duxwriter · 2 months
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Once again, Lore Rekindled has forced my hand.
I saw that panel of Persephone looking frazzled and my brain went into overdrive, I needed to make it dramatic.
Thanks again @genericpuff for Lore Rekindled
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bunningchaos · 4 months
Plushify-ing more skeles, for the fun of it. This is silly
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Frostbite and Firefly belongs @neverniko101
Starbelief belongs to @voltaicfox
Captain Nightmare belongs to @cas-spirit
Black belongs to @bluecatarts
Leech belongs to @strangeart13
Miracle (?) belongs to @miracle-negative
Sirius belongs to @astray-anomaly
Flux belongs to @theunderflux
Two Moons Nightmare belongs to @asterclaw
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hheckkingart · 7 months
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I missed the wedding but I sure am here for the honeymoon <3
(part 1 of ?)
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wingstobetorn · 2 months
A Leosagi art collab I did with my good buddy @nosleep83 (their post here)
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davidlcki · 1 year
pairing:low honor! arthur x reader
warnings: cursing, arthur is mean, being forced to drink, age gap, game typical violence. i think that’s it
summary: your parents take a loan from strauss, and when they can’t afford it, they send you off as payment instead. it’s a 3 day journey back to the van der linde camp. will you turn the notorious gunslinger soft?
an: please let me know how you guys feel about this one! i’ve been dealing with severe writers block so this took me MONTHS to write. it might not be my best, but i’m just happy to get something out. enjoy, i love you all! ❤️
words: 5,562 (my longest yet i think)
part 2
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shouting from downstairs violently ripped you from your deep sleep, and quickly, you hopped out of bed. your hands shook as you slowly opened your door and made your way to the top of the steps.
“the money. NOW.”
you flinched at the harshness of the man’s words. instantly you knew it was the debt collectors, and that your family had nowhere near the amount needed to pay it off. you listened to your mother and father plead with the man for another week, but he wasn’t having it. at the sound of a gun cocking, your legs began to move on their own. you were bolting down the stairs.
“STOP! please, please don’t hurt them!” you hold your hands out desperately, standing between the man and your parents, who were dead silent. the man paused, the anger in his features seemed to be replaced with amusement. this was the moment that you recognized who this man was. you had seen him in many bounty posters around strawberry, he was arthur morgan.
“well now, why didn’t ya tell me about this fine young lady?” arthur’s gaze drifted from you to your parents, who were looking at each other with a look you couldn’t read. nervously, you looked between your parents and arthur. why weren’t they saying anything?
“she’ll do as payment just fine” arthur shrugs, holstering his gun and giving an easy smile, as if this was no big deal, just another day. you turned to your parents quickly, shaking your head and backing away from arthur.
“please don’t…” you looked between your mother and father desperately. finally, your father speaks.
“take her. if it works as payment, take her.” time seemed to slow as you stared at your father who wouldn’t look you in the eyes. your mother was looking down, you could tell she was holding back tears, but she stayed silent.
“what? wait, wait just-” you glanced at the door quickly, thinking of ways to escape. arthur, was quick to place his hand on his holstered gun.
“i wouldn’t, if i were you.” arthur’s voice was suddenly much lower, and his easy smile was gone in an instant. you knew there was no other way. you turned to your parents, lips in a flat line as you stared at them. you were thinking of what you could possibly say to them, when arthur’s rough hand had a grip on your upper arm.
“your own daughter…for some fucking cash…” your voice was shaky as you were being pulled towards the door. barely having time to slip your boots on, you give your parents one last look before you were out of sight.
for a while, it was silent. you were too in shock to cry or do much of anything, but think.
“we’ll camp here for the night” arthur’s voice startled you out of your thoughts, most of them being how to escape this situation. for now, he had at least some form of trust in you, considering your hands were untied.
arthur morgan was more of a myth than a person, to you. you heard the stories of the hundreds he’s killed and you knew this was probably a bad idea, but you needed to try an escape. once he hopped off his horse, you grabbed onto the reigns and kicked your heels into its sides, but it didn’t budge. the damned horse stayed dead still. the air seemed to thicken as you continued to attempt to get the horse to take off with a series of ‘hyah’s’ and ‘go’s’, but his horse was loyal, seeming to listen to him and only him. when you looked over, you swore you saw flames in arthur’s eyes.
plan b.
from the horse, you deliver a kick into arthur’s chest with all the power you could muster. just as his horse, he dosent budge. arthur lunges forwards, pulling you off the horse roughly and ignoring the protests coming from you as he threw you over his shoulder. you pounded relentlessly on his back, but he didn’t so much as flinch. instead, he tightened his grip on you, nearly squandering your ability to breathe. once finding a clearing about 30 feet into the woods, he throws you onto the grass and pulls out his lasso. you take a few seconds to catch your breath, but you don’t have time to move or get any words out. effortlessly, arthur ties the rope around your wrists and ankles before you could flip over, rendering you immobile.
“bastard! you let me go!” you finally manage to turn yourself onto your back and struggle against the rope that dug into your skin. arthur, clearly unamused at your shouting, sinks down to your level on the ground. his hips were nearly straddling yours as he kneeled and grabbed your face with a rough hand.
“watch it girl.” his voice was drawn out and easy, giving you the impression that he’s done this many times before. he releases his grip on your jaw, and brushes a strand of hair from your forehead. “don’t forget i know where you live. dont try nothin’, less you’re fixin’ to watch your parents die”.
“i don’t…. i don’t care about them anymore. they sold me. pawned me like trash.” your voice was shaky as you spoke up at him, and for a while the both of you sat and stared at each other, heavy breath fanning over your faces. arthur almost had a look of understanding for a moment. it was true. you were angry at them for so carelessly giving you away for their own benefit. in fact, you didn’t know who you were angrier at. arthur, or your own parents. finally, arthur hums and stands. you didn’t dare move from your spot on the ground, instead, you silently watched arthur set up camp. you really were afraid that he’d kill you if you so much as moved. you could see in his eyes that he was only going to let that trick you tried slide once.
you shivered and let out a ragged exhale, still catching your breath as the wind was knocked out of you not long ago. you were desperate for fire, for any kind of warmth. you were only in boots and a thin nightgown, that did much of nothing as the cold from the ground seeped into you.
“cold?” arthur stands next to your shivering frame on the ground. you say nothing, instead giving him an unamused glare. you refused to let him see you cry, so you threw on your best angry facade. you stiffened as he leaned down and lifted you, not letting out a breath of air until you were put down again. now, you were resting against a tree in front of the fire. you let out an inner sigh of relief at the warmth. arthur sits across from the fire, taking a bite of jerky from his satchel.
“so, that’s your parents farm huh? pretty nice, all considering.” arthur pauses, but you say nothing. “live there your whole life?” you didn’t even really hear his question as you asked your own.
“where are you takin’ me?” you watch arthur’s face carefully as he takes a drag from his cigarette.
“you’re joining the gang” arthur flicks the end of his cigarette, the ashes slowly float to the ground. “we need more hands. more people to help fight.”
“i’m no good at fighting” your voice was quiet, you were starting to realize you weren’t getting out of this.
“you will be. now,” arthur stands up and pulls more rope from his horses satchel “rest up, got a long day of riding tomorrow” you scoff as he begins to wrap the rope around you and the tree you were against.
“is this necessary?” arthur says nothing, instead pulling the rope tighter. after, he goes back to his spot, pulling his hat over his face and letting out a rather large sigh. for a long time, you didn’t sleep. instead, you relentlessly tugged and pulled at the rope restraining you. you knew it was pointless, but you couldn’t help trying. your face twisted in pain as your arms scratched against the rough tree bark. arthur must have been very confident in the knots he tied, because you very quickly heard soft snores drifting from across the fire. after what seemed like hours, and a few shed tears, you fell into a restless sleep.
when you awoke the next morning, arthur was up, packing supplies into his horses satchel and humming to himself softly. you stayed silent, observing the man who was so mean to you do a task so mundane. when you looked down, you noticed arthur’s brown coat was thrown over your frame. it smelled like tobacco and gunpowder. when arthur noticed you were up, he quickly took his jacket back and went over to untie the rope holding you to the tree.
“morning sunshine” he throws you a smile as he pulls the rope from around the tree off, along with the rope on your ankles.
“i trust you won’t run”
“no” your voice was hoarse and you shivered violently as the wind attacked your bare skin that was previously covered. arthur stopped, thinking for a second as he took in your frame with a slow look from your head to your ankles and back up again. he pulls you to your feet, letting you catch your footing on wobbly legs as he rummaged around for his canteen. he flicks the cap off and grabs your jaw so roughly and suddenly that you let out an involuntary gasp of shock. he turns your face towards him and inspects you for a second before continuing. you could only wonder what he was thinking, his lip twitching ever so slightly into the ghost of a smile as he continued.
“drink” he puts the canteen to your mouth and watches as you desperately gulped down the water. after about 5 seconds, he pulled it away, taking a swig of the liquid himself before stowing it back on his horse.
“long ride ahead,” arthur lifts you onto his horse before hopping in front of you in the saddle, “gonna take a few days i reckon, so get comfortable”.
arthur wasn’t lying. you rode all day, so long that you couldn’t remember what direction you came from or how to get back home. although that outcome was unlikely now. desperate to escape the cold, you pressed yourself against arthur’s back. you felt him stiffen at the contact, but were too cold to care. you couldn’t count the hours it’d been, and for a while you were pretty sure you fell asleep. throughout the day, you only made a few stops. one for bathroom breaks, and one for his horse to rest. the rest of the day was a blur, not much was said, and the only noise you heard was the trotting of hoofs on the ground and the rustle of trees in the wind. when the sun began to set, arthur finally pulled to a stop.
“seems like a good spot” arthur observes the clearing, giving you a stern look before hopping off of his horse, remembering the stunt you pulled last time.
“gonna tie me to a tree again?” your voice was dripping in sarcasm as you allowed him to pull you off the horse.
“you gonna make me?” arthur’s tone matched yours as he pulled out his bedroll and some other supplies. you waited for the extra rope to come, but it never did. arthur instead unties your hands, then reties them in front of you. you audibly sigh at the discomfort that began to dissipate, and you rolled your shoulders a few times in satisfaction.
“y’ dont wanna run off in these parts,” arthur warns as the fire lights up the clearing. “the people will get to ya before the animals do.” you said nothing in response. for a few hours, you stayed dead silent. ignoring arthur’s snarky comments and nothing more than blinking when he’d toss the end of a cigarette or a twig off the ground at you. arthur began to heat a small can of stew, smiling teasingly as he watches you eye it. he pulls gin out of his pocket, downing a hefty swig.
“if you want some, you gotta speak, girl.” arthur eats a large scoop of stew, groaning dramatically in satisfaction in an attempt to tease you.
“fuck you. that enough?” arthur snorts a laugh at your response, deciding to give you a bite. you quickly chew and swallow it, savoring the taste.
“what’s your name anyway?” arthur pauses, scooping out some more stew and holding it up. “you answer me if you wanna eat.”
“Y/N. Y/N L/N” arthur feeds you the stew and downs more gin. halfway through the bottle now.
“Y/N” the way your name rolled off his tongue sent a chill down your spine. “you gotta pretty name, Y/N. how old are ya?”
you eye the man for a while, before looking back down to the tempting spoon of stew. “i’m 22. now can you feed me the god damn food?” you were getting testy now, watching arthur eat and down almost an entire bottle of gin while you’ve had nothing for over a day will do that to you.
“you got a mouth on ya!” arthur let’s out a laugh, feeding you another bite and finishing the rest of the stew himself. he stands up, stretching his legs and yawning, before walking over to you casually. nervously, you watch as arthur squats down to be eye level with you.
“sleep” a small smile crosses his face, confusing you. then, he places a hand on your shoulder and shoves you to the side so you’re in a laying position in the grass. a yelp escapes your lips as you hit the ground. “night”
you watch in disbelief as arthur goes to his spot on the bed roll, very quickly falling asleep with his hat on his face as usual. now was your turn. you thought about running, but had a feeling that arthur wasn’t lying about the people around these parts. slowly, you drifted to sleep in the damp grass.
you woke up to the sound of footsteps crunching in the dead leaves. instantly you were alert. when you looked over, arthur was still passed out. you guessed the gin running through his veins was doing its work. you stayed silent, sitting up slowly and looking into the dark of the forrest around you. the fire was almost out at this point. you tugged anxiously at the ropes binding your hands. there were the footsteps again, from behind you this time. you knew those weren’t from an animal. before you could react, a man came running out of the woods. he was on you in seconds, knife in hand. you let out a scream of terror as you were slammed onto your back. you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for the knife to be plunged into your chest, but it never came. instead, there was a gunshot that seemed to shake the forest. when you opened your eyes, there was a bullet hole between the eyes of the man as he crumpled on top of you. the weight of him smothered the cry that you tried to let out. arthur was over in seconds, shoving the body off of you and pulling you to a sitting position. there was genuine worry that you saw for a mere second in his face.
“y’ alright?” he was still blinking the sleep from his eyes as he looked you over for stab wounds. he was half awake, trying to make sense of what was going on. as you opened your mouth to speak, another man emerged from the dark of the woods. he shoved arthur over, effectively knocking the gun from his hands. you were in a trance, looking between arthur, the man, and the pistol laying right in front of you. arthur’s voice startled you out of it. his voice was strained as he called your name out, he was using all his strength to hold the knife mere inches away from his chest. with your tied hands, you picked up the pistol. it was heavier than you expected.
“do… it…” his eyes pleaded with you, meanwhile, the tip of the knife was beginning to sink into his chest. without anymore hesitation, you aimed at the attackers head and pulled the trigger. your ears rung more than the first gunshot that was fired earlier, and you noticed the almost painful vibrations that flowed through your hands. arthur let’s out a sigh of relief, pushing the body off of him and sitting up, before quickly freezing again. he stared at you blankly as you continued to point the pistol at him.
“Y/N…” he holds his hands up and shakes his head. “y’ don’t wanna do this”
you looked at him for a long while, tears were dripping down your cheeks and your hands were shaking violently. you were debating killing him right here and now. but how would you make it in there woods? how would you find your way back? then, you remembered why you were here in the first place, and how your parents threw you out without a thought. finally, slowly, you lowered the gun, arthur took this oppertunity to snatch it from your hands, before audibly exhaling. he watched carefully as you broke down in tears, hugging onto yourself the best you could with tied hands and trying to wipe blood off of your nightgown.
“hey… i uh…” arthur didnt know what to say as he placed a hand upon your shoulder in attempted reassurance. to his surprise, you threw yourself into his embrace. slowly, he wrapped his arms around your frame and listened to you cry. he noticed the red marks on your wrists under the rope, and was shocked at the pang of guilt he felt. without thinking, he takes out his hunting knife and cuts the rope off of you. you use this time to wrap your arms around his waist. arthur slowly runs a hand up and down your back as you continued to sob.
“i’m scared, arthur.” was all you could get out. you had never killed a man before, and the reality was setting in. all arthur could do was mutter an awkward series of ‘it’s alright’ and ‘i’m here’s’ until you calmed down enough to let go. arthur was almost sad at the loss of your presence, and he wished he could rip this part of him out. this part that yearned for love and affection and what he was just finding out, you. half of him screamed as he draped his coat around your shoulders, while the other half cheered.
you avoided eye contact with the gunslinger as you attempted to get your tears under control, pulling his coat around yourself gingerly.
“thank you… for not letting me be killed” you kept your eyes on the fire, too afraid to look at arthur or the bodies or the blood on your skin.
“and thank you, for not shootin’ me along with this feller” you let out a scoff, lips twitching up into a small smile you mustered up. arthur took the time to move the bodies away from camp and your sight, eventually returning and sitting down again. there was a new feeling in the air between you and the gunslinger. a bond forged in blood and death. arthur never tied your hands again, and he kept watch the rest of the night. though neither of you got another wink of sleep, you stayed close to each other, shoulders touching as you sat side by side. you asked arthur plenty of questions about his gang. you were genuinely curious what it was like. you could tell he was fond of them by the way his features softened at just the thought. you realized, they were family, and it didn’t sound so bad. after hours of trying to will the sun to come up faster, it finally rose, and you were more than glad to keep moving.
you couldn’t tell how long it’d been now. you slept for a while the way you have been, your face pressed against arthur’s back in a somewhat comfortable position, but when you opened your eyes again you were in a town. upon reading the sign, you realized it was valentine. you could hear the chatter in the distance, and your eyes lit up with surprise. it had been days since you’d seen another person besides arthur. arthur must have felt you sit up straighter, because he quickly stopped his horse and looked back at you.
“i trust you’re not gonna try no shit?” he asks, exhaling cigarette smoke from his lungs. you hold back the urge to cough as the smoke wafts over your face. he observes you for a second more before straightening your messy hair. you knew it was so you looked more presentable to the town, but it was oddly gentle, intimate.
“no, but people are going to ask questions, arthur.” you spit his name out, and reference down to your now dirty and tattered nightgown. you were upset at the shift between you both after what you went through the night before, and it was hard for you to contain your anger as you spoke. the lack of food and clean clothes was starting to get to you. arthur stares at you for a while, before sighing heavily. though he still gave you attitude, you were surprised with the patience he was beginning to keep with you.
“okay… here” after a second of thinking, he pulled his coat off and placed it around your shoulders once again. casually, the two of you trotted into town, slowing to a stop at the hotel. you ignored the stares the townsfolk gave you as you walked inside. being in a tattered gown and a jacket two big was definitely turning heads.
“one bath for the lady please” arthur tosses the owner a coin and nudges you towards the bath house. once in front of the door, he grabs your wrist and turns you towards him.
“you clean up, i’ll be right back. dont get no ideas of runnin’ off now, because i will find you.” his voice was low as he looked down at you, though you were starting to notice the facade he was putting up. the way he gently held your wrist told you all you needed to know, and unbeknownst to him, you weren’t really planning on leaving. the last place you wanted to go, was back home.
“wouldnt dream of it” your voice was dripping with sarcasm as you pulled your wrist from his grip and pushed your way into the bath house.
once you finished cleaning up, you pulled the towel around yourself and waited awkwardly, leaning from foot to foot as you waited for arthur to come back. the last thing you wanted was to put your old clothes on, so you stood by the fire and slowly dried off. finally, arthur pushed his way into the bath house holding a bag. he froze for a second as he took in your frame, only covered by the small towel. once you started walking towards him, he looked anywhere but at you as he handed you the bag. you say nothing, pulling the clothes out and dropping your towel as you began to pull them on. it was a simple brown dress with yellow detailing on the sleeves, collar, and bottom. you could tell arthur had picked it out, considering how it matched to his own clothes. there was also a new night gown in the bag, and you smiled to yourself.
“could you?” you turn away from the man who was doing most anything but look at you. when he shifted his gaze to you again, your back was turned to him, revealing an unlaced corset.
“yeah… yeah sure” arthur’s hands gingerly fiddled with the string, trying his best to will away the reddening of his cheeks as he observed your exposed back. it had been forever since he had been with another woman, and he cursed the feelings arising in him for you. you turned towards him afterwards, unable to help the smile of relief from being in clean clothes.
“you… you look nice” arthur looks down at your dress, then quickly he turns and pulls you out of the bathhouse with him before you can utter a ‘thank you’.
“you hungry?” arthur wasn’t really asking as the two of you headed towards the saloon, though you almost cried tears of joy at the thought of food. with a glance to the clock on the wall, you realized it was already 6PM. the scent of food that floated through the saloon nearly made you drool. eagerly, you sat at the bar and waited for your steak and potatoes that arthur ordered to arrive.
“2 whiskeys please” arthur tosses a few coins at the bartender who nods in compliance.
“oh i… i don’t drink” arthur looks at you straight faced, sliding the shot glass to you.
“drink” his eyes stayed trained on you all the way until the shots were taken, the burning liquid slides down your throat roughly. arthur let out a hardy laugh as you coughed, instantly digging into your food as it arrived to get rid of the taste.
“another” arthur tosses more coins, not batting an eye when you protest.
“i’m not drinking anymore, arthur!” you glare in his direction angrily. arthur pauses for a while, before leaning in close and bringing the shot to your lips.
“drink the damn whiskey girl.” his voice was low and gravelly as he parted your lips with his thumb, before tilting the shot glass forward. nervously, you swallowed it. this moment reminded you that you were still technically being kidnapped by him, and that he wasn’t messing around. arthur smiles a little, taking his own shot.
“good girl.” you silently turn back to your food, eating slowly and trying to keep track of the amount of shots he was taking. eventually it became too many to count. luckily, he didn’t make you take anymore, too preoccupied with himself.
“arthur that’s enough, let’s go” it had been an hour now, and arthur was shitfaced. the wooziness you had began to feel went away quickly as you scarfed down your food. “you’re drunk”
“am not” arthur smiled lazily, attempting to order another drink, but you snatch the coins from his hand and tell the bartender we’re done. arthur gets up angrily, towering over your frame that was still sat on the stool. he opens his mouth to speak, but instead bumps shoulders with another man who was walking past.
“you bastard! watch it” arthur shoves the man back, sending him tumbling into another man behind him. shit.
in a flash, it was an all out fight between, well, you couldn’t count how many men. you stumbled back, trying to look for arthur in the crowd of men. finally, you spotted him falling to the ground and out of sight again. you debated for a while. do you wanna keep saving this fool? you bounced from foot to foot anxiously, cursing under your breath before bracing yourself and shoving your way through the fighting men. you dodged punches left and right, some of them had to have hit you, but your adrenaline blocked out the pain. finally, you spotted arthur on the ground unconscious.
“son of a bitch!” your voice was drowned out by the shouting, but you finally managed to hook your arms under arthur’s and drag him from the fighting, all the way outside, to the hotel across the street.
“one room please” you spoke to the clerk between heavy breaths, fishing into arthur’s pockets and pulling out the last coins he had for the room. you realized how bad this looked, so you tried to explain yourself. “i- i know him, i swear.” the clerk just nods wearily, recognizing the two of you from earlier and handing you the key. with help of the clerk, you got arthur into the bed.
the next hour or so you spent wiping arthur’s face down with any cloth and water you could find. he looked bad, face bruised and bloody, clothes ripped, you couldn’t help but think he looked beautiful even in this state. finally, you turned to the mirror to tend to your own wounds, which happened to only be a few bruises on your arms and ribs. you sigh in frustration at the new rip on the side of your dress. you almost didn’t notice as arthur began to wake.
“oh… what… happened?” arthur’s voice was slurred as he sat up slowly, wincing in pain and blinking hard.
“you almost fucking died, that’s what!” your voice was nearly bubbling over with anger as you stormed from the mirror over to him. “and so did i, pulling you out from all those men. you’re lucky i haven’t ran off or killed ya! you’re a fool, arthur. a damned fool.” you were tired of holding back your anger, you were pushed to your limit with him. arthur was looking at the bruises on your arms and your waist through your ripped dress, then up at you with the most puppy dog eyed look you’d seen on him.
“m’ sorry.” arthur’s voice was quiet as he spoke and you watched as a drop of blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. “really, you can go. after the hell i dragged you through…” arthur scoffs a laugh and looks to the side. when you don’t speak, or leave, he looks back at you with confusion.
“i’m not gonna leave.” you paused for a while, trying to decide if this was the right decision. “i wanna join the gang.” arthur’s eyes widen at your words, but he nods slowly in response.
“i knew you’d come around” he smiles what you assumed was a genuine one. he then begins to stand, nearly toppling over on you before you grab onto him, steadying him.
“jesus, take it easy!” you push him back down into a sitting position on the bed and lean closer to his face. “i hope you have some doctors in your gang. you’re going to need stitches” you wipe at the blood on corner of his mouth with your thumb and sigh as you observe his wounds once more. when you went to pull away, arthur grabbed your wrist gently. your breath caught in your throat as you looked into his eyes nervously. you didn’t know what he was thinking. his face was unreadable. was he angry? you couldn’t tell. you opened your mouth to speak. you were going to utter your best form of apology for your assumed anger on his part, but arthur silenced you by leaning forwards and pressing his lips against yours. you let out a smothered gasp against his lips, taking a stumbling step back and tilting your head up as arthur stands again. a quiet moan of pain escapes his lips as he leans some of his weight against you. after a few moments of silence, that felt to you like minutes, you pull away, turning your head from him in uncertainty. you didn’t know what you wanted. if this was right. he was dangerous, you knew that, but something about him drew you in dangerously.
“i… i just” you tried to find the words, anything to say to him, but your feelings were like a big tangled ball of string and you couldn’t figure it out.
“i’m sorry.” arthur cuts you off, letting out a cough of pain as he backs off, limping his way to the other side of the room.
“let’s rest. we can talk about things tomorrow.” you watched in disbelief as he laid himself down on the floor by the entrance of the room, pulling his hat over his eyes and breathing deep. you could taste his blood on your lips. you took this time to change into your new night gown and toss your dress to the side. you assumed it would be trash, being unable to sew or afford a tailor.
upon crawling into bed, you fell asleep almost instantly. you missed the feeling of a bed after sleeping on the ground for days. you slept through the entire night, ignoring the throb of your bruises and the commotion of the streets of valentine. when you awoke in the morning, the first thing you noticed was that arthur was gone. the second thing you noticed, was your dress, folded neatly at the end of your bed. slowly, you crawled over and unfolded it, noticing the rip had been carefully sewn shut. with it, there was a piece of paper.
“i’m sorry for what i put you through. you deserve a choice. if you want to run with us, i won’t stop you. if you want to go back to your family, you have my word you won’t see me again.
upon flipping the note, there was the location of the gangs camp. you knew what you were going to do.
part 2
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lonelypep · 1 year
hi tumblr
ive been rewatching gravity falls and i thought it would be funny to recap certain events in the show with no context whatsoever
-dipper sings dancing queen by abba with a mutant bear he was about to kill.
-stan, a man in his 60-70s, lectures a child on how to formulate an evil plan. (the child is 4 years old, stans rival, and having a mental breakdown because stan's granchildren are in his armpits)
-dipper gets literally mauled by a wolf and decides its better than going to his sister's sleepover.
-larry king gets decapitated.
-kids break in to a convenience store where one of them gets high out of her mind on cheap illegal ice cream (normal tuesday for these kids)
-kids find out about the 8th and a half president: who made the first all-baby supreme court.
-grunkle stan wins the football bowl. he taught the footballers and their gloating friends a lesson. he wins a football winning trophy, and a beautiful woman aptly named beautiful woman. but he couldnt have done it, any of it, without his sidekick footbot.
-soos is canonically afraid of british dog men. hes so real for that honestly.
-youre laughing. people are sick of piles of owls constantly blocking their driveway and youre laughing.
-the only on screen character death, with the exception of bill, is that of big henry, who sacrificed himself by taking a golf ball to the other side of the mine. the protagonists never learn this.
-soos turns into clay and starts breaking the laws of the universe. so stan kills him with a radio.
-two kids travel back in time and crush toby's musical theatre dreams.
-"dudebro" became a mainstay in my regular vocabulary for two years because of this show.
-grunkle stan teaches a bear how to drive. he almost gets arrested in this episode. not for teaching a bear how to drive but because of tax fraud.
-soos' stomach emits whale noises.
-mcgucket has apparently exploded an entire downtown city because his pal earnie didn't come to his retirement party. justified tbh
-stan starts booing some little kids because they told their grandpa they loved him
-let me just set the scene for a sec here: its 2016. its a beautiful summer day, where the hazy nostalgia of a music festival fills your eyes, your ears, and the uneasy excitement of love in the hot summer air makes every second better than the last. suddenly, a gigantic flaming head of a man saying "i eat kids" descends upon you from the sky. the graphic horror is something youll never forget. the grotesque image of people in terror at this gargantuan mass of flaming flesh. it burns into your eyes. is this it for you? you see a child, clueless to the situation, ask his mother his final words: is the giant flaming head going to eat us? she says yes. as it consumes you, you cry a single tear. im done being dramatic but this did happen
-beautiful men eat out of stan's trash (this apparently happens consistently)
-youre laughing. darn beautiful men are always eating out of his trash and youre laughing.
-stan strips on public television.
-gourney gets eaten by a halloween monster. he is only freed when soos eats the monnster.
-the gravity falls universe has a public television program where babies fight each other.
-grunkle stan tries to burn aforementioned four year old nemesis alive.
-ok not really but he tries to blind him at least which is still pretty bad.
-grunkle stan tries to steal an animatronic badger
-mabeland has a government entirely run by mabel. this makes mabel an autocratic fascist. sorry i dont make the rules.
-soos' mom turns into a chair.
-theres a character named toot toot mc bumblesnazzle, who plays a banjo. go ahead and guess his narrative importance. if you guess cult leader, correct!
-neil degrasse tyson plays a pig.
and last but certainly not least, stan has illegally shipped pugs across the us border.
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gatheredfates · 6 months
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callibones · 2 years
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neat-o-things · 1 year
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The narrators true form ?? Or like a half way point, otherwise he’s just papers and hands and shapes
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1863-project · 1 year
For the anon Pokémon asks: which battle subway conductor is the cutest?
Okay, this may get long, so bear with me.
First, a little disclaimer: Ingo and Emmet both make me feel incredibly seen. I was born in 1989 and wasn't diagnosed with autism until 2009, and I never got to see characters like me. I'd see some who were similar to me, or some with things in common with me, but Ingo and Emmet feel like looking in a mirror to me, to the point that I don't go in the Submas tag because I've seen too many people perpetuating the ableism that got me bullied as an undiagnosed autistic kid. Every time an autistic or autistic-coded character is portrayed as "weird" or "off-putting" or "too intense" or "scary," it's repeating things that my bullies used to excuse their behavior towards me and essentially treat me and my autism as entertainment. Most people aren't doing this, of course, but since I'm in the process of working through a lot of that trauma, I choose not to take the chance of exposing myself to it because I'd rather heal instead of open old wounds again and again.
Anyway, with that said, I adore them both, but only one of them makes me act like a giddy teenager.
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I have the most ridiculous fictional character crush on Emmet. It's unreal. Part of that is likely the fact that if he was real we'd actually be extremely compatible, but unfortunately for me, he is not, and so I can't take him on locomotive photo charter dates and kiss him on the City Hall looparound on the 6 Train. That aside, here's what I genuinely like about the goober.
He's deeply passionate about what he loves.
It's that passion that often gets people like him and me labeled as "too intense," but when he likes something, he really likes something. Battling is like air to him. When you befriend him in Masters EX, you find he'll actually talk your ear off about battling if you give him the opportunity. He vibrates with excitement when he sees strong trainers.
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[Image description: Emmet and Ingo, two adult identical twin men with knife-shaped sideburns wearing exaggerated versions of railroad conductor uniforms, stare off to the left at people who are off-screen. Emmet, in a white uniform, is holding his hands at his sides but his hands are in an excited, almost 'grabby' position; Ingo, in a black uniform, also has his hands at his sides but his hands are balled into fists. Ingo's Excadrill, a Pokemon that looks like a mole combined with a tunneling machine, stands in front of him. End description.]
In this screenshot from Masters EX, Emmet and Ingo have just run into Steven Stone and Roark. Emmet is barely holding back, and you can tell by looking at his hands. He wants to battle now. It's delightful that he's in a franchise of video games where that passion is normalized and encouraged. (As long as he never visits Paldea, anyway. Nemona is proof of how well that would go.)
Battling makes Emmet genuinely so happy and excited and I love when people get that way about their hobbies. It's so nice to see passionate people. Emmet even says he's excited about it when you battle him in Black and White and beat him at the highest level possible:
"I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss, but I lost against you again. But I feel good. Because it was very fun! You want to win, and I don't want to lose. That's real. When we clash in battles, I feel very excited!"
He lives for this, so much that even losing a really intense, serious battle feels good. And it's a delight. But, of course...
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[Image description: Emmet, described above, claps his hands together excitedly and says "Winning a serious, hard-fought battle is the best feeling in the world!" with a huge smile on his face. End description.]
...he, in his own words, likes winning "more than anything else."
He's verrrry direct in his communication...but also verrrry supportive.
Autistic folks are often told we're too blunt, and to neurotypicals, who are used to saying things more indirectly, we can come off as a bit...too direct to them, to say the least. Arguably the best example of Emmet doing this is in the PokeSpe manga, where he just says things without a filter.
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[Image description: a manga panel in which Emmet bluntly tells trainer White, "Yes, we're studying you as an example of a trainer who gets overwhelmed and loses every single match." The next panel leads off with Ingo saying "That's not nice, Emmet..." End description.]
But that bluntness isn't intended maliciously, he just has no filter and says what's on his mind. In reality, he's delightfully supportive and friendly, and that honesty leads to the most wonderful exchanges with him:
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[Image description: two screenshots of Emmet from Pokemon Masters EX, smiling softly. His dialogue reads, "Hi, Steph! Your smile is always the best. Perfect! Whenever I see you, I can't help but smile, too! I'll have to make sure my smile is just as good as yours!" End description.]
As a side note, this dialogue has been destroying me for over two years now, and every time I boot up the game and he says this I feel my face get warm. He's actually helped me stop being self-conscious about my smile.
He has a habit of listening in on things, even if he has no intention of gossiping or anything. He just likes knowing stuff.
It's a habit he seems to share with his brother, but Ingo is significantly less obvious and more apologetic about it. Emmet's just really funny about it.
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[Image description: two manga panels and one screenshot from Masters EX. The first manga panel shows Emmet marching over to White and Bianca as they have a discussion, saying, "I'm overhearing an interesting discussion over here. It seems profound, so I'm going to stand nearby and listen in. Oh, don't let me distract you. Go on. Keep talking." The second panel shows Emmet cupping his ear with his hand and still attempting to listen in on the discussion from one subway car away, with Ingo standing behind him. The screenshot from Masters EX shows Ingo hiding his eyes with his hat and saying, "I apologize for eavesdropping, but we happened to overhear your conversation at the Pokemon Center" as Emmet stands beside him, hands on his hips and smiling with no shame. End description.]
He doesn't use the information maliciously, and a lot of the time he doesn't even use it at all. He just enjoys hearing these things and knowing all sorts of weird drama is going on elsewhere. It's like when you find out about drama in a fandom you're not in and you read the posts and eat popcorn. It's great.
He likes his work uniform because it helps his posture.
As a fellow "leans forward too much" autistic, this one really resonates with me and I love it.
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[Image description: A screenshot of Emmet in Pokemon Masters EX. He's standing straight up and holding the brim of his hat with his hand. His dialogue reads, "Wearing it gets me motivated, of course! It also helps me stand up straight and tall!" End description.]
He stops scripting when he gets to know people better because he's able to trust them.
Notice how his dialogue in BW and BW2 is on the Battle Subway - "I'm Emmet. This is my job. I like doubles. This is why I like doubles. Here are the safety checks." He's scripting around people he's not familiar with, and it's the sort of thing that gets autistic people labeled as "robotic" by people who don't know it's a way to help us maintain some semblance of control over an unfamiliar situation. The preprepared dialogue is a coping method in an ableist world. But when you get to know him in Masters, the scripted dialogue shows up a lot less. He's able to talk genuinely and excitedly to you, because he knows you're safe to be around and you're not going to judge him for who he is. That hits me hard.
He has the most adorable goddamned laugh in the world and it kills me on the daily.
This is a lot more in line with my personal tastes, as everyone who knows me well knows, but that damn laugh makes me all fluttery inside and weak in the knees. And he does it a LOT.
This update to Masters EX, where the characters laugh if you tap on them on the upgrade screen, destroyed me, and multiple people were apparently waiting for me to find it and die because I'm really predictable. I may or may not regularly pull the screen up just to poke at him and hear this. It's...not fair.
This one is...also unfair. I won't elaborate in public on what I think when I hear it because it's embarrassing.
So, uh...yeah. I really, really like Emmet a lot. I'm really normal about Emmet. I promise.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
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it was only a matter of time before i drew some germs art
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duxwriter · 7 months
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"You don't know what i've done"
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My theory/analysis on Gregory House
I just finished the show the day before yesterday (it has left me destroyed and in severe emotional pain) and today I remembered a scene and I ended up doing a lot of analyzing and came up with a theory of my own on House. Keep in mind that this is just my theory, and since I'm rarely completely sure about anything, some of the things I say may be wrong or inaccurate, but I think I may be accurate overall. Fun fact, this is my first analysis/theory on a fictional character! Also, English isn't my first language so I apologize if it isn't advanced yet and if I make any mistakes. Let me know what you honestly think in the comments after reading, (like if I forgot to take anything into account or consideration) if you decide to!
So in season 6, episode 13 ("5 to 9") of House, M.D., Cuddy loses it with House and tells him that he doesn't care about his image or reputation (this is just part of what she said). This is the scene I remembered and I first started analyzing thinking that what she said isn't exactly true. I don't believe that House doesn't care about his image. When Cuddy said that, what she meant was what all of us mean when we use that word in the way that she did, she meant a positive image, and that is true, House doesn't care about a positive image, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about his image at all. House has a negative image/persona, and other than him just being the way he is due to multiple complicated reasons, he's also always trying to actively maintain and cultivate that image, even though deep inside he doesn't want to be the way that he is. Most of us have an image, a persona that we maintain that people know us by and for us it's a positive image that we try to maintain, but for House, it's his negative image. We care about our image and about messing up or looking bad, or showing our negative side, but House cares about maintaining his negative image and fears being open and vulnerable.
He has an image of being arrogant, sarcastic, rude, harsh, selfish, self-centered, misanthropic, etc etc because that's what he intentionally chooses to be because of complicated reasons that stem from his suffering, pain, and unresolved trauma, like to push people away and avoid forming genuine connections, to protect himself from potential hurt or disappointment, to maintain a sense of control of his life and relationships by keeping others at a distance, to protect himself from emotional vulnerability, expectations and responsibilities, etc. It's his defense mechanism. He fears getting hurt or disappointed, he fears openness and vulnerability, he fears letting people in and being emotionally unguarded. He keeps maintaining this image that he has because of these reasons and because it's also incredibly difficult for him to change, or even make the decision to change before trying to, due to several reasons.
House frequently says "people don't change", he doesn't believe people change in the first place, or he actually just tries to convince himself of that as a coping mechanism, until that scene in the finale where he says "I can change". He tries to convince himself that people don't change because if that is true, it means that he also won't and can't change, and therefore he doesn't have to try to or even make the decision to try. He doesn't have to try or decide to heal, grow, actively work on himself, and to take the steps essential to change, because that's what's difficult, that's what takes real work. Staying the same, being his usual self, the way that he is, is easier than deciding to and then actively trying to heal, grow, and become a healthy version of himself. So if that were the case, that people really don't change, he can just give up and not do the hard thing. It's a way for him to cope, to avoid. His resistance to change, despite wanting deep down to be different, and to be happy, is not only because of this, but also because he already has that negative image to maintain that people know him by.
It's also difficult for him to try to change because House doesn't really like change, which is mentioned in the show a few times. And it's because people already know him by the negative image he actively cultivates, they already know him as an asshole, as someone incredibly rude, arrogant, selfish, miserable, insensitive, unempathetic, and sarcastic (also extremely intelligent but that isn't really relevant here), etc, so it would be difficult and uncomfortable for him to start trying to be better than and different from that image, from his usual self with the people who know him, to try to change, just like it also is for many of us to try and be better than and/or different from our usual selves, the already 'normal'/positive image or persona we have and showcase, or to start trying to be our true, authentic selves.
Because that's how people see us, being better than that or worse, like showcasing a negative side/part, or being true and authentic, feels uncomfortable and difficult because we already have a certain image. We are already seen as a certain way by the people who know us or know about how we are, like our families/relatives, friends, colleagues, teachers, classmates, employees, or students, etc etc so being different from that (whether it's better or worse, and better can mean authentic), from our normal self in front of them feels uncomfortable and hard. It's the same for House, except for him it's not a normal/positive image like the rest of us that he finds difficult to change or be better than but a negative one.
House has good moments several times in the show where he shows kindness, where he shows empathy, vulnerability, some openness when it's needed. He has those rare moments where he acts 'out of character', where he acts differently from his usual self because it's needed, but then we see him go back to being his usual self, he goes back to maintaining that image he has. And in those moments we can also see that it's difficult and uncomfortable for him to be that way, to be different from how he always is, to show some vulnerability or empathy. And it's like that because he's always trying to protect himself, to guard himself emotionally by acting the way he does, so it's difficult and uncomfortable for him because he's doing the opposite of what he always does as defense mechanisms and it feels unfamiliar and different from how he usually acts, and because he's being so different from that image he always maintains.
Just because he has a good moment doesn't mean that he will start being that way all the time, that he will start changing. He goes back to his usual self again, his ways to avoid what he fears and to protect himself. We also have bad moments sometimes, moments where our negative side comes out, where we act out of character in front of the people who know us by the persona/image we maintain, or by our old self, but does that mean we begin to act that way from then on? No, most of us go back to being our usual, normal selves and maintaining that image. Some people actively try hard to maintain a very good and positive image, and when a negative side of them comes out in front of the people who know them by that image, they feel uncomfortable, because it's unfamiliar and so different from how they always try to be and from their image. It's like that for House except it's the opposite.
House also has one of his biggest issues, his leg. He has chronic leg pain and he's an addict which makes it even more difficult for him to change, heal, and grow as a person. Addiction can be incredibly hard to get out of, it is especially for House, and his initial reason for taking Vicodin was his immense leg pain, but then his addiction evolves into a complex physical, emotional, and psychological dependence. But as long as his leg pain is there, it's going to make it more difficult for him to get out of his addiction than if he was only dependant on it emotionally and psychologically, or reduce his dosage, which makes it difficult for him to change.
It's also difficult for so many of us to change, for House to change, because of unresolved trauma, pain, and suffering. House's trauma, pain, and emotional scars, his unhealed parts, are a big contributing factor to his resistance to change (among the multiple complex ones). Those are the things that created his defense mechanisms and unhealthy coping strategies, those things are why he is the way he is. All his past childhood experiences have shaped him, just like all of our past childhood experiences have shaped us, and they are the reasons why he is the way he is today and why it's so difficult for him to change. If he doesn't heal from his trauma and pain first, if he doesn't get the help he so desperately needs, how is he going to work on himself? How is he going to become a healthy version of himself? How is he just going to grow, change, and be better? He needs to heal in order to change.
We are all products of our own environment and so is House. Many people go through bad, painful things and suffer but they remain 'good' people, they try to remain kind. Some people go through bad, painful things and they become cruel, harsh, or rude; their trauma/pain changes them in a bad way (not to say it also doesn't change people who remain 'good' in a bad way). House is one of those people (I know he's not real). But just because many people remain good and kind even after going through bad things and trauma, unlike others who don't, doesn't mean that they are healthy and healed. All of our experiences, our childhood, our past, our parents, our environment, everything we've seen, learnt, and been taught are all unique to us and shape us into the people we become. So there can be a lot of complex reasons for one person to remain "good", and for one person to become "bad" after going through trauma and/or suffering.
Most people are 'normal' and nice, like the other characters in the show, but that doesn't mean they are healthy and healed and only House isn't. Just because most of us or the other characters in the show are 'good' and 'normal', just because we try to maintain a positive image, just because we follow the rules and conform, just because we try to fit into society's expectations and standards, and House doesn't, doesn't mean we are all healed and healthy versions of ourselves and just House isn't. Being nice doesn't equate to being healthy/healed. Trying to maintain an image doesn't equate to being healthy/healed. Trying to fit into society's standards and expectations doesn't equate to being healthy/healed. While most of us and the characters in the show except for House may act 'normal' and be nice like everyone else, that doesn't mean we're all healthy and healed. Most of us have not yet become the healthy and healed version of ourselves, a lot of us are still unhealthy, still have unhealed parts. You can be nice and still be an unhealthy and unhealed person. House may be a very unhealthy character, but the other characters aren't all perfect because they act normal. Same goes for us, or real life people.
We can all relate to House on some level, because while we may not be exactly like him, we are also flawed like he is, a lot of us are still unhealthy versions of ourselves, like him. We are not perfect. We can relate to finding it difficult and uncomfortable to change and be 'better' (or 'worse') due to complicated reasons like House. So we can all actually relate to House somewhat, on some level, and understand him due to many reasons, even other than the ones I talked about.
Deep inside, House doesn't want to be the way that he is, he doesn't want to have these defense mechanisms, his unhealthy coping mechanisms, his addiction to/dependence on Vicodin, he doesn't want to push people away and avoid forming genuine connections or love people, he doesn't want to be so rude all the time, he doesn't want to never be vulnerable or express how he feels, express his pain, or never have someone who can help him and understand him. He doesn't want to be miserable and unhappy. He wants to find peace and be happy, he wants to stop being miserable and so lonely, he wants to form genuine connections, he wants a partner, he wants to change. He's just afraid. Afraid of losing his sense of identity, his sense of control of his life and relationships, confronting his own weaknesses, flaws, trauma, and issues, of emotional vulnerability, rejection, letting people in, forming a real romantic connection, being left, getting hurt, disappointed, and/or betrayed, etc.
So this is my theory/analysis and I've said all I wanted to. I know it's extremely long so if you've read this far, wow, thank you. You get cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know what you think.
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maxwellamus · 8 months
some of yall have never listened to mr capgras encounters a secondhand vanity: tulpamancer's prosopagnosia /pareidolia (as direct results of trauma to the fusiform gyrus)- 2020 remastered version by will wood and the tapeworms while experiencing the wrath of god on the shitter and it shows.
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padfoot0216 · 1 year
TK Strand is Autistic. (I have evidence I just thought I would start with that. Straight to the point you know)
I would also like to say this is written by an autistic person who has done hours of research in autism. So I kind of know what I’m talking about I think.
Special Interest (there isn’t a lot for this one but there is some soo)
So the first example is from season 2 episode 2. Mateo is talking about his new tattoo and mentions TK’s tattoo. He says “You’re the one with the beetle in your arm.” to TK. TK responds with, “It’s not a beetle it’s a honey bee.” And then without and prompting says l, “Did you know honey bees pollinate a third of our food supply?” I know that by itself it’s not exactly great evidence. Combined with everything else I will speak about it fits. Like the only prompting he had for this random bee fact was Mateo bringing up the tattoo.
Monotone Voice/Flat Face
Every single episode. It’s especially noticeable when he’s working. He has very little facial expression and his voice stays flat. I was going to try and find a scene that I could link here but it’s really difficult to find a scene that’s not just him and Carlos or him just passed out, and I feel like using a clip of him being passed out wouldn’t really prove my point, but if you compare his facial expressions and voice to there during very intense events you’ll notice it. Such as Season 3 Episode 11. The whole capital building is shut down and everyone on the team has at least a little bit of worry on their faces, but TK looks so unbothered. Like this is completely normal. He is obviously worried but it doesn’t really show. The only time he really has expression is around Carlos. I know there are definitely some other exceptions, but a majority of the time this applies.
Stimming (There is so much evidence for this)
TK stims in literally every episode. I’m not going to put every example because that would take literally hours and although I do have time for that I don’t want to. So we’ll start with season 1 episode 4 when TK goes to chemo with his dad. Now this one could just be him being anxious but I have more I swear. Just watch the first 12 seconds of the clip. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uHp4ME6v7MA. Okay another example or I could say examples is him just messing with his hands. At all times. He never stops. If you watch him during the show you’ll notice this. I would put examples but once again way too many. The next one that comes to mind is TK during season 3 episode 19 when they hold the intervention for Nancy and Mateo towards the end of the episode. If you watch him throughout the entire scene you’ll see it but the part I’m talks about is between 46 seconds and 48 seconds of the clip I’m about to give the link to. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_7rtPmn99i8. The last one I’m going to mention despite there being so much more is TK during season 4 episode 8. Once again if you watch you’ll see him stimming throughout it, but the particular scene I’m talking about is when he fires his dad. The more he gets upset the more you see it. It is literally just this whole scene. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ILcATWsXrsM
Being Upset By Change
I only have two examples of this but I think they fit pretty well. The first one also comes from season 3 episode 17. He is having the conversation about catan with Nancy, and seems very hesitant about changing from catan. To be fair they all were but he could t even begin to understand why she would want to change it. It all starts when Nancy says, “We’re both over Catan.” TK at this point gets really confused because who wouldn’t want to play the same game every time they have a game night because he certainly would. He responds with “Over Catan? But that’s like our national pastime Nance.” Later in this conversation Nancy says, “I think it’d be good for all of us to change things up. Spice of life.” The way TK responds once again shows how uncomfortable he is with the change. Replying with “Catan is spicy” after she left. The second example is from season 2 episode 6 when TK finds out he’s going to have a little brother. This might just be me but it seems a little out of character for TK to be jealous of having a sibling. It might be a bit if a stretch but if I’m right it could easily be attributed to that.
Sensory Issues
Okay so I can only think of a couple examples of this but will start with this one . The never ending collection of hoodies. He obviously is very attached to his hoodies. To the point where in his coma dream his mom (his subconscious) says “so many innocent hoodies lost their lives that day.” We also often see him wearing his hoodies after a particularly stressful day, but he wears them all the time. Like he has an endless supply. Where does he store all of them? The second example I have is a little better. It’s from season 3 episode 3. At the beginning of the coma dream TK is hearing a beeping noise and he doesn’t exactly know what it is but he has a very strong reaction to the noise. The specific part I’m talking about is at 1:20 seconds of the video that I’m going to put a link to. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B7uSxmVt6XE
Bad at Telling Hunger
Another very common autistic trait is not being able to tell when they are hungry, thirsty, etc. I can only find two examples of TK with showing this trait and that is in season 3 episode 13. TK says “I think I’m going to skip dinner tonight. I’m not really hungry.” Carlos responds with, “You always say that and end up eating at 2 am.” Based off of Carlos comment this has happened multiple times. Another example is in this same episode more towards the beginning. Carlos asks TK if he wants to change before they ate and TK responds with the fact that he already ate, leading Carlos to say he can’t survive on donuts alone. In this case TK had actually already eaten. But it is also implied that this has also happened before.
Bad At Metaphors/Subtext
I can think of at least 2 examples for this one. The they are both in season 3 episode 17. The first one is once again related to catan. When Nancy says that her and Mateo are both over it. It’s pretty obvious that she is speaking of something other than Catan. I know he didn’t know they were together but she was implying something with the way she said it. TK wasn’t picking up on that at all. He was just confused as to why she wouldn’t want to play Catan. The second example is later in the episode when Nancy and Mateo say they are going to get coffee. Everyone in the room is confused but you can tell they are talking about something else and are going to let them leave. TK on the other hand says they have coffee there. Not even thinking about the fact that they might be talking about something else.
Literally His whole conversation with Iris
Honestly I have no way to describe this but TKs who conversation with Iris in season 4 episode 2. When he goes to talk to her at her job. The whole thing is just I don’t know how to describe it. I can’t find a clip but the conversation is just two neurodivergents talking to each other except both of them are confused.
Going Non verbal
I have no actual confirmation that he goes non verbal but I do have a couple of examples that could be taken that way. The first on being how his mom says he shuts down. When the paramedic team gets kidnapped Carlos goes to Gwen and Owen’s house looking for him and she says something along the lines of “I knew we should watch him when he shuts down like this” Tk is usually pretty talkative but during a particularly stressful situation he is weirdly quiet. Such as in season 4 episode 9 when marjan is missing. Everyone else is asking questions and expressing their worries and he is just sitting there completely quiet. This happens multiple time throughout the series and I don’t feel like showing them all so you’ll just have to watch to figure it out, but trust me it happens.
I could probably have found more examples but I think this is more than enough information to prove my point. Anyway…
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mrmagnetwgd · 2 years
It has been literal months but the Hall of Gods is finally finished! My take on the old gods of the SMP~
The statues from left to right:
Mumza “Lady Death”, Foolish “The Undying”, Eret “The Betrayer”, Technoblade “The Blood God”, and XD “The Admin”
Background no one really cares about but I've thought way too much about:
So the basic idea is that Foolish made the statues-- Literally every design is recognisable, even without colour, from behind because either they haven't changed in millennia (XD and Mumza) or Foolish knew what they looked like from more recent memory, (Technoblade and himself).
Eret's statue is the most unrecognizable and also the most "godly". This is because not only had Foolish not seen her in ages after she disappeared, but he also put them on a sort of mental pedestal in their absence. The statues were not only a side project to keep Foolish occupied in his solitude but also a way to memorialize his dearest friend who had, from his point off view, vanished without a trace.
When the statues were done (or nearly so as he never finished crafting his own likeness) , he did what he does with all his projects, he abandoned them to move on to the next and they were left behind only for Eret to later collect them and bring them back to her museum as a relic of times long past.
Eret might not have aged since they've seen each other but he changed his entire being multiple times since their memory loss. She's been a soldier, a king, a rebel, and a museum curator all without knowing where she came from or even that they are a god and all those changes manifest in human ways: hair, clothes, accessories, even the way in which one stands.
Without their memory, no one could blame Eret for not recognizing themselves when depicted with such confidence and divinity, free from the duty of running a kingdom of the guilt of betraying her friends. It would take days, if not months, of passing the statues where they now stand in the guilded hall for the curator to even begin to make the connection and even then, they couldn't be completely sure until Foolish, the sculptor himself, confirmed their suspicions; which is a double edged sword in and of itself seeing as she still isn't sure that the Undying God is correctly remembering who they are in the first place..
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