#I love that quote
eegnm · 1 year
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got a soul as raw as her father doesn't she
no sense of compromise
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clownaddict · 5 months
“Because the Wolves kill cleanly, and we do not. They also kill quickly, and we have never done that, either. They fight, they win, and they stalk back to their ships with their tails held high. If they were ever ordered to destroy another Legion, they would do it by hurling warrior against warrior, seeking to grind their enemies down with the admirable delusions of the ‘noble savage’. If we were ever ordered to assault another Legion, we would virus bomb their recruitment worlds; slaughter their serfs and slaves; poison their gene-seed repositories and spend the next dozen decades watching them die slow, humiliating deaths. Night after night, raid after raid, we’d overwhelm stragglers from their fleets and bleach their skulls to hang from our armour, until none remained. But that isn’t the quick execution the Emperor needs, is it? The Wolves go for the throat. We go for the eyes. Then the tongue. Then the hands. Then the feet. Then we skin the crippled remains, and offer it up as an example to any still bearing witness. The Wolves were warriors before they became soldiers. We were murderers first, last, and always!” —Jago Sevatarion
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chaotic-orphan · 18 days
I second kit and ambrose gay tension!! have been thinking it the whole time tbh, they said what everyone was thinking 🤭
Oop, another day, Another shipper! One’s an incident, two’s coincidence… I feel like the out of touch 40 year old writer that writes bromances for CW shows but doesn’t see how their characters are perceived🫡 I think someone said it on one of the chapters and i was like HUH?! Kit and Ambrose?! A couple?! But if there’s more than one you can make a club so👀 then again this is tumblr we love shipping here
What would their name be? Kambros? Kambrost? Kimbrose? Kitbrose? Koskar? Kiskar!!! Oskit😂 anyways, I’m pleasantly surprised at this development
I’m picturing a Coffee shop au where Kit and Ambrose meet by chance and it gets steamy — just waiting to hear that there doesn’t need to be an AU bc it’s in the source material, buutttt anyways ~ thank you for the confirmation of the ship <3
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kkuline · 2 years
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(💧) — what more can i say?
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
You know an iconic quote that has to be in Season 2?
What is infinite? The universe and the greed of men.
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my-dark-happy-place · 6 months
"Where there's tears, there's hope."
- Bill Potts
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dontcallittimetravel · 10 months
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Happy deathday to Roald Dahl, a giant blueberry of a man
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daecaerys · 1 year
nobody asked me but my favorite dany quote by far is: “I was tired, Jorah. I was weary of war. I wanted to rest, to laugh, to plant trees and see them grow. I am only a young girl.”, because it shows the truth: she was a child. A young girl. She in many ways still is, she never had a chilhood. She is trying her best with what she has, the way she learnt how to do since always. She was so young, is still a young woman.
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nietzsches-tits · 2 years
“I fear you up close, and I love you away; your leaving spells me, your seeking compels me – I suffer, but suffer gladly for you any day!”
- Gancharov (1973)
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tinyglitterrose · 2 years
tags 😊 (and new fic being worked on when i'm already posting!)
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evidently-endless · 5 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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i69bea · 4 months
"i wonder if we ever think of each other at the same time."
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bambiali · 6 months
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everwalldigan · 2 months
To anyone who thinks Bruce has a clear and consistent favourite child I raise you this: it is infinitely funnier for Bruce to have a complicated and elaborate “ranking” system of his kids that only he’s privy to.
Picture this: Batman, dosed with truth serum, gets asked as a gag from one of the goons holding him captive who his favourite bat-vigilante is and instead of giving a straight answer, he launches into this whole explanation about the ranking system and who’s in the current lead, who’s hanging behind, etc. At some point (this is a mystery to everyone involved) a whiteboard appears and he starts explaining his system like he’s a football coach before an important match. Out of nowhere he starts pulling out little cardboard cutouts of his kids and pins them to the board. At some point the red string comes out.
Jason hasn’t killed someone in a week? Automatically promoted to favourite. Tim hasn’t caused an international incident in the past month? Puts him a few points ahead that keep decreasing the longer he refuses real sleep (20 minute power naps don’t count Tim! Says powernap inventor Bruce Wayne). Cass gave him a hug this morning and wished him a good day? Favourite until he gets a call from dick telling him (without shouting!!!!) that he’ll be there for this week’s Sunday dinner. Duke accidentally scratches the Batmobile? Demoted to the “in trouble” zone (which, honestly, that’s where his kids spend most of the time in😭). Damian did not attempt to free all the animals in the zoo they visited? Favourite. Until Bruce found out he was just trying to conceal the cat hidden in his room that Bruce explicitly forbade him from keeping.
Dick arrives at the family dinner with a busted shoulder and a bruise the size of Texas on his face? Gets demoted so far down that even azraeil scores higher than him. He’s in the “in trouble” zone for a constant month after that. Oh one of them survived an almost death? Favourite for at least the next week. At least. Multiple people survive an almost death? EVERYONES the favourite. The least favourite is the growing grey hairs on his head.
The end of day results are decided by who bothers to wish him goodnight and if all of them have fucked up in some way the past week then Jon (Kent) becomes the automatic favourite until someone cracks a joke that Bruce actually finds funny.
The favourite child changes daily, hourly even, and his kids are aware this system exists and keep trying to crack the code but he always Knows and just smirks smugly.
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Sometimes, it isn’t the one who takes your breath away, it’s the one that reminds you to breathe.
k.b. // by jennifer johnson
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racky000 · 2 days
Dicen que eres lo que comes, y debo decir que yo soy un hombre muy elegante.
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