#I have a fic that deals a lot with this
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cross-d-a · 9 months ago
I am….SO tired of “Qui-Gon is the uncaring selfish master” fic trend like……come up with something original. Make it nuanced. Stop with the black and white shit I am BEGGING. Not like I don’t adore the Jedi apprentice series bc I very VERY much do but jfc the Qui-gon bashing train is So Old. Pick something else. Just leaves a sour taste in my mouth at this point *BIG SIGH like if you’re gonna go that route make him actually LEARN from his mistakes. Miscommunication doesn’t make a villain, either. No one’s perfect and it’s absolutely uninteresting if you stick him in this solely negative role like Damn.
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imclou · 2 months ago
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can't believe fnaf brought me out of art hibernation man what a turn of events
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Does anyone know of a leverage fic where Eliot does kill Moreau during season 3 before the team can get too close?
Like, in Big Bang Job, he says he was trying "to figure out a way around this, all right, maybe take my shot before--"
So he definitely considered it, even if it didn't work out that way. Does anyone know of a fic where they explore what would have happened if he had succeeded?
Cause like, Nate is not just gonna leave things lie if the big mark mysteriously dies before they can take him down. He's going to obsess about what happened.
And how would Eliot even explain his absence to the team anyways? Not just his alibi after the fact, but where does he tell them he's going when he first leaves town? How does he come back and act like everything is normal? Does he get back before the news and have to pretend nothing happened in front of Nate and Sophie, notoriously good people readers? Or does someone call him on his way home to tell him that Moreau is dead and he needs to come in to help figure things out?
How hard does Nate push them to solve this case? Are they worried a rival who might be even worse ordered it?
Do Parker and Hardison start noticing he's acting weird while Nate is distracted with the case and Sophie is distracted with Nate? Does Hardison find anything suspicious in his hacking about Eliot's movements that day? Does Parker, who tracks the rate people blink per hour and knows what they're all supposed to smell like and catalogs every tiny mannerism even if she has trouble contextualizing them, does she notice any changes in Eliot recently?
How does Eliot feel about it? He did it. He protected the team. He finally escaped Moreau for good. But he broke his oath, he killed again, he technically killed in cold blood no matter how dangerous and willing to kill them the victim may have been. And he can't tell his team, because they may know he killed in the past, but they don't want a hitter who is going to spend his weekends committing murder and making them complicit by not stopping him. And he can't tell them because they would demand an explanation, which would lead to how much danger they really had been in so very far above their league, which would lead to how he knows this so surely and intimately, which would lead to working for Moreau, and the Worst Thing.
Like, there's just so much potential there, so does anyone know of any fics that explore this premise?
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finemealprompt · 9 months ago
DP x DC Prompt #88
Superman didn’t know how to handle having a clone. He was fighting the urge to get close to Kon, guide him in a way no one had been able to Clark, with feeling violated every time he saw the boy. He didn’t want to hate Kon, but he didn’t know how to balance his own emotions. 
When Clark admits this to Batman, he suggests someone who can help: Phantom. Dani Phantom.
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hood-ex · 5 months ago
Bruce barging in on Dick and Roy's violent trauma dump sexcapade is absolutely sending me.
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dustykneed · 5 months ago
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--Really, Doctor?
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DPxDC media story prompt
Okay first off, this sort of thing has been done before, but here’s a different version involving Jazz Fenton.
Popular in DPxDC fanfic is that the GIW have a media blackouts—or whiteouts, there’s kind of a difference, where whiteouts work more like… there is a file, but you can’t edit it or it may be locked out for certain users, or an edited version of events where things are ‘whited out’ like with correction paste, among other definitions.
Point is!
The GIW have a media restriction, and among these is social media, probably with certain words or phrases pinging to location restrict the post. There was probably a phase for a while where the A-Listers tried to get around it, but ultimately failed, and since they could only get information IN rather than information OUT, and possibly still a limited amount of outside information in the first place, social media didn’t take off as much in Amity Park than in other places in the world. There’s still a small local presence, but at this point it’s almost like a city wide chat room than actual social media.
Enter in, Jazz Fenton. She’s chronically behind on trends, so by the time she decides to get on social media, the GIW aren’t being as militant on it. And she has that habit of calling the ghosts by code names instead of their actual names, such as Crate Creep instead of The Box Ghost, or Ghost X instead of Skulker. By pure coincidence of her personal language use and Tucker messing with all of Team Phantom’s phone locaters for easier excuse giving, Jazz manages to dodge all the word censors.
She accidentally creates a whole online story community convinced it’s some kind of altered reality game or role playing game, what have you. Meanwhile, Jazz is letting off steam by ranting online with, of course, made up names of all the people involved. She doesn’t even notice the numbers, and that’s assuming the GIW didn’t just—region lock the ability to see them for whatever reason. The few Amity Parkers on social medias see Jazz, maybe look at a complaint post or two, then move on because this isn’t even an unusual video inside Amity Park’s social media sphere.
Heck, PHANTOM has a social media presence and he’s done several rant videos too! One particularly famous one is him complaining about keeping his boots and gloves white while being chased and one of the GIW agents actually stops and gives him advice before shooting at him again.
Those outside Amity Park, of course, only see Jazz’s videos. And she has no idea that she has an entire online presence and mild amounts of online fame. And again, almost everyone thinks the whole thing is just a fun little game, if oddly detailed.
Until, that is, a certain young man by the name of Bernard comes in. One of the few who are totally convinced this is real, he tries to also convince his boyfriend—Timothy Drake-Wayne. Who, in turn, finds it incredibly suspicious that it’s this hard to get news and posts from one random town in the Midwest.
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teecupangel · 7 months ago
Do you have a personal take on esama's Badass with a Baby. The one where minerva gives ezio a baby desmond in the vault?
Badass With a Baby by esama for those who are curious.
Honestly? I wanna see Mario's reaction to seeing Ezio walking out of cathedral with a baby in hand.
He came there to help his nephew escape after assassinating Rodrigo Borgia, not knowing that said nephew didn't kill their greatest enemy and now he's running out of the Vatican with a baby in his arms.
He is definitely wondering if
Ezio abandoned his mission because he learned that he has a son being kept by the Borgias
Ezio kidnapped a secret child of a Borgia
Or worse...
Ezio had an affair with the young lady of the Borgias and he's now running away with his newborn child.
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 2 months ago
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the Spider Peter designs i worked on for my AU
thanks again @3-inch-sam for your input! Appreciate you bud!!
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kindaorangey · 4 months ago
sorry to say but the maker-fledgling/parent-child relationship dynamics make DM so much juicier. and i don't mean that in a kinky way in the slightest i mean it's insane to be adamant about never having a child for 500 years, break that vow on a whim and then be a deadbeat dad for a bit. and also on the more lighthearted and sappy side of things it's really interesting for a dying man in his 70s to be given another shot at life, with eternity ahead of him and the power of an ancient in his veins to inherit over the course of that eternity. idk idk! it's just neat.
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rosekasa · 5 months ago
creating for a fandom from teenage years to adulthood is so special because you can see where your subconscious was through the history of your works
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screechingfromthevoid · 7 months ago
Dorian with the crown keepers in some quiet taverns in quiet towns as they travel, he's always up late. He can't quite fall asleep well. So he sneaks out to a different tavern than the one they're staying at. He doesn't want to risk someone recognizing him in the morning.
At the new taverns, he goes straight to their stages. The emptier the better but it's not hard for him to convince a half drunk bard to get even drunker.
Sometimes he'd sit on the poorly lit stage and strum his mandolin and not say a word at all as he started to pluck out a tune. The chords are simple at first, something he heard in a dream. Every night spent working, adds another measure. Deeper swells and higher jumps. A mournful reverberation. He was stuck for a while.
Until he hears "glad you're not here... wish you were anyways".
Then, disjointed and seemingly unexpected, a reprise of that first plucking, an octave and a half lower. Still major, still jovial. Just. Deeper. Just... Realer.
I'll fix the transition later, he thought.
That's when the lyrics came. They weren't good but they spilled out of his mouth involuntarily. If it were up to him, those thoughts, those feelings would stay caged in his heart. Instead, a room full of strangers knew him more fully than his intimates.
Protector of air, guard of heart, bulwark of us
His simple plucked out tune, a dreamed up melody for a man he could only dream of.
You say you don't lead. But when I look to you, you're drenched in the boreal crux
A deep and quiet start to the encroaching swell, getting louder and higher.
Crowns of spiders couldn't tempt me astray from your due north
Trilled eight notes that felt like crawling legs and whispy silk on the back of the neck.
I thought you might be the wind caught in my sails. Always only you caught in my fibers
His last word carries a sour note, it sounded wrong, out of tune. Like he was.
A storm by another name, gold and red and melting black, tore us off course
Dorian's run was backwards, like he was free falling from a ledge. Accidentals plaguing it's decent.
It's harder than ever to orient through shades of grey and leave behind no remorse...
That reverberation was accompanied by a strain in his voice. Something that happened every night once he made it to that point. It came next to a swallow of something in his throat. That transition came to him, when Dorian thought about what got him out of his slump, he laughed. Bashfully, sheepishly. He always felt his face burn.
My heart aches. Stay steadfast. Fairer winds...
What a thing to say instead of I miss you.
I have stolen a world away. You are there, I am here. And all I want is to be together when we wake
His melody, their melody, picked up again. His fingers started to pluck staccatos in between the languid chords.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Or so they say. This distance has only made mine bleed icar
Dorian wouldn't allow himself to end this with a confession. At least, not one of guilt. It wasn't supposed to be about his straying. It was supposed to be about Orym. It was supposed to be about the man he-
I look for the direction ivy green grows. I look to you still, to find my way.
Sometimes he ended the song with another reprise of his dreamy melody. Sometimes, his fingers would slip on the strings and rancid mistakes would ring out into the crowd. It seemed to depend on how hard they fought that day. How much more Opal stained.
Dorian would always thanked the crowd before taking up the coins that were haphazardly thrown on stage. He wouldn't set out a hat or cup, it wasn't about that, but there was always coin at his feet by the end.
He'd walk quiet streets and thought about Bertrand. Dorian understood now, what he said about walking alone at night. He stepped carefully up lulling tavern stairs thinking about picking up a bottle for a round of "what the fuck is up with that" with friend that weren't waiting for him. He slid into the room he shared with his brother, acknowledging every time that this was the first time they did that. They never shared a room or a bed as children. They didn't share much. Now fully grown, he felt they were more childish than ever.
Dorian curled into himself on his cold side of the bed and thought about how he used to have a pulsing heart beat on his skin. Whether it was across his legs, against his back, against his chest. He never felt loneliness like this before. He never felt the absence of someone before.
And he was worse for it
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dreamerdrop · 1 month ago
have you ever considered writing prime bashir/mirror garak?
I have, but I’ve never been able to come up with anything that feels like it would have any real meat to it. All I can really come up with are fairly straightforward and somewhat banal noncon/dubcon scenarios and I just can’t think of a way to make them feel… compelling? Like, I don’t know where I would go with it or what I would be saying about it, really. What does it reveal about Prime Bashir or Mirror Garak in that scenario?
That said, I have read some WONDERFUL fics about Prime Bashir/Mirror Garak! Hopefully you’ll enjoy some of these recs instead, dear anon! Most of these feature noncon/dubcon to varying degrees, because, well… Mirror Verse, duh. So check tags and all that! <3
^ This one is a masterpiece actually and goddamned breathtaking in the writing of both Garak POVs, absolute 10/10 rec.
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im-not-corrupted · 1 year ago
I was consumed by the idea of Merman!Hob in the last few days and now I'm writing a Dreamling fic about it so have a small, 1.7k snippet from the much larger fic :)
Includes: near-drowning, near death experiences, perhaps many medical inaccuracies because I am not a doctor and haven't edited yet, Merman!Hob, Prince!Dream and some light angst.
He awakes with a gasping, heaving breath. His lungs are greedy things, sucking in air with desperation, and he presses a hand to his chest. Beneath his palm, his heart races. Adrenaline and panic both fill his veins and his hand shakes. His lungs feel full, but as he coughs mostly involuntarily, nothing comes up at all.
It takes a bit for him to calm down. When he does, when his lungs stop heaving and he stops coughing and he is left with nothing but an ache in his lungs, his head and a rawness in his throat, he looks around himself.
He sits on a beach, the sands golden and kissed by the sun. It shines down on him, blessing his face with its light. His clothes are soaked through and no doubt ruined, and before him—before him is the ocean.
It holds none of the fierceness he saw earlier, and he stares at it blankly. It looks as welcoming, as lovely, as it did the day he stepped onto the ship. His mind had been occupied, yes, but he had enough awareness to acknowledge the sea’s beauty.
Not enough awareness to acknowledge its dangers, though. He remembers in startling clarity the coldness of its waters, the ferocity with which it drowned him, the storm that waged and threw him overboard.
He should’ve been more careful.
It is not just the ocean that lies before him, but a man, too. A man, staring at him with honey-eyes that catch the sunlight as though they were made for it, with a curiosity on his face that, if it weren’t for the sudden anxiety twisting his all-too empty stomach, would’ve endeared him immediately. His skin is tan, golden like the sands, and some distant part of his brain wants to press his lips to that skin and find out what it tastes like for himself. Like ocean salt and sweat and the sun itself, he thinks, and then considers the possibility that he may have suffered some brain damage due to oxygen deprivation.
It takes him a bit to find his voice. During that time, the man—sitting in the ocean as though he belongs there, ignorant of its gentle waves lapping at him—continues to stare, head tilted like a particularly curious bird. “Who are you?” he asks, wincing at the hoarseness of his throat. It feels scraped raw, and he thinks he would like to simply not speak for a while, only—only this is rather strange, isn’t it?
The man’s shoulders shake with laughter. He is a beautiful creature, this man, with chestnut hair framing his face. Laughter, and amusement, becomes him. Distantly, Morpheus is aware that he should probably take offence at the man’s laughter, only—only he doesn’t really have the energy. If anything, he thinks he’d much rather sleep. “The one who saved you, obviously. Or did you forget you nearly drowned?"
He has half a mind to scowl at the strange man in the water, but only just has enough energy to narrow his eyes. "You saved me," he repeats dumbly. In his defence, he did nearly drown, and sleep calls to him now. Nearly drowning is, apparently, rather exhausting. "We were in the middle of the ocean. We weren't even close to any land. How did you—"
Come to think of it, he can't recall having seen this man's face before. Though perhaps that's explained easily. He was distracted on the ship, after all, and it wasn't like he went out of the way to remember the entire crew. Both Telute and Lucienne always said he should try to interact with people a little more than he does, but he thinks recent events made him exempt from that rule these last few months.
Still. The man's statement doesn't really make sense. They were in the middle of an ocean, and in a storm no less. It would've been impossible for the man to save him then, at least not without a boat or ship of his own.
Thinking of it made his head hurt more. For a moment he feels ready to simply shrug and accept the nonsensical answer as truth in the hopes that maybe the man would leave him to rest. Logically, he knows that isn't what will happen at all. If this man knows who Morpheus is, if he recognises him, then there will be some kind of demand. A boon for saving the Prince's life.
He can't do anything about that now, though, and the idea of laying on this beach and letting himself wither under the sun's heat seems very appealing. He doesn't even know where they are, or how close he is to his kingdom. How he's supposed to make it back in this condition, he doesn't know. The task seems impossible, in all honesty.
The man does not leave him to rest, not even when Morpheus simply nods stiffly and says, "Sure. Saved me. Alright." He remains in the ocean actually, the waves lapping at his torso, and continues to stare at him blankly as though expecting something a little more. Eventually, he rolls his eyes—Rude, Morpheus thinks, but hardly cares at all in the moment—and moves a little closer. It looks almost like the ocean parts for him, but that's ridiculous.
Then—well, then things get even stranger. Which also seems impossible, but—there they are. The man shifts in the water and brings what looks like a tail out of the ocean, all golden scales and fins. Beautiful, he thinks, knowing he's staring but seemingly unable to help it. Of course the man's tail would be golden. That only makes sense when the rest of him could've been carved from sunlight.
A little belatedly, he realises just what he's staring at. Which is the man, who had a fish's tail.
Hallucinating. He is hallucinating, then. That makes sense. Still, he can't help but laugh quietly—it makes him wince, his lungs still raw and aching, but the pain is temporary and certainly doesn't matter much if he's hallucinating—and says, "You're a merman."
The statement is ludicrous. Morpheus wonders just how much damage nearly drowning can do to a person, and then figures he doesn't want to know at all, actually.
"That is what you call us, yes," the man agrees easily.
Sure. Why not. "Why did you save me then?"
He shrugs softly. “Too pretty for death,” the—the merman, of all things, tells him. It sounds almost petulant.
He is losing his mind. He had swallowed a lot of water. A merman. “One can be too pretty for death?” he asks weakly, his throat hoarse and his chest tight with pain. The ridiculous nature of the question at least makes that pain easy to ignore. It will get him later, he knows that much, but he lets himself be distracted by his amusement at the situation for a while.
The merman blinks at him, expression entirely serious. “You are.”
”Right.” Right. Of course. Too pretty for death. That makes sense. As much sense as a merman fishing him out of the water does.
Whatever energy let him carry this conversation leaves him suddenly and he falls onto his back on top of the sand, his elbows failing to hold him up any longer. The sun glares down at him and he gazes back up at it blearily. Exhaustion clings to him just as the beach does to his sea-soaked clothes. Sleep seems like a wonderful, bright idea.
He let his eyes fall shut. It isn't very effective for blocking out the sun’s rays—it remains insistent, and closing his eyes doesn't give him the satisfaction of darkness that he dearly wants. Still, while that would’ve been a problem any other time, his body yearned for the void, to let the dark take him. It would be easy to simply lay here and wither, until either the tide takes him or someone finds him. Whichever came first. He didn’t mind either way.
Then the merman spoke again. “Are you dying, pretty one?”
It took a great deal of effort, but he grunts, “No.”
”Are you sure?”
He is not, actually. But that is no concern of this mermaid, and he merely answers, “I am certain.”
Silence follows that statement. Morpheus lets himself relax, lets himself hope this is it. He can sleep now, he thought—and is quickly proven wrong, for the merman states, “You look like you’re dying. Does anybody look for you?”
He hardly cares. Distantly, though, he thinks Lucienne might be. Jessamy and Matthew, too. “Perhaps,” he says after a couple of minutes pass, when he realises he has not yet replied. "I would like to sleep now."
The merman makes a considering noise. "I do not know much about humans," he said slowly, and Morpheus can practically feel the concern in his voice now, "but I'm pretty sure that's a bad idea. I'll stay and talk to you until you're found."
"Must you?" he asks, a desperate edge to his voice. The merman's voice is pleasant enough, yes, but rest is the preferred option here, regardless of what he says.
"Yes," he confirms. Morpheus's eyes are still closed so he can't actually see but he can imagine the smile on his face easily enough.
He sighs heavily and wonders what he did to deserve this. Then figures this is some weird, twisted kind of punishment for all that happened with Orpheus and Calliope and resigns himself to his fate. "Very well."
The merman talks, almost endlessly, until the sun is low in the sky. It is, truly, an impressive amount of talking. Morpheus doesn't remember much of that afternoon. At some point, he regains just enough energy to sit up, to listen more attentively. The merman, whose name he doesn't learn, seems to appreciate that. And just when despair begins to eat at him—I will not be found, he thinks and despite his inaction while he sank into the ocean, the idea panics him, I will die on this beach—there are calls of his name from behind him. They are voices he recognises and his heart picks up its pace when he turns around to see Lucienne, Telute and Jessamy walking down the beach towards him, each of them looking a little rough but all of them alive.
When he turns back to the ocean, the merman is no longer there, and Morpheus wonders if he dreamt the whole thing up. He does not mention it as Jessamy helps him to his feet, as Telute pulls him in for a hug, as the three of them begin to make it back home, to their duties, but he does not forget the kind eyes of the man who saved him from drowning.
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thewickedjazzy · 3 months ago
chuu's bonus fic is dropping tomorrow finally?? i poured my heart and soul into this one, especially since it's just so adorable — it's a soft dom! chuu x insecure curvy! reader (gravity suspension x body worshipping x marking up)
so yeah you can probably guess why I’m so hyped for this one :(
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kindaasrikal · 4 months ago
How tf did this fanfic actually reach 5k words already on chapter one and its not even half way completed.
The things i do for morro 😭
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