#I also don’t think her friends are immune to her hotness but they are used to it
heytherecentaurs · 8 months
I think Adaine has had such a glow up since Freshman year like she got out of a bad home situation, she got actual parental support, she got her own clothes, she got anxiety meds (and I’m assuming therapy) and she’s got ride or die friends; she has Ayda a powerful wizard regard her as a best friend and equal, she’s an absolute badass who has saved the world 3 times and punched her dad so hard he died. And I think all of this has translated into her confidence improving (like her response to Kipperlilly saying “I know who you are” is “of course you do”). And I think it all results in her schoolmates finding her super attractive but her being completely uninterested in them, which only makes them more obsessed. Basically, if Adaine showed the slightest hint that she wanted to date, she’d have boys, girls and enbies lining up around the block but she doesn’t so like I guess it sucks to be everyone at school.
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rotteneggssuck · 3 months
AAAAHHHH!!! Ok. I saw some TikTok videos saying “combine the last video game you played and last tv show you watched” and I was like “oh, that would be danganronpa v3 and dungeon meshi”. Now I’m going fucking insane over it.
Anyway, here’s what I think all the v3 characters, races would be in the dungeon meshi universe.
Angie-Gnome. This one is kinda weird to start with BUT, gnomes live side by side with nature spirits and ask them for help with magic and stuff. I think Angie suits being a long life race, idk why. Also she’s would looks so cute with the ears.
Gonta-Oger. Big. Need I explain more? He’s just a gentle giant, and I think the big horns and teeth would also add to his “people get scared when they see me” story.
Himiko-Gnome. It’s literally perfect, shut up. Magic being culturally significant, generally a pretty short race, even for a character design point! The sleepy droopy eyes!!!! AHHHH! Love her.
Kaede-Tall man. She’s just so!!!! That’s all I can say. I just think if she was made another race it would take away from her everything. Like I debated an elf but, it just didn’t feel right.
Kaito-Tall man. Are you going to sit here and tell me that kaito isn’t the most guy of men. He would 100% say shit like “I only have a short life, so I need to make the most of it!” Then run head first into a dragon fight without any plans.
Kiibo-Beast man. Specifically a werewolf, like just. “I know I’m a beast man, but I’m still just as human as anyone else!” And he would still get to contemplate his humanity:DDD. I can just picture kokichi being a massive bitch about it too.
Kirumi-Elf. She’s just hot like that. Also you know, the expectation of her being perfect and talented. I feel like at first she would pity short life races and fall into the “they are like children” mindset (obviously still doing anything they asked of her, she’s still herself) then after meeting the cast, would go “oh, wait. These are just people. They don’t need pity for just existing”.
Kokichi-Half foot. Ok this is another one that’s absolutely perfect. Like the lock-picking, them commonly being known for thievery, and he would absolutely use those big old ears for no good!!!! Literally just a perfect match.
Korekiyo-Kobold. Ok. This is going to be the first of a few “because I said so” he would just look so god dam good like that. It would just add to his “I’m mysterious and not much is known about me” vibe. Yes. I know kobolds tend to stay in there community’s, and can’t speak in the common tongue that well. Fuck you!!!
Maki-Half foot. I know some might question this, but hear me out! It would be so handy for her assassin thing! Like the hearing would be a massive help, her size would make it easier to go unnoticed, also she would be incredibly light footed.
Miu-Dwarf. They’re like the technology race! They invent shit! Also her brash attitude would just fit in most with dwarves, she’s probably a bit confused why everyone’s getting mad at her for being, well, her.
Rantaro-Elf. Because I said so #2. He’s just hot, I don’t think he would pity short life races tho. My mans is too well traveled for that shit to slide.
Ryoma-Dwarf. Ok yes. It is because he’s short. But also because of his demeanour, like he’s really gruff and stoic, I imagine his backstory would be much of the same, but with the added benefit of “I will outlive most of the friends I make, so why make friends in the first place”.
Shuichi-Elf. Pure fucking vibes. Just look at him. Also something something, his parents are probably these great Influential people or whatever, and he feels like all he’s achievement’s mean nothing….. something something.
Tenko-Kobold. Another absolutely perfect one! Like, just! AG! Look at everything we know about kobolds! It can be applied to Tenko!! Also she’s not immune to the “because I said so” argument. She’s my favourite. Kobolds are my favourite. Boom. Done.
Tsumugi-Tall man. Don’t even try to argue this one. Tall men are the “nothing too special about them” race. The plain race. Like I don’t know what you want from me.
Anyway that’s all. Maybe keep an eye out for some art of this crossover. Idk. Had lots of fun tho. Obviously if anyone wants to use this idea as a springboard you absolutely can, but please let me see!!! I wanna see someone going as insane as I am about my favourite game being crossed over with such a cool manga/anime
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sunnygrey99 · 1 year
Honey, Smoke, Lemon, and Oak Pt. 1
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~Trigger Warning: Typical TLOU warnings. (minors DNI) If any other Triggers apply please let me know.~
Story Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Violence, Murder, Death, Smut
A/N: Most chapters will be between 1-3k words. If you have any feedback please feel free to comment or message me! Thanks for reading.
Wordcount: 1,181
Summary: Plus size!Reader is a Beekeeper and Medical Scientist living in Jackson. A simple meeting of a new friend slowly becomes so much more. Reader is immune (This fic will have very dark tones though out. This deals with the unfortunate reality that men do disgusting things to women regardless of the world having ended. All chapters will include warnings and tag warnings. Please take care in reading.)
The sun beat down over the garden in Jackson. A hot, summer day as you kneel in the tomato plants standing tall against their chicken-wires. Both green and red fruits hanging from the thick vines. You pick through them slowly ensuring to only grab what is ready and needed for the day. Laying each delicately in a harvesting basket, hearing your nickname being called from a distance away. You turn, looking over your shoulder and smiling slightly as you see your friends Tommy and Maria heading to you with a seemingly new person. As you stand you wipe your hands on your apron and start heading to met them at the front of your greenhouse.
“Hey Tommy, Maria,” You nod to each of them. “Always good to see you two. Who’s this you got with you?”
Tommy smiles broadly as he steps aside and motions to the taller man, “This is my brother Joel. Brought ‘em by since he is gonna be stayin’ in town now. I also think Joel here might be able to help you.”
You roll your eyes at Tommy and chuckle light heartedly, “You know damn well I don’t need the help. I’ve got it covered. No sense in making others do my work.”
Maria tisks at you, “You don’t need it but it’ll help speed along the process. Besides Joel was a carpenter and that whole side of your barn has been messed up for the last 3 years.”
You knew it wasn’t meant to be malicious and she just wants to help, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make you feel bad accepting any favors. You look down and wring your hands for a moment in thought. Looking back up to the two. Joel was an interesting sight to take in. His features strong yet tired looking, beautiful wrinkles just dusting his eyes, mouth and forehead. Eyes stunning but filled with a dark sadness, one that only decades of death and killing could bring. You can only imagine that yours show the same in turn.
Nodding to the others as you make your decision. “Alright fine but he’s not doing it for free. I can offer fresh baked goods, stuff I’ve canned and the best honey you can find in any other state.” You notice the man’s eyebrows raise at the mention of honey.
Apparently Tommy noticed too. A small chuckle escapes him as he pats his brother’s shoulder and looks to you, “If you give this man even your worst honey comb he’ll never leave you alone. He use to be able to sniff that stuff out the second ma brought it home.” Joel’s ears tinged a slight pink before he elbowed his brother.
“It ain’t necessary miss but I won’t say no to honey of any kind.” His eyes seemed to lighten for just a moment as he looks back from his brother to you. A sight that makes your heart leap a bit in your chest.
“Right well let me know when you are all settled in and I can show you what the problem is with the barn. By then I’ll have some fresh honey collected for you.”
He nods to you. Some more pleasantries are exchanged before they are back on their way leaving you with a new excitement and sudden looming anxiety. This may be Tommy’s brother but you don’t know this man. He could continue to be a calming person to be around or bring more chaos and trauma to your life. Only time will tell.
As Joel walked along the street a day later to his home he couldn’t stop thinking about the garden girl from yesterday. Her sad yet sweet eyes and kind features. The second he saw her he felt the need to soak in every detail of her from the color of her hair to the curves of her body even down to the scar on her cheek and the other poking out from the collar of her shirt. The one on her cheek being from some sort of sharp blade. The other looked to be some sort of burn. He wondered how she got them as he walked up his front porch steps and into the home. “Ellie I’m back!” He steps out of his shoes after a long day of getting familiar with Jackson and starts heading to the kitchen for a cold glass of water.
“Hey Joel!” Ellie comes bounding around the corner with something in her hands. She shoves the basket into Joel’s arms, “Look! Someone left this for us on the porch!”
Joel lets out a small huff at the object having been pushed into him and he looks down at the brown weaved basket. On top was a note. As he sets the basket on the kitchen counter he picks the note up to read. In pretty lettering and some kind of black ink it read
I hope this finds you well, consider it your welcoming gift. I heard you have a kiddo with you so I hope this is enough for a few days. -from, Bunny The Beekeeper
Joel cracks a slight smile as he sets the note aside and opens the basket. His eyes widen and he has to let out a laugh at the sheer amount she gave the two of them. It looks like 4 jars of a dark and likely rich honey, several containers of honeycomb, fresh baked bread and pastries. He looks to Ellie “You have any of this yet?”
Ellie nods enthusiastically, “Those little triangle things are sooooo good. They have this…gooey stuff in it and frosting on top. Whoever made these I have to meet and we need a lifetime supply.”
Another laugh escapes the man as he picks one out himself, “Well I’m headed over tomorrow to work on her barn if you want to come with. Maybe I can teach ya a thing or two.”
She jumps up and woos before heading back off to her room in the garage. Joel shakes his head as he brings the pastry up to his mouth. It takes a moment before the taste registers on his tongue. It wasn’t just any old pastry. This was a honey lemon custard wrapped in the softest flaky dough. He nearly moans at the sheer flavor in a single bite. The frosting on top just light enough to compliment the rest of the sweet treat. He’d be ashamed to admit to anyone how quickly he ate the rest of it. It was only moments later he breaks open a honeycomb and devours that as well. Its been years since the man has had any honey let alone honey that’s this good. In fact there is something about this honey he can’t quite put his finger on why it tastes so much better than others he’s ever had.
Joel spends the rest of the night thinking about that damn honeycomb and it’s the first thing he eats in the morning before heading out with Ellie to the Beekeepers home.
Part 2
If you would like to be tagged in my works please feel free to message me and let me know who/what fandoms you’d like to be tagged in. I plan to write for at least The Walking Dead, Shameless(US), Marvel(MCU and Comics), DC(All), Teen Wolf and The Last of Us
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theheraldsrest · 1 year
I have this hc where, after spending their life at least mostly isolated in the circle, Mage Trevelyan probably has a not-so-great immune system. So, if you want: how do the companions/advisors react (Cullen in particular if you prefer?) when the Mage Inquisitor gets sick? Panic? Dote on them? Something in between? Neither? (Also, I have to say, you guys are doing great work here. I didn't know I needed this blog until I found it, but I LOVE it!)
“Companions reacting to sick Mage!Trevelyan!Inquisitor”
Another joke!
Healer: Sir Cullen, you’re suffering from delirium.
Cullen: No shit I’m suffering from the lyrium. I’m asking what are the symptoms?
-Lord Lex
-Honestly? Think he’d be one of the more level-headed people about it. He’s been inside a magi circle, he knows how most are when it comes to adventuring out for the first time. He’s quick to contact any healers who can help and checks on your status every now and then, but mainly leaves it to the professionals. He’ll take on any responsibilities to make it easier for you when you get better. He’ll go out of his way to make sure you get the proper care and herbs/potions that you need.
-Very doting. She’s an older sister so she’s always looking out for others. Mainly goes by the way of getting you some soup while you rest and seeing if any of the healers are able to help. She’ll stay by your bedside in case you need anything and, in a situation that calls for her attention, will have someone stay with you until she gets back. Don’t worry, she won’t forget about her duties, nor yours. Josey will make sure most are done.
-Walk it off. The only way you’ll grow immune to most diseases is through travel. Or being poisoned. She’s pretty sure you don’t want to do the latter. She’ll make sure a scout or a healer stays near you so no one gets the drop on you while still attending to her duties. You might even find some very delicious soup sent up from the kitchen, a special request put in by “a friend”. No, she will not admit it was her. 
-Bet your ass this woman is tsking you while healing you. Goes over exercises to help you better your body so that a simple cold won’t take you out as well as different types of magic to help heal or protect you. It’s better for everyone if you’re not constantly falling to your death, metaphorically and physically.
-Goes the whole 8 ½ yards. Get’s you some broth, a bowl of water and a towel, maybe some more blankets. One of the main ones who just lets you chill. You’re already under enough pressure, it won’t make you feel any better if people rush the process. Just take your time getting better. And when you do eventually get out of bed, tries to take note of areas that might be a little too harsh for you. One step at a time.
-Cole is trying, ok? He brings you the ingredients for soup but forgot that you have to make the soup. Will then bring you hot water but not the ingredients. Even get you blankets…a humorous amount of blankets. Cole even brings you…a chicken? Says it’s supposed to help. Who knows. You never see him, but you can sometimes hear him talking. It’s gotten to a point where the maids think the stairs to your quarters are haunted.
-Oh, that’s simple. Magic. Except after one too many that he realizes it’s your immune system. He’s worried, don’t get me wrong. But for once, he agrees with Vivienne. Magic can only take you so far. You need to start developing better habits and strengthen your will. Solas will personally go with you to certain areas and sit or walk around to make sure it’s getting better. Magic will only be used if necessary.
-Cass is worried the whole time. She tries to (s)mother you with care which is something she’s not used to nor you. She’s so freaking worried, always nervous when you fall ill and thinking the worst. Let’s the healers do their job and maids bring you things but she’s always there, asking if you need anything else, even after you’ve said no. She just wants to make sure the Inquisitor (and her friend) are alright.
The Iron Bull
-Doesn’t really stop him from doing his thing. Sure, he’ll come up and check on you, make sure you’re doing alright, but he’s going to keep things up and running the same as if you weren’t even at Skyhold. Of course, he’ll try to figure out how or why you got sick and help try to prevent it. Another one to join in on Solas’s trips to make sure you’re taking it at a nice pace to get better. Might even suggest pushing yourself further each time,
-No magic, heal properly. He’s going to give you so much sass while taking care of you. Yes, him. He’s doing it, going down to the kitchen and fetching you broth and water, helping you move in case you're in pain and getting any herbs to make it better. But he will, under no circumstances, use his magic. Mainly because he doesn’t want to fuck up and reset your progress at getting better. He’s grouchy but that’s just his way of saying he cares for you.
-Ok and? Get your hind tail up and get outside with her. She knows how to fix it. And that’s by pelting you with snow. Which she finds out does not, in fact, help. After that she’ll just hang out in your room, keeping you company while also asking for stuff to be brought up for you and her. Makes sure you’re still laughing even if you feel like death. 
-He’s a farm boy at heart. Tries to take care of you as simple as possible. Some soup with some meat, enough bedding that you’re comfortable but not too hot or too cold, some water to keep you from overheating, and enough time to sleep. You shouldn’t try to rush the process, it’s what helps make your body start to get used to it. Blackwall will stay by your side in case you need anything, even just chatting or talking so that you have some sort of calming presence.
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scottysketches · 11 months
wip wednesday... on a thursday
because tumblr wouldn't let me post this yesterday
excerpt from chapter 3 of don't dream it's over :)
They all stand from their seats, and Obi-Wan follows Satine into the kitchen as Korkie, Anakin and Padmé return to the sofas. He grabs the bottle of Corellian whisky out of the cupboard, plucks two glasses off the shelf and places all three items on the central island. Pouring himself a generous measure, he throws it back in one hit, before turning to the sink that’s already full of hot, soapy water. Shedding his cardigan — leaving it hanging on the handle for the pantry cupboard — and rolling the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows, he makes a start on the washing up.
A delicate hand hovers over his shoulder, a slice of dried fruit held between two nimble fingers. He turns his head with a smile to see Satine grinning at him. “Open up,” she murmurs, and he laughs, turning back to her hand and willingly letting her pop the fruit into his mouth, quickly taking her hand in his own and bringing her fingers to his lips so that he can press a kiss to their backs.
From the seating that leads out onto the landing platform, however, Anakin’s voice sounds concerned, and Obi-Wan turns his upper body just enough to see what’s happening. His brother has his hand on Padmé’s back, gently rubbing a soothing circle into the space between her shoulder blades. “Hey, you alright?”
Padmé clears her throat, bringing a hand up to her face and massaging her brow. “I…” She hums, closing her eyes. “Just a little dizzy.”
Obi-Wan glances at Satine, who’s frowning in concern. “Is something wrong?” she asks. “Are you ill?”
The senator looks up to Satine with a wan smile. “A couple of years ago,” she says, “I was infected with a super-virus being developed on Naboo as a biological weapon by the Separatists.” Obi-Wan frowns as he recalls the incident; Ahsoka and several clones had also been infected. “Anakin and Obi-Wan managed to find a cure and get it to those of us affected quickly enough, but I do experience spells of light-headedness every now and again.” She sighs. “Most of the time I can continue to function just fine, but… well, some days it’s debilitating.” She holds her clutch purse up to Satine’s line of sight. “The doctors I saw on Naboo at the time put me on a regiment of steroids to bolster my immune system, and the doctors here on Coruscant have me take a variety of antivirals when a particularly nasty illness becomes prevalent to help me ward off additional infections. Do you mind if I…?”
Satine shakes her head. “Of course I don’t mind,” she says, “your health comes first. Do whatever you need to do.”
Korkie picks up a book from the coffee table, and points down the hall that leads to his room, the spare bedroom, and the fresher. “First door on the left. Go ahead and shoot up.”
Padmé rolls her eyes. “Ha, ha.” She disappears into the fresher, leaving her glass of wine on the coffee table next to Korkie, who’s kicked his sock-clad feet up onto the sofa as he begins to devour another novel, his eyes fixed firmly on the page. Anakin busies himself with a holo magazine on pod-racing, idly flicking through it as he — poorly — tries to pretend that he and Padmé aren’t anything more than close friends.
“Would you like some uj’alayi?” Satine asks him, and Obi-Wan turns to look at her as she pours herself a glass of whisky at the island. With a smirk, he dries his hands on a tea-towel and moves behind her, sliding his hands over her hips and pulling her body flush against his, his lips hovering just behind her ear and the fingers of his left hand toying with the thigh-high slit in the side of her dress, brushing against her skin.
“Depends what else is on the menu,” he murmurs, his breath ghosting over her skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. “Because I can think of a few things this island can be used for that don’t include cooking…” His smirk grows in intensity as Satine lets out a small involuntary gasp, her cheeks flushing pink in arousal and her teeth tugging at her bottom lip. He lowers his lips to her neck, presses several chaste kisses to the spot where her jaw curves beneath her ear, nibbles her earlobe.
He must have been louder than he thought, however, because from the living area comes Korkie’s voice. “I can hear you,” he says nonchalantly, not looking up from his book, “and you’re disgusting.” Anakin lets out a small groan, his face twisted in mild disgust at the thought of his master wanting to fuck the former Duchess of Mandalore on the marble island.
Satine at least has the decency to look a little embarrassed. Only a little, though. “Oh, hush,” she says, surreptitiously placing one hand between herself and Obi-Wan, pushing him away, even as her fingers gently toy with the gaps between the buttons, grazing against the firm muscles of his lower abdomen. “You’ll be like your father one day, and I pity the girl you’ll charm into your bed.”
Korkie looks up in offence. “What do you mean, pity?!” he snaps indignantly, and Obi-Wan and Anakin snort at the expression on the younger man’s face. He returns his gaze to his book, grumbling to himself, “Pity, ner shebs…”
“Language,” his mother scolds him. Korkie just rolls his eyes, turning a page in his book.
The next couple of hours pass in a blur, drinks and uj’alayi consumed with gusto and interspersed with good conversation. By the time the other secret couple leave to return to Padmé’s own apartment in the Senate district, the senator is giggling and tottering around in a state of mild intoxication. (Anakin rolls his eyes at his partner’s antics, muttering to himself, “This is why I don’t drink…”)
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polygonal-trees · 2 years
Human Hospitality
Summary: Dot and Megatron's friendship begins with a bucket of cold water in a dusty old warehouse. Hurt/comfort because I am physically incapable of writing anything else :')
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Also on AO3
Dot drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as the tow tractor made its slow, trundling way through the military base. Strapped on tight to the trailer behind her was a led-lined crate, stamped in bold red with 'caution: hazardous material'. Inside was a small stack of energon cubes.
Outside, in the loneliest corner of the base, well away from her colleagues and superiors, Dot rolled her eyes and sighed.
Her mod didn’t improve when she finally reached the warehouse. It was the oldest on site and barely up to code, more a place to shove random junk than a proper storage facility. Dot hopped out of the tractor cab, hauled the doors open with a squeal of rusty hinges, and grimaced at the feeling of hot, stagnant air that rolled over her like a wave. The windows were clearly too small to do much good without proper electric ventilation, and there didn't seem to be so much as a battery powered desk fan. Sweat broke out on Dot's upper lip as she got back inside the tractor and continued inside, deciding not to close the doors behind her.
Around the corner of a few hastily stacked crates, the warehouse opened up. All the junk had been pushed to the sides to make room for a barren desert of scuffed grey concrete, and in the middle lay the base’s guest of honour: Megatron himself.
He was curled up on his side, one arm pillowing his head and the other tucked close to his chest. Dot could hear the thrum of his enormous engine above that of the tractor's, but it was subdued, almost quiet. He stirred as she approached, opening his enormous eyes to scowl with displeasure. They seemed dimmer than usual, the red less piercing. But most tellingly of all, he'd taken his helmet off. Dot could see a row of ridges encircling the top of his head.
To anyone on base who'd been wondering if transformers could get sick, they had their answer. Just like every other living thing – and every other computer, for that matter – they weren't immune to viruses, and this one had knocked the mighty Megatron flat on his big grey metal ass.
“Oh,” Megatron grunted, a faint static crackle in his voice, “it’s one of you.”
“Nice to see you too,” Dot said dryly.
Dot pulled up in front of him and cut the tractor's engine, slowly squeezing the steering wheel for a moment as she watched the giant in front of her. Dot may have been one of the few humans who worked closely with transformers, but that didn't mean they were her friends. In fact she'd only spoken to Megatron a handful of times, and he’d always struck Dot as arrogant, aloof, and several other words she was trying to phase out of her vocabulary for the sake of her son. It didn’t matter if he was technically on her side, being alone with him always made Dot feel a little… tense.
Steeling herself, Dot left the relatively safety of the tractor cab and unhitched the trailer.
"Lunch time," she said lamely, knocking on the top of the crate.
Megatron shifted a little, visibly unimpressed. "And here I thought it might be something useful," he grumbled. “Like a patch for this fragging headache.”
“If you’d rather starve I can arrange that,” Dot bit back.
The corner of Megatron’s mouth twitched, fighting either a smile or a snarl.
“Now I remember,” Megatron purred. “You’re the feisty one.”
Dot bristled. “I’m the one who gets the job done,” she said coldly. “And I’ll have you know I’m the third highest ranking officer on his site,” Dot snapped. And I should be the first, she thought bitterly.
That did earn her a smile – or rather a sneer. Too many of those not-quite-teeth.
“Oh of course, that’s why you’re here running errands instead of something more worthwhile. Why don’t you cure this virus as well if you’re so competent?”
That struck a nerve. Worse, Dot couldn’t think of an immediate counter that didn’t sound like an excuse, and she could tell by the growing smirk on Megatron’s face that she’d already run out of time.
Megatron watched her flounder and chuckled, but it wasn’t a nice sound. Too much like metal going through a shredder.
“My boss is a jerk,” Dot said finally, looking away. “I had one kid and now he’s decided I’m not good for anything else.”
“You… what?”
Dot looked back at Megatron. He was still scowling, but he looked puzzled. Something about what she’d said seemed to have genuinely thrown him.
“I took time off to make another, smaller human,” said Dot, not in the mood for an impromptu class on human biology.
Megatron’s frown faded. “You’re a blacksmith?”
Dot shrugged helplessly. “Sure, if that’s what you guys call it.”
“Oh.” Megatron didn’t seem to have a comeback. He looked at Dot with the most honest, open expression she’d ever seen on him before. “I haven’t met a blacksmith in over four million years,” he said quietly, almost to himself.
Then his eyes hardened.
“You’ve done your job,” he grunted, sounding more tired than angry, “now leave me in peace.”
Dot hesitated. When she’d agreed, reluctantly, to do the job, she had fully intended on being in and out as quickly as possible. She’d only ever thought of Megatron as a dangerous, violent, pain in the ass, but… she’d seen that hint of softness now.
Megatron's engine kicked into a low, rumbling growl. It would've been a lot more intimidating if he'd been sitting up and towering over her, but he seemed reluctant to move. Against her better judgement, Dot felt a pang of sympathy. If her allies made her wait out the flu in an old closet, well… she wouldn’t be happy either.
Dot looked Megatron over with an assessing gaze. He seemed cold, but the air above his head shimmered faintly, like the freeway in summer – was it the same as when malware made a computer overheat? That must be uncomfortable. He looked uncomfortable, lying on bare concrete without even a blanket or a pillow. Dot knew transformers didn't need the same cushy comforts as humans but this still seemed like a less-than-ideal set up for rest and recovery. Hadn’t the Autobots considered that?
To be honest, Dot didn’t think the Autobots had considered much at all. When the higher-ups had asked why they needed to quarantine the giant alien robot and not the giant alien robots themselves, the answer they'd got back sounded hollow and flimsy to Dot. Something about differently coded immune systems – an annoyance for Decepticons could be lethal to Autobots and vice versa. Smelled like bullcrap to Dot, but she didn't have the medical, engineering, or computer science degree to prove it.
Dot waited another second before taking a slow step forward, aware of the hands that could reduce her to paste, but trusting that they wouldn’t. Megatron watched, guarded but curious, as if wondering what this ‘feisty’ human would do next.
Dot still wasn't sold on ‘good guy’ Megatron. She didn't see how anyone who'd waged war for so long could make such a change. But at the same time… Dot understood the desire to do the right thing, even if it wasn't easy.
Besides, he looked so put out and pathetic it was honestly a bit uncomfortable.
“How do you feel?” she asked, softening her voice.
Megatron rolled his eyes and huffed. "Oh, I feel sublime," he grumbled. "My central processor's overheating, my core temperature dropped to prevent my helm from melting, and I'm trapped in his dust box because the Autobot medic didn't think to make compatible anti-viral software. Everything aches. This is exactly what I had in mind when I negotiated the ceasefire." 
Dot inched a little closer. "Can I do anything to help?"
"No," Megatron snapped.
Dot threw her hands up in exasperation. "Men!" she exclaimed, tenderness forgotten. "I swear, you're the same in every species – complain all you like, but as soon as someone tries to make it better, you're back at it with the tough guy routine." She cocked her hip, folded her arms, and hit Megatron with her best Mom Stare. It was still a work in progress, but he didn't need to know that.
"Do you need anything?" she asked firmly.
Megatron stared.
Dot stared back.
Megatron kept staring.
Dot stared harder.
Megatron was the first to look away.
"A cold compress would be nice," he mumbled.
Dot fought a smug smile. "I'll see what I can do," she said, getting back in the tractor. "Try to eat while I'm gone, ok? At least half a cube."
Obviously the base didn’t have a transformer-sized compress, but she got a clean sponge, a bucket of fresh water, and a few cups of ice from the staff lounge.
She returned to the warehouse to find Megatron propped up on one elbow, idly swirling half a cube of energon around with his other hand. He had the presence of mind to toss back the rest before Dot could get too close, muttering something disparaging about 'medgrade'. He eyed the bucket with distaste as Dot got out of the tractor, but he must have been feeling worse than he’d let on because he lay down again without complaint.
"Sorry I can’t give you the five star experience," Dot said anyway.
"As if I'd expect more from a human," Megatron grumbled.
"You're lucky you're under the weather, big guy,” Dot muttered under her breath, soaking the sponge and squeezing it out.
She hesitated a moment. She hadn't fully realised just how close she'd be getting to Megatron's face. Never one to back down, however, Dot pressed the sponge gently to the heated metal forehead, watching faint trails of steam evaporate.
It hit her suddenly how familiar the motion was. Robby had come down with a bug only a few days before Dot was due to go back to work, and she'd stubbornly extended her leave because of it. Maybe that was why she'd been shunted aside, but she'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Megatron closed his eyes and sighed, great metal body relaxing with a hydraulic hiss.
"Higher," he mumbled, ever demanding. Dot rolled her eyes and did as he said, re-wetting the sponge and moving it to the edge of the ridges. They shuddered faintly, Megatron's breathing hitched, and then they slowly unfurled with gentle clicks and creaks. Tall metal panels, tapered like petals on a flower. They looked… not rusty, but lined. As though they'd been folded for a long time.
"Thank you," Megatron breathed, so softly Dot barely heard him.
"Don't mention it, Megs," she said, "just get well soon."
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What are your most unpopular opinions on Descendants as a whole?
Idk how popular/unpopular a lot of my opinions are, but here are a few that I think are unpopular haha:
1) I like Mal. Yes even when she’s making bad choices, which she certainly does. I like that she’s a messy protagonist & even tho I prefer a lot of things about her book characterization I also lowkey still like the movie version of her. I know people say Dove was phoning it in especially in D3 but I think she did a really good job in D1 & D2; at the beginning of D2 she did a believable enough portrayal of a stress-based mental breakdown that I’m convinced Dove was drawing from personal experience. When you can see her zoning out every time no one’s talking to her directly bc she’s mentally working through a checklist of everything she needs to do—I’ve been there. Mal was sleep deprived & living on sheer willpower & fear of failure and Dove crushed it in terms of portraying that experience.
I’ll admit that I’m biased bc I am not immune to Dove Cameron in purple hair & studded jackets, I relate to Ben bc I too would abuse my position of power just to make Mal happy oop
2) I like beast!Ben okay I did not like the makeup job but I did like the character design & I think if they were gonna have him do stupid shit like roaring in D2 when overwhelmed/stressed about the fight with Uma or physically shake water off of himself like a dog then we could’ve gotten more than him being beasted by a spell for 2 minutes (even tho the FX makeup did Not hold up well on camera). Also they were cowards for using the magic lake super soaker to mostly break the spell, every single version of Beauty and the Beast that refuses to show a human/beast kiss on screen is made by cowards. This was the only spell in D3 that was broken in this way & they did that specifically bc they were cowards. Mal should’ve broken the spell by kissing him in the first place I don’t care if it’s weird
Given the slightest inclination I would’ve made a beast!Ben au anyway but I only initially started writing down any of it out of spite
3) I don’t love that Mal spelled Ben but I still ship Bal. I support & enjoy other ships with both of the characters (Malvie, Bevie, core four all together, etc) but I am a Bal shipper at heart. And I think Ben proposing with a callback to Did I Mention was really cute okay, yes that’s salt in the wound for Audrey but just on its own it was a really cute & romantic way to propose & I love it
4) Ig the really unpopular thing, going off of the prev one, is this: I don’t think Audrey & Ben were ever actually in love. I think they were friends & them dating was something that Audrey was encouraged to do & Ben went along with, & I think as much as Audrey absolutely was unfairly humiliated in front of her peers she was more upset at losing the crown than Ben. Ben still owed her an apology & an explanation once he broke Mal’s spell; it wasn’t his fault that he embarrassed Audrey while under the influence of a spell but it was pretty cowardly & lame of him not to own up to it right away & instead just use the spell as an easy out from the relationship. But I still don’t think Audrey & Ben were ever in love. As a Bal shipper, I am definitely biased about this.
Also, I’m not opposed to anyone shipping Audrey with Ben! I think it’s cool that all of us can see this same franchise & come away with so many different ideas & opinions
So those are my hot takes lol. Overall I just enjoy Descendants as the beautiful garbage fire it is & I don’t have super strong opinions about ships or anything, I just like playing in the sandbox :)
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creedslove · 1 year
Loved part 3 so much!!!!!! <333
I just hope you don’t rush with the story, you’re an amazing writer I am so impressed, I usually only see smut or the storyline doesn’t resonate or feels forced. The fact that for once you’re giving so much thought into this, you’re building the anticipation, you have gotten us rooting for the reader, even if you write 100 parts of the story I know it’ll all be amazing because you’re great at delivering !!
For a long time I was looking for a fic with Pedro x reader but writers only choose his characters from shows/movies. I wonder what made you think to start writing about him and not his characters?
Take care writer, you’re putting amazing work out here, we love uuuuu <3
thank you so much anon, your words are motivating and really sweet! ❤️💖
I don't think I'll rush any chapters I mean, all the chapters were absolutely not planned, I wrote Betrayed as an one shot but people got into it and asked for a part two, which brought a part three, then part four and five (that's being written right now) I have absolutely no idea how many chapters we still have ahead, I just hope I won't go into any writer's block because I'm really enjoying this story and the ideas come naturally and when they don't, I get lots of amazing anon suggestions to work on, so I feel really lucky, to see people are actually invested.
I'm happy you are enjoying it, when I write a story, I try to write something interesting it would catch my attention and I would read it if I someone else had written it, you know what I mean? And I've always loved angst with happy endings, but I like the build up more than the ending when it's done properly and I noticed there's a lot Pedro stories that are rushed to the happy ending, which I don't blame because honestly who wouldn't want to live happily ever after with that man lmao and he is all the time a ray of sunshine to reader which I also enjoy because it brings us comfort when we read it but I thought to myself: what if he is just a normal guy who screws up like everyone else and is too stubborn to admit it? And people enjoyed that portrait! And we all project ourselves into reader, just like I said in another ask, in my mind reader is me just like she is you when you reader and so on, so we honestly just root for ourselves to be strong enough to fend for ourselves no matter how hot Pedro is while breaking our heart 😂😂😂
And the main reason why I began writing about Pedro is because I got into him because of him and not his characters. I had never watched anything he was on and I always saw people gushing about him on Twitter but never got the fuss about it, until about a month or so when whenever I logged on Instagram random pictures or reels of him would show up in my suggestions. I would usually ignore them until I came across that one where he talks about how people usually pronounce 'Pedro' and then he tells the interviewer his full name, using his beautiful accent and as I study Spanish I just LOVED the sound of that. Then other videos of him would appear and I would send them to my friend who really loves him because it reminded me of her. So I went from this guy isn't that ugly to he's not ugly at all to holy shit he's very handsome.
But the cherry on top was about three weeks ago I was going through a rough time where my immune system wasn't great or whatever and I was constantly sick, I had been sick for over a month before that and each week I would have a different problem lol and that week i was again sick and it just drained me emotionally because i was feeling so weak and all the antibiotics I took made me feel physically bad as well and my work schedule was hectic as always, long story short I was a walking corpse that week until I began dreaming about him at night.
The first time I dreamed about Pedro, it was silly but also really sweet, I dreamed I was at the mall, running some errands and with my headphones on, then the song 'Otro día que va' by RBD began playing and I sang along to it and it caught his attention because it was in Spanish so he made small talk and we began chatting, then he invited me for lunch and it was adorable because it was kinda a lunch day. So when I woke up I felt so happy and comforted about the dream and the following nights I also dreamed about him, he was always so sweet in flirty in my dreams and we spoke a lot of Spanish that spiced up things a little bit lol and by the end of the week I already had a massive crush on him, lol
But I wrote for one of his characters: Javier Peña because he makes me feel things™ and I'll probably write more when inspiration comes, just like I'll probably write for Joel Miller in the future because he also makes me feel things™ but so far, my main focus is nuestro dulce pedrito porque lo amo 💖
Thanks a lot anon, your ask was amazing and don't forget the only reason I write it's because of you all and how amazing and support of my work you all are!
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finch1pinch · 1 year
gotta say I really do enjoy the beginning of Across the Spider-Verse and Gwen’s monologue while she’s pounding on the drums (beware spoilers ahead obviously!)
on the first viewing(yes I saw it in theaters twice) its mostly just a recap of the first movie to get everyone who hasnt watched it over 15 times and knows the plot and a lot of the lines by heart. But as I enjoyed it for the second time in theaters and now when im listening to the soundtrack, Gwen’s monologue is her coping with the aftermath of ITSV. She’s gone through a lot of shit, her mother died, she accidentally caused her best and only friend’s death, shes having tension with her dad due to her double life, and she finally got the courage to make her first friend in a long while, and now she can’t interact with that friend at all. She just got a taste of being able to depend on other people to have her back and BOOM! now shes back to total isolation. and she doesn’t know how to cope. No spider-person ever really does. all of them are bouncing from one responsibility to another than none of them ever have any time to truly process the shit they go through on a daily basis.
That is why Gwen keeps repeating that “He’s[Miles] not the only one.” as she bashes her drums. She’s using him as a vessel to process her feelings. She knows she isn’t the only one, but its a little hard to believe when there is not physical proof of it. So Gwen monologues about how Miles and her are similar.
And while she is dealing with her sudden isolation, she joins a band.
“I didn’t join a band so I could talk about my feelings, I joined so I could hit my feelings with sticks.” (apologies if I misquoted)
She wanted to have friends again. But she can’t connect with any of her peers because they don’t get it. None of them can hope to understand her position as a spider-person who has people around her dropping dead left and right.
And Gwen also doesn’t really give them a chance to be her friend.
because she wasn’t really searching for new friends, its presumably been a month or two since she went through the collider, she’s desperate for connection with her peers. The problem is that none of the kids her age are her peers. Miles is her peer. Hobie and Pavitr end up being her peers and her friends. the bajillion Peters her age are her peers.
Her joining the spider society is both bad and good for her because of this. She’s finally got peers that she can connect with, despite the lack of Miles’ presence, but she also has really shitty role models now. said shitty role models are doing exactly the opposite thing that you’re meant to do with parenting teenagers. They are clipping her wings rather than Miles and his dad “You gotta let him spread his wings man.” Jess and Miguel (and sorta Peter?) won’t let her visit Miles based on rules that are theoretical AT BEST, and she’s effectively trapped in the spider society due to her dependence on the watch so that she can avoid her dad. (side note: WHY DID NOBODY HELP HER PROCESS AND FIX HER DAD SITUATION???) does anybody else think this is a classic setup for an abusive situation? Though she does have Hobie and Pavitr, she is still being isolated from Miles because he’s a “bad influence.”(read: anomaly) I will ask you all again, does anybody else think this is a classic setup for an abusive/culty situation??
I’m sorry but the idea of canon events feel like grade-A bullshit meant to corral the spider people into a single template. They are straight up scaremongering that forces the spider people to endure trauma that they wouldn’t have to go through if they all just flipped Miguel off and helped each other! (can you tell I despise Miguel, i’m aroace i’m immune to the hotness) Miguel 👏 is 👏 making 👏 a 👏 fucking 👏 cult! 👏
All in all, the isolation that Gwen faces after ITSV made her very susceptible to the kinda culty thing that the spider society led by Miguel has got going on rn. All spider people deal with heavy isolation and loneliness, so the thought that maybe all that sacrifice and isolation did actually need to or was meant to happen, is comforting to them. they went through all that pain because they had to, rather than all the deaths could’ve been avoided. The other spider people have never been in Miles’ shoes, in terms of having the ability to actually change so-called fate. So they don’t get it. But now, with Gwen’s father quitting the police force, Gwen is once again Miles’ peer. They both know that they can avoid their dad’s deaths. And you bet they’re going to try.
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awaitingfall · 2 months
End of week goal: 133
End of month goal: 129
I felt better yesterday, but now my bf is sick. He was actually planning on coming with us to go look at houses today, but now that he’s sick he can’t be around my dad who has a compromised immune system. So he secretly got his wish to not look at anymore houses lol
We actually got news that my bf’s best friend’s mother-in-law is moving into the empty apartment below us at the end of this month and this lady is *allegedly* CRAZY. Like insanely narcissistic psychotic-type crazy. So we really need to get going on this house hunting now. I think this is our final sign from the Universe telling us we gotta get tf outta here. Cuz how? Out of this entire complex that has over 100 units. How does she end up right below us? And she’ll be sharing a back wall with her actual daughter and son-in-law so I can just imagine the terrible energy and tension from them just seeping up into our unit. I can HEAR the arguments that’ll probably be happening between them when the daughter goes over to visit. I think it’s gonna be bad. I’m really taking this as a sign to move asap 😩
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We went out to lunch yesterday and sat on the balcony since it wasn’t too hot and the sun was out 😊 I got the truffle short rib gnocchi AGAIN. I got it the last time I went and they kept in on the menu even after the seasonal change because ppl loved it so much and rioted when they took it off the first time. I didn’t want to eat too much yesterday, but I will NOT pass up that dish. I took half home for leftovers, but I couldn’t wait and I ended up just having it for dinner. So damn good.
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I got more sweet potato soup ingredients yesterday when we went grocery shopping so I can make that again for this week. It’s too good and really helps with weightloss so I’m going to continue to make it until I’m sick of it! Since I’ve gotten sick I haven’t lost any weight, which is fine - I wasn’t expecting to. But now I’m getting back on my routine and also I for some reason forgot about exercising. So I’m going to get back to working out in the morning. And my goal for the week is to be 133 by Saturday. And I think my goal for the month will be 129. I think that’s doable if I stay on track and don’t have any other food-based celebrations.
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I hope my boss took care of a good chunk of work on Thursday when we all had to call out sick because of him. I’m gonna be annoyed if he did absolutely nothing on Thursday cuz there was a lot of work that had to get done and he’s not a super reliable person… I just don’t want to be in a rush tomorrow while trying to continue to train the new guy.
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kinetic-elaboration · 6 months
March 27: Time Loop Notes
In the interest of me going to sleep... soon? and in honor of me posting the last chapter of the Time Loop today (tumblr post forthcoming), here are some notes from my writing process, basically me working out the timeline/background etc.
Spoilers ahead, mostly for the Raven chapter.
826/23: I think I need to write some notes on Octavia, Raven, and Murphy before I attempt the Raven section because it’s all swirling around a lot in my head. So. The backstory: Raven and Octavia are sort of similar personality types in a way and they were attracted to their own similarities. They’re both tough and they don’t like talking about feelings, but they get very strongly attached to other people. Octavis is possessive, Raven maybe a little bit too, or at least, she likes being possessed because it makes her feel worthy and loved. They’re both passionate, adventurous. For the purposes of this fic, they’re both easily jealous. They both admire something in the other: Raven admires Octavia’s abilities to survive in the wilderness, her boundless ability to adventure, and Octavia admires Raven’s genius. Octava has also done the seducing-with-gifts things, which Raven I would say isn’t immune to. I mean everyone likes to be wooed. They’re also hot together, attracted to each other. Theirs is a relationship that’s always up to 11, volatile but fun, addictive.
What pulls them apart? The volatility can be sex or it can be fighting, violence. Octavia can be very selfish, especially in this fic, and she’s a button presser. If Raven doesn’t give her what she wants, in terms of time or attention or anything, she lashes out and does so effectively. And Raven doesn’t diffuse situations. The nature of Octavia’s job means they’re apart for long periods. They are both jealous and they both have reasons to doubt the other’s faithfulness. Raven has wondered about Octavia and Lincoln. And Octavia feels secure in Raven’s affections, until Murphy.
And what’s the deal with Murphy? He was Bellamy’s friend. He was brought to a “couple Christmases,” so let’s say two. The last would have been the most recent Christmas, so not quite a year ago. He and Raven hit it off. He’s a good sparring partner and she likes that there’s no games with him. He’s just honest and open, even about his past. He has a history of fairly small-time crime: B&E, grifts and scams, insurance fraud. Unlike Octavia, he doesn’t use because, like Raven, he has a history of alcoholism in his family.* She finds him, in a way, refreshing. There’s definitely a spark and some flirting, arguably too much flirting given that Raven is in a relationship and they are in her girlfriend’s house. But they don’t technically cheat. They don’t kiss, fuck, or confess feelings. Octavia gets big mad about it, though, and she and Raven have a terrible fight. They get over it at least a little and hang on into January, then they break up. Jealousy over Murphy is a huge part of it. They did not have any contact until Octavia sends Raven the Halloween invite. Also, Octavia’s overdose was that spring, like maybe April. (I don’t know if that was enough time for Jasper’s hair to grow back that long but I also… don’t care.)
Raven and Murphy haven’t seen each other or talked since Christmas. But they did exchange numbers, so she contacts him when she gets the Halloween invitation. She picks him for a few reasons: she has no one else she thinks would say yes; she knows he definitely will say yes; she knows he can run a grift and this is essentially a grift; he’s the only person who’s ever been invited to the group’s events; she knows he will annoy Octavia more than anyone else. Also, she does have some feelings for him. She tells Murphy that she wants to annoy Octavia. But privately she also wants a sort of shield or armor. She wants Octavia to stay away from her, because she thinks Raven’s moved on. And she wants Murphy to keep her sane, in a way, keep her from being tempted by Octavia’s bullshit.
I don’t really know the full backstory behind stole Octavia’s car, crashed it, and then stole a ring. I guess… it’s just that? Like I said, he was sober. I think the car ride was a joy ride and the crash a real accident—he was just being reckless. Maybe Raven was with him? The ring is because obviously he’s going to steal. He stole both times he was at Octavia’s LA house.
Is there anything else that I need to figure out about them? I feel like that’s basically it. I don’t feel confident and secure but I think that’s just because I’m too far into this fic to feel confident about anything. I wasn’t confident about any of the Monty scenes really but I still wrote them.
* Ugh I just had this memory of a bit I wanted to include but I have no context for it. Something about Octavia and the weed and the harder drugs. I think it might have been from Clarke’s scene later that I was sort of playing around with in my head. She called Jasper and Monty Octavia’s stoner boyfriends and I was wondering if that was too much, since they’re all supposed to be friends. About how Clarke doesn’t blame Octavia for starting to get high after the murder. Oh, it was Clarke after O’s death, remembering her meditation techniques and how she liked how they took her out of herself, and comparing it to O’s substance abuse issues.
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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Summary: Henry finally is going on a date with the girl of his dreams, but there is one thing he has to get used to and that is her celiac disease.
Henry Cavill x unnamed ofc (but who are we kidding, it's about me lol)
Wordcount: 854
Warnings: None
A/N: I have celiac disease and the symptoms the unnamed ofc experiences are the symptoms I experience. I know it can be different for everyone, but this is just how I experience it. Also, I do not have a gluten detection dog (though I'd love one), so what I've written about that is solely what I learned through Instagram.
When Henry first started dating her, it took him a while before he realized she never ever wanted to eat somewhere. It was always a orange banana smoothie, a cappuccino where she would leave the complimentary cookie to the side or give it to him, or some mint tea.
Their dates had been amazing and he so desperately wanted to prolong their time together, however she never wanted to eat anywhere. 
Finally he asked her about it. 
Why can’t we have dinner somewhere?
And she let him in on the matter by saying: ‘I’ve got celiac disease.’
A few hours consulting doctor Google, enlightened him further on the matter and he realized she didn’t want to risk the aftermath of accidentally consuming some gluten. That’s why she opted for kisses on the cheek at the end of their dates, when he did eat the cookie. That’s why she had this way of flicking her hand as she took something off the shelves, checking the ingredients. He thought she was just watching her food for a diet or something, when in reality she’d been checking it for ingredients that would make her sick.
Finally, they kissed, after he ate a gluten-free dinner with her, a dinner they prepared together and he fell even more in love with her than he already did. Sure, it took some adapting, but for her, he did it in a heartbeat and with love. When he was with his friends, he consumed all the gluten he wanted, but with her, he just ate what she made for herself, therefore also for him and they did not have to worry about gluten consumption.
He took her to game night with his friends, where they’d watch rugby and have beer and chips. She politely declined, though Henry wasn’t exactly sure if it was because it looked highly unappetizing or if she really couldn’t eat it. She let him in on the little secret she sometimes fakes she can’t have it, solely because she doesn’t want to eat it, but also doesn’t want to say those exact words.
Either way, he understood. 
Like he would usually do during game night, he wanted to grab a beer, but after a quick check—a habit he had picked up from her—he realized he couldn’t have it.
But she was quick to notice his disappointment. ‘You can have the beer,’ she said. ‘I know you want to, baby. It’s okay.’
He however placed it back and said: ‘Nah, I want to kiss my girlfriend whenever I want.’
It became a regular thing. Him declining offers whenever he was with her, him ordering gluten-free when they dared going out for dinner, so he could eventually exchange it with her if she did not like her order.
However, it went wrong and he hated seeing her like that. Curled up on the couch with a hot bottle against her bloated stomach, her pale face with deep dark circles underneath her eyes and the fact the restroom became her second home. Witnessing her own body having a immune response like that, solely because of accidental gluten consumption, it broke his heart. When she finally was semi back on her feet again, he could see the aftermath for weeks. Her intense fatigue, her ruined appetite and the shift in her mood. 
Naturally, because Henry likes to think pragmatically, he started to look for something he saw online recently.
A gluten detection dog. 
After quite some digging, he finally found a trainer who trained dogs to become gluten detection dogs and arranged multiple meetings.
‘Where are we going?’ she asked him curiously, as they continued the drive to the barn. ‘I don’t think we’ve ever been here.’
‘It’s a surprise, love,’ he said. ‘I am sure you would like it.’
When they got out and saw the dog he had in mind already waiting for them. Her eyes lit up. ‘Oh my goodness, a dog?’
‘Not just a dog,’ he said.
The trainer appeared and together with the dog walked up to them with a smile. ‘No ma’am, it’s a gluten detection dog.’
She was absolutely stunned. She had heard about gluten detection dogs before, however never thought about getting one. For starters, it was too expensive and she thought relying on herself was good enough. 
But the gluten free world is changing. Oats are considered gluten free now. When the gluten is pulled from the wheat, it’s considered gluten-free. And that is hard for her, because it’s not gluten free for her.
While the dog is not one hundred percent right, he can help her out. 
Many tears are shed and she wraps her arms around the dog. ‘We’re going to be the best of friends,’ she says to the canine. ‘What’s their name.’
‘Her name is Ella,’ the trainer said. ‘Come on in, I’ll tell you more about Ella and the gluten detection dog protocol.’
Seeing the hearts appear in her eyes, Henry started to chuckle, realizing he probably is the only one who is going to listen. But that’s alright. 
She’ll get the gist of it eventually.
♧ ♧ ♧
Taglist:@diegos-butt // @cherry-gemz // @crazybutconfidentaf // @sillyrabbit81 // @thelastsock // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @lyrarodriguez // @islacharlotte // @summersong69 // @sunshine96love // @oddsnendsfanfics // @gearhead66 // @xobriellaxo24 // @xuxszx // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @eldarwen333 // @omgkatinka // @abschaffer2 // @pterodactylterrace // @kebabgirl67 //
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pippytmi · 3 years
16 + 4 + 2 (werewolf supercorp?)
It is not uncommon for Kara to wake up in a puddle of blood.
At this point she is immune to the shock that comes with it, really. She has adapted; knows all the best tricks to get stains out of her clothes, knows all the best laundromats that don’t ask any questions. Heck, she even has Alex’s ex-girlfriend on speed dial, just in case there is a freak chance the blood Kara wakes up in might be human (it has not happened yet, knock on wood).
But there are other parts that still take some getting used to. Like, for example, the loss of memory that comes with every night of the full moon. Because yeah, she understands why she wakes up in a pool of blood. What she doesn’t understand is why this time around she wakes up in a pool of her own blood, and in so much pain that it hurts to open her eyes.
“Ow,” Kara whispers to herself, twisting onto her side with a groan. Her clothes are gone—no surprise—but even as she is laying down on the cold, rocky forest floor, the only thing she can focus on is how much her head hurts. She’s dealt with branch scratches, sore legs and arms, the occasional plethora of bug bites, but never a headache. Her one comfort is that at least she has made it into the backyard of Sam’s cabin. It takes a considerable amount of strength to push herself up off the ground; walking is going to be much harder than anticipated.
If Alex saw her now, she'd—well first she would hit Kara over the head and yell at her about being dumb, but afterwards she would snicker. And probably hit her over the head again for good measure.
“Oh my God—!”
Okay, it’s official. Kara is now dead. Even if the stranger gawking at her is not the one who kills her, Alex definitely will.
And it’s that thought that makes Kara drop right back down on the floor, knocking the wind right out of her lungs, and she groans into the dirt pitifully.
“Oh, fuck,” the stranger whispers, almost as if to herself, scrambling to come to Kara’s side. “Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. Fuck!” Said stranger belatedly claps a hand over her mouth, green eyes widening in horror. “Holy shit, are you alive?”
Kara pitifully rests her cheek against the ground and tries not to look too offended. “Uh, kind of,” she replies. (So this must not be Sam’s cabin, then.) “Sorry. Am I in your yard? It is a very nice yard. Five stars.”
“No, it’s not my—I’m house-sitting,” the woman explains, though she is giving Kara a look that says really? That’s what you want to focus on right now?
“Well, it’s still a nice place,” Kara says, because she is polite and small talk is always a good thing to fall back on when you’re naked on a pile of dead leaves. “Wait, I don’t suppose you’re house-sitting for Sam, are you? Sam Arias, super tall, has a daughter who is freakishly good at checkers?”
Stranger-who-swears-like-a-sailor frowns. “How do you know Sam?” she asks suspiciously.
“She dated my sister. It was a whole—it’s a thing,” Kara says. “You know?”
“Wait. Are you Kara? Are you Alex’s sister?”
“Yes! So you do know!” Kara would grin if her face were capable of any emotion besides mind-shattering pain. “Then you must be Sam’s friend…uh, bear with me…Lena? Or Jess?”
“Lena,” says the woman, still notably wary, so Kara makes the decision to wiggle until she can prop herself up her elbows and look less, well, like a corpse.
“Hey, got it in one!” Kara says as cheerfully as she can muster. “Well, it’s nice to meet you. And can I just—uh, say—that you don’t have to worry. I won’t die here or anything. I know you would obviously be the number one suspect for murder and it wouldn’t be nice of me to put you through that.”
“…right. Never mind that you would be dead, or anything.” Lena begins to shakily unbutton her coat like a woman possessed, as if her doubt has morphed entirely into concern now that she has confirmation the freak naked in Sam’s backyard is not an entire stranger. “Here, this is long enough to cover you. Do you—do you need help getting up?”
“No, no, I’ve got it, thank you,” Kara insists, and gradually, she manages; she shifts sideways and then tentatively onto her butt, and accepts the coat when it’s all but thrown at her face. There is blood mixed in with the leaves and general guck beneath her, and she winces at the sight. “I’ll come back and clean this later,” she’s quick to add, and Lena frowns in response.
“Are you serious? Forget cleaning, you need—stitches, at the very least. I can take you to the hospital if—”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that!” Kara blurts out, and with the adrenaline from that burst of energy she’s able to scramble to her feet. She is shaky, unsteady, but she manages to stay upright at least and she’ll count that as a win. “Shoot. I’m sorry for yelling. I just—no hospitals. I can’t do hospitals.” She has never had to form an excuse for this, and her mouth can’t quite wrap around the right words.
But Lena—green eyes wide and unsure, skin pale in the early morning light—nods, like she understands. “Okay,” she says. “No hospitals.”
“Thanks,” Kara mumbles, wrapping the coat tightly around herself. There are startling black spots in her vision and her head still feels like it was used as a piñata; she wonders what the heck her next move should be now. If Sam needs someone to house-sit, she must be out of the city. And if Sam is out of the city, Kara can’t exactly waltz into Sam’s house to wash all the blood off her body (and then call up Alex from the couch while stealing whatever ice cream Ruby picked). Sam lets her do that, sure, but that’s Sam. It would be pretty rude to do that when Lena is right here.
“Do you…” And Lena pauses, nose scrunching up as if something has just occurred to her. “I can give you a ride somewhere else, if you’d like. Back to your house?”
“No, that’s okay,” Kara hurries to decline, because how can she really explain that she lives in an apartment, and that if little old Mrs. Jensen saw her coming up covered in blood she’d finally succumb to her third heart attack? “Can I just use Sam’s phone to call my sister? Then I’ll come right back out here, I promise.”
“Why would you come back out here again?” Underneath her coat, Lena is wearing plaid pajama pants that are rolled at the ankle (Sam’s, most likely), and a tank top that is extremely fitted. Very, very well fitted. Like, you-can-tell-it’s-frigidly-cold-outside-kind-of-fitted.
Kara coughs and tries not to let on how her train of thought has twisted. “Because…I’m a stranger?” she tries. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Remember, if you die I’m going to be the first one they question,” Lena says, tilting her head expectantly in the direction of Sam’s cabin. “Come inside, warm up. Call your sister.” All things considered, she is far more concerned than Kara expected her to be—as if, somehow, ridding herself of the weirdo walking around bloody and probably concussed isn’t the very first thing on Lena’s mind.
So Kara doesn’t look a gift horse in the mouth; she accepts the offer. It’s a small comfort that if she really does get murdered by a total stranger, it won’t be while cold and naked.
Lena goes right into Sam’s room the instant they go inside, already gathering a million outfits for Kara to pick through. “The shower is fickle, but it does have hot water,” she says, adding a towel to the pile in Kara’s arms when she re-emerges. “You just have to—”
“Hit the wall twice, and give it a few seconds,” Kara finishes. “Yeah, Sam reminds me every time.”
“So you…visit Sam often, do you?”
“Uh.” And suddenly, despite the long, cold night she’s had, the air indoors feels a bit warmer than is comfortable. “Only sometimes.” Once a month, Kara thinks, and Lena crosses her arms and just stares.
Really stares, dragging those sharp green eyes up and down Kara’s whole body. Squints at the scratches on her face, scrunches her nose at the way Kara awkwardly shifts from side to side. Finally Lena speaks, and it’s only to say, “It’s you, isn’t it?”
“...come again?”
“It’s you. Sam told me she’s been helping out a friend with a—furry predicament—”
If it were possible to choke on air, Kara would be dead right now. “Did she really call it furry? But she’s also—!” She has to pause, now, because she feels an urge to clarify, “Wait. Are we talking about the same thing right now?”
Lena narrows her eyes slightly. “You mean talking about how you’re a werewolf?”
“Oh!” Head lighter, Kara sucks in a laugh that makes her ribs feel like they are splintering open. “Then yes. That’s good, I didn’t want you to think I was a—anyway. I didn’t think Sam told anyone.”
“Sam and I have been friends for a long time,” Lena says slowly. A beat. “She actually ate my hamster once.”
Kara winces. “Recently?”
“No! Back in the fifth grade,” Lena frowns, like she might’ve added dumbass at the end of the sentence. “I’m a grown woman. I don’t own hamsters.”
“What? Come on, having pets isn’t just a kid thing,” Kara says. “I used to have a cat, but he…”
“Oh my God, you ate him?”
Kara’s jaw drops. “What—no! He turned out to already have an owner, so she took him back. He just liked to wander into my apartment.” She hugs the clothing pile tighter to her chest, and tries her hardest to scowl. “I’m responsible, okay? Most of the time. I’m not dangerous.”
“Except to deer, or rabbits, or whatever else you killed last night?” Lena quirks an eyebrow, but surprisingly not in a manner that’s judge-y. Just…curious.
“Right,” Kara says defeatedly, and her head throbs enough that her grip on Sam’s clothes begins to falter. “Sorry. I wasn't trying to be defensive or anything.”
“That's alright.” And stranger still, Lena reaches out to gently touch the side of Kara’s head. “So does the same thing happen to you?”
“Huh?” The proximity has scrambled Kara’s brain momentarily, and she finds herself unthinkingly holding her breath.
“Do you also black out,” Lena clarifies. “Like Sam does, every time she shifts.”
“Oh. Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s—a universal wolf thing,” Kara says.
Lena hums, and her hand retracts. “And are you a serial killer in wolf form?”
“Uh, I hope not? I’m pretty sure all this is…” Kara gestures over her body with one hand, still hugging the pile of clothes with the other. “Not human.”
“Okay.” Lena casually walks away, but pauses to throw over her shoulder, “I’ll help you clean up your head once you’re out of the shower. I’ve helped Sam a hundred times.”
“Are you—do you have some kind of healing magic, or—”
“Close. I’m an ER nurse,” Lena says amusedly, and when she smiles a dimple emerges on one cheek. “All the witches I know have fled the city, so I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”
“You joke, but Alex dated this witch once, and she hexed my sister to spill her first sip of coffee every time she went to take a drink for three weeks straight after they broke up,” Kara says, and Lena again scrunches her nose in that quizzical way.
“Seriously? Witches are real too?”
“Duh,” Kara says lightly. “What, you thought it stopped at werewolves? Please. I’m pretty sure the neighbor two doors down is a gorgon.”
“Well, it would explain her fondness of statues,” Lena says, strangely nonplussed. “I’ve never asked, but I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at this point. How do you take your coffee?” As she asks, Lena deposits a few fingers of whiskey into a mug, and at Kara’s questioning look says, “Sorry, we’re all out of painkillers. This is as good as you’re going to get.”
“Maybe I’ll do better if it’s straight,” Kara says, unable to hide her grimace, while Lena shrugs a shoulder as if to say it’s your funeral.
So after Kara showers, she sits on the couch and sips gross whiskey out of a chipped mug that reads World’s Best Mom in bright pink letters. Lena has turned on the TV to the local news station—clearly she has stayed with Sam before—and a man on screen is recounting a tale of how he hit a giant wolf strolling too close to his farm with a baseball bat.
“If I had my shotgun I would’ve killed the fucker,” he swears, red in the face, and above her Lena gives a little scoff.
“What a dick,” Lena says, her hand steadily stitching up the wound on Kara’s scalp, and her voice has a hint of an accent; it’s really cute, actually, and Kara doesn’t even mind that the next poke of the needle is sharper than the others.
It is the strangest morning Kara has ever had. Drinking whiskey before eight in the morning, with a kind stranger who she’s barely met but is suturing her skin together, who smells faintly of lavender soap and strong black coffee.
“—National City is not safe when wolves are wandering close to homes—”
The scent of rich hot chocolate bubbling on the stove is beginning to fill the room, the ancient pipes are rumbling throughout the walls, and Lena’s fingers are soft against her head. Kara closes her eyes and decides that she will wait a little longer before she calls Alex to pick her up.
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milkandraspberry · 2 years
misc bugsnax thoughts
Floofty’s ending photo shows them with a prosthetic leg, meaning that missing body parts regrown with bugsnax go away when the snakification wears off. So even if things initially worked out with the plan to cut off their head, they’d need to stay snakified to stay alive.
I keep going back and forth on what could cause Filbo’s immunity in the finale from a narrative standpoint. It could be that Filbo simply has the determination to overpower the bugsnax’s temptation due to his personality (Honestly he seems pretty hands-off to bugsnax, iirc the only time he asks the player for snaks is the Strabby in the tutorial, which I don’t think is comparable to a vice like other snak gathering missions since he was just hungry.) or maybe either the required story beats of bringing the grumpuses back to town/the final confrontation with liz could have acted like the side-quests do for the other characters.
I’m fairly certain that, if given more time, Gramble could have fully trained even the larger Bugsnax, I feel like alot of people noticed Sprout being loyal through the finale but also the trip-shot section uses a device powered by a Kweeble treadmill. Assuming these are the ones Gramble was training in Simmering Springs and aren’t part of the hoarde then that would mean that the factor that stopped Sprout from turning wasn’t being in a hamster ball or being too young, it was love (maybe)
In his interview Cromdo explained he was intending to hijack the team’s boat to escape himself before finding out that it’s missing and blaming Liz. Iirc the boat’s dissapearance is never explained? 
Speaking of boats, Floofty’s makeshift lab in Boiling Bay is like, literally inches away from the Triplicate Space entrance. Two of that place’s biggest lore reveals involve Triffany’s Grandma and Snorpy’s conspiracy theories. Floofty just barely missed bringing huge revelations for their best friend and sibling (...or did they? the 100% post-credits dialouge brings up the idea of some of the grumpuses knowing the secrets of snaktooth but keeping quiet to be smart. It’s definitely speculation bait, but this is speculation anyway so)
Where does the skeleton hand that Triffany waves around come from? Like iirc she always has it on her, even when she’s away from archeology stuff. Is it from one of the Snaktooth Grumpus skeletons or did she bring it from home?
Triffany mentions Pinkle being an important crop for the stone grumpuses in her Flavour Falls sidequest, implying that the design of a pickle jar existed since what i assume is the equivilant of the stone age and that bugsnax can just look like future stuff. But in her Frosted Peak sidequest she mentions that the Pinkle reskin Aggroll was only reported recently (or maybe that was other flavour text?) which implies that bugsnax can’t look like future stuff. (if it turns out cavement *did* know how to pickle cucumbers and i’m just reaching, fair.).
In the finale, Eggabelle was able to fuse with monster Liz. Unless the rules are differant for joining and becoming a queen, that makes her the fourth known character to be a suitable bugsnax queen
Monster Liz being able to control bugsnax might be the reason why bugsnax avoid capture while they canonically want to be eaten. (I don’t buy into the theory that the snax are avoiding the player character due to their allergy because A: If they were only avoiding the player then Filbo wouldn’t have needed help to catch a Strabbu and B: I think the snax are too stupid to be that coordinated)
Chandlo and Snorpy both live in Sugarpine Woods at the start of the game. Chandlo doesn’t have his own house like Snorpy, but is shown to be skilled at building houses, so I assume he built Snorpy his log cabin along with other things like the watch tower and hot tub. I’d say this is Chaldo prioritising Snorpy over himself but he also probably built the basketball court just for him, so he probably just shares a bed with Snorpy
How did Wambus grow the special sauce he gives the player in the finale? Is it just an exotic sauce not found on snaktooth, or does it imply sauce plants can be cross-bred?
In Liz’s video letter to the player at the start of the game she mentions one of the player character’s articles on soylent grump, which based on it’s namesake is food made out of grumpuses. Beffica is an open fan of the Player Character’s journalism and would likely know about soylent grump, it’s possible this put the thought of cannibal conspiracy in her head and could explin why she so quickly jumped to assuming Floofty was a cannibal besides “Beffica mean”.
It’s also possible that Beffica’s admiration of the Player Character is what lead Liz to invite them specifically as the expedition’s journalist. Since the video message Liz sends takes place after the arrival to Snaktooth which seems to take place with most other Grumpuses aside from the player character and also gives a timeframe for the eixisting team to mingle, when Beffica could put the Player Character on Liz’s radar.
Might be me being dumb here but how did Shelda join the expedition? Like she says it was a raffle in the main game, then the dlc has her sidemouthing that it wasn’t actually a raffle. I honestly have no leads on how she joined, and even less on why she would want to hide how she joined. Is this just a retcon? and if it is what about the older explination made the writers want to retcon it?
I made at least one for each of the other 12 chars so i gotta complete the circle and do one for wiggle but i don’t care for wiggle so i’ll just ask if she ever got Grapeskeeto bites from sleeping out in the open on the Simmering Springs beach. and if so then good.
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dragongirl642 · 3 years
I really love your writing and noticed your asks are open (i think). And, I checked your masterlist and didn't see RE8 listed as a universe you write for, so you can ignore this if you want. But, could I request Heisenberg, Donna, and Lady Dimitrescu reacting to a male dragon-shifter reader who has decided to make the character's residence their hoard, and as such, going to extreme lengths to protect them and the residence?
OOOHHH 😮😳 How did you know dragons (and by extent dragon shifters) are my favourite things in the whole wide world!!!!!
As a treat, you get all four of the Lords' reactions. 😎
For extra drama, the dragon-shifter (you) basically crash land nearby (after a loooooonnnngggg flight) and decide to take up residence in the nearest abode while you rest, and end up getting comfortable and liking the area so decide to stay.
You have a full human form, fully dragon form, and an in-between form.
Also, you have like saintly levels of patience.
It takes him a minute of staring to figure out that the giant dragon in the factory, is not a hallucination, induced by either the drinking he was doing the night prior, or a trick of Mother Miranda's trying to destabilize him mentally.
However this quickly turns into a lot of yelling "what the F are you doing in my factory!" and "What the F are you!" while chucking metal at you.
You melt the more dangerous pieces and yell at him to "Cease this nonsense! You can't hurt me like this."
Heisenberg.exe has stopped working.
He's partially re-evaluating his life like...did I just get sassed by a giant lizard.
You take the initiative to tell the small angry man telekinetically chucking metal around to chill. "Listen, I'm just going to rest here a few days then leave. You leave me alone, and I won't Incinerate you."
He quickly weighs up how much he doesn't want you here vs how much it will piss Mother Miranda off if he uses the giant dragon crash landing in his factory as an excuse to do absolutely nothing for her.
He's a bit annoyed about you taking up all the room by the forges so he can't make new soldats but...
Hate for Miranda wins!
He actually uses this as an excuse in his next report and Mother Miranda comes to 'get rid of the problem herself since Heisenberg cannot'...you almost incinerated her and she checked out. (He's putting that down as one of the best days of his life).
Since he now has nothing better to do he either leans on a nearby balcony or stands on a floating gear and starts trying to get your attention.
Will ask you everything from your name and where you came from to your favourite colour and if you have a specific favourite scale on your body.
You're distrustful and annoyed at first but soon warm up to this obviously lonely man.
You get so comfortable you decide you just might never leave.
The first time you feel comfortable enough to shift back to your human form Heisenberg is like (o_o) hot person! Two for one deal, annoying Mother Miranda plus Eye Candy!!!!
Makes a joke about having you turn into your dragon form again so he can keep making excuses to Mother Miranda. Which gets you curious and you ask about her, and he explains about the cadou, the experiments, and what she did to him.
He will make a bunk for you, so he can get back to work and you can stay near the heat of the forges, (absorbing the energy from the flames speeds up recovery and/or keeps you charged at 100% so you're always ready to burn a b1tch...specifically Miranda).
You both talk about whatever while he works. Lots of late night chats. One time he accidentally doused the forges and you just blew into the chamber and they re-lit immediately. (Mechanical Heart Eyes)
Since you start considering the entire factory to be your hoard, sometimes you claim a random object as your specific favourite piece for the day, maybe one of his tools or a specific piece of scrap. If he needs to use it, you won't let him and a small argument can be had. A solution is soon found though, you can't have a conflict of interest if your favourite item is him.
When you protect him, he's super flattered and hypes you up.
Cue him on the sides cheering you on.
If you two have started dating he will definitely yell "that's my boyfriend!" and gush about you to whoever happens to be standing next to him. (Bonus points if it's any of the other Lords. Especially Miranda, she is dying!)
Definitely makes a sign saying 'Beware of Dragon' to put on the fence.
Sometimes you jump to his defence even when he's in the middle of handling the threat. He gets huffy, saying he can take care of himself. You respond by telling him you won't let anything harm what's yours and once again, Heisenberg.exe is experiencing an error.
Alcina Dimitrescu
She is absolutely dismayed and angry at the giant lizard that barged its way through the doors and took up residency in her hall. It's tracking in mud and snow, burned the curtains, and took a good chunk of the wall, (letting in the cold).
Her daughters can't handle the cold, damn you!
Tries to fight you...fails. Turns out she's not immune to incineration and loses quite a few limbs (they grow back...eventually).
When she sees you shift to your human form, she's doubly-incensed...not only did you barge into her home but your also a D I S G U S T I N G M A N T H I N G !
You shift back whenever she tries to kill you so eventually she just gives up. (According to her she's waiting for the right opportunity NOT giving up.)
Wants to kill you, calls Mother Miranda for help and well, the same thing happens if you had crashed in the factory...she checks out!
Refuses to leave the castle for any reason, she's not leaving you along with her daughters.
Resigns herself to yelling insults at you from the balcony.
You respond in kind and it slowly devolves into a competition to come up with the most creative insults.
Your dragon form radiates heat...like...a lot. (Even counteracting the cold coming through the hole in the wall, which you attempted to fix.) This of course attracts the Dimitrescu daughters to the hall (against their mother's will).
If Alcina sees you lying their in dragon from, her three hive-mind children chattering away happily with you encouraging their curiosity, (Bela is half-asleep by your side, Daniela is complimenting your claws and asking about your bone structure, while Cassandra proudly proclaims her mother's are better than yours), she partly reconsiders her stance on you being a filthy, horrible, disgusting lizard man thing to just a filthy lizard man thing.
Seriously, your filthy, take a bath.
You quite enjoy all the little luxuries that can be found in the castle and decide to stay. Alcina almost shreds her hat in exasperation.
You get more comfortable and she starts to tolerate your presence, although she will take a swipe at you if she thinks she has a chance at killing you in your human form.
Jokes on her you can partially change and still fit through the hallways.
You never told her you've claimed the castle and the Dimitrescu family as your hoard but she does notice you being oddly friendly to her and she is "suspicious!"
You've met a few vampires and have a few suggestions for a more sustainable food source (buying blood donations from villagers instead of killing them). She's skeptical but considers it.
The first time you defend her is actually against Mother Miranda...over the phone. You have sharp hearing...and you don't like what you're hearing.
She's both flattered you would defend her so, and disgusted with herself for accepting a man thing's help.
When she realises she likes having you around, she starts to rationalise to herself that you're not just any man thing, you're her dragon man thing and therefore okay.
Gets more comfortable with leaving you with her daughters. You treat them well and keep them entertained?! That's a free babysitter if ever she's seen one.
When she sees the more extreme lengths you will go to protect the castle and her family, she is impressed and flattered and a little scared, and acts like it was her idea to have you stay.
"Oh, haven't you heard, that's the Dimitrescu Dragon."
Definitely rubs it in Heisenberg's face that she has a dragon and he doesn't.
Donna Beneviento
What are you!?!?!
To protect Donna, Angie is ready to fight you or die trying!
Just kind off avoids you and sends the pollen at you to make you leave.
The only one of the four Lords most likely to actually defeat you.
When you speak though, telling her to "release (your) mind, witch, or (you'll) incinerate everything", she's surprised and scared enough to actually do so.
Asks if you'll be her friend. Angie is cussing you out.
You see how scared and lonely she is and just *adoption mode activated*.
You only need to rest a few days, why not do so on friendly terms with your host. (keep telling yourself that).
It takes a day for you to shift to human form, partially because you don't want to have your measurements taken because Donna wants to make you a giant bonnet, (You reason it's a waste of resources, you'll only be here a short while).
Jokes on you, this is your home now.
You've never hoarded dolls before, but there's a first time for everything.
You will spend most of your time in human form since your dragon form kinda scares her.
Even though she's still scared of it, Donna does find your dragon form interesting and will ask to sketch you (from a distance...no fire please).
Make various over-exaggerated poses and joke about "draw me like one of your french girls" and she will laugh, (even though she doesn't get the joke).
She makes a plush doll of you. It turns inside out to shift between human and dragon.
The first time you protect her, she's scared. The flames take her straight back to her childhood, she's crying and she hides. You shift back to human form very quickly and find her, holding her close and apologising for scaring her over and over.
Will tear a man apart in human form to avoid this (or almost human form).
She slowly works up to being comfortable in your dragon form, the first time she falls asleep against your side is a good day.
You start insisting on accompanying her to meetings and escorting her whenever she has to meet another Lord. They start talking sh1t, they get hit (or burned...you let Donna choose).
Angie cheers you on.
Salvatore Moreau
He is terrified of you when you first show up.
You basically tear your way into the mines for shelter and he is frantically plugging the entrance to his home with the enzyme to hide.
Calls for "mother" to save him and that's how you find him.
You see this small deformed fish man crying in the mine and think, "i'm not gonna ask."
You settle in the slightly larger chamber and just lie down for a rest.
He soon realises your not going to attack him and ventures out to stare at you. He just keeps staring at you for like an uncomfortably long time, peeking around a doorway.
Eventual you snap and ask him to stop staring.
He slowly comes out of hiding and starts asking the basics.
"You can talk?" "Who are you?" "Why are you here?"
Seeing no reason not to, you tiredly answer all his questions.
Hearing about your long journey has him curiously asking about the places you've been to.
He quickly figures out you must have some sort of human form since you end up on the topics of favourite foods or movies and your favourites are all distinctly human. (He's the fastest at figuring this out and the least surprised when you shift).
Terrifying (hideous) creature going through an unnerving transformation into a humanoid form...he can relate. Although he's slightly jealous of how 'normal' you look when you shift to human form.
You two have a movie night where he proudly shows of his collection. It is in the middle of him analysing the context of THAT ONE SCENE that you decide, Yes...This one is mine.
The entire reservoir and mine is your territory and if anything comes anywhere near it they will be ash in 30 seconds.
When you protect him from danger, he's shocked that someone cares enough about him to f-ing incinerate a lycan for even looking at him weirdly.
You act like its natural and eventually he starts to get used to you.
Has self doubt and questions your motives...you tell him he's worth it or that he's your jewel.
Starts talking back to the other Lords when they insult him. It's easy with you hovering menacingly behind him, veins glowing with barely contained R A G E.
One source of friction however, is the fact that he doesn't like that you keep trying to kill Mother Miranda and he will latch onto you sobbing until you agree to spare her (for now...you'll get her when he's not around).
However, the longer you two know each other, the more self-confidence he gains and the more you talk through what Mother Miranda did to him and why he deserves better, (pointing out her manipulation, analyses whether she's ever 'cared' about him, etc...), the less bothered he gets. (Give it a few years, he'll cheer you on alongside Heisenberg).
The second you see Mother Miranda...it is on sight. (Especially if you know what she did to the Lords).
Cue you shifting to dragon form and preparing to unleash a volley of flame, "I smell the blood of children on you."
You may be comfortable(ish) with the actions of your housemate but you have STANDARDS.
Alright 😊 Hoped you like these headcanons, jaychirps. They were really fun to write and grew quite a bit. 😅
(I feel like Moreau's a bit ooc but I don't know enough about him to dispute that claim....)
Oh and p.s. ... asks are open.
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crockettmarcel · 2 years
Tumblr media
cora | the farm
wc: 1314
warnings: religious cult (implied)
send me a 📸 for a short fic based on the first picture on my pinterest feed
There’s a chill in the air when Ava wakes, the type that leaves your breath visible as a little cloud in front of your face, and she’s sure that they must be well into September by now. The Elders probably know, but after last time, she’s learnt not to ask questions like that, so she files it away in the back of her mind and decides that today is the fourteenth. One week until her mother’s birthday, if she’s right.
For the next few minutes, she lies still in bed, watching in the dim light as the people in the room around her wake as well. They all stir, some pulling their covers back, but no one gets out of bed. It’s not until the door at the end of the room swings open, letting in a cold wind from outside and the ringing of a bell, that people start to get up.
Ava doesn’t move, though. It’s warm under the covers, and she’s reluctant to get out and face the very real possibility that the linen dresses given to her when she was brought here won’t be enough to keep the cold out. There’s a pair of woollen tights in the trunk at the end of her bed, but she knows she needs more than that.
She also knows that the punishment for not being ready in time makes hypothermia seem like a reward, so she forces herself out of bed, wincing slightly as the cold air hits her bare skin. For a moment, she just stands there, letting her body adjust to the sudden change in temperature, and she thanks whatever god is out there (not the one these people believe in, that’s for sure) that it’s not her building’s turn to shower today. Hot water is allowed only for cooking with, or as needed in the infirmary, and she’s sure that a cold shower on an already cold morning would be enough to push her over the edge.
She dresses quickly, immune now to the lack of privacy that bothered her so much just a few months ago, then scrapes her hair back into a bun, the way she used to do before a surgery. If she closes her eyes, she can almost feel the scrub cap sitting in place on her head, and the ties tickling the back of her neck as she moves. 
It hurts too much to think about though, so she keeps her eyes open and firmly fixed on her hands as she sits down to tie her shoes. 
When she looks up again, Sarah’s there in front of her, with her little boy perched on her hip and a grey bundle in one hand.
“You can borrow this.” She holds the bundle out, and as Ava reaches for it, she realises what it is. “If we’d known it would get cold so suddenly, we’d have worked to get your sweater ready in time, but I promise you’ll have it in a couple of days. We’ll make it our priority.”
“Thank you, Sarah. And you know, there is a way of predicting the weather. It’s called meteorology, and it’s fascinating stuff, really.” She pulls the sweater on, and it’s only when it’s over her head that she sees the horrified look on Sarah’s face.
“You shouldn’t say things like that, Ava.”
“Oh come on, don’t you remember it from before you came here? Someone standing in front of a map on TV, telling you how hot it’s going to be and what the weather will be like?”
“Don’t- Stop it. I don’t want to hear about that.”
Ava opens her mouth to respond, but Sarah’s already turned on her heels and is making her way towards the door. Her footsteps echo around the room, and as Ava listens to them get quieter and quieter, she almost feels bad. Sarah’s one of the few people to show her kindness here, and she knows it’s wrong to treat her like this in return, but she can’t just sit by and do nothing. Maybe Sarah’s the wrong person to try and get to change their views — she’s been here since she was a child, after all — but she has to at least try.
Now clearly isn’t the time for it though, so Ava simply sighs, then follows Sarah out of the building, hoping that she’ll remember later to apologise to her. She can’t lose her only friend here.
Sarah doesn’t wait for Ava the way she normally does, and by the time she catches sight of her again, she’s with Crockett, trying her best to herd their children in the same direction towards the canteen. It’s not going well, and as the twins bolt off in one direction and Lolly in another, Ava can’t help but laugh. They’re good people, good parents, and it warms her heart that even in somewhere as awful as this, they can still have fun with their kids and be almost normal.
“What’s funny, Avey?”
She hadn’t noticed anyone near her, too distracted by the sight of Crockett running along with a wriggling toddler under each arm, but when she looks down, she’s met with a familiar gap-toothed grin.
“Cora! How are you this morning?”
Cora shrugs, then pulls at one of her braids. “I don’t like my hair today.”
“Oh, but you look so pretty. Who did your hair this time?”
“Miss Lucy did it. I think Mama does it better.”
She tugs again at the braid, trying to undo the ribbon, and Ava knows there’ll be hell to pay for both Cora and Lucy if she turns up to breakfast with her hair down.
“Come here.” She holds her arms out, and the offer of being carried is enough to distract Cora from her hair, even just for a moment. “Are you okay? Are you comfortable?”
Cora nods, and with that, the two of them set off for the canteen. The walk seems longer with a child in her arms, but Ava refuses to put her down until they get there, so she struggles through it, hoping Cora can’t sense how much her body is starting to ache. 
“Do you think I’ll see Mama again?”
The question comes out of nowhere and almost stops Ava in her tracks. It’s not the type of thing she knows how to answer, despite all her years of medical training. Connor’s always been better at dealing with people, especially children, while Ava has never doubted that her strengths lie in cutting people open and fixing them. It’s exactly why she became a surgeon in the first place - you don’t have to know what to say to people when they’re unconscious.
“I don’t- I don’t know, Cora. Do you miss her?”
“All the time. I wish she would come back.”
She’d never really spoken more than a few sentences to him, but it was moments like this when Ava wished she could ask Dr Charles for advice (or better yet, get him to have this conversation). He’d be able to reassure Cora in a way she simply didn’t know how to.
“I know you do.”
They’re both silent for a moment, standing still while everyone else walks past them, and all Ava wants to do is run and get them both out of here. Her heart aches for Cora, who looks so much like she did at that age it’s almost scary, but any failed attempts to escape would lead to something infinitely worse than what they’re experiencing now, and she doesn’t want to take that risk. For herself, maybe she’d try it, but she could never involve Cora in it.
“I’m hungry.” Cora finally announces, and Ava grins. Things could definitely be worse.
“Come on, then. Let’s go get you some breakfast, and maybe after, you can tell me how your Mama used to do your hair.”
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