#I eat breakfast at work so I’m usually awake for two hours by the time I get to eat
crowley1990 · 2 months
It worries me slightly because ibuprofen is harsh on your stomach but I just have a rule to never take it on an empty stomach. Which sucks in the morning because it means I have to last like two hours with no painkillers and no food when I get up.
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ale-wosofan · 7 months
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Ona x R
R is exhausted after a long day at work.
warnings: none
a/n: this took way longer than it should have, but I'm studying for my exams and I've read this so many times that English doesn't feel like a real language anymore. Anyways, enjoy!
If there is something you hate is having to wake up early. Thankfully your work doesn’t require it unless something important comes up. You love waking up slowly, taking your time to admire your girlfriend’s sleeping form and the way she always looks so calm. You usually wake her up by leaving kisses all over her face and, once you’re sure she won’t fall asleep again, you cook a nice breakfast for the two of you while she gets ready for training.
Sadly for you today you haven’t been able to do any of those things. You slipped out of bed as soon as your alarm woke you up, so you wouldn’t disturb Ona. The hours passed slowly as all you have been able to think about is getting back to your bed and your girlfriend.
Having been awake since six in the morning, when you finally get home you’re more than a little exhausted.
Ona is by your side before you can even close the door.
“Hola, mi vida,” she greets you placing a soft kiss on your lips and opening her arms for you “How was your day?”
You can only grunt in response melting into her arms, not really in the mood to talk. Your girlfriend lets out a chuckle and just hugs you tighter.
“You smell nice,” you murmur burrowing your head on her neck to take a deep breath “I missed you.”
Ona laughs again and you can't help but smile at hearing your favourite sound “You saw me this morning.”
“Exactly. Way too long ago.”
Just when your eyes start to close she takes a step back from your embrace.
“What do you want to have for dinner today? Sushi?” your face lights up at the mention of your favourite food “Sushi it is.”
“Thank you, love. I’m gonna go take a shower.”
You take longer than usual in the bathroom since all the exhaustion from the day is starting to catch up to you, but you somehow manage to shower without falling asleep standing up. Once you’ve gotten into more comfortable clothes you walk over to the couch where your girlfriend is sitting playing with her phone.
You drop yourself on her lap and lay your face in her chest.
“Dinner should be here in ten minutes or so,” Ona says setting her phone down and beginning to run her hands up and down your back.
You hum happily and focus on the hard thump of her heart in your ear. With the feeling of her steady breaths underneath you, you feel yourself starting to drift off. You’re about to fall asleep when the sound of the doorbell rudely interrupts you, forcing your girlfriend to get up and you to try to wake up before eating.
Your mood unsurprisingly improves once you’ve gotten some proper food and drink in your stomach. Normally after dinner the two of you sit down to watch TV for a little while, but today you’re too tired to even concentrate.
You are ten minutes into the film when Ona speaks.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just tired,” you mumble trying to stay awake.
You frown when your girlfriend turns the TV off and gets up offering you a hand. “Let’s go to sleep then.”
Smiling at her, you take her hand and let her lead you to the bedroom. Once you’re both settled in bed she wraps her arms around your waist, bringing you closer to her.
“Te amo,” Ona whispers in your hair.
You lift your head from where you have buried it in her neck and blink a few times, trying to shake off the sleep a little bit so you can properly answer her.
“I love you too. G’night.”
Before resuming your previous position though, you take your girlfriend’s face in your hands and kiss her sweetly. It’s a pretty short kiss, you can barely see Ona’s face in the darkness and you’re already half asleep, but you are in bed after a really long day in the arms of the woman you love; you couldn’t have asked for anything better.
“Buenas noches, cariño.”
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New Side
Captain of the Heart Pirates, Trafalgar Law something new about his loving and caring girlfriend while out on a much needed date night.
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07:00AM in the morning was the captain’s favourite time of day. Early in the morning, the sun starting to rise and the crew starting to wake up to get started for the day. While the crew was all fast asleep off in dream land their captain was still awake working with one of his consistent all nighters.
Law looks up from his work, looking at the clock in his office to see the time in the morning. He can’t help but let a soft smile raise to his face, knowing that in a matter of minutes-
Right on time. The door slowly opens, a familiar (h/c) girl pokes her head in with her usual happy smile. “Good morning, love!”. She greets happily. “How’s the work coming along?”. She asks as she walks into the office and closes the door with her foot, walking over to his desk. “Morning”. He greets up back, watching her walk over with tired eyes. (Y/n) holds out one of the two cups of coffee, Law happily taking it from her. “Thank you, (Y/n)-ya”. He thanks as he takes a much needed sip.
(Y/n) smiles and takes a sip of her own coffee. The two having matching but colour coordinated cups, since Law takes his coffee with extra coffee and (Y/n) taking hers with extra sugar. “You knooooow there aren’t many calories in coffee, don’t you think you should take a break and I’ll make you a nice meal? And you can only eat so many rice balls to get that 2,500 average”. She explains, breaking the silence.
Law sighs as he sets his coffee down on his desk, not looking at her. “I know you’re a doctor and all but I’m just worried for you is all”. She adds, concern in her voice. He knows that she’s right and bringing attention to it because she cares for him. “I know, you’re right”. He sighs, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his forehead. “And you’ve been cooped up in here for days, it’s not healthy! The others are worried too, even making jokes that you’re dead”. She adds, more concern in her voice.
He chuckles lightly, his heart touched by how much she cared about him. “He would have loved you…”. He whispers under his break. “Pardon?”. (Y/n) asks, tilting her head to the side. “How close are we to the closest island?”. He asks her. “Oh! Uh last time I checked we should be close, maybe around 10 to 12 hours?”. She answers, not fully sure.
He sits up from his seat, leaning on his elbows on the desk. “We’ll head there. Restock on supplies and go out”. He tells her, then reaching for his coffee to take another sip. (Y/n)s face brightens, a wide close mouthed smile stretching across her face as her cheeks glow a pink tint. “Really!?”. She asks excitedly. “We can go to a bar and have some us time”. He adds.
She takes a deep breath and nods, giggling to herself. “That sounds great! I’d really love that!”. She says happily. They sit in a comfortable silence, before (Y/n) looks at the time and jolts. “I should really go get breakfast ready, I’ll come by later with breakfast”. She states, taking steps back as she does. “And try getting some sleep before we dock tonight”. She adds. “I’ll try”. He tells her, his lip turning up in the slightest.
He watches as she scurries to the door, blowing him a kiss before she leaves. He chuckles to himself and takes another sip of his coffee, enjoying its bitterness. Even if he was alone cooped up in his office for hours doing the same old boring work, he’d still think about her. His favourite was the first words she ever said to him, the first time they had ever met and laid eyes on each other. “I like your eyes, very beautiful but stern and scary!”. With a bright smile on her face.
Night had soon rolled around, the ship docking at the nearby island at the sea side village. Law was able to take a few hour nap before getting up and making his way to his shared bedroom with (Y/n). He walks into the bedroom, seeing (Y/n) checking herself out in the mirror in a nice cute dress. She makes eye contact with him in the mirror, turning around and posing with her hands behind her back.
“Soooooo, how do I look?”. She asks him, giving him a little spin. He lets out a chuckle as he walks over, placing a kiss on her forehead. “Beautiful as always, angel-ya”. He answers. She giggles as she turns away from him, cupping her own face. “Aw stop it, you’re making me blush!”. She giggles like a teenage girl. Law chuckles at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “Come on, let’s go”.
The pirates set off into the village to gather supplies while the captain and his misses went off to the local bar. The two strolled into the bar, it wasn’t the fanciest of places for a date but time together was better than no time. Law and (Y/n) walks over and sit at the bar, sitting on the bar stools next to each other.
“Two drinks please!”. (Y/n) asks the bar tender happily with a bright smile, holding up two fingers. “Coming right up”. The bartender replies, reaching over and grabbing two bottles, placing them in front of the two. The couple grab the bottles, Law popping his open and taking a sip. A tug on his sleeve causes him to look to his right at his lover. “Can you open it for me?”. She asks with a nervous giggle.
Law lets out an amused chuckle as he takes the bottle from her, easily opening it and handing it back to her. “Thank you love!”. She thanks him, smiling up at him. “No problem, angel-ya”. He responds with a sly grin, causing her to blush and giggle. He knew that she loved that nickname, but it was more him stating what she is.
The couples moment is ruined when loud obnoxious laughter fills the room as the doors to the bar slam open. A group of rowdy pirates walk into the bar, the whole mood of the bar changing. Law glares at the group as he notices their most likely captain walk over and sit on the bar stool a couple of seats away from (Y/n)s. How had he not noticed another pirate ship docked, must have docked somewhere else. Even worse, their filthy captain sitting so close to his girlfriend.
A soft grip on his knee brings him out of his thoughts, looking down and following the arm to see the soft face of (Y/n). She doesn’t need to say a word, her eyes telling him “hey, it’s okay” where he can basically here her soft voice telling him so. Just with her eyes she successfully calms him down, him sending her a soft nod to tell her “I’m okay”.
“Well well well, what’s this pretty little thing doing here?!”. The man’s loud voice sends Law back on edge. He looks back at (Y/n), seeing her smiling still at him as she turns and takes a sip of her drink. “Aw, what’s the matter?! You shy or something?!”. The man questions, leaning closer to her. He jumps from his seat to the one closer to her, sitting right next to her. “Come on sweetheart, no need to be shy”. He flirts, getting right to her ear.
She goes unphased, taking another sip of her drink with a hum. “Hey bartender, can I get the name of this brand? It’s very good”. She asks the bartender in a sweet tone. The said bartender looking at her with a nervous look, looking between her and the man in her bubble. “U-uh yeah, it’s a fruit blend from the East Blue”. The bartender answers, then quickly going back to work. “Hey! I’m talking to you bitch!”. The man next to her yells, literally in her ear.
Law grows more angry and anxious, his whole body tensing up. He feels another soft squeeze on his leg, this time without having to look at her (Y/n) telling him “it’s okay”. “Come on! Think you’re so hot shit you can’t talk to me!? Come on bitch, no need to be such a cu-“. Like in a flash before he can finish his sentence a bottle smashes over his head.
The man shuts up as bits of glass stab into his head as blood leaks from his head. In his dazed state, (Y/n) stands up and grabs him by his collar, pulling him closer to her. “YA WANNA FINISH THAT FUCKING SENTENCE??!! CANT A WOMAN ENJOY A DRINK WITHOUT SOME UGLY FUCKTARD OF AN ABOMINATION SCREAMING IN HER FUCKING EAR??!!”. She yells, spit getting in the guys face.
She throws him to the floor, letting out a small sigh. “Great, now my dress is ruined and I had to waste a good drink”. She mumbles as she looks down at her alcohol and blood covered dress. “Especially on date night”. She whispers, pouting. She sits back down on her seat, her sweet smile back on her face. “Sorry for the mess Mister Bartender”. She apologies, clapping her hands together.
The man looks at the girl with fear, taking a large gulp. “I-it’s no problem, h-h-here! A replacement on the house!”. He says, quickly grabbing a replacement drink. “Aw thank you! You’re so kind!”. She thanks happily, taking the drink and tries to open it. Once again she can’t, so she turns to Law for help. When she does, she sees a face of pure shock on his face.
She tilts her head to the side, blinking. “Is something wrong, darling?”. She ask him. He lets out a loud breath, turning into a chuckle. “Marry me”. He mutters. “Pardon?”. She asks him, raising her eyebrow. “Why don’t we head back and spend some time together while the ships empty?”. He suggests, a very sly smirk on his face. “My my, aren’t you cheeky”. She giggles with a smirk growing on her own face.
Law gets up from his stool and grabs his drink, leaving money on the bar table and holding his hand out to her. (Y/n) smiles as she takes his hand and hops off the stool, grabbing her drink as the two start making their way out the bar. As the two walk out (Y/n) purposefully walks over the man’s body as they leave, her hugging Laws arm and resting her head on him.
Law would never admit it to her or anyone and take it to his grave, but seeing his girl like that turned him on on a whole new level.
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winchesterwild78 · 21 days
A New Sheriff in Town pt 2
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Master List
Characters: Beau Arlen x Reader, Reader’s daughter Lily, other Big Sky characters
Warnings: More fluff, because Beau. 😀
A/N: This was an idea given to me by @cheekygirl2309. Just a short series featuring our favorite green eyes Sheriff. Reader is a single mom and Beau moves into town. Things start to develop and the reader's daughter finds it hard to pull herself away from Beau. 
This does not follow the Big Sky timeline and is not in any way associated with the show. All work is my own, please don’t take it. 
Minors DNI 18+
The next morning you were awake before your alarm, and by alarm you mean Lily. She was an early riser and was usually up by 6am. This morning however, she was sound asleep. You stretched and reached for your phone, surprised to see a text from Beau.
Beau: Good morning. I hope you slept well. If you need any help with Lily today, let me know.
You: Good morning, Sheriff. Yes, I slept well, thank you. Lily is still sleeping, so I have a few minutes of peace. Might be able to drink my coffee hot this morning. 😀
Beau: Ha! I remember those times. Em would wake up right about the time I’d pour myself a cup and it would be ice cold before I could get back to it. Do you work today?
You: Yes, later this morning. I have to enroll Lily in preschool this morning. I can’t believe she’s starting in September.
Beau: Would you like some company? Filling out paperwork is always easier when someone is distracting the little one. 
You bit your lip at the thought of seeing Beau again. Should you take him up on his offer or just have Sarah come help? You sent Sarah a text asking her advice.
You: Hey, so Beau offered to go with me to keep Lily company while I enroll her in school. What should I do?
Sarah: Girl, say yes! That man is a god on two bowed legs. Lily already likes him, you better snag him before someone else does. 😉 😗
You: Girl, stop! He’s just being friendly. 
Sarah: Okay. Whatever you say. Have fun with him and Lily today. If you kiss him let me know how it was. I bet he’s a great kisser with those soft lips. 😂
You: Sarah! Stop it. I’m not kissing anyone. You know what, you’re terrible.
Sarah: But you love me.
You: Yes I do. Talk to you later.
You (to Beau): Hey, yeah some company would be great. Can you come by the house in about an hour?
Beau: Yep, I’ll be there darlin’.
Your heart fluttered and you smiled. You grabbed your change of clothes and jumped in the shower. When you got out you checked on Lily who was still sound asleep. 
You watched your baby girl sleeping for a little bit before going into the kitchen to make a coffee and start cooking breakfast. 
About 45 minutes later there was a knock at your door. You looked through the window and saw Beau standing there. He was in his blue jeans, button down shirt and jean jacket, of course he was wearing his cowboy hat. You bit your lip before you opened the door. 
Opening the door your eyes locked in on the most beautiful green eyes you’d ever seen. Your breath hitched, “Good morning, Beau.” “Good morning, Y/N. You look beautiful today.” A blush filled your cheeks, “Thank you. Please come in. Lily is still sleeping, but I made breakfast. I hope you’re hungry.” 
You showed Beau to the kitchen. “I have coffee, bacon, eggs, home fries, biscuits, and orange juice. Help yourself while I go wake the beast.” You laughed. “Wow, this is incredible, I hope you didn’t go to all this trouble for me.” Beau said as he grabbed a plate. “Oh no, I love cooking and I always make sure I cook Lily’s favorite breakfast when I’m home.” 
Beau smirked, “Lily has good taste.” You laughed, “Yeah, my girl can eat. I’ll be back.” 
You walked out of the kitchen towards Lily’s room. Beau sat at the counter and watched you walk away. He bit his lip and smiled.
Walking into Lily’s room, you sat softly on her bed. “Good morning baby girl. It’s time to get up.” She grumbled, “No. I sleep.” You chuckled, “No, you need to get up. Mommy made you breakfast so we can go see your new school today.” “No, I sleep Mommy.” You laughed, “Okay, well I guess Sheriff Beau and I will eat all the breakfast.” 
Lily’s eyes opened quickly and she sat up, “Daddy!!” She squealed. “No, Lily, we talked about that. He’s not daddy. He’s Beau.” She crossed her arms as she stood up, stomping her little foot, “Daddy!” You sighed as she ran out of the room.
You quickly followed her. When she saw Beau she leaped in his lap and threw her arms around his neck, “Daddy!” You looked at Beau, “I’m so sorry. I keep telling her you’re not her daddy.” He smiled softly, “It’s okay, really.” “Okay Lily, you can sit beside me if you promise to eat all your breakfast and get dressed for your mommy.” Lily’s bright blue eyes sparkled as she nodded enthusiastically at Beau. 
Beau put her in her booster seat and slid her up to the table beside him. You gave her the plate you fixed for her and she happily ate, swinging her legs and giggling. “Daddy go to school with me?” Every time she called Beau ‘daddy’ your heart ached. 
“Lily honey, he’s Beau, not daddy, but yes, he’s going to go with us to your school.” “Yay!” The toddler squealed with excitement. As the three of you were eating your phone rang and you saw it was April. “Hey, April. What’s up?” “Hey, Y/N, we have to keep the diner closed today unexpectedly. The stove went out and we can’t get a replacement until at least tomorrow.” “Oh dang, okay. Thanks for letting me know.” 
When you hung up you looked at Beau, “Looks like the diner is closed today due to an issue with the stove. Lily, mommy gets to spend the day with you. What do you say we go to the park after we go to school?” 
Lily clapped and squealed. “Guess she’s excited,” you laughed. Once she was done you got her down, cleaned her up and took her to get her dressed. The two of you were singing while you got her dressed and talking about going to play at the park. 
Beau was in the kitchen and his heart swelled hearing her and you talking and singing together. He cleaned up the kitchen for you and loaded the dishwasher. By the time the two of you came back, the kitchen was clean. 
“Beau, you didn’t have to do that. You’re my guest, but thank you. It was very sweet of you.” “Yes ma’am I did, my mama taught me to help clean up.” You smiled and gave him a hug. You pulled away quickly, “I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.” Beau smiled, “It’s fine. I liked it.” 
Lily giggled, “Daddy, up please.” She put her arms up asking Beau to pick her up. “Lily, honey, he’s Beau. Can you say Beau?” “Daddy Beau.” You looked at Beau with an apologetic look, and he chuckled. “Close enough.” 
You grabbed your bag and Lily’s paperwork and the three of you walked to your car. Beau put Lily in her carseat and you climbed in the driver’s seat. When Beau climbed in you looked over at him, “I really do appreciate you going with me. I know Sarah would have gone if I asked her to.” “Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have gotten that amazing breakfast or get to spend more time with Lily. I mean she is quite smitten with me.” He smiled at you. “Yeah, I guess she is.” 
About 15 minutes later you were pulling up at the school. Beau jumped out and helped Lily out of her carseat. He picked her up and carried her. The three of you walked into the school and were greeted by the secretary, Carla. “Well hey there, Y/N and Lily. Oh, who’s this?” She looked at Beau. Before either of you could say anything Lily said, “Daddy Beau.” You and Beau laughed. Carla looked at you confused. You looked at Carla and said, “This is Sheriff Beau Arlen, he’s the new Sheriff. Lily is a little confused, and she’s calling him Daddy Beau.” Carla smiled and nodded understanding. 
“I have all her paperwork filled out. I only have one emergency contact for her, is that okay?” Carla looked at you, “Well, we like to have at least two besides the parents, but we can make do.” Your heart panged when she said ‘parents’. Beau walked up to the counter, “Can I be added as an emergency contact, well if that’s okay with you that is.” You blinked trying to process what he was asking. “Oh, um, are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure. If there is an emergency I can be here fast. I am the Sheriff afterall, I can speed.” He winked at you.
“Well, yeah, that’s fine. We can add him as another contact.” Carla smiled and took Beau’s information down. You looked over at him and smiled, “Thank you, Beau.” You touched his arm and he placed his hand on yours. “You’re welcome, Y/N. Anything for Lily.”
Beau kept Lily occupied while you finished enrolling her. He played peek-a-boo with her, read her stories, and just had her giggling the whole time. You would occasionally look over and you saw a light in your daughter’s eyes you hadn’t seen in a very long time. 
Beau’s smile lit up his whole face too. His eyes sparkled a beautiful green as he and your daughter played and laughed. Carla was watching and saw you looking at Beau and smiled, “Y/N, honey.” “Oh, yeah, sorry.” You offered her an apologetic smile. “He’s good with her. It’s good to see her laugh.” “Yeah it is, and he is.” 
You finished the paperwork and it was time to go. “Okay Lily, time to go. Tell Ms Carla, bye.” Beau picked Lily up so she could see Carla, “Bye Ms Carwa.” She waved her little hand while the other clung to Beau’s neck. 
Once back in the car you told Beau thank you again. “I’ll take you back to my house so you can get your truck and head to work.” Lily did not like that, “No! Daddy, go to the park.” “No, honey, Beau has to go to work. He can’t go to the park today.” She started to cry and your heart broke. Beau took your hand in his, “Let’s take her to the park, together.” You looked over at him, “What? What about work?” “I’ll call Hoyt and tell her I have to go to the park.” He chuckled. “Is that okay with you, Lily, if I go to the park with you and mommy?” “Yes! Daddy go.” 
You shook your head and Beau chuckled. “I can’t win with either of you, can I?” He looked at you and laughed, “Nope, sorry. Two against one.” Pulling up to the park, you noticed it was pretty empty. You grabbed your bag and Beau grabbed Lily and put her down to walk. She grabbed his hand and the two of them walked to the park hand in hand. 
You settled on a bench near the little kids area of the park and watched Lily and Beau play. Your heart swelled with love and a little sadness too. You were missing Aaron and you felt like Lily was cheated out of the amazing father he was. A few minutes of watching you decide to get up and join them. 
Lily was running around and giggling, hiding and jumping around. You and Beau were laughing watching her. As you took a step down off of the equipment, your foot slipped and you almost fell. Beau caught you. Your breath hitched as his strong arms wrapped around you and you looked in his eyes. He held you for what felt like forever. He leaned in and you leaned forward. Your lips mere inches from each other, your breath mingling with his. “Mommy! I'm hungry.” The sound of your toddler pulling you back to reality. 
Beau helped you up and you cleared your throat. “Okay baby, let’s get you a snack. Mommy brought your snack and water.” 
The three of you sat at the picnic table as you pulled out the sliced apples, and grapes, and the waters you packed. Lily sat on the table eating her snack. You and Beau kept stealing looks at each other. You reached for an apple slice as Beau did and your hands touched. You both pulled away. “I think we should talk, Beau.” “Yeah, I think so too.” “I haven’t dated anyone since I dated Aaron, and I don’t know if I’m ready yet. I love how you are with Lily. I don’t want to rush into anything that could possibly hurt her if it didn’t work out. She’s my priority in everything I do. I think we should take whatever this is between us slowly.”
Beau nodded and took your hand, “I agree. I adore Lily and don’t want to hurt her or you. I will go as slow or as fast as you want.” “Thank you, Beau.” You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. 
*Time Jump 3 Months*
“Lily Ann Y/L/N, get in here and get these shoes on. Beau and Emily will be here any minute.” She stomped her foot and crossed her arms, “No!” You took a deep breath. She’d been extra cranky today. “Lily, honey, please. Beau and Emily are coming to go shopping with us.” Lily stood her ground, you took a deep breath. “Okay, you don’t have to go shopping with Emily, Beau and I. I’ll call Sarah and see if she can watch you. I know Emily was really looking forward to going to the ice cream shop with you after dinner.” 
Lily’s eyes got wide, but she still wouldn’t move. You put your shoes on and heard Beau’s truck. Beau and Emily walked in and saw Lily. You looked at Beau and he chuckled, “Need some help?” “Yes, please.” You gently touched his arm. 
“Hey, Lily bug, are you going to get your shoes on so we can leave?” She kept her arms crossed and wouldn’t budge. She’d gotten like this before, but never with Beau. “Lily, what’s wrong? Why don’t you want to go with us today?” Beau asked in a sweet, gentle voice. Lily looked at Beau and hung her head, “I’m sad, Daddy Beau.” “Why are you sad sweetheart?” “I want you to stay, and Emily.” Beau wrapped her in a hug. Your heart panged with love and sadness. She’d gotten so attached to Beau and Emily. “Well, maybe I can ask mommy if Emily and I can have a sleepover tonight.” Her eyes lit up.
She ran to you, “Mommy, can Daddy Beau and Emily have a sleepover?” “Well, if you get your shoes on, we will talk about it.” She grabbed her shoes and Emily helped her put them on. Beau walked over to you and hugged you. “So, Sheriff, you want to have a sleepover?” “Well, yes ma’am. Of course, for Lily.” “Oh of course.” You smiled. 
Emily took Lily outside and before you and Beau walked outside, you grabbed your stuff and he pulled you into a passionate kiss. The two of you had started dating, but kept it from Lily. You didn’t want to confuse her, so you would steal a kiss when she wasn’t around. Emily knew, but she kept it to herself.
Later that night, you and Beau sat on the porch swing as Emily and Lily played in the yard. He took your hand in his and rubbed circles on the top. “You know, darlin’ I could get used to this. Spending all day with my girls, and then swinging on the porch swing with you while the kids ran around.” You looked at him and smiled, “Me too, Beau.” 
Without thinking, you leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Lily saw you and came running up. “Mommy kissed Daddy Beau.” Her eyes wide. You bit your lip, “Yes, baby girl I did. When you like someone like I like Beau, you give them a kiss.” She wiggled between you two and climbed on Beau’s lap, “You and mommy get married.” You and Beau looked at each other and chuckled, because she wasn’t asking, she stated it. 
You stood up, “Okay, I think it’s movie time, come on everyone.” Beau carried Lily inside and you and Emily started to put pillows and blankets on the floor. Lily and Emily picked a movie, while you and Beau walked in the kitchen to make the popcorn and grab drinks. “I think she’s okay with us kissing, what do you think, sweetheart?” Beau asked as he wrapped his arms around you. You smiled, “Yeah, I think so too. Sorry she mentioned us getting married. I have no idea where that came from.” Beau turned you around to face him, “Hey, I didn’t mind it. I wouldn’t mind it either. This is easy, we’re easy.” You smiled and your breath hitched.
The two of you kissed and the sound of the microwave beeping pulled you two back to reality. You were falling in love with Beau, but were still scared to say it. The last man you loved, died and left you heartbroken. 
“Mama, Emily and I picked a movie.” Lily came running into the kitchen yelling. “Okay, sweet girl, let’s go watch it.” Beau grabbed the drinks, and you grabbed the popcorn. 
As you started the movie, Lily climbed into Beau’s lap and snuggled. You looked over and smiled. Lily was in his lap and Emily was leaning against his other side. He definitely made an amazing girl dad. 
About an hour into the movie, Lily had fallen asleep in Beau’s lap. You smiled at him as he looked down at the sleeping little girl. You stood up to carry her to bed. Beau helped you. Before you left her room, you stopped at the door and watched her sleep for a few minutes. Beau wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head, “She’s absolutely perfect, like you mother.” “She’s growing too fast. I can’t believe she’s in preschool already. Thank you for being so good with her.” “Of course, I love the little firecracker, and her mama too.” Your head spun towards him, “What?” 
Beau pulled you into the hallway, “I love you, Y/N. I know it’s fast, but I’ve fallen in love with you and that little girl in there.” You threw your arms around him, “Oh, Beau. I love you too.” Tears streamed down your face as you finally revealed your feelings for him. He wiped your tears away and placed a searing kiss on your lips. 
A few hours later, Emily was in bed in the guestroom, and you and Beau were sitting on the couch making out like a couple of teenagers. You were trying to stifle your giggles, because you didn’t want to wake up the girls. Beau loved hearing your laugh and you loved him making you laugh. 
As things started to heat up between you and Beau, you heard Lily cry. You went to her room, she had a nightmare. “No mama, I want daddy Beau. Not you.” You looked at Beau and he chuckled. Beau walked over to her bed and gave her a big hug. He calmed her down, and rubbed her back, singing to her until she fell back to sleep. You stood leaning against the doorframe, watching him as he sang to her and calmed her fears. Your heart swelled. 
As he left her room and the two of you returned to the living room, you pulled him into a deep kiss. “I love you so much, Beau Arlen. You’re so incredible with her.” “I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N.” “Beau, are you ready?” You looked at him with love and lust in your eyes. “I’m ready if you’re ready. I’m not trying to rush you or make you feel like we have to do anything.” You smiled, turned off the tv and straddled his lap. Leaning close to his ear, “I’m ready, Beau.” Beau smirked and lifted you up, carrying you to your bedroom. You giggling the whole way there. 
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phoenix-pheces · 1 year
Okay so @turquoisespace35 has a Huntlow AU that has quickly become maybe one of my top AUs ever. This doesn’t reeeally work with the cannon events as of some of the new updates, but I still wanted to share it.
After Dusk - Part One
Three hundred fifty-eight nights.
Life in the temple was as consistent as the numbers in Hunter’s makeshift calendars. Or, at least, it had been. Knowing when the gates would open again kept him alive and safe. How could he afford not to diligently track the phases of the moon, and the nights that passed with them?
Recently, however, it had become a condemnation each morning. It served only as a solemn reminder that his time with Willow was swiftly coming to an end. She couldn’t stay here forever. He’d be a fool to think otherwise. Still, maybe it would hurt less if he could forget just how little was left.
Willow shifted in her sleep. Her right arm clutched a fold in her peplos as she let out a soft sigh. Though the two tried to keep to the same waking hours, Willow was always the first to fall asleep. There was little she could see as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, and usually nothing after all traces of it were gone. Loose stones and pesky pebbles were already hazardous enough in broad daylight.
Hunter picked up an apple from the bountiful mound beside him. Though he was more than happy to gather them whenever Willow needed, he wanted to ensure she wasn’t depending solely on him to eat. Frequently since creating the pile he’d awoken to their characteristic snaps as Willow helped herself to breakfast. She didn’t always notice him stirring awake, and every so often Hunter was able to lay and watch her quietly hum to herself as she smiled and ate.
She was smiling even now. The corners of her lips were turned upright ever so slightly. It allowed the hint of a dimple to emerge from Willow’s upright cheek.
Hunter felt his face grow hot as he dropped the apple in embarrassment. As if he needed an extra helping of bad luck in this life, the entire pile he had so neatly assembled came tumbling down. Despite his best efforts to stop them, he heard Willow stirring behind him. His snakes hissed in delight, and he was equally as unsuccessful in keeping them quiet. They’d always been all too eager to express the emotions he worked hard to keep hidden.
She wasn’t looking directly at him, but close enough from the sound of the noise. The sunlight had completely disappeared by now, and Hunter usually needed to stay very close in order for her to see him at night.
“I’m right here,” he said, moving himself to be directly in front of her. She gave him a smile still weighted from her time spent asleep.
“Hey there.” She brought a hand up to cup his cheek, and Hunter felt his face grow even warmer. “You feel really warm, are you alright?”
Hunter cupped her hand in his to move it away from his face. “Everything is fine! Nothing to worry about here!”
His snakes betrayed him, all twisting to look at his hand now holding Willow’s. Though his heart pounded, he didn’t drop it. She had squeezed his hand in return, and nothing was worth losing the feeling growing in his chest at this moment.
They had held hands before, but never quite like this. It had always been when Willow asked for a little extra guidance, or when someone helped take the apples out of the other’s arms. This was different. There was something special about this. Why else would they both still be holding on?
Tell her.
Hunter felt his stomach drop. His eyes darted to Willow’s, but hers were cast down. She smiled in a way that made his heart ache. His snakes knew exactly what he wanted to say to her, and they were definitely beginning to feel impatient: like they might take the matter on themselves any day now. Before he could begin to put his thoughts into words, Willow raised her eyes to meet his, and moved her face much closer. Their noses were almost touching, and Hunter could barely breathe.
She hesitated. Even Hunter’s snakes had gone quiet and barely moved. Willow’s thumb brushed back and forth across the back of his hand. Hunter’s breathing went from shallow to still.
“Have you ever kissed anyone?”
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Congrats on the 979 followers!!! 🥳
If it would be okay I'd love to request a yandere Dabi, yandere Hawks and any other yandere you may want to add in, with a darling who either loves to sleep and refuses to leave the bed for anything if the yandere is a early riser, or if the yandere sleeps in, an early rising darling who fights to escape the bed?
Again congrats 😊
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Warning: Yandere behavior and some sexual hints(?)
Authors note: Thank you!!!!! That means so much. I didn't expect to get here! Sorry if this isn't what you wanted, I had to hurry this. Feel free to request again! :DD
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Dabi isn’t an early riser, more so forced to do so because of Shigaraki's tantrums. He absolutely hates waking up, but has to; meaning leaving you in a cold room, coming back with some takeout that may or may not be healthy.
Don’t get me wrong, Dabi absolutely loves to sleep in with you, something about waking up with his giant arms surrounding your body and the soft snores of his beloved gives nothing but butterflies in his stomach; calming his anger and hidden anxiety that he didn’t even know he had.
Buuut… that doesn’t mean he gets up on his rare days off to make you two nice, eatable breakfasts. Though, that doesn’t mean he can be an asshole waking you up at times.
At first, he’ll shak you awake, placing butterfly kisses on your face and shoulders before whispering with his deep voice: “Come’ on doll, get up. I made you your favorite.”
you decide to groan and roll over, pulling up the covers to ignore the now-blinding sun; he’ll think it’s cute at first, smiling: “I know.. Come’ on doll, get up.”
But the more you whine, the more he gets annoyed.
Finally, he’ll get more stern; ripping the covers off of you, climbing over you to rest on your stomach. “Come on, get up. I know you’re tired but your food will get cold, and no; I’m not re-heating it.”
Rarely, will he give in and let you sleep, but he likes to spend time with you when he’s not ‘working’. Though, if you do use the ‘puppy face’ and beg him to sleep him with you, he'll give in and come back to bed; laying on top of you with his head on you're chest.
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Keigo Takami / Hawks:
As he’s a Pro-Hero, he’s forced to wake up pretty early and function till around 10 pm or later. Usually, when he leaves, he always pecks your face with a few kisses, maybe blowing on your face lightly to wake you up so you can eat something.
Sometimes, he will fly over to the shared apartment to hang out with you, either on his lunch break or on his rare few minutes off; if Keigo still sees you asleep… he’s the devil waking you up.
Much like above, if you decide to whine and refuse to get up; he’ll let it slide one or two times, trying to wake you up again in 5 minutes or so. If you don’t, he will blow raspberries on your belly; tickling you while whining: “You’re killing me, [Name!!!]”
If you don’t wake up, he will huff and puff while saying “Fine!” and storm into the kitchen, ordering your favorite takeout; once it’s at the house, he will take it out, go into the room and eat near you, making loud “Mm!! So good. Such a shame I don’t have a hot [Name] near me to satisfy my other needs!” — “It would be a shame if I ate it all and couldn’t share any with my darling.”
In other words, he’s baiting you to get out of bed.
Either way, he’ll annoy you awake: slightly biting your thighs, stomach and shoulders, blowing raspberries and tickling you awake. Or, he’ll whine away about how ‘he’s dying’ and ‘you need to save me’.
On rare occasions, if he does have a day off; he will let you sleep in, yes, even into the afternoon. But, 2pm is the max.
Though, if you are just too cute and refuse to get out; he will crawl back into bed with you, cover you with his wings and fall back asleep with you, maybe asking if you two can do... special work-out sessions after you two wake up.
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Katsuki Bakugou / Dynamite
Much like Keigo, he also needs to get up early.
Normally, Katsuki gets up around 5am to train about an hour or more before heading to work. Rarely, does he ever wake you up, unless it's urgent. He understands that it’s pretty early in the morning and you despise getting your beauty sleep disturbed.
But, when he does have his rare day off; he likes to train, take a shower when he comes home then make you two breakfast. Usually, Katsuki will (try) to wake you up around 9am, with a nice, hot plate of home cooked breakfast and do the usual scheduled thing you two do: cuddle on the bed while watching some drama TV show.
He will wake you up much like Dabi, sure, he’ll be a bit more rougher; but still nice enough to let you wake up naturally and not have a heart attack when you see his red eyes.
“Wake up, [Name]. Made your favorite.” – “Come on. Not in the mood to play games, you’re acting like a child.”
Either if you whine and throw a pillow at him or mumble a ‘no’ and turn around to face the other way; be ready to have the covers ripped off of you, his warm hands grabbing your ankles and dragging you off the bed.
Katsuki doesn’t like wasting food, so if you decide to not want to get up, he’ll be a bit snarkier than normal and force you to get up; whether that’s shaking your shoulders, pulling the covers off of you or kissing your neck to the point it’s uncomfortable, he will make you get up.
Now, if you decide to use the famous ‘puppy face’ and try to convince him to sleep in a bit more; he’ll try to resist your pretty face but sooner or later, he’ll give in and let you sleep in for 10 minutes. Which turns out to be 30 minutes because he ended up joining you.
Masterlist | Stay well :))
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©yandere-kokeshi
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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storiesforallfandoms · 5 months
sleepy head ~ harry styles
word count: 1467
request?: yes!
“Hey! I request for the first time so I don't really know how much descriptive I have to be so yeah sorry if something's wrong,could I maybe request a Harry styles X reader where the reader has a bad habit of sleeping almost the whole day and when Harry wakes her up late in the afternoon she realizes that she missed yet another day with him and he comforts her beacuse she feels sad and guilty?(I hope this is understandable bc it's kind a problem of mine) thank you ♥️”
description: in which she struggles with staying awake and it makes her feel bad because she misses so much time with her boyfriend
pairing: harry styles x female!reader
warnings: rpf, more like a blurb than an imagine but...y’know
masterlist (one, two, three)
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You had no idea what it was that made you so sleepy all the time. You had gone to the doctor and had your thyroid levels and your iron checked, both of which came back fine. You had taken melatonin to try and sleep through an entire night. You even tried drinking coffee and energy drinks to get you through the day. So far, nothing really worked. You were still perpetually tired.
If you had work or any plans that meant you had to leave the house, you were usually awake enough to partake. But the minute you were home, your bed would be beckoning for you, and it was nearly impossible for you to resist.
It was something you already had a lot of issues with, and you were trying to work on it, but it especially became a problem when you started dating Harry.
Harry would never say it bothered him. He was adamant whenever it was brought up that he wasn’t bothered by how often you slept. You, however, were very bothered and felt incredibly bad whenever you slept in late, or when slept your entire day away. You had such little time with him since he was always so busy, and you didn’t want to lose that time by sleeping all day.
On one of the last days before Harry had to leave for tour, the two of you had planned to spend the whole day together. You set an alarm for early that morning so you could get up and fight off the sleep you were sure would try and convince you to stay in bed.
The second the alarm went off, you got out of bed and got ready. You got dressed, made a cup of coffee, washed your face with cold water to wake yourself up more, and made breakfast. You texted Harry to say good morning and to ask when he wanted to start your day together. You were almost finished eating when you got his response: “good morning, love. i’m not long awake, so it’ll probably be an hour or two before i’m ready if that’s okay.”
“of course! see you then ❤️”
Now you just had to stay awake for maybe two hours.
You washed the dishes, even dried them and put them away. You finished your first cup of coffee and put on the kettle for another. While the water was boiling, you went to brush your teeth and splashed your face with cold water again. You paced the kitchen as you waited for your coffee to cool down enough to drink. You couldn’t let yourself sit down. You knew the moment you did, you would risk being hit my fatigue and falling asleep.
You looked at the time on your clock and realized only 30 minutes had passed since Harry had texted you. He hadn’t sent another message yet to say he was ready. You groaned as you pocketed your phone again.
“I’ve had two cups of coffee,” you said to yourself. “That should be good enough to keep me awake.”
So, you moved to the living room and sat down on the couch. You sat as straight as possible, not even allowing yourself to lean on the arm rest or to slouch. You opened TikTok on your phone and started the mindless scrolling. You figured that would be the best way to pass the time. It was easy to fall down a TikTok rabbit hole and lose an hour or more.
Eventually, your back started to hurt from the unnatural way you were sitting. You allowed yourself to lean against the arm rest. But then the leaning turned into laying down. You were on your side with your phone in your hand, TikTok still open. Your eyes were growing heavy, but you fought against them. It wouldn’t be much longer till Harry was ready. You had to stay awake.
But it was a losing battle, and soon enough, your eyes were closed and you were sound asleep.
You jumped awake at the feeling of someone’s hand touching your arm. You quickly sat up, the post sleep confusion still clinging to you.
“Hey, it’s okay It’s just me.”
You blinked your blurry eyes a few times until you focused on the familiar face of your boyfriend.
You smiled, sheepishly. “Hey. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“It’s alright. It took me a little longer to get ready than I expected.”
You stretched your arms over your head. “What time is it?”
“Um...almost 4?”
Your phone was on the floor, probably having fallen when you fell asleep. You picked it up to check the time to see he was right, it was almost 4pm. You also saw you had a number of texts and missed calls from Harry.
“I texted you a few times to let you know I was ready whenever you were,” he was explaining. “When you didn’t answer, I called a few times. I figured you were asleep, so I waited a while before coming over, to let you sleep.”
“How long was a while?” you asked.
When Harry didn’t respond, it was all the answer you needed.
Tears started to well up in your eyes as you buried your head in your hands. You couldn’t believe you let it happen again. You tried so hard not to fall asleep so you could spend Harry’s last day with him, and yet you still fell victim to your fatigue.
Harry gently took your hands and lowered them from your face. You refused to look up at him, keeping your eyes on the floor instead.
“Love, I’m not upset that you fell asleep,” he assured you.
“I’m upset,” you said. “I tried everything to stay awake. I knew that if I laid down I would end up falling asleep, and I still did it. I wasted our whole day.”
“Hey.” Harry cupped your face so you’d look at him. You weren’t able to hold back your tears anymore, so they were just running down your cheeks as you looked at him. “You can’t help that this happened.”
“I could’ve,” you said. “If I hadn’t let myself lay down I would’ve stayed awake. I should’ve found more chores to do around the place before you came, or something to keep me busy. But I shouldn’t have to do that! If there wasn’t something wrong with me, I’d be able to stay awake like a normal person.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you.”
You gave him a look. “Yes there is, Harry. You’re always so nice when this happens, but I really wish you wouldn’t be. I wish you’d just tell me how you really feel about it, because I know it annoys you.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “When have I ever made it seem like I was annoyed?”
You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He was right, you technically had no evidence to support your claim that he was annoyed with you. He had been nothing but kind and patient every time you had missed plans or fallen asleep while you were both together.
“You can’t help that you’re tired so much,” he continued. “You told me about it when we went out on our first date, it’s not like it’s something that is new and came out of nowhere. And you’ve tried to deal with it, but it’s just how you are. I’m not going to be mad at you for the way you are.”
You sniffled as new tears started to form in your eyes. “But...today was our last day together before you leave, and I slept through it.”
“Last I checked, it’s only 4pm. There’s still plenty of time to do things before I have to go to bed. What do you say we grab some take away and watch a movie here?”
You wiped your cheeks and nodded. “I’d like that. And you promise to wake me if I fall asleep on your lap?”
“I don’t know. You’re adorable when you sleep.”
You playfully pushed him. “I’m serious. I already lost most of my day with you. I don’t want to lose anymore time.”
He pulled you close and kissed your forehead. “I promise I’ll wake you if you fall asleep, love.”
You smiled and kissed his lips. “I love you, and I really appreciate the fact that you put up with my sleepy-ness.”
“I’m not ‘putting up’ with anything, because I love you, too.”
He stood from the couch and pulled you with him. You followed him to his car, where the two of you went off to spend your evening together. And you made sure not to fall asleep until the both of you were tucked away in bed that night.
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car-sounds · 8 months
Attic Club "Sandwich" Meeting
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Beelzebub x (GN)reader
912 words
Summary: Belphie helps Beel confess his feeling for Mc
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“Barely, why?”
“Belphie, are you still awake?”
“Do you think you love them?”
“I was hanging out with MC today… We went out to eat and seeing their happy face when they tasted something they liked made me feel full in a way. Like I would want to give them my food, not in exchange to taste what they had or anything like that, but to make them happy… When I’m with them getting the most food leaves my mind and all that remains is wanting to see them smile”
“So am I going to have to force you into telling them how you feel or are you going to do it yourself?”
“Why not? I’m not one for meddling in others affairs but for you I’ll help set you up.” He chuckles while rolling over and pulling his blanket up “We can start a game plan in the morning, I’m not going to be able to stay awake for much longer. Good night.”
“Tell them? Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Thanks, Belphie. Good night.”
Breakfast is chaotic as usual, the human of last night's discussion is arguing with a few of the brothers about a recently released movie.
“Hey, MC…” 
Belphie woke up late as usual and started a conversation with you rather than listen to Lucifer's scolding.
“Do you wanna have an attic club meeting later tonight?”
“If Beels down than yeah”
Belphie glances at Beel flashing him a smirk as if it wasn’t obvious enough what his plan was going to be.
"Okay we can pick up snacks after RAD.'' Once Belphie had finally started on breakfast everyone else was already rushing out the door shouting behind them about they're not going to wait around for him.
Beel was the only one who waited around, reason being he wanted to continue last night's conversation.
“I know what you're up to, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“I thought you got over thinking that last night.”
He did remember agreeing but his worries are resurfacing all over again. “So, are we doing this or not?” “Well-” 
“Nevermind, I just decided it’s already set in stone.” Is all he said before walking away to not let Beel go back on his decision.
The time has come a couple hours after dinner, the three of you made your way to the attic with snacks in hand. Beel was obviously nervous, he hoped you wouldn't be able to notice but of course you knew him well enough to know this not how he normally acts.
“Beel, is everything alright? You’re looking a bit uncomfortable.” you asked
“Oh, yeah I’m fine. Don’t worry” trying his best to reassure you with his usual smile. 
“Well if you say so, anyways what snack did you too end up choosing.”
The conversation continued like regular. Beel started feeling less and less on edge as time passed. He still didn’t know what Belphie plan was going to be or when it was going to happen, for all he knows it could happen at any moment-
Belphie stood up “I’m going grab one of my pillows downstairs.” 
“I could grab it for you if you’re too tired.” Beel offered
“No. Why don’t you and MC just chat with each other for a little while”
Was that it? I guess it’s expected that his plan wouldn’t be too elaborate and this did end up getting you two alone and less likely to be interrupted by the rest of the brothers, the lighting was also dimmer and felt more romantic than in just MC’s room.
Even if it’s not the most extravagant plan, if it ends up working it ends up working. 
“Oh, I almost forgot Belphie told me you wanted to talk to me about something.” Well this makes things harder to go back on now. 
“Yeah…” He should have planned this part out better. Everything he thought he wanted to say in this moment is gone, all he needs to do is tell them his feelings and phrase it in a way that doesn’t make them uncomfortable. 
“Well? What is it?”
“You’re like a cheesesteak to me.” Panic, what sentence just came out of his mouth can that even qualify as a confession? You, for obvious reasons, look confused and all you can really ask is “What?” What was he supposed to say now? “I- uh…” 
The moment you both find out part of Belphie’s plan involves staying just outside the entry to the attic’s bedroom is when he decides to intervene. “Beel, I expected better from you. I really hope that wasn’t the planned out confession you decided on”
“See they didn’t even know that, that was supposed to be a confession” Belphie was exasperated at this point.
“Sorry, I had a few lines planned out for what I wanted to say but I just panicked a little at the moment. MC, what I meant to say was I have feelings for you and wanted to know if you felt the same way” Shock was still evident on your face, it takes you a moment for your brain to catch up with what was happening, but when it does and he sees your smile he starts feeling hopeful
“Aw, Beel! You’re like a cheesesteak to me too.” you run up to hug him. You’re all happy, Beel’s a little embarrassed, but even though it was a bit of a disaster it ended well.
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avirael · 13 days
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FFxivWrite 2024
Day 10 - Stable
Rael’s morning had started pretty normal, or as normal as it had gotten since the four of them had moved to Ishgard. Apart from the servants Rael usually was the first person in the house to be awake, so when they went downstairs and passed the dining room to get to Lord Fortemps personal library, there were only a few other people around yet doing their daily works.
One of the maids, who by now seemed to have remembered Rael’s habit of getting up quite early, greeted them friendly.
“Good Morning, Master Rael! The cook should have your breakfast finished in a moment…”
After the bathing (and dressing) incident on their first day here, a few of them had tried to call them Mistress Rael for a few days but the Viera had quickly tried to stop them from doing so. After demanding to just call them Rael and a few exasperated questions of “What else should we call you then, my lady” (somehow that was even worse!), they had reluctantly decided to call them Master Rael instead and Rael had simply rolled their eyes and accepted their fate.
Apart from such difficulties everybody was extremely friendly and accommodating though. Rael had insisted they didn’t need any special treatment and could absolutely wait until everybody else was awake too to have their breakfast but nonetheless the servants had developed a habit of preparing it early for them anyway.
“Thank you very much.”, they replied with a nod. “I will get some books from the library and then come to the dining room.”
“As you wish.”, the woman answered with a short bow and hurried away. Rael would never get used to having servants around but had long stopped questioning why this seemed to be normal here in Ishgard.
As announced they went to the library and fetched two books that had caught their interest a few days ago before returning for breakfast.
The first few days here in Ishgard Rael had usually left the house very early, at least if the weather allowed it, and wandered the still silent city looking for a place that felt… familiar. A place to recharge, to rest, to meditate. But it had proven difficult, so they had simply stopped trying after a while.
Breakfast turned out not to be a horrible alternativ though. Of course the Ishgardians exaggerated even that immensely in amount and effort but this was fixable by speaking to the cook fortunately. So Rael didn’t get any fancy dishes with luxurious ingredients and heavy sauces unless they ate with everybody else for once.
A clear soup (against the cold the servants insisted), some fruits and a slice of bread were more than enough for such an early hour.
All of that was accompanied by a cup of tea, although here in Ishgard they had quite different habits of making tea it seemed. It was mostly milk, yak milk as Rael was told, in which some dried tea leaves simmered for a while. The first time Rael was served this it was quite unusual and also horribly sweet due to the maple sugar the servant added to it but without the insane amount of sugar it was drinkable. Still a little thin due to being mostly milk but nonetheless tasty.
They had barely started eating, while browsing through one of the books, when hurried footsteps echoed down the hallway. Confused Rael looked up as A’viloh appeared in the doorframe with a grin on his face.
“There you are! I was afraid you left already!”, he exclaimed.
Rael wrinkled their brow, looked to the clock and back to A’viloh. It was way to early for him to be awake already and especially so joyful about it.
“Don’t look at me as if you’ve seen a ghost! Yes I’m awake already! It’s a wonderful day, isn’t it?”, he beamed and sat down beside them stealing a rolanberry from their plate.
“Someone’s in a good mood, huh?”, Rael observed while still trying to focus on the text they were reading. Not that they disliked the fact but it was strange. Then their conversation from the last evening returned to their mind and their reading was instantly forgotten. Closely they squinted at A’viloh observing every little movement on his face…
“What?”, he asked, still grinning. Suspicious…
Dismissively Rael shook their head and returned their attention to the breakfast before casually saying, “I assume you had a nice evening?”
“I did, yes…”, he replied before he realised the tone in the Viera’s voice. “Wait! No!!”, he blurted out and blushed a little, “I mean it was a nice evening but not whatever you mean!”
Even the maid chuckled and Rael was pretty sure that A’viloh was the only one unaware about the rumours everyone kept repeating behind his back. For some reason Rael preferred these over people mistaking A’vi and them for a couple…
“Really? Why the sudden good mood then? Not that I’m objecting…”
“I have a plan! I got up extra early so I would catch you before you run of to the astrologian’s guild or elsewhere.”, the Miqo’te explained while stealing yet another piece of fruit from Rael’s plate. “But you will have to put your boring books down for a while…”
“A plan?”, Rael repeated unimpressed. “For what?”
“You will see soon enough!”, A’viloh grinned. “Alright, put that book away. You can eat the rest of your breakfast on the way!”
“On the way to where?”
But he ignored them and instead turned to the maid. “Is it possible I can get one of these sandwiches too?”
She was already halfway out of the door when he jumped up and yelled, “No, wait! Don’t worry, I’ll go myself! There’s something else I need!”
Just as fast as he had appeared he was gone again, only stopping at the door one last time to look back at Rael.
“Hurry up! We’ll meet in a quarter bell in front of the house!”
Confused the Viera kept staring at the now empty doorframe before turning their still quizzical gaze to the housemaid, who just shrugged too.
Rael had only quickly finished their breakfast and went to their room to fetch their bag and grimoire, before heading outside as they were told to. Just as they opened the front door A’viloh hurried out of the corridor that led to the kitchen, throwing a bag over his shoulder and stuffing a sandwich into his mouth.
“Good, you’re ready! Follow me!”, he commanded between bites and began to walk without giving any clue where they were going.
For a while they just walked in silence. About one thing so far A’viloh had been right. By Ishgardian standards the weather was really nice. The sun had just risen and now shone from a cloudless blue sky, the morning air was still crisp but maybe it would be a little warmer today than usually. Their path led down the roads and staircases to the lower parts of the city where they crossed Saint Reinette’s Forum and finally passed the Skysteel Manufactury.
By then Rael realised they could only be headed for the Chocobo stables, or the Holy Stables as the Ishgardians called it. Rael had never understood why they needed to add the word holy to all and everything. Well, they had understood but found it completely ridiculous! It was just a normal stable like any other, maybe the birds there were a little more special but there still wasn’t anything divine about it!
“The stables?”, Rael asked, wondering if this was everything A’viloh had been so secretive about.
“Yes! You need to see the Chocobo!”, he answered excitedly. “But that’s not everything… First things first, though! Come on!”
Impatiently he waved for Rael to follow as he showed one of the caretaker a piece of paper he pulled from his jacket. With a short bow he let the two pass and left to get the chocobo.
A moment they waited before the man returned followed by a tall dark-feathered bird in Ishgardian barding. He handed the reigns to A’viloh and left again, going back to his work, while A’viloh happily greeted the bird who chirped at him in return.
“Isn’t she pretty?”, he asked proudly. “I still can’t believe Haurchefant gifted me a chocobo! He said her name is Chloé but that I might change it if I want to. But I kinda like it…”
Admittedly Rael didn’t understand much about chocobo breeding but to them it looked like an especially beautiful bird, with shining black feathers and attentively sparkling eyes.
“Indeed a very pretty bird.”
“Did you hear that, Chloé?”, A’viloh addressed the bird cheerfully and ruffled the feathers at the side of her neck. “Rael thinks you’re pretty too!”
As if she understood, the bird fluttered excitedly and turned her head towards the Miqo’te so he could pet it some more. Then the Chocobo kwehed and turned her curious eyes to Rael who in return stepped closer and scratched her beak.
“Haurchefant said she can fly too.”, A’viloh said. “I haven’t tried yet… Would you like to?”
“Me?”, Rael asked, although the idea of a chocobo that could fly seemed interesting. “It’s your chocobo.”
“That doesn’t seem fair. She could be our chocobo!”, A’viloh offered. “I’m not sure if she could carry both of us at once though…”
“She is quite tall, so maybe she could…”, Rael mused. “But this was your gift A’vi. It is a kind offer but I am not sure if it would be alright to accept it.”
A’viloh shook his head.
“Haurchefant surely doesn’t mind. He gave me the idea for this trip after all!”
“Trip?”, Rael asked confused.
“Oh yes! And we should go or we will miss the airship!”, A’viloh explained. “We will spent the day at Camp Cloudtop. I mean, if you want to, of course. But I thought it would cheer you up since you liked that place…”
“I do…”, Rael was a little speechless about the fact that A’viloh seriously seemed to have put thought into a plan to cheer them up.
A’viloh beamed and held up his bag. “I even brought food! We can have lunch at a nice spot like the one we found last time. You can collect some more flowers or herbs or whatever and we can see if Chloé can really fly!”
As happily as not in a long time Rael smiled and was grateful for having such a kind friend.
“Thank you A’vi, that sounds like a wonderful idea…”
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pastelavender88 · 2 years
Sinbound- Chapter 11
Summary: It’s been a month since the events of the last chapter: Eddie and Buck are on the outs and Buck’s family is back in town; Something major happens to Y/n.
Warning: Talks of miscarriage.
Series Masterlist
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It’s been a month since Eddie and I broke up. It was touch and go for a while. The night of the breakup I asked for 2 hours. It doesn’t take 2 hours to basically pick up your whole life. Alex and I took all our clothes and toiletries but we still had to come back and get the rest of our things. I decided it would be best to leave all the baby’s stuff there, but excluding that I still had a ton of things. Bobby and Athena served as the buffer between Eddie and I. Athena would text me to tell me that Bobby told her Eddie and Christopher would be out of the house from 12-4 pm and stuff like that. Eddie and I still haven’t spoken since that night even though he tried. He gave me a good 2 days before he was blowing up my cell and trying to talk and work things out, but I was serious when I meant Eddie and I were done. The betrayal still keeps me awake at night if I let my mind wander enough and the events starting on the night in question and the big blow up play in my head like a movie. Alex and I moved in with Buck for the time being while I figured out the next step in our lives. Buck was more than happy to welcome us and he’s been accommodating in any way he can. He’s been going with me to my doctor appointments, driving me around a lot since I’ve gotten a little bigger and lazier to do it myself, and even taking a parenting class with me. Even though I had Alex already a lot of things have changed in the last 12 years.  Speaking of all the things Buck is doing for me, Eddie is quite pissed at him because of it. Also, the fact that Buck is the one that told me about Eddie’s infidelity. So everything has been quite an adjustment. It was morning and Buck was off today so that meant family breakfast. Which was really more me cooking whatever I was craving and everyone being too lazy to complain or make anything else. Today was chicken, waffles, spicy syrup, bacon, eggs, and french toast. (Don’t judge but I craved this my whole pregnancy.) Buck came down from the room and sat at the table. The reason I call it the room is because technically it’s both Buck and I’s room. See Buck only has two rooms in his loft but the other room is Alex’s and it’s not exactly big enough to share. So Buck and I share the room in the sense that both of our things are there like clothes, shoes, jewelry, little things like that. Buck did buy a couch though, so that way he has something to sleep on. Right now Buck was trying to convince me to go with him and Alex to pick up his parents later. “They would love to see you. I mean it’s been over a year since they last saw you.” “Yeah and since then I got knocked up and then left a single mom. Again.” “True, but you look really cute pregnant and they haven’t seen this glow.” He said, as he pointed his fork at me. “That may be the case but seriously I’m not up for that yet.” Buck could tell my mood was becoming somber, so he let it go. “Alright. Did I tell you guys what happened yesterday at work? Some guy’s kids buried him in the sand and splashed water on him when a freak flash of lightning hit and turned the sand into glass. It was insane.” “Buck I’m trying to eat.” “Mom, that's actually really cool and mother nature at work. What did that guy say in that really old dinosaur movie ‘life always finds a way’. Life is science.” “Did she just call Jurassic Park a really old movie?” I asked Buck. I turned to Alex. “That movie came out the year I was born for your info.” “How do you think I feel? I’m older than you by two years.” Buck joked. The conversation kept flowing from there and eventually it was time to clean up and start the day. Since the break up with Eddie I haven’t really been writing much so my day usually centers around Buck and Alex. I felt like a 50’s housewife. After making sure everyone had everything they needed for their day I would tidy the house, wash dishes, do laundry. It was a feminist nightmare but I was so numb I didn’t really care. I’ve been seeing a therapist but it didn’t help as much as I thought it would. Most people describe therapy as this life-altering interaction but for me it felt like when you were called to the guidance counselor in school about bullying or something. Like I was put on the spot. Don’t get me wrong there was improvement but I just didn’t feel satisfied or “fixed” in a sense. We dived into my relationship issues a lot and I understand what Eddie was saying. The “relationship” that Buck and I had while Eddie and I were still together was emotional cheating, which proved my point. We were bad for each other. Eddie and I both rushed into this relationship after commitment issues on both sides, so we were destined for doom. Either way the pain inside of me from his affair with Ana wasn’t going away because I know that what I did didn’t warrant that. Instead of breaking it off or establishing clear boundaries, Eddie decided that cheating was the best route. So here I am feeling like less than a person over a toxic relationship we both should have some coming to an end. Buck’s POV Since Y/n didn’t want to come with me I was forced to suffer with my parents alone. It was worth it since Albert was there. “Uh, Albert, hey, check this out.” I showed Albert Y/n’s ultrasound picture. It was so cool to be a part of this process and I couldn’t help but show it off. “You brought more than takeout.” Albert replied, “Well, uh, Chimney didn't tell you?” “Yeah, that I've been gone less than a year and you're a father again? No.” God I hope my parents didn’t hear that. “Uh, no, not-not exactly.” “But that's a…” Albert started. “Baby. Buck...?” My mom was suddenly standing behind me. “Is there something you need to tell us? You're gonna be an uncle again!” My mom shouted as she jumped to conclusions. “Phillip! Maddie and Howard are gonna have another baby!” My mom yelled as she went to hug Chimney. “What?” Chim asked, confused. “That's fantastic! I had a feeling when you bought this house.” My dad replied. “I mean, it's a little soon to be pregnant again, but... Why not?!” Mom said. “This is very good news, Howard. Why didn't you tell us sooner? “ Chimney’s stepmom asked. “Uh, guys... Guys, we're... not pregnant.” He said. “You're not?” Mom asked. “No.” “Then who is?” Mom asked as she turned to me. “That’s what I was trying to say. Y/n is pregnant again. It’s a girl.” “You and Y/n are having another baby?” My dad asked. “No, mom is having a baby with Eddie.” Throughout all the confusion, everyone forgot Alex was sitting at the table on her tablet. “But, they're not together anymore so we're living with dad.” “Okay, let’s not deepdive into it. Give your mom some privacy.” When we got home it was time for a talk about privacy. “So Y/n and living with you while she’s pregnant with another man’s baby?” My dad asked. “And you’re going to help raise the baby?” “It's not like that. We’re not together, I’m just helping her while she figures a few things out. Also, if she wants of course I’ll help raise the baby but we haven’t thought that far ahead. We’re taking things day-by-day.” The way everyone except Maddie, Chimney, and Alex were looking at me I could tell they had a lot to say. “I think it's…” My mom started. “Here we go. “ I knew I was about to get an earful. “Great.” She finished. That shocked me. “Uh, yeah?” “You’re a wonderful father to Alex and I know if you need to be you’ll be a wonderful father to this little girl as well.” Dad replied. “Not only are you a good father but you’re a good man.” My mom said as she stepped towards me for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her. “Here. Dad, you want to see?” I said showing him the sonogram “Oh, absolutely.”  He said as he took the phone from me. “Phillip. You are going to allow this?” Howie’s dad asked. “It's not really for me to allow.” Dad replied. “A man cannot raise a child fathered by another man, it's unnatural.” Howie’s father reiterated. “Says the expert in child-rearing, huh? I would think you would relate to Buck's decision. Father them and let someone else raise them.” “Howie.” Albert explained. “Whoa, Chim. It's-it's okay.” I said. “A man who cannot control his family is not a man.” Howie’s dad added to already building tension. “Maybe a man who's too controlling forces his sons to hide from him in another country.” My dad fired back. “Okay, easy. Come on, Dad.” I said. “Children need to learn that actions have consequences.” “I'm sorry, but how is any of this your business?” my mom asked Howie’s dad. “He did announce it to everyone.” Albert’s mom said. ‘Well, that wasn't exactly my choice.” I said, making it clear. “It was a bad choice.” “My dad helping out my mom wasn’t a bad choice, you’re just mean.” Alex called out. “Alex. Honey, you can not talk to adults like that.” “See this is exactly what I am talking about. Your child has no manners and you plan to raise another?” “Oh, that's rich.” My dad replied yet again, kicking everything off. Everyone started to argue until due to a storm the lights went out.   “Buck, grab some candles, we got the doors”. Howie called me. As mom played with Jee and Alex, Maddie and I talked. “I think maybe Albert was right.” I said to Maddie. “Oh, I wouldn't say that out loud.” “Ever think about what it might've been like...?” “What?” “If Daniel had lived.” I asked her. “Yeah, sometimes.” “You?” Just then the lights came back on and everyone was relieved. “I think it would've been just like this.” Y/n’s POV (Think of this happening at the same time as Buck’s) I was sitting on the couch after cleaning when I heard a knock on the door. “Did you forget your key or something Buck?” I swung open the door and there stood Eddie. I crossed my arms and clenched my fists tight. The nerve he had to show up here. “What are you doing here Eddie?” “I’m here to talk to you. You haven’t spoken to me in a month. At least not without a third party being involved. I haven’t gone to any of your appointments since then.” “You barely went before so what’s the difference?” “Y/n, how long are we going to do this? Huh? Are we gonna be those parents that drag their kids through hell?” “Don’t do that. I can’t do this right now.” “So when are we going to do this? Talk things out?” “I don’t know Eddie. It’s only been a month.” “We need to talk about this.” “No. I need time. Time away from you. I’ll tell you when I’m ready to talk to you.” I went to shut the door on Eddie but he put his hand there to stop it. “I miss you Y/n. Christopher missed you.” “I miss Christopher too. He’s more than welcome over here, because you’re pissed with Buck you won’t let him over here.” Eddie was quiet. “Eddie, I want to move forward but I need to do it at my own pace. The way you’re behaving isn’t helping.  I mean I feel like you aren’t even sorry.” “I am sorry. I will always be sorry for what I did. Not only because I hurt you but because I destroyed everything we built when I did it. I’m so sorry Y/n.” “I hear you Eddie I do, but I still need time. Okay?” “Alright. I’ll go. I love you y/n.” I still loved Eddie but I didn’t know if I was in love with him anymore. “Goodbye, Eddie.” Time went on and eventually Buck came home. “Hey, where’s Alex?” “She’s spending the night at Maddie and Chim’s house.” “I thought the house wasn’t done and what clothes is she going to wear?” “Our daughter is a sneaky one. She put her clothes in my truck along with a sleeping bag. How am I supposed to say no to that?” “I’m sure it’s really easy but she’s got you wrapped around her finger.” “Yeah, she does.” Buck came and sat down beside me on the couch. “So it’s just the two of us tonight, what are we doing? “I was thinking of doing something a little risky…” “Oh really?” “Oh yeah.” “How risky we talking?” “Oh you know, I’m gonna change and slip into something a little more comfortable, and then…” “Then what?” “We’re gonna eat so much ice cream our guts explode and watch trashy reality tv.” “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Buck said. We’d always had that joking relationship that could be borderline sexual but now that we actually live together the sexual part was definitely a no-no. “I’ll be back.” I went upstairs to change. “What kind of ice cream we doing tonight, Rocky road or fudge?” “Ooh, let’s do a rocky road tonight.” I started to change when I felt a warm sensation in my pants. I looked down at my now ruined pants and noticed blood. I carefully rushed down the stairs. Buck was facing away from me but heard me come down the stairs. “You changed already, that was fast.” He turned around and saw my expression. “What’s the matter?” “I’m bleeding.” I could tell Buck wasn’t catching on to what I was saying. “Like down there.” Buck became a panicked nervous mess. “Oh my god! Okay. Let me grab my shoes and my keys and we’ll throw you in the car.” Before I could say anything he darted off. He looked around the front door and then made his way into the living room. “Where are my shoes? Where are my keys?” “Buck calm down. Your keys are on the hook and your shoes are in the room. I’m gonna put on a pad and change, while I’m doing that, call Dr.Manning.” “Alright.” I went into the room changed and put on a pad in case of more bleeding. When I came back down, Buck was waiting on me. “Dr.Manning is going to meet us at the hospital.” “Okay.” We made our way downstairs and got into the car when I realized I forgot to call Eddie. I went to reach my phone and couldn’t find it. “Buck, can you call Eddie? I left my phone inside the loft.” “Yeah of course.” Buck called Eddie but it went straight to voicemail. “Hey Eddie, I’m taking Y/n to the hospital to see Dr.Manning. Call me back when you get this,” He hung up and turned towards me. “Are you okay? Are you in pain?” “No, I'm doing okay, just the bleeding.” I was trying to keep a leveled head but my mind was racing. It was going to places I didn’t want it to go. “You know when I was pregnant with Alex I had a scare kind of like this. I was in the hospital for 2 days. They said her heart rate was low and there was a chance I could lose her. What if I lose this baby Buck?” My tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. Buck grabbed my hand and caressed it.“Don’t think like that. We’re going to see Dr.Manning and she’s going to tell us that that beautiful baby girl of yours is okay and whatever is happening is probably normal, okay?” “Okay. Thanks Buck.” “Of course.” He said as he kissed my hand. Buck and I arrived at the hospital where Dr.Manning was waiting. She ushered us into the ultrasound room and began to take a sonogram. “Okay, let’s take a look.” She moved the wand around and I saw how she squinted at the screen. “Here’s the baby right here. Let’s hear this heartbeat.” She moved over and I heard her heartbeat. It sounded good or at least I think. “That’s a strong and healthy heart beat right there.” I let out a relieved breath. She moved the wand around more until she stopped at this big blob. “Okay, here’s the problem. You’re suffering from Placenta previa. It’s when the placenta completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus. How bad was the bleeding?” “If I was on my period I would say it’s a light flow.” “And are you still bleeding now.” “No, I don't feel anything.” “I’m gonna keep you here for the rest of the night and monitor everything. In the morning I’ll let you know whether or not you’ll be discharged. Let me just say since it’s your second child it’s more than likely gonna resolve itself. What’s your birthing plan?” “I planned on doing a vaginal birth.” “Okay. We’re going to do more appointments than usual and if this resolves itself we can go ahead with that plan. If not we’re going to have to do a c-section delivery. Okay?” “Alright.” “Dad is more than welcome to stay if he would like. I’m going to make sure a room is prepared and ready for you. Let me know if you need anything.” I didn’t feel like correcting her about Buck in any way. “Okay.” She departed the room and Buck and I sat there almost as if we were waiting on the other person to say something first.” “Do you want me to stay with you?” Buck said, breaking the silence. “Only if you’d like to.” “Of course I would. Do you want me to go home and get anything?” “No I’m okay. It’s just for the night right?” “Right.” Soon a nurse came and brought us to the room we would be staying in for the night and we got comfortable. Sometime throughout the night the anxiety left me and before I knew it I was asleep. I was awoken by a nurse and Dr. Manning coming in. Buck was already awake. “Good morning. How are you feeling?” “I’m fine. Just nervous to be honest.” “Well I have good news, we found nothing concerning while monitoring you over night so that means you can go home. We’ll be having more frequent visits but I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.” “That’s great thanks doc.” Buck replied. “Just doing my job, but this does mean a few things. No moderate or strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, standing for long periods of time and sadly no sexual intercourse or sexual activity that could lead to orgasm. At least until the baby is born.” I wanted to dig a hole so deep and crawl in it. “Any followup questions?” “Nope, I’m good. You got any, Y/n?” Buck replied with a grin. “She’s covered everything. Thanks, we’ll be out of your hair now.” Dr. Manning said her goodbyes to us, leaving alone to brew in the awkwardness. “No sex until the baby gets here. Well I guess there’s no point in you living with me anymore.” I believe that was Buck’s bad attempt at a joke. “Haha, so funny. Besides it’s mostly if the issue doesn’t resolve itself I think.” I don’t know why I answered like it was a serious possibility. “Let’s go. I’m hungry.” I quickly made my way out of the room in order to avoid talking about this any further.
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ggundeuri · 2 years
9:28pm. lee felix
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pairings: lee felix x fem!reader
genre: romance, fluff
warnings: mentions of food, reader struggles to eat, reader is having a bad day, not proofread
word count: 900
a/n: my friend was feeling a little down today so i quickly wrote this for her <3 we all need a little lee felix in our lives
reblog if you enjoy!
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It was Monday again. You followed the same routine you do every day. You hit snooze two times, finally growing sick of falling in and out of sleep and rolling out of bed on the third ring. Your morning shower doesn’t wake you up like you thought it would, only making you miss your bed even more after you step out into the cold. Not just your bed, but Felix’s too.
You wished you could stay there all day, wrapped up in his arms as he pulls the blanket over the two of you, hiding you from the harsh world you would soon have to step in to. As you pass him on your way to the kitchen, it takes all your strength to lightly nudge him awake.
“Felix, wake up, I’m going to make breakfast,” you coo, wincing when he scrunches up his face.
You hated doing this every morning, pulling him out of his peaceful slumber. But if you didn’t, he would be late for work. It was just another Monday – you both had lives to get on with. Groaning, he stumbles out of bed with his eyes shut, mumbling a quick good morning before disappearing into the bathroom.
Breakfast was just another variation of French toast. You both ate in silence, mentally preparing for the day ahead. Prodding at your toast with your fork, you eventually let it fall to the plate with a clatter and take it away, scraping what you didn’t eat – most of it – into the bin.
“Are you not hungry?” Felix asks, eyebrows furrowed with concern, “You’ve got a long day.”
“I just didn’t feel like it today – I’ll grab a snack on the way there.”
He’s still suspicious, but trusts your judgement. He doesn’t say another word on the matter. When he’s done, he walks you to the bus stop, kissing you goodbye on the cheek before heading for his stop, which was in the complete opposite direction. You always reminded him that you could make it to the bus stop on your own, but he insisted on walking with you anyway.
“If it means we get to spend an extra few minutes with each other, I’ll take it,” he pointed out.
Those extra few minutes were usually enough to prepare you for the day. Not today, though.
Your morning was spent staring at your unread emails. There were always so many on a Monday. Why do people email over the weekend? You held your head in your hands. Four hours later and you still hadn’t responded to a single one. When your boss checks up on you at lunch, she smiles at you pitifully and allows you to take the rest of the day off, believing your lie about having a migraine.
You did not have a migraine. You still felt like crying, though, and you almost did on the bus home. The bright lights of the office and the ticking of the clock only made you feel worse, reminding you of every passing minute that you spent staring at your screen.
When you finally got home, you crawled back under the bed covers almost immediately. You had been thinking of this all morning, but it didn’t feel right. The covers were cold, and your boyfriend’s body next to yours was missing. You check your phone, wondering if he’s updated you about his day, eager to feel his presence even a tiny bit.
[Felix] i’m sorry, but i have to work late today
[Felix] i was really looking forward to your cooking tonight, too
[You] it’s okay, i came home early anyway
[You] i didn’t feel too well
[Felix] i’ll be back as soon as i can
[Felix] take care of yourself. for me, okay?
Putting your phone down, you decide to pass the time until Felix’s, now postponed, return by sleeping.
When he finally returns, it’s already 9:28pm. You’re sat up in bed, in the same position you have been for hours, biding your time by watching any random video that was recommended to you. This one was an analysis on a movie you had never even heard of before.
The door slowly creeks open, his head popping out from between the crack to check on you. He says nothing, only sticking his tongue out and pulling a silly face. You laugh for the first time all day. Satisfied, he shuts the door and returns a couple minutes later with a mug in his hands, hot steam escaping from the top. He waits for you to sit up before carefully handing it to you.
“Hot chocolate?” you ask, trying to make out what the drink was from the smell, your vision hindered by the darkness surrounding you.
“For the prettiest girl in the world,” he smiles, closing the blinds, which you had been meaning to do since you came home.
He crawls under the covers from the bottom end, peeping his face out from the top with a boo! You scoff, but he just grins.
“Made you smile.”
“You always make me smile.”
He rests his head on your chest and wraps his arms tightly around you, careful not to nudge you too much that you spill your drink. Your day ends with everything in your world put right – Felix’s restful figure snuggled up to you, his head rising and falling on top of your chest with every breath you take.
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@sockjam @abi121 @chiimtopia @foxinnie8
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strwberri-milk · 6 days
Songs of Sorrow - Ch. 8
Rancher!AU || Boothill x Fem!Reader || Slowburn, Drama
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Your heart stops at the sound of footsteps coming around the corner, standing over the stove like you’ve been caught in an act of criminality. You’d been here for about a week now, getting settled into Boothill’s daily schedule and became painfully aware that the two of you were the only tenants in his large home. You’d thought that his staff would live with him but it turned out they drive themselves to his land every day they worked, usually only spending the night if there was a big event that required more hours or if they drank themselves into a drunken stupor. 
You’d barely manage to wake up early in general, not to mention your measly attempts at waking up before Boothill. It seemed he raced the sun every morning to see who would get up first and he always had an uncanny habit of winning. 
This morning was special. You were somehow able to wake up before even he did, having crashed early the night before after cleaning his entire house top to bottom much to his dismay. You’re trying to make him what you think would be a filling breakfast for a hard day’s work, hoping that it wouldn’t be too heavy for him to have so early in the morning. The crackle of bacon on the pan must have woke him up, turning to come face to face with a Boothill that’s underdressed and still seemingly sleepy. 
“Mornin’ darlin’. What’re ya doin’ up so early?” he yawns, drawl sounding even stronger.
You can barely focus on the way his morning voice sounds so low in his chest when coming face to face with said chest. You try not to gawk too openly at his chiseled body, broad shoulders bare. Your eyes flick over the silvery trail of hair on the lower part of his stomach, V line directing your eyes further along those sweatpants as you gulp, suddenly feeling parched.
After you get over your initial wave of depraved thoughts you slowly realise that he’s covered in scars. You can’t imagine he got them all from ranching, biting back the urge to ask him questions before turning back to pay attention to your cooking. 
“I thought it’d be nice to make you some breakfast.” 
He comes up beside you, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. You can see out of the corner of your eye just how muscular his arms are, more of those scars criss crossing the muscle. 
“That’s real sweet a’ ya but ya’know ya didn’ have to do that, didntcha?” 
You get the sense that when he’s more awake he tones down his accent around you, wondering if that was something he did on purpose or just something he’s accustomed to with how rough his voice sounds. He eyes your cooking curiously, hair just barely pushed out of his face as he squints. 
“I know, but I wanted to. You’re going to have to get used to it.” 
He laughs, a wonderful rumbling that’s barely audible over the sound of your bacon that’s going to burn if you don’t pay attention to it.
“You’re cookin’ a lot. Worried I don’t eat enough? I’m gonna start lazin’ about if ya feed me too much,” he continues, heading over to the coffee pot to find that you’ve already started brewing a pot. 
“I wasn’t sure how much you eat and I thought it’d be better to be safe than sorry. If anything you could eat the leftovers later or cram them all into a sandwich to take into the fields with you,” you suggest, plating up a dish for him as you urge him to sit down at the table. 
He tiredly begins to partake in the meal, ignoring the knife you set out for him and just going in with his fork. You watch him almost astonished, seeing a side to him that you hadn’t expected. 
“I never thought that you could ever be tired,” you say in an attempt to make small talk.
“Hmm? Can’t be bouncin’ off the wall all the time. I’d need to be on some serious drugs to pull that off,” he jokes, looking at you in a way that makes your heart skip a beat. 
There’s something in his gaze that’s uncensored in this moment, an affection that you think you’d be blind not to notice. You’re not sure if he’s in his right mind when he’s this tired, coughing drily as you stand up from the table to get him a cup of coffee. 
“Cream? Sugar?” 
“None of the above sweetheart.”
You hand him the cup of black coffee and watch with wide eyes as he chugs the entire thing as though it isn’t just under the threshold of boiling hot, standing in shock as he drinks it as though it was nothing. He gets up and pours himself another cup, this time taking a sip as he sits back down to enjoy his breakfast. 
“Gotta say I’m pleasantly surprised you woke up before me. Thought I was already lucky enough to see ya before lunch those few times you woke up “early”,” he teases, polishing off his plate in record time and going to wash his silverware. 
“I have to admit I’m already getting tired. I’ll probably go back to bed soon.” 
His eyes drift over to the window, the sky beginning to colour as the sun makes it ascent into the sky. 
“Stay out with me a bit longer. Just enough to watch the sun come up.” 
You bite back a yawn as you follow him onto the deck, shivering a little in the cold morning. He seems totally unaffected, the breeze simply ruffling through his hair that looks far too perfect for a man who spends all day roughhousing.
“Does the sunrise look different in space?” you ask Boothill quietly, not wanting to be too loud lest you wake up something. 
“Never really had time to pay attention to it while I was workin’,” he says just as softly, peering down into his coffee mug as he swirls the dark liquid. 
“Couldn’t lose focus, not even for a second.”
You want to ask him more, knowing that people talked about how he was a skilled fighter of some sort. Nobody seemed to give you a straight answer, possibilities varying from some sort of secret special ops for an intergalactic agency to a gun for hire. Standing here, looking at him so at peace you can’t imagine him doing anything else. 
“I missed it though. Watchin’ the sun. The places I went well…could barely see the stars when I landed. Too much a’ that light pollution shit.” 
“Is that why you came back?” 
“Entirely. I missed feeling the wind in my hair, the feelin’ of dirt and grass underfoot, the warmth of the sun on my skin. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to just…savour bein’ alive, ya’know?” 
You understand him wholly, nodding along with his statement. Sure you didn’t spend your time travelling through space but you had been forced to live in between for so long. You scarcely knew what it felt like to just be able to breathe freely, your day dictated by nothing more than your desire. You spent your time traversing around the desire of other, knowing full well your money depended on how desirable you seemed. 
“I didn’t think I’d be able to feel at peace but then…somethin’ happened. And I’ve grown comfortable with the beatin’ of my heart again,” he says after a moment, seeming unsure himself as to what that something was. 
“I see,” you say as you can’t come up with anything else to say. 
His eyes are gazing out into the fields, the hiss of grass accented with the whooshing of a strong breeze sweeping through his estate. You know he’s not here right now, mind dwelling on something that you don’t think you’ll ever be able to reach. You thought a life like he led was envious, travelling as he wished and making more than enough money to live off of comfortably. 
In this moment though, you wonder who the man before that was. What his smile looked like before his skin was marred, spidery lines traversing across patches of tanned skin. His hands must have been soft at some point, a small child happily bringing his find of the day to parents who were more than happy to pull him into his lap and murmur a name so sweet it barely makes it to your ears. 
You wonder what it would feel like to be loved so wholly, chest aching at the thought. Without realising it your cheeks are wet with a bitter mix of anger and longing, wishing that your memories of “home” weren’t so loud. It’s overbearing, mind trying to shut off desperately as your breath comes in short gasps, suddenly feeling like the world was both far too big and small at the same time. 
Your distressed breaths calm as you feel your body get pulled into the hard planes of Boothill’s chest, the first coherent thought your brain manages to make being that he’s somehow softer than you thought he would be. His arms wrap around your chest as he brings your back against him, keeping you in position to continue watching the sun crawl up the sky at a leisurely pace. Your breathing finally begins to slow in his arms, feeling his face rest against your hair as he counts out the rise and fall of your chest soothingly. 
“It’s alright doll. I’m right here,” you hear him tell you, tears running down your cheeks faster. 
You’re suddenly hyper aware that he’s holding you. 
Holding you. 
You pull yourself out of his grasp quickly, muttering apologies as you run up to your room to go back to sleep, not quite able to get the smell of his aftershave off of your skin. 
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧───  。゚☆ *.☽ .*☆。゚ ───✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Boothill spends the rest of his morning on the deck, nursing his cup of coffee as he finds himself with a bit of extra time for once in a while. His hands play with the mug in his hands, mirroring the way you held it when you brought it to him and wondering if some of the warmth on the porcelain was from your hands. He hopes it was. 
He’s about to head inside again when he hears footsteps coming up on the gravel, a little surprised that it didn’t follow the sound of a truck pulling up on the driveway. His eyes fall onto a familiar figure, relaxing as he realises he doesn’t need to run into the house to grab one of many concealed weapons. 
“Geryll. Been a while, hasn’t it?” 
The woman nods with a smile, a basket tucked under her arm as she skips up the steps. 
“Thought you could get some breakfast in you. I baked these fresh. You work too hard to not have someone looking out for you,” she says sweetly. 
He takes the basket from her arms, lifting the checked cloth as the smell of fresh breakfast pastries wafts out. He smiles kindly at her, setting it down on a table just beside him. 
“Thanks. Your family makes the best bread I think I’ve ever had,” he says genuinely, nodding towards the table inside. 
“Had breakfast already though. I’ll be sure to share these with the others when they come.”
She nods in agreement, crossing her arms as she shivers a little in the chill of the morning. 
“I’m glad you like them. I tried a new recipe this time in hopes of correcting some of the stuff you mentioned not liking last time.” 
“You didn’t hafta go through all that trouble for me. I just got a particular taste is all.” 
“What are good neighbours for? I need to thank you for the product you send over on a regular basis after all. Thanks to you we don’t have to spend a fortune on meat at the grocery store.” 
Similarly to yourself, Boothill doesn’t notice the way her eyes wander down his body. He’s oblivious as he starts to wake up some more, finally ready to head inside and start getting dressed for the day. 
“You should head back. Your brother’s sure to worry if he wakes up and sees ya ain’t at home,” he warns, playfully shooing her off his deck. 
“I’m a grown woman! I can do whatever I want.” 
He laughs in response, crossing his arms as he shakes his head. 
“You’re right about that but if I had a little sister like you I’d be worried senseless if I couldn’t find her this early in the morning. Go on, just go back home. Come visit during business hours next time. Wait - just give me a second.” 
He makes his way back inside, grabbing a pair of boots and a flannel.
“I’ll walk you back home. Come now.” 
She makes an attempt for his hand that he doesn’t see, pulling out his phone to send you a quick text that if you’re still up he’s just going down the street for a quick minute. He didn’t want you to worry, even if the chance of you seeing him walking off his property was zero to none. 
The two of them make it to the other property fairly quickly, Boothill waving his hand to greet the farmer. Gyrell quickly makes her way inside, leaving the two men outside to talk. 
“Mikhal, didn’t think I’d see you out this morning,” Boothill laughs, clasping hands with the other man. “Your sister came to drop somethin’ off for me. I assume it’s the fruits of your labour?” 
“You know how she is,” Mikahl responds, rolling his eyes. 
“I don’t mind her love for baking at all - the wife and I can focus on the crops while she prepares the fresh bread for the shops. I told her to wait until you’d be up before runnin’ over to deliver to you but she insisted she had to beat you to breakfast. She didn’t wake ya, did she?” 
“Nah, nothin’ of the sort,” Boothill reassures. “I just wanted to make sure she got home safe.” 
The other man is about to protest before Boothill shuts up him, shaking his head. 
“I know she can take care of herself. I just worried if there are any coyotes or the like runnin’ about waitin’ for their chance.” 
“Speakin’ of, you heard about what’s happening over at Stardust Lounge?” 
“No. Somethin’ the matter?” 
Mikhal’s eyes light up, clearly excited to share the hot new piece of gossip with Boothill. 
“Get this. That lounge singer you keep going to see? Missin’. Nobody knows where she went and Sampo’s pissed. He’s been checkin’ in on people in town, tryna figure out where she could’a gone but nobody knows what happened. He’s been chasin’ a lead where someone said they heard a commotion behind the bar but the cameras were cut so he’s got no lead anymore.” 
Boothill hums curiously, playing along. 
“He’s offered a reward for anybody who can find her. Ten thousand. Pretty sweet deal, don’t you think?” 
“You got any idea where she is?” he asks. 
“Not a clue but if I find her I’ll be more than happy to split the prize money with you if you help me out. You were a bounty hunter before, weren’t you? Surely finding her wouldn’t be all that difficult for you.” 
“I’m out of it now,” he says with a shake of his head. “I’ve got more important things to worry about than a pretty girl that went missin’.” 
“Come on, don’t tell me you really feel that way. You went to shows just for her. Don’t tell me you’re secretly hidin’ her away,” he laughs. 
“Nothin’ of the sort. I just have a livelihood to make and staff to pay. Try focusin’ on that yourself, yeah?” Boothill retorts, biting back a little instinctively. 
Mikhal backs off, putting his hands up in mock surrender as he laughs. 
“Alright, alright, I got it,” he drawls, stepping backward to go back into his house. 
“Just wanted to let you know if you wanted to make a quick buck.”
“‘Ppreciate it but that won’t be necessary.”
Boothill makes his way back to the house, nerves beginning to eat him a little as he jogs the walk. He knows there’s no way anybody knows that you’re staying with him but he knows that kind of money isn’t something to laugh at. Logically, he knows that you’re perfectly safe but that doesn’t stop him from worrying. 
“Boothill?” you mutter sleepily under the sheets, turning to face him once you hear him enter your room. 
“Something wrong?” 
You begin to sit up and he hushes you, coming to the side of the bed as he urges you to lay back down. 
“Nothin’s wrong doll,” he reassures, instinctively reaching out to hold your cheek in his hand. 
“Just wanted to make sure you’re going back to bed. Sleep tight, alright?” 
You shuffle around a little as you work to get comfortable again. He sits next to you, still holding you. His eyes widen as you nuzzle against him, thumb gently moving against your cheek. His eyes soften as his heart finally settles, calm coming over him as he watches you sleep. 
The silence is broken up too soon when he hears the sound of tires crunching on the gravel. There’s laughter and early morning greetings and he realises he doesn’t have anything set up for the others as they come in. He loathes to leave you but he has to in this moment, finding your hand and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. 
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elliesnotes · 2 years
please mommy? ! spencer reid x reader
⭑ you’re off to work but your daughter and husband are doing everything they can to make you stay
this takes place during cm: evolution ! reader is referred to as mom !
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your alarm blared loudly in your ears as your hand hit the nightstand trying to shut it off. you hear your husband beside you groan in annoyance at the noises, which causes you to roll your eyes. i’m sure you had two hours of sleep too, babe.
a sigh of relief came from your mouth when you finally hit the alarm. you groggily forced yourself up and stretched your arms with a yawn. you make your way to the bathroom for a cold morning shower to wake and freshen you up. after your shower, you brush your teeth and change into your clothes. then you head downstairs to make breakfast for your daughter and husband while they’re still sleeping soundly, something you wish you can get more of.
you constantly check your phone to see if someone from the bau texted you. thankfully you haven’t received any messages yet, which gives you more time with your family. you finish cooking and you start setting up the table. three placemats, three plates, three sets of spoon and forks, two coffees, and one glass of milk. it’s been a long time since you were able to have a spot of the table. usually you’re out of the house right now, but not today! you rush quickly upstairs to wake up everyone for breakfast before the food gets cold.
“ann?” you called out, “ann, sweetheart, time for breakfast.” you peeked into her room and noticed that something was off. you inch closer to her bed to shake her awake. you placed your hand gently on her leg and gave her a light shake. odd enough, that was definitely not her leg. you lifted up the blanket and saw that it was a pillow under!!
your daughter was nowhere to be seen.
“diane!?” you yelled. you frantically rush out of her room and into your shared bedroom. “spencer! where is diane!?” you yelled at your supposedly sleeping husband.
you then hear a giggle from diane and a hush sound coming from spencer. your widened eyes then softened when you realized your daughter’s whereabouts. “ohmygod don’t ever scare me like that again.” you said. a fake snore erupts from spencer and your daughter yawns.
you crossed your arms and pouted. “i know you two are awake.”
“no we’re not!” your daughter says as she peaks over the covers to look at you.
“oh then i guess i’ll eat all of the breakfast then..!” you shrugged. a worried look plasters your daughter’s face. she quickly got out of bed and hugged your leg. “nooo mommy don’t!” she cried. spencer props himself on one arm on the bed and stared directly in your eyes. “nooo mommy don’t!” he mimicked. a scowl appeared on your face and it made him laugh.
“go brush your teeth so we can have breakfast before i go to work.” you said. a smile plasters her face and she quickly runs to the bathroom. she rarely ever has breakfast or lunch with you around, so she’s always excited when you still have time. you then walk towards your shared bed with spencer and you sit on the edge next to him. “did you tell her to come here?” you asked.
“no, she ran here herself,” spencer laughed. “she said if mommy couldn’t find me then she can have breakfast with us.”
“awh… wait— stop doing that!”
“doing what?!”
“that— ugh whatever.” you pushed him with all of your force yet he still didn’t go down. he chuckles at your pathetic attempt of getting back at him. you frown and grab both sides of his face. you plant a small kiss on his forehead, then his cheeks, his nose, and finally his lips. “look who’s laughing now,” you laughed as spencer became red and shy.
“whatever…” was all he could mutter.
“okay let’s go have breakfast before—“ a ding suddenly interrupts you. a sigh escapes your mouth and you hope and wish it really isn’t who you think it is. you hesitantly turn on your phone and see the notification. “speaking of the devil.” you stared at luke’s text telling you that rossi got a lead and we need to meet as soon as possible.
“you have to go to work?” spencer asks. you turn to look at him and he’s giving you those big brown puppy eyes. “those don’t work on me anymore—“
“you’re going to work mommy?” a child’s voice comes from the door. you turn to look at diane standing at the doorframe. she runs up to you and clutches your leg. “but you can’t!” she cries, giving you the same big brown puppy eyes.
you sigh as you say, “but those do work on me.” you picked up diane and placed her on your lap. “i’m sorry sweetie but—“
“no! you’re having breakfast with us! please please mommy! with a cherry on top!” she begged. you couldn’t resist your daughter’s pleas and her puppy eyes. you think about all of your lates and absences… but you couldn’t think of any time you were late or absent… because you were never late or absent, unless it was mandated. you turn to look at spencer, who was now sitting beside you. you stared at him for an answer. and he gives you one. a very, unsatisfying answer.
“please mommy.”
you glared at him. “what?” he innocently responded to your look. spencer acting clueless is driving you insane. you looked back at your daughter who’s still looking at you with those pleading eyes. but you didn’t miss the quick glance exchange she had with your husband, though. you turned back to spencer and see him staring again with those pleading eyes. they resemble each other so much it made you jealous.
you can’t count how many times you sighed this morning, but you sighed in defeat. “fine i’ll text work. but if i get in trouble then it’s both of your faults!”
diane and spencer cheer happily. your daughter hops off your lap and hugs spencer’s leg. “we did it papa!” she exclaimed.
“yeah, we did.” he said as he still stared at you. his puppy eyes were replaced with those loving ones, the ones he used to openly show that he was admiring you (because he’s always admiring you of course, but sometimes he wants you to know that he is). “race you to the table!” he challenges diane.
she quickly removes herself from his leg and runs downstairs with giggles. you and spencer get up and follow behind her. your steps were stopped by the stairs as spencer pulls you into a hug from behind. “are you sure you want to be late?” he asks, his breath fanning on your neck.
“i’m already late anyways.” you said, turning and tilting your head to look at him in the eyes. “well thank you mommy.” he gives you a quick peck on the lips. you roll your eyes and pull him into a long, passionate kiss. you both pull away and his eyes travel all over your face.
“what was that for?” he laughs.
“for being a jerk.”
“looks like i should be a jerk more often then.”
you smile as you hit his shoulder, “no, shut up. our daughter is waiting.”
you guys moved quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen. diane was sitting down at the table eating, “you gushs ‘re shooo slow!” she says with her mouth full of food.
“ann, don’t talk with your mouth open.” spencer reminds as he makes his way to his spot at the table. he grabs a tissue and wipes pancake off of diane’s mouth. you stand still and stare at the both of them. you process the sight and take as much of it in as possible. its been a long time since you were able to have a loving, family breakfast. “come on mommy, your pancakes will be cold!” your daughter calls.
you smile and sit down at the table. you grab your phone from your pocket and scroll to find luke’s message.
you: gonna be late, let the others know.
luke: 👍
luke: that’s a first. did something happen?
you: spencer and diane happened.
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cuddlepilefics · 1 year
Persistent fever
Fandom: Ateez
Sickie: Mingi
Caregiver: Yunho
Prompt: @sicktember
No one’s POV.:
It had been almost a week since Mingi had come down with what had originally seemed like a bad cold. His throat feeling scratchy along with the general fatigue was not enough of a reason to keep the rapper from attending his schedule. As time progressed though, Mingi developed a fever and spent most of the nights coughing his lungs out, barely getting any sleep. That was how he soon found himself stuck in his room while the other members were out working. He had set up the humidifier in his room and tried to sleep as much as he could. Yunho had brought him tissues and cough drops, always making sure the younger also had some water on his nightstand before they’d leave for the day. Though Mingi was usually glad to have a room to himself, he did eventually start to feel isolated. The members sure did check in on him when they got home and before they’d leave but they’d sneak in and out if he was asleep, so he rarely ever saw them.
As his temperature tended to fluctuate over the course of the day, Mingi tended to have two or three hours after eating a late breakfast and taking his medicine, that he could actually be up and do stuff. Since none of the members were home, he chatted with them during their breaks and watched dramas while they were busy. Bundled in his blanket, Mingi would sit in the living room, sipping his tea as he glanced at the screen. He could only do that for so long though before his eyes started to water, the thudding in his head growing more intense, making it impossible for the rapper to keep ignoring his symptoms and forcing him to take another nap.
Dinnertime was approaching and knowing his groupmates would be out late, Mingi shuffled to the kitchen to heat up some soup. A shiver ran down his spine and he pulled the blanket around his shoulders tighter as he leant against the cabinets, weakly stirring the pot in front of him. He hated this. Mingi snapped out of his thoughts as his phone started to buzz. Originally, he had silenced it, so he wouldn’t be woken up from a nap but feeling lonely, he was desperate to wake up for any call from his friends. “Hey, how’re you holding up?”, Yunho greeted not sure whether he should be happy about his friend being awake or not. Clearing his throat, Mingi replied quietly: “I’m okay, just heating up some soup for dinner.” – “That’s good, should also be time for another dose of medicine”, the older smiled, “What have you been up to today? Were you able to get a decent amount of sleep?” – “I-I think I slept enough”, the rapper sniffled, lifting the corner of his blanket to rub his nose, “Not in one go but I took lots of naps. Watched TV too till the screen irritated my eyes.”
Though it was clear that Mingi still wasn’t feeling well, Yunho was relieved to see some improvement. For a day or two, the younger hadn’t even been able to watch TV, too sick to do anything really. “How’s your day going, hyung?”, Mingi rasped, lowering the phone, so he could muffle a cough into his blanket. When Yunho was confident his friend could hear him again, he commented: “That still doesn’t sound good. Work’s alright today and I’m glad we won’t be getting home all that late. Might see you in a few hours.” If Mingi was still awake by the time he came to check on him but Yunho didn’t want to say that out loud, afraid the younger would try to stay awake for him. “Hyung, can you- can you wake me in case I’m asleep when you get back?”, the rapper asked hesitantly. Sure, he knew he needed rest but he was tired of being alone all the time, wanting to talk to his friend face to face for a bit before both of them went to sleep. Yunho hesitated but realized this was better than Mingi staying up late, so he sighed: “Yeah, I can do that. Under one condition that is. You need to promise me you’ll at least try to get some more sleep before we get home.” The younger was quick to agree, though disappointed that Yunho had to end the call as his break was over.
Mingi sat on the couch, legs pulled close to his body as he felt his skin prick with goosebumps. He could tell his fever was rising by the way he felt progressively colder. Good thing he’d take medicine once he had finished his soup. Sadly, the warm meal didn’t help Mingi feel any warmer but placing the bowl into the sink, he decided he could take a warm shower before going to bed. He quickly rinsed down his medicine before shuffling to Yunho’s room to steal one of his hyung’s hoodies. Once he had compiled a cozy looking outfit, Mingi stepped into the bathroom. Shuddering as the cold air hit his skin, he undressed and hurried to get in the shower, so the water could keep him from freezing. The sudden warmth made his skin tingle but as the minutes passed, he felt more and more comfortable. Mingi braced one hand against the shower wall as he coughed, the steam loosening the congestion in his chest. Though his nose started to run, it didn’t take long for him to breathe a little easier.
Washing off the sweat had done a great job at making Mingi feel more like himself. Already drowsy, he dried himself off and made sure his hair was dried completely before he made his way to his room. Once Mingi had curled up in his bed, he was out like a light in minutes.
The dorm was completely quiet when the group returned, which wasn’t very surprising. Yunho was glad his friend stuck to their agreement and was resting but everything in him screamed to let the younger sleep. He knew he couldn’t do that though, so he quietly slipped into Mingi’s room, smiling at how peaceful the other was sleeping. The past few days, Mingi had always been tangled in his sheets from the restless tossing and turning in his sleep, so seeing he was actually getting a good rest, Yunho bit his lip. He couldn’t wake the other now. Not when he was sleeping so well. He knew Mingi would be upset if he didn’t though, so the older hesitantly reached out his hand and brushed the backs of his fingers against his friend’s forehead. ‘Still feverish’, Yunho realized with a wince. He smiled softly when Mingi’s eyes fluttered open, glossy with fever. “H-Hyung”, the rapper yawned, stretching his sore shoulders for a moment. Yunho hummed: “Yeah, we’re back and I’m glad you actually slept even though I don’t know how long.”
They chatted for a while and Mingi was happy to have some real face-to-face interaction again, Yunho passing up his turn showering to be with his friend instead. Once all the members had showered though, the dancer whispered: “I should probably take a shower now but if you want, I’ll come back afterwards and sit with you for a bit.” He knew Mingi was probably feeling lonely but didn’t want to address it. His worry was confirmed when the younger’s eyes turned sad as he gave a nod. “I won’t be long”, Yunho promised, hurrying to his room to grab some clothes.
Mingi didn’t want to be alone though and now that he knew his entire group was at the dorm, he quickly threw off his blanket. Getting to his feet, he was hit by a dizzy spell and had to steady himself against the wall for a moment before wandering out into the hallway. He heard laughter from the room Yeosang, Wooyoung and Jongho shared, already knowing where he’d go. Before Mingi got there though, Seonghwa ran into him. Though both of them startled, the oldest was quick to steady Mingi by the shoulders, afraid he’d knock him over. “It’s good to see you up”, Seonghwa smiled, brushing his dongsaeng’s hair out of his face to feel his forehead, “That’s fever’s really not budging, huh?” Mingi shook his head, clearing his throat. With his voice even huskier from not using it in a while, he rasped: “Not really, took some medicine but it only helps for a short time.” He gave a scratchy cough after that, frustrated with his body. “Aw, that sucks”, Seonghwa hummed sympathetically, “Were you at least able to rest with that cough?” Mingi nodded, admitting quietly: “I was mainly really bored while the medicine worked and when it didn’t, I slept. It sounds like they’re playing video games, so I thought I’d go bother them for a bit before going back to sleep.” He glanced towards his fellow maknaes’ room, making Seonghwa laugh.
After lightly tapping the door, Mingi slipped into the room and pouted at San, who had made himself at home on Wooyoung’s bed. With two members already sitting there, Mingi decided that Jongho would be the next best target, afraid he wasn’t close enough with Yeosang to bother him. The youngest shot Mingi a smile when the rapper plopped down next to him. “Long time no see”, Wooyoung teased, earning a scolding from Yeosang. Lowering his controller, San hummed: “He’s not wrong. How’re you feeling?” – “Mainly, I’m bored”, Mingi pouted, leaning into Jongho’s side. The younger in turn reached up to feel his forehead, commenting: “Bored and still feverish. Shouldn’t you be in bed, hyung?” – “I am in bed”, the rapper pointed out making San and Wooyoung laugh. “Sleeping, I mean”, Jongho specified, rolling his eyes. Pulling his legs up to his chest, Mingi huffed: “What do you think I’ve been doing?” A shiver ran down his spine and he scooted a little closer to his dongsaeng. ‘As long as he’s still bickering he can’t be feeling that bad’, Yeosang chuckled, grabbing a fluffy blanket from the foot of his bed and throwing it at Mingi.
A few minutes after Mingi had gotten comfortable next to Jongho, the door opened and Seonghwa slipped into the room. He placed a steaming cup of tea onto Jongho’s nightstand before telling the boys goodnight and heading to bed. Closing his eyes, Mingi rested his head on Jongho’s shoulder, too tired to look at the TV, just glad not to be alone. Though the youngest was not that happy about the rapper sniffling right next to his ear, he didn’t comment on it. Yunho would most likely come and drag Mingi back to his own room anyway. It was kind of cute though that Mingi sought out their company while he wasn’t feeling his best as they would’ve expected him to withdraw completely, wanting to be alone.
“You should drink your tea before Yunho-hyung comes looking for you”, Jongho whispered, amused by how protective the dancer got when it came to Mingi. Knowing the maknae was right, Mingi accepted the cup and slowly sipped his tea, a tired smile on his lips now that he was surrounded by his group again. It only took five more minutes for the door to creak open, Yunho frowning: “You know where Mingi went?” – “No idea”, Wooyoung muttered, the others cracking up. “Here”, Mingi yawned, lowering his cup. Rolling his eyes, the older scolded: “I really didn’t take long, so what are you doing here?” – “Drinking tea, being comfy, annoying our maknae, I dunno, pick one”, the rapper shrugged. Leaning against the door frame, Yunho sighed: “Seriously?” When he got no reply, he announced: “In that case, I’ll be heading to bed now. Good night, guys.” – “Nooo, hyung, wait!”, Mingi pleaded, “You promised you’d hang out with me after taking a shower.” – “Well, seems I’ve been replaced”, the older shrugged, turning his back. Barely able to get up fast enough, Mingi rushed after him, making the others laugh. “Come on, let’s go cuddle”, Yunho chuckled, wrapping his arm around his friend’s shoulders as he guided him back to his room. Pouting at the dancer, Minhi whispered: “You know I could never replace you, hyung.”
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inkblackandblue · 1 year
“These Don’t Fit”
Note: this one isn't character related and can be a fill in! Figured I’d do a spicier one for anyone who likes slight spice lol.
“These Pants Got Small”
Ah, Saturday mornings. The first day where work isn’t the thing you’re worrying about. Instead, your concern is to see if the coffee maker will have perked your coffee by the time you wake up at 9:30 AM. This particular Saturday morning was a little different than usual, however, as I knew my spouse had an urgent early meeting to attend to. I’m positive he’d grimaced as much as I had, given that weekends aren’t supposed to carry that activity, but it had been made apparent that there was no way around it.
I’d woken up earlier than usual to cook breakfast before their departure, knowing that work events usually took place outside our central city, which was quite far out. There, of course, was the other reason I wanted my partner to eat, which would be the whole “pregnant people eating for two thing.” He’d recently started showing a lot more than before, so I figured it had to be even more important that both partner and baby got what they needed—the best moment of my week did happen because of this schedule deviation. Halfway through pan-flipping my sunny-side egg, I heard distinct swearing coming from our shared bedroom, which was quite loud. Not wanting to burn their food past consumption, I gradually turned off the burner and flipped my egg a few more times before gently transferring it to the plate, eavesdropping for more swearing as I did so. Finally, curiosity got the better of me from listening in, so I followed the noise to our room, finding my husband in our walk-in closet, pants hopelessly hanging on by a thread.
I knew my response had to be respectful and, in fact, not horny, as they looked dreadfully upset at his dilemma. “Hey, heard you swearing from the kitchen; everything alright?” I say, half groggy, while walking closer to the situation. I wasn’t entirely awake; in fact, I may have been cooking on autopilot. My partner glanced up from the mirror, then back down at their pants, then back up to meet my concerned, furrowed brow. “I cannot get these to fit, and they are my last pair.” He replied, motioning to the unzipped zipper with the loose buttons. Had this been under any other circumstances, my response would have been the expected “Why not keep them off then?” Followed by a romantic pounce, but I knew better than to poke the potentially agitated, hangry bear. Gently, I approached further, gauging what was before me. His taught belly stretched the dress pants to their absolute limit, making the idea of simply tying to zip them up with a rubber band nearly impossible. I looked up at his face to read his emotions, which appeared to be mixed. They were flushed from trying to force the pants up, potentially aroused at the idea of things not fitting anymore, maybe—that or just plain pissed at the world. I tried to think if I had anything that could serve as a solution, and then it hit me. I had more oversized dress pants- saved for his birthday in the basement. It was supposed to be a surprise in a couple of weeks as I knew by then he’d definitely need an adjusted wardrobe; I just hadn’t expected he’d get that big that fast.
I did know I’d first have to lighten the mood to ensure he felt confident enough to walk out the door in a couple of hours, as not to jeopardize his position in the company. “Honey.” I started, rubbing his shoulders from behind before lowering my hands to his widened waist. “I think I have some dress pants that’ll fit way better than these; these pants might have to be benched for now.” He turned away from the mirror to face me, locking eyes with me sheepishly. “I knew they were on the verge of being done; I just didn’t want to admit I was showing that much.” He retorted quietly. As I mentioned, it could be hard to read him sometimes. We had enough time to work this out over breakfast rather than in the doorway, so I led him across the hall wordlessly and sat him at the table, reheating our breakfasts before sitting down myself. “It’s going to happen, you know, the outgrowing thing. Babies tend to make more space for themselves over time; it’s normal.”
I said, briefly brushing my hand through his curls. His face contorted in between eating, processing my statement. “I do like it a little. It’s embarrassing to say. It’s inconvenient, but I always liked the idea of outgrowing everything blissfully.” He gestured to his bump, now slightly raised from the food we’d been eating. I pause to figure out what I’d like to say next. “Well, I mean. You’ll probably be outgrowing more things soon if you keep going at this pace.” I smirk. They look back at the floor, attempting to stay mature about the whole thing. After a minute of slightly awkward silence, a chuckle escaped his lips. “Yeah, well, like I said. I wouldn’t mind. You’d take care of me anyways, wouldn’t you?” He questioned, returning my smirk. I put my fork down at this, blushing a little.
I knew I could not play into this little game if I wanted him to get to his destination on time. So instead, I figured I could tease a little; that way, they’d think about it all day for when he got home. “Oh, I’ll definitely take care of you, feeding and pampering you while you rest your sore, bloated baby belly. Wouldn’t that be nice?” His cheeks completely flushed, grasping his middle automatically. They hadn’t expected I’d go for it completely; that would be why he’d replaced his somewhat flirty demeanor with a dear-in-the-headlights look. With that, I stood, placed our empty joint plates in the sink, and walked past him. I gave him a peck on the cheek before silently (and triumphantly) descending into the basement to get his new trousers. The rest of the morning went on without a hitch. The pants fit well, maybe a little tight around his love handles. As they left for work, I stood close by the door, smiling like an idiot. “Hey, sweetheart?” I called out. “Maybe we can try on the rest of your pants when you get home, my treat.” Dumbfounded and completely enamored by my statement, my partner simply nodded through an intense crimson that had crept onto their entire face before closing the front door.
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beeeinyourbonnet · 4 months
Covetous | Chapter 8
Rating: E
Pairing: Macelle (Father MacAvoy x Belle) or Nostelle (Nosty x Belle), who is to say which
Summary: Father Joseph MacAvoy wakes up in a library across town with no idea of how he got there. When the kind librarian doesn’t kick him out immediately, he considers that maybe there’s more to life than alcohol.
[chapter 1] [chapter 2] [chapter 3] [chapter 4] [chapter 5] [chapter 6] [chapter 7]
[read on ao3]
tws: alcoholism, homelessness.
Though he tried to coax Belle into bed after an hour of calling all the stations near her flat and the library yielded no results, she insisted on sitting in her reading chair all night, staring out the window. He took the couch, too drunk to fight her, and passed out.
When he woke sometime around dawn, Belle was showered and dressed, clutching a white dress shirt in her lap while she dozed. Was it Nosty’s? Based on the photos around her flat, it was too small to have belonged to her father.
He didn’t want to wake her, but he also wasn’t sure what to do. He hadn’t expected to stay over, but he’d soon realized that Belle was going to drive herself into the ground if no one was there to make her eat, drink, and take breaks. It was a relief to see her sleep now, even though it was clear she hadn’t slept much in the night.
Figuring she wouldn’t be offended if he took a shower, he stumbled to the bathroom. She’d lain out a towel and washcloth with a scrap of paper on top that read Joseph. It was next to the mouthwash. How could she manage to be so thoughtful when she could barely remember to blink?
Belle was awake when he emerged in a towel, clutching the shirt so hard, he didn’t think even an iron could save it.
“Good morning,” he said tentatively.
“Do you want some breakfast?” He wasn’t going to put her through his hideous attempts at eggs, but he could make toast at least.
She shook her head. “I have to go to work soon.”
“You have time for breakfast.” If he kept his voice firm, maybe he would feel firm. Belle nodded, and when she stood, he saw she was wearing two different shoes, one dark brown ankle boot and one black.
“Um, Belle?”
“There’s bread on the counter,” she said. “And jam in the fridge.”
Should he even tell her about the shoes? They were so similar, it didn’t even seem to impede her walking, but if he’d noticed, surely everyone would.
Once they each had a piece of toast spread with butter and strawberry jam, and Belle had let go of the shirt, he brought up the shoes. 
“Oh god.” She laughed, a sound he wanted to enjoy but it only squeezed his heart. “My head’s not on right today. I don’t even know what’s on the schedule at work. You won’t let me traumatize any kids, right?”
“Of course not.” He was another story, but he’d made it through the library enough times without incident, he could probably make it today. “And we’ll keep calling. At every free minute.” 
She nodded, eyes welling up. “Okay. We’ll keep calling.”
Belle considered it divine intervention that they made it to the library without injury since she couldn’t remember looking at the road even once on the drive. She didn’t bother with her usual opening tasks, just sat at her desk and logged into her email to retrieve her spreadsheet.
Joseph asked her a few questions about the coffee carafe and where all the light switches were, and she was so grateful for him being there. She hadn’t felt this out of sorts since her father moved to hospice, but there was no unknown then. Constant vigilance wouldn’t have helped her, she just took her time off where she could and then her bereavement leave when he finally passed. Now, what was she supposed to say? Hi, my usually-unreliable boyfriend of three or so days is missing, and I know he doesn’t have an address and has disappeared before, but I’m certain he’s injured, so I’ll be taking off an indefinite amount of time.
That would be absurd. Besides, if he actually was injured, she might have to take off to care for him. 
Joseph brought her a stack of books from the overnight book return slot, and going through the motions of checking them back in soothed her. There was nothing taxing about this repetitive labor, nothing that wanted to pull the loneliness further. It was just books being books, as they always were. Reliably.
“Should I call some stations?” Joseph asked. “They might be happier to talk to a priest than a friend.”
Girlfriend, she wanted to correct him, but what was the point? It wasn’t like she and Nosty had discussed it. They were still figuring things out. That’s what she’d told him they could do.
“Okay, thanks.”
They spent the morning alternating between helping patrons, setting up a room for a school visit, and calling police stations. Joseph stepped outside several times to chat with her friend across the street, and she felt guilty for not doing so herself, but what would she say? The only words that came to her were the old tried and true about books, and if she couldn’t talk about that, she would just talk about Nosty.
She dialed the next station on her list, debating whether bursting into tears would get her more help or not. No one could do anything with just a nickname and a description, and no one had been willing to help her at all.
“Newham police, Constable Graves speaking.”
“Hi,” Belle said, reaching for her practiced words. “I’m looking for recent arrest information.”
“Well, that’s the tricky part, and please pardon me for being difficult, but I’m so worried—”
“If you don’t have a name, I can’t help you.”
Men her father’s age often buckled when face to face with her, and she wanted to scream when she couldn’t get the same effect on the phone. Maybe she’d go around to every station in London in person. 
“Sorry, it’s just—he goes by Nosty, and he wears a kilt—”
“You’re looking for Nosty?”
Her head swam. Someone finally recognized him. Had Joseph felt like this last night when he’d discovered the hospital?
“Yes! Yes, I’m looking for Nosty.”
“What’s he done this time, then?”
She swallowed, reaching for a book just to have something to hold. “Nothing. I’m just trying to find him.”
“What for? He owe you money?” The constable guffawed and even more laughter echoed around him, like everyone was in on the joke. For a blissful moment, anger replaced Belle’s despair, but she bit her tongue. Yelling at the police wouldn’t help Nosty.
“Please, I’m just—”
“Hang on, hang on, just a minute.”
She sat in shocked silence while he placed her on hold. While she listened to the elevator music, Joseph sat next to her, bracing a hand on her shoulder. 
“Hello?” This man sounded much younger, and Belle hastened to gather herself.
“Yes, hi, have you seen Nosty?”
“No, ma’am, I’m sorry.” In his quick accent, “ma’am” sounded like “mum.” “I just thought you might want to talk to someone who wouldn’t laugh at you.”
She grabbed Joseph’s hand, eyes welling with tears. “Thank you. You know him then?”
The young officer spoke so quietly, she had to press the phone to her ear. “We’ve arrested him before, but I haven’t seen him in awhile. Are you family?”
Should she lie? “Yes. I haven’t heard from him in a few days, and I’m worried.”
“If you like, I can take your information and ring you if I see him.”
The tears spilled over, and Joseph shoved a tissue at her. “Would you? Oh, thank you so much…?”
“Cliff, mum. Well, Constable Butler, to be formal.” 
“Thank you so much, Cliff.”
She gave him every way she could think to reach her, hung up the phone, and then curled up in Joseph’s lap like a child and wept.
MacAvoy had not wished for much in his life. He was fairly content to be miserable as long as he could continue numbing the pain, but he had wished for Belle, and now he had her, and along with her an all-consuming guilt for wishing Nosty out of the picture.
He had never held a human over the age of one while they cried, much less a beautiful woman that he—let’s face it—was in love with. He could sense his future fuckup just lurking around the corner, waiting for the moment to strike.
“Shh.” He stroked her hair even though it would fill him with guilt, but he already felt so guilty it hardly mattered. “Belle, it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay. Why don’t we go to your office?”
She mumbled something and he thought he could make out desk.
“Okay, why don’t I put you in your office to relax for a little bit and I’ll watch the desk?” 
She agreed to this, so he led her in and deposited her in her chair. Without looking, she opened one of the drawers and pulled out a bag of gummy bears, offering him one before taking a handful and curling up with her knees to her chest to eat them.
“I’ll be right out there if you need me,” he said.
“If you pick up and dial two, it’ll ring this phone.”
He thanked her and shut her in, then paused in front of the door to gather himself. He half expected Nosty to show up after all that and stab him in the throat with his boxcutter, and at the moment, it would be a relief just to see him.
Nosty did not show up while he sat at the desk, and he did not show up once Belle re-emerged, a little red and puffy but otherwise put together.
She sat and rested a hand over his, startling him.
“Thank you so much, Joseph,” she said. “I don’t know how I would have done anything alone.”
“No one should have to deal with something like this alone,” he said, voice hoarse. 
She squeezed his hand, then let her fingers drop. “I’m glad I didn’t have to. And—and you know I’m here for you too.”
He could kiss her, he realized. He could lean forward and touch his lips to her red, tear-swollen cheek. That was not the behavior of a supportive friend, though. A supportive friend wouldn’t take advantage of a hurting woman trying to find the man she clearly loved. 
A priest also shouldn’t be thinking about when it might be appropriate to kiss someone. The answer for him was never. It was never appropriate.
He would just have to be happy to see her happy. 
MacAvoy didn’t go home with her again, but he was sure to be at the library before she arrived, and he spent a lot of time learning how to text faster so he could check in on her while she sat vigil by her window all night. 
The only times he saw Belle happy was when she was working with groups at the library. She put on a bold face for the patrons, but when she had to lose herself in a group event, he could really see her passion for her job. He was too in love with her to even offer to help—every time he meant to, he would look into her smiling eyes and forget the entire English language.
He called the hospital again on Thursday, but they still hadn’t seen him, and they couldn’t offer to call him with information. He was lucky they were willing to tell him anything, and he had the feeling it was only his credentials. A god-fearing man on the other line was a blessing if MacAvoy wanted to know something.
With Belle’s increasing hopelessness rubbing off on him, the non-news put him in a foul mood. Nosty had better be dead for the grief he was putting her through. MacAvoy made himself a cup of tea with two shots of gin, a little treat for himself that he’d discovered at Belle’s. It was a good way to not hate himself for drinking. 
Before he succumbed to the alcohol fully, he sent a quick check-in text to Belle, but she didn’t respond. He hoped that meant she was showering or eating, or maybe reading. She had confessed to him that she couldn’t focus on books, the one thing that had always brought her comfort. 
He wished she could read again. No—he wouldn’t wish it. 
“Dear God.” He crossed himself. “Please send Belle the strength to love books again. If there’s anyone who deserves your grace, it’s Belle French.”
Satisfied that he had gone through the right channels, he stumbled to the kitchen to scrounge around for dinner. He still didn’t eat much, but at least having toast at night meant he could report to Belle that he was feeding himself, and soon, he’d be getting his monthly stipend from the church. If he bought his own booze instead of going to the pub, maybe he could find things to eat that he couldn’t destroy. 
His phone rang as he was debating ruining another egg for dinner, and he nearly fell in surprise.
“Will you come get me?”
His brain stuttered. Was he wearing shoes? Clothes? Where was his wallet? “Yes, of course, where are you?”
“At the front door.”
He stopped. “What?”
“Outside the church. I knocked a few times, but I didn’t know how else to get your attention.”
“Be right there.”
His feet carried him so quickly, he almost fell three times, but soon he was yanking the front door open. Belle stood in the shadow, carrying a big purse and a bottle of wine. 
“Can I stay here tonight?” she asked. “I can’t be in my flat.”
“Yes, yes, of course.” He ushered her in, wobbly hand on her back as he led her through the church toward the rectory. There were some spare bedrooms she could use, even if they were probably a little dusty. 
He led her to the little kitchen first, and when he saw her in the light, he almost fell over. Her eyes and nose were red and puffy, and she had a little cut on the side of her forehead.
“What happened?” he demanded. If Nosty had laid his hands on her, he didn’t care that he was a priest, he was going to—going to—
Well, he would call the police, that was for sure.
Belle’s lower lip trembled. “Nosty’s—”
“What did he do?”
She stumbled back, and he flooded with guilt. She didn’t need him yelling at her if she’d run here to be safe. 
“I’m sorry, Belle.” He lowered his voice. “What happened to your head?”
She frowned, reaching up to touch it. Her eyes widened and then she laughed, the same humorless chuckle he’d grown to know.
“I didn’t even realize. I wasn’t paying attention on the phone and I scraped my forehead on the cabinet corner.”
Considering how absent Belle had been all week, it was a wonder she hadn’t done something like that sooner. 
“Who was on the phone?” Even a drunk idiot like him could figure out this was the important information.
Belle set the wine bottle on the table, then turned to him with her giant purse. “Where can I put this?”
So it was going to be like that. That was fine—MacAvoy could wait. 
He showed her to the spare rooms, letting her inspect each one before deciding, and once she chose the room closest to his, she asked where the laundry room was before stripping all the sheets. It had to be close to eight. Was she planning on sleeping at all?
He shadowed her all around the rectory as she washed sheets, wiped down surfaces with some cleaning spray he dug up for her, and hung up a dress for work tomorrow in the closet.
Once she’d moved the sheets over to the dryer, he blocked her exit. This was madness.
She gave him a defiant look, jaw clenched. 
“Have you eaten?”
It was like he’d deflated her. She shook her head, and then let him guide her back to the kitchen. He didn’t know why he’d bothered—all he had was some bread and a few eggs.
Belle stared at the meager spread of ingredients, then turned to him with wet eyes. “I don’t know if I can cook. I’m sorry.”
“Belle, what happened?”
She sat at the table and pulled the wine toward her, picking at the label instead of looking at him. “Constable Cliff Butler called me.”
That could have been good news, but she didn’t sound like it was. “What did he say?”
“He said that he was out on a call today and saw Nosty in his usual place, and he was—” She swallowed, tears spilling down her cheeks. He knelt before her, grabbing her hands. They would give Nosty a beautiful funeral, one that would show God how much Belle loved him. 
“He was what?” he prompted.
“Kicking a football.” She laughed harshly, and then she pressed her lips together. Her shoulders shook.
Still holding her hands, he frowned, confused. What did that mean? “I don’t understand.”
“He was playing around. He left me like this, knowing it would destroy me, and he’s fine. Constable Cliff Butler was very happy to report the good news to me.” 
He stood and wrapped his arms around her, hardly even relishing the feel of her hair as he stroked it and whispered platitudes while she gripped his shirt and sobbed. 
“Come on,” he said when she started to calm down. “Let’s get some food.”
“Do you have wineglasses?”
He licked his lips. “I’m not sure that’s the best idea.”
Before he could blink, she’d thrown his arms off of her and stood out of his reach, glaring at him with a fury like he’d never seen.
“You? You’re not sure? You’re going to tell me not to have one glass of wine?”
In hindsight, he could see how that was not his smartest move. He raised his hands in surrender, the confidence he’d gained with her over the week bleeding out of him. 
“I just don’t think it’ll help.”
“You don’t get to decide it won’t help,” she said. “No one makes decisions for me, especially not a man I’ve seen take four shots of gin in the last hour.”
He gulped. He’d thought he’d hidden it better than that.
“At least eat first,” he said.
“Eat what? A raw egg?”
She dropped back into her chair, then pressed her forehead to the table. He was so out of his element—congregants did not usually scream at him. Bartenders and waitresses did, but he was usually blacked out for that.
“I’ll get a pizza,” he said. 
He left the kitchen to hunt down his wallet and waste a prayer on his credit card going through. Since he had no internet, he went all the way down to the office to find a takeaway menu, then called in an order and crossed himself when his card was accepted.
It was just around the corner and the man on the phone said it would only be twenty minutes, so MacAvoy, knowing it was cowardly, waited alone in the office. He should have gone up to comfort Belle, but he couldn’t bring himself to be raged at. He didn’t want to hurt her like Nosty had.
“God, please. Please give Belle comfort. She doesn’t deserve this pain.”
The pizza arrived after twenty-two minutes, and he was forced to return to the rectory. Belle sat at the kitchen table where he’d left her, but the rest of the room was not as he’d left it. While he was gone, she’d washed every dish, wiped down all the counters, and put away all the dishes he’d managed to wash himself. The wine bottle sat unopened on the table.
“I’m sorry,” she said. She didn’t look up.
“No,” he said. “It was out of line.”
She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. You’ve been so helpful.”
He set the pizza down, pleased by the way she leaned toward it. Hunger was a good sign. “Maybe we can both have a glass?”
She nodded. “I would like that.”
He didn’t have wine glasses, so mugs would have to do, and he said nothing when Belle filled hers to the brim. 
“How much for the pizza?” she asked, grimacing when she took a sip. 
“It’s on me.”
“It’s on me, Belle.”
She licked her lips. “Thank you. For everything. I’m so lucky you found my library.”
He couldn’t believe that he lived in a world where he found a woman to love and that woman was grateful he’d blacked out in her place of work. God really did work in mysterious ways.
“I’m the lucky one,” he said. “Without you—” He shrugged.
“We can both be lucky at the same time,” she said. “It’s not a contest.”
He sat, considering this. If it was a contest, he would win, but maybe she was right. Maybe they were both just lucky that they’d found each other exactly when they needed each other.
“I’m glad you came here,” he said instead. “I’m happy to take care of you.”
She raised her wine mug. “Cheers to taking care of each other.”
He clinked his against hers, then took a gulp. It was much tastier than cheap gin, but his stomach rebelled against it. Didn’t matter. Belle wanted to drink wine, and it wasn’t like not drinking wine would keep him from being sick.
“Cheers,” he said. Belle was hurting and in his church, and he was going to care for her no matter what it took.
[chapter 9]
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