#I can write more than smut
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Day 3 of @subcodyweek - Prompt: Praise kink
They didn't train him for this on Kamino.
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
You teased 1 for the smut prompt for AkkAyan in your last fic. They won’t go straight to hell for road head if the car is parked
Ah, yes. You found the loophole. I actually really like how this one turned out so I hope you do as well 🫶🏻 Word Count: 1600ish
{going} down on them in the backseat of a car     
Aye was drunk—pleasantly so, but drunk nevertheless. They were at a bar celebrating Kan’s twenty-first birthday, but Aye had lost interest in the party. In fact, he seemed to have lost interest in everything that wasn’t Akk. He was sidled up next to him in the half of the booth they shared and he had his chin tucked flirtatiously over his shoulder. Every time Akk’s attention dared to wander over to their friends for even a second, Aye’s hand would start to snake its way up his thigh.
The third time this happened, Akk clamped his hand down on Aye’s and listened as he giggled.
“Not here,” he hissed into Aye’s ear. Aye shivered as if his words were foreplay and not a genuine admonishment.
“Then where?” he asked.
“At home,” Akk answered. Where respectable people had sex. Obviously.
Aye pouted up at him, his eyes wide and forlorn. “But I don’t want to wait that long.”
“Well, you’re going to have to.”
“Please, Akk. Don’t make me.” He fluttered his eyelashes as if he thought that might help curry Akk's favor and then his hand started to drift up Akk’s thigh once more… 
Akk was done. He couldn’t take this anymore. He stood, causing Aye, whose head had still been resting on his shoulder, to tip sideways into the booth.
“We’re leaving,” he announced to the table at large, holding a hand out to help Aye up. Aye beamed. “Happy Birthday, Kan.”
“Happy Birthday, Kan!” Aye agreed, addressing the birthday boy for the first time in an hour. Akk didn’t give him a chance to say anything more. He grabbed his boyfriend by the hand and dragged him out of the bar before he could embarrass either of them further.
“Where are we going?” Aye asked eagerly as they stepped out into the parking lot. There were a few people milling about, but for the most part, everyone was still inside. The heavy bass from the live band carried out into the night.
“I’m taking you home.”
“But I don’t want to go home,” Aye whined, grinding suddenly to a halt and refusing to let Akk drag him any further. 
Akk sighed, coming to a stop a few steps ahead of him. “Well then where do you want to go?”
“I want to have sex,” Aye said as if Akk might have forgotten.
“Yes,” Akk agreed. “At home. Where I’m taking you.” 
Akk tried to continue walking, but Aye still refused to move. “I don’t want to wait until we get home.”
“Then you can jerk off in the car. Now, come on.”
This time, Aye followed him, but he didn’t seem happy about it. He stomped along behind him like an insolent child.
Akk took the keys out of his pocket to unlock his car door, but before he could even press the button, Aye—in a burst of speed and agility Akk hadn’t thought him capable of in his current inebriated state—shook Akk’s grip from his wrist, snatched the keys from his hand, and ran around the car to jump in the backseat on the other side like they were playing some drunken game of tag. Akk was so surprised by the sudden burst of energy that he made no move to stop him. He just stood there, cursing his luck.
Aye slid over to his side of the car and grinned at him through the window.
“Aye, give me the keys,” Akk demanded, trying to sound stern. Aye giggled and shook his head, clearly not intimidated. “Aye, come on. Please. I can’t drive without the keys.” Aye giggled some more and then patted the back seat next to him in offering, silently asking Akk to join him inside. And what else was Akk supposed to do at this point? He had to get his keys back somehow. So he opened the car door and climbed inside.
“Now what?” he asked stubbornly. He needn’t have. Aye made his intentions perfectly clear when, as soon as the car door swung shut behind him, he pressed his lips to Akk’s. 
Akk immediately pushed him away, his cheeks burning. “Aye, no. We can’t,” he said, looking out the window in search of anyone who might be watching. No one was. Aye cocked his head in confusion.
“Why not?” he asked in a whisper.
“Because we’re in a car!”
Aye waited for him to say more, but when he didn’t, he snorted. “Oh, stop being such a prefect,” he said, and then he kissed him again. This time—either because of the challenge in Aye’s voice or simply desire—Akk kissed him back.
Even drunk, Aye was a good kisser. So good, in fact, that Akk was starting to think he might not be as drunk as he let on. He tangled his fingers in Akk’s hair, kissed him deeply, and for a few moments, it was sweet. Innocent, even. And then Aye’s fingers found the zipper of Akk’s pants.
“Aye,” Akk warned.
“I’ll be quick,” Aye said, quieting him with a kiss.
And in his defense, he was quick. Within seconds, Akk’s pants were undone and Aye was breaking their kiss to pull them down just far enough for his cock to spring free.
“Aye, seriously. We can’t—”
“I’m going to suck your dick now,” Aye interrupted bluntly, and then, without another word, he leaned down and took Akk into his mouth.
“Fuck,” Akk groaned, looking frantically out the window, expecting to find someone staring back at him through the pane—a witness to his sins—but although there were still people moseying about, none were close enough to see them. Still, knowing they were there, just on the other side of the glass? It made him feel like he was being watched. His blood caught fire.
Aye smirked around his dick, pleased to have finally quieted his arguments, and then he took him deeper.
The back seat of Akk’s car was cramped. Akk was on one side, half-turned toward Aye with his head resting back against the cool window behind him. Aye was sprawled out on the other, his ass in the air as he bent down to suck Akk’s cock like it was the reason he had been put on this earth. There was no stopping him now—not because Aye wouldn’t if he asked, but because Akk no longer wanted to. Like Aye said, his best hope was to get it over with quickly. Preferably before they were arrested for public indecency. 
So he tangled his fingers in Aye’s hair and began showing him exactly how he wanted to be pleasured. Aye was a fast learner. He sped up at Akk’s instruction, leaving Akk free to just lean back, close his eyes, and enjoy it. But the closer he got to the edge, the more he realized it wasn’t enough to just sit passively by as Aye did all the work. He wanted Aye to feel the thrill of exposure too.
“Goddamn it,” he cursed under his breath. What had this boy done to his sense of decorum? "You're going to kill me one of these days, you know that?"
He reached down, feeling blindly for the front of Aye’s pants, and although the angle wasn’t great, Aye was aroused enough that it wasn’t difficult to find his erection and massage him through his jeans. Aye thrust into his hand, just as hungry as Akk was, but Akk couldn't figure out how to unbuckle Aye's belt one-handed.
When Aye realized what he was trying to do, he reached down to help. Soon, he was shimmying out of his pants without ever once breaking his rhythm on Akk’s cock. Once his dick was finally free, Akk licked his palm and used his saliva as lube to begin stroking Aye in time to his racing heartbeat. It felt woefully inadequate compared to the warm, wet heat of Aye's mouth, but he did what he could.
“Fuck,” Akk hissed as Aye swallowed him down so deep that he could feel his cock pressed against the back of his throat. “Yeah. Just like that.”
Aye smirked up at him from his lap and then grabbed Akk’s hand and tangled it back in his hair, silently asking Akk to do what he had done before. To guide him. To use him however he wanted.
And so Akk did.
He held Aye still as he fucked into his mouth and in the quiet of the night, all he could hear were the sounds of his own moans echoing overtop their lovemaking and it was so loud in the small space, so intimate, that he knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. With a few final thrusts, he came down Aye’s throat.
As soon as he was completely spent, Akk collapsed back against the window breathing heavily as Aye cleaned his cock with his tongue. Once he was done, he smiled up at him, his eyes sparkling with happiness despite his swollen lips.
Akk couldn’t help himself. He lunged for Aye, pushing him down onto the other side of the back seat and kissing him fiercely. He reached for Aye’s still-hard cock and began stroking him in earnest once more.
“Akk,” Aye moaned, not even trying to keep quiet. The sound of his name on Aye’s lips excited him. How had he gotten so lucky? What had he done to deserve someone like Aye? Aye was still the only person who could get him out of his head. The only person who could convince him to be reckless and spontaneous and wild. The only person who could convince him to live.
Aye came all over himself, Akk’s hand, and the back seat of his car and Akk stared down at the mess with a defeated sigh as Aye laughed.
“This is your fault,” Akk said.
“Not this time,” Aye said lazily. “You should have been a good boy and swallowed like I did.”
Akk feigned smacking him with the hand still covered in come and Aye laughed again. But Akk wasn’t mad. Not really. Aye was more than worth the mess.
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pintsizeninja · 3 months
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Bonus gif:
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Bonus bonus gif (thank you @katyenna for this delicious food):
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iloveacronix · 1 month
Sighhh. Dear mutuals. Please stop sending me smut fanfictions, ESPECIALLY the ILLUSTRATED ONES, when you know damn well I'm less than 18, know my SPECIFIC age, and KNOW I do not feel comfortable with smut.
I am VERY uncomfortable when you do this and you, as someone older than me, should know better. I do NOT care if you like the ship, I do NOT care if you think its good, I DONT WANT TO FUCKING READ IT, and I DONT WANT YOU SENDING ME LINKS TO THAT SHIT. I AM NOT INTO IT, BUT SOMETIMES IM CURIOUS AND IT DISGUSTS ME. LIKE COULD YOU NOT?? I do not mind if you mention the word it's not specific at ALL, but if you are going to fully talk about it DETAILED OUT shut up. I don't want to hear it. Don't want to read it. And I do not want to see it. Also don't have the crappy mindset where you think that suddenly because we're mutuals it means we're bestie best friends and you feel privileged to send me inappropriate shit, because that's not how it works. None of you, AND I MEAN NONE OF YOU, are "PriViLEgEd" to send me smut FICS or links, and it will never happen because im not looking forward to reading it. Don't use that excuse again. You know who you are.
So please. Stop. This is the third time. I don't care if you're a friend, if you send me smut FICS or links WITHOUT WARNING, I'm blocking you. I blocked two people already for it, I can do it many more times. Your bullshit only makes me feel more fucking tired and reluctant to make more online friends. So stop. When I say I'm a kid(not that young but still) on my bio, I'm serious. It doesn't matter if it's "just a written story and it's not a big deal," it is for me because it just shows me how much of a freak you are to have the audacity to show it to a minor THAT HAS ALREADY "SAID I DO NOT WANT TO READ SMUT."
Thank you. Good day.
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strangersatellites · 1 year
pride, envy, sloth, gluttony, greed, lust, ao3
Seven Deadly Sins Series (NSFW 18+)
wrath (noun): uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, and even hatred. wrath often reveals itself in the wish to seek vengeance. in its purest form, wrath presents with injury, violence, and hate
cw: rough sex, unhealthy relationships, blood, unsafe sex, choking, slapping, dacryphilia, angst (????) on accident, probably more tbh they genuinely fucking hate each other in this universe
This thing they’d had going on for three months now really had started off fun.
It started out soft and sweet. Stolen kisses in the back of The Hideout, quick, messy blowjobs in the backseat of Steve’s car, booty calls late at night when one or the other couldn’t sleep.
He can’t really identify what went wrong or when. All Steve knows is that the butterflies that he used to get when Eddie came around have turned and twisted into something sharp and heavy. Now when they’re within earshot of each other it's all biting insults and low-blows.
Somewhere along the line, the happiness that Eddie planted in his heart morphed into bitter resentment. But Steve’s nothing if not self-sacrificial, and the sex was too good to give up. Who is he to deny himself of the only good thing Eddie has left to offer him? So now he finds himself shoved into bar bathrooms and left high and dry, bruises mottled up and down his chest and dark bags under his eyes from a fitful sleep. Somehow he’s convinced himself it's better than nothing.
On nights where he can’t shake the memory of Eddie’s lips on his and his heart fluttering pretty and soft, he goes out. 
He goes out to a seedy club and he finds someone that he won’t remember the name of in the morning and he tries anything to clear his mind. Nothing’s ever as good.
Tonight he’s found himself a few beers deep and tracing water stains on the bar top at some place he’s never been just outside of town. He’d spent the last ten minutes or so talking to a guy that looked like he’d show him a good enough time. Dark, curly hair cut so that it flopped down into his face, pretty blue eyes that went a shade darker when they looked Steve over, and a shirt cut low enough that Steve could see ink swirl across his collarbones in vines and leaves. 
Steve thinks his name is Adam, but he wasn’t really listening and still really isn’t. He’s found that a few soft laughs and hums while guys talk is usually enough to feign interest long enough to coax them to a bathroom. 
This guy, Adam maybe, is about two seconds away from dragging him there himself, he can tell. It’s written all over his body language. Steve smiles his prettiest smile and flutters his eyelashes.
But as soon as he opens his mouth to purr something like “Do you want to get out of here?” There are strong arms snaking around his waist and teeth scraping at his throat and Steve’s blood runs hot in an instant. He’s well-accustomed to it no longer being a good sensation.
Steve shoves his elbow back with as much force as he can muster and it all goes red before he even hears his chuckle.
“Strike out again, Harrington? I made it just in time then, huh sweetheart,” Eddie coos in a tone dripping with condescension.
He’s on his feet and shoving at Eddie’s chest with enough force he knows it’ll bruise, sees it knock the wind out of him a bit. Gets right up in his face and would do anything to rip that self-satisfied smirk right off of it.
“You miserable fucking prick,” he spits, uncaring of the way Eddie flinches back the tiniest bit. “I was not striking out, and I never am! And yet here you come acting like you’re saving some damsel in distress when it’s you crawling back to me. Every. Single. Time,” he punctuates with jabs to his chest. 
Eddie’s smile doesn’t leave as he huffs a laugh. His tongue swipes across sharp, sharp teeth and he leers at Steve with narrowed eyes. Predatory in a way Steve liked once upon a time but now makes him want to punch out his teeth. He’s got his hands in his pockets and he looks entirely too comfortable with the fact that he just ruined Steve’s night. Again.
“God, sweetheart. You’re so wound up,” he whispers, face pinching up in faux concern. He brings his hands up to smooth down Steve’s biceps and digs his fingers in tight enough that he doesn’t budge with Steve’s attempts at shaking him off. “Tell me. When was the last time someone fucked you good enough that you remembered his name the next morning, now be honest.” He leans in close and that smirk is back and Steve hates it. “You can say it was me, honey. It’ll be our little secret.” 
And Steve’s seeing red again because he’s right. 
It was him. It’s always him and probably always will be. 
He gets back up in his space once more and makes sure he’s looking at his eyes when he whispers a sharp “Fuck. You.”
And it's only for a split second but he swears he sees hurt flash through brown eyes. Gone in an instant and replaced with a real, raw indifference that Steve thinks might be worse. 
He feels a hand at the back of his neck and Eddie’s lips brush his ear. 
“Yours or mine?”
And it was always going to go like this. Steve’s not under any illusions. Knew this time wouldn’t be different. But it still stings the way that he knows in an alternate universe that question might’ve been accompanied with giggles and a kiss. 
But then he remembers the way that Eddie looked so proud when Steve first said he hated him and the rage is back ten-fold.
He turns on his heel and knows he’s being followed.
“Yours. Don’t want you in my fucking house.”
Steve’s got Eddie’s wrists pinned to the wall above his head and his teeth raking down his neck. Wants to leave a mark. A memory. 
He hears Eddie gasp as Steve’s hips shove hard against his own and he shoves harder in retaliation.
“Remember when you used to kiss me?” Steve asks, Eddie’s breath against his face enough to pull some bricks from the walls he’s spent months building.
He feels more than hears Eddie’s hum. Feels his knee come up to shove him backwards until he’s the one pressed against the wall, face turned sideways and arms pinned behind his back.
“Yeah sweetheart.” He leans in to bite at Steve’s ear and make him hiss.
Steve’s grinning, ugly and mean when he grits out “Worst decision of my fucking life.”
But now Eddie’s the one smirking, he can hear it when he speaks. “Mine too. Liked my life a lot better when I didn’t know what you taste like.”
Steve aims for the shin when he bucks a foot backwards, nails it if Eddie’s grunt is anything to go by. He spins around and shoves at Eddie hard enough to send them both to the floor, grateful for a second the fact that his muscle mass makes it easy to manhandle his way into what he wants. 
He laughs, loud and fake. “Now see, that I just don’t believe, Eddie.” He’s got his eyebrows raised high and pout on his lips and he knows what’s coming and he relaxes into it.
And yeah maybe Steve’s strong, but Eddie knows him. Knows when his guard is down. He gets his knees up around Steve’s hips and flips them over, Steve’s back against the ground and there’s the fury Steve’s been after. Been trying to bring it out all night.
Eddie’s got a ringed hand pressed tight against Steve’s throat when he finally lets himself feel. Feel good the way only Eddie can make him. Lets the fight drain out of him as his vision goes spotty. Eddie’s spitting words in his face, “Do you ever shut the fuck up?” and saliva into his mouth and it’s so bad-good.
His next breath is heaving as he comes back down and Eddie’s already standing and walking away. 
“Get up. I don’t have all night.”
And now that he’s got Eddie mad, got him fired up, he knows he can let himself go. Lets himself fall even though he knows Eddie’s not going to catch him. Thinks it's worth it until it's not. Until tomorrow when he remembers the way he and Eddie won’t look at each other when their friends are around. They way they don’t talk.
Because this is how it's always going to go. He’s going to let Eddie rile him up, make his sharp, heavy butterflies flutter out in words he thinks he doesn’t really mean. He’s going to push and push and push until Eddie breaks. And even though he started it, Eddie always will. Break, that is. He’ll break out of his self-assured, indifferent asshole persona and he’ll turn into something real and mean. Someone that hates Steve back. 
Steve thinks it shouldn’t feel as good as it does.
There’s nothing gentle about the way Eddie stretches him open. The way he smacks the inside of Steve’s thigh hard enough it leaves a welt the shape of his hand. 
He’s got two fingers inside him and Steve feels so good and he can’t help but talk. Head thrown back, words fall from his lips between desperate moans. 
“Hate you so fucking much.”
A smack to his ass and a dejected huff. 
“Yeah. I know you do sweetheart."
Steve groans in annoyance but his back arches all the same.
“Hate it when you call me that.”
And he’s not looking but he knows Eddie is rolling his eyes. 
“I know you do, baby.”
And there’s tears pricking at the back of his eyes because sure he really does hate this man. Really does think he’d have been better off never meeting him. But all he can hear when Eddie calls him “baby” is the way he used to say it through laughter against his skin.
He knows he’s pouting but he thinks he deserves it with the bitter memories he’s fighting away. “Hate that even worse.”
Eddie pulls his fingers out and crawls up his body to squeeze at his cheeks until he fishmouths.
“I know. Now shut up and stop crying. You wanted me mean and you’ve fucking got it baby.”
Steve gasps high in his throat when Eddie grabs him by his hips and flips him onto his belly and something about this flavor of anger Eddie’s wearing sets Steve off again. But this time his anger isn’t a facade. It's raw and real and it's hurt that got brushed aside and became something else entirely.
“Hate what we could’ve been. Hate that I hate you.” He says into a pillow.
He hears Eddie groan and not in a good way. In the way he does when he’s annoyed. He feels his weight lay over his back and his hand on the inside of his thigh yanking upward and open.
“Well I hate that you don’t know when to stop talking." He grits out and the pressure as he presses inside Steve is enough to make him white out.
By the time he builds up a bruising rhythm, punching Steve’s breath out of him on every thrust, he’s talking again.
“Could’ve given you everything you wanted sweetheart,” and his tone is so patronizing, “But it just wasn’t fucking enough was it?”
And Steve’s barely holding on to his consciousness through the pressure deep in his guts and the hand pressing the back of his neck down, down, down. But he’s still got enough wherewithal that that strikes a chord.
Because no, having Eddie behind closed doors wasn’t enough. And Eddie knows that. He knows how that hurt him and chooses to use it against him anyway.
His voice is muffled into the pillow and broken up by whimpers and whines but he speaks anyway.
“Well it wasn’t my– shit, so good. Wasn’t my pride that got in the way.”
Eddie’s hips slow to a deep grind and freeze pressed to the hilt.
The hand at the back of Steve’s neck slides to the front and yanks him up on his knees, pressed against Eddie’s chest.
His chest is heaving where its plastered to Steve’s back and his voice rumbles through them both.
“Maybe not. But it was you that kept your mouth shut and made it my fault.”
Steve goes to argue but gets cut off by the sharp stinging of teeth breaking the skin against his shoulder blade. His breath goes ragged on a shriek and his vision whites out around the edges. Eddie’s shoving him back down, ass-up and face smushed sideways. His hand slips up and pries his mouth wide open and shoves in hard, stopping anything he could possibly say. Steve’s eyes are wide where he’s staring, gone glassy and wet.
“And it looks like now you don’t know how to do that, do you baby?” He asks.
And he’s got his fingers down his throat and his dick shoved deep.
There’s blood dripping from his teeth in that sharp, bitter smile. And he’s so pretty. And Steve hates him.
He chokes around his fingers on a sob as Eddie picks up his pace again.
Hates that it feels so good.
Hates that he comes back for this.
Hates that Eddie’s right.
Because maybe he can’t pinpoint when or where things went south, but he knows it has everything to do with the way he started needing more and not asking for it. Knows Eddie was letting him figure it out on his own. And instead of just going for it, he knows he started blaming.
So maybe he does hate Eddie. Hates him for the way he didn’t push him when he knew he needed it. Hates that he still uses him like this. 
But he really hates himself. Because he could’ve had what he wanted but he didn’t take it.
(Hates that tomorrow he’ll forget this all again, too far in his head and in the feeling of Eddie taking what he wouldn’t give. He’ll forget it all and go back to hating him again.)
A sharp smack to the outside of his thigh brings him barreling back down into reality and it's Eddie’s words that send him hurdling into release.
“Here you fucking go again with the crying. God I hate that you’re so fucking pretty.”
Steve hates that that’s what does it for him. Hates that his crying is what does it for Eddie. Hates the way he’s filled up and will have to go home messy, the way Eddie pulls out of him and throws him his clothes.
He hears the flick of a lighter and Eddie’s heavy inhale from far away.
“I assume you can show yourself out.”
As Steve pulls his shirt over his head and wipes the tear tracks from his face he thinks “Yeah. This is why I hate him.”
And from the other side of the room Eddie thinks that if Steve would say half of the things that run through his mind with Eddie inside him, maybe they wouldn’t hate each other at all.
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vaya-writes · 1 year
Plus Two
So this is more than a bit indulgent, and I don't know how well it would be received, and I totally had to create some new characters just to make this scenario work but!!! If you're looking for something to read here is a reader insert fic of you attending a gala with the worlds (@eldritch-spouse's) most emotionally constipated demon (don't worry it's by design). You scheme against said demon's entitled and rude ex to make her look bad in front of everyone, attend a gala with Mervin, and then fuck nasty with him in a semi public place afterwards. Enjoy <3
M demon x F reader. 8500 words. Context required? Not really. Just that he's like that on purpose. Divider by firefly-graphics.
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Mervin is visiting his mother. 
It’s... frustrating, to say the least. 
 You’re sitting in the kitchen, watching Obie cook. He wanted you as a taste tester, but honestly, you’re not very helpful. Many of the small tweaks he’s making to his dishes go above your head.  
Katia is asleep upstairs. Ludwig is elsewhere. It makes you wonder why the pride demon is pacing around the kitchen, obviously getting in his brother’s way. You get the sense he’s waiting for somebody to ask what’s wrong. 
Thankfully, Obie picks up on the mood. “So, why the stick?” 
Mervin stops, drawn from his thoughts. “What?” 
“The stick up your ass. Who put it there?” 
Mervin scowls and resumes his pacing. Then lets out a huff and joins you at the table. He crosses his arms. Mutters under his breath. You think you catch the name he says. 
Obie snorts. “Should have guessed.” 
You glance at Mervin. “Who’s that?” 
He grits his teeth. “Not your business, human.” 
You shrug, but Obie turns with a smirk. “His girlfriend.” 
“Not my girlfriend, corkscrew.” He’s just as scathing towards his brother. 
Obie turns back to the stove. “You might not guess it, but my dearest brother doesn’t have many friends.” 
“No?” You feign shock. 
Obie grins. “No. But he does have one. Kind of. Stasia. So, whenever Merv is pressured into attending some event or gala, or whatever they do over in Pride, he has to take a date or risk looking like a dolt.” 
“And he takes Stasia.” 
“And he takes Stasia. Well, he invites her. And she says yes. And then, always the night before, she says no. And then sometimes she says yes again. It’s hard to keep track. Regardless, Merv always works himself into a tizzy when she says she won’t attend, and then shows up anyway.” 
You glance at Mervin. He’s fuming at the explanation but doesn’t dispute any of it. 
“She sounds like a piece of work.” 
“She is.” 
You turn to Mervin, who looks more miserable than usual. “So, what do you usually do?” 
He rests his head on the table and doesn’t reply. 
“Sometimes he cancels. Can’t do that too often though, or risk looking like a recluse. One time he found another date.” Obie frowns. “Somehow. But then Stasia showed up and embarrassed the fuck out of her.” 
You wince.  
“He usually goes alone. Sometimes Stasia swoops in like nothing is wrong and they’re meant to be together. Other times she doesn’t show, and my dearest brother is left to roam the event by himself.” 
“Why do we even have these parties,” Mervin mutters. 
“Here, here,” you can’t help but agree. “Even working at them was boring.” 
Mervin turns his face towards you, raises his brow. “You’ve been to a gala before? I refuse to believe it.” 
Your nose crinkles. “I did security for a few. They were human events, mind you.”  
Mervin grunts, turning his face back down. 
You kind of pity him. The demon doesn’t even bother sitting up straight – the event must weigh heavily on him. “So, are these parties exclusive?” 
He shrugs. “This one’s for mid-ranked Pride. The especially wealthy demons. Might be some others there as plus ones.” 
You raise your brow. “I thought you lot grew up in the common rings.”  
“We did.” 
“Without a lot of wealth.” 
Mervin curls his lip at the perceived dig, and sits up. “They started inviting me after they recognised my exceptional skills. I’ve worked for many influential demons in Pride, thank you very much, and as such have a very robust income.” 
You appease him with a gentle smile. “I don’t doubt you deserve to be there, Mervin. I was just curious as to how it came about.” 
He lifts his chin. “Good. I suppose even a human can recognise talent such as mine.” 
“How would everyone react if you brought a human as your date?” 
He grimaces, “you mean to imply I should bring you?” 
“I mean to offer my company if you don’t want to turn up alone. I could even help you get some petty catharsis over Stasia, if you’d like.” 
He looks at you, more sharply. But considers. “I don’t know. You’d be a bit of a novelty, I imagine.” 
You feign indignance. “I’m famous, you know.” 
He doesn’t look impressed. “Infamous. Topside. Nobody in Perdition knows who you are.” 
“Ah, yes, precisely why I’m hiding at your mum’s house.” 
His expression sours for a moment. But the longer he considers, the lighter it becomes. “It might be interesting. Taking a human to a gala,” he mutters to himself, “if a little demeaning.” 
“Not too demeaning, I hope. I’ll be there to make you look good. Being polite to Stasia, using lovely manners, mindlessly rambling about how amazing you are to anyone I pass. Easy.” 
He has to try to keep the scowl on his face, but you can tell he’s seriously considering the offer. 
“You’re vastly underestimating the danger of this evening.” 
He’s right. But you can’t help but straighten. Rise to the challenge. “And you’re underestimating my ability to turn on the charm.” You give him a sweet little smile. “Besides, you’ll be there to protect me.” 
He sneers. “You’re just bored.” 
“I'm having a pleasant afternoon with Obie.” You lower your chin. “But, yes, I haven’t left the house for days. It’d be incredibly charitable of you to take me as your plus one.” You blast him with another pretty smile and lighten your tone. “It’s a shame your date had a last-minute emergency and had to cancel, but I’m so very fortunate you were generous enough to bring me along. A truly serendipitous turn of events.” 
He keeps his face blank as he mulls over your excuse. Weighs the pros and cons. Before, ultimately, shrugging. “Let’s see how you clean up, first. I doubt your clothes will be of high enough calibre.”  
He plays it cool, but you know you’ve won. 
Mervin is right, and you don’t bother disputing it. You have a bag of stage clothes that are marginally prettier than your casual wear, but none of them are formal. Some of your accessories might be of use – the lingerie, or perhaps the stockings – and you have multiple pairs of sandals and boots. But what you wear will ultimately be decided by your escort.  
“You don’t have anything black tie. These might pass as black tie optional,” he mutters to himself, rifling through your clothes in a way that would probably offend most women. “We should head to Pride. I’ve a place you can dress at. Your makeup supplies are passable, but I’m going to have to take you shopping for a decent dress.” 
You don’t complain. It’s been a while since anyone bought you nice clothes. You wave goodbye to Obie as Mervin whisks you away. And before long you’re in another ring entirely. 
You hadn’t been to Pride yet. You’d worked in multiple rings, sure, but standards in this one tended to sit a little higher than you could provide. It’s affluent, with the streets laid out in a way that demonic urban planners no doubt agonised over. Mervin leads you straight to a commerce district, dragging you by the wrist in and out of boutiques and dress shops. 
He barks orders at imps and attendants, listing off dress styles and materials. Very few meet his standards, though several he does make you try on. You almost get a headache listening to store owners bragging about their stock; the quality of their goods. Even if hearing other demons sound so similar to Mervin makes you want to laugh at first. 
“What are you wearing tonight,” you ask him. 
He pulls out his phone and shows you a photo. The suit is high end, in his usual colours. You’re not surprised. 
He listens to your input over the dresses, for which you’re grateful. You choose the colour you think will match Mervin’s outfit best; a purple so dark it appears black.  
Then finally, you’re heading back to his place, three new dresses in tow. You’re not sure how you managed to pick not one but three (three!) gala dresses in the space of one afternoon, but Mervin had insisted on purchasing them all, some excuse about their iffy quality and you needing alternative options.  
Once at his place, you let him fuss over the dresses and dig through your accessories again, while you look at your other equipment. A glance at Mervin reveals he’s still in his casual wear, sai crossed over his back. “So, is this an open carry event, or..?” 
His gaze cuts to you, where you’re looking over your weapon holsters. His lip curls. “No. It’s not.” 
A thigh sheath it is, then. 
“You really think that’s going to help you here? You should let me worry about safety. I doubt you’ll be able to take care of yourself.” 
You give the demon a too bright smile. “I don't go anywhere without my family jewels. Have you picked a dress yet?”  
Conversation successfully redirected, Mervin ushes you to his bathroom, pushing you the dress of his choosing. It’s certainly elegant, with slits up the thighs, a cinched waist, and most the skin above your cleavage on display. The fabric is silky, and feels nice against your skin. 
When you step out to show him the fit, Mervin is silent. You wait for him to voice an opinion. 
The dress looks good. You look good. You know it.  
Mervin only scoffs. “I need to get ready. I assume you can finish dressing without any hand holding.” He turns for his room, almost slamming the door behind him.  
You assume his weird behaviour has something to do with his prideful nature. He hadn’t disparaged your appearance, so it probably passes.  
You spend the next half hour applying the finishing touches. Braiding your hair into an updo. Masterfully applying makeup. Pulling on a garter belt and stockings and choosing which of your knives to holster. You’re lacing up your sandals when Mervin emerges from his room again, dressed in a suit.  
He pushes a box towards you. “Put it on. I don’t want people thinking my plus-one looks plain.” 
It’s a jewellery box. Inside lies an intricate necklace of silver, dotted with indigo gems. A discrete glance reveals they match the rings Mervin wears.  
You can’t hold back your smile. Regardless of meaning, the gesture is sweet. “Thank you, Mervin. It’s beautiful. You have good taste.” 
You struggle with the necklace until Mervin ‘tsks’ and steps behind you to help with the clasp.  
“You’re a sweetheart,” you grin up at him. 
He shakes his head, before looking away quickly. “And you’re useless. Honestly. Who can’t put on a simple necklace?” 
You pick up on the deflection. It’s almost cute. You decide to needle at him some more. “Me, apparently. Thank you for helping. I’m sure this would take ages without you.” 
He looks down his nose at you. Perhaps you overdid it. 
Finally you two stand, dressed and ready to go. Looking down at yourself and back at Mervin leaves you satisfied: you match. 
“So, do I clean up well enough?” 
He looks you over. “You won’t be winning best dressed.”  
You raise your brows. He was the one who chose the outfit. 
But something almost akin to a smile crosses his face. “But I guess, you’re only human.” 
Mervin hires a driver to take you to the gala. You’re honestly impressed, having never ridden in the back of a stretch limo before. You quiz Mervin on the way there, asking after etiquette, who to chat up, who to avoid. How much dancing is expected. What is the schedule for the evening. Everything you should know to avoid making any faux passes. Because while you’d visited high society before – in various service industries – you'd never participated in it. It’s daunting. Exciting. Terrifying.  
You make plans for the evening. Scheming; laying contingencies. Because while this night is supposed to be social, you know you’re honestly just here to show up Mervin’s ‘friend’. He paints the picture of a conniving demoness. One who dominated in certain social circles. One who will be dismissive and icy towards you, and increasingly aggressive the longer you stick around. 
Mervin dictates how you’re to behave. How you’re to react to her insults. You interject here and there, swapping ideas until you have a seamless blend or characteristics to take into the night. A fleshed out character you’ll be playing before the surrounding audience. 
All too soon, you’re arriving. 
Mervin opens your door. It had been pre-negotiated, and he’d fussed about it (if anyone deserved the door opened for them, it was him, he should be served all night, he was only doing this because it was polite, because he needed to look like a gentleman). You brace yourself before stepping into the light.  
In the moment before you straighten there’s enough time for trepidation to rush through you. You remember how exhausting it can be, meeting new people. Playing pretend. 
But then you’re giving Mervin a starry eyed smile, and linking arms. It’s too late to back out. 
You’ve settled on a bubbly personality. Too demure and you risk fading into the background. Too assertive and it leaves you open to social mistakes. You’ll go with friendly. Lively. Sweet. Not quite arm-candy, not quite Mervin’s equal. 
It’ll be tiring, but you might manage to have some fun. Pry a dance or two out of Mervin. Or try some expensive wine. Somehow Mervin hasn't yet learned how you’d caught his brothers’ eyes (an incident involving too much alcohol, and a bar fight), so you haven't been forbidden from indulging. Yet.  
Mervin doesn’t let you wander. You mingle in the foyer, where most of the crowd lingers. Shaking hands, trading introductions, smiling. There’re a few surprised exclamations at your appearance - “A human! Where in Perdition did you find her, Mervin?” - and a few too many pinches and gropes. But you bear it all with a smile, playful indignance, and charming redirection.  
You’re just settling into your role when Mervin stiffens, almost imperceptivity.  
“There you are, sugar plum. I’ve been looking for you all night.” 
Stasia has arrived. 
Stasia is an envy demon, graced with a classic sort of beauty that would do well on Earth. She has a wide and elegant set of horns, curling back from her temples, and her long tail swishes with confidence behind her as she crosses the room. She’s wearing a floor length evening gown in a bright scarlet, and a lipstick that matches.  
Mervin is silent beside you.  
You slide into action, another starry eyed, bubbly smile fixed onto your face. “Oh wow, you look gorgeous. You must be Stasia, I’ve heard so much about you.”  
Her arms had been open, clearly about to embrace the demon by your side, but you intercept, shaking one of her hands with enthusiasm.  
You crinkle your brow and look up at the demoness with concern. “Your schedule cleared then? That’s such a relief. Mervin was worried when you had to cancel on him so suddenly.” 
Several sets of eyes land on you. Stasia narrows her own at you, but you’ve already outed her as a flake to the crowd. Somebody nearby laughs.  
She pulls her hand from yours. “Mervin, who is this?” 
Your companion relaxes. “Stasia, this is an acquaintance of mine,” he tells her your name. “Pet, this is Stasia.” No honorific, you notice. You imagine anyone looking on also notices. 
You beam up at the envy demon, “Mervin was generous enough to bring me as his plus-one. I’ve been stuck at home for weeks, it was really too kind of him. I should thank you too, Stasia. You’ve indirectly brought me here.” 
The smile frozen on her face slips, just a little. 
You’re kept from formulating any further praise – or jabs – when the host announces the doors open. The crowd dissipates, making their way towards what appears to be a genuine ballroom.  
Stasia walks lockstep with Mervin, almost shouldering you aside. You’d be offended if you weren’t expecting the treatment. Instead, you trail shyly after them, a step behind Mervin’s other side.  
Stasia is already chattering to your date, linking her arm through his.  
“You two should catch up! I’ll get drinks while you do.” You lean up to kiss Mervin on the cheek. 
Even though you’d discussed and planned PDA with him (that part of the drive had been like pulling nails), he still stiffens at the gesture, blanching a little. 
You give him a smile, “Your regular?” 
“Fine. And something for yourself.” 
You don’t catch the glare Stasia sends you, but others do. 
You hasten towards the bar. Nobody stops you, but you suspect it might get harder to navigate the crowd as the night goes on and the guests get more inebriated. Even now you’re subject to stares, and the occasional frown. 
The bartender takes your order, thankfully.  
You’re watching as it’s made when a demon you don’t recognise sidles up beside you. 
“Watch yourself, girl. Last time somebody got between Stasia and her prey it wasn’t pretty.” 
You take in the demon (purple hue and the pronged horns) with a glance, before choosing a sympathetic expression. “I appreciate the concern, sir. I can’t help but feel for her, though. Scheduling conflicts are such a pain. Imagine making time for an event, only to find you’re no longer invited.” 
The demon watches you critically. You don’t mind. You’ll either come off as naive or conniving, and both are acceptable. 
He shrugs. “You’ve been warned.” 
“Again,” you say, taking your drinks from the bartender, “thank you.” 
Mervin is wearing a strained smile when you return, locked in a conversation with Stasia and two other demons.  
He accepts his drink with a nod, and when the conversation next lulls, he introduces you to his companions.  
The night continues like this, with Mervin introducing you around, and Stasia growing tense each time he stops to draw attention to you. 
She positively writhes if the conversation so much as turns your way, stink eyeing anyone who deigns to ask you where you’re from, what you’re doing in Perdition, what you do for a living. 
Over and over you repeat yourself. You’ve been indoors for weeks. You were feeling stir crazy. Mervin was so generous to show you around. Mervin was charitable. Mervin was kind. Stasia was too; you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her actions. 
Until she’s red in the face, and not in a pleasant way. You decide to back off, before she erupts like a tea kettle. 
The music has since started, and more and more demons are flocking to the dance floor. You look wistfully after them. “It’s a shame I don’t know any of the dances in Pride. Why don’t you two take the first? I could watch and learn.” 
The demoness jumps on the opportunity, though conveniently ignoring you. “Come on, Mervin. It’s been months since we danced together. You remember that one time on Earth-” you don’t catch the rest of her reminiscing as she leads Mervin away.  
One of the demons you’d been standing with gives you a sympathetic coo. “You’ve been neglected all night, little bird. Why don’t you dance with me?” 
You give them an amicable smile. The excuse falls smoothly from your lips. “I’d love to, but I think it’d be rude to my date if I gave my first dance to somebody else. Maybe later?” 
The demon tuts. “Why should you be polite to him when he’s having a good time with his ex over there?” 
You manage to keep your face relaxed. Obie had called Stasia Mervin’s girlfriend. Had there been some truth to the jest? Still, you manage to shrug, looking towards the dancing pair. They’re locked in a stuffy waltz of some sort. 
“Does he look like he’s having a good time?” 
The demon blinks, before following your gaze. True to your implications, Mervin is tense. His smile is strained. He looks slightly bored, or even resentful at the way Stasia chatters.  
They huff, conceding to your point.  
You nail it in anyway. “He can spend the whole gala with her if it pleases him. He’ll still do me the honour of taking me home afterwards.” 
Stasia keeps Mervin for not one, but three dances, before he manages to escape her grip and find you. You pass his drink back to him, giving him an amused smile. “Having fun?” 
He scowls.  
You give your empty glass to a passing staff member before looking back up at Mervin. You’re pretty sure he’s never going to ask you to dance. Not directly. Not even if he wanted to (a surprising number of wallflowers stand testament to Pride’s inability to simply ask for a dance).  
You take the initiative instead. “Dance with me?” 
He looks almost grateful but doesn’t manage a response other than a mute nod. 
He leads you to the floor, and you take his shoulder and hand. The weight of his own at your waist is pleasant. You don’t remember the last time you danced a waltz, but it’s easy enough to slip into, and Mervin leads well.  
You want to ask him how you’re doing (you know you’re doing well, and he won’t be able to tell you honestly). You want to ask him how he’s doing (he’s clearly tired and frustrated, and likely won’t take kindly to your prying). You want to ask about Stasia (is she really his ex?). Instead, you dance wordlessly for the next few minutes. 
He starts to relax towards the end of the dance, and on a whim, he lifts you during your next turn.  
You inhale sharply, before letting out a laugh. He gives a begrudging smile back. 
The exchange wheedles some words out of you. “You know, if I’d known the dances were going to be this simple, I might have asked to dance first.” 
He raises his brow. “And go against your careful manipulations? How stupid.” 
You grin. “Maybe. But I’d still consider it.” 
He huffs. “There’ll be a few traditional dances after dinner. I doubt you’ll be able to keep up.” 
“Speaking of dinner-” You’re glad you’d questioned Mervin on the drive here. Because of it, you can easily guess what will happen when the dining hall opens. “She’s going to be in my seat.” 
He purses his lips. “We’ll get there first.” 
You’d discussed the possibility but hadn’t made any explicit plans to deal with it.  
He cocks a brow. “No?” 
“If I sit first, there’s no telling what she’ll do.” 
“You have something better in mind?” 
You give him a smile, this one less bubbly, and more genuine. “I think we should renegotiate your terms regarding public displays of affection.” 
His face scrunches with displeasure. “You think you deserve to touch me without express permission?” 
“No. Never,” you butter him up. “But I think she’d hate it if you allowed it.” 
He chews his lip, appearing to consider. 
You inch closer, intent on enjoying what’s left of your dance. “Don’t worry your pretty head so much, my prince.” 
He blinks and opens his mouth to reply. Undoubtedly still wanting to know your solution. Then the rest of what you’d said catches up to him, and he shuts it. He straightens, chest puffing a little. 
You try not to smirk. He’s cute sometimes. 
The waltz finishes. You give him your last words before parting. “And please don’t push me off.”  
Mervin almost stumbles as he understands your request. But before he can protest, the doors to the dining hall are opening, and dinner is due to start. You gesture for Mervin to lead the way. 
After a beat he does, and you trail after him. He pauses several times, greeting aquaintances and stopping to chat. Numerous demons still mill about, not quite ready to take their seats. 
It’s almost suspicious how Stasia doesn’t intercept you. You’d be worried if you weren’t almost certain of where she was. 
Sure enough, when you reach your reserved table, Stasia is seated in your place. She smiles at you, in a way that’s just a little too condescending, but does not otherwise acknowledge you.  
“You kept me waiting, sugar plumb.” 
You pull out the chair for Mervin, inclining your head respectfully as he takes his seat. Then, without missing a beat, you follow him down, settling on his lap. 
He stiffens, but Stasia's expression makes it worth it. 
You cover his surprise with a sweet smile. “Sorry to keep him from you, Stasia. I just thought it might be rude if I danced with somebody else before him.” 
She stares, face now blank. 
After a beat, Mervin’s arm wraps around your side. His claws dig into you, giving away his discomfort. “At any rate, I’m back. Where did we leave off...” 
Stasia resumes her chatter, and Mervin makes an effort to engage. The three of you aren’t alone; there are other pairs seated around the circular table, speaking amongst themselves, and occasionally interacting with Mervin and Stasia. You receive several glances, most of which are accompanied by amused grins. Stasia receives a handful of smirks too. You’re not sure who they favour, but at least you’re cause for humour. None of the pride demons are forward enough to ask Mervin why he apparently has two dates.  
Nobody looks your way when entrees are brought out. Stasia gets your food. It smells delicious, and your stomach rumbles with envy.  
Mervin frowns. “Did my brother not feed you enough?” 
You pout up at him. “Humans typically eat three times a day.” 
He stares down at you. It’s hard to tell, but you think he’s looking at your lips. Eventually he sighs, and passes you his spoon. “I don’t share with just anyone, pet.” 
You beam up at him, placing a kiss on his cheek before he can react. “Thanks babe. You’re literally the best.” 
A muscle in his leg twitches, and he has to work to hide his surprise. It almost has you smirking. The fingers digging harder into your side betray his growing tension. You wonder if he’s flustered at the compliment, or irritated at your relaxed demeanour. Perhaps he’s just been touched too much tonight. 
There’s a glare fixed on you when you take a sip of the first course. It’s a particularly fragrant soup, served with bread. Unimaginative, but damn if it doesn’t taste amazing.  
You lock eyes with Stasia, and smile. “It’s good, right?” 
For a moment she doesn’t reply. But after a beat she sneers. “Bland, actually. The chef must have messed up my order.” 
“Actually, the order was changed, Stasia,” Mervin interrupts. “We’re being served human safe variants of the menu.” 
You blink at the new information. You didn’t realise Mervin had gone to such lengths to accommodate you. It leaves you feeling... nice. 
Mervin notices your stare and scowls. 
“Of course, Stasia is right. It’s terribly bland compared to the usual fare. But I doubt you could handle our food. Your stomach is far too weak. Pathetic, really.” 
You smile at his disparagment. You’re honestly genuine when you praise him next: “You’re too kind, Mervin. I appreciate it.” 
He turns his face away with a sneer, ignoring you as you finish the entrée. 
You insist that Mervin eats the main course. You assume a greed demon would appreciate your excuses more – you wouldn’t dare take the food from his plate, he’s already been kind enough to you, it’s his meal, he should get to taste it, it’d be rude of you to even think of touching the food before he does – but they do the trick, and Mervin still looks a bit pleased at your fussing.  
Dessert passes without incident, and you’re ready to stand and go for a wander. Mervin’s lap isn’t the most comfortable – not while he’s at a dining chair, at the least. The food is cleared and you’re about to get up when another demon at the table ropes Mervin into conversation. 
You can’t help but fidget, not sure whether it’d be acceptable if you stood right now. You think you’re being discrete, shifting your weight just a little, but Mervin grabs your thigh and squeezes it, pointedly.  
You blush and look down in apology, reigning in your wiggles and acting the picture of relaxed and demure once more.  
Instead of releasing you, his hand creeps upwards, along your thigh. 
You force yourself not to fidget again at the touch. It had to be unintentional. You hadn’t discussed anything like this ahead of time. Perhaps he didn’t realise how high his fingers were trailing. 
You hazard a glance over your shoulder, desperate to see his expression, to gleam his mood.  
He grabs your jaw instead, and turns your face forward, before leaning down to murmur at your ear. “Stay there, pet.” 
You hadn’t really considered the possibility of Mervin being dominant before. It was always too much fun flustering him with compliments, or making fun of his stunted emotional responses. But you forget that for a moment, enjoying the firmness of his tone.  
To your immense frustration, he doesn’t do anything more. Just stroking your thigh, claws tracing the slit upthe side of your dress. It’s almost impossible to keep from squirming, and you watch the crowd critically. You’d be mortified if a concubi wandered by just now. 
There’s a cold touch at your wrist. The interruption frustrates you, before you notice Stasia leant forwards. The smile she gives you is unnerving. “Would you mind getting that drink for me now, pet?” 
Mervin’s hand stills. 
You manage a pleasant expression and a nod. “Of course. And anything for you, Mervin?” 
He grimaces. “No. One is enough for me.” 
Stasia gives you her order and you remove yourself from the table. With the distance, you’re almost grateful for the interruption. Mervin would be tempting fate, starting something with an audience so close. No doubt Stasia had noticed. You’re just lucky she’d been calm in her redirection. 
Your second trip to the bar is a little more perilous. The number of stares you receive is doubled, and one demon has the gall to actually slap you on the ass as you pass. 
A glance reveals his reddish hue, and you’d gamble he has wrathful origins. As such, you have no compunction about grabbing the hand that had touched you and twisting his fingers painfully out of place, dodging any further grabs from him. 
“Bitch,” he accuses. 
You roll your eyes, moving on before he can drag you into a fight, or inspire too much anger in you. 
You’re breathless by the time you make it to the bar, and it’s an exercise in your evasive skills to make it back to your table without spilling either of the drinks. 
Mervin and Stasia are gone. You’re irritated, but not surprised. 
You catch a glance of them dancing in the thick of things. Mervin wasn’t wrong; the music upbeat and fast paced. You don’t know your ballroom music particularly well, but based on their movements, you assume it’s a quicktime dance of some sort. You sit at the table and take the opportunity to watch carefully. You’d love to be able to replicate it by the end of the night. 
You’re so focused on analysing your date’s distant footwork that you miss your name being called. 
You start at the touch on your shoulder. 
Another wrath demon chuckles at you (did everyone bring one as their plus one?). 
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” 
You blink. “Not at all.” Then blink again. “Have we met?” 
The demon grins, revealing some of his chipped teeth. “Sure have. I probably went to all your shows when you were touring Wrath.” 
You raise your brow. You’d never done any meet and greets. So when had- 
“We met after your show at the Splatterfest.” 
You wince at the memory. Some imps had tried to protest the inclusion of a human at the music festival, and dumped a bucket of blood over your band, ‘Carrie’ style. You’d kept performing and probably given every demon in the audience a boner (you were in Wrath, what did they expect?). 
Even so, you grin. “You tried to give me your shirt afterwards. Sorry, I’ve forgotten your name.” 
He holds out his hand. “Friends call me Bean.” 
You try not to laugh at the name. “Nice to meet you, Bean.” 
“I couldn’t help but notice you staring daggers at your date.” 
You huff. “I was actually watching the dance. If I’d had any time to prepare for tonight, I’d have bothered to learn some of the dances.” 
His face lightens. “I could teach you?” 
“Do you know these dances?” 
“Too well. My mum is from Pride.” 
You’d already danced with Mervin. It might reflect poorly on him if his date looked too antisocial. So you shrug. “Sounds like fun.” 
It is fun. You stumble a lot at first, tripping over your own feet in an effort to copy Bean’s step pattern, but he grips you by the elbows, keeping you upright even as he laughs at you. You have stamina, at least, and manage to keep up with the punishing pace. By the time the first dance ends, you’re covered in sweat and panting, but you have some of the footwork down. 
Bean grins. “You’re not terrible.” 
You crinkle your nose. “You’re sufficient too.” 
Bean has his head cocked, listening to the opening of the next song. “Ah. This next one’s fun. It’s got a lot of lifts though.” 
“That doesn’t bother me.” 
His chipped grin reappears. “We take turns raising each other.” 
Oh. You bite back a frown. “How much do you weigh?” 
Bean isn’t that big. His horns and tail are on the small side, and he’s only an inch or so taller than you. Still, the number he tells you does not fill you with confidence. 
He laughs at your expression. “Scared? Or just weak?” 
You scowl. “Weak, unfortunately. May I?” You ask before touching him. 
He lifts his arms enough for you to grab him by the waist. You brace yourself and lift. 
His heels leave the ground. 
He laughs at you again. “Cute. But mostly pathetic.” 
You scowl harder. “Whatever. If you want to keep dancing, you’ll have to jump a little.” 
His laughing quiets to a chuckle. He takes your hand and pulls you in to dance. “It’s alright. We’ll manage. This one is... well I’m not sure of the translation. It’s a genre unique to Perdition. I guess you could liken it to a quick waltz? There are several lifts in each of the refrains. Then towards the end we start spinning, taking turns with the elevations. It’s easier with the momentum, but you’ve gotta watch your surroundings too, or you’ll crash into another couple.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter. You’re not too worried about bumping into anyone. Your spatial awareness is decent enough. “I feel like this dance is just so everyone can flex at each other.” 
Bean laughs again, though not at you this time. “No, you’re completely right. It's how this genre was started. It’s a competition of strength and stamina. It’s not actually that common in Pride, since it usually tends to lack finesse or grace.” 
“Hmm,” you appreciate the history lesson. 
You ease into this dance smoothly; despite the lifts it’s easier than the last. Bean is a good teacher, and he warns you ahead of any changes. You brace yourself for the first rise, and when your feet leave the ground by almost a foot, you can’t help but grin. 
“Show off.” 
“Absolutely,” he agrees. 
His feet actually leave the ground when it’s your turn to lift. Bean springs up a few inches, turning the elevation into something closer to an assisted jump. Regardless of the terminology, you’re grateful for the assistance. It sets the tone for the rest of the dance, and you find yourself having a pleasant time. 
Your dress flairs when you’re next lifted, and Bean gives you a grin. “Is that a knife, or are you happy to see me?” 
You’re breathless, but manage to reply. “A knife, actually.” 
He eyes your legs appreciatively. “Expecting trouble?” 
“Most of my weapon belts would clash with this dress,” you joke. 
“Nonsense. You’d look good with any weapon,” he argues. 
You can’t help but smile. “You sure know how to lay on the charm.” 
“Pfft, this is nothing. You should see me when I’m actually trying.” 
You’d laugh but there’s another series of spins coming up, and you have to brace yourself of them. The recapitulation begins, and you know the dance is nearing its end.  
“Steady now,” Bean encourages, before raising you again.  
You’re able to keep spinning. To avoid any collisions. To lift him the first few times. But your arms quickly tire, and Bean doesn’t do much more than bob his knees instead of completing any jumps. He still manages to send you upwards on each of your turns though, and you have to reign in your laughter. 
Especially as you make eye contact with Mervin, dancing with Stasia beside you. 
It jars you enough that your grin fades, and you remember to school your expression into something a little more dignified. Slightly less carefree.  
The song ends and you and Bean nearly collapse against each other, panting and laughing once more, even if you’re feeling subdued. 
You realise your face is only inches from his, at the same time he does. 
He glances down at your lips. “Do you... want to take this elsewhere?” 
Any other night and you’d take him up on the offer. But- 
“I think that’d give my date a conniption.” 
His smile shrinks. Bean pulls back. But he maintains that relaxed demeanour. “It’d serve him right for leaving you here alone.” 
You shrug and give him an apologetic smile. “Another time?” 
He sighs. Ruffles your hair.  
You scowl and duck out of his grasp. 
“Can you imagine his face though?” 
You bite back your grin. “I can.” 
Bean steps away. “Thanks for the dance, love.” 
You wave him off. Take a breath to compose yourself. Then turn back to the gala. 
It doesn’t take long for you to find your date. Not with the way he’s striding towards you, shoulders squared and a scowl on his face. He grabs you by the wrist and leads you out a nearby door, practically dragging you down some unpopulated corridors. 
“Where’s Stasia?” You ask. 
“I cut her off when she started trying to make me jealous of that shit-for-brains dance partner of yours.” 
You’d only danced with Bean twice. Was Mervin really so bothered? 
“Key word ‘trying’?” You ask, tentative this time. 
He doesn’t reply, but it’s obvious he’s not happy. 
You wince. Stasia’s meddling or not, this one was genuinely your fault. “I’m sorry, Mervin. It wasn’t my intention to make you feel that way.” 
“I know,” he grumbles, before practically flinging you at a wall. “But you still need to deal with the consequences, human.” 
Then his hand is on your jaw, holding you still as he crushes his lips against yours. 
You freeze, more surprised than upset. 
His other hand rests against the wall, caging you in. He doesn’t meet your eyes when he pulls back, still scowling. “How dare you ask a stranger to teach you to dance. You should have gone to me.”  
You’re still processing the kiss. Part of you is indignant – you never thought he’d work up the nerve to kiss you first. The other part of you struggles to stay grounded. To listen to his complaint. “I’m sorry, I-” 
He cuts you off with another kiss. Bites down hard on your lip this time. You think you taste blood. 
“You should consider yourself lucky that I’m still willing to associate with you. That I’m willing to do this.” 
Your head spins when he pushes your face sideways, gaining access to your throat. He kisses his way down your neck, across your shoulder. Not shy about using his teeth to punish you.  
His other hand slips below your dress. He grips the hem of your underwear and your breath hitches. As much as you enjoy leading him along, you could get used to this. Mervin's display of dominance is doing things for you. 
“I’m lowering my standards so much just to do this with you. So, you’d better hold fucking still.” 
Your mouth waters at his words. You’re somehow both burning with tension and turning into putty under his hands. And you know just what to say to make things worse. 
“Yes sir.” 
He stiffens. “What was that?” 
You have to bite back your grin, to force yourself to appear contrite. “Yes sir?” 
“Fuck,” he mutters before grabbing you bodily and turning you around. Your hands splay against the wall, bracing yourself. Mervin presses between your shoulder blades, bending you over while his other hand drags your dress up. 
The position sends nerves and excitement through you in equal measures. “Somebody could see.” 
He ignores your half-hearted protest, dragging your underwear down and palming your ass. “You didn’t care if somebody saw you flirting with that meathead.” 
Facing away, you can let your grin creep out. He sounds angry.  
His knee spreads your legs and your heart speeds up. Then there’re fingers at your folds. You can practically hear his sneer when they come away wet. 
“Pathetic. Is this really all it takes to get you going?” 
“Mhm,” you hum agreement, throat tight. Coherency is starting to leave you when all you can focus on is the cold air against your nethers. You wish he would touch you again. 
He scoffs. “You really are just a slut.”  
You think you get wetter at the insult. 
There’s the sound of a belt buckle, then a zipper. You can’t help but clench in anticipation.  
But Mervin doesn’t touch you. 
You try to look over your shoulder, to give Mervin your most I’m-pathetic-please-fuck-me stare, but he just pushes your face against the wall. 
You let out a whimper and squirm. If he keeps drawing this out, somebody really could see you.  
You push the thought down. As enticing as it is, things could quickly turn dangerous if a third party got involved. 
“-you think I’ll do this with anyone? What makes you think you deserve me, huh?” he starts. 
Honestly, you thought he’d start talking himself up sooner. He’d barely insulted you yet.  
“-don’t deserve a single piece of pleasure until you earn it-” 
You try rubbing your thighs together, but you only succeed on clamping around Mervin’s knee.  
“-should be singing my praise, I shouldn’t have to touch you until you’ve begged for me-” 
You let out a groan. If you were still facing him, you’d snog him just to make him stop talking. “Ughh, shut up and fuck me.”  
He grips you by the hair, his voice raised in pitch, “The nerve of you, human, the utter disrespect-” 
You cut him off with a whine, “Pleeease Mervin. I need you to fuck me.” 
His breathing stutters. 
“Please touch me, please, I can’t wait any more, pleasepleaseplease,” you squirm around his knee.  
He grabs your ass again. Squeezes. “You’ve been so casual with my name tonight. I don’t think you deserve to use it.” 
You want to groan again. You barely restrain yourself. “Please, sir, I bet you’ll feel so good, please, I need this so badly-” 
His breathing is even more laboured, but he still manages to slap your ass. 
You flinch away, and end up grinding down against his knee – fuck. It’s not fair how good that feels. You decide that if he doesn’t fuck you soon, you’ll just have to rub off against his leg. Though you might leave a wet patch so noticable that concubi wouldn’t be the only ones turning heads. 
You bite down on your lip. You just want to get dicked down. Picking your words is hard when you’re this horny. 
“Needy,” you huff. “Yes. For you.” You grind against him. “Please help me, sir. Please fix it.” 
He shudders. The hand at your shoulders pushes harder, and you have no choice but to stick your ass out, curving your back as far as it will go, or topple over.  
“Fine,” he says, and you could die from relief when you feel his erection against your ass. “But only because I feel sorry for you.” 
He hilts himself in one rough movement and you moan, practically high at the sensation. There’s possibly a bit of drool escaping from your lips. 
Mervin’s not unaffected himself, one hand braced against the wall, the other digging into your waist. The groan he levels at your ear is delightful, stretching on into a softly pitched rumble that’s almost like a purr. 
Interesting. A disembodied part of yourself definitely notes that for later. 
He doesn’t move. 
You let out a whimper, trying to grind back against him. He swats you on the ass, tuting. “Ask nicely, pet.” 
Having him speared inside you feels so good. But it’s not enough. You need him to move. 
“Please,” you whisper, “please fucking fuck me, please-” 
You’re rewarded with a single thrust. “Why should I?” 
You groan; a whiney, needy sound. “You’re making it so hard to think right now- I can’t-” You want to bang your head against wall. “Nngh, Mervin-” 
He takes pity on you. Or maybe you’ve convinced him. He’s probably barely pretending to be composed right now - you don’t care about the reasoning, you’re just relieved when he starts to fuck you. He’s fast, and rough, and the ridged texture of his cock serves as a pleasant reminder that he’s in no part human.  
It doesn’t take long for him to come, practically crushing you against him when he does. One arm wraps around your throat, and the other around your waist; he bites down on your shoulder to keep from making too much noise. It hurts, but that only adds to the experience. 
You close your eyes, panting, trying to savour the way his dick twitches inside of you. But as soon as he’s finished he straightens, practically shoving you away. 
Your brain is hazy, and it takes you a few moments before you can stand, fixing your underwear, then your dress. You clamp your thighs together, to keep from dripping spend everywhere.   
By the time you turn around, Mervin has composed himself – cock receeded back into his slit, clothing fixed. You feel incredibly raw in contrast. 
He raises an eyebrow. “What?” 
You open your mouth to reply, but your thoughts stall. Forming words is somehow harder.  
His face goes blank as he takes in your details. Processes what’s wrong. The seconds that pass feel incredibly long, and you’re tense, wondering how he’s going to react. You know that biology literally compels him to be an ass, but you’re not sure how much derision you can take right now. 
You can’t describe how grateful you are that he only shakes his head, and cages you in again. “Like I said before. This is only because I feel sorry for you.” 
He slips his hand under your dress, back into your underwear. You’re slick; a mess of your own juices and his cum. There’s no resistance when he sinks two fingers inside of you. Hardly any friction when he rubs his thumb against your clit.  
You shudder, grabbing his lapels and pressing your face against his shoulder. “Fuckkk,” the word is barely muffled. 
His free hand cups your jaw, dragging your face upwards. “Don’t get makeup on my jacket, idiot.” 
“S-sorry,” you reply, eyes glazed and mouth agape.  
He doesn’t seem to process your apology, watching intently, instead, as you come apart on his fingers. You can barely stand, fighting the impulse to sieze and crumple, clinging to your date like he’s a lifeline.  
“Go on then, pet,” he murmurs, pushing hard against a sensitive spot inside of you. “You can come.” 
And you do. Head lolling back, whole body arching, gripping Mervin’s arm like a vice. You don’t care what kind of noises you’re making, but perhaps he does, because he covers your mouth with his own in another messy kiss.  
His fingers don’t stop moving until you’re limp against the wall, almost turning into a puddle in his arms. Your head buzzes. You feel high.  
Fuck, that was incredible.  
Your eyes are closed. You’re listening to Mervin’s panting; almost as loud as your own, when he pulls you upright suddenly. 
“Someone’s coming.” 
Your eyes spring open. 
“Come on,” he practically drags you away, down another corridor and into what appears to be a coat room.  
You’re still breathless, and it takes you a moment to compose yourself. Mervin has his ear against the door, tense. It almost makes you laugh.  
“If I’d known how much fun pity sex can be, I’d have doubled down on my efforts to be pathetic.” 
Mervin scowls. “Clean yourself up. You look like a whore.” 
You give him a coy smile. “Your whore, though.” 
He turns away, masking his expression. 
Still, you do the best you can to clean the fluids from your thighs, shamelessly using the sleeve of a stranger’s coat. 
Mervin is examining you when you turn back. Wordlessly he pulls a handkerchief from his pocket. “Your lipstick is everywhere.” 
You smirk, taking in his own features. “It certainly is.” You wipe it from your face, wishing you had a mirror, but Mervin doesn’t say anything so you assume you got it all. Then you stand on tip toes, cleaning the lipstick from his own face. He stiffens, but allows the treatment. 
Your eyes catch on a smear across his throat. You don’t even remember kissing him there. Feeling mischevious, you leave the mark. You consider it a parting gift. He’ll notice it later, you’re sure.  
“Your hair is a rat’s nest.” 
You’re sure he’s exaggerating, but you roll your eyes and attempt to fix it anyway. “You’re the one who was pulling on it.” 
Soon enough you’re both presentable again, bracing yourselves before returning to the fray. Nobody has noticed your absence, you think. 
You glance towards the dance floor. “So, are you going to teach me this next dance?” 
He manages to keep his expression level as he considers.  
“Not here. Having you trip and stumble in front of everyone is too painful to contemplate. You’re going to take private lessons with me. That way you won’t look like a fool next time.” 
“Next time?” You ask. 
He winces, unable to meet your eyes. 
You want to make fun of him. You want to poke at him so badly. You barely restrain yourself.  
“How generous of you, to invite me not once, but twice. I should be honoured.” 
He relaxes minutely at your acceptance. Then crinkles his nose. “Obviously.” 
“But this was simultaneously the most stressful and most boring event I’ve attended all year. You’re really going to have to make it worth my while.” 
He grits his teeth. Tries his best to look calm. “Did you have something in mind, human?” 
You can only grin. “I don’t know. I’ll be sure to think of an especially pitiful request.” 
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sotteoks · 2 years
Just Touch | 🔞
──★ ˙pairing: Kihyun x Fem!Reader ──★ ˙warnings/contents: SMUT, p*rn with just a crumb of a plot, a tiny bit of angst at the end, established relationship, friends with benefits trope, lowkey toxic relationship tbh, soft dom!kihyun, sub!reader, some cockwarming at the beginning, slight overstimulation, light dirty talk, like a sprinkle of dacryphilia, let's assume reader is on some form of contraception bc of the multiple creampies and orgasms, ... please let me know if i missed anything ! ⸜ (。˃ ᵕ ˂) ⸝ ──★ ˙word count: 2.5k ──★ ˙summary: the boundaries of your relationship with Kihyun always seem to get a little blurry in the heat of the moment. ──★ ˙ a/n: chances of this story having a second part are highly likely. i just need time to brainstorm. keke
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When the night is over, where are you going?
It’s a simple arrangement, really. There’s a mutual understanding that no love is involved so there shouldn’t be any sadness when the two of you part. Emphasis on shouldn’t. Though Kihyun knows that neither of you have any romantic obligations toward each other, he does hate the way that he can’t ask you to stay for anything longer than a couple hours. It’s not like he wants you to stay the night because he wants to fall asleep in your arms and wake up to your beautiful face then make breakfast after some tender and slow morning sex. 
Absolutely not. 
That would be crossing into territory that both of you know better than to explore.
Kihyun just hates that as soon as the two of you finish the deed, you run away from him like the two of you weren’t good friends prior to deciding to add some fun benefits to your relationship. You were like Cinderella, running off before the clock hit midnight and always leaving something behind as if you were asking him to chase after you. 
But tonight, he was going to try and keep you around for as long as possible. Even if it was just a few seconds longer than usual.
“We’ve been at it like rabbits and you’re still horny?” You tease Kihyun, albeit a little breathless as his lips press light kisses along the expanse of your chest. At the sound of your words, you feel his lips curve into a subtle smile against your skin. Peeking up at your face through his lashes almost demurely like the gorgeous human he was, Kihyun notices how radiant you managed to look with your makeup streaked and smeared in your post orgasm haze. Just the sight of you in your current state made his cock twitch as it remained buried within your sensitive pussy; pulsing ever so slightly around his length as you were trying to calm down. You lost the energy to keep your legs wrapped around Kihyun’s waist a while ago, but it seems like he’s unphased by that and intended on making himself a home between your spread legs anyway.
“You just feel so good.” Kihyun murmurs in response. His kisses had finally wandered up along your neck and jaw until his plush lips were gently brushing against yours as he wondered if kissing you during sex like this was an act of intimacy he could engage in with you. Not even five minutes ago, he had filled you with his seed; why was there so much debate on whether or not he was able to kiss you on the lips just because of the nature of your relationship?
Before Kihyun could fall victim to his habit of overthinking, the sensation of your walls easing up on him and making it possible for him to move again grounds him back into the moment. Sitting up straight and creating some distance between the two of you, fingers clad in silver rings are digging into the meat of your thighs as he pulls your lower half flush against his hips. As your body slides against the sheets toward him, a small yelp of surprise escapes you at the aggressive action.
The first few thrusts start off slow, but incredibly deep; making your eyes roll back as you feel Kihyun fucking his previousload deeper into you and it’s almost like a knee jerk reaction for you to throw your arms around his shoulders to satiate this overwhelming desire to be close to him once more. Your walls once again start to clench around him trying to hold him in place however it only encourages Kihyun to pick up the pace as a countermeasure to the way you just kept sucking him back in. 
“So cute,” He comments with a sly smirk as he starts to piston into you. “It’s almost like your pussy doesn’t want me to leave.” 
“Just shut up and fuck me.” You groan out, feeling your face start to heat up in embarrassment which prompts you to shyly avert your gaze elsewhere.
It was as clear as day that Kihyun had some stake over your body if every time he called you to come over and fuck, you would literally drop what you were doing. A measly kiss from him was literally all it took to ignite the flames of lust and get you hot and bothered for him. 
But of course, that was something you wouldn’t admit to out loud; the physical reaction he was able to elicit from you should have provided him enough gratification.
However, when it came to you Kihyun tended to become a bit greedy. Being just friends stopped being enough at one point. Then sneaking around having quickies whenever you saw each other at social events didn’t cut it. Currently, Kihyun was in the process of deciding what to ask of you next since having you come over to hook up on the regular was slowly starting to feel stale. Not because the sex was getting boring, the sex itself was amazing, but there was just something missing from the relationship.
The rough thrusts keep coming as Kihyun loves the way your body responds to it. In the moment, it warms his insides with this sense of pride knowing how much you loved the way he fucked you. From the way obscene moans you can’t control pour from your lungs and how you let out little whimpers of his name to the way your tits bounce with every snap of his hips against yours or how your eyes watered whenever you were about to cum; it was all the encouragement he needed to fuck you until the sun came up. When you dig your nails into his shoulder blades the same time he changes the angle of his thrusts, the tip of his cock pressing against your g-spot, it’s like a nice extra treat to him.  
“A-ah, fuck!” You cry out, squirming about and whining as Kihyun’s hips move rapidly with precision; continuously stimulating that sensitive spot within you until you feel tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Through your slightly blurred vision and your hazy brain, you can see Kihyun looking down on you with a smug grin on his face. 
He knows you’re gonna cum again. And he knows your orgasm is building up significantly faster than the last few he blessed you with. He even knows that you’re trying oh so hard to stave off your climax; your body could never lie to him.
“Cum for me.”
Three simple words posed as a demand is all it takes for you to come undone again, your nails raking across Kihyun’s flawless skin and leaving bright red scratches in their wake. Your walls clamp down on his fat cock for the third time tonight, trying to milk for all its worth; but Kihyun’s desire to be with you just a bit longer outweighed his want to cum. 
You hope that Kihyun isn’t too far behind and he’ll finally give you a break. But his movements are relentless and don’t seem to falter one bit despite your pussy desperately trying to hold him in place as he fucks you through your orgasm. Your head is so clouded, it’s hard to get anything out besides broken moans and whimpers. Struggling to find the words to express what you wanted, salty tears stain your cheeks as the sensitivity really sets in; but it barely registers in your mind that you’ve started to cry as you can only focus on the sensation of Kihyun rearranging your insides. Every drag of his cock against your walls sends you stumbling toward another fast, mind-numbing crescendo of bliss. 
“Is it too much for you, baby?” He leans in just to whisper into your ear, grounding you back in reality. You’re suddenly aware of the soaked sheets beneath you. The lewd squelching sounds paired with the sound of Kihyun’s balls slapping against your ass fill the room like some kind of sinful white noise. It’s all so erotic and stimulating, it becomes very clear as to why you filtered the sounds out of your mind. 
“Answer me.” He commands you as one of his hands leaves your thigh to find your clit, the pad of his thumb pressing against the small bundle of nerves and causing your inner thighs to involuntarily tremble every time he applies pressure.  
“Just hurry up and cum.” You whine, feeling your eyes to start to water again. Even in this state of being lust drunk, you know that the words you just uttered aren’t going to do it for Kihyun. “Please, cum inside.” You hastily add on. 
It wasn’t often that you begged for Kihyun. You knew he had a weakness for it but you rarely exploited it to your advantage; even if the little devil on your shoulder constantly encouraged it. 
The movement of Kihyun’s hips fall out of rhythm and become more erratic as your words seem to be enough to push toward the edge. As worn out as you were, watching Kihyun on the brink of an orgasm was something you could never tire of. Head tilted back with soft groans falling past his plush lips as he gets closer and closer until it’s like a dam bursts within him. The most melodic moan leaves him as hips stutter, filling you up with his cum once more. And much to your surprise, watching him orgasm was enough to make you climax for the last time tonight; perfectly in time with the moment you felt the first spurt of his seed splash against your walls. 
Your plans to make a hasty getaway were shattered as you remained under Kihyun, letting yourself be completely carried away by the waves of your intense finish. Finally pulling out of you after what seemed like eons, Kihyun lays down and fills the space on the mattress beside you. A quick glance at the clock on his nightstand lets him know it’s half past one in the morning.
With how tired your body was, you didn’t feel like moving too fast but the mere action of you trying to sit up prompts Kihyun to reach out to you and pull you in to cuddle with him. The layer of perspiration that once covered both your bodies had now dried down to this sticky atrocity, and factoring in the mixture of your cum and Kihyun’s cum decorating your thighs, to say you were uncomfortable would be an understatement. Wriggling out of his hold, you quickly get up into a seated position but remain in the same spot on the bed.  
“What are you doing?” You question him, feeling equal parts confused and annoyed by the clingy behavior he’d been exhibiting all evening. 
“Stay the night with me.” He tells you like it was the most simple thing in the world. 
But it wasn’t.  You could admit that there were some things that you did that blurred the lines of your relationship. Just like how right now, Kihyun was doing something that made the agreement more difficult than it needed to be. It was mutually agreed that if things strayed outside of those boundaries, your only two options were to try and sort it out or call it quits. Yet the two of you just loved to dance around those fine lines and see how much you could get away with before things came crashing down. 
“You know I can’t do that.” You respond as you finally get up and start searching the floor for your clothes.
“We have a relationship based on sex. You think having sex all night is too romantic?” Kihyun laughs, getting up as well and walking over to his dresser to pull out a fresh pair of boxers and sweatpants then quickly throwing the garments on. 
As you pick up the pieces of your outfit you had been wearing before it was hastily pulled off your body upon arriving, Kihyun’s words cause you to freeze in place; taking a moment to not only process what he said, but also think of how to respond. He laughed, so it makes you think he’s joking for a bit. But you also know that he loves to give you a hard time and joke with you as an attempt to lighten the mood during touchy situations. 
You dwell on what he said a bit longer as you take time to redress yourself before you turn around to face Kihyun; finding him stripping the sheets off of his bed.
“I think...” You start off slowly, trying to piece together the ideas in your head. “You secretly want the intimacy of having me as your girlfriend but there’s something holding you back from pursuing a real relationship with me.”
For a minute, you think you have Kihyun figured out. Then you realize you know you have him figured out because prior to this, you considered him your best friend. He wasn’t just a hot stranger you met somewhere and decided to pursue a physical relationship with. You knew every detail of all his past relationships, why they didn’t work out and what standards he had set for future relationships. Despite knowing a bunch of fun facts about him, how he reacted in certain situations, you couldn’t figure out exactly what it was that hindered him from dating you.
“Nice try, but that’s not it.” He scoffs, sounding like he was trying to convince himself of something more so than you as he busied himself with getting new bedding out of the storage closet and dressing his bed in fresh sheets.
You did know that he would deny what you said; which is exactly why you were reluctant to voice your thoughts out loud.
“We used to be friends, you know?” He reasons, continuing to avoid looking at you while he shoved one of his pillows into a clean pillowcase. “You’re always in a rush to leave like you don’t wanna hang out with me if we’re not fucking.”
There aren’t any lies in his statement. In fact, it would be an even bigger, fatter lie to say that you actually did want to hang out with him as just a friend after how intimate the two of you were. In your defense, it felt like it should have been obvious why you couldn’t stick around like he wanted.
Rather than try to explain to him why you felt the way you did since you know...Feelings weren’t really a part of your arrangement with him, you bid Kihyun goodbye and see yourself out without another word. 
Even if the night ended on a slightly awkward note tonight, Kihyun would call you again. You would end up in his bed. And the two of you would have this conversation over and over until one of you realized that things could not continue like this if you truly wanted to keep seeing each other in any shape or form. 
Until then, the single bobby pin you left behind this time would suffice as a conversation starter for when he wanted to see you again.
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pricemarshfield · 27 days
have you ever enjoyed a fic of mine, like plant a garden in the yard, then or queen of candia, and thought “wow, i’d make a request but i Wish i could guarantee she takes it and also that it’s at least a minimum of [insert wordcount here]?”
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i’m part of d20 writers for palestine (and there are also artists and editors!)! for PWYW of at least $5 or pricing for a specific minimum fic length, you can make a custom request :) it doesn’t have to be d20 or even fanfiction; if you want me to write your OCs, i’m happy to!
you can find the carrd for d20 artists for palestine here for more information, or jump directly to the spreadsheet to see current availability and pricing here.
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eddiemunsonsmum · 1 day
Just saw this comment on a story posted a month ago.
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*cries in Eddie Munson Solo Series no one wanted to read, interact with or request for*
No shade to the person that commented this on their own fic if you recognize it. It's not their fault. I'm not mad at them. More crying in the tags.
#and no I didn't tag the solo series like I normally would because it's not about THAT. It's not about trying to get people to read it#It was just really ouchie to see the same concept I wrote 2 years ago get triple the notes in ONE MONTH.#and double the notes of my solo series masterlist in general in one month vs 2 years of my stories sitting there rotting#Then I see people saying they need more solo Eddie and I'm just here like my dudes I begged for requests. BEGGED. But bc I wasn't#/have never been a popular writer people don't want it from ME. It's like omg we want THIS but not like that. Not from you.#Can't help but let it get you down when nothing has changed in 2 years. It's not like I worked my way up and have the interaction now#that every other blog I used to commiserate with back in the day is getting currently. Fandom isn't a competition but it's not fair either#and I really struggle with that a lot of the time#Also yes I will concede I should be happy with the notes on the solo series because they are the highest of all the work on my page but#they're still nothing compared to what some people have just hours after posting a new story.#I saw someone complaining the other day that there are less new stories in the fandom than ever 1. That's simply not true. 2. Even if it wa#can you blame writers for giving up when readers are checking the same popular blogs over again or reading the same 5 tropes the same#2 pairings over and over. The same series? Over and over. Ignoring everything else and then complaining that their faves don't post enough?#That the popular writer with the incredible series (that rightfully deserves interaction) hasn't posted a new dad!eddie or rockstar!eddie#drabble in ages meanwhile there are writes out there pouring their souls into dad!eddie and no one reads it. There is so much rockstar Eddi#smut out there that it could sustain a brand new reader for an entire year before they needed a new fic#Idk man. I'm just feeling so defeated. I write for fun now. But there was a point in time where I desperately tried to build a platform by#offering requests and writing a lot of things I would not otherwise write to try and gain traction on my page and every time I see another#food fucking fic get hundreds of notes I get so sad that I wrote that stupid Melon fic because I had people in my life that told me#they would be excited to read it and for what? One of them still talks to me. The others moved on so fast. Most didn't even reblog it.#Some of them have since written their own food fucking fics that got triple the notes of my OG. Again. No shade to them. I don't own the#concept. It's just disheartening and fucking sad above all else. How hard I tried to get people to LIKE me and my stories. 😂#Just sad hours in general tonight my guys. Going to go and pour the bad feelings into Aftermath and then maybe make a bad life choice and#pour all my savings into an ipad#YES I KNOW first world problems. I know. That's why I try not to talk about it bc it seems so petty considering the state of the world#But you can't help what gets you down#EMMs Journal#EMM's Journal
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optiwashere · 9 months
How do you manage to write smut that's like, actually arousing? What's the secret?
Well, first of all thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it, I really am. Happy to hear from you here as well 💜
Also, I'll let you in on my secret — I can't stand almost anything I write after it's posted. I see nothing but the flaws, grammatical choices, and technical foibles. This extends triple, quadruple, to smut. So if you're feeling the same kinda way, that your writing feels somehow off, then just know you're not alone.
I could give some pointers, but I don't really know how much benefit anyone will get hearing these from me of all people. But in my opinion it's a lot of the non-smut aspects that highlight the smut and make it shine. So here ya go.
Keep it in-character. I'm not out here talking as an authority on anyone's characterization, nor am I saying I'm some master of it and there are plenty of people out there with differing opinions, so take this with a colossal mountain of salt. But you should focus on making the voices, internal thoughts, and prose in keeping with the POV character. This is something called "POV control" and it's a very useful skill. Be able to flow in and out of a character's POV as the need arises. How Shadowheart interacts with sex is very different from Karlach is different from Orin, for example.
Strong focus on dialogue. This is a sorta addendum to the first point. Characters shouldn't suddenly turn silent when they're having sex. That is, unless that's the point of the story! They should also be speaking in-character even (or especially) during sex. Also, "porn dialogue" is something that gets brought up a lot in writing, and I think we all know it when we read it. That being said, people in the real world do say things during sex that, out of context, are hilarious. So it's a balancing act.
Fitting descriptions. This is actually one of the more important ones! If a scene is very romantic and meant to be light and fluffy, maybe avoid words for genitals altogether and focus entirely on simple visual aesthetics (how moonlight plays on a body, to give an example). If it's meant to be rough and focused on bodies or the mechanics of the scene, ham it up on those words. This also isn't a binary. Things flow back and forth all the time.
Firm language. I don't mean, like, power dynamics "firm." I'm talking about a willingness to use the words that fit the descriptions and sticking to it. Some people despise certain words, but other people will find the alternatives hilarious and completely tone-breaking. Find the words you like and stick to them; consistency gives your voice strength.
Don't try to appease everybody. You just can't. You have to write what you personally enjoy reading/writing/doing/thinking about, and go with it. If you try to cater to everyone's whims with any of the above, you'll wind up with a beige platter of nothingness. That doesn't mean you can't explore other tones or flavors, but don't try to do too much in one story.
Focus on emotions. Emotions could mean anything from love to lust to anxiety to fear to uncertainty and so on and so forth. My strategy is to center a fic on a theme/emotion that resonates with the characters involved and then I explore the smut around that central point. Revisit the idea between the action. Show how the characters' feelings around the theme change or how they're reaffirmed.
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cloudburst-ink · 9 months
🌈 Free the gays from weird heteronormative top/bottom discourse 2k24!!! 🖤 (And by extension, the dom/sub associations that go with it!! Which are also a completely separate though sometimes overlapping concept!!!)
Write your violent angry murder blorbo getting railed!! Make that sweet shy angel baby a top! Make them both verse and throw the concept out altogether because it’s inherently a bit silly to start with!! ✨ And your personality in the rest of your life often has nothing to do with your bedroom preferences anyway! ✨
Or don’t! Do whatever you want because it’s fanfiction! 🥰✨ Write them with whatever dynamics or lack thereof that you want—that’s the point! And no one can tell you what is and isn’t okay to write in your own fics!! 🎊 They're fictional characters, have fun!!!!!
Happy new year fellow fandom gays!!! Go wild!
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redr0sewrites · 5 months
does anyone want my uterus bc i do not.
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allpromarlo · 2 months
tell me why there’s abundances of smut when i scroll through a character’s fluff tag on here. tell me
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swallowtail-ageha · 2 months
Someone on twt is getting their ass beat because they said that the omegaverse is... kinda misogynistic in nature as it's an excuse to make male characters experience misogyny while removing women from the equation but... i kinda agree with oop
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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Ikkaku is such a fucking brat it's not even funny. Sure, she can play sweet and submissive in the right mood or be a sensual dom but at her core she's a brat and a tease and has a mouth on her. So doms, you'd better be ready for that, but if you like working for it and putting a gal in her place, well, Ikkaku is very much for you.
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fitzrove · 8 months
Poll because I watched a youtube video and am an annoying elitist
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