#I do really hope nothing bad happens to her though 😬
pttucker ¡ 11 months
Uriel raised Jung Heewon's arms and exclaimed triumphantly. [Don't worry Kim Dokja! I'll kill them all for you!] I knew this was a performance. This was the Demon Realm. It was obvious that something would happen if an archangel exerted their power here. Nevertheless, for Uriel to say so… "…Uriel?" Kwaaaaaaah! "Wait a minute! Uriel!" Hell flames rose from Uriel's sword and continuously soared towards the sky. This was the true Hell Flames Ignition. It was the real power of Uriel that could turn the world into a sea of flames with one blow. [T-The archangel is crazy! Run away!] [Completely crazy!] The freaked out constellations started to flee.
Dokja really is 'Person Who is Loved by an Archangel' isn't he? 😭💖
You get 'em, Demon-like Judge of Fire. Protect your precious Kim Dokja. And your precious Joongdok, you terrifying little shipper.
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sissylittlefeather ¡ 4 months
Suspicious Minds: Part 2
A/N: Here it is! The long-awaited part 2 of my Modern Spy!Elvis fic! Bad news, though. It's gonna need a part 3 😬. There's just so much story to tell!!! Anyway, hope you enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Y'all know I live for your comments.
Need to read part 1? Click here.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, gun violence, espionage, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (both receiving), 69, p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of scars and knife violence
Word count: ~5.4k
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"Ah, Agent Presley. You're awake."
Elvis breathes a sigh of relief.
"Agent West, you scared the shit out of me." He turns and pushes the door open for you. "You can come out. It's one of the good guys."
You walk tentatively from the room. The agent that sits on the couch is young and chiseled and looks hard, just the opposite of Elvis. Elvis is strong and masculine, but there's a softness to him that makes you feel at home. This man seems dangerous, but Elvis trusts him, so you suppose you should too.
"I see you've acted on your reputation, Presley." He looks between you and Elvis with a sly expression. You blush and look at the floor. Reputation?
"No, this is... it doesn't matter. What do you want, West?"
"The boss sent me to bring you both in. Apparently, you have a new assignment."
"I do?"
"You both do. She's working for us now." He gestures to you offhandedly and you can't help but scoff.
"I am not a spy."
"No, but you're an asset. They'll explain it all back at Headquarters. We need to go." Elvis turns to you and looks at you sadly. You can tell he was looking forward to spending more time in the safe house with you, but it doesn't look like that'll be happening.
"Go pack your things. Don't forget the extra special item." You blush again thinking about the flash drive tucked away in your vibrator. Nodding, you walk back into the room to collect your things. Elvis turns to the other agent.
"I need a shower. Can you watch her? I'll be quick."
"I'll bet you do. Yeah, I'll keep an eye on her." You listen as Elvis walks to the bathroom and closes the door. Once you're packed, you carry your small bag back into the living room where Agent West is sitting in the middle of the couch. You'd have to practically sit on his lap to sit down, so you walk to one of the dining room chairs and sit there instead. He smiles at you, but it's not comforting at all.
"So you fell for his tricks?" You look up at him suddenly, not really interested in discussing what happened between you and Elvis with this man.
"I wouldn't say that he used any. I just like him."
"Mhmm. That's what they all say." He snickers coldly and you could swear he's jealous. Still, something about what he says digs at you. Is this just something Elvis does? Do you really mean nothing to him? It certainly didn't feel that way when he made love to you last night. If you didn't know any better you'd think he was about to tell you that he loved you, as ridiculous as that would be after knowing him for all of 72 hours. Still, it certainly didn't feel like he was just trying to hook up with you. You're about to ask Agent West about Elvis's reputation when he walks out of the bathroom with his hair wet and a towel around his waist.
"I left my clothes in my bag." He walks to a duffel bag that you didn't even know was there and fetches some clothing. You can't take your eyes off of him as he stands there, naked and wet. The other agent watches you and laughs.
"She's hoping you'll drop your towel." Elvis looks at you with hunger in his eyes and you can tell he wishes the other agent wasn't there. West sighs loudly. "Alright, lovebirds, we really need to get out of here."
Elvis finishes dressing and the three of you make your way to Agent West's car. At first, Elvis protests leaving his Stutz behind, but West is insistent that you both ride with him. You slide into the backseat of the SUV with Elvis, but West cuts in.
"Nope. No sex in my backseat. You sit up here with me, girl."
"She has a name."
"It's not important to me." You roll your eyes and move up to the front seat. West pats your knee. "There, isn't this cozy."
You can feel Elvis bristle in the backseat when he touches you. Your whole body shivers and not in a good way. West backs out of the driveway and the three of you make your way to the undisclosed location that is Headquarters.
You're shocked when it's an old antebellum-style plantation home in the country with a crooked sign on the gate that reads "Graceland". It looks old and broken down, but there's a retina scanner at the door that both West and Elvis use. The door pops open and you walk inside a lavishly decorated living room. The two men head for a closet and you look at them suspiciously before stepping in with them.
It's an elevator. And it goes down deep into the earth before the doors slide open to a bustling office that's all white and silver and fluorescent lights. Your mouth pops open but you follow Elvis and West when they get off the elevator and head for an office in the corner. Inside is a very tall woman with fiery red hair cropped close to her head. She has on thick-framed black glasses and a charcoal grey suit that's obviously been tailored to fit her perfectly. She smiles when she sees you behind the two men.
"Hello. I'm Nine. Have a seat." She gestures for you to sit in one of the chairs in front of her desk. Elvis sits in the other chair and she dismisses West, who grumbles and leaves the room. "That man needs to get laid."
Elvis smiles and you follow suit. You're not sure if she was joking, though.
"Can I get you a drink?" She asks, casually walking to a bar area on the side of her office.
"Oh, no, I'm fine."
"You have my water?" She nods and picks up a green bottle, pouring some water into a glass and handing it to him. Then, she fixes herself some kind of brown liquor and sits behind her desk.
"I'm sure Agent West has informed you that you have a new assignment?" You both nod. "For an agent, he's shockingly bad at keeping his mouth shut."
"I'm sorry, ma'am. But I don't work for you. I'm confused about how I have an assignment?" Without thinking, Elvis reaches out and takes your hand. You can't tell if it's a chastisement or him offering you support.
"It's okay, Presley. It's a valid question. The second you downloaded that information, you joined this conflict. We're assuming you want to be on our side."
"Oh, well, yeah, I guess so. I think?"
"Decide now. We have a jail cell waiting for you if you choose to work against us." Elvis squeezes your hand.
"I mean, yeah. I'll work with you." You nod fervently, hoping they really are the good guys.
"I'm sorry to be harsh, but this is a matter of national security. The company who contracted you works for an enemy government. I'm assuming you'd like to keep America secure."
"Of course."
"Then you work for us. Welcome to Guardian."
"Thank you, ma'am."
"Agent Presley, take her and get her properly outfitted. Her code name will be Angel. The Colonel will have your assignment." She gestures for you both to leave her office. Elvis finishes his water and then puts his hand on the small of your back to usher you out of the room. His touch is electric and you long to be back in the safe house with him. This all feels too overwhelming.
He escorts you down again in the elevator to what feels like an armory. A short, fat man in glasses sits at a computer in the middle of the room. Elvis calls to him, resisting the urge to wrap his arm around your waist as he talks.
"Colonel! This is Angel. You have an assignment for us?"
"I do indeed, my boy. Come." You and Elvis make your way over to him. "You are going to take down the company that hired you."
"Me? Why me?"
"Because you already know their tech. And you're one of the foremost hackers on the planet. He will be your guard, an escort of sorts, but you will do the heavy lifting to get to the main computer that has access to their database and network. Once there, you will implement this." He holds up a small device. "This wireless transmitter will allow me to infect their system with a virus that will destroy it. Then, you'll come back here and be celebrated as heroes."
"That's it?" You whip your head around to Elvis.
"That's it?! Do you have any idea what it's going to take for us to get to that computer?"
"Honey, I've managed so much worse. This'll be nothing. I've got you." He's desperate to take you in his arms and really comfort you, but he knows he can't while he's in this building. He settles for a hand on your cheek. "I promise. I won't let anything happen to you."
You nod and try not to cry. You're dying to snuggle into Elvis's chest and let him hold you, but you get the feeling that you shouldn't while you're here.
"Ahhhh, my boy, do you have the flash drive?" The Colonel interrupts before you give in to your impulses.
"We do." He takes the bag off of your shoulder and digs in it to retrieve your vibrator. Twisting it open, he slides the flash drive out. The Colonel laughs.
"Thats certainly a creative hiding place. Give it to me. I'll put it in the appropriate place." For the slightest second, Elvis hesitates. He trusts the Colonel, but something about his eager expression is off-putting. Still, he drops the flash drive into his hand and puts the pink vibrator back in your bag. "Now, you said she needs outfitting?"
"Yes! She needs clothes and weapons."
"What's wrong with my clothes?"
"Honey, nothin', but where will you hide your gun?" You look down at your simple t-shirt and leggings. He's right. There's nowhere to tuck a firearm. Not that that's a thought you've ever had before.
"What am I going to do with a gun?! I don't even know how to shoot one."
"Well, I know where we're headed next. Colonel, can you help her out?"
"I'm on it, my boy." He disappears into the wall for a while and then returns with an outfit for you, complete with tall boots. He hands you the stack and sends you into the wall to change. When you come out, Elvis's mouth drops. Up until now, he's seen you in pajamas and your slummy jeans or leggings and baggy tee. Now, you have on tall black boots, tight black jeans, a low-cut black thermal that's basically painted on and a grey quilted vest. You've pulled your hair into a high ponytail to get it out of your face.
"I feel ridiculous."
"Why? You don't look ridiculous." You take your vest off to reveal a shoulder holster with two handguns and unzip your boot to show him the knife that's tucked there.
"What am I supposed to do with all this?" He walks over to you and tips your chin up to look into his face.
"You protect yourself, honey. On the off chance that I can't, you'll have to. You can do it. I'll show you." You nod and will him to kiss you. You can tell he wants to, but he doesn't.
The Colonel finishes outfitting you with tech and weaponry and you start to wonder if this is how you'll die. Either way, you have no choice, so you follow Elvis out of the dungeon-like room, armed to the teeth.
The next place he takes you is a firing range. There's space for a good number of people to practice at once, but for some reason, you're the only ones in there. He walks you to a booth in the center and then turns towards you. You think he's going to run his arms around your waist, but instead, he reaches into your vest and pulls out the two handguns nestled there on either side of your breasts. His thumbs graze your soft flesh and you both shiver. But, he's all business.
"Come here, baby." He puts one gun on the counter and holds the other one up to you. "Hold it like this. Three fingers down here and your trigger finger up on the side like this. This is the safety. It's on now, but before you shoot it you'll need to turn it off."
He puts the gun in your hand and moves your fingers into the right position. The feeling of his fingers on yours makes you tingle.
"It's already loaded, so you just need to cock it before you pull the trigger. Like this." He puts his hand around yours again and shows you how to use your non-dominant hand to pull the slide back. "Alright, now..."
He presses up behind you and runs his hands down your arms while you hold the gun. You gasp a little when you feel his rock hard erection pushing against your ass.
"Ignore that."
"Oh, okay." You moan softly and lean your head back against his chest. He kisses your cheek and whispers in your ear. "Honey, I'm tryin' to work here, but you're drivin' me crazy."
"I'm driving you crazy?! What's that in your pocket, Agent Presley?" He laughs softly and then kisses your cheek again.
"I'm sorry; we really need to focus, though. You need to know this." You sigh deeply and try to hone in on the gun in your hands.
"Keep both eyes open and look at your target. Pull the trigger." You do and are shocked by how much the gun kicks back and how loud it is.
"Holy fuck!"
"Good. Okay, let's try it again." You tremble a little when it hits you that at some point you might be expected to fire this gun at someone. He has his hands on your hips keeping you steady. When you hold the gun up again, your knuckles are white and your shoulders are up by your ears. "Baby, no, you're too tense. You gotta relax."
"I can't! What if I have to shoot someone? I can't do that. This was a bad idea. I can't-"
"Just breathe, baby."
"I literally cannot relax. I'm so scared, Elvis, I-"
"Shhhh..." He moves his right hand down to your core and starts to make slow circles on your clit over your pants.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm relaxing you."
"Mmmm..." You moan softly as he lifts your shirt and slides his hand under your pants and panties. As tight as they are, he manages to find your clit and drag his finger over and around it. He runs his left hand up under the front of your shirt and bra and squeezes your breast lightly.
"I thought you said we had to work." You whisper.
"I am working. Are you feeling more relaxed, baby?" You nod and whimper. He pushes his middle finger into you and pumps it in and out before he goes back to making circles on your clit. You set the gun down on the counter and brace yourself as he continues to flick over and around your sensitive button.
"Fuck." You moan through gritted teeth as you feel the coil of your orgasm tighten in your hips.
"Come on, baby. Let go. Cum for me." He whispers in your ear as he works you with his hand. He nibbles your earlobe and swirls his tongue on your neck just below your ear.
"Oh, god, Elvis." His name drips off of your tongue as your climax slams into you, washing over and through you with the strength of a rip current. You tremble and pulse as he massages you through your high.
"You feel better, baby?" He whispers in your ear. You turn to face him and pull him into a deep and passionate kiss, tongues moving wildly, as your hands go immediately to his zipper. You've almost got his throbbing cock out of his pants when you hear the door open. "FUCK."
He zips his pants frantically and jumps back away from you. To your dismay, Agent West walks towards you slowly, a cocky smirk on his face.
"Sorry to interrupt again. Nine wants the two of you to adjourn to sleeping quarters. You leave for the mission at 0400." He winks and it makes your skin crawl. "Separate sleeping quarters."
You roll your eyes and he turns to walk away. Elvis looks at you and you can tell he plans to pick up where you left off as soon as West is gone. But just before he gets to the door he turns back to you.
"She wants you to come now." Elvis grumbles and gathers your guns, making sure the safeties are on and sliding them back into your shoulder holster. You follow West out of the shooting range and back to the elevator.
Later that night, you find yourself tucked under a quilt in one of the bedrooms of the mansion that sits on top of Guardian Headquarters. You know Elvis is in a bedroom somewhere in the house too and the knowledge that he's so close by is killing you. Not only are you desperate to pick up where you left off in the shooting range, but you've gotten used to sleeping in a bed with Elvis. Lying in this big bed by yourself feels lonely.
What you don't know is that Elvis is sitting on the side of his bed missing you desperately too. He gets up and walks to the door, but stops with his hand on the knob. Giving in now would be a significant violation of his duty to the agency. It was one thing when you were locked together in the safe house with nothing else to do. Here, he has responsibilities to uphold and he needs to let you rest up for the mission. Still, he opens the door and walks into the hallway. It seems like he's not in control of his body as he walks to the door of the room he knows you're in.
He stands outside the door with his hand posed to knock for a minute. Then, he turns abruptly and heads back towards his room. He opens the door and then turns back to the hallway. Before he knows it, he's back at your door.
"No." He shakes his head and paces up and down the hallway a few more times.
Inside your room, you sit up on the edge of the bed and consider trying to find him. You stand up and walk to the door, but you don't open it. Instead, you stand there and think hard about what you're about to do. You know you shouldn't, you can't really, this isn't the time or the place. Still, everything inside you longs to feel him pressed against you.
He paces the hallway, back and forth in front of your door trying to decide what to do. Walking over to your door, he leans with a hand on each side of the frame, head down staring at the floor. You finally decide that you should find him. It's not like you're going to get any sleep without him anyway. So, you open the door slowly.
"Hey, baby." He smiles softly down at you from where he stands in the doorframe.
"I missed you-" You barely get the sentence out before he wraps himself around you, lifting your feet off of the ground and slamming the door shut behind him.
"God, honey, I missed you too." He presses his lips to yours and kisses you passionately. His arms hold you tightly to him. There's a level desperation in the way he kisses you that surprises you, but you love it. His hands roam over your body and he moans into your mouth when he realizes you aren't wearing a bra. He squeezes your breast gently and then slides his hand up under your sweatshirt, letting his thumb drag over your nipple. You walk backwards to the bed, pulling him with you, both of you shedding clothing as you walk. He slides your panties down just as you make it to the edge of the bed, already naked himself. You pump him with your hand and he whimpers softly. As you go to get on your knees, you bump into him trying to do the same thing. You both laugh a little.
"There's a way to do this at the same time. C'mere, baby." He sits on the floor and leans back against the low bed. "Put your legs on either side of my head and then lean forward."
You nod, visualizing what he's describing and climb onto his face. You lean forward with your hands on the floor and he hooks his arms around your thighs to hold you in place. He buries his face in your pussy and starts to move his tongue on your clit. You shudder a bit and then take his cock into your mouth, moving up and down slowly. Trembling with pleasure, you try to focus on licking up and down his shaft, pulling him into your throat deeply and then moving back and forth.
"Goddamn, baby, that's so good." He moans into your clit as he licks over and around it. You groan as you continue to slide his dick in and out of your mouth, your orgasm fast approaching. He whispers again. "Cum baby. Let go and cum."
He licks you furiously with his whole mouth, sucking lightly on your sensitive button and then tightening his tongue to lick over it, hard. You have to stop what you're doing as your climax hits you, rushing from your fingertips to the ends of your toes and back again like a lightning bolt. He continues to tongue you through your release until your legs shake and you fear you might fall over off of him. Instead, he guides you into his lap, facing away from him as you straddle his cock. You sink down onto him, letting him fill you inch by inch. He holds your hips and lets you bounce on him fervently.
"Honey, this view... don't stop." He watches your ass as you slide up and down on him.
"Do you like it, baby?" You coo from your position on his lap.
"Goddamn, yes I do. But I wanna kiss you." You back off of him and turn around to face him. He pulls you into a deep kiss, exploring your mouth with his tongue as he guides you back down onto his lap. You push his dick up into you and begin to grind on him, forcing him deeper and deeper. He groans loudly and leans his head back against the bed. You lean forward and kiss his neck and he grunts. "You sure know how to drive a man crazy, honey."
"Just you, baby." You mumble into his neck.
He wraps his arms around your waist as you move on him, leaning forward to pull your nipple into his mouth. He grunts again and you feel him tense underneath you.
"Come on, baby. Cum for me." You whisper in his ear and he groans as you nibble his earlobe.
"Fuck, I'm gonna-" His hips buck up into you as he explodes and you feel his warm release fill you up. He shudders and pumps into you weakly a couple more times, his head on your shoulder. Finally, he pulls back and cups your face in his hand. "You're incredible. Absolutely amazing. And I- well, I-I..."
You look up at him expectantly.
"Nothing. It's not important." You nod and lean your head on his shoulder.
"I'm so tired. It's been a wild few days."
"I'm sure it has. Come on." He moves from the floor to the center of the bed. "Lemme hold you? Please?"
You crawl into his arms and relax against him, your fingers playing in his chest hair.
"Will you stay here with me tonight?"
"I shouldn't." He looks away from you and loosens his arms around you. You start to pull away.
"I understand-"
"To hell with it." He cuddles closely against you again, letting your skin touch in a way that's both intimate and comforting. You drift off to sleep in this position, finally able to rest in his arms.
You've only been asleep for a few hours when the alarm on his watch goes off to tell you to get up and get ready. There's a bathroom in your room, so you make your way towards the shower. To your surprise, Elvis follows you.
"What are you doing?" You smile slyly up at him. You're both still naked from your late night activities.
"Figured we'd save some water and time and just shower together." He leans down and kisses your shoulder.
"It'll save water, but I'm not sure how much time." He laughs.
"Really, we don't have time for anything. I just want to stay with you as much as possible." He doesn't say it, but he knows the end of the mission will mean the end of his time with you and he's not ready for it. The way he feels about you is unlike anything he's ever felt for any woman he's ever encountered before. He's in love with you. There's no other way to describe it.
Your heart swells with his words and you turn and nuzzle into his neck, wrapping your arms around him as he starts the shower. You don't have sex, but pressing your bodies together as the warm water runs over you is as intimate as anything else you've done. And he kisses you all over: on your shoulders, your fingertips, your forehead, your lips, everywhere. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was trying to memorize you with his mouth. You run your hands up and down his body and feel the scars on his skin. Every time you reach a new one, he whispers the injury.
"Knife fight in Beirut. Knife fight in Ukraine. Gunshot in Afghanistan. Stabbing in Mali. Gunshot in Iraq."
"So much hurt." You whisper, kissing the last scar on his shoulder.
"It doesn't hurt anymore." He looks down into your eyes and his blue ones are soft and filled with something that makes your heart pound. It's only been a few days, yes, but you love him more than you've ever loved any man. Could it be that he loves you too?
He leans in and kisses you deeply and there's a pounding on your door.
"Ten minutes, you two." It's West again. You're getting very tired of hearing his voice. Elvis groans and turns the shower off. Once you're out, you get ready quickly, pulling on the outfit the Colonel gave you yesterday and braiding your hair tightly to keep it out of your face. Elvis has on a similar all-black outfit with weapons tucked in various places. The last thing he does is slide on some sunglasses and pull you into a kiss. He's never nervous before missions, but this time he is. He has too much to lose.
Before you know it, you have an earpiece with the Colonel's and Agent West's voices in it, telling how to execute the mission and you're being dropped on the roof of a building from a helicopter in the dark. Elvis skillfully guides you through the process and you find a hiding place to sit in while security comes to check out why there was a helicopter. As they file onto the roof, Elvis grabs the door and the two of you head into the building unseen.
"You need to go down two floors to the main computer." West is your navigator through the building and you are infinitely annoyed at his voice in your ear. Elvis nods to you. He has the same earpiece.
"Two floors, Angel, we can do this." You're not sure if he's using your code name or an endearment, but either way you follow him.
He gives you cover as you make your way through the building. Several times, you're stopped by security in the hallway, but Elvis puts them down with his hands or a single silenced gunshot. You hate to admit it, but you're getting used to watching people die.
Eventually, you find the room with the computer you've been looking for. There's not much to it and you're surprised that it just seems to be someone's office. Elvis stands at the door with his gun drawn.
"Do your thing, honey." You nod and walk to the computer. You begin the process of hacking into the system to access the mainframe and be able to plant the Colonel's virus. At one point you get stuck and ask the Colonel a question. He answers smoothly and something inside you sends up a red flag. How does he know the answer? It must be from research about their system. Still, it doesn't sit well with you. That should've confused him too. You look up at Elvis and he raises his eyebrows.
"Nothing, I just... nothing." You go back to working on the computer. He hears West's voice in his ear.
"Agent Presley. We've cut off Angel's earpiece. New information has come to us about your partner. She's not working for us. She's a sleeper agent for the enemy. As soon as she gets to the mainframe, she will turn and kill you. You need to put her down first and then plant the virus." His heart stops and his blood runs cold. He turns to the door and whispers.
"What?! That doesn't make any sense! Why would she help us?"
"She's a spy, Elvis. Her mission was to infiltrate Guardian, which she has successfully done. She will pretend to plant the virus, turn and kill you, and then make up some excuse. She's probably already signaled security so that you'll be killed in a crossfire."
"She wouldn't. She's not... we..."
"You think any of that was real? She's been playing on your vulnerability since the beginning. Listen. Do you hear security coming?" He listens and hears boots outside the door. He looks up at you with a mixture of shock, betrayal, and pain. It can't be true. He thinks of that first night in your apartment, how you almost fainted at the sight of blood. But then you didn't. The crying at the safe house to get him to come to you. Was it a ploy to make yourself seem innocent? And in the shower when you touched yourself. That would be an effective seduction tactic. All of a sudden every moment you've had together is tinged with suspicion.
Has it all been part of your mission?
His hand shakes as he raises his gun to point at you. You're engrossed in what you're doing and don't even notice. He could kill you easily.
"Put her down, Agent Presley." He cocks the gun and the sound gets your attention.
"Elvis! What the fuck are you doing?" Your voice is frantic and you raise your hands. Has he been one of the bad guys all along? No, he's killed so many of them, there's no way. But maybe he's been trying to get you to this point the whole time: seducing you, making you trust him, making you love him, all for this moment. The tears slide down your face at the thought that it's all been a lie.
He sees you cry and his heart breaks. Surely, you can't be the enemy. But this could be a tactic too. He steadies his shaking hands and moves the gun to pointing at your forehead.
"Pull the trigger, Presley." It's West again.
"It's the only way, my boy. If you want to live." Now the Colonel is telling him to kill you and he trusts that man far more than Agent West.
"Elvis, please!" Your crying is becoming hysterical as you realize how cold he seems pointing the gun at your head.
"Do it. Now."
Elvis takes a deep breath and moves his finger to the trigger. He's never disobeyed an order before. You scream one last time as he takes a step towards you.
Until Part 3!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @atleastpleasetelephone @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb
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moonstruckme ¡ 1 year
Okay hey me again 😞 was hoping to send a request for more TASM!Peter x reader but one where he is comforting the reader bc they were stood up by their friends(cough cough me😬) like they were supposed to go out and she got all dolled up but they ditched her
This might be an oddly specific ask but I thought. Why not 😝 feel free to take the concept and RUN! I am all for writers doing whatever the hell they want
Hi honey!! I'm so sorry that happened to you, I sincerely hope it wasn't anything like the scenario I chose for this story but if your friends did intentionally abandon you, that speaks far more poorly of them than you. I had that happen to me when I was younger, and now that I have more perspective it's easy to see how those girls were using that as an immature way to deal with their own insecurity. So once again, I hope you weren't in this sort of situation, but if you were please know that it's likely got nothing to do with you and you're amazing and lovely!! <3
Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 586 words
Peter’s hand is warm on your back, rubbing big circles with a steadying pressure. It’s comforting and undoing at the same time, because you’re stubbornly sure you wouldn’t have become so discomposed without his tender sympathy. Another tear slips down your cheek, splattering mascara-black on your thigh. 
“They’re idiots,” Peter says, not for the first time. His voice is weighed down by helpless distress. “They don’t know what they’re missing, sweetheart.” 
You inhale wetly. “I just don’t get how they thought I wouldn’t find out.” 
“My point exactly. They’re idiots.” 
You sniffle again, your tear ducts finally emptied, and you want to lean your head on Peter’s shoulder, but that feels too pathetic and needy right now. Come to think of it, it was probably your pathetic neediness that got you ditched tonight. 
It isn’t the first time this has happened. At least, not the first time you’ve made plans with your friends only for them to all become suddenly busy right before. It is the first time, though, that you’ve received a text meant for someone else, saying that your friend is on their way to dinner and will meet everyone else there. The natural conclusion is that this was just the first slip up; that every time you’ve gotten dressed up only to have your plans canceled, the rest of your friends are carrying out the night without you. 
Like he can feel the want, Peter stops rubbing your back to wrap his arm around your shoulders, encouraging you downwards until you’re leaning on him. He pets your hair, mindless of your makeup and snot getting on his shirt. 
“Can I say something about them that you might not like?” 
Trepidation creeps into your throat, but you nod. Peter would never say anything to make you feel worse than you do right now. 
“I’ve never thought they were very nice people,” he confesses quietly. “The way they talk about each other when some of them aren’t around, not to mention the way they talk about other people…I mean, you’re not like that.” His hand comes to rest on your shoulder, thumb stroking soothingly just above your collarbone. “I think that’s why they don’t always want to hang out with you, honey. You just don’t engage with that stuff. And I don’t mean that as a bad thing.”
You’re silent but for your quiet sniffling, unwilling to condemn your friends but not really finding fault in Peter’s assessment either. 
“They don’t deserve you,” he says softly. “I’m not just saying that because I love you, okay? I mean it. You’re nicer than them, and I think they know it. They don’t want to have to measure up.” A pause. “You hearing me, sweetheart?” 
“I’m hearing you,” you reply croakily. “Thanks, Pete.” 
He squeezes your shoulder. “Nothing to thank me for. Listen, I’m sure you’re not feeling it tonight, but if you still want to wear this outfit somewhere, I’d love to take you out tomorrow. You look so pretty, it’d be a shame if no one but me got to see you all dolled up.” 
You raise your head from his shoulder to give him a look, knowing there’s mascara tracked down your face and snot glossy under your nose. “You think? Should we go out right now?”
Peter knows what you’re about, but his smile is teeming with sweetness anyway. “Absolutely, if you wanna.” 
“You gonna show me off? Just like this?” 
“Grab your bag, sweet thing. Let’s show ‘em who runs this town.”
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murfpersonalblog ¡ 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Loustat Ep5 Revisited (Spoilers)
I decided to do this one first, cuz I have the least to say about it.
It was pretty clear cut and showed exactly what I expected/hoped it would: CONFIRMATION ON EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN S1--
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Diabolical frame, cuz it's pretty much like, Welp, you're here in Europe, after I distinctly told y'all the European vampires were vicious and not to come here! VOILA! 😬
And I love how his back is to the audience, cuz this bit REALLY isn't about the performance--this is Lestat venting, talking right to Louis, even though he's clearly having difficulty meeting his gaze.
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Mild way to put it, but wtvr.
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There's that word again: "compromise," which Lestat blamed Louis for leading to "spite--" both Claudia's, AND Lestat's own spite towards THEM. Cuz Lestat was constantly holding back; "fought my nature, controlled my temper."
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TOO EFFING BAD, you woke the sleeping effing DRAGON!
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Backflip into the coffinroom, omg, I accidentally cackled. 😅
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Amen! Lestat put his hands on Claudia first, now you gotta PAY!
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"It will end in your death"--excuse me, Lestat?! DEATH THREATS!?
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That's right, bash his head into the effing coffin! Now we know what the dent was from! Look at that blood stream! Yeah, you BETTER hold back, Lestat; take this arse whoopin!
I like how S1 focused on the blows Lestat dealt to Louis, as it was from his & Claudia's perspective; but now we're seeing more of the blows Louis dealt to Lestat as he gives his perspective. But it still shows that although Louis' fighting, he's still on the defense, cuz Lestat is often just LETTING Louis hit him--LOUIS can't AFFORD to just LET Lestat hit him, cuz "mighty...most ancient blood...godlike strength" Les will REALLY injure him whenever he does! This is NOT an even fight, even if the perspectives are now more evenly shown.
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Exactly! You wanna KILL Louis!? But Lou, don't get cocky now; Les is LETTING you do all this to him, cuz he knows if he gets serious that's your behind. 😬
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Bites all over Lou's jaw & neck, gosh--look at YOUR face, Louis. U_U
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(I can't WAIT to read the fanfics that come out of this; they're gonna make me cry.) No, unfortunately. I don't think Louis had any intention of going anywhere, even after all that (LOUIS GOT THE DEED, that's HIS house--YOU leave!). And congratulations; thanks to you, Les, Lou wasn't even able to WALK for three effing years afterwards.
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Claudia calling for her Daddy Lou, I can't. 😭 This poor baby girl has regressed to her inner child--she's so dang scared.
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I've been in this exact situation IRL, and y'all want me to feel sorry FOR LESTAT!? AFTER HE CHOKED "built-like-a-bird" Claudia and beat the mess out of her Daddy Lou right in front of her!?
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Chile, the sword-cane's right there; let's get to choppin! 😤🔪🔪🔪
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Apropos for Lioncourt, but that's way too good for him--take him to the EFFING SWAMP and let the GATORS feed on him! I want SWAMP KING LESTAT. 😭🐊
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I'm gonna LAAAAAAAUGH, oh he's cracked and I love it! You KNOW they talked to a woman who's been in this EXACT situation.
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Oh, this is every woman who talks big to her abusive husband right b4 he lands her in the effing hospital (or the morgue); we all saw the Ray Rice footage when he knocked her TF out WITH EASE when she got up in his face talking smack in that elevator. 💀
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Your FATHERS temper, but this is the coven writing his lines "teased until you toppled;" they don't know about the Marquis vs Gabrielle.
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It wasn't cuz Lestat was tryna spare Louis or save him from himself or protect him or whatever--LES WANTED TO BREAK LOU.
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It could've been 2 effing FEET. "A hard fall, nothing more;" eff you Santiago!
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Yeah, gaslight us some more whydontcha; half the fandom LOVES using that reasoning to handwave aside "abuse" when it's done to the character they DON'T like. 🙄😒 Then it's just awful takes about how Louis & Claudia deserved what happened to them and it's "karma" and it's not Les' fault cuz they're monsters & Lou bloodied Les' face.
And biting w/out consent is RAPE, clown! AR said it over & over that it's a violation of the most intimate act b/t vamps who share emotions, memories & sexual pleasure thru the blood! But watch some braindead takes use Santiago's words as gospel just to Gotcha! anyone who says anything against Louis for Ep5. 🙄😒
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CRICKETS. Cuz LESTAT TRIED TO KILL LOU, just like Claudia said! "A wolf congratulated for not killing her pups"--that was scripted. But "you can't script a hurricane!" NO! That's right; set the story straight!
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Look at him crying, I love how they do the blood tears effect, as their eyes get redder & redder. The sound of Sam's voice as he's crying is just making me wanna yeet myself into the sun--but it's the middle of the night, alas. U_U "I couldn't force him to love me so I broke him. What is worse than that? Crushing what you cannot own." But I thought Louis was saying "Come to me" and luring you with his wicked vixen ways~! The math ain't mathin, Santiago! 🤭
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Claudia said it best: "Let's meet vampires WORTHY of your love!" Unworthy in NOLA, unworthy in Paris--cuz he's STILL gonna throw CLAUDIA under the bus to save Louis, and she KNOWS this.
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WAY too effing late--Les had his chance to apologize sincerely the night he dropped Louis 20000 leagues from the frikkin stratosphere! Claudia DGAF, LOL. And Louis looks away from Lestat; bye Felicia!
Chile, I need SLEEP! I been up all dang day rewatching this episode & screaming at the ether!
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ikamigami ¡ 1 month
Oh I want to yell at Nexus so badly, him talking about how his family didn't love him when they all did, "Sun was grieving the brother he killed" and yet Sun loved Nexus more than Moon and admitted that more than once, "Lunar was just missing the old me" Lunar never indicated he missed Moon more and it's only when Nexus went off the deep end that he got angry, "Earth was only being nice to fulfill a purpose because dad didn't love her" she wanted to help everyone because she's a kind person and she loved Nexus more than anything hence why the two were so vulnerable with one another, I am glad Solar had the reasonable response to that nonsense but I am anticipating certain people twisting this the wrong way, especially with Nexus's whole "you're the only one I cared about Solar", since that's an argument a lot of people make to justify Nexus, how Solar didn't compare Nexus to Moon
Ha ha ha ha ha 🤣
I only want to laugh at Nexus' attempts at lying to himself that he never cared about anyone beside Solar..
He cared..
But also I really don't believe him.. cause why he didn't say that he will kill Sun? 🤨
I get it most of you probably don't see it like that.. and that's fine..
I don't mind being in the tiny itty bitty group of people who are sure that Nexus still cares about Sun.. (I said group of people cause hey! I think that I'm not the only one who thinks that, right?)
Also I'm proud of Solar and I'm glad that I was hoping that he'll react the way he did.. cause I'm serious that I'd lost every bit of respect towards him if he sided with Nexus.. 😬
Also wow Sun can sense star energy now? Or maybe.. just maybe he can sense Nexus cause he's also his Moon? :)
But I agree with you, dear anon and I'm afraid that you're right that certain fans will twist this situation into something else.. 😮‍💨
And also well.. no one is really comparing Nexus to Moon that much.. I remember Monty doing it..
And well Sun didn't mean to compare them and in fact he wasn't comparing them but I'm not surprised why Nexus felt like he was..
But the truth is.. we can't blame Sun for this.. because it's not his fault that he was grieving and that couldn't explain himself when no one allowed him and that no one helped him with trauma caused by Moon back then..
I think that in situations like that.. it just happened.. it wasn't Sun's fault.. and it wasn't Nexus' fault that he had existential crisis because it's understandable considering circumstances..
Things just happen sometimes..
Nothing justify Nexus' actions though.. because like I said.. he wasn't even lashing out..
And even if he might have been more cold and uncaring because of psychotic episode or something like that.. it doesn't justify him almost killing Earth..
Also cause I almost forgot.. it's obvious that it hurt him that Sun locked him in the cell.. but Nexus doesn't know full story.. cause Sun never planned on leaving him there alone.. and he'd definitely visit him again if it wasn't for Puppet, Foxy and Monty.. and I'm sure that if Sun knew better way to stop Nexus from trying to do something bad he'd do that..
Because I get it that locking Nexus wasn't the best idea.. and that it made Nexus' mental state worse.. but I swear that Sun wouldn't do that if he had better idea.. or if anyone else would help him..
I understand Nexus' feelings.. but it doesn't justify his actions..
And I can't wait for the day when he'll realize that he screwed up big time.. but not in a way that "oh I know that I did bad" but that he'll regret it and finally start getting some help.. and also atone for what he's done..
But the thing is that we don't know what VAs planned for Nexus.. but we shall see I guess..
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fanficapologist ¡ 28 days
I have so many thoughts!! But the first surprise was that we have another chapter!!!
That interaction between Maera, Aemond, and Aemara. I hope that’s not the last time they’ll get to have as a happy family. Please, god no. And i’m sensing girl dad vibes from Aemond. Also, I wonder whether Aemond would feel guilty after knowing what happened to Maera? I mean it was on his suggestion that she patrol on Ebrion. And on the other hand, I can imagine him being worried - at the thought that Maera got hurt and livid at the fact that she spared Baela.
Despite Maera’s impatience, I too wondered whether Rhaenyra would reply or leave it to be some last minute thing? Because, okay, despite wanting to avoid more losses, we can’t all just wait and have two monarchs. Unless…
Finally!! I’m also ecstatic that Maera got to see some action. This was the highlight of the chapter for me. Like I am full on grinning that I almost let it slip I was reading fan fiction. I was cheering her on because that was so badass, I mean, obvious war aside. And this isn’t to belitte her efforts but besides taking Ebrion on patrol or for a ride; she hasn’t had much combat experience. I remember watching Rook’s Rest and reading reddit comments about how you could tell Sunfyre/Aegon was an inexperienced fighter mainly because he relied on dragonfire unlike Meleys/Rhaenys who was more strategic and used claws to scratch Sunfyre’s belly, the teeth, etc. Additionally, I didn’t really expect anything less of Baela, being Daemon’s daughter but I must say I was impressed at Maera’s quick thinking and natural skill as a dragonrider. Though Moondancer was agile, like Sunfyre, she also relied on deagonfire unlike Ebrion who also used his jaws to tear at Moondancer’s wings.
And, for a moment, I genuinely thought the dragon that appeared was Syrax and Rhaenyra came out to meet her. Like this was her answer to Maera’s raven.
I also feel like it was hypocritical of Baela to say Maera also excels in slaying her own kin like her husband, when she was the one who struck first? And where was the honor in shooting a crossbow at her when Maera wasn’t clearly posing a threat? But I hope the decision to spare Baela doesn’t bite her in the ass. I guess we will find out! And it appears Maera has some explaining to do to Aemond and the Small Council when she gets back 😬
I do have some questions!!
How big is Ebrion compared to the other dragons? Is he bigger than Vermithor for instance? I think I remember I read in a previous chapter that Aemond said Vhagar and Ebrion are the largest dragons?
And this is more into the lore but do the dragons decide when they’re attacking whether they’ll use dragonfire or their teeth and claws?
In a dragon fight, how much is dependent on the dragon or the rider’s skill?
Lastly, random note but I feel like I’m expecting a comment from Grand Maester Vaegon about Maera’s dragon riding skills hahahaha
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Ok so…
Maera usually patrolled anyway but no doubt he’ll still feel bad cos his wifey got hurt 🖤
I reckon Rhaenyra will drag it out to be petty (I support that) 🤣
Baela bitter but I don’t blame her and I she took a cheap shot. Her dragon was dead, why the fuck not she had nothing to lose 🙈
And finally the answers to your questions:
Ēbrion is between the size of Vhagar and Vermithor 💙
In terms of dragon battles, I’ve honestly got no idea 🤷🏻‍♀️ they’re animals so I assume they’ll do what’s best to defend themselves and their rider and/or the most strategic attack. I imagine some dragons are better at things than others e.g. some have the speed, larger claws, can shoot fire a further distance etc. And I think dragon and rider work together, ultimately the dragon will do what it wants as an animal rather than a strategic war machine, but I guess that’s what a riders for. (These are just my personal opinions though)
We will get Vaegon and Maera next chapter! 🖤
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mlobsters ¡ 8 months
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supernatural s14e3 the scar (w. robert berens)
all right, here's hoping i can get through this today. tail end (knock on wood) of a bad migraine but i can listen to things with headphones now and not feel horrendous so maybe?
lol just stab him with the archangel blade somewhere non-lethal, see what happens, there's an angel test for ya. still bothered that they apparently have no desire to truly confirm michael isn't playacting dean? whatever
DEAN It’s just every time I think about it, you know. It's like a nightmare. I mean I can’t eat, I can’t sleep - it’s always just there watching me. SAM Dean, it’s just a beard. I’ve been a little busy lately.
absolutely have seen gifs of this whole bit a bunch of times. why is sam's beard watching you while you sleep, the perennial question (has enough time even passed for them to try to sleep? :p)
DEAN So, I’m good. I’m just really, really, happy to be... home.
i watched until this scene when i started this episode a couple days ago and noped out. their home being taken over by all these people continues to give me the heebiejeebies. granted their home is massive and more like a work space than a home, so it's more like it's getting used like it was designed, but they've been so isolated forever basically this is just a lot. (also i'm a jealous asshole in some ways and i'm like oh dean's gotta share sam with all these people now? lol 😬)
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why's bro always getting weird scar things on his person? the hand print, the mark, whatever the fresh hell this thing is
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is it the spear of destiny lance of michael whatever business. doesn't seem nearly wide enough to account for his scar. wonder if this is another episode by that different editor (john fitzpatrick on imdb), reminiscent of those visions of jody dying in 13x09. ding ding ding, it is indeed the same editor. funny. last episode he did was 13x21
speaking of, hey jody! even though i just referenced the episode with her in it i forgot about the whole kaia / dark kaia thing -_-
JODY No, no. I have video surveillance going down at the fair, Claire practically sat shiva down there. There’s been nothing.
shiva reference #3 (7x10 and 8x16)
cas conveniently has to stay back to fix rando hexed girl, so dean and sam can have some arguments on the way to jody. after dean upset jack too of course by refusing to let him go with. which i think was the right call but, you know. do it less dickishly.
SAM C’mon man, this isn’t a joke! Something huge happened and you won’t really even talk about it. Look, this whole Michael thing: we need to deal with it. DEAN I’m going at 80 to deal with it. How can I be running from something when I’m RACING toward it?! SAM I know, kinda your thing. DEAN Ok. SAM I’m just saying. You said you let Michael in, then bang, you’re back in a blink. But for me, you were gone: for weeks. I didn’t know if you were alive. I just need you to talk to me. Slow down so I can catch up. DEAN Call Jody, let her know we’re almost there.
way to talk about your feelings, sam! way to be a jerk, dean. both being able to open up at the same place and time has never been their strong suit. honestly don't have the wherewithal to even ponder why dean's being like this
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LOL very cute. like the little "see dean, people do like the beard!" from sam. also cute little exchange where dean rolls his eyes about sam knowing a serial killer fact and sam makes the wtf bro face
very special episode where jack realizes he can Be Useful in other ways than a rock 'em sock 'em hunter? helping with the hexed girl
DEAN We’ll make better time if we split up. SAM No, Dean we’ll be safer if we stick together. JODY If I get a vote, I’m in team stick together. DEAN Fine.
man i do not enjoy dick!dean :p he gets like this sometimes and i wanna smack him. use your words, asshole, instead of taking whatever out on everyone else
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no one was expecting dark kaia! oh, how i do not care. sorry, girl.
LORA Is that your Dad? JACK One of them, yes.
can i say again i really appreciate how they make it textual that sam, dean and cas are all jack's fathers. it's just nice. doesn't have to mean anything outside of their relationship to him, regardless of their relationships with each other. as it should be
JACK Do you have parents? Or someone we can call? LORA My mom, but she probably hates me. JACK Why? LORA Because I left, I ran away. I hated school, I hated our crappy one star fleet town and I hated her rules. I was sick of being treated like a kid. I thought I could make it on my own but then I met her.
lol this show can be so literal when it wants to make a parallel to a victim of the week and a recurring character's situation. literally laughed out loud when she started "because i left"
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i'm sure the giant necklace gifted by the evil witch is unrelated. i keep looking at her (false) lashes. they're pretty but a little unexpected in the locked up by a witch situation
SAM Or it could have been Michael. C’mon, three vamps in Sioux Falls and not a single civilian death. That’s not an accident. I think they were hunting her. DEAN Why? SAM I think because Michael sent them to finish what he started.
trying to remember what michael had to do with kaia and drawing a huge blank, clearly retained almost nothing of her storyline. imagine how bad i'd be at keeping track if i didn't write these posts.
back when i was watching game of thrones (as it aired so i'd get a week to process between episodes) i would always read recaps/reviews after the episode because they were so densely packed and i knew i missed stuff, but i dunno, i just don't want other people's takes muddling up my feelings about this show in particular. more personal investment or something in it (it's also a *lot* more straight forward, it's just got the overloaded plot/characters syndrome past the first handful of seasons)
did not manage to watch this in one sitting so we're day 2 but i think (knock on wood again), demon migraine was smushed into 2 days instead of 3 and is gone
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way dean is acting reminds me of a little how he was acting, and how i expected him to be acting, directly after purgatory. bro is pissed and gonna make it everyone's problem
losing my mind, just take the necklace off the girl -_- as she writhes around with this giant bauble flopping around where she's actively mummifying
JODY They have a right to know but I can’t. I promised Claire human cases are mine, but anything "monstery" I’d loop her in: this. God. Claire’s been doing so good. I mean anything connected to Kaia, she’s a powder keg. First loves strikes quick, and then to lose it like that.
couldn't remember if that was a thing that we knew about or not lol seriously, brain.
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JODY Well, you two are having a time of it. SAM Yeah, he’s working something out and he’s working it out alone. The only thing I know is he’s not ready for this case. JODY Maybe. Maybe he needs it.
maybe he needs it but also him haring off (practically) alone with not enough information rarely ends well. nonetheless, glad jody's here to support them. my favorite family dynamic on the show, and the one that i don't feel like i need the text convincing me of. it's just there
DEAN That pig sticker she’s hiding, it is the only thing that we know that hurts Michael. I’m gonna do whatever it takes.
literally just raised my hand. um hello, what about the archangel blade?? do we not have one anymore?
JACK Lora’s life force: it’s in here. CAS Jack, are you sure? JACK No... (he smashes the pendant and green smoke twirls its way in to Lora’s pendant and she comes to life.)
this is so goofy :p
SAM Wait a second: you’re a dreamwalker, too? Your powers, they connected you. DARK KAIA Our whole lives, what she saw, I saw. I know where it comes from your anger, your impatience: itvs fear. You’re scared and you’re weak. DEAN Alright, shut up! DARK KAIA Michael hurt you. He hurt me too.
i mean, everyone is doing a good job acting-wise but this is just. ridiculous. so is dean mad because he's feeling guilty about what michael did while using his body against his will? that probably should have been incredibly obvious, i'm just so not connecting with this story 🥴
SAM So Michael wants the spear because he knows it can hurt him? And that’s why his monsters are coming after you?
okie dokie
jody sure gets pretty serious injuries a lot? how about pop back to the bunker so cas can just fix it :p like the... broken leg? was it? hmm, guess it wasn't healed magically there either
from 11x12 JODY Oh, it had to be the leg. I'm gonna need bionics.
DEAN Jody. JODY Dean Winchester, you have nothing to apologize for. DEAN How is the arm? SAM You sure you don’t want a ride to the hospital or… JODY I’ve driven with a broken arm before. I’m more worried what I’m gonna tell Alex when I get there. And then once I get home… SAM Claire. JODY I’m dreading those consequences. She’s got to know, she’s got to know that Kaia’s killer is still out there. SAM You alright? JODY It’s just seeing her face again. Raising three hunters and fearing every day that I might lose one of them. I didn’t even really get a chance to know Kaia before she died - just feel like I already lost before I even ever began.
again, well acted but this is a stretch emotionally, for me
CAS Well, Jules is off. She’s taking Lora back home to her mother. Jack, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I know that you have been going through a lot lately:. We’ve all been going through a lot but it’s no excuse. I just haven’t been there for you: not the way I should of. JACK Cas, it’s okay. CAS Well, what you did today made me so proud. You know, learning to hold your own in a fight without your powers. That takes time and training, but today you proved that you have the mind of a hunter and the heart of a hunter. I was thinking, erm, I’ll talk to Sam and Dean, but maybe-- maybe we could go on a hunting trip -- I mean if you want to?
good sentiment but oh so cheesy -_-
JACK (coughing) Yes (coughing again) Sorry. CAS You ok? JACK I’m fine: I’m human now. Must be getting my first cold. CAS Well, I’ll make you some soup then.
LOL not ominous at all. i'm sure it's fine. not a plot relevant illness, just a garden variety cold!
DEAN I put us all in danger today, stupid danger. SAM Dean. DEAN You were right. I just didn’t want to look at it, what Michael used me for. I just wanted to race ahead. You know, skip to the end of the story the part where I get the weapon and I take out the bad guy. The part where I kill Michael. SAM Yeah, I know. DEAN You know I said yes to him because I thought: it was stupid. I was stupid. SAM Dean, you did what you had to do.
just following directive number one, keep sammy safe
DEAN And it wasn’t a blink. I got possessed: I made it sound like that but it wasn’t. I don’t remember most of what Michael did with me because I was under water. Drowning. And that I remember. I felt every second of it - clawing, fighting for air. I thought I could make it out but I couldn’t: I wasn’t strong enough. And now he’s gone: he’s out there putting an army of monsters together. He’s hurting people. That’s all on me, man. I said yes. It’s my fault.
i know i've talked about the moral calculus of it all, the number of people they saved vs the number they've gotten killed by their decisions, specifically to save each other (insert enraged noises that my blog is nigh on unsearchable so who the fuck knows when i actually talked about it). sam more directly gets a lot of credits i think from preventing the (first) apocalypse by jumping into the cage, puts them all in the black possibly indefinitely :p but how many people died because dean killed death to save sam and sam needed to save dean by removing the mark and letting out the darkness. from dean stopping sam from dying to finish the trials and closing the gates of hell.
not even sure what i'm arguing here. get over it, bucko? you've done worse? lol i don't know. round and round we go. we've been down this road too many times and i'm tired. yeah, he said yes. he thought he could make deal with michael that he'd uphold, and he didn't. and we're always gonna swim around in dean's neverending crushing guilt
jack's got the (magical??) consumption apparently
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weirfq1 ¡ 4 days
Francesca and Yam
(yes I'm very predictable always picking my two fave characters)
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
This is a pretty popular headcanon but they're both bisexuals in my eyes
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
Cis Francesca while i feel like Yam is the equivalent of that tweet that is like "i'm probably nonbinary but i have a job so idrc about that rn" (same) as in she doesn't really think about her own gender like that (because gender and pronouns really aren't a big deal for her and she's alright with anything but also because with everything going on in her life right now this would just make her question herself even more and put her into a crisis) but she would probably fall under the non-binary umbrella (even if she doesn't use any kind of etiquette)
🪢 A headcanon about their family
Francesca has a big family and goes back to Italy so often because she knows that if she doesn't go visit her family members even at least once every few months/years (if possible), they might impulsively decide to come to Buenos Aires and spend a month or so at her family house, and even though she loves them to death, it would be such a mess.
Yam's family consists of her single mother, the son of one of her mother's high school girl friends (that grew up around them and took the habit of referring to her mother as his own mother/second mother and treating yam as a fraternal figure [thing that she won't ever admit enjoying so much]) + Ramiro and Jim <3
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
Before dating someone, Francesca has always made fun of the couples that matched clothes because she thought it was embarassing and a bit too much… Not even one full week after starting to date somebody she already bought her partner a matching jacket (nothing too crazy, just the same model of jacket in two different colors), and that is only the start...
Yam isn't really into physical touch unless she really knows and trusts someone but she's a good listener and if she wants to show you that she cares, she just brings stuff. You will never have to worry about bags, backpacks, books or similar things because there wouldn't be a single second of the day in which she'll let your arms be full. She also knows by heart your orders and will not only predict them but also anticipate your own needs before you even know it.
😬 A headcanon about the worst thing they’ve done
Francesca probably broke something that had a big sentimental value for her grandma but put the blame on her uncle (from her mother side) hoping that it would've never come out. After she came back to Rome, during a big family reunion, at one point her uncle calls her to the side because he has something to ask her and she doesn't think anything of it (from her point of view it's been ages since that happened). He brings up the whole thing, asking her if she knows why his mother accused him and was so sure that Francesca personally saw him doing that and she thinks of lying... of maybe saying that she's old and confused and doesn't know what she's talking about; but then she looks at her grandma's face and back to his uncle and just admits fucking up. He already knew that she was the one who did that but still covered her back and took the scolding at that time. Now that she isn't scared anymore, she wants to take full responsibility and maybe ever try to repay both of them for her actions and the hurt it caused, but her uncle puts his hand on her shoulder and tells her that it's okay and it's now passed... to just keep doing what she's doing without lying. (If you ask Francesca she would probably say that there are a lot of worst things she had done —objectively speaking— but this is the thing that made her feel the worst and that stuck with her.)
For Yam i'm not sure but she gets super paranoid and stressed out about any little thing, especially when she has to lie or hide something so whatever she did wasn't actually that bad, she just gets into her own head a lot lol
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notafunkiller ¡ 2 months
did aw deleted her ‘against anti-racism’ story?😂😭 my brain is not braining at this statement. my english is also not englishing at the moment.
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is this consider as freudian slip?💀 plus, this riot started 3 days ago just bcs of a misinformation which the far-right/anti-immigration/anti-islam take advantages of bfr.
if she really is an activist, she should be ‘mad’ mad, and on the track, meaning she should be vocal early on and not several days later with posts of herself and ‘love’. (it’s impossible for her not to be on track w the news tbh unless she rarely checks her ig but i think we can all agree that she’s very active)
now idk if she posted the love story at the same time or latter after she deleted the ‘against anti-racism’ thingy but if she did, 💀💀💀😬 yikeys
rather than deleting it, why don you apologise for the mistake and correct the sentence. i think its a better approach bcs now people are absolutely reading through your bs (but its aw so if she did apologise anw people will still call out her bs bcs she have been doing this for a long time it seems) regardless of what people say though, i thinks its the better approach (what important is her intention need to be for apology and not for other things)
aw’s rn are acting like a literal pick me in a subtle way, i can imagine her shipper legit godding (its not a word but what i mean is bowing/praying to her feet) w her righteous act and compassion. theres nothing wrong with spreading the news, yes thank you for sharing, but its so wrong to use it with the intention for your advantage, heck for attention when people who is in that difficult situation rn are in fear, praying for their life so they won’t end up getting beat up or worse.
And since i am typing abt this particular topic, i would love for everyone who is reading this to pray for their safety (their here are those immigrants, muslims, protesters whose on the right side, Palestinians, iran, congo, sudan, Lebanon, bangladesh, you name it everyone, those other innocent people who has been dragged into this craziness)
+ this is absolutely bad bad bad bad if she’s doing this for smth later on bcs in 3 days … 🥁🥁🥁WE KNOW WHOSE BDAY IT IS, DUDE IS GETTING OLD!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉👨🏻‍🦳,,, okay back to serious topic, i have a feeling yknow, i have this thingly sense smth gonna happen but dk its good or bad or im just overdramatic. iiiiii meaaaannnnnn, you yourself said it she always do smth righttttttttt? and i have a feeling she will do smth this year, cross your fingers lets hope its just me being overdramatic.
i hope u have a great day btw love u
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(and again sorry for the long essay i swear to god, everytime man it became a story telling session)😂😂
Hi, thank you so much for this message!!!
theres nothing wrong with spreading the news, yes thank you for sharing, but its so wrong to use it with the intention for your advantage, heck for attention when people who is in that difficult situation rn are in fear, praying for their life so they won’t end up getting beat up or worse.
The way racism, xenophobia etc are used like this breaks my heart.
I hope you'll have a wonderful day!
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joanna-lannister ¡ 1 year
Is it just me or did the Cersei hate get really bad again? Felt like it was getting better for a while, but now (after HotD came out?) it’s SO BAD again? You can’t even share a picture, video or her name, without getting a bunch of haters yelling the same things all over. Like they are just repeating each other. And the “funny” thing is, that the takes are often so bad, so nasty and the things they say often even go against the actual canon facts. It’s like they just want to blame her for everything, and dig for every possible thing they can hate her for, even if what they say goes against canon. Then they get personal if you ruin their headcanon or prove them wrong, or even just tell your point of view. It’s like the only opinion that is allowed, is one where Cersei is a monster. It’s not even fun to dicusss or debate anymore. Seems like you’re only allowed in the fandom, if you love the “popular” characters. I don’t get it.
It’s so bad that I’ve now pretty much removed myself from every GoT group/fandom. Don’t need that negativity, even though I love GoT and talking about it.
No, it's not just you! I've also noticed haters coming back in full force when the fandom had been pretty much "neutral" about her for a few years, I had to block several blogs lately because their takes were...YIKES 😬 And it all happened since HoTD was released for some reason? Which is weird because Cersei [and the Lannisters in general] has nothing to do with that show.
It's sad to lose another person in the fandom 💔 but I totally get you. Seeing so much negativity impact you and your mental health, and it's no fun when you feel like you are talking to a wall. I hope you are okay, and you'll be able to come back one day to talk about GoT. ❤️
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riverstardis ¡ 2 years
what lurks in the heart:
poor dylan :(
aw his flip phone sjdkfkgk
aww ethan and alicia waking up together
alicia shoving ethan under the bed when robyn knocks on her door asking to borrow some moisturiser sjdkfkfkfk
“i haven’t been shoved that hard since i stole cal’s nerf gun” the mention of cal makes it awkward😬
aw max dragging jez out to check on dylan
dylan hasn’t arranged representation. they never do do they.
“alicia, cal likes you, i know he does, but he’s like some kite on the wind. i’m tired of always holding on to his strings in case he gets tangled in a tree.” “am i the tree in this?” “no you’re the reason i feel like i can let go” “what let go of cal?” “yeah. obviously i hope we can come back from this. i want us to be together—“ and then duffy comes into the cubicle SJDKFKGK
“ethan look, i can’t be the person to come between you and cal” “yeah. silly really to think that you’d consider us being together like that” “no but i am considering it ethan i just wish that—“ and they get interrupted AGAIN
lmaoo charlie says he’s consulting ethan and cal for help with wedding planning and duffy’s like “cal?! i’m gonna find myself twerking to beyoncé” 😭😭
alicia’s worried that if it didn’t work out with her and ethan that he and cal would be broken for nothing. pretty valid concern tbh even though ethan says he’s willing to take that risk. duffy’s definitely clocked them lmaoooo
yup alicia’s talking to duffy and she says she’s got a friend who’s in a bit of a mess and duffy just goes “you’ve got a friend who fancies her boyfriend’s brother. is that what you’re gonna tell me?” and then from looking at alicia’s face “slept with her boyfriends brother?” SHSJFKGKK
“well that would make her sound like a terrible person wouldn’t it? maybe she is…” “or maybe she’s just confused” “i’ve messed up big time” “no, hang on, do you like ethan?” “yes, yes i do! help me, what do i do?” “think very hard about your next move. who do you want to be with? because you’ve got to be sure if you’re going to cause a rift between those boys.”
oh and here’s cal🙄 lily asks how his interview for the research placement was and he says it was fine but he thinks he’s in a little bit of trouble about it. you THINK?????
mr grayling was basically just using lily. surprise surprise.
lmaoo duffy going “it’s hard when you really fall for someone isn’t it? always a risk that you can get hurt” to the patient but looking at alicia
ollie! he’s staying with david because rosa had to rush to spain. noel goes “you’re gonna get on like a—“ and david goes “DONT say like a house on fire”😭😭😭😭
aww this patient storyline
seb admits to making a malicious allegation
cal tells ethan he’s sorry about the proposal he just had to show alicia he wasn’t bothered… bro what kind of shitty apology is that??????? he can definitely tell something’s off with ethan because he isn’t acting angry with him the way he would normally he’s just trying to avoid him and isn’t engaging with him at all
alicia looks so good
aww this patient storyline’s cute as well. so cute it’s restored alicia’s faith in love and she’s decided to take the risk to be with ethan
dylan’s looking especially autistic today. it’s probably the whole ordeal with seb
oh no cal asks alicia if ethan mentioned anything about the whole stealing his proposal thing “because i thought he’d be properly mad but he just seemed weird like sort of shut off. i can’t put my finger on it but i don’t know, this time he’s different.” alicia points out how they’re always falling out and maybe a clean break wouldn’t hurt and cal says how he knows he always jokes about ethan but without him he doesn’t know what he’d do😥 and you can see the doubt returning in alicia’s face😭
“before you came back to holby, some stuff happened between us. pretty bad stuff. and i thought it would finish us off.” “but you two got through it?” “yeah well, blood’s thicker right?” alicia’s now even more conflicted😭
aw cal properly apologises and says to make it up to him they can go for a weekend away doing all the museumy stuff ethan likes meanwhile ethan’s trying to tell him about alicia because they’d agreed to tell him so they could be together but alicia turns up having changed her mind because she doesn’t want to destroy their family and interrupts ethan to lie to cal that ethan had said the same as he had to her about wondering if they could come back from this but not knowing what he’d do without him😭😭
OH THEY HUGGG i forgot about that🥺🥺🥺🥺 it’s kinda one sided from cal though because ethan is hugging back but he's not really into it he’s looking hurt :(
i totally understand alicia choosing not to get between them and i do think it was probably the right decision but it does annoy me that she doesn’t even break up with cal?? i mean obviously she wasn’t going to do it there and then but she claims to want to be with ethan which can’t happen because it would destroy his and cal’s relationship but she could at least break up with cal herself?? like obviously ethan’s going to think she decided she didn’t actually want to be with him over cal! i know why she doesn’t and it’s because she’s not as confident as she makes out to be and she doesn’t want to hurt cal. doesn’t stop it being annoying though. especially as it makes it seem like she’s just kinda going along with whatever.
actually that reminds how ik some people thought that alicia’s personality changed between her first and second stint because she really wasn’t very confident in her first stint and she seemed to have become super confident by her second stint but she didn’t! she does gain a bit of confidence and resilience because of what happened with lily and because she went travelling but that’s kind of on the surface, and after what happens with her parents she’s faking it to stop herself getting hurt like her mum did. it’s basically just on the surface and it’s pretty clear that she’s the same person she was in her first stint underneath that. and i think that’s where this entire love triangle situation comes from: the confident “party girl” personality that she presents fits best with cal but her actual personality fits best with ethan, which is why cal’s her easy safe option even though she actually wants to be with ethan.
uh oh connie has discovered it was elle who treated grace. now she’s questioning why she didn’t intubate and threatening to report her to the trust😬 connie’s vengeful eras are her worst.
iain deffo fancies lily
ooh dylan saying “i found it very helpful to put some distance between myself and the belittling. i’m talking about my father, he was an expert.” :(((
aw dylan recommending seb for a placement at st james’ and helping him stand up to his dad🥺
oop cal’s trying to “have an early night” with alicia but she excuses herself and she’s trying not to cry😢😢😢
dylan and max’s friendship🥺
uh oh cal finds the cuff link DUN DUN DUNNNNN
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a H the preview
I forgot because someone asked me if Shaun and Lea were said while they walked by and I started turning the tv off while explaining xD
ACK I saw like one second and then failed at turning it back on
Okay c'mon c'mon
I've missed most if not (probably) all of it but still lol
SLFHSHFKSKLSD Yeeeeah okay xDD I got it on right as the doors closed lol
OKAY let me go pull it up XD
Okay okay okay
ALRIGHT I've got it :D
AHHH the sex of the baby!!
That line I saw :))
Oop disagreement lol
But yeeeah there's no way this goes well, or super well at least
Oohhhh nooo :(((
I mean we knew this was likely but still D': they look so happy
Wait another problem with Lim?? And AYYY she looks good :DD
Oh wait no probably with Lea!!
Mmhh yeah with risks :(((
Yeeeah he is NOT gonna like not being in there 😬😬😬
To be fair it's something any ONE OF THEM would do not just Shaun
I'm stressed xd
And then the doors closing- ghrngbmfghrn aaaAARGGRHHFRHHHAHHH
help me xdd
And this didn't even TOUCH on Perez's overdose either!!! Come to think of it he wasn't even in the promo. More on that in a second though.
That's the last of my last thoughts, now onto the. . .
Okay, I loved this episode :D. Nobody really fighting, which PHEW, that was a nice break for once xD Like there was a bit of contention but nothing much. But AAHHHHH THOSE LAST 5 MINUTES!! I was just barely behind on my liveblogging and then ALL OF THAT HAPPENED lol xD. Anyway, I don't think I'm gonna get this out tonight because I want to take a nap before getting up in two hours, but I'll put a bit down lol.
Okay, first, Perez! Because I was just talking about him lol, and I don't always have to go in order of importance (plot wise or sometimes just to me xD) or drama, be that most to least or vice versa, but anyway XD.
Yeah, I didn't see him anywhere in the promo. I mean maaaybe he was in the background but probably not, I think it's more likely that Powell was somewhere in the background - he's kinda gonna be going through it xdd.
But yeah, I think he's DEFINITELY gonna be struggling and going through a bunch of stuff, and I hope he doesn't deny that. I really hope we don't just not see him though, that he's taking time off or something and we'll see him struggle with the less-direct aftermath later. I know there will be a lot going on with Lea and probably some normal cases too, but he deserves to have some of that more immediate stuff explored. I think it takes us a step deeper into his character development to actually see this (not that it was required, but it is a way), if only faster through seeing the immediate aftermath. I really hope him and Jordan make it out of this though :(. And I mean, if they don't, I'll live, but I really hope they're happy 😭😭. So anyway, yeah xD 😭😭😬. It's about to be wild, and I hope he gets through this ❤️❤️. It'll be a tough journey <3.
Relating a bit, let's go with Jordan next. I really think she should be careful and all, I stand by that, but right now they've got bigger fish to fry lol. I really do hope they can push through this, honestly 😭. Like it's a complication of everything but that happens, yk? Life throws wrenches your way, and you just have to deal with it and try your best. I hope it doesn't mess with her too bad, finding him, because I'm sure it's different for a loved one (or yk a friend bc idk if they're close enough friends to use loved one yet, but anyway xD) than a patient. And I really just hope she gets the chance to help in every way she can :'(( <333. My babeys deserve to be happyyyy 😭😭😭. I would say especially Jordan since she's been my babey longer but Danny doesn't deserve that xD. And yeah, maaaybe soon I'll start calling him Danny lol.
OKAY it's been like a month, or two? I think? However long, it's the night of the next episode XD. Yes, I've been procrastinating a BUNCH, but in my defense I've been busy. So. I think I may have to rewatch the episode to finish the review? I'm still gonna try and remember my thoughts at the time (because that's the whole point of this), and I might be able to get enough from my liveblogging, I just don't know that it'll give enough context. Alas, I can try. I'll be back after a quick search and we'll see what happens lol.
ALRIGHT SO! I skipped through the episode a bit and looked at some of my posts to piece together my memories, and I think I've got most of the main points XD. These sections will be short because I don't remember much about the cases (I skipped through but watched more of the endings than I did the other times), or many details xD.
Park and Morgan! JUST TELL HERRRRR!!! I'm really glad to see that they are capable of working together (like how Morgan was actually being nice about him and not trash talking him to his date lol), but I still want them back together!!! They're still in love, whether they like it or not xd. It's a bit annoying that it's continuing to go on, but it makes sense too. They're both stubborn, and it's only been 8 episodes - I don't think they'll push a getting back together all the way to the season finale, but who knows ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌! They may. I think it's more likely we go a few more episodes of them truly realizing they want to be back together, though, and then it'll finally happen lol XD. But, whatever happens, I love them 🥰🥰❤️.
Asher! And, I'll throw in Jerome too :D. We didn't see much of either of them this episode, but as always I love them 🥰🥰🥰. Asher was living his best life being in the middle of everyone's business today and I love that for him XD. I'm glad Jerome's back (last week was the week he was missing, right?), and though I don't remember details about his appearances, I'm sure he did great :)) (at like. his job lol). And if I remember correctly this is the episode Asher warned Jordan? Yeeeah, I would want to be careful about you guys leading each other on and you're weird dance and what not, but now there's more pressing matters to deal with xD. Still, if that was this episode lol, I'm glad Asher's watching out for Jordan :). Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was this episode, looking at my section on Jordan lol. Anyway, Asher might be judging a bit harshly but he was being a good bestie :). And again (as I said I mean) he was looking for all the tea this episode XDD.
LIMMM. Let's talk xdd. OKAY, so, obviously for her sake I do hope she's able to walk again, and that everything goes well, and that things keep going well with Clay. I'm a little iffy on "fixing" a disabled character, but I'm not sure how permanent I ever expected it to be, and we do still have Powell. Plus, it's not like I DON'T want Lim to live a life where you don't have to deal with a disability, it's just that it's not required. I think they did pretty well with that, though, since we got to see her struggle and then be genuinely happy with her life. That was good, and I'm glad we saw it :').
BUT THE PROPOSAL!!! Like??? Sir???? Haven't y'all just been dating for like a couple months??? Maybe even weeks??? AAHHHH????!!?! XDDD. I mean, I do want them (mostly Lim, no offense Clay, lol) to be happy, and they are adorable 🥰🥰, but. WOW. xdd. It was kinda out of left field, Clay, lol. But, it was a really sweet gesture :')). You know, the whole, "I'm all in" thing :'D. I just checked the scene to make sure I was getting stuff right and I believe that's what he said, anyway lol. But also, STILL LOL! Still wild XDD. So yeah! AAHHHHHH, I'm super excited and interested to see/in seeing where that goes xDD. CRAZY, lol. Still, them ❤️❤️❤️.
As for Powell, I too would check the book XD. I think I'd just want to know lol. But eh, maybe I'd have more self control. Still, I'm glad she and Perez aren't gonna be constantly in that heavy of competition - I just feel like it's better this way, much less stressful xD. Like I said at the beginning, we finally got mostly nobody fighting this episode lol, at least not huge feuds, and I'd like to keep that going for a bit XDD. But, anyway, she did great this episode and I'm proud of her :). Plus, like I said, I'm happy she and Perez are better xD 🥰🥰.
Also, quick note on Glassman: amazing as always, even if he was hovering around Lim bit lol. I liked how he helped Shaun figure out that his scoring system was a distraction! It's nice to see him still be a mentor to Shaun, even as he's much more independent :). I just- their relationship, y'all 🥰🥰🥰. Anyway, I'm nervous but excited for how the surgery went (I imagine he'll be involved in that plot lol) :)). Love him, he was good this episode!
I don't think we really saw Andrews, but I'll say that the thing about assigning work to Lea was funny xD, if not nice lol. I forgive you, Andrews xD. But yeah, I don't remember if we saw him or not, but I'm sure he was great as always ❤️🥰. Hopefully we'll see more of him next episode :)).
Okay, ladies and gentlemen (and the many distinguished others), it's the moment you've all been waiting for: Shaun and Lea.
But mostly I'm just nervous since she's not supposed to be pregnant yet xd (health wise, clearly she is plot wise or some terrible mistake has been made lol). Anyway, secondary news:
My adorable babeys 😭😭😭🥰🥰❤️.
I'm glad for all the communication this episode! I mean, they had their struggles, but they acknowledged them and talked openly about their feelings - that's always great to see with these two 🥰. They're honestly really good at it! I mean, just as an example, Lea admitting and knowing that she was being selfish. Also y'all I can't they just love each other so much 😭😭❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️😭. But AAHHHHHH they're going to buy a house :DDD!!! Y'all I can't I'm so excited, and happy for them :'))). They're moving on to the next stage of their lives, and it's amazing <333.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. We had a nice spread of focus for honestly most of our gang, and they were all really good plots. Plus, the last 5 minutes we're crazy xD. But, the cases were great, there were some funny moments mixed in with some really serious moments, and it was honestly just a good time. I think it was a great winter finale with everything that went on, so even though it set up several things that scare me lol, I loved it. I just hope I won't be screaming about hating (not really) it after the next episode lol. Shaun and Lea, plus Perez, and Lim - don't betray me xd.
So yeah! I really loved this episode, I thought it was really good. It raised a lot of questions for next time! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 9: Broken or Not
It was great! I'm super scared, but also excited, for the next one! It's a crime to make me wait, though. I'll be back after the break with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 10: Quiet and Loud
See you then!
0 notes
baekhvuns ¡ 2 years
Nah I didn't meet the kid and I never will, cause I really dislike his mother, she's a bitch and messed with my friends 🔪 that's why I said she's a weirdoooo. I haven't spoken to her in ages, I just see her around. Also they live in fucking , I'm not going there.
I thought the final would be a total disaster, but thankfully shit picked up! Argentina deserved it though, can't deny it. Honestly grown up footballers acting like kids will never not be funny and embarrassing lmaoooo. I get Mbappe's frustration tbh, his teammates did nothing to help him, I would be pissed as well, but come on don't be a little bitch about it... okay but every time I think of PSG I can't believe they have Mbappe, Ramos, Messi, Neymar...and they're still pretty mid 😬 seeing Ramos with Messi and Neymar doesn't sit right with me ngl I feel betrayed 😭😭😭😭
Yeah Neymar is good when he's good, but his acting skills....☠ MAN GET UP! Since I'm a Madridista I saw it ALL from Neymar when he was in Barca and 🤡 I was just reminded of this situation, proof even Seonghwa isn't perfect thankfully I have Jongho
Do you remember them playing footie? Sanhwa sucked so bad <3 also The way I didn't know this happened?!
Ofc the final is in FUCKING LA, I bet Ateez will play during the match or some shit lmao. Bring a huge ass Ateez flag, Seonghwa's pc is a must too!
Yep MOTH is too long, unless you're really into to the political aspects, which I like to a certain extent, but the author is dragging it. The characters need to be more fleshed out, but I can't complain since Tasir is getting a lot of attention.
Yes, he is 🥰
Fuck Dior, Lego is more important! Ateez collabed with some Lego knock off though
My friend asked me three times if the track list I sent was a joke aisuiauusanjausaggaag the remixes are so random?! How tf do you even pronounce Halazia, it sounds like a Webtoon made fantasy land or... a disease. Anyways the Prologue tho aaaaaaah, Seonghwa?!?! T-posing like the Jesus himself Taemin! I told you he was giving crucifixion omg. Yeosang chained... Yunho inside the ⏳?!
Krystal and Minho were always fighting for their lives. 2nd gen was build different in general
Bestie, ETL in real life sounds like a nightmare (any type of romantic relationship tbh), considering I don't wanna be in a relationship how would I survive with someone I especially dislike 😭 I'd whoop their ass
This isn't Bob this is Wreck it Ralph lmaoooo what made him go that hard. 🤔 I haven't even seen that show and they're coming out with a new one, please STOP
Kai is scared of Seulgi as he should be! Are they fighting for the bear emoji or what ☠
TY not being a pathetic sweet little man? 😯 That's new!
Yup I told you, BBC is scared shitless, I hope the girls are happy and they don't treat them horribly because of it... But the passive aggressive statement 🔫 - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Nah I didn't meet the kid and I never will, cause I really dislike his mother, she's a bitch and messed with my friends 🔪 that's why I said she's a weirdoooo. I haven't spoken to her in ages, I just see her around. Also they live in fucking , I'm not going there.
I thought the final would be a total disaster, but thankfully shit picked up! Argentina deserved it though, can't deny it. Honestly grown up footballers acting like kids will never not be funny and embarrassing lmaoooo. I get Mbappe's frustration tbh, his teammates did nothing to help him, I would be pissed as well, but come on don't be a little bitch about it... okay but every time I think of PSG I can't believe they have Mbappe, Ramos, Messi, Neymar...and they're still pretty mid 😬 seeing Ramos with Messi and Neymar doesn't sit right with me ngl I feel betrayed 😭😭😭😭
noo bc i expected the fight like netherlands v argentina's match, mbappe v de paul sdgfhkgsfds ur right! they did their team was exceptional this time, def better than last times,,, LMFAOO RIGHT I FIND IT SO HILARIOUS BC THE NINJA TURTLE id honestly do the same 😭😭😭😭 tbh if di maria played the entire game, france wouldn't even have a chance,, we were rIGHT THEY DID HAVE A TALK, bro hyped himself up only,,, bro's def in his villian arc at psg now jhbds,,, HEY HEY PSG HAD A GREAT SEASON this next on might be crazy bc messi's got no stress and that man's dangerous w/ neymar mixed in and ramos??? pheww LMFAOOOO NO BC WHEN I SAW RAMOS WAS LIKE BRO??? UR THERE?? U OUT OF ALL??? SAME CLUB?? so much fun to see them together lmfaooo  new season gonna be great <3
tbh the best thing about this wc is the amount of memes, THE HUMOR PPL HAVE FHWKHDWK internet is undefeatable 😭😭
Yeah Neymar is good when he's good, but his acting skills....☠ MAN GET UP! Since I'm a Madridista I saw it ALL from Neymar when he was in Barca and 🤡 I was just reminded of this situation, proof even Seonghwa isn't perfect thankfully I have Jongho
LMFAOOO his cameo in the money heist jOKES,, yeah he's great when he plays plays, going to psg probably wasn't the best choice but his last season was crazy too, copa america that last 20 mins vs argentina bro was majestic,, but its shitty to see the amt of times players tackle him roughly and get nothing but when he does the same its a straight red card,, like is he supposed to sit and smile??? 😭😭 OH UR A MADRIDISTA FHQKHEJ IM A BARCA (ATM PSG-ING) FAN SO MY SIGHT IS DIFFERENT FBNEHDKWHDJC THIS IS SO FUNNY I KNEW I STANNED THE RIGHT GUY MY MAAANNNN,, want old barca and old madrid back to see them play against each other annnnnd ur stance on this... haaland coming for mbappe dbdb
Do you remember them playing footie? Sanhwa sucked so bad <3 also The way I didn't know this happened?! //// Ofc the final is in FUCKING LA, I bet Ateez will play during the match or some shit lmao. Bring a huge ass Ateez flag, Seonghwa's pc is a must too!
need a football exclusive show but for kpop idols only, forget isac i need them to create their own team names (barceoul, madrisan for busan fbsdjbf) w jerseys and take it all seriously and have two idol groups against each other,, I THINK ITS EITHER LA OR MEXICO CITY! ateez going to charity matches WHEN WHEN,, PLS ME HOLDING A WHITE ATEEZ FLAG ON NATIONAL TV BJHSBLJSDF, i just see messi walk in and he sees the seonghwa pc, im gone
Yep MOTH is too long, unless you're really into to the political aspects, which I like to a certain extent, but the author is dragging it. The characters need to be more fleshed out, but I can't complain since Tasir is getting a lot of attention.
see the author just needs to balance it all out, one part political, one part latil, majority on the actual harem,,, the empress webstoon could've also been like that but it honestly got boring,, LMFAOOO AS LONG AS TASIR IS IN THE PICTURE FDSHHJF
Yes, he is 🥰 //// Fuck Dior, Lego is more important! Ateez collabed with some Lego knock off though
anon... how long is that webtoon, the plot and everything, im reading this bc its that long haired hwa from ur friends dream 😭😭 YEAH LEGO >>>> DIOR,, it looks like a harry potter ft ateez collab tbh
My friend asked me three times if the track list I sent was a joke aisuiauusanjausaggaag the remixes are so random?! How tf do you even pronounce Halazia, it sounds like a Webtoon made fantasy land or... a disease. Anyways the Prologue tho aaaaaaah, Seonghwa?!?! T-posing like the Jesus himself Taemin! I told you he was giving crucifixion omg. Yeosang chained... Yunho inside the ⏳?!
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭🤚🏼 we’re all on the same boat it seems 😭😭 blue bird is my hope atm <33 UR RIGHT IT SOUNDS LIKE A FANTASY LAND but that crucifixion thing sent chillsssss 😳😳 i was so amazed IT DID LOOK LIKE A TAEMIN LORE AHKFJQKDHWK HWA TAEMIN ERA INCOMING HELLO,,, so im confused, halateez gone?? brain fried tbh
Krystal and Minho were always fighting for their lives. 2nd gen was build different in general ///// Bestie, ETL in real life sounds like a nightmare (any type of romantic relationship tbh), considering I don't wanna be in a relationship how would I survive with someone I especially dislike 😭 I'd whoop their ass /// This isn't Bob this is Wreck it Ralph lmaoooo what made him go that hard. 🤔 I haven't even seen that show and they're coming out with a new one, please STOP
NO SERIOUSLY U JUST SEE THEM DOING THE MOST RANDOM THINGS TOO?? KRYSTAL ICE SKATING MINHO RAISING A KID??? 2nd gen was so unhinged <33 no ur right, it sounds like a u realistic trope, sure rivals to lovers sounds fine but etl would just turn into enemies to wrestling,, imagine having to deal with what y/n’s deal with in etl fics??? i could never, kudos to all the y/n’s tbh <33 WRECK IT RALPH AU JCBCKCKC PLEASE DID U SEE WHAT THEY DID TO BOB 😭😭
Kai is scared of Seulgi as he should be! Are they fighting for the bear emoji or what ☠
AS HE SHOULD !!!! DESERVED !!!! i think it’s a fan made bear emoji fight 😭😭😭
TY not being a pathetic sweet little man? 😯 That's new! //// Yup I told you, BBC is scared shitless, I hope the girls are happy and they don't treat them horribly because of it... But the passive aggressive statement 🔫 - DV 💖
a pathetic little man 😭😭 submissive and breedable 😭😭 PLS FBWKDBAM i hope the girls at least get something out of it,, smelling lawsuits for january,,, wait but those who bought the album….what about them 😭😭
no he’s literally what idols should do
0 notes
aquanova99 ¡ 3 years
Choices (Embry x reader) final pt
Pt 3
A/N: feels like a weird ending if I’m being honest, but to add to that I’m never really ever happy with what I write so it is what it is
A/N: thank you to whoever had read all of these. You’re the best kind of people 💕
A/N: slight angst for Embry, lots of angst for Jacob per usual 😬
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The battle was supposed to be over by now. There was still no word from anyone in the wolfpack. The girls were all pacing around or doing something to try and get their minds off of thinking the worst. The younger wolves were patrolling nearby, or they were supposed to be until the coast was clear.
Suddenly Collin ran into Emily’s house.
“It’s all done! Everyone made it!” Everyone let out a sigh of relief, Emily and Kim began getting teary eyed. “Uhm but we should all probably head to Billy’s. Jacob was hurt.”
The girls turned to look at you. Your guts were twisting inside. It made you feel bad, but you were glad it wasn’t Embry. You didn’t want anyone to get hurt, and even though you and Jacob were constantly butting heads you still felt like you had to at least see if he was okay. The drive was quick, you heard jacobs screams as the car was pulling in. Doctor Cullen was apparently treating him, you saw the rest of the Wolfpack sitting outside. You forgot about the comforting for a moment, you needed to to check on Embry.
“Em! Oh my god—“ you couldn’t help it you began sobbing. You hadn’t realized how worried you had been.
“I promised I would make it back right?” He held you close and buried his face into your neck.
You pulled back to assess him, as if you could do anything to help. He just seemed tired maybe slightly bruised but he was okay and that’s all that mattered. You turned to see the rest of the girls doing the same, you noticed Leah was pacing back and forth. You knew her well enough to know something was bothering her. You nudged Embry,
“She’s—she’s feeling a little guilty?”
“Why, what happened?”
“Leah saw a newborn and was going to try and get it on her own, I think she still feels like she has to prove she deserves to be here but Jacob stepped in. His ribs were crushed, and doctor fang over there had to rebreak them so he could heal right.”
“But he’s going to be okay?”
“…yeah he going to be fine, just out of commission for a while.” Embry looked away from you, you could tell he was worried you were going to change your mind.
“What if, what if somethings happens when you see him. What if this makes you rethink everything?”
“Embry, tha—“
“Don’t say anything yet, just in case.”
“Okay.” You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, you knew you needed to talk to Jacob soon. You hoped nothing changed, hoped he still hated you so you wouldn’t hurt him again. You started walking up to the front door. Carlisle had apparently left as soon as he finished with Jacob, you’d been so distracted you hadn’t noticed. But walking up to Billy’s doors you were fortunate enough to have to see Bella leaving. You did not want to fight her not now, but she grabbed your arm and basically began begging
“You need to choose him.”
“Okay first, ow. Let go. Second, that’s not how this works.”
“Look, I know how we’ve both treated you. Please. I’m going to be leaving with the cullens soon, and I owe you for that. But he can’t, he can’t become like me. He was my own personal sunshine. I need to him to stay like that.”
“Bella if you care that deeply, than you stay with him. I can’t force my self if I don’t feel that way about him.”
“Just think about it, please.” She basically ran to her truck and sped off as soon as she could. She didn’t know if she was making the right choice. And now she was putting it all on you. Great.
You walked in to see Jake, you couldn’t lie to yourself it hurt to see him like that. He looked like he was expecting you to go first, so you sat next to him.
“Hey Jacob.” You shifted awkwardly, you opened you moth to speak but Jacob cut in
“Would it have made a difference?”
“Do you think it would be different if I had gone first, before Embry.”
“Honestly, I just…I don’t think so. You were always the happy one in our little friend group. But I’ve liked Embry from the moment I met. I mean even walking into class that day I thought he was really cute. And you and Quil are great but, it’s not the same. And then Bella came back and you weren’t Jacob anymore, not really.”
“I’m just always second best, I guess.”
“You don’t have to be, imprinting doesn’t have to be romantic. And no one knows maybe you will imprint again on someone else.”
“Sure. Third times a charm.”
*sigh* “Look, Jacob I don’t understand why it bothers you. You’ve never had feelings for me, this is just the imprint. It’s not love.”
“What if I did, before all this phasing stuff? What if I fell for Bella because you were all Embry talked about?” Apparently the stunned silence was exactly what he was looking for. “I’m the better choice. I was for Bella but also for you, Embry can’t protect you like I can. He shouldn’t even be one of us.”
“Look we both know we can both hit low blows so I suggest you relax with how you talk about him. I’m not going to let you be mean to me or him just because you got hurt.”
“You’re making the wrong choice.”
“Jacob, there is no choice. No choosing. It’s always been Embry. I really hope you can find your person—“
“You’re supposed to be my person.” He tried to interrupt but you were determined to be done.
“and be really, truly, happy. But I’m not that person for you. I’m sorry Bella wasn’t either.” With that you walked out, you looked at Billy on your way out. You could see he was hoping you would be the one to get Jacob to start over but what was done was done. This whole thing was exhausting you felt like it was getting hard to breathe. You didn’t want to possibly be the one who made someone spiral. You knew you were not in charge of someone else’s feelings but the guilt was eating at you the same.
The second the outside air hit your face you started running towards your car. You had to get out of there. Away from everyone staring at you with pity for both you and Jacob.
Embry was waiting by your car, it was too much. Seeing him there, looking like he had been crying himself. You threw yourself on him and the tears fell, the tears of relief earlier were nothing compared to the sobbing you were doing now. He picked you up and just placed you in the passenger seat. You knew he wanted to get you home but you didn’t want the day to end like this. You both needed to talk.
“Em, wait.” You tried to relax your breathing, “I want to go to the beach. Please.”
The drive gave you time to calm down. You were both silent, and you didn’t even want to think about what Embry was feeling. You knew he heard everything Jacob said and it made you want to cry all over again. The car came to a stop at the beach. Perfectly and shockingly empty. Neither of you moved. You looked at Embry but he couldn’t face you.
“He’s kinda right you know.” He started slowly.
“W-what are you talking about?”
“He’s stronger than me, I don’t like to think about it. But other than Sam he’s probably the strongest in the pack if not the strongest. Y/n I don’t even know if I have a home to go back to now.”
“Embry what happened? Did your mom..?”
“Ugh, I don’t know. It was a few days ago she said she can’t keep worrying if I’m going to show up at home or not. Or worrying if I’m doing something illegal. She said if I leave the house again I should just not go back.”
“Embry, I’m so sorry. It should be over now, maybe Sam can go explain—“
“There’s no point, I don’t think she’d believe him anyway and I’m not phasing in front of her.”
You waited for him to continue, “I just, I don’t want to drag you down or be the reason something happens to you.” Tears were falling down his face. You grabbed his hand.
“Look at me.” You had to wait but once he calmed enough he was able to face you. “Embry, I don’t know if I can do anything between you and your mom, I can’t promise I can fix that. I can’t promise we won’t have to face anymore dangers. But I promise, look at me I promise that I wouldn’t want to face anything without you. And I promise I’ll be here for anything and everything you need.”
“And if I can’t get out of this, what if you chose wrong. I don’t think I would be able to handle it if you regretted picking me.”
“Embry, I told Jacob and I’m telling you, it’s always been you. Nothing has changed. I love you.”
You barely got the words out before Embry grabbed your face to kiss you. It was a hungry like he was afraid if he didn’t kiss you you would disappear. “I love you too, please I don’t want to force you or make you feel like you have to stay. But please, stay with me.”
“Of course I’ll stay with you.” You kissed him this time. “Cmon I want to lay on the beach with you again.” You both got out of the car, he grabbed the blanket with one hand and your hand with his free one.
He pulled you as close as he could. So much had gone on today the stars were beginning to come out again. You both held on to this moment, not wanting it to end.
It had been months since the battle with the newborns. The cullens kept their promise and had not been heard from since. Which meant less patrols, and more time with Embry. Embry decided to not go home. He was always on edge that the vampires would come back and he would have to start lying to his mom. Instead Sue welcomed him into her home, she knew all about the legends and Seth loved having an older brother around.
Jacob never seemed to fully recover. Once his body healed he phased for months trying to find the cullens. The closest he got was Alaska but their scent completely disappeared after that. Not long after he decided to stay in his wolf form until he accepted that he had to move on. He had become Leah in a sense that he was never truly happy and liked to make Embry miserable.
Leah left la push a few years after and became happier than she had ever been. It hurt Sam to see her leave, but he was glad they both had their peace.
After a few years everyone was graduating, you and Embry had to decide on what to do. Sam never forced anyone to stay but leaving was just hard as staying put and being on edge. You both decided to stay and go to colleges nearby.
Eventually the two of you returned to la push. The two of you got a house near the rest of the pack. You had just come back from Sam and Emily’s baby shower, and you were both ready to fall asleep.
Every once in awhile Embry wild ask you the same thing, this was one of those night,
“You still don’t regret staying with me?”
“Of course not.”
“Just checking.”
“I know, babe.” You yawned and cuddled close, “you know you don’t have to ask.”
“Yeah, just something I’m always going to worry about.”
“That’s okay, I have forever to convince you otherwise.”
“I love you,” he whispered as quietly as he could. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep
“Love you too, always.”
As you drifted to sleep Embry whispering to you as he stroked your “I’m glad you’re mine. I’ll always be so grateful you chose me.” You smiled into his chest, how could you have ever chosen otherwise?
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morosemagick ¡ 2 years
For your platonic prompts, if you’re interested, what about aelfweard meeting his big sister and bonding? I just think they would be so cute
I know absolutely nothing about Aedgyth so if this is OOC my bad !!! But I did enjoy writing this so I hope you like it 😬
(I could not find a single gif of Aelfweard while using tumblrs gif search, y'all should be ashamed of yooooselves)
Out of the kindness in their hearts, the church would send someone to pray with Aelfweard.
For his sins, most likely. There are days where Aelfweard has blood on his hands put there by others... others he is not ready to think of now, is much too difficult for him to bear. He carries the betrayal of others on his shoulders, and yet he is punished for it. Not that he gets a choice in the matter. The church hopes to keep him on a godly path and not let the actions of others taint his soul.
Not that he has much else to do, he's been looked up in a royal cell but decree of his father for his betrayal.
Really, for his misguidance but how does one argue with a king? Let alone a father.
Some days monks would visit him. Others it would be priests.
Today its a nun.
And though he is not sure why, something about the holy woman looks... strangely familiar.
"Good morning, Lord," She greets him as she stands at the edge of his cage, "I am Sister Aedgyth. The church has asked me to pray with you today."
Aelfweard nods, bringing a stool with him as he walks over where she stands on the other side of the cell, "Morning, Sister."
He sits down and the sister smiles, "Is there a scripture you'd like to cover in particular?"
"It does not matter to me, whatever you deem most appropriate."
Aedgyth nods okay and opens her bible to a page of her choosing and begins to read.
So begins his visits with Sister Aedgyth.
Her one time visit becomes two, and then three, and before Aelfweard knows it she has seemly becoming his personal nun. Visiting daily to read to him and lead him in prayer.
Sometimes Aelfweard can get her to talk about things other than God. He asks her about the Kingdom and his king father. She tells him about his frustration with Northumbria, as well as his love for his new son.
Oh how quickly he's been replaced.
He asks her if she's heard news of his brother, Aethelstan, and she says she will look into it. Aedgyth is kind and caring... Almost in a motherly way but a little more subtle. Her visits give him something to look forward to everyday and the momentary feeling of normalcy it gives him.
And then one day, Aedgyth stops visiting.
A month has passes without a word, new priests and monks are sent to pray with him. He tries to ask them about Aedgyth's whereabouts but they tell him they don't know of anyone with that name. He doesn't understand, how could they not know her? They are the ones who sent her to pray with him-
Unless... they aren't.
The following day after he has this epiphany, Aelfweard waits in anticipation for the church to send someone in to pray with him in hopes that he can get some answers but no one ever comes.
Then, out of no where, someone bursts through the door.
And it's Aedgyth.
"You're back!" Aelfweard gasps as she runs to the door to his sell. Now that she's so close he can see that she is no longer dressed as a nun, and under the hood of her dark cloak he can see little stands of blonde hair peaking out, "Where have you been? I have missed you-"
"I will have to explain later, but right now we need to leave," Aedgyth pulls a ring of keys from her pocket, trying each out in search for the one that unlocks Aelfweard's cage, "I have been exposed."
"Exposed? What are you talking about?" She doesn't answer his question, too focused on finding the right key, and Aelfweard gets frustrated, "Aedgyth, I will not take a single step out of this cell if you do not tell me what is happening-"
"I am your sister and I am freeing you so we can seek revenge on those who have wronged us!" Aedgyth shouts as she finds the right key, swinging the door open for Aelfweard and huffing in frustration, "So are you coming or not?!"
Aelfweard pauses a second to take in all the information he's just been given, and then smiles, "You're my sister?"
"Ugh, yes, I am so are you coming or-"
She stops yelling when Aelfweard rushes to her side and gives her a hug, leaving Aedgyth with a confused face as it breaks.
Aelfweard smiles at her, nodding as he starts to go, "Best be on our way, right... sister?"
Aedgyth snickers, shaking her head with a pleased smirk on her face, "Yes, little brother, we should."
@lauwrite1225 @solinarimoon @emilyhufflepufftlk @trenko-heart @saint-helga @illjustgositinthecorner @blah-blah-blah-bla @magravenwrites @93xdiagonxalley @aethelreds @aelflaeds
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im-no-jedi ¡ 2 years
MLWTBB: No One Needs to Know (A Oneshot)
aka the (continued) journey into my self insert nonsense✨
story summary: Hunter is on his own for the day and decides to spend it at the parlor with Hannah, but an egotistical stranger ends up causing problems when he starts showing unwarranted interest in Hannah...
notes: this is a (small) continuation of my story, “My Life With The Bad Batch”; I highly recommend reading that first before this one! I created a few new planets for this AU. I’m also not 100% versed in SW terminology, so forgive me if some things are labeled incorrectly! lastly, there is romance in this story. hope you enjoy! 💙
add. notes: this ficlet was edited and proofread by my sis @jam-n-ham! thanks sis!! 😋💙 also, the inspo for this story was taken from this prompt list, specifically no.47✨
2400+ words, rated G (alcohol consumption, otherwise nothing bad except unwanted advances from a stranger 😬)
There weren’t many days that the Bad Batch were separated from each other, especially since they’d left the confines of the Empire. They didn’t have hardly anybody else they felt they could rely on and had grown quite close because of it. But that didn’t mean they did everything together.
This was one of those particular days where the family had separated for a little while. Tech was giving Omega some lessons on the Marauder. Wrecker was trying out a new workout routine and needed focus. Echo was taking a much needed nap up in Hannah’s apartment. And Hunter... didn’t really have any plans for the day. He was actually feeling a bit lost about how to spend his time. It was ironic considering how introverted he was; he’d gotten so used to having his family around constantly that any alone time he got almost felt wrong.
Technically, he still had one person in his family that he could hang around for the day. And it didn’t even matter if that meant spending the entire day at Cid’s. It would be worth it for her.
And so Hunter found himself hanging out at Cid’s for most of the day, mostly keeping to himself in the corner. Bolo and Ketch were there, of course, practically throwing their money at the various game machines. But other than them, hardly anybody else had come into the parlor so far. At least, none that Hunter had noticed. And like usual, he mainly kept his attention on Hannah. She wasn’t even doing much outside of keeping the bar area clean and making sure nothing happened to the game machines Bolo and Ketch were messing with. Occasionally, she would come over to check on Hunter and give him some company, which he appreciated. It was overall a fairly pleasant experience just being in the parlor on his own. With Hannah’s occasional company, of course.
At some point during the day, as Hunter was mindlessly fiddling with his vibroblade in the corner of the room, his attention was drawn to the stairwell from the sound of footsteps approaching. A humanoid figure stepped into the parlor wearing a hooded cloak, which concealed their identity. The figure pulled their hood back after entering, revealing what appeared to be a male Mirialan, or at least a hybrid. He had the tattoos of a Mirialan, but his sun-tanned skin led Hunter to believe he was more likely a hybrid than a pure Mirialan. He also carried himself with an air of arrogance uncharacteristic to a Mirialan, evidenced by how smugly he ran his hand through the messy coif of dark hair on his head.  
Like with most people, Hunter eyed this newcomer cautiously as he stepped further into the parlor. There was nothing obviously threatening about him thankfully, just the prideful swagger he so blatantly flaunted. Something like that could cause other kinds of trouble though, so Hunter at the very least kept alert to what this guy was doing. Especially after he approached the bar.
“Excuse me,” the Mirialan said with an air of arrogance that matched his demeanor. He hadn’t even sat down yet, he was just leaned against the counter on his elbows, practically acting like he owned the place. “What’s a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?”
Hannah was in the middle of cleaning one of the game machines, but her attention quickly shifted to the smug newcomer at the sound of his voice. “Oh, sorry about that! I’ll be with ya in a second.”  
The Mirialan said nothing and simply sighed loudly in response. He didn’t even notice the judgmental look Hunter was giving him from the corner of the room.
Any initial worries Hunter might’ve had were quickly beginning to fade. There was no way Hannah would put up with a guy like that without him getting his ego taken down a few notches. If she could handle Irridas back at the Prism Palace, this guy would be no sweat. Hunter could go back to fiddling with his blade for a bit without concern.
Quickly as she could, Hannah finished up what she was doing and came over to the counter, wiping her hands off on her pants. “Sorry again for the wait,” she told the Mirialan. “What can I getcha?”
The moment Hannah arrived at the bar, the Mirialan’s entire demeanor changed. It was like every smug cell in his body ramped up to max level, somehow making him even more obnoxious than before. His posture changed from slumped over the counter to throwing his shoulders back proudly and looking at Hannah with an air of admiration. “Why don’t you tell me, babe?” His voice dripped with the same swagger he carried himself with.
Hannah’s immediate response was confusion. “Umm, what?” She let out an awkward chuckle.
The Mirialan leaned against the counter again, this time resting on a single elbow and staring up at Hannah with a sly look in his eyes. “Well, they put you here for a reason, didn’t they? A gorgeous gal like you’s gotta know all the best stuff in here.”
Hannah responded with another awkward chuckle. Neither her nor the Mirialan noticed the intense stares they were receiving from Hunter. His attention had fully shifted to whatever was going on at the bar, and there was nothing that could pull him away from it now.
It went silent for a moment as Hannah tried to figure out how to respond. She clearly was trying to process the treatment she was receiving, but didn’t know how to deal with it very well. “I actually don’t drink, but thanks for the compliment.” A fake smile ran across her face, which seemed to fool the Mirialan.
“How interesting,” the Mirialan replied with a chuckle. “In that case, I’ll just take whatever you decide to give me. I’m sure it’ll be good no matter what it is.” He began to finally take a seat as he spoke, his gaze never leaving Hannah for even a second.
“Oh, uhh...” Hannah began twiddling her fingers together, a habit she did whenever she was anxious. “I’m not really comfortable with that, I kinda need to have a specific order. If that’s ok.”
The side of the Mirialan’s mouth turned up into a smirk, and he snickered. “You’re adorable. Fine.” Keeping his eyes on Hannah, he pointed to a random spot on the wall of bottles behind her. “That one then.”
A soft sigh escaped Hannah’s lips. She almost didn’t want to turn her back to this guy, but she did, still feeling his locked gaze on her from behind. As she pulled the bottle off the wall and began pouring the drink, the Mirialan continued to speak and ask her questions, much to her displeasure.
“Haven’t seen you around the city before; you new here?”
“Uhh, sort of? It’s been a few weeks, I’m not sure exactly how long...”
“Wow... lucky me for catching you so early. You finding your way around here alright, then?”
“It’s... fine...” Hannah finished preparing the drink and slid it over to the Mirialan. It almost looked like he was about to grab her hand instead of the cup, but she quickly pulled away before that happened.
“It’s a big city; pretty easy to get lost around here. Especially with all the riff-raff around, you know what I mean?” He took a big swig of the drink, somehow managing to maintain his locked gaze on Hannah.
“Yup, I definitely know what you mean...” Hannah awkwardly chuckled under her breath and began cleaning some cups to try and remain sane.
“Well, if you ever need some company or someone to show you around, I got a pretty sweet speeder bike outside with enough room for two, if you’re interested.”
Hannah’s eyes widened briefly before she looked to see the Mirialan now staring at her with blatant lust in his eyes. In all her years, she’d never received this kind of treatment before, and it was throwing her for a loop in the worst way possible. If she weren’t currently on duty at the parlor, she might’ve been able to approach the situation differently. But as it stood, she felt trapped in her circumstance.
“Th-that’s nice of you to offer,” Hannah stammered, barely able to hold back her nervousness. “But uhh, well, I... I don’t even know you...”
“Chaze,” the Mirialan responded in the smuggest tone he’d used so far. “Call me Chaze. And what can I call you, gorgeous?”
A shaky breath left Hannah’s throat. She was at the point where she either wanted to deck this guy in the face or just run away, but she couldn’t do either. Then her eyes suddenly drifted to a familiar figure in the corner of the room. She’d almost forgotten he was there. But even in the low light, it was obvious Hunter was absolutely seething. It almost looked like he was about to slice his own fingers off with how aggressively he was handling his blade. Hannah suddenly didn’t feel that nervous anymore and cleared her throat before returning her attention to Chaze.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not really obligated to talk about myself while on duty. I’ve already said too much honestly. I might get in trouble if I say anything else.”
Chaze let out a chuckle and leaned in closer to Hannah. “Relax, no one needs to know,” he said in a more hushed tone. “And if it’s that much of an issue, then we can wait until you get outta here to... get to know each other better.” His mouth curled up into a smirk again as he seductively bit his lower lip.
Before Hannah could even respond, another presence was suddenly at the bar, just a couple seats over from Chaze. “Hey,” said the familiar voice of Hunter. “Can I get a drink?”
Hannah couldn’t help herself and actually let out a sigh of relief before turning her full attention to Hunter. “Sure, what do you want?” She gave him a coy look and leaned against the counter on one hand. “The usual?”
Hunter returned the coy look and nodded. “You know what I like.”
A genuine smile spread across Hannah’s face as she got to work preparing Hunter’s drink. Once it was ready, she found Hunter leaned against the counter on one arm, facing Chaze’s direction. He wasn’t directly looking at Chaze, but it was obvious what he was trying to do, and Hannah had to bite her lip to hold back a snicker.
“Did you add some extra sweetness into this?” Hunter asked after taking a sip of his drink.
Hannah nodded and said, “Thought you might like it better that way.”
“Well, like usual, you were right.” Hunter leaned forward more and gave Hannah a sly smirk, which made her giggle. “Oh, uhh...” He leaned forward even further and began speaking in a more hushed tone. “We still goin’ to the market later? Just you and me?”  
Hannah’s heart actually fluttered at the question, even though she knew it was just for show. She leaned in closer, just inches from Hunter’s face, and spoke just loud enough that Chaze might hear. “Honey, you know I’m not supposed to talk about this stuff while I’m working.” She pretended to become embarrassed and held her own face in her hands.
Hunter briefly looked to make sure Chaze was watching before reaching out and taking one of Hannah’s hands in his own. “Relax,” he said in a loud whisper. “No one needs to know.”
The reactions Hannah gave were no longer an act, and her face broke out into a deep flush as she giggled incessantly. Then she finally decided to look at Chaze to see what he was doing. Unsurprisingly, he looked outright grumpy as he swirled his drink around in his hand and took an aggravated sip of it. He was clearly trying to come across like he wasn’t paying attention, but not doing a good job of hiding it.
“Hey Chaze,” Hannah called out to him. “You need anything else? Or are you good?” She had to bite her lip again to stop herself from snickering.
Chaze irritatingly drummed his fingers on the counter for a moment before responding. “I’m good, thanks.” He said nothing else and finished off his drink, then stood up from his seat with a loud huff. It was obvious his pride was hanging on by a thread, and he ran his hand through his hair with his chest puffed out like some sort of bird before strutting out of the parlor.
Once Chaze was gone, Hannah let out another sigh of relief and practically collapsed onto the counter. Hunter kept his gaze at the doorway and shook his head in disbelief. “Prick...” He took a sip of his drink and let out a sigh of his own before turning back to Hannah again. “You good?”
Muffled snickering could be heard, followed by Hannah throwing her head back in boisterous laughter. “Honestly, that could’ve gone so much worse, oh my gosh... you’ve gotten better at the acting bits!”
“Thanks,” Hunter replied. It was taking everything in him to not admit he was only partially acting. “Does that often happen to you?” His tone was laced with concern.
“Thankfully, no,” Hannah responded with a scoff. “At least, not to that degree, good grief...”
Hunter shook his head again as his signature scowl appeared on his face. “Well, you let me know if it does again. Especially if it’s that bastard.” He took another sip of his drink, this time with more aggravation.
“Sure thing, Sarge,” Hannah teased as she gave him a fake salute. She laughed at herself before adding, “seriously though... thanks. You didn’t have to do that.”
Hunter let out a breath through his nose and set his cup down. “Yeah... but I wanted to.”
A big smile crept across Hannah’s face and she giggled again, unable to hide her gratitude. Then Hunter suddenly turned sheepish and looked down into his cup for a moment. “You know,” he started, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “I was actually planning on taking Omega down to the market to get some things. If you want, we can wait until your shift is over... if you wanna join us, that is.”
Once again, Hannah’s heart fluttered in her chest, but more this time because she knew Hunter’s question was genuine. “I would love that,” she replied eagerly.
Hunter couldn’t hide how happy he was to hear that. Coming to Cid’s for the day had definitely been worth it.
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