#I have no family
virtualmosshroom · 4 months
Thankful i got thru my period w/o a breakdown but boy am i tired and desperately wishing things were easier
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theotherford · 1 year
My partner is abusive. He’s started actually going to therapy (instead of lying about it again), and is trying to use his new ‘therapy tools’ to gaslight me into thinking that… I don’t know, that our relationship is fine the way it is? That I’m abusing him? That it’s fine for him to have total control over every aspect of my life, but not okay at all for me to get upset and argue back with him.
I just wanted someone to know. Everyone we know irl thinks he’s this sweet, bumbling professor type, who could never hurt a fly, but I promise, he’s scary enough when you’re on the ground, and he’s standing over you screaming in your face.
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kozidraws · 1 year
It's funny how much fluffy and wholesome content I create when I have absolutely none of it irl.
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halfricanloveyou · 2 years
well, got written up today for making a mistake for the first time. i can only make 3 before i’m fired. i can already see where this is going. it sucks because i love this field and i’m passionate about it but because i have adhd i’m going to get fired.
all of the issues i’ve been criticized for have been adhd inattentive type symptoms. literally all of them. it’s only a few days after my annual job review and they expect me to have magically fixed them already. i’m so heartbroken and tired. this will be my 4th time being fired. my 4th time.
i don’t know what to do anymore. this was the only thing in my life that i’ve enjoyed. i don’t even know what other career path to consider but it’s obvious this isn’t the one for me.
what the fuck am i supposed to do now?
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girldraki · 4 months
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slfcare · 5 months
ten years ago you were so scared of such different things, but you survived them anyway. the same goes for five years ago and two years ago. everything that has ever felt like a hurdle, you’ve passed through. so be afraid, identify your fears, and then allow yourself to remember that in just a little while, this will be another thing that you have overcome.
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martyrbat · 2 months
the memes and jokes about biden dropping out are all great but PLEASE dont turn away and forget the victims of him directly funding a genocide. these are real people that are still being impacted by his cruelty, their tragedies are still ongoing and they need our support more than ever.
if I can suggest a Palestinian family to support, I'll highly recommend Yusuf and his family—who has been vetted for [here]. The GoFundMe breaks down the costs, including the urgent need for an eight year old child to have a kidney replacement, but only €8,404 is currently needed for his family to pay crossing and coordination fees!!
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quietncopacetic · 10 days
i miss my mom
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stickyvoidpaper · 1 month
Dick : Jasons been more, relaxed lately. It's unsettling.
Tim : Yeah, I've started spiking his water with mood stabilizers.
Dick : What
Tim : I've been thinking of doing it to the wider gotham water supply. Think about the crime rates.
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crowkip · 13 days
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yeehaw, baby!
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sourkreem · 1 month
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birthday hangout!! they went to jasons favourite shitty diner afterwards :)
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not him eating a very sugary burger fondant cake
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imliterallybeggingyou · 2 months
Elephant in the room time! I’d like to give a summary for everyone here.
I think we have all been waiting for someone to dig up something about Tim Walz, and what they found is a DUI from 1995.
Tim Walz was still a teacher at the time. He was with his friends, watching college football. He chose to drive home, and was pulled over for going 96mph in a 55. He was charged and fined.
Directly afterwards, he tried to resign from his teaching job out of guilt for his actions. He felt terrible, he felt disappointed in himself, and thought he didn’t have the right to teach or be a coach because of it. The principal pushed back immediately, asking him to stay. The principal refused to let him resign.
11 years later he became a member of Congress. 30 years later, he still hasn’t touched alcohol.
His drink of choice is Diet Mountain Dew.
Trump supporters are seemingly oblivious to the hypocrisy of their criticism of Walz. It has been 30 years since Walz was charged with his only misdemeanor. In May of this year, Trump was convicted of 34 felonies.
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valtsv · 9 months
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are we still doing this because i have a late submission
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Reminder that the US bombed Iraq a day ago. Reminder that this attack has killed 16 Iraqis, many of whom were civilians. Reminder that Iraq has already suffered enough at the hands of US imperialism, that to this day it’s recovering from the aftermath of being defamed to the world as terrorists, from its cities being destroyed under the guise of “exterminating ISIS” (an echo of Israel decimating Palestine to “exterminate Hamas,” interesting), that the US has so many ulterior motives to continue encroaching upon Iraq that have nothing to do with their seemingly noble rationale, and that it does all this while funding Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians (which are basically doing their dirty work of pushing further in on Arab territory). It’s jarring that this is all happening on a world stage & yet nothing is being done to stop it. Hands off Iraq. Free Palestine. Hands off Iraq. Free Palestine.
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nymph1e · 10 months
On Discomfort and Morality
My father finds gay men uncomfortable.
He's told me before that it's like a knee-jerk for him. Something he doesn't consciously control. He sees two men behaving romantically, and his body reacts with mild discomfort.
In the 1960s, when he was in high school, most of the boys in his form thought he was gay on the simple fact that he wasn't homophobic. He wouldn't participate in insulting queer people, he didn't care if someone was gay, he wouldn't have a problem hanging out with gay people. So people thought he was gay. That's how prevalent homophobia was in his formative years.
When I was 10, my dad told me very seriously that Holmes and Watson were gay. That it was obvious from the literature and the time period that they were meant to be a gay couple. When I was 14 and I came out to my parents as bi, when my mum was upset my dad ripped into her for it. Told her that she was being stupid, that it was my life to live how I wanted to and that she needed to get over herself.
My dad formed my views on censorship: that being that it was completely ridiculous and thoroughly evil. He didn't believe in censorship of any kind. If I asked him a question about sex, he answered it honestly. When I was 12 and I asked him about homosexuality, still young and uncertain, he told me that there was nothing wrong with it. That it was just how some people were. That there was likely an evolutionary reason for it. And that for some people it was uncomfortable on an instinctual level.
He taught me that just because you're uncomfortable with something, doesn't make it wrong. He also taught me that most people don't understand this.
I see a lot of this on the internet as of the last few years. The anti shipping movement, the terf movement, the anti ace movement. It all stems from discomfort that people have crossed wires into believing means wrong. Really every -ism and -phobia out there stems from this same fundamental aspect of humanity.
The next time you see something and you automatically think it's disgusting, or wrong, or immoral, I invite you to ask yourself: is this actually wrong or does this just make me uncomfortable?
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tallymali · 3 months
genuinely what is the reason for the internet becoming so prudish?? who can i fight about this
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