#I just want this to happen so much and my finances might not allow it but I’m being optimistic
wroteclassicaly · 2 years
Next week… will I be able to say I’m meeting Joe in August?
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a-d-nox · 2 months
pac: mid-year reflection - what have you accomplished and what should you be working on for the rest of the year?
i'm trying something new, a pick a card. take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
last pac/pap: what exists before you that you can't see?
masterlist of pap/pac posts
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pile one
accomplished: you have fought past a hard time within your family. you broke free from the expectations and control you felt from them - good for you paving your own path!! you are now ready for the next level. continue to recharge and heal mentally as you prepare yourself for what is next. have faith you did the right thing - there is no going back now. continue to seek out inspiration for actions - and acting accordingly to your inspiration. you are steadily working towards achieving something just for yourself. just remember to remain flexible and have some patience for yourself.
still working on: you still have to work on your authority and stability - its not so improved that you can just move on. it's a process. practice being calm despite the chaos - manage your anxiety/stress. trust that you are mature enough to handle yourself and your situation. it's all about confidence, so get in touch with yours. don't be afraid to kick things up a notch. you have to practice stepping outside your comfort zone if you want to see some serious growth. at the same time, it wouldn't hurt you to take a break and take a step back from time to time (don't push yourself - you'll find yourself burnt out). you also have to work on not feeling so stuck - the past is in the past, nothing is guaranteed, fitting in is overrated, you aren't competing with anyone - that is all in your mind, and (this one you might not be ready for) your loneliness is likely self imposed (put yourself out there). take back your power in that regard! take some small steps towards what you truly want and you will feel a whole lot better before 2025.
pile two
accomplished: you have finally stopped putting so much pressure on yourself. it's such a relief! i know you are a perfectionist but it gets exhausting, no? but now you can see it's just not productive to continually compare yourself to others and now you are free. keep happily say "no" while focusing on what truly brings you joy. i feel like it's also a good thing you have lower your bar for yourself. high hopes are good but not to the detriment of your mental health and self-image. delays are okay - it's okay if you're vision is not true to reality; its probably healthier this way so keep reminding yourself that. just keep working and you will get what you need and where you need to be.
still working on: keep working on connecting with your intuition. start reconnecting with your gut - stop relying on others and allowing them to influence you. also it is imperative that you let go of whatever it is that you are clinging to. change only comes when you accept endings. surrendering what is leaving or has left allows for peace and gratitude for what still remains - so stop clinging, surrender, and create space in your life for new things. embrace some spontaneity in your life - something is about to happen and you just need to say "yes" (which sounds crazy when you read the accomplished section but you will know your say "yes" opportunity when you work past your disconnect with your gut). maybe it's travel, maybe a person, etc. say yes, take a chance. ride a wave.
pile three
accomplished: i am very proud of you. i feel like you're saving for something and are being proactive with your finances instead of spending unnecessarily. that or you are feeling a bit more stabilized and secure in a situation that was bothering you earlier in the year. you just have to keep trusting that you have what you need. give some credit to yourself for your hard work. i also feel like you learned something extremely important that really had a profound influence/impact on you these last 6 months. maybe you met someone who is helping you to be wiser about how you live life and appreciate life too. you could also be moving past something that really disappointed you or hurt your feelings. you aren't too hurt by the past to not try again - you have hope once more. your emotions are no longer stagnant or restricted as they once were. keep up the good work!
still working on: you haven't been working on something that you have been planning to - it's time you stop pushing it off and get to work. stop being so frustrated and impatient with yourself due to the lack of progress you are making. be real with yourself and stop procrastinating then you will have no reason to be frustrated. otherwise, it might be time you adjust your expectations. start doing what you love again. hard work, no matter daunting it may be, will pay off when it's something you believe in. hell even if its small bits of progress, it's better than nothing. some progress will improve your spirits. life will get in your way to test how badly you really want something oftentimes. there is something to gain in breaks and stillness - start waiting around when you finally realize what it is.
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lady-raziel · 5 months
long reaction to the update
ok. so they put out an update video! since i've been commentating for the last three days i might as well subject you all to more of my thoughts today.
main takeaway: this was a good apology video. i mean it. short and to the point, no overproduction, heartfelt and honest (and not a ukelele to be seen. thank god.) they took ownership of the situation, apologized, and restated how much they value their relationship with the fandom.
their solution is to make the watcher tv platform into kind of an iteration of patreon where content is available for early access before it is released onto youtube later. this is clearly a better option than paywalling everything for everyone. i'm not sure what the relative breakdown of costs turns out to be when you compare how much they were making on patreon after the platform took their cut VS how much it costs in overhead to run and maintain their own platform (how much it costs annually to contract via Vimeo, essentially). but i'm sure that's part of the calculation.
all things considered, that does seem like the best option out of all the alternatives. it allows them to not completely abandon any of the pans they have simmering over the fire for the time being. i don't think i ever thought they were going to just say "oops, forget about the streaming thing! let's pretend that never happened!" because at this point they've invested quite a lot of time and money into it, and i don't disagree that keeping it in some iteration may help them make up some of the funds they're lacking.
i would say, it's fine to keep the streamer. this is one of the ok outcomes, all things considered-- but if they're going to do it, they've GOT to do it smart from this point forward. listen to both the fans and the consultants intimately. both are going to have valid points, and both are going to be right. listening to too much of either side will sink this thing because each has motives and expertise that the other doesn't. if the fans say $6 is too much, listen to them-- but have conversations with business consultants about how much you realistically need to charge to make things work.
also, i'd use this whole situation as a learning experience. watcher is a young company, and it's literally inevitable that mistakes will happen. what's different is that the watcher crew haven't really been in a position before where they've been on the receiving end of the internet-angry-justice-hammer to this extent. it's one thing to watch it happen to others, but it's a position of extreme privilege (and a bit of hubris) to think "but that won't happen to me, because i'm built different." naw, man-- two things in life are inevitable: death and fuckups. the callout posts get us all in the end.
what's really important is that they use this as a wakeup call that even the most loyal fandoms will only follow you so far to the cliff's edge, and you don't want to push that. you have to strike a balance between the passion projects that you think are worthy and the stuff that maybe doesn't excite you as much anymore but the people want to see. a little fanservice keeps the lights on, as unfair as that might seem. i'm gonna make 50 markiplier choccy milk memes just so i can make one niche political joke once and a while for 6 likes. it is what it is.
i'd also use this as a chance to take a very careful look at company structure and finances. it's not fun to do and nobody likes it. trust me-- this is hard whether you're a single adult trying to pay the bills or the freaking US government (speaking from experience on both-- i have to read the president's budget for work frequently). but you all have to ask hard questions about the ratio of creative staff you take on VS staff for administrative and other business roles, as well as the costs and benefits of everything you spend money on. how many staff members are essential to location shoots? can this video be shot with 2 cameras instead of 3 and thus you don't need another cameraperson? you might even have to come to the decision that instead of pitching a new show it makes more sense to use those funds to hire your essential non-creative roles or contract firms or freelancers.
paying staff a fair wage with benefits speaks highly of what watcher wants their values to be. it's hard to find such a position in a creative role and still actually get to work on things you care about. but it would be much worse if watcher didn't make realistic decisions about finances and it lead to the death of the company and everyone losing their jobs. the whole watcher company can work, in my opinion, but not without some sacrifices. they're going to have to run it more like a business and less like a youtube-channel-turned-business in the future if they want to survive.
last thing i'll add is that while i do think this was a good apology video, i still think they hurt themselves by not putting out some sort of statement on Friday or Saturday just to say that they were formulating a response. As i've said in other posts, it's ok and in fact beneficial to not make a kneejerk reaction, but it's also very important to communicate that you SEE what's happening. you SEE what people are saying and THAT'S why you need more time to respond. saying nothing and leaving the angry public to wonder if you dropped your phone off the Hoover Dam or just don't care? that's a fumble. it's a common mistake companies make in a crisis, but that doesn't mean it doesn't erode trust fast.
this could have been handled better in many ways. we see that, and i'm glad watcher says they see that too. crucial going forward is taking all this and patching the errors that caused all this to fall apart and learning from the experience.
tbh at this point what i'm most sad about is that the watcher crew have probably been too stressed out and upset to appreciate some of the absolute bangers people have been laying down to clown on them. i think if it wasn't about them they might be touched by the collective attitude and creative spirit. /j
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ivesambrose · 11 months
ℜ𝔞𝔥𝔲 𝔦𝔫 𝔓𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔰 & 𝔎𝔢𝔱𝔲 𝔦𝔫 𝔳𝔦𝔯𝔤𝔬 𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
October 30, 2023 — May 18, 2025
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Pick the image you can submerge yourself into or can see yourself getting lost in or being a part of, that has your message.
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Picture 1
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You'll look back at your childhood, early teen years or even the eras before you that you haven't lived and take inspiration from there when it comes to your creative expressions. Might revisit old films, old forms of media, music etc too.
You'll feel detached to modern life quite a bit. I believe for a long time you've been quite cynical since even the field of creativity moves too fast being heavily reliant on content generation so you had kept your hobbies aside till now or were worried about learning anything new and allowing yourself to develop in your craft.
However, you'll have this unabashed sense of confidence which comes from simply catering to that version of you that wants to find joy and awe in the arts and whatever makes you feel less doom and gloom.
You might adopt a pet or find yourself feeling closer to animals. Also, do not worry too much about your finances. They will pick up.
Some of you might rent out a place or move into a new house.
Some of you will have prospective romantic suitors or an existing relationship will bloom slowly but with assurance.
A word of advice is to invest your money properly and not mindlessly spend it at the same time the harder you hold onto it the quicker you'll find your funds decreasing. Find a middle ground.
Detachment from what you have pushed yourself to hustle for tirelessly for so long and allowing yourself to dream, explore, rest and take it slow is going to eventually bring you what you truly want without you having to lose your sanity in the process.
Picture 2
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Life seemed to have been filled with toil and labour that may have been showing it's adverse effects on your health. That and the need to achieve perfectionism has been constant but the results have been futile.
Either you have been working towards something you're passionate about and will see the results finally come through or you'll finally find a reason to be passionate about or something that is worth the dedication and labour you put for the long haul and you'll appraise it's results by the middle or towards the end of this transit.
You may be realizing certain connections (likely romantic) however established will not be making it. But that's okay, you'll be eager to take steps towards a new direction even if the past seems to come snapping at your feet. (Literally, take care of your legs and feet.)
You'll also eventually be pushed to become your own boss and validation. Learn and break the cycles of your own deliberate ways of self sabotage. What does that bring? That success you have previously slaved away for.
When illusions and distractions fall away, true transformation occurs. A clear mind is a gift of it's own, a power you can confidently weild. You can finally move forward without the constant anxiety of looking back.
Picture 3
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You've been impatient for your own metamorphosis, your rewards, your blessings as well as your rebirth. The previous month's felt like someone grabbed you by the head and pushed you down in an effort to make you sink at some point, you prayed that it's done with, just so the suffocation would end. That's exactly what has happened but you don't realize it yet, but will in the coming months, the old you is gone.
Some of you may be feeling drawn to dark Goddesses (learning about them or working with them however this applies to you)
You'll be pushed in the spotlight now, unknowingly, suddenly and inevitability. The metamorphosis is complete see? You haven't noticed but the people will. And although there are so many fulfilling offers both in career and love, why must you run from it? Maybe cuz you've chased all of this or wanted all of this for so long, now that it's here, you feel a sense of detachment. And although aloofness is soothing and maybe even attractive, live a little. In fact, you should unapologetically live out loud.
You have this pent up energy of wanting to beautify, nurture and bewitch everything and everyone around you and that you will, it will start with yourself first. A lot of you will venture into an artistic field that will require travel, travel in turn will also help you in connecting with your soul tribe. Listen to your heart a little more because you certainly love being in your head.
You've also been worried about your family, you'll see them happy and fulfilled.
There's so much to create, to achieve, to learn, to teach, to explore to give and to receive. So don't hold back.
Picture 4
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Sometimes realizing that what you thought brought you joy because it looked exciting and good in the pictures was sucking you dry after all, can also feel like a heartbreak or an afternoon cry under the shower. You've been sick likely and devoid of true merriment. Perhaps some of you aren't as happy with the company you keep. Good thing is, that's about to change, even though at first it may not feel like it.
There's conflict internally and externally, it might bleed into your proffesional/academic life. Is everything really supposed to be competition? How much of your authenticity have you compromised so far?
I do see you managing your finances/material life/academics/work/business etc efficiently. Finally resting, recharging and looking after your well being too.
At some point you'll encounter someone unlikely who will feel like a guiding star to you and might end up being a friend, a muse, a mentor or lover and if you're lucky, all of them in one person.
You have courage but you also have Intuition and foresight, trust it, use it. So that the joy you feel and what you celebrate next, fills your soul not just your glass.
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deesseshesca · 3 months
Mystery reading ~ 1 
Where is life going …
Morning, pretty souls, today we are checking on this bitch called : LIFE. What’s good ? What’s up ? What’s popping ? I’m talking CAREER, FINANCE, LOVE maybeeeeee s.e.x.
Choose the image that’s speak to you and allow yourself to soak ONLY what’s reasoning with YOUR SITUATION 
Rules and Disclaimer 
I am the type of tarot reader to say as it is. Nothing is sugar coated but everything is sent with good intention. If you are not ready to face some truth, you should vagabond somewhere else. 
Basing myself on the legal age in my country which is 18 
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PILE 1 (18+)
Moon (reverse), Six pentacles, Four pentacles (reverse), two cups, 666’ ‘’I’m sorry I put my career before you ! I’m trying to get out of debt… I’m willing to put time & effort now because I don’t want to lose you !’’, ‘’I’M learning how to love myself now thanks to you !’’
Your dreams are becoming a nightmare. You are breaking under pressure and your overthinking is running wild. You feel overwhelmed by your problems or your overthinking is paralyzing. You had a dream about a wolf and dog barking at you, we were so scared you woke up sweating. But what you don’t realize is that they were not coming for you, they were urging you to realize the urgency of your problem. You are in a constant state of anxiety and you project this upon others. You are the root of all your problems. Even if we take them away, you are still in bad shape. I really advise you to apply to some social help in your community regarding mental health. It might not be the best service but it will be a good beginning. Show some grace to your friend. They might not be equipped to fully help you, but they are trying their best. They are really here for you. They only wish to help and be a good shoulder for you to lay your head upon. In your heart, you know who your real friends are. Your fiance is doing so well, You are living your dream life and riding your dream car. I’m getting that nobody knows you are going through HELL in your mind. You don’t show it one bit. Is the only thing you control. Is the way you look so it will kill you if it falls apart. You bury yourself in workload just to distract from the constant voices in your mind. Several events are coming towards us. Before you fire a shot in your head, listen, is the way you are going to react going to determine the next few years in life. Don’t panic, do some shadow work, do some meditation and listen to some subliminals. So when the events happen you react in your best abilities. You might be closing this toxic cycle very soon. Allow change to affect your self-belief slowly but surely. Use your feelings and gut feelings. I feel you nodding your head in a negative way, but listen, if you can manifest a dream apartment and car in such a negative state. Babe not everything you are doing is wrong. Especially in this economy ! Give yourself some flowers. Stop putting others first. I feel like you hide your pain, because you don't want to feel like a burden. Babe I don't want you to hit the deep end. So I prefer you be a burden than a forever trauma for people around you. 
The remedy of a broken heart - Xxxtentacion
Nine swords (reverse), Knight of pentacles, two pentacles (reverse), 6 pentacles (reverse) 
Right now there’s one of my closest guy friends that is showing signs of attraction towards you. Actually love not lust. You might not feel like jumping in because he doesn't know how badly life is beating you. You don’t want them to associate with the mess you are in. 
TOOO BAD ! THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ! THEY ARE COMING IN ! Girl, he loves you. Before we even get anything sexual, he wants me to point out his feelings for you. Right you might feel like you sense a shift in y’all relationship but babe you have no idea how obsessive he is with you. Next, you will not let him hit quickly. You will move extremely slow. And he is going to allow you to take the lead. You might act like you don’t care about him, pretend like you don’t feel what he is feeling. But he knows deep down you are just scared of intimacy. You swear you prefer fucking over love, but him and I both know the truth. He's not letting your sabotage get in the way of y’all relationship. Girl you can play all the games you want he stays going to be gentle and waiting for you. Showing that he ain’t going anywhere. Never pushing your limit. Just happy to be in your presence. That man is going to book a hotel room for your first time. But i’m getting that y’all will already be in a relationship when y’all get down and nasty. You get a room full of candles and flowers like the one on the gram. For the first time in sex, it is not going to feel like you're distracting yourself from your life. But you will be totally immersed in the experience. I’m getting that your anxiety will be completely off. You might wake up thinking it was all a dream but nah girl he is really beside you and you are really in a hotel suite after having the best sex u ever had. You might try to control the whole experience and he will allow you to take the lead. He will always check on you : Can I take it off ? Do you want me to put my finger in, baby ? Does it feel good love ? You can take it all in,  princess .  (He loves using little names for you) He must be good at dirty talking. I’m hearing the type to talk you through it. 
Y’all be cuddling. He will be keeping you close to him. You will finally let him in completely. You will apologize for letting work take first in your life and being emotionally available even though you guys are in a relationship. Because you were still very scared. But it won't be news for him, he already  knows it. You will realize how much you NEEDED someone like him in you life.
Foreplay- Shenseea 
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Temperance (reverse), 3 wands (reverse), Ace pentacles (reverse), 9 pentacles (reverse), 777. 111
You are not learning. I’m hearing Abby Miller: ‘’ HAVE YOU LEARN NOT NOTHING  !’’. Your excuse is life can end tmr and you might die at the very minute so YOLO. GIRL ! I can assure you, you will live longer than a month . You are not dying anytime soon. So… STOP IT ! Not only that but you have the audacity to feel unlucky like you ain’t the one messing it all up. Not only that, you are getting frustrated. I’m hearing someone around you saying ‘’ I told you so !’’. GIRL YOU DON’T HAVE MONEY. Don’t even try it. Stop spending money. There’s more money coming out than coming in. STOP SPENDING ! Girl, I'm your last warning. The universe is fed up with you. You are better at spending than earning. Is not even funny anymore …I swear. You might think I’m nagging but I'm stressing for you.. You are soon going to be in BIG PROBLEM.  YOU ARE NOT DYING TMR ! So stop the YOLO. Build some money discipline. When the universe will be happy with your change, your luck is going to come back even better this time. With the money, you will fund a new skill that will be more abundant than you ever have on your own. Your personal income will be 3x at least. 
Kobe - Fresh
Two words (reverse) , 5 swords, 2 cups (reverse), 5 pentacles
I feel you are in a relationship with someone you vow not to love but only to use for some money. Like you needed a place to stay. But it is just any ordinary man. Pile 2 you guys are the final boss of beauty privilege. The way your beauty is mesmerizing. Is like the sec that the male specimen lays eye on you, it submit to your every need. You are not at the basic level of having your drink paid or people always helping you. Men pay for your trip, your makeup, your luxury purse and everything you can think of, you will have. Every time you open up about it, girl be quick to call you an OF, when in reality you are fucking telling the truth. I didn't even know people like you exist. I thought my mind was playing games but one of your spirit guards was like ‘’If you can drag her spending, you better applaud her beauty’’. If you guys believe in past life, it will not surprise me if you were one of the prettiest princesses in the medieval and in the 1800. Like other souls may think that vanity is useless. But you know how resourceful it is. If you don't believe in it. Your beauty is something in the spiritual world that spirits admire to the point of idolizing it. I will not be surprised if you are of royal blood. Anyway, you are male ultimate fantasy. The man you know knows it. This is not your first rodeo. Is not the first time you use men for their resources. But it is the first time that the man  treats you like a goddess instead of a sex toy. He has venus in Virgo, his love language is act of service. He cares extremely about you. He cares about your well-being and your mental health. He is at least a multi-millionaire. He knows you are not fully committed to him, but he hopes that he shows how sincere he is, you will eventually open up. Everytime he try to have an emotional moment, you end up fucking him. And he's getting tired of it. If you don’t change the cards are showing me, that  is going to be too late. You  will soon realize he was one of the very rare ones. Let me tell you something, when he is done with something, there’s NOTHING that can make him go back. You are scared he is going to feel disgusted when he realizes how much shit you are financially. But believe me, he loves you too much. I think the concept of your love is foreign to you that you don’t even know how to actually react. Don’t worry he will teach you. 
You guys are definitely bilingual, you might be speak french 
I think it was essential for me to make a difference between your finances and the resources of others. I feel like you are living a luxurious life that has always been funded by everyone but you. And you can't even imagine becoming a rich man. Girl let me breathe some life into you. If you know how to make men answer to your  crazy desires that means you know how to market yourself. You probably know how to brand yourself. You've been jumping from rich to rich men, I know you pick more in their talk than I could ever in my economy class. Learn some financial discipline, learn a skill and you will have a sweet freedom. 
Streets - Doja Cat
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PILE 3 (18+) 
Emperor (reverser), 5 pentacles, Ace pentacles (reverse), Strength (reverse), 0505,111, ‘’I miss making love to you ! I will do anything just to hold you again !’’, ‘’ I tried to replace you but it didn't work out because I’m madly in love with you & I was fighting it ! I know this is divine’’
Your life is a mess and it is your fault. Here I said it. I felt a lot of people sigh at the same time: ‘’Finally’’. You keep blaming others and hiding behind ‘’circumstances’’. You love to remind people of a glorious past you once had. Where you were on top of your game. I'm hearing Golden child gone bad. ( I'm even smelling mold) You were once the best of the school. The top employee at your work and winning trophies left right in sport, Now you barely show up to class. You always come very late at work. Because you keep escaping your problem You don’t look for help. You keep saying ‘’ it is what it is’’ Your finances might slow down but you're for sure taking a hit in life. You are feeling lonely and vulnerable. Some might stop here, but I know that you are hiding a bigger problem. You are actually a golden child turned importer syndrome. Back in high school it was easy to be the best. Now you are in a room full of people going as hard as you and you  feel like you ain’t doing enough or your result doesn't hold the candle beside theirs. You are stressed and miserable. Finally you don’t see the end of this financial mess. You feel like everything is expensive. But the reality is that you are trying to keep up with the lifestyle of your classmate. You have enough to survive and you are refusing to ask for help. Advice: 1. Buy quality over quantity. 2. Invest your time in a hobby that is free or very inexpensive so when you cancel your plan you actually have a good reason. And it stops you from overthinking . Also you are actually building skill instead of rotting. You have sadly fallen into bad habits but there is a way out. Unexpectedly, it is about to happen in your life with that hobby. You might find love or a job. Some will get fly out because of your skill. As crazy as it might be, you are on the right path. The right persons is heading your way, opportunities and happiness are closer than you think. 
Dans mon monde - GENEZIO
Wheel fortune, Star, 5 wands (reverse), 7 pentacles
Is the comeback of an ex. When he will make his appearance in your life you will be skeptical. There's so much chaos in your life and you don’t need more drama. Back then your relationship was rocky not because he was treating you like shit. He was emotionally close off. I’m getting a good girl and a bad boy. When you broke up with him, you swore to his face that your life would be better without him. Nobody can ignore your glow up. But your life is a complete mess and you are going to feel too embarrassed to show it to him. You guys are fated lovers. I’m hearing, red strings (ikyk). Unexpected meeting while you are running errands. You will look like a HOT mess. In your big pj, your person is going to be so turned on just by the sight of you. 
I feel like when you are going to have sex, y'all would already be in a relationship. It will be in the daytime. It will not be planned, but at that moment both of you agree mentally that is happening now. You will be ready. Dress in white or pink pastel lingerie. I’m seeing small full perky tits. Bubble butt, you have bangs. Might be a brunette or blond, it can be a wig for my black reader. You are giving very doll vibes. The sex will be the best you ever had. I think he was your first. Since him had been fucking but nothing came close to him. Is not just because of love, the guy knows what he is doing. I feel like he has some sexual trauma. Like he lost his v-card very young to an older woman. And ever since he has been sexualising himself. He only loves being intimate with you. He also  fucked other women but none felt like you. It's like they were only there for his sexual abilities. While when y'all are making love, he feels seen, wanted and loved. Is also going to feel more better than usual because you guys are both open emotionally. You will open up before that encounter , he will answer some like ‘’ You loved me at my worst. Is a honor for me to be there for you and pour into your cup just like you did for me…’’Is going to be sensual, I’m getting DEEP love making. Is going to solidify y’all decision to try again for the long run. I’m getting a future spouse. 
He has a big dick. Is hard for him to get turned on. But it is like he can’t help it when he is with you. You give the best head and you love giving him head. 
He has a lot of money 
He will fly you out to have this experience. BAECATION ! 
You definitely know how to speak french 
Bonbon a la menthe - Jok'Air
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
what strengths do you have that are not acknowledged by you?
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• pile one •
it seems like in situations of complete chaos and disaster, your independence immediately kicks in. you know what to do and operate from your intuition which influences your actions and how you approach dealing with messy situations. i’m also hearing that you yourself will burn some shit down if you need to lmao. sometimes you don’t even know why but it’s because whatever it is has been keeping you in the dark, away from your own strengths. you intuitively pick up on that and know when connections with people, things, and places need to go. you know how to cross a bridge and acknowledge any illusions and truths that may have been hidden prior. you guys do a whole lot of self work too, and i don’t think that you realise just how much you invest energetically into yourself. this tearing shit down might be in relation to yourself - you know when aspects of you gotta go 😂. you use chaos as a tool to push yourself forward (you could do well with chaos magic for my witches and practitioners out there).
you’re not someone with control issues. if something is clearly crumbling, you don’t try to cling onto it and prolong your pain unnecessarily. you understand that nobody’s holding you at gun point to settle for chaotic people and situations, so you move accordingly. period. you’re extremely nurturing, caring, etc - but that doesn’t mean that you allow yourself to act like a fool in the name of love or caring about someone. you know how to also implement your own boundaries and do what’s best for you. because you have unconditional love for yourself - or more love for yourself than for the people and situations that cause a ruckus in your life. when things go wrong, you put yourself into a state of acceptance and receive the lessons that you need to from these situations. you take responsibility and accountability for the part that you play in the crumbling of connections and situations. meaning that you’re not someone who acts like a complete victim to life and to everyone around you. you know that certain things in your life wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t play a part and allow them to develop when they clearly weren’t built on stable foundations in the first place. even if someone else does you wrong, you will still ask yourself “wtf is wrong with me and my actions/mindset/standards that helped aid in this bs happening? why did i continue to feed into this? why did i settle for this?”.
you hold onto stability internally for yourself, therefore that reflects in the physical in some way. whether that be through your finances or some other area of your practical life. you listen to your intuition that helps to protect everything valuable that you’ve already accumulated for yourself already. you also don’t over-extend. mfs may have tried (and failed) to make you feel selfish for this but you understand that they’re just mad that you won’t let yourself be used as a charity case for leeches. you’re receptive to your higher self when it steps in to protect you from certain people. even if they’re people who your ego doesn’t want to necessarily let go of, you’ll let it happen for the sake of your own self-preservation, which is how it should be. you’re loving and caring and nurturing but not out of desperation for love and acceptance. not to receive that back for yourself in order to fill a void. this isn’t self-serving love and nurture for others out of a state of lack. this is out of pure genuine intentions. you’re fulfilled alone and you’d like to fulfil others where possible. however, if you ain’t getting wtf you deserve back, you dip and go back to just focusing on yourself. you don’t let your energy be easily accessible to energetically vampiric people.
• pile two •
your strengths are related to your belief systems and your life philosophies. you know how to be your own mentor and how to give yourself the knowledge that you need - mostly about yourself. this seems to be how you maintain your internal peace. you don’t gain much peace from knowledge given to you from outside of yourself, and that doesn’t mean that you can’t find valuable information from others, but you know that you have a direct connection to the divine of your own. you also know how to manifest and persist in manifesting whatever you want over the course of a long time. and whereas other people would grow impatient, you stay balanced and understanding that what you want is in the process of being given to you. you don’t let much in your external life fuck with your internal state of being. and there’s a repetition of patience throughout this whole spread. you don’t force anything. i’m also hearing that you know how to navigate traditional expectations and structures in society through your own methods. it’s like you don’t fit into society and what they want, but it seems like you do from the outside, so you go under the radar or something like that.
you value your own beliefs and morals over what other people may try to enforce onto you, and this results in a very stable sense of self. you know what you stand for based on your own viewpoints and opinions, so you’re not prone to easily falling for feeding into other people’s expectations of you. you’ve also made your own safe space according to how you want your life to be structured and it’s not easy for others to have influence over this or to even be let in. you guys could also allow your shadow as an energy of protection. you could have lilith or pluto in the first house or something like that. but your shadow is clear to see to other people, especially to those who try to take something of yours that’s quite valuable to you (whether that’s money, time, or something else). thanks to this, you see what you need to and i believe that people view you as someone who people can’t really get anything past. also, when you’re tending to your work (whatever that may be) you’re able to redirect your path to one with less challenges when you encounter blockages on the path that you’re on. it seems like this is quite easy for you, or like it’s easy for you to maintain momentum + motivation with what you invest energy into.
you’re able to learn a lot about the physical realm and how to feel complete within it. even when others would expect you to feel some type of lack, it seems like you understand what’s truly valuable to you. your version of abundance may be heavily different to other people’s version - your abundance is felt metaphorically - and you could reject what the world tells people regarding what to prioritise and what’s important (like earthly riches). you could find more value in your family, teachings from family members like your grandparents for some of you in particular, and that’s what has you feeling like you always have a stable foundation in your life. where other people would only ever feel stable through finances, you feel stable through the faith that you hold. you also know how to dissect your mental state when you’re dealing with some mental conflict, leading you to single out the mindsets that actually serve you and discard the rest. your mind seems to be constantly changing for the sake of becoming more grounded in reality, so maybe that’s something that you feel like you struggle with usually. but you’re doing it! a lot of you could have earth signs in your big three.
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June 15, 1952
The waffle house had been nameless for the entire eight years it had been in operation so far. Lizzie Dixon, 22, had been working there for three of those years. She could now begin preparing orders based on the sound of the cars pulling up and the tops of hats and hairdos that she could see through the blinds.
All of her lunchtime regulars were currently in, the dishwasher was out for a "smoke" again, and absolutely nothing was going to surprise her. She thought about dropping a milkshake glass for the hell of it.
"The back of that greasy kid's head looks like it could use some sparkle! Why don't you give it a hurl!"
Lizzie jumped at the sudden loud voice by her ear and dropped the glass, just missing her foot. The shards scattered. "Oh-! Oh no, no..." The dishwasher, finally back behind the counter, turned around at the sound. "Whoa, Lizzie, what happened?"
"Where have you been?" Lizzie snapped. "Don't just-- careful stepping through, oh, come on, get a broom or something, I have to take this gentleman's order--" She turned back to find herself face to face with a pale stranger in a suit and hat.
"Shucks, you missed!" he continued. "Better luck next time, huh?"
Lizzie allowed herself a smirk at that. "I might like that, but I like working here more, I'm afraid."
"Oh, you do?" said the stranger. His voice seemed strangely loud and shrill no matter what volume he was speaking at. "I see, got to comfort yourself somehow after your big audition flopped. Don't worry, that whole rodeo will fold a year from now anyway! BIG shooting malfunction! You're better off out of the, haha, line of fire! Trust me!"
Lizzie's eyes flicked over to the ad taking up most of the far wall at the end of counter--a flirtatious blonde cowgirl, SLUGGER COFFEE, 'Start Your Day Like a Shot!' She really hoped he was talking about cameras. "...I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Silas Birchtree, travelling salesman and so much more!" he doffed his hat. (For a moment, she heard some kind of buzzing.) She could see his eyes better now, wide and avid to a near painful looking degree, just like his smile. "Now, Lizzie, can I just say--"
"Hey!" A redheaded young man wearing a blazer in an unfortunate color took a seat at the bar. "Is this fella bothering you, Liz?"
"She hasn't been interested since you called her "Lizard" the first day of junior high, Chris!" the newcomer shot back. Heads all through the establishment were turning. "Take your comedy act somewhere else! I'd suggest the middle of the road, but if this one horse town ever gets anything resembling actual traffic, I'll eat that horse myself!"
Lizzie wanted to sink into the floor. Chris flushed red and balled up his hands. "Why don't you get bent, you creep! Who d'you think y--"
"Hey, ain't you supposed to be dead?" an old farmer at the other end of the counter called out. "We had a burial and everything, I saw." This set the gathering crowd murmuring.
Birchtree flashed a megawatt grin his way. "Normal human man, right here!" He thumped his chest hard. "Aren't you supposed to be cutting back on the drink, Ray? Then again, the doctor has bills to pay, too! Wanna bet you can help finance his new car?"
Ray's brow furrowed. "Say, how'd you know all that? What new car?"
"An excellent question! My unearthly knowledge comes from above!" Birchtree threw his arms wide, shouting to the whole restaurant. "An all-knowing entity of awesome power has chosen me to be his herald! He's seen your mistakes! He watches your dreams! He foresees the terrible way that you will die, yes, each and every one of you!" Now he was standing on the counter, with a sea of open-mouthed faces around him. "All of these secrets and more I will share with you rubes, if! You! Follow me outside!"
He stepped down from the counter and strode out the door, a throng following him out and down the street to Orchard Lake's central square. Lizzie let herself out from behind the counter to join them, still trailing broken glass underfoot.
"Hey, where are you going?" the dishwasher shouted after her. "Hey! Lizzie! What are you doing? Come back!"
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cxnevr · 1 year
Once in a blue moon: blessings coming your way + compliments!
hi everyone!! in honour of the upcoming blue moon in pisces, i have prepared a PAC on the blessings coming your way this blue moon, together with some compliments from my tarot deck. i hope this reading resonates and thank you for your support!!
pick a pile from down below (1-4, from top to bottom, and left to right)
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readings begin below this line
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pile one:
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hi pile one!! here’s your reading for this blue moon:
blessings this blue moon: there’s definitely a change coming in this full moon. you may have prominent pisces/12th house placements, as that’s the sign the full moon is happening in this month. i think your blessings may come to you in the form of your intuition. does that make sense? i have a feeling that the blessings that you’re getting this full moon may have something to do with the information you receive through your intuition. i’m also hearing that you may have to travel to places and that this travel may bring you money? (i thought this would be short term travel but then the song, “overseas” started playing so that might be a sign too. take it as a sign if it resonates.) at the very least, positive changes may come through regarding your finances. (note: this may not necessarily mean that you will be getting money, it could also mean that you learn something that may bring you more money/help you manage your finances better)
compliments from the deck: hm… i feel as though you’ve recently been through a tower moment involving certain people in your life. this could be friends, partners, family members too. whatever it is, the deck wants you to know that you did a really good job handling the issue in a peaceful and diplomatic manner. i do see that some kind of conflict may have been present in this situation and that it may have led you to defend someone/led someone to defend you. you handled things in a manner that was diplomatic and fair, taking into account the emotions of the different parties before making any decisions involving everyone. whatever the case may be, balance is definitely being restored to these connections and justice is being restored, and moving forward, there will be many more opportunities for much more harmonious and balanced connections to enter your life, if you allow it to.
thank you for reading, pile one!! i hope you enjoyed your reading and i’ll see you again next time!
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pile two:
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hi pile two!! welcome to your reading for this blue moon:
blessings this blue moon: have you been dealing with some brain fog recently? if you have, i see that going away around this full moon. your situational awareness or ability to perceive the things around you may be sharpened and heightened. i feel like you may be in the process of learning; i’m not sure if this is a pile chosen by lots of students or if you’re just picking up a new skill this month, but that is what i’m getting for you. if you are in school and have just taken some exams or are preparing to do so soon, i see that you may emerge victorious— whatever that means to you. however, a word of advice; do not procrastinate. it’s best to do things now and settle issues while it’s still manageable, rather than delaying it and letting it rot into a bigger mess. you may also be under the spotlight soon, this could be in the form or popularity, or praise, but i do see that there will be recognition for your efforts and strengths this full moon. good job, pile two!
compliments from the deck: the deck really admires your ability to balance your energy well. your go-getter, fiery, and action-oriented nature is well balanced with your emotional, and peaceful side. i think you’re very good at going after what you want, and then remembering to set some time aside to heal and recharge through self-care later on. you’re also very strategic with where you spend your energy, and i do see that being one of your greatest strengths. also, i’m not sure if this resonates, but if you are currently in a relationship/ talking stage/ situationship, the deck seems to be praising you for it…? in a playful manner, almost. i see that this might be because you made the first move and you seem to have flustered the other person a little. it’s cute, i hope it works out well for the both of you!
note: you might have been feeling dissatisfied recently, mourning the loss of something or the lack of something. the deck is telling you to look at things from a different perspective. try a different approach. reflect on how far you’ve come or help out someone who may be stuck in a similar position you were in previously.
thank you pile two!! i hope you have a lovely week ahead and i’ll see you again soon!!
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pile three:
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hi pile three, welcome back! here’s your reading for the upcoming blue moon:
blessings this blue moon: you may have recently dealt with some kind of heartbreak in which you were treated unfairly by a certain group of people. i see you finally gaining the strength to fight back and stand up for yourself. this full moon, you may be releasing a lot of blockages and negative energy. this could be done emotionally, but i feel like your method of releasing this stagnant and negative energy may be done more physically, as in; cutting your hair, clearing up certain places in your home, burning something (?). i see you getting a chance to kind of “reinvent” yourself. you’re learning to leave behind things that no longer serve you, as difficult as it may be. you may feel as though you’ve been reborn after this, and this will definitely be a win in your book. i’m wishing you all the best with your growth!!
compliments from the deck: pile three, you’re good at making feel at home and safe. you make people feel warm inside and welcome, and i’m hearing that hanging out with you makes people feel as though they’re at some sort of a family celebration? you’re good at building a home (physically, emotionally) for people, and i feel like that’s a very valuable trait of yours. you may also be introverts and i think the releasing you’re doing this full moon may bring you some discomfort because of your possible need to withdraw into yourself. but this is necessary, pile three, and i believe that you have the strength to go through this in order to better yourself and grow. i’m also seeing this talent for managing finances and being practical with your belongings. i don’t think this is a strength you consciously use as much, it’s just a skill that comes naturally to you.
pile three, i wish you all the best with your growth and i’ll see you again soon!
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pile four:
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hi pile four!! here’s your reading for the upcoming blue moon:
blessings this blue moon: pile four, you are definitely being blessed this full moon. i feel there are certain changes that will be happening in your life but nothing major, just some endings and new beginnings in your life, things that i feel won’t shake up your stability too much. you’ve either prepared yourself for these changes or it’s just a cyclical change that’s happening here. i actually see a really positive home environment, and even the possibility of some romance in your life. if not romance, then just really balanced and harmonious relationships with your loved ones. you may feel really grateful for what you have during this time, and you’re really just so satisfied and happy with your life around this time. this might require a bit of a tw but if you guys have ever been a through a period of your life where you just weren’t in the most positive frame of mind or you were in a difficult mental state, i see that this upcoming time period may be a time where you kind of experience this moment of peace and tranquillity with where you are right now, and remain grateful that you chose to continue pushing forward in life.
compliments from the deck: the deck is proud of you and your ability to handle difficult changes with grace. i feel like you may have gone through many things in life that have taught you how to be okay with changes, no matter how sudden or heavy. you have learnt to find peace within yourself or through yourself, and i feel like you have also learnt to help others as well. you are a generous soul that is so open to helping others out because you might have experienced things that taught you to have kindness and compassion towards people, including strangers and those who may even be mean/harsh on you. i love your energy pile four, and i’m happy that will be experiencing such happy events in the upcoming days.
i hope this resonated and i’ll see you again soon!!
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thank you guys for reading!! please leave a like or reblog this post if it resonated with you and i’ll see you all again very soon!!
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oyeicher · 1 year
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Decided to turn my late-night ramblings on Starstruck into an actual post for the three people who might be interested in a little bit more of Yoojae's characterization in the source material. Yoojae reacted poorly to Hanjoon's confession, to say the least, but the novel gives much more insight into why Yoojae reacted the way that he did.
Now the show didn't really explain how Yoojae found out where Hanjoon lived, but in the novel, Yoojae goes to see Hanjoon at his old home the day before the college entrance exam to give him something, only to be told by the landlord that Hanjoon and his mom moved out ages ago. The next day, after the college entrance exam, Yoojae goes to see the owner of the boxing club, who has been feeding Hanjoon meals because he doesn't have enough money for his meals. It is the boxing club owner who fills Yoojae in about Hanjoon's current predicament.
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After Yoojae says, "Don't try to preserve your dignity in front of me," to Hanjoon, he also says the following:
Throughout high school, I often went to school hungry, so you invited me to your home to eat. This happened countless times. Why did you do so? Wasn't it because we're friends? So why can't I do the same for you? Why is it that I am allowed to rely on you, but you can't rely on me? If things are difficult, just say so. What's so difficult about that?
Both of them grew up in poverty in the same neighborhood so neither are strangers to not having enough money to buy food. However, while Yoojae's family has made a small fortune and moved into an apartment in a fancier neighborhood, Hanjoon and his mom have been kicked out of their home. Nevertheless, having been through similar situations himself, Yoojae is painfully aware of what it's like to be so poor as to go without meals, as well as not wanting to be seen as a charity case and pitied by others. Thus, after Yoojae's family escapes poverty, Yoojae treats Hanjoon the same as he always has, save for small things like occasionally buying a few snacks and offering to pay for Hanjoon at the comic cafe. Yoojae did not want to tell Hanjoon about his family's newfound wealth on account of Hanjoon's family's finances. Especially after witnessing his parents show off to everyone, Yoojae had no desire at all to show off or even tell others about his family's wealth. As for Hanjoon, he did not want to be a downer about his own situation in the face of Yoojae's "good fortune."
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Both of them do what they think is in the other's best interests, but they still struggle to understand where the other is coming from. Moreover, a lot of Yoojae's thoughts and experiences on love and relationships seem to reflect what he has witnessed from his parents, who constantly fight and blame one another. At times, they also force him to take sides. Therefore, it's no wonder that he has such a warped view of love and relationship. And this isn't even taking into account the internalized homophobia that others have mentioned as well.
Hanjoon loves Yoojae so much, and has loved him for so long, that he takes the opportunity to express his love to Yoojae through an expensive heart-shaped box of chocolates, under the pretense of wishing Yoojae good luck on the college entrance exam. We see how happy Hanjoon is to buy the box of chocolates and give them to Yoojae, and then how crushed he is when Yoojae throws it on the floor. But all Yoojae sees is that Hanjoon spent money he doesn't have on the fancy chocolates.
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Yoojae reacted poorly, there's no question about that. However, I do think that the rest of the dialogue, which was cut from the show episode 4, gives more insight into what was going on in Yoojae’s mind at the time. [edit: portions of this dialogue were in episode 5]
Are you threatening me?
Are you saying that if I don’t go out with you, I won’t be able to see you ever again? How could you say something like that to me?
You must have known that there was no way that I would ever agree to something as ridiculous as that. So why did you say it to me? Are you really going to never see me again? Are you really going to give me up just for that sort of reason?
Contact me once you’ve sorted out your feelings.
My interpretation is that Yoojae viewed Hanjoon's confession as emotional blackmail of some kind, which coupled with his own confusion regarding his feelings toward Hanjoon, led him to react even more strongly. All this is to say that yes, Yoojae was behaving like an immature teenager, but his life experiences shaped him to be that imperfect person, and he wasn't simply being a jerk just for the hell of it.
That's all I have to say about Starstruck for now and if you're still reading this, thank you for reading my word vomit💕
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halevren · 7 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 10
Happy mid season episode! I am saddened by the fact that I work on Wednesdays because I will be late to watch fhjy until the forseeable future. If anyone cares though I plan on buying the adya statuette next week if my finances allow for it :3 also I am so tired rn but I NEED to watch fhjy
Do you guys think ayda will appear in this episode after her statuette was released last week? (Praying)
tttaking over teenage rebellion!
Lucy Frostblade... You were just a girl. You didn't deserve everything that happened to you
"We're feeling bad. But we're feeling... Hopefully positive."
stress isn't always the bed guy
big old burned down house
Cottoncandy Bitchfuck
"I'm.... Bored. That's not true. I'm not bored at all. I'm just tired."
Hindesight is 50/50
"Oh I love this. Tell me all about it."
Siobhan is loving Aelwyn rn
"I do sometimes believe in you"
"So Sentimental"
Aelwyn and Adaine are so important to me their sibling relationship is everything
"Oh, my sweet little boy is sick!"
"just don't tell fab— don't tell anyone my apartment looks like this"
The Gukgak
I'm the Gukgak guy!
"Oh, Riz, you have to sleep, Kiddo." "I can't, mom, I don't have time." Oh Riz....
Riz is so exhausted
It's been an hour and a half and his mom has chips and a drink 😭😭
"Mom, you have to be so careful."
"Keep my name out of your mouth." FIG 😭😭
"it's all good, mom"
"Fig has like 3 majors now" "maybe 4, i might take a level of wizard."
"Kristen Applebees, believe it or not." "... huh." HWHHWKWNEB
"You both keep my name out of your mouth."
"It's been our month!"
Lola Embers recommended Gorgug's place??
"Mom I'm going to go to Loam farm."
*shrug* "mom." *shrug*
"We're having a rough one." "GOT 'EM."
"I'll do it." Fig cleric teacher?!?!
TAMAGOTCHI. MaryAnn my beloves
The puppet master!
"Ha Ha! Darling Girl!"
Gilear is king for the day
"My mom called you?"
"I don't need a ride to school anymore"
"I believe she's wanted here."
"Can I say hi??"
That's so devastating
Coffee all over the DM screen
Yeah they haven't addressed the fact that fig is cursed
Pussy out, tits away
Theres so much going on
ohhh they might be sacrificing the rats
"I'm wearing a sports bra and a G-string, and I want to be closer with all of you."
Fabian with Mazey is so painful. He's so flustered and awkward I love him
"I'm here, for you."
"Kristen was in a mood."
Fried rice
"Wait, they don't like us??"
"When you think about me, why do you always bring up the ball?"
oh Fabian...,...........
"The legend continues."
"I was going to get a tattoo, actually."
"Even if you weren't maximum legend, I would still wanna hang out with you." MAZEEYYYYY 😭😭😭😭
Absence of divinity???
The gift is only mentioned in old texts??
"Well I guess I'll go to work."
Basrar is dead
"Literally your circus, literally your monkeys."
Tips are bad
Check the soil kids
Lydia mention 🔥🔥🔥
Kristen holds so much hostility for Kalina 😭😭
Oh Lydia...
AV club mention
The powerhouse of the cell
Aggression and protectiveness
7 becomes a 21?!?!!
22 Arcana, 25 religion
Elemental alignment???
Fiendish things going on
Yellow gold
Kinda like the pride of armor and lemon yogurt
Ratgrinders sticker
"I don't get angry, I think I get sad sometimes" me too buddy, me too
Sometimes a spell comes out and obliterates people
Comedy of errors
Bobby Dawn and Pam Dawn
Bobby Dawn coming to Aguefort sounds like a bad thing
"I'll never let you do that."
"Yours only came back once." *middle finger* Kristen Applebees you will always be famous
A+ in paladin classes!
"Sorry! Get away from me"
Reasons he won't divulge???
A+ in all classes!!!
Zara is gorgeous
The days of Goldenhoard is over 😭😭
Oh my god I almost prophesied this when I said Kristen would become a cleric/warlock of Fig.... instead Fig is the warlock/paladin of Kristen 😭😭😭
I'm the closest thing to a prophet holy shit
New god, agreement, todo list
Complicated Women: Lucy Frostblade 😭😭
Oh my god
"Frick. I'm so sorry." "I'm not." Wanda Childa
"I'm off the grid that's why I only have an iPod"
God... Wanda Childa
"Do you want me to get you a phone?"
"I want to do relationships with Riz."
Medal of Wit
You absolutely sweetie
29 performance 🔥🔥
Naked Kristen. Again.
Oh god Fabian is at 4 at his second roll
"Breaker Breaker, this is Fabian Seacaster, looking for his papa, Bill Seacaster, somewhere out there in the nine hells............"
This is so heartbreaking... Fabian...
Oh Fabian...
His papa.....
He probably feels so lonely
Rage token.....
This rage token is making me take a stress token
Everyone single one has been bad
Constitution saving throw???
oh no
oh no
oh no
"I shit myself"
"I've only been eating leftovers"
oh my god
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rebelandrichgirl · 2 years
I thought about not writing this to save my nerves but in this corner of the internet we ramble on about THE REBELLION 24 hours a day and German police in full riot gear wear white helmets that makes them look scaringly like stormtroopers, so I feel like this belongs here.
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The village of Lützerath in Germany close to the German/Dutch/Belgian border is supposed to make way for brown coal open cast mining.
It’s the company RWE (Rheinisch-Westfälisches-Elektrizitätswerk) who wants to do this. The legal basis for this is that you get the permit to resettle whole towns and villages if it’s necessary to reach natural resources and brown coal is considered to be that.
The RWE needs the brown coal to burn it in their power plants, however it’s a long standing decision that Germany wants to fade out the use of coal for electricity anyway since there are alternatives and using coal (especially brown coal) actually needs to be highly subsidised to be cost-effective. Aside from the obvious CO2-problem.
The RWE just wants to use the last years where they are even allowed to do this to make as much money as possible before they have to close down anyway.
The original inhabitants of Lützerath have already been resettled. The village is currently occupied by climate activists. Their eviction seems to be starting soon.
I grew up kind of in the region and was there during Christmas. I have actually thought about going there, but I have obligatory stuff at uni, missing that would basically lead to me losing a year… So well… Reality check of my finances… I went back to my university… (Yes, I do feel the need to justify why I’m not there…)
I don’t think there is a realistic chance that they actually will succeed against the massive police forces that will get there. It’s just a question of how long it takes, how violent it gets and how much PUBLICITY it will create…
There is a lot you can do even if you don’t want to freeze your ass off and get dragged away by the police in the end.
Take a look at https://www.alle-doerfer-bleiben.de/ and at Instagram https://www.instagram.com/luetzibleibt/
When I looked for English information about this, I discovered that there is hardly anything. Except for the English language sections on the links above.
The only thing in foreign press I found was the “Photos of the week” of CNN, which actually has one picture from Lützrath and a two sentence caption.
If you happen to have an uncle or something who’s working for a newspaper or news channel somewhere… Wouldn’t this be a cool story…?
If you happen to live in North-Rhine-Westphalia ask your friends and family which company they get their electricity from. Many people in the region actually do have contracts with RWE. Make them change their electricity provider.
And no, they are not cheaper than other companies! Coal is fucking ineffective these days! Even money isn’t a reason anymore to stick to that company!
And yes, I know, compared to the struggle in Iran and a lot of other stuff going on on this world, this might seem like a joke, but this just hits close to home for me.
And in the end it's part of the fight against climate change which will decide whether or not we will be able to still live on this planet on the long run, so maybe it's not a joke after all...
Thanks for reading!
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Hey there, Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!!
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon - about Rouge for the Ask Game
(Ask game is here! The prompt post got buried by AU day, lol)
Thank you so much for this ask! I'm sorry for my extremely tardy response, but merely thinking about the idea of Rouge aging while Shadow and Omega have to grapple with that sends me into depressive fits that I may not recover from*.
(*I'm exaggerating for dramatic effect, of course, but you get the idea. That is wonderful angst for another time. I want to keep this post cheerful, though, so without further ado-)
I headcanon that Rouge becomes a sort of mysterious wealthy philanthropist in her later years. By this point I imagine she's made BOATLOADS of money from both her thieving and government endeavors (much more so her thieving ones, but a few classified secrets sold to a few foreign countries also helps bring in the dough). She's definitely the one that funds Shadow, Omega, and maaaaaaaaybe Sonic and his friends whenever she feels like it.
(Sonic is included in her will, alongside the two other obvious picks. She hasn't mentioned this to him, of course, but it's there.)
She can't do heists anymore. That's okay- during her 20s, 30s, and 40s she got more than her fair share of daring and exotic heists. A 35-year career is no joke and as a result her gemstone collection is one of the most comprehensive in the world. Whenever any police types mention that most of her collection are things stolen, she blinks innocently and goes "I just bought it from someone, of course! You aren't telling me that I helped patron a thief, are you? I love my gems so much. . . I just couldn't give them up" *flutters eyelashes* and this gets most law enforcement to give up. If not, then there's always Omega.
She continues to bargain for any gems she wants the legal way anyway, finding the game of manipulation negotiation fun while also supporting her image as an innocent buyer. Otherwise, she's living her best life in a victorian mansion she fixed up, throwing dramatic murder mystery costume parties. She has a taste for fine wines and liquors, along with intriguing strangers. When one has nearly every gemstone one could possibly want to acquire, the next most valuable thing is a stranger who shows interest in them. (Either that or a stranger who's smoking hot. You get the idea.)
However, Shadow is still the one she splurges on the most, but it's not for his benefit. He asks that she give donations to causes he likes or organizations he supports. The local library of a small town that Shadow stopped in for the day? Suddenly receives a $50,000 check in the mail. Historical organization of descendants that chronicles lost Echidna tribe history? $100,000 and a fully-financed trip to Angel island to say hi to Knuckles. All of this is not to say that Rouge doesn't support these organizations herself- just that she often forgets that donating is a thing she can do with her money, and Shadow's prompting reminds her.
Her other biggest expense is Omega's munitions. This has allowed him to go solo from government work and to pursue his own lifestyle after the defeat of Eggman. Keep in mind that Omega's no chump- he still charges a pretty penny for his services -but Rouge's financial support is still a significant cushion around his autonomy that he's grateful for. Plus, it means that he can take charity assignments when he wants, which happens more often than you might think.
TL;DR: Rouge becomes an eccentric victorian robin hood millionaire that finances her friend's expensive hobbies along with her own.
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Replies! About the LiliMal comic + a lot of other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Waittttt may I ask whose butts are featured in your latest LiliMal comic because there's a certain cake standing out from the rest~
Ahhh I’m sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t have anyone specific in mind when I drew this sufhsui BUT. I’m pretty sure Lilia does this to everyone (well other than Malleus), at least playfully (some of his slaps are not as neutral in nature 👀 )…
But damn you’re right, that cake is huge. I can’t think of anyone this big other than Jack but there’s no tail :( HmmMMMmmm
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Lilia hitting Malleus' butt literally awoke a fever of fanfic writing, so thanks for that boo!
Also, I feel like Lilia would try to find out all who thought touching Malleus was a smart idea and probably kill them either from jealousy, loyalty, or straight him being possessive and does it cause "He was mine. He will always be mine"
You’re welcome! I hope Malleus gets buttslapped more often… he deserves it lol
Lilia’s case is interesting, because on the one hand, he does want Malleus to have more connections, relationships, all this stuff, but he really is more possessive than even he himself realises, not to mention super protective. So I can picture him going after people with an excuse of them overstepping, but in actuality because he’s way too used to thinking that he is the only one who is allowed to treat Malleus this way.
Anonymous asked:
Nope! I’m just very slow + I have been busy lately, so I had to prioritize asks with shorter replies… but you’ll get your replies too, Anon! Here is one, but the other one will have to wait, since it’s a hc ask, and it’s more time consuming for me to wrote them…
Anonymous asked:
thoughts on the popular theory Jade ate his siblings? do you think any other Leeches existed, or if they did, if he had anything to do with their death?
So about this! We actually talked about it about a year ago here and there, and even though we mentioned it briefly, we still like this theory a lot. Katsu and I pretty much consider it canon lol Of course while keeping in mind that it was only implied and the circumstances around their siblings’ death might have been different yada yada you know what I mean.
So yeah, other Leeches absolutely existed, Jade and Floyd are the only ones who survived and it only happened because they joined forces. And we all know that Jade and Floyd both are quite hungry, so the scenario in which they hunted every single sibling down and ate them to grow stronger just feels correct, horribly morbid and super fun at the same time.
I don’t know, it’s just a very amusing thing to think about when you look at them doing regular college boy things. Especially Jade, since he likes acting all polite and proper. He’s out there doing his vice-housewarden things, talking to his classmates, managing finances for the Halloween event, and you look at him and think “this guy munched down his siblings when he was little” lol
It’s almost like they’re from a completely different and a much more cruel world…
Anonymous asked:
You've probably been asked before but, have vil and Ortho ever made a sex tape? If so who initiated and if not what made them think against it/do you think Ortho ever secretly filmed sessions for himself?
I don’t think Vil would want to have a sex tape even if it’s for a personal use; he’s probably heard so many stories about leaks and ruined reputations. He grew up surrounded by paparazzi and all kinds of nosy vultures, so he is very careful and secretive (and a bit paranoid) about his private live. So he probably treats every time he has sex as “once in a lifetime performance for his lover only”.
Which is ironic because Ortho really loves recording everything he sees and does. He loves rewatching, revisiting and analyzing (and doing other stuff if it’s sex tape we’re talking about hehe), so he’ll absolutely ask Vil to record everything or at least take some pictures or audio recordings, and he’ll be bummed out when Vil refuses. Vil is usually very doting and he allows him to do so many things, but this is something he is stubbornly against.
But if Vil doesn’t know about it, there is no harm, right? Ortho knows how to put cameras and sound-recording devices in a way he would never notice…
And if it’s the robot!Ortho we’re talking about, he doesn’t even need any extra devices: he records everything directly to his memory.
Anonymous asked:
I think everyone wants to bite Idia’s thighs tbh
Facts. And it’s funny, because Idia doesn’t even have much to bite there…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Idia is touch-starved? I personally think that but I’m interested to know your thoughts
I think he is starved to the point of not wanting anything anymore, so he’s touch-died-of-hunger-years-ago. So it’s not like he is actively suffering, buuuut if someone was to get physical with him, his body would suddenly remember that being touched by someone actually feels very good, so he’ll get overwhelmed in a good way. He is very sensitive….
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avaetin · 10 months
So... Buckle up, this is going to be a bit long lol. It's not bad news or anything (maybe a bit) but it's mostly just an update for future updates and plans.
Firstly: Chapter XII of A Kairos Moment has been updated last Saturday. Just FYI.
Chapter 12 of Can't Say Goodbye (I'm Still Drifting With Your Echoes) will be updated this coming Friday/Saturday.
That said, I haven't been following my schedule quite well. I've had delays, and they've gotten worse after my trip overseas. In order to fix this, I've decided to stop updating A Kairos Moment after 2-3 chapters for about 1 month. This is to prepare chapters ahead of time so I can just post them as scheduled. So the next time I update the story, they're well on their way to Tartarus, following events that occurred canonically. (This might also allow me time to type Christmas fics, but I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were you.)
Secondly: This was my intention for this December. I was planning on commissioning three arts: Chronos/Aeon, Ananke, and a Christmas special (Nico & Aeon). But uhh stuff happened, so I'm postponing the first two arts to maybe January. As for the Christmas special, I'm not sure yet tbh. I want to get it done as a gift for y'all but finances lol.
Fourthly: I'll be posting mid-December my fic plans going forward. I have a bunch of prompts I haven't done which I might do by next year. I just need to give myself a timeline, I believe.
Thirdly: There are times when I post for A Kairos Moment, and I was informed once that the updates didn't appear for them? Maybe no notification or something. So I was thinking, if anyone is interested, to just comment, "Tag me!" on this post. So the next time I post, I'll tag your account so you have an immediate update. Like a minute after it's posted on AO3 lol.
P.S. This is going forward. So if you're not interested in my fic anymore, just comment like, "Stop in the name of love" or something 😆
Thank you for reading if you do.
(If you don't, you're also not losing much. 😆)
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deesseshesca · 3 months
What truth must I accept to move on ?
What again ? No ! No ! No ! You swore it will be the last time…
Good night pretty souls, today we are checking on your situation. Why did it needed to happen ? How can you alchemise it ? 
Choose the image that’s speak to you and allow yourself to soak ONLY what’s reasoning with YOUR SITUATION 
Rules and Disclaimer 
I am the type of tarot reader to say as it is. Nothing is sugar coated but everything is sent with good intention. If you are not ready to face some truth, you should vagabond somewhere else. 
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Ace pentacles, ace wands (reverse), page swords (reverse), chariot, 999
Good night to my type A people, welcome to your reading. So lately you have concocted the most perfect budgeting plan to attend to your goals in the most efficient and successful way. I am also getting that you brought cute little things to ensure to motivate you throughout this saving journey. You know you're going to need to make some sacrifice on the way. Which can be frustrating in summer, especially when you see everyone around you spending a bag. I want to congratulate you for the healthy mindset you have regarding your money. Most of you are saving for your first car or first apartment. Someother to fund a change of career, thinking of starting nursing school or just to survive college. While others are trying to start a side hustle like becoming a lash tech or a nail tech. While harboring this tunnel vision mindset, I'm getting that people around you are not very supportive. Going as far as mocking you. But the truth you must accept: the journey towards your goal will never go smoothly. Pile 2, you are the type to plan for hours down to the very second. Anticipating everything that can go right or wrong. And when it does not go your way, you say ‘’fuck it. It ain’t even  worth it anyway. If it was really meant to be it will be easy’’ BULLSHIT ! You are the problem. You are to focus by the end of the journey, that you forget that you have to walk through the journey. Not just fly to it. Sometimes on your path something might stings or feet might hurt. The real issue is that you are missing stamina and only want to feel good. Good job, you have your priorities straight. But girl, you ain't just saving for some Mcdonal meal or a new lip gloss. You want a car, a house, a new career. Since the goal is bigger it requires more sacrifice. Letting go now, wil be like taking a big ‘’L’’.Head up, discipline over motivation. Building muscle is hard and it takes time just like a habit. Plus you have to stop thinking that life is happening to you. Babygirl, everyone got issues, you are not the only. Imma touch your heart when I said this, you are not the strongest soldier, so pick it up and keep it pushing. Because this victim mentality is making you act sour with people around you. I’m afraid to announce it to you, but you are the bad energy, you are the negative vibes rn. Hold on, before you click off this reading after this beautiful drag (you must admit…) is you have too much potential. And is pissing me off that you are allowing it to slip away from your hands. You are capable of standing strong on your boundaries and to create an amazing plan. That’s some qualities one will take a lifetime to master and you are born with it. Don’t become forceful, be the amazing leader you are meant to be. Don’t give up ! You will be rewarded in your finances/career. Finish what you started. The worst is that you know all that already. What’s funny is that you keep saying you don’t care, but your mind screams for it, your soul keeps reminding you that it wants it and your pinterest ain’t giving up on the vision yet.  Do do everyone a favor and go get it.  Do a deep life clean so you can make room for some new energy. Reflect on your life choices.
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Super shy -Newjeans
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Death (reverse) , ace cups, magician (reverse), emperor
You were meant to read this. Now ! Right now is giving the biggest scam in history just like what’s happening in your life. I’m hearing the tiktok that goes ‘’ Ok now, where’s the camera now. I must be getting prank now’’. The reality…you don’t want to move on.  You yearn for a past that ain’t never coming back. You also don’t want to deal with anything that can trigger you. But you can’t claim you heal, if you have the same reaction when the universe sends you variation of the same problem. And isolating ain’t going to help your case. But the universe finally got the message. Lucky you, you are getting to send a friend. Someone that will bring the sun back into your life. That person will trigger you (in a good and necessary way ) and she will not allow you to sabotage the way of y’all friendship. I’m understanding : poor timing, don’t have resources, cocky, delulu, personality disorder, force = I think you are going to have a Karen moment in a shop close to your house. She is going to trigger a crisis in you. Instead of looking at you like you are crazy, like most people do. That person will play along. Y’all going to be 2 crazy bitches in the store. And instead of feeling cornered, you will weirdly feel valited because usually when you act out people call you crazy. You just found another crazy person. Everytime will go back into the store, she will always be there. You will try to avoid her , but nah she will jockly always go to you. That person will grow on you. I’m feeling the opposite aesthetic. I see her being a bimbo and loving it and you our little emo angel. Honestly, I fell in love with her energy while channeling her. I was trying so hard to stay serious but nah, I ended up having a dance break. How can u notlove her, she’s a sweetheart. Girl, you might THINK, that you ain’t doing enough. But your spirit guard, the universe, anyone that allows themself to see more than what you project and I can assure that you are on top of your game. Especially after everything you went through and put up with. Keep your focus and discipline. You got this babe ! I’m proud of you ! When you are ready, let go of the version of you that no longer serves you. You don’t need to pay the price of your mistakes. 
I’m hearing: ‘’ You deserve this friendship’’ 
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Knight swords, ace pentacles (reversed), seven cups, High priestess, 1313 
Everything was fine until it wasn’t. When did it all go so wrong? It happened so unexpectedly. The only thing left standing is your BFF/sister. You never thought life would take u off overnight. I’m hearing you failed some important exams or your parents are very good but they badly gambled the finances and you have to pay the price for it. The truth is … it is always in front of your face. It’s been a while that you have been seeing and feeling that your studying routine is not working for you. But prefer to pretend that is everything else but what’s ahead of you. You always had a feeling that your parents were awful with money but did not dare to try to know how badly. Is not too late…yet. For a while now you pretend to be happy. Thinking that the more you fake it, you will finally feel it. Now you are down bad emotionally. You never thought you would ever be there. Babe is the the time to give in into distraction. Now you need to pull the rag under your feet and face your fears. You want to know what happiness is really about. You know it is time to do some deep healing. To question your self belief. From the silliest question to the most disturbing. ‘’Is my fav color really red ? What do I actually think about the government ? ‘’ You need some shadow work. Is not the time to act, is the time pounder. Also is your life. Babe nobody is behind you. If you want to take 1 year or 1 month at the crossroad nobody is coming for you. As long as you are confident about your choice. Is time to start fresh ! Step out of your comfort zone. You will learn a new skill that will get you some abundance and recognition. Be confident and trust in your decision. 
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What is love - TWICE
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maranzalla · 1 year
okay so after reading @sparrow-in-boots 's Cristina Vespucci post, here is my own post
Absolutely agree that the game's current treatment of Cristina is like, 0,001% of what could have been done with her. So here's what happens in the version of the ACII - ACB - ACR that lives in my head
Cristina is definitely Ezio's fiancee. They're engaged and have been engaged since they teens, when Lorenzo de' Medici brokered the alliance between the Auditore and Vespucci families which are, in-game, both Medici-adjacent
This works because we know Lorenzo spent a lot of time fixing marriages between Florentine nobility as a way to foster relations and keep friendly faces in powers. It also works nicely if you believe, like I do after speaking with @robin-in-the-library , that the Auditore were instrumental in ensuring the Medici / Rome connection and that they might have presented Clarice Orsini to Lorenzo in Rome
This also works because know the morning-after guard chase scene having basically 0 consequences beyond Giovanni chuckling works way better if it's just a matter of time before Ezio and Cristina officially tie the knot - sure it's a scandal or whatever, but if the contracts are signed and everything it's basically done
After the treason accusations, of course the Vespucci have to hastily cancel and not even Lorenzo can do or say anything - it just wouldn't do. In fact, it's all the Vespucci can do to avoid the accusation of being damaged goods
So Ezio has to leave Florence with the knowledge that he not only is leaving his beloved behind, he definitely destroyed all her chances of future stability with his connection
So Cristina is off Ezio's radar for years, let's say about until halfway the revenge Pazzi tally
One day you get a mission to kill a mid-level Templar goon and you do. Lo and behold, it's Cristina's husband! Much drama ensues when your once beloved fiancee sees you effectively ruining her life, again, by making her a widow.
This could play off twice : you thought you had ruined her life by disappearing, and you went and did it again by your actions. Much drama, much trauma, memory sequences getting fucked and having to be manually restored.
It's important at this part that her husband's death is not played as a rescue mission but rather as Ezio yet again destroying a loved one's peace of mind with his actions. Like he marred relations with his sister and mother by getting consumed in revenge and leaving them in Monteriggioni for years, he effectively lets the Templar / Assassin war claim what small measure of happiness Cristina had managed to build for herself
(It's important that her husband is not a cartoonishly evil Templar, just someone boring involved in middle-level fraud or something. She definitely has no idea what he actually does, but it's peaceful enough and she's content now)
So Ezio ruins her life, again.
At this point however Cristina must decide to take action herself for once. I would say she finds the legal artifice to gain power over her husband's fortune (he's rich, and it could be done at the time, it was just a hassle) and I really want it to be something that Paola and Teodora are taking care of, on the side. It's a crime that we get characters such as Paola and Teodora and have them do basically nothing for two games and a half-
This way, Cristina could become a financial power in her own right, like Grazia Nasi historically did. And she could act as a financial broker for the Brotherhood, perhaps by helping on the Monteriggionin venture, or by financing Claudia's brothel in Rome when Ezio refuses to.
This allows her to confront Ezio again, on equal footing this time. He's forced to acknowledge that he hurt her in many ways, but he's also forced to acknowledge how she grew and the choices she made (it's not as easy as saving the girl!) They can rekindle the relationship, but it's an on and off thing
(you can have Clay or any of the non-Desmond descendants be the result of this)
They stay friends all their life and Sofia often goes to tea there at Vespucci's to talk books.
Oh and this? This allows Cristina to namedrop her cousin Amerigo, this time only it can be spun as a plotline that actually makes sense. Perhaps she can use him to help the Assassin establish a presence in the early voyages to counter the undoubtedly fucked up shit that the Templars are pulling with the Spaniards
thanks! this was my "Fridging Cristina was stupid and a cop-out" post, hope you enjoyed it!
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