Flapjack Octo
135 posts
She/her ◆ 18 ◆ Obsessed with all things having to do with Daemons/the Infernal
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
Literally so sick of people bashing "main character syndrome". Let people have fun, ffs. If you all are sooo hurt by another person having good self-worth and romanticizing their life, YOU'RE THE PROBLEM. There is no harm in individualism and believing the main character as long as you don't treat people like shit.
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
Ughhhh I've had an awful cold for the past couple weeks. Not COVID, but coughing and stuff. 😵
I just want my favorite OC to cuddle me and kiss my forehead while we wait for the cough medicine to kick in. 😩💕
Imagine ur f/o. Holding u so gentle and helping you get around and comforting you when u aren’t feeling well. and covering you in blanket and mayb rubbing ur back until u fall asleep
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
Time to break out my good ol' book and write some stuff down! This post was just what I needed. Thank you!
🕯 Jewish Entities 🕯
Many folks know that Judaism is a closed practice, but don't always know how to spot appropriation. Here is a list of Jewish entities that aren't shared with Christianity, meaning they are closed to non-Jews.* This list isn't fully-comprehensive, but I've marked some of the more popular ones. (For Jewitches, this could also be treated as a list for Jewish spirit workers who want to reclaim some of these entities as part of our own path!)
*Note: Some of these entities ARE shared with Islam (another initiatory tradition,) so they would still be open for our Muslim friends to work with but still restricted to the general public. Those entities are marked with an asterisk*.
Agrat bat Mahlat
Creatures & Monsters
Re'em (Unicorns are okay, just don't call them Re'em!)
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
Me turning 19 and feeling 90 😭
Petition to consider anyone in their 20s or younger still young? I don’t want to be old yet. 😭😭😭
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starting a collection. pierre talking to natasha in war and peace
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
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Seriously, good for them.
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Good morning everybody
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
Forbidden reading nook
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
Genuine, oddly specific question…
If someone were to make a character a self-insert, and people started shipping said self-insert with other characters, would that be weird? Like, say, if I were to write a book and one of the side characters was basically a self-insert, but people started shipping them with other characters, would that be awkward? I don’t know how to feel about it, but I guess it’s hard to avoid within the shipping community. (Frankly, I’d find it kind of entertaining, but should I feel that way?)
Also, at what point does a self-insert become *not* a self-insert? Because if a character has similar traits to you, or you’re projecting your own experiences for the sake of relatability, doesn’t that make them a self-insert? Would that make many characters that are seemingly unrelated to the author self-inserts in some way?
I’m really sorry, this is a stupid question (and I only took one year of creative writing in high school). I’m also really dumb, so please forgive me.
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
They’re both me.
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Here’s mine
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
Witchcraft - Where do I start?
I wrote this for a server but I felt that this should also be on here(: Beginning your practice can be overwhelming, especially with the vast amount of information available. I recommend starting off with:
Learning about yourself
Finding out what interests you is the best place to start. What reaches out to you? Do you connect with the elements? The cosmos? Do you have an affinity for any particular thing? Explore the topics you feel drawn to, do thorough research, and practice. Develop your own personal set of beliefs and practices.
Learn to recognize magickal events and signs from mundane phenomena. (I'll reblog with a separate research and discernment post).
Reading & Research
Read! Read blogs, articles, and anything else you can get your hands on. Become knowledgeable in practical topics as well as theories behind the many aspects of witchcraft—knowing how things work in the physical realm will help you understand and better apply things in the metaphysical realm.
What should I begin researching?
The Essentials
History & Culture
Think about the things you want to include in your craft, and learn about its history and the cultural context behind it. Asking questions like, “Is it open to me? How did the people before me practice?” shows respect for its origins and to the people who practiced before you.
Learn to become socially aware. Learn about why using certain terms (such as smudging, spirit animal, totem, g*psy, etc.) is harmful and something you should never do. Learn about cultural appropriation.
Family History
Finding out about your family history can be difficult for some. If you are able, ask your family members what regions they come from. Ask them about family beliefs and practices.
If you are unable to trace your family lineage, knowing what region your family comes from and researching the beliefs and practices of that region is a good place to start.
Physical safety: fire safety, and ingredient safety (toxic substances, toxic mixtures and combinations, edible and inedible plants, etc.)
Spiritual safety: protection, cleansing, warding, psychic protection, etc.
Other beginner friendly topics
Basics of witchcraft
Intent and visualisation
Cleansing and warding
Elemental magick
Candle magick
Correspondences: Learn the correspondences for herbs, ingredients, colours, numbers, and anything else you plan to use in your craft.
Vetting resources and reading critically
(guide will be reblogged!)
Read critically: remember to always look for hidden intentions in resources. Ask yourself:
Is the content informational?
What does the author/organisation stand for?
Is this site/author trying to sell me something?
Respect that other practitioners have their own beliefs and own ways of doing things.
It’s okay to make mistakes! Mistakes are valuable learning opportunities.
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year ago
Gotta do this lmao
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flapjackoctolover · 2 years ago
Warrior cats kids I love you
furries I love you
Catboys/girls/enbies I love you
Kids with niche hyperfixations I love you
Anime kids I love you
Mary-sue ocs I love you
People with self inserts I love you
People who subconsciously pick up mannerisms from characters I love you
Interjects with unpopular source material and their headmates I love you
ND people who cannot socialize to save your lives i love you
Xenogender and neopronouns people I love you
Hyper fem/mascs I love you
People with “disruptive” stims or tics I love you
People who got called cringe or weird I love you
Cringe isn’t real it’s just something people make up when they don’t like seeing someone shamelessly having fun and loving themself. Your interests are cool and and the way you express yourself and your emotions are valid.
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flapjackoctolover · 2 years ago
“Cringe is dead” also applies to everything except things that hurt people (like bigotry)! That includes acting “quirky”, having “main character syndrome”, singing in public, acting in exaggerated mannerisms, being childlike, etc! (Basically just calling myself out at this point.)
“Cringe is dead” also applies to the people who like family guy or drag race or dubstep or marvel movies or country music
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flapjackoctolover · 2 years ago
I act out in cartoonish expressions and act like the main character of some poorly-scripted teen movie and everyone makes fun of me for it… I hope one day I learn not to care…
Being cringe is so much more fun than accepting commonly held norms.
Just be yourself, for real.
(Provided it's safe for you to do so)
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flapjackoctolover · 2 years ago
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flapjackoctolover · 2 years ago
Why tf does going to therapy give me more anxiety than the things that actually bother me?
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flapjackoctolover · 2 years ago
When you watch a romance movie only to remember that you’re a LITERAL ADULT who: has never dated anyone, can’t make or keep friends, has an awful personality, is the dictionary definition of toxic, is ugly, and is basically the personification of everything society wishes to rid of. :)
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