edward thought he heard his name being called by her, causing him to walk quickly to the forensics lab.
'And now that she's gone, I can hear her crying my name.'
'Although it doesn't make sense to think about, it's insane.'
He swallowed a lump in his throat, shakily running a hand through his hair. Edward sat down at his desk, propping his elbows up as his breathing quickened in pace. Goosebumps prickled all over his body, even with his warm winter coat on. Once his breathing calmed down, he slumped back in his chair, looking up towards the ceiling.
"Oh God..." He mumbled.
Standing back up, he walked over to the examination table. He was still shaken up from seeing her body. Edward had no idea why he insisted on seeing her, he knew that it would make him uneasy. But, he still did it anyways. He groaned, gripping the ends of the table. Glancing to his desk again, a glint caught his eyes. Walking back over, he looked at the source, an object on his desk. His eyes widened when he saw it, a pit forming in his stomach.
"Her barrette..." He trailed, picking up the pink hair clip.
'But what if I was something special to her 'cause I said "Hi"?'
'What if she would always dream about if I was her guy?'
Edward felt his knees give out, gripping onto the desk. He felt his throat close. His eyes twitched, anxiety filling his body. Quickly, he walked out of the room, carrying the barrette with him. He frantically looked around for Jim Gordon. His breathing had picked up again, his face flushed as he passed the stairwell again. Once his eyes landed on the detective, he rushed over. Jim raised an eyebrow, looking up and down at Ed.
"D-Detective. I found this on my desk..." He panted.
Jim looked at the barrette and looked back at Ed, obviously confused. Harvey stood up from his seat, walking over to join the two of them.
"I-It's y/n's barrette. I th-think she left it on my desk..." He said.
"Why would she do that?" Harvey asked.
'And what if those "Hello"s that we shared went a long way?'
'What if she felt for me, like, in a strong way?'
'What if she was ill but always tried to make it in?'
'Just to see me in the halls and share our "Hello"s again?'
Jim looked at Ed, his face falling as he thought about it. Edward dropped the barrette, his hands running through is hair. Jim picked up the hair clip, handing it back to Edward. He shakily took it, sliding it into the pocket of his jacket. Jim placed a hand on Edward's shoulder, which made Harvey catch on to what was going on. He sighed deeply, shaking his head and sitting back down.
"You don't think she...did she?" Edward choked out.
Jim looked to the ground, shrugging.
"I-I'm not sure, Ed. I can't think of another reason she would leave it on your desk..." He said.
"Oh God..." Edward mumbled.
"Hey, don't blame yourself for this, Ed. You are not to blame." Jim ordered sternly.
"Yeah, Ed. Don't do that to yourself." Harvey added.
'Why is Y/n L/n, haunting me, here with me?'
'Y/n L/n watching me carefully...'
'Is she callin' out to me?'
'To me!'
Edward shook his head, turning around quickly and walking through the bullpen. He felt like everyone was looking at him, guilt flooding his body. He felt cold and uneasy. His eyes widened as he saw a gurney pull out of the stairwell, carrying y/n's lifeless body. His vision got blurry, seeing y/n walk out of the doorway of the stairs. He gasped, rubbing his eyes roughly and blinking hard.
For the rest of the day, Edward worked, albeit distractedly. He was eager for the day to end, wanting to go home as soon as possible. Once his shift ended, he left the GCPD without saying anything to anyone. He got in his car and drove home, immediately getting ready for bed. His head hit his pillow as he stared at the ceiling and held the barrette in his hand. He lifted it up, looking at it.
'She was pale, and looked so ill and so frail.'
Edward remembered how she looked, skinny and tired all of the time. Y/n always had bags under her eyes, dark circles against pale skin. He began to think about why she looked like that. He groaned, holding his head in his hands as he thought of her having an eating disorder. Sitting up from bed, he tugged at his hair.
'Maybe she looked at my life, and how it's so stale.'
'And thought "We're both outcast, maybe we could have each other?"'
'It flew right over my head, I never even bothered.'
Edward rocked back and forth, barrette gripped tightly in his hand. His knuckles turned white as he mumbled to himself. His hair was rustled, messy and knotted from tugging and messing with it all day. He breathed shakily, groaning once again.
"Oh God, what if she wanted me to say something to her? I never even thought about it. What if she was hoping I would talk to her more?" He cried softly.
'Now it's too late, and every night I hear her in my head.'
'Begging me to join her with the dead, man.'
'To think about it's so strange, I hear her singin' my name!'
'Y/n L/n is hauntin' my brain! I hear her in the rain!'
Edward shook his head, getting up out of bed and closing the curtains of his bedroom. He sobbed, mumbling to himself over and over again. His body prickled with goosebumps again, his entire body shivering.
'Edward, I love you...'
He cried out, holding the barrette close to his heart. He fell down to his knees, his tears falling down and staining his white shirt. His glasses were sliding down his nose, causing him to push them back up. He pulled his knees to his chest, burying his face in his legs.
"I didn't know! Wh-why did you do this?!" He asked between sobs.
'I love you, Edward...'
"I know that now! But, I didn't then! And I'm sorry!" He cried out, tears streaming down his face.
'Y/n L/n haunting me, here with me.'
'Y/n L/n watching me carefully.'
Edward sobbed into his legs, the rain trickling down his windows. Each drop sounded like y/n crying his name. He could feel his brain get fuzzy, his sobs making his head hurt even more. Groaning, he covered his ears with his hands.
"I'm s-sorry, I wish I would have know. I w-would have done something. Please, leave me alone! I would have loved you too, but I didn't know! Please!" He pleaded.
He rocked back and forth, mumbling 'I'm sorry' over and over again to himself. The rain continued to pour down and turned into a depressing white noise. It was like a static in his brain that made him numb. His eyes were cloudy with tears and the barrette in his hand had left an indent in his skin from clenching it so tightly. Y/n's voice left eventually, but Edward's guilt did not. He would continue to feel like this for a while, keeping her barrette for the rest of his life. Over time, his guilt melted away. But, his love for y/n grew stronger every day. Deep down, he hoped that she was happier where she was now. And, he would do his best to keep her memory alive in his heart always.
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Sick - E.N
Summary: Y/n gets extremely sick and she had planned to go out and get stuff to make her feel better. But, she got too nauseous and isn't able to go out. Edward, being a good boyfriend, goes out and gets those things for her. (short but cute <3)
Content warning: Vomit, explicit language, sexual themes, Edward being a paranoid boyfriend, GN reader, they/them pronouns, Edward gets some anxiety in public.
Word Count: 1.9k
Songs for Inspo:
Put Your Head On My Shoulder - Paul Anka
Show Me How - Men I Trust
Heart To Heart - Mac DeMarco
Choking On Flowers - Fox Academy
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac (i love Fleetwood Mac <3)
Call It Fate, Call It Karma - The Strokes
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"Why wouldn't I be sweet to you, angel?"
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Y/n rested on the couch, a fluffy blanket covering their body as they shivered. In the morning, they were supposed to go to work. But, when they woke up they felt like death itself. Edward had already gone to work since he got up earlier then them, so it left them alone. They had called out of work and spent the entire day watching Courage The Cowardly Dog on the tv on the couch. Y/n loved the old Cartoon Network shows.
'jingle jingle'
They didn't even bother to move their body as they heard Edward's keys, scared that they might throw up if they did. The door opened and y/n's boyfriend walked in, placing the keys in the bowl next to the door. Hanging up his coat, he turned around and gasped quickly, holding a hand to his heart.
"Jiminy Christmas! Y/n, you scared me!" He groaned, running a hand through his slightly curly hair.
Y/n raised their hand up, waving at him without looking. They mumbled something under their breath. Edward raised an eyebrow, walking over to them. Looking down at the floor, he mouth an 'oh' as he saw a trash can lined with a bag, vomit covering the bottom of the bag. Tissues were piled up in a plastic grocery store bag as well. Y/n's nose was red, dark circles under their eyes, skin flushed. He bent down, to meet eye line with his partner. They groaned, rolling over to face away from him.
"'M sick..." they mumbled against the couch cushion.
He nodded, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Sighing, he grabbed the bag full of tissues and tied it up. Walking to the trashcan in the kitchen, he disposed of it. Y/n coughed, covering it up with their elbow. Edward frowned as he grabbed another plastic grocery bag from the pantry and brought it to the couch.
"Do you know how you got this sick, angel? Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked, sitting on the floor with his back against the couch.
"No, it's ok..." They mumbled.
"No, it's not. Here, let me check your temperature. Ok?" He asked.
Even though Edward had a thermometer in the apartment, he had gotten used to taking temps at his job. At this point, he could tell someone's temperature using the back of his hand. Brushing y/n's hair back slightly, he placed the back of his hand against their forehead.
"Oh dear, you're burning up. Are you sure you don't need anything?" He asked again.
"Maybe some crackers and ginger ale..." They weakly responded.
(a/n: I have IBS and these two things are perfect for when you are sick. If you have an upset stomach/are sick, I highly recommend you eat saltine crackers and drink ginger ale. The ginger will soothe your stomach and the crackers will help with filling your hunger but not being too heavy on your stomach. <3 hope you all are happy and healthy right now)
Edward nodded, rubbing their back. He stood up, walking back towards the front door. Putting his coat on, he grabbed his keys and opened the door. He looked back at y/n, frowning.
"I'll call you when I get to the store, ok? That way if you remember anything else you need you can tell me. Keep your phone near you, hun. I'll be back soon." He said.
Edward pulled up to the grocery store, finding a parking spot relatively close to the entrance. Getting out of his car, he locked it, double checking just in case. He shivered in the cold winter air, wondering if y/n got sick from the cold. After his chill left, he grabbed his phone and pulled up y/n's contact. As it rang, Edward walked into the entrance of the store, sighing happily when the gust of warm air hit his face. A rustling on the end of the other call signaled to Ed that y/n had answered.
"E-Eddie...?" Y/n asked, voice cracking.
"Oh darling, your poor throat probably hurts. I didn't think about that. You should just text me what you need." He mentally facepalmed himself.
"N-No, I wanna stay on call with you. I'm lonely."
"Y/n y-, ok fine, just try to talk as soft as you can."
Edward walked down the aisles, trying to find the one with the drinks. He got a little spun around, but he found the correct aisle eventually. His shoes clicked against the floor as he looked over the sodas. Smiling, he reached out and grabbed a bottle of ginger ale.
"Alright angel, you wanted crackers right?"
"Ok, let's see. Crackers, crackers, crackers, where are th-..."
Edward got silent.
"Eddie?" Y/n asked.
"Sorry, this lady looked at me weird because I was saying crackers over and over again." He muttered, slightly embarrassed.
Y/n laughed softly, coughing as it slowly started to hurt. They wheezed, coughing away from the phone and into their elbow. Edward chuckled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Stop laughing, y/n!"
"S-Stop being funny!" They retorted.
After a minute or so, Edward made his way towards the chips and snacks aisle. He groaned quietly, voice shaking as he walked past a few people. Y/n knew that Edward didn't like going to grocery stores or malls because of the amount of people. If he was at work he was fine, but any other setting made him uncomfortable. This is y/n was hesitant to even ask for anything in the first place.
"Yo-You're doing great, babe." Y/n reassured
Edward smiled softly, feeling a wave of comfort wash over him. It was true that crowded places made him anxious. Usually, y/n would go with him to the mall and stores. Neither of them liked going alone, so together they were able to comfort each other and have fun. And even though they weren't here, Edward felt better with y/n being on the phone with him.
"Thanks, y/n."
Quickly, Edward grabbed the box of crackers and tucked it underneath his arm. He looked like a mom with 3 kids. He held his phone up to his ear with his shoulder, propping it up against him. The bottle of ginger ale was gripped tightly in his other hand. Pieces of hair had fallen down in his face.
"Ok sweetie, I got everything. I'm pretty sure we have cold medicine in the medicine cabinet as well. So, I'm going to hang up, ok? I'll be home soon."
"Ok, bye Ed-Eddie, I love you..." They said breathily.
"I love you too, angel. Bye bye!" He said.
Grabbing the phone he pressed 'end call' and tucked it back in his pocket. Hurriedly, he walked over to the self-checkout, not having the social battery to make conversation with a cashier. He scanned the two items, swiping them over the red laser that read the barcodes. Deciding he didn't need a bag, he selected 'no bags' and inserted his debit card into the card reader. With a quick punch of his pin number he put his card back into his wallet and took the receipt. Putting his wallet and the receipt into his pocket, he grabbed his purchases and walked back outside. He unlocked the car and placed the drink and box of crackers in the passenger seat before he drove back to the apartment.
The door to the couples apartment opened, Edward walking in. He dropped his keys into the bowl next to the door. Kicking his shoes off, he groaned, the cold from outside still nipping at his ears and nose. He looked towards y/n who was in the same spot they were earlier.
"Hey angel, let me get you some medicine." He said.
"Hi Ed..." They mumbled.
Edward placed the bottle of ginger ale on the kitchen counter, dropping the crackers right next to it. Taking his coat off, he walked back to the front door and hung it on the coat rack. He placed his hands on the small of his back, grunting as he stretched out his back.
"What have you been doing since I've been gone?" He asked, curiously as he opened up the medicine cabinet.
"Just watching Courage, you remember that show?" They asked softly, pointing at the tv.
"Hm? Oh, wait, yeah I do. I liked that show a lot." He replied.
Edward grabbed a bottle of cough medicine, reading the instructions on the back of it. He narrowed his eyes at the words, confused as to why they always made the print so small. Once he got the proper dosage amount, he walked over to y/n. He gestured for them to sit up more. They groaned but did as he suggested. When there was room, he sat next to them.
"Alright, you need to, uh...ok yeah, you need to take a capful of this." He said, pouring the liquid into the provided measuring cap it came with.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, nose crinkling up in disgust. Edward looked at them, shrugging.
"What flavor is it?" They asked.
"Um...orange?" He said.
"Oh what the actual fuck?! Orange? That's the worst flavor you can make medicine." They groaned.
"Yeah, that sucks." He said, wincing when he saw the flavor.
"Grape is the best flavor for medicine." Y/n stated.
"Yep, grape is definitely the best, uh huh, now shush and drink this." He said quickly, trying to open their mouth.
"Hey! Hands off you cretin!" They hissed.
"Look, just plug your nose. You won't taste it as much. You can drink some of this water afterwards." He said, pointing to the water bottle on the coffee table.
"Ugh, fine." They groaned.
Edward gave them the capful of liquid, watching them plug their nose. Hesitantly, they gulped down the medicine in one swig. Ed grabbed the cap from them. Gagging, y/n stuck their tongue out and grabbed their water. Taking a huge sip, they swallowed and screwed the lid back on.
"See, that wasn't so bad! Let me go put this back up." He smiled.
Y/n smacked their lips, the foul taste still lingering in their mouth. Shivering, they pulled the blanket up around their neck. Edward rinsed the cap out before putting it back on top of the bottles lid. Putting it back into the medicine cabinet, he grabbed a bag of cough drops before closing the cabinet door.
"Catch! Make sure you take one right now." He said.
Y/n turned around, reaching up and grabbing the bag. Looking at it, they smiled when they saw the flavor of the cough drops. They opened it up, taking one drop out and unwrapping it. The set the bag on the coffee table as they popped the lemon cough drop in their mouth.
"Do you want some crackers and ginger ale?" Edward asked.
"Um, maybe some crackers. I'm ok with water for now." They replied.
Edward took a sleeve of crackers, opening it up and placing a good handful of them in a small bowl. Walking back over to the couch, he sat next to y/n. He handed them the bowl, wrapping an arm around their shoulders. Y/n shook their head.
"You're gonna get sick!" They said.
"I'll be fine. If I get sick, it's no big deal. I'm due for a few days off at work anyways." He smiled.
"Oh Ed, you're too sweet..."
He leaned down, placing a kiss on the top of their head. Y/n smiled, resting their head against his shoulder. Edward sighed happily, rubbing their arm with his hand.
"Why wouldn't I be sweet to you, angel?"
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Let The Light In - E.N
Summary: Y/n and Edward celebrate their 5 year anniversary. Edward has a little secret up his sleeve. (Song fic)
Content Warning: Tooth-rotting fluff, adorableness, lovey-dovey romance. This is honestly so beautiful. Short but sweet.
Word Count: 1.2k
Song for Inspo:
Let The Light In - Lana Del Rey and Father John Misty (we salute Lana I love my mother so much)
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"Y/n, I have loved you since the very day I saw you..."
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"Ed, why do I need to keep my eyes closed? I might run into something!" Y/n giggled.
"It's a surprise! Just a few more steps!" He said.
"We already went out to get dinner, went to a movie, and a stroll through the park! What else do you have planned?"
"Shhh! Ok, open your eyes!"
Y/n removed her hands from over her eyes, her mouth agape as she looked around. The full moon shone down on the pond before her, casting a reflection in the ripples that looked like it was straight from an oil painting. As she recognized more features, she turned around, her eyes widening as she saw the cabin behind her. Fairy lights were strung up on the porch, the roof overgrown with ivy and sprinkled with moss. Clovers and flowers littered the grass around them. She looked back towards Edward, covering her mouth with her hands.
"Oh my God, Edward! Our first anniversary?!" She exclaimed.
He nodded.
"I remember when we visited this cabin. You always loved being out in nature. You were so surprised when I bought the property, even though it was dirt cheap, but you saw value in it. And that made me see value in it."
She smiled.
"I never took you as the handyman type but, you got to work and fixed up the cabin so fast. You had so many splinters after that." She giggled.
"I figured we could visit the cabin again."
"It looks beautiful, Edward. It's...breathtaking. You even lit candles!"
He grabbed her hand, taking it in his as he looked into her eyes for a second. Leading her gently, he brought her up to the porch which was pretty large for a small cabin. He bent over, placing a record on the record player. Y/n raised an eyebrow.
"Edward, what are you pla-" She trailed off as the song began to play.
"It's our song, honey. Will you dance with me in the moonlight?" He asked, leading her back down the steps.
"Of course.." She sighed happily.
Edward wrapped his arm around her waist, his free hand holding onto her hand. He let her place her other hand on his hip before he swayed softly, her chest close to his. They both looked out on the pond, lily pads floating on the water, fireflies blinking in the air.
'Pick you up at home, quarter to three'
'Ask you if you want somethin' to eat'
'Drive around get drunk do it over again'
Edward planted a kiss on her head as he rubbed her hip with his thumb. His heart was racing, a small bead of sweat trickling down his forehead as he danced softly on the dewy grass.
'Wake you up at night, quarter to one'
'I can never stop, wanna have fun'
'Don't be actin' like I'm the kinda girl who can sleep'
Y/n sighed softly, looking up into Edward's eyes. He smiled at her, his dimples showing slightly. She smiled back, placing her head back on his chest.
'Cause every time you say you're gonna go'
'I just smile, 'cause babe, I already know'
'You know I got nothin' under this overcoat'
"Edward, this is so beautiful. I can't believe you did all of this for me."
"I'd do anything for you, y/n."
'Ooh, let the light in'
'At your back door yelling cause I wanna come in'
'Ooh, turn your light on'
'Look at us, you and I, back at it again'
"I don't deserve someone like you, Ed. You're too good to me." She smiled.
"You deserve everything good in this world, my love. Everything and more. Don't ever think otherwise."
'Pick you up around quarter to two'
'Usually we got nothin' to do'
'Screw it, maybe you should go and record some of your songs'
"Regardless, I'm lucky to be with you."
"As am I, darling."
'Got my dress on tight 'cause you know that I'
'Like shinin' in the light, there's so much ridin''
'On this life and how we write a love song'
The two of them hummed to the tune of the song together, the warmth from each other's bodies keeping them toasty in the cold spring air of the night.
'Ooh, let the light in'
'At your back door yelling 'cause I wanna come in'
'Ooh, turn your light on'
'Look at us, you and I, back at it again'
The night was beautiful, the moon not covered by a single cloud. The crickets and frogs created a beautiful symphony, serving as a background noise amidst the music that made it sound even more peaceful. Everything was gentle and calm.
''Cause I love to love, to love, to love you'
'I hate to hate, to hate, to hate you'
'Put the Beatles on, light the candles, go back to bed'
Edward stopped dancing, rubbing the knuckle of his thumb down y/n's cheek. Smiling, he took a deep breath and got down on his knee. Y/n's eyes widened, a small gasp escaping her lips.
"Y/n, I have loved since the very first day I saw you. You lit a spark in my heart that grew into a fire. And it hasn't gone out, nor will it ever. We've been dating for far too long. I can't go another year as your boyfriend. It doesn't feel right..."
He reached into his pocket, pulling out black velvet case. Opening it, he revealed a beautiful silver ring with a brilliant diamond. The band was shaped to look like vines intertwined, small leaves hanging off the ends. It was gorgeous. He let out a shaky breath, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Y/n already had tears streaming down her face.
"I...oh god...I need you in my life forever. I want you in my life forever. I need you like the oxygen I breathe. I want you like I've never wanted anything nor anyone in my entire life. You are my entire world, y/n. You're the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. I love you so much." He blinked away a tear, letting it roll down his cheek.
''Cause I wanna, wanna, wanna want you'
'I need to, need to, need to need you'
'Put the TV on, the flowers in a vase, lie your head'
Edward took a deep yet unstable breath, adjusting his glasses quickly. He looked up at y/n, both of their eyes cloudy with tears.
"Y/n, the love of my life, my everything, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?" He choked on a sob at the end.
"Oh, Edward yes! Yes of course I will." She cried softly.
Edward's eyes widened, shooting up from the ground instantly. He grabbed the ring from the case, hands trembling as he slid the ring on his fiancés finger. He couldn't contain it anymore, tears of joy streaming down his face as he embraced her in a tight hug. He laughed through is sobs as he planted kisses on her forehead, neck, anywhere he could reach.
"I love you so much, y/n. More than words can express." He whispered, fingers entwined in her hair.
"I love you too, Edward. I love you so much..."
'Ooh, let the light in'
'At your back door yelling 'cause I wanna come in'
'Ooh, turn your light on'
'Look at us, you and me, back at it again...'
0 notes
Safe With Me - E.N
Summary: Edward Nygma gets protective when he sees a coworker flirting with you. He knows you would never cheat on him, he trusts you. But, he doesn't trust the coworker.
Content Warning: Riddler comes out, explicit language, Possessive!Edward, Protective!Edward, hinting of sexual assault (NOT FROM EDWARD), reader goes by they/them, gn reader, angst and fluff.
REQUESTED BY: @i-smoke-chapstick
Word Count: 2.9k
Songs for inspiration:
Freak Show - Punkinloveee (this song just suits Edward so well I can't explain it)
Murder In My Mind - Kordhell
Billy Knows Jamie - 100 Gecs
Stray Bullet - KMFDM
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"Lay a hand on them again and I'll do a lot more than break your jaw. That's a promise."
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Y/n had been dating Edward for around 6 months now, the two of them falling more in love with each other every day. They had met in a library, y/n had thought Edward worked there because of the way he dressed. Both of them had found it to be hilarious and decided to keep in touch, getting lunch together the day after. Immediately the two of them hit it off, dating the day after their lunch. Edward still had a hard time believing that they were really dating him. They were so attractive and breathtaking, and he was a nerdy forensics examiner. But, he counted his blessings and felt extremely lucky. He knew that they weren't dating him for money, for he didn't have much. He knew that they loved him, but it still boggled his mind. One day, y/n decided that they would go to Edward's job and eat lunch with him on his break. A nice little surprise for him. They even packed two sandwiches and their favorite fruits/veggies.
Y/n walked into the GCPD, shivering upon entering the building. How Edward focused in these freezing conditions they would never know. To be fair, it was winter, so that might have had something to do with it. Either that or y/n was just a big baby.
"Um, excuse me?" Y/n asked the nearest detective.
He looked up from his files, smiling in their direction. They had their dirty blonde nearly brunette hair gelled back. He had kind eyes. He seemed like a very honest man.
"What can I do for you?" He asked.
"Do you know where Edward Nygma is?" They asked.
He looked towards the detective across from him, raising an eyebrow. The both of them looked surprised, shocked really. Y/n was confused but decided to pay no attention to it.
"Yeah, I can show you the way if you'd like..." He said, pausing to give you time to state your name.
"Y/n. That would be nice Detective..."
"Gordon. Jim Gordon. Here let me show you." He said, standing up.
He escorted her out of the main area, going down to a hallway. The whole building was very gothic, it was honestly quite beautiful. You could tell the building was old, amazing how it was still in such pristine condition. For the most part at least.
"He's just down this hallway. Are you a friend of his?" He asked, obviously curious.
Y/n chuckled.
"I'm his partner."
Gordon nodded, surprise still evident on his face.
"Well, here it is." He said.
Knocking on the door he waited a few seconds before opening it. The creaking of the door revealed just how old this building really was. Y/n smiled as they saw their boyfriend in the room wearing latex gloves, a mask, and an apron. He looked absolutely dorky and they loved it. That's one of the reasons they fell in love with him in the first place.
"Ed, you've got a visitor." Gordon said.
Edward looked up, his eyes widening as he saw them. Hurriedly he pulled off his gloves, grunting when the latex snapped back on his skin. Anyone could tell that he was surprised with how frantic he was. It was honestly the cutest and most purest thing ever.
"Y-Y/n! What are you doing here?" He asked, taking his mask off.
Before they could answer Edward leaned forward and enveloped them in a hug. He couldn't stop smiling, giggling to himself with his dorky little laugh. Gordon gave Ed a thumbs up out of y/n's view before he left the room which caused Ed smile even more.
"Well, I thought I'd bring lunch over and we could eat together on our break." They said.
Edward nodded his head repeatedly.
"Th-that's a great idea!" He exclaimed.
"Let me just finish up this thing real quick, then I can show you around and we can eat lunch."
Y/n nodded, sitting in a chair in the room, watching him get back to work. They loved when his hair got curly. He gelled it back for work, but it never lasted long. He had a habit of running his hands through his hair while he was thinking, which rubbed the gel out. It was obvious that he had been doing it today because a few strands hung in small loose curls. His eyes were focused behind his glasses, looking down at the microscope before him.
"Look at you, all focused on your job. Mr. Professional over here." Y/n teased playfully.
Edward blushed, flashing her a quick toothy smile. His smile was one of their favorite features about him, aside from his hair and eyes. They watched as his eye twitched slightly, his neck twitching ever so subtly. Y/n brushed it off as a nervous tic of his.
'I can't believe they came to have lunch with me. It was unexpected but still a pleasant surprise.'
'They're really in love with us, huh? Us being the two of us of course. Hello! Remember me?'
Edward groaned quiet enough for y/n not to hear.
'What the hell are you doing here?' He thought to himself, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.
'Relax. I'm not gonna hurt them or anything. I share the same feelings for them as you do. After all, I am you. And you are me.' He chuckled.
'Then what do you want?'
'Are you really that dense? I shouldn't have to spell it out. You know everything I know.'
'You saw Detective Gordon's reaction and based off of it you think that everyone finds y/n attractive .That's the only logical conclusion. Everyone thinks they're way out of my league.'
'Exactly. And they're absolutely correct. I mean, I could easily land them, but you are way too awkward. You're lucky you even got to talk to them.'
'Do you have a point to make or are you simply rambling?'
'Easy, easy. Just let me hang out the whole time they're here. You know I'm able to take charge easily. You're a pushover. You know it's true. I'll take a backseat. I'll be ready if something happens.'
'Do you really think that's necessary?'
'Eddie boy, better to be safe than sorry, no?'
'I suppose you make a valid point. Fine. But if I decide against it then you need to leave. Deal?'
"Eddie? You done yet? You've been staring at that microscope for a while." Y/n asked politely.
Edward shook his head, looking up from the sample he was observing. Or, at least trying to observe. Looking at them he smiled sheepishly, hoping he didn't say anything out loud.
"Yeah, I'm done. I can just finish this after we eat."
Y/n tilted their head to the side.
"You sure Ed? I don't wanna get you in trouble. You're not one to like trouble."
'Oh you have no idea...'
'Shut up.'
"Yes, it's ok dear. I have plenty of time to finish it later." He reassured.
"Ok then, well, care to give me a grand tour of the place? I'm eager to meet your friends!" Y/n said cheerfully.
Edward chuckled awkwardly.
"Ah, yes, well that would be nice if I had friends here. I guess the people I get along the most with are Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock...mainly Jim." He said.
Y/n frowned, upset that no one wanted to be Edward's friend, but they decided to push that aside. They did like Jim Gordon, at least, he made a good first impression. Very polite and gentleman-like.
"Alright, well introduce me to them!"
Edward smiled, taking off his apron and hanging it up on the coat rack. He removed his gloves and mask, tossing them in the trash bin.
'Guide them around with your hand on the small of their back.'
Edward shook his head slightly but did as instructed. He walked towards y/n and placed his hand on the small of their back, feeling them tense underneath him. He grinned.
"Let me show you the way."
Y/n giggled as Edward opened the door, allowing them to step out first. Once he closed it behind him he walked with them down the hallway. The hustle and bustle of the main room got louder as they drew nearer. People were either at their desks looking over papers and making calls or walking around going to different departments of the GCPD.
"Busy in here." Y/n commented.
Edward nodded.
"It is Gotham after all."
Pointing towards the two detectives near the Captain's office, Edward leaned down into y/n's ear, letting them know that those were the two people they were going to see. As they continued to walk towards them, Edward took this time to look around and lo and behold, his 'other half' was right. Everyone was looking at the two of them. Some of them just staring, some of them mouth agape, and some of them just staring at y/n in general.
'Told you.'
Edward moved his hand from the small of their back to their hip, holding it firmly but not rough. He wanted to make sure they were close to him. He knew how the people in the GCPD could get. Especially that Dougherty. He didn't want them anywhere near that vile man.
"Detectives. What has no hands but can knock on your door and you better open up if it does?" He asked.
"An opportunity." Jim said, a small grin on his face.
"Correct. And I have been given the opportunity to introduce you to my partner, y/n." He smirked.
'Nice one. Honestly.'
"Hi, I'm y/n. It's really nice to meet you." They said holding out their hand.
Jim shook theirs first, Harvey doing the same after. Jim had already gotten a chance to find out that they were dating, but Harvey was surprised. He looked at y/n, then to Edward, then back to y/n and then once more to Edward. He cleared his throat.
"Let me get this straight. You. Are dating him?" He asked, pointing at Ed.
Y/n smiled and nodded, their eyes widening slightly as Edward tightened his grip on them. Y/n was surprised, he never got this touchy in public places.
"Wow. Well, congrats Nygma. You're a lucky man." He said, smiling genuinely.
"We really must get going. Perhaps we'll get more time in the future to talk with you two fully. But, we're in a bit of a rush. I only have so long of a lunch." He explained before heading off.
'See how surprised they were?'
'Yes. I saw.'
"Where to now Ed?" Y/n asked.
Edward looked down at his watch, wanting to check on the time. He had about 20 minutes left of his lunch break.
"Oh gosh, I didn't realize how much time went by already. I'm afraid I'll have to show you around the GCPD another time my love. I want to have enough time to eat lunch with you."
Y/n smiled and nodded.
"I understand babe. Let's go."
The two of them turned around, going to walk back around towards the forensics room. Feeling like he was missing something he patted his chest. He stopped, feeling his pockets. Y/n looked at him, confused.
"What's wrong Ed?"
"I think I dropped the pen you gave me. Let me go back and check."
Y/n chuckled and waited where they stood for him to come back. They had given him that pen the day they first met, it was just a dumb old pen they had given him to write their number down but he insisted that it was worth keeping. It was like a memento. It was very sweet of him. Edward always was a romantic.
Y/n was broken out of their thoughts when they felt someone tap on their shoulder. Turning around, they faced the person behind them. It was a man with a police officer uniform on, a cocky grin plastered on his face.
"Well hello there..." He said huskily.
Y/n raised an eyebrow.
"Um, hi?"
"Who are you and what's a good lookin' thing like you doing here? You lost, hm?"
Y/n grimaced.
"No. I'm waiting on my boyfriend."
"Uh huh, yeah sure you are. Listen hot stuff, why don't you meet me in the back in a few minutes. We can have a little fun." He winked.
"Excuse me?"
"What are you, deaf? Cmon, you know you wanna."
He dragged a finger down their shoulder, threatening to go down toward their collarbone. Y/n's eyes widened, frozen in place from the shock of what was happening right in front of them.
"A cute thing like you needs to have some fun every once in a while, huh? As an officer, I can tell you I'm packing in two different ways." He said, lifting their chin up with his finger.
Edward came back down the steps, holding the pen in his hand, a smile plastered on his face. Looking up, ready to tell y/n where he found it, he immediately frowned. His eyes widened and his fists clenched after putting the pen in his pocket.
'That fucker Dougherty is touching what's ours. He's laying his hands on them. I told you this would happen.'
He marched over there, grabbing y/n by the shoulder and yanking them behind him. His curly hair hung in his face slightly, eyes narrowed and sharp, glaring at the monster before him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked angrily, loud enough to catch the attention of the people in the room.
Dougherty laughed lightly.
"Riddle man? I think the question is what are you doing?"
Edward stepped closer towards him, straightening his posture, looking him dead in the eyes. Dougherty glanced around the room, noticing the eyes of all the detectives watching them. He laughed it off nervously.
"What I'm doing is stopping you from laying another finger on my lover." He stated, his voice gravely and challenging.
"Yours? No fucking way." He looked back towards y/n.
"You're dating this creep? You must be some desperate whore." He laughed.
Edward clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. He knew everyone was watching but he didn't care. His chest was heaving and he felt the blood rush through his body.
"What the fuck did you just call them?"
Jim and Harvey stood up behind their desks and walked over to where the argument was happening. Gordon gently took hold of y/n's shoulders, guiding them away from what was happening, keeping a safe distance. Jim and Harvey had never seen Edward stand up like this, let alone use such strong language. Neither did anyone else in the GCPD. They didn't know what was going to happen, but they knew they were already on Ed's side. They would back up whatever he did. The two detectives heard the final bits of what Dougherty said to y/n. Absolutely disgusting.
"A desperate whore. You as deaf as you are pathetic? Your bitch has got no taste in men. Otherwise we'd be in the back doing it right...now."
That was the final straw, Edward didn't want to hear anymore. He had seen and heard enough. He stepped back and leaned forward, slamming his fist into the lower jaw of his mouth. The force knocked Dougherty back, blood dripping from his mouth and lip. He spat on the floor.
"Oh, you're fucking dead Riddle Man."
Dougherty launched himself onto Ed, punching him in the gut. Edward groaned, clenching his stomach. Harvey and Jim along with a few other officers sprung into action, grabbing Dougherty by the arms, pulling him away from Edward. Scoffing, Ed spat on his shoes.
"Lay a hand on them again and I'll do a lot more than break your jaw. That's a promise." He scowled.
Jim and Harvey took Ed by the shoulder and led him to their desks along with y/n. Without another moment wasted y/n threw themselves into Edward, wrapping their arms around his neck and crying softly. Jim and Harvey looked angry and upset, disappointed that a fellow officer of theirs could be so vile. Edward rubbed their back, mumbling to them to calm them down. His breathing still heavy from the violent interaction.
"Ed, Harv and I saw the whole thing. We'll let Captain Essen know immediately. Alright? Do you need anything? He punched you pretty hard."
Edward shook his head, focusing on calming y/n down who was still sobbing into his neck. The two detectives headed into the captains office to debrief her on what had just happened. Edward smiled as he saw Dougherty in the holding cells of the bullpen.
"It's ok, he's locked up in the holding cell. He can't touch you again. He won't touch you ever again." He reassured them.
"I'm s-sorry Eddie, I didn't mean for you to get hurt." They cried softly.
"Hey, don't apologize for what just happened. It was not your fault. I wasn't going to let him...do that to you. I chose to interject. I wouldn't change my decision." He soothed, rubbing their back.
"I'm gonna go home early today. I think they'll give it to me after this debacle. Let's go home and eat our lunch there ok? We can have a movie night, eat popcorn, I'll even order some pizza for dinner. How's that sound?" He asked.
Y/n sniffled, nodding their head, not letting go of him. They weren't ready to let go of him. They felt safe in his arms. Like nothing or no one could hurt them. And even though Edward's stomach hurt from the punch, he continued to hold them close to his chest, pushing through the pain to comfort the one he loved.
He looked back up towards the holding cell.
"You're safe with me."
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Eli Sunday SFW Headcanons (Modern AU)
Summary: My personal Eli Sunday SFW headcanons. Keep in mind that I set this in a modern AU because I'm a lazy piece of shit that doesn't like to write in any other time except for modern <3
(Read Below For Headcanons. These might be a little controversial to some people, but I hope at least SOME of you like them. So, yeah...)
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He is very soda (I accidentally typed this while talking to my friend about soda, but it's so funny that I decided to keep it in)
I personally think that he is not that religious. I know that might be insane to say, but let me explain...
In the movie, he doesn't really seem that into religion. Every time he is giving a sermon, preaching, or absolving someone of their sins, he is ALWAYS making a show of it. He's putting all the attention on himself. Because of this, I feel like he only became a priest so HE could be worshipped. He hates his family, he's embarrassed by his father, and he wants to be the center of attention. Eli couldn't give a shit about religion, he just wants people to be dependent and look up to him. He just used the religion as a facade to get what he wanted.
I like to believe that he was a priest for a while, but got so sick and tired of it. He also hated his family, feeling forced into religion, so he moved away and went to California, then went to college and became a professor.
His weird experience with religion is what caused him to go into the profession of Religion Studies. It fascinates him.
In modern AU, I do not think he would be a priest. I feel that he would be a professor at a university who teaches Religious Studies (so basically he teaches about different religions and how it applied in history and stuff like that)
I think in the movie he's around 23 (at least thats how old paul was during the time it came out) so I'm gonna say he's like 27 in my headcanons.
Very arrogant/egotistical asf
He really doesn't even have a personality, like I'm being so fr. Most of the time he's very monotone and emotionless. You're the only one that can get any type of emotion out of him.
He lives life like an NPC in a video game.
In a relationship with someone, he acts the same as he normally is. He's not any less arrogant/egotistical. If he's going to be in a relationship with someone, he wants them to think highly of him.
He's a good boyfriend, but he also can be a bit toxic sometimes. Like he has a God/Superiority complex, so I mean, he's going to be toxic asf...
BUT, if he's in a relationship with you, he also has the need to protect/care for you. He's honestly a very sweet man, he's just arrogant.
He takes a lot of pride in his appearance. The only time he's underdressed is when he is at home. Any other time, he has his hair styled and dresses nicely. He has a skin care routine.
He HATES getting dirty.
I struggle to see this dude having hobbies, but...
I feel like he would like painting. It seems like he wants to be in control of stuff, or at least feel like a God, and of course creating something would make him feel like that.
He's actually a very good artist and will paint/draw you if you ask him. He also uses you as his muse.
Eli doesn't listen to music that much, so he doesn't really have a fav genre. He'll listen to whatever you listen to honestly.
He isn't that big of a fan of TV, so just like music, he'll watch whatever you watch. Though he does like documentaries, especially about history.
The only movies he really likes are stop motion movies. There's just something about them that he loves so much. He also loves Tim Burton movies.
His favorite color is red.
His favorite holiday is Halloween. Even though there's nothing wrong with the holiday, his family never celebrated it since they were insanely religious. Since he moved away, he's able to experience it! He loves it so much and dresses up every year. He'll do couples costumes with you.
Even though he doesn't listen to music that much, he really likes the song Solway Firth by Slipknot, and the meaning behind it.
He really likes cuddling. He may not seem like it, but he does.
He's cold and heartless to literally everyone else except for you. You're his soft spot. He loves you SO fucking much.
He acts like a 40 year old man even though he's in his mid twenties.
He is absolutely horrible with technology and you're constantly having to teach him how to do things.
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Burt Fabelman SFW Headcanons
Summary: My personal SFW headcanons about Burt Fabelman.
(A/N: Keep in mind that I have not watched the movie yet. I just really like the character from what I've seen. Forgive me if I get some things about him wrong. Also, not worrying about the time period. Modern au cuz I'm lazy! <3)
(Read Below For Headcanons)
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I feel like he is a very caring and kind man.
He's always thinking about others and putting their needs before his.
Extremely altruistic. He makes LOTS of money from being a computer engineer, so he likes to donate to charities every now and then. He also volunteers at food banks occasionally.
Hates being alone. After divorcing Mitzi, his house felt very empty. Sure he got to see the kids every now and then, but when it was just him it felt terrible.
Very polite, timid, and gentle. Though, when provoked, he can be pretty intimidating. He doesn't tolerate disrespect.
He makes dad jokes a lot. They're terrible. His humor is just cheesy dad jokes and funny pictures of animals. He'd definitely scroll through Facebook and look at all of them.
He's a very patient person, but you don't want to push his buttons too much.
Burt is a fairly smart man. His IQ is maybe around 100? It's slightly above average.
The way he talks is very eloquent and professional, no matter who he's talking to. It's just how he is.
In a relationship with him, he's always spoiling you. He's basically a sugar daddy, but like, you two are actually in love.
He's a little self conscious about dating you, especially since he's not a Spring chicken anymore. Because of this, he tends to get jealous pretty easily. Don't take it personally though, he trusts you. It's just his own insecurities.
He loves model trains. In his basement he has a few mini models on shelves. If you let him, he could talk for hours about them.
He is a huge cinephile. Originally, he started to watch more movies to be able to talk with Sammy about his passions. But that grew into a hobby, and now he's just as passionate about cinema as Sammy is about directing. Some of his favorite movies are: Fight Club (but he HATES the sex scenes); Brokeback Mountain (he cried during it); American Psycho (he read the book originally, so he watched the movie after. he knows its satire and that's why he loves it.); Castaway (he just rlly likes this movie).
He does not play video games, but in a relationship with him, you do. It might not be a hobby for him, but he enjoys to watch you play.
Baking is a fun hobby of his. He really loves to make brownies and macarons. All of his treats are bomb asf.
Taking care of his front lawn/backyard is something that helps him relieve stress. Plus, he actually enjoys it.
He doesn't listen to music that much, but when he does, it's these bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers; The Beach Boys; The Rolling Stones; The Beatles.
I can't really explain why, but I headcanon him as being in a relationship with someone who is the exact opposite of him. So like y/n would listen to metal/rock and is very hyper as opposed to Burt's mellow personality.
I think he'd also be in a relationship with an autistic and queer person. Literally fight me on it. Do you know how fucking wholesome it would be for him to go to Pride parades and get all dressed up for them? And always making sure you're not overstimulated in public? UGH SO FUCKING WHOLESOME.
Whenever y/n is driving somewhere with Burt, he lets them control the aux. He always regrets it though, because he swears you make his ears bleed with the music.
Took y/n to a Slipknot concert and felt like he was having a seizure. Bro did NOT take his eyes off of you. He saw one of the members use an empty barrel as a drum and hit it with a lit torch, and he rambled about fire safety. Though, he thought it was pretty cool...
Like I said before, Burt Fabelman LOVES to spoil you. He'll take you on super romantic dates, buy you merch for your favorite bands/shows/movies etc, and takes you to concerts.
He rarely ever cusses. The only time he really does is when he loses his temper (which is rare), or during intimate moments (sometimes).
His favorite color is blue.
You jokingly call him your sugar daddy and he thinks its funny. Though he never says you're wrong...
In the summer, he sees his kids every other week, but during the school year he only sees them on weekends.
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Joby Taylor SFW Headcanons
Summary: My personal SFW headcanons for Joby Taylor.
(Read Below For Headcanons)
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Right off the bat, he's a bit arrogant. He's not selfish or anything, but he thinks highly of himself.
He's a high school dropout who got his GED. You'd think that this means he doesn't like school, but it's the opposite. He often thinks about going to college. He was just young and dumb, and regrets his decision.
When he was in high school, he was actually a pretty good student. He just struggled in his English classes. He HATES any type of writing that isn't song writing. Essays are his worst enemy.
Once he gets to know you, he's a very nice man. He's always a little arrogant, but he's pretty selfless. He'll give you the shirt off his back, no questions asked.
Even though it doesn't seem like it, he has NEVER gotten in trouble with the law. He may be a "rockstar bad boy" but he'd never break the law. Or at least, he's never been caught...
His humor is the same as a 12 year old boy.
When he crushes on someone, he is too arrogant to admit it. He'll do the classic thing where he acts like he hates them instead of loving them.
In a relationship, it's the complete opposite. He's such a simp. Bro is literally a doormat. He'll bend over backwards to make you happy. Just don't make him look like a simp in front of his band/fans.
He's a romantic at heart. He'll write poems for you a lot.
Obviously, music is number one. He loves creating/writing/listening to music. Even though his band is a metal band, he loves other genres as well. He basically listens to everything.
He's a huge horror fan. He has a collection of horror movies. Like we're talking hundreds.
He also collects music memorabilia. One of his proudest possessions is a signed guitar from Mick Jagger (of The Rolling Stones). He has it mounted on a wall in the bedroom of his apartment.
Video games is another thing he loves in his free time. He likes horror games, as he's a horror buff. Examples include: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Outlast, and Amnesia.
He tries to practice writing short stories in his free time as well. No surprise, they're usually horror stories.
One of his favorite types of food is sushi. He can fuck up a sushi bar.
If you get him drunk enough, he'll do karaoke.
His favorite season is winter because of how quiet and peaceful everything is. He also LOVES snow. But he doesn't like to be out in it too long. He gets cold quickly.
He loves to go to those interactive movies. Like The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The ones where people dress up like characters and dance to the musical numbers. One time he went dressed like Dr. Frank-N-Furter...
He's straight, but Ace Frehley from the 80s had him questioning for a longggg time. In fact, if he had a chance to sleep with Ace back in the 80's, he would have 100% done it. No hesitation.
Ok, so he might be bi...
He has both ears pierced and his right eyebrow.
COVERED in tattoos. Lots of them are about horror movies/metal bands.
His favorite color is purple.
Cried while watching Toy Story 3 and will NEVER admit it.
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Summer Cramps - T.K
Summary: Klitz comforts y/n when she starts her period.
Content Warning: Explicit language, AFAB!Reader, she/her pronouns, periods, fluff, and Klitz being a caring boyfriend.
Word Count: 2.9k
Songs For Inspo:
Island In The Sun - Weezer
Darlin' - The Beach Boys
Too Sweet - Hozier
Choking On Flowers - Fox Academy
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"Use it, baby. I don't really like that shirt anyways."
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Y/n looked out of the window, eyes flickering back and forth as she watched the trees whizz by. She began to feel a little dizzy, so she averted her gaze. Blinking harshly, she rubbed her eyes with balled fists before looking to her left. Klitz, her boyfriend, sat in the driver seat. His hands were planted firmly on the wheel as he turned a corner, flipping his blinker on. The clicking sound echoed in y/n's ears, almost like a metronome, before it turned off a few seconds later.
It was a warm summer day, in the month of June to be specific. The couple had spent the majority of the morning at a park. They had a little picnic as a date and it was a great way to start the day off. Nothing else was planned, but they were currently driving back to Klitz's apartment. Y/n had moved in with him just a few months ago. It was a big step in the relationship, but they had been dating since their sophomore year in high school. They were comfortable with each other.
"Why're you looking at me like that?" Klitz asked, chuckling softly.
Y/n snapped out of her thoughts, realizing that she had been staring. Her cheeks heated up, a little embarrassed that she was caught. The stoplight ahead turned red and Klitz slowed down to a stop. He glanced at y/n out of the corner of his eye, waiting for her to respond.
"Just thinking."
He raised an eyebrow at the vague answer. That could mean a variety of things. It was an answer, sure, but not a good one. When the light turned green, he began to drive once again. His eyes were focused on the road.
"About?" He questioned.
Y/n gave a soft smile to her boyfriend. She looked like she was in a trance. Her eyes were glazed over and it created an almost sleepy look. Reaching over, y/n playfully patted Klitz on his right knee.
"Just how much I love you."
Her words made his heart race in his chest. His stomach filled with butterflies that fluttered frantically inside of him. No matter how many times y/n said it, it would always make him blush. His cheeks tinted pink, and he removed one hand from the steering wheel to place on top of her hand that was on his knee. His thumb brushed over her knuckles back and forth.
"I love you too, baby."
Y/n giggled and looked back towards the street. Music played softly from the radio. She couldn't tell what song it was exactly, since it was pretty quiet, but she was able to identify that it was The Beach Boys. How fitting! It was Summer after all. An-
A sharp pain shot through y/n's belly, causing her hand to recoil from underneath Klitz's. His eyes widened at the sudden movement, but he kept his gaze on the road. A pitiful groan left y/n's lips, and she hunched over.
"Woah, hey, are you ok?" He asked worriedly.
Y/n didn't give a response, except for another low groan. Her chest heaved up and down with every deep breath she took. After a few moments, she sat back up, but had her hands resting on her lower stomach. She let out a shaky breath as she moved one of her hands between her legs. After pressing her fingers against the crotch of her light denim shorts, she held it up to her view. The pads of her pointer and middle finger were smudged with a dark red. Her eyes widened.
"Are you fucking...shit..." She muttered under her breath.
Klitz looked over, seeing the blood on her fingers. His eyes widened as well, and he swallowed thickly. He knew instantly what had happened, as it was fairly obvious. Sighing, he reached behind him, his hand searching for something in the backseat. It wasn't that dangerous, as he was waiting for traffic to move. After a few more seconds of searching, he held out a shirt to y/n.
"Sit on this so you don't bleed on the seat." He said, turning his attention back to the road as cars started to move.
She took it, but looked at him doubtfully. He simply rolled his eyes in response. A light scoff left his lips.
"Use it, baby. I don't really like that shirt anyways."
Y/n nodded, raising herself up to slide the shirt underneath her. Wincing, she lowered back down onto the seat. She felt like her stomach was on fire. Thankfully, they weren't that far from the apartment. She had tampons and pads in their bathroom, but she didn't have any on her. Her period wasn't supposed to come for another three days, so she was just caught off guard.
"You ok? I know your periods are usually horrible." He asked, turned right.
She squinted her eyes shut, gripping the car door tightly. It was as if it was all crashing down on her at once. He wasn't wrong though. Her periods were normally the worst. Her cramps were always painful, the bleeding was always heavy, and she got cranky/emotional easily.
"I'm f-fine...just...hurts..."
Her words were soft. Even talking felt like it was too strenuous on her stomach muscles. God help her if she laughed or sneezed. That would be the end of her.
"Well, do you need anything? I can make a quick stop at the store if yo-"
"Home! Please, just, I wanna go home..." She blurted out, tone a little harsh.
Klitz didn't take it personally, though. He knew she wasn't mad at him. She was just in pain, and he felt sympathy towards her situation. He gave a simple nod as an answer. For the rest of the ride, he focused on getting them home as quick as possible.
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When the couple got to the apartment complex, Klitz tried to help her walk. She refused the offer, but thanked him for it. To be honest, she could have used the help, but she was worried about letting go of her stomach. Even though it didn't make sense, she felt like cradling her stomach was keeping her cramps at bay. That wasn't true, but it was a psychological thing. Instead of helping her walk, he unlocked the door and let her go in first.
"M' gonna go..." Y/n trailed off, pointing at the door to the bathroom.
Klitz nodded and locked the front door. He hung up his car keys, as well as his apartment key, on the hooks on the wall. Y/n had taken her shoes off and placed them by the door, and Klitz did the same. The slightly bloody shirt from the car was in his hands, and he contemplated whether he wanted to keep it or not. Too tired from the Summer heat to even think, he just tossed it in the garbage can. He really didn't care for the shirt.
While y/n was in the bathroom, he walked over to the fridge. He opened up the freezer that was attached to it, and grabbed a pint of ice cream. It was y/n's favorite flavor. He spooned a couple scoops out of it and plopped them into a bowl. He put the pint back in the freezer and grabbed a spoon, placing it in the bowl. A sigh left his throat as he slid the bowl onto the kitchen table.
The sound of a door opening caught his attention, and he looked over to see y/n come out of the bathroom. She was only wearing the tank top she chose for the picnic, and her bloody underwear. The soiled shorts were clutched tightly in her hand, and she looked peeved. Klitz adjusted his glasses as he frowned.
"I got you some ice cream!" He tried to cheer her up.
Y/n repeated what he said in a high-pitched tone. It was obvious mockery, and it made Klitz raise an eyebrow. She disappeared into their bedroom, most likely to discard the shorts and put some new underwear on. Her ramblings continued, but Klitz couldn't quite make it out. All he could pick up on was "stupid dumb sun" and "ice cream is the cure". It was hard to tell if she was being sarcastic or serious.
After a few moments, she stormed back in. She had changed her underwear and now had on a pair of sleep shorts. Y/n was still mumbling under her breath, and he could hear it much better as she approached the kitchen table.
"I had nooo idea that ice cream made the pain go away!" She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
Klitz grabbed the bowl.
"So, you don't want it?"
Y/n furrowed her brows and snatched the bowl from him. He chuckled as she walked to the couch, plopping down on it with a grumble. There was no way she'd refuse ice cream. Klitz knew her like the back of his hand. He smiled as he walked over to her, sitting down right on the spot beside her. She took a big bite of the ice cream and a small smile grew on her face.
"Is it good?" He asked, but it was more of a rhetorical question.
She nodded a bit, taking another bite. He wanted to tell her to slow down, so she didn't get a brain freeze, but a part of him was worried she'd bite his head off. So he'd just let it run its course. Clearing his throat, he patted his knees before standing up. He had forgotten something crucial. Y/n gave him a glance as he walked back to the kitchen, but turned her focus back to the cold delicacy in the bowl. A few more bites and it would be all gone.
"Is it still hurting, baby? Or is it not so bad?" He asked, hovering his hand over the medicine cabinet.
"Hurts." She replied simply, wincing before taking another bite.
With the confirmation, he opened up the cabinet. He scanned over the pill bottles until he found the one he needed. Grabbing it, he opened it up and shook out two pills. He put the container back in its place before closing the cabinet. After that, he poured a glass of water.
"Take these, ok?" He instructed, walking over and kneeling in front of y/n.
He always looked so goofy when he knelt on the ground. Maybe it was his long legs, but it made him look like an awkward giraffe or something. He looked like Gumby. Though he didn't find that resemblance to be as humorous as y/n did. Y/n groaned and took the final bite of ice cream. She placed the bowl on the end table next to her, and sighed in defeat. Klitz watched her as she placed the pills in her mouth, following it with a large sip of water. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed, moving the glass to the end table.
Satisfied, Klitz got up from his knelt position. He then walked into their bedroom, removing his belt as he did so. Y/n yawned and grabbed the T.V remote, turning it on and looking through shows to watch. When she couldn't decide, she resorted to ole faithful. The Big Bang Theory. You could never go wrong with a sitcom.
As the episode started playing, Klitz came back from the bedroom. He was now wearing a white undershirt and a pair of boxers. Y/n didn't blame him. It was hot as hell outside. That was why she was wearing a tank top and shorts. Stretching his arms above his head, he sat back down on the couch.
Y/n mumbled and crawled over to him. He raised an arm, allowing y/n to nuzzle under it and rest her head on his chest. But she quickly change the position, not finding it comfortable. After a certain number of changes, Klitz decided to suggest one. They were sitting on the long part of the "L" couch, so it gave them plenty of leg room. He spread his legs open a little, letting y/n slide between them. Her back rested against his chest, and she could hear his heartbeat. She hummed softly, immediately loving the new position.
"Good?" He asked, running his fingers through her hair.
She nodded, grabbing his arms and wrapping them around her stomach. He chuckled, but didn't resist. Gently, he started to rub circles onto her tummy.
"I'm sorry you're hurting, baby."
His words were so genuine. Y/n loved how caring he was. He was such a selfless man. Klitz would take the pain away from her if he could. He'd even take it on himself if it meant that she could get relief.
"S' ok..." She mumbled softly.
He leaned down a bit, planting a kiss on the top of her head.
"I'm gonna take care of you. Just like I always do." He smiled against her hair.
A soft giggle rose from her chest.
"You're so sweet, Klitzy..."
Y/n's compliment trailed off, leading into sniffling. His eyes widened at the sound. Carefully, he rolled y/n onto her stomach, so she was facing him. His heart shatter at the sight of tears trickling down her rosy cheeks. He quickly brushed them away with his thumb, drawing her close to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in it as well. As she wept, he rubbed her back comfortingly.
"Shh, shh, it's ok, baby. What's wrong?" He cooed.
Pulling away just barely, y/n choked on her words. Her eyes were red and puffy, and the tip of her nose was slowly turning red a well. It was a painful thing to see.
"J-Just love you so, so, s-so much..."
Klitz tutted, moving one of his hands to the back of her head. He massaged her scalp gently, knowing it was one of the best ways to calm her down. Her sobs slowly faded, and she wiped away any excess tears.
"I love you too, baby. But I don't like seeing you cry!" He kissed her shoulder.
Y/n sat up on his lap, looking down at her hands. She looked embarrassed, though she had no reason to be. It upset him to see her be like that. With a soft gaze, he looked into her eyes. His hand came up to cup her face, thumb stroking her skin delicately. He handled her like a fragile piece of fine China.
Klitz could tell that she wasn't sure what to say. She looked at a loss for words. Or maybe she just didn't feel like talking. Either way, he knew he'd have to break the silence. He sighed, admiring her facial features. Even though he hated seeing her cry, it amazed him how beautiful she looked when she did. There was never a moment where she didn't look absolutely stunning.
Without saying anything, he pulled her closer to his face. His lips met hers in a soft kiss. With a hand on her cheek and a hand on her lower back, everything felt right in the world. For a moment, y/n forgot all about the pain that she was in. Sure, it was still there, but that was not her main focus. The loving embrace from her boyfriend was on her mind. She melted against him, sliding her hands up to his shoulders. His hands never left her body when he pulled away.
Her eyes welled up with tears, and she felt like a feather in the wind. She felt weightless. So many emotions flooded her body and she wasn't sure which ones were real or not. The pain resurfaced, causing her to wince. When she closed her eyes from the pain, a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Oh, baby, please don't cry..." He frowned.
"M' sorry, just..."
Klitz rubbed her back, nodding in understanding. Although he would never know the pain his girlfriend went through, he could still be there for her. He could be understanding. What kind of lover would he be if he didn't?
He opened his mouth to say something, but y/n cut him off. The waterworks opened, and tears were now streaming down her face like a waterfall. She was exhausted from the heat, in pain from the cramps, and emotional from the hormones. It was a triple header. No wonder she was crying so much. He couldn't blame her.
She wrapped her arms back around his neck. He watched in silence as she nuzzled her face against his white shirt. Teardrops soaked the material as she cried into it.
"Oh, um, ok baby. D-Do what you need to do..." He stuttered, a little caught off guard.
Y/n wept into his chest, muttering incoherent words as she did so. He wished he could tell what she was saying, but it was hard to over the crying. So he simply rubbed her back, resting his cheek against the top of her head.
"That's it, let it out baby. I've got you..."
The movement of his hand on her back, the low register of his voice, and his comfort. They were all things that helped calm y/n down. She continued to cry, though it faded after a while. The crying turned into mumbling, the mumbling turned into occasional words, and then that turned into silence. Her body rose and fell with every breath Klitz took. He could tell that she had fallen asleep. She wore herself out with her crying, and she was already tired to begin with. He smiled, wrapping his arms around her in a protective hold.
"I got you."
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Teenage Dirtbag - T.K
Summary: Timothy Klitz has a crush on y/n. But she doesn't even know who he is 'cause he's just a teenage dirtbag. Well, that's what he thinks...
Content Warning: Lot of fluff, heavy angst, explicit language, abusive relationship, cheating, blood, suggestive dialogue (nothing super sexual, just Eli being Eli so this is SFW aside from raunchy jokes) AFAB!Reader, she/her pronouns.
Word Count: 3.6k
Songs for Inspo:
Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus
Only In Dreams - Weezer (sobs uncontrollably)
The World Has Turned And Left Me Here - Weezer
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"Don't say maybe!"
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Her name is Y/n
I have a dream about her
Y/n removed her lips from around the white and red striped straw. She held onto the top of it with her painted fingernails, giggling as she looked across the table. Klitz sat on the other side, giving her a soft smile before taking a bite of his food. Y/n stole a fry from his plate, and stuck it in her mouth. He watched with a raised eyebrow, giving a light chuckle.
"I'm gonna have to charge you for that." He said.
She rolled her eyes, and propped her chin on her palms.
"You're my boyfriend! Letting me eat off your plate is part of your job." Y/n winked, taking another fry.
Klitz sighed and moved the plate closer to y/n. With a soft smile, she took a sip of her milkshake that he had gotten for her. The diner was fairly empty, and there were only a few other people in it besides them. They went on dates every Friday, and Klitz always made sure that they were fun. After the diner, they would go out and see a movie together.
"Oh, I know. But I'd still like some form of payment, y/n." He hummed, popping a fry in his mouth.
Y/n looked down at her milkshake to think for a moment. Klitz always said that when she was thinking he could practically see the gears moving in her head. She always looked so focused when she got lost in thought. It was cute, really. After a few more moments, she leaned over the table, and planted a kiss on her boyfriend's lips. The kiss was soft and gentle, yet loving. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, putting a hand on the back of her head. But just as he did that, she retracted and sat back down. Klitz smiled dorkily, and pushed up his glasses.
"I love you, y/n." He said breathlessly.
Suddenly, y/n's voice was replaced with the beeping of an alarm clock. He was pulled out of the pleasant date that he was having, and was brought back into reality. Klitz yawned, rolling over in bed so his face was buried in his pillow. With irritation, he swatted at his alarm clock and hit the button on top. His hair was a mess, and he groaned at the thought of styling it. The sunlight shone through his blinds, and he winced as he rolled back over onto his back. Covering his eyes, he sat up in bed and grabbed his glasses. He put them on sleepily, yawning as he did so. Klitz ran a hand through his hair and swung his legs over the edge of the bed before standing up.
"Even my dreams won't let me be happy..." He mumbled, stumbling to his bathroom.
Klitz went about his every day morning routine, and reflected on his dream. It was rare for him to have a moment where he didn't think about y/n. Eli and Matthew were starting to feel sorry for him at this point. His crush on y/n started back in 9th grade, and it only grew stronger as the years went by. Now that they were all seniors about to graduate, he started to realize what would happen. He'd never see y/n again. They would no longer go to the same high school, which was the only time he saw her. The girl he had fallen in love with would be out of his life forever. Because of this, he had become absolutely miserable, getting worse and worse the closer graduation got. All he would do was go to school, come home, and get school work done while crying his eyes out to Weezer. Sometimes he'd even forget to eat. What was the point in trying to stay healthy if he'd never see her again? He had no one to look good for. Not that she ever noticed him in the first place.
"Treasure the time, Timothy." He whispered to himself, picking up his backpack.
He slugged the bag over his shoulder, and made his way to his car. His morning routine never changed. Timothy Klitz found comfort in routines and order. Every square inch of his room as clean and organized, as well as every other thing he had. Such as his locker, his backpack, his car, etc. He found that organization was one of the few things he could control.
"Ok..." He sighed, putting his key in the ignition.
Turning the car on, he started to drive to school. Just like every other day, he listened to music on the way. The music selection would change based on how he felt that day. His current mood, no surprise, was loneliness. He felt hopeless. But truthfully, that's how he felt for the entirety of senior year. Because of this, he mainly just listened to Weezer, as previously stated. The song currently playing hit him a little too hard, and he felt his face getting hot as he listened to it. Tears pricked at his eyes, and he did his best to prevent them from falling.
"Only in dreams, we see what it means."
"Reach out our hands, hold onto hers."
"But when we wake, its all been erased."
"And so it seems, only in dreams."
He hummed along softly to the lyrics, and felt like slamming his head into the steering wheel. Klitz felt weak for feeling like this. His vulnerability made him feel less like a man, though he knew that was ridiculous. He just had grown to despise himself, simply because he felt like he wasn't worthy of even his own love. Klitz was the quiet one in his friend group, and his shy nature only became worse with his sadness.
"Ugh..." He huffed, parking in the school parking lot.
Turning the ignition off, he rested his head against the headrest behind him. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed thickly. He knew that he couldn't change a thing. Y/n had a boyfriend, and Klitz was almost certain that he'd pummel him if he ever tried to talk to y/n in front of him. Klitz was scared, and he was ashamed of it. He was ashamed of himself for not doing everything in his power to "get the girl". Just like the song said: only in dreams. That was the only time he would ever have her. That was the only time he would ever get to hold her. To kiss her. But even his own dreams tortured him. He had admitted to y/n in his dreams that he loved her, but she never said it back. It was as if his subconscious was sending him subliminal messages. "She'll never love you, you loser" and he knew it was true. Who could ever love him? He was...
He gained composure of himself eventually, and grabbed his backpack before getting out of his car. After locking it, and double checking that he locked it, he headed into school. He kept his eyes down to the ground as he walked through the halls, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. Following his familiar path, he made his way to his locker. It was all routine.
"Hey Klitz." Matthew greeted, closing his own locker.
Eli straightened his posture, as he was previously leaning against the wall. When he stood upright, he greeted his friend as well. Klitz gave a meek "hey", before putting in his combination for his locker. He opened it up, and put what he needed to be put away inside of it. His friends gave each other a look, and then turned back to Klitz.
"You ok?" Eli asked, showing a rare expression of genuine concern.
The tall friend closed his locker, and merely shrugged. They knew he wasn't ok, and there was no need to remind them. Nothing had changed. Nothing will ever change. Matthew frowned, and reached out to pat his shoulder reassuringly.
"Well, prom is tomorrow. You've got that to look forward too, right?" He suggested.
Eli nudged both of his friends in their sides.
"Yeahhh, three sex craved bachelors ready to hit the town!" He chuckled, trying to add humor to the drawl scenario.
Klitz sighed, and shrugged.
"Yeah, I'm really excited to see her dance with her boyfriend. Woohoo." He said flatly.
She rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour
Eli frowned, and Matthew gave an awkward smile. The silence was deafening, and it was clear that the subject needed to be changed. And as the expression goes: saved by the bell. The bell rang through the halls, signaling that first period was about to start. They friends said their goodbyes, and headed to their respective classes. Klitz's first class was gym, and he shared it with y/n. It was a cruel joke on him. Being so close to the one he loved, yet completely helpless. He hated the feeling so much.
"Hey! Watch it!" Y/n shouted, dodging a dodgeball that was thrown at her.
Oh, how she rocks
In Keds and tube socks
Klitz had been out of the game almost as soon as it started. He wasn't too good at sports. But he also did it on purpose, so he could just watch y/n with his thoughts. Again, it was sad.
He propped his arms on his legs, hunching over slightly as he watched y/n from the bleachers. She was very nimble, and she dodged the balls easily. His eyes trailed over her body, but not in a sexual way. He admired how she dressed. Of course she was wearing a gym uniform right now, but usually she had a good sense of style. But almost every day, she wore Keds and tube socks.
But she doesn't know who I am
And she doesn't give a damn about me
It was weird to say that a certain pair of shoes and socks looked good on someone, but it was true. The way the socks hugged her calves was mesmerizing. It suited her personality so well, as odd as that may seem. Y/n tripped over her feet, and skidded her knee on the gym floor. Klitz winced, knowing how much it stung. He felt a pang in his heart as she held her knee, frowning as she stood up. The urge to care for her was overwhelming. He wanted to run down there and put a band-aid on her knee. It was stupid, but he still wanted to do it. He would take such good care of her, just like he did in his dreams.
"She doesn't know what she's missing..." He murmured to himself.
Her boyfriend's a dick
And he'd simply kick
My ass if he knew the truth
The school day ended, and Timothy was on his way home. Just like he did earlier, he was listening to Weezer. When he was driving down his street, he groaned at what he saw. Y/n's boyfriend lived on the same street as Klitz did. It was another painful reminder of what he could never have.
Her boyfriend pulled into his driveway, and Klitz's eyes widened. A girl came out with him, and it definitely wasn't y/n. His hand was wrapped around her waist, and it crept lower and lower as they walked to the front door. Klitz felt his blood boil, and he parked in his driveway. He was fuming as he went inside his house, storming upstairs and slamming his bedroom door behind him.
The desire to scream overcame him, and he picked up a pillow before belting out a pitiful cry. He kept it against his face as he wept softly, sinking to his knees at the side of his bed. Klitz pulled his knees up to his chest and threw the pillow across the room. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Y/n's boyfriend was cheating on her. How could he even do that to her? Why would he do that? He managed to land someone as perfect as her, and he chose to cheat? Did he not realize how lucky he was? What a fucking idiot. Klitz briefly thought about marching over there and giving him a piece of his mind. But what would he even say? Not knowing what to do, he called Eli.
"Hey, what's up man?" Eli asked.
"Y/n's boyfriend is cheating on her. I just saw him go into his house with a different girl." He blurted out.
It was quiet on the other line, but he knew Eli was still there. Klitz's shaky breaths were picked up by the mic, and it was evident that he was shaken up. The pain in his voice was heartbreaking, and Eli felt bad for his friend.
"Oh shit, that's awful..." He trailed, unsure of how to respond.
Klitz nodded, even though his friend couldn't see. Pushing off the ground, he stood up and walked over to his window. He looked outside of it and stared at y/n's boyfriend's door. The anger that boiled inside of him was now seeping over, like water in a pot.
"I'm going to go say something." He spat out.
Eli laughed behind the phone, but when Klitz didn't repond it faded. After a few more light chuckles, he went silent.
"Wait, you're serious? Dude, that's a death wish! He'll kick your ass!"
Klitz huffed.
"I know. I don't care." He hung up the phone.
With the sudden wave of confidence, the teenager stormed out of his room. His pace was quick as he ran down the stairs and out the front door. He was on a mission and he intended on completing it. Though it might cost him his life.
"You're doing this for her. You're doing this for her. You're doing this for her." He repeated to himself.
He lives on my block
And he drives an IROC
He walked up the driveway, glancing at the car he had. It wasn't a bad car, but it just looked old and in desperate need of a paint job. Shaking his head, he walked up onto the doorstep and stood in front of the front door. It was then that he realized what he was doing. Fear flooded his body, yet his hand still knocked on the door.
What in the hell was he doing?
Footsteps approached the door and his eyes widened when it opened up. He couldn't remember the name of y/n's boyfriend, but the belt on his pants was slightly unbuckled. The idea of him about to cheat on y/n made him sick to his stomach. But the idea of being pummeled into the concrete also made him sick to his stomach.
But he doesn't know who I am
And he doesn't give a damn about me
"Who the hell are you?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe.
Klitz's hands got clammy, and he cleared his throat.
"I-I know you're cheating on y/n!" He spat out, biting his bottom lip afterwards.
The jock stood up, straightening his posture as he looked at Klitz. It was a little odd, because they were the same height. Actually, Klitz might even be a littler taller than him. But in that moment, he felt small.
"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do 'bout it?" He challenged.
Klitz shuffled his feet, trying to straighten his posture as well. It didn't do anything to intimidate him though. He still looked awkward and shy. But he wanted to try and defend y/n.
"I-I'll tell her..." He trailed, feeling less and less confident.
Y/n's boyfriend scoffed in response, and rolled his eyes.
"Sure. Give her a message when you do, ok?"
Klitz opened his mouth to say something, but a fist across his cheek cut him off. The punch was strong and it nearly knocked the wind out of him. He reached up to hold his face instinctively and hunched over slightly. With a short laugh, y/n's boyfriend closed the door without another word. Klitz stood there in shock, feeling weak for not doing anything more. When he removed his hand, he saw blood on his palm. He groaned softly and stood up straight, turning around and walking off the porch. While walking down the driveway, he saw his friends pull up to his house in Eli's car. They hopped out after parking and looked at Klitz in shock.
"Holy fuck! Dude!" Eli exclaimed, pointing at him.
He didn't say anything back. All he did was grunt as she sat on the steps of his porch. With heavy eyes, he glared at the front door of his attacker's house. Eli and Matthew sat next to him, sitting in complete silence. The only sound was the chirping of the birds as the sun set.
A few minutes passed, and the two friends were trying to think of something to say. Matthew had been with Eli when Klitz called earlier, and they rushed over as soon as he hung up. They both knew that he was going to get his ass kicked. But just as Matthew was about to say something, the sound of a car driving cut him off. The three boys looked up and saw a car park in front of the house across from Klitz.
"Shit, that's her." Matthew whispered.
Klitz watched in pain as he gently touched the cut on his cheekbone. Y/n got out of the car and walked up to the front door. She pulled out what looked like a key, and stepped inside. The three boys prepared themselves for the shit show that was about to happen, and they couldn't help but feel sorry for y/n. Especially Klitz.
Just like they knew would happen, y/n came storming out of the front door not even a minute later. Her boyfriend chased after her with his shirt off and jeans on loosely. She turned around and started to scream at him. Even though they boys were close, it was still hard to make out what she was saying. Though, they had a good idea.
Her boyfriend looked over to Klitz and glared. Bringing his hand up, he flipped the three boys off. Y/n looked as well, and saw Klitz with a bloody cheek. When Klitz made eye contact, he quickly looked away. He felt like he wanted to die. Her eyes widened and she turned back to her boyfriend, slapping him across the face. With a few more harsh words, she stormed off and got in her car. The boys watched silently as she drove away, but Klitz stole one final glance at her.
"Well, at least she found out..." Klitz trailed.
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Man, I feel like mold
It's prom night and I am lonely
Prom night came quick, and yesterday's events hung heavy in Klitz's mind. He had no idea why he even came to prom. He didn't have a date. Just like every other year, he was alone. His friends were too. Together, they were all sitting at a table with cups of punch. It was depressing, really. His cheek was bruised greatly, and a little bandage held the cut together. He looked very roughed up.
"At least they have good music!" Eli commented, taking a sip of his drink.
Good music, sure. But music with bitter memories. It was Weezer. Of course it was. He shrugged and looked down at his drink, seeing the decorative lights reflect in it. Sighing heavily, he took a sip and wished he was back home. What was the point in coming?
Lo and behold
She's walking over to me
"Klitz! Turn around!" Matthew whispered loudly.
Rolling his eyes, he did as his friend said. But when he did, he nearly dropped his drink from his hand. His eyes were wide and he felt his body stiffen. Y/n was walking over to him. How was that even possible? Why was it happening?
This must be fake
My lips start to shake
His lips began to tremble, and he felt like he might cry. Every part of his body was shaking. He felt like a cartoon character with how anxious he was. Carefully, he placed his cup back on the table. Y/n was now standing directly in front of him. Her blue sparkly dress complimented her skin nicely, and he felt like he was looking at an angel. She was beautiful. She was gorgeous.
How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about me?
When her lips parted, he felt his heart skip a beat.
"You're Timothy Klitz, right?" She asked sweetly.
His mouth hung agape, and he forgot how to speak. Eli and Matthew looked at their friend with happiness. She was finally talking to him, but he couldn't talk back. They felt bad, and they wanted to help. But they didn't know how.
"Y-Yeah..." He managed to stutter out.
I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby
Come with me Friday, don't say maybe
I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you
"Um, I'm sorry I didn't say anything yesterday. I saw you, but I was just..." She sighed, looking down at the floor.
He nodded.
"I-It's ok, I get it." He said simply.
She smiled at him, lifting her head back up.
"I um, I've got tickets for Iron Maiden. I was wondering, you know, if you'd wanna come see them with me?" She suggested sheepishly.
Before Klitz could respond, she added another thing.
"Don't say maybe!" She giggled softly.
A smile crept on his face, and he nodded. He didn't have to think twice. The date didn't matter, the time didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was that it was with her. Plus, he liked Iron Maiden. When he nodded, y/n nodded as well and looked around awkwardly.
"D-Do you want to dance?" Y/n asked.
Klitz felt like his heart would flutter out of his mouth like a butterfly. His body felt tingly and he wanted to jump up and down. This was a dream come true. Maybe it was a dream. Checking, he pinched his arm, but he didn't wake up.
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Timothy Klitz SFW Headcanons
Summary: My personal SFW headcanons for Timothy Klitz. I didn't really worry about keeping these headcanons based in the year the movie came out, so...modern AU? I guess? Idk.
(A/N: I imagined Klitz having graduated high school and being in college while writing these headcanons. So like he's around 20 and lives in his own apartment)
(Read Below For Headcanons)
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He's a fairly quiet person and he tends to be shy. It takes him a while to get comfortable with someone.
When you get to know him though, he's really funny and sweet.
His sense of humor is really good! He's always telling jokes and is good at making uncomfortable situations easier to handle with lighthearted jokes.
When he gets a crush on someone, he can barely handle being in the same room as them.
He's the type of guy to have dreams/daydreams about his crush and space out while staring at them.
Timothy is a very responsible person. His parents were always out of the house on work trips, so he learned to live on his own. This proved useful when he graduated and moved into an apartment of his own.
He's a very smart man. Klitz graduated highschool with a 4.0 GPA, all A's, and even did tons of community service. Now that he's in college, he's still the top of his classes.
He's a nerd asf.
He can be a little cocky when he gets in a relationship with someone. Once he realizes that they love him and that it's not an elaborate prank, he gets a confidence boost.
I feel like his IQ would be around 100-115? It would definitely be above average, but not insane.
Summary: He's sweet, shy, caring, confident (eventually), smart, and funny.
He collects comic books/figurines. Basically imagine Sheldon's room from Big Bang Theory.
Occasionally he draws things. He's not the best at it, but he's improving. He likes using charcoal, but he HATES the texture.
I think he has OCD. It's not that intense, but it makes him want everything to be neat and tidy. He has a morning/night routine that he follows down to the last word.
It is very rare to find his apartment untidy/dirty. He cleans his whole apartment at the end of every week.
He plays video games a lot. His favorites are Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, COD, Fallout, and Diablo. But he occasionally plays Minecraft when he has a chill day.
He loves music. He listens to basically everything except country music. He loves metal/nu metal a lot though. Some random bands/singers he likes are: Weezer; ICP; blink-182; Green Day; Korn; Beach Boys; Kings Of Leon; Radiohead. (not all, but just a few)
He is a goody two shoes asf.
Loves going to concerts.
He can play acoustic/electric guitar.
Once he graduated high school, he got a haircut. It's still long, but he made the bangs less blunt and got layers in his hair. It looks like a less messy wolfcut, almost. If that makes any sense.
His favorite color is green, but he really loves mossy green.
He can get very protective of the person he is dating.
Loves to cook.
One of his favorite movies is Fight Club. He can rewatch it and never get tired of it.
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