#I don’t want to wear ‘business professional’ attire who gives a shit
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glassballdinosaurs · 10 months ago
#so I’m in this class for a certification right#it’s dull AF#IM BORED OUT OF MY SKULL#this is through the unemployment office so it’s free and focused on how to get a job/keep a job#I can hold a job thank you I just couldn’t get employed regardless of my effort#of course now I have a job and I’d much rather be working an additional shift instead of doodling in my notebook#it’s aimed at the lowest common denominator#those kids in high school who always fucked around and then couldn’t get a job at McDonalds kinda denominator#which is fine! but I wish I had been told that this med receptionist class isn’t actually learning about what the job entails#but rather the most basic fucking skills for interviewing and maintaining a job#attendance positive attitude don’t steal supplies from your job 🙄#like….im the youngest person in my class (I’m 27) and it’s really hard to not just ask my teacher for the damn certificate#so I can get the fuck out#it won’t happen but god damn if only it could#personal#I’m tired of this class#I wanna be done#OH and there’s a stupidly long graduation ceremony#like this is high school graduation or some shit#just give me the damn paper#I don’t even want to be a receptionist anymore#or anything to do with the medical field#I wanna be a park ranger or something along those lines#I wanna physical job#I wanna work in nature#I don’t want to wear ‘business professional’ attire who gives a shit#my clothing doesn’t reflect my ability as a worker#get fucked
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rayan12sworld · 11 months ago
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💙🧡Wish I could forget the taste of your skin and the feel of your hands pinning me down
Wei Wuxian would like to think that - if he had known that Lan Wangji would walk out of his life immediately after they hooked up- he wouldn’t have given into his ridiculous attraction for the man. He wished he were better at lying to himself.
Guest-starring Lan Wangji’s canonically poor communication choices after romantic cave encounters
“I don’t work with major sects. Especially not the Lan.”
He had to see Wei Ying, to make sure he was okay. He hadn’t been allowed to see Wei Ying six years ago, and the man had nearly died. Would have died if Wen Qing hadn't randomly happened to be interviewing at Gusu hospital that same day. It was unacceptable that a sheer coincidence was the only reason Wei Ying was still alive. The company Lan Wangji’s family owned had put Wei Ying at risk, then abandoned him. Someone in his family’s company had made the decision to fire Wei Ying without notice, which violated company policy. Someone in his family’s company had further made the decision to pull medical support over a policy that was clearly not meant to be used in this way. Lan Wangji was going to find this ‘ someone .’ And when he did… Lan Wangji cut himself off at the shocking violent images that flickered through his normally peaceful mind. There was precedent for such punishments. Though much of his ancestor’s history had been burned, enough survived to make it clear that Lan discipline had always been harsh. In the modern context, he knew such measures would be viewed as archaic… even barbaric. But cultivators were given leeway by the authorities and society at large to handle their own business. Lan Wangji felt a primal sort of anger and thirst for vengeance that - for the first time in his life - made him fiercely glad that there would be no boundaries to stay his hand if he found the one responsible for Wei Ying’s treatment.
“You never told me that you and Hanguang-Jun had been romantically involved.” Wei Wuxian choked on his in-drawn breath, which sent him into a coughing fit that lasted almost a minute. “What?!” He wheezed, when he could finally form words again. “Why would you think… it was only… we weren’t romantically involved. Fuck, who says shit like that?” Wen Qing eyed him skeptically. “If you’re trying to play this off cool, you are failing spectacularly. Though that’s nothing new.”
Lan Xichen shot him a sideways glance, and continued to scroll. “Wangji…,” Lan Xichen said after several more pages of scrolling. “Did you have time to do anything other than follow Wei Wuxian around and document his actions?” Lan Wangji felt his ears heat as report after report with his signature flashed across the screen. He had, perhaps, not realized that there were so many reports he had written about Wei Ying. “I was the Compliance officer,” Lan Wangji replied tersely. “Mn,” Lan Xichen said, an unforgivable smirk appearing on his face. “You wrote him up for wearing too few layers on a night hunt after being covered in Yao viscera and changing into civilian attire?” Lan Wangji clenched his jaw. Wei Ying had been wearing only shorts and a tee-shirt. It had been a professional trip. It had been… distracting. “You know that most people don’t flirt by giving citations of minor rule violations to the person they are interested in, right?” Lan Xichen persisted, openly laughing at him, even if it was only with his eyes. “ Ge ,” Lan Wangji said repressively, which only served to amuse Lan Xichen more.
He also really wanted to run his sword through Su She, metaphorically. And also literally. His hand flexed around the cool, smooth hilt of Bichen. He trusted his brother, but Lan Xichen was kind. Su She did not deserve kindness. “Please trust me, Wangji,” Lan Xichen pleaded, as if reading his brother’s thoughts. “Su She must face discipline. According to the sect rules, not civilian laws,” Lan Wangji stated. He would not bend on this.
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starry-hughes · 3 months ago
Congrats on the job interview! Deserved!
I know you talk about all the stuff you do prior to an interview but can you share any more tips. I graduate college in the spring and need tips. I’m so nervous when it comes to speaking to people about myself
Like how do you decide what to wear or practice talking about yourself or seem professional as someone so young
thank you! congrats on graduating college soon! here are my tips and i’d be happy to help more if you need!
i consider myself lucky because in high school, i was in competition theatre and had to present ideas and do presentations on my work in front of judges and other students and my teacher was always having me give examples to others because i was able to articulate my work and sound confident like you need to do in a job interview.
for attire, i typically wear business professional. pinterest is a great place to start for inspiration. it was really hard when i first was looking for those clothes because i felt like they all made me look like an old lady and so it was a struggle finding business professional clothes that fit my age group. typically slacks and a nice blouse are a good starting point.
talking about yourself without seeming self absorbed is hard because you do want confidence when talking to yourself but you don’t want too much. talk about what you know and get personal. typically my go to answer for “tell me about yourself” is something along the lines of “i moved to florida from texas when i was three. i grew up in (hometown), i attended (university) and obtained my bachelor’s degree in criminal justice with a minor in forensic studies. while on campus i held multiple leadership positions (go into detail about those). upon graduation, i have been working at (current job) where i have many job duties including (job duties).” obviously they don’t really care where i moved from when i was three but it starts off as more personal. and this answer will look different for everyone!
i would practice the basic every interview questions: tell me about yourself, what are your strengths, what are your weaknesses, why do you think you’re a good candidate for this position, etc
there’s so many online resources that can help you have a good starting answer to those!
i used to think i didn’t seem professional enough because of my age, but learning how to carry yourself in a way that shows like oh shit you’re young and professional is so important.
obviously every interview is different but these are the basics of all interviews. i have been looking into the STAR method (ironic that it’s my name) but it’s a method to help you keep on track for specific questions (mainly the ones along the lines of tell me about a challenging work situation you over came) so s- situation (lay out the context) t- task (what is your task for these situations, like what are you required to do) a - action (the actions you took in this situation) r - results (outcome of situation)
research the job you’re applying for!!!! use specific application buzz words. like if the description of the job is looking for someone detail oriented, bring up in some way how you have that trait. research the basic day in the life of that job position, obviously if it’s very specialized it might be a little harder, but just try to get a general idea. like oh you’re applying to a marketing firm, what’s the day in the life of someone who works at one
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moregaythanyourealized · 4 years ago
First Impressions
Otto Octavius x reader
Working with others wasn’t your strong suit. People think you’re vulgar and rude. You like to call yourself brutally honest. This job wasn’t an exception. A science company that needed engineers, mechanics, and strong minds like your own. You had only been working here for a few months when gossip about a new super project was being passed around. No one bothered to tell you, of course. You just overheard it on your coffee break. Apparently some great scientist was coming in and taking over the entire lab.
Usually you’d be excited for an advancement in the world of fusion. But this new rich snobby scientist meant that for however long this project took you’d have; No office, Less working hours (meaning less pay), and worst of all....small talk
It was the day the new scientist was supposed to come in, you now knew his name was Otto Octavius. Your desk and your co workers desks were moved out of the lab and into a much smaller space. Cramping you all together like rats. You wore your usual attire and annoyed look as you entered the building. Although today you dawned some stylish eyeliner. Not for him of course, everybody was working extra hard to look presentable and professional. You passed by a co-worker who you didn’t really hate as much,
“Yo, Kathleen, is that guy here yet? Or do you think he’s too busy getting the windows on his lamborghini re-tinted?” You snorted at your own joke waiting for her response,
“Uh, he’s upstairs I think...in the lab.” You thanked her and walked up the steps. You pushed through nerds and geeks trying to reach your desk. A folder of your ideas carefully sealed with colorful clips sat in your drawer.
“L/n!” Turning around your boss was at the end of the hall stomping his feet,
“You were supposed to be in the lab by 7:30!” You glanced at the clock on the wall, 7:46,
“My apologies sir. I didn’t realize everyone would have a stick up their ass this morning. Besides traffic on the way here is always shitty.” You absentmindedly looked through your folder and took one page out pinning it to your cork board, until your boss grabbed your wrist and turned you towards him. His breath was heinous,
“Listen L/n, on a normal day I’d let you get away with being like this. But this is too important for you to fuck up.” glaring at you he released your arm,
“Get your shit together.” He spat. Waiting until he rounded the corner you groaned and tugged at your hair. Today just wasn’t your day. Taking a deep breath you smoothed out your shirt and walked to the lab pushing the door open and continuing inside. The colder air made you relax a bit. Hoping you’d be able to get some work done you sat down on a metal table in the corner. Crossing your legs and looking over blueprints for the next big thing in New York. The above ground bullet train. Sleek design and smooth riding on the rails...you hoped.
Kathleen walked in and shyly rapped your shoulder,
“Did you meet Mr Octavius?”
“He hasn’t come in yet.” You replied glancing her way, admiring how nice she looked even when she wasn’t trying,
“He’s right over there.” She points to a hunched over man in a red sweater. You got off the table and stared,
“That’s him? I thought he was like a janitor or some shit.” The man looked up raising a brow.
Fuck...probably said that too loud.
Waving awkwardly you grabbed Kathleen’s arm and dragged her over to the main table with you,
“Hello, I’m Dr Octavius. I believe we’ll be working together for the next few weeks.” He smiled sweetly and stuck out his hand which Kathleen accepted greatly,
“Actually Dr,” You chimed,
“You’ll be working with people from the east wing. They’re just letting you invade our entire office.” Kathleen stamped down on your foot lightly before turning back to the doctor,
“Y/n was just going to get me some coffee, do you want any Dr?” He nodded and you walked out making sure to slam the door. Stupid jerk, wearing a cute fucking sweater, trying to act all innocent. Trying to play god and mess with whatever sanity I have left. Pouring two cups of coffee you sighed, watching the steam spiral from the cup in a calming manner. Putting milk and sugar into one and nothing into the other.
Re-entering the lab Kathleen was no longer there. A disturbing silence made you want to turn on your radio. Octavius was still leaning over the desk writing things down. You held the drink infront of him,
“Oh, thank you sweetheart.” Your eye twitched. That was the final straw. You yanked the coffee back spilling it a bit,
“My name is Y/n L/n, I may not have your money or title but I expect the same respect you’d give any man on this team. Do you understand me?” He stood up quickly. You didn’t realize he was so tall,
“Now wait a moment Y/n, just a few minutes ago you were cursing and accusing me. Respect is about the last thing on my mind when I think of you.” Ah shit, he was kinda right. You weren’t mad at him. You were just mad at the world. Still you had bad energy in your system,
“But I apologize for calling you sweetheart. It was a crude mistake.” You set both coffees down gently and folded your arms looking at your boots. Saying sorry was the right thing to do, even if it sucked,
“I’m sorry for the way I acted Dr, I guess I’m just a little upset with the pay cuts.” He paused,
“They’re cutting your pay?” You nodded and sat down in one of the metal chairs,
“Everyone here who doesn’t work 24/7 alongside you for the next month gets their pay cut in half until you’re out of here.”
“But you didn’t choose to work less, that doesn’t seem right.” You sighed and rested your head on the table,
“Tell me about it.” While enjoying the feeling of cool table on your cheek you noticed one of his papers. You grabbed it and a pencil before erasing some of his math. You could feel him focused on you,
“Staring is rude.” You said not taking your eyes off the equations,
“You seem to be as well.” Chuckling a bit he sat down and tapped your hand drawing your attention to his soft features,
“I think I know what’s bothering you.”
“I already told you what’s bothering me.” He shook his head and clicked his tongue,
“No, not that. When you left for coffee, Kathleen and I had a small talk about your behavior” Jesus, he sounds like a high school principal,
“She told me that you act like this a lot around other people. And it’s my personal hypothesis that you are intimidated by others who you believe to be smarter or better. You’re afraid of losing your job and not being able to prove yourself. I’m assuming that started in your childhood, either with an absent father figure or bullies at school.” You sat in disbelief. No one had ever really laid out your problems and made them seem so simple. Your face heated up and you clenched your hands. Why did this make you feel so stupid? Why did he think he knew more about your feelings than you did?
Standing up you turned away. Once a demanding and harsh voice was now quiet and small failing to hide your distraught,
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
The rest of the day was slow. Your desk felt like a prison where time never moved forward. Rethinking what he said. The repeated movie in your brain of him lecturing you, All of it slowly morphed into him not making noise at all. His mouth moved but no sound, it was wonderful. You just imagined him, dark eyes, large stature looming over you, soft hands....
“Fuck!” You hit your head against the wall and turned to see Kathleen. She leaned in to make sure you’re okay, her perfume hit your nose and you tried not to seem like you were enjoying the moment too much,
“What do you need Kathy?”
“Dr Octavius asked me to give this to you.” She handed you an envelope and hastily exited the room. The crisp paper unfolded in your hands. Reading the letter was like fiery kisses to your skin. Words pouring out like water from a faucet.
We obviously got off on the wrong foot. I do not think of you as a subordinate and I certainly hope you do not think of me as a threat. We both overstepped personal and professional boundaries today. I apologize sincerely for making you uncomfortable. What is science if not testing the waters though? To show my attitude towards a better future working together I invite you to lunch tomorrow downtown. I will pick you up outside at 12:30
All the best,
Dr Otto Octavius
Pinning the letter up next to your project on the cork board you admired it smiling. Perhaps second impressions will set you both straight.
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winterscaptain · 4 years ago
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: happy valentine’s day! 
words: 2.1k warnings: language, over-the-top valentine’s day shenanigans
summary: “the best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.” - nicholas sparks. au!february 2012
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next?
Aaron leaves rather early in the morning, leaving you in bed complaining with only a kiss for your trouble. 
When you eventually get up, on track to be about fifteen minutes late to the federal building, you find a pair of post-its on the fridge. 
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Always the romantic. 
The evening rolls around and finds you on the couch with Jess and Jack. 
“You gonna start getting ready?” Jess asks. “You’ve got a long night ahead of you.” 
You look over at her. “Wait. He told you what we’re doing?”
She nods. “Yeah. You have no idea. He hasn’t done a big Valentine’s Day thing since he surprised Haley in her senior year of college. He’s been looking for an excuse.” 
That’s terrifying. 
“Guess I better get ready then.” 
Jack’s got a funny little smile on his face, but you ignore it. You’re sure the Hotchner boys are in cahoots, but it’s not really worth it to try and wiggle anything out of him. 
You head to the master bedroom to get dressed, throwing off your slouchy day-off clothes in favor of something that can take you to a fancy dinner and whatever else Aaron has planned for your evening.
You walk out of the apartment, hearing Jess lock the door behind you. When you reach the front of the apartment complex, Aaron closes the car door as he hops out, meeting you halfway to the sidewalk. 
“Hello, gorgeous,” he says, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
He’s wearing a black button-up, black slacks, and his favorite pair of black oxfords. It’s a sharp look and one he knows you love. 
“You’re looking quite dapper yourself, sir.” 
The boyish grin on his face melts your heart and you take the arm he offers. Like a real gentleman, he opens the door for you and makes sure you’re inside before closing you in.
The drive is quiet. You ask about the office once or twice, but it’s clear there’s nothing significant to report. 
“So...what are we doing tonight?” 
He glances at you out of the corner of his eye. “Dinner. And a few other things.” 
When he says ‘dinner,’ he’s not joking. The restaurant is a high-end, no-prices-on-the-menu type of place. The lighting is low, the environment cozy and quiet. 
He must have planned this months ago. Reservations are like gold on Valentine’s Day. 
Aaron’s squinting at the menu across from you. It makes you laugh. 
“Need a flashlight and your reading glasses?”
“Shut up.” It comes with his own laugh, but he’s still squinting. 
You finally decide on something and order, trusting Aaron’s taste in wine. When the waiter leaves, Aaron reaches across the table for your hand. 
“Okay,” he says. You recognize his tone - it’s professional, like he’s starting a press conference. “No work, no kids, no serial killers.” 
You smile, waiting for him to give you a little more context. 
“How are you?” 
What a question. 
How often does the answer to that question not include work, kids, or serial killers? 
Not very. 
“I’m good.” You mean it. “I’m really good.” 
There’s a small smile on his face. “Why?”
Are you profiling me now, Hotch? 
Deciding to give him shit, you ask, “Why am I good, or is that a more general existential question?” 
He rolls his eyes and you relent. 
“Alright. Well…” You take a breath. “There are a lot of things to be happy about. You, for one thing.” 
“Me?” He asks. He looks genuinely surprised. 
“Yes, you.” You squeeze his hand. “You are my best friend and somehow - somehow - I’ve landed you as my partner. I am living out everything I dreamed of at twenty-five.” 
That pulls another smile from him. “Really?” Again, he looks genuinely surprised. 
Can’t believe I’ve never told this to him. 
“Oh yeah. I can’t believe you never noticed. I had a huge crush on you - instantly. Derek gave me nothing but hell once he figured it out.” You pause. “Do you remember that time on the plane, really early on, when I woke up and everyone thought I had a nightmare?” 
Looking a little confused by your change in direction, and you don’t blame him. 
“I think so? I remember we all felt so bad.” He shrugs. “We all get them, of course - still do - but we were worried about you.”
“Right. So -” 
Aaron’s head tilts to the left as he interrupts you. “Did you say ‘everyone thought’ it was a nightmare?” 
Your face gets hot and you suddenly regret bringing this up at all. “Yeah. I’m getting to that.” 
With an embarrassed huff, you continue. “So, it wasn’t a nightmare.” 
“No?” The question comes accompanied by a frown. 
“No. It was a sex dream. About you.” 
You can tell he’s doing his best to hide his smile for your benefit, but there’s a threatening dimple that gives him away and you’ve simply known him too long for him to get away with anything. 
“Really?” His tone is neutral, polite, but you can hear the humor behind the apparently bland interest. 
“What - if I may ask - was it about? Specifically?” 
You take a breath and adopt the same kind of ironic professionalism as Aaron. “Well, now it doesn’t seem so notable, because i’m more than familiar with your, um, technique.” 
And it’s true. Though you hardly remember the details of the dream anymore - it's been years - you know that real life doesn’t even come close. 
Aaron pulls his hand from yours and steeples his fingers under his chin. He’s the picture of interest, so you continue. 
“The key points are as follows -” 
He holds up a finger, and you stop. “On second thought,” he says. “I think this recollection would be better served by a demonstration.”
You nod. “You’re probably right.” 
“I’ll pencil it in.” 
You grin at each other for a moment, the back-and-forth of it so deeply on brand you can’t help but steep in it for a second. 
“So,” he says, “as you were saying before…?” 
Back to business. 
“I had a huge crush on you and could swear you were the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.” 
Never one to forgo an opportunity to compliment him when he’s not actively swatting at you, you continue. 
“In the lecture you gave with Gideon and Derek, I knew you were in charge before you said anything. Even though Gideon had the years and experience on you, it was clear that everything came through you.” You attempt to explain the inarticulable. “There’s a kind of steadiness - one you still have - that radiates off of you.” 
The two of you sit in that for a moment. 
You continue. “And then, of course, when we met again I had to really focus on not making an ass of myself in front of Strauss.” 
He laughs. His laughter makes you laugh, of course. It’s so much higher than his speaking register, so delightful in its unexpectedness. 
“Okay, okay.” You stop, covering your face with your hands. “Okay this is cheesy. Promise not to laugh.” 
His eyebrows rise and he forces his mouth into something that only threatens a dimple once more. 
“When you shook my hand in Radner’s office, there was this crazy jolt of energy or something that just flew up my arm. It was wild. I’ve never been able to forget it, almost like a flashbulb memory.”
As promised, he doesn’t laugh. There is, however, a kind of wonder in his eyes when he replies, “You felt that, too?”
After dinner (and dessert), Aaron takes your hand and ushers you into the car when you leave the lod. He doesn’t turn the way you expect. 
“Where are we going?” 
The dashboard casts a glow on his face. You can still spot a dimple in the dark. “You’ll see.” 
Your disbelief only grows when you go deeper into the city and pull up to the Hay-Adams. The valet opens the door for you, while Aaron hands over the keys to his SUV. Once all the details are covered, you take his arm again and let him guide you into the lobby. 
It’s expansive. The Hay-Adams is, of course, one of the most historic buildings in the district and considered one of the best hotels on the East Coast by people who know of these things. 
Aaron confirms the reservation and gets the room cards before promptly finding the elevator and swiping in for the seventh floor. You look down, remembering your attire at the last minute. 
“Aaron, I don’t have my go bag.” 
He shakes his head, still looking forward. “Don’t need it.” 
You scoff. 
He doubles down. “Do you trust me?”
Stupid question. 
“Of course.” 
“Go with it. I’m trying to spoil you.” He turns and presses his lips to yours, taking your face in his hand. Against your mouth, he says, “Let me.” 
The room is gorgeous - a one bedroom suite with a living room, balcony, and kitchenette, a huge couch dominates the center of the open living area, opposite an impressive television. Through the open door, you catch a glimpse of a king-sized bed. 
This must have cost a small fortune. 
As if reading your mind, Aaron takes your hand and tugs you forward. You land against his chest and he smiles at you. “Don’t think too hard. Come with me.” 
You follow him out to the balcony and the view takes your breath away. The White House, well-lit in the D.C. nighttime, sits right across the street. From here, you can see Lafayette Square - beyond it, almost the whole city. 
When you come back to yourself, you realize there’s an outdoor loveseat and a small table, holding champagne (on ice) and chocolate-covered fruit. 
Champagne, chocolate, fancy dinner… The whole nine. 
Spoiled indeed. 
Aaron sits, pulling you down beside him. He pours two glasses of champagne - mostly for show, and moves the bucket to the ground. The fruit goes off to the side table and his feet go up on the small table, crossing at the ankles. You curl up against him, tucking under his arm. 
“Do you like it? Too much?” 
You can hear the genuine insecurity behind his cheeky question. You press a kiss to the back of his hand. “I love it. It is too much, but it’s very thoughtful. You twist to kiss the underside of his jaw. “Thank you.” 
With that, the two of you settle in, quietly enjoying the company and the quiet. It’s cold, but with the outdoor heater, it’s comfortable enough that you don’t need your coat. 
Aaron sits up. “Yes?” 
“You asked, so it’s only fair. No work, no kids, no serial killers. How are you?” 
He pulls you over so you’re sitting across his lap. You rest your head on his shoulder, your hand smoothing over the soft fabric of his button-up before placing it over his heart. 
“I’m good,” he says. “I’m really good.” 
“Why?” You feel a little like a parrot, but you’re sure that’s what he’s going for. 
“I can’t...quite articulate how lucky I feel.” 
That’s relatable. 
“I’m happy to be here with you.” He shakes his head - a pensive gesture. “I never thought I could make it here again.” 
“Where?” You ask. 
“In love, happy, facing a future that doesn’t scare me. My son is happy, safe...I wasn’t sure I'd ever have any of that again after losing Haley.” 
He pauses and you can feel a little sardonic smile. You don’t have to see it to know it’s there. His next admission, though, surprises you. 
“I accepted that I would be a bystander in your life a long time ago. I accepted that I would likely remain a widower, a single father. I knew you’d be around and that I would be your friend, but I made peace with the idea that I’d never have you right here.” He squeezes you twice, in time with his words. It makes you smile. 
He shakes his head and lets out a little laugh. “I’m not sure it’ll ever sink in.” 
You feel much the same, but it's kind of at once alarming and amusing to hear him so beautifully articulate feelings that so closely resemble your own. 
You lean back to look at him. “I’m glad you were wrong.”
He places a gentle finger under your chin and kisses you, long and languid. It’s a promise. After a little while, he leans back, brushing the back of his fingers over your cheek. 
“Me too.”
tagging: @avengersbau @ambicaos @angelsbabey @arganfics @averyhotchner @bwbatta @capricorngf @cevanswhre @crazyshannonigans @criminalsmarts @deagibs @forgottenword @genevievedarcygranger @hotchsflower @hotchslatte @hurricanejjareau @joanofarkansass @kelstark @prentisswrites @little-blue-fishie @lotties-journey-abroad @mandylove1000 @missdowntonabbey @mrs-dr-reid @pan-pride-12 @popped-weasels @quillvine @qvid-pro-qvo @reidingmelodies @roses-and-grasses @shesbiochem4 @ssahotchnerr @ssaic-jareau @ssareidbby @starsandasteroids @stxrrywildflower @sunflowersandotherthings @sunshine-em @teamhappyme @this-broken-band-girl @ughitsbaby @unicorn-bitch @luciilferss @violet-amxthyst @word-scribbless @writefasttalkevenfaster @zizzlekwum @iconicc @avatarkorraswife @mooneylupinblack @ssworldofsw @nuvoleincielo @kaemarie23 @violentvulgarvolatile @abschaffer2 @ellyhotchner @rousethemouse @baumarvel @reidtomestyles @dreamsonthewall @jhiddles03 @willlemonheadsupremacy @infinity1321 @messyhairday-me @itsalwaysb33nyou @s-unflowxr @imlottiie @stummdummrumstehen @hqtchner @finnologys @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @hothothotchner @the-falling-in-the-danger @mac99martin @ssahotchner99 @vagabond-ing     @itsmytimetoodream @rebel-flying  @nuvoleincielo @rqgnarok @ssa-volturi @reidyoulikeabook @schlooper @itsmytimetoodream @bau-baby @ssagube @oreogutz @lexieshuntingsstuff @saintsmotels @hotchestie @marvelousmissmaggie @mosiacbrokenhearstf
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spinster-sisters · 4 years ago
ohh okay! so to kick it off, can we get ateez members’ reactions to their very successful partner taking them to a company party like their trophy wife/husband/partner — not in a derogatory way tho!! but just like,, flaunting the members around and going on about how handsome and hardworking and amazing they are, even though everyone’s attention should be on their partner in that big event?
This is very different from the stuff I normally write but honestly I had so much fucking fun doing it. Like genuinely this made me smile like an idiot the whole time.
It's ur birthday or sum shit, but here's the dealio, he had some big work promotion at some smaller company. Most people haven't heard of it and it's nothing like the major corporation you work for so most people there just think of him as your trophy husband cuz he's so good-looking. while the party and presents were for you, you just could stop bring up how proud you were of him. He would immediately shut it down every time you brought it up, "yeah thank baby, I appreciate it. Hey, guys don't you think my baby is beautiful tonight?" Just won't let it distract from your attention no matter how much you bring it up. He doesn't think that he should be praised for doing what he should be doing. It's a nice sentiment and it makes him giggle but he wishes you would just let the guests congratulate you.
It's some work party on your behalf at your home. And Seonghwa planned the whole thing. Your not gonna deny you were just looking for a hot husband with social perks (read: rich parents and rich friends) but after meeting Seonghwa you genuinely fell so hard and so fast for how humble he was despite his wealthy upbringing, and you wanted to work even harder to provide him with the lifestyle he had always had at home. And he is happy to fulfill his house husband role for his doting partner. So yall are just happy and in love. Everyone at the party is your coworker and honestly, he would probably have just been your arm candy under any other circumstances, except you keep reminding people how great of a job he did getting everything set up. From a 5-star catering company to a live band, to imported wine from somewhere fancy, the whole thing took him weeks to put together and you will be dammed if he doesn't get the recognition for a job well done. He takes the praise blushing and mumbles quiet thank yous to all you and all guests who praise him, but he leaves it at that. If they ask him questions about the things around him he will keep his answers short and minimal yet polite before slipping away. Despite planning it, it isn't his party and he wants to keep it that way.
it's actually your friend's launch party for something or other. But you had a fair amount to do with the starting of the company as an investor and your friend had wanted to honor you as much as her. But here's the thing. Yunho's also pretty fucking cool, he doesn't have a permanent job, instead, he bounces around to all kinds of random things to keep himself entertained instead of just being at home all the time. the entire fucking time you're like "oh but have you heard what Yunho's been up to lately." He tries to one-up you with praise. Every time you say something cool he does, he brings up something cool you have done. And it just gets more and more intense as the night goes on to the point where the other giggles just fucking giggle cuz yall are so obvious in love.
Yalls wedding is gonna be the social event of the year. You both come from very prominent families, but Yeosangs family got their money from fame not business. So when yall got engaged there was quite a bit of gossip about how "real" the relationship even was. Who the "throphy" was would change based on who you asked and it was getting annoying reading all the headlines. It was your wedding shower, and it was no secret that most of the people there were there for you and not him, but he couldn't care less. People kept coming up to you trying to talk business, and you were endlessly shutting them down because this was a day for both you and your soon to be husband, not for social climbers to try and get on your good side. The wonderful thing about Yeosang however is how much he can read you emotions even when you are trying to hide them. His course of action was simple. You both just fucking leave. You both had already talked to your actual friends and at a certain point you couldn't be bothered to keep up appearances with people who didn't respect both of you equally. So you left. Probably went and got some food in your cocktail attire. Much better use of time anyway.
You're some kind of model or something. So it's like fashion week. So the whole time u have cameras shoved in your face and are being followed everywhere you go. But ur mans San is also incredibly beautiful, so you play a little game where whenever you go out all you do is put on sweats and a hoodie and you bring him out with him dressed in full fashion week regalia so the photographers are fucking confused who they are supposed to be taking pictures of. He thinks it's funny ao he plays along, wearing whatever you put him in and posing dramatically for literally every photo he can. You two go through the posted photos absolutely howling at them all night.
Your some big-time producer and Mingi is this like an underground rapper. Yall have been together long before you ever made it big and back before you got the job you lived almost exclusively off Mingi's part-timejob. But now the turntables have flipped and he can live mostly of your income allowing him to focus on his music and yall wouldn't have it any other way. But here's the shit. Some dopey fucking pop star you produce for comes over for dinner and makes a "joke" about mingi being a freeloader and you get so fucking petty. Especially after seeing Mingi's dejected face. So basically you help mingi produce a professional track and release it legitimately and not just on SoundCloud or in some shitty nightclub, and it fucking blows up way more than the other person music ever did and you just do nothing but talk up how amazingly talented Mingi is to your boss and he gets signed after the other person is dropped from the label. It's a great time.
Allow me to paint you a picture(this is a pun just wait for it.) Your an artist 😃 and Wooyoung is your husband and your muse. Almost everything you paint is either of him or reminds you of him. And your opening this big art exhibit and it's just this super fancy cocktail party with all the art snobs in the city and of course you bring him. As soon as yall walk in people immediately notice he's the guy in all the paintings and you're just like "yes isn't he stunning" and he's like "yes I am stunning" he's only half kidding. Whenever you go on and on to some art blogger about your muse he just sits there drinking it in with a smirk on his face, occasionally adding things like how you owe your success to his beautiful face. In that case, he's completely kidding cuz he knows damn well your talented enough to make anything beautiful with or without him.
ima say you married rich. You didn't have much growing up but Jongho has done nothing but spoil you. Despite the fact he came from a big business family, singing has always been his passion. When you begin to work in his father's company you rise through the ranks alarmingly quick due to your skill. It's some party for your father in laws retirement and everyone coming up to you betting your gonna be the next CEO. Here the thing though, Jongho left the company not long after you joined, so he could pursue singing and most people there haven't seen him since then and they keep giving him side-eyes, clearly thinking he threw his life away and he's just gonna be your "trophy husband" for the rest of his life. Not on your watch homie. You expected this so you and your supper supportive father-in-law set aside time for him to perform to the whole room and you're standing there all proud and satisfied as all your coworkers are dumbfounded at his amazing talent.
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gohyuck · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
pairing: ceo!lee donghyuck (haechan) x cfo!reader
genre: slight angst, fluff, smut (that’s a first for this acc o.o)
word count: 3.6k
warnings: explicit heterosexual sex (slight dom!hyuck)... like, really, over 50% of this is just sex lol. not a warning but hyuck is implied to be bisexual in this, it’s hinted at once or twice
a/n: sm knew what they were doing, making the 127s play office in full business attire. also, i still think we should eat the rich. just saying. this is not meant to glorify billionaires. i just think hyuck is hot. also! cfo = chief finance officer. 
part of a series?: yes, 37.5% viewer ratings, my hyuck bday celebration
🎵 often - the weeknd
☀️ push and pull
“i already emailed you this month’s finance report and talked to the men from kim corp. - i think they’ll end up being major investors. my balance forecasts are done, and,” you pause in your report, your gaze meeting donghyuck’s across his desk before you continue speaking, one corner of your lip quirking up slightly. “and you have a hickey that’s a little too high for your collar to cover.”
“i - what?” the ceo of lee technologies, ltd. hisses out the last word, his brow furrowing as he processes what you’ve just said. you put a finger up, silently telling him to give you a moment, before you pull your purse off of the floor and onto your lap. it takes you less than a minute of rummaging to find what you’re looking for: a compact mirror. donghyuck all but snatched it out of your hand, and you see him visibly redden once he realizes that you aren’t pulling his leg.
“shit, (name), i have meetings all day today,” he groans, slumping backwards into his far-too-expensive office chair. donghyuck shuts your mirror and tosses it haphazardly onto your desk before running both his hands down his face in incredulity and embarrassment. his neck is bared as he does this, allowing you to survey the mark further: it’s a deep red and clear as day, likely having been brought into existence the night before. you wonder briefly who it’s from - the pretty secretary who always bats his eyes at the ceo, the diligent but meek girl who can’t keep her eyes off of donghyuck and works in hr on floor 14, the red-lipped and cat-eyed ceo of the company that operates out of the top floors of the highrise next to you? you doubt you’ll ever know. as your heart twinges slightly, you realize that you don’t want to know. 
donghyuck groans again, although it dissolves into a petulant whine this time. a chuckle falls from your lips without you wanting to let one out, and your boss glares at you because of this.
“don’t look at me like that,” you scoff, turning your attention back to your bag for a moment. hyuck watches as you triumphantly pull a band-aid from one of the smaller pockets. “here! it’s small enough to be covered by this.”
donghyuck narrows his eyes.
“is it professional for a company’s ceo to walk around with a highlighter yellow tweety bird band-aid on his neck?” he asks, quirking one eyebrow as he does. still, he leans forward, placing his forearms on his desk and clasping his hands together as he does.
“is it professional for a company’s ceo to walk around with evidence that he’s getting laid on his neck?” you throw back, and donghyuck stares at you for a moment before sighing, slumping his shoulders, and reaching his hand out. you drop the band-aid into your outstretched palm.
“it’ll be fine, hyuck,” you tell your boss and longtime friend as he picks your compact up again, using the mirror to place the band-aid properly. “it might even humanize you a little bit.”
“humanize me?” donghyuck asks, though the small lilt to his voice tells you that he’s just fishing for compliments. he knows what you mean. still, you have time today, so you humor him.
“your reputation is all ‘young god’, ‘untouchable billionaire’, ‘genius entrepreneur’, ‘national playboy’,” you point out, watching as donghyuck’s smirk grows, making him look a little bit like an overexcited frat boy. his expression directly contrasts his crisp gray tom ford suit and franck muller watch. “tweety bird might make you more... approachable.”
the young ceo thinks about your words for a moment before flipping his wrist towards himself to read the time. it’s 10:27 - he needs to get down to the main conference room. you stand as donghyuck does, letting him walk past you before you follow. the band-aid is even brighter underneath lights, you note, and you can’t help but smile to yourself at this. donghyuck places his hand on the door handle, though, right before he opens it, he turns back to you.
“you forgot sex icon.”
“what?” your eyes widen for a moment before you force your brows down, scowling at donghyuck’s statement.
“when you were naming off things that make me larger-than-life, you forgot to say sex icon.” he grins, his tone as matter-of-fact as its ever been.
“who says?” you throw back, determined not to let your friend’s ego inflate so easily. he grins before leaning towards you, closer and closer until his mouth is right against your ear. you do your best not to let your breath hitch at the proximity.
“cosmopolitan. they interviewed me for the cover last month, remember? came in the mail today. i’ll give you a signed copy of you want. courtesy of your favorite sex icon.” he tells you, and you swear his lips brush your earlobe before he pulls back, mirth dancing in his eyes. before you can say anything, donghyuck pulls his office door open, stepping aside as he does.
“after you.”
♕ ♕ ♕
the lee donghyuck that exists within his private office and the lee donghyuck that exists outside of it are two entirely different people. his posture is still easy, still open, still exceedingly confident, but the moment he steps out of his office his back straightens up, one hand going to adjust his tie and the other slipping into one of his dress pants’ pockets. he goes from hyuck to haechan, meaning fullsun, the name given to him by the media at some gala or the other a couple years ago. hyuck is your friend from college, a brilliant programmer and free entertainment for those close to him. haechan is a charismatic but cold leader, his eyes calculating as he surveys the empire he’s only just begun building.
he walks out after you, but immediately commands everyone’s gaze. donghyuck’s office is in the corner of the 18th floor - the highest floor of the skyscraper. all of the offices on this floor belong to executives - hell, your office is right next to his, your one wall with floor-to-ceiling windows adorned entirely with a row of potted plants both small and huge - but there’s always plenty of other people milling around on the floor: possible investors, lost interns, secretaries, and employees with questions. today is no exception: several pairs of eyes are directed to the ceo as you stroll out, him in tow. 
nobody says anything about the obvious band-aid on haechan’s neck. 
“i’ll see you after work,” donghyuck mutters discreetly into your ear, and you nod as imperceptibly as possible before giving your friend a parting smile. 
as you head back to your office, haechan’s secretary joins him in step, tablet in hand, to read him off his schedule. as you close your door behind you, ready to bask in the sunlight that’s filtering in, you can’t help but scrutinize the secretary’s slightly rosier-than-usual cheeks, nor the way haechan had straightened his shoulders while speaking to the other man. 
if you were one for betting, you’d put down money on the fact that you’ve probably just found the culprit responsible for donghyuck’s bright yellow band-aid. you shake your head sadly as you set your things down on your desk. 
the poor boy’s going to get his heartbroken soon. 
after all, if there’s one thing donghyuck and haechan have in common, it’s this: commitment is not in the cards. you know this better than anyone. 
♕ ♕ ♕
“hyuck, i-”
“shut the fuck up.” donghyuck hisses into your ear, tugging harshly at the front of your shirt as he backs you into the closed door of his office. the material rips away easily, buttons skittering onto his floor as he shoves his warm mouth against yours. your hands go up to snake around his shoulders immediately, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck as he draws whimpers from your lips. once you part for air, you watch as he studies you for a moment. his tongue darts out, wetting his lower lip, and his eyes are beautifully hooded. 
you’re already gasping for air. you’re already drowning in him. 
“this blouse was from saks, you asshole,” you manage to get out, though you sound more like a petulant child than the indignant business executive you are. he chuckles almost mockingly, simply raising an eyebrow at this before he starts shrugging his suitjacket off, placing it across the back of the chair in front of his desk. 
“it’s your fault for wearing a $300 shirt to work,” he throws at you, no bite in his voice. you can’t help but roll your eyes as you push yourself off the door, making to follow him as he settles down into his office chair. 
“you’re one to talk - your suit is, what, $4,000 at least? don’t get me started on the fact that you’re wearing a 5-digit watch.” you make your way so you’re standing directly in front of him, shirt torn open to expose your bra and part of your stomach and the top of your skirt hugging your waistline perfectly. donghyuck sticks his tongue into his cheek before leaning forward and tugging you onto his lap with ease, smirking as your skirt flies up momentarily. 
his hands cup your ass, fingertips pressing into your skin as he forces them up past your safety shorts. you rise up slightly so you’re situated above hyuck, cupping his face as you look into his eyes. he grins up at you. 
“this,” he squeezes your left asscheek fondly before meeting your eyes with his own mischievous gaze. “this is why i instituted a casual dress policy.”
“one hell of a policy, considering the ceo himself doesn’t adhere to it.” 
“i don’t need to, baby,” your heart flutters at the term of endearment, and you will it to stop immediately. “after all, i’m the boss, remember?”
“you’re a pig.” you throw back, and he only chuckles before attaching his lips to the skin above your collarbone. donghyuck laves his tongue over the fresh bruises as he dots your clavicle with them, forcing you closer to him by forcefully pushing your hips down towards his. as his lips move southward, brushing over your open chest and spilling kisses onto the tops of your bra-clad breasts, you can’t help but keen loudly and grind down on him of your body’s own accord. 
“someone’s hasty to get marked up,” your friend points out, not waiting for a response as he reaches into the large hole in your shirt - a lee donghyuck creation - and around your back, popping your bra open. your mind is too hazy to respond at first, in part due to the way he slips your bra straps down your arms, chasing them with wet, open-mouthed kisses across your shoulders before pulling the article of clothing off of you entirely. you can’t help but buck slightly against him as your breasts meet the cool air, and he takes this opportunity to wrap his sinful lips against one of your nipples, one of his hands coming up to run his thumb over the other one. 
“you’re - ha - you’re one to talk. mark? really?”
“he’s a good secretary,” donghyuck pulls his mouth off of you momentarily to speak, eyes sparkling as if he knows he’s teasing you, and you can’t help but flick your own eyes upward in annoyance. suddenly, you feel the need to have his dick in you immediately, as if it’ll fill the growing hole in your heart. you adjust yourself, and donghyuck watches, his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you steady, as you pull your safety shorts off.
he immediately drops a hand to your leg, tracing a finger up the expanse of your inner thigh as his other hand reaches up to grab your chin, gently forcing you to face him so your eyes meet. your mouth goes dry just as he slips two fingers into your wet heat, and you can’t help yourself as you rut forwards, grinding on his hand. the whine you let out has donghyuck’s eyes becoming even more hooded, almost naturally smoky, and you can’t help but gasp at the sight. 
“he’s a good secretary,” donghyuck says again, and you realize he hadn’t finished his thought earlier. you hate that he’s speaking about another person when his fingers are knuckle deep inside your sopping heat, but it’s donghyuck - your hyuck, who’d held your hair back when you puked at frat parties and who let you crash on his dorm room floor whenever it was too late to walk to your own place - and you can’t say anything about it. “but if you wanted me to yourself, you could’ve just said so.” 
your heart stops, but not before he has the audacity to wink at you. 
“we need to fuck,” you choke out, finding it hard to breathe even though his hands are nowhere near your throat. “now.” 
the desperation in your voice, the way your pert nipples are right in his face, and the way you’re humping his hand like a bitch in heat all have donghyuck groaning and rolling his head back on his shoulders. he flicks his chin towards the top drawer of his desk right behind you, and you use one hand to brace yourself against his shoulder as you lean back to pull the drawer open. this unwittingly forces hyuck’s fingers to angle deeper inside you, hitting the bundle of nerves in the back of your cunt exactly in a way that has you moaning his name long and low. your grip slips off of the drawer handle without you meaning to, and you scramble, patting your hand haphazardly around in the drawer before you come across a condom. you pull it out, slamming the drawer shut triumphantly before turning back to hyuck. he pulls his fingers out of you before you come, much to your chagrin, but you realize that you’ll be coming around his cock in no time. 
“my blouse was actually about $600,” you say, your eyes meeting his as you tear open the wrapper. he lets out a chuckle before raising his fingers - covered in filmy strings of your arousal - to his mouth and wrapping his tongue around them like it’s the easier thing in the world. you feel yourself clench. he wraps one arm around you before shifting slightly, and you realize he’s unzipping his own pants.
“i’ll buy you another one.” is all donghyuck says before pulling out his thick length, and you swallow on impulse as his bulbous tip, oozing precum, comes into your view. you want it - need it, you decide as you recall his earlier statement about having him for yourself - and you need it now. you hand him the condom, and he rolls it on with a small grunt before both of his hands fly to your ass. just as you’re about to sit down properly on his cock, fill your voids the way they’re meant to be completed. donghyuck stops you with his hands on your hips. 
you look down at him, and your eyes meet his for what feels like the millionth time tonight. 
“are you sure?” he asks, and you fall deeper in love with him even though he’s doing the minimum. you’re sure, you realize, and you nod before remembering that he has to hear you say it. 
“yes, i’m sure.” your voice is uncharacteristically quiet, but donghyuck says nothing of it. he grips your thighs, spreading them as much as he can without pushing you off the chair - he’s grateful it has no handles - before pressing his tip to your entrance. you press both of your hands into your shoulders as you sink yourself onto his throbbing dick, your teeth sinking into your lower lip as you do. it takes you a moment to adjust - usually the foreplay is much longer - but once you’re ready, you start bouncing on donghyuck’s cock, setting the pace for yourself. 
it doesn’t take long for you to get to the brink of orgasm - riding hyuck has always placed the head of his dick directly against the place inside you that makes you see white behind your eyes. for his part, he shoves you down onto himself when you start tiring out, tugging on a nipple in between his teeth or running his tongue down against your skin or slapping your ass and causing you to buck against him as he sees fit. 
you’ve been friends with benefits for almost a year, now, and the sex only gets better. 
you’ve been friends with benefits for almost a year, now, and everyday, every damn day, you curse your heart more and more. you curse your feelings when donghyuck whines as he nears his high, too, and you curse yourself for spending your ability to love deeply on the one person who won’t take it as he finally takes over, anchoring you against his body while his hips snap up into yours. he’s chasing your orgasm just as much as he’s chasing his, and when donghyuck pulls you down to smash his lips against yours, forcing you to taste the red wine he’d had with dinner on his tongue, while circling your clit with one finger like a madman, you can’t help but let go completely, clenching and spasming and shaking around his length and in his arms. this is all it takes to push him over the edge, too - he spills into the condom with a beautiful, keening whine against your shoulder.
it’s only when donghyuck looks up at you after catching his breath and his face falls that you realize you’re crying. 
“(name) - sweetheart, what’s wrong? did i hurt you?”
his recognition of your state has the dam breaking, and you shake your head frantically to soothe him as your tears start falling more heavily. he wraps his arms around you immediately, pulling you into his chest as he does. donghyuck waits patiently for you to speak.
“i - i can’t do this anymore,” you start off, and you feel his arms tense around you. before he can interject or argue, you forge ahead. “i cant! i can’t fuck you and stay your friend - just your friend. i can’t sleep with you knowing that you’re the only one for me when you’re out there hunting down anyone that looks at you, i just - i can’t. i can’t...” you trail off, breaking down into sobs again while burrowing your face into his shirt. it’s expensive, you know it is, and now it’s ruined with your tearstains. you try not to think about it. 
donghyuck is silent for one, two, three beats. for a long moment, all you can hear are the sounds of your own bawling, your own quiet sniffling and hiccuping. his hand runs a soothing trek down your back.
finally, he speaks.
“i haven’t fucked anyone else in 6 months.”
that is the one thing you’d never expected him to say. 
“but... mark? the hickey?”
“that’s all it was,” he says, forcing you back slightly to be able to look at you as he speaks. hyuck raises a hand, wiping your stray tears away gently with his thumb before continuing. “for 6 months, i’ve kissed people and made out with them, but only half-heartedly. every time it’s gotten close to getting heated, i’ve had to stop. do you know why?”
you shake your head, sniffling as you do. his heart cracks at how forlorn you look, how innocent and confused you seem. he’s suddenly well-aware of the fact that he’s still sheathed inside your dripping pussy. 
“because every time i was with someone - anyone - else, all i could think of was you. you’re the only one for me, baby. i think you always have been. i didn’t say anything because i didn’t think you’d want me.”
“not want you?” your voice is strong enough to sound properly incredulous now. “you know me better than anyone else. you’ve been there for me when i’ve needed you, and you’ve asked me to be there for you when you’ve needed me. we built all of this together. you’re everything, hyuck. you’re my everything.” 
he lowers his head almost bashfully, and you know that he’s processing what you’re saying. donghyuck’s never been good at registering compliments - it’s a side-effect of always moving, always pushing forward - but you can tell that he’s savoring your words. it makes him even more endearing in your eyes. eventually, he looks up at you again, soft smile gracing his features. 
“are we good?” he asks, and you can feel your heart sewing itself together again at the genuine honesty in his eyes. he really does love you back. you nod, before leaning in to capture his lips against yours in a chaste kiss. 
“we’re good.”
“this is great, and i’m going to ravish you when we get home, but right now i really, really need to get this condom off and you probably really need to piss,” donghyuck says, lifting his hips to force you off of him. you swing your legs over to stand, leaning against his desk for support as you watch him tie the condom up and toss it into the bin underneath his desk. 
“when we get home?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. donghyuck stuffs his cock back into his boxers and makes sure his slacks are on properly before standing up to situate himself in front of you. he takes both of your hands in his. 
“you think i’m letting you spend a night alone when you said i’m the only one for you? not fucking likely. now hit up the bathroom and then let’s go,” he says, fishing his car keys out of his pocket. “i brought the bugatti today.”
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threecrowsinatrenchcoat · 4 years ago
Paint My Spirit Gold
Dukeceit Week Day 2: Green/Yellow
Fans of the YouTubers "Deceit" and Remus "The Duke" Sanders start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the two of them are more than simple internet pals.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 2187
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a watercolor-style painting of a snake. The snake appears to be made of melting chocolate, and there is a large bite taken out of its tail. Cherries and jam are leaking out of the snake at the bite wound. The snake's expression of horror is overly-exaggerated to the point of comedy. The caption reads: "liked your snake boi, @SerpenThyme. thanks for the inspo." /end ID]
A notification ding cut Janus off mid-sentence. 
“Wow, someone left their cell phone on, so professional,” he said, giving the camera a dramatic eye roll. That someone was him, of course, because he was the only one in the apartment- just him and the running livestream- but that was no excuse not to be a drama queen about it. He finished wiping flour off his hands and grabbed his phone to silence it; but the notification made him pause. He flicked his eyes up toward the camera and gave a slight smirk.
“My goodness, I’m famous,” he drawled. “The Duke himself has graced little old me with some fan art.”
Most of the comments in the chat wanted him to show it, so Janus opened up Twitter to see the full post he’d been tagged in. It was a watercolor painting of the coiled-snake chocolate sculpture- lovingly named Jake by his viewers- he’d made for his YouTube video last week; it was wearing an expression of such comedic horror that Janus had to stifle a laugh. He flicked his phone screen toward the close-up camera on his counter so his viewers could see.
“How kind of you, Remus,” he said. “All of you should go scold him for what he’s done to poor Jake here.”
Most of his viewers would know he was joking- after all, they were the ones to nickname him Deceit when he provided neither a real or fake name for his online persona. They knew full well what he was like by now.
The oven timer dinged. Janus silenced his phone and set it aside.
“And our first batch of cookies is done. You know, why don’t we show the Duke some appreciation?”
[ID: An Instagram post by user @SerpenThyme. The photo is an artistically-framed shot of a stack of sugar cookies with green, yellow, and pink icing. Propped up against the stack is another cookie, with an intricate icing-drawing of an octopus. The photo appears to have been color corrected to have high contrast, low saturation, and a dark vignette at the edges. The Instagram user @OctoDukie is tagged. No caption. /end ID]
“You know, I have often been accused of actually being a little old lady, what with my fondness for knitted jumpers, rocking chairs, and incredibly fucked up murder mystery books. Today I am doing nothing to dispel this accusation, by making soup.”
The studio was dark and empty aside from Remus' workspace. Everyone else had left long ago, even his own brother, which meant that it was officially ass-o'clock in the morning (or, as most people called it, somewhere between 1 and 2 a.m.) But Remus was stuck in hyperfocus, honed in on putting the last touches on a commission that he'd been putting off for weeks. It's not that it was a tough painting- once he'd gotten started, it was actually a very creatively satisfying piece- but man, executive dysfunction could go suck a dick
“French onion soup, specifically. Because while I do like to pretend I am a classy bitch, I am also, regrettably, a lazy bitch with a distaste for anything that takes longer than one bottle of wine to make.”
Remus hated working in silence. It was stifling, almost suffocating. His brain needed noise like his lungs needed air. So when the studio had grown still and silent, Remus had flipped open his laptop and queued up some YouTube videos. 
“So we have here three pounds of onions that we need to slice up, pole to pole. You’re going to cry no matter what, so if you have any memories you’ve been repressing since middle school, now is an excellent time to dredge those up.” 
And if it happened to be 90% SerpenThyme videos, well. Sue him. 
“Now the first rule of caramelizing onions: fast and sloppy is always better than slow and thorough… at least, that’s what every man I’ve ever slept with tells me.”
Remus choked and glanced over to his laptop screen just in time to catch Deceit's trademark smirk directed at the audience just for a moment. It was the deadpan delivery that always got him. Remus could barely hold onto a joke long enough to get through it without cackling mid-punchline, but this fucker could say the funniest shit like an off-hand comment. 
He wiped his hands off on his jeans (what use were clothes if you couldn't use them as paint rags?) and pulled his laptop across the table.  He typed out a quick comment, citing the timestamp of the joke, and after it was posted, he shut his laptop. 
'Cause ass-o'clock was short for "get-your-ass-home-or-I’ll-kick-it" o'clock. 
[ID: A screenshot of a YouTube comments section. The first comment is by user TheDuke, and reads: "10:42 wow, rude." The second comment is a reply by user SerpenThyme, and simply reads ";)" /end ID]
Janus plopped down on the couch with a slight groan. He didn’t need to stream today, but he really hated missing days. Besides… he was fine. Really. 
He adjusted the camera until he was happy with the framing, and then checked the settings on his streaming software. Satisfied, he started the stream, and watched as his usual viewers rolled in. 
“What do you mean I’m not in my kitchen?” Janus drawled, addressing the chat. He glanced around with an expression of faux-shock on his face. “My goodness, when did that happen?”
He chuckled, and then gestured to his surroundings. “Yes, we are in my living room today. If you must know, my closest and most trusted friend tried to murder me today- yes, Virgil, it was attempted murder and nothing less- and I survived with nary a scratch… and a broken foot, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I’m not allowed to stand for long periods of time, and I may or may not be somewhat inebriated by pain pills and couldn’t stand even if I wanted to. So we are cooking from my couch today.”
Janus paused for a few moments to read the chat messages as they popped up. A few get well soon’s, a few theories about the “attempted murder,” Virgil- who moderated his chat for him- vehemently denying the “attempted murder” but otherwise refusing to clarify the event, and a large volume of wtf why are you streaming today, take care of yourself comments, which made him smile. But one particular comment caught his eye, almost lost amid the torrent of an active chat: wait this kinda looks like the Duke’s living room?
“Oh, VampSuga,” he said, addressing that commenter in particular with a slight smirk. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, since I can’t reach my oven from here, I thought some no-bake cookies were in order. For these you will need-”
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation. The text reads:
“VampSuga: Ok ok hear me out. Dukeceit. 
Starstruck96: who?
IneffableSnek: lmao
FeralBeauYasha: lol
VampSuga: Deceit and Remus Sanders! They’re totally dating. I will die on this hill. 
FeralBeauYasha: Isn’t the duke w/ PatPat?
IneffableSnek: no thats his brothers bf
FeralBeauYasha: ohh
VampSuga: Did anyone see Deceit’s stream today? I swear that’s the Duke’s livingroom. 
StarStruck96: idk that seems like a stretch
IneffableSnek: no wait i kno what u mean
IneffableSnek: im watching the duke’s old videos and that one where he shows off all his old weapons he’s in a living room kinda like deceit’s 
FeralBeauYasha: They were acting all cute on twitter too
VampSuga: DUKECEIT”  /end ID]
"Hey guys, been a while since you've seen my face and not just whatever my hands are busy with, when it's within YouTube's terms and conditions I mean. They used to be way more lenient…" Remus trailed off for a moment, then shook his head sharply and plastered on a grin. 
"Anyway! In June me and a few other creators did a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and y'all smashed the goal, so I let you decide what video I'd make this month." He paused, and gestured to the mountain of clothes piled behind him on the bed. "And you had so many juicy ideas to choose from, but you decided to dress me up like a Barbie instead."
Remus paused to scroll through his phone for a few moments. "Ah, ok, here we go. Twitter user YoonIsMyCat- oh, BTS, nice- sent in this first outfit. Uh… future Remus, put up the post here somewhere." He gestured vaguely to his right. "Y'all went with either a fuckton more clothes or a fuckton less clothes, which I respect. Apparently this outfit is called…” He squinted at his phone. “Amish chic? I take it back, no respect at all.”
Remus cycled through the outfits his viewers sent in, which ranged from the aforementioned “Amish chic” to “2008 rave attire” to “ok now you guys are just fucking with me” (which consisted of one of those big puffy snow coats, lime green in color; booty shorts with the shrug text emoji across the ass; fuzzy pink boots; and a yellow cowboy hat to top off the whole thing. It was awful. Remus loved it.) The mountain of clothes on the bed gradually became a mess of clothes spread across the floor instead, until there was just one outfit left. 
“Ok so Twitter user VampSuga sent me this outfit that I’m gonna call ‘sexy librarian.’ I couldn’t find this exact sweater online, but-” he paused for dramatic effect, before brandishing a sweater toward the camera like a bullfighter. “My boyfriend had something that was close enough.”
Remus hopped up from the bed and switched off the camera so he could change.
“They’re going to lose their minds,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Remus threw his shirt at him.
“Shoo, I’m getting naked.”
[ID: A Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a selfie of YouTuber Remus “The Duke” Sanders, a Hispanic man with his hair dyed green and styled into a spiked mohawk. He is wearing a yellow knitted cardigan over a black button-up shirt. He is grinning widely at the camera. The caption reads: “my viewers pick my outfits! now live on youtube. go see what i look like as a sexy librarian!” /end ID]
first and only dukeceit shipper ig
wow there’s so many of you now! Hi!!
i want this to be canon so bad omg
i mean just look
[ID: A series of three gifs featuring Youtubers SerpenThyme, aka Deceit, and TheDuke, aka Remus Sanders. Deceit is a black man with long, dreadlocked hair, and vitiligo patches along the left side of his face. Remus is a Hispanic man with green-dyed hair styled into a mohawk, many ear and facial piercings, and tattoos covering both arms. Each gif is edited so that the highlights are tinged yellow when Deceit is seen, and tinged green when Remus is seen.
The first gif depicts a close-up shot of Deceit’s hands as he carefully decorates a cookie with green and yellow icing. The cookie art he is working on appears to be a half-finished octopus. The gif then fades into a mid-shot of Remus, with his back to the camera, facing a canvas. The canvas is blank, and Remus appears to be laying out paints on a table to his left. 
The second gif depicts Deceit seated at his couch, facing the camera. He has many ingredients spread across his coffee table (including oats, cocoa powder, and butter) and appears to be in the process of laying out several more. The gif fades to show Remus seated at a similar couch with a similar coffee table in front of him. The camera is angled slightly downward to better show the myriad of knives spread out across the table. Remus is gesturing wildly with a morning star held in his hand. 
The third gif depicts Deceit in his kitchen. He is pulling on a bright, yellow knitted cardigan, and smirking toward the camera. The gif fades to show Remus in his bedroom, seated on his bed. He is holding up a similar-looking cardigan toward the camera and grinning. /end ID]
“Remus, it’s almost two in the morning. Come to bed.”
“I’m coming, sorry. Twitter distracted me.”
“Mm. I can’t believe the bird app is more distracting than I am.”
“You should try harder.”
“Come to bed and maybe I will.”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming. Hang on though, is it cool if I post this?”
“Sure. They figured it out anyway.”
“Sweet. Ok, Jannie, I’m coming.”
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It reads: “Dukeceit is canon.” /end ID] 
18 notes · View notes
jadekitty777 · 4 years ago
It’s done. It’s done! HOLY SHIT IT’S DONE. Two months later and I finally complete this monster of a tale. I can’t believe the effort this baby took that, once upon a time, was supposed to be a oneshot.  Gosh, I hope for those reading the wait was worth it - I for one am so relieved to complete this!
(Still) Day 8: Free Day for @taiqrowweek
Rating:  T for this chapter, M for overall
Words: 16k - yes, 16,000 words
Summary: Qrow was what most of society would call a small-town criminal. But to those oppressed, he hoped only to be a healer. In an effort to make a change in the world, he moves from kingdom to kingdom, searching for branded omegas in need. His goal? To turn the derogatory words the reformatories forced them to bear on their skin into works of art.
Then one day, his past catches up to him in the form of Taiyang, his former best friend, with a brand of his own stained onto his skin and a plea for help in his eyes. Qrow has no choice but to answer, even if it means he’d have to face his mistakes once and for all.
[An ABO-style universe in a modern-day style Remnant. No Grimm, because people are the real monsters in this one]
Ao3 Link: ...On Your Every Word
Between the hecticness of getting checked in, shown to a private room where Qrow was allowed to be uncuffed and dress in more ‘court appropriate’ attire, and then meeting up with Rhodes for one final run down – the next hour pretty much passed in a blur.
Before he knew it, he was walking into the massive conference room in which the UFK did all their business. The room was mostly taken up by tiered, half-circled seating so that the four kingdoms could face one another as they talked politics. But the rest of the room was left open, allowing for a “stage” in which prototypes of innovations could be placed or guest speakers could stand. This area had been transformed – at the far ends were two desks for the defense and prosecution to sit at and a single chair in the center for the testimony portion. There were a few reporters standing near the entrance so they could capture every second of the trial, but no gallery for an audience. Qrow wasn’t sure if that was better or worse.
He took the seat beside Rhodes at the defense table, clasping his hands in front of him to hide their shaking. He was certain his scent was giving him away anyways.
The prosecution came in next. The tall, sharply dressed beta strutted in with a smirk and an aura of arrogance, like he’d already won before proceeding had even begun. Qrow had heard bits and pieces about Arthur Watts – apparently, Pietro and he had a long-standing rivalry in the courtroom, though the elder man didn’t go much into it. What he had gathered was the lawyer was sharp on his feet and merciless. He could change tactics faster than a snake bite and the only defense who’d ever been able to keep up with his quick wit was Pietro himself.
“Gentlemen.” Watts greeted them, snide in just one word. Qrow was already annoyed.
The questioning portion was going to go great.
Finally, the entirety of the UFK filed in, taking their seats in their respective portions of the stands. Over thirty people in all, there were many faces Qrow recognized and even more he didn’t. Yet, the four that took the only seats in the front row, the heads of the councils, needed no introduction. First was the jovial and high-spirited Theodore, the representative of Vacuo, who’d held his position so long because the votes always ended in a landslide on his favor. Beside him was James Ironwood, holding two seats on the Atlas council and, as a medaled general of the military, had helped to fund some of the most prolific technological advancements of their age. Next sat Leonardo Lionheart of Mistral, a man who’d spent his many years in term building up the educational needs of his people, and had the average-high tests scores to prove that focus had paid off. Lastly, was Ozpin, who was the youngest head of Vale’s council ever to be inaugurated into office and since that induction, had been pushing forward as many progressive policy changes as he could.
These were the four Qrow would have to plead his case to and hope he drummed up enough sympathy for them to pardon him.
From the way they looked down upon him, eyes seeming to judge the very way he breathed, it never felt more impossible.
“If we’re all in order, I believe we may get started.” Ozpin was the one to speak up and though his voice was something Qrow recognized easily, there was something so uncanny hearing him in person, rather than on the radio or TV. “Though it’s a tad untraditional, Theo, James, Leo and I will all be your acting judges for this trial. Each one of us can sustain and abstain a motion and we will move this trial along if any filibustering starts up. Do you understand?”
“Yes, your honor.” Pietro replied, echoed by Watts.
“Good. Are the defense and prosecution ready?”
“We are your honor.”
Ozpin nodded. “Then, the trial of Qrow Branwen v. the Four Kingdoms has officially begun. The prosecution may begin their opening statement.”
Qrow took a deep breath as he watched the opposing lawyer get to his feet.
Here we go.
“-are usually upset and asking for me to help them.”
“How do your clients find this hidden parlor of yours?”
It was too easy.
That was the whisper prickling at the back of his head, as he orated how his clients located him. Pietro and Rhodes had coached him, prepared him on what to say for every question and how much to say. So, he’d been expecting the interrogation of his livelihood – his full name, when he started his work, what he made financially, the ways he kept himself off the grid, where he purchased his inks and needles, how he mixed it with his own scent, who he contacted when he needed a new dwelling to hole up in.
It was everything he’d been expecting, which meant something was wrong.
“I see, so everything was word of mouth. Yet, you claim your average clientele was about 4 people a week.” Watts was pacing, a hand running over his mustache.
Qrow tried not to follow his movements too much, nor look up at the council staring down at him as he sat in the center chair, feeling like a jester about to perform. “Yes.”
The lawyer hesitated, hovering almost thoughtfully, before turning to face him fully. “That’s quite a lot for an underground business, Mr. Branwen. Are you certain there isn’t something else you were offering your clients?”
“I don’t understand what you mean.” He replied stiffly, the stifling vernacular feeling odd on his tongue.
“Then let me rephrase: Were you also having sexual transactions with your clients?”
His eyes blew wide, his temper rising into an explosive, “WHAT?!” That wasn’t quite drowned out by Rhodes extremely loud, “OBJECTION! What’s the relevance?”
“I just find it strange that the accused has held up a traveling business for twelve years now on underpaid work, yet kept up a steady stream of customers. Customers whom, may I remind the court, are already feeling emotionally vulnerable – as Mr. Branwen here himself has already attested to. As an outsider looking in, that raises some concerns.” Watts didn’t quite hide his smirk as he looked up at the council, and Qrow realized at that moment he’d gotten him. He had been trying to throw him off kilter, and it had worked.
“Abstained.” Leonardo said just as Theodore enthusiastically hollered, “Sustained!”
The Mistrialian shot his fellow councilman a frown. “What? Why?”
“I just want to see where this goes.” He looked a little too proud as he lent back in his chair. Qrow felt himself sinking in his own.
“This isn’t a courtroom drama, Theo. We can’t simply have people follow useless tracks of information simply to indulge ourselves.” The other said, sounding like a man whose patience was already wearing thin. “This has nothing to do with the crime the defendant is being tried for.”
Theodore rose a finger, tsking. “Isn’t it though? Mr. Branwen is on about a dozen counts of misconduct and malpractice. Who’s to say this isn’t relevant?”
“Well…” Leo started, then merely trailed off with a shake of his head, as if he’d lost the heart to fight.
For a split second, it seemed the motion from Vacuo would pull through – then James spoke up instead. “Be that as it may, there is no evidence to continue this inquisition.”
In all his years, Qrow never thought he’d want to thank Tin Man Jimmy, but right then he could have kissed him.
Then Watts had to open his mouth yet again, “I actually believe one very specific document we’ve submitted might in fact raise some concerns that not all of Mr. Branwen’s dealings were solely professional. But if it would please the court, I can rephrase again.”
As the council leaders mulled that over, Qrow sent a panicked glance back at his lawyers. The duo shared a look, before Rhodes made a quick hand gesture of twirling his index fingers around one another.
Roll with it.
How was he supposed to just-
“We’ll allow it, for now.” Ozpin decided, sealing his fate. “Proceed.”
Watts nodded before turning back to him, looking very much like a shark about to circle its’ prey. “Mr. Branwen, you’re an unbound alpha, correct?”
“Yes.” He answered, forcing down the growl that wanted to erupt.
“And as you’ve reported, every single one of your clients was an omega. It would not be unusual for a connection, of sorts, to come about. These things happen every single day after all.” Watts said, gesturing to the air as if love was equally plentiful. “So, my question is, did you ever develop feelings for any of them?”
His reply was short and clipped, “Of course not.”
“May I remind you Mr. Branwen, that you are under oath. Is what you just said completely true?”
For a split second, he hesitated. There was no way he could know.
Yet, something about the glint in the beta’s eye told him to be wary, so this time when he repeated his defense, it was as unambiguous as possible, “I never developed any feelings for any of my clients while I was working with them.”
“I find that’s a very interesting claim to make.” Watts strode over to the far side table, where the evidence for the case had been laid out. His tattoo machine and inks were the most prominent pieces there, but the lawyer bypassed them, rifling through a stack of papers at the end of the table. When he returned to where Qrow was sitting, he was holding just one sheet. “I have here a log of all visits made to you during your stay at the prison. I’d like you to read a few of them for me.”
Oh fuck.
“Let’s start with November 30th, shall we?”
Mouth dry, Qrow weakly said, “Pietro Polendina and Rhodes Dium.”
“Your lawyers, of course. And December 6th?”
He almost felt detached from his own body as he obediently read it off, “Taiyang Xiao Long, Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose.”
“The clearance level for these three lists them as family.” The beta glanced up towards the court to clarify. “Records show that Taiyang and Mr. Branwen’s twin sister Raven are the sires for Yang Xiao Long. Now…”
Qrow braced himself as Watts looked down on him once more.
“What about November 27th?”
He blinked, so baffled he gave an audible, “Huh?”
“November 27th, right up here Mr. Branwen. What does it say?”
His gaze followed where the other was pointing. “Clover Ebi?”
In the corner of his eye, he noticed how James sat up a little straighter, a hint of metallic musk filling the room, but most of his focus stayed on Watts. He couldn’t actually be thinking that he… and Clover…
Yet, sure enough, the beta pulled the page away and said, “Now why would the Captain of the Atlas Ace Ops be visiting you?”
Qrow couldn’t quite fight the smile on his face and for the first time since the trial had started, he felt himself relax. He knew Clover was down the hall, probably laughing his head off as he waited for his turn to take the stand.  
“Something humorous, Mr. Branwen?”
He settled back. “Of you thinking Clover and I are getting it on under the sheets? Yeah, that’s hilarious.” He heard more than one barely contained chuckle from around him – and Theodore didn’t even try. “Clover’s a former client and a friend. When he found out I got into a bind, he came by to help me out. There’s nothing more to our relationship beyond that.”
Again, even as his attention stayed mostly on the beta, Qrow noticed the Atlas leader lowering his hackles.
How odd.
Watts was glaring at him now, but Qrow didn’t balk, waiting for the other’s next move. The last thing he was expecting was what followed, “I have no further questions.” Before heading back to the prosecution desk.
Even Rhodes seemed confused as he was motioned over for the cross examination. Yet, as they met eyes, a silent agreement passed between them not to falter as they got ready to read their lines.
“And how old were you when you lost Eris Branwen?”
It was the sob story of the ages.
At least, that’s what it was meant to sound like. Yet, as Qrow spun the tragedy of his childhood, he couldn’t help but feel a bit ashamed, using his mother’s name to try and sway the court.
Rhodes hummed, as if he were thinking it over, even though he already had the next question ready to go. “Would you say it was her passing that eventually inspired you to start your work?”
“Yes.” It wasn’t enough to simply speak it, he had to perform too. So, he kept his head angled down, playing it up like the loss was still affecting him terribly.
Purgatory. That was probably where he was going when he died. If not, then something worse. Some place with fire and pitchforks.
“What did you hope to accomplish?”
He clenched his fists, the ferocity in his tone no act, “At first, I was just kind of down on my luck and trying to make a quick buck. I had the drawing skills so I thought, why not? I could give omegas another way to get rid of their brands without them having to carve out their own skin, and make a little money on the side until I could find something more stable. But the more involved I got, the more I felt I couldn’t just walk away from this. I realized I was giving them something they desperately needed – a way to take back their lives.”
Qrow looked up, meeting eyes with each of the kingdom’s leaders as he spoke, “Every omega who has to go to a reformatory is branded. It doesn’t matter what reason they’re there. They could be considered too outspoken. They could have just lost a mate. They could be sick like my mom! And part of their bullshit recovery is to scar them? They don’t get a choice of anything – not the word, not the placement, not even that it happens.” He gestured a bit wildly, voice rising an octave. “They’re treated more like property then people! And while this is happening to thousands of omegas every year, too many of us look the other way. But after my clients started sharing their stories, their pain with me, I refused to look away anymore. So I decided to dedicate my life to my work.”
“Even knowing that one day, you’d probably end up in the courtroom?” Rhodes asked, voice soft in the wake of Qrow’s intensity.
“Yes.” He replied firmly. “I’d go to jail a thousand times over if it meant making the difference for just one person.”
“And how do you know that it does?”
Internally, he felt himself ease, knowing this was the last question. “Because they keep finding me. No one would keep telling others where I am if they didn’t think I’d helped them.”
Rhodes nodded, taking that in, before he moved to dismiss him, “Then Mr. Branwen, I only have one final question.”
Wait, that wasn’t the plan!
Qrow tensed as the beta continued, “You’ve already attested with the prosecution that your relationships with your clients were always kept either on a professional or platonic level. Is there a particular reason why?”
He took note of the way the lawyer shot a meaningful glance towards Watts’ table, and it clicked. Right, Clover’s testimony went after his – there was no doubt the opposing lawyer was going to try poking holes in his own story by grilling the omega. This was his last chance to strengthen his own case.
He could have said anything, really, but what Qrow decided on was the truth, “Because I was already in love with someone well before the day I started my first tattoo.” His lips quirked up, the smile small but eternally fond, “He never felt the same, but I already know no one is ever going to take his place in my heart.”
What must Tai be thinking, watching this from home?
Heh, he probably thought he was pathetic.
If Rhodes was surprised by this revelation, he didn’t show it. “Thank you, Mr. Branwen. I have no further questions. You can return to your seat now.”
As he stood, Qrow couldn’t help but glance back up at the leaders, trying to gauge their reactions. Theo was nodding to something his most trusted righthand, Xanthe Rumpole, was whispering in his ear, their expressions a bit tight. James seemed lost in thought, rapping his knuckles along the desk in front of him. Leo kept mussing up his mane of hair, frown pronounced. As for Ozpin, he was a complete enigma. Expression hidden behind the hands crossed in front of him and eyes concealed in the glint of his glasses, it was impossible to say what he was feeling.
It was even more impossible to say whether any of it was positive or not.
He slumped back into his seat, accepting the pat from Pietro and whispered, “You did good my boy.”
“Sure hope so.” He murmured back. It was a relief to be done – but the trial had only just begun.
Across the room, Watts stood to call on the first witness.
“Name and occupation.”
“Clover Ebi. I’m the Captain of the Ace Ops.” The announcement was almost unneeded, as the omega had come dressed in full uniform, all his merits in plain view. He was even standing at parade rest, rather than taking the seat offered. But the most obstruse item of all was the mark on his arm – normally covered by a bandanna, the tattoo on the lower part of his bicep was in plain view. It was a simple rewrite of Ebi, now in brilliant green ink, with a trail of linked shamrocks branching off from the end of the I and circling around his arm to meet back at the E.
Watts’ eyes narrowed as he regarded him before turning to the council, eyeing Atlas’ side. “Before I go further, perhaps it would be wise to address the obvious conflict of interest here.”
“Objection.” Pietro called. “Arthur, we cleared this prior to coming here. If this was a concern, it should have been brought up then.”
“A slip of judgment on my part, clearly. It does not change the fact that the person who appointed the good captain here to that position is currently sitting as an acting judge right now.”
James crossed his arms over the table, leaning forward. “If it would ease any concerns, I could certainly testify as well.”
“Ah, not to correct you your honor, but the proper ethical thing to do is to disqualify yourself.” Watts said, running his index and thumb over his mustache. Qrow almost expected him to start twirling the ends of it.
This wasn’t good though. James had two votes on the Atlas council – if he was taken out of the equation, it would be nearly impossible to win Atlas’ judgment.
Underneath the table, Qrow’s foot started to bounce nervously.
Next to him, Rhodes lent in, murmuring, “It’s okay, we were expecting this to happen.”
Sure enough, Pietro cleared his throat, clarifying in a way that almost sound practiced, “I think the proper term in this instance is ‘excuse’, as he should only need to be absent for the proceeding he may be biased against. General Ironwood would clearly be welcome to return once Captain Ebi’s testimony is finished. If that is how the court wishes to proceed of course.”
There were some whispers from above, but it was Leo who spoke first, “It would probably be for the best James.”
“Ha! Yeah, he is your golden pup after all.” Theo joked boisterously.
James shot the Vacuon a disapproving glance, “Must you be so crude?” He turned to the man across from him. “Oz?”
“I have to agree.” He decided. “Your judgment is generally sound, but the connection is undeniable. Stepping down for now is the right call.”
“Very well. Feel free to come get me once this portion is complete.” The general stood.
Almost automatically, Clover saluted him. “Sir.”
In the wake of his departure, Qrow could hear the reporters jabbering on excitedly from the back. Faintly he could pick out one of them saying, “There’s no telling how Atlas’ judgment will go with the head of the council being excused during their most critical witness.”
It filled him with dread – but between Rhodes and Pietro, neither of them looked even slightly unfettered.
“The prosecution may continue.” Leo allowed.
“Thank you, your honor.”
Round and round the questioning went again. Back in parade rest, Clover answered everything with a decisive and steady demeanor. Most of it was the typical stuff – when had he first heard about Qrow, how did he locate him, how much did it cost him to have the work done.
Eventually, the dreaded one came: “During your dealing with the defendant, did he ever show any inappropriate behavior towards you?”
“No. He was very professional and respectful of my personal space.” Clover reported.
Watts rocked back a bit on his heels. “But unlike most of Mr. Branwen’s clients, you happened to keep in touch with him?”
“Not exactly. I left Qrow my contact information in case he ever got into trouble and needed help. He only utilized it a few times over the years.”
“Is that how you ended up visiting the defendant on November 27th? He called you?”
Clover shook his head. “No. Qrow was never allowed to make a phone call.”
“That means you would have had to of located him on your own.”
“I apologize but I don’t seem to understand.” Watts held out his hand, as if gesturing for the other to throw him a bone. “You’re telling me that for the most part, your relationship ended after the transaction. Yet, when Mr. Branwen was arrested, you voluntarily chose to locate him?”
“Why would you go through such a hassle for someone you’ve met all of once and talked to only a handful of times?”
Clover shifted his head, just enough to spare Qrow a glance over his shoulder, before he faced forward once more. “Everyone needs someone in their court when they need help. Qrow had sacrificed a multitude of things to be in ours. I wanted to be in his if there ever came a time he needed it.”
“So it was merely obligation.”
“No.” Every without seeing his face, Qrow could hear the smile in the omega’s voice, “I’d like to think we’re friends.”
Watts didn’t seem moved by this show of comradery. “Are you absolutely certain Captain Ebi that there is not more to your feelings then that?”
“I’m positive. But if you need proof,” Clover posture relaxed so he could reach up, pulling down his collar in a way that was almost obscene. “I can assure you I did not get this from Qrow.”
Watts stared, then hissed between grit teeth, “I have no further questions.”
As he stepped away, the council went alive with noise as did the reporters. Qrow could already hear tomorrow’s headlines.
Ace-Ops Captain, Bonded?!
He swallowed down the guilt as he imagined the heckling the omega was likely to get upon returning to work. While he only knew the rough basics of military culture, he absolutely knew how much shit omegas got if they were discovered to be in any sort of relationship. The few retired ones he’d worked with over the years all generally held the same belief that joining the service not only meant signing away their life but also their right to finding a mate.
If that weren’t bad enough, Clover would also have to deal with Jam-
Qrow could practically hear the flip switching the light on, his eyes going wide.
No fucking way.
He glanced over at Rhodes as the man got to his feet to start his cross-examination, giving him an assured smile as he went. To his left, Pietro just seemed pleased, like things had gone exactly the way they’d planned. Had this been why they hadn’t been worried when James got tossed out? Because the mere presence of his own mate would have a sway on him?
That was either ridiculously brilliant or needlessly risky. No wonder they were the perfect lawyers for him.
Like a major gearing up to grill down a new recruit, Rhodes paced back and forth across the floor as he spoke, “Captain Ebi, you claimed Qrow was not given a phone call when he was imprisoned. Do you have proof of this statement?”
“Beyond Qrow’s word, no.” Clover admitted. Unlike Qrow, who was following his lawyer’s movements, the soldier was perfectly disciplined, staring straight ahead.
“Then, what makes you so certain he’s telling the truth?”
Before he could reply, Watts interjected, “Objection, that answer would be an opinion not a fact.”
“I’ll retract it then.” Rhodes conceded. “Captain, were there any other issues with my client’s legal rights that you’re aware of?”
Clover nodded once. “He wasn’t in the public system. Everyone incarcerated should be listed there, but I had to use my military clearance to locate him instead.”
“And how-”
Obnoxiously, Watts cleared his throat. Qrow couldn’t help but shoot the other man a glare – though the lawyer hardly seemed to notice as he drawled, “As fascinating as this all is, that’s prejudicial evidence and has very little to do with the crime the defendant is being tried for. If Mr. Branwen wishes to file for improper due process, he can handle that in Atlas’ civil courts.”
“Sustained. Mr. Dium, I suggest moving on.” Oz decided.
“Yes, your honor.”
It wasn’t a surprising outcome; truthfully, they’d both told Qrow it would likely get tossed out before they really took off running with it – especially after they discovered who the prosecutor was. Regardless, they’d agreed to keep it in to hopefully drum up more sympathy in the council. With so little said, it was hard to say if it would make an impact at all.
Hardly shaken, Rhodes barreled on. “Captain Ebi, you attested before that omegas in the military are branded with their last name. When does this procedure occur?”
“During the first week of recruitment training.” Clover reported.
“Do you get to choose where that mark goes?”
“And alphas and betas are exempt from this?”
“Yes. Only omegas have to go to the brander.”
“I see.” The lawyer paced over to stand before him. “Did any of your commanding officers ever explain this discrepancy?”
Though Clover remained steady, Qrow could see the way his hands clenched a little tighter where they were crossed behind his back. “My sergeant at the time had said that when we signed up, we signed away everything to our Kingdom, including our bodies. Since omegas can’t control their scents or how distracting they might be to the other alphas in service, the tattooing was a way to alter that smell so it would be less desirable.”
“Now, perhaps this is merely because I’m a beta,” Rhodes waved a hand to himself as he said this, “But I always believed alphas had just as strong of a scent. Are you saying theirs wasn’t distracting to you on the field?”
The soldier shook his head in response. “No, they were. A few omegas were even known to freeze if an alpha’s scent was particularly overtaking in the moment.”
Though his eyes were trained on the two of them, in the corner of his eye Qrow noticed the furtive looks Sleet and Camilla – two of Atlas’ council – were sharing. Yet, it was anyone’s guess if their concerns came from the obvious discriminations or from allowing omegas to enlist at all.
“Did no one notice that issue?” Rhodes asked, beginning to pace again.
“They did – but our drill sergeants would only lay in on the recruit for losing their nerve.” Clover explained.
“During your time at the training camp, did anyone ever claim they had frozen up from an alpha’s scent?”
“No. Everyone was too afraid too. I spoke up once though when one of my buddies was getting reamed for it.”
“And what happened when you did that?”
“I was told to drop until I dropped.” At Rhodes’ arched brow, Clover clarified, “Meaning I was forced to do physical exercise until I was close to passing out. It was a common punishment for extreme insubordination.”
Qrow had heard this story before – it had been one the younger had shared with him while under the needle. That was how he knew just how much Clover was glossing over. Like how his drill sergeant at the time was also an alpha, and when she started shouting at the recruit in question, the shock of another alpha’s hormones so soon after the first only caused them to freeze up more. Or how the screaming had gone on for nearly ten minutes before Clover had stepped in. That during the duration of his punishment, the omega was constantly forced to push his limits every time he fell down from exhaustion, because his sergeant would threaten him with being kicked out if he didn’t get up.
It was from that, that Qrow finally understood why Clover had wanted the rebrand so badly.
Either Rhodes had already also noticed the inequity or had planned out his questions, because his next was: “Was anyone else given the same treatment for speaking out of turn?”
“No.” Clover’s tone didn’t quite hide his annoyance. “The only other time I saw someone go through it was for someone who tried to smuggle beer out of the kitchen.”
“Would you say this experience was what led you to eventually find my client and ask for his assistance?” Rhodes had stopped again, facing him once more.
“Yes; when I was appointed Captain, I felt a responsibility to my fellow omegas to take a stand against the inequalities we face in the military. Rebranding was the most visual way I felt I could do that.”
“Yet, until this day, no one publicly knew about your rebranding. Is there a reason for this?”
He hesitated, before continuing bravely, “My significant other convinced me not to. He said that I was already rocking the boat and if I rocked any harder then I’d capsize it. I took his advice to heart and committed myself to waiting.”
“And what were you waiting for?”
For the first time, Clover dared to break posture, looking up at the council as he declared, “A day in which I could tell my story and know people were finally listening.”
A brief but powerful hush fell across the court.
Rhodes let it hold a few seconds more, before finally saying, “Thank you Captain Ebi. I have no further questions. You may step down.”
There was no denying that something had changed in the court. The air had become tense and heavy.
It only seemed to grow as Maria took the stand next. To appear less threatening, Pietro took over the questioning when it came time for the cross examination. That way it seemed kinder as his questions unraveled bits and pieces of Maria’s past as a trafficked omega when she was only thirteen. Hearing it the second time through was no less easy then the first, and Qrow had to lower his head to hide his shining eyes. Simultaneously, Theo’s jokes seemed to disappear, his expression having hardened to something grave as he listened to one of his own people’s cruel upbringing.
“In my time, there was no way to take a stand against the things that happened to us.” Maria pointed her cane towards Qrow. “Having that whippersnapper over there redo my mark was my way of fighting back after all these years. The atrocities of my generation are thankfully long gone; but it’s clear to me there’s still much to be done with this one.”
After her, was Robyn. Needing no coddling, Rhodes stood at the forefront once more – but he hardly had to ask questions to get the woman to talk. She hadn’t taken the position of the Omega Alliance’s leader by being quiet after all.
That’s perhaps why it seemed to boom across the walls as she pointed up at the council, “With all due respect to the court, not a single person on any of the four councils is an omega! Who speaks for us? Our rights are decided by those who don’t know what it’s like to live oppressed. That’s why the Alliance protected Qrow – because when you’re oppressed or even simply supporting the oppressed, the rest of the world is quick to try and silence you.”
By the time Rhodes was dismissing her and taking his seat once more, he seemed a bit overwhelmed. “Miss Hill is quite the spitfire, isn’t she?”
“That she is. I think even our council was a bit overcome, seeing her in person.” Pietro’s laugh was hearty.
Qrow couldn’t fight the faint smile, though his nerves quickly took it away. There was only one witness left and then it was judgment time. The hours they had been at this suddenly seemed too short. “So, only Vernal left?” He asked needlessly, wincing when his voice cracked.
“Well, actually-”
Pietro never got to finish as Watts stood up and said, “I’d like to call the final witness, Taiyang Xiao Long, to the stand.”
There was no conscious thought.
He stood up, fast enough his chair tipped over, snarling angrily at the other lawyer, “WHAT?!”
In the next second, Rhodes was pulling him down by his arm, getting to his feet and saying rapidly, “Ah, can the defense have a quick recess first please?”
“I see no reason for that. We’re almost at the end and the UFK’s time is very valuable.” Watts interjected, smirking like things were finally going his way. “We can simply excuse Mr. Branwen if he can’t control himself.”
Fuck everything. He was going to go punch him in the face.
“Now, now, let’s all just calm down. It’s been a very long day and I’m sure all of us could use a breather.” Oz held a hand out towards their table, as if offering them a bone. “Fifteen minutes for the defense.”
They made it out the door in one.
The little sitting room he was brought to by a guard was entirely ignored as he whirled on his lawyers, voice rising, “How could you do this to him?!”
“Now Qrow-”
“Don’t!” He growled, not that it had any effect on the betas. “Denounce him as a witness! I am not going to allow you all to humiliate my best friend in front of the whole world!”
“We can’t do that. The only way Taiyang can be dismissed at this point is if he refuses to testify.” Pietro explained.
“Oh fucking perfect! This is just...!” Qrow threw up his hands, storming to the other side of the room. It was only the fact that the armchairs looked more expensive than his childhood house that prevented him from kicking any of them.
He picked up a forgotten notepad from one of the tables, tearing the pages to pieces instead.
Pietro rolled up beside him. “We didn’t seek him out. He volunteered to testify.”
“And you let him?!” Riiip. “You’re so smart, but you couldn’t figure out why I didn’t want him to be a part of this?”
“We know you’re hopelessly in love with him.”
It was a good thing magic didn’t exist – otherwise the glare he sent to Rhodes might have melted him on the spot.
Pietro hastily intervened, “What my associate means to say is, we understand your feelings have led you to be… less than objective on this matter.”
He couldn’t turn his imaginary superpower on the old man even if he tried, so he just went back to his quiet destruction.
“But the fact of the matter is, no one made this choice but Taiyang. For the same reason I imagine you made yours, my boy.” He gave him a comforting pat. “He wanted to protect you.”
Qrow paused halfway through a sheet. But after a beat, he scowled, tearing the rest. “Of course he does, that’s just… him! He’s not thinking it through. If this goes badly, he’ll never be able to get away from being part of this case. Someone will always remember. I don’t want him to live with that shame.”
“You know, I sat down with all the potential witnesses.” Rhodes began gently, “Most of them had another agenda, coming here. Good ones, of course, but still. Everyone else we considered were all preoccupied with making a statement. Taiyang was the only one who came here solely for you.” He came over, standing on his other side. “I don’t think the repercussions matter, even if he hasn’t considered them. Because to him you’re worth the risk.”
His old friend, Déjà Vu, nettled at the back of his head. Why did that sound so familiar?
Pietro added, “I think we all also agree you certainly shouldn’t go rotting away in a prison either. So, trust us all a little bit longer. We’ll see this through.”
“Can’t cry ‘till it’s all over, right?”  Qrow grumbled, the ripping finally stopped.
“That’s how it goes. Chin up, my boy. We got a case to win.”
It was certain. After today, wherever Qrow was going after he died, a section would be reserved solely for him.
Because he seriously could not be marveling just how wonderful Tai looked in a suit as he walked into the room. He even shot Qrow his ever-radiant smile as he made his way between the tables, taking his seat in the chair still set in the center of the room.
Leo lent forward. “Young man, do you swear that everything you are about to say will be nothing but the truth?”
“I do.” Tai said, placing a hand to his heart.
“The prosecution may proceed.”
Watts stood. “Thank you, your honor.” He was already spitting out his first question as he crossed over. “Please state your name and occupation for the court.”
“Taiyang Xiao Long. I’m an 8th grade teacher at Signal Academy.”
“Mr. Xiao Long, how did you come to know the defendant?”
Tai lent back in the chair, crossing his ankle over his knee as if he was about to have a casual conversation with the other man. “We grew up a few houses down from each other. Both our parents were of Mistrialian descent and Qrow’s family had recently moved to Patch. My mother felt it was important we got to know them and make them feel welcome. The rest is history.”
“What age were you?” Watts plucked at his mustache. Every time he did, Qrow couldn’t help but think the other was scheming up something.
“It was right before 1st grade started, so I was five, almost six. And Qrow was already six.”
“That’s quite a long time. And what would you consider your relationship with Qrow to be?”
“We’re best friends.”
Watts arched one fine eyebrow. “Not brother-in-laws? After all, the record shows Yang is his biological niece.”
“Uh, well,” The omega rubbed the back of his neck. “Raven and I never married. So, we’re not legally related.”
“I see.” Was the reply, something methodical behind the way the elder let the words drawl out slowly. Stalling as he thought. “But you two have remained close all these years?”
“I mean, we’ve had our ups and downs like any other friendship and his work tends to keep him distant.” Tai lent back, his next statement confident and sincere, “But yes, Qrow is my closest and most trusted friend.”
Though Qrow already knew that truth, the sentiment still made his chest warm brilliantly.
Unfortunately, the moment didn’t have a chance to settle, because Watts chose now to take the shot.
“So then surely you noticed when Qrow’s fascination with omegas first started?”
Tai spluttered. “P-Pardon?”
“Hmm, so that’s how he’s playing it.” Qrow barely caught Pietro’s murmur under the crack of Rhodes’ hand smacking the table.
“Objection! Arthur that’s a leading question.”
The other lawyer gave a shrug, as if it didn’t truly matter. “So it is. I retract it.”
Had he done that on purpose? Nails scratching across the table, Qrow barely withheld a scowl as he started to figure it out as well. Watts was trying to give the idea he was obsessed. It didn’t matter that the question was getting tossed aside; just the implication he wasn’t fully mentally sound would stand out.
He breathed out slow, trying to reign in the anxiety.
It was fine. They still had to do the cross examination – which would be the chance to do some damage control.
“Am I still allowed to answer it?”
The entire court’s attention snapped to Tai, shocked and bewildered.
A beat, then suddenly the reporters were in a frenzy while Qrow desperately tried not to tear out his own hair.
Tai what are you doing!?
Even Watts wasn’t completely unfazed, having to clear his throat first. “Uh, yes, well... I suppose that is up to the court.”
“If he wants to, why not let him?” Predictably, that was Theo.
James sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “Because it can lead to unsustainable evidence. Really Theo, have you ever sat in on a real court hearing before?”
Qrow was beginning to think the only way he was winning Vacuo’s majority was by entertaining them enough.
From the opposite side of the bench, Oz sipped from his mug (when had that appeared?) as he peered down at Taiyang. “Do you believe what you have to say is important to this case?”
“I do, your honor.” Tai sounded so certain. What in Brothers’ names was he up to?
“Then let’s hear it.”
He nodded, facing the prosecutor once more. “The reason Qrow has such an interest in omegas is because he used to be one.”
Oh boy. Qrow sunk a bit in his seat, practically feeling the cameras turning towards him.
For the second time in ten minutes, the court went into a frenzy – bad enough that Leo had to call for order to quiet everyone down.
Watts was staring at Tai like one would a countryside bumpkin. “As fantastical as that claim is Mr. Xiao Long, biology does not work that way. Qrow was born an alpha, therefore he is an alpha.”
“Yes, he is, but he wasn’t raised like one. Qrow’s parents were convinced he would be an omega, so they groomed him to be one. He went to omega-based primordial classes. He could sew by the time he was nine and he was cooking with his mom a few months before she passed away. And that doesn’t even begin to cover all the socialization differences.” Tai uncrossed his legs, leaning forward. “Just because Qrow presented otherwise doesn’t take away from the fact that for thirteen years, he was an omega. So of course he feels a connection with the dynamic he was once a part of.”
“That’s a bold claim to make, but I’m afraid you don’t have the psychological expertise to back it.”
“Perhaps, but I do have personal experience.”
“As a teacher, you mean?”
“No.” Qrow didn’t have to see it to know Tai’s smile was smug. “As someone who lived his first fourteen years as an alpha.”
That got the court going again, though more contained this time around.
Watts seemed to be at the end of his rope with this clown show, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Let’s move on, shall we?”
It was a small, but significant, victory.
“So, you’ve never sat in on any of Mr. Branwen’s tattooing sessions with another client?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Why not?”
“I had no reason too. Not only would it be invasive for the omega having the work done, I’d seen and experienced first-hand how careful Qrow was with his work.”
“How can you be certain he wasn’t just treating you, his closest companion, as an exception?”
“I suppose he did in some ways. Like not minding our eight-to-ten-hour sessions for weeks on end. But as far as his work ethic goes, when I found him, he was thin as a stick because he was sacrificing his grocery budget just to make sure he had all the needles and antiseptics he needed in stock.”
The questioning had been going on for nearly forty-five minutes.
At first, he assumed Watts was just continually trying to dig through his history via Tai, hoping to find something incriminating to prove Qrow was, in fact, a spawn born from the deepest pits of darkness. While that was certainly somewhat true – such as spinning his introverted habits into something more sinister (“Did Mr. Branwen ever have other instances in which he had issue working with others?”) – it didn’t seem the lawyer’s primary goal. The realization of what was creeped up on him as he noticed Glynda hide a yawn behind her hand and Lil’ Miss check her watch.
“He’s stalling.” He hissed.
“Yes.” Pietro was equally displeased. “It’s one of his favorite tactics. He knows the more time he takes, the less we have. I figured he might do this right at the end.”
“Can’t you do anything?”
He rubbed a hand under his chin thoughtfully. “In a normal court, no… but perhaps in this one…”
“We’ll give it a shot.” Rhodes agreed, getting to his feet. “Objection! Arthur, you’ve been at this for quite some time. Is this line of questioning going anywhere?”
The other lawyer waved to Tai, “I merely wish to delve into as much of the defendant’s history as possible, seeing as Mr. Xiao Long here is our only character witness.”
“But wasn’t it also you who said the UFK’s time was valuable?”
“Are you accusing me of wasting time Dium? That’s not a true objection.”
From further above, James asserted, “As it is, I’m thinking to sustain it regardless. I’ve heard about as much of Mr. Branwen’s teenage escapades as I care to hear.”
As the conversation went on above them, Qrow couldn’t help but notice the way Tai fell back some in his seat, a line of exhaustion weighing his shoulders. It seemed Watts’ tactic hadn’t just affected the court. The omega had been very careful the entire time, never giving too much with any answer and, if he could, trying to keep things in a positive light.
He imagined since his best friend was trying to hold up one of the most cynical bastards he’d ever known, his arms had to be getting tired.
“Stop that. You’re not a joke, you know?”
The echoing words chiding him left his lips quirking upwards.
Heh. Right. When was he going to learn to stop underestimating the other man? Tai wasn’t here simply to get him out of trouble; he was here because he believed in Qrow. Not just what he represented, or the work he did, but him at his core. If anything, Qrow was the one being the real fool, not even humoring the idea that very little of what Tai had said so far even stretched the truth.  
That maybe, just maybe, Tai truly did regard him that highly.
Gods, He thought fondly, What did I ever do to deserve you?
As if he could feel Qrow’s stare, Tai glanced back. Though it was hard to tell from this distance, he seemed almost nervous.
Despite knowing he probably wouldn’t be able to make it out, Qrow mouthed as precisely as he could, ‘You’re doing great!’
Something must had translated, because Tai grinned.
“-Four more questions, understood?” Leo was saying, tuning them back into the trial.
“Understood your honor.” Watts replied. There was something almost deadly in his eyes as he faced Tai once more, like he was staring down a dueling opponent and he was best trying to figure how to win the draw. “Mr. Xiao Long, we’ve been speaking of the defendant’s purchase history for some time now, but there’s one in particular I would like you to look at with me.” Much like he had with Qrow, the lawyer picked up some documents from the evidence table, bringing them over. “As the court is already well aware, alphas and omegas are both required to be registered with the pharmacy, so that suppressant usage can be documented and properly distributed.” He stopped in front of Tai. “This is from six years ago, during the same months you happened to have testified you were within contact with him in Argus.”
Qrow sat up, ramrod straight as a stone dropped into his gut. Fuck.
“Will you read for the court the purchase made on July 27th and then the one made on August 12th, including the amounts and prescription length?”
Tai seemed confused, even as he complied, “Moschidor, 200mg, thirty-day use. $28.50. Odocoilus, 300mg, fifteen-day use. $53.66.”
“So, let me clarify what occurred here.” Watts said, gesturing with the papers to the court, “The defendant was on Moshidor, one of the cheaper suppressants on the market, but known for its general effectiveness for every day use. However, before the defendant’s prescription was even close to being finished, he was purchasing Odocoilus, a much more expensive and aggressive suppressant. We’ve also already covered that the defendant’s budget constraints hardly allowed for such lavish spending. Which only leads me to believe that he was in a position in which he had to make this purchase.” He spun back to Tai and took the shot, “So the question is Mr. Xiao Long, do you happen to know if some sort of incident occurred to spark this change?”
At a loss for words, the omega just spluttered. “I, well, uh…”
“Please answer the question Mr. Xiao Long.” He pressured.
Tai shifted uncomfortably, ducking his head. “He… had a spontaneous rut.”
Qrow’s nails dug into the grain of the table, hearing the too-loud whispers of the reporters start up.
“Well now isn’t that fascinating.” Watts exclaimed, looking much like a man who had just discovered a gold mine. “Spontaneous ruts are most often caused by the presence of a potential mate. It wouldn’t be an unforeseen happenstance, being around as many omegas as he was. But then, that doesn’t line up with Mr. Branwen’s declaration of holding a candle for someone well before his tattooing days, now does it?”
In the brief hush, Qrow worked out the options. Tai could lie, of course. Could say he just missed a few doses – but then Watts would string that along to make him seem irresponsible and intentionally hazardous. Or, maybe he could convince everyone the suppressants just stopped working because his body became too accumulated to his current prescription. It would work, if only it couldn’t be easily countered by the fact that effectiveness goes down overtime, and other rut-like symptoms would have popped up months prior to the full cycle.
It was with a sinking feeling he realized there was only one ‘good’ answer to that question.
A flush was working its way up Tai’s neck, pinkening his ears, as he no doubt came to the same conclusion. “It does, actually. Because…” His whole back rolled with the breath he took before raising his head, “I’m that person.”
Yet again, an explosion of noise overtook the court.
Qrow shut his eyes, as if he could shut it all out. The little victory they had gotten earlier on in the testimony felt like a consolation prize to the defeat they were facing now. Even with only two questions left, Watts had a dozen little ways he could twist that information and the precious seconds it took the leaders to call for order only gave him more time to figure out exactly how to best ruin the most beautiful thing in Qrow’s life.
Ruin it he clearly wanted too, what with the way Watts steepled his fingers together and smiled menacingly as he waited patiently for order to be restored before speaking, “Mr. Xiao Long, I’m afraid I feel like I’m missing a few pieces here. Your statement implies you triggered Mr. Branwen’s rut. However, spontaneous ruts don’t come about from a mere crush. Otherwise, we’d have every teenager in the world out of school every other week. Mr. Branwen had to be in a situation in which he felt you could become his mate for a rut to happen in this manner. So, what occurred between you two to create this chain reaction?”
“We… spent the night together. Platonically!” Tai stressed quickly. “It was my birthday and we’d had a few glasses of wine together. He invited me to stay over for the night. Nothing else happened.” A pause, then Tai added in rashly, “We’d done it a million times before so I didn’t think anything of it. I hadn’t known Qrow had had any feelings for me at the time, otherwise I wouldn’t have stayed.”
Qrow grimaced and hunkered down, already knowing what was about to be said.
Sure enough, Watts grabbed the lead in like he’d just fished his best catch of the day, “I find that very curious of you to say. Because Qrow’s already attested to the fact you never returned his feelings – but he failed to say when you rejected him. Now from this account, it seems to me he manipulated you into a hazardous situation, using your ignorance to his potential gain.”
Fury burnt in his gut, angry tears brimming. That wasn’t what happened! He’d never… could never have lived with himself, if he’d hurt Tai like that. How was it right that someone could mock his love this way? Make it seem like a sham.
Yet just as it felt like all he could do was sit here helplessly as the one thing he’d held most dear fell apart for all to witness, Tai stood up for him, chair scraping back, voice near explosive all on its own, “No! That’s not the truth!”
Watts merely arched a brow at the emotional display, and rather than calling him out for the outburst only egged him on further with his final question, “Then what is the truth, Mr. Xiao Long?”
“The truth is it was my fault!”
Oh Tai… Qrow shook his head, willing him not to take the fall for him but unable to stop him as he bravely carried on.
He expected some outlandish lie to protect him.
Some sort of tall tale that he’d conjured up to push the blame off of himself so that Tai looked like the guilty party in all this.
What he didn’t expect – the last thing he’d ever expect in the entire world – was what Tai said next.
“Qrow’s rut didn’t trigger because of his feelings, they triggered because of mine!”
Even as the press stirred up behind him and the council bore down from above, Tai didn’t halt, tone trembling on the words, “I had started falling for him when we met up again. But I was too much of a coward to tell him, because the last time I had, my entire life was upended!” He pointed frenziedly towards James’ section. “I got shipped off to Atlas and my daughters ripped away from me! Years I’ll never get back, because I had dared fall in love a second time. I couldn’t stand the thought of it happening again, so I… I never told Qrow.” His arm fell and, with it, his ferocity.
Qrow didn’t need to see him to know he was crying.
“Not that it would have mattered. Qrow was already staying away as much as possible to keep me and my girls out of this. Telling him, when we couldn’t be together, would have been cruel.” Tai hung his head, ending softly, “I loved him too much to break his heart that way.”
The irony was, he certainly didn’t feel that was even possible, with how full his heart suddenly was. He wanted to cry. He wanted climb the tallest mountain in the world and shout his happiness until it echoed into the canyons. But more than anything, he wanted to jump up and take Tai into his arms and never, ever let him go.
Watts cleared his throat, reminding him where he was and that his life was on the cusp of being nothing but three stone walls and a door with bars. “I suppose… I have no further questions.” He walked back to his table, only stopping long enough to gripe, “And take your seat, Mr. Xiao Long.”
As Tai sat back down, Ozpin lent forward, surprisingly kind as he offered, “Would the witness like a moment, before we continue?”
“No.” He snuffled, running a hand over his eyes. “I’m okay. I apologize for the display.”
The leader only nodded, “Very well. The defense may proceed.”
Pietro gave Qrow a firm pat on the back, “Hang in there, my boy.” Before making his way to the evidence table. He picked up a paperback book and, strangely, a measuring tape, before rolling himself over to Tai. “I promise to be brief, Mr. Xiao Long. Now, you said it took about six months for my client to finish rebranding your mark, is that correct?”
“And during those six months, you met every Sunday for up to ten hours a day, correct?”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“And where is your brand?”
“It’s on my back.” Tai made a vague motion towards the area. “Across my shoulder blades.”
“I see. So, it’s not in plain view. Would you please remove your shirt to show the court?”
That had Watts snapping, “Objection! We’ve seen Qrow’s work on the other witnesses. We don’t need to disgrace Mr. Xiao Long in such a manner.”
“I do promise that I am going somewhere with this.” Pietro told the court. “Mr. Xiao Long’s time with Mr. Branwen was significantly longer than any other witness or potential witness we encountered, but I believe seeing it will only truly express why.”
The four leaders glanced at one another, before James tipped his head, “We’ll allow it. Mr. Xiao Long, if you would.”
Tai got to back to his feet, turning around. His fingers fumbled a bit over the buttons of his shirt as his eyes met Qrow’s, a confliction of feelings playing across his face. Qrow couldn’t help but feel a storm well within him. There was so much he wanted to say and to make up for. But all they could have right now were their gazes on one another, the longing between them almost tangible.
Tai shrugged out of his shirt, the fabric falling to the floor.
A ring of gasps could be heard from some of the councilmembers.
Qrow didn’t need to see it to know why, remembering every line he’d etched like it had been just yesterday.
He could almost feel his hand moving once more, his outline detailing the S into an 8 – Tai’s birthdate. Within the top and bottom circles, the colors of dawn and dusk bloomed anew along the beaches of Patch. Both the upper and lower half were drawn out symmetrically so they mirrored one another. Both had the same sands, the same waves, the same distant isles of Vale, and even the same birds flying in the sky. The only difference was the time of day, so that the sun rose and fell in infinity.
Beside it was the former L that was now shaped like an arch window. Spilling out of the shadows of a deep cave was a glorious four-legged dragon, with scales of gold and wings like a bird’s folded upon its back. It was peering down at where the end of its tail was curled up like a small spiral, where a little black bird was perched, beak open in song.
Then was the U, no longer detectable as it had blossomed into a simple silver rose, a loving reminder of a pendant Summer herself once wore. The edges of the rose were given a red tinge to match the woman’s graduating hair. A few of the petals were giving way, delicately falling on either side. Cursive script had been added both above and below the rose, the exact words of a poem the woman had once adored, versing out: ‘Thus kindly… I scatter’.
Finally came the T, now transformed into a maple tree not unlike the ones spread around the yard of Tai’s house. This one was on the cusp of autumn, its bright green leaves having a blush of reds, oranges and yellows. At the time it was a wish, the colors a representation of the family Tai hoped to raise at his former summer home. Below the tree, a sea of white daisies and sunflowers had sprouted up, stems bent like they were dancing. A new beginning in the sunlight.
Each one was created with a steady hand and careful consideration for the man who bore them. So that when Tai walked out the door that final time, it was no longer with shame, but with pride that he could wear something on his back that was as beautiful as he was.
Pietro allowed them to stare for several long seconds, before he requested, “Rhodes, if you could assist me for just a moment.” The other lawyer was quick join him, taking the tape measure as it was handed over. “If you would, could you measure out the length of the first tattoo for me?” The ruler made a metallic hush as it was pulled out and held against the man’s back. “Now Mr. Xiao Long, could you read for us the reading on the tape?”
Tai glanced down as Rhodes held it out towards him. “Eight and a half inches.”
“And what was the first letter of the word on your back?”
“It was an S.”
“Is the S still discernable?”
“Yes. It’s one half of the figure eight.”
Pietro nodded, glancing at his associate. “Just to make sure it is fully understood, Rhodes, can you trace the letter so that the court can clearly see what Mr. Xiao Long means?”
“Of course.” Rhodes complied, stepping to the side so it was in clear view as his finger followed the line.
“Thank you. You may return to your seat Rhodes. As can you, Mr. Xiao Long.”
Tai met Qrow’s eyes one more time, and this time gave him a tiny smile, before he turned to settle back into the chair. He fetched his shirt up off the floor.
While Tai was making himself decent once more, Pietro drew the attention his way as he held up the book to the court. “I have here in my hand a guidebook from the New Horizons Reformatory, the very same one Mr. Xiao Long attended. In chapter three of this book, are the guidelines for omega branding.” He flipped over to the chapter he had to be talking about, holding it out to Tai. “Mr. Xiao Long, would you please read aloud the parameters for acceptable size of the brand, as listed under section 3?”
“A brand is not to exceed the length of two inches and no larger than the length of the chosen body part to prevent words from circling around the limb.” Tai recited obediently.
“Mhm. And can you also read aloud section 5?”
“The chosen word cannot in any way be considered: derogatory, defamatory or otherwise indecent to be seen by the public eye.”
Pietro lowered the book. “Mr. Xiao Long, the word that was on your back is entirely indiscernible, but am I correct to assume it was a four-letter word that started with an S?”
“Would you please tell the court what that word once was?”
Tai took a breath and the room seemed to hold it with him.
Then, he released it and the terrible truth along with it, “It used to say ‘Slut’.”
Not a word was uttered. Even the reporters in the back had nothing to say, because it spoke for itself.
Qrow chanced a glance upwards. Few could look at Taiyang, and those who were did not hide their humanity. Of course, it was the four leaders that seemed the most prominent. Theo’s frown was heavily pronounced, his gaze burning holes into the tabletop in front of him. James was running a hand over his eyes, a sagging to his once proud shoulders. Leo was shaking his head, murmuring quietly to himself. And Oz, as usual, was near completely unreadable, hiding his expression behind his hands again.
Hope beat like a frail thing in his chest and he tried not to hold it too hard.
The silence was eventually broken by Pietro snapping the book closed with an air of finality. “Thank you, Mr. Xiao Long. I have no further questions. You may step down.”
“Well,” Leo spoke up, as the two men began to move. “As there are no further witnesses, we’ll allow for the final statements. After that, the jury will convene for a judgment and-”
The rest of it faded to background noise, Qrow’s fixation completely on Tai as he passed between the tables.
The omega paused, just long enough to mouth a single word to him before he continued on:
It felt like a promise.
Thirty minutes was all it took to decide his fate.
He had thought the deliberation period would last longer. That everything they’d done here today would shake up at least some people’s conventions. Yet, for the decision to be made so quickly meant there’d been little to no discourse. No split votes. No uncertainties. Nothing that held up their ruling.
Almost as if their verdict had been made well before he even first walked into the room.
It didn’t seem to add up. After all the heavy expressions, outbursts, and shocked silences, Qrow had thought they had had an impact.
Had it all just been for the cameras?
Had nothing mattered?
Traversing the path back to the conference room for the last time, Qrow felt like he was walking back to the gallows.
“Don’t look so glum. It’s not over yet.” Pietro urged as he wheeled along beside him.
He scoffed. “Tch. Might as well be. Face it wheels, they already knew what they wanted to do with me before we ever started this dog and pony show.”
“Perhaps…” Was all he said and thankfully no more.
On his other side, Rhodes offered him a firm pat to the back, though it failed to do much when his own expression was crooked with nerves.
Too soon, Qrow was settled back into his chair between his lawyers. Not much had changed about the room, except the witness chair was gone and the reporters had been given permission to encroach further in the room – most of them stood only ten feet away from his table. Across the way, Watts was completely at ease, his hands clasped before his face to hide a smirk. No doubt because he too knew this was already over.
Ozpin spoke first, “We’ve called you back in here because our councils have reached our verdicts. Each head of council will give their individual verdicts based on majority vote before giving our unanimous ruling. Mr. Branwen, we ask you to come to the center of the room as we read our verdict.”
The heat of an invisible spotlight followed him every step of the way as he did as requested, until he stood in the exact spot he’d made his initial testimony. But the anxiety he’d felt then was nothing compared to now – heart pounding, ears rushing, hands curled up into fists to hide their shakes. It took all of his strength to look up and face the court. Every face he looked at was carefully blank, giving away nothing.
Barred, like he soon would be.
“James,” Oz gestured towards him, “Since the defendant was apprehended on your kingdom’s grounds, I feel it only appropriate to allow you to go first.”
“Thank you Oz.”
As the general got to his feet, Qrow ducked his head to hide his grimace. It was better this way. Hearing the one kingdom that assuredly condemned him meant he couldn’t possibly get his hopes up by any other rulings.
James began, voice commanding all attention to him, “In the case of Qrow Branwen v. the Four Kingdoms-”
He screwed his eyes shut. On the cusp of the end of his life, he swore it flashed before him. Tiny, trivial, nearly uncatchable bits of the people he’d left behind or let down.
His father’s stern hand.
The softness of his mother’s hugs.
His twin’s pretentious stance.
His nieces’ excitement every time he came home.
The buzzing of his pen as he drew a thousand different works of art upon a thousand different people.
“-We, the council of Atlas, ruled 3-to-5 and find the accused…”
But of everything that slipped in and out like sand through an hourglass, the one that held tightest without letting go was Tai. Until there was nothing left in his memories but the bright smile he’d first fallen in love with eighteen years ago.
A smile he’d taken for granted twelve years ago.
Had fought to bring back six years ago.
Now, today, he’d be taking it away, as the world who cared nothing for an omega’s happiness found a way to break his heart for a third and final time.
I’m sorry, Tai. Qrow thought helplessly just as the verdict was declared.
“-Innocent of disorderly conduct against omegakind.”
Qrow wasn’t sure if the boom he heard was Watts’ hands meeting the table from shock or his own head exploding.
Had… he truly heard that right?
As he dared peek in James’ direction, he swore he got the hint of a smile on the man’s face as he took his seat once more. A glance back, and he could see Pietro and Rhodes’ optimistic expressions. Watched the reporters twitter about animatedly, repeating the ruling into their cameras.
“Can you believe-”
“The ruling is in-”
“-and in this shocking turn of events-”
“-Atlas’ decision is innocent!”
The shock hadn’t even had a chance to start wearing off, before Qrow’s focus was forward once more as Leo was encouraged to go next.
His proclamation was much shorter: “The Mistral council finds Qrow Branwen innocent in a 6-to-9 ruling.”
Then went Theo, who had the audacity to wink at him before speaking, “The Vacuo council ruled 7-to-11 that Mr. Branwen is innocent.”
Breath coming short and every bit of him tingling, Qrow could barely contain his anticipation as Ozpin stood to give the final verdict:
“In a unanimous 8-to-8 ruling, we the Vale council also declare the accused innocent. As the UFK has reached a shared ruling, Qrow Branwen will be acquitted of all charges against him.” Before the commotion could really get going, the leader held up a hand, speaking over it, “Furthermore, this case has brought to our attention that omega branding has become an outdated and, quite frankly, inhumane practice. Thus, we have decided that any form of branding will be prohibited in all institutions across the four kingdoms from this day forward.”
The reaction to those words was a thunderous roar that rattled the windows and shook the rafters. It took Qrow a moment to place the source, until it hit him that it was coming from outside. It was the massive crowd that had gathered on the lawn, all cheering so loudly that it was bouncing off the walls, amplifying the noise until it resonated more like a pride of lions triumphantly sounding off, letting their voices be heard.
Silenced no longer.
In the wake of it, Ozpin was almost inaudible as he finished, “This court is now adjourned. Qrow, you’re free to go.”
It took him a moment to get his legs to cooperate, relief turning his limbs to jelly as he swayed back over to the table. Both lawyers were quick to greet him.
Rhodes’ excitement was palpable in the way the pat he delivered to his back was enough to whoosh all the air from his lungs. “Come on Qrow, smile! You’re not walking out of here in handcuffs.”
“I know, I just… did that really just happen?” He questioned, half-expecting to wake up from the past five minutes and discover it was all just a dream.
“That it did. Hold it with pride that this was a well-earned victory.” Pietro congratulated, holding out a hand. “It’s been a pleasure working with you, my boy.”
For some reason, that was what finally got the tears to gather, though Qrow stubbornly tried not to let them fall as he shook the other’s hand. “Thank you. Both of you. I wouldn’t have had a chance without you.”
“Believe me when I say the thanks is all from us. Working on a case like this is something lawyers only dream of.” Rhodes replied. “I haven’t seen this old man so invigorated in years!”
“Now Rhodes, don’t make it seem so self-serving. Anybody with eyes could see Qrow was no criminal. In the end, it’s not the prestige that I’ll be holding onto, but the joy in seeing this young man walk free.” The elder admonished.
The battle was lost as the first tear slipped down his face, though Qrow was quick to wipe it away. “I-”
“Mr. Branwen! Can I get a statement?”
He started at the shout, seeing one of the reporters beelining towards him – though her call had drawn the attention and ravenousness of the others. Sharks, all of them.
Pietro mumbled quietly, “Rhodes, I believe Qrow needs to make a hasty exit.”
“Got it.” Before he could blink, the lawyer was pushing him between the cameras and the microphones, saying diplomatically as they went on by, “While I’m certain Mr. Branwen would love to answer all your questions, he has a rather important matter to attend too.” He would have sworn it was just a ruse meant to dissuade the press. But then they reached the doors, and Rhodes was leaning over, whispering in his ear, “Take a left, then go down the second hallway. You’ll find an elevator there. Tai’s on the second floor, room 218.”
The realization hit like a strike of lightning.
Right, no more cells. No more handcuffs. No more guards.
If he stepped out of this room, no one would stop him.
He was truly and wholly free to go.
Which meant…
“Go get him.”
Qrow hardly needed the push, feet pounding loudly on marble as he sprinted down the hallway, running faster than he ever had in his entire life. His shadow stretched alongside the wall beside him, cast by the falling sun outside that came through the floor to ceiling windows. A glance outside revealed the masses still celebrating. They were a sea of faces, indistinguishable in the dimming light, but their rapture was universal. Seen in the hugs being shared. Shoulders being cried on. In the group that had started to dance for no other reason than to share in each other’s joy.
Tomorrow, they’d remember the other battles still left to be fought, the inequalities still meant to be corrected – but today was for rejoicing, for reveling in one of the most monumental gains for omegakind in over fifty years.
Through the tinted windows, Qrow smiled to them before disappearing around the second corner without a single one of them ever knowing he was there.
Unseen as he always was meant to be.
The elevator was taking too long.
“Come on, come on.” Qrow pressed the button another half dozen times, tapping his foot impatiently. As he waited, he couldn’t help but wonder what Tai was doing right now. Was he still watching the newsreel on his scroll? Or was he standing by the window, watching the ongoing merry-making of his fellow omegas? Or maybe he was pacing the room, just as anxious to see him as Qrow himself was.
Gods above, he didn’t even know what he was going to say to him. All he knew was he needed to be with him, right now.
He stared at the light above the door like he could will it to light up.
Another few seconds passed and it remained offensively dark.
“Tch!” He scowled at it, rushing back into hallway, sprinting for the door at the end that had a sign marked “Fire Escape” on it. He sent a silent prayer that it wouldn’t be alarmed as he reached for the knob.
Only for it to swing open of its’ own accord.
Qrow’s heart jumped as he suddenly found himself staring back at Tai, disheveled and winded, on the other side. Like he’d just run the entire way here.
The omega took about a half-step out before his eyes blew wide as he realized who was standing in front of him. “Qrow! How did you – I mean, what are you doing?”
“Coming to find you.” Qrow rasped, swallowing a bit. “How ‘bout you?”
Tai’s scent spiked, nerves making it sharper, more prominent. “I, uh, same. Was trying to use the elevator but-”
“It was taking too long?” He guessed, a smile pulling at the edges of his lips.
“Yeah.” Tai said, beginning to grin along with him.
Then they were laughing, as it hit them that in their haste to see one another, they had done the exact same thing. Qrow’s amusement only grew, when he surmised that the reason the elevator was probably taking so long was because it was on Tai’s floor, waiting for the blond who already was long gone.
He was just starting to get ahold of himself, taking in a breath to speak, when a ding sounded off and voices and footsteps filled the hall. He glanced back, unease filling him as he recognized Robyn’s voice. Though he imagined she was probably going to join the festivities out front, if she spotted him, she’d surely want to catch a word. He wasn’t the only one to pick up on the issue, because Tai abruptly grabbed onto his wrist, yanking him into the stairwell. The door whispered shut behind them.
“Sorry, I just…” Tai trailed off, letting go.
Which was just unacceptable. Qrow reached out, capturing his hand in his and squeezing tightly. “I know. Me too.” The omega looked between their hands back to him.  “So… all this time?”
“I, yeah.” He sucked in a sharp breath, a swell of emotions caught in his tone, “I wanted to tell you so long ago. But, I just – Gods I don’t even know where to start.”
He hushed him soothingly, brushing away the tears threatening to fall. “Hey, none of that now. Remember what you told me before? Just because they’re your feelings for me doesn’t mean I own them.” That same hand quested further, winding around the back of his head to card through blond locks. “In fact, forget all that. I don’t need you to explain and by Gods do I not want you to apologize, for anything.” He lent forward, until their foreheads brushed and all they could see was each other. “I just want to know: This is really what you want? You want to be with me?”
Those beautiful blue eyes that Qrow’d seen be as turbulent as a stormy sea and as calm as an undisturbed lake stared back at him in a way he’d never quite seen before. They had softened to something strikingly warm and crystal clear, much like the beaches of Patch. Like home.
“Yes.” Tai resolutely replied, gentle and sweet. “Yes, I really do.”
Overwhelmed, Qrow could only bring him that much closer, promising against his lips reverently, “Okay. Then I’m yours,” before the distance between them closed.
Somewhere, the world was still turning around them. But for Qrow, his own had been off its axis for months now.
It was only in Tai’s lips against his that he felt it finally right itself once more.
It was still blissfully early in the workday when Qrow led his final customer back to the front of his shop, going through the care instructions like a mantra. “-And don’t forget, no direct sunlight until it’s fully healed. Got all that?”
“Yep!” Gretchen assured, her high voice giving an almost musical lyre to her words. “Thank you so much. I can’t wait to get rid of all my stupid knee-high socks.”
Distracted by a random flutter of anxiety, his response came late, “Ah, don’t mention it.”
They walked into the lobby area – or, as he often jokingly referred to it, his art museum. The walls were covered in nothing but framed mementos of his work. Some were just drawn onto sketchbook paper, others were actual photos of past clients showing off their marks. The room was fairly sparse besides a small desk that had his itinerary for the year and a desk phone. A few chairs were also scattered about the room for friends or family of the client.
In one of them sat Gretchen’s brother, Hazel. Upon seeing them, the absolute mountain of an alpha got to his feet, trudging on over. “All done?”
“Uh-huh.” The woman launched herself at him and despite her petite size, Qrow could tell her hugs were rather large. “Thank you for paying for this.”
“I’m just glad it made you happy.” He said with complete sincerity, his own embrace lifting her off the ground.
Qrow had to wonder if it was like getting a hug from a grizzly bear. Still, the sight pulled a smile out of him. It was always reassuring, seeing his clients getting the support they deserved. “Call if anything doesn’t seem right, okay?”
“I will.” With a wave goodbye from Gretchen and a silent nod of gratitude from Hazel, the pair left his shop together, plans to visit the ice cream shop down the block trailing after them.
He locked the door behind them, a sense of anticipation rolling through him. It was rare he got to close up shop before sundown on a Friday and he was looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend at home. He worked out the stiffness in his neck and wrist as he went about the motions of preparing for the following week. The pen was taken apart and dropped into the ultrasonic cleaner. While the cycle ran, he settled back out front to make a few calls, confirming Monday’s appointments.  Next, he checked the inks, refilling the black and blue that had begun to run low. By the time he was done with that, the cleaner was done and he reassembled the pen, storing it away in its’ kit.
After that, there was nothing left to do but pull out his scroll and text Tai.
Early night at the shop. Should be home by six.
He felt the response in another wave of anxiety well before he heard the jingle from his device. Just getting dinner started. See you soon.
Qrow hesitated, tempted not for the first time today to just ask what was up with his mate, but like every other time, he pushed the selfish desire down.
After they’d bonded, he and Tai had established early on that neither of them wanted the other to drop everything to be at each other’s beck and call whenever they felt a hint of a negative emotion. It was too stifling and, when it came right down to it, too insulting. He didn’t need Tai in his ear while dealing with an ornery customer any more than Tai needed him at his side every time one of his coworkers got on his nerves. They both wanted to feel trusted, not coddled.
So, curiosity wasn’t a great reason to break that trust.
Whatever was making Tai feel so jittery, he knew he’d tell him when he was ready. Until then…
Could pick something up on the way home, if you’d rather. He offered.
The reply was just a picture of their kitchen counter, spread with the familiar ingredients for his favorite curry dish, followed by a cheeky, You sure?
He folded quicker than a bad poker hand. Forget I said anything.
Tai just sent back a bunch of laughing faces.
Qrow took it as a good sign.
Harbinger’s Tattoo Parlor was located in a small shopping center in central Patch, easy to find even for the farthest of travelers. It was also a convenient fifteen-minute drive from the forest-entwined cabin Qrow called home. The trees acted like a natural privacy fence, with only a winding dirt road the only way in. Driving in, the home seemed to glisten in the late afternoon light, a recent coat of timber stain having given the logs a dazzling sheen, making the decades-old structure appear newer than it was. Little planters of sunflowers and daisies surrounded the front and eastern sides of the home, adding a serene splash of color to the dwelling. He gave the blooms an appraising eye as he continued down the path to the backyard, parking by the shed.
No sooner after he’d cut the engine and started making his way towards the house, did the door burst open and his nieces came flocking out.
“Hi uncle!” Yang said, snatching the keys as she went. “Bye uncle!”
He blinked down at his empty hand. “Hey, wait!”
“Love you!” Ruby dropped a kiss to his cheek, bouncing on by with a few colorful giftbags swinging on her arms and a bundle of fur clutched between her hands.
“You’re taking Zwei too?!”
Already halfway in the driver’s seat, the younger alpha shouted back, a clear tease in her tone, “Thought you didn’t like the ‘mangy mutt’?”
“I don’t – was just hoping you were leaving him there!” He retaliated, waving a hand behind him as he headed inside. “Have fun. And don’t crash my car.”
The roar of the vehicle coming to life drowned out whatever response they may have given him. He counted his blessings the Valkyrie residence was only a few houses away as he watched them peel away before stepping into the kitchen. The sound that greeted him was the swishing of a wooden spoon mixing food into a skillet, the heat up high to bring it to a shimmer.
“Welcome home!”  Tai greeted with an unusual amount of enthusiasm.
Unsure if it was wise to address it or not, Qrow erred on the side of caution as he strode over with nothing more than a casual, “Hey sunshine.”
He waited until the omega had set the cover down on the pan, before gathering him up in his arms and pulling him back against his chest. When that was met with no resistance, he nuzzled against the side of his neck. After being surrounded by a variety of different scents, it was nice to be enveloped by only his mate’s earthy aroma.
“Mm, how was your day?” Tai asked as turned in his grasp to return the gesture.
Qrow tilted his head back to allow him. “Good. Finished off Gretchen’s mark today.”
“The one who wanted the gingerbread house?”
“Yeah.” He shivered a bit as lips brushed against his bond mark, the scarring having left the area extra sensitive. “How was yours?”
Another spike both in his gut and in Tai’s scent. But his mate only brushed it off with a chuckle. “Oh you know my students, they always like to kid around.”
He groaned, nipping his ear in retribution. “No.”
That got him a more honest laugh. Tai wiggled free, turning away to start cleaning up the dishes and spices he’d left out. “It was math and movie day, so nothing interesting to report.”
With his back turned, he couldn’t see the way Qrow frowned. He’d hoped once they were in the same room together, Tai would open up. Now, he had no idea what was going on. Unless…
He eyed the skillet, his favorite dish still bubbling away underneath the top. It wasn’t unusual for him to make it, but after a long, tiring week at work, slaving over a stove was the last thing either of them wanted to do. Usually, they had pizza or leftovers or something quick and easy. Tai deciding to do something special reeked of him trying to butter him up for something.
Then, there was the oddity of the girls’ bringing Zwei along for a birthday party. Fun as the puppy was, he was also a lot of work and Qrow really couldn’t see a group of teenagers willingly wanting to spend an entire weekend watching him. Especially when he couldn’t get his own to clean their rooms.
Which meant, either they’d been bribed or Tai had been.
“Really, nothing at all?” Despite his mounting suspicion, he kept his tone casual, crossing over to the fridge to fetch himself a drink.
Another clench in his gut. Another lie on Tai’s tongue. “Yeah. It was just another normal day.”
Normal his ass. Qrow pulled out a beer, cracking it open and kicking the fridge door shut all in one motion. He swore to the Gods, if all this was over some new mutt hiding out in their shed, he was going to lose it.
Tai passed him on the way to the sink, pausing just long enough to drop a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
…But, he supposed he could play along.
“Want dessert?”
The call from the kitchen roused him and Qrow’s eyes slipped back open.
He had long ago kicked off his shoes and his ankles were crossed over the coffee table while he lounged back on the couch. The T.V. was playing the latest episode of All Our Life but he’d long ago tuned out whatever comedy the campy sitcom was trying to pull. It had been going downhill ever since Season 3 anyways. Tai must have felt the same, if he’d decided to clear the dishes instead of waiting for the credit roll.
“What are we having?” He yelled back, hitting the power button on the remote with his toe. Maybe they could put on a movie instead.
“Tried and true!”
He snorted. “Sure.”
There was a clack as the pantry opened and closed. The nerves had spiked again, bad enough Qrow had to take a few deep breathes. He sat up straight, bracing himself for the ‘news’. He’d already planned out his reaction. He couldn’t wait to yank Tai’s chain over adopting yet another mangy menace for them to care for – even if he was going to give in in the end.
“Oh, that reminds me, I thought of a great joke.” Tai said as he came back into the room.
Oh Gods, this was how he was going to tell him? Forget it. The furball was going back to pound. “Great is relative with you.”
“Oh hush up and listen! So, what did the bumblebee say to the sugar ant on his birthday?”
His brow furrowed, confused. That didn’t really lead to ‘puppy’ or ‘kitty’. “I don’t know, what?”
“He said,” Tai replied as he tossed him the packaged cupcake, winking as he did, “Boy, this sure is a sweet gift!”
“Ha. Ha. I’m just dying over here.” He deadpanned, ripping open the plastic.
Qrow waited for the rest of the punchline to come, but his mate only dropped down next to him, saying nothing even as his anxiety skyrocketed. Alright. Still not ready then.
He sighed softly, tugging out the cupcake, removing the cardboard bottom.
And froze.
“Speaking of gifts…”
Tai’s voice seemed to come from far away, barely tugging away Qrow’s focus as it centered on the little square in his hand.
Flecks of chocolate had clung to it, but it wasn’t enough to block out the words written on it in happy, yellow ink:
We’re pregnant.
“We’re… You’re…” He stilted out, mind whirling as he looked at his mate, “We’re gonna have…?”
Tai was biting his lip, but it didn’t quite tame the growing smile as he nodded.
Love and affection surged so strongly in Qrow’s heart, Tai’s eyes started to water. The omega was laughing by the time Qrow had dropped the things in his hands to instead pull him into his arms, hugging him as tight as he could. He rained kisses and adoration along the other’s face. “I love you. I love you so much. My Gods. We’re really having a pup?”
“Uh-huh.” Tai swiped away some tears budding in Qrow’s eyes now, even as more fell from his own, the emotions growing between their bond intense and overwhelming. “Found out this morning. I’ve been waiting all day to tell you.”
“I knew you were freaking out about something. But I thought you were gonna tell me we were getting another dog!”
Tai guffawed loudly. “Of course not! Unless…”
He only dissolved into more hysterics. Qrow was soon to follow, the joy contagious.
It was hard to know how long they stayed like that, wrapped up in each other, but eventually they found themselves sprawled together on the couch, talking long into the night about all the little wonders their future now held. From how they’d break the news to Ruby and Yang to how they wanted to decorate the spare room when it became a nursery, there was so much to think about. But rather than feel worried, Qrow only had anticipation in his heart.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d freak out.” He remarked, smoothing soothing circles along his mate’s back.
Tai rose a bit from where he was resting on his clavicle. “I mean, I know we talked about it here and there, but we hadn’t exactly planned this.”
“Sunshine, I dunno where you’ve been the past two decades, but nothing in my life was something I planned out.”
“That’s not-!” The omega paused his own argument, adding humbly, “…entirely true.”
He snorted. “Good save.” He carded a hand through blond locks. “Look. A few years ago, I never even dreamed I’d ever have you, let alone the chance to make a family with you. So, no matter how it happened, I definitely don’t need a plan to know I want this. Don’t you?”
“More than anything.” Tai confirmed, ducking his head. “In fact I… couldn’t help but think this was a do over. That this time I’d get to raise a child without interruption from, well, anything.”
Sorrow skimmed over their connection, almost unnoticeable. Old hurts from broken hearts and cruel injustices, things that had healed with time but never forgotten in how they hurt.
Qrow pressed a kiss to his forehead, murmuring, “Third time’s the charm?”
“Heh, guess it is. Though,” His expression turned teasing, “Aren’t you a bit of a bad luck charm, Mr. Crow?”
He groaned, dropping his head back against the armrest of the couch. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
Tai pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “That’s the crime of loving me.”
“Well, if that’s the case, lock me up and throw away the key.” He declared like the delinquent he was.
“And you say I have bad jokes.”
“You do. I, on the other hand,” He said, gesturing grandly, “am an artiste.”
Tai’s chuckles were a victory all on their own.
But the reward was in the kiss that followed, devotion intertwining through the bond.
Qrow tilted his head, giving back as much as he was given. His left hand clenched onto the back of Tai’s shirt, where just underneath rested the colorful tapestry that once was the symbol of a new start. Now, it lay with his right hand’s caress to the side of Tai’s belly where their child was steadily and surely growing.
A new beginning that they’d embrace together.
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mx-ishikawa · 4 years ago
Like a fire in My Blood
(so uhhh obligatory Lupin self-insert fic!! this is a li’l backstory of how my S/I got involved with the squad that I’ve been working on for the past couple weeks, lmao. warnings for guns, canon-typical violence, and lots of swearing- y’all know me by now XD” enjoy!)
Tied up to a chair in an abandoned warehouse surrounded by gun-toting mobsters was not planned for my Saturday night. Then again, normalcy wasn’t very present in my life anymore.
“Now you’re gonna tell me one more time, sweetheart, where is that treasure?” the squatty man who I assumed was the leader growled, pointing the gun at my face. What the fuck.
“First of all, I am not as sweet as you think I am,” I spat- how the hell was I so snarky staring straight into the barrel of death itself??- “and second of all, I really have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about so quit insisting I do and let me go!” Surprisingly, he lowered the gun.
“You’re a terrible liar, my dear,” he snarled, going over to where my jacket that had been forcibly removed from my person for some reason was hung.
“Buddy, I was raised by an overprotective controlling helicopter mother, I may as well be a professional liar,” I retorted.
“Well then how the hell do you explain this?!”
I gasped as he pulled out the bright, shimmering green stone from my jacket pocket. FUCK.
“Oh THAT! Jesus Christ, I completely forgot I had that, goddamn!”
“Yeah, sure you did.”
“No, I’m dead serious, I actually forgot about that! Literally, if I had remembered that I would’a told you straight-up because that shit is not worth my life!”
“Well then, care to explain now?”
“Yeah okay so it’s like- I went down State Street, past the Cultural Center, then I kinda went through Millenium Park until I got to the Art Institute, then I took a left and once I got past Lakeshore Drive I hopped over to the left again and- that cluster of trees at the park entrance? It’s literally right there in the middle of them, hidden practically in plain sight! I was just trying to find some worms for composting and I find a shit-ton of emeralds instead, how crazy is that?” I laughed breathlessly.
It wasn’t a joke, no, every word I spoke was true. I was so shocked upon finding the stash of emeralds right there in the middle of Chicago that I immediately covered it back up and ran off-- but not before nicking one, if only as proof that the whole thing hadn’t been a weird fever dream. And possibly for future bragging rights, but other than that, material things like rare precious jewels meant nothing to me. The fact that these happened to be in my favorite color was just a cool bonus. 
“Thank you for your cooperation,” the fat man sneered, huffing away at his fat cigar. “I’ll be taking this and the rest of the emeralds now.”
“Go ahead, I don’t need it or any of the others.” I would have waved my hand dismissively had it not been tied behind my back.
“I don’t understand though… what kind of woman would give up such riches so easily?”
  I tried not to gag. I don’t mind being called a woman, but not with that kind of sexist implication. “Not the kind of woman you’re thinking of, that’s for goddamn sure.”
“Ah well. None of that matters in the end.” He paused to snap his fingers, and two of his biggest men approached with their guns. “Finish her off.”
“Whoa wait WHAT?! Why do you wanna kill me, I fuckin’ TOLD you where the emeralds are-?!”
“And I appreciate that, it’s just that I can’t have any witnesses, you know? It’s only business.” he gave a wicked sneer. The men cocked their guns.
“Fuck you and your business, I won’t tell anyone, I swear! You saw how honest I was, come on, please, I-!”
I screamed and screwed my eyes shut as a shot rang out. I braced myself for the worst. But it never came. 
I finally opened my eyes when I heard a “what the hell?!” from among the mobsters. I gasped as I saw another, new person standing protectively in front of me. Someone who appeared to be wearing traditional Japanese attire, with long black hair and an even longer sword. Who was this person and what the hell happened?!
“FIRE!!” the leader yelled. In an instant, the stranger leaped up into the air and lifted their sword, twirling it around effortlessly as shots were fired at them. What were they do-
My thoughts were brought to a screeching halt as a bullet landed next to me. No, it was only half of a bullet. My eyes widened, looking back up at the stranger with the sword. No fucking way.
From that second, my eyes were transfixed on them. I watched them in shock as they sliced literal bullets clean in half with ease. When some of the men ran off, the stranger leapt forward with a low grunt and slashed their sword through the men’s guns. They gasped in shock and fright as their weapons broke clean in half seconds later. There seemed to be thousands of mobsters in this warehouse, but the sword-wielding stranger took everyone down with ease. Even when their sword was suddenly shot out of their hands, they nimbly avoided impact and took the mobsters down with what appeared to be heavily-practiced martial arts moves. 
Now I���d seen my fair share of bloody fights since mingling with the underground scene in Chicago. Hell, even back in my tiny hometown I’d seen some shit. But never had I seen someone fight so gracefully. Every move they made was so smooth and poised that if I didn’t know any better I’d have thought they were dancing. They caught sight of their sword from across the room and leapt out of the fight to snatch it back. Every move they made with that thing was quick and clean-cut, deliberate and precise, effortlessly slashing anything that came their way. When seemingly every gun was destroyed or emptied of bullets, only a few brave unarmed mobsters remained, but with a few fluid flicks of the swordfighter’s wrist, all of their clothes were slashed off save for their boxers and tighty whities. Not exactly a sight for sore eyes, but it was enough to make even the leader of the mob run away screaming for their lives. 
“Haha, take that ya old geezer!” someone yelled. I gasped and finally diverted my attention from the swordsman to find two more people were in the warehouse, someone with a red jacket and another with a black one. When the hell did they get here??
In that brief moment when I looked away, the graceful warrior had come behind where I was sitting, and before I could plead for them not to kill me, I was freed from the ropes that bound me. I pulled my arms forward and breathed heavily, trying to process what the FUCK just happened when a voice behind me spoke.
“Are you alright?”
Their voice was deep and strong, yet held no tone of aggression or danger. I turned to look at my savior and gasped. It was a handsome- no, beautiful- man. He was tall and slender, standing strong and proud. His pale skin glistened with a thin coating of sweat from all that movement, and I couldn’t help but notice that he wore his shirt in a way that exposed most of his chest. His hands were large and strong, but with long, nimble fingers. He had a narrow face and elegant features. High cheekbones, a defined jawline, a light rosy dusting on his cheeks, and intense, dark eyes. He looked to be stoic and serious, and if he hadn’t just saved my life I might have been intimidated by him. 
“I… wow~... I mean! I’m… safe, thanks to you.”
“And us, too!” a voice from earlier retorted. I whipped my head around, it was the man in the red jacket. “It was a team effort, wasn’t just him ya know.”
“Jeez Lupin, give her a break,” the man in black said, “you weren’t the first one to make sure she wasn’t dead!”
“Well I think I deserve some credit too, Jigen!” the man in red- Lupin- whined.
“I uhh… well thank you everyone but… I didn’t actually see what you two did.
“What?!” Lupin gasped.
“Sorryyy! I just...” I turned back to the handsome swordsman, “you were the first one I saw show up so I guess I just kinda… focused on ya.”
The man called Jigen chuckled. “Hey Goemon, looks like you got an admirer!”
“Hey!” I felt my face heat up. “I just-!” I bashfully looked again to the swordsman- Goemon.
“Goemon… thank you, and your friends, for sa-” I cut myself off as realization clicked in my brain. “Wait a second…” Lupin. Jigen. Goemon. I’ve heard those names together before. “Wait just a minute, I know who you guys are!” Lupin let out a monkey-ish giggle.
“Took ya long enough to recognize me! No surprise though, I am pretty infamous~”
“So it’s safe to assume you’re after the same treasure those mobsters were, right?”
“Bingo,” Jigen said, tipping his hat ever so slightly.
“So, if you guys wanted to get there first… why did you save me?”
“Because unlike them, we do not want harm to come to innocent people,” Goemon nobly spoke. God, something about his voice… clear as a bell, soothing, and undeniably sexy. But his words put me at ease. 
“Oh thank god… so, since you saved my life and all that, how ‘bout I make your lives easier by leading you to the emeralds?”
“Sounds good to me,” Jigen said, and the others agreed. They casually strolled out of the warehouse as if they hadn’t just fought off mobsters in that very space, off to their car parked in front. Lupin took the driver’s seat while Jigen got in the passenger side, leaving Goemon and me to sit in the back together. 
“So,” Goemon spoke once we got moving. Was it just me or did his cheeks get pinker? “What is your name?”
I froze. Shit.
“Uhh… I… I kinda have a beef with my real name, but uh, you can just call me Light.”
“Light, huh?” Lupin piped up from the front. “Where’d ya get that alias from?”
“It’s a long story,” I chuckled.
Goemon shifted in his seat. “I like it.” Cue me blushing again.
“Y-you do?? I mean, thanks…” I scratched the back of my neck. His only response was a nod as he crossed his arms in front of his broad chest.
He was quiet for the rest of the ride, Lupin and Jigen making most of the conversation as I pointed out where to go. But I couldn’t stop looking over at Goemon. He looked so calm, so picturesque. I admired the way the wind wafted through his long locks and how his thick lashes rested against his rosy cheeks. And sometimes, when I glanced over at him, I found him looking right back at me. Like he wanted to say something to me, but didn’t. Something in his eyes made him look so soft. When I first looked at him, those eyes stared right through my soul and meant business, but now there was something much more tender behind them. Almost like… puppy eyes. I felt myself swallow thickly.
My thoughts were brought to a halt when Lupin parked the car on the side of the street. All we had to do was cross Lakeshore Drive and we were on our way to the treasure. Thankfully it was dark out and we’d be less noticed.
“Thank god there’s a bridge here,” Jigen said, puffing at his cigarette. “Because I am not crossing that son of a bitch.”
“Yeah my mom and I made that mistake the first time I was here, we were standing there waiting to get across for ages.”
“Wait, I thought you lived here?” Lupin inquired as we made our way across.
“I do now,” I clarified. “Didn’t always though. For most of my life I lived in this shitty small town about an hour and a half away from here. I’d visited here about six times, so naturally this was my first choice when I finally got the chance to get the fuck outta there. Haven’t been here for very long though, only like what, a couple months maybe?”
“So you were a small-town gal, eh?” Jigen exhaled another breath of smoke. I grimaced.
“Yeah, and I hated it.”
Once we got across the drive and to the site of the emeralds, Lupin started asking more questions.
“So Light, if you were the first person to find this treasure, how come you only took one and not the whole stash? Was it a strategic thing or-”
“Well actually, I found this shit completely by accident, so leaving all but one here was mostly out of shock. That, and I never really cared much for material shit.” Jigen sighed from next to me as he dug.
“Finally, a woman who doesn’t.”
My brows furrowed together. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Hey, if you’re talking about Fujiko again, you’d better can it!”
“Wait, who’s Fujiko??”
“A female affiliate of Lupin’s,” Goemon answered.
“A very unfaithful one at that,” Jigen scowled, “she’s not above stabbing us in the backs to get the loot we earned for herself.”
“Oh come on guys, she doesn’t always betray us!” Lupin whined.
“Makin’ excuses for your girlfriend again,” Jigen grumbled. I dared not make any further comment on this Fujiko thing; seemed like a personal problem. Once we finally uncovered the jewels, I helped load them into a large sack.
“Even if you do not care for material items such as these, it is only fair that you are given a share of them,” Goemon spoke.
“Yeah, we’ll split ‘em up evenly between the four of us!” Lupin smiled.
“Awww~. You know…” I began, “for a group of rag-tag thieves, you guys are pretty nice. Nicer than half the law-abiding citizens I’ve met in my lifetime.”
“Well, you know, it’s all in a day’s work!” Lupin chirped, before his voice suddenly dipped a bit lower. “And you know, you and I could work well together in other areas~”
Goemon bopped Lupin’s head with the hilt of his sword before I could think of a response. Did Lupin just flirt with me??
“Jesus Christ, Lupin, get ahold’a yourself,” Jigen scolded.
I wasn’t sure how to respond so I kept quiet until we were finished with our work, and almost immediately someone caught us.
“HOLD IT RIGHT THERE LUPIN, YER UNDER ARREST!!” a loud, booming voice yelled. I looked over and saw a tall, stocky man who appeared to be dressed like a detective from the 1940s with a slew of police behind him.
“Oh shit, the feds!” I gasped as we took off.
“Sorry Pops, I got places to go!” Lupin snickered. We sprinted through the park- god I always hated running- until we got to a dock. The man known as “Pops” was hot on our trail, but the guys hopped into a boat and managed to start it up. I was the last to hop into the boat- but I tripped and dropped my bag of emeralds, which thankfully landed inside the boat with a clattering. I braced myself for an awkward landing but a pair of strong arms caught me. And just like that, the boat sped off so quickly that I had to brace myself against whoever was holding me. I heard “Pops” yelling in the distance, but my brain turned it into white noise when I looked up and saw that once again Goemon was my rescuer- and my hand was directly on his chest. My face flamed up like gasoline.
“Gwaaah!! Uhh-” I gasped as I embarrassedly scurried out of his grasp. “Thank you, sorry-!” I brushed my bangs out of my face, a nervous habit.
“Why are you apologizing?” Goemon asked. “There is nothing to be sorry for.”
“Yeah, you helped us get to the treasure!” Lupin said from the steering wheel.
“If anything, we should be the sorry ones because now you’re stuck with us and your home is back there,” Jigen chuckled.
“Eh, home is where the heart is,” I said. “And my heart always wants to travel but never gets to.”
“Ah, a free spirit, I see how it is,” Lupin giggled.
“Lord I was born a ramblin’ man~” Jigen softly sang, lighting a cigarette.
“Yeah… I hate staying in one place for too long. Unfortunately for me, I’ve only ever lived in two places my entire life, and we’re rowin’ this boat away from one of them. But hey, this was my first time being personally caught doing something illegal so I’ve been perfectly prepared to just abandon ship and take off at any time.”
“Wait, does this imply you were planning on this? I thought you said you found these gems by accident!” Lupin gasped. I had to laugh.
“Nono, I did! But that doesn’t mean I’m innocent~.”
“So what the hell is it you do?” Jigen asked.
“I’ve been involved in undercover transport of goods, it’s what I do for a living. And before you ask because I know you will, yes, some of those goods are drugs, but not all of it. Sometimes we assist in the trading of riches like these emeralds, and sometimes we get food and water or money for bills to those in need when their so-called government aid won’t. Yeah sure it’s illegal, but it ain’t a bad gig.”
“My ancestors would greatly honor the work you do,” Goemon calmly spoke. The compliment caught me off guard, but when I looked at him I could tell he was sincere.
“Aww shucks, it’s nothing,” I chuffed, scratching the mack of my neck.
“Please tell me your organization is named “The Robin Hood Project” or something like that,” Lupin laughed.
“Actually, we have no name to our services,” I clarified. “Gotta stay discreet.”
“A wise decision,” Goemon said.
“Sorry if we just got you out of a job,” Lupin apologized.
“Naw, this ain’t like no 9-5 gig, it pretty much runs on a ‘come whenever you’re available’ basis, they’ll understand if I’m away… might be surprised once they find out I got wrapped up with Lupin the Third, haha.”
“That’s my name, please wear it out!” the aforementioned thief giggled.
There was a brief moment of quiet before Goemon spoke once again, turning to me. “If you wish to go wherever the wind takes you, then it seems the wind is blowing in your favor tonight,” he nobly said.
“Sorry about him, he likes to get all prophetical and speak in metaphors and shit,” Jigen said.
“No I understand what he’s saying,” I said to Jigen, but I was looking more at Goemon. Was it just me or did he have a small smile on his face? I returned him a smile just in case. “Thanks again for, y’know saving me and everything. Thanks to everyone but… especially you.”
“Yep, she’s your admirer alright,” Lupin laughed.
“Shush up!!” Goemon and I somehow said in unison, before we exchanged shocked glances with each other.
“Jinx! You owe me a Coke!” I yelled excitedly.
“Uhhh…” Goemon averted his gaze and his eyes darted all over, looking confused. It was strange, seeing the man that took down an entire armed mob with nothing but a katana and his own fleetness look so innocent, but that only added to his charms. Oh no, he was way too cute.
“You don’t actually owe her a Coke man, it’s just a thing people say,” Jigen chuckled. Goemon sat forward and crossed his arms, looking slightly embarrassed.
“American expressions of speech remain a mystery to me,” he grumbled, cheeks flushing a deeper rosy pink. Yup, he’s way too adorable. My heart fluttered just looking at him. I was doomed. I was so doo-
“That same guy again?!” I gasped as a blinding spotlight was cast on us from what I assumed was a police boat.
“Pops, you’re relentless!” Lupin yelled from the front of the boat.
“Sorry, we got places to go and shit to steal!” Jigen chuckled before promptly shooting out the spotlight. This time Goemon deliberately held me flush against him as we sped away from “Pops” for the second time and into the night.
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #363
(one more that’s a late upload from way earlier in the day, and i yet again don’t feel like updating the answers)
What brings out the worst in you? When I'm very anxious or having a PTSD episode, I can become very snappy and just not a joy to be around. What all did you eat today? This morning I had oatmeal, I had a rice cake as a snack, and lunch was ham and cheese on a tortilla. Some people were really destructive as a child, were you? No, I was a good kid. Who was the last person you were in a car with? My mom. Who was the last person you cried in front of? It was probably Mom. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? I usually talk about them somewhere, like in surveys if I feel I can't with anyone else. Please be vocal with your feelings. It is so destructive to let them build up. Who was the last person you were with that smelled REALLY good? I'm unsure. Do you know anyone that is gothic? A good number of people, myself included at least in spirit. ;~; I can't really afford good attire, nor do I have the patience for so much makeup maintenance. Have you seen UP? I actually haven't seen the full movie, but I'd like to. How is your mom? Stressed as fuck and tired of everything. What color hair does your mom have? She recently dyed it black. Her hair is growing back totally gray now and she hated it. She's gotten so self-conscious as she's aged. When was the last time you were told you were cute? Idk. Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches? FUCK NO. Have you ever dipped french fries in a frosty? I tried it once and did not get the appeal. Did you have school/class today? No. My school endeavors are done. Do you have any paintings in your room? If so, of what? Yeah, I have my big painting of meerkats grooming above all my 'kat plushies. Have you ever had your photo professionally taken? As a child and by school photographers, anyway. Would you prefer eating jello or pudding? Pudding. After washing your hair, do you put any products in it? No. Last time you ate a salad? Like a week ago when we went to Ichiban for my sister's bday. Do you know how old your house is? No, I don't. Have you ever been described as ”adorable”? Yeah. Have you ever given a lap dance? No. They seem incredibly awkward to me?? Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make mega bucks? No. I can't do a job I hate for anything. I would be so depressed. Are you a moody person? Yes. What are you listening to? I'm watching Gab Smolders' new episode of Resident Evil 8: Village. I'm deadass watching four different LPers play it, I'm only moderately obsessed lmao. What video game could you waste the most time on? WoW, given it has like a zillion different things to do. Yet I still get bored lmao. What is your favorite condiment? Maybe Ketchup? I think I use that for the most things. What is the worst thing that you have ever done? I don't feel like getting into this. How old were you when your parents gave you the "birds and the bees" talk? They didn't; I learned in my school's sex ed in the 5th grade. Have you ever questioned whether or not you'd benefit from therapy? I have benefited from it. What would you like it to say on your gravestone? Hypothetically, idk. But I'd rather be cremated. Would you ever wear real leather or animal fur? NO. Have you ever completely failed a year of school and had to repeat a grade? No. Have you ever been bitten by an animal that wasn't a cat or a dog? Which? I think my old baby iguana bit me once or twice, not that it was very painful at her young age. I can't recall another animal. What type of literature are you most likely to read? (book, magazine, etc) Books. Do you prefer using candles, wax melts, or incense? Incense. Are you someone who actually doesn't have a Facebook? No, I have one. What kind(s) of Facebook groups are you active in, if any? I'm not really *active* in any; I just observe them and interact via "like"s. I'm actually in a whole lot of groups, though. Do you enjoy any herbal or fruit teas? What kinds? Neither. Do you hear any animals right now? No. What are your thoughts on Avenged Sevenfold? I know and like a few songs, especially "Dear God." Do you like Batman? Yeah, I like his "refuse to murder" ideology. The only thing is I kinda have a bad connection attached to him, because Batman was Jason's thing. Have you ever played fetch with a dog? Yes. Does your house have a fireplace? Yeah actually, but it might be fake? I don't even know lol. Have you ever pet a stingray? No. Have you ever dissected a baby pig in a class at school? Oh my god, no. I literally could never. I did dissect a frog in the 7th grade that wound up to be pregnant, though... I wasn't happy about it, but at the same time it was very interesting. Who is the last baby you held? My niece. Do you like Sunkist? The orange kind is fine, but the STRAWBERRY flavor? Jfc I love that shit. Would you ever consider being a cannibal? UM NO Do you have any scars from an animal? I have a lot of scars on my hands from playing with Roman. I scar extremely easily, so just his little scrapes leave marks. Have you ever seen an Igloo? No. Do you like Korn? Love 'em. How many animals do you have? Really two, but we have three in the house right now. Idk when this dog is going away. Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Tornados. Ever rode in a helicopter? No. Do you like rabbits? Yes, they're adorable. Do you like mushrooms? NO. What was the last movie you cried at? I want to say Logan, but I'm not sure. I watch movies so rarely that I really don't know. Would you rather work for a small or large company? Small. I'd feel more useful. What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? I don't know. Have you ever read the book 13 Reasons Why? Yeah. I thought it was good, but now I don't remember like... anything about it. What did you have for breakfast this morning? I had apple and cinnamon oatmeal. How many times have you read your favorite book? Just once. I don't re-read books. Have you ever been on Omegle? No. Are you still in love with one of your exes? "In love," no. Do you think being born was a mistake? Yeesh, no. Has a relative ever been arrested? My psychotic uncle (by marriage) has been. Was it a serious crime? Quite honestly, I don't remember. I just know he's an angry and dangerous motherfucker. Do you think the Fountain of Youth exists? No. How about in a parallel dimension? Doubtful. Do you believe humans are part of a giant alien experiment? I ponder over the possibility of being a research simulation, kind of like a much advanced version of The Sims, but I honestly doubt it. Have you ever been suicidal? Yes. Was it a passing phase or is it something controlled by medication? Therapy and medication saved me. Is there a holiday you wish no one celebrated? Which is it? Why do you feel that way? Fight me about Christopher Columbus Day. He didn't discover shit. Have you taken any writing classes? How about art? I've taken a writing course in college, and I've taken loads of art classes. What’s your all-time favourite band? How about all-time fave singer? Ozzy Osbourne; Freddie Mercury. What three songs do you want played at your funeral? Why those particular songs? "Like A Woman" by Alice Cooper, "Life Is Beautiful" by Sixx A.M., and "Angels on the Moon" by Thriving Ivory. I just like them and find them suiting. Do you think most mythological creatures exist? No. Have you ever had lice? No. What is one superstition that freaks you out? Why is that? I’m not superstitious. Are either of your parents retired yet and if not, what do they do? No. Dad is a mailman, and while Mom doesn't ~officially~ work yet because she's recovering from intense cancer treatment, she very recently resumed lightly cleaning a church for a small payment. Kinda like a warmup. When did you or do you want to move out of your parents’ house? I wanna move out once I'm in a long-term, stable relationship with someone so we can live together. Me living alone is NOT a good idea. How do you like your current job, or if you’re unemployed, have you been looking for employment? I don't have a job, but when I go to my tattoo appointment, I'm going to ask them if they'd be interested in hiring someone for the front desk. I think it's def something I could do because I love the environment, there's really not that much I need to know (like where the Doritos are, dealing with exact change, answering a dozen unique questions), it's not insanely busy, and the occasional phone call would challenge my anxiety and just be a minor inconvenience to me until I got used to it. My partial hospitalization program really got me wanting to fight back against what gives me anxiety, to truly expose myself to what scares me, while not going totally overboard with it. It was encouraging to hear my therapist there thought it was a magnificent idea for me. I decided I wanted to ask while at the parlor getting work done to show serious interest (like I'm not just some random chick walking in and asking for a job), as well as let the people warm up to me. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but damn am I wishing. I want it so badly. What kind of booze did you last take shots of? I've never taken shots.
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mickeychii · 5 years ago
Truces & Teasing :: Darkiplier x Fem!Reader
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Being the caretaker of a sick close friend and roommate is no easy task. Especially when one of Y/n's sick friends supposed 'brother' comes along to help, who wasn't told of Y/n's presence. 
Y/n stared back into the surprised, black orbs belonging to Mark's supposed twin. Y/n had always known it was a cover up story but she never acknowledged his lie and rolled along it. "Uh...Hell...hello." She sputtered quietly. Y/n was a bit bashful and shy with new people, but she sucked it up with a timid smile towards the male a few feet from her. They've only really met once or twice in passing. Holding a conversation was both out of question and their comfort zones. "Hello there...I believe we've never officially met." The grey-scale toned male held his hand out to her in a simple, business-like manner. Y/n nodded and gave a firm handshake out of habit, which seemed to surprise him even more. But a good handshake shows character. Y/n realized her grip and sucked in a breath through her teeth. "Ah, sorry. It's nice to meet you." Their hands quickly fled to their sides again. An awkward silence befell them. "I'm...I'm Y/n, nice. I'm Mark's roommate- well sort-of. What's your name?" Y/n spoke lightly in an attempt to release the awkward tension in the doorway of Mark's room. Her sick friend currently sleeping ever so heavily. The Mark look-alike nodded lightly. "I supposed it's nice to meet you too, Miss L/n. I am Darkiplier. But, you may call me Dark if that eases it." 'Darkiplier' spoke in a sophisticated and calm manner. "Now may I come in?" Y/n stiffened for a moment and let the silence envelop them again. How'd he know her last name? She stayed quiet, gathering her guts. "Are y-you here for Mark?" She asked a bit more confidently than before. Darkiplier nodded a bit more firmly this time. "Yes, he had called me earlier. He didn't mention anything of a...friend." Dark averted his gaze as he spoke of Y/n's position in Mark's life - as if it hurt him to face it. Y/n furrowed her brows and crossed her arms over her chest. "Best friend." She bluntly stated. "And I think I have it handled, Mr." Y/n let out the last word with a straightforward, direct force.
Dark stifled a smirk with a heavy sigh as if this saddened him greatly. Y/n couldn't help but feel a bit guilty but her common sense prevented any sort of apology. "Besides," Their eyes met. "He's asleep. And it's gonna be like that for a while." Y/n turned around and carefully closed the bedroom door. A dark presence seemed to come up behind her. Her body stiffened in a startled instinct with her hand gripping the door handle. Carefully turning her head, her eyes caught onto his. Noticing how he had tints of red in the dark brown of his eyes, giving off the black abyss feel. Y/n gulped. He hadn't moved an inch but it felt as if he was right up against her. Dark tilted his head and took a step forward. "You alright?" He asked after it felt like years of just staring. Y/n felt like a deer in the headlights but nodded nonetheless. "Yeah..just got a bit..chilled." With the clearing of her throat, she walked past him. Their arms brushing against another for a brief moment that felt like an eternity to him. Dark repressed a shiver and followed at her beckoning hand motion. "You want anything to eat..drink?" Y/n asked politely as she poured herself a glass of O.J. "Any wine?" Dark mused in a hoarse, amused hum. Y/n couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. "I suppose so if there was any. If you knew Mark enough.." She giggled, a grin making its way onto her features. Dark joined in with his own chuckle. "I must've skipped that saddening fact about him." He sighed in an intentional dramatic way. Making Y/n smile a little. "Well, I guess I'll have some of what you're having." Y/n nodded and grabbed another glass, filling it with the juice before placing it before him. He nodded in thanks before taking a sip of it. "So...Are you family..? Twin?" Y/n asked and leaned against the counter with a soft grip around her cup. Dark paused for a moment, the cup freezing at his lips. He slowly placed the cup down as he swallowed the juice left in his mouth. "You could say that." Dark leaned forward some, intertwining his finger as if in an important meeting. Y/n raised a brow. "Now that's a bold-faced lie." She grinned, Dark's eyes widened some then raised his own brow with a sardonic, shit-eating grin. "And what makes you believe that? I could be his dad for all you know." Y/n scoffed at the idea with a roll of her eyes. "I know what his dad looks like you dimwit." She pointed to a picture frame on the wall of Mark posing with his mother as a child. He definitely had his mothers smile. Dark chuckled. "Then what am I, Miss. Y/n? Since you seem to know everything." He urged lightheartedly, resting his chin on the heel of his palm. Y/n thought for a moment. "I for sure know you're not his father or any sort a family. I've been...advised about you." Y/n gave her own shit-eating grin as she walked over to the sink and washed out her cup. Dark opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it as she went on. "Besides, I know you're a demon of some sort. It's not hard to tell." Dark was completely taken aback of this humans' knowledge. He sighed. "I assume Mark's the one who warned you? He gets worried too easily I must say." Dark mused and met her gaze. He gingerly stood up and walked over to her. Y/n tensed. She was fine talking earlier but that was only because a counter was between them, preventing any contact. But now nothing stood between them. "Let me do mine. I can only assume you've had enough to deal with today." Dark stood beside her, rolling his sleeves up above his elbow. 'God that's kinda hot..' Y/n gulped and looked away, not seeing the subtle smirk on his face. She hadn't noticed that he had been wearing professional attire - everything up to the hair & down to the shoes except for a suit jacket. "I-I'm fine, Mark isn't really that much of a handful. He's just kinda like a toddler if he doesn't get his sleep in." They both gave a small chuckle. He looked over to her, Y/n currently drying off the cups. Darkiplier didn't know why, but this woman was leaving a great impression on him and it had only been a few minutes since they actually met. Y/n let out a sigh through her nose, putting the cups away. A more comfortable silence settled between them. Y/n closed the cupboard with a quiet hum before turning to the man. A very broad-shouldered man. "Well, it's gonna be a couple of hours until he wakes up. Wanna watch some movies?" Y/n suggested in a casual manner. "I got some snacks for a perfect movie night." She mused, lightly scratching her cheek. "That sounds...nice. I'd love too, Miss Y/n." He replied, letting a soft smile beam through. As if he actually appreciated being included. "You don't have to call me 'Miss.' Just call me Y/n." She smiled back and walked to the living room. Sitting onto her haunches in front of the DVD shelf. She preferred DVD's over Netflix or Hulu and the such."Do you like horror?" Dark raised an eyebrow and Y/n froze. "Oh gosh, sorry, I didn't mean-! Based off you, I-I meant-" Y/n's spew of apologies and concern was cut off by a burst of real but quiet laughter as too not wake his sleeping counterpart. Y/n looked to her feet in embarrassment. A heavy blush on her cheeks and the tips of her ears. Dark, of course, noticed this and placed a hand on her head. "Oh no, I don't mean to laugh at you, Y/n, I love horror. No need to apologize." Y/n finally looked up to him. A beaming smile gracing his face. "It's alright. I get stereotyped all the time. Nothing new." Y/n slowly nodded and forced a small smile. "O..OK." She meekly answered and looked to the shelf. He reached over her shoulders and grabbed a case. "How about this one?" Y/n looked to see it was the 'The Conjuring.' She nodded with an accepting hum. "Sounds good. Want any popcorn?" Dark shook his head, standing up from his crouched position. Y/n noticing how his arm had been lamely draping over her shoulder. The warmth on her back leaving suddenly. "Lemme close the curtains. Better movie experience, don't ya' think?" A smile enveloped Y/n's features as he placed the disc into the player. Dark stared for a moment in slight wonder before shooting a smile back. Causing her to immediately look away. 'Such a shy girl.' He thought to himself with a small chuckle and stood up. Y/n finished closing the living room off from any source of light. "Oh! I'll be right back. I need to check on Mark." She jogged out into the hallway, his eyes following her with a nod. Dark feigned a smile but it became a cold, emotionless as soon as she left. 'I must've forgotten. It's always going to be about him, huh?' Dark's fists clenched as he glared into the hallway. A staggered, harsh sigh escaped him. A three-D, blue and red outline engulfed his body. Seemingly as if a 'shell' was shattering within seconds around him. God he sometimes absolutely hated Mark for that very reason. "Sorry about that. Mark wanted me to check up on him, in his words, every twenty-seven minutes." She let out a shy laugh and rubbed her nape. Dark's sudden fury vanished and replaced with a state of mind so calm it almost scared him. Almost. Dark let out a small grin and patted the spot next to him on the large couch. "Well, let's start this. It's getting late." Y/n, without any sort of hesitance, sat next to him with two blankets in hand. Both equally fluffy and smelled like lavender and vanilla. But kept at least a foot of space between them for the sake of respect of space. "Here's a blanket in case you get cold." She whispered as the movie began. Dark noticed this and let out a slight huff through his nose. 'She's a thoughtful one too..how adorable.' His thoughts soon succumbed to the horror movie. Thoroughly enjoying it. On the other hand, Y/n loved the adrenaline rush of fear she felt when she watched horror. It was one of the main reasons she loved the genre. The black blanket was tugged around her frame in an attempt of receiving warmth and warding off the slight fear she experienced. Dark would glance over to her every so often, seeing her eyes widen in wonder, admiration, and some anxiety. The movie ended with facts about the case from the movie. Y/n checked the time on her phone and cursed to herself. She was supposed to check on Mark- an hour ago. "Shit...Just a sec, Dark." Y/n basically sprinted to Mark's room, she froze as Mark wasn't there. A flood of anxiety and irritation at herself overtook her. "Of course he's gone!" She muttered and turned on the room light just to make sure. Yep, still gone. Dark heard her urgent whispers and appeared behind her. "What's wrong, Y/n?" His voice was quiet and his eyes flickered across the room. In truth, the reason Mark had wanted Y/n to check up on him is because of Dark's presence. Mark knew he'd be coming, not knowing of his intentions. "He's not here! I fuckin' flunked the one job he gave me!" She groaned and rubbed her face. Dark chuckled and lightly set his hand on her head. "Maybe he went to the restroom, Y/n. Calm down." An amused smile settled on Dark's face as Y/n couldn't help at his jesting. "Wow OK, I've never thought of THAT." She glanced up at her head and crossed her arm. "You planin' on just stayin' there?" A flicker of a smirk flashed on her lips. "Why yes, I find it rather comfortable here, madam!" Dark retorted, mimicking some high-up British masquerade. "What the hell is happening here--Dark? The heck you here for?!" Mark's groggy voice rang out from the bathroom doorway in his room. The two jumping slightly at the burst--Mainly Y/n. Dark only shuddered some. Y/n looked over to him and froze like a deer in the headlights.
 "OhmygoshMark! I'msosorryIforgottocheckuponyouearlierand-" 
Y/n began to ramble and trotted over to Mark with a sorry expression. Dark's face became cold and hardened. The feeling of peace leaving as soon as Y/n entered Mark's presence. Mark forced a laugh and waved his hands slightly, placing his right on her shoulder. "Calm down, Y/n! I'm fine, you're fine-I hope. But on that note." Mark looked over to his parallel and sent a glare towards Dark who had already been given him a death glare of sorts. Y/n had never seen Mark look so..hateful and full of animosity towards anyone. "Why is he here." It wasn't even a question, it was more of a command. "W-well, he came in earlier a-and.. yeah.." Y/n gulped. Oh, how she hated the tension. It had been a few hours since Dark came and they became quick friends. Y/n couldn't understand why Mark hated him so. "So he broke in?" Mark looked to Y/n in disbelief, as a parent looked to their child when they did something bad. "N-No! He came in with the k-keys!" Y/n quickly looked to Dark who sighed in annoyance and held up the keys. They looked relatively normal compared to his grey-scale palette of color. Mark looked back over to him and narrowed his eyes. Marching over, Mark snatched the keys from Dark's light grip. "Get out." He spat, taking Y/n back. She felt as this was her fault, inviting him in instead of kicking him out onto the street. "M-Mark, calm down..please." Y/n asked quietly, she felt like she was shaking. Her breaths were short, struggling to breathe. Feeling her panic attack worsening. Dark glared to Mark. "You're acting worse than me, Mark. Can't you see what you're doing to Y/n." Dark glared at Mark as he walked over to the trembling girl and pulled her into a genuine, careful side-hug. Y/n kept her eyes to the ground as the waterworks lined her eyelids. Mark looked to her and immediately stiffened. He remembered how she couldn't handle shouting. Mainly of how her parents would shout and talk down at her as she grew up, it was the usual of having a beating for no reason at least three times a week. Or more. It left her with a shattered mindset that slowly repaired itself. Y/n had been seeing treatment and therapy at Mark’s kind push in the right direction. Mark felt terrible, he had promised when they first meet he wouldn't be too loud around her. Mark had promptly just broken that promise. Y/n glanced over to him but her eyes dropped to the floor once again. "Y/n, I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." Dark shot a glare over to him, his demeanor changing from calm and collected to enraged. But as soon as Y/n slowly hugged him back, the three-D blue and red glow faded. Mark noticed this and held his breath. "Y/n..." The young woman sniffed but her head felt too heavy to look over to him. Her episode luckily had ended sooner than she thought it would. Most of the time they lasted more than three minutes. Mark sighed heavily. Dark hated how pitiful he looked. Just begging to the situation to turn toward his favor. "Just don't do this again guys..OK?" She paused with a sniff and parted from the man's embrace, much to his dismay. "I know how-how much you guys um dislike each other but just don't fight in front of me...OK?" Y/n's voice was quiet but audible. Mark glanced to Dark. Subtly nodding to another as they established their truce. "I, Mark Fischbach, promise to never shout again - around you of course." Dark let out a small sigh, catching the young woman's attention. "I also promise not to yell aswell." Y/n let out a small smile much to both of the men's' relief. "I, uh, should get dinner started." She headed to the doorway and the boys looked to each other. "Truce?" Mark held his hand out to Dark who flinched slightly in surprise. He looked down to the hand with a cold, suspicious glare. Dark sighed, relieving his shoulders of the tension from the situation. "Truce. But, only for her sake. If anything happens, I won't hesitate to end you." Mark chuckled and walked to the doorway. "You like Y/n?" Dark stiffened and cleared his throat, adjusting his dress shirt. "Well, platonically speaking. She didn't run away when we first met." Mark couldn't help but smirk suggestively at Dark who was noticeably nervous. Normally he wouldn't let such emotions surface, but they did. "Alright then, whatever you say lover boy." Dark rolled his eyes and walked past him, intentionally bumping shoulders. "Don't call me that." Dark paused and a grin played onto his lips. "Remember Mark? I'm only you just much.....darker and vivid intentions. If anything, I’ll end up with her. I’m sure Amy wouldn’t mind another woman in the house." Mark laughed nervously at this. Wondering what his counterpart meant by ‘intentions.’ Although, he did have an idea. Y/n giggled quietly from the kitchen as the pizza rolls bake in the oven. "Those boys sure are loud, aren't they? Her gaze flickered to her transparent friend at the counter. "Yep, aren't very private about their 'fee--lings." Anti drew out the words before looking to the woman with a grin. This was going to be a long night of teasing. ————- 18,068 Characters
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hayjeon · 6 years ago
All I Want for Christmas (ft. Yoongi)
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→ singledad, CEO!yoongi x secretary!reader → 13k words
A/N: I wish all of you the best of holidays. I love you all.  
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“Y/N, could ask you to do me a favor?” 
You look up from your desk, eyes rounding because Mr. Min had never asked you to do anything before. It was your job, for Christ’s sake, to do whatever he needed you to do. 
“Yes, sir. Of course.” You stand and walk over to his desk, where he sits slumped and with his tie pulled down and his sleeve pushed up on his arms. You’d never seen the handsome CEO so frazzled and tired before. Maybe it was the effects of the divorce taking place. 
“I–” he pauses, seeming to mull over whether or not he really wanted to ask you the specific favor. “–I have gotten the opportunity to see my daughter again.” He sighs, rubbing his temples. “For the weekend before Christmas, before her mother will pick her up again. But I…” 
He pauses and you wait, silently wringing your fingers. 
“…I have absolutely no idea what to do with her, and I need your help.” 
You pause, not knowing what to say. “O-oh, yes. Of course sir. Will you be bringing her into the office?” He’d done so a few times, and the sweet little girl was an absolute joy to have around, bouncing around between desks and kissing cheeks and touching papers with genuine curiosity in her big eyes.
He sighs, turning his seat to stare up at you. “N-no, Y/N, I-I’ll be taking the weekend off to spend some time with her. I’ve left the company in Namjoon’s hands, he’ll do fine.” 
You nod, “Would you like me to schedule you an itinerary of what to do?” 
He seems to think about it. “I’m sure this is too much to ask of you, and you are completely welcome to deny my request but, would it be okay if you could come with us? I’ve already thought of a couple of things to do. She…she needs someone who understands her, and she seems to like you very much.” 
Your mouth falls open. Was he asking you to be her mother figure? A blush crawls over your cheeks and you thank the heavens that he’s not looking because he’d have seen the way you blinked too many times to be professional before responding, “Of course, Mr. Min. I’d love to.” 
He avoids eye contact. “Of course, you’ll be compensated over-time and I will give you the adequate raise and you will be picked up and dropped off–” 
You cut him off with a shy smile. “Sir,” 
He stops, finally looking up at you. “Yes?” 
“I don’t mind all that. I’m happy to help.” 
He hesitates, and the room is filled with silence. 
“I--” “Th--” the both of you speak up at the same time. 
He quickly turns his face, and you cough as you clear your throat to fill the awkwardness. “Alright, Y/N. Thank you,” he dismisses, and you shyly mutter back, “You’re welcome sir,” before you walk away to your desk, and sit down and begin searching for things to do with a five year old little girl. 
It was going to be quite the weekend.
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“You’re going to be spending the night at his house?!” Jisoo shrieks, watching you pack your clothing and toiletries into a small suitcase. 
You roll your eyes at her as you fold your blouse into a nice little pile and place it into the corner of the carrier. “Relax, I’m basically babysitting.” 
She plops on the bed next to your carrier and you frown at her when she topples the little nice pile of clothes you stacked. “Yeah, but with your hot, single, boss Y/N.” She picks up one of the underwear you packed for the trip, holding it up with two fingers with her lip curled in disgust. “Like, c’mon. Seriously?” 
You snatch the pair of cotton undies back from her, and fold it nicely again. “I’m not hitting on my boss, Jisoo. He literally just got divorced a couple of months ago.” 
She chews thoughtfully on her banana. “True, but he was cheated on by that bitch of a wife he was forced to marry. I don’t see any attachment issues there. And also, if he’s asking you to come along with him on the weekend before christmas with his daughter, I don’t see why you wouldn’t think he has some sort of interest in you.” 
You stop, thinking about the lingering glances and the unusual gentleness in his voice whenever he dealt with you. You were his assistant, nothing more, and nothing less. But it was quite obvious he was exceptionally gentler with you, whilst trusting you the most by piling the most work anyone in the office had seen under your care. But you’d assumed it was because you were good at what you did, completing tasks and carrying out orders with ease. 
“Ugh, whatever. I just want to enjoy the weekend, and I’m pretty sure it’ll be a lot better than just lounging at home watching netflix.” 
She nods, “Well yeah. He’s giving you a bonus too right?”
You shrug. “I really don’t care, but I guess, yeah.” 
She giggles excitedly. “When do you leave?” 
“In a couple of hours. I’m staying three days, two nights.” 
“Holy shit,” she scrambles up and runs to your drawers, digging through the organized piles messily, ignoring your protests. Grabbing the laciest pairs of undies she can find, she shoves them into your carrier and begins rummaging through your closet, trying to find anything but the grossly professional blouses and skirts and blazers she saw you folding. “Y/N, I swear, this is your chance. Stop living with a stick up your ass and live a little. How many years has it been since you kicked that jerk to the curb?” 
You sigh, submitting to her antics and plopping down on your chair. “two years.” 
She rolls her eyes as she grabs a nice tight longsleeve and holds it above a pair of jeans, squinting at the combo. “Exactly. Two freaking years and you still haven’t gotten in a relationship after he cheated. Move on! Get some dick, grab that hot CEO bachelor before he gets shipped off into another arranged marriage!” 
What she said was true though. Little did she know that deep down inside, you’d fallen for your gentle but firm and hardworking boss. Late nights working alongside him and following him to all his meetings, you’d witnessed first hand how much he cared about his company and his employees. He was an excellent businessman, hard and cold. But when it came to his business, his employees, or his family, he became a protective machine, working to defend his own honor and the things he loved. 
It was the little things, the quiet muttered, “thank you”s that he never forgot to add. Years of secretary work had accustomed you to accepting the gruff belittlement that other male bosses treated you with, lewd glances and guffawing demands. But Mr. Min was always kind, and respectful towards you. 
But he was married. The first six months of your job consisted of hiding blushed cheeks behind your hair or turning your gaze away to tear your eyes away from the wedding band placed on his finger. Little did you know, until the seventh month, that he was in a cruel marriage agreement, a sort of peace treaty between him and a dying rival company. 
The woman was a menace, absolutely disgusting in the way she treated her employees, Mr. Min, and her daughter. She was horrible, and it wasn’t only until tabloids caught her with another politician thirty years older than her that her family finally admitted to their faults and agreed to Mr. Min’s files for divorce. It was a clean cut, and the media sided with the polite Min Yoongi who refused to demand an earlier divorce in love for his daughter and in respect for the reputation of his in-laws. 
“I’m serious! You’re in your twenties, Y/N. It’s the hottest you’ll ever be. Flaunt that bod, wear a little more makeup, straighten your back and flirt. It won’t kill you.” 
You roll your eyes as Jisoo throws in the tightest pair of leggings you own. You were going to re-do that packing luggage as soon as possible. “Fine, whatever,” you grumble. 
Your phone buzzes with a text. It’s Mr. Min. 
[Mr. Min] My chauffer will be picking you up at 7:00. 
You lock your phone and begin organizing your makeup bag. “Alright, alright, just get off my back. I’ll keep you updated.” 
She calls out after you as you step into the shower. “Shave your legs! And your pussy!!!!” 
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Cleanly shaven and impeccably packed, you shakily step out of the gorgeous sleek car. You’d underestimated his wealth. 
The Min Corp. building was an outstanding one that stood out in Seoul, tall jaw-dropping glass walls that towered up amongst the skyscrapers, but the house that he owned was even more gorgeous.
It was beautifully decorated with a lot of greens, each bush and vine trimmed and kept to perfection, climbing up modern white walls with sleek silver trimmings and clear glass windows that spanned from floor to ceiling. You step up the stone steps and press on the buzzer, and wait patiently as you hear steps approaching the door. 
Mr. Min swings the door open and you’re shocked to see that the man who is always dressed in perfect tailored Armani suits standing in front of you in a grey longsleeve and pajama pants. 
Given, the pajama pants were probably worth your monthly salary, but it took you a moment to adjust to how his comfortable attire made your heart skip a beat. He eyes you curiously through his glasses. “Y/N, you’re on time, like always. Come in.” 
You step inside and remove your shoes as the door shuts behind you and he begins walking further into the house. You follow, your small suitcase trailing behind you as you gawk at the incredible interior of the estate. 
“Hana is asleep right now. I think she’s been tired because of the traveling. But she’ll be up first thing tomorrow and you can greet her then. I’ll show you your room.” 
He leads you far down the corridor, and opens a door to reveal a gorgeous room, complete with a restroom, queen bed, desk, ottoman, and closet for you. You gasp as you walk in, marveling at the beautiful room. The room itself was bigger than your living room. Jisoo would have a fit. 
“It’s not much, but it was the best I could ask the maids to do in a couple of hours. We both didn’t expect you to say yes.” He admits, sheepishly glancing around the room. When you don’t respond, he clears his throat. Gesturing to the set of double doors a few feet away from yours, he says, “and that’s my room. If…if you ever need anything, just let me know.” 
You cough, and smile as professionally as you can. “Of course. Thank you so much.” 
He lingers, “No, thank you Y/N.” And with a nod and a tight-lipped tiny grin, he politely leaves. 
He shuts the door behind him and his steps are soft as they retreat to his bedroom. You sit on the plush bed, and begin unpacking, taking off your uncomfortable stockings to free your legs and unzipping your skirt. You change into comfortable clothes and lounge on the bed for a while before opening your laptop and planning for the next few days. 
Hana enjoyed winter activities, so you thought it would be a good idea to take her to the community park and let her play with other children. You could prepare some snacks and have a picnic with her and ice skate with her at the rink nearby. 
You were planning the activities for the second day when you become incredibly thirsty. You glance at the clock and it reads 1:13 am. 
Hoping that the silence outside indicates that Mr. Min has retreated for the night, you silently creak your door open and use your phone flashlight to find the kitchen. 
Padding over to where the kitchen is, you rummage through the fridge until you grasp a cool bottle of water. Sitting down on the kitchen island, you browse your phone, not bothering to flick on the light. You were going to leave soon anyway. 
 But the cool, low tone of Mr. Mins voice startles you and you drop the bottle. 
 You yelp as the cool water splashed down your long sleeved sweater and the thin pajama pants you wore to bed. You scramble up from the stool and Mr. Min also hastens his step to come and help you wipe up the mess. “Oh, Mr. Min,” You choke out, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think—” 
He cuts you off by grabbing a hand towel from the oven handle and handing it to you, finding another one to mop off the rest of the water on the counter that was dripping towards you. 
“Oh,” you say, as he stops in his work to help you dab at your sweater and lap, “Sir, you don’t have to--” 
He gently pushes your hands away as he finishes. “It’s fine, Y/N.” He smiles up at you as you blush and help him wipe up the mess. 
He walks over to the fridge and gives you another bottle, throwing away the empty one that was on the floor. “Why are you up? Is there anything wrong with your room?” 
You widen your eyes, hands coming up to express your denial. “Oh, no, no. Definitely not. The room is absolutely perfect. I just needed some water while I was planning what to do with Hana tomorrow. I left the lights on because I was going to leave in a bit.”  
He blinks at you, nodding. “Did you come up with a lot?” 
You nod, producing your phone as you lean over in your stool to show him the screenshots that you found and the starred locations on google maps. He walks over to stand next to you with one hand on the counter and the other on his hip as he leans in to squint at your screen. 
“So we can start when she wakes up. I’ve found a recipe for some lamb bacon and pancakes. And once she’s done,” you swipe, showing him the yelp page, “we’ll go straight to the zoo that she once talked to me about. We’ll probably grab some lunch in this restaurant in the park and then when she gets tired, we can go have a picnic in the park that’s a couple blocks away from the zoo!” 
You smile down at your screen and look up to come face to face with your boss, who’d been leaning down to look at what you’d been animatedly showing him, and you freeze. 
He’s beautiful up close, and his face is inches from yours as you look up at him. He’s taller than you even as you perch on the high stool and seems to have thoughts running through his mind as his eyes dart between yours and narrows when you automatically drop your gaze to his thin lips. 
Those lips that could make million-dollar deals and destroy the economy in seconds, were also the same lips that uttered polite “thank you’s” and smiled gently at you throughout the day. You desired more than anything just to have a taste. 
He seems to hesitate and then clears his throat, leaning back away from you as he stands straight and stops leaning on the counter. He resumes his composure much faster than you do. “This is lovely. Thank you, Y/N. I’m sure Hana would love this.” 
You blink to wake yourself up from the trance and smile softly. 
“Oh, yes. Of course, Mr. Min. Anything for Hana.” You stand, dabbing at your shirt with the towel. Although damp, it’s almost dry. “I should get to bed now. It’ll be a full day ahead of us.” 
He nods, “Yes, please, get some rest. The last thing I want for you is you collapsing from dealing with the little pink energy monster.” 
You giggle behind your hand as he shows you the exit and flicks the light off as you both leave the kitchen and shuffle towards your respective rooms. You linger in your doorway. “Thank you, Mr. Min.” 
“No thank you,” he presses, peering at you from hair that’s not in its usual stiff position, but instead soft tufts that poke at his eyes. “I’d be lost without your help.” 
You smile gently, and turn, “Good night, Mr. Min.” 
You stop, hand on the knob as you meet eyes with him again, “Please, call me Yoongi.” 
You nod as he smiles and shuts his door behind him, leaving you in the dark hallway with wide eyes and a smile that refuses to disappear. 
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Day 1
“Y/N! Y/N! You’re here!” 
You wake up to a tiny high pitched voice and smile as Hana bounds into your room, flinging the door open with a bright smile and cute little frilly pink pajamas. 
“Hi Hana, how have you been?” You rub your eyes and sit up. That was some good sleep. You had to ask Yoongi whatever this mattress brand was, it was glorious for your always aching shoulders. 
“Good! I’m so excited!” 
You giggle as she bounces on your bed. “Is that why you woke up so early?” 
“Yeah! Daddy’s not awake yet, I think. That’s good.” 
“Oh, why?” You ask, getting up from the bed. She follows you into the restroom and watches you curiously as you brush your teeth. 
“Because I wanna bake cookies for daddy.” 
You widen your eyes at her and smile. “Oh yea? Is there more stuff you’d like to do? I have a few things planned, but we can do whatever you want,” you grin, booping her on the nose. 
She squeals and begins counting on her fingers. “Well, first, after we bake christmas cookies for daddy and santa, I wanna go ice skating!” 
You wink at her. “Already have that on the list.” 
“And then can we please decorate?” She pouts, sadly staring up at you. “Daddy said he forgot to put them on again.” 
You gargle and pat your face dry with a towel as she follows you out and watches you change. “Again? What do you mean?” 
She sighs as she sits on your bed. “Daddy doesn’t ever put up christmas lights. Or trees!” 
You smile at her gently. Yoongi was probably too busy. “Alright, we can do that today too. Your father is taking some time off to spend it with you today. Isn’t that awesome?” 
She laughs gleefully as you finish pulling the sweater over your head, fixing your hair and applying a bit of makeup before stepping out with Hana. It’s already 6 am, and his door is closed. You wonder how tired he must’ve been to be sleeping in this late. From what you remembered, Yoongi always woke up at 4:30 am to start his day, and was in the company by 6:30 sharp. 
Shrugging, you let Hana lead you into the kitchen, where her nanny has already prepared the ingredients for the baking on the countertop. She must’ve heard Hana telling you about it as you got ready. 
You help Hana put on her tiny little apron and wash her hands before you both get to work on mixing the flour and eggs and milk together in a bowl. 
You’re helping Hana roll the cookie dough and put them on the baking sheet when Yoongi walks in the front door, wiping sweat from his face with a towel. You straighten up and face him with wide eyes as he freezes by the doorway and doesn’t say anything as he watches you. His mouth drops a bit and you stutter to somehow make an excuse. 
“I-I thought it would be a good idea to--” 
“Hi daddy!” Hana interrupts, and Yoongi breaks from his surprise, blinking a few times as he smiles down at his daughter. “Good morning princess.” 
“Y/N is helping me make cookies for you and santa! Right?” She tugs at your apron. 
You tear your eyes off of Yoongi, nodding and biting your lip as you answer her and blush when Yoongi looks at you again. “Oh, yes, Hana. That’s right. Good job!” 
You break the silence as you turn and put the tray into the oven. Yoongi is still hovering by the doorway, after giving a hug to Hana and helping her wipe some flour off her cheek. 
“Sorry, we...we just thought it would be nice to have you wake up to some cookies. I-I  didn’t know you were taking a jog.” 
Yoongi is holding Hana up in his arms, who’s currently distracted playing with his earphones. “Oh, no. I-I’m just not used to anyone cooking in the kitchen these days.” He glances down at Hana. “Hey princess, I’m gonna hop into the shower so you can help Y/N clean up a bit, and we can eat the cookies with some breakfast and then go have some fun. How does that sound?” 
“Yes!” Hana wriggles until Yoongi lets go of her and bounds over to the bowls on the countertop. “Let’s clean Y/N! I can’t wait to ice skate!” 
You smile down at her and help her load the dishes into the sink, and let her take a towel and do the drying as she insists. 
Yoongi is a quick showerer, and is out with dry hair and a nice white sweater over some dark blue jeans by the time you’re finished with breakfast and setting the table. 
He takes a seat on the other side, right next to Hana, watching her eat and remind her to eat her fruits and veggies as she scarfs food into her mouth. You politely take a bit more to eat and then set down your cutlery. He glances over at you, and mumbles, “Would you like some coffee?” 
Surprised, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, perking up with wide eyes. “Oh, y-yes please, thank you.” He nods, tight-lipped again, and stands, taking his plate with him and placing it in the sink. You coo at Hana, watching her eat until he returns, two steaming mugs in his hand, and a cup of milk for Hana. The cookies taste lovely with the hot bitter drink. 
“So, what have you planned for us today?” He asks over the rim of the cup. 
You smile, opening your little planner. “Well, Hana would really like to go ice skating, so I’ve found a local rink that’s not to crowded around this time. And we can eat lunch there after we’re finished. When we come back, Hana would like to put up some christmas decorations, so I thought it would be nice to go buy a tree while we’re out.” 
He nods thoughtfully, turning to Hana. “You really want a tree that badly?” 
She pouts, frowning up at him. “Yes daddy, you never have a tree, and that might make Santa sad.” 
He chuckles, stroking her soft cheek with a gentle thumb. “Alright, baby. We’ll go.” He turns to you, “I’ll finish the dishes, you can get dressed. Thank you for the breakfast, it was delicious.” You nod politely, and pad upstairs. 
You leave Hana with him as you get ready, throwing on a long coat over some leggings and a thick knit sweater. When you come out, Yoongi’s finished the dishes, and is in the living room dressing Hana in an adorable corduroy coat and has thrown on a trench coat himself. He smiles a bit at you as you emerge, and silently holds the door open as you take a comfortable seat in the back of his car. 
“Where to, Y/N?” He asks gently, starting the engine. 
You nibble on a cookie as you tell him the directions to the ice rink. When you arrive, the place is already filled with families who are giggling and rushing to get their skates on. Hana squeals and takes your hand in hers as she scurries towards the rink. Yoongi parks the car and grabs your tickets and helps you and Hana pick your skates. 
You sit next to Hana, helping her with her skate laces, easy to tie because of their tiny size. Yoongi arrives later to see you struggling to tighten yours enough, your fingers too frozen in the cold to properly tighten the ropes around the metal prongs. 
He sets down both of your hot chocolates and gets down on one knee silently, grasping the laces in his long fingers, and cooly tying them without a word. You stop, gazing down at him and his long lashes that are focused on your skates and feel your cheeks heat up, but just murmur, “Thank you,” as he finishes without a word and begins to get to work on his own. 
The rink isn’t crowded, but because of the season, still has a couple families here and there even at this time in the late morning. You step gently onto the ice, and Hana follows, her tiny hand gripping yours through both layers of gloves, squealing delightedly as she finds her balance. Yoongi follows, steady on his own skates, and Hana turns, gripping his hand in her free hand. And together, with Hana laughing between you and your own giggles escaping, the three of you glide down the rink. 
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“Okay, Hana, don’t run here, because it’s really icy,” you warn, following the over-excited toddler as she scurries between the lines of pine trees. You try to hurry after her, but your boots are just simple ankle rain-boots that you had, and as you try to catch up to Hana, your rubber soles slip on the icy grass. 
You yelp as you trip, but a strong hand wraps around your upper arm, gripping you tightly and pulling you up. When you look up, it’s Yoongi, and he has a look of concern on his face. “Are you okay?” He asks, brow furrowing. 
You straighten up, tucking the dislodged pieces of hair behind your ear again, and nodding. “I-I’m fine, thank you for that.” You hurry ahead and Yoongi lingers behind, watching you catch up to his daughter and pick her up in a squealing bundle of laughter. 
Picking a tree is easy amongst the thick, full-bodied options, and the seller offers to drive it behind the three of you in his truck. You buckle up Hana and get on with her in the backseat as Yoongi starts the car. It’s odd, having him drive.
Often times, it would be the cheuffer in the front, with you in the passenger seat, reading out the day’s to-do’s and meeting requests to Yoongi who sat silently and solemnly in the backseat, reading his own iPad for emails and company updates. But this time, seeing him silently and smoothly pull out of the tree lot parking lot and turn onto the road towards his estate, was a nice change for once. Especially, since the CEO was no longer dressed the way you were used to either, his neck covered in a thick scarf and a long coat that covers his white sweater and jeans combo, he looks quite comfortable and approachable. 
He pulls in, and together you help the man bring in the tree. It stands tall and beautiful in the middle of the home where the staircase wraps upward. It seems as if the maids already brought out boxes of old decorations, as the boxes are lined up against the wall, ready to be unpacked and used. You open them with Hana, who cutely points out each and every decoration with glee and nostalgia. 
With music playing in the background, the three of you get to work, Yoongi who is in charge of lights and the tree skirt, Hana who’s in charge of the ornaments for the bottom half of the tree, and you in charge of the other half plus the tinsel. Two maids join you, helping Hana get the wire around the ornaments to hang them, and also helping vacuum away the pieces of pine that had fallen on its movements inside. Within an hour, the tree is finished, and you join Hana on the couch as Yoongi moves towards the outlet. 
With a click, the tree is illuminated, casting a soft golden glow throughout the home that’s now starting to have a couple of gloomy shadows because of the time. The maids have moved onto the kitchen now, starting dinner while Hana snuggles up to your side on the sectional. 
Yoongi returns from the kitchen with a mug of something, and hands it to you, sitting a couple seats away. “Thank you sir,” you say, and wrap both hands around the warm ceramic, breathing in the sweet aroma of the hot chocolate he’s given you. 
“No,” he says, crossing his leg, “thank you. The first day was a massive success. She’s so tired,” He chuckles, and you look down with a smile at Hana who’s already beginning to doze off into the crook of your arm. You meet his smiling eyes with a blush, and look down into the mug instead. 
He just looked...so handsome whenever he smiled. You wished he would smile more.
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Yoongi watches you tuck his daughter into bed, as he lingers by the doorway. He’s always missed this part of his daughter’s life, honestly, always being at work until it was too late and the maids had already tucked her in, or always too tired from fighting with his ex-wife to be able to make it home on time. 
You, however, don’t betray any of the tiredness from the entire day, and instead smooth the hairs back from Hana’s face, whispering good night to the little girl as you bring the small pink covers up to her chin. When you turn to leave the room, Yoongi’s already near his office. 
He’d...always admired your work ethic. You were bright, and fast on your feet, quick-learning, and polite no matter what. He’d had too many experiences with past secretaries who lost their initial drive or their integrity, being either too tempted by the riches that he had to maintain their professional relationship and trying to seduce him to no result. It was always a mess, until you, maybe a couple years out of college, came along and stuck. 
But as he watches you quietly click Hana’s door shut behind you, he realizes he knows absolutely nothing about you, even after working closely for three entire years. He clears his throat, and watches as your chin darts up as you turn towards the noise. 
“Is she asleep?” He asks, and you smile gently, nodding and walking over. 
“Do you need anything else?” You ask, your hands folded politely in front of you. 
He shrugs. “Care to join me in my study?” You nod, and he turns into his room. Your mouth falls agape at the beautiful room, the walls decorated with mahogany shelves lined with business books and trophies, towering up above a single desk on one side of the room, and a collection of sofas in the other. He gestures for you to take a seat, and you do, holding the mug of hot chocolate he gave you before. The plate of leftover cookies you and Hana made is on the coffee table, so you grab one, nibbling on the edge. 
“So what are the plans for tomorrow?” Yoongi asks, eyes watching you carefully through his rimmed glasses. 
You smile gently, opening your phone. “I thought it was a good idea to keep her busy, instead of at home too much. We can maybe go to the mall? She wanted to take pictures with Santa.” 
He nods, chuckling a bit. “I really don’t know how I’m going to break the news to her honestly.” You giggle behind a hand too, “Don’t worry, sir. I never knew the truth until it was too late..” and Yoongi catches the fact. “I...don’t really know much about you, do I?” He asks, and the question lingers as  you process what he’s trying to say. 
“Yoongi,” he corrects, “I’m saying, tell me more about yourself. We’ve been working for three whole years, and I’ve never really got to know much about you, other than the fact that my daughter seems to be in love with you.” 
You shyly laugh, sipping the hot chocolate. “Ah, well, other than the things on my resume, I’m not a very interesting person.” You say, thumbs twiddling on the handle of the mug. “Is there anything you’d like to know in particular?” 
Yoongi hesitates. “Ah, well, what do you want to do, eventually?” 
You think thoughtfully, “Hm, before I got this job, I wanted to go into law maybe. I also had thoughts about going into the wedding industry, as a planner as well. To be honest,” you say, a bit embarrassed, “I didn’t expect to get this job, neither did I expect to stay.” 
Yoongi hums, nodding slowly. “I’m glad you did. Do you have any holiday plans? It’s Christmas Eve the day after tomorrow, isn’t it?” 
You nod. “I’m flying back home to my parents’ to see my family, but I’m a bit worried. There’s a blizzard expected to come soon, and my flight might be cancelled.” 
He chuckles, “Well, I hope that doesn’t happen, but if it does, you’re welcome to enjoy your christmas here.” He coughs, “I-if you’d want, that is. I wouldn’t want to burden you or anything.”
“Oh. No, no! You’re not burdening at all,” you reassure, smiling. “I really enjoy spending time with Hana. She’s adorable and I love children.” 
Yoongi nods, smiling. “Speaking of which, are you in a relationship?” 
The question catches you a bit off guard. “Mm,” you muse, wondering whether or not to tell the whole story. “I..I got out of a bad relationship, two years ago.” Yoongi raises his brows thoughtfully, and you hum. “Yeah, he...he cheated on me, and to be honest, I’ve just not been interested in dating again ever since.” 
“Oh,” Yoongi muses, “I’m sorry about that. That’s horrible.” 
“Well, same boat right?” You try, and Yoongi chuckles.
“If you can even call it a boat. I’d say it’s a shipwreck, of emotionally disturbed and hurt people.” At your laughs, he smiles, sipping his own mug. “No, I-....I don’t regret, what happened. The divorce and all, because without all those years, I would have never had Hana, and I would have never learned the things I learned. I just want her to be happy. She’s all I have.” 
You soften, a soft smile lingering on your lips. “Oh, Yoongi, Hana adores you.” You reassure. “She cares for you so much, and I’m sure she’s gonna grow into a strong little girl. You’re doing a great job.” 
He gives you a sad smile, shaking his head. “I try to tell myself stuff like that, but...to be honest it’s just realistic to say that I missed the first few years of her life. All those important moments, of her first words and first time walking and crawling and all that...all because I was too busy.” 
“No, no,” you move a bit closer on your own chair to place a reassuring hand over his arm. His eyes linger on your hand. “You were doing the best that you can, and she’ll understand it. And the important thing is, you’re also doing your best now, and she loves it so much. These next few days are going to be so precious for her.” His eyes peel from your hand on his forearm to yours, smiling gently. “Thank you, Y/N,” he murmurs, “I wouldn’t have done this without your help.”
That night, smiles linger on both of your lips as you fall asleep. 
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Day 2
“Oh, you’re awake,” Yoongi muses as you step into the kitchen. 
You gape a little at the scene in front of you. He’s dressed...in an apron, left hand on the handle of a frying pan and the right with a spatula, expertly cooking a delicious-looking omelette. 
“Come,” he gestures to the dining table, “Sit. I’m almost finished.” 
“S-sir?” You stammer, rounding the island to peer over at what else he’s prepared, and already there’s two other omelettes steaming hot, with toast, avocados, and a bowl of fruits. 
He chuckles a bit, still working on his food, “I figured since the ladies cooked yesterday, that I should step in and do something as well. Here, go take a seat.” 
You shake your head, “Let me help you set the table. I’ll go wake Hana up too.” 
“Thank you,” he adds, flipping the omelette expertly as you take the plates to the dining table and pad upstairs to bring Hana down. Getting her prepared for the morning is easy, as she rubs her cute puffy eyes and sleepily brushes her teeth obediently. But as soon as she’s a bit more aware, she’s bounding downstairs, throwing her arms around her father’s legs, and grinning up at him. 
Yoongi laughs, setting down the plate he was holding and pulling Hana up into his arms. “How did my baby sleep?” 
She giggles and screams as he peppers her cheeks with kisses. “Good daddy!” 
He sets her in her chair and holds yours out for you. Always a gentleman. 
“Thank you,” you answer with a smile, and begin eating. He’d prepared his wonderful coffee as well. 
The breakfast is simple, but delicious, and you enjoy it, giggling with Hana and Yoongi who chuckles along. 
“Y/N, I really think you have the skills to make it as a big planner,” Yoongi comments, when Hana focuses on eating. 
You raise your brows, fork in mid-air. “Sorry?” 
He clears his throat, taking a sip of coffee and resting his elbows on the table as he zeroes in on you. “You have a knack for planning things and organizing things. You mentioned you wanted to be a wedding planner? I think you’d be great at it.” 
You shyly smile, “Thank you sir.” 
He nods, thinking to himself. “I...I think I want to put you in charge of a new coming project we have for Min corps.” 
Your eyes widen, “Which project?” 
He shakes his head, “You haven’t heard much of it from administration, because it’s just something I’ve been brainstorming on the side, but I think the company wants to expand outside of just technology, and into more family-friendly initiatives. I think you’d be a great contribution to the round table discussions we’ve been having, and I’d like to put you in charge of a few projects within those upcoming ideas. As long as you’re up to it, of course.” 
“S-sir...” you stammer, “C-could I get some more to think about it? I don’t know if I would be able to handle all the administrative work plus the works of the projects..” 
He shakes his head, “You wouldn’t be doing both, actually. You’d transfer completely.” He assesses your confused expression and chuckles a bit. “It’s going to be quite difficult finding a great assistant such as yourself, but I’ve seen the way you’ve grown in this company, and I think this would be a great stepping stone for you to eventually get into the area of expertise that you want to do.” 
Your phone rings in the middle of it, and you eye Yoongi’s response. He nods, and you excuse yourself to answer the call from Mr. Kim Namjoon, the CFO of the company. 
“Yes, sir?” You answer, padding towards your room to grab the company iPad you have. 
“Y/N, are you with Yoongi right now?” Mr. Kim seems a bit out of breath. 
“Yes, I am. Do you need to speak with him?” 
“Yeah, he’s not picking up his phone. I think he needs to come here.” You hurry back towards the direction of the dining room. “Alright, I’m going right now. May I ask what it’s about?” 
He breathes out a big frustrated sigh. “Yoongi’s wife is here.” 
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“I put a restraining order on you coming to my house, so you show up to the company?” Yoongi glares, eyebrows set heavily over his sharp gaze, at the woman sitting ten feet away from him. 
After the call, he’d rushed to get dressed, and you helped Hana get dressed as you all got in the company car and rushed over. Hana was with a couple other secretaries outside, and Yoongi asked you to join him in his office, with his wife, Namjoon, and Namjoon’s own assistant, Jungkook. The company lawyer also lingered in the corner. The three of you sat next to your supervisors on the couches, while Jooyeon sat haughtily at the opposite end of Yoongi. 
She crosses her legs, twisting her blood red lips in a snarl. “Well, you should have picked up my calls then.” She sneers. “I want to see Hana.” 
Yoongi rubbed his temples. “We agreed with the lawyers that I would get christmas, and you would get new years. That was the deal.” 
She picks at her long nails, also painted blood red. “I changed my mind. I want Christmas.” 
Yoongi gives the lawyer a look and the man, Seokjin, pipes up. “According to Section B appendix 2.6, Ms. Kim Jooyeon will cede Min Hana to the father, Min Yoongi on the days of Christmas, marked as December 20th to the 25th. Foregoing the 25th, Mr. Min Yoongi will cede Min Hana to the mother, Ms. Kim Jooyeon for New Years, marked as December 26th to January 1st. Any changes to these agreements cannot be applied, according to the requirements of Appendix J.” He nervously glances back at Yoongi who seems haggard. 
Jooyeon glares at the young lawyer and uncrosses her legs, leaning forward in the leather seat. “I told you what I want. You either give her to me for Christmas, or...” she glances around at the guests who all look at her with disdain, “Or I make a scene, right in the center of your property. Public property, may I add,” she remarks, smirking at the disgusted audience in the room. “I’ll ruin your Christmas with your little mistress.” She sneers, eyes sliding over and settling on you. 
You’re about to protest in absolute shock when a BAM echoes throughout the office, and Mr. Min stands, hands shaking as he gets up from his leather seat. “How dare you,” he snarls, “threaten to ruin my Christmas with my daughter.” The anger rolls off of him. He doesn’t raise his voice over an inside-voice volume, but the words speak for themselves. “Didn’t you have enough already? You sue me for alimony, you get half of the year with my daughter, and you still want more?” 
She’s unfazed, relaxed in her seat, dainty legs crossed again underneath the expensive silk dress and fur coat she wears. “Min Yoongi, I’ve never seen you so angry. Perhaps you do have an attachment to the measly secretary of yours, after all? You pathetic liar.”
You dart your eyes to her. After all? What did that mean? Mr. Min responds before you can even dwell on the comment. 
“Get out of my office,” he warns with clenched teeth. “One wrong move, Jooyeon, one more threat to my daughter, and I’m going to expose everything you’ve done wrong.” 
She laughs, arranging her coats around her, and collecting her expensive handbag with a leather-glove-clad hand. You wondered how much her entire outfit cost. Probably a year’s worth of your salary. “As if,” she chuckles. “You would never, Yoongi. You’ve always been too soft.” 
She saunters out of the office, and as soon as the door shuts behind her, Yoongi crumples into the sofa behind him, hand falling on his hand. Jungkook and the lawyer exit, and Namjoon just sighs and pats Yoongi on the shoulder before leaving as well. He gestures for you to follow. 
When outside, he whispers lowly to you and Jungkook, and Seokjin. “I want you three to get rid of her.” he murmurs, “restraining orders, suing, damage control, call the cops I don’t care.” He rolls his eyes. “She can’t always string around our CEO like that. It’s not good for him or Hana, and it’s worse for the company. Take care of it, by any means necessary. Alright?” The three of you nod, and Namjoon gives you a solemn nod before walking away with Jungkook and Seokjin. 
You’re mulling over what just happened when Hana comes bounding up to you, her small arms wrapping around your calves and her chin resting on your thigh. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
You smile, kneeling down to meet her level. “What do you mean Hana? I’m fine.” 
She puts a tiny hand on your cheek. “You look a little sad.” 
You grin at her, smoothing her cute little pigtails back. “Oh, no. Hana, I’m really good. See?” You spread your arms out wide, and she giggles, nestling into them to give you a big hug. You hated how Jooyeon talked about Hana like a liability, a legal object. She didn’t deserve any of it. “Do you want to go see daddy?” You offer, and she nods. You tuck your iPad under your arm and lift her up, dismissing the other secretaries and knocking on Mr. Min’s door. 
“Sir?” There’s no answer. 
“Daddy!” Hana tries, and immediately you see through the window that Yoongi composes himself, rubbing a hand over his face and hair to straighten himself up and put on a smile. It breaks your heart. 
“Come in sweetie!” 
You let her down as soon as you enter, and she bounds over to jump into his arms. Maybe it’s the way he didn’t have enough time to style his hair, or the way his necktie is loosened haphazardly, but he just looks so exhausted and tired. You turn, silently trying to exit when he calls your name.
You turn and meet his gaze. “Yes, sir?” 
“Arrange a casual outfit and the car, let’s go do something that’ll get my mind off of all of this.” He says, grinning down at Hana. When he looks back up at you, his eyes are filled with tiredness and a sadness that you know all too well. You bow politely, “Of course sir. I’ll prepare all of that immediately.” 
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The outfit is placed in his office and the car parked in the entrance within 10 minutes, and you’re changing in your own office with your phone tucked between your shoulder and ear to make dinner reservations and ride arrangements. 
Within 15, the both of you are out of the company doors and in the car again, with Yoongi at the wheel, and Hana nestled in your lap in the backseat. She dozes off, and the car settles with a heavy silence. 
“Are you alright?” His voice sounds from the front. 
“Hm? What do you mean?” You wonder, meeting his eyes in the rear view. 
He hesitates. “I’m sorry about what she said about you. She’s absolutely horrid.” 
You smile. “It’s alright. I don’t mind. Are you alright, sir?” 
He shrugs. “I’m think this whole situation is just really sad.” He laughs forlornly, eyes still on the road. “How did I even think that being civil with her was a good idea?” 
“I still respect that you did that, sir. It’s a difficult thing to do, to try and maintain your respect to someone even after their actions cause you to lose all of it.” You trail off, thinking of how you often saw your ex-boyfriend at friend events. Of how you had to just bite back a snap whenever the stupid little girlfriend of his, and your old co-worker, smiles a knowing little grin at you whenever she can. 
He meets your eyes in the rear view and he notices the sadness in your eyes. But the both of you don’t dwell on it as he pulls into the little village that you’d input into the GPS. 
“Is...this a christmas village?” 
“Yes!” You grin at him, helping the groggy Hana unbuckle her seat belt, “And we’re gonna enjoy everything about it and forget.” You get out of the car with Hana in your arms, and Yoongi grabs the stuff from the backseat as well. 
You pay for the tickets, and walk in, immediately surrounded by fake snow and little themed shops with beautiful lights and pine trees. In the speakers, a jazzy upbeat christmas song plays, and all around there are other toddlers with their families gazing wondrously up at the workers dressed in elf-outfits handing out candy and little trinkets to everyone. 
Hana squeals and you let her down as she kneels down to scoop a handful of the snow in her mittens. She throws it up around her, and she drags both of you to look at the displays shown in the park. 
Hours pass, riding themed rides around the park and taking the train to tour the perimeter, going through a couple shops here and there to buy little snacks and matching reindeer ears for all three of you. By the time it’s starting to get darker and the sun goes down, the christmas lights begin to twinkle on one by one, and Hana tugs at your hands, “Please, can we go meet Santa? Please?” She blinks up cutely at you, and you turn to Yoongi. “Ask your daddy too!” 
She jumps over to him. “Please daddy? With a cherry on top and sprinkles too? Please please please?” He laughs, nodding at her. “How could I say no to that? Go ahead, lead the way.” She laughs, grinning widely, and grabs both your hands to go down the main road towards where a fake Santa sits on his chair near the huge main Christmas tree. 
It’s a bit of a line, so you let Hana go play while you stand in line with the other parents. It’s a bit chilly, and you shiver a bit in your coat as you shuffle on your feet. 
Suddenly, a soft fabric is wrapped around your neck, and you stop and turn to Yoongi, who’s focused on putting the scarf you prepared for him earlier around your neck instead. “S-sir,” you start, but he cuts you off. 
“Sh. It’s freezing out here, and it’s only gonna get colder. Here.” He finishes the wrap, tying it in the front and patting it down a bit to show your face more. 
“It’s really okay...” You trail off, but he just grins. “It’s the least I could do for the past two days.” 
You grin at him behind the scarf, even though he probably can’t see it, and together you both awkwardly turn again to the line, which has gotten shorter. Hana bounds over, and tugs on your sleeve. “Is it our turn yet?” 
You grin at her, “Maybe a couple more minute! Are you ready to take a picture with Santa too?” 
She nods, “Can you braid my hair?” 
You grin, tucking your purse behind as you bend a little to grip her pigtail. You begin plating her little tails when you see Yoongi grab one and begin braiding as well. “You know how you braid?” You blurt, watching him expertly move each piece of hair around eachother. 
He grins down at you with a little mischievous smirk. “Don’t look so surprised, I’m a man of many talents.” 
You laugh a little as his finishes, and by then it’s Hana’s turn. You dust off the snow that’s settled on her shoulders and straighten her coat before she bounds up the little cobblestone walkway that they’ve created for the children up to Santa. She bounces on his lap and begins chattering away while you and Yoongi linger near the photo-taking area. You prepare your camera, and then Santa calls out, “Does little Hana want a picture with all her family?” 
“Yes!” She laughs, gesturing for Yoongi to come. You smile as he immediately strides over, standing behind the large man with an awkward smile, and you laugh, “Stand a little closer to him, Yoongi!” 
Santa interrupts you, “Do you want your momma to be in the picture too?” He offers to Hana, and she grins, immediately calling out to you, “Mommy! Come here!” 
Both you and Yoongi freeze at the name she calls you, and your eyes dart to her expecting face, probably unaware that she’s even slipped, and the stunned expression on Yoongi’s face. You stammer, “Um, I--” The worker behind you steps up to you with a smile, holding out his hand to take your camera. 
“Hurry!” Hana yells, and that seems to jump Yoongi out of his trance, for he locks eyes with and gives you a shy smile, and a nod. You hesitantly give the camera to the elf worker and step up to the podium with a shy smile, standing on the other side of Santa. 
“Aw, can the husband please scooch a bit closer to his wife? Put an arm around her!” The elf worker waves a hand at Yoongi. You shake your hands, “Oh, we’re not--” 
Yoongi closes the two strides between you two and wraps a strong arm around your shoulder. “It’s too complicated,” he explains lowly, and flashing a stunning smile at the camera. You hesitate, but he smells so good and feels so warm and right with the hand on your shoulders that you just settle down and flash a smile. 
“Okay! Perfect! What a beautiful family there! 3...2...1!” 
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Day 3
“Oh my god Daddy! You got me the barbie dreamhouse?! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” Hana squeals as the three of you sit around the base of the Christmas tree. You’re clad in leggings and a big Christmas sweater, courtesy of the maids you befriended during your stay. Hana’s still in her pajamas, and you see Yoongi wearing sweatpants and a crewneck for the first time. 
She insisted on all three of you wearing the same cute antler headbands you bought at the Christmas village yesterday. 
“Okay, now this one!” She leans down and she thrusts it out to Yoongi to read the little sticker. “To Hana, from Y/N,” he reads, and glances at you. You smile, and encourage her to open it. 
She tears the packaging open, and screams right out loud making you and Yoongi cringe while smiling happily. “Makeup?!” 
You laugh, helping her tear the rest of the wrapping paper off. “You always liked watching me do my makeup in the morning, so I decided to get you a little set of your own!” 
She laughs, sifting through the fake toddler makeup products with the same glee that you get when you walk through the makeup aisles at Sephora. “Oh yes!” She groans, “Can we put it on together?” 
You hesitate, wondering how to put the news. “I...uh-”
“Pleeaaassseee?” She begs, sticking out her lower lip. You wondered where she learned that. There was no way she learned it from Yoongi. You could never imagine the proper CEO doing something as childish like that. But yet...you wondered. 
Shaking your head from the thoughts, you stroke her hair softly with a sad expression. “I’m sorry Hana, but today’s actually my last day. I gotta go home later today.” 
She pauses, and immediately you see the way her expression begins to crumble and the mouth is turned into a permanent frown that opens up into a wail and--- “Noooooooo!” She begins bawling, and you’re stunned, surprised at the reaction and panicked, glance at Yoongi who’s also as stunned as you are. 
You immediately reach out to gather her in your arms, cooing as she cries and cries and cries into your arm, clutching your sweater with her tiny little hands. “Please,” she blubbers, “Stay here. I don’t want you to go!” She cries loudly, and you shush her softly, patting her back until she’s done crying. 
“I’m sorry baby, I have my own family I have to see. I’ll come visit as much as you want though.” You offer, and she wipes her nose with a sleeve, dragging her tears and snot across her face. You crack a small smile at the sight, using your own sleeve to wipe the excess. “Really?” She hiccups, eyes red and lip still pouting. 
“Yes,” you encourage, patting her back. “That’ll be my next Christmas present, a promise,” you hold out your pinky finger and she looks down and takes it, wrapping her entire fist around it. You laugh, “A promise that I’ll play with you whenever you want, as long as you want, as long as your daddy’s okay with it.”
She takes the deal, dropping your pinky to wrap her arms around your neck tightly. “Okay.” She whispers. 
Twenty minutes later the tired little toddler is fast asleep again in your arms. She’d only gotten a couple hours of sleep last night, too excited about Santa’s arrival to go to bed, and had woken up the first thing in the morning to open the presents. Yoongi pads over to hand you a cup of coffee as she dozes on your lap on the couch. 
“Thank you,” you say, sipping the delicious liquid. His coffee was absolutely your favorite at this point. 
“No,” he says lowly, eyeing you from the other side of the couch. “Thank you. Without your help, she wouldn’t have had this much fun.” 
“Oh,” you say, staring down at the cup. “no, she had a lot of fun because you were willing to take the time to do so.” 
He chuckles, taking another sip. “Ah, still always humble.” 
You grin at that, but you cant figure out what to say, so he tries again. “I...got you something.” He says, standing and jostling a few branches aside to grab a small package from underneath the tree. He stands and hands it to you. 
“Oh...Sir, you shouldn’t have.” 
“Yoongi,” he corrects, and you nod shyly. “Yoongi...I can’t take this.” 
“You haven’t even opened it yet.” He remarks, gesturing for you to go ahead. 
You carefully take apart the wrapping paper, which was wrapped precisely, and it reveals a beautiful set of diamond earrings and a matching dainty necklace. You gasp, eyes widening at the beautiful set in front of you, and give Yoongi a look. “Yoongi, I--” 
“I noticed,” he interrupts, “that you’ve been wearing the same pair since two years ago, which I remember to be the Christmas present that I got the female members of the entire administrative team.” He doesn’t look up at you, his finger tracing the rim of his mug. “I wanted...to get you something special, but I wasn’t sure of what you liked.” 
You touch the studs that are on your ear now, which are tiny diamond embedded in white gold. He was right, he’d gotten you and four other your other co workers the same diamond earrings. The three males had gotten expensive cuff links and tie clips. This set of earrings and a necklace however, made the ones you had on now pale in comparison. 
They were stunning diamonds, square and brilliant, embedded in white gold. The chain of the necklace was so dainty and thin, almost like a thread, but was incredibly strong. There were smaller tinier diamonds surrounding all three of the main sets, and they weren’t too flashy, but beautiful enough to go with anything and everything. They probably costed a tiny fortune. 
You set your lips in a grim line. “Yoongi...you know I can’t accept this.” 
“Please,” he says, standing from his seat on the couch, and walking over. “It’s a present. Please accept it, it’s the least I could do for everything you’ve done for the past few days. And years, actually.” He quips, taking the necklace from its placing within the leather case, and kneels with a knee on the couch to lean down, and move the ends of the chain past your neck and hook it behind. 
He leans so close, you can smell his actual scent, the one usually hidden behind his amazing cologne, a smell that is so distinctly home-y and him and wonderful all at the same time. His collarbone hovers in your sight and it’s the most you’ve seen of him, white milky skin descending from his neck into his sweater. When he finishes, he takes a small movement back to look at it on you.
“It’s a perfect fit,” he grins, and lifts his gaze to look at you. Face inches away from yours, he stops, just gazing into yours. 
Everything seems to stop for a moment, and you just hesitate as he lingers on your face. You can practically count his eyelashes from here, which you notice are incredibly dark and long. His dark hair frames his eyes that peer down at you with a sense of curiosity and a darkness that you can’t decipher. His lips are so tempting, and his cheeks are so white and milky you just want to reach out and touch him. His gaze drops quickly to your lips as well, and if you just leaned a bit--
“I should go,” you stammer, breaking the silence and blinking awkwardly as you turn your face and move Hana a bit so you can stand up. Thankfully, she curls up on the couch, and you tuck the little throw over her better as you gather the box and your phone. “It’s getting late and I need to pack.” 
Yoongi clears his throat, also taking a couple steps back. “O-of course, yes.” He hesitates. “Wai--”
But you leave quickly, tears stinging in your eyes as you bound up the stairs to your room. You shut the door behind you, back against it as you look at the beautiful room around you, and the way your clothes and things were spread out like you live here. 
What a joke, you think, bitter tears falling from your eyes. What a cruel joke. To think that any of this was real, to think that it was possible. After two years of healing, after getting hurt so deep it prevented you from being hopeful about relationships and love for two entire years of your life, you ended up falling for the one person, that you could never dare to wish for. 
What a cruel, cruel Christmas joke.
Packing doesn’t take too long. You didn’t have much to begin with anyway.
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“Are you sure you don’t want a ride to the airport?” Yoongi says, lingering in the doorway. 
You smile at him. “Your chauffeur is enough, sir.” He quirks a brow but doesn’t correct you on his name. “Thank you for everything.” 
“I’ll....keep in touch, Y/N. Enjoy your holidays. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for everything.” 
“It’s fine. I’m just...doing my job,” you say, a small smile on your lips. You see his face fall at the last part in disappointment? Annoyance? You’re not sure. Nonetheless, you turn and get into the back of the car, shutting the door behind you. 
“Ready?” Hoseok says, and you nod. He starts the engine and begins to pull out of the driveway.
You know the back windows are tinted so heavily you can’t see into them. So you give yourself a break, and let yourself watch him as you drive away. 
He never closes the door until you can’t see him anymore. 
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Dec 31st, 11:37 PM 
“Uh, sis, you okay?” Your brother appears in the dining room, where you’ve huddled up by yourself in the corner with a half-finished bottle of wine. “You’re a bit more miserable-looking than usual.” He hesitates at the buffet table that’s been mostly cleared out, poking at the leftover pieces of chicken with his chopsticks. 
You turn your bleary gaze at him. “Shut up,” You honk, taking a swig of wine. “You don’t know anything.” 
“Woah woah woah,” he says, wrestling the bottle away from you. “Are those yours too?” He looks at the other wine bottle and empty glasses of celebratory champagne on the table next to you. “Yes-pfhh,” you blurt out, blubbering a protest as he takes those away too and places them far in the kitchen, out of your drunken reach. “Hey,” you accuse him, sticking out your lower lip. “Those were mine.” 
“You’re a mess,” he breathes out, nibbling on a cookie. “What the hell happened to you?” 
You sigh, teary-eyed as your parents and their adult friends laugh about something stupid in the living room, watching TV as they wait for the new years count down. “Everything,” you wail, eyes filling with tears as you push around a piece of meat on your finished plate. “Everything is wrong and I hate love.” 
“Huh, same.” He snorts, and composes himself when he sees your teary glare. “Um, well, why? I haven’t seen you like this since, well...since him.” 
“I know,” you wail, “And that’s why I’m so sad. Because I’ve never felt this way since him, and now I’ve fallen for the one guy I can’t have.”
“Mr. Min.”
“Oh fuuuccckkk...” Taehyung drawls. 
You glare at him again and chuck the piece of meat at him. It misses, and flies somewhere near the flower vase. “Not helping!” You bleat, collapsing into tears and blubbering nonsense again. 
“Well, as much as I’d like to shove it in your face that you’ve fallen into the cliche of a secretary and her boss, kinky by the way,” he remarks, dodging another piece of meat, “you’re also my fuckin’ sister and it’s my job as a bro to tell you to just go get it.” 
“And lose my job?” You laugh bitterly. “He doesn’t even like me.”
“I thought he invited you over for three nights to help with his daughter or something. Men wouldn’t do that if he didn’t have interest.” 
You laugh bitterly, “Well all men don’t have daughters and crazy ex-wives fighting for custody, and a secretary who just happens to be that daughter’s favorite person.” 
“Well, at least the daughter likes you. That’s a first step.” He tries. 
“Well, I’m not gonna date his daughter, Tae. Not helping.” You groan, and he rolls his eyes.
“Okay, I’m just trying to say, that you’re gonna regret it if you don’t ever say anything.” He says, looking at you with pity. You hated it. Hated the look of pity, hated your stupid brother, and hated that he was right. “You’re just gonna keep working for him like a little lost puppy always giving him sad eyes and awkward smiles because he was the one who you let get away and you never tried your shot.” 
“He hates when people cross professional boundaries, Tae,” you complain, “He’s had to fire so many secretaries in the past because they tried gold digging him.” 
“Well, you’re not gold digging, for one.” Tae muses, “and even though your my gross sister, you’re probably not as low as those secretaries were with their bad intentions of trying to get at him.” 
You don’t say anything and he throws his hands up with a frustrated sigh. “Look, sis. He’s single, and he’s ready to mingle. He invites you over for three nights, you have a blast and now you’re all sad because you like him. Just do it, just tell him how you feel. If he likes you back, then you’ll figure something out. If he doesn’t, then he’ll politely decline or fire you, which actually is the better situation cause then you won’t have to suffer through your awkward pining and just get it over with and start over somewhere else.” 
“I don’t want to start somewhere else,” You sputter, blearing up at him through wet lashes. He groans. “Okay, you’re being so extra annoying today, but you do you, okay? You just better not blame me for your hangover and regrets tomorrow. C’mon, the count down is starting soon.” 
He drags you to the television screen and you wipe your tears in the corner as all your parents’ friends begin counting down. 
“5!....4!....3!....2!.....1!....HAPPY NEW YEARS!” Confetti pops into the air and glasses are clinked all around as everyone hugs eachother and welcomes 2019. 
You take another swig of a beer bottle that’s sitting on the couch. 
That’s all you remember before passing out.
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“Sis? Yo, Y/N. Yoooo bitchass fatty, wake the fuck up,” The voice in your head gets louder and louder until it’s yelling right in your ear and shaking your body with a foot planted perfectly on your back. 
“Ow!” You mutter, glaring up at the culprit. Immediately the sun hits your eyes and you cringe, grimacing at the noise and visual stimulation. “Oh god,” you cringe, squeezing your eyes shut. “Please turn down the lights.” 
“Its morning you moron, it’s the sun.” Taehyung laughs at you, and you cringe at the sound of his voice too. Ugh, god, wine drunk was the worst kind of drunk. “You should really get up though,” He says again. 
“Why?” You whine, “let me sleep for a little more.” 
“Uh...I don’t really know how to tell you this, but your boss is here.” 
“Mhm,” you mutter, already sort of dozing off. “Wait,” you lift your head, eyes widening, “What did you just say?!” 
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“S-sir! W-what are you doing here?” You say, as you bang the door open. You’d tried cleaning yourself up a little, brushing your hair back and washing your teeth and face, but it definitely did not prepare you for the bright morning sun that attacked your pupils. “Ugh,” you cringe at the brightness, and Yoongi chuckles. 
“A little hungover, Y/N?” He quips, grinning. 
“Do...do you want to come in?” You offer, glancing behind you at the mess your parents made. “Sorry it’s a mess, we had a new years party. Or actually, my parents did.” 
He grins at you, stepping in and surveying the small living room. His gaze lingers on you knowingly and you peer at him curiously, confused. 
He settles on a couch that doesn’t have spilled drinks or too much confetti on it and you sit across from him. “Uh, so...” you begin, unsure of where to start. “How can I help you?” 
“Do you...” he begins, grinning widely. Why was he smiling so much? “Do you remember anything from last night, Y/N?” 
You frown, brows furrowing. “Uh, well I had dinner at my parents’ new years party, we had a few drinks, did the countdown, and partied some more.” 
“Anything else, that happened, like, maybe a couple minutes after the countdown?” 
“No, why do you ask?” 
He chuckles, rustling through his pockets to fish out his phone. He scrolls through it quickly, and taps something, and then puts it on speakerphone for the both of you to hear the filtered sound of your wailing voice come through the speakers.
“I swore that I would never fall for you,” Your voice bleats through the speakers, laden with hiccups and a bleariness that indicates you crying. “I never wanted to, because you don’t like gold diggers and I’m--hic!---I’m not a gold digger but I’m your secretary and your helper, like an elf helper, and you wouldn’t want to date an eLF!”
“How come?! How come I end up falling for the one guy I can’t have....I tried so hard, to keep my distance and be professional and call you “Mr Min” or “Sir” instead of Yoongi because it seemed to close. I suck and everything sucks and now I’m gonna get fired and die on the streets all because I can’t keep my dick in my pants for the hot young single CEO I work for.” You bleat, finishing off the phone call with a hiccup, and then a click to indicate your completion. 
A snort in the hallway shows that Taehyung has indeed, definitely heard everything, and your jaw almost hits the floor. Hands around your gaping mouth you stammer, “I-I-I...I’m s-so sorry, oh my god, I-I didn’t m-mean to! I swear, oh my god I’m so sorry, it wasn’t-- I’m not--” 
“I swear I just say random things when I’m drunk, and especially wine drunk and I--”
“Y/N,” he tries again, gently. 
“--And then the countdown happened and then I might have tried some beer, but I don’t even remember holding my phone, and I swear it was all a huge joke and oh my god I totally understand if you want to fire me for being unprofessional and--” 
“Y/N!” Yoongi demands, striding up to you and kneeling in front of you. He holds the wrists of your hands that are covering your mortified face and brings them down onto your lap. “Will you listen to me for a second?” 
You face him with a worried expression. “Yes?” 
“Why do you think I’m here, 300 miles away from my own home, sitting here in your family home?” 
“You wanted to fire me? Face to face?” 
He laughs, a hearty ones, a smile that crinkles his eyes and shows his gums and makes your heart flutter in a way that kind of makes you want to kiss and kind of what to throw up. That might be the wine though. 
“No,” he laughs, looking up at you adoringly. “Because as soon as I heard this message in the morning, I got on the first flight here, and asked your friend Jisoo for the address. I needed to see you to tell you that, I felt the same way.” 
“Wh-what? You--,” You stammer, unable to form a comprehensive sentence. “I-- what?” 
He laughs again. “I...didn’t know how to bring it up to you, especially after hearing that you weren’t really looking for anything. And I didn’t want to burden you either, being your workplace superior and all, and with Hana too. I didn’t know how to bring it up, I haven’t really asked anyone out in years. And I didn’t want to mess it up, but, here I am.” He grins up at you, his fingers twisting in between your own. Tears are streaming down your face. From what, you’re not really sure why. 
“I wish I was the first to admit my feelings, but this will do. I want to tell you that I adore you, as my secretary, as a friend, and as a woman. You are so incredibly hardworking, kind, honest, and genuine. You love my daughter and she loves you, and from the years we’ve been working together to the days that we’ve spent together recently, I’ve only ever grown in my respect and adoration for you. So, if you’re up to it, of course, let’s just go to coffee or something. Just you and me,” he shakes his head, “No work, no other obligations, just as a man and a woman, getting to know each other. You know, on a date.”
You’re crying and blubbering and absolutely ugly, but you still manage a tiny “of course,” and he’s laughing and hugging you close, stroking your hair and wiping your tears, exhibiting a softness you never knew he had. 
Your Christmas present was a little late this year, but the best one you ever had. 
“Oh I almost forgot to mention, you also called my ex-wife and threatened her with a lawsuit and some bits of physical violence if she ever came close to Hana with her ‘materialistic, treat-your-daughter-like-an-object, fake boob and lashes wearing ass’ again. I think I’m about ready to promote you to my position.” 
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Four years later
“Okay, make sure the children are dressed and ready for the christmas choir set! They wanted reindeer santa hats, so make sure they get those!” You call out, checking off the boxes on your clipboard. “Okay, and don’t forget to set up the lights for the stage! Did someone get in contact with the broadcasting station about the sponsors?!”
Your assistant, Jimin clambers up to you with a display of the cakes and treats. “Here are the snacks we’re handing out, and yes, I’ve gotten all the sponsors handled.” You look through them as he wheels them besides you, and give him a nod and thank him, and he whisks it away. He was such a great assistant.
You’re immediately wrapped up in a pair of arms. 
“Working hard?” His lips tickle your ear. Giggling, you turn and rest your chin on his chest. Pouting a bit, you sigh. “Just a few more hours, and it’ll all be finished.” 
Yoongi laughs, his hair tickling his eyes as he grins and leans down to deliver a kiss to your lips. He lingers a bit a longer than he needs to, and you raise a brow at your husband. He grins lopsidedly, “I can’t wait,” he mutters huskily, “for all of this to be over so we can get to...our business.” 
You cringe, rolling your eyes. 
“How’s Doyoung doing? Is my little prince not too stressed?” Yoongi runs a hand over your lower belly, which isn’t too swollen yet, but is showing signs of the four-month old fetus within. 
“He’s fine,” you smile gently. “His momma doesn’t even feel too sore today.” 
Yoongi smiles. “Perfect, he’s gonna be such an obedient little sucker.” He leans down and kisses you again, this time his tongue sliding suggestively over the seam of your lips. 
“Yoongi! Not now,” you whine with a laugh, and push him away. He was so clingy and needy, something you’d never expected the cold calloused businessman to be. You shoo him away. 
“Go, make yourself helpful with Hana and her choir. They still need help getting dressed.” 
He grins and jogs over, and begins helping the assistants carefully pin cute decorations to their uniforms to make it a bit more festive. 
The huge courtyard of Min Corps. is filled with people and exhibits, bustling with life and preparations for the opening Gala for the Min Corps new project. It was yours and Yoongi’s brain-child, created almost a few months after you two got married: The Min Technology Education Initiative. 
It was a schooling program designed to provide education within technology, such as extra specialized classes on computer science, business management, electrical and mechanical engineering, chemistry, math, physics, and other sciences that were helpful in the management world. It’s offered primarily to those in need who can’t afford to purchase tutors or extra academies, and for high school students who want more exposure to these kinds of professional opportunities. With the sponsorships from other companies, this program would help to fund the local orphanage, from where you and Yoongi adopted Minnie. 
Finally, the time arrives, and everything is set in order. With your husband and two daughters at your side, you all grip the red ribbon in your hands, holding scissors and get ready to cut the ribbon. 
“3.....2.....1! Merry Christmas!” Cameras flash, cheers go up, and friends and family gathered to see the way Min Corps was giving back to the community underneath your project management, all clap and hug in the spirit of the holidays. 
You smile at your husband, who squeezes your shoulder with a warm smile, and Hana bounds over to her choir to begin their performance, while Minnie shyly holds onto your fingers, like the toddler she is. 
And the four and a half of you together, (with the half human growing in your belly), you were ready to take on all the Christmases and New Years to come.
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myeyesarebrighter · 6 years ago
The crazy thing about the step I took back in my career was that by disrupting the more more more advance advance advance cycle at work, something in me changed. I started working immediately after college and set aggressive goals for myself. I had a throw away BA from a nowhere school but it wasn’t going to stop me. I fucked off for a while in my 20s, but otherwise I crushed my goals in quick succession. Having kids took more time than I expected, so I doubled down while we worked at it. My first baby was hard and I poured myself back into work to find some sense of myself again. I swapped jobs and hopped on a fast track up. I was flying. And suddenly my kid was cool. She was funny and cute and smart and she wanted me. I was going days only seeing her while she slept, or for only a minute in the evening before she fell asleep. The extra money I earned was going to hiring people to do the shit I didn’t have time to do anymore. My husband was stressed and had less flexibility than ever because of my work demands. We sized up the house (his big want and part of the compromise for my work). And oh fuck, surprise, an impossible baby who was never supposed to come to us without effort and costs.
That baby disrupted everything and I said, no thanks. No thanks to the fast track to VP. I said not anymore to the team of 20 direct reports. I opted out of the frequent travel across the country. I just dipped out. I took a pay cut and a bonus cut. My career track probably won’t take me to VP at all, but if it did it won’t be anytime soon.
You know, though, the whole thing works. I cut my house cleaner because I’m here to do it myself. My gas, tolls, wear and tear are cut by 70% because I’m commuting 1-2 days a week now. My professional wardrobe costs pennies because I’m rarely in and never need formal attire for business travel. The kids spend less time at daycare. My husband and I both have lives again, outside of family and work. Grocery delivery is an occasional treat, we aren’t hiring out fall and spring yard cleanup, my amazon prime urgent orders are cut by like 80%. I never spend money on lunch out anymore. It works for me, for us.
I don’t care the same way I did. The day I let myself off the ride, I realized the ride wasn’t so great? I’m not articulating this well, it’s hard without sounding critical of others choices, but it has been revolutionary for me. Stepping back to have a bit of perspective really let me see some things clearly.
Maybe some day I’ll want back on. Probably. I’m a little bit of an obsessive type who feels like she has something to prove. I’m a honkey White trash kid from Maine, with a cheap BA from nowhere NH, whose mom is a HS drop out and dad was a truck driver. I’m still trying to figure out what that means now, but I know it gives me perspective most people I work with don’t have.
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thedyingmoon · 6 years ago
💜 This I Promise 💜
XXXVIII. Nobleman
That particularly hot morning of July, Levi woke up to the strange noises coming from one of the rooms downstairs.
He opened his eyes, massaged his temple, and stretched. He got up from his chair and went to the bathroom to wash his face, removing all the dirt that accumulated during his stressful two hours of sleep.
Ever since arriving in Shunerman’s mansion, he was feeling uneasy about the things around him. He was not particularly fond of Hange’s plan to disguise themselves as Elvis and Jacqueline just to get near (F/N), and he was not very pleased with all the things that started to happen since last month. Moblit, Hange’s assistant, who was left in the Legion to observe all the things that might be suspicious, recently reported of the latest happenings in Trost while they are away, in codes, of course. And what he reported doesn’t sound good, at all.
Oh, yeah, have I told you that I’ve been reading a fascinating story about the queen who was jealous of her step daughter because of her beauty? He wrote. The queen ordered the best hunter in the land to kill her. When that was not successful, she searched for her, herself, disguised as an old hag who was offering apples. The queen gave her step daughter the apple, which was poisoned, by the way. The girl died instantly, with no hope of salvation. The queen gave her step daughter the apple, which was poisoned, by the way. The girl died instantly, with no hope of salvation.
Of course, Moblit had to write the last two sentences twice. It was his way of saying something urgent, and from the looks of it, someone had already died in the Legion. Not that they are not used to people dying a lot in their division.
It simply meant that someone died, not because of Titans.
But, because of something more sinister.
The enemy has already started killing off the witnesses in the Legion, one by one,…
Levi groaned upon hearing the strange music once more. He checked himself in the mirror, double checking if his appearance ( and disguise ) is okay, and finally went down to see what was wrecking Elvis Shunerman’s mansion in half.
What he found there absolutely annoyed him, for there was Hange, in disguise, naturally, conversing with three unknown people wearing formal attire, like they were doing business or something.
Hange, who was free to wear her thick – lensed glasses inside the mansion, didn’t fail to notice Levi, who was standing at the doorway, giving her dagger stares. The woman smiled broadly and went to him like everything was okay.
“What the shit is this, four eyes?” he whispered savagely to her.
“They’re from the dance company, Levi.” She answered.
“Then, what the fuck are the stars of leotard town doing here?!” he almost shouted in her face.
Hange had to bite her lip to prevent herself from laughing. “Well, we are going to attend the Winter Season ball, aren’t we?”
“And what about it?” Levi asked, already knowing the answer deep inside.
“They’re here to teach us how to dance.” Hange simply announced, making Levi widen his eyes at her.
Levi looked at the direction of the three professional tutors, who nervously waved at him like he was their grumpy relative who they haven’t seen in a long time. He grimaced, grabbed Hange’s right arm roughly and led her forcefully out of the room. He almost threw the woman out of the room and shut the door angrily.
“Aren’t you alarmed by what’s happening right now?” he grumbled. “A Scout dead by suspicious poisoned fruit? And you inviting tutors here like nothing happened?”
“It’s nothing like that, Levi.” Hange retorted. “We’re going to infiltrate the ball, am I correct?” after Levi’s nod, she said, “Well then, we’ll have to be the noblemen that the guests expect us to be, so that they wouldn’t get suspicious.”
“Isn’t there any other way without us having to learn some shitty pirouettes and twists? I’m sure you can think of something else!”
“Nobody said anything about pirouettes and twists, Levi! How do you even get close to our nobleman without him getting suspicious? We can’t just put a gag on him and kidnap him straight on! Have you forgotten that the guard dog is still on the loose? What if he, or she, attends the ball, too? I’m pretty sure that he’ll pay close attention to the surroundings, especially if there’s some suspicious people wearing black and tailing his master around the room!”
“I didn’t say anything about wearing black.” Levi shot back at her.
“Well, do you have any ideas?”
Hange waited for Levi’s answer, and when he said none, she continued.
“Don’t you forget that our other target would possibly be there, as well.”
Levi felt fumes of anger forming inside him. “Erwin Smith,…”
“Yes, him.” Hange replied, then crossed her arms. “If Moblit is correct, then, Erwin would also pursue the mastermind behind all this. Don’t you think it would cause a big commotion if people found out that we barged in there as us, uninvited? Erwin didn’t invite you, this time. You would want to keep it that way to avoid further damage.”
Levi absorbed all the information and just nodded hesitantly, slightly thinking of that one time when the nobles of Wall Sina invited Erwin for the Winter Season ball two years ago as an honorary guest because he was the Commander of the Scouting Legion, which entitled him to invite three more people. He remembered he invited Hange, him, and,…
“And don’t forget that (F/N) would also attend the ball. You don’t want her to see the real you after what happened in Stohess a month ago.”
Levi looked down on the floor, suddenly remembering the girl denying that she knew them.
What would happen to them if they meet each other again, undisguised?
“And, what if Erwin succeeds on his plan and everything turned into chaos?”
Hange pushed her glasses up her nose bridge. “We immediately take (F/N) away and bring her to safety. Let Erwin do his thing.”
Levi sighed and gave up.
“Okay, four eyes.” He breathed. “Do we even have an invitation to that shitty ball?”
“I’m glad you asked.” She answered and took out an envelope from her coat pocket. She gave it to Levi and watched him as he opened the powder blue material and perused the contents of the invitation. It was from a noble named Rod Reiss, who was, apparently, the host of this year’s Winter Season ball, and it was addressed to Elvis and Jacqueline.
“It came with this.” Hange said, then showed him a single – stemmed, lavender – colored rose. “Quite a flashy invitation, isn’t it?”
Levi took the rose from her and examined the thing. It really looked queer. It even smelled differently from the other roses he have seen and touched before.
To his sensitive nose, it almost smelled like expensive liquor.
“Is this thing real?” he asked, twirling the thing with his fingers.
“I’m not sure. Maybe. Maybe not. It’s the first time I’ve see one. Even outside the Walls, we haven’t travelled far enough to discover that floral specie. I guess the host has a thing with lavender, maybe?” Hange told him.
“I don’t know.” He said, setting the rose down on a nearby table. “All I know is that we must keep (F/N) away from Erwin and that nobleman with his guard dog, whoever they are. We must keep her away, as far from them as possible.”
Hange nodded, determination evident in her hazel eyes.
“So, the tutors?” she asked him.
Levi’s eyes widened a bit, and seeing that he had no escape from them, he nodded, defeated.
She opened the door and both of them entered the room, where they saw the three chatting eagerly and exchanging musical pieces. The three turned towards them and smiled.
“Where were we?” Hange asked them.
“The waltz, Milady.” Wheezed the oldest of the three. He was wearing a gold – rimmed monocle, and his moustache curled in a way that reminded Levi of the white – sauced pasta he ate the other day. The man motioned for the other tutor, who was a bit younger than him and more energetic, to go near Hange. The young man bowed at her, making her grin in pride.
Levi clicked his tongue. Was this how nobles act in front of ladies?
The man with monocles glided excitedly towards the piano, sitting on the stool, and gesturing for the violinist, who had dark, greasy shoulder – length hair, to start at his command.
“We begin the basic steps, Milady.” The dance tutor said and offered his hands to Hange.
For a full hour, Levi watched them as they pranced about the room in circles, or in boxes, as the tutor put it. He was quietly observing them from his place on the corner of the room, and he honestly thought that Hange Zoe had both left feet. She kept on stepping on the foot of the tutor and making wrong turns. The tutor was finally noticeably losing his patience as he explained for the fifth time that the feet must be slightly apart by a few inches after the full box step, not wide like a split.
And when Hange made the wrong step all over again, Levi clutched his temples in embarrassment of his supposed partner. She noticed this and dropped her hold on the tutor.
“You think it’s easy?” she shot at him, irritated.
It’s your freaking idea! “Well, you think it’s easy for him to teach you?”
Hange inhaled and exhaled, controlling her anger. She looked at him with a very sinister looking smile.
“Why don’t you try it, honey? I’m sure you’ll do pretty well. I need to rest my feet for a while, see?”
She was clearly challenging him. And it annoyed the hell out of him.
He raised and eyebrow, dropped it immediately, and uncrossed his arms, walking towards the dance tutor while Hange walked away to the nearest chair to rest her tired legs.
The pianist and the violinist readied as Levi faced the tutor.
“Whenever you’re ready.” Announced monocles.
Levi glared at the tutor, who was,…
Slightly blushing?
The music began and the tutor quickly positioned himself as the partner, which would make Levi the lead.
“Elvis, dear, you have to hold his hand and put your other hand on her back.” Hange told him, looking like she was torturing him with her huge, annoying smile.
“What the fuck?!” Levi savagely whispered as he looked back at the tutor, who had his neck almost craned painfully to the side as he waited for Levi to hold him. He had no choice but to do what Hange said and held the tutor just like what she said.
Slowly, they made their way through the basic steps of the waltz.
And it was extremely uncomfortable.
Very, very, very uncomfortable.
The tutor kept looking at him in a weird way, occasionally fluttering his eyelids at him whenever he thought he was concentrating on the steps. The young man also tried to, occasionally, get closer to him by pushing his lower torso towards his, which Levi avoided every single time.
Levi thought he was imagining things, but when his eyes lingered accidentally towards the pianist and the violinist, he found out, in complete terror, that they were definitely thinking the same as him. They were looking worriedly at him, even the grumpy violinist had his eyes wide open as he observed how the dance tutor positions himself closer to him.
And Hange? How was Hange taking in all of this?
Well, apparently, the crazed woman was holding in her laughter by clutching her mouth with one hand and holding her stomach with the other. She had her eyes closed with tears of sheer bliss almost coming out of them.
Levi looked back at the dance tutor, who was, now, attempting to put his knee in between his legs,…
“FUCK!” Levi screamed as he immediately broke his hold on the dance tutor, who almost fell to the ground and was disappointed and scared at the same time. “Get out of this house, RIGHT NOW!”
The tutor scrambled to his feet and ran towards his comrades, who also got off their instruments and took all of their stuff with complete terror in their eyes. They stumbled into each other, trying to make their way outside the house, and with that, they’re finally gone.
Hange finally let out her laughter, filling the whole room with her obnoxious voice and irritating Levi to the edge of his already snapped patience.
“Do you think it’s funny?! FUCK! I should’ve known that you’re up to something stupid!” Levi screamed as he searched for something to break, but couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“I’m not! I’m not! I s-swear!” Hange stuttered through her uncontrolled fits of laughter.
“Then, could you kindly explain what that was about?!”
“I did! I told you! I just didn’t expect the tutor to be like that! No wonder I couldn’t learn anything from him!” Hange was trying her very best to control her laughter.
“Shit!” Levi took a seat on the piano stool, trying to calm himself down. “Those three should be as good as fired. No. They should be as good as murdered!”
All of a sudden, he heard someone knocking on the front door. Levi ignored it, thinking that it was those three again. And when he heard the knock again, he impatiently stood, cursing under his breath, and went all the way to the living room to open the door.
“What the fuck is it?!” Levi screamed as he opened the door.
It was a huge mistake.
For outside the doorway stood none other than the confused – looking (F/N),…
Levi watched as Petra twirled around in his office. She was so excited to be invited to the Winter Season ball inside Wall Sina where only the elite could participate. Apparently, it was her dream to wear the most beautiful gown and to dance in the halls of a castle where a Prince might sweep her off her feet and marry her.
“Come on, aren’t you excited about this, Levi?” she sweet – talked him, going towards him and hugging him from behind.
“No, not exactly,…” he told her, his hands still busy roaming the many documents that invaded his table.
“Why?” Petra began massaging his temple, sending his senses into the furthest regions of his own desire.
Strange, she really held power over him like that.
“Because,” he answered, concentrating hard enough on the documents and not on Petra’s seductive touch. “I have no time for dancing and socializing. Look at this. I still have to pass this tomorrow, so I definitely need to finish this right now.”
She smiled sweetly at him. She took his pen playfully away and sat on the desk in front of him.
“Come on, I’ll help you with those later.” She said, then began spreading her legs in front of him. Levi’s eyes instantly went towards her sweet spot and he felt his pants getting tighter. She leaned closer to him, her sweet breath wafting down his face. “You, my sweet, are tired. How about I make you feel better?”
Levi smiled at her and swiftly took her in his arms, letting her feel the hardness she caused him down there.
“Good offer, Cadette.” He said to her and carried her towards the bedroom,…
~ @levi4mikasa , @yepps , @super-peace-fangirl , @unhappysap , @nerdyphantomlady , @shewolfofficial , @fangurl-ontgeside , and @emilyackerman78 . 💜
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shannie-writes · 6 years ago
IM SORRY I LIED, TWO MORE. MODEL AU AND NOIR DETECTIVE AU. I love you so much, you are the reason I cry happy tears uwu
Part three of your request: Model AU!
AU: Model
Pairing(s): Sirius/MC/Ray, Kyle/MC2/Zero
Setting: Modern
The Basics: Welcome to the Innate Modeling Agency. The most popular modeling agency in England, IMA is home to several dozen male and female models. Due to their fame and promise for successful output, the agency hires assistants for every 1-2 models. Their most popular models who have full schedules at all times have their own personal assistants, while others who are popular along seasonality trends are assigned an assistant with another model. The models live in a company-owned condominium complex, while the assistants do not. Relationships with other employees of the agency are strictly prohibited.
Lancelot: Almost exclusively models suits and wedding attire. No magazine is complete without him.
Jonah: Most popular in the spring. Can be hard to work with, but always has great results.
Edgar: Pulls off almost all looks, so is a good year-round model. Frequently does shoots with Luka.
Kyle: Late summer and all of fall, he is booked full, with a few holiday exceptions during other times of year.
Zero: Summer and winter are his most popular seasons. Is often pulled into large group shots for diversity.
Ray: #1 model for the agency. Pulls off everything he wears. Does both photo and filmed ads.
Sirius: Models for a lot of alternative clothing lines. Very popular all year round.
Luka: A fantastic pinch hitter. Does a lot of shoots with Edgar.
Seth: While he does full body on occasion, his most popular shoots are for hair products and as a hand model.
Fenrir: Makes a good model, but mostly acts for television ads, as he’s always so animated.
Harr: A freelance model, but hard to book as he’s usually busy with other things.
Loki: A freelance model. Doesn’t want to sign up with an agency so he can do whatever he wants, when he wants.
Blanc: A famous photographer in the field.
Oliver: A tailor, helps with final fittings before shoots.
MC(Alice): Assistant to Sirius. Temporarily took over assistant duties for Ray as well while Ray’s assistant was out of the office for surgery. Does her best to keep professional, despite Sirius’–and soon Ray’s–eventual triumph at making her his girlfriend.
MC2(Nancy): Assistant to Kyle and Zero. Has been working with the two for several years and they each fall in love with her separately. They are playing the edge of their limitations with the company and both of them are engaged to her.
“Shit,” Nancy grumbled under her breath. Tapping violently on her phone to respond to an email, she couldn’t help but continue. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“Is there a problem?”
She looked over her shoulder at Kyle with a muffled huff of impatience before tapping at her phone again. “I need a pillow to scream into. That photoshoot for you over at the orchard was cancelled and rescheduled without my input. I already told them we’d do it, but there was the other shoot out in the canyon at the same time and apparently this is the only day the orchard guys can do it now. I’m good at what I do, but I can’t put you in two places at once.”
Waiting to make sure her tirade was over, Kyle stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her. She stiffened and swiveled her head to make sure they were alone before relaxing back into him, locking her phone and placing a free hand on top of his that lay over her stomach.
Nuzzling into her hair, Kyle adjusted his hands, tucking hers under his and brushing his thumb over her simple ring.
“Take a breath,” he whispered, giving her a light squeeze. “The answer will come to you, this isn’t the first time we’ve had a fall like this before. They’re just panicking because the few weeks for photos are almost over.”
She sighed, closing her eyes. He was right. She just had to calm down and think this through with a clear mind.
Which was increasingly difficult to do as he started kissing down her neck, his lips soft and utterly distracting.
“Is it helping?”
“No,” she laughed, feeling his smile in return as he gave her a final wet smooch on her cheek before letting her go.
“How about now?”
She took a deep breath, turning around to give him a quick peck on the mouth before opening up her phone again. “I’ll see if they can do a morning time instead of the afternoon. It’ll still look good in the orchard. It’s an early morning though.” She glanced up at him, teasing with her eyes as she lifted her phone to her ear. “So don’t have more than a nightcap, alright?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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