#I headcanon that Dream is demi
primordial-shade · 1 year
Demi-Gods of Valyria
Ok, so this is the idea. Valyria was meant to be based around the old Roman/Greek empires and their mythos included. Now a fun fact about Some Greek Demi-gods is that sometimes women prayed to give them a child and the gods would do so, but in some instances they would possess the husband of the woman and create a child that way. 
This means the kid has a godly parent, Mortal Father and Mortal mother.
Now do you see where I’m going with this.
Rhaenyra Targaryean, future Queen of Westeros, has been married to a man who is mourning and, after some attempts, cannot give her the children they both want and need.
Laenor tries and tries and and Rhaenyra tries and tries. They both want a child, they both need a child.
Desperate and ardent worshippers of the 14 Gods of Valyria, they pray to their ancestral Gods for help, desperate and pleading. 
And the Gods answer.
They give the two a option, one as fantastical as it is a blessing. They tell them that each of them will come in turn, to give Rhaenyra and Laenor a child, that each one of them will ‘sire’.
They immediately bring in Rhaenys, Corlys and Laena, who brings along Daemon as well. After proving this exsists both agree full heartedly to the deal.
Needless to say Corly’s is stupendously excited and Daemon has to be stopped from exalting his gods in public by Laena. Rhaenys is just happy her son and Rhaenyra get what they want.
Arrax of course comes first. King of the Gods, creator of the first Valyrians, he possesses Laenor that night and sires upon Rhaenyra the future King that night.
Jacaerys Targaryean is born 9 months later. His skin the hue of his father’s, with golden-silver curls and Violet eyes brighter than any Valryian before him. Upon his shoulder is affixed the birthmark of a Crown.
When the topic of the heir of Driftmark is brought up there is much debate amongst the gods but eventually, Caraxes is chosen to sire Lucerys Velaryon. Born with skin almost as dark as his granfathers, silver and onyx curls like his grandmother. His hand marked with the sign that mimics a rolling wave.
Syrax fights her way next, having let her brothers sire the childs to be heirs she claims the right to sire her favourites, the child who named her dragon for her, third child. Joferys Velaryon is born with a mark of crawling vines on his neck.
Despite their arguments Vhagar and Meraxes agree to sire the next two children with Rhaenyra together. The Twin’s Rhaenys and Visenya are born from this union. Rhaenys, child of Meraxes, is born with a twisting wind mark on the back of her neck whilst her twin Visenya, child of Vhagar, is born with the mark of the sword in the same place.
Their Darling Aemma is conceived barely 2 months after by Meleys, a reminder of Rhaenyra’s dear mother who Meleys had adored. Aemma is born with the mark of a heart over her very own heart. 
The Triplets come next. Monterys, Sired by Vermax with high Valyrian marked on his right bicep, Daenaera, sired by Vermithor marked with a smiths hammer on her right bicep, and Valaena, sired by Tyraxes and marked with a bird in flight on her right bicep.
Another set of twins comes two years later. Daenys, child of Tessarion, marked with an eye upon her wrist and Naerys, child of Shrykos,marked with a rising sun in the same place.
Then finally their last triplets. Aenys, born of Aegarax with the mark of a dragon between his shoulder blades, Aemon, Child of Gaelithox and born with a burning star between his shoulder blades, and finally He who comes at the end, Balerion, sires thier final child Baelon, born with a skull between his shoulder blades.
Jacaerys born: 112 AC
Lucerys: Born: 114 AC
Joferys: Born 115 AC
Rhaenys and Visenya: Born 117 AC
Aemma: Born 118 AC
Monterys, Daenaera and Valaena: Born 120 AC
Daenys and Naerys: Born 121 AC
Aenys, Aemon and Baelon: Born 123 AC
Rhaenyra and Laenor are happy, they are beyond at peace with this offer. Laenor gets to go to sleep and wake from a peaceful sleep knowing his best firend and wife carries their new child (He consents to this by the way, just saying it now and long as he isn’t in the drivers seat he is fine.)
Rhaenyra is able to have the children she so desires without hurting her husband and best friend, or seeking elsewhere for seed for her sons. With Daemon and Laena in on it she eventually takes them on as lovers and Laenor does the same with Ser Qarl.
They are happy, especially when Alicent enters the room after Jacaerys is born and see’s the dark skinned curly haired little boy with a crown shape emblazzoned upon his shoulder and nerly faints on the spot. It is not long before Corlys and Viserys both scream of his right to be king to the realm, celebrating the birth of the heir’s heir, born marked by the crown he was destined to wear.
Otto nearly has a seizure back in Oldtown, it unfortunately does not kill him.
Rhaenys is hardly seen without her first born grandchild, often holding him whilst she trains Rhaenyra in the art of ruling and power or simply showing him around the castle that will ‘One day will be his.’
Alicent is screaming somewhere, I don’t care honestly fuck her. Viserys just continues to die somewhere building his model, again don’t really care.
It is the day of Jacaerys birth that the Dragonkeepers find Syrax and Seasmoke with 14 eggs. Every colour of the Rainbow, another sign of Jacaerys and Rhaenyra right to rule they claim. Rhaenyra herself picks a egg of pure red veined with gold for her son and heir, within a month it Hatches into a Dragon named Arrax, for his father. The other 13 are kept in warmers, guarded and precious.
Alicent tries once to claim one for Aegon, still without a dragon, and it burns him in his crib fiercely. She does not try again.
Here is my current list of dragons, and yes I know Jace had Vermax and Luke had Arrax but we are switching things up.
Jacaerys - Arrax. A pure Targareyan red dragon
Lucerys - Caraxes II. A sea green dragon.
Joferys - Syrax II. A deep royal purple dragon.
Rhaenys - Meraxes. A bright sky blue dragon.
Visenya - Vhagar II. A rust red dragon.
Aemma - Meleys II - A pale purple dragon.
Monterys - Vermax. A emerald green dragon.
Daenaera - Vermithor II. A steel grey dragon.
Valaena - Tyraxes. A pale grey dragon.
Daenys - Tessarion. A pale yellow dragon.
Naerys - Shrykos. A bright yellow dragon.
Aenys - Aegarax. A vivid orange dragon.
Aemon - Gaelithox. A bright silver dragon
Baelon - Balerion - A pure black dragon.
All these dragons share golden accents and pure purple eyes. They also grow at a far faster rate than many dragons, think Daenaerys Dragons growth rate. This is especally as Rhaenyra declares the Dragons should roam freely for the first time since Aegon the conquerer.
Jacaerys is pretty much universally loved and the green faction begins to wither especially with Alicent claiming that the children are ‘aberrations’ and that they cannot be trueborn.
Court: looks at Laenor holding baby Jacaerys who looks pretty damn like him.
Court: Looks at Lucerys who resembles his grandfather almost exactly with Rhaenys lovely hair.
Court: Bitch are you crazy??
Otto and Alicent are struggling and I am here for it. They also nag Viserys and give him headaches and I am also here for that. Justice for Aemma Arryn you nasty rotting bitch.
Rhaenyra is just giddy with it all. her kids are Laenors and hers, and if they needed help from their gods well it wasn;t like anyone was going to believe that.
So anyway the young 14 demi-gods grow up pretty much adored by their parents and family. Not to mention their godly parents, by right of helping to conceive them, are pretty much always near them in a spiritual way.
Does Otto and Crispy Cole find a lot of misfortune going their way? Yes. tessarion is a particularly savage goddess in this and makes sure they always manage to catch a wide variety of illnesses and ailments, especially when her own daughter is born.
Are they kind of odd? Do their purple eyes, so unique, pierce your very soul? Does the air simmer around them and luck bend to their whim? Of course, but be damned if you dare say that around any of their parents. Even the Gods have nothing on Laenor and Rhaenyra’s protectiveness over their children.
As they grow older the topic of marriage of course comes up. Whilst Rhaenyra does not get along with Aegon and Aemond, especially after Aemond tried to claim Vhagar despite Laena still being alive which led to him losing an eye to the dragon, she Adores Helaena and Daeron and eagerly plans their marriage to Jace and Baela who adores her cousin.
Of course Alicent then delcares Helaena will marry Aegon and it turns into an argument as Viserys debates because he’s a fucking wet wipe.
Jace does not accept this in any way.
Alicent is horrified when the Prince spirits away Helaena and marries her in the traditions of Valryia before anyone can stop them. She faints when the couple return and Helaena tells her it was her idea and they had already slept together (Jace is 17 at this point and she is 19.)
Rhaenyra is half delighted and hald ‘done with her children’ whilst Laenor immediately begins planning a wedding for the faith with Laena as they both giggle and Daemon howls in the background. Viserys. glad he didn;t have to make a choice, blesses the marriage and declares it done.
(When Alicent tries to wed Daeron to a lady of Oldtown when he is 19 Rhaenys easily spirits him away. They return 6 months later and she is already pregnant and wed. Rhaenyra has to have a strong drink whilst Laenor and Daemon howl with laughter.)
(Daemon finds it less funny when Alicent tries to marry Daeron to a lady of Oldtown and Baela kidnaps him and they come back married and her already 3 months pregnant. Laena and Laenor are delighted and Rhaenyra enjoys her taste of vengeance.)
(Rhaenys, who followed her own Husband for a year on dragonback before she was finally permitted to marry him simply smirks, knowing her genes are strong.)
the other kids also grown up and take either their siblings or other nobility as spouses, as when Rhaenyra becomes queen she declares that any who marry into their family will become Targaryean so replenish their bloodline. It suprisingly is very welcomed.
I have more but this is getting really long. Thank you to the Game of throne roleplaying wiki which gave me the list of gods below so that I could use and abuse it as a reference.
Arrax - Ruler of Gods, law, order, justice, governance, and strength.
Aegarax - God of all creatures that walk, run, swim, or fly. Creator of the first dragon.
Balerion - God of death and the Underworld.
Caraxes - God of the sea, twin of Meraxes.
Gaelithox - God of fire, stars, moon, sun, and the dawn, rival of Meraxes.
Meleys - Goddess of love and fertility.
Meraxes - Goddess of the sky, twin of Caraxes.
Shrykos - Goddess of beginnings, endings, transitions, and doorways.
Syrax - God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, and ecstasy.
Tessarion - Goddess of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, beauty, and archery.
Tyraxes - Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, and battle strategy.
Vermax - God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, language, and writing.
Vermithor - God of smiths, crafts, and artisans.
Vhagar - Goddess of war.
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darkwitchingflower · 3 months
Cabin 15 - Hypnos - Headcanons
Not only can the Hypnos cabin manipulate dreams but they can also manipulate and create day dreams to distract others
They can also tune into others dreams and day dreams to see them
This comes in very handy when other demi gods are missing sleep due to PTSD
The Hypnos kids also, like the Aphrodite cabin, love to look at horoscopes while the fates laugh in their faces
There's no windows whatsoever, so no light is let into the cabin at all
Red velvet curtains, sleepovers, dreamers (quite literally), comfy beds, pillows everywhere, hot chocolate and coffee station
No amount of sleep will let them not feel sleepy
I for one can relate, I've had 7 hours and I'm nackered
Hoodies and oodies
They're god given
Literally they're likely a gift from Hypnos
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heretherebedork · 4 months
Time to Rate The Couples in We Are again!
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PhumPeem keep getting better, they really do, and I do enjoy that Phum is gone on him and not being subtle while Peem is falling but still frustrated by just plain old who Phum is. I really am enjoying that. 9/10 though I fear that once they officially get together that will go down... we'll see.
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QToey is a dream. Look at them! Look at Pencil Senior and Milk Frappe Boy! Look at the the man who didn't realize his heart was right next to him the whole time and had no idea how to cope when he discovered who he fallen in love with for a second time. Hi, demi Q headcanon. 100/10 I wanna see them be adorable.
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TanFang are just the best boyfriends of all time and I want wanna see them love each other more, please, give them more screen time of happiness! 1000/10 still my favorites.
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ChainPun are basically already an old married couple but also aren't dating and haven't ever talked to each other about their prolonged eye contact. They need more time together, damnit. 8/10 still not enough and a bit confusing.
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Still love all the friendship. Everyone has friends that love and support them! Definitely love that for them. 20/10
And now...
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nonbinary fig and transfem bigender gorgug are things that can be so real. what other gender hcs would you like to speak of?
Long hc post so this will be in bullet point form!!
(minor fhjy spoilers!!)
Enby Fig and bigender Gorgug 10/10 no notes
Ayda researches nonbinary people so hard once Fig comes out to her and sends Fig so many articles
Fig reads them all and takes notes <3
Transfem Adaine is so tragic with Aelwyn and her parents and adgeasresd
Aelwyn paid for Adaines estrogen using their parents money but never told her
Adaine knits all of the bad kids their pride flag
Pangender Cass. That’s it that’s the headcanon
Riz Gukgak transmasc detective
His mom would absolutely buy his T if he asked but knows how expensive it so he refuses
He uses a lot of home remedies (a lot of *checks google* legumes in the Gukgak household)
The second Riz comes out to Fabian he insists on paying for Riz’s T
Does NOT wear his binder correctly
Called Fabian in literal tears when he noticed he was starting to look like his dad
Ok enough sad hc’s. For now.
Mary Ann starts calling Gorgug her partner and Adaine immediately starts working on a spell to make a cowboy hat appear on Gorgugs head every time she says it
Bigender. Bisexual. Biclass. 🎵Bye bye by-
I think it’d be a little bit funny if Kristen was the only cis one but she/they demi girl Kristen is just too strong
For pride month Kristen convinces Adaine Fig and Ragh to get up at 12:01 am June 1st to spray paint Mordred Manor the trans flag
They also. Set fire to Bobby Dawns car
Fig makes it their mission to look as androgynous as possible but not in a ‘no gender’
In a ‘double d tits and a 5 inch bulge’ type way
They appear at the end of Garthy O’Briens bed one night to ask for tips like the cryptid they are
Kristen comes out in virtually the same way she did the first time just way more drunk
They whisper it to Adaine and Adaine is just like “Kristen last week you googled ‘how to tell if demigirl’ directly in front of me and then told me what you were googling when I asked”
Kristen’s just like oh. Then they throw up
For transfem Fabian Mazey (also transfem because her) figures out she’s trans before Fabian does but doesn’t try to like push her out of the closet because she knows that won’t help
She does however try to like nudge her in that direction by like sending her transfem memes and getting her to try on Mazeys dresses (read a fic where Fabian tried on Mazeys dress and I loved it so much) and stuff like that
Transmasc Fabian comes out to Riz when Riz comes out to him
Kristin assigns themself binder boy (Ragh Fabian and Riz) duty
Also known as showing up in each boys room 8 hours after she finds out they had a binder on and beating them with a pillow until they take it off
Usually Riz
Kristen shows up in his doorway he’s immediately sprinting out the fire escape as fast as he can
Jawbone has top surgery scars on his untransformed body but you can’t see them on his usual half and half body (they are still there)
Fig keeps casting dream to show up in Bobby Dawns dreams with a nonbinary flag
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sundewhasaudhd · 3 months
I'd love to hear your dsmp headcanons when you have the time!
I have multiple notes on my Notes app for this moment
TW: mentions of suicide, mentions of starving oneself, mentions of self harm
Tommy: aroace, he/him, 17, 6’1”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, prosthetic leg. No voice claim yet. Very skinny and scrawny, like he would struggle to lift a gallon of milk. But also insanely fast. Demi god (through Kristen).
Tubbo: queer, trans ftm, he/bee, 18, 5’7”, AuDHD, dyslexia, PTSD, half blind. Voice claim: David from Hilda. Pretty buff, I’ve also been seeing I good amount of chubby c!Tubbo designs, so I might do that as well. Goat hybrid.
Ranboo: pan, enby, they/them+neos, 18, 8’5”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, body dysphoria. Voice claim: Freckle from Lackadaisy. The most twink to ever twink, y’know, on account of being half enderman. Half enderman, half love god.
Wilbur: bi, he/him, 23, 6’6”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD. Voice claim: Red Guy from DHMIS. Another twink. Doesn’t help that he barely eats most days (most of the time it’s just because of the ADHD, but he has tried to starve himself as an [unsuccessful] suicide attempt). Demi god (through Kristen).
Techno: aroace, he/him, 23, 6’3”, AuDHD, social anxiety, depression. Voice claim: Sun Wukong from LMK. Buff. That’s all I have to say. Piglin.
Phil: bi, polyamorous, he/him, immortal, 5’11”, damaged wings. Voice claim: Bandit from Bluey. Again, same as c!Techno. Buff. Human that was gifted immortality, pointy ears, crow wings, and stick antler thingys.
Jack: bi-curious, probably not cis, he/him, 19, 5’9”, AuDHD, probably physically disabled as well, I need to think about my c!Jack design some more. Voice claim: Gyro from DuckTales 2016. Cyborg.
Niki: bi, demigirl, she/they, 29, 5’6”, AuDHD, anxiety. Voice claim: Bubblegum from Adventure Time. Fat and buff. Half demon, half human.
Fundy: gay, trans ftm, he/him, 16, 6’3”, AuDHD, anxiety, dyslexia. Voice claim: Steven from Steven Universe Future. Half fox hybrid, half siren.
Eret: bi, polyamorous, genderfluid, any pronouns, immortal, 6’3”, AuDHD, dyslexia dyspraxia, depression. Voice claim: Aaravos from Dragon Prince. Pretty curvy. Semi god (child of a demi god, that demi god being Herobrine).
Foolish: pan, agender, he/they+neos, immortal, 7’8”. Voice claim: Raine from The Owl House. Buff. Demi god.
Charlie: aroace, agender, he/it, immortal, 5’9” AuDHD. No voice claim yet. CHONKY :D. Plus sized c!Charlie my beloved. Walking piece of goo Normal human.
Quackity: gay, ambiamorous, trans ftm, he/him, 21, 5’8”, depression, PTSD, half blind. Voice claim: Whizzer from Falsettos 2016. Duck hybrid.
Purpled: ace, polysexual, enby, they/he/star, 18, 5’8”. Voice claim: Louie from DuckTales 2016. Alien.
Punz: bi, agender, he/they, 25, 6’0”, ADHD. Voice claim: Zane from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. Gold hybrid.
Ponk: gay, transfem, genderfluid, any pronouns, she/he preference, 34, 5’7”, ADHD, prosthetic arm. Voice claim: Mikey from ROTTMNT. Half lemon fairy, half human.
Sam: omni, male preference, bigender, he/they, 35, 7’4”. Voice claim: Raph from ROTTMNT. Creeper hybrid.
Dream: unlabeled, he/they+neos, 23, 6’2”, ADHD. Voice claim: Macaque from LMK. “Powerless” god.
George: gay, transmasc, any pronouns, they/he preference, 24, 5’8”, autism. Voice claim: Philip from The Owl House. Half mushroom fairy, half human.
Sapnap: pan, ambiamorous, he/him, 21, 5’10”. Voice claim: Finn from Adventure Time. Pretty buff. Half demon, half human.
Karl: ace, polysexual, ambiamorous, he/swirl/pop, 21, 5’11”, AuDHD. Voice claim: Bow from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power reboot. Time noodle (idk wtf to call it).
Bad: bi, demisexual and romantic, he/they/it, 36, 9’6”. Voice claim: Moxxie from Helluva Boss. Demon.
Skeppy: gay, transmasc, demiboy, he/it, 34, 5’7”. Voice claim: Percy from Lightning Thief the Musical. Diamond hybrid.
Puffy: bi, transfem, any pronouns, she/her preference, 31, 6’9”, OCD, prosthetic leg. Voice claim: Annapantsu. Goat hybrid.
Hannah: lesbian, trans mtf, she/her, 22, 5’4”, damaged wings. Voice claim: Katara from ATLA. Rose fairy.
Aimsey: lesbian, enby, any pronouns, 20, 4’11”, AuDHD, uses a walking stick. Voice claim: Hilda from Hilda. Bunny hybrid.
Boomer: bi, trigender, he/they/she, 23, 5’9”, ADHD. Voice claim: Ed from The Owl House. Frog hybrid.
Connor: ace, gay, he/zap/blast, 22, 5’7”, autism. Voice claim: Sea Hawk from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power reboot. Time noodle (still don’t know what to call it).
Schlatt: gay, he/him, 36, 6’3”. Voice claim: Haymitch from The Hunger Games. Goat hybrid.
Michaelmcchill: bi, he/him, 33, 6’2”, autism. Voice claim: Jake from Adventure Time. Panther hybrid.
Eryn: bi, demiboy, he/they/sharp/it, 16, 5’10”, ADHD. Voice claim: Leo from ROTTMNT. Half demon, half human.
CPK: pan, genderfluid, he/they/she/it/swish, immortal, 6’4”. Voice claim: Terry from Dragon Prince. Kitsune.
Callahan: gay, he/him, immortal, 5’7”, mute. Voice claim: no one. He’s mute. Demi god.
Alyssa: lesbian, she/it, 24, 5’5”. Voice claim: Sasha from Amphibia. Some sort of hybrid, I haven’t decided yet.
Tina: bi, trans mtf, she/her, 23, 5’3”. Voice claim: Candy from Gravity Falls. Half demon, half human.
Antfrost: gay, he/him, 29, 5’7”. Voice claim: Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug. Cat hybrid.
Hbomb: gay, he/she, 17, 5’8”. Voice claim: Launchpad from DuckTales 2016. Cat hybrid.
Vikk: bi, he/him, 38, 5’8”. Voice claim: Mr. Boonchuy from Amphibia. Parrot hybrid.
Lazar: probably queer in some way, he/him, 63, 5’10”. Voice claim: Fergus McDuck from DuckTales 2016. Gingerbread man.
Miscellaneous headcanons:
Cuddling with Quackity helps Wilbur sleep.
Whenever Tommy or Wilbur think about death, they play with the white streak in their hair 
When Dream was little, he used to draw his smile (TM) on stuff to “claim it”. Like, toys and shit like that.
The Syndicate gave each other hair styling tips.
The reason Quackity always wears a beanie is to cover his ears. For trauma reasons.
Tommy’s cardigan is made of Friend’s wool.
Sometimes Fundy, Foolish, and Sam spend the night at Las Nevadas, so they all have their own rooms there.
When Purpled winks, he winks both eyes on one side.
Karl has a bunch of those goofy ahh socks with like, fruit on them. You know want I’m talking about.
Dream’s birth name is Clay but he changed once more people started arriving in the SMP.
Techno plays violin and is teaching Ranboo.
Dream’s walking speed is the same as the speed walking of everyone else.
Bee duo wears their rings on their horns because Tubbo’s ring finger is busted and they wanted to match.
Fundy calls Eret dad, but not Wilbur. (Rip)
Ranboo’s a soprano.
Aimsey’s hair turns white in the winter.
Burger duo have to keep an eye on each other when they use knifes at the van. For… reasons.
Peer pressure duo practice controlled breathing together.
Techno’s bruh is a vocal stim.
Little Fundy used to jokingly bow at Eret.
Techno has reading glasses.
Techno’s hair gets really tangly if he doesn’t brush it after a day.
Callahan uses ASL to communicate and Alyssa’s his translator.
All of the fandom songs are written by the characters.
Ghostbur put stickers on his guitar.
Tubbo played softball/baseball growing up.
When Dream was in prison, he tallied the days he was there in the shape of a smile.
Wilbur sings and plays guitar to help Tommy fall asleep.
Charlie cries “human bits”.
Bad became really against swearing after he adopted Sapnap.
Wilbur taught Quackity how to play guitar.
Sam just saw George and Quackity all alone on the street and just adopted them.
Dream wears contacts.
Purpled’s UFO crashed on Earth when he was a little, so they don’t really remember anything about his home planet .
Tommy watches Bluey.
Tommy mainly listens to audiobooks.
Aimsey draws on their arm.
Kristen gave Phil immortality so they could always be together, but that caused him to only have one live.
Puffy and Schlatt are half siblings.
Quackity has a Medusa tattoo .
Before Quackity gave everyone in Las Nevadas rooms, Purpled slept in the van with Wilbur.
Boomer watches MHA.
Dream got a spider web tattoo on his elbow after prison break.
Hannah watches Miraculous.
Jack made Tommy and Wilbur matching chats.
It doesn’t matter how much sleep he actually got, Wilbur looks tired no matter what.
Fundy listens to the High School Musical soundtrack.
Karl was/is in the WoF and Warrior Cats fandoms.
Tommy sings Welcome Home and My L’Manburg to himself to help him fell asleep and/or destress.
Niki taught Tommy how to sew after Exile.
Every time Jack loses a life, he becomes more cyborg.
Phil started growing his hair out after Techno died.
Wilbur is that one annoying ass person that sings happy birthday well (everyone knows you’re not supposed to sing happy birthday well).
Wilbur masked for most of his time on the SMP (especially during the elections and Pogtopia) and only really unmasked after the people he was really close with.
Dream has retractable fingernail claws because of his limited shapeshifting abilities.
Sally and Milo are besties.
That’s it. I hope you like em :3
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dollieguts1010 · 5 months
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• He's 12 years old
• He's bisexual and a demi boy
• His pronouns are He/Him/His and They/Them/Theirs
• He has a crush on Bobby Bearhug
• His best friends are Dogday and Craftycorn
• He's birthday is October 30th
• His moon necklace was gifted to him by Dogday
• He can speak but choose is not too. He's so quiet that strangers often mistake him for being mute
• When he does speak it sounds slow, smooth, and sleepy
• He's incredibly clumsy, he's constantly tripping on his tail
• He'll just lay on your lap and fall asleep and you won't be able to move
• He knows sign language, he's multilingual, and he can speak in reverse
• He can sleep anytime, anyway, and anyplace on command
• His friends find him to be both creepy and comforting
• He can balance himself on his tail
• If you pull on his tail, it will grow even longer and when you let it go, it will go back to its original length
• His friends often play jump rope with his tail
• Sometimes he'll climb up a tree and wrap his tail around a branch and just dangle above the ground
• He doesn't like fish
• He's the oldest child in his family
• He has 2 little sisters, named Meowlody and Puriscilla
• He's had the red smoke ever since he was a kitten
• Not only can he use the red smoke to make people fall asleep but he can also control, warp, and enter their dreams with it
• Catnap's red smoke acts like a drug. The more you inhale it, the more hooked you'll be
• He has the ability to control others mind with his red smoke
• Sometimes he feels kinda bad for using the red smoke on his friends too much
• He never uses the red smoke on his friends without their permission or they ask him to use it
• He has permanent resting sleep face
• He has a closet full of pajamas and comfy, baggy, clothes
• Unlike other cats, he actually likes taking baths
• There's been quite a few times where Catnap has almost drowned because he fell asleep at the bathtub
• He'll often have vicious nightmares about killing his friends in brutal ways
• Sometimes Dogday will comfort him after having one of his awful nightmares
• He's been having a really weird dream where, this giant metal hand is coming out of the sky and calling itself "The Prototype" tells him that they will "save" Catnap
ha.. that's weird...
• He purs very loudly in his sleep
• Picky doesn't allow him to cook in the kitchen (every time he does, he almost burns the kitchen down) he SUCKS at cooking
• People often mistake Catnap to be a girl
(hc that Catnap has small feminine features that make him look like a girl)
•He wears dark purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner (he knows how to do makeup and surprisingly good at it)
• You know how cats land on their feet? nah, not him. He lands on his face.
• Just like any other cat if you point a laser at him, he will follow it for hours
• He'll rub his face on Bobby while purring aggressively
(cats will rub their face and body on their favorite person as not only a sign of affection, but also a way to mark their territory)
• He likes to crochet with Bobby
• Likes camellia tea
(because if you do he will act WAY more energetic and hyper than Hoppy)
• His favorite color is Midnight Blue
• He used to not have a favorite color, until one day when Bobby guessed his favorite color was Midnight Blue and ever since, he never saw Midnight Blue the same. Now he constantly sees it everywhere he goes
• He's very flexible and double jointed
• He's able to spin his head around at 360° without snapping it and dying (kind of like an owl)
• He likes to do a creepy spider crawl to scare his friends (especially if they're having a sleepover)
• He's not afraid to scratch you if you bother him during his naptime
• 90% of the time Hoppy will accidentally wake him up during one of his naptimes
• There's been a lot of times where Hoppy has accidentally stepped on Catnap's tail because she got too excited
• He's not crazy for physical affection however, he doesn't mind if you give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek
• His tail is strong enough to lift up his friends and carry them around like it's nothing
• When Kickin or Hoppy is being too loud or annoying he'll wrap his tail around their mouth (it's tight enough to keep them quiet but loose enough to let them breathe)
• He thinks that Hoppy and Kickin are kinda annoying
• When he's nervous or agitated one of his ears will flick
• Sometimes he likes playing videogames with Kickin
• Catnap's pet peeve is when people stay up when they're tired
• He loves the winter time
• He may not speak a whole lot but MAN does he be saying the most OUT OF POCKET THINGS in his head
• He doesn't like speaking when he's upset so, when he is upset he'll just speak in sign language
• He's surprisingly good at handling and taking care of children (older brother instincts)
• He has a whole 20 minute skincare routine he does every night before bed
• He'll either sleep with some calm sounds/music or he'll sleep in complete dead silence. There's no in between
• Just like any other cat if you throw a cucumber at Catnap, he'll practically fly away (same thing for tin foil)
• He'll let Bobby paint his claws (he'll always ask her to paint that dark red)
• He sleep walks and sleep talks and he'll often say incredibly disturbing things in his sleep
• He's between being a light sleeper or heavy sleeper like- you can try smashing pots and pans right next to his face, screaming, blasting the loudest music possible next to his ears, nothing. But as soon as he hears the floors creek or the lights turn on *BOOM* he's awake
• One time at a sleepover, Kickin woke up at 2:30 AM only to find Catnap holding a large, sharp, kitchen knife right above his chest. It turned out he was sleepwalking again
• Every time Catnap watches a horror movie he'll smile whenever the killer catches their victim (the others will just stare at him with weird and disturbed looks)
• He likes to watch Bubba work on his experiments
• He likes to watch Kickin surf and he likes to watch Crafty paint or draw
• He used to suffer with insomnia when he was younger
• Sometimes he has trouble reading other people's facial expressions
• He doesn't really cry that often (it's not that he's afraid of crying he's just doesn't cry that often)
• When he's sad, he'll wrap his tail around his body and sit in the corner of the room while softly crying to himself
• After he realized that he was in love with Bobby he started avoiding her because he didn't want awkward tension between them and he didn't want to embarrass himself every time he was around them (Bobby thought that Catnap didn't want to hang out with them anymore because he didn't like them anymore.. which made them really sad)
• Whenever he's thinking about Bobby, his tail will into a heart
• He likes to braid Crafty's hair and put a pretty flower in it
• Dogday will often give Catnap piggy back rides
• Sometimes he'll play frisbee or a game of fetch with Dogday
• He has a mouse plushie that he sleeps with every night
• He likes stargazing by himself (he wouldn't mind if someone wanted to join him tho)
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sorikufeels · 4 months
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hi i made some soriku pride icons based on the headcanons i have for them! i also have alternate versions that i’ll post separately where i adjusted the colors of the characters themselves to reflect the colors the flags!! i had a lot of fun with these so if anyone wants them with a different flag id probably be down to make that!
please like/reblog if you use! :)
edit: alternative versions here!!
i’m gonna ramble a bit about my headcanons below the cut lol
for sora:
i see sora as pansexual and arospec!!
as an arospec person myself i relate a lot to what sora says in the character files about not really getting love so i hold him being arospec very near and dear to my heart!! i think differentiating different kinds of love is confusing for him and i don’t know where he falls on the spectrum (and i don’t think he does either!!) but he’s somewhere along there so that is why i used the arospec flag!!
that being said, i do think he experiences attraction to some degree and i don’t really see gender influencing his attraction at all so i hc him as pan. bi could also work but i personally identify more with pan and love to project lmao
for riku:
i see riku as gay, demisexual, and trans!!
riku has only really shown real interest in sora throughout the whole series (since him being like “i’ll share the paopu fruit with kairi” was a way to get under sora’s skin) so we’ve only seen him as attracted to a guy so that’s why i see him as gay! also his whole interaction with shiki in dream drop just fucking screamed that he’s gay and please get this girl away from him oh god
i don’t have a reason for hc’ing riku as demi i just feel like the vibes fit lol
i am a riku is a trans man truther!!!! i don’t really have a canon supported reason for this either i just love the headcanon that he’s trans. you know for a fact he wears his binder way too long bro someone tell him it’s bad for him please
also i have the trans flag for both of them above, but im really only hard set on riku being trans. however, t4t soriku is very sweet and i love it so much 🥺
anyway rambling over, thank you for reading lol
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Okay hear me out hear me out hear me out
Sonic who's litho and Tails who's demi
(Sort of headcanons/thoughts/au musing under the cut)
Tails coming to terms with his desires regarding his best friend, wishing to hold and to be held, to kiss and to be kiss, to take care of and to be taken care of, to share as many domestic moments as one can, to take a shared adventure for the fun of it, to be intimate in a way only lovers could be, right?
And that's where the subtle horror lies in the slow realization of feelings.
To want to be like someone and to admire them is one thing. To want to be someone's friend is one thing. To want to stick with one person you like is one thing.
But to love and desire someone in that way is another.
Tails has kept watch over Sonic's relationships. He's known him long enough to spot trends in how Sonic acts. The rules, so to speak
Sonic always makes the first move. When others express interest in him (depending on the nature of the interest or how obsessive) he preens at the praise at best, treating this person like a fan, and runs away or his expression betrays his uncomfortableness/disgust at worse. This means Sonic has to be interested in you first.
Whether he even realizes the attraction himself or not, Sonic tends to start a bit strong, but this is because of his usual target (people who are able to match or challenge him in a fight). Even if the other person seems uninterested, he has no problem flirting and teasing a bit during altercations
Sonic's romantic relationships never last longer than a year at best
As one can see, the rules are a bit stacked against him to start (at least, from Tails' pov). He's Sonic's best friend and, while they do fight sometimes, that kind of role is hardly comparable to a rival or an archenemy. Sonic gets a specific look in his eyes when engaged in an interesting battle, banter rolls off his tongue like honey. He never gets like this towards Tails. There's no situation (whether during a shared battle or in his lab or when they're just hanging out together) where Sonic looks at him with that level of interest (at least, from Tails' pov).
Of course, Tails wouldn't want to be Sonic's rival anyways (best friend is the kind of role younger him had always coveted), but it doesn't mean he can't be a little jealous...
And of course Tails knows Sonic cares about him, appreciates him. That's never really been in question either.
It's just, in the end, even if his wildest dreams came true—if he confessed his feelings, Sonic reciprocated, they started dating and it didn't ruin their best frienship—how would it then pan out? In the end, whether Sonic would return his feelings is the least of his worries!
Because Tails has seen what happens.
One of Sonic’s rivals, for example. Before they got together, Sonic enjoyed teasing and flirting with them casually. And at the beginning of their relationship, they would race each other often (perhaps more often than they had before). It was their favorite form of date—to have a "friendly" competition, followed up by sunsets and dinner on the go. Really, they almost couldn't get enough of it. But then...things shifted. Sonic didn't enjoy racing them quite as much anymore. That passionate interest began to palpably fade, and the two began to disagree. Eventually, Sonic’s presence was more of a casual one. Tails could see that he enjoyed going out to eat with his ex and hanging out with them in general, but while that was all fine and good, his ex hadn't lost that passion. So with every poke and prodding and proposition for a race, Tails could see his ex become resentful in that Sonic didn't want to be this way with them as much as they used to. Eventually every "I don't feel like it" from Sonic turned into a fight ("when do you ever feel like it?" his ex would follow up with). In the end, Sonic’s ex is still fixated on him. While they wouldn't admit it, they want Sonic’s attention back. Even without being romantic partners, they still cling to rivalhood, challenging Sonic and showing off whenever they can. But Sonic... He doesn't take it so well. Someone who was once a rival and partner to him is now an annoyance—just another person too obsessed with him. They're still fixated on Sonic, but Tails knows Sonic would be happy if they gave it up. That relationship can never be the same again.
Sonic even had a childhood friend once—his very first relationship like that. Not that they're not friends anymore, but things are different now. There was a time where Sonic traded banter with this person often, those who knew them would remark how they fought like a married couple, and they saw the looks they'd shoot each other when the other wasn't looking. It only seemed natural to onlookers that these two would get together, and yet...it took some time. Sonic would be jealous when others pursued that person, and yet, for a while, whenever they pursued him or it seemed the perfect moment to confess, he'd run. For a long while when anyone (even Tails) would ask why he wasn't dating anyone, he would just answer that he didn't want to be tied down. But he eventually gave in, decided he had no choice but to confess his feelings, and (as everyone knew would happen) these feelings were reciprocated. In fact, a number of people even though the two had been dating for years before that. But...things didn't stay all sunshine and rainbows for long. The relationship ended with a (literal) slap in the face for his best friend. The two's interests and futures had grown apart, and even love couldn't change Sonic's nature. In the end of it, he still wanted to be a free spirit, a magnet for danger, a hero to the masses. Just like with that rival of his, though the relationship was seemingly passionate at first, Sonic couldn't sustain those feelings. Sonic's partner wanted someone for life, wanted him to choose their projected future, wanted to keep him out of such great danger. The fact that Sonic seemed to be losing those kind of feelings and interest he'd had when their relationship began was perhaps one of the final straws. And although Sonic and this ex partner are still friends these days, have mended their friendship, their relationship has never been the same again. Even Tails can see that they're friends, but they no longer share that banter, Sonic no longer concerns himself over that person's love life (he's more supportive than anything), and they don't spend quite so much time around each other anymore.
So this is what it comes down to. Even if Sonic does love him back in that way, even if Sonic wants to be with him too, even if he agrees to enter that kind of relationship with him, what use is there in hoping he (Tails) would be an exception to the rules?
What if things are amazing at first, and then over time Sonic begins to lose interest in him? What if those feelings disappear? What if getting together with Sonic ruins their best friendship because all interest has faded away?
What if Tails confesses only to end up as an ex who is a casual friend at best or an annoyance at worst (because Tails knows getting over Sonic would be near impossible)? Then it would be all his (Tails') fault, wouldn't it?
And that's exactly why he figures it's best to leave things as is. As long as he can stay best friends with him, as long as he can still be by Sonic's side through thick and thin, as long as they can still care for each other and be for each other as they are now, that's enough isn't it? In the end, Tails would choose a future where he's still at Sonic's side over having his feelings requited.
As for Sonic, it does, admittedly, take a while for him to sort of realize those feelings of his. This is partially due to him being dense, but also because he's grown so used to Tails' presence. He's just used to the fact that Tails is always around, always able to be contacted, that the days are largely similar. It just never really occurred to him for a while that Tails could (or would) leave him for any reason.
But after enough times being separated from him completely, then dealing with enough minor jealousy as Tails expresses possible interest in others, it sort of just hits him one day while the two are hanging out (probably playing video games and eating chili dogs or something, or perhaps even while watching a sunset) that he wants to do this forever. He wants to continue this life where he can pull Tails along on adventures and crash at his place and relax with him and bust badniks with him and everything.
Long ago, back when he'd first met Tails, there was this bit of nagging fear in him. Even as he eventually would come to regard Tails as his best friend, for the longest time there was this nagging fear that Tails' admiration and wish to stick to his side would become...something else, and that Sonic would have to confront it one day, potentially risking their relationship.
It's almost weird now thinking that he truly wouldn't oppose the idea of Tails confessing to him (if Tails does indeed feel the same, but Sonic doesn't know for sure). Perhaps it wouldn't be bad (even if cheesy) to live out a fantasy of the first kiss, where Tails confesses and Sonic tenderly steals it...
But pretty soon a new kind of horror sets in—a new "what if".
Because, you see, though he can still count the number of exes on his fingers, Sonic has never had a relationship like that last more than a year. Things always start out great! All Sonic wants to do is be around this person as much as he can be, and that person shares the sentiment. But then as Sonic finally settles in, tension eventually follows. That person becomes increasingly more frustrated in him, and Sonic himself comes to realize that he no longer wants to spend every waking moment with them. He's busy, he has things he wants to do (sometimes alone), other people he wants to hang out with. He doesn't mean to leave this person in the dust, he's just not quite as interested in them as he used to be. And apparently that's a problem
Sonic has never cheated, not once. Maybe he can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but messing around with other people while he has a partner is not his thing. But...this doesn't matter either. Eventually the accusations come—that he doesn’t love them anymore (not true), that he isn't as interested in them anymore (something he can't really refute once he starts to think about it), that he's probably looking at other people (not true).
So inevitably, Sonic can no longer take the tension and facilitates the breakup, or this person breaks up with him (an event that's never better than bittersweet)
In short, that obsession that attraction that attachment—it all begins to fade eventually, no matter how close he is with that person. He often doesn't want to just break up with them (again, just because those feeling start to fade doesn't mean he doesn't love them or cares about them less), but it's an inevitability. People logically want to be with someone who loves them just as much as they do in the same way that they do, and Sonic just...can't seem to live up to that.
If he and Tails started a romantic and/or sexual relationship, could he even place hope in the fact that Tails would be the exception? He knows in his soul that even if these feelings of his began to change or his interest in this way began to fade, he'd never just stop loving or caring about Tails altogether. Best friend or partner in romance, Sonic knows he'd still want him at his side.
But with his track record, who could guarantee that Tails wouldn't grow resentful of him too as things began to change (compared to the very start of that kind of relationship)? And would he really be able to blame Tails? After all, most people want someone who will be just as interested in them as they are in the same way that they are. If Sonic can't always promise that, then isn't it doomed from the start as it always is?
Not that he's never had thoughts such as these before, but in his last relationships (since those people seemed to be cut from similar cloths as him personality wise) he'd been willing to take the risk in hope things would be different. But he doesn't want to lose Tails—can't. What would be the point of solidifying a relationship like that with Tails if he lost his best friend in the process? At that point, it would be all his (Sonic's) fault, since he knew this would probably happen.
So this is why Sonic decides it's best to leave things as they are. As long as he can still crash at Tails' place, come to him for strategical or technological advice, take him along on adventures, bust badniks with him, play video games with him, be his best friend and have him by his side, isn't that better? Isn't that enough? In the end, Sonic would rather take the future as it comes (deal with the possibility of Tails leaving him one day) and get to have him by his side now than have his feelings requited.
But I'd like to imagine that, one day, the two can't ignore the whatever it is going on between them. The moment is scary, and admitting those feelings doesn't bring as much relief to either of them as it should. They're both apprehensive about starting that kind of relationship for their own reasons. Should they really "get together" simply because the feelings are mutual?
And so starts this weird gray period of the nature of their relationship. They're still best friends for sure, but neither has decided they want to be in a declared state of "dating". If anything, at first it seems like the two have gone right back to trying to exist like normal (business as usual), hang out like they always do, treat each other like they always did before. The only difference in this case is that the feelings are requited now.
But things begin to shift and change during this gray period no matter how hard they try. The two end up sharing their first kisses, every interaction carries a bit of a different weight than before. If it's even possible, more than before people mistake them for a couple, especially their friends (who can't really understand why they're not, even if they try to be supportive for the most part).
And yet, while feelings, their actions, etc seem to make everything undeniable (as if they're dating all but officially in name), Sonic can feel it come on. He can see the signs, recognize that those once undeniable feelings of attraction (romantic or otherwise) is beginning to fade away, meaning that it's only a matter of time.
Meaning that the last thing they should do is "get together" now, because Sonic can't promise Tails those feelings that were so strong before.
And Tails realizes it too. It actually scares him a bit at first, already seeing the signs. He can't help but fear that it's inevitable—that Sonic will lose all interest in him and grow apart from him. It makes him feel like an idiot. Even if back then there was no way to keep those feelings between them wrapped up and hidden, he feels like an idiot for confessing at all—like he should have found some other path. This whole thing, it makes him want to cling to Sonic even more, though he fears making this all worse by being too clingy...
But, fear aside, things do turn out okay.
I'd like to think that one day they wake up in Tails bed together, Sonic brushes Tails' bangs aside, gazing at the fox's expression before he opens his eyes, and feels that though his feelings have undeniably changed, it's just that. Though those kinds of feelings began to fade away, his love did not. More than ever, even though he doesn't love Tails in the same way he did a while ago, or even before he came to feel for him romantically, he cares for him so so deeply. He still wants Tails to be with him going forward.
And yes Tails sees it—the way Sonic has grown more casual, doesn't seek out kisses as much, isn't quite as clingy as he used to be—but his fear begins to let up as well. While he will perhaps keep that nagging fear of Sonic leaving him forever, even Tails comes to see that Sonic has no intention of breaking their friendship. Where Tails once was afraid they'd naturally grow apart and bitter as Sonic's feelings faded and Tails would be clingy by comparison, he sees that Sonic's feelings haven't really faded—not truly. They've only just changed.
Things are undeniably different from before, but Sonic seems to want to be with him still. He still wants him by his side as much as he can have him. Though he's more casual in his expression of feelings, Sonic is still interested in what Tails has to say, he still enjoys making him happy. In fact, somehow, Tails almost suspects Sonic has begun to love him more than before despite the shift in their relationship and in Sonic's feelings.
They were both so afraid things would naturally end in failure, but they cared for each other, and they accepted each other as they were.
Maybe the two decide to officially become partners one day ("partners" in a way that elevates their existing partnership to a status which coveys that they want to live out their lives at each other side, no other types of feelings or actions or life choices inherently implied), perhaps because Sonic (despite not having those large feelings of romance anymore) still doesn't want Tails to choose anyone else but him
And maybe the two don't! Even if they don't label themselves as dating or in any type of partnership society and others recognize as "inherently stronger" than best friendship, they're still best friends and partners. They're still going to spend their lives together, happily doing the things they always do as long as the universe allows it. No matter who comes and goes into their lives, their bond is a constant presence.
In the end, it no longer matters whether Tails has romantic/sexual feelings and Sonic doesn’t, or whether they give themselves conventional labels or not, or whether other people can grasp their chosen relationship or not, or whether it's a "glorified best friendship", or anything else. All that matters is that despite the nature of any feelings involved, they choose to be together.
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avinwrites · 1 year
When they sing to you ♫ 
A headcanon/short fic mix of Demi, Melly, Norton, and Naib when you ask your significant other to comfort you with a song.
-Demi likes to hum when she’s working hard
-whether she’s mixing drinks or decoding
-it’s not unusual to hear a tune come from the depths of her throat
-but you’ve never heard her sing
-of course, sometimes, if she’s drunk, she’ll belt out whatever song she may have stuck in her head, but that’s different
-the day you actually did hear her sing for the first time, you almost missed it
You had returned from a rough match. It did more than just roughen up your body, your mental psyche was near destroyed. No one escaped, there were still three ciphers left, and you had already been downed two times previous to your state. It didn’t help that the Hunter finally got you by terror-shocking you. To put it lightly, you were beat.
You sought comfort, and your heart pulled you towards her. Demi was your epitome of contentment. Anything you need, she’ll be there. And while you tried not to ask for too much, in this case, you need her, no way around it. When you finally found Demi, conversing with a few others, you silently pulled her away and to your place of comfort. 
“You look rough.” She comments, understanding that all you need at the moment is her, and accepts this fact. without saying anything, you have her lay on your bed, your face finding the perfect space nestled in her chest, her arms around you, stroking your hair softly. In this position, you aren’t far from sleep, but an ethereal voice floating in the air keeps you from fully slipping into the realm of dreams.
It was Demi’s voice, singing a lullaby you don’t recognize, but you find solace in the words and the melody. You can’t stop yourself from drifting off, finding yourself in the same indulgence in your dreams.
-she’s not very vocal
-you like to ask her to tell you about bugs
-because even if you’re disgusted by them
-she’ll make even the most hideous creature sound like a genuine grace from the heavens with her words
-she’ll even tell you stories if you’d like
-but she gets very uncomfortable with the idea of singing
-and you’re ok with that, you’d never force her to do something she’s uncomfortable with
-but one day, as a gift to you, she surprises you
“I’d like you to meet me in my room tonight after dinner.” She says to you out of the blue. This was earlier in the afternoon. Now, it’s dark, and everyone has gone to their respective places of rest. Melly had practically locked herself in her room when she said that to you. By this point, you were worried sick. So, as soon as possible, you made your way to her room.
You open the door to find her sitting on the floor of her room, mask sitting neatly next to her, face reddened.
“You’ve expressed your desire to hear my voice before…” she starts, unable to make eye contact with you. 
“Oh, Melly, it really is ok, I don’t mean to push! I-” before you can argue further, she stops you.
“This is something I want to do for you. I recently learned a song I wish to share.”
So, you mimic her sitting position in front of her. She clears her throat and shakily serenades you, though gains confidence the longer she goes on. You’re awestruck; as if you’ve never heard a melodious note in your life, her voice changes you. You have to admit, of course she doesn’t have the voice of a professional singer, but it’s her. Not only are the words coming from her entrusted to you, you’re the only person to hear this, and it’s beautiful. When she finishes, face vibrantly embarrassed, she looks to you for your reaction. 
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, unable to form proper sentences. So, you do the only thing you can think of to properly express your feelings. Leaning forward, you gently press your lips to hers in gratitude, thankfully for you, she accepts, leaning in as well.
“Thank you, it was perfect.”
-Norton has never sung a day in his life
-maybe, possibly, in the mines with what used to be his friends
-but he usually left the tunes to them
-just silently listening
-now, he couldn’t even imagine warbling out a tune
-both from his unfamiliarity with the action and the memories it would bring
-he’s also never considered himself a protective person
-until he met you
-your kindness motivates him more than money could
-he values you so much
-so, for you, he’d try anything
This certainly isn’t the first time you and Norton have laid together in an attempt to sleep, but it is still new to you both. It took quite a while to get here, him holding you loosely, and you, careful not to constrict him. 
“You can’t sleep, can you?” He asks, after feeling you shift for the umpteenth time.
“Sorry, I’ll try to be still.”
“No, it’s ok, that’s not what I meant.”
Tentatively, he pulled you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head, and just as carefully, you adjusted your soft grip on him.
“This is nice.” You whisper, closing your eyes and trying, still, to fall asleep.
“Listen, I’m going to try something, just… stop me if it gets unbearable.” You’re awfully worried about what he’s going to do before you’re met with a deep, rumbling voice singing lyrics, something similar to what he would’ve heard in his mining days, and it's soothing coming from him. As he murmurs his tune, the deep rolling in his chest lulling you to sleep, he too seems to be falling deeper. Though you don’t dream, you feel a keen sense of warmth throughout the night.
-also not a singer
-he considers his singing voice “terrible”
-and that's the excuse he uses to get out of any situation where he’d have to sing
-but you, you wanna hear it
-you don’t care how bad it is
-but no matter how much you beg
-he gets that bashful blush on his face and refuses to comply with your request
-so, you let it go
He does feel kind of bad when you give up, sullen, but what is he supposed to do? He’s never sung before. Well, he can almost remember one time, drunkenly yelling some raunchy song while linking arms with his comrades, swaying about. When that memory fades from the forefront of his mind, he knows what to do for you. Despite his stoic outward demeanor, once you’re behind closed doors, he’s as affectionate as can be. You don’t blame him at all, and indulge him frequently in his request for physical closeness. This was one of those nights. After fondly remembering parts of his past and his family, he wanted to spend time with you, now considering you his family. As usual, you laid together, preparing for a long night’s rest, and he suddenly started to hum. His lips moved as he began to whisper comforting words in a language you couldn’t understand. 
“You remind me of my mother’s lullaby.” He finally says to you. “I had trouble remembering the words, but I’d like to entrust you with its melody.”
“I’d be honored.”
And the night continues. His voice becomes shaky, both from lack of use, and the emotions that come with the subject, but he sings for you in his mother tongue the same tune that would comfort him as a child. 
“Naib,” you start, sleep evident in your quiet voice.
“Yes?” He whispers, just as silent.
“Can you sing to me again?”
This time, he doesn't deny your request.
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simplepotatofarmer · 9 months
I really love the aroace c!techno headcanon but if there was ever a partner who would be perfect for him, it'd be dream
queerplatonic dnb ftw
it's funny because even in the context of c!dnb when it's romantic, i still headcanon c!techno as aroace! just on the grey/demi part of the spectrum.
i love the idea of him having this moment of 'oh. huh.' when he realizes that his feelings for c!dream are different than the strong feelings he's had for people like c!phil.
but yeah. i really enjoy their relationship and i think it's pretty perfect, too, honestly <3 <3 in all forms whether it's romantic or platonic or qpr.
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fearsodyssey · 6 months
Alastair is pan (TRUST THE PROCESS: he realizes he doesn’t have a preference after Gavin and him get together)
Gavin has the LONGEST eyelashes you have ever seen. You feel gusts of wind whenever he blinks. He has floated away on multiple occasions.
Isobel is Demi (REASONINGG:developed a crush on both Alastair and Reid after spending time/getting to know them better.)
Gender-fluid Hendry (no thought process behind this your just going to have to trust me 🙏🙏)
Finley’s the type of guy to ask “would you still love me if I was a worm?” And get mad at your answer
Carbry would collect literally anything. He just had shelves lined with little trinkets.
Briony is the second tallest of all the champions (“but finley-“ NO.)
UNO is banned in the Blair household.
Gavin and Alastair adopted a cat that Gavin named Alice so whenever he called the cat or Alastair the both looked up (the cat has its own designated seat at the dinner table)
When Elinor was younger she wanted to be a witch so she practiced her fortune telling skills on Carbry and he couldn’t sleep for DAYS.
I fully believe Briony could beat (OR AT LEAST COME EXTREMELY CLOSE TO BEATING) Gavin in arm wrestling.
After the tournament Reid has and EXTREME amount of piercings (trust me)
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
What are some songs that remind u of Jon or jondami?
Ooooh I have a good few of them in my list!!!
(Now updated with more!!!)
For Damijon:
Stick together by Elijah N
Be with you by Mondays (feat. Lucy)
Pumping up clouds by Urban Cone
Sunroof by Nicky Youre & dazy (Damian's pov)
I really like you by Carly Rae Jespen (for Jon's pov)
Just friends by Jordy
Feelings by Lauv
I like me better by Lauv (Damian's pov)
Oath by Cher Lloyd
With ur love by Cher Lloyd
Rock N roll by Avril Lavigne
You're my only shorty by Demi Lovato (Jon's pov because Damian's the shorty lol :3 I also like to headcanon that Jon just sings this song to him sometimes as a joke and Damian will get annoyed and try to tell him to cut it out, while blushing red all over his face lol)
Love you like that by Dagny (Damian's pov)
Man I think I love her by Stereo Skyline
Stupid for you by Waterparks (These two care so much about eachother that they'll do anything for one another lol, so this one also really fits them)
Love like woe by The Ready Set
La Da Dee by Cody Simpson
Hideaway by Grace Vanderwaal
Chasing fire by Lauv
One that got away by Nerdout
Youth by Troye Sivan
You by Axol & Alex Skrindo
Iyiyi by Cody Simpson (feat. Flo Rida) (Jon's pov, cause whenever he's not with Damian, he just can't stop talking or thinking about him in canon lol, which is just so cute💗)
Rollercoaster by Bleachers
Charlie be quiet by Charlie Puth (when they're too scared to confess their feelings to eachother due to the fear that they'll ruin their friendship)
Lean on me by Cheat codes & Tinashe
Good time by Owl City (feat. Carly Rae Jespen)
Sunflower by Post Malone & Swae Lee
Rise by Jonas Blue (feat. Jack and Jack)
Marry me by Jason Derulo (when they're adults)
Angst ones for them that remind me a lot about the age up and how it also changed their relationship:
Everything by Diamond Eyes (This ones my fave angst song for them)
As it was by Harry Styles
Summertime sadness by Lana Del Rey
Do it all over by Cheat Codes (feat. Marc E. Bassy)
Stay by Alessia Cara
When you're gone by Shawn Mendes
Getting over you by Lauv
Ghost by Halsey mashed up with Thunder by Imagine dragons (mixed by GINGERGREEN 'returns on YouTube)
Heat waves by Glass Animals
Watching him fade away by Mac DeMarco
Just a dream by Nelly
For Jon:
Sunshine by OneRepublic
Live while we're young by One Direction
I gotta feeling by Black Eyed Peas
Post Malone by Sam Feldt (feat. Rani) (this one also reminds me of him and Damian too)
Journey to the lowest place on earth by Alec Benjamin (for the age up angst)
(I'm sure I've probably got more for him, but I think I just kind of forgot some of them for now)
And that's all of them!
Thank you for the ask!! I really enjoyed sharing these!!! :D
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paintedmage · 3 months
Updating my list of headcanons for Yu-Gi-Oh from my main blog
All my headcanons are from the Duel Monsters portion of the series, most of which are influenced by the anime and personal thoughts and ideas.
Atem has a thing for anything strawberry. Strawberry drinks, baked goods, artisan goods, you name it. If it's got strawberry, Atem will almost certainly eat it. Even as Yami, he would take over Yugi's body sometimes to enjoy strawberry flavors(Yugi thought it was silly but also was happy Yami had something he liked)
Of course, my headcanon of Kaiba treating Yugi like a second little brother after Atem departs. Seriously, Yugi becoming an unofficial Kaiba brother because of Seto's love for Atem and feeling bad that Yugi doesn't have his own big brother now is something that feeds me life.
Atem's last name is Sennen. His full name is Atem Yami Sennen
Kaiba's full name is Seto Ryuuki Kaiba. Sometimes Atem calls Seto by his middle name, and Seto loves how whispery and velvety Atem says it.
Kaiba and Atem are 100% gay and demi, Yugi is bisexual and nonbinary(goes by he/they pronouns)
Kaiba and Atem are both intersex, Kaiba's intersex biology allows for childbearing, but it's not something he likes to think about or really wants, as pregnancy means a loss of control over his own body, and Kaiba can't imagine not having control.
Atem eventually returns through magic nonsense and everyone is overjoyed to have him back (Yugi and Kaiba especially, for their own reasons)
Kaiba has a cat. Her name is Zahra and he adopts her from a shelter not long after the Ceremonial Duel. Despite his cold exterior, Kaiba loves animals and would adopt every single one from every shelter in the world if he could
Atem loves cats and hits it off with Zahra(Kaiba doesn't like that he's no longer her favorite person but Atem spoils her as much as he does so he supposes its fine), and for some reason, strays gravitate towards him and he occasionally comes home with a new cat in his arms, announcing. "Ryuuki, another one chose me!", and Kaiba just goes with it, loving how the mansion staff are now always kept on their toes by the MANY cats now running amok.
Kaiba's favorite of Atem's little cat herd(also called a clutter) is Luna, a pretty tortoiseshell with golden eyes and dainty white paws. She gets attached to him rather than Atem(much to Kaiba's delight)
Yugi and Marik are a couple. I just think they're cute together. They'd eventually have a son(Kaiba helps them create their son by taking Yugi and Marik's DNA and making the baby in a tube in his lab. Because I'm absolutely certain Kaiba could do that sort of thing if he tried) and name him Atemu, after Atem. Because Yugi just loves his brother so much. (cue Uncle Atem shedding tears of joy), and when Atemu is 2, they have another son named Toki.
Atem and Kaiba get married and Atem 100% is in charge of wedding planning cause he has better tastes than Kaiba when it comes to this sort of thing. And Atem convinces Seto to let him wear a dress for the wedding. Kaiba becomes Seto Kaiba-Sennen.
Kaiba and Atem eventually have twins unplanned, a daughter named Kaida and a son named Yami, both taking Atem's last name of Sennen. The pregnancy is full of complications for Kaiba due to his unique situation, and the changes to his body cause a lot of dysphoria, but Atem is always there for him when things get rough, knowing that Seto can get through this with the strength and grace he applies daily.
Joey becomes a KC Security Officer because he's "A good guard dog", according to Kaiba.
Tea becomes a successful dancer on Broadway, landing many lead roles. Yugi and friends are glad to see her follow her dreams, and occasionally, Kaiba will sponsor musicals and plays that Tea is in, his way of showing his friendship.
Tristan opens a martial arts and self defense studio, wanting to teach others how to protect themselves and the ones they care about.
Bakura begins to work for the museum, and always manages to rope Atem into helping during his free time, as Atem WAS an ancient Pharaoh.
Atem works graphic design for Kaiba Corp (he's a surprisingly good artist)
Yugi works at Kaiba Corp for the game development division. Sometimes he brings Atemu and Toki into the office with him, and he tries to coordinate dates where Kaida and Yami are brought in when Seto and Atem come to work so their kids can bond with each other. (Yugi wants his sons to have a deep connection with their cousins asap.)
Atemu looks a lot like his namesake uncle, thanks to the combo of Yugi's hair and Marik's complexion, but his eyes are Marik's lavender. Toki is pale like Yugi with soft, sandy-colored hair like Marik.
Kaida looks a lot like her father Atem, bearing his tri-tone hair, although the ends of hers are blue instead of red, she bears his darker complexion, and the shape of her eyes is quite similar to his. She gets Seto's blue eyes. Yami, however, is a mini Seto Kaiba with Atem's purple eyes. (the little guy has already mastered the 'Kaiba scowl')
Mokuba absolutely adores his niece and nephew, being sure to talk about them to anyone who will listen(or is forced to). He also spoils them whenever he can, wanting to give Kaida and Yami the whole world, wanting them to have a childhood full of certainty and light, unlike what he and Seto had. Uncle Mokuba ftw.
Kaiba may or may not rebrand Kaiba Corporation to Sennen Corporation. That's still up for debate.
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fantasiacafecat · 1 year
I noticed I didn't post any LGBTQ+ stuff or any Skyrim modded Follower content in more than a week. So why not make both right now?
Lgbtq+ headcanons with the Dovahkrew
These are Sexuality and romantic orientations not gender orientation headcanons. Sorry. These are also MY headcanons so if they don't match up with your headcanons it's not personal so please don't get mad at me. I am curious to see your headcanons as well though.
Inigo- Heteroflexible. He is most definitely interested in women and I always head canon that after the events of Skyrim he does settle down with the woman of his dreams who just happens to own a sweet roll shop. But I also feel like he would definitely point out a man's beauty. He seems like a very comfortable in his Sexuality kind of guy.
Lucien- Questioning Asexual Biromantic. He seems more interested in knowledge and learning other things than a relationship. And if someone did ask about his orientations then I feel like he wouldn't be able to answer that because he doesn't really try to experiment with romance of any kind.
Kaidan- Bisexual with maybe a fem preference (including feminine or men). I also see him as Pansexual because honestly I don't think he really cares about what gender his lover is.
Auri- Sapphic or Lesbian. I mean her creator basically made it Canon that she Prefers women.
Rumarin- Panflux 100%. Gender doesn't get in the way when it comes to any type of attraction to one another.
Vilja- I really only know her from a video of Inigo dialogue they have together. If I had to make a guess I would say she's straight or Pan, but I'm leading more into Straight.
Sofia- Bi with a big male preference.
Hoth- I really wish there were more videos and content on his commentary in Skyrim because I don't have him, but I'm interested him so much that I'd love to know more about his character. I feel like he doesn't use labels and gender isn't that much of an issue when it comes to love.
Taliesin- Pansexual. I mean come on its THE Talisman.
Gore (aka bby girl)- Questioning Omnisexual. It just feels right to me
Caryalind- I can't remember if rabbit said his sexuality was Demiromantic Asexual. I know he is Ace (or at least on the Ace spectrum) but I can't remember is they anything about being demi. I think he's Demiromantic.
Lucifer- Polysexual but I feel like he does have a male preference though I could be very very wrong. It's so funny because I play with him a lot on Skyrim but barely know anything about him. He holds grudges, he's very secretive (good on him because i would be too if i was in his situation), and he loves argonians. He seems to look up to Xelzaz and Inigo (and in some sense he does seem to be very enthusiastic when first meeting Nebarra until he realizes he doesnt like his personality) a lot which is what fueled my belief that he's maybe Achillean (Sapphic but for masculine terms instead of feminine).
Nebarra- I 100% believe that he refuses to use any labels. I think he might lean toward women a bit more, but that would only be because of how altmer are only raised to make the perfect child, so opposite sex relationships are probably the most common in the Summerset Isles. His fixation with Niranye and past relationship with Camia shows that. He doesn't seem Asexual because he doesn't hide the fact that he does enjoy the idea of doing the naughty naughty. His commentary on Dibella, Dibella Sybil quest, in the Night to Remember he says how he hopes we got to experience the Dibellan arts, and how he jokes about being Lucifer's father just prove that.
Xelzaz- Don't get mad at me, but I think he's straight. He says when hes ready he's like to marry a female argonian, and the only other time he's fallen I love was with another girl. I don't think he's asexual, but I think he definitely isn't very interested in it though we wouldn't really know because he seems very adamant on wanting to keep that part of his life private (as he should I love a king that doesn't feel like he has to tell us his sexual life).
Remiel- Asexual Panromantic. It was already proved Canon that she's Asexual. I had the conversation with her where she tells is she doesn't feel sexual feelings towards someone as she does with romantic feelings (also good on her. Not every relationship needs to have sexual desire in them). She's fallen in love with boys before and didn't seem too mad about being arranged to another man so I don't want to label her as Sapphic. And she does fall in love with you regardless of gender and I haven't seen anything that says she has a preference from the creator so I believe she's panromantic.
Secunda- I really don't know her that much yet as I'm still playing with her. First impressions is telling me panflux though I could be wrong though.
Serana- Without the SDA. She always gave me Asexual Biromantic vibes.
Teldryn Sero- Haven't started A serious Teldryn mod yet so I don't know too too much about his personal preferences, but he seems like the type who doesn't really use labels. Though I'm positive he is Bisexual.
Karina- Panromantic Demisexual. It was confirmed by the one who made her @jewelthejaguar742
Arstul- Asexual Omniromantic with a male preference. Talked with @joonjii about it and it's confirmed. However, they also said he could be panromantic with a male preference too but they said my opinion was valid and technically right.
I might post sexuality headcanons for all my dragonborn and follower ocs
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nobleclover · 11 months
Rayman Headcanons
Oh shoot. I've become so hyperfixated on Rayman (despite not having time to play the games 😭) that I've developed some headcanons for him. Buckle up lads, this is gonna be one hell of a list.
Rayman's creation is pretty much the same from the trailer for Rayman Origins except he was actually a literal baby when the ritual worked. Oh and he was also created as part of a test for Betilla to pass for some magic exams or something.
His mother Betilla was pretty shocked at the results but soon adored the little thingamajig she created using some energy from some lums, an eggplant (lol), random strands of hair and blood. Rayman's cuteness won her extra marks as well. XP
His grandfather is the Magician who took Betilla in when she was young, alongside some other little nymphs who were displaced due to Mr. Dark stirring shit up.
Rayman and Betilla had a peaceful life together until he was only five when Mr. Dark began attacking the valley. She had to send him away to an old friend of hers, Murfy, to ensure that he'd be safe, even if it was painful.
For a while, Rayman had trouble adjusting to his new surroundings in the Woods of Light, until he met a talkative young Glute called Globox. Since then, the two of them had been best friends for life.
Rayman isn't a "prophesised" hero nor was he originally created to be the protector of the Glade of Dreams. He was just a magic experiment that became his own person, and he's cool with his unusual origins.
He's pretty much got the same personality as the one in the games, with his eagerness to help people being very great. Betilla was hesitant to give him the abilities he earned to fight Mr. Dark, but since nobody else was up to the task (or unable), she relented.
Even while being the Guardian of the Glade, he's still a big kid at heart and always tries to have fun so that he wouldn't be bored. Murfy jokingly calls him a bad influence that has dumb luck.
COMPLETELY in love with Ly, a wingless fairy, that is studying lumology.
Freed and befriended Clark at the start of the pirate invasion.
Initially hated the Rabbids with a passion for their shenanigans until he managed to convince them that invading another planet (Earth) wasn't right and managed to help broker a peace deal between them and the humans. Yes that does sound over the top but c'mon, I can definitely see him preaching for world peace. XD
Met Barbara when he was travelling between different worlds for a vacation. Their meeting was awkward since the people in her kingdom mistook him for a monster but she managed to befriend him after he helped her in slaying a dragon.
Often has nightmares about Mr. Dark, the robot pirates, the rabbids becoming evil again, the teensie Magician (different from his grandfather).
He is 28, similar to the age of his first game.
He is also demi-bisexual and is pretty open about it.
Loves chocolate, the native fruit to the glade, chicken (from Barbara's world) and peach juice.
His eagerness to help people often leads to him unintentionally neglecting himself and becoming burnt out. So he has to be reminded to take it easy every once in a while. XP
Is godfather to Globox's 650 children and finds babysitting them hectic. XD
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artsycloudysleepy · 9 months
Trans UnderTale Headcanons
in the wake of seeing someone in the UT fandom be an idiot (not naming names but if yk yk), I raise you my trans headcanons (not canon!) for the AUs and the main game + yellow itself! Plus also some canon trans rep. I'm trans, ik multiple ppl who I'm friends with who are trans, and ik that these events have hurt many ppl. So, for TRANS POSITIVITY: Canon prns/gender: Frisk + Kris + Napstablook + MK are nonbinary they/them! Chara uses they/them! Mettaton is transmasc he/him! Mad Mew Mew is transfem she/her! Paperjam is genderfluid he/she/they! Ink uses he/they! Dream + Nightmare have no sex*!
And I personally heacanon... Chara as agender or agenderflux they/it! Clover as demi-boy he/they! Killer as genderfluid he/she/they/it! Cross as transmasc he/him! (I will die on this hill) Nightmare as agender he/him! Dream as genderfluid or pangenderflux any prns! Ink as demi-boy + demi-enby he/they! Blue as transmasc + intersex he/him, doesn't mind they/them! Lust as transmasc + intersex he/they/it! Fresh as agender + no sex (as a parasite) he/it! Fresh!Ink as agender (due to Fresh's control) he/him (agreed to go by their shared prns)! Outer as genderfluid + transfem she/they/he! I also hc that Monsters in most AUs + UT are called they/them from birth, until they're old enough to know they decide their pronouns and gender (unless they don't really care abt it).
*'no sex' as they're technically demi-gods/balls of energy, so don't count as AFAB, AMAB, or intersex bc they have nothing there. I hc their ecto and vocal range as fluid.
(Also if there's any secret hidden transphobes/transmeds/terfs on my blog gtfo. Any hate or ppl defending the transphobe in question will result in an instant block. If you don't like what I've written, move along already. This goes for any homophobes, too.)
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