#I don't know why I created this
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itrisyndivide · 4 months ago
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Panel 1 Description: View of a large flying being from behind, with a far away stick person facing the camera. The being says (in eldritch font) "My name is sæɹ̩ɪf ".
Panel 2 Description: View of the large flying being from the front, POV is now behind the far away stick person. The being says (in eldritch font) "of the sans variety". The being has 3 pairs of wings and is covered in many copies of the face of Sans from Undertale.
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thatnununguy · 19 days ago
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What if I built a robot version of you that makes it obvious that I completely misinterpreted your entire character? Haha, jk.... unless.....
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bethfuller · 1 year ago
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lost in a gleaming maze.
(a sneak peek of my upcoming 10-page comic, the silent city.)
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atalienart · 2 months ago
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✧*:・゚Art summary 2024
2014-2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
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dootznbootz · 6 months ago
Fascinating how Polites, the character who is the personification of Odysseus' optimism and is only in 5 songs, is more grieved and appreciated than Eurylochus, a character who is his own person and is in 11 songs.
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dat-is-i · 1 year ago
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jester is a girlboss to me
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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A friend pointed out how in this post, Mobei Jun looks like he's wearing a shirt, opening up the avenue for him to have been secretly stuffing his bra this whole time. The scandal of it all needed to be exposed.
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cromulentreader · 8 months ago
Unlike the whole High Court after the Coronation, I was thinking about Valerian the other day. His interactions with Jude escalated more into violence but they were somewhat similar to Cardan's: hair-pulling, name-calling, generally getting in her physical space, etc. Hell, they threw the girl into the river together. Quite frankly, in Jude's inner monologue in the first part of TCP, they sound very similar, with one being much prettier - guess who am I speaking of. Hint: they have really long fingers. However, Jude reacted differently to their "teasing" (trying not to swear on this one). With Valerian, she mostly ignored him and hoped he would go away, following Taryn's terrible advice. She's even trying to de-escalate when he tries to murder her in her bedroom. But when Cardan did it, she reacted to it as if interacting with Cardan was her new purpose in life. Even when both Valerian and Cardan did it. They both kicked dirt on her food and threw her in the river, yet Jude's eyes were on Cardan the whole time. She basically argued with Cardan and ignored Valerian whenever he spoke.
Now, from Jude's mind, this sounds like it's motivated by hierarchy (both in Elfhame and in their friend's group), as we don't know much about Valerian except that he's part of the Gentry. But I wonder if part of his escalation was that he could see the toxic obsession going on between those two and he hated it.
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violetscanfly · 7 months ago
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Once again I offer you art that I didn't post when it was made✌🏻 One thing I have learned is to never throw away your art because even if you don't immediately like it you might some day
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cutemothman · 1 year ago
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
If somebody in your life offers to knit or crochet or, really, create anything for you, please be an active participant in the creation of the piece they are making. I adore making and gifting things, but nothing bums me out quicker than a person who passively just goes "okay," to my ideas about what I'm making them - it can send the message that they won't like it, or that they don't care, even if they're happy about my offering. The back-and-forth feedback is a great way to make sure that you are being gifted something that was truly worth the time, effort, expertise, and money that will inevitably go into the gift!
I know it's really hard to be an active participant, believe me, I'm an anxious ball of horror, but it will only do good for both parties to interact in this situation. It is a big deal to be offered a hand-crafted gift, but it's also something we want you to love and use, and that can only happen if you tell us what would make you fall in love with what we create.
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scificrows · 2 years ago
Okay, my brain refuses to think about anything other than Murderbot, so I looked at every use of the word "friend[s]" in TMBD and... created some pie charts. Normal human activities.
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Some Thoughts™ I had while putting this together (under the cut):
In All Systems Red, Murderbot notes that the PresAux crew are all close friends (twice! and goes on to explain their internal relationships which I think is very cute). This is pretty much the only use of 'friends' in ASR, except for when Murderbot says that SecUnits can't be friends with each other.
It seems that this may be one of the first times Murderbot has ever really been around a group of friends before? Murderbot notes that this is not the norm for its contracts and admits that the fact that they are all friends and the way they interact with each other make it actually enjoy that contract (before!!!! the hostile attack, so it already enjoys this contract before they start seeing it as a person etc ghghhhh). [Inference: Friendship seems enjoyable.]
The first character that calls Murderbot its friend is ART in Artificial Condition. Murderbot immediately refutes this (and then goes on to call ART its friend to its clients for the rest of the book). [Inference: Maybe ART is Murderbot's friend. And maybe that is... agreeable]
Rogue Protocol has more than twice as many instances of the word 'friend' as any of the other novellas. Why? Miki. Friendship and its implications for non-humans are a central theme because Miki is friends with everyone. Murderbot initially scoffs at the notion that Miki and Miki's humans are friends. At the end of the book, after witnessing how desperately Don Abene tried to stop Miki from trying to save them, and her grief after its death, Murderbot has to admit that she had in fact been Miki's friend. [Inference: Humans can be friends with bots and can sincerely care about them]
In Exit Strategy, Murderbot tentatively uses the word "friends" for its humans for the first time (several times actually). It questions whether it can actually call them its friends or not and later realizes that it had been afraid what admitting that the humans are its friends would do to it. At the end of the book, Mensah tells Murderbot the PresAux crew are its friends, which is the first time a human has directly said that to it (at least on-page). [Inference: Humans can and want to be Murderbot's friends]
In Network Effect, Murderbot seems to be more habituated to the word 'friend', confidently calling ART and Ratthi its friends, like it is no longer just trying the concept on unsure if it fits. There are many instances in which other characters refer to MB as ART's friend or the other way around and Murderbot's humans refer to Murderbot as their friend several times. Generally, there seems to be less hesitancy, because yes, all of them are Murderbot's friends, why wouldn't they be. [Inference: SecUnits can have friends. This SecUnit has friends. They care about it a lot.]
Conclusion: The Murderbot Diaries tell the story of a construct that does not seem to consider the possibility of friendship for itself and is fine with that - until it accidentally starts caring a little too much and suddenly more and more people annex it as a friend (ew) to the point where it can no longer deny that this is happening and has to begrudgingly admit that yes, it has friends now and maybe that is actually not a bad thing.
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elbdot · 1 year ago
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In honor of posting my SEVENTH Fairy type yesterday it felt only appropriate to make this meme
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class-of-classic-blog · 7 months ago
Snow White: Bianca White ( Bianca means "white" and Whites are probably one of the most obsessed families with their story, every single Snow White had a name with meaning relative to the fairy tails,)
Evil Queen: Eris Queen (I can't remember did I read a fic where she was called Eris but I think that the name of the goddess of discord really suits her)
Sleeping Beauty: Rosalin Beauty (pretty standard name)
Cinderella: Ophelia Ella ( a sweet name for a sweet girl)
Red Riding Hood: Scarlett Hood (one more standard name)
Big Bad Wolf: Aiden Wolf (close friends call him Andy :) )
Dark Fairy: Darcy Thorn ( oh the irony of being the dark fairy with dark name and yet cover yourself in light)
Candy Witch: Cinnamon Witch (I also didn't come up with this name myself. I saw someone use it for her a really long time ago but I can't remember who. If the person who came up with this name sees this, you deserve a reward, the name is perfect. But I hc that she goes by her nickname: Candy. Why? Because it's such a cute nickname)
Pinocchio: Oak Wood (I think that every family name has something to do with trees or wood. Oak sounds like a perfect name for someone sweet, young and cheerful and later as an adult calm and wise)
Goldilocks: Dolly Locks ( I just think that its a cute name and she kinda remind me of Dolly)
Huntsman: Archer Huntsman (Okay, so, Huntsmans are bad at naming their kids, like REALLY BAD. Hunter we are counting on you to break that cycle)
King Charming: Dashing Charming (I read one fanfic were he is named Dashing and i think that name suits him, i myself couldn't come up with the more fitting name)
Queen Charming: Grace Charming (I also read that one in a fanfic and i think it fits her, somehow whenever i think of Charmings Dashing and Grace are the first name that come to my mind)
Rapunzel: Cressida O'Hair (I first just like the name but then i found out the Cressida means "golden" so it goes well with Rapunzel story)
Pied Piper: Devin Piper ( It means "bard" or "poet", the perfect name for a musician. Also, Piper is really a cool name, too bad it is already his last name)
Mad Hatter: Maddox Hatter (I just like silly names for Wonderlandians, especially Mad Hatter)
Queen of Hearts: Victoria Hearts ( okeey, it's not a very Wonderlandian name but neither is Elizabeth and Vicy is a cute nikename)
Cheshire Cat: Lorelai Cheshire (I didn't want to go for the obvious one Chatrine, like, I get it, she's a cat, She literally named her daughter Kitty, or maybe Katrine Kitty for short, BUT THEN I REMEMBER THAT TOLERAI EXISTED which is literally the same name just different first latter and I already gotten attached to Lorelai, so, umm if you all could just do me the favour and pretend that these are TOTALLY different names I would be very thankful)
Alice Wonderland: Amilia Wonderland ( Also would her last name be Wonderland or Liddell? Bonus cute nickname Amy)
White Rabbit: Castor Blanc ( At first i just liked the name but don't you think that "dutiful" is a perfect for White Rabbit)
White Swan: Elenor Swan ( It means "shining light" and to be honest with that destiny she's going to need some light in her life)
Black Swan: Callisto VonBart (What would be the last name of The Black Swan? VonBart?BlackSwan? I put VonBart because I found an OC of Odille on Pinterest and her last name was VonBart. I don't know)
Frog Prince: Hanry Croakington ( i reafuse to belive that he named his son after himself. Nuh-uh. He named Hopper after his father or maybe his grandfather)
Robin Hood: Wren Hood ( Listen, Listen, maybe they just have a thing with the birds?)
Maid Marian: Pandora Charming ( I don't think that there is a destiny stricly for Maid Marian. I think thats just a princess from Charming family or from nobel family, that's why i gave her last name Chaming. Last name changed after the wedding)
Beauty: Primrose Beauty ( Ah, Beauties and their roses)
Beast: Damian Beast (like it)
Fairy Godmother: Beatrice Goodfairy ("blessed one" mmm... too bad you can't bless yourself)
Jack Beanstalk: Jasper Beanstalk (nice)
Snow Queen: Isolde Winter (perfect for ice queen)
Snow King: Nikolai Winter (took his wife's last name, couldn't think of his own that's not arleady taken)
The Good King: David Charming (i think that only the main Charming follow that logic with names where all siblings have names with the same first latter)
Cinderella's prince Charming: Louis Charming (he's a nice boy)
Snow White's prince Charming: Cassian Charming (I just like it)
Sleeping Beauty's prince Charing: Liam Charming (don't ask)
#DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO CHOOSE A NAME THAT GOES WITH YOUR CHARACTER#HAS A SIGNIFICANT MEANING#AND DOESN'T REMIND YOU OF AN EXISTING CHARACTER???#its very fucking hard#like i wanted to use nivea for snow white becouse it literally means white as snow BUT NIVEA IS A BREND#I also wanted to name pandora Penelope becouse its a cute name remaind me of the redhead#but who comes to your minde when you hear Penelope? Penelope Featherington .#WHICH IS WHY I CANT NAME SOMEONE REMUS WE ALL KNOW ONLY ONE REMUS AND THAT IS LUPIN#BUT TO MAKE THINGS EVEN WORST THERE IS ALWAYS ONE MORE POPULAR CHARACTER WITH THE NAME FIT FOR A WOLF#I WANT TO CRY#i HAVE NUMEROS EXEMPLES but okay its okay i'm okay#I GOT VERY FRUSTRATED FOR LORELAI#I liked the name becouse there is a legend about a water nymf named Lorelai and she lead sailors to their death#But in reality that nymf is acually the rock that looks like the woman AND PEOPLE STILL WRECK THEIR BOATS AGAINST THAT ROCK#beasicly there is a “nymf” named Lorelai that creates chaos and then you have a cat that creates chaos#see what i had in mind???#also while looking for names I also finde some of the strangest names people name their kids#like did you know that some people name their kides wolf or Blackwell?#Also to the people who came up with some of these names before me pls don't be mad i think you nailed it#and i forgot who you are#pls dont come after me i'm shaking with anxiety while posting this#ever after high#eah#ever after high headcanons#eah parents#class of classics
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ministarfruit · 1 year ago
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having normal thoughts about the demon king today
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pondererswandererswonders · 1 month ago
This started off as a neat little fun idea and nothing more, but my autism decided to finally take matters into its own hands.
A RoTTMNT playlist heavily inspired by the fanfic, "Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis" by a_platypus; among different works like Trial & Error and Odd Man Out. Songs have been placed in specific order to MNMC, but can be enjoyed on shuffle as a general Rise playlist. TCEST DNI.
I looked at other playlists to see common themes and songs that are enjoyed by the average Rise fan, while also looking all over creation for songs that I thought would best fit MNMC specifically. I ended up finding a couple of awesome GVF songs along the way, that I'm genuinely surprised no one has used for anything remotely related to Rise?
Not a lot of future-Leo-goes-back-to-the-past type of playlists, but I really suck at finding things, so it's not like there isn't a lot out there. But anyway, I was a bit afraid that this playlist would be ooc for the fanfic because of my song choices? So, it kind of took me a while to make the actual playlist on Spotify, let alone make this post. But I know I'm simply overthinking it. It's the perfectionism talking.
Most of the songs have lyrics that align with major key points of the Rise movie and the fanfic, but other songs I also put there solely for the ✨vibes✨ and instrumentals really. I am still adding songs here n' there every so often, but I do plan on eventually cutting myself off from the playlist.
I was going for a "soundtrack" or "songs that sound like they belong in movies" type of feel for the whole thing, which I think I did okay on, but it kind of slowly turned more into a playlist where you can make cool animations or AMVs to; especially since this is not a listen-while-you-read type of playlist, because there's too much going on with the music in general.
Overall, just something I made out of appreciation that I think turned out okay.
#rottmnt#rottmnt playlist#tmnt#tmnt playlist#mutant ninja midlife crisis#only the autism will make someone create an appreciation playlist of a fanfic that is a love letter to Rise#im a tiny bit surprised that MNMC doesn't have a chronology playlist? or many playlists for that matter#but maybe I'm surprised bc making this only made sense to me???#''i think this turned out okay'' watch this secretly be ass or something#its also the autism trying to make me delete the whole thing. this being an actual Tumblr post is a miracle#me when making this playlist: ''ahh. WHY am I making this?😭'' *seconds later* ''god DAMN I'm cooking 🔥''#I have no energy to write but I can make playlists ☝️😃. this playlist is concluded whereas the fanfic is yet to be as of this post.#I'm not saying that as a dig - art takes time n' shit happens. but the ending's vibes within the playlist may or may not end up being#accurate to what happens in the fanfic. if so my bad @___@#i may or may not make changes to it then.who knows. all of this was made with love and hyperfixation and THAT'S what matters#side-note: I have to say that the whole entire Eyelid Movies album from Phantogram reminds me of Leon. but I only used two songs#& a lot of Greta van Fleet songs reminds me of Rise in general but I already used like.what. twelve songs from them??#Spotify#save rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rise of the tmnt#seriously thinking of making a youtube music version of this playlist#bc you can only losten to these song non-shuffled on Spotify Premium or a computer#also Tears For Fears was inevitably going to be a strong backbone for the whole thing#i individually don't make the rules. the fandom does.#leonardo rottmnt#raphael rottmnt#mikey rottmnt#donatello rottmnt#memphis murmurs
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