#dai cassandra
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truetealtears · 9 months ago
Varric: *about to do something stupid by directly confronting Solas with his newest pack of queer weirdos*
Aveline and Cassandra, each in entirely different corners of Thedas: something just happened
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snotbum · 1 year ago
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heres some more badly formatted DAI doodles since the last ones did surprisingly well (ignoring the fact its been like a year since I last posted)
most of them are about iron bull bc I play dragon age games like theyre complicated dating sims
original sheet:
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kimberbohwrites · 6 months ago
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Been aging the dragons for a few weeks so far and I cannot believe what I'm willing to put up with all for some hot pixel idiots. <3
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margaw · 1 year ago
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By the side of the Divine Cassandra seeks the truth and finds Her whirling blade cuts so sublime Royal hearts Nevarran minds
Happy Dragon Age Day!<3 *prints*
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marymunchkiin · 3 months ago
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"You are the most beautiful battering ram I've ever seen." - The Inquisitor to Cassandra, probably
WIP (?) art I made of my Mage Inquisitor Andriel Lavellan and Cassandra on their wedding day a year post-Trespasser timeline. Plz dont hit me for putting her in a dress, just wanted to try someth related to that one party banter line about her wearing a dress and winged it 😭🙏🤣
I plan to maybe full color it some other time :3
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probably-wicked · 3 months ago
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Me and my frend were playing 15 minutes sketching challange and Cassandra was on one of the references so here my sketch!
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speremint · 1 year ago
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"Maker take you!"
My full piece for the @/FemaleRageZine on Twitter! 🔥🐲! This piece was a joy to work on
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nikyu0 · 1 year ago
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All these options are great, but when can I hug Varric romantically?
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erme-maererme · 1 month ago
allying with the mages in dai and bringing cassandra with you is fascinating because in redcliffe she will tell you “we’ll talk about this later” in the most “mother has learnt that her child has been kicked out of some extracurricular and will murder the child when they get home” tone of voice. but then she actually defends your decision to cullen and tells you she supports you and is proud of this achievement and she offers this information even without you prompting it as soon as she recognizes you may have misread her. i just love her so much
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marduksstuff · 2 years ago
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I finally got a chance to play Inquisition!!! I LOVE CASSANDRA SO MUCH, SHE'S SO CUTE
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ikiradraws · 2 years ago
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Cassandra chiquita
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noobsydraws · 10 months ago
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Random out of context moment of Myrra and Cassandra.
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theheraldsrest · 1 year ago
Hey! I really really love your blog! If I may request, during downtime, how would the members of the inner circle react to find the Inquisitor drawing/sketching them?
“Companions react to Inquisitor drawing/sketching them”
After our *cough* little thing with Bull, let’s have some fluff, shall we? Thank you anon for the ask!
-Lord Lex
“You did this? It’s certainly…it’s…how did you even…it’s amazing.”
-So surprised, no words. It makes him feel a little special that you’d choose to sketch him but also very embarrassed. In return, he tries drawing you. Might not be as good and there are a few rough sketches that were thrown in the fire, but he wanted to return the favor. 
“Oh! Look at the detail and the softness! I wouldn’t have even thought it was me from how stunning it is!”
-Absolutely gushing over it. Josey’s always had a fascination for the arts and to be the subject of the piece from someone close to her? Adores it, even asks to keep it. She has it tucked away in one of her favorite books. Will always compliment your art even when talking to dignitaries.
“I commend you on your artistic talent. Though, I’d ask you not to sketch me. Perhaps one of the ravens would make better practice?”
-Like Josephine, Leliana has an eye for art. She loves looking at the little details in your sketches and finds it a surprise that her face is amongst the papers. As much as she appreciates it, she’d rather her face remain a secret. She is your spy master, after all. Though, if she becomes Divine, she keeps the sketch as one of her favorite pieces of her. 
“Darling, as much as I’d like to say you're wasting your talents by leading the Inquisition instead of honing your skills, you are equally talented in both. Most usually fail to make me look this stunning.”
-It might not show on her face or in her words but she loves it. Several times people have been commissioned to paint her yet none come even close to your level of detail. More points if it’s of her smiling or laughing, the lines on her face as well as the wrinkle around her eyes gives her a sense of…normalcy. If she becomes Divine, she commissions you to do her portrait, no one else.
“You drew me? I think that’s gotta be one of the scariest pieces of your art I’ve ever seen! When you're done, can I keep it?”
-Though it doesn’t sound like it, he brags about it constantly. Even when he’s making fun of his slightly crooked nose or how his eyes might seem smaller than other dwarves, he’s complimenting the skill you put into the very minute details of his face. Varric will try to pay you for it even if you refuse, later trying to commission a drawing of Hawke when they come around.
“Oh, it’s me! Not really, but it’s Cole. But you’re trying to draw me…I can still remember his face, then.”
-He’ll stare at it for hours, his shoulders down. It’s been sometime since he’d been able to see his own face, forgetting that he even had a face. To see you draw that face, the real Cole, just from looking at him makes him happy. Will ask to look at it every now and then, just to make sure it’s still the same.
“I must say, you are quite talented and steady with your hands. It does allow others to see how the artist sees. You certainly make me seem…at peace.”
-From one artist to another, he gives you high compliments with very few complaints. It is unusual to see him drawn in such a way since he’s so used to seeing only the mosaics. He meant to get rid of it when he left the Inquisition, but just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“Inquisitor, though your craft is very beautiful and I admire how you can make these pieces, I must ask you not to sketch me.”
-Don’t get her wrong, she loves seeing your sketches but it’s mostly out of formality (and somewhat embarrassment) that she asks not to be your subject. If she becomes Divine, it’s one of the only pieces she prefers over the paintings. Though she does ask you, if you have the time, to draw something for her. When you give her a perfect picture of her brother and her, it’s one of the few times she truly hugs you.
The Iron Bull
“Holy shit. I’m alright when it comes to sketching, but you make it look pretty damn easy while so complicated! You even got my scars and the detail on my patch! Damn, boss!”
-Bull is used to doing quick sketches, usually of small details to make sure he could track someone or to remember something easier. Never had he really seen himself drawn so picture perfect that it completely baffles him. He looks at all the details with a smile on his face.
“I can’t believe you managed to get my good side! In all honesty, though, this is remarkable. And not just because it’s me.”
-He had studied some art pieces before and never really found any he liked, but he has now found one of his favorite artists. Constantly asks if you’ve done any new pieces just so he can look at the heart that goes into them. Ask if you could teach him to sketch as such so that he can add better drawings to his research notes.
“What the fuck! That’s me! How the fuck! How did you do this! You even got my eyes to be lined up! How the hell did you do that?!”
-We all know Sera’s drawing style. She keeps saying the same things over and over again because she’s at a loss for words. Except for cuss words. Along with the rooftop hangouts, she insists that you two just draw together sometimes. Some of the goofiest drawings come from these times, especially one of a cartoonish Coryshit falling from a very detailed tower.
A little speech bubble near it says “Oh shit, I shat myself!”
“I…I’m honored to be one of your subjects. Not to blow my own horn, but this looks stunning. You really are something special, hm?”
-Blackwall has done a lot of sketching himself and finds your art a breath of fresh air. Other than looking at bits and pieces of his reflection, he usually tries to avoid seeing himself. So when he sees your drawing of him, he almost doesn’t recognize himself. You both trade sketches of each other just for fun and even sketch together.
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A correct depiction of my first DAI playthrough. (I took them almost everywhere)
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panpuszczyk · 8 months ago
My inquisitor (Ollie) and Cassandra
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Outside she’s a bad bitch and he’s a cinnamon roll, and inside they’re both pookie bears
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marymunchkiin · 6 months ago
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"If you wanted to be kissed like that more often you could have just asked me, Seeker."
"Behave yourself, Lavellan."
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