#I killed Sirius Black
messervixen · 13 days
RIP Sirius Black, you would’ve loved Conan Gray’s new album
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foxalade · 3 months
Had a James Potter moment and watched Cars
Then I felt the need to torture myself so I watched Hp and tootp
"Nice one James!"
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likeprongstostars · 18 days
godfathers day pt.2
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terymlxyrstdus · 9 months
Barty: *constantly flirts with Evan and almost kisses him*
Evan: *actually kisses Barty*
Barty: *runs away in gay because he didn’t think that far*
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valoflunar · 10 months
Sirius,very betrayed,surprised and curious to why his best friend suddenly always has a black cat with him that tries to scratch at Sirius whenever he makes a comment about it (pst it’s Reggie)
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imsiriuslyreading · 7 months
i made an 8 minute long tiktok talking about Kill Your Darlings and this was one of the comments
i have never laughed so hard in my life because babe what do you think?
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marsshifts11 · 23 days
oh my goddddd
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lilacfiresoul · 2 months
rush, may 3 -- @jegulus-microfic -- 630 words
based off "so high school" by taylor swift from the tortured poets department! genuinely haven't been able to listen to anything else since it came out, and i HAD to write jegulus to it so <3
content warning for brief (but funny) mentions of the noble house of black's ... marriage system lmao
and !! some brief hot kissing at the end (nothing nsfw)
“Regulus. Kiss, marry, kill …” Dorcas glances around at the group, her eyes scanning over Lily, who’s curled up next to Pandora, Peter and Remus sitting together on the sofa, and coming to rest on Sirius on the floor at James’ side.
Immediately, Sirius starts laughing. James can't help but laugh too, watching as opposite him, on the other sofa with Evan and Barty, Regulus’ mouth drops open. “My brother?” he blurts out in disbelief.
Dorcas holds up a finger. “No, hold on, I’m not finished.”
Batting his eyelashes, Sirius makes kissy noises at Regulus, whose face twists into a disgusted expression that could curdle milk. “Come on, Reg. What’s a little bit of marriage between family? Not like it hasn’t happened before.”
Peter and Remus start giggling at this, and Sirius lolls his head back to grin at them. “What? I mean, I don’t think anyone’s married their brother before, but there’s always a first for everything. Toujours pur, right?"
“I will shove my wand down your throat,” Regulus threatens, pointing said wand at his brother. “I’ll kill you.”
“That’s not a very nice way to treat your brother and your husband.”
“I refuse to—”
“Oi!” Dorcas raises her voice to be heard, and the two of them reluctantly stop bickering. Regulus, with a scowl, leans back. “Kiss, marry, kill Sirius …” She swivels her finger around to point at Barty “Barty …” who smirks, and then, torn between picking either Lily or Pandora, who both freeze and look at her in anticipation, she flicks that finger at— “James.”
James blinks. He forces himself not to look in Regulus’ direction, trying hide his smile as a rush of embarrassment creeps in. Of course, Dorcas has no idea about them, but just the fact that she picked him for the game makes his stomach flutter a little bit.
Regulus is still scowling as he jabs his wand at Sirius. “Kill Sirius.”
“Oh, what?” Sirius protests, but he’s still laughing. “Reg, really? So you don’t want to kiss or marry me? I’m distraught.”
Ignoring him, Regulus continues, “Kiss Barty. And I guess …” He screws his nose up as if it’s hard for him to make the decision, but James knows it’s all for show. “Marry Potter?”
Looking up in surprise, James plays along. “Marry me? Thought you found me annoying?”
“I do.” He reaches for the firewhiskey bottle down by the side of the sofa. “But I’m not kissing or marrying my brother, and Barty and I have kissed before, so it won’t be much different. Plus, I can divorce you after.”
“Wow, I’m flattered.”
“You shouldn’t be. Your ego is already big enough. I’m not trying to stroke it any further.”
Later that night, when James pulls away from Regulus’ lips, he asks as he catches his breath, “Marrying me and then divorcing me, are you, love?”
“What?” Regulus rolls his eyes. His hair is messy from where James has had his fingers in it. “Oh, stop it. It was a game and you know it. I would’ve picked you for all three if I could, but then that would’ve been too suspicious.”
“All three?” James hooks his fingers through the belt loops in Regulus’ trousers, pulling him closer and pressing lips to the underside of his jaw. “So you’d murder me, Reggie? Is that what you’re saying?” 
“Mm, perhaps,” Regulus muses, tilting his head back so James’ mouth can move down his neck, his arms around James’ shoulders. “If it means no one else could have you, and I got to keep you forever, then yes.”
“You already kill me everyday just by existing,” James murmurs.
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jjkyaoi · 2 months
btw bartylus to me are crazily codependent and obnoxious best friends like james and sirius. but like. u js don’t know notice it cause they’re a lot more begrudging about it but i swear to you. listen to me
barty is constantly around regulus. if you’re looking for regulus u better be prepared to find barty. or find him a couple steps behind. regulus only feels comfortable in a room full of people he doesn’t know if barty’s there too. barty threw away everything to follow regulus once he got the dark mark. barty lost his fucking MIND when regulus died. regulus is allowed to make fun of barty whenever and however he pleases but if anyone else he doesn’t know does it he gets incredibly insanely annoyed. barty would have burned the world down if regulus asked. regulus would let him. they’re probably dating but also nobody knows what the fuck is going on in their relationship ever. the first time they got high they made out. barty, if asked who he would fuck marry or kill, would choose to fuck regulus. regulus would choose to fuck barty. they had a “if the two of us don’t get with anyone we should get together” promise that went on for years. they
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kaaaaaaarf · 8 months
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The Killing Time (unwillingly mine) - Epilogue
Wolfstar. Murder Husbands. 3/3. 17.5K words. Mature. Complete. + Series: Love, Blood, and Wham: The Life and Death(s) of Remus J. Lupin
Their first anniversary comes around surprisingly fast. Years of blood, gore and dancing around each other have made their time together as an actual couple seem both like an eternity, and like they got together yesterday.
There is a very special playlist at the end of the epilogue, which you can find here.
The original playlist has been updated and is here.
This whole fic is dedicated to @kaleidoscopexsighs & @butcherbacterium, without whom it simply would not exist. They have been cheering me on, and helping me make bomb-ass playlists from conception. Love you, wives. Mean it.
If you haven't read this fic yet, start at Chapter 1.
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n0blefl0wer · 3 months
Rip regulus. You would have loved Little Women (2019)
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cressthebest · 3 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 8
chapter 14:
1. “"Obviously fish have brains. All living beings have brains," Regulus tells him. "Well, except for you."”
ADKDJKSJSKS i’m sure that’s another moment in which regulus wanted to look to sirius as if to say “are you seeing this shit?”
2. 😭😭😭😭 james why are you still figuring out you might have a knife kink?? i been knew since before the arena. plsssss
3. 😭💀 the rocks in jars story
4. 😧 james killed someone for reg. no hesitation. that’s gonna haunt him forever
5. oh god, the tenderness reg uses with james after james murdered someone. he’s so gentle and worried for him. this is gonna haunt them forever
6. in reference to james committing murder: “He has the disjointed thought that his parents must have seen that, as well as Sirius. The last people in the world who would judge him for it, and he still wonders what they're thinking.”
JESUS THAT IS HEARTBREAKING. the people he cares most about isn’t judging him cause they’ve done the same thing. it just hurts
7. god, and now they’re face to face with death eaters. i can’t do this shit anymore
8. 😟😧 oh no.
“James can safely say he doesn't have a knife kink. Blade kink. Sword kink. Any of that—he doesn't have it. No, it's just Regulus he likes, and anything to do with him. When Mulciber has a sword to his throat, it's not sexy at all.”
9. reg’s threats are so scary
10. knowing reg’s loyalty to kill for sirius is fucking wild. he would murder everyone in that arena if it meant keeping sirius safe. and sirius did the same for reg.
11. 😧 shocked. oh my god. jaw dropped. reg is just hacking at mulciber with a hatchet
12. ✨evan✨☺️🩷
13. whoop there it is. in reg’s mind, he mistakingly referred to james as his boyfriend. it’s downhill from here
14. oh god, james is using his “it was self defense and murder is grotesque and not always clean” speech that he used to give to sirius all the time. i wonder how often he’s had to tell that to himself in this arena
chapter 15:
1. reg called james baby ☺️🥰💞
2. “"Sirius, you're going send something to fix him, or so help me, when I get out of here, I'm going to rip all of your hair out right from the scalp until you're fucking bald."” LMAOOO REG IS SO PROTECTIVE OF HIS NOT BOYFREIND THATS GONNA HAVE TO DIE ANYWAYS. and he threatened to make sirius bald 😭😭😭
3. “"I like you," James declares cheerfully, and Evan winks at him.” EVAN AND JAMES FRIENDSHIP EVAN AND JAMES FRIENDSHIP EVAN AND JAMES FRIENDSHIP
4. “Sometimes, healing is harder than being hurt.” godDAMMIT he’s right, and that cuts deep into my soul
5. reg and sirius are so like me fr in hating change. for them it’s the needing stability after a childhood of not having it, and for me, it’s autism.
6. reg is absolutely insane sounding and i’m 2000% on board for it
7. reg is willing to kill because they scarred james’ face but still says he hates every breath james takes. bitch. wtf do you mean you hate him? do you not get it yet?
8. 😐 bitch, yet another self indulgent moment that reg calls a parting gift
9. evan and reg team!! 🐈‍⬛🫱🏻‍🫲🏾🐍
10. comparing james to the sun >>>>>>>>>>
11. reg being the best seeker during hide and seek 👀
13. 😧 evan says he’s reg’s friend. shit i’m about to sob at one am as i’m writing this. and reg jsut lost the best friend he never got to have
14. god, reading from sirius’ pov now IS making me sob.
16. shame on me for not realizing that the author of crimson rivers also wrote just lovers. i just realized that. like, while reading authors notes. i feel so fucking stupid rn
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morsmordream · 2 months
it was probably somewhat barty’s fault for letting his guard down, or for walking back from the library on his own after curfew.
he thought any danger would come from the gryffindors, but he wasn’t worried about that. he could take any of them, any day.
of course, with his luck, it wasn’t gryffindors who caught him. rather, his three least favourite housemates- snape, avery, and mulciber. they did tell him he’d regret calling snape a mudblood last week, but how was he to know they’d actually follow up on their word?
he turned his head, spitting blood onto the stone floor of the empty classroom he’d been dragged into. if he could only find a way to slip the conjured ropes, he could easily flick his wand out from his holster…
“if this is about the mudblood thing, you’re only proving my point here, snape,” he said, with his best attempt at his usual easy grin, “you know, punching me like a bloody muggle. did your daddy teach you that? or did your mummy? suppose your blood traitor mother is no better than a muggle with her family magic stripped from her.”
snape’s eyes darkened, and he gripped barty’s jaw, forcing him to look up at him. barty met his eyes, he knew snape wouldn’t breach his mental shields, no matter how good of a legilimens he was. his father couldn’t breach them, and he was the head of the fucking DMLE.
“goading me to curse you instead? i’m not stupid, crouch. leaving you with curse damage so you can run along and tattle. when i curse you, not if, when, it won’t leave a mark anyone will find-”
the door opened then, and barty whipped his head around before breaking into another grin. he knew they’d find him. sirius knew hogwarts better than anyone, and regulus, evan, and dorcas were like bloodhounds.
“you must forgive us for being a little late to the party, snivellus,” sirius said, dusting imaginary dirt off his robes, “you see, our invitations must have been a little bit delayed. surely, you wouldn’t want a little three on one action with our dear barty, would you?”
from the corner of his eye, barty watched avery and mulciber shift into duelling stances, looking rather worried. good, they should be.
snape’s face was twisted in rage, and he gripped barty by the hair.
“we’re just having a little chat, black. getting even-”
“avada kedavra,” sirius said, far too calmly, and the spell shot mere centimetres past snape’s head, crumbling the stone on the wall behind him.
snape released barty as if he had burned him, his face pale and his hands shaking.
fucking morgana, sometimes barty forgot just how close to the surface the black madness truly lay in sirius, and he was truly glad both him and regulus were with him and not against him. and, naturally, he found it incredibly hot that sirius would start throwing around unforgivable curses on his behalf.
“vanish the ropes. i’m not fucking playing around, snape, if i have to repeat myself then next time that curse will hit you.”
the ropes vanished, and within seconds regulus, evan, and dorcas had stunned the three boys. sirius pulled barty up, passing him to dorcas who began to heal him. sirius and regulus moved to the three boys on the floor and began casting in a language he couldn’t quite catch.
finishing with a grin, sirius strolled back over and pulled barty in for a tight hug.
“what were those curses?” he mumbled.
“variation on a nightmare curse, from one of the black grimoires. at the moment, they’ll feel as though they’re being buried alive. they’ll have horrific nightmares about all manner of deaths every time they sleep until the curse is lifted. mind, i don’t feel awfully tempted to do so any time soon.”
barty kissed him, gently, as evan and regulus made gagging noises behind them. dorcas was likely rolling her eyes.
“thank you.”
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sugarsnappeases · 1 month
microfic - bella killing sirius 🥰 | 1.5k words | warnings for um. death. obviously. but also for confusing narrative style ❤️
for the light of my life @quillkiller on this most auspicious day
Bellatrix laughs as Andy - the woman who looks like Andy, except for the purple hair, and the dirty blood - falls backwards away from her. She’s never going to get into the Duelling Club at Hogwarts if she keeps leaving her left side open like that; she’s lucky she has Bellatrix there to teach her.
The woman - her sister, blood-traitor, spawn of a mudblood, fighting on the side of the Order - doesn’t get back up again, limp body tumbling down the steep, stone steps. Bellatrix hasn’t lost a duel since she was thirteen, she holds the Duelling Club record for most consecutive wins - she’s the best person that Andy could have come to for help - she wasn’t going to be beaten by some filthy Auror brat.
Turning away from the unmoving body, Bellatrix runs deeper into the fray, moving towards the raised dais with its stone archway. It’s chaos, flashes of spellfire shooting across the room in all directions, red, purple, white, green, shouts and crashes and explosions as spells miss and damage the room, or as they hit their mark and damage the enemy.
She deflects a curse on instinct, swinging around to face the direction it had come from - a familiar face, her baby cousin - “Bella, will you duel me now?” - a traitor and a coward and unworthy of the name of Black.
Bellatrix returns fire. She’ll go easy on him, because Sirius is just a boy, mock-duelling with a borrowed wand and the small repertoire of spells that he had learned from her or from his parents, but he had always been quick on his feet, good at skipping out of the line of fire - she would make a proper duellist of him yet. She should kill him, for having everything and for running away from it, for turning against her, against his family, cursing their name then having the audacity to use the spells that she had taught him to fight for the wrong side of the war.
It’s the first time that she's seen him since he was disowned, in the middle of Diagon Alley, fighting with the Order of the Phoenix, and she should kill him. It’s the Yule holidays of her seventh year at Hogwarts, Sirius is nine and determinedly dodging her spells, one of their favourite games. They’re both somewhere else, screams and despair and a spinning, ungraspable whirlpool of memories, standing on the raised stone dais now, close enough to hear the whispers from the tattered veil hanging in the archway - soft, insidious, beneath the clamour of the battle.
Sirius throws a spell back at her, bouncing on the balls of his feet, “Hello cousin.”
Bellatrix grins as she dodges - Sirius is always so energetic, so eager to fight with her in a way that even Andromeda never is, let alone Narcissa or Regulus - so desperate to draw her blood, the same blood that runs through his veins, the same blood that he had forsaken, singling her out on any battlefield in the same way that she always did with him. He had run from everything that she had ever wanted - the Black heirship and the power, the esteem, which that entailed - as if it was nothing, as if she didn’t dream about commanding that level of respect, or awe, or fear, as if she hadn’t been scrambling every day of her life to try and get as close to it as she could. Sirius had run away from it, run away from her, and now he was a part of the Order of the Phoenix and she should kill him. She could kill him, the Black Heir, laughing as he narrowly avoids getting hit with a stupefy - he’s only nine, it’s not like he could really defend himself if she started firing off some of the more lethal spells she knew.
She had taught him how to perform the severing charm just the day before, lending him her wand - walnut and dragon heartstring just like the one that had chosen him when he turned eleven - he’s using Cissy’s today, struggling a little against it’s unicorn hair core, mostly relying on his ability to jump out of the trajectory of spells.
The two of them are volleying spells back and forth - ones that she had taught him and ones that the Dark Lord had taught her and ones that he had learnt without her somewhere - dodging or shielding or deflecting, spells barely grazing each other, she always knew that he would make a fine duellist - she had made him into one. They duel like this every time they see each other, during her holidays from Hogwarts, then during his holidays from Hogwarts; she had watched Sirius turn into a threat - she had taught him how to be a threat.
Bellatrix laughs as he manages to shoot off the severing charm that she had taught him - three different lethal curses in quick succession, a determined kind of acrimony about him, not surprised to see her fighting with the death eaters, in the same way that she isn’t really surprised to see him with the Order. She lets it hit her - blocks them all with a complicated shielding charm and throws back a confringo that explodes the cobblestones beneath his feet - still laughing as he cheers about how he’s fatally wounded her, feeling a sting from the shallow cut on her arm - he’s determined as ever but there’s less anger now; he’s playful, grinning when a curse singes the ends of his hair.
She knows she shouldn’t kill him - she isn’t sure if she could kill him anymore, he’s going toe to toe with her in a way that he’d never been able to when they were kids - she doesn’t think she really wants to kill him, her favourite cousin, more just the things that he represents, the signet ring on his finger that gives him an authority, aged nine, that she doesn’t have, can’t have, at nearly double his age - she thinks she wants to kill him now, though, now that he’s betrayed her, found a new family of mudbloods and blood-traitors and abandoned the role that she’s always craved. Bellatrix fires a stunner at him - puts up a hasty shield against his entrail-expelling curse, another one that she had taught him - the two of them laugh as he ducks it, the red light whizzing over his head - “Come on, you can do better than that!”
It’s loud, cacophonous with the battle raging all around them - blood on the cobblestones of Diagon Alley, some of it hers, some of it his - Cissy’s complaining that she’s bored and wants to go outside - the whispers emanating from the crumbling stone archway are getting louder, seeping their way into Bellatrix’s head - and Sirius’ voice rings in her ears, echoes around the room.
She flings another spell at him, grinning as she watches him determinedly move through the wand movements for diffindo again - he laughs as she stumbles, as her shield collapses under the force of his reducto, as he gains the upper hand - concentrating on pushing his magic through Cissy’s wand, not paying close enough attention to the spell she’s just cast - Sirius deflects the curses she hurls at him, sends a barrage of spells back at her - he’s laughing, cocky as always, as her spell hurtles directly towards him.
It hits him right in the middle of his chest.
It’s quiet, suddenly.
Quiet as Sirius’s laughter cuts off. As his eyes widen in shock. As he falls backwards, slowly, as if some invisible weight were making him heavy, as if some invisible force were gently lifting him away. She looks at him and his face is gaunt, an underlying emaciation that no amount of hearty meals can hide, she sees the same whenever she looks in a mirror, right down to the tired, but ever determined glint in silver-grey eyes.
Bellatrix watches Sirius sink into the tattered veil - watches him fall to the floor of the duelling room in Grimmauld Place, for a second she imagines that he might be dead, what it would feel like to kill him - watches the grim smile on his face as one of his spells meets its target and her vision goes black - the veil flutters, those insidious whispers seem to pause for a moment, then rise to a roaring crescendo as his body disappears.
She screams along with them, triumphant - she hasn’t lost a duel since she was thirteen, Sirius has never once beaten her, always ending their duels on the floor - she’s killed Sirius Black, and everything that he represents, even if he had spurned the signet ring and the esteem that came with it. Bellatrix walks across the room to enervate him - wakes up in Malfoy Manor, Cissy leaning over her and asking if it was true that Sirius was a part of the Order now, if he had really beaten her in a duel - turns away from the whispers and the archway and the duel that she had won, skipping back up the stone steps, laughing as she hops over Andy’s - the mudblood’s - body.
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itsjaywalkers · 6 months
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making ghosts, ch 9
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
This fandom loves making Dumbledore seem like the most evil guy around, but he’s just very morally grey, he didn’t know Sirius was not guilty, because Sirius CONSIDERED himself guilty, which, he kinda was, inadvertently of course, but still.
Dumbledore didn’t manipulate Remus into following him, because Remus felt indebted to him due to Albus allowing him to go to Hogwarts.
Dumbledore didn’t want another Grindelwald, so, he did everything to stop it, which meant that Harry would have to be the one to stop it.
Dumbledore doesn’t manipulate people into following him, or blackmail them, because he doesn’t have to. Who would question one of the most powerful wizards in the world?
One for the many and all that.
Obviously not fair towards Harry, but genuinely let’s think about what would’ve happened if Voldemort HAD won?
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