#which is fine! but I wish I had been told that this med receptionist class isn’t actually learning about what the job entails
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glassballdinosaurs · 10 months ago
#so I’m in this class for a certification right#it’s dull AF#IM BORED OUT OF MY SKULL#this is through the unemployment office so it’s free and focused on how to get a job/keep a job#I can hold a job thank you I just couldn’t get employed regardless of my effort#of course now I have a job and I’d much rather be working an additional shift instead of doodling in my notebook#it’s aimed at the lowest common denominator#those kids in high school who always fucked around and then couldn’t get a job at McDonalds kinda denominator#which is fine! but I wish I had been told that this med receptionist class isn’t actually learning about what the job entails#but rather the most basic fucking skills for interviewing and maintaining a job#attendance positive attitude don’t steal supplies from your job 🙄#like….im the youngest person in my class (I’m 27) and it’s really hard to not just ask my teacher for the damn certificate#so I can get the fuck out#it won’t happen but god damn if only it could#personal#I’m tired of this class#I wanna be done#OH and there’s a stupidly long graduation ceremony#like this is high school graduation or some shit#just give me the damn paper#I don’t even want to be a receptionist anymore#or anything to do with the medical field#I wanna be a park ranger or something along those lines#I wanna physical job#I wanna work in nature#I don’t want to wear ‘business professional’ attire who gives a shit#my clothing doesn’t reflect my ability as a worker#get fucked
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tngrace · 4 years ago
TK gets hurt during a training exercise at the academy which leads to a confession to Carlos about his past.
The background for their freshman year & how they met is in part one. But I don't think you have to read it for this to make sense.
Thanks to @moviegeek03 for helping this along and encouraging me to make this into a series. Your support means the world girl!
Read on A03; Tarlos/911 LS Masterlist
Sophomore year was going smoother than Carlos expected. TK had enrolled in the fire academy, and Carlos was still taking courses at ACC. He still wasn't sure what path he wanted to take, but he knew one thing for certain. He wouldn't be where he was without TK and his unwavering support.
Their friendship had steadily built all throughout freshman year. When TK made the decision to stay, Carlos decided to move into TK’s apartment wanting to get away from the family ranch and have a little freedom. Their closeness only grew once becoming roommates, and their friendship solidified into one of the best things in either of their lives. Right before school started back, he made the leap and kissed TK one night during Netflix and chill. They were both surprised, happily surprised, but surprised Carlos was the one to make the move. They’d both been thinking it, but Carlos was always so patient with TK, TK wasn’t sure Carlos would take the leap. It took a couple weeks, but when they became official, there was no stopping them. Carlos was well on his way to falling in love. He knew TK still had things he wouldn't talk about, and Carlos respected that because he knew he had his own share of things he wasn't necessarily hiding but just didn't talk about. They were building a strong foundation though, and he truly believed in them.
His class schedule varied each day. Mondays and Wednesdays were his longest days. Tuesdays he didn't have any classes, so he worked at a community center that offered activities for kids, teens and elderly . Thursdays and Fridays were half days and he would go to the center after that. TK's schedule was pretty straight forward being in the academy. He was in class until five each day, and he worked most weekends at a coffee shop with the occasional night shift at a restaurant for extra money.
Carlos was surprised when he pulled into the parking lot of their apartment complex mid-afternoon from class on a Wednesday to see TK's jeep. He was just running home to grab a book he'd forgotten that morning, but he had a bad feeling his afternoon classes were going to be forgotten. Carlos didn't recall him mentioning being home early, so he was a little worried. TK was laser focused on finishing the academy at the top of his class so something must have happened for him to already be home. He grabs his bag and heads inside. "TK," he calls out, closing the apartment door behind him.
There's no response so Carlos's concern mounts as he heads back towards the bedrooms. TK is curled up in his own bed, which is odd considering they've slept together every night in Carlos’s room since becoming official. "TK?" Carlos raps his knuckles on the door frame.
He gets a groan in response, so he walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. He gently pulls the covers back. He manages to hold in his soft sigh at TK's tear stained cheeks. "What happened?" He murmurs softly as his fingers graze TK's cheek.
"Got hurt."
Carlos manages to hold in a sigh once more. He's learning TK can be a danger magnet without meaning to be. "How bad?"
TK shrugs and winces. "Definite bruising. Possibly cracked a rib."
"TK! Did you go to the hospital?!" Carlos is too exasperated with his boyfriend to watch his tone, his fear that TK is hurt in any form of way sneaking into his voice without him meaning too. He hates when it makes TK shrink in on himself some, but cracked ribs are no joke.
"No. Will be fine," he huffs.
"Come on let's at least go get you checked out." When TK doesn't move, Carlos does let his sigh escape. "Please? It'd make me feel better to know you're gonna be ok." He breaks out the pouty face he knows TK can't resist.
"Fine. But they're not gonna tell me anything I don't already know; EMT remember? And you have class."
"Just humor me. Class will be fine without me for one day." Carlos helps him up and gets TK's shoes back on from where he'd kicked them by the door. He decides to take TK's jeep knowing it'd be easier for him than trying to sink into Carlos's car. Once TK is buckled, with a lot of wincing on his part, Carlos heads for the hospital.
TK is quiet, and Carlos can tell his anxiety is spiking by the way TK's leg bounces and his thumb gets bitten. He gently reaches for TK's hand pulling it from his mouth and lacing their fingers together. "Wanna tell me what happened?" Carlos asks quietly to try and help alleviate TK's anxiety.
TK sighs but nods as he stares out the window. "Was a training exercise. What would happen if we were in the middle of the rescue and was ordered out because of the fire and structural concerns. Someone was still trapped and I thought I could get them. But the floor gave way and I fell. It's all simulated so it wasn't like I fell far. But with all the gear…."
Carlos squeezes his hand softly in support. "I landed on something down below. Don't think my ribs are actually broken. Just maybe cracked. The instructor told me to go get checked out, but I just came home."
"Can I ask why?"
TK is quiet for so long Carlos isn't sure he's going to answer him, and his leg has started bouncing again. "Don't like hospitals," is the only answer he gets before they arrive so he decides not to push it. He finds a parking spot, and then runs around the jeep to help TK out. "Come on. If you're as fine as you say you are we won't be here long. And if you're not, it's better to know," Carlos says quietly as he wraps his arm around TK as they head in.
TK stays quiet and he sneaks out from under Carlos's arm when they get inside the ER. He knows Austin is more progressive than Texas, but it's still Texas and he doesn't want Carlos to feel any kind of judgment for being with him. He signs in and the receptionist at the desk gives him paperwork to fill out. He tells Carlos he's got it and he can go sit, but Carlos tells him to bring it with him. TK shakes his head and tells him he's fine as he moves to the side and hunches over the desk to fill it out. Carlos knows TK has a stubborn streak so he tries not to argue with him even though he’s not sure why TK won’t come sit down.
Once the paperwork is done, TK passes it back to the lady behind the desk and they go to take a seat. Carlos can tell TK is in pain and he wishes more than anything he could take it away. They wait about forty minutes before they're called back. TK tells him he doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to, but Carlos just squeezes his hand in reassurance and goes back with him.
Carlos helps TK get changed, barely suppressing his gasp of surprise at the bruising across TK's chest. He's as careful as he can be getting TK's shirt off, but he can still see the pain in his eyes. They're not back in the exam room long before a nurse comes and wheels TK away for X-rays after taking his vitals. Carlos can feel her judging stare when she enters the room and sees their laced hands. He wants to snap at her when it makes TK shrink in on himself even more, but he doesn't say anything in fear she'd take it out on TK when Carlos wasn't with him.
Carlos texts a classmate to take notes for him for his afternoon classes, and then plays a game on his phone while he waits. The nurse brings TK back, and he can feel the anxiety radiating off his boyfriend in waves. The nurse doesn't say anything when she leaves, and Carlos scowls at her as he moves back by TK's side. TK won't hold his hand making Carlos curse the nurse even more. He rubs his hand up and down TK's thigh trying to reassure and calm him. " 'm sorry you're having to deal with this," TK eventually says.
Carlos reaches up and gently pulls TK's bitten lip from his teeth.
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be." He runs a hand through TK's hair. "A team remember?" He leans up and pecks TK's lips, holding his head steady when TK tries to pull away.
"I don't care what she said. It's me and you," he murmurs, but he does pull back not wanting to add to TK's anxiety.
TK goes for his hand finally, but the curtain moves and a different nurse enters, making TK jerk his hand back causing him to wince.
"Want me to get you some pain meds sweetie?" This one asks as she takes TK's vitals again.
"No. No thank you. I'm fine."
"You sure? You look like you're in a lot of pain."
"No pain meds. Please," TK says, not looking at Carlos in any way. He can only think that the nurse hasn’t read his file.
"Ok maybe some advil then? Something to take the edge off?"
TK tenses at her words, his face draining of color. Carlos is looking at him curiously wondering what is going on, but TK has recoiled even further into himself.
"Maybe in a bit," Carlos finally answers so the nurse will leave and his boyfriend will hopefully relax again.
"No problem. Just push the button when you're ready for it. The doctor should be around with the x-ray results soon." She pulls the curtain as she leaves.
Carlos doesn't push. If there's one thing he's learned about TK in the year he's known him it's that TK will shut down even further when pushed. He runs a hand through TK's hair hoping to provide some comfort. TK's poor lip is bitten raw, but Carlos doesn't try to stop him.
The doctor enters about half an hour later and confirms TK's self diagnosis of a few cracked ribs. He suggests some breathing techniques to help with deep breathing to prevent from getting pneumonia. He also suggests TK take a week or two off from the academy to heal, but TK wouldn't hear of it.
"Well Mr. Strand since we can't prescribe you any pain medication, I would recommend you at least take it easy. I can write something up to give to your instructors, but I wouldn't recommend you complete any training exercises for a little bit. If the pain becomes too much, come back and we'll see how we can help." Carlos watched TK get paler as the doctor talked. He wasn't sure why the doctor wouldn't prescribe TK any pain meds knowing he had to be in severe pain, but it didn't seem to surprise TK so there was something Carlos was missing. He was debating how to bring it up when the doctor announced the nurse would be by with his discharge papers in just a minute. TK became more anxious after the doctor left and they were left in silence.
Carlos did his best to distract him, deciding now wasn't the time to ask what was going on. "Once we get you home, we'll put some ice on your ribs and get you settled on the couch with Netflix,” Carlos attempts a grin. TK nods but doesn't say anything biting his poor thumb nail to the quick.
The same nurse that offered TK advil earlier returns with discharge papers and a paper to give to his instructors. Carlos thanks her, and then helps TK back into his clothes. It's hard doing it without hurting TK but they finally get him dressed in his sweats. "Alright cariño, let's get you home." Carlos wraps his arm across TK's shoulder, and TK is too tired to shy away from him this time. He sees the same judging nurse from earlier, but Carlos just tightens his hold on TK and gives her a smile. She can take her judging and shove it as far as Carlos is concerned. If he wasn’t focused on getting TK home, he would find her supervisor and report her. His priority though will always be TK.
TK is quiet the whole way home, staring out the window, leg bouncing, and biting his lip. Occasionally his hand will run through his hair, and Carlos wishes more than anything he could take this anxiety and pain away from him. He periodically squeezes TK's knee in reassurance, but he's not sure it's helping much. Once back at the apartment, he hurries around to help TK out. Luckily they have a ground floor apartment, so he doesn't have to worry about getting TK up any stairs. Once through the door, Carlos tries to steer TK towards the couch, but TK stops. "What's wrong?"
TK won't meet his eyes, and Carlos can feel how he's vibrating with anxious energy. "I can't have pain meds because I'm an addict. I got… I got addicted in high school." He starts pacing and Carlos lets him even though he really just wants to pull him close and comfort him. "I went to a party with a boyfriend. He… I was young and stupid but that's not an excuse. I just wanted to feel something, something other than ignored. The pills helped, but I had to keep taking more. Dad…."
TK lets out a shuddering breath as he tugs at his hair. Carlos can't stand it, can't stand to see TK so upset. He walks over to TK and pulls his hands down as gently as he can. TK is tense, his breath coming too quickly for Carlos's liking. He gently wraps his arm around TK and pulls him against his chest. TK stays stiff in his arms, but he doesn't pull away.
"Slow deep breaths please," he whispers. He keeps his own breaths measured, slow, and deep as he lets a hand gently rub TK's back. He can hear TK almost wheezing, and he knows that has to be increasing the pain. "You're ok, TK. Everything is ok. Just match my breathing," he murmurs softly, guiding TK's hand to his chest to try and help. It takes a few minutes, but TK starts to slow his breathing matching it to Carlos's. "That's it. You're doing good. Everything is ok." Carlos just keeps up the slow breathing and rubbing TK's back until he feels TK sag in his arms.
He half carries half guides TK to the couch. He does his best to get him comfortable before kneeling in front of him. He carefully wipes the tears from TK’s face. “You’re ok. You’re going to be ok. You don’t owe me any explanations you don’t want to give ok?”
TK takes some shuddering breaths as he nods.
“Easy cariño. Slow breaths. I’m gonna get some ice to put on your ribs. Just want you to relax, ok?”
TK gives him a shaky nod; Carlos kisses his forehead and goes to the kitchen. He has some homemade ice packs from soccer strains that mold more easily around body parts, so he grabs those, an ace bandage and a towel. He gets TK a bottle of water before returning to the couch. TK has scrubbed his eyes free of tears, and is holding his ribs carefully. “Shirt on or off?”
“Off,” TK whispers, his voice scratchy.
“I’ll be as careful as I can,” Carlos promises as he sets everything in his hands down. He eases TK’s shirt over his head, sharing a wince when TK winces. He gets TK to hold the towel over the worst of the bruising, before he lays the ice pack down. TK winces again because it’s so cold, but he knows it’ll help. Carlos loosely wraps the ace bandage around him to hold the ice pack in place. “Can I hold you?” Carlos asks tentatively once the bandage is wrapped. “No pressure. No need to talk. Just want to hold you.”
TK nods, so Carlos crawls behind him on the couch. He eases TK back against his chest getting him as comfortable as possible with cracked ribs. Once TK is situated, Carlos runs a hand through his hair to help relax him. “I’m sorry you got hurt. I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough afternoon. But there’s one thing I want you to never forget,” Carlos murmurs quietly. “I’m always going to be here for you no matter what.”
He can feel TK’s body relaxing the more Carlos rubs his head. “You’re the only other person who’s been to the hospital with me. Dad was the other,” TK whispers so quietly.
Carlos kisses the top of his head. “I’ll always be there babe.”
“I’m sorry for freaking out on you.”
“Don’t. It’s been a stressful afternoon. It’s ok I promise.”
TK relaxes more into Carlos’s chest and just starts talking. “I got addicted to opioids sophomore year of high school. I was dating a guy named Alex. He turned out to be a real ass. He was all into partying, and I went along with it just wanting to feel something. Mom and dad were always so busy after the divorce; I think I was just looking for attention from anywhere I could get it. Dad found out when I OD’d senior year and he found me in the bathroom passed out. He decided to be more present; he helped me get clean. He was the one who thought it best to get out of the city. Mom just wanted to micromanage me, but dad seemed to get it to a degree. I’ve always looked up to him, wanted to be just like him, and mom hated it. When dad suggested an escape, I randomly picked a place on the map, and here I am. I’ve been clean for two years. I went to meetings all the time freshman year, I just didn’t tell you. You were, are, the best thing in my life and I didn’t want to lose that. I found a good therapist here too. She’s been really helping me.”
“I’m glad TK. I’m so glad you chose here. I’m so glad you found someone to connect with that you are comfortable with. I’m so glad you shared this part of you with me. I feel honored.”
TK glances up at him, and offers the first smile Carlos has seen from him all afternoon.
“You were the easiest decision I’ve ever made. I’m the lucky one.” Carlos gives him a soft smile, but he can see the afternoon was worn TK down and he doesn’t want the exhaustion to stress him out. “Why don’t you try to rest. I can help you to bed or we can stay right here. I’m going to do some reading for class before cooking.”
“I’ll just stay right here with you.” Carlos kisses his head again as TK drifts off finally looking peaceful. He grabs his book to read making sure not to jostle TK. He knows the coming days are going to be painful for TK, but he feels he has a better understanding of his boyfriend now. He ends up skipping a couple of classes to help TK; TK goes to meetings wanting to keep himself accountable. He even invites Carlos to one of his therapy appointments as his therapist’s suggestion. It takes almost two weeks for the bruises to fade and TK to get back to one hundred percent. While Carlos hates that TK got hurt, he also has learned to appreciate every little thing with TK because he always feels more in love with him after.
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