#I don't fucking know what being xenogender feels like
redtail-lol · 1 year
I understand the desire to understand someone's identity sis but you don't need to ask how it works or why someone feels that way or what it feels like as part of the understanding. All you need to know about my gender is that I'm still mostly a girl but there's a part of me that feels like it's something else, neither a girl nor a boy, and I always felt this was right ever since I knew about it. I just ignored it until I realized I could be nonbinary and still be a girl.
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thefishdeath · 6 months
Never feel more masc then the times I try to look fem
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Isn't it SO fun to be harassed and bullied at school? /sarc
People call me a "FUCKING WEIRDO!" (Yes, that's word for word.)
They make faces at me like I'm sort of disgusting slob. (And they SHOW it and they WANT me to know they think that!)
Along with that, one kid pretended to gag and throw up at the sight of me, and used solar eclipse glasses to not look at me.
One kid called me ugly today! (YAY! /sarc)
They poke and prod at me like I'm a science experiment.
They fear the fact I smile all the time, that I tend to keep an emotionless expression in my eyes. (I'm only following Alastor's advice!)
They love to annoy me... But it's getting tiring.
Only a select few enjoy my presence, they keep me in and go along with my antics. My friend group likes having me around. And other kids I don't know much and we're neutral with each other.
I know I'm "weird" by their standards. But what's the fun in the world without differences?
I know I took on the persona of "weirdo" in my class. I want to go up to a teacher and cry. Because I didn't deserve to be treated like this?
I didn't deserve to be told "You know you should kill yourself" when I'm already suicidal. Did I?
Get told I'm retarded like 10 times already? Maybe more? (I'm not even exaggerating...)
And considering I might have mental illnesses such as possible autism, that's even meaner. At this point I'm not living, I'm surviving.
There's a reason why I've given up. My best friends are on the internet. I don't think without them I would be able to live today. Why do the people who care about me, share my interests, accept me for who I am, respect me, and TREAT me like I'm a human being, so far away?
I know I may be Xenogender, but that's no excuse for treating me no better than some sort of inferior species.
I see no one else getting treated like this, I'm the subject, no, the OBJECT of their bullying.
What the fuck am I supposed to do??? What do you fucking EXPECT me to do??? "Be yourself"??? I AM being myself, and you're fucking BULLYING me!? AM I SUPPOSED TO PUT ON SOME SORT OF MASK? I AM SMILING, MOTHERFUCKER, YET YOU STILL BULLY ME WHEN I DO HAVE A MASK!? /not you, to them
Like, please. Let me rest. Let me have a normal day where I don't have to face discrimination. Where I get treated with love.
I get treated so awfully so much, that I don't even know who I am anymore.
I lost myself.
My catchphrase has to be "I'm so done-" because I said that more than I needed to.
I feel like the next time someone does anything to me, I'm just going to burst out crying.
I hope you're doing alright right now, first things first, i need to let you know that you do matter, and you certainly don't deserve to be treated as subhuman as they treat you, I only wish the worst upon them <3 They are bitches who are a waste of oxegyn, they need to put you down to feel something or feel like they matter, and for that they are the weakest most disgusting subhuman people, genuinely hope they get more fucked up than they ever made you feel 🧡
It's pretty obvious that they're trying to make you feel shit, and i wish i was there to fight them off or comfort you when it happened, i said it before and i'll say it again, you don't deserve any of this. You deserve to be happy, and to feel like you are loved and cared for, the way they treat you is uncalled for and it's disgusting [them, not you, your cool] And agreed, your gender or your neurodivergence shouldn't be the reason you get bullied, they aren't things you can control, or things you have to change, they are litterally a part of your being/existence, I can't believe all of the shitty things they're doing, you don't deserve it. Have you tried to tell anyone? [although that doesn't work often, it's worth a try]. It seems like it's really affecting you, whether you admit it or not /nbr /npa I'd reccomend telling a teacher/principle [the meaner the teacher the better], if that doesn't work fight back, physically i wouldnt reccomend but if you have to, do it. Theres not much we can do about bullying, which is fucking shitty, but please hang in there at least and take care of yourself, i care about you and love you /p
I hope it gets better and they stop, they're pieces of shit who shouldn't be making you feel like this, they're insensitive cunts who should have their face cut up, hope they get bullied those fucking assholes
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fictionfreedom · 23 days
Made: 8/27/2024 (Also made by Cipher 😼)
Last updated: 8/27/2024 by Bill Cipher (Any pronouns)
The text is long so I put half of the post under a line lmao
IS SOMEONE FRONTSTUCK/WHO'S THE "HOST"?: 'Bill' Cipher (+ Will Cipher and Tad)
We collectively go by Arachne and Nik, as well as Shepherd with our close friends. We will probably respond to any name if we know you're talking to us, but we'd rather you use our preferred collective names, or our own personal names if you know who's fronting.
We prefer for people we don't quite know to use It/Its and That/Thats on us unless an alters sign-off on a post states otherwise. We are fine with any pronouns but will consider you using anything besides It/That as you being purposefully disrespectful unless you correct yourself. Our friends have our discord and therefore should know all our preferred pronouns, so there's no need for us to list them here.
We use many, MANY labels collectively as we don't have a great grasp on a collective sexuality, gender, or anything otherwise. The ones we've decided on for now are Polysexual, Ambiamorous, Queer, and AroAce spectrum.
We are bodily a minor. Practically no one in our system is but LEGALLY and BODILY we are a minor. If you are an adult who does not want minors interacting with you, DON'T FOLLOW US. It's genuinely upsetting to have to see someone cool follow us and then checking their account only to see "MDNI" in their bio.
Discourse is an inevitable thing we cannot escape due to the communities we are in, so here is a list of things we label ourself as.
We are:
Cyberqueer (Our beloved creation)
It should be safe to assume that if you do things that are against our beliefs/discourse stances, that we will likely block you.
Obviously our BYF is pretty much listed above, if you are against anything we support or agree with, then don't be surprised when you come on our account and we make posts supporting that stuff.
As for our "DNI" aka the list of people we will probably block, here ya go:
Homophobes and transphobes, as well Exclusionists, Transmeds, AroAce exclusionists, Anti-Neopronouns, and Anti-Xenogenders (Yes, all of them fit in with Trans/Homophobes, it's the same shit in a different package)
Neosatanists (Actually fuck off.)
TERFS/SWERFS/Any other variant of their bullshit
Racists, Xenophobes, Nazis, just literally any form of racist bullshit
Pro-contact/Non-consent paraphile supporters. (If you're "anti-recovery" feel free to interact, from what we've learned most people who say that don't actually believe Paraphiles shouldn't get therapy, they just don't believe it's possible to recover from Paraphilia unless it's a Disordered Paraphilia.)
Ableists, Sysmeds, Anti-self diagnosis, and anyone who uses the following terms to insult/demean people: Retarded, Narcissistic, Sociopathic, Psychopathic, Mentally ill/Unwell, Disordered, or Autistic. Also, if you use any form of disorder as an insult or as if its just another basic word (EX: "I'm so OCD", "I'm so ADHD") despite not having that disorder.
Anyone who asks people for proof of their race, mental disorders or illnesses, chronic illnesses, or physical disorders.
Also, antishippers will be blocked SWIFTLY, We would rather not get 50 death/rape deaths, be told to harm ourself, and then be told our trauma is deserved.
Besides those things, there's plenty of other shit you'll get blocked by us for, but honestly, you don't need to know EVERY little detail of our block list. If we don't like you, you're blocked, whether you fit the above list or not.
FANDOMS (Because why not)
These are every single fandom we've been in, not every single one we're currently in. The ones we're currently in will be in italics.
The Magnus Archives
The Magnus Protocol
Welcome To Nightvale
Vita Carnis
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park
Gravity Falls
Sans AU's
House Hunted
Probably a lot more but I'm violently nauseous while creating this so. This is the end of the intro and I'll finish it in the future or someone else will idk.
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sirenium · 1 year
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ID: 'This user bites sysmeds and queer exclusionists.' In grey Engraver's Old English text. The background is black, and to the left and image of a wolf barking is seen, separated by everything else by a grey border. End ID
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'Shipcourse is stupid. Any side is welcome as long as you aren’t an asshole about it.' in dark, faded red Engraver's Old English on a black background. The text is outlined in a darker red. To the right, a GIF that starts off zoomed in on a motorcycle wheel, but zooms out to reveal Shadow The Hedgehog riding the motorcycle. The banner has two dark red bars, one on top and the other on the bottom, with a thinner bar separating the text and the GIF, End ID
Guys I made a carrd lmfao (link)
My sideblog (link) where I coin shit and make flags, and my otherkin sideblog (link). Our system blog (link).
Time for a long overdue introduction!
I'm Canis/Canid (you can always just call me 'Sirenium' if that's easier!). I am a namehoarder, as well as namefluid, so I tend to prefer different names at different times (I will attempt to stick to a certain pair of names per theme). I'm 19, have ADHD, and am autistic. My pronouns are in my bio, but for the sake of convenience my current preferred ones are it/its, they/them, cor/corpse, haunt/haunts, and hallow/hallows (among others). I cannot keep a consistent theme for the life of me, lol. I am transmascfem. I prefer to be referred to as a man or an entity, and am also xenic and agender. I'm a loveless, polyamorous girlfag lesboy, panaesthetic, and on the aplatonic and asocial spectrums. I am a biracial black individual.
My interests include, but are (just barely) not limited to, the Sonic franchise (I now have a specific tag for sonic related content. It's #random self indulgent sonic related post, and I went through and tagged [hopefully] every sonic related post with it. edit: I don't remember to use this tag much anymore, apologies), The Legend of Zelda, music, Warframe, and LGBTQ+/xenogender flags, history, and identities.
I have decided to lift my DNI. Be warned, however, that I use the block button frequently.
I will just tag self promotive posts with 'self promotion' because my previous custom tag was so fucking cringe/lighthearted
BYF (before you follow)
[Pt: BYF (before you follow) end pt]
Unless you give me a reason to block you, I see no reason to bar certain people from interacting with my posts (please note that if I go to your blog and am exposed to some dumbass take about mspec lesbians or something, that is typically grounds for a straight up block). Now that that's out of the way, let's move on.
Here, we believe that there's no such thing as an invalid queer identity, and this encompasses lesboys, m-spec lesbians, gaybians, and anything else that people hate for no reason. We are pro endo, believe that pronouns and presentation don't necessarily equal gender, anti capitalism (especially rainbow capitalism), pro-choice, pro self diagnosis, are of the opinion that PCOS can be an intersex condition (but honestly it's up to the individual to identify as such), queer isn't a slur (though I don't immediately jump to demonizing those who think it is, bc there are certainly older people who've had that word used against them in a derogatory way), xenogenders aren't transphobic, paraphile≠abuser, and more that I don't feel are necessary to state on this blog.
Stance on transID and radqueers (link). Since it apparently needs to be said, don't fucking derail my posts because of my stances on these things. It's not up for debate, especially on a random ass post. Your comment will be deleted and I will most likely block you, because in my humble opinion getting your panties in a twist about something unrelated to a post is obnoxious. Thanks!
What's this blog about?
[Pt: What's this blog about? End pt]
I don't even know anymore, man. There's stuff about being neurodivergent and queer, sonic shit, and whatever I feel like reblogging. Enjoy your stay.
[pt: Lastly... end pt]
I will block any exclusionists, TERFS/SWERFS, truscum/transmeds, or pro-lifers who touch my posts because frankly, I'm not interested in interacting with y'all (I will cave occasionally when I am extremely bored lmfao).
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ID: 'This blog respects and supports all good faith identities, and is adamant about creating a space where EVERY queer person can exist as themselves.' In grey Old Engraver's English font on a black background. To the right, a wolf pack dogpiling is featured, and the image is separated by the rest of the banner by a dark and reddish border. Two borders, one on the top of the entire banner and the other on the bottom, are the same color. End ID
Thanks for reading. :)
Please note:
[pt: please note:. End pt]
I don't look at peoples DNIs before interacting all the time (banners are right there so like, obviously I check those. I'm talking about DNIs in bios or pinned posts). Please, if I'm included in your DNI because of my beliefs and identity, block me and/or message me to remove anything I've reblogged from you if you need to. It's basic human decency: I wouldn't want someone who fits any description on my DNI to interact with my shit, so it's only fair I provide that same respect to others (even if they're exclusionists or other people I generally don't like). Additionally, I'd rather handle situations like this with mutual maturity in the case that they happen. Thank you.
Also you can message me if you just don't want your stuff on my blog, btw.
I reclaim slurs, and there are posts that feature slurs on my blog. There's serious subject matter discussed here, and I don't add trigger warnings all the time. Please be careful if you are triggered by stuff like death, transphobia, etc..
I often don't make image descriptions for things I reblog, but I try to make IDs for things I make/post myself.
Quick warning: stuff about the Gaza war shit will appear on this blog every once in a while, though I hope to provide a space that is mostly void of reminders that humanity is horrible and people are dying for no reason. That being said, fuck off zionists I stand with Palestine.
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scriv3lloirl · 3 months
My personal Little Shop LGBT Headcanons (+ random shit lol) cus it's pride n I can do whatever t'hell I want.
There are tons of microlabels listed here cus I love givin representation t' the lesser known labels out there, includin my own!!
Also I don't wanna hear shit bout how they wouldn't know what half these labels even are. I'm well aware of that, I'm jus havin fun.
tw: f-slur
enjoy n feel free t' ask questions bout my headcanons if ya want ‼️
Seymour Krelborn | he/they
- transgender (ftm)
- biromantic (fluctuatin male-n-female preference)
- nebularomantic
- asexual
- in modern day, he'd probably use nature related xenogenders
- unlabeled Seymour also works tbh. He seems like the kinda guy who'd be overwhelmed by all these labels
Audrey Fulquard | she/her
- transgender (mtf)
- either hetero or panromantic
- demiromantic
- reciprosexual caedsexual
- she wouldn't say all of this if anyone asked, though. She'd probably say she's gay as a general term, y'know?
- Whenever pride comes round, she makes these beautiful bouquets t' sell that are discreet pride flags. It looks like a bunch'a pretty colors, but nope. Secret lesbian flag.
Orin Scrivello | he/him (maybe it/its too)
- transgender (ftm)
- biromantic (hella internalized homophobia)
- hypersexual.
- aegosexual n/or fraysexual
- he keeps his sexuality n all that locked t'fuck DOWN. He got lucky cus his top scars healed beautifully n ya can't tell he even had any surgeries done.
- If anyone even mentions being gay round him, he suddenly gets very defensive. "Who t'hell are ya callin a faggot?!"
- He has no issues with gay people, he'll tell ya that straight up. But he is not one of them, y' hear? (He is.)
Gravis Mushnik | he/him
- cisgender man
- hetroflexible (biromantic)
- heterosexual
- All gay customers get a discount on flowers. (He jus says that n has Seymour put up a sign in the window for it ...There's no discount btw.)
Twoey / Audrey II | she/it
- agender
- acearo REPULSED
- please do not fuck the plant
- triple a threat.
Crystal | she/her
- cisgender female
- sapphic
- asexual
- Random headcanon, but all the Urchins are aliens (cousin Twoey.) They jus spawned into Skid Row one day n nobody questioned it.
Ronnette | she/he/them (any)
- gender non conformin (gnc)
- neptunic
- aceflux
- fem presentin.
- Chat I've seen like three productions where they have Ronnie played by a dude n it altered my brain chemistry.
Chiffon | she/her
- cisgender female
- lesbian
- acespec
- she is a man hatin lesbian.
Frank Guest | he/him
- cisgender male
- mlm
- nebulasexual + graysexual
- def. has the hots for Seymour.
Arthur Denton | he/it (that/thats)
- cisgender male
- panromantic
- homosexual
- ambiamorous
- I saw someone headcanon that he has a wife n kids n that he's jus a big ol jokester who moans in the dental chair!! I think bout that all the time.
- Nobody wants his freaky ahh.
Mrs. Mack | she/her
- cisgender female
- lesbian
- dating Mrs. Luce cus fuck you guys
Mrs. Luce | she/her
- transgender (mtf)
- lesbian
- dysphorsexual
- in a lavender marriage with Mr. Luce (aka. the editor of Life Magazine (who's a gay man)) she's actually datin Mrs. Mack
Mr. Bernstein | he/him
- cisgender male
- polymantic
- homosexual
- "Seymour, sweetheart, dollface, bubalah..." Yea. Y'ur gay.
Skip Snip | he/him
- cisgender male
- aromantic
- homosexual
- "It's nice to meet me, the pleasure is yours!" Yeah. Welcome t' Homoville buddy.
Patrick Martin | he/him
- cisgender male
- heterosexual
- homophobic.
- I don't like Patrick Martin. so he's a cishet.
Wink Wilkinson | he/him
- cisgender male
- panromantic
- asexual
- He'd be the kinda guy who'd wear "Free Hugs!" shirt at pride n give out really cringy pride stickers like "I'm a Pan-da!!" N shit t' the people he interviews on the radio. He's great.
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anti-endo-safe-space · 3 months
Another thing we really hate about endos is how manipulative and guilt trippy they can be. We are very firm on endo apathetic to anti endo. And even if we are endo apathetic, it comes from us just being too damn tired to care. We are very disabled with a lot of real life problems and mostly comes down to us just wanting them out of our spaces.
But that aside. They're very guilt trippy and manipulative. And so whenever we make points, we start thinking of all the shit we've seen and read and just kinda lose that point as well. Cause it's very much a trigger for us and makes us feel gaslit (even if what they're doing isn't intentional like gaslighting.) It's still manipulative af. And it messes with our head which is why we avoid endos so much. Cause we are susceptible to that and it can go against our core beliefs or even our reality. Plus we have moral ocd so we start feeling like a monster for not supporting them.
I hate how it feels like we are essentially being manipulated and guilt tripped into supporting them rather than given ACTUAL REASONS to support them. It's just "don't be exclusionist" "don't police other people's lives" "you can't be this if you're a sysmed" and other bs like that. It messes with our head so bad. (We're alright and have good grounding methods, no real concern, just a frustration we wanted to rant about.)
It's so infuriating and I just hate how much they play on gaining sympathy and guilting others rather than doing anything else. For people who claim that we are like transmeds and they're like the poor innocent trans people (hate that shit so much, we are a system full of a lot of xenogender and mspec mono peeps so tbat comparison with "sysmed" is fucking insulting, genuinely), they sure do love to use guilt to "change our minds" rather than providing arguments. Like a lot of trans people can and will do to terfs. And even then, trans people don't go into terfs' tags to harass them or bombard them like endos tend to do. Cause real activism and fighting for acceptance isn't just discourse and bickering and guilt tripping.
I hate the comparison between endos and trans people and anti endos and sysmeds so much. What an insult. But that is a vent for another fucking day. I just hate how manipulative all of their arguments feel. And we've read a lot even when we WERE open to the idea of endogenic systems (back when we were a new system and didn't know everything) and it still A: didn't make sense to us B: seem like there was any actual evidence and C: still felt very manipulative and guilt trippy. And that was when we were actually OPEN to the idea of endos being real. Now we aren't and it hasn't changed at all honestly. It still feels the same. Manipulative, guilt trippy, playing a victim card, oppression olympics, trauma olympics too, all of that shit. It's amazing how endos love to say anti endos gatekeep trauma, but I see way more trauma olympics vibes from them. It's a very unfriendly space to trauma survivors, system or not tbh.
Okay. Vent over. Thank you for letting us rant. :)
Yeah we see that a lot. A lot will make comments on how you can't tell them they're not systems because then your discriminating and your a bigot and compariable to a racist.
We completely get that, they're more of the type to say "hey this thing? It wasn't traumatic enough so your endo".
No need to thank us!! /gen /pos
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dee-in-the-box · 4 months
happy pride month, y'all! have some pride headcanons!!
none of these people are straight and/or cis to me. they've all got some weird queerness going on with them
Jack: transmasc (he/him mostly, but probably wouldn't mind they/them that much), bisexual. could see him being acespec, but sex favorable or indifferent. polyamorous.
Dave: nonbinary in a "i don't understand gender and idgaf about it" way (he/him, but honestly doesn't care. probably would find out about it/its pronouns and love those), pansexual. teach this guy about xenogenders i think he'd love those too. polyamorous (i can see it).
Peter: transfem bigender (he/she), and honestly doesn't know what her sexuality would be considering his weird gender situation (look, he grew up in the 50s-60s. the most exposure to the queer community she had was through Jack, and that wasn't. A Lot). me personally? i'd say lesbian. because Fuck It, Why Not?
Dee: technically cis because she never got to grow up and figure that stuff out (she/her), but i could see her growing up and being on the spectrum of GNC or Genderqueer (the genderqueer part is Definitely not me projecting (< lie)). also aroace (repulsed on both ends)
Henry: cis man (he/him; the first entirely cis person here), bisexual. listen. i heard that thing that was like. DD originally said he was bi but then changed it to straight after getting hate for it for some reason, and i decided to make it a situation where Henry just like. Acknowledged it was a thing for him but didn't really give any fucks because he busy Committing Crimes Against Humanity. everyone thinks he's straight though, 'cause he never mentions it (again, busy with Other Things. such as Causing Problems).
Steven: cis man (he/him), gay. This Is The Shortest Fucking One. also, Steven is the shortest adult of the cast; he's 5'5".
Harry: masc nonbinary dude (he/they), bisexual, polyamorous.
Jake: cis man (he/him), graysexual panromantic, polyamorous.
Roger: probably got some genderfuckery there, but i'll just say A Dude (gender neutral) for now (he/him), gay (as in Likes Men Or Masc-Leaning People), polyamorous. didn't realize the Gay & Poly Part until Dsaf 3. You'll Never Guess How He Found Out!
Rebecca: transfem (she/they/xe), and just queer in general. not exactly poly, but she doesn't mind Harry's...other partners (Jake and Roger). it's sort of a "This is my boyfriend, and this is my boyfriend's boyfriends! ^-^" situation.
and for a few others:
Caroline: cis woman (she/her), cupioromantic (aromantic micro-label; basically means that you don't feel romantic attraction, but still desire a romantic relationship) heterosexual. she still loves Peter, her love just isn't necessarily "romantic." i'd describe it more like queerplatonic. she got married to Peter because she does genuinely care for him and love him, but also because...well, it was what was expected of her. besides, she doesn't mind being married, it's actually pretty nice. Caroline's as close as y'all are going to get to a cishet Dsaf character from these headcanons.
Matt: transmasc agender (he/him), aroace (romance indifferent/favorable (see: "I'm Matt! Everybody loves me!"), sex indifferent/repulsed (do i even need to explain it? i think we know why this was what i picked for him).
now, fun facts!!
Jack actually doesn't experience a lot of dysphoria, just upset that he doesn't have a dick. he doesn't even mind the boobs too much (except that they make people think he's a woman; that part sucks), he'd probably just like a binder. wouldn't mind top surgery, but y'know. Binders Are Easier To Get And Cheaper Than That.
Dee is romance repulsed in terms of herself for the most part (as in the idea of being romantic herself grosses her out). except for Davesport. she told Jack and Dave to "get a room" multiple times in the Flipside.
Blackjack technically has the same labels as Jack, but y'know. Ghost Dog.
Henry doesn't understand why so many queer people work at Fazbender's (Jack, Steven, Peter, etc) because he just. keeps killing them. not due to the queerness but because They Keep Getting In His Way. what is it about the Chuck E Cheese rip-offs that attracts the gays?? Is It The Bears?? Is It The Fucking BEARS??? (i had to make the joke. i had to)
Modern Day Queer Discourse would piss Jack off. he was alive in the 60s and 70s when that shit was getting more mainstream. he's effectively a queer elder, technically (even if he kinda sorta Looks perpetually twenty-two because he kinda can't age anymore). he's seen some shit. i can see him saying on someone's "He/Him Lesbians Aren't A Thing >:(" post "my bigender brother is a lesbian, though. he's got a wife" and then logging off. you can't tell me he wouldn't
I Stand By My Statement: None Of The Kennedy Siblings Have A Normal Relationship With Gender. They Just Don't.
Jack just uses a lot of slurs for himself. he's got. So Fucking Many that he can reclaim (because y'know. Gay/Bi and Trans. and he was alive during the 60s and 70s. so you can only imagine the shit he's heard or had thrown at him).
the first time in his life that Dave ever had to worry about gender stuff was when Henry was having to like. fill out paperwork and things like that to get him an ID of some kind. when they got to gender, Dave didn't really know why that was important, nor what would really fit. they just put "male" on there because technically that would "fit him best" (since he, y'know. has a dick), but Dave didn't feel like either option fit.
i feel like Jack went to a pride event/parade sometime before Dsaf 3. like, maybe he finally felt comfortable actually going there and being out safely for the first time in his life. it was nice.
Caroline helped Peter with her makeup after she came out, and with growing his hair out.
after coming home post-Dsaf 2, Peter actually tried some dresses out. they also found out a way to still put eyeliner on him. and that was using a Sharpie to draw under her phone dial to look like eyeliner. hey, it works.
Peter never got comfortable enough to wear lipstick before he died, though :( so she never got to experience that
Jack: "If I had a nickel for every time I was someone's gay awakening, I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but how does this keep happening-" (the three people in question are Dave, Jake, and Roger)
i have so many more istg, but this post is getting long. might talk about some more if anyone's interested, though!
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emojifarm · 6 months
I'm gonna explode. I genuinely feel so fucking embarrassed for reblogging all that. With how many different gender flags there are for like xenogenders and stuff, I genuinely didn't even think twice about it when I saw that flag. Like. I have nothing against people coining IDs. Don't get me wrong. Whatever makes you comfortable and helps you understand yourself better is always going to be a good thing. But we can't deny how scary and dangerous it is that something like that can fly under the radar because of their being too high of a saturation of new flags being invented seemingly daily. I know of the MAP flag (the yellow and pink one), but there's probably a fuckton of pedo flags and other horrible things like that out there that I just don't know about. That's a little terrifying to me. That's a big part of why I don't typically reblog flags for identities I'm not educated on or are unlabeled. You never know what could be hiding in plain sight like that.
If I ever reblog stuff like that or have in the past, know that it's NEVER intentional. I would never support anything like that or other harmful identities. I apologize for those that saw that post and those that might have been affected by Vandal in general.
Please never hesitate to go into my ask box and educate/inform me on these things or any controversies with creators in general. I just want to create a safe place that helps everyone to have a means of communication and expression. I never mean any harm done.
I'm sorry again.
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virovirokun-has-adhd · 8 months
Hollow Shell of a Man
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"Oh if only there were words to describe how disappointed I am in you"
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Names ::
-> Fizziepop! [or just Fizz for short ehehe]
-> Viro
-> Alice
-> Archie
& more
he / xem / h3 / vi / ren / it / zomb / static / mach / they
transmasc , genderfluid , catboy , luniboy , demiboy , cybrgender
lesboy , demirose , a-spec , qplatonic , aesthetic attraction , ambiamorous , robosexual
[#flags 4 me tag] \\ [gender & tertiary attraction] \\ [pronouns.page]
ADHDer + minor sensory issues
-! taken & in a polycule !-
-! w/ @mayday-mayd4y & Malware @m0memto-mori <3 !-
"Strong believer of being queer being about defying societal norms about gender and sexuality and not about depending on feeling love at all"
Discord Servers Masterlist
Tags <- (outdated)
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=ordered by how intensely I'm fixated=
Electric Dreams
Gravity Falls
Lone Echo
Mogai/Liom Community
anti any of my fixations
queerphobic / exclusionary towards any of my identities
-- (including polyamory , ace/aro , mspec identities , mspec lesbians & gays , lesboy && xenogenders)
proship/comship / pedos / tcest
disrespectful to others' beliefs
zionist / neo nazi / racist
dsmp stans / apologists / "kinnies" (cc&c!) [genuine system kinnies are fine] / ect. *
anti system / plural & anti endogenic/non-traumagenic system
anti kink
-- (this isnt just u thinking some kinks are gross this is genuine lowkey kink-shaming with no respect or regard for the kink haver's feelings)
nsfw/porn blogs
-- (unless i follow you first ig)
-- (i'm kinda sticky on these grounds, but im ok with valveplug)
*(for clarification idc if you still watch old dsmp creators' content (other than dream ofc bash that pedo's skull in) idc, i still watch Ranboo & stuff so as long as you're not trying to apologise for their wrongdoings / saying they've done nothing wrong, you can interact. Additionally if you support Dream or Wilbur for their wrongdoings stay the fuck off my blog and do not fucking interact. We support Shelby/Shubble here whole heartedly)
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I occasionally use Cybertronian terms or slang in my everyday speech, whether its referencing a body part
- (helm=head, processor=brain, servo=hand, optics=eyes)
- or to replace swearing (frag=fuck, scrap=shit/crap)
- or just talking about Primus in the place of Jesus/God or whatever
I oftentimes struggle with tone in text so tonetags are immensely helpful :D
I meow a lot, I sometimes refer to "cat brain" when my brain stops working like a human's brain should and I forget things
=just some general rules i have=
Don't DM/PM me out of the blue. (duhh)
Don't send hatemail or things you know/think might trigger me.
Don't do the above to any of my moots/friends/partners either, if you do this you will be blocked as soon as I find out what you've done.
Stay in your lane, don't interfere with conversations / rb threads that's just common sense.
If I didn't reference you directly then I am very most likely not talking about you.
I only roleplay with people I'm closest to. (usually my partners)
Be kind obviously
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@kingalice-not-so-villain-au - Sona AU with my good friend @bananabiskit
Old Pinned Post =]
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the-delta-quadrant · 1 year
i have yet to find a definition of xenogender that doesn't basically imply that all abinary genders are xenogender too. like, i'm xenogender, i know what a xenogender is
but what the fuck is a "human concept of gender"?
like, abinary genders aren't really recognised by humans, even midbinary genders are barely recognised.
i fail to understand what makes these not-recognised genders "more human" than a musicagender. i fail to see what makes maverique "a human concept of gender" but not stargender.
i fail to understand what makes xenogenders a "non-human concept of gender" when a lot of xenogender people are... human. i fail to see what makes xenogenders less human than ilyagender when both are used by humans.
as i said, i know what a xenogender is vs other abinary genders because i feel the difference, but what the fuck is that definition?
and then the description of non-xenogenders as anthrogenders is weird. i don't understand what makes my maveriquehood more "human" than my aliengender if a) both get me dehumanised and b) i'm not human so my maveriquehood isn't human to begin with. they're equally nonhuman, but not on the basis of the genders itself but on the basis of me being an android.
idk i just think xenogender is currently very poorly defined. it's not only hypothetical either, i've heard multiple people call maverique and other non-xenoic abinary genders xenogenders before and while it's not offensive it's just incorrect.
and while i haven't seen it be applied to midbinary genders, i don't see why they couldn't because in dominant western society, no human can be androgyne or demiboy or agender. to those in power, being non-binary makes us less human, our very genders supposedly go against human nature.
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fruit-kick · 1 year
Camp Camp LGBTQ+ Headcanons but I have favorites and leave most characters out
Max (he/him, transmasc aro)
he thinks romance is an inherently hilarious concept and he's going through his "ew pink and girly things, im above it all" transmasculine overcompensation phase. it's also his hoodie. when he gets older he gets more comfortable in his own skin and likes to paint his nails (not just black but other fun colors too) and experiment with fashion
Nikki (she/her, cis lesbian on the arospec)
its her crush on Ered and the general confusion around the perceived importance of romance. thinks it can be cute and fun but overall doesn't care too much about it (her and max are arospec besties)
Neil (he/him, cis gnc pan)
a fucking menace to gender norms and aggressive about it. i think hes pan and doesn't care about gender as long as he can vibe with them and they're interested in science (or just listen to him go on and on really.)
Nerris (she/they/elf, non binary demi)
i am a firm believer in Nerris using neopronouns, especially elf related ones ones. i think she's demi and it takes a long time with quality bonding for them to feel romantic attraction and it is devastating when elf does
Preston (any pronouns, cis gnc mlm)
i don't know how to put it cohesively but i think preston is just so open and no fucks given about his gender presentation. i think she's the type to flaunt just how pretty and handsome they look like he has peacock energy imo. also "any pronouns" includes neopronouns and nerris 100% assigns her neopronouns (what are they? idk its up to god)
Harrison (he/it, void, bisexual)
OMG i am such a believer in voidpunk harrison like i loveee characters who feel non-human and i just think it fits him so well. it reclaims essentially being rejected from humanity and normalcy because of his magic and embraces it. i also think its bisexual with a lean towards men
Gwen (she/her, cis, aroallo)
i don't have much to say about her and david except that they're alloace + aroallo solidarity. i think it makes sense for Gwen as she doesn't seem interested in other people romantically and just prefers to write erotic fanfiction or go on dates with seamonsters
David (he/she, non-binary, alloace)
i also think it makes sense for David to be alloace because of Bonquisha telling him he's not exactly good in bed. she feels strongly about romance but is extremely awkward in sexual situations (him coming back from muffin tops with campbell looking so exhausted- i mean campbell is exhausting to be around but david looked so done LMFAOO) also the whole girlboss hat thing
Daniel (he/she, bigender, unlabelled)
i have no idea why. i do not have an explanation for bigender daniel i just think its real and canon. it was bestowed upon me by god themselves. as for unlabelled i just think she would kill you first
Jen (she/her, transfem, sapphic)
shes a t4t murder blood violence sapphic. not much to say here
i'm about to explain some lore that only exists inside me and a select few people's brains but. max being close with harrison who's dating neil and preston (who're also friends with nerris!) helped him gain more confidence in his gender expression because of how little they care about anything making sense, like, at all. i absolutely think that max learned how to paint his nails and put on a good outfit from Neil and Preston. he used to think that Harrison and Nerris were weird for being xenogendered and using neopronouns but now he'll pummel anyone who makes fun of them
Daniel and David share the same pronouns and are that spiderman pointing at spiderman meme
Gwenvid sounds impossible by this point but they still work. somehow. through otherworldly and queerplatonic means
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angeltism · 7 months
do ya have specifc gender headcanons for prsk characters?
Hmm yes but I don't feel too strongly about a lot of em n don't really think about them a lot. But I definitely do !
Strong (actively influence how I view the character , the pronouns I use for them , etc . In my mind , this is how they are and I consider it basically canon) : Transmasc genderqueer Mafuyu who uses any pronouns (also I have this xenogender in my hoard that's like,, you copy the behaviors of fem-aligned people to be more fem-aligned in gender ?? or something like that ??? that too .) , queer genderfluid Rui who mainly uses all pronouns but sometimes his preference changes , librafeminine Ena who doesn't care about pronouns , transfem Mizuki (I don't feel they're a binary woman, to me they feel more non-binary with a femme presentation or some kind of sorta-fem sorta-nb gender, but they are 100% transfeminine. I just don't know how to describe the other gender stuff they have going on.)
Yeah I like these (I can see these and think of them occasionally. I'll sometimes mention em but they mostly live in the back of my brain and make me go "huh! yeah!" seeing people agree) : Transfem Shizuku (both tfem bigender but aaaalso just as a binary transwoman) , transfem Tsukasa , transfem Airi, trans man Akito , genderqueer Haruka , transfem Toya , genderqueer An
These are fun but I don't think about them a lot (what it says on the tin) : Agender Kanade , bigender Shiho , librafeminine Minori , librafluid Kohane , transmasc non-binary Ichika , questioning Saki (she isn't cis . but girl I cannot figure out What she is . bear w me here)
Oh bonus category for xenogenders : Ichika using music, space and vocaloid related ones as well as songic genders. Saki using star and music themed ones. Minori and ones with a clover, idol or song theme as well as a few songic too maybeee? Haruka with ones related to penguins n maybe blue In General. Tsukasa with star-themed ones. Emu with like Most soft , sweet , sugary , funky vibe genders. Rui with Fuck All (aka whatever the mess of My hoard is because hashtag projecting). Nene with robot and game themed ones. Ena with ones that relate to art, cuteness, etc. Mizuki with pink and/or ribbon themed genders. Is this a lot and is it vague Yes but there's so many that exist so idk giving off the vibes and recurring themes seems like Good Enough.
Token cis (sorry y'all /j) : Honami I just can't think of anything for her either she's some kind of Honami Is Honami non-binary that I can't quite describe or she's a cisgirl to me. She isn't hetero though nobody here is cis AND hetero c'mon this is COLORFUL stage. Oh also Emu despite having a lot of xenogender swag I feel would still identify a lot with being a girl n I hc her as cis. But also she has the most xenogender swag I've ever seen in a character so. She's like girl+ . Does that make sense. Girl++ Extra Content DLC 🍬🩷🍭🍨🍫🎈✨🍪🧸
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spookymultimedia · 2 years
All of my personal gender/sexuality headcannons for WWDITS characters!
Guillermo: He's a gay man. I've had the headcannon before it was even confirmed. I specifically think he's transgender,has had top surgery while he was Nandor's familiar and a phalloplasty that was funded by money he stole while working at Nadja's club lol. Good for him. I think he's stealth for the most part. I also think he's involved in the gay bear and kink community. He's a trans bear who's hoping to grow a nice beard someday. He's very jealous of Laszlo and Nandor.
Nandor: I think he's multisexual in general and would identify with bi, pan, poly or omni. I think Nandor is a cis man but I don't think he aligns his gender with the western ideas of gender but more with the genders within the Iranian culture he grew up in. He would definitely say that he's genderblind when it comes to attraction
Laszlo Cravensworth: I think he's a gender non-conforming cis man who identified as bisexual for years but also would identify as pansexual too later on. He's also canonly objectum. He might be in love with his piano and gets deeply aroused by it at times. Gender is a performance and he's going to have fun with it damn it
Nadja: I think shes a queer cis women. She's gone through countless identities for her sexuality and identifies with each and every one simultaneously. She's sapphic, lesbian, queer, bisexual and pansexual. She would describe her attraction to women as lesbian and I could see her rocking with the term bipan-lesbian. She's gay af
Colin Robinson: It is asexual and nonbinary if you want the short answer. The longer answer is that he's graysexual, demiromantic and panromantic. His gender is specifically that he's a demiboy/demimale who partially identifies with being male but also a gender that's nonhuman and alien. He doesn't identify as transgender sense it doesn't feel any specific gender dysphoria or bodily euphoria, it's just gender. It's got a hoard of xenogenders relating to him feeling digital, an eldrich horror or just a creature who's a thing that's digused as a normal human man. It also uses xenopronouns but that's mainly just an online thing. It/its and he/him are its favored pronouns. He's a kinky ace but he's gonna keep that to himself and Laszlo.
Sean: He's a cis guy who's questioning and bicurious but he'll call himself a gay ally who's 100% straight before admitting that. He's got "bi wife energy ✨️" He might also feel curious about the gay bear/otter community when it comes to queer masculinity. I feel it would help him accept his queerness more. He might feel like he's too masculine to be gay. He and Charmaine are very deep into the kink community.
Charmaine: She's queer and she's always known that. She idenfies with bisexual and sapphic but she likes the word sapphic more. She leans more towards men but there are some women that she feels attracted to. It's a very specific type *cough cough* ELVERA:MISTRESS OF THE DARK. She's not attracted to most women around her. Interesting how Nadja is the goth vampire gf of her dreams. That's so fascinating huh.
The Guide: She's a stealth trans woman who's pansexual please don't ask about her name she'll cry she doesn't know her name its been centuries she's still thinking about it just call her The Guide.
Marwa: She's pansexual and cis. She also feels intellectual attraction, aural attraction and attraction to one's voice/accent.
The Djinn: He's cis and pansexual. He's also a repressed virgin.
The Baron: He is intersex but idenfies as male. If you ask about his sex he'll assume you want to fuck him so be careful what personal things you ask 😁 if you don't want to fuck him mind your business. He doesn't identify with any sexuality. He just fucks as he pleases.
The Sire: The Sire is agender and his sex is a mystery don't try to find out you can't don't even entertain the idea. The Sire doesn't fuck with sexuality labels either. He's just chillin.
Evie Russell: She's a cis woman who's asexual and aromantic. She's also cupioromantic because she likes the act of dating and traditional romantic gestures but doesn't feel attraction at all.
Simon The Devious: He's a cis guy who's bi and having a steamy secret affair with Laszlo.
Derek: He's cis and pansexual
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
how do you do, fellow queers, look how fucking professional i'm being this time, sending an ask like commonfolk/j
for the match-up re-run bc i wanna see nyx struggle with repugnant <3
1. Your identity! i'm sorry for the research nyx
i can very proudly call myself a faggot. my pronouns are they/she/he/xey/per/ghoul, but i'm slowly moving away from the "standard" ones. multigender, but they're all xenogender (ghoulgender, ghoulettegender, gooregender, chaosgender). multisexual (pansexual, asexual, lesbian, aegosexual, orchidsexual, berrisexual). aroallo (aegoromantic, desinoromantic, grayromantic, demiromantic). autistic. theistic satanist.
2. Who do you like?
repugnant. death metal racoons my beloved.
3. What do you look like?
there's a picture. i just dress more like a metalhead now. still wearing too much jewelry. i'm still short (it is a tragedy).
4. What's your personality?
i hate whoever came up with these questions (ekhem, myself).
ISTP-T, according to a quiz i did just before writing this. i'm relatively apathetic, only ever getting truly emotional when i'm overwhelmed. touch-repulsed, but touch-starved when it comes to people close to me. i'm quiet and distant around strangers, but get talkative and open with friends. i struggle with serious self-esteem issues (diagnosed depression, cheers) and i get very anxious about my friends just not liking me anymore and usually need to be yelled at to get my shit together. and then cuddled because i got yelled at. my relationship with emotions is complicated, as i only feel a very faint outline of an emotion most of the time, but i've learned to adapt to it over time and i'm pretty good at adapting my behavior so it looks like i feel a complete emotion.
when it comes to affection, i'm like a cat. i love it, but only when i want it. otherwise i will run away. i also show it in inconvenient ways, i suppose, like randomly grabbing my friends with a weird noise or sometimes (if we're really close) biting them. i feel very uncomfortable around most children, so i despise them.
5. Tell us about your interests!
i'd say repugnant, ghost and in this moment would be my top three bands to listen to, but i also like vocaloid and dolly parton. i always have to have something playing in the background or it's too quiet for me and i lose my shit. i like to read, but i much prefer to overanalyze everything and come up with ridiculous theories and headcanons to write about (i think emeritus-fuckers is proof of that). I like writing, but only stuff i actually enjoy writing, not whatever bullshit they're coming up with for uni. I can't write porn, yet people seem to think that i can, which is honestly hilarious to me.
i like making bracelets and other arts and crafts things, though i suck at it and usually it looks like trash.
i like video games, mostly sims 4 (finally figured out how to furnish it hallelujah) right now, but i like classic assassin's creed games (which means everything that came out before Origins/Odyssey bc fuck i hate these), the saints row series and skyrim too. and uncharted, too. and i guess tekken, but i'm just there for the hotties tbh.
i don't really watch movies, but if i had to pick a favorite, it would either be scream, pearl or shrek.
6. Trivia time!
i know way too much about butterflies and moths.
i have a framed attacus atlas.
my favorite food is instant cupped carbonara.
i have a dog (everyone has seen her at this point tbh).
i have a figurine of the batman who laughs and his three robins.
i love juice. especially apple-cherry juice.
i'm a terrible cook, i can make like three dishes and that's it.
i hate working under pressure and/or with deadlines.
i have a rather controversial sense of humor.
i love wearing too much jewelry.
i adore matching things, from jewelry to tattoos.
and here's a few pics of my cuddle monster.
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This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is…Mary Goore... and DD Sars... and kinda the rest of the band...
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Hear me out on this haha, I have spent way too much time thinking about this and well you'll see XD - Nyx
So you met Mary first. They thought you looked cool so they went over to you.
You got chatting and you just kinda clicked with each other. Especially since you both have a controversial sense of humour. Mary enjoys throwing a few playful insults at you and getting all of that back and some.
You met up a few more times, enough so that you became comortable around Mary and them you. Although there was a discussion about your boundaries when you had to explain that you are like a cat, you only want affection when you are in the mood. Which of course Mary respected.
Mary after really getting to know you declared you one of their favourite ever people by lightly biting your shoulder. (This was okay as you way of telling them the same was to display your affection with a bite.)
Mary then proudly introduced you to the rest of the band. You quickly became close with all of them as to be with Mary is to be with the band. When Mary mentioned you had a dog E. wanted to see lots of pictures. He just kinda quietly sat there as you scrolled through them.
You made them all bracelets, G. got very excited by this. You said they look like trash and DD just kinda rounded on you. He firmly told you about how they weren't trash and how could you be so stupid to think so low of yourself. You just kinda nodded and then spend the rest of the day being cuddled by G.
DD does however get you. He never says it to you but its shown through his actions. He will just quitly sit and listen if you want to talk about it. He might say that you are a fucking weirdo but his expression tells the real story. He understands you and he knows what its like to have a complicated realtionship with emotions. There is a really nice companionship you two have because of this.
Mary noticed how you look at DD like you want him to sit on your face. So one night they say to you while pointing at DD "all you have to do is ask, you know, DD would be more than happy to" and then they gave you a little wink. Mary left it with you, it's totally up to you if you want to follow through on that or not...
Written by Nyx
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
We are the Nexus Nebulae (or Nexus Collective), a polychimera system of 400+. If you don't know who's fronting, you can just refer to us as Nexus, Nebula, Echo, or Guardian, they/them (plural form).
We accept all system origins here. We aren't debating it. Don't send discourse, we will immediately block you.
More information is packaged below vvv
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Previously [echovoidsystem]
Bodily we are over 20. If you are a minor and us interacting makes you uncomfortable, feel free to say so and/or block us- we understand (/genuine).
We are physically disabled on multiple fronts, and have autism, ADHD, GAD, MaDD, and a handful of other things. We post about these things frequently. You can block the tags [#meds talk], [#doctor moment], [#not eating tw] and [#low health] if those particular things bother you.
We really really like getting asks and messages, however due to the aforementioned GAD we struggle answering them literally ever. So unless you ask a direct question that needs an answer, we might just never respond. Just know that we definitely saw it, and we definitely were happy about it, but we're just too much of a sopping wet cat to answer.
If you need to ask for certain trigger tags, feel free. We will never judge you, no matter how "weird" or obscure it is. Just know that certain things (e.g., swearing, all caps) are things we won't tag simply because they're too frequent of topics here, so at that point it may be better to just unfollow.
Also, we have multiple memory disorders, so there is a chance we may forget to add tags. We do usually manage to keep up with it though.
We currently have tags for [#emetophobia] and [#scopophobia].
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@thestarlightindex: our 'second main' where we mostly reblog terms we like and talk more in detail about our system & sources & MaDD
@echo-reblogs-creatures: self-explanatory. you want some Creatures?
System member sideblogs:
The Nameless Echoes, collectively: @nameless-beasts
The Hermitcraft/Empires Introjects™, collectively: @crowningachievementsmp
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We know DNIs don't work, but this is just a way for us to say what we do and don't support here. We block people we're uncomfortable with.
ALL system origins, be it nontraumagenic, created/tulpa, or anything else
ALL GOOD FAITH QUEER IDENTITIES. YES this includes all aspec people, INCLUDING CISHET ASPECS. YES this includes people with tertiary attractions. YES this includes mspec lesbians and gays. YES this includes xenogenders and neopronouns. YES this includes fags and dykes and she/hes and lesboys and he/him lesbians and multigender people and everything fucking else.
Sex work, drug addicts, people with stigmatized disorders such as ASPD or NPD. No, "narcissistic abuse" is not a fucking thing, stop being a fucking ableist.
Otherkin, or anyone who falls under the alterhuman label.
All races and religions (though we may be clumsy with this and accidentally say the wrong things. We're white, raised in a solely christian community, so we're still trying to learn how to shake off the bigotry our parents taught us. We genuinely want to learn and get better with this. If we say something wrong, please tell us, but please be patient with us and don't just yell. Most of the time we aren't even aware what we're saying is harmful. That isn't an excuse, but is an explanation.)
Other notes:
if you have "mcyt/dsmp" in your DNI we will just block you. We have introjects. Just leave us alone.
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Dividers from here (eyestrain & flash warning for the blog this links to)
Current header was from google i don't know where it came from ;-;
Current pfp was edited by us :)
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